Omg, a pizza crown!!! Love it!🙀🙌😍
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So ready for flower crown friday today! 💐😜
Anybody like to join me? I‘m tagging a few but please feel free to join! I‘d love to see all your beautiful faces! 💞
@muffiegetsfit @lilblackcloud2015 @improvingovertime @sfhealthjunkie @beauty-brains-and-booty @meerleben @lissycerene @journeyfrom400 @reducio-me @tubadougblog @the-witcheress @jenfightsback @phoneylovely @the-fit-geek @feuerzeugin @lostveg @missedcallfromthemountains @fightingfatbeauty @bishdontkalemyvibe @kat-getting-fit @fatgirlgetsfitatlast @fatmaninalittlesuit
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Congratulations! I enjoy reading your posts, keep up the good work! 💪
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Omfg. It’s happening. I’m no longer a baby fitblr. Somehow I got a thousand followers!!!
Thank you all so much for following my fitblr. I admit I still see myself as a beginner, especially since I still have so many fitness goals that I want to accomplish. But I probably would not be where I am if it wasn’t for you all.
I’m not sure how to celebrate this milestone since it came sooner than I expected lol But I will probably do some type of mini-promo for you followers. I’ll provide more information about this sometime this weekend. Until then, I must repeat myself; thank you all so much for following me! I promise to continue reblogging cheesy motivational quotes, more sweaty selfies, and anything fitness/health related!
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So ready for flower crown friday today! 💐😜
Anybody like to join me? I‘m tagging a few but please feel free to join! I‘d love to see all your beautiful faces! 💞
@muffiegetsfit @lilblackcloud2015 @improvingovertime @sfhealthjunkie @beauty-brains-and-booty @meerleben @lissycerene @journeyfrom400 @reducio-me @tubadougblog @the-witcheress @jenfightsback @phoneylovely @the-fit-geek @feuerzeugin @lostveg @missedcallfromthemountains @fightingfatbeauty @bishdontkalemyvibe @kat-getting-fit @fatgirlgetsfitatlast @fatmaninalittlesuit
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pretty damn accurate!
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YES! The this is the real Weight Loss truth.
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That looks amazing! 😍👏
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Getting wild and crazy with a bunch of veggies 🌱😍🥦 ig: itsahealthylifestyle
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I love it! 😍 I grow mostly herbs in my little garden space: rosemary, mint, lemon balm, a lot of basil, parsley, spring onion, chives, but i have tomato plants, lettuce, eggplants and radishes, too. I‘d love to try growing potatos, i heard that it‘s really easy and doesn‘t need much space (you can grow them in a bucket)
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“Having your own veggie garden is the coolest thing ever” - said this Dietitian! I am enjoying the process so much. I check on my garden more times a day than I care to admit 😅 but I’m not ashamed. It genuinely brings me joy and is incredibly exciting to eat your own food!⠀ ⠀ ❓Anybody with me on how cool growing your own veggies (and herbs and fruits) is❓Tell me about your experience or what you’d like to grow if you could! ⤵️⠀ ⠀ This is my second time trying out a veggie garden. For my first time, I chose an area that didn’t get enough sunlight so I think I harvested ONE cucumber 😔. That was disappointing but didn’t stop me from trying again! Next year, I might even go bigger! The park district here let’s you rent a plot of 20x20 land for the season for only $30! I can grow so many awesome things. ⠀ ⠀ Go big or go home, am I right? (at Champaign, Illinois)
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Sweat | food diary 2018/05/30
It‘s bloody hot and sticky since several days, that‘s why trimming the hedges today was a next level epic work out for me! 😂 I think i‘ve never ever been sweating so crazy like today; it was running down on me in streams..and even for around half an hour after finishing the garden work 😳 No wonder the shower afterwards has never felt so good like today, too. All in all i was quite active: 2 hours of gardening and 1 hour kajaking 💪 Right now i‘m craving salt..i assume i sweated out a lot of minerals, too. What do you guys drink or eat to remineralize yourself? Any suggestions?
• 2 pumpkin seed buns (calory dense but so good! with vegan cheese and smoked salmon
• tomatos
(630 calories)
• a cup of malaga ice cream
• one glass of multivitamin juice
• granola bar
(450 calories)
• fish sticks with mashed potatoes and mixed salad
(800 calories)
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~ this is a meal that reminds me so much of my childhood! The serving you see here has 560 calories, but i ate a second (smaller) one, too ☺️~
• a small handful of red grapes
(40 calories)
I ate 1920 calories and burned off 470 calories.
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sunset right now 😍
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I just love summer rolls! They‘re healthy, low fat, filling and absolutely delicious! 😍 I had them with carrots, bell pepper, spring onion and a side of crispy tofu cubes (The serving you see has only 450 calories for six rolls and 100gr of tofu roasted in 1tsp of canola oil)
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3,2,1..holidays! | food diary 2018/05/29
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Today was my last day of work and there‘s a whole week of free time ahead, yaaaas!😍 The only thing i need to get done is a doctors appointment tomorrow morning to ask for a thyroid checkup. I‘m really curious about that.
Other than that i already shopped all the groceries to take with us to the lake tomorrow and i planned all the meals for us to not fall back into eating randomly. We’ll see how that works..i’ve never been very successful losing weight during holidays 🙈 At least, after the binge yesterday, today went really well with eating clean and i‘m happy about that.
• 3 crisp bread with smoked salmon
• 1 graham bread with almond cream cheese
(490 calories)
• green bean salad
• red grapes
(260 calories)
• summer rolls filled with carrots, bell pepper, spring onion and
• crispy smoked tofu cubes
(450 calories)
• a bowl of watermelon slices
• some pickles
(200 calories)
I ate 1400 calories today.
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Honesty | food diary 2018/05/28
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Ok, so i often post about eating healthy and the good and happy days where i eat clean..but than there are days like today where i fall back into old patterns and the cravings get so bad that i give in and binge. I ate way over 3000 calories within an hour today in one single session. I‘m gonna write it down ..it doesn‘t help me or anybody else to conceal.
I started with:
• 1 cup of peach yoghurt
• 3 slices of crisp bread with vegan cheese
• 1/2 avocado
which was a typical breakfast i often eat, but i was still craving food strongly and so i went to the fridge over and over again and had:
• another cup of peach yoghurt
• all the slices of vegan cheese that were left right out of the package
• the other half of the avocado
• a handful of paprika chips
Still craving badly so i microwaved a ready-made
• tikka massala with rice
That was the point i realized that i finished all my calories for today and it wasn‘t even lunch time, so i thought fuck it, i ruined it anyway today (why do i always do that? I could‘ve stopped and just eat a salad for dinner and everything would‘ve been fine), but i kept going:
• I finished the whole goddamn 200g bag of chips and
• ate 2 chocolate bars afterwards
• and had another cup of yoghurt.
Afterwards i felt so full and sick suddenly and was finally able to stop eating.
So, this was it. I can‘t count the number of days that something like this has happened in the past. These moments feel so out of my own control sometimes. It‘s not the end of the world, it was just a binge! The good thing is that i know all the cravings are gone now for several days (and hopefully weeks). I‘m gonna accept that it happend and i‘m gonna move on and continue to eat healthy.
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Of course i imagined being a beautiful princess while walking through the castle gate to take a look at my kingdom beneath! 😂
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Happy Days | (food) diary 2018/05/24-27
Sweethearts, i‘m back from my holiday trip! I really planned to post some updates in between but i just didn‘t find the time.
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~ This little town is so pretty, we had no idea! While booking the house, we only looked to find a suitable house with 4 bedrooms etc 😂~
It was so nice to see my old friends again tho! 😍 Here‘s a short recap for you. Regarding my eating i really kept an eye on my calory intake and logged my food which helped to not go crazy with all the yummy food we cooked!
On Thursday i was busy all day getting the rest of the work in the office done, packing my things for the weekend and cleaning the whole house - free work out guys! 😬
(I ate 1700 calories.)
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~ healthy breakfast on the road ~
On Friday i started early to get onto the highway to the south but the journey was a desaster - if was stuck in several traffic jams for around 3 hours..for one hour the police even closed the road right in front of me, because there was a car crash and an emergency helicopter needed to land 😳 I was in a bit of a shock because there were injured people on the side of the road with ambulancemen, firemen around etc. Those poor people, i really do hope they are well now! 🙏🏻
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~ Our home for 3 days..we somehow met in the middle because sadly we live far away from each other nowadays. One car arrived from Northern Germany, one car from Western Germany and one car from Austria in the South ~
When i arrived at the house we rented for the weekend and met with my friends everything was so vivid and bustling (2 toddlers came with my friends, too! 😄)
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We unpacked, cooked some dinner together and spent the rest of the evening outside in the garden, just chatting and enjoying to be with each other 😍
(I ate 1650 calories that day)
Saturday was boiling hot so we set up a kiddie pool, had breakfast together and in the afternoon Christoph and i explored the small town while the mothers stayed home to rest a bit with the kids. The town was incredibly pretty!
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~ I love this pic! Ain‘t we cute? 😋 We‘re friends since we were 3 years old..that is decades ago!!😂~
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~ The writing says: Pottery at the tower~
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~The village is located up a hill~
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~I really loved the prayer flags here~
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~ This is the amazing view when you walk through the castle gate. The castle was built to protect and guard a river crossing in the ancient times ~
And very old (some houses are from the year 1400!) The whole village is build around a castle and on one corner of the town wall they even have a tower.
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~ In the evening we had a lovely barbecue. ~
(I ate 1440 calories.)
Sunday it was all about packing our things, cleaning up and driving home again. Luckily there was no traffic jam today and i arrived home earlier than i thought. So i decided to head to the lake to join bae who stayed there for the weekend.
(This is the only day that didn‘t go so well when it comes to food - for lunch i had a veggie burger at Burger King which had over 500 calories and didn‘t stop me feeling hungry 🙄 ..so i ended up eating 2160 calories today.)
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low-carb vegan dinner ⭐️🍲⭐️roasted in 1tsp of oil: smoked tofu cubes, red and yellow bell pepper, leek, mushrooms and zucchini noodles. spiced up with garlic, paprika powder, sesame seeds and chives from my garden (~ 250 calories for the serving shown in the pic)
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Packing my bag | food diary 2018/05/23
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I‘m in a bit of a holiday fever already with packing up some things, buying necessities and so on. On Friday i‘m gonna travel to southern Germany to meet some old friends from school for the weekend! We rented a whole house through airbnb. I‘m really excited and looking forward to it. But it‘s a 4-5 hour road trip (on condition that there are no traffic jams on the highway), so i‘m a bit nervous, too because i’m driving there alone. And my legs tend to get tired faster than average due to my health condition..especially in traffic jams (manual gearbox and constant stepping on the clutch 😅) uhm, well..i can stop for a rest any time. And i plan to take lots of water and food with me. Worst case i‘m gonna spend a night camping at the side of the highway in my car! 😂
• 2 slices of toasted whole grain bread with vegan slices and hummus
(680 calories)
• chocolate covered strawberries and banana with shredded coconut
• a small handful of salted cashews
(330 calories)
• roasted smoked tofu cubes, bell pepper, leek, mushrooms with zucchini noodles. spiced up with garlic, paprika powder and chives from my garden
(505 calories)
That makes 1515 calories in total.
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A snapchat filter has never been so accurate! 😂Waiting in the boiling hot car 🤯🔥
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