tacosandtouchtanks · 4 days
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A little something with Zeke x Tina (idk if they have a ship name, pls inform me if so)
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tacosandtouchtanks · 7 days
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tacosandtouchtanks · 9 days
i wonder who theyre talking about
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tacosandtouchtanks · 10 days
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Inspired by recent discussions of an Actual Play.
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tacosandtouchtanks · 11 days
Was gonna draw up something for Zekina Week yesterday (day 3: let it drop) and I still might but my back went weird and I've just been dealing with the pain.
My idea is for a comic/panel story style.
Panel 1: over the shoulder of Tina looking at herself in a mirror, towel open.
Dialogue: uhhhhhh (trails into next panel)
Panel 2: Zeke with his ear against the door.
Dialogue: zeke: Everything ok in there?
Tina: yeah, I'll meet you at the hot tub
Zeke: ...okay.
Panel 3: Zeke is already in the hot tub, Tina walks in wrapped tight and nervous in her towel.
Panel 4: seen through tinas legs, zeke beckons her over.
Dialogue, zeke: come on t-bird, waters great!
Panel 5: same perspective, tinas towel now on the ground, zekes face is shocked, mouth open and blushing.
Panel 6: Tina in a bikini, blushing but happy.
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tacosandtouchtanks · 11 days
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Zekina week day 1! Cinema
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tacosandtouchtanks · 11 days
for reasons arcane to me I've spent the last couple weeks sporadically reading through the corpus of tie-in D&D comics and I'll tell ya the experience is fascinating
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tacosandtouchtanks · 16 days
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A late entry for day five snacks of Zekina week over at @tacosandtouchtanks
Digital fan art of Tina and Zeke from Bob’s Burgers sitting on an outdoor wooden bench with a dark railing in the background. Zeke has his arms over the back of the bench and is holding a stick of cotton candy in one hand. Tina leans towards him while holding a red white and blue popsicle.
/end ID]
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tacosandtouchtanks · 16 days
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Day seven of #ZekinaWeek24
Prompt: friendship
(uncountable) The condition of being friends.
(countable) A friendly relationship, or a relationship as friends.
(uncountable) Good will.
wiktionary | friendship
Today is the last day! But don’t forget: You can upload your works later too! Do as many or few as you want! No need to stress yourself too much!
Feel free to tag this blog at the end of your post or in a comment.
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tacosandtouchtanks · 16 days
New oneshot for Zekina Week Day 6
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tacosandtouchtanks · 17 days
Take Her Name Out Of Your Mouth
Zeke sighed as he towelled off and began to dress. Wrestling practice had been brutal today. Coach was prepping them for their upcoming tournament on Kingshead Island and had been pushing them hard all week. But today was finally Friday which meant a much needed break and some time with his girl.
As Zeke began putting his dirty practice clothes into his duffel bag, his phone buzzed on his locker shelf with a text from Tina.
"Hey baby, are you still coming by the restaurant tonight after practice? I figured we could hang out after closing since it's Friday :)"
Zeke smiled as he punched out a quick reply, letting her know practice had just ended and he'd be heading over soon.
Just as he hit send, he felt one of his teammates approach him. Unfortunately it was Bradley, who was the biggest asshole Zeke had ever met. He was a bully at best and a borderline predator in how he treated the girls at school.
Zeke couldn't stand how misogynistic he was, with Bradley always talking about his latest conquest in the locker room. Zeke had told him on more than one occasion he needed to mind his manners and respect the girls he was with, but Bradley always shook him off.
Today, Bradley had decided to push Zeke's buttons once again.
"Ooh got your little girlfriend waiting for ya Zeke? Bet she'd love to see you after practice, huh?"
Zeke tried to ignore him. He knew he could easily take Bradley in a fight and didn't need to stir up trouble. But if he couldn't keep Tina's name out of his mouth, Zeke would make sure he'd regret it.
"You know Zeke, I kind of get what you see in her. I mean the quiet shy type are always the kinkiest in my experience. I bet she's a real freak in the sheets for you."
Without a seconds hesitation, Zeke turned and decked Bradley in the jaw. All Zeke saw was red as he threw Bradley against the lockers.
"You'd be wise to take my girls name outta yer fuckin mouth Bradley."
"Oh yeah? Or what?"
And with that, Zeke let loose.
"Hey Zeke, how was pract-- OH my God what happened to your face??" Linda all but screamed at him when he entered the restaurant.
"Hey Mrs. B. Don't worry I'm alright. Just busted my lip at practice. You know how Coach has been, what with the tournament coming up... He's been having us practice some new moves and one of the guys had me in a hold wrong, and I busted my lip on the way to the mat."
Linda studied him for a moment, and Zeke thought for sure she knew he was lying through his teeth. Zeke hated lying period, especially to the Belchers, but he hatrd the idea of Tina knowing what that jerk had said about her.
Just when he thought Linda was about to call him on his lie, she gave him a small half smile.
"Okay honey... how about you go into the kitchen with Bobby. Have him get you some ice for that lip, okay? I'll let Tina know you're here. She's upstairs helping Louise get ready for a date."
"Thanks Mrs. B"
Zeke knew that while Linda may have decided to believe his flimsy excuse, Bob would see right through him in a second. The moment Zeke entered the kitchen, Bob looked him up and down from the grill.
"So. I take it you got into a fight at practice huh?"
"I got some ice on the counter for you. I set it out by the first aid kit. Looks like your knuckles could use some bandaging up."
"Thanks, Mr. B."
Zeke quietly washed his hands and began the process of bandaging his bloodied and bruised knuckles. Thankfully they weren't in too bad of shape. When he finished he put the first aid kit away and began to ice his lip, leaning against the prep station and waiting for the questions he knew Bob had for him.
"Do I even want to know what the fight was about, Zeke?"
"Probably not, considering it was about your daughter."
"You got into a fight over Tina at practice?? With who?"
Zeke sighed. "Remember that asshole I was tellin ya about last week? That Bradley kid who can't keep his damn mouth shut or respect any of the girls he runs around on?"
Bob stilled at this. "Yeah."
"Well let's just say he needed a lesson in keeping Tina's name out of his mouth. AndI made sure he learned it quick."
With that, Zeke turned, dropping his ice pack on the counter, and began to prep some tomatoes for tomorrow's special. Bob stood silent beside him for a long time as he grilled and plated burgers through the late dinner rush.
When Tina came downstairs a while later looking for Zeke, he turned to Bob, and quietly asked
"Mr. B...Think we can keep what I told you between us? I don't like lying to Tina but I don't want her to know what that ass said about her. I don't want to upset her over what he said about her."
Bob simply patted him on the shoulder, giving his silent nod of agreement. As Zeke began to walk out of the kitchen to greet his girlfriend, Bob called after him.
"Hey Zeke?"
"Yeah Mr. B?"
"Thanks for looking out for her."
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tacosandtouchtanks · 17 days
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Day six of #ZekinaWeek24
Prompt: bully (countable and uncountable, plural bullies)
A person who is intentionally physically or emotionally cruel to others, especially to those whom they perceive as being vulnerable or of less power or privilege. [from late 17th c.]
A noisy, blustering, tyrannical person, more insolent than courageous; one who is threatening and quarrelsome.
A hired thug.
A sex worker’s minder. (A pimp)
(uncountable) Bully beef.
(obsolete) A brisk, dashing fellow.
The small scrum in the Eton College field game. (rugby)
Any of various small freshwater or brackishwater fish of the family Eleotridae; sleeper gobies
(obsolete or dialectal, Ireland and Northern England) An (eldest) brother; a fellow workman; comrade
(dialectal) A companion; mate (male or female).
(obsolete) A darling, sweetheart (male or female).
(field hockey) A standoff between two players from the opposing teams, who repeatedly hit each other's hockey sticks and then attempt to acquire the ball, as a method of resuming the game in certain circumstances.
(mining) A miner's hammer.
Wiktionary | bully
Don’t forget: You can upload your works later too! Do as many or few as you want! No need to stress yourself too much!
Feel free to tag this blog at the end of your post or in a comment.
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tacosandtouchtanks · 18 days
Eating for Two
Zeke double checked his grocery list as he took another lap through the refrigerated section. Tina was 36 weeks pregnant with their first child and her cravings only seemed to get stronger the closer it came for to their little one's due date.
Zeke had asked Bob to check in on Tina today while he ran some errands, knowing that Bob would bring Tina her biggest craving of all: a burger from his restaurant with extra extra cheese. Plus it gave Zeke piece of mind knowing that someone was there to look after her while he was out, since she'd begun nesting recently and decided nothing in the nursery was in the right place anymore.
Zeke felt a bit guilty knowing that Bob would get roped into moving the furniture around but took comfort in knowing that Tina was at least staying off of her feet.
He had one more item to get and he'd be heading back home. He'd already gotten her jar of peanut butter and those small gherkin pickles that had been a constant craving throughout the pregnancy. He had just added a fresh watermelon to his cart as well, which had become the latest addition to her snacking list. Since he knew Bob had the burger covered, he only had one more thing to cross of his list: sugar cookies. But not just any cookies, the ready to bake cookies with the holiday themes from the refrigerated section.
Unfortunately for Zeke, this was always the hardest thing on Tina's list to find. Zeke had been to three different stores today in between his other errands of getting the tires on his truck rotated and making a deposit at the bank. He knew he couldn't go home without those damn cookies unless he wanted to see Tina sob because he didn't have them.
"Fuck what aisle would they even be in? Does the picture really matter or will they taste the same as anything else?" Zeke wondered aloud to himself.
At this point he knew better than to verbalize his questions to his wife. Last time he'd done such a thing she'd cried for 20 minutes as she frantically explained that yes, the cheese from the deli did in fact taste different when it came from the one on the other side of town thank you very much. That was the moment Zeke learned to just do whatever he could to keep her happy and satisfied, knowing that would be his key to surviving this pregnancy.
Just as he was about to give in and try for store number 4, he found them. The last box on the shelf!
Zeke quickly grabbed the cookies and sighed in relief. As he made his way to the checkout, he couldn't help but smile to himself at the thought of how overjoyed Tina would be when he got home.
When Zeke arrived back at their place, he found Tina with her feet up, eating one of Bob's burgers and laughing with Linda as the pair watched as Bob struggled to move the crib into just the right place.
Zeke felt his heart swell, loving the sight of his growing family surrounded by people who cared about them. As he unloaded the groceries, Tina smiled at him from across the table, winking like she'd caught on to his musings. Zeke kissed her forehead in passing, and made his way to help Bob, knowing the two were in for a long evening of rearranging the nursey. But he'd do it ten times over so long as it kept that smile on Tina's face.
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tacosandtouchtanks · 18 days
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Day five of #ZekinaWeek24
Prompt: snacks
A light meal.
An item of food eaten between meals.
(slang) A very sexy and attractive person.
wiktionary | snack
Don’t forget: You can upload your works later too! Do as many or few as you want! No need to stress yourself too much!
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tacosandtouchtanks · 19 days
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A wip for the Zekina week free day @tacosandtouchtanks Tina’s glasses usually happen last so that’s why she doesn’t have them yet.
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tacosandtouchtanks · 19 days
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Just something small while I try to motivate myself to finish the fanfictionf or day one.
"Let it drop" is the theme of Day Three for #Zekinaweek24 over at @tacosandtouchtanks, so why not hiding from the rain together?
Small scribbly drawing, ink and water colours.
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tacosandtouchtanks · 19 days
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Day Four of #ZekinaWeek24
Prompt: [free space]
Wiktionary | free space
Don’t forget: You can upload your works later too! Do as many or few as you want! No need to stress yourself too much!
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