squibwi · 2 months
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spreading dumb memes
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squibwi · 3 months
In theory if the bunch had kid, who do you think would be the best parent and who's gonna be the worst?
For me the best would be either Jojo or Marlon, they're both very understanding and sympathetic, I think they'd build good relationships with their kids
And the worst.... maybe Deniz or Markus? You see, as children they weren't really given free will, especially Markus, soo in their own upbringing methodes they might give their kids a bit too much freedom or copy their own fathers in some way. I also think it's important to note that by "the worst" I don't mean as them being shitty parents, just not as good in compresent to others
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squibwi · 3 months
I love how the entire fandom agrees that "Under Suspicion" is a low point of the show's writing... It really exposes the lack of continuity that the show suffers from in some aspects. It's a kids show, of course, and the main focus appears to be on creating episodes that can somewhat work on their own, but as a fan it feels like such a weak spot. (Less severe examples of this are Nessie's soccer shoes that she throws into the well during the Oracle episode and that end up magically reappearing?) If I had to do a rewrite of the show, I would definitely pay more attention to the development of the relationship between the bunch and also between the bunch and the Siegers -- the whole "almost murder + kidnapping" thing also gets adressed way too little in my opinion. (As somebody pointed out: They see each other every day in school. What would that feel like???) Under suspicion could easily be improved by maybe showing Kong show some regret or even try to push back again's Michi's + Paul-Moritz' idea. Which could be a really interesting way to juxtapose the mostly healthy and fun found family/friend group vibes of the bunch with a friend group where the loyalty to one another gets abused in order to bully other people -- similarly to Markus and Deniz, whose "betrayal" of the bunch meant loneliness and alienation, Kong would also face exile from his established friend group if he turned against Michi. Ultimately, the Sieger are kind of the evil version of the Soccer Bunch, and I feel like there could have been more exploration of that idea. I could also get into how there is an element of similarity between Leon and Michi in that they both are willing to go to great lengths to show their superiority. Just that Leon is obviously less of a morally bankrupt and criminal asshole about it.
Haha, I agree with everything you said. Either they could have changed the episode with Kong trying to be a “Good guy” while also being victimized by peer pressure, or just changed the episode’s plot completely. I mean, since it was one of Vanessa’s narratives, they could have taken the opportunity to make a redemption arc between her and Natasha? Even though I like her and Markus, it’s a bit weird that he started dating the girl who bullied his friend even though she didn’t apologize for her past behavior. Giving Vanessa a female friend would also be a good character development. But no, the writers couldn’t think of that, and gave us this instead.
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squibwi · 3 months
Not to mention, with all the goof on their faces, at first glance I thought they were melting 😭
Ok, but what the actual f is happening to Marlon’s pant here?
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It’s like the animations had drawn shorts on him but realized in the last minute “Wait he doesn’t wear shorts” and made a sad attempt to draw sweatpants instead
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squibwi · 4 months
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Someone said Mermaid/Merman Marlon with his long lustrous hair down and I couldn't get it out of my head.. Enjoy 😢
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squibwi · 6 months
Leon BPD post
Now, a little disclaimer beforehand: I'm not an expert in mental diseases nor personality disorders, I'm not a psychiatrist or even a psychologist, my knowledge is pretty surface-level. I'm not affirming anything and understand that this is a children's cartoon so the following is nearly impossible to be true, and I'm definitely not trying to offend anybody on purpose. It's just me mumbling about my headcanons, and I'll be interested in hearing your ideas about Leon's mental state, cause he's truly a character tbh.
First of all, what is BPD or borderline personality disorder? It's a mental condition in which person's has drastic mood swings, instability in relationships and self-image.
One of the biggest signs of BPD is fear of abandonment, which Leon clearly shows in s1e8. Actually this is the episode that makes you question his mental health state the most, but I digress. So, in this episode he struggles with feeling left out because of all the lies of some dude, though he never had a good reason to even consider this. That could be connected to paranoia, as he most likely assumed the worst about others and how they view him if his initial thought is that his friend are ganging up on him.
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That also leads us to another sign of bpd: unclear self-image. In the same episode Leon has these moments where everyone saying that they should leave him behind and kick him out of the group. Thus, we can assume, that deep inside Leon is not that confident. Furthermore, he always does something to make himself seem to be the best. For example, s1e2 where he wants to be the one to score the final goal or s2e12 where he almost leaves the team to live his dream.
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Those moments mentioned above in the 8th episode can be considered as a sign of dissociation too. That is when he breaks down after reading "Marlon's" letter. The voices he hears and the whole change of the surroundings into gray, which, I guess is an artistic choice, however, it still represents him being at his lowest and losing touch with reality.
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Another very important sign of bpd is instability in relationships. That often goes along with black and white thinking, which means there's no gray area for those people. It can lead one to either adore or absolutely despise a person. And sometimes the switch can happen in the blink of an eye. Now I don't really remember Leon having a "favorite person", but he does change his attitude towards people who do not what he's expecting from them. Take s1e9 for example, Leon changes his opinion about Markus after finding out he was playing for the other team. While it seems reasonable at first, later on he still refuses to change his mind and even acts as if he doesn't know him. Or in *guess what episode* 8. Marlon immediately becomes his enemy after some lies in the school newspaper. And it's not only about his brother, but the whole team, since all of them were saying bad words about him in his delusions. Also s2e4, a moment with Willi. Yes, everyone thought he abandoned them, but Leon was the first to jump into conclusion...again.
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What can also outline bpd is mood swing. Honestly, I can’t remember Leon having those, but I remember one moment from s1e3 where they all came to the field and Leon was like «screw it, I’m out». Maybe that counts as a mood swing? Also, perhaps, the way he acted in the 8th episode can also be considered as a mood swing
Speaking of impulsiveness, it’s definitely s1e1 when he challenges Siegers without thinking. Plus he gets in verbal arguments a lot, though it's more about anger issues.
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Now let’s count how many BPD symptoms he has:
Fear of abandonment - yes
Unstable relationships - yes
Unclear or shifting self-image - yes
Impulsive, self-destructive behaviors - yes
Self-harm. Suicidal behavior – no, but obviously you can’t put that in the kid’s show
Extreme emotional swings – mmm, even though there are some moments with it, I wouldn’t say so
Chronic feelings of emptiness - no, not really
Explosive anger - yes
Feeling suspicious or out of touch with reality – yes
6/9 which is enough to get diagnosis.
Another question that can occur: why is he like that?
Well, things that cause BPD can be different, but we wanna look at the child neglect. I’ve already talked about Wessel’s family, but I feel like I need to mention it again. So my theory is that their mother left when they were still at the young age, so their dad had to raise his sons by himself. That could’ve caused trauma for Leon, which later progressed into BPD.
In conlusion,
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And I think that’s all I wanted to say. Idk, if you liked this stuff I might do a similar thing with the rest of the gang.
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squibwi · 6 months
I really, truly, honestly, appreciate you mentioning Markus in this. The first time I ever watched the show my immediate reaction to his dad's hate for football was quite literally
"Huh, this man hates football a lot.. and he REALLY wants his son to play tennis.. hmm.. that sounds oddly familiar."
In short, football = Gay❤️❤️ (For legal reasons this last part is a joke)
I genuinely think this show has to offer some very unintentionally queercoded characters and stories, so let’s look at some of them through a queer lense !!
Okay I gotta start with Vanessa. I feel like her struggle with not fitting in with the other girls is something many sapphic people can relate to. Her whole “I’m not like other girls, internalized misogyny” thing at the beginning of the series is something many queer girls go through because we didn’t realize that what separated us from other girls and made us feel out of place with them was actually our queer identity. I also want to point out the bullying she received from Natasha and her friends in the episode 11 reminds me so much of the bullying queer teenage girls get from other girls. Like her getting locked out of the changing room while the other girls laugh at her?? That is almost uncomfortably similar to what I went through in middle school. And well just look at her(this applies to many of the characters). What straight girl dresses like that.
Speaking of Natasha I just want to quickly mention her love of skateboarding which is something her parents don’t approve of and instead try to force her to do ballet. There’s something very queer in that too, being forced to do something your parents and society at large expects from you while they disapprove of the thing you actually want to do. Speaking of which, it’s time to talk about Markus.
Just like with Natasha, Markus’ dad also hates Markus’ passion for soccer and tries to get him to play tennis instead. Sounds familiar right, a parent not accepting a part of their child so they try to suppress it by some extreme measures and force them to do something they approve of instead, something they may even think is the only valid way to do things. I also want to highlight the way Markus’ dad talks about his friends, the way he insults them and blames them for “corrupting his son” and “distracting him”. Like that’s exactly the way some homophobic parents blame their child’s queer friends for supposedly corrupting and ruining their child after the said child comes out.
And since we’re talking about daddy issues it’s time to bring up Deniz. Deniz had some similar problems with his dad as Markus, as his dad was unable to accept the soccer team Deniz chose to be in in the episode 5 and tried to go to some extremes to force him to change into a team he thought was better suited for Deniz. Just like with Markus’ dad, this rings some bells. However at the end of the episode, after seeing how good of a team they were and when he and Deniz had a nice talk in his car he was finally able to accept the team …kinda like a parent who is at first against their child’s identity when they come out but learn to understand and accept it.
I’m going to end this essay here but don’t worry, all the other characters are also all part of the lgbt+ community. They personally called me and verified this. Thank you for reading me succumbing into insanity.
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squibwi · 6 months
AAAAAHH THEY'RE SO CUTE I JS WANNA *eats drawing cutely*
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I'm alive
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squibwi · 7 months
Don't exactly understand what's going on but I'll do it too? 😭😭
Favourite colour - I like all colours, but! I am least partial to Grey, Brown and Red (they're too boring)
Last song - I'm assuming this is talking about the last song I listened too, which is 'The Ballad Of Resurrection Joe And Rosa Whore' by Rob Zombie ;p
Last movie - I haven't watched any movies in agessssss, so I'll just say my favourite movie instead; My favourite movie is The Mist
Currently watching - Supernatural (on S12)
Other stuff I watched this year - Too many to list😭, but I remember a few.. stuff like My Name Is Earl, Young Sheldon, Total Drama (all of the seasons), Heartstopper, Saiki K, Brooklyn 99, and I don't remember anything else 💀
Shows I dropped this year - I don't think I've dropped anything tbh (I don't really watch many shows, I spend most of my time on TikTok and YT)
Currently reading - So, something a little silly about me is.. I hate reading with a passion <3 (I have ADHD, I can barely do it)
Currently listening to - I've been getting into a lot more rock and punk music, so stuff like Weezer, Radiohead, Nirvana, etc.
Currently working on - Literally nothin, I'm just a little boy in a big world of sucky stuff 🙏😟 (Aka. I don't have the time, thanks to school)
Current obsession/s - Spn (Supernatural), Td (Total Drama), and obviously.. Dwk
Ohhh I love those things!!! Tagged by @dishonouronyourbroccoli
Favourite colour: Hard choice… Red, blue, green and brown perhaps? They make good color combinations
Last Song: Asper X - Скоро узнаешь
Last Movie: I haven’t watched any movie recently, but I watched Russian series Fisher based on Sergey Golovkin - serial killer from 80s-90s
Currently watching: Nothing,but I’m planning on watching Digital circus
Other stuff I watched this year: Yknow I might have watched a lot of things, but I don’t remember shit. Well, the most memorable were, yet again, Fisher, Tuca&Bertie, dwk films, Made in abyss, Encanto… yeah I think that’s it
Shows I dropped this year: Not this year, but I dropped Helluva boss
Currently Reading: I ain’t reading tbh. But well last story I read was The legacy by Virginia Woolf
Currently listening to: Like rn?  Mother Mother - To My Heart
Currently working on: My dwk au
Current Obsession/s: Dwk, always has been, still is
Idk how many I should tag so @cartoonishvendor @squibwi @shardraw @arcadezeros
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squibwi · 7 months
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Just figured I should mention (My headcanons)
Deniz - Bi
Raban - Pan + Ace
Markus - Bi + Ace
Leon - Gay + Transmasc
Vanessa - Lesbian + Demigirl
Marlon - Aroace
Jojo - Polysexual + Transmasc
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squibwi · 7 months
Jojo x Raban (I'm so bored help)
-who cries when someone dies in a movie
Jojo, he's an emotional lil guy
-who wears the ugly holiday garb
Probably both of them, Jojo would get one from his mom.. and Raban would think it's peek fashion
-who pays for meals
50/50, they're equally poor >:)
-who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone
Raban slams the door and Jojo plays the trombone
-who brings home stray animals
Jojo 100%, Raban is terrified whenever it happens
-who leaves the bathroom door open
Neither of them
-who tells the 'dad jokes'
Neither of them 💀
-who wants kids more
Jojo wants kids, Raban dislikes the idea
-who travels more
Raban, he would probably travel to places he finds interesting
-who spends more cash
Raban, he would buy all kinds of goofy nerd things
-who buys the things in infomercials
Jojo would absolutely buy into them
-who draws in the dust on their cars
Both of them, they'd do it together
-who starts the snowball fights
Jojo, Raban would be offended at first and then start throwing them back in retaliation
-who throws away the directions to things
Neither of them, and they'd get lost anyway
-who puts up holiday decor
Jojo, and he'd be all excited to show Raban/ he'd force Raban to join
-who is more likely to forget to bathe
Raban (Stinky rat man)
-who gets more obsessed about things
Raban, he's a little nerd man who loves his nerd things, and Jojo loves him for it
-who sings in the shower more often
Jojo, whenever it happens Raban is both confused and concerned
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squibwi · 7 months
Do with this what you will (made it myself;p)
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squibwi · 7 months
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Kevin the typa guy to say "No homo" and then passionately kiss another man (Rico)
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squibwi · 9 months
Obsessed 🙏😁
I did a thing again
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squibwi · 9 months
Burgz is out here doin what's right ong 🙏😁
(I asked him to 👹)
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squibwi · 10 months
I've been thinking about it a lot, and the sexism in Vanessa's first episode kind of makes sense but also not, yk??
The only two people in their group that I could actually see saying things like that are Leon and Deniz
Leon, because it's fucking Leon... Bro is a bro, that basically explains it.. he's one of da boyzzz🙏🥶
And Deniz, because he would've probably learned it from his goofy ahh dad💀💀
For the other's I really just don't see it, especially with Raban and Marlon (I'm not really sure if I count Markus cause he really didn't say much💀💀) Like- It just doesn't suit them, right?
I can't be the only one who thinks like this💀
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squibwi · 11 months
Skill issue tbh
help me my brother is forcing me to watch sam winchester edits ;-;
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