pikazardtnt · 3 months
So I found a Youtuber ranking all his favorite Pokemon and I wanted to do it to. Here are all my favorite mons (still so sad that they didn't have normal form Meloetta that I could find :( ). Please ignore the stuff at the bottom I got lazy lol.
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pikazardtnt · 5 months
So I'm watching Killing Eve for the first time and I am already in love (on episode 4 of season 1 ) and I discussed this with a friend but the things Eve recalls about Villanelle is kinda odd right? Like they start normal but then just devolve into gay girl nonsense and I love it.
honey blonde hair tied up 25-26ish long neck high cheek bones her lips are full skin is smooth and bright almost cat like eyes and a lost look in her eyes yeah totally all heterosexual things to notice and then Eve says: "she's totally focused yet almost entirely unacessable" like i'm not just forcing queer shit am I?! I dare you to give me a heterosexual explanation for this.
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pikazardtnt · 5 months
Me with Hannigram and eventually Villaneve when I finish the series. No I am not okay why do you ask? XD
that ship is toxic to YOU. to me it's a complex, multi-layered, essay-worthy dynamic that'd take numerous hours to dissect (during which i'll spend crying screaming tearing my hair out)
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pikazardtnt · 6 months
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Why is she so tiny? Like I know it could be perspective but she's really short right?
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pikazardtnt · 6 months
And then we have one involving Mads Mikkelsen. I don't know what the plot would be. I've never watched Hallmark Christmas movies. All I know is that the HEU could grow that way
I think Hugh Dancy should be the love interest in a Hallmark Christmas movie. As a treat.
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pikazardtnt · 6 months
My favorite hobby is no longer reading. My favorite hobby (among many, many yperfixations) is staring at dead trees and hallucinating.
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pikazardtnt · 6 months
I took a "are you Will or Hannibal" uquiz and to everyone who ever told me I'm Will Graham-coded I want to say a heartfelt "fuck you" (affectionate)
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Uquiz link:
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pikazardtnt · 6 months
I don't know why, but this feels too accurate and like it's attacking me all at once took this quiz with @super-who-locked-me-in-here
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pikazardtnt · 6 months
“I wish I had never been born!” You cried to the genie. But when you opened your eyes, you were still here. The genie shook its head sadly and asked,“What kind of pain have you endured, that you would wish for such a thing?”
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pikazardtnt · 6 months
Minor spoilers for Spider-Man 2018 So I just got the 2018 Spider-Man game a few days ago and it's spiraled into a hyperfixation but there is just one thing that bugs me (minus the sometimes janky camera), and this goes beyond the game. Why does no one recognize Peter's voice (aside from plot convenience). Especially people like Martin Li and Doc Oc. Like I know Doc Oc thought Peter was designing for Spider-Man which makes sense given what he knows about Peter. But later on when both Li and Doc Oc confront Spider-Man they speak a lot Spider-Man makes his usual quips and has conversations with these villains and no one calls him on it. Like I could get one or two times but no one ever calls out the similarity of their voices. Especially Miles who meets Spider-Man outside of F.E.A.S.T and then meets Peter inside F.E.A.S.T not twenty minutes later and he doesn't realize. I know it's for plot convenience but it still bugs me a bit lol. If someone like Doc Oc says something I'm not sure, I just got to the part where he releases the Devil's Breath.
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pikazardtnt · 7 months
So I'm trying to get into Kpop, I have nothing to go off of except blind curiousity and I got curious about that Kpop thing that Riot Games did K/DA, and eventually HEARTSTEEL and I am so mad that both K/DA and the song the HEARTSTEEL song they made Paranoia are genuinely really good to me. Even when I'm not playing League, I can't escape it!
If you have any recommendations for bands or songs, let me know.
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pikazardtnt · 7 months
So I'm rewatching Breaking Bad, and there's just one thing that bothers me. Why do people hate Skyler White? I never understood it. I mean, yeah she fucked Teddy but she literally watched her husband go from this nerdy chemistry teacher and loving if not awkward father turn into a manipulative, evil, abusive drug king pin who risked his wife, his son and infant daughter who at one point assaulted his wife (which i feel doesn't get brought up enough) for money rather than taking a hand out from an estranged friend he was a bit jealous of for his cancer treatment/getting enough money to leave behind for his family. And he even got Skyler involved at one point. You may think Skyler could have just run, right? Well, I don't think so. She tried to run once before, but after the involvement, I felt she was pressured into she was liable to go to jail just like Walt was. And when she DID try to leave, Walter became a borderline stalker. Plus, as messed up as it was. Her being involved and allowing Walter to have this lifestyle was bringing in money that kept her family afloat. Am I saying that Skyler is a Saint and the best character? Of course not. She's not my favorite character, but I can see why she does certain things just like I can with most of the characters. To me, it feels like people just aren't giving her the same level of analysis and understanding that they give the other characters such as Walter or Hank.
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pikazardtnt · 7 months
Medusa and her blind gf
You’ve been fully blind since birth. You also just can’t make sense of why the charming Greek lady who runs the local statue garden doesn’t seem to have many friends besides you…
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pikazardtnt · 7 months
18+ ONLY So I made a post a while ago speculating my kinktober fic about knifeplay Hannigram and I posted it a few days ago but never made a follow up about it SO here is the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50595280
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pikazardtnt · 7 months
I liked grabbing screenshots from episode 3 so much I'm doing this post immediately after as I am watching the episode just grabbing them as I go lol. Though I don't think any of these will be replacing my wallpaper
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Its so gross but beautifully shot >~<
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I ship these two so hard lol
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pikazardtnt · 7 months
Don't mind me just throwing a bunch of my favorite screenshots from Arcane episode three to the masses. I'm on like my 4th rewatch of this show and it is still so gorgeous. The first one is now my wallpaper. Enjoy
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pikazardtnt · 7 months
This scene just has so much tension. It is palpable, look at the way Regina is looking at Emma. Like I'm not crazy am I. The way Emma leans in in the next shot feels like they should kiss right? Like I know that it's a nightmare sequence and I know they're about to kill Regina, but as a Hannibal fan I'm kinda into that lol
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