#/nsfw ish
citrus-system · 2 years
Content warning for sexual relationship stuff
Anyhow, it’s really irritating trying to date as we are, like,,
All frequent fronters / alters who are actually interested in outside relationships are all a-okay with sexual relations. However…,,, we’re all very different in what we want.
Sounds easy right?? Switches and verses exists, so even parts who are strictly tops, or subs, etc could be satisfied. But ooohh noo, someone has to make it difficult and be all grumped out.
I get it- communication and all that jazz. Obviously we do that but like. I’m just frustrated hearing other parts out right now. I get it I get it, I am in your head too, but come oonnn why does this have to be that difficult.
Yeen is so fucking anal about the body being in a submissive position. And it’s like, bro we gotta work on that issue, it’s not a bad thing. Especially when other parts are fine with it and even seek it out like, what now? You’re the only one who gets to be horny? Unfair smh
Idk bleh I’m just ranting, getting stuff off my chest. I’m not so angry about it anymore it’s just a frustrating feeling. Hashtag, we are all on T akahsbsjsisjsn
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lxvvie · 2 months
Couples Shit with Simon Riley (Part 2):
Having a giggle/chuckle fest almost every time you are intimate. It first happened at the beginning of your relationship when you would giggle every time you two kissed. It opened the floodgates, had let that nervous energy out, and Simon was right there chuckling with you. ("Heh—aw, fuck me.")
Swearing up and down that you're gonna fuck each other's brains out but as soon as you hit the bed, you and Simon are out like a light. The last time this happened, he was supposed to go down on you, but the next thing you know, you woke up to him fast asleep with his head on your stomach.
Kissing the bridge of his crooked nose and Simon turning into putty every time. Hell, kissing any and every dent, bruise, and scar, and making your man melt.
A nice round of horizontal tango turning into a cuddle session after you comforted Simon through a charley horse. Poor baby.
Initially making the telly watch you two make sex but turns out whatever you're watching was pretty decent after all so you guys are back to watching the telly again.
Getting hot and heavy one time but you were so intrigued with the mole you discovered on Simon's inner thigh that you spent the next half-hour or so trying to find other moles on his body.
Telling Simon that you "always wanted to do this" and when you get him hot, bothered, and hard, it turns out what you always wanted to do was measure him. His disappointment was immeasurable... even if he was interested to know the number.
Twinning in some way, shape, or fashion whenever you're out together.
Talking mad shit about his snoring but let him tell it, he doesn't say shit when you take up about 80% of the bed, covers, and sleep under him.
Speaking of talking shit, having disagreements like every couple does and when you go to bed, you're angrily cuddling each other. And yes, Simon still wants your kisses in the morning, even if you two are still mad at each other. Simon doesn't give a shit, you're still gonna love on him, dammit. And him on you.
Being mad with Simon when he arrived too late to get the creepy crawler that was harassing you. Harassing you by doing what it does best: be a creepy crawler. Simon tells you you'll have to conquer your fear one day. You tell him to conquer the couch tonight lmao.
Agreeing to disagree about the superior ice cream flavor in the house. It's too bad there's not any of his favorite ice cream in the freezer. There's some of yours, though. Why? You didn't get any because it was so superior that you wouldn't "dare sully it with your hands". Cue the judgemental stare and him eating YOUR ice cream afterward. Rude.
Scaring the ever-living shit out of Simon on the rare occasions he gets to sleep in. He woke up to you sitting up in bed with his mask and paint on. Oh, and he calls bullshit. He did not nearly fall out the bed. Nor did he jump. Okay, Simon.
Chilling and drinking with Simon. Finding out he gets hot and sweaty pretty easily and off comes his clothes. Waking up hungover the next morning and you're the big spoon to a naked and equally hungover Simon. Choosing to do fuck all but sleep it off that day.
Playfully calling or referring to him as the Missus, especially in front of your co-workers. When they finally meet Simon and ask him who he is, he replies in pure deadpan Ghost fashion: "The Missus".
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pectinpeeress · 1 year
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I love how Arakawa clearly wrote detailed backstories for her characters and just like… never elaborates on them. I found an old interview where she was asked why she didn’t include a resolution for Hawkeye and Mustangs goals and her response was essentially “cause this story is about Ed :)”
She’s my biggest inspiration.
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that-poll-blog · 2 months
One of my friends thought there might be a correlation here, so let's find out...
No see results, you must decide. Add nuance in tags/replies if you wish.
reblogging for larger sample size appreciated
you can submit polls to this blog via asks and submissions
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littleskrib · 13 days
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| based on "Perfect Slaughter" by @imagineitdearies
reader discretion is advised, pls read the tags before checking it out
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sayatsugu · 11 days
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Pouting demon
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kittyoverlord · 3 months
The speed at which Ify answered, Emily's little nod, the reaction from Alexis, and "That's when the writer's strike started."
This is a perfect Game Changer clip.
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citrus-system · 2 years
404: “Soft switch? Hard switch? What about semis?”
Me: like a boner??
404: “yeah?”
Me: what the fuck are you talking about??
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twistedprodigious · 2 months
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"Be careful, my dear, you're creasing my trousers with your pathetic grasp"
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lxvvie · 2 months
You and Simon are that couple who have a lot of inside jokes. You'll text him, "Send dick," and it's a picture of someone who gets on his nerves (it varies and Graves and Johnny have been featured a couple times). He'll text you, "Send tits," and it's different pictures of the bird.
It becomes your way of checking up on each other when he's deployed.
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cizko · 1 year
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mousewife-stash · 1 year
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uhhhh okay this is a little outside my intended stated scope for this blog but i've had a complete bug up my ass about this idea for the past several days and listen...wg is arguably a type of tf right. the type you can do at home (i have)
scenario 10-ish years out from the events of p4 and souji, still loving his beef bowls but no longer aided by a teen boy metabolism, gets fat 🥴 he and yosuke run into each other again at some kind of class reunion after several years of being "off" in some kind of on-again-off-again thing. souji is completely un- self conscious, yosuke is much more comfortably Out at this point in his life but still has every kind of internalized toxic gay -ism about other men's bodies because Of Course, until this completely breaks his narrow brain open for the second time in his life. lmfao.
also featuring my Literally-Visited-Upon-Me-Prophet-Like-In-A-Dream headcanon where yosuke has the world's most cringefail ill-advised short-lived crash and burn fling with Dr. Takuto Maruki and YES i WILL in fact be elaborating further upon this whether anyone wants me to or not
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fluffsnake · 7 months
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lxvvie · 2 months
Couples Shit with Simon Riley, Lovably Pissed Grumpy Cat Editon:
cw: alcohol and alcoholic consumption
If you thought sober Simon had grumpy cat tendencies, drunk Simon is on another level of grumpy cattiness, complete with the way he'll look up and squint his eyes in catty judgment every time you cease to stop scratching his scalp. Fuck you stop for, lovie?
Simply put: Splooting and snoring. On you.
Simon getting the munchies after a night out and snacking on your favorite snacks, y'know, the ones that don't (lovingly) hold a candle to his? Simon confesses that actually yeah, you do have good taste in food and you're the reason why his taste buds aren't so shitty anymore. The food choices are just one more thing to lovingly bicker about, sweetheart.
Your big bear of a soldier being a bit more talkative than normal while pissed. It's not uncommon for you two to be laid up, staring at the ceiling, and conversing about life. One time, Simon pensively revealed that "Mum and Tommy would've liked you and Pa would've been jealous..."
Similarly, Simon confessing all these life plans he had in mind for the two of you, what he'd do after he left the military, how you two would spend the rest of your lives together, travel, and annoy the Cap'n. Maybe. More than likely. OH, and he can finally stay naked all day and sleep in with you. This being said from the bathroom where he's taking the longest piss known to man. Oh, Simon. ❤️
Hand holding. Drunk Simon really loves to hold your hand. Loves to intertwine your fingers and compare the sizes. Gushes about how soft yours feels compared to his. Always talks about how you two "fuckin' fit" and if he could, he'd hold your hand forever.
Drunk texting you like crazy. Even when he's right beside you. Simon wants you to know that he loves you and that your ass is better than any pillow he's slept on. Er, thank you, Si-bear.
Speaking of drunk texting, remember when he let the fellas know he's a missus now? Yeah, he also spoke of the wedding plans. The Cap'n would give him away, Gaz would be the best man, and Johnny would be the flower girl but because he's, y'know, Soap, he'll just spray bubbles or some shit instead of throwing petals. OH, and that he really wants a Spring wedding but whatever color they choose for said wedding, please don't pick the color purple because it's overrated and washes him out. Huh???
After Simon suggests you two adopt Soap, he comes home with a drunken Johnny in tow and introduces him like he just got him. From somewhere, you guess. Simon goes on and on about how you two have to be good "role models" for Johnny as if he isn't a grown man who had good role models growing up. The picture you snapped of them cuddled up together on the couch (that you later shared with Gaz) sleeping the alcohol off was worth it, and Simon would much rather you and Soap not talk about it. Ever. ("What we have is special, Lt.—" "That'll fuckin' DO—")
Simon telling you that, as your missus, he, too, will wear a wedding band. On his cock. Because you love his cock and you love him. OH, and because he won't lose it when he's deployed. They don't call it a cockring for nothing, lovie.
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hemloqd · 6 months
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a little experimentation never hurt anybody
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