Sams The Skeleton
The concept (remade by @weirdonumber33):
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The progress:
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The finished product ✨️✨️💙💙✨️✨️:
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
Which would you prefer to randomly wake up with in your bed at 2AM? (You're home alone) A Sans who looks like a worse version yet gay Horror!Sans, a Sans in a sleeveless jacket holding a knife to your throat but only ends up admitting he's lonely and wants to talk, a child who has black liquid running down their face and can float with two red-headed children screaming at them "Auntie" every two seconds while they roll you up like a rug, or a female skeleton who looks pretty gothic watching anime and knocking you out with a bat everytime you wake up?
Er-.. umm.. probably theee… Sans in a sleeveless jacket holding a knife to your throat but only ends up admitting he's lonely and wants to talk..
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Because.. funny news.. I have no neck.. no neck, no throat… heh ironic aint it?..
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He’ll probably feel ashamed of himself for trying to threaten me who has no throat.. but dont worry.. I’ll make sure to comfort him and listen to what he needs to say.. problem solved ^^
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(Unless ur talking about rl- Im still willing to talk it out with him.. be pretty spooked.. but.. id rather put myself in this situation than the others.. no offense)
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
*Era… Awake from his nightmare.. I wonder what it was about?..
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*he doesn’t want to talk about it =]…
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
123 questions - What's your Dream job?
Well- these sorts of asks would have to be on my SwitchedDestinies blog but i guess it would be okay to answer this one here.. but next time please go to my official SwitchedDestinies Blog I’d really appreciate that.. including possibly asking the others for questions like these..
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Anyways… about my dream job… it’d have to be.. to be an animator on YouTube, artist, and possibly a programmer for games.. It is sorta my passion to follow one of those..
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or maybe all of them!..
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
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Allow me to show you this sorta old art of an AU I haven’t fully made yet.. still in the progress but! I noticed there was no au with this name (double checked on the internet) so I decided to use this name for my own AU Mobiletale!!… It is a glitched program app created by humans that is banned but somehow got access to your phone disguised as an app has hacked into your mobile phone as some sort of game app.. which you/frisk happen to download for the heck of it.. the next thing you knew.. you were in the game!.. filled with monsters trapped within it.. discovering the secrets to why they were trapped in here for so long.. and find a way to free them from this app.. the one that you see is named Sams.. similar to sans but living in the mobile game he is sometimes considered a hacker as he tries to find other code from the outside judging them before they can proceed..
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This one here was fanart from someone and IS NOT MINE… it was from an artist from a different platform but just so you know.. they made fanart of it and allowed me to show it all to you!.. hope you enjoy these while I progress this AU further..
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
123 questions
Are you in school?
Sun sign
Rising sign
Moon sign
Myers briggs type
Do you have siblings?
Hogwarts house
Godly parent
Dream job
If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
Do you have any pets?
Who do you live with?
Whats your favourite piece of clothing you own?
Relationship status
Favourite book?
Last movie you watched?
Last song you listened to?
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
How long have you had tumblr?
Do you play any instruments?
What was the last video game you played?
Whats your favourite album?
How many languages can you speak?
Do you like chewing gum?
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
White, milk or dark chocolate?
Whats your favourite type of cake?
Whats your 3rd favourite animal?
How long can you hold your breathe? (please don't suffocate trying to find out)
Whats a fun fact to tell at parties?
Do you want to have children?
Would you rather live near the mountians or near the beach?
Do you regret quitting any hobbies?
Favourite video game?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Do you want to go to university /are at university /have been to university?
What would you say has been your best year so far?
Whats your favourite physical feature about yourself?
What do you think is your best talent?
Can you drive?
Can you ride a bike?
Can you swim?
Do you believe in astrology
What is your weirdest childhood crush?
Desribe your favourite jumper?
How many houses have you live in?
How many different schools have you been to?
What is the furthest youve ever travelled?
What time do you usually go to sleep?
What plans do you have for tomorrow?
Are you scared of space?
Can you knit?
What's the fanciest restaurant youve ever been too?
What's the longest flight you have ever been on?
Have you ever been on a cruise?
Is the ocean or space scarier?
Do you support any sports teams?
Have you ever played sports competitively?
What's your best friend's favourite sport?
Name a sport you would like to have a go at?
What was the last film you watched?
What was the last film you watched at a cinema?
What's your favourite Christmas film?
Name a film you watch for the soundtrack?
What's the worst thing you've ever been dared to do?
What's the most illegal thing you've ever done?
What's the reason for the last friendship you ended?
Who is your newest friend?
What time did you wake up today?
What time did you go to bed last night?
How many spoons can you balance on your face?
What colour is your hair?
What colour do you want your hair to be?
How many times have you left your house today?
When was the last time you downloaded a film or music illegally?
What was it?
How much charge does your phone have?
How many hours have you been on tumblr today?
What colour is your top?
What was the last lie you told?
Are you or have you ever been vegan?
Can you drive?
How many capital cities can you name?
Your opinion on pineapple on pizza?
Your opinion on the beach?
How is 'oreo' pronounced?
How is 'data' pronounced?
How is 'caramel' pronounced?
What's the ideal temperature?
Was you good at video games as a kid?
What's the first book you remember reading?
What's the worst book you've ever read?
What TV show would you recommend to everyone?
Is your room tidy?
How many people do you follow?
Have you ever tried dating apps?
Who's birthday is next out of your family and friends?
Do you drink energy drinks?
Do you drink coffee?
What's your opinion on fish
Do you like hosting events?
Do you like being on aux?
Are you good at maths?
How many phone numbers have you memorised?
Can you do a handstand?
Jelly or ice cream?
Have you ever been to a birthday party for children?
Have you ever seen a Broadway show?
What's your favourite type of jewellery?
Savoury or sweet?
Do you like mcdonalds?
What do you call carbonated beverages?
Do you have a favourite word?
What is something dumb you believed as a child?
What height do you wish you were?
Do you have or want tattoos?
Can you code?
Did you watch glee?
Can you fit your fist in your mouth?
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
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Namiki & Deckor
Brothers & Guardians Of The Memosphere.. also my right hand men!..
how they both look like full body btw- (er- sorta)
They’re the peeps watchin the place and protecting others in my own multi-universe while I head out to discover more…
They are required to wear masks only to hide their identities from other universes!! Cannot have a disaster happening by showing their faces..
Namiki the very first guardian like Ink except he can transfer and feel emotions from others sorta like Mantis from “Guardians Of The Galaxy”.. though he can’t feel emotions himself much.. he can fake it.. sad but true.. he doesn’t require emotion vials.. and had refused in the very beginning!!.. he has a pen that is a feather pen named “Felicie”.. Namiki can also open portals to other worlds in order to help of course!.. his magic only includes ink/liquid like structures but also paper can be a material he can use his magic on.. like origami!!
Deckor.. the Brother of Namiki.. there to help out if necessary.. keeps all quality and quantity in place.. records information from each world.. and can only look though his magic “windows”.. and cannot make doors like Namiki and me.. his magic.. is instead direct/control.. when things get out of hand.. he will use this magic mechanism to fix it out or force it to end immediately!!.. he may also use his power to ”direct” people and instruct them on where they are needed to go or do.. sometimes… he is not allowed to use these powers for entertainment.. other than that he’s the one to mostly put a stop in the majority of the fights or issues happening within the Memosphere..
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
I saw someone do this so.. why not do it also?.. o3o
Madd (me)
Yandere AU (haven’t found a name yet-):
Classified (Shugars sister)
Johns father - Shane
Shugars Parents - Olivia & James
Ghost Au (haven’t found a name yet-):
OldieGoldies (Old Oc’s from Undertale):
The Big, & The Bad:
Zig & Zag
123 questions
Are you in school?
Sun sign
Rising sign
Moon sign
Myers briggs type
Do you have siblings?
Hogwarts house
Godly parent
Dream job
If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
Do you have any pets?
Who do you live with?
Whats your favourite piece of clothing you own?
Relationship status
Favourite book?
Last movie you watched?
Last song you listened to?
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
How long have you had tumblr?
Do you play any instruments?
What was the last video game you played?
Whats your favourite album?
How many languages can you speak?
Do you like chewing gum?
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
White, milk or dark chocolate?
Whats your favourite type of cake?
Whats your 3rd favourite animal?
How long can you hold your breathe? (please don't suffocate trying to find out)
Whats a fun fact to tell at parties?
Do you want to have children?
Would you rather live near the mountians or near the beach?
Do you regret quitting any hobbies?
Favourite video game?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Do you want to go to university /are at university /have been to university?
What would you say has been your best year so far?
Whats your favourite physical feature about yourself?
What do you think is your best talent?
Can you drive?
Can you ride a bike?
Can you swim?
Do you believe in astrology
What is your weirdest childhood crush?
Desribe your favourite jumper?
How many houses have you live in?
How many different schools have you been to?
What is the furthest youve ever travelled?
What time do you usually go to sleep?
What plans do you have for tomorrow?
Are you scared of space?
Can you knit?
What's the fanciest restaurant youve ever been too?
What's the longest flight you have ever been on?
Have you ever been on a cruise?
Is the ocean or space scarier?
Do you support any sports teams?
Have you ever played sports competitively?
What's your best friend's favourite sport?
Name a sport you would like to have a go at?
What was the last film you watched?
What was the last film you watched at a cinema?
What's your favourite Christmas film?
Name a film you watch for the soundtrack?
What's the worst thing you've ever been dared to do?
What's the most illegal thing you've ever done?
What's the reason for the last friendship you ended?
Who is your newest friend?
What time did you wake up today?
What time did you go to bed last night?
How many spoons can you balance on your face?
What colour is your hair?
What colour do you want your hair to be?
How many times have you left your house today?
When was the last time you downloaded a film or music illegally?
What was it?
How much charge does your phone have?
How many hours have you been on tumblr today?
What colour is your top?
What was the last lie you told?
Are you or have you ever been vegan?
Can you drive?
How many capital cities can you name?
Your opinion on pineapple on pizza?
Your opinion on the beach?
How is 'oreo' pronounced?
How is 'data' pronounced?
How is 'caramel' pronounced?
What's the ideal temperature?
Was you good at video games as a kid?
What's the first book you remember reading?
What's the worst book you've ever read?
What TV show would you recommend to everyone?
Is your room tidy?
How many people do you follow?
Have you ever tried dating apps?
Who's birthday is next out of your family and friends?
Do you drink energy drinks?
Do you drink coffee?
What's your opinion on fish
Do you like hosting events?
Do you like being on aux?
Are you good at maths?
How many phone numbers have you memorised?
Can you do a handstand?
Jelly or ice cream?
Have you ever been to a birthday party for children?
Have you ever seen a Broadway show?
What's your favourite type of jewellery?
Savoury or sweet?
Do you like mcdonalds?
What do you call carbonated beverages?
Do you have a favourite word?
What is something dumb you believed as a child?
What height do you wish you were?
Do you have or want tattoos?
Can you code?
Did you watch glee?
Can you fit your fist in your mouth?
5K notes · View notes
switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
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Shugar BlackBerry..
A pretty normal Japanese high schooler living with his parents in a lovely famous bakery.. perfect in every way.. willing to help others through kindness and happiness.. sadly seems to be working alone and be alone most of the time.. but a wonderful person to encounter and meet!!.. more info will be included further within this alternate universe!..
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
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similar to Dreamtale.. this Alternate Universe depended on technology on steam since it was the first to ever be discovered in these trying times... the first to have discovered it was a young and powerful lady who has to have been said that she can control the weather, air, and the skies!!.. including discovering the mechanics of steam.. but soon.. she was then lost.. and loved… but then came along the Dream brothers!.. a one of a kind troupe to carry the legacy of their beloved Lady.. The Dream brothers have created so many machinery and experiments that have been a success for the past few years.. mostly because of Solars determination and hard work right?… yes but also because of Eclypse‘s mind of wisdom!.. but of course.. many people believed that sometimes wisdom may not be a way in inventing such confusing machinery that Eclypse has always imagined.. he longed for future technology.. tech that can protect their people from possible dangers.. and tech that might improve their town and the towns minds.. the king of this land.. didnt accept.. for he is known to not have been harmed since the last war.. which ended in peace.. so Eclypse was left to be laughed at.. but he hasn’t given up yet.. till one day… they had both each received an odd looking apple besides their desks… one pitch black… the other shining like gold… Solar wanted to show the king and figure out what these mysterious apples are and if they were a threat.. Eclypse on the other hand… felt power within these mysterious apples.. deciding they should keep it for themselves and possibly away from the king and danger.. who knows who left it here and if they were planning to frame the dream brothers for poisoning the king or other people who decide to spectate it further.. they both agreed and vowed to keep these apples safe and hidden from the world.. and also vowed not to touch these apples or experiment on them.. though that… was a terrible idea.. though out the months since the appearance of these apples.. Eclypse had this wonderful feeling that these apples might be the key to his success!!.. but with Solar keeping watch on the golden apple.. he decided to take his black apple in his own hands… who knows what happens Next... stay tuned ;3
Dreamtale belongs to @jokublog
SteamDream belongs to me and the characters in this post
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
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Juno & Silvile: The Childhood Duo!
these two are part of my OldieGoldies in the Memosphere.. living in a alternate universe that hasn’t been distributed.. more like a Undertale Alternate timeline.. where they live on the surface after years of being locked underground.. free to do what ever they wanted..
Juno!.. a handsome fellow that is
75% Robot! 25%Skeleton! And the 5%?… not so much.. they’re in the middle of figuring that out-.. he also has a +2 arms and eyes!!.. he plays in his own band… and sometimes plays music for mettatons night show!.. Flames & Beats included!!.. there is his signature for his crazy fans.. and though he does have a lot of fangirls.. his heart belongs to his one and only friend..
Silvile!… a monster elf who looks human but isn’t..
Silvile and Juno have been friends since the beginning!.. and still are today.. she’s really tough and could posssibly try to give a knuckle sandwich to anyone who happens to be dangerous.. other than that she’s hardworking and tries her best… she’s a hairstylist in a salon.. and is Junos head-dresser.. though it’s sorta not required but she does give him great tips on hair and style…
and together... They both help each other no matter what was in the way!!.. no matter how dangorus or possibly not.. sticking together like glue!..
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
“YOUR VOICE IS SO FAR” Era & Namiki Animation!!
Make sure to check this video out and other videos as well in my YouTube Channel!!
(And hopefully I can get more up so you all can see!!)
Characters used are My OCs
This is an alternate universe I like to call...
I know it doesn’t look like much but it will get there eventually!
Enjoy anyways =)
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
I wanna hug Dawn 🥺
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“A-A hug?...”
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“W-well... okay.. but Dawn not so good hugs.. because of my strength and size.. b-but alright.. just... tell me you uncomfortable.. okay?..”
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*The dragon kneels to attenpt to carefully hug you due to him being 8ft (lol-)... hugging the big cute dragon fills you with wholesome* ^^
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
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Madd/My persona 
Postin this for people who would want to draw me ^^ colored version (updated!!) (only the palette is shown but does tell you where to put it in ^^ apologiez- if there’s a problem just ask and you shall receive-)
Species: Demon, Human, & Skeleton (I cover a lot of my skeleparts so you can’t tell ;3 lolol)
Height: “5′2″ (;u;)
Gender/Pronouns: she/her (Female-)
Sometimes has mask- depending on Au and Timeline-
Aaaand some extra doodles that I made-
Hope this helps- ^^ <3
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switcheddestiniesau · 2 years
Welcome to the Memosphere!
Hello! Welcome to the Memosphere..
a place where I, myself create alternate universes that are protected by the protectors Deckor, & Namiki..
Everyone is welcomed except danger..
Madd.. or me of course is the main guardian of this AU and it’s creator.. consider me a god.. or a Demon because of my appearance..
Each AU includes a door leading to that AU including outside AUs..
to get from place to place Namiki, Scribblez, or me are the only ones to have access to help others or ourselves get to other AUs (unless there happens to be other ways to get to other AUs like mine)
please follow by the rules of the guidelines of this tumblr..
other than that please ask anything as long as the characters or me are comfortable to answer
no 18+ plz- (as long as its safe and okay like: minor gore, sometimes a few explicit language, and ships that include a few romances..)
ships are only cannon by me and if accepted by me
please no fontcest, pedoships, hate, racists, pedos in general, MAPs etc (or anything that makes me uncomfortable or upset-)
other than that enjoy this AU blog ^^
warning - there may include multiple-timelines, repeats, resets, overwrites, Files, Save Files, Ruined Files, and ruining time physics itself
The people around here and within its Aus that are willing to be available for talk or any sort of things associated with them are:
Madd (me)
Yandere AU (haven’t found a name yet-):
Classified (Shugars sister)
Johns father - Shane
Shugars Parents - Olivia & James
Ghost Au (haven’t found a name yet-):
OldieGoldies (Old Oc’s from Undertale):
The Big, & The Bad:
Zig & Zag
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