shaadidevereaux · 8 months
Black, Trans, Dimensional Care
People have a hard time with different worlds. Like the fact there was indeed a world that does not want to touch me or make landing on my skin. That one is (most) easiest for people....Fear. We are a culture very literate in fear.
It is often hard for them to accept that there is also a world where I am loved. Wanted. Desired, here meaning "reached for." Sometimes this world peeks from beyond the shore and sometimes it grabs my feet before returning to sea. At others it rolls like an angry storm on a small beach. Swallowing.
That there could be two worlds and even more in between...that there was more than "reality" and "real genders" was frightening for us all.
Whats more? That sometimes these two worlds could exist in the same place. Colliding in the same mind. An asteroid of two faces, both destroying everything that was and still breathing desire. And that was most confusing of all. The emerging evolution from the chaos. It accounted for all the back and forth...
The asteroid of my body in the path of your small planet filled with hungry creatures and toothy hearts.
I tried not to take the confused attempt at space travel personally.
For now, this would have to suffice as "forgiveness."
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shaadidevereaux · 8 months
I reflect a lot on strangeness.
On whether a body like mine is pleasurable.
Able to give and receive.
I reflect on what bodies are considered harmonious. Acceptable. Allowable to open with the summer.
Bikinis and tank tops.
How love is afforded easily when you are pleasing to these concepts,
whether or not these are real "sexualities,"
how "validation" can be a sexuality of its own,
and how families and communities are built on these things.
On love and what is possible within the time I was born in.
How I am often cut down with the scent of orange blossom.
How freshly cut, it is almost impossible to bear fruit.
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shaadidevereaux · 8 months
Reversed Queen of Swords:
Lilith in Gemini
The men all take two more steps
back from her body, door to the Underworld, when she speaks
Years of patience at watching her Mother's hurt
are wasted in seconds
beyond repair,
a dragon uncurled around her waist
where she refused.
Its mouth blowing fire
the now blackened silk of patriarchal ego
They never were going to give her anything anyway
they simply wanted her to fawn
while she bled.
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shaadidevereaux · 8 months
There are seven doors to the Underworld. The Goddess smashes each of their bolts to find her way home to the shadow of her grief.
They say it takes a woman seven times to leave an abusive relationship.
In the haunted house of him I tipped over the seven wicked lamp.
It’s oil and flame clattered across the floor.
His dark hair,
His soft face melted into the curls of black smoke rising from my heart:
"I forgive myself."
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
Disoriented Evolution
I can never tell if Im three years
too late
or three years
too early.
If I should've fought
or I screamed too soon.
My anger is disoriented
as is my evolution.
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
Want & Abuse.
I let go of it.
But people also wanted me not to want it.
To see how valuable I was. That my want was an offense.
Instead, I gave it up while the want was still there. That accounted for my frantic nature. The prying of my own fingers from my mind. The restless nights and bags beneath my eyes.
The withdrawal.
I could see how it would destroy my life. I didn't want to be one of those girls. Who sees that a thing is destroying her and clings to it anyway. I didn't want to be a loosely chained woman between a sharp rock and a devil and call it love.
How do you describe to people that you still want the thing even though it is destroying you? I opened my hands, but my eyes were still clenched tight with want and an abstraction of desire.
Do you think thats enough for a prayer?
It was at least enough for survival.
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
I remember when you bathed in my shores
and the children laughed
When you brought them to me
and I birthed them between your legs.
When I drowned white men
as you hid beneath the bank
Iron and blood tied around your ankle.
I remember my love taking flesh
when I could no longer drown them
because they surrounded me with a city.
And submerging you in my heart, instead.
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
My Grandmother, the human.
Pot of navy beans on the stove
Girl children ghosts screaming on her hips
Demanding sweets and shaking tables.
Me silent, until the rage fills the roof of my mouth
just to make sure I dont disappear
and burns me raw.
Now I am also shaking tables
convinced that only ghosts are loved.
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
I am no longer a haunting.
Ghosts cling, often because they are afraid.
I was once afraid of the world.
I was afraid that I would be crushed by its weight against women like me. Forbidden. Black. Trans. Inviting of destruction.
Pressed beneath the Underworld of this rejection of human. Of denial of life. I blossomed. For the Underworld, you see, is not only a place of Death. But of transformation and riches.
From the immense wealth of my body, I blossomed in the desert, like a night flower in a cow's skull.
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
Venus in Pisces
Learning to be more comfortable with what God has stripped me from because thats also love,
maybe even the highest form.
I am a transgender, Black woman with dark skin.
The world rarely belongs to something small like me.
This too is love, opening my hands,
The greatest kind.
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
There are a thousand mouths offering advice
about how women like you should always know better
On how to keep yourself from the harm of men
As if your skin were a guarded fort.
My body is not a locked car.
An unentered house.
I am flesh
and thank God
I am able to be wounded.
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
There is a lesson in heartbreak
Not from demons issuing forth
or contracts with Devils
but from the entrance of light
when there is no recourse
but God in Holy Flight.
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
Dangerous Liaisons
I'm starting to question whether I can ever truly be understood emotionally & romantically.
The way cishetero people construct an unquestionable reality about how they view & interpret bodies...and lock the rest of life out...
It's such a lonely and cut-throat system of category & apportioned love.
It invades everything.
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
Everyday we repeat colonial values and ideologies,
as if it were the only thing that could ever exist.
As if you believe they are a part of your skin.
What it means to be a man, woman, human.
There is a lesson
in snakes.
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
Her knuckles tight around the small blue pills
I pleaded with her
to stay.
Like water,
They poured through the cracks in her fingers
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
I am transgender.
My skin, oil dark.
I have never been captured in a man's photos as a memory of love,
There was a time I thought my body a vampire.
I didn't know my beauty was a lunacy
That I am like the Moon
It is hard to capture me in a photo.
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shaadidevereaux · 9 months
I am confused.
Though some will convince you it is insanity
It is okay to be a momentary lunatic
It is okay to hang light in the sky at night.
To turn flesh into fur.
Though there are many men
who would call you "crazy" for it.
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