#& this post isnt me even asking it's just a hc analysis
honakito · 4 months
Heya! Just stumbled upon this account and I just wanted to say that I already adore your writings!!(even if it's just two(?) so far-) So I decided to make a request:D It's a bit of a silly one, but Kanade and Mizuki(separate please!) x reader hcs playing UNO with them, like, the card game wahahjsha This is mostly random, but I'll be glad if you'll be able to do it! Just don't rush yourself, please..(^^;)
⠀⠀ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏⠀⠀ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏⠀⠀ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏uno. . ? like the card deck game ? ?
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UNO! - prod. honakito
posted as : request
chars. : a. mizuki , y. kanade
type : x g/n ! reader
scenario : playing uno with them ( headcanons )
taglist : @finanah ( ask to be added )
notes : first of all ignore the header second of all i love this idea so much i had to immediately do it since my brain was like a tornado of ideas what the hell,,, and i still have a request to do that is probably older than my account (not really its from 2 days ago i just like taking my sweet time) + a recent one ,, still, thank you for requesting a different character! enjoyy ^_^
notes 2 : i was thinking of, once im done with the requests, posting analysis of different pjsk characters and card sets? i already have two ideas of this type of posts, and i think i have enough time, since i skipped school today, will skip tomorrow and wednesday is a free day thats awesome
date : 21 / 01 / 24 - 22 / 01 / 24
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a. mizuki
literal uno expert.
they get competitive so quickly. i can feel it.
theyre also the definition of a ‘ its only okay when i do it ‘ person. like , for example , if you played a +4 card , they’d mockingly let out a loud whine for giggles. but if they have a +4 or +2 too , get ready to see a mischievous grin paint their face. theyd take this as a competition they have to win.
i feel like theyd trick you with their facial expressions and actions. lets say , you switch the color to one they have lots of cards of. theyd let out a surprised gasp while laying down on you a reverse card, two skip cards and a +4 card. 
half of it , they’re determined to win. if theyre feeling nice tho , mizuki will play easy for you. that lasts the total of maximum 2 rounds tho , they have a streak to maintain.
most of the time , you cant win for your dear life. if you do get lucky tho , they will jokingly get upset , but is actually pleasantly surprised! guess their talent sticked off to you.
i kind of imagine mizuki remaking the whole decks design when bored. like your own version of uno. the jirai keified version. like those making [thing] coquette.
about how frequently you’ll play tho? i think atleast once a month. even more , if you ask. they mostly play whenever theyre feeling sad tho , one game of uno with you lifts their spirits up and boosts their ego for the day higher than an americans appetite.
‘ heh heh heh… i won again! ‘ , , , ‘ i get it mizuki , i get it. ‘
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y. kanade
genuinely never played uno before.
ok , that’s exaggerating now , isnt it?
kanade surely played uno before with nightcord in empty sekai. it being , ofcourse , mizukis idea. its not like shes an absolute pro at it tho.
but shes not incapable of not understanding the rules , either. she’d take a strategy and maximum beat you 3 times. maximum. i feel like you’d be the better one.
i feel like you wouldnt play so frequently , only when you so happen to be over while kanades taking a break from composing. so things wouldnt get awkward , you always bring a card deck of uno with you.
if your relationship is established after the ‘ saying goodbye to my masked self ‘ event , mafuyu would oftenly join your game by kanades invitation. if youre lucky enough to catch honami unoccupied , dont be shy to call her too! the more the merrier.
even so , she does not care about the winner at all. kanades just happy to spend some quality time with you, even if its over uno. which leads me to think you’d let her win on purpose sometimes. her eyes sparkle a bit whenever she does get the victory over you , it is a scenery you cannot get enough of.
‘ hm? i won… ‘ , , , ‘ great job, kanade! ‘
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i love hashtag skipping school ALSO please read notes 2 ok thanks ,,
dividers arent mine ; credits to the rightful owners on TUMBLR
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ggengariite · 7 months
guys i think i’m gonna start posting one by one analysis posts on my entire eddie kaspbrak playlist cuz that shit is soooo him coded
i may not be hyperfixated on the IT franchise anymore but that playlist means so much to me cuz when i was hyperfixating i slowly put it together over the course of about a year and some of the songs are added by my best friend and that playlist is just like
literally my dearest child
so anyways here’s one :3
Comfort Crowd (Conan Gray): ok so this song is a very big comfort to me specifically so that’s already a big reason for it to be in the playlist but AGH THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE REDDIECORE SONGS IN THE PLAYLIST OKAY SO ITS MAINLY IN HERE BECAUSE OF THE PRECHORUSES BECAUSE THEY R SO REDDIE “telling you ‘i’m fine, i don’t really need nobody.’ but you say through a sigh that i said that line already.” IDK THIS ISNT REDDIE SPECIFICALLY IN MY HEAD BUT ITS JUST CUTE BUT SPECIFICALLY MY FAVORITE REDDIE LINE IN THIS SONG IS THE SECOND PRECHORUS WHICH IS “and even if i cry all over your body, you don’t really mind, say you ‘like your shirt soggy’” AND IDK THAT JUST FEELS LIKE SOMETHING RICHIE WOULD SAY I CAN IMAGINE IT SO CLEARLY IN MY HEAD— ALSO AT THE END THERES A LOT OF LINES THAT REMIND ME OF THEM “we mess around, and laugh too loud. and make the sounds we try to hide when people are around” idk just homophobic derry and shit and idk their friendship is cute— “by blood we’re bound” makes me think of blood oath, and then finally, the chorus, “yeah, i just needed company now. yeah, i just needed someone around.” idk this is cute “yeah, i don’t care what song that we play” (i hc eddie to be comforted by music a lot like me and i hc that richie makes playlists for him all the time) anyways yeah this song is so cute and really reminds me of reddie
anyways i’ll probably post random spam posts about it randomly but if you guys want u can put a number between 1-82 in my ask box and i’ll reply with what song that correlates to and what my reasoning for it being in there is :3
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relaxxattack · 8 months
hwy so i saw ur poll ab arasol and f they were matesprits or not and ive been into homestuck for about 7 years and its a special interest and im autistic and thwy are my first and tbh only otp anf so if this is ok i wld like to infodump my opinion/hcs ab them bc i just ��� i love them sm 🥰 (def not frothing at the mouth at the idea of an audience for my opinions bc everyone irl is sikc of me lmao /lh)
ok so i deffo think they ar e matesprits BUT i think they never liie. clearly confirmwd it while aradia was alive. and once she became ghost aradia i think she got so distant and aloof (i think thats the right word?) about everytuing that it made sollux feel like she disnt love him anymore, and he eventually just had to move on, even thouvh it hurt. and feferi was there, not necessarily as a "rebound" but as a shoulder to cry on. someone for sollux to confide in, and to listen to him because he didnt have anyonw else he felt like woild. and i feel like feferi was def nto him and wanted to be his matesprit but i think sollux wasnt really. and i think they developed a kind of mixed/blurred lines relationship and the whole ghost and aradiabot phases pushed him and aradia furhter apart because aradia was dealinf wth so so much and in turn sollux was dealinf with the loss of his presumed (unofficial, wtv) matesprit, because that wasnt the aradia he knew and had fallen in love with. the ghost thing wasnt a bother - he loved her, not her physical form - it was the personality shift, i think.
and so when she reached god tier and regained her body nd her sense of identity, ithink they started to rekindle what they had nefore, if that makes sense? like aradia was his aradia again, an aradia interested in life and adventuee and archaeology and not this stupid, stupid game and suddenly not everything felt like it was collapsing around him and he felt like things could be okay again. and she helped him and he helped her and together they did make thinfs okay again. with each other.
and i think aradia's living>ghost>aradiabot>godtier timeline is a good allegory for depression and how it can absolutely shatter your sense of self and strip your world of colour and how that can make you push people away and self isolate and whatnot. idk thats just how i see it but :3 yea
i havet checkwd out the epilogues or homestuck^2 btw so this is based solely off of andrew hussie's homestuck bc i love it sososo much anyways yea !!!! tysm if anybody took the time to read this i love u all!! and ty for letting me drop this in ur askbox lolz and yea :3 srry if this isnt v comprehensive i just got off an 8hr closing shift at work lmao <3
this is a REALLY good analysis and i really love it, thank you for sharing! this makes complete sense to me.
aradia's depression being the catalyst for their split is very true! especially since she then sort of broke his trust with the whole sgrub thing-- and before that interacting with her was hard because sollux felt so guilty about what he did to her. it's just sad on all accounts, and i'm glad they both got better
honestly my poll was more to ask the question; "so we all agree that aradia and sollux were matesprits right because they do NOT act like moirails lol but it's funny because if they're matesprits that makes the feferi business weirder", but i don't think it came across in the post correctly, pfft
yes i definitely agree that they were matesprits, and also the idea that feferi was more into sollux than he was her is a really interesting one-- i also wonder if maybe feferi was maybe less into sollux than she thought, herself-- it's possible she threw herself into that relationship because she was just so relieved to be finally cut off from eridan and "allowed" to have relationships like that. but that's just my thought!
at the end of the day they're all just kids trying stuff out and it's kind of adorable and not that serious. i'm an arasoler at heart but there's nothing wrong with solfef either
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cupcraft · 2 years
to add to the conversation about meta and critical analysis and stuff i just want to say that critical analysis isnt bad in general. Hear me out though keep scrolling if you dont want to read a long discoursey kinda post but its not neg for reference /srs.
NOT A VAGUEPOST! I am commenting solely on trends of things in the fandom since my experience being here since 2020 writing meta since january 2021.
many people (like me for example) enjoy writing analysis that is through a critical lens even though we enjoy the narrative and character. Some people enjoy writing through that lens and they dont like that character or narrative. some people dont like the narrative or character at all and it would be critical. i think at least in all my experiences in fandoms is a really normal part of fandom analysis and enjoying a story and is fine! if you maintag you for sure should tag your crit and stuff but in general i think this on the whole isnt bad. Gen really weird cc neg is bad, and theres some other nuance of course but thats not the main pt of my post, but i dont think thats the majority of critical analysis in any fandom including this one we are in here. I just want to stress that people engage in this fandom in various different ways as they do in all fandoms.
I think what is really stressful is the vagueing that goes on. and for the record i am not vagueing anyone specifically by saying that and none of my mutual or people i follow or anyone at all, once again i am commenting on trends ive seen /srs! Like meta has become really difficult in my experience in fear of the neg that comes along with it or the thought that people "hate the dream smp/the content" or "hate cc's" etc because of it or even "cc's dont do lore because of posts like this". And i think that's something that needs to be addressed and talked about because it's something that we're all aware of existing and its definitely been a source of contention i think...
I think reblogging someones meta directly to discuss or add your own points (i always include a pls add on personally!) and or sending that person an ask if theyre willing to is also fine. I also think being inspired by meta to write your own points is quite fine too, those are all really enjoyable parts of fandom analysis.
and to use a personal example i know a lot of people who dont like c!ranboo or his narratives and after the ghostboo caimsey stream i remember there being a lot of discourse. I personally dont block crit analysis or anything bc i usually like to read it regardless, but i remember having a vastly different view of that stream and the narratives! So what i did was make meta about the lore from my perspective without vagueing anyone or have ties to what i read. I just was like "i really liked xyz and heres why" kinda posts. Its also crit analysis and all sorts of meta in general that have helped me change my views of characters or explore new narratives because of the different views i see about it.
What i'm trying to say is that like i think we can exist in a world where fandom crit and meta and noncrit meta and silly hcs and etc. can be enjoyable and cohesive together though i do realize there is some nuance to what i'm saying and this doesn't really handle all circumstances within this discussion.
And maybe youre a person who crit analysis stresses them out and it ruins your fandom experience. I think this is very valid but i think in fandom spaces we need to find ways to curate our own experiences. i'll admit some lore discourse has stressed me out too but i generally dont engage with it or i start ask games or hc games or i write unrelated meta or things just to avoid it. I dont have a lot of solutions for this other than: tag discourse and crit in maintagged posts, ask people you are mutuals with or follow if they can tag something (though there is no guarantee someone will and thats a okay!! you may need to block this person or their personalized blog tags for lore analysis), and or do what i do and write meta about how you did love a stream and why and start new discussions. Though i'm not sure of any other solutions off the top of my head, so i'm happy to hear more solutions.
The reason i'm writing this post is because of the crit analysis = you hate a cc and you just hate the narratives and you dont love the dsmp at all and you hold them at too high a standard etc etc etc kinda mindset i've seen since like late 2021. Because i don't hate cc's or the narratives. if i did i wouldn't be in this fandom, i woudn't write meta or engage with the content at all. and the vagueposting that i've seen is very discouraging to see at the very least especially as i've noticed how things have evolved since 2020 fandom.
I'm not sure if this is a good post, or if it adds to the discussion well. Tbh im afraid this will start discourse in itself which isnt really the point (though i tagged it that way for blacklisting...). This post is intended to help our fandom space be more cohesive to allow people the space to take narratives where they want (with nuance of course!) and for people to curate their fandom experience how they want too.
So as i always do with meta please add on, please send me asks about this. Reply. correct me even!! though i have turned off rbs because im kinda nervous for such a large discoursey style post being rb-ed around. All i ask is just dont vague me or sc this...like my anons are on i'm happy to discuss this and vagueing stresses me out which should be obvious from me writing this whole post.
because i want us to have a healthy fandom experience if we can and I see how stressed out its made me and many people on dsmp.blr during lore discourse days/analysis moments/etc.
let me know your thoughts <3!
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obeysword · 3 years
i’ve been trying to find this all day. but this scene in the anime with mitsuo’s shadow, really speaks a lot of yu’s character. i really don’t like to hc muses who have feelings / could fall in love with other characters in the series unless it’s deliberately shown to be canon? & has canonical weight behind it. but i think souyo kind of does. (everyone in p4 is gay)
‘i have nothing. everything is nothing. friendship’s an illusion. you’re on your own, and you’re empty.’
yu then realizes he can’t summon his persona, no matter how many arcana he calls forth. none of them appear. he’s defenseless. he’s been broken down by words & is desperate to maintain something.
‘you have no bonds - you have nothing at all! empty. you are just like ME.’
mitsuo’s shadow then proceeds to grab yu’s throat & attempts to choke him.
the discussion is interestingly reminiscent of how the gang go about rejecting their shadow-selves. yu straight up denies mitsuo’s shadow, even though he & mistuo are pretty alike. they’re both lonely. both desperate to have someone understand them. both want friends & are scared to be alone. inwardly, they’re both fragile people; naive & immature in their understanding of the world. yu acts mature, & he is! he had to basically raise himself from an extremely young age bc his parents were never around. but when it comes to people, they are both a little weird in commincation & the things they do & say. yu is by far healthier than mitsuo who: stalks, preys on women & children, acts rude & illmannered, & doesn’t respect boundries. but you get my meaning. mitsuo plays videogames to escape reality where he has no one; he has no friends & he longs for attention, even to the point he was willing to commit homicide & claim he was the one who killed the other two victims. narukami studies, reads, & again, would act very mechanical. i wouldn’t be too shocked if he used reading as an escapism. a lot of people make up their own worlds, stories, & find semblance in forms of media bc their daily lives are filled with loneliness & rejection. bc of narukami’s mechanical nature, i think it can be easily established he is a perfectionist. he has to do everything right, exact, & a lot of that was likely enforced by his parents. my own parents used to do that often to me, so i can really see how this carries over into his character. persona does a really good job of making their cast feel human & relatable to the audience.
‘no it just goes to show, the only people who thought we were actually friends, was us.’ - yosuke. & while these words are said callous & casually, narukami takes them deeply to heart. it’s like he was just stabbed with the realization: were we ever really friends...?
narukami begins to slip into some of his old bad habits. for example, when he’s asked a question to hang out with someone, he decides not to & gets all quiet & even more soft-spoken than he usually is. they keep reminding & bringing up that narukami won’t be here next year, he’ll be back attending school in the city or somewhere else that’s far away from the gang in inaba. he tries for awhile to maintain connections, but slowly the group goes about their lives & he feels left behind.
‘we keep meeting up to go over those murders but there’s nothing to talk about anymore.’ - kanji. ‘i gotta say, talkin’ things out and havin’ to be all nice about it, is really exhausting.’
‘you sound like an old married couple who’s bored of each other,’ - konishi
wanting to get notes from yukiko, he just decides against it. yosuke asks if something’s wrong & yu just denies it. yosuke goes to sit with chie, yukiko, kou, & daisuke. he’s on the outside looking in. he thinks people don’t want to be around him. he thinks they’re just tolerating his presence in their lives. he thinks if he pushes, he’s unwelcome & just forcing himself into their day when they really don’t want him to be there. his anxieties & fears escalate. he tries to keep his expression neutral when nanako asks him why no one wants to come around & play anymore, & that yu should invite them all over again. he’s going out of his way to be alone like how he used to. his fears of abandonment are very raw & tangible. he had something he never let himself have before, knowing that he can’t make connections to others bc of his parents always moving them about from place to place. he isolated himself so he would never have to feel abanonded again, all the while feeling awful inside bc he was all alone. i think he’s lost count of how many school’s he’s been to by the time he’s in inaba. he doesn’t even know where he’s finishing his final year of high school yet.
just as he’s losing consciousness, yosuke’s voice is the one he hears calling out to him. yosuke’s voice is projected as a light through the darkness he’s trapped in. i think that’s very reminiscent of how their whole relationship formed. yosuke is very much a sun to yu’s moon. they’re two people who aren’t supposed to touch or connect, but they have & have had each other’s backs since the second day of school. they’re complete oppisites & their elements are each other’s weaknesses. they have smiliarties, but they’re really different people.
yosuke physically pulls yu out of the darkness he’s suffering & trapped inside of. & yu’s expression, so open & unguarded, a face we’ve pretty much never seen him make before, & makes this whole scene really fucking gay tbh lmfao. yu’s heart is open. it’s through an act of kindness & being able to remember that he DOES have people who love & care for him, that he finds strength to be able to defeat mitsuo’s shadow. & boy does yu go HAM on that thing. he’s far from empty & alone. bc of this act of compassion, yosuke is, once again, able to free his heart from darkness & fear. i wouldn’t be surprised if he felt something more for him than just platonic friendship for yosuke after this moment, & if there’s a scene that really displays it, it’s really this one.
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lostmystyx · 3 years
Pls enlighten me with ur kankri Hot Takes I don't know alot about the dancestors 🙏🙏🙏
buddy i know EVERYTHING about the dancestors. everything. and im wrong about nothing. i have read meenahbound at least ten times and that is an underestimate and not a joke. i have read every single fucking word kankris ever spoken, even the tiny shit, multiple fucking times, because my dedication to my craft is nothing if not thorough and torturous. ive read every goddamn character analysis there is on kankri, ive seen all the posts, ive read all the fics (not rlly i love myself), and i can tell you for a fact that everything everyone tells you about him is fuckint wrong. i started studying his character because i was mad abt how ooc ppl made him and i just got madder. i learned how to write him. i perfected it. and i havent done it in years because i hate him and his fans so fucking much. the world is not READY for my kankri takes. they do not DESERVE them.
but i love it when ppl ask me things, so for you, anon, i will take the time to divulge some of my secrets. first off, kankri is a bonafide grade a fucking asshole, hes ableist and sexist and abt every -ist under the sun, and he hides biting remarks under layers of political correctness and ranting so that by the time he insults you youre too zoned out to notice. that said, hes also not an outright asshole, hes not blunt with his meanness, hes not straight up about it, and people who just make him an uncaring dick are ALSO wrong. its an extremely thin line to walk and everyone is falling off like a toddler on a tightrope. he cares, deeply, but hes also fed up with everyone around him (and for good reason, because all of the other dancestors are ALSO massive assholes). he cares about being pc more than he cares about the actual issues hes "fighting for," he makes some good points, and he also makes a lot of bad ones. sometimes hes right, and sometimes hes just so caught up in what i believe boils down to a form of self-loathing via extreme policing of himself and others that he says and does the stupidest things known to man that make me want to cut my own dick off and staple it to my forehead so he can call me a whore and a transphobe.
second, hes capable of not ranting. like, he can carry a normal conversation where he talks a normal amount. it happens. inevitably someone will say something that gets him going, but you know. not every sentence has to be an essay.
third, oh my fucking god if one more person writes some fucking shit where hes "cured" of being celibate i am going to print out and laminate cards that say "youre an aphobe" to pass out to the masses. kankri isnt aroace, hes clearly in love with latula and just has self-imposed celibacy on himself possibly bc he thinks its gonna keep him from mucking up his quads, but even though hes not, and even if he was, the way people handle his celibacy is disgusting and offensive. if you dont want to write him celibate just dont make him celibate and pretend that never happened. otherwise it plays into the "ace ppl just havent found the right dick yet" thing, which iS RLLY OFFENSIVE. this is like. one of my number one kankri pet peeves. ill kill someone over this. the sexually repressed kankri hc i constantly see sucks and is objectively wrong anf im going to rip the head off of the next person i see doing it like a rabid fucking dog.
im going to make this my last note on this, bc i already have a headache just thinking about kankri, but the way ppl characterize his interpersonal relationships is bad. its bad. his relationship with latula is a mirror of karkats with terezi, nothing more, nothing less. his relationship with porrim is fucking bad and unhealthy. porrim babies and infantilizes him and regularly crosses his boundaries, and i t hink (?? dont quote me on this one its been a minute) the only time he rlly gets angry and blows up at someone is bc porrims does something he didnt consent to. at the same time, hes rlly rude to porrim and says loads of bigoted shit to her and treats her like shit. hes super ableist towards mituna, thinks hes an idiot, and treats him like shit. he doesnt really have a good relationship with anyone, because everyone hates him and he hates everyone and all of the dancestors are lions in a cage without enrichment, pacing back and forth and wondering how much longer they can stand each other before one of them snaps and kills the rest (oh wait! damara and meenah kind of did already! and kurloz is actively plotting a second death!)
anyway yeah. this is less of hot takes and more of a list of my pet peeves but yeah. i hate kankri, actually, i think hes the fucking worst, and i obsessively know everything about him out of spite.
disclaimer tho: i like all homestuck charas as charas like its cool its neat theyre cool n i hate kankri like you hate a villain but also i hate the fandoms idea of kankri and i hate kankri fans and if youre going to comment on this post defending ur hcs dont
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silenthillmutual · 3 years
Would u ever analyse/write about peter bipolar stuff bc i see so many ppl psychoanalyse daniil but i just want to put the stamatins in a lab and examine them anyway i saw ur peter daniil bingo thing and i think manic depressive peter is so real and we should spread the word and there isnt enough peter content maybe daniil can b there too so yh what do u think about petrs brain ??...... umm im a little weird from many painkillers but i hope this makes sense
bipolar peter ask part 2 -- but also i think p1 petr is so different from p2 peter kind of a bigger different than most other characters   [[like peter1 is still consumed by his vision and a pretty wizard and insane utopian but p2 peter is more tired disillusioned ready to be a dilf]]]  so  like man they might need to be separated if analysed  but anyway hes got problems  ❤️
soooo i am trying to answer this for the second time. tumblr’s new ask formatting kind of fucked up when i tried to insert the few screenshots i thought explained peter’s mental state. so here’s peter thoughts... 2!
i don’t really have the screenshots required to make a lengthy meta post about peter’s mental health issues on the scale of my daniil & autism analysis - though i doubt any analysis i write will quite surpass that - and even less for classic peter, but i do have a few thoughts.
i think a lot about peter’s state of mind because he’s probably my favorite utopian. which isn’t to say that i dislike the others (except georgiy), but peter holds a special place in my heart because i really relate to that depression he’s got going on. i like to think of peter as bipolar type ii, because the depression seems more pronounced. i also think it’s a good balance with andrey, who i hc as having bipolar type i. in contrast to peter’s depression, andrey has the irritability and impulsivity of a manic episode (i mean, he’s walking around without a shirt while there’s a sentient plague outside. shout out to everyone who’s walked around in the freezing cold in tank tops and shorts because they were (hypo)manic)
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Peter: We don’t see eye to eye, the Judge and I. He argued taht the Tower was never their family’s crowning achievement... merely mine. And I concur. It was my crown. I’ve hit the ceiling...
i know the tower’s creation and existence is the source of much speculation and i’ve seen and liked a lot of what i read that people have had to say about it, the role it plays in the story, and the role it plays in peter’s depression. but i think it’s also fair to read it as something he may have created and feels he can’t replicate because he was hypo/manic at the time and has since crashed. once while hypomanic i was writing 5k a day like it was nothing, and when i finished the project and the episode i became overwhelmed with grief, like i would never write again. i think this hypothesis is supported by the fact that he and andrey obviously have created many fantastic things - they reference the dancing bridge and i think the other two are the cold hall and the house house? it’s late so lol if i got the names wrong - so clearly those unfinished stairways are not all there is. and he’s inspired again when he temporarily has custody of grace, so clearly he can and will create again, with or without the polyhedron.
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Peter: You know, old boy, I was never persecuted for my genius. Nor was I prosecuted for murder. And yet, it turns out all this was my hell after all.
Voice line: Life is a night at the bar. All the wisdom you gain, you pay for in pain.
i think one of my friends w bipolar suggested that the way he interacts with his creations hints at psychosis, but that's something i'd be ill-equipped to discuss as i don't experience psychosis. his paranoia that farkhad and andrey are mad at him, though...
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Peter: I wonder how long my tower will hold. I wonder if Farkhad forgave me... if Brother is angry with me... I wonder about many things.
this screenshot isn’t exactly proof of anything, but he definitely seems wrapped up in mistakes that he’s made in the past in a way that feels familiar. at some point in time all the mental illnesses become inextricable, but there’s a lot i’ve felt i’ve lost to the bizarre shit i’ve done while strugging w bipolar disorder and i think the regret is real. not to mention the significant comorbidity of bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders. and the high rate (70%, according to this) of comorbidity between bipolar disorder and substance use disorder
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Peter: A lot. I have to quit drinking, but I don’t have any willpower left.
peter clearly has a lot less faith in his potential for recovery and it makes me wonder if he’s tried to get sober before and failed.
also i tend to mash my characterizations together when writing fic because i look at the two games as accompaniments of each other - especially as we only have one route of p2 so far. but i do think p2 peter seems slower and sadder than classic peter. i think they’re different symptoms of the same illness though... maybe when i get around to replaying bachelor route i’ll take more screenshots of peter and formulate more thoughts on his mental illness but boy. he’s got it.
thank u for the ask!! i love talking n thinking about this kinda stuff.
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elenatria · 6 years
Hallo! I really love your Hiddlesworth analyses and your fanfictions over at AO3. Sure I love Angsty Hiddlesworth fics/HCs... However, I dont want to buy into the fact that they are at odds with eachother. Its Hollywood, everything is about appearances. It just feels sad that some fans are getting so mad over the assumption that the Hiddlesworth bromance is dead. Like I said we dont know what happens when the camera isnt on them.
Fans getting mad? Mad even?… Whoa. People like getting upset for no reason, don’t they? Always looking for Cinderellas and evil stepsisters to put the blame on.
*cracking knuckles*
This is a long overdue Hiddlesworth analysis I’ve been meaning to do for some time now.
There’s nothing wrong with angsty headcanons and fics. They’re just fics, you know? Fiction.
However people somehow want to believe that Chris and Tom’s friendship has fizzled out. For REAL. And that it’s mostly Chris’ fault. Oh, Taika’s fault as well for “getting between them”. And they don’t talk about this as a mere headcanon, they believe it to be the truth.
Let me just hit them with some hard facts here.
“Cold” Chris: is it a new thing? No it’s not.
2011. Chris remembers shit, Tom remembers everything.
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2012. No dancing for Chris.
Go to 3:26. Enthusiastic Tom dances to Chris and Chris probably cracks a joke but turns the other way, acting all “embarrassed” with his awkward shrugging and buttoning up his jacket (”There he goes again with his dancing, oh boy…”).
2013. No finger hearts for Chris.
Look at childlike Tom asking Chris to reciprocate with a finger heart, and Chris feeling too embarrassed (or too bored) to indulge him.
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(Maybe because Tom’s finger heart was even weirder -as well as upside down- than the one he recently pulled in Korea lololol).
2013. Chris walks on, Tom follows.
At 0:25, notice Tom following him around like a puppy, his eyes fixed on him no matter where he goes, whereas “cold” Chris seems to be casually cracking a joke and moving on. As if he’s always “distracted” or “busy”.
Same here at 2:02, Tom says something, Chris just laughs and walks on, as if he’s eager to get on with the posing for the cameras or just doesn’t want to linger. (Chris is always restless btw, ADHD-esque.)
2013. Chris teasing Tom for his singing/dancing/talking too much/whatever.
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And let’s face it, Tom was always more sentimental, or at least he was the one not afraid to show he was sentimental.
Sentimental Tom.
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He always expressed his excitement to work with Chris.
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Then again so did Chris.
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When a kid in a Thor costume asked if they were actually brothers in real life, Tom replied “I wish we were”. I know, the goddamn feels, right?
2016. Tom is still “following him around”.
Many people assumed from this little “god of thunder” bts clip (at 0:36) that Tom is still a lost puppy following Chris around whereas cold Chris neglects him. BS. See the above clips from the Iron Man 3 premiere and The Dark World premiere, Chris would always “walk away from him”.
2016. Chris doesn’t react as expected to Tom’s “brother from another mother”.
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Chris STILL teases Tom for his dancing.
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Chris didn’t watch “The Night Manager” either. The HORROR.
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Btw there was so much back and forth and relentless teasing between the two in that panel, so what I’m saying is, people see what they want to see. And they choose to ignore all the Hiddlesworth cuteness and good-natured humour.
“Cold” Chris or not, Tom is the one Chris danced to at the Ragnarok premiere. And we’re talking as late as November 2017 here.
So. To go back to the infamous Wizard World panel.
2016. Chris would gladly be Romeo to Tom’s Juliet.
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And let’s face it, if some people thought Chris was “cold”, he was probably sick, jetlagged or just… tired.
Either way, Tom kept showering him with compliments.
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2016. Chris says “brothers from another mother” (copying Tom. At last.)
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2016. Both Tom and Chris were posting on IG about working with each other.
Some people said only Tom was eager to gush about his new collaboration with Chris. Not true.
Tom’s post.
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Chris’ post. Selling papers “with his mate”.
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2016. Chris was totally checking Tom out when he first appeared on set in his black Loki costume.
I don’t know of many “cold” people or dead friendships doing that.
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And they were laughing at each other’s jokes all the time.
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Oh. Btw some people thought Chris was distant and aloof while Tom was desperate for attention, at the same time trying to be discreet while touching Chris’ shoulder lightly. They said Chris didn’t return the hug.
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Well, guess what. Taika was drawing Thor’s tattoo on Chris forearm that moment. No wonder Chris couldn’t return the hug. He had to stand still. D’uh.
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2017. Chris danced his way to Tom at the Ragnarok premiere.
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They love each other. *shocker*
To top it all, we have  Taika, well-known for his honesty as well as keeping private things private, confirming that Tom and Chris have a deep respect for each other but, although the interviewer asked him specifically “How are things on set between Hiddlesworth” he took it as “How are they getting along?” so he replied “I don’t know, I’m not in their heads”. Possibly not knowing, possibly knowing but dodging.
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Sure it was a gossipy question, maybe coming from a true Hiddlesworth shipper, and at first I found Taika’s response a bit alarming. But honestly that was just me being paranoid.
I don’t think people have a reason to be “mad” at anything.
Hiddlesworth lives.
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actualbird · 6 years
yo you totally made me think about low empathy michael and it like totally makes sense and i think about it a lot when i listen to two player game bc ye like he OBVIOUSLY cares a lot about jeremy and he loves him and like jeremy's stating his problem and michael keeps saying the same solution cause like "that's the answer bro, don't be down" bc he cant wrap his head around the emotions and connect w them that well so in his mind he's just saying this completely fool proof solution i love this hc
yo i got this ask while balls deep in three books of discourse analysis i could only understand by like 10% but because of that was in the mood to just. keep thinking my brain in circles.
so heres a stupidly long answer cataloging canon instances of michael being low empathy af/exhibiting other traits related to this. along with like, characterization to extrapolate from that (at least by my own personal interpretation. obligatory disclaimer that how i see characters is not law, this is just My Take). 
but before that, im gonna define some terms outright so we’re all on the same page. empathy is a person’s capability to understand and feel what others are feeling. basically how well you can put yourself in somebody else’s shoes. this shouldnt be confused with sympathy, which is feeling compassion, pity, sorrow etc. for another. empathy is recognition/replication while sympathy is more on the caring about it. here i focus on empathy and the lack of it. 
im not an expert on Anything but speaking from experience as somebody who has very low empathy, this causes some complications. when you dont feel what others are feeling, sometimes you dont notice other people’s feelings at all. this results in stuff like bluntness, trouble reading social cues, insensitivity, etc. all things that 1) may happen unintentionally, 2) can be worked through via healthy communication, 3) are not inherently bad, just a result of how one reacts to external emotions and 4) things i totally think michael exhibits because hes a low empathy goblin i love with my whole heart. 
let’s get right into it. in more than survive, right after jeremy and michael discover their boyf riend backpacks, this exchange occurs
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this seems pretty normal at first glance but it is the first instance of what seems to be michael’s go-to pattern for when he notices his best friend is feeling down, which, at least, kudos to michael, he very obviously noticed jeremy’s feelings. hurrah! so his process for how to fix this goes a little like “step 1: notice jeremy is upset. step 2: cheer jeremy up! step 3: unknowingly kinda mess up step 2“
jeremy is upset about the backpacks but then jeremy provides an out with something supposedly positive. michael latches on to it. it turns out to be negative. michael tries to salvage the situation by cheering jeremy up! by giving him a cool science fact! hell yeah! except it’s a shaky save at best because he does call the both of them losers but in an “it’s okay :D” way. 
all in all this is nothing really, just some friendly fast paced banter between best friends. whats important here is the 3 step pattern aforementioned because it 1) shows that michael Cares about his best friend and tries to make things better and 2) is BASICALLY the entirety of two player game
TWO PLAYER GAME is such a BOP and, at its core, is a song about how michael has got jeremy’s back and vice versa. but tpg is also textbook the 3 step pattern with added sprinkle of unintended invalidation. ive briefly spoken about tpg before so this might look a lil familiar but at its gist:
like you said anon, in tpg jeremy tells michael a problem he has, and throughout the course of the song, he continually makes it known that hes upset and has a lot of issues. step 1 has been achieved: michael knows jeremy is not doing too hot. time to do step 2: cheer him up!! and what better way to do that than to think positive with his trademark line “guys like us are cool in college” like, over and over again. because….it makes sense for michael. things might suck now, but just keep swimming yeah? it’ll be better later.
but it’s not better now and thats what jeremy actually needed validation on. michael thinks the solution is to look to the future but jeremy has his problems bothering him in the present. for all that michael says this is a two player game, he’s unintentionally dismissive because he doesnt understand that this isnt something that can be fixed with a simple “look forward to two years from now” mentality. neither of them are in the wrong, really. theyre just not on the same page.
onwards we go to something else entirely. the chili fries
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this is a RIDICULOUSLY SMALL MOMENT but it stuck out to me because imo it is pretty obvious that jeremy says “leave me alone” because hes bummed and is being dramatic, but michael takes it literally and uses the opportunity to skedaddle and get his sweet sweet discontinued soda. im aware michael had to be gone for plot reasons and also the discontinued soda is foreshadowing for the mtn dew red, but taken at face value, this is something that happens a lot w/ low empathy: things are taken literally. 
jeremy is upset. jeremy said to give him some space. thats cool, i’ll go for a bit and come back with something neat that might cheer him up—hey, where’d he go?
and now let’s jump to something everybody and their dog knows about. michael in the bathroom. except not really. because mitb isnt what interests me so much as what happens before.
pre mitb is very, very interesting. before i say anything i’ll be clear in saying that literally nobody had even remotely a nice halloween night, it’s a disaster for everybody involved, but keep in mind that jeremy goes into the pre mitb scene immediately after the clusterfuck that is do you wanna hang and also getting chased down by a sloshed but aggressive jake. many people have said this before me but i’ll say it again: jeremy was not doing well. at all. 
and this is where michael fails step 1 of his pattern. he doesnt pick up on this at all. michael is kinda stuck in his own head right now. hes pissed. hes confused. hes betrayed. he cant understand other people’s feelings and now he has to deal with his own too. his head is a melting pot of AGH and he takes it out on jeremy. yeah, he tries to help jeremy, but he doesnt do it very well. it’s all very accusatory, and jeremy just had a terrible night, so jeremy lashes out.
teenagers are bad at emotions but theyre not bad people for it.  //cue mitb notes, we know the drill
to the play!!! 
recap for maximum contextualization: jeremy realizes the squip is bad fucking news and wants it gone. michael makes an entrance with the one thing that can kill it. and then this happens
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AIGHT okay so the whole “i need an apology” scene is obviously played for comedy, and it does a good job at suddenly diffusing the end of the world stakes with some more down to earth teen friend drama but that aside, this scene is a good candidate to be listed under the definition of the phrase “bad timing” because michael, holy shit. BAD TIMING. like great timing for humor but bad timing as a human being. 
here we have jeremy clearly in possessed distress and michael has the antidote but he only wants to give it on a condition. it is absolutely a dick move. yeah, michael is is valid for wanting an apology, but not at this moment with the current stakes. this is michael thinking pretty selfishly. hes stuck in his own head and his own thoughts. he cares about jeremy and wants to help but…this apology important to him. it’s easy to get stuck on things like this when you cant empathize with others. the low empathy means that the only feelings you really get to really interact with are your own, so theres a tendency to focus on them. sometimes even at inopportune moments.
unintentional asshole-ery behold. in fact, this can be pushed even harder by this snippet in the score of be more chill that had some lines from an earlier draft. 
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the fetus version of michael makes an entrance is hilariously low empathy, oh my god. this happens while jeremy is rolling around on the floor fighting an invisible-to-everybody-else squip and this is the first thing michael says. it’s positively dickish. 
SO with that done, a little bit can be extrapolated in terms of characterization. i think michael is low empathy so the dominos fall. michael is terrible at feelings. hes got a tendency to get stuck in his own head and not see what others are going through. his emotional periphery is abysmal, hes like a horse with those things that stop horses from looking to the side. in spite of all this, he still has a lot of love and good in his heart and he tries his best to show that in the ways that make sense to him. post-canon, the rift between his brain and jeremy’s brain can only be bridged by a big healthy heap of communication where michael learns that what makes sense to him isnt always what makes sense to other people. hes a good kid. he can do it. 
of course this is, again, all my take. the fun thing about transformative work and fandom is that all interpretations are valid and there will always be somebody out there who agrees. or disagrees. but on this blog, this is my michael. or at least one aspect of my michael. //shrug
ANYWAY im glad you like the hc anon!! ive obviously got a lot of feelings about it since i used your ask as an excuse to aimlessly ramble for, holy shit, 1.6 k words lmao. i hope you have a good day!!!
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