#;; ooc ( we spilled blood )
spilledblood · 2 months
slides onto the dash.
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auroradicit · 1 year
hoping to get to some replies and asks today but also having a bit of a high dash anxiety day, so...we'll try!! thank you for your patience with me especially with the new hyperfixation. 💖
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curseofbreadbear · 2 years
i don't trust anyone who says t.heoroar r.ustlebelt is their favorite character
i would kill for somebody to write him so gingi could shoot him w/ one of norm's guns
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earthtooz · 11 months
x : DON'T GO :*+゚
in which: blade has always felt cold, but even more so without you.
warnings: 1.9k words, HURT/COMFORT with a sprinkle of angst, gn!reader who calls blade 'ren' once, mention of blood, ooc!vulnerable!blade, he's like a kicked puppy in this one
a/n: perhaps the most intimate piece i've wrote to date, this is nothing but pure yearning and longing on blade's behalf, and a nice fix-it fic with the most vulnerable i think blade could ever be. enjoy!!
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in his new life, blade has always felt cold.
he is not spared from the constant feeling of goosebumps prickling his skin, not even for a second as the cold bites the tip of his fingers and sink their teeth into him to send shivers up his spine. but he has never felt colder than he does right now. 
your side of the bed is untouched, perfectly made, and devoid of any indication that you had been there. the blankets and mattress are cool to touch, with hardly any wrinkles in the sheets, and an ache declares itself home in blade’s chest.
the sun spills on his bare skin when he kicks the covers off, illuminating his scar-ridden chest as he gazes around the room, as if waiting for an sign that you were still here, and that he wasn’t too late. however, an immediate soreness tickles his throat that causes him to wince, serving as a reminder of the unpleasant discourse you had last night. 
it was hardly over anything of importance, but blade, a man of pride and relentlessness, had refused to back down, and you went to bed angry that night. he did too but woke regretful and cold under the covers, your warmth taken with you.
today was the day you had to leave for a mission, and although he knows you have a strict schedule to follow, he just wonders why you couldn’t have woken him up to say goodbye, especially after everything. 
he didn’t even get to say sorry or try to at least make amends. the swordsman only hopes you didn’t leave furious with him, and that you at least had something to eat before leaving.
to distract himself from the heartache, blade forgoes lying around and decides to start his day before the absence you left overwhelms him and the only thing his mind can do is think about you. 
not that he’s successful, because despite dedicating a monotonous afternoon of drilling sword techniques, the rampant thoughts about you did not decrease. rather, with each swing and sway of the cracked blade, his mind finds more and more to think about, with you at the epicentre of all of them.
it’s sometime around sunset when blade receives update on your status.
the swordsman is sat on a stone ledge, gold rays from the sun spilling on his skin as he waits for the sweat and fatigue to roll off. blade thinks of how you’d normally be seated nearby, watching him train to supply water and energy bars. although he never used to like the company or the doting, it doesn’t feel the same without you beside him, he misses you and wonders when you’ll return. 
“how long have you been here?” a raspy, female voice asks, breaking blade’s train of thoughts.
“since noon,” he responds merely. he doesn’t need to look up to see that it’s kafka talking to him.
“right. makes sense. i thought you’d be lonely since y/n’s gone.”
“need you remind me?” he huffs, voice teetering a threatening gruffness that would make ordinary people shudder, but does nothing to kafka.
“oh, spicy today, aren’t we?” she coos, ignoring the immense pressure radiating off blade effortlessly before taking a seat beside him. “what’s up? is there trouble in paradise?” a scoff comes from the swordsman. “i was only joking, did something really happen between you two?”
“none of your business.” 
kafka shrugs before her phone begins vibrating violently. when she reads the notifications, her face pulls the closest expression to concern that blade has ever seen her wear. 
“y/n got ambushed.”
his world freezes over.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
the sunlight is gentle in blade’s eyes when he wakes up.
clothes are strewn on the floor, bedsheets are half off the bed, ceramics lie in pieces along the cracks of the planks, and despite the mess blade has made of your shared space, he is the most crumpled of them all. a kaleidoscope of volcanic anger, tsunamic worry, and mountainous yearning, the only place that has remained untouched by blade’s destructive touch is your side of the bed, lest your scent disappears. 
it’s been five days since anyone has received a live update from you, only hanging on to tracking notifications of your spaceship as any indication that you were fine. for the duration of it, nothing has been able to calm him, with kafka and silver wolf needing to stun him before he could do anything brash, like running off into the infinite cosmos to find you.
elio’s promises had never felt emptier, his constant claims of how you’d return very soon turning into dust in blade’s ears because how could he hold on to hope when you are alone amongst the stars? 
his texts are left delivered, but never read. in fact, it has been five days since your contact displayed to be online, and he finds himself staring at it in case that the circle will illuminate green, that you’ll give him some sort of update on your liveliness. 
so that you’ll see how sorry he is and all he wants for you is to return home. 
he doesn’t remember when he became so dependent, but perhaps this is another cruel punishment from fate with another inconceivable price of repentance.
for someone as unforgivable and despicable as blade to love means to mutilate the universe with aftershocks that tear through boundaries of what’s possible. for a man like blade to rebel, it means that the consequences will return tenfold.
and there is no crueller damnation than tearing you away from him. 
he turns on his side, arms reaching over to where you would normally lie, and dozes off again, feeling colder than ever.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
blade wakes up a second time. the sun is no longer the thing that awakens him, but rather, the sound of footsteps that echo outside the bedroom. disgruntled and still trying to gather his bearings, he shoots awake at the sound of your door opening.
you stand on the other side.
is this a dream?
“oh,” you breathe. you sound winded, caught off guard by the sight of your lover who stares at you like a bewildered deer. “i’m sorry, i didn’t think you would be here.”
he doesn’t say anything, just merely looks at you, unnervingly unresponsive.
you look miserable. fatigue clings to your skin like a second skin, your eyes lack the brightness they usually have, and you are, evidently, very battered and bruised, blood staining your ruined clothes. 
but you are like sunlight, and blade thinks he can breathe again. 
“i guess i’ll leave,” you murmur, interrupting blade’s momentary assessment.
turning back around, the swordsman is now slowly stalking towards you, seemingly teleported from the bed to halfway across the room in the blink of an eye. 
“is something wrong?” you ask and he holds back a scoff from the irony of your question. he’s the one that should be asking that, not you. 
but yes, there is something wrong; you left him alone. you went somewhere he couldn’t and then made him feel helpless because he didn’t know whether or not you were going to come back, stranded in the cosmos forever. 
stopping before you, his hands gravitate upwards with the magnetic need to touch you, to ensure that you were real and not some figment of his hazy imagination. blade raises a hesitant hand to sit on the back of your neck and the frostiness of his fingertips causes a shiver to run up your spine. gently, he presses you for a pulse and visibly gulps when he finds it, suffocating you in the tense silence that has occupied the air (you’re real, and you’re okay, delivered back to him in one piece).
then, he looks at you with the saddest expression you have ever seen him wear before engulfing you in his embrace. the stellaron hunter is hesitant with his touch, hovering around you in fear of overstepping, for blade would never forgive himself if he were to scare you off again. 
because you’re finally back where he can reach, and he never wants you to leave. 
“ren?” you pause, gently wrapping your arms around his waist and closing the gap he left, meeting him halfway. the little action floods him with endless relief. “what’s the matter?”
he shakes his head against you and his hold tightens mercilessly, squeezing all air out of your lungs. 
“you had me worried,” he confesses, no louder than a whisper because otherwise he would crack under the weight of his own words. the constant fear that has plagued him for the last few days would finally break him and he’d be in shambles in your arms, making a mess of something gorgeous with something hideous. 
so instead, he will continue simply holding onto you where you are safe. in his arms, you cannot leave, you cannot go places that danger you, and you cannot break his heart and choke him with the emptiness of your presence.
“i’m sorry,” you say, rubbing his back and he tugs you closer. “i didn’t mean to worry you, everything jus-”
“-you left without saying goodbye.”
you’re silent and guilty, but so beautiful. “i thought you didn’t want to see me. we were pretty mean to each other before i left,” you say after a second of contemplation. “i didn’t know where we stood, i wasn’t sure if you still wanted me.”
whatever is left of his heart breaks, crumbling into shambles that ring at your feet. there are a multitude of things that blade wants to say, yet no words come to fruition, to his dismay. he wants to offer you the comfort and promises you want to hear, and he wants to express the overwhelming relief he feels, but he can’t, and he curses his own inability to be heartfelt. 
instead, his grip around you tightens, like you’ll slip away otherwise and have him search for you throughout the cosmos. 
“don’t do any of that again,” he pleads instead, hoping that you’ll understand. “i beg of you.”
“okay,” you breathe. “i won’t.”
“don’t leave like that,” he tugs at your ruined shirt, grasp gentle and careful in fear of scaring you away with the intensity of his emotions that are hanging on by a thread
“i wont.” 
“please don’t go.”
“i’m here, aren’t i?”
blade sighs, nodding. you smile at him and it feels like a warmth powerful enough to drive the cold away. 
“but first, i need a bath,” you murmur, placing your hands on his chest to push him away. “please, keep your distance, i’m pretty sure i reek.”
he doesn’t say anything and clearly doesn’t listen, because instead of letting go, he simply leads you to the bathroom without ever unwrapping his arms. soon, the bath begins to run, and the sound of water streaming down ceramic echoes off the tiles, but the warmth of your laughter and tired words overpower it. blade sits at the edge, nothing but an oversized shadow that watches as you relax in the water, frowning when he catches the frequent bruise or fresh scar. 
afterwards, you both stumble onto the bed (careful to avoid the mess that blade as made, which you scolded him for, and he listened dejectedly before promising to clean it all up), and blade reaches over to your side, chest warming when he finds your figure to tug close. 
you fall asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow. your lover, on the other hand, stays awake for a few moments longer, simply trying to commit you to memory. 
“don’t go,” he repeats, tugging at your shirt as the evenness of your heartbeat lulls him to sleep.
he doesn’t feel cold anymore. 
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© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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radioisntdead · 3 months
Hey! I really liked your headcanon about Alastor. It’s got my imagination running wild >_< What do you think about a romantic! Oneshot with Alastor where everyone can see the results of the biting game on both us and Alastor (assuming we both break skin and leave marks). I’m not sure how Alastor would be caught without his coat on, much less with with short sleeves… maybe a spilled drink on a hot day. But I keep imagining this scenario:
Angel: Asks Alastor if he had a rough night after seeing his arms covered in bites (assuming rough sexy time)
Alastor: Responds yes (remembering how he got cornered and couldn’t get away because using his shadows to escape is against the rules of the game)
Angel: :O
Good evening my dear! Thank you so much for requesting this I had so much fun writing it and I'm so glad you liked my Alastor biting headcanons!
And because I positively adore and I am mildly obsessed with deers I think that's why I like Alastor so much? The reader has deer attributes like Alastor Specifically whitetail deers because apparently they can jump eight feet in the air! And the reader jumps a bunch, reader is refered to as Prancer by Angel, I'm not gonna lie I had no idea how to end it so the ending is rushed! and everything is a tad bit messy, my apologies, Full italics is a mini flashback
Biting, the drawing out of blood, the reader's blood is a vibrant pink for fun! Angel dust alluding to sexual acts, Still getting used to writing Alastor so once again leaning into fanon and possibly some OOC behaviors.
not proofread because I don't have a beta reader, Enjoy!
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The two of you hadn't meant to get so carried away, it started out peacefully enough, you and Alastor were just laying on couch he had in his radio tower, it was later in the night, you suppose it was just past midnight,
He was looking over papers with whatever radio nonsense on them for tomorrow's broadcast, and you were peacefully reading a book with your head on his shoulder, with soft jazz playing in the background, your jackets were hung neatly on the coat rack, a warm cup of coffee and a nice soothing [Drink of your choice] sat on the desk.
It was treasured peaceful moment, until your beloved strawberry-flavored Bambi decided to ruin it by picking up your arm and biting into it like it was beef jerky and looking like someone had shot him with a tranquilizer dart,
You sat up quickly, your arm still in his grasp, eyes narrowed at him as he pulled away from your arm, licking away the escaping blood like the little cannibalistic freak he is
"Alastor, My darling dear, why are you like this?"
You ask with an exasperated tone as your dearly beloved just kept a smug grin on his face and patted the sides of his mouth with a handkerchief he had gotten from hell knows where,
Sitting up, you blink slowly before immediately pouncing at the Radio demon, your own sharp teeth bared and ready to bite only for your beloved deer to move out of the way and quickly moving behind you as you fall face first into where Alastor once sat,
"Ah, you have to be quicker then that my dear!"
He said with a laugh before turning around to grab his coat, clearly not expecting you to stand up on his couch like a uncivilized heathen and jump on him managing to knock him off his feet? Hooves? Whatever he has and sink your teeth into his exposed neck.
And so the game begun with the both of you biting each other.
Unfortunately this little game of yours comes with consequences and what are those consequences?
Well for starters Alastor's coat was now stained with noticable pink blood [From you of course who else!]
Bite marks littered his arms from your chompin' down, not to mention you had bitten his neck! scandalous behavior!
You weren't much better with bite marks though not only on both of your arms but shoulders, and hands, hell he almost bit your face and he would've if you didn't headbutt him!
You had grabbed his coat along with a few other articles of blood covered clothing you gently folded and placed them in a bag to take over to the drycleaners, honestly you could probably get the blood stains out with cold water but neither you nor Alastor had time for that and while you adored Niffty you did NOT trust her with washing some of the articles of clothing that you had, so the drycleaners it was!
Alastor was up in his radio tower doing a broadcast while Everyone else was scattered through the hotel, notably Angel dust and Husk were chatting about something at the bar as you walked by it you gave them a quick wave.
"Good afternoon you two! I'm heading to the drycleaners if anyone asks."
You said as you quickly made your way past the duo, making a swift plot convenient exit.
Angel dust raised an eyebrow as he briefly caught the sight of teeth marks on your wrist from the exposed hem of your sweater.
"Eh, didn't think they had it in em' to do anything beyond handholding"
"They don't, Probably they probably bit by that fucked up creature of theirs."
Husk said sliding a glass over to Angel who shrugged before downing whatever liquid was in the glass.
Alastor had entered the bar area, after a couple of minutes later, wearing a red button up and vest, the same colors as his normal attire, he had rolled up his sleeves during the broadcast and unfortunately forgot to unroll them to cover the bite marks on his arms,
He missed his usual attire but unfortunately it was gone with you for the foreseeable future.
"Oo, Rough night freaky face?''
Angel dust joked wiggling his eyebrows as he swirled whatever alcoholic drink Husk had provided him while Husk shook his head while wiping a glass.
"Yes, I suppose you could say that."
Alastor said his smile tightening as he recalled you cornering him in the Bayou in your shared room, Alastor wasn't the type to run away typically, even less the type to give up easily even to his beloved spouse,
unfortunately for him though,
The little game of yours had some rules, such as no leaving any marks on facial areas, No tearing off any chunks of flesh {Gonna love having a spouse with cannibalistic tendencies}, and No using any type of power the two of you had, which means good ol' Alastor couldn't use his funky lil' shadows
And that made him more vulnerable to his deranged spouse's tackling strategy.
"Alastor get out of the tree,"
You had no idea how you ended up chasing your spouse into a tree, you don't know how he even got INTO the tree, but he sat upon it kicking his legs back and forth like a gleeful child, staring down at you, for someone who's a deer he's oddly cat like,
You sighed turning around and walking away as your beloved laughed in taunting tone
"Running off so soon dearest? And here I thought you- aCK"
Alastor was cut off by you running back, hurling yourself off the ground and tackling him like a feral flying squirrel onto the ground.
Blinking away at the memory Alastor returned his focus to Angel dust's gobsmacked expression that turned into a grin as he laughed while Husk moved further into the bar shaking his head.
"I was jokin' around, but sounds like you and prancer actually got freaky!''
"Pardon me, we w̸̧̢͉̦̟̭̪͕̉͘ḩ̷̛̛̤̬͖̿͆̈́͘â̸͔͔̣̊̿ẗ̴̖̦̆̔͛̿̎̾̆̚͠?"
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Thank you for tuning in folks! My apologies for the messy one shot, but I have a Vox x reader that's almost done that's more put together, and a more put together Alastor fic, Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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partycatty · 3 months
a depressed and drunk johnny cage in his trailer on his birthday and we decide to surprise him. Us being a good bestfriend bake him a cute little cake with happy birthday spelt out in frosting and get permission to go deliver it to him.
what’s he supposed to do when he’s drunk and a cute little thing like us does something so sweet? sure it’s his birthday, but he thinks you deserve a gift and he ends up fucking you in his trailer.
love ya 💙💙💙
johnny cage > happy bithday
you surprise your best friend on his birthday. he returns the favor.
warnings: smut ofc, he's drunk (i knowwww he's a canon recovering alcoholic BEAR WITH MEEE) SUB JOHNNY NATION RISE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i kinda made him beg like a dog icl so hes kinda ooc oops
notes: INTENTIONAL MISSPELT TITLE!!! and this fic kicked my ASS. it took me like a week to get the courage to finish this holy fucking shit.
word count: 2.8k
[ masterlist ]
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• you and johnny went far back. you had ties in the filming industry though you weren't on screen yourself. this drew you two together, even before you careers blossomed.
• you worked next door to his production, and you recall johnny expressing to you his annoyance for having to work on his birthday. he sounded... more miserable than usual, and it left a weird pit in your stomach.
• during your break, you ran into a nearby supermarket and purchased all the equipment you'd need: cake mix, frosting, sprinkles, and two numerical candles that spelled out 30. it took blood sweat in tears for you to bake this cake in record time, and decorating may have not been your strong suit but the purple frosting and gold lettering turned out... decent. hey, it's edible nonetheless!
• tip-toeing your way to his trailer, you were sure he had to be inside. you even double checked with his staff, and he was on an extended break while filming. standing at the door, you knock a couple times, and a stuffy, groaning voice responds.
• "m'busy," you know it's johnny's voice but it sounded far sadder than anticipated. hopefully the cake would cheer him up?
• you reply with his name through the crack in the door, and there's some shuffling before the door swings open. you don't even have time to wait or process the situation before johnny tugs you into his trailer by your arm. your face darkens slightly when you notice his flushed face and parted lips. his hair was messy, and the smell of alcohol poured from his mouth. the top few buttons of his dress shirt were undone, giving you a peek of his bare chest. any other situation, you'd be head over heels, but his appearance concerned you.
• "are you drunk?" you ask with a hint of bewilderment, and johnny can only wipe his eyes and nod weakly, giving you a lopsided grin that unfortunately makes you feel weak in the knees. you swore to god to never act on this little crush, since he was a celebrity and all, and you knew better than to put your genuinely good friendship at risk.
• "you made me a cake?" johnny's gentle, almost tearful voice tore away any anger that began to bubble up and replaced it with warmth. you nod and hold it out to him, and the faint candlelight flickers against his skin beautifully. he was so soft when he was drunk at times, and only you got to see this warmer side compared to his typical cocky ways.
• "it's... not my best work," you shrug sheepishly, looking down at the cake. when you look back up, you notice johnny's lashes are wet as they flutter, looking down at the cake with you. he sniffs, and wipes his eyes quickly.
• "you spelled it wrong." his smile doesn't falter but the tears threaten to spill.
• "what?"
• "doll... look," johnny's finger trails the iced words. "you forgot the R."
• oh, shit. you did. the cake reads HAPPY BITHDAY JOHNNY in the most confident gold lettering. the time crunch must've made your proofreading not too accurate. you blush and try to move the cake away from view, sliding it onto his vanity.
• as you were about to sputter useless apologies and try to move on, johnny takes a step closer and fully embraces your body in his large arms, his form completely overtaking yours and trapping you in his grasp. johnny's head buries itself in the crook of your neck as he squeezes tight, nearly knocking the wind out of you.
• on instinct, your arms try to wrap around his body, gripping his shirt tightly. johnny mutters something incoherent, his drunken ramblings a key trait of his state.
• "you're so sweet to me," he mumbles tearfully, peppering kisses along your neck. sure, he was affectionate typically, but he was kissing your neck. he was drunk, but... your heart fluttered.
• "hey, hey..." you rub his back soothingly, hoping maybe you could stop him from attacking your neck in hopes it'll cool your rising heat. "because you're my best friend."
• he whines into your neck, presumably in appreciation of your words. your neck begins to have a faint smell of alcohol.
• "such a sweet girl..." he doesn't stop. his hands wander to your lower back, pulling you in harder. this worries you, deeply.
• "johnny," your voice is warning as they find their place on his broad shoulders. "easy, easy, you're drunk."
• "whassat matter," he bites down into your flesh, making you yelp in shock. "mean so much to me."
• when his hands find their way to your ass, kneading at the flesh, you shove him away with furrowed brows. "you don't want this," you warn him, fighting every single urge to not pounce on him in that moment. "this is... really, really stupid, i mean, it's just a birthday-"
• johnny shuts you up quickly with a kiss, slamming his face against yours so hard you feel the clack of his teeth. his face cups yours, borderline squeezing your cheeks as his lips dance with yours. when he finally pulls away, a string of saliva connects your lips and it sends you weak in the knees.
• "doll," he huffs, wiping his mouth. "birthday or not, i've wanted you for so long." he's breathless and nearly incoherent, like this was his only shot at what he truly wanted. johnny was infamous for admitting shit when drunk, so you knew that this was true for the most part. this was only reinforced when he suddenly dropped to his knees, level with your stomach as he placed fluttering kisses along the front of your shirt.
• "please, i..." he pressed his face into the fabric, fists bunching up around the back. "i'll make you feel real good, if you let me..." his hand snakes under your shirt, rubbing circles in the flesh of your waist as he looks up with pleading eyes. your hand moves downward, raking gently through his hair.
• "you really want this?" you ask gently, toying with his hair. "no going back."
• his lips brush against your stomach as he teeters between kissing the skin and speaking against it. "i want you so bad, doll."
���──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
• all it took was your permission, and johnny was on you in seconds. he backed you into his vanity, sending various items clattering to the ground. he fit so snug between your thighs, settling there to make out with you. perhaps he didn't even notice, but he was gently rutting into you as your lips connected, expelling desperate whimpers down your throat that only fueled your long-time desire. his cock could just barely make out the dip between your folds, but he pressed a little harder and made you gasp when your clit received unexpected attention.
• johnny pulls you in by the waistband of your pants, pressing your bodies impossibly closer as he panted in your ear. "let me taste you," he begged in a low whisper as he hooked his thumbs under the fabric. "i'll be good, i'll be so good."
• jesus, it seemed he wanted to eat you out more than you wanted to be eaten out. you'd never seen this flavor of eagerness in a man and it admittedly took you some strength to not giggle at how johnny fucking cage of all people became a lost, drunken puppy between your legs.
• "go on, pretty boy," you pant as your lips brush. the smell of alcohol brings you back to reality for only a moment.
• johnny decided that words took too much effort and instead dropped to his knees before you, shoulders holding up the weight of your plush thighs as he parted them hungrily to not waste a second more.
• the poor man forgets to even remove your pants before he's pressing his nose onto your heat, eyelashes fluttering as his heart swells with adoration. your scent, your heaving chest, your pretty thighs weighing his shoulders down, it was all too much. his pants feel a size too tight as his boner strains against his slacks.
• you get his brain going by jumping your hips up to get your pants past your ass, letting him pull them down the rest of the way. he throws them far, far away and latches himself again onto your pussy, now only divided by the fabric.
• "you were so eager before," you groan, thrusting forward slightly to put more pressure. "take them off."
• "no," he mutters against your panties, the vibrations making you jolt. "want this to last." his tongue flattens, drawing a long stripe up the fabric. when your panties stick to your pussy, it makes out the shape and he groans at the tease.
• "hold on," he places your thighs back down, trying to calm his breathing and flushed face. "i... i need this first. please." he unbuckles himself and pulls his slacks down to his thighs, giving you a view of his rock solid boner. it honestly looked painful, and you felt pity even if he looked adorable like this. his eyes were downward, fidgeting with his loose belt in shame. he chuckles breathily. "it's so hard, it hurts."
• "that's..." you struggle to find words when your mouth goes dry staring at his thick imprint. "that's alright." your voice was flat, trying to hide your desperation at his need to ask for permission. he didn't need to ask.
• johnny swallows thickly and lets his pants drop, followed by his boxers. his cock was blushed and seeping with precum, twitching once when he looked back up at you. he lets out a small moan, getting far ahead of himself as he positions his hips against yours. he gasps when the contact is made, stuttering his hips ever so slightly. johnny's hands find your thighs again, squeezing down hard to ground himself to not cum immediately. sober and platonic interactions were already far too much for his raging desire for you, so actually getting what he craved was beyond overstimulating.
• you were sick of waiting, so you snake your arms to rest atop his shoulders, hands raking through his undercut. you grip down slightly and he bites his lower lip in response, eyebrows knitting together as his wet eyes burn through yours. you glide your cunt along his throbbing dick and he jolts forward, resting his damp forehead against your shoulder.
• johnny understands you're just as eager as him and begins to thrust into your damp panties, but quickly decides it won't give him what he needs, so he hooks them with his thumb and stretches them aside. his tongue darts out to wet his lips, his eyes are glossed over and all he can fixate on is your pleasure.
• his tip notches between your folds and settles nicely, earning a hiss from the both of you from the warmth. johnny bucks forward eagerly, sliding himself up and down seamlessly due to how soaked you were. your folds hug his cock in just the right way, and you feel yourself already feeling heavenly every time your sensitive clit bumps against his tip.
• "fuck, doll," he hisses into the skin of your neck, placing open mouth kisses. "i want to last, you're - ngh - making it so hard... so hard..." he trails off, groaning when you slip and make his tip kiss the entrance of your cunt, making his knees buckle. "'m gonna cum just from this... god, you're so beautiful, beautiful girl-" his praises become increasingly more high pitched and you can tell by the way he begins to stutter his hips that he's close, unable to last long and it's driving him wild.
• johnny wasn't ever this needy, ever this pathetic. you reduced the cocky a-lister to a near-sobbing mess as he slips across your cunt, finding a momentum difficult from how slippery the entire scene has become. his cock is soaked, dripping down his leg due to your arousal.
• just as your orgasm builds up, as does his, johnny pulls away and lowers himself, gripping the flesh of your ass to pull your hips to his mouth. now thoroughly soaked and clenching around nothing, your cunt is desperate for a release that johnny happily provides, latching onto your clit, and shoving two fingers deep in your hole. he flattens his tongue, shaking his head slightly and flicking your clit relentlessly.
• your orgasm rides up on you rapidly, overwhelmed by the direct pleasure and how filled you were from two of his long fingers alone. wanting to lurch forward as your body trembles, johnny uses his other hand to sit flatly on your stomach, pushing you up against the mirror of the vanity and forcing you to take his lapping and fingering.
• johnny couldn't stand to have your pleasure soak his cock, shockingly. he needed, needed to taste the mess you were making for him or he just might die. you shake, trying to writhe and twitch as your orgasm fights you in waves. loud moans are pulled from your throat with each pulse of pleasure. your arousal soaks johnny's face, effectively soaking his nose and chin as he devours all you have to offer. he matched your moans with high-pitched whimpers, brows knitting together as his eyes clench shut. he was in heaven just as much as you were.
• he continues to lap at you until you force him away by his hair, his mouth becoming borderline painful as he eats you out through your orgasm. you giggle, as it slightly tickles. johnny looks... well, still drunk, but now a new kind. pussydrunk? lovedrunk? either way, the glossy look on his face suits him.
• as your chest heaves, attempting to recollect yourself, everything about the situation comes back to reality. you just grinded against your best friend. your best friend made you cum from his mouth.
• "what's that look?" johnny asks, wiping his mouth with his forearm. his eyes are glittering with delight.
• "nothing," you shrug, his grin contagious. "you did good, johnny."
• "yeah?" he seems proud of himself, glancing downward for a moment. he squeezes your thighs lovingly, placing a gentle kiss on them before finally standing up.
• "yeah." just as you respond, you look down to his cock, wondering if maybe he'd need some help getting there, too. it seemed only fair, that is, until you notice it's semi-hard and soaked. you sit up and lean forward, looking past your legs and onto his trailer floor. cum is splattered onto the flooring, some of it dripping down his thigh. "you came from giving head?"
• "how could i not have?" johnny's sheepish at your observation, but owns up to it quickly as he tucks it back into his slacks. "you're incredible." his face is tinted pink.
• "you're too sweet," you giggle, and johnny helps you down from the vanity as your legs wobble. giving up on finding wherever the hell your pants went, johnny leaves for a moment and returns with a pair of pajama pants, presumably a pair he kept in the trailer for his princess naps.
• "look who's talking... hey, speaking of sweet," johnny laughs, rubbing his hands together. "you and me wash up, and we have some cake, yeah?"
• "i like that plan," as you jump into the pants. johnny visibly tenses up seeing your breasts bounce from the jump, and he can't ignore the way your thighs and ass jiggle. "where did i put it, anyway?"
• you both look around the trailer for a moment, the memory of placing the cake down hazy among the rest of the event. you let out a small gasp, realizing that the cake was on the vanity, the one you got fucked out on... or rather, it was. the cake was splattered on the floor, frosting spread out and depressingly smeared anywhere it could reach. you frown, and johnny hovers behind you as you both look over the mess.
• "that sucks," johnny sighs, but his voice sounds uplifting. "that's alright, i ate something better."
• "don't be gross," you giggle, swatting at his form behind you. "that was perfectly good cake."
• "we can make another," johnny offers. "together. and i'll make sure you spell it right this time." his arms wrap around your middle, pulling you in close and breathing in the scent of your hair. the sweat, perfume and natural smell you carried always drove him wild, but he was now comfortable enough to bury himself in it. you lean into his touch, sighing as the heat from your bodies provides the perfect comfort.
• "happy birthday, johnny," you mumble softly, rocking back and forth in his arms. johnny responds into your hair, his voice breathy and warm.
• "thank you, doll."
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https-furina · 11 months
okay okay so, since im already on the angst train and i want to hurt myself today, hear me out:
you and your lover are out doing wtv and you're ambushed and then, naturally, you guys fight the enemies right?
okay so you get hurt and youre losing a lot of blood and your lover realizes this and is completely heartbroken bc you dont have much time, the wound is deep
so um yeah the reader dies in their lover's arms basically, with albedo, heizou, kazuha, wanderer, xiao and kaeya
theres so many characters im curious abt so please take your time mwah
(ps: i will not pay anyone's therapy okay i need it myself, my condolaences for hurting you)
✎ i wasn't ready to say goodbye [various men - part one]
ft. albedo, aether, heizou, kazuha, wanderer, xiao & kaeya x fem!reader
content: do i need to say angst? i'm so sorry. major death + blood warnings. implied that reader can handle a weapon in most of them - unspecified if reader is a vision holder. hurt with absolutely no comfort. semi-spoilers for scaramouche/wanderer's story (end of the sumeru archon quests.)
notes: we added aether last second in the discord bc we summoned aki ( @kazumist - aly wanted you tagged ) some of them are awful and ooc i'm so sorry - officially managed this in just over 24 hours!
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albedo treasures you more than he cares to admit verbally. it shows in all of his acts of love through physical means, lingering touches and making sure you're warm whenever you visit him on dragonspine. he hates you visiting him as much as he loves you - it's merely because it puts you in extreme danger every time. there's the temperatures, the wildlife, the lack of oxygen and of course, there's the monsters lurking around every corner of the inhabited mountain.
as the chief alchemist for the knights of favonius, there's always a warrant for albedo's life one way or another. the fatui are eager to stop his research - or steal it, maybe both.
there's a silence except for the howling winds that circle the snowy mountain. you're struggling to breathe, to get the sharp air into your lungs as you lowered your sword slowly. not far away, your boyfriend is finishing off the final fatui soldier, blood splattering onto his sleeve before he turns to face you. is it just you or does albedo look even more beautiful right now? you furrow your brows in confusion. albedo looks like he's seen a ghost, colour flushing from his face when he rushes forward. your knees give way under you and he barely manages to catch you in his arms, kneeling as he lets you lay against him. "bedo, love?" you mumble, unsure as to what's happening. you can hear the roar of your blood in your ears, your heart is beating whilst the adrenaline still pumps through your body. albedo hushes you softly, pupils dilated when he looks at your wound. "h-how do you feel?" his voice cracks when he asks the question, a gloved hand applying pressure to your side. you wince, the adrenaline is starting to fade and you feel faint. there's a cold sweat glistening on your forehead when you look down at where albedo's hand is, seeing the blood seep through your clothing. it's albedo's turn to watch your expression drop, your world starting to spin and mix together when the adrenaline is gone and you're aware of what happened. it feels as if there's a lump in your throat but when you try to cough it up, only blood spills in a small trickle out of your mouth. "love-" there's another cough, the blood is running down your jaw as albedo's hands start to shake. he has no means of saving you out here, you're nowhere near camp and he can't leave you here while he gets help, "i want to go home..." your voice is weak, trailing off and albedo isn't sure if he should let the tears brinking his ocean coloured eyes fall as your breaths become raspy. chapped lips open and close, trying to find the words to reply to you but all he can muster is a weak "we're going home, dear" when your chest ceases to rise again. his breathing is jagged, clutching you close to him as if you’ll disappear for good when he lets go.
aether clings to you like ivy to a brick building. you give him hope in this search for his twin sister - one he's beginning to think is failing, day by day. you reassure him, that bright smile and sparkling eyes setting him on the right path. he's certain he would have gave up ages ago if it wasn't for you. but aether realises that he is constantly in danger. you love to adventure with, crossing the rolling hills of mondstadt and gawking at the grand mountain peaks of liyue that pierce through clouds.
it was only so long before he faced the repercussions for so willingly letting you travel with him, tearing his hope away in the blink of an eye.
"a-aether?" your voice is wavering, aether is confused. you've been travelling with him for so long now, what could possibly have scared you about some hilichurls? but he turns to face you, blade at the ready - ready to protect you. his eyes fall on the arrow lodged in your chest, your eyes wide in fear as you stare at him in panic. it was already too late to protect you, he'd failed himself. aether drops the sword in his hand, paying no mind to how it clutters on the gravel below you both when he's rushing forward to ease you to the ground. you're stable - awake but for how long? you're in shock, it's going to fade and you'll succumb to the blood reddening your attire. aether swears lightly under his breath, unable to look you in the eyes out of pure guilt; this was his fault, he hadn't protected you. now not only had he lost his sister, he'd lost his partner too. "it hurts to breathe," you mumble, your eyelashes are fluttering gently. the sun behind aether is starting to burn at your eyes, "aether why are you crying?" the blond isn't even aware of the salty tears that glisten in the sunlight when they roll down his cheeks, dripping off his jaw and onto your shoulder where aether has laid your head onto his lap. it's comfortable, just as it always is. on days where you needed a break from walking, aether would often let you lay like this under a nearby tree. the thought makes aether choke out a sob. you smile sadly. "you can't leave me too," your hand cups his cheek, thumb weakly stroking at the tearstained skin when he hiccups, "no, this isn't fair." there isn't civilisation for days and he can't keep the arrow lodged in your chest nor does he have the means of stopping the blood if he pulls it out. aether is at a loss, unable to do anything while he watches the damage done to you internally take you from him beneath his own hands. "hey, you'll find her." you sound so certain, just as you always do and aether watches that positive spark die from your eyes when your breaths turn to rasps and he finds himself yelling at your body - at the sky, at anybody! he yells and yells, hoping someone listens to his cries for you to wake up. wake up, please.
heizou believes that of all the cases he's cracked, you're his favourite. he's read every line written into your skin as you age, the blemishes that litter your body and tell tales untold. you were his favourite mystery but now he had you like a stained glass window, beautiful and on display. although as a detective, heizou has destroyed many more lives than he is keen to admit. his suspects have families - lives, presumably before he has them in jail or worse, life sentence.
their families are hurt, angrily in denial that their own blood could commit such vile atrocities. heizou took something precious from them, what was stopping them from doing the same to him in an act of revenge?
heizou is more than used to his routine of coming home to you, being able to drown in the comfort of your arms after a long day of work. he's disturbed by the front door being open but albeit it's the peak of summer in inazuma, the humidity is drowning you, especially if you're not native to the islands. you're not quick to greet them when he steps in however, in fact he can't even see you. the house is untouched but the silence is deafening. "i'm home," heizou calls out, brows knitting together when he doesn't hear you chime his name back excitedly, "love?" the silence is killing heizou, it's unlike you at all but then he hears it, the meek sound of you calling his name out back. it sounds like you're in the bedroom and with a relieved smile, heizou finds himself heading to find you. but verdant eyes fall on the red smeared on the walls, staining the bedsheets and pooling around you. the relief is gone and his body is tense with dread as he drops the case files he'd been holding, quick to kneel with you and hug you close when you reach for him. "what happened?" his voice is panicked, he's barely breathing when he feels your blood soak through his clothes. he's searching you for your wound, shaking, "love, answer me." your chapped lips open but nothing seems to come out, you feel cold to the touch and all you can do is stare up at heizou. you knew the moment you was attacked that this was it for you but your biggest fear wasn't death, it was heizou. it was your witty detective, keen and full of intuition that he prides himself in; it was whether you'd see him one last time before your heart put in its final beat. heizou doesn't take your inability to speak lightly, letting out a flurry of curses that makes your brows furrow in distaste. you wasn't fond of him swearing when he got stressed but as you watch a tear fall down his cheek, you know you can't argue about his tongue anymore. he has every right to be mad when your bloody hand reaches up for him, the warm palm of his hand quick to grab your hand and coat his fingers. "i love you," you mumble, raspy and heizou is quick to shake his head - conserve your energy, "don't cry please." "you're not allowed to leave me," he chokes out, his lower lip tugged between his lips as his spare hand presses on your wound to try stop the bleeding. you wince but heizou doesn't lighten the pressure in fear, "i'll find who did this." your lips curl up at his words and heizou leans to press a kiss to your forehead, which is clammy and covered in a light sheen. by the time he pulls away, he's the only one left breathing in the room. heizou's shaking hands cup your cheeks, eyes darting around the room when he doesn't quite know what to do. he's used to this - the blood, the smell, the touch of a lifeless body but not when it's you. not when it's the love of his life. he wails in anguish, the taste in his mouth bitter when he swears revenge on whoever took you from him.
kazuha took his time warming up to you when you first met. you didn't blame him, you'd heard the tale of his late friend from captain beidou when you first came onboard the alcor. but your patience with him warmed his heart quicker than expected, leaving you inseparable as you travelled with the crew. even on land, kazuha was joined to your hip. he claimed he was there to protect you and that excuse expanded tenfold when you started dating.
he should have never taken his eyes off you, simply searching for firewood shouldn't have consequences like this.
when the last treasure hoarder falls limp to the dusty ground, kazuha finds himself enveloping you in his arms, eyes frantically scanning your face for signs of pain. you're unresponsive, eyelashes shut but your breathing is shallow while your body fights the unexpected blood loss. "fuck," he whispers, much out of his comfort zone when he's trying to find exactly where your wound is. your blood is staining his skin, getting under his nails where it'll haunt and remind him of what happened for weeks, "y/n? love?" your brows knit as if you can hear him but he's unsure if you're just reacting to the pain. your body is most likely in shock and kazuha is running out of time before the shock fades and you're left in excruciating pain until your last breath. the thought makes kazuha feel sick. he was gone for at least ten minutes, how did he lose you so quickly? he shouldn't have told you to stay at camp by yourself. you'd offered to go with him but kazuha trusted you'd be safe without him, even just for a few minutes. his face turns sour at his own thoughts. how foolish had he been to think you'd have been safe without him? "i-i love you," he stutters out, voice cracking as he presses a kiss to your head, burying his nose in your hair when he tries to blanket himself in your scent - begging to the archons that he'll wake up in bed, "come on, let's go back to the alcor, beidou will get help." he's speaking to you in the softest of tones, his voice hushed as to not disturb the silence of the countryside - or attract more unwanted attention. carefully, kazuha raises himself to his feet with you in his arms. he sees tomo in you for a moment, forcing himself to swallow when there's a suffocating lump in his throat. by the time kazuha has stumbled back to the alcor, beidou rushing over with her face void of colour, your heart is no longer thudding against your ribcage. kazuha will never again hear your heartbeat when he lays his head on your chest or feel your pulse in your wrist when he grabs hold of you.
wanderer figured it was foolish to fall in love after all he'd gone through. what was love when you've been betrayed so many times before? when the archons have so harshly ripped the ones you love away from you? he likes to scowl and shun the premise of love until he met you, an adventurer from the guild assisting in vahumana darshan commissions. you would stubbornly strike conversations up with him, following him as he walked away until he finally caved and would reply.
was it foolish to fall in love or rather was it foolish to place his fragile trust back in the hands of the archons?
his ears are ringing, was mawtiyima forest always this loud? no, it's not even loud - it's silent. the silence is buzzing in his ears, driving him insane as he watches you cough blood onto the dirt. you'd been tasked with clearing out the treasure hoarder camp within the glowing forest - but wanderer isn't stupid. to let you do that alone? he'd be a mad man. but now he isn't too sure if he should have tagged along. would it have hurt him less to find out you'd passed away out on a commission through the guild? or is it hurting less to watch as you splatter that precious red that you humans rely on all over the ground? wanderer finds himself barely able to utter a word. that's rare, he usually has something to say in that stark, rude tone he never explicitly dropped. it made him cold, it stopped people approaching and getting close. why didn't it work against you? "w-why are you looking at me like that?" you croak out, pupils dilated and staring at him in concern. he's as pale as the snow on dragonspine but the tip of his nose is a pink hue as tears well up and sting at his widened eyes. he's not crying, he refuses to cry - he puts it down to not having blinked for a while. so he blinks but you're still hunched over, impaled by a polearm before him. he finally moves forward, kneeling carefully to the side of you as you let out a choked sob, your hands gripping his cold ones tight in yours. he's confused, what did he do to deserve it this time? he didn't ask for this existence in the first place. cursing under his breath, his eyes land on your sword on the floor. it's worn, getting dull and wanderer questions if you was unable to protect yourself properly. no. he didn't protect you properly and the archons saw an opportunity, another jab at his curse of an existence. his eyes dart between you and the blade, then the polearm that isn't welcome where it is. you wince, hiccuping as you wail into the silence of mawtiyima forest. your vision is falling hazy in between the blur of your tears and you're struggling to keep your eyes on your boyfriend's familiar face. "no, no, no - don't go," wanderer panics. it's the first thing he's said since he offered to join you on this commission, "don't leave me, not you too." you let out a sad laugh, coughing blood once more as your breaths get shorter with every one you take. wanderer feels sick, the tears are falling down his cheeks and he can't deny them anymore. there's a last breath, raspy and suffocating before your body falls forward into his arms, limp like a doll. wanderer screams out into the night, hands clutching at the guild's uniform you would proudly wear. how many more times was he going to witness someone getting hastily robbed from him?
xiao keeps his distance, even as your beloved boyfriend that you struggle to be away from for extended periods. you were stubborn, believing he didn't have to succumb to his karma as an adeptus. no matter how much he would shuffle away, he could guarantee you would shuffle after him until he no longer moved away. you still gave him his space - you knew you could find him at wangshu inn.
or if you really needed him, in the midst of the night for a multitude of reasons, you could say his name.
there's a lump in xiao's throat, what the fuck happened? one moment he knows he hears your hurried screams of his name, there's a shrill panic in your tone and he's alert in seconds. he thought you was perhaps in danger but when golden eyes see how you're leaning back on a tree, blood soaking your shirt - and your blade, he realises the danger is gone. and in all of your stubbornness, you had defeated the danger alone but put your life on the line as a result. you smile at him weakly, his footsteps silent as he rushes over to your side. "i got it, don't worry, love." you sigh, tilting your head back on the bark. xiao scowls, you're losing consciousness from the blood now, it's starting to pool beneath you and run down the cracks of the bark behind you. this isn't a minor injury and yet you hadn't called for him sooner? "we need to get you out of here - morax- zhongli- he can help," he barely breathes in between his words, swallowing at the tight feeling in his throat when your eyes are closing, "keep your eyes open, please." his beg falls short of no one's ears other than his own and the stars above. xiao stops breathing himself, holding his breath when he hurries to press the pads of his fingers to your neck, your wrist, anywhere he can try find a pulse. but there's nothing, your body is still warm and xiao pulls you flush to his chest when tears begin to fall down his cheeks. "keep.. them open. please." he repeats in a whisper, nudging his nose against your head as he buries his face into your hair. he's begging in hushed whispers, words disappearing into the strands of your hair in silent prayers.
kaeya was the one who chased you first, lisa's darling library assistant. he'd never spent so much time in the library in his life, other than crepus' own library at the winery but he wasn't much fond of that collection. he isn't much fond of the knights' collection either, reading the same book every day. jean occasionally entrusts you to handle matters in the valleys of mondstadt, to which kaeya is quick to always interfere and say that he'll go with you.
history will always repeat itself until the lesson is learned and an innocent soul has to face the reality.
thunder booms over head, followed by a distant crack of lightning that illuminates the dark sky above mondstadt. kaeya is stood, motionless as he looks at you. his eyes are distant, there's a vacant look about him when the blood is running down your bare legs and mixing with the rain. you're both soaked but your clothes are staining red where a mitachurl's axe caught you in the side. the blood is coming quick and heavy, there isn't time for kaeya to get you back to the city. this scene is familiar when you fall to your knees in the mud, hands holding at your side for pressure. suddenly, your hair is a bright shade of red. is kaeya about to stand and do nothing for a second time, when history is repeating himself right in front of his very own eyes? he swallows but it's difficult, rushing to your side. you're losing consciousness but your eyes are scanning his face. the sun kissed skin, the worn leather eyepatch and his messy blue ponytail that now looks like waterfalls cascading around his face. you smile at the thought. you should visit the waterfalls of mondstadt when the weather picks up so you can gawk at them. "baby?" it comes out of his mouth, barely audible above the rain, "say something - are you okay?" you almost throw back a playful retort but your vision is darkening around the edges and you're grasping to what sight you have left to look at kaeya. your vision blurs when tears threaten to spill - are you scared? you open your mouth to speak but nothing comes out. kaeya's gloved hands cup your face, pressing his forehead against yours. "stay with me, love, i can't lose you," kaeya's frantic and his words are jumbling when he panics, "we'll stop the bleeding and take you to sister barbara-" kaeya pauses when he notices you haven't blinked despite the rain falling onto your face when he pulls his forehead away. there's a distant look in your eyes, the light has faded and he can't feel the hot, struggled breaths you was taking against his skin anymore. a flurry of angered swears leave his lips and he's careful when he carries you bridal style to the dawn winery. it's the first place he thinks to take you, back to his brother who can't bear to see kaeya stood in the rain again with blood drenching his clothes from the long walk to the winery's front door.
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© https-heizou 2023.
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komitomi · 1 year
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Only you — ayato x f!reader
based on this request! i actually kind of went all out for this request cause it liked it very much, I did change a few things tho! sorry for the wait anon :(.
MDNI, NSFW WARNING! this fic contains; p in v sex, oral (f.receiving), p*rn with too much plot 😭, fingering (f.receiving), virginity loss, hymen breaking, slight mentions of blood, gentle!ayato, kinda ooc?, purity culture (?), reader is almost hit (not by ayato), infidelity (?, reader is engaged but her fiancé is a dumb cunt), angst to fluff to smut to fluff! + not proofread cause I had to rush this a little.
WC: ??
“So what did you say to the proposal?” The old and annoying voice of an elder reached ayato's ears, making him sigh out loudly before he put his brush down and looked up to the older man.
He was one of the few elders who oversee the tri-commission of inazuma together, there has been news that two of the clans have produced heirs and settled succession, the one lacking behind is the kamisato clan, the eldest son wasn't even betrothed.
This obviously led to immense pressure for heirs on the clan, everyone was urging ayato to get married and begin producing children, many proposals have come forward, which he rejected.
“I refused.” Ayato simply says, with a bored expression, he thinks this whole ordeal is stupid, he obviously still had many years left on him, he can produce heirs slowly, there really was no rush.
“Ayato,” the old man pauses and licks his lips before continuing, “I know you think we are being stupid, but by marrying and producing heirs, the kujou and hiiragi clan have indirectly said that they will continue to be a part of the tri-commission and that they will never be replaced. You, however, refusing to even simply marry has led to common folk of inazuma to spread rumors that the position of the kamisato clan have become weak.”
“Those are just rumors, we still have the same power and position as before.” Ayato retorts back before picking up his brush before dipping it in black ink and continuing to finish writing on the scroll.
“There are vile rumours surrounding the clan, both on political and personal matters, some even suggesting that you are barren and impotent—” the man seethes which makes ayato grip his brush so tightly that it cracks in the middle, the old man composes himself as he notices that.
“—which is why you aren't getting married, or have any bastards you can legitimize, they speculate.” he finishes and clears his throat, ayato looks at the scroll below him, the writing now messed up.
“I will take care of those rumours, there is nothing to worry about.” he answers calmly even though he was filled with anger, how dare they question him like that? whoever started those rumours clearly intended on sabotaging the clan.
“Ugh, at least marry off your sister.” the old man says frustrated which makes ayato glare at him, “Her children will be just as rightful heirs to this clan.” he taps his feet impatiently.
“Watch your tongue, besides, she is too young.” ayato says as anger starts spilling out of him, he was already filled with rage due to this entire ordeal, now suggesting that he marry his dear sister off when she barely just became of age filled him with fury.
“Listen my Lord, I know that you were angry with this but consider it, there are many fine men—” before he could finish his sentence the scroll that ayato was writing on was lifted and thrown in the man's direction, missing his face by a little gap.
“Get out!” ayato shouts, breathing heavily as he tried to contain his anger, the old man quickly scurries off in fear, leaving ayato alone.
He breathes a sigh of relief and relaxes his body, resting on the table in front of him, dozing off as he slowly recollects what just happened, he sighs heavily once again before holding his head in his hands, thinking about what to do.
Stress brought him to where he usually doesn't dare going, a red light area or more commonly known as the entertainment district, various forms of entertainment can be found here, but mostly it's sexual.
He didn't really know what he was doing here, he had gone out for a walk to clear his mind but found himself further away from his home and on the streets of the entertainment, he looked around to see many people, the sun had set only awhile ago yet this place was crawling with customers who frequent this area.
Maybe he was offended that people would even question his manhood, deeming him barren and impotent just because he didn't produce any heirs or father any bastards, he scoffed. He wasn't that experienced yes, but he had bedded a few women.
He entered one of the popular brothels in hopes of relieving his stress while also hoping rumours would circulate that he visited this area which will put an end to those vile rumours, as he made his way further inside he spotted a woman sitting there and playing an instrument while humming to herself, his eyes widened slightly.
She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on, for some reason it felt like the world just stopped moving as he took in her beauty, the way her hair is slightly disheveled, dressed in a plain and simple kimono, she looked absolutely perfect to him.
The owner of the brothel notices him, immediately recognizing him as the lord of the kamisato clan due to his posture and clothes and mainly the sigil.
“My Lord.” she bows to him which makes him snap out of his trance and nod in acknowledgement.
“What brings you here? If it isn't rude of me to ask, you are a very esteemed person after all.” she compliments him, to which he responds with “Oh, just to relieve some pent up stress.”
“Oh! You're at the right place then my Lord, we have many fine women— mina is one of–” as she starts suggesting she is quickly cut off by ayato. “I prefer her.” he points to the girl he saw before.
“Ah, her?” she asks and he nods, to which she replies with a sigh, “what is the matter?” he asks and the owner looks up at him with a frustrated expression, “She is a hassle, last time a customer requested her, she punched him, but then again it isn't her job to sexually please customers anyway.” she speaks up.
“Elaborate.” he simply says, “She isn't one of the brothel whores, her main job is to sing and play instruments to entertain others, they say her singing ability is so great that it has the ability to calm people down, which I can vouch for—”
“— but she also has a fiancee, well, he was practically the one who 'sold' her off here to make money, he visits every other day to take the mora she has earnt through her capabilities,” she scoffs at the thought of that moron “and she's also a virgin, so she won't be that great in bed.” she finishes and watches as ayato's expression turn sour at the mention that she has a fiancee.
“Ah, I see, well then tell her that I have requested an acquaintance with her, not with the intention of bedding her here.” he tells the owner and she simply nods as he watches her go to the girl and whisper to her.
The girl looks around the room and finally meets his eyes, his breath hitches in his throat at the eye contact, he quickly breaks it away and goes into one of the rooms, looking back to see her following him.
You watched as the esteemed man enter the room, the owner had told you that he had no intention of bedding you and that he simply wants to have a talk with you, which reluctantly believed because who knows what will happen behind closed doors.
You quickly follow him inside and close the door behind you, your heart beating frantically due to fear of what will happen, you turned around to give him a smile, which he returns to your surprise.
“So what's your name?” he asks and you gulp, “Y/n.” you reply shortly.
“Nice to meet you y/n, you may sit.” you quickly sit across him on your knees and clasp your hands together, he watches as you fiddle nervously with your fingers before clearing his throat.
“My name is ayato, kamisato ayato.” he introduces himself, your eyes widen, you knew he was an esteemed man from his attire but didn't really expect him to be THE kamisato ayato, to be fair, you never really saw him in person as both of your worlds were completely different from one another.
“My apologies Lord.” you say quickly and bow and ayato nods, “It's okay, you must be confused as to why I requested you here?” he asks and you nod, “Well I had heard about your story by the owner and it seems that you're stuck here.” and you nod frantically, tears welling up in your eyes as you recall the main reason you're here.
Ayato quickly consoles you by rubbing your back as you look down while tears flow down your cheeks, “Hey, it's okay, I'm here if you want to talk” he coos gently and you look up at him, silence falls between you two with only your sobs breaking it from time to time as you calm yourself down before speaking.
“I- apologies for my messed up demeanor, it's just— I was forced to work here by my idiot of a fiancee, he is a moron who has a gambling addiction, I was forced into an engagement with him by my father, and now I'm permanently stuck here because if I try to leave, he will simply find me and only archons know what will happen if he finds out that I've escaped.” you open up, voice cracking in between sentences.
Ayato was fuming on the inside, who knew this beauty was put through so much? He felt mad, her moron of a fiancee didn't deserve her at all, she's way too nice, kind and beautiful for him.
“Do you wish to escape this place?” he asks and you look at him, you blink your tears away before wiping them with your hands and nodding.
“I can help you, but I'm afraid this method would not be to your liking.” he sighs, “what is the method my lord?” you ask and he ponders for a bit before deciding to tell you.
“The only way for you to escape this brothel would be to marry me and break off your engagement with your fiancee.” he says and looks at you, analysing your face for any answer but you show none.
“Your grace, as much as I love the idea, it seems it's rather too impractical, considering you are head of the kamisato clan, and I'm just a mere common girl, and it would be too much of a burden on you.” you say while looking down, you loved the idea, being able to escape this place and marry someone who isn't a gambling addict but rather a decent man, yet you knew your place.
“You won't be a burden, and it doesn't matter if you are a common girl, you're perfect as the role of my wife.” he speaks up.
“But why me?” you ask, he hums before answering “Like I said, you're perfect to be my wife and I know it for sure, but also because I've developed quite the fondness for you, believe it or not but you were the first girl who made me feel a certain type of way.” he confesses, and you blush.
“If you say so my Lord, I'll accept your proposal.” you say which brings a smile to his face before he nods, a comfortable silence falls between both of you and you decide to break it by starting another conversation.
Ayato didn't know how long the conversation was, but as each moment passed by and everything you revealed about yourself, he fell further and further deep in love, he never believed in love at first sight, but after seeing you, his mind had completely changed.
At first he was awestruck by your beautiful features, but by the end of your conversation with him, he was madly in love with the entirety of you.
“Shall we go back to my house?” he asks and you nod, “Very well.” he says as he gets off the floor and stands up, you following him, you both exit the room and he looks at you, “Wait here, I will speak with the brothel owner and settle things.” he says and goes to her.
The brothel owner looks confused before her expression is replaced with shock and she finally nods, agreeing to whatever he was saying and he gives her a smile before coming to where you were standing, “Let's go.” he smiles at you and holds his hand out for you to grab and you guys finally leave.
The walk back to his house was peaceful, he learnt a lot more about you, and his judgement was right, you were the perfect candidate to be his wife.
All other proposals he had received didn't suit his tastes, the ladies of those families are spoiled to the core, narcissistic and outright annoying, maybe it was fate that he had met you, never in his life was he so thankful for his impulsive decision.
You were currently in his chambers, sitting and waiting as ayato brought out a scroll and spread it on the table in front of you, “Write your name here.” he gives you the brush and ink.
“If you write your name down here, you will officially and legally be wedded to me for this moment onwards, we can do the ceremonial procedure later on.” he says and you nod, quickly dipping your brush in the ink and writing your name down.
He takes the brush from you and writes his name down as well, he waits until the ink dries, blowing on it before he scrolls it and ties it and stores it in a drawer, “That will be legal proof that we're married.” and you look up at him, now all the nerves finally kicking in.
You didn't feel nervous while writing your name on the scroll, it seems like the feelings were delayed and now suddenly you're anxious and fidgeting with your fingers, ayato notices and puts a hand on your shoulder, “There is nothing to be worried about, wife.” he says, the word wife rolling off his tongue with such affection made your stomach leap.
He slowly took your hand and kissed it before he noticed an engagement ring, his expression turned sour before he pulled it off from your finger and threw it away, as he continued to kiss up your arm.
“Now that we're married, shall we consummate it?” he asked, looking at you with his dark bluish eyes, you felt your heartbeat getting faster before you gave him a nod, “I need you to speak up, my wife.” he says and you take a deep breath, “Y-yes.” you nervously say. You had no idea what to expect next, this was your first time after all.
You felt butterflies erupt from your stomach as ayato gently undid your kimono, leaving you in your underclothes (hadajuban), he guided you to his bed, helping you sit on the edge of it.
You studied his face, eyes travelling from his mouth to his nose, to his eyes and back to his mouth again, you had'nt noticed it before, but now that you look at it closely– you realised he had a beauty mark below his lip which made him even more attractive.
The shuffling of ayato's clothes take your attention off of his face, you watched as ayato undressed, soon after, he was also in his underclothes, he leaned in to kiss you, making you move further unto the bed so he can rest his knees in between your thighs as his lips engulfed yours.
His lips were gently pressed against yours, you kissed him back, he almost moaned at the sensation of how soft your lips were against his, he bit your lower lip causing you to gasp which gave him an entrance to shove his tongue inside, you felt his tongue inside your mouth, swirling against yours as you sat there not having any idea what to do, he pulled back, “don't be nervous, just relax and let your body do its own thing.” he said before he rested his thumb on your lip, gently caressing it before kissing you once again.
This time you were the one to tongue-kiss him first, he was taken aback but quickly returned regained himself as his hands trailed down to undo your underclothes, untying the knot that was holding your top in place, he slowly slid it off you and your breasts were exposed to him, feeling shy you try covering yourself but ayato grabbed your arms pining them to your sides and he pulled away from the kiss.
“Don't hide yourself from me, dear wife, we are married now.” he says and you nod, he trails kisses down your neck down to your breasts and stops there, slowly kissing and biting the flesh which made your face burn with heat.
His hands leave yours and trail down your outline before he reaches your underskirt before slowly pulling off you, you were completely naked now, nothing covering you, you felt so vulnerable but ayato's gentle touches and coos made you feel safe.
He slowly took off his underclothes as well, leaving him bare, he did this so you don't feel ashamed or vulnerable anymore, indirectly conveying that it's completely alright and there is nothing to feel embarassed about.
You looked at his body, it was toned perfectly, he was slender near his waist but had wide shoulders, your eyes further trailed further down, gasping when you spotted his dick, it looked like it was about to burst with the way it was hard, his tip was pink and leaking precum, he was thick and decently long down there.
Your mind went back to when your mother taught you how intercourse works, that thing was supposed to go inside you, you looked up at him in panic “I-it won't fit.” you say nervously and he just chuckles, “It will, just let me prep you first okay?” he replies.
“Prep?” you ask him curiously, “Yes, we have to get your cunt nice and leaking for the entry to be easy.” you blush at the choice of words, you had only some basic idea of how intercourse worked and that too was told to you after your engagement with that moron, but even then, he never touched you, so you had zero to no experience when it comes to actual sex.
He pushed you down on the bed, making your head hit the pillow as he settled himself on top of you, with him inbetween your legs, you looked at him, the way his blue locks surrounded your face as he gave you a reassuring smile before he leaned to kiss you again, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back, he pulled away from the kiss and supported himself with his arms as he trailed kisses down your abdomen, before he stopped at your heat.
You felt his hot breath on your core which sent shivers down your spine as you watched what he was doing, his hands spread your thighs further apart before one of it leaves your thighs to spread your pussy lips, you felt yourself clenching around nothing at the contact.
“Oh, you're already wet.” he states, slowly tracing his finger up from your hole to bring the slick up to where your clit resides, you gasped when he pressed it lightly before he took his hand away and engulfed your clit.
You let out a whimper at that, hands gripping the sheets on your sides as his lips worked magic on your core, he moved in a skillful manner, swirling the bud around his tongue and sucked on it from time to time, the lewd noises of your whimpers and him practically making out with your cunt filled the room.
You felt him shift as he made room for his hands to rest near your entrance, before he shoved one of his fingers in gently causing you mewl at the sensation, he slowly pumped his finger in and out, giving you time to adjust while he was simultaneously eating you out.
You felt him add another finger once you were loose enough to take one more, you gasped, immediately clenching around him, he groaned with your clit in his mouth, which sent a shiver up your spine due to the vibration.
His moved his fingers in and out, curling them and pressing upwards which hit a certain spot that made you arch your back in order to aid him hitting it again, ‘bingo.’ he thought to himself and fastened the pace of fingers and his mouth.
You felt some type of tightness beginning to form your lower abdomen as he continued to keep the steady but fast pace with both his fingers and mouth, pushing you to the edge.
Ecstasy filled your body when the tightness in your abdomen snapped, pushing you to the brink of your climax, you saw stars as you arched your back and moaned loudly, your hands flew up to his hair as your hips moved by themselves to ride the orgasm out.
Your vision was clouded as you were gasping for air, the foreign feeling leaving your body as you came to your senses, ayato pulled away from your core to look at your expression, your eyes were hooded as you looked up at him with a lewd expression which made his dick throb.
“I never felt anything like that before..” you mutter which catches ayato's attention and he smirks, “So that was your first orgasm?” he asks and you nod, “Kind of- I touched myself before, but wasn't able to finish.” you admit shamelessly, oh god if your mother had heard this conversation then she would've fainted.
“I see, well, that certainly won't be your last.” he says cheekily before supporting himself on his arms, each by your side, and leaned in to peck your face.
“I'll put it in now okay?” he coos, brushing away small hair strands from your face with his hand, the very same hand travels down to his cock as he lines it up against your entrance, you can feel it's head poking the opening.
“Mhm.” you say gulping, preparing yourself for what's to come, you felt him enter inside, stretching your opening, you gasp as you grip his shoulders and look at him, it fucking hurts.
He is only barely halfway in yet it hurts like hell, you close your eyes as the pain of him stretching you open was too much to bear, he halts which makes you shoot your eyes open and look at him once again, “Relax your body okay? I'll be gentle.” he kisses you on the forehead and whispers in your ear.
You do as he tells you, the pain subsides slowly, but it immediately comes back as he fully pushes himself inside you, he doesn't move yet, waiting for you to adjust to his size, you take deep breaths, looking down at where you guys are connected and trying to relax, it was so nerve wracking.
“Shhh, it's alright, just relax and don't worry, darling.” he wipes away your tears with his hand gently, the way he said darling made you melt, you felt safe with him, the pain was slowly starting to go away, “Can i move now?” he asks and you nod, “Y-yes.”
He gives you a comforting smile before he starts thrusting, he tries to be slow so you can adjust but the way you felt around him was driving him insane so he immediately started moving fast, which made it hurt slightly.
You felt that area burning with the way he's moving but slowly the burning goes away as you adjust and relax around him, your hands leave his shoulders to wrap around his neck and you pull him in for a kiss, you moan into the kiss as you feel pleasure replacing the pain you felt prior.
“F-fuck— the way your cunt is wrapping around me, darling. Its— it's. It's driving me insane.” ayato moans, pulling away from the kiss, your arms fall from his neck to your sides, his hands quickly move to grab yours, his fingers intertwining with yours as he makes love to you.
He fastens his pace up even more and looks down curiously, but gasps immediately when he sees blood, it seems your hymen broke at his impact, he slows down thinking you're in pain but you whine, “H-husband.” you utter out which makes him look at you, he felt his dick twitch at the title you had addressed him as.
“C-can you move faster?” you ask– oh so innocently, he lets out a low groan and fastens up his pace once again, the way he had barely met you only a few hours ago, yet he has fallen way too deeply in love for it make sense, everything about you was perfect, your face, your body, the way your pussy wraps around his cock.
The noises of skin slapping, high moans fill the room, the way his cock is hitting all your right spots, making you feel so good, his hands left yours to grab your boobs, the flesh in between his fingers when he squeezes them looked so perfect.
His thumbs rub over your hardened nipple in a teasing manner as you whimper, he slowly plays with them, rubbing it between his finger and pinching it occasionally to draw a gasp or two out of you.
You feel a familiar tightness forming again in your stomach as you feel ayato hitting the same spot from earlier, the way he felt inside you was making your stomach churn in pleasure, you fit him like a perfect glove, your pussy was practically taking his cock like it was created solely for it.
And he wouldn't doubt that, considering the events earlier, it seems that you were infact, made for him.
“Mhmpf! A-ayato! I'm— I'm near my peak!” you yell out which makes him moan and his hands leave your breasts and rest on your hips as he pulls himself up and grips your hips before rutting into you relentlessly.
He was also near his peak, your moans, whimpers all sound like music to him, especially the way you moan out his name, as if chanting a prayer to the archons, he moans your name too, reciprocating your dedication.
Your arch your back as your mouth opens wide and a loud moan leaves your throat, eyes once again clouded as black dots appear in your vision, you come undone beneath him, repeating his name as if your life depended on it.
Oh and it pushed him to the edge as well, his thrusts becoming sloppier until he thrusts one final time before spilling his seed deep inside you, grunting at the sensation, he moves slowly and rides his orgasm out before pulling out to see your juices, blood and his cum mixing together, he collected some of it on his hands before tasting it.
You watched him do that in confusion and slight disgust because of the blood but he only just hummed pleasingly when he tasted it, licking the rest off his fingers as he looks down at your form with his piercing eyes.
“Darling.” he utters as he leans down to shower your stomach in kisses, you felt tingly. You let out a breath you did not now you were holding, he plops himself down next to you and pulls you into his arms and kisses your forehead and looks at your face, eyes taking in your beauty, oh archons he could literally spend hours like this, you give a small smile which made his heart fill up with joy.
You both soon fell asleep in each others arms, for the first time in your life you felt safe and loved by someone, if someone told you a few hours ago that your life would play out like it did now, you would have laughed in their face and told them to stop drinking, but what was happening now was real and you felt at peace.
But that peace didn't last when you were woken up by commotion, you sit up and your eyes scanned the bed for any signs of ayato, but he wasn't there, you rubbed your eyes open and looked around the room to find few servants that were cleaning the room, “oh! the lady is awake.” one of them says, and they all rush over to you.
You were currently in front of a mirror as they had finished cleaning you up and were now dressing you in noble attire, an outfit that mimicked your husband's, whites and blues, which you assumed to be the major colors for formal attire of the kamisato clan, a small gold pin which contained the clan's symbol that seemed to resemble a flower, specifically a camellia flower, was pinned right above your breast, and then it finally dawned on you, the way they kept addressing you as 'lady', colors that mimic your husbands outfit, and now wearing the clan's crest, you were now officially the lady of the clan, kamisato ayato's lady wife.
It felt so surreal, you didn't know what to do or what to say, the servants sat you down on a stool before they began to do your hair, gently brushing and detangling it, that was when the door was slid open, ayato was in his formal attire as well, he watched as the servants greeted him before they turned to quickly finish doing your hair.
You felt his gaze burning through your back, the servants finished up, bowing before they left and closed the door behind them, you got up to face ayato and he immediately hugged you before leaving a kiss on your forehead.
“Where were you?” you asked curiously, tilting your head, he lifted your chin and leaned down to kiss your lips before answering, “I was dealing with the higher ups, working out a few issues oh, and also our marriage is officially now legalised, you are now the lady of this house.” he smiled.
You smiled back at that, before resting your arms on his and just enjoying this romantic moment, “I have to go now darling, there is still a slight settlement that needs to be done, I will be back soon.” he tells you and gives you another kiss, you nod and wave him goodbye as he leaves the chamber.
It has been a while since ayato has left, you were walking as there was nothing to do in the chambers, you decided to familiarize yourself with the residence until a servant rushed up to you, “Lady, there seems to be a guest for you, they are demanding your presence.” the girl says, “Oh? Take me there.” you say and she nods before she tells you to follow her which you do.
Your heart drops to your stomach in dread as the servant opens the door of the waiting room to reveal your fiancé, well, ex fiancé, 'what was he doing here now.' you think bitterly, he gets up and turns to face with a scowl on his face.
“Look who's finally here, the slut that seduced the head of the kamisato clan.” the servant gasped at hearing such degrading words directed towards you by him, “What do you want.” you speak, annoyed.
“what DO I WANT?! why was our engagement called off huh?! and i heard from the owner that you quit your job there!? I always knew you were a whore.” he yells, gritting his teeth in anger and he launches towards you, harshly gripping your shoulders, he reeks of alcohol.
“Let go of me!” you say pushing him off you, making him stumble, he seemed to be shocked by this and laughs, “It got to your head huh? Listen here, just because the clan head slept with you doesn't mean you're any important, he'll probably just dump you, and now nobody else will want you for marriage as you lost your virginity to him.” he laughs in a drunken state, you just looked at him confused, didn't he know that you were now the lady of the clan?
“There's still a chance you know? I will take you back, I don't mind that he took your virginity, you just have to work again and I'll marry you.” he chuckles and now it's your turn to laugh, “You think I'll go back to you? Oh please, I'd rather die.” you scoff, you see his face contort with anger, “You bitch—!” he launches towards you, raising his hand to hit, you close your eyes and turn your head to the side anticipating a hit but nothing comes.
You open your eyes to see ayato holding his hand in a tight grip, “Watch your tongue.” ayato warns, shoving him away from you and standing next to you, “Oh- oh Lord, my apologies, it seems my fiancé here has pleasured you deeply for you to care about her, but I'm here to take her back.” he bows, and ayato scoffs “Take her back? She's my wife now.” as soon ayato finishes that sentence, your ex fiancé's head shoots up to look at him in shock before he looks at you again, you stare at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I-” before he could speak, ayato draws his sword and rests it on his neck, “Should I have your tongue or your head for uttering such slanders towards my wife?” he asks genuinely, chest heaving with anger and you look at him, silently conveying through your gaze to not go that far.
Ayato lowers his blade, and immediately without waiting a second, your ex fiancé rushes out, running away, you scrunch your nose in disgust as the smell of alcohol passes through the air when he rushed past you.
“Thank you.” You say to ayato, he looks at you, you give him a tight hug and feel himself relax against you, “If the servant hadnt come to get me, he would've harmed you.” he mutters and sighs as he hugs you back.
“Seriously how can he treat someone as beautiful and amazing as you this bad?” he pouts and rub his back as reassurance, “But hey, now I have you.” you say and smile up at him, which he returns before leaning down to kiss you on the lips.
He pulls away from the kiss before gazing at the direction your ex had ran off to, “Maybe I'll have his head on a splatter.” you hear him say darkly and you punch his chest lightly, “No, Love.” you say sternly and his stomach erupts with butterflies.
Oh how you had him whipped and lovestruck.
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krypticcafe · 1 year
Can you do a part 2 of the platonic reader and the 141+Alejandro where reader gets kidnapped and comes back? I love your writing!
No One Can Hurt You
Sequel to As Long as I'm Here
rating: mature
pairing(s): platonic gn!reader x task force 141 + alejandro + rodolfo
warning(s): language, canon-typical violence, torture, blood, military inaccuracies, mild gore descriptions for a hot second, implied ghost zapping a guy's balls, reader is lowkey traumatized, comfort, no use of y/n, no beta read, possible ooc?
a/n: I did NOT expect to get such an overwhelmingly positive response on the first part?? I was worried that the writing felt bland, but you guys seemed to love it, so here's the highly demanded part two!
synopsis: the 141 and Los Vaqueros weren't going to stand for what happened to you. No one would.
alternative title— fuck around and find out
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"We found the guys your sources claimed to be the men that were there, Captain. But they're refusing to say anything to us. Honestly, it looks like they're just another pair of lackeys." Gaz was speaking over comms with Price after locating a suspect with Roach. The two had found the pair in a dingy old building, a safehouse conveniently placed far from heavily populated civilian areas.
"Should we-"
He was cut off by a series of loud thuds and glass crashing, immediately grabbing his handgun and running into the room where Roach was keeping an eye on their suspects.
Roach had one of the men pinned to the ground, repeatedly decking him in the face whilst letting out frustrated yells and broken cries. Blood splattered across the floor and on his visor, but he could've cared less, it wasn't his anyways.
"Roach, get off of him, that's enough!" Gaz practically had to tear his teammate away from the man with how Roach flailed, grunting and clawing at Gaz's arms to let him go. "Roach, we can't do anything if you bloody kill them!"
Pushing off Gaz, Roach seethed with pained eyes, nearly tearing up out of sheer frustration. "He's hiding something, I know he is! That sadistic fuck started bragging about what they did to the sergeant and- and the smug shit look he had! These are the guys, but they're not telling us everything!"
He knew it was a terrible excuse, but his own gut feelings about reading people's expressions had never proved him wrong before, not when he had an eye for reading people through their body language. Gaz hesitated. He understood why Roach lashed out and didn't blame him for losing his temper, hell, he rarely did, and Gaz would've done the same in all honesty. You meant as much to him as you did to Roach. They were the first friends you made when joining the 141, the ones who helped acclimate you to the team, and the ones who trained under Price alongside you like you were their sibling. But it didn't help that they nearly broke protocol, which would've compromised the mission and made your sacrifice and suffering for nothing.
Looking down at the unconscious yet still-breathing man, Gaz then noticed how the blood pooled around him. It seemed to stop spreading at some point in the floorboards and spilled into an unusually large crack in the wood that looked suspiciously intentional.
"Roach, take the other one and call for exfil but don't tell them to leave just yet." Once his partner left, Gaz kneeled down to the floor and knocked on the wood. It was hollow.
Seems they would definitely need them alive now more than ever.
"I don't know who supplies us, I just work for them! Just ask-" The man let out a cry as Soap held his shoulder, digging his fingers into it and balling his other hand into a fist before landing a solid punch into his gut. A moment passed he choked on air, the wind knocked from him, his mouth painfully dry except for the tears that dripped from his eyes.
"Tell us who you work for or things are about to get real nasty for you like they did for your friend."
"You're in it if you think I'm gonna say shit! The 141 is just a freak show, ain't it? Bunch of you cowards hiding behind stupid callsigns, what the fuck kind of name is—" That earned him another beating. He wailed, writhing in pain against the tight restraints, but ultimately wasting his energy. He only stopped when he heard screams and crackles of what was undoubtedly electricity coming from behind one of the walls of the room.
"So you do know," Soap growled, beating him once more and backing up when he retched from pain. Blood dripped from Soap's knuckles, to which he scowled in disgust and irritation, his accent growing thick, "No, you just had to make things a fuckin' mess, dinnae you?"
Normally, it was Ghost who took care of interrogations, at least the more painful parts of it. But Soap needed to let out his anger in a useful way, he needed to hear the sickening crunch of ribs so that he could remind himself of what you went through and erase any sliver of doubt or sympathy in his mind for the enemy. Every splatter of blood that'd spill when he'd throw a fist across the guy's face was just another testament to how much he despised what happened and how desperately he needed to let it all out.
The man, in his bleary-eyed haze, made out another figure that entered the room. It was Ghost, with a box of electrical clamps in hand. "What is he doing here?"
Soap and Ghost made a silent exchange of words, nodding to one another in confirmation and speaking purely through eye contact. It only created more fear when Soap left the room and the man was all alone with the lieutenant.
"Hey hey hey where are you going you can't leave me with him! I did what I had to do, it's not my fault your friend was collateral—" The man choked on his words when Ghost pulled out two clamps and tested them, both emitting a spark and loud crackles that echoed off the walls. "—fuck! Oh god, no no no—what the fuck are you gonna use that for?!"
The lieutenant was a different situation. Sure, he wanted nothing more than to dig his hands into the man's open wounds, curl his fingers until flesh separated from bone, make them feel just exactly how much they got 'under his skin'. He wanted to hear the satisfying pop! of bones and cartilage. He wanted them to writhe like worms on a scalding sidewalk, pathetic and left for dead. But that wasn't enough, they didn't deserve the time, the effort, nor did they deserve the pleasure of a quick death. No, he needed to make them suffer.
Ghost brought one clamp up to the man's crotch with one hand and held a rusty knife with the other, lowering himself to look directly at his target. It was at that moment the man came to the realization that he wasn't captured, no, he fucked around, pulling off the stubborn shit act until they'd inevitably grow bored of him and move on, maybe put him out of his misery if he was lucky enough. But there was no moving on, there was no luck in this ring of hell. No, not with what had already been done and what couldn't be taken back even if he begged. The 141 was revered for their soldiers and their work, but it was a myth all at the same time. They were said to be efficient and ruthless, better to surrender to than to suffer at the hands of. Since they were off the books, it was a mystery as to what lengths they would go to, just how far they would push the limits.
He had fucked around, and now he'd find out.
They locked eyes, one pair filled with fear, the other devoid of any emotion. There wasn't the sympathy the man prayed for, nor the anger or violence of Soap, not even a hint of mercy or hatred. It was so empty of feeling that it almost felt dismissive, as if the man wasn't a human held hostage but an object, a book to be torn open for answers, then tossed aside. If Soap had been his judge and jury, then Ghost would surely be his executioner. He felt small, insignificant, and hopeless under the gaze as the man he truly believed was death incarnate responded to his question.
"Last. Chance."
One by one, Price and his crew had cleared the facility, evacuating workers and eliminating guards and cartel. After bringing their "guest informants" to the brink of delirium, wrenching them like wet towels to get every drop of info. Along with the intel Gaz gathered from a hidden basement where hard drives of transactions were being kept, they found the main supplier and other bases. If they took down the heart of the operation, it would cause a domino effect, shutting things down to a point where the Los Vaqueros would be able to handle them on their own. With every bullet shot, they were closer to their goal and closer to making up for what they considered a personal failure to protect one of their own and many more.
Maybe it was crazy that their primary motivation beyond recovering the drugs was to seek justice for a single soldier. But it was to prove a point. To prove that they weren't just a team of highly skilled and trained soldiers, to prove that they were a force to be reckoned with, and to prove that you were no less valuable of a member than the others, all of whom would lay their lives on the line for one another. After all,
The 141 was not to be messed with.
Making his way through the rooms and getting closer to the center of it all, Price was interrupted when a door to his side busted open from a man toppling back into it, falling to the ground. He tried to scramble back, a boot quickly stomping onto his chest. Alejandro towered before him, pressing a rifle to his head, growling in Spanish, "Where is your leader?"
The man responded, and without hesitation, the colonel gave him a quick and painless death for his obedience. Looking up, Alejandro nodded in acknowledgment at Price, "I'm not the only one that owes your sergeant, they protected my men, and I owed them a favor even before that."
That caused Price to chuckle, even despite their current circumstances. There was no denying how much of an unnecessarily reckless saint you could be with those you worked with. "I suppose you got a location from that poor bastard?"
"Yes. Have our teams regroup, it's going to be a long night for us all, my friend. But it's worth the trouble for Las Almas and the kid, no?"
"Yes, indeed." Price hummed, the two making their way out and on to finally settle the score.
You woke up blinded by a bright light, briefly contemplating if you were dead and if heaven was actually real all along. But after some time passed, your eyes adjusted to the all-too-familiar setting of the infirmary with its barren walls and sickly sanitized scent. With a groan, you tried to prop yourself up on your elbows until a hand gently pressed you back. Puzzled by the motion, you rubbed your eyes and found your captain looking back at you.
"Easy there, soldier." Price cautioned, and you kept your eyes on him as you laid back down. He had a small smile on his lips, but the way he looked at you signified that he was still concerned for your state, "You alright? Need the nurse or anything?"
"No," You shook your head, wincing at how hoarse your throat was. Price laughed softly and handed you a cup of water he had prepared at the side of your bed, and you started to wonder if he had always kept one there for you and if he even regularly changed it for you. You wouldn't put it past him to, the ol' sap.
Gulping the cool liquid down heartily, you took a few breaths before continuing, "How- how long was I out?"
"About a few days, no longer than a week." He shrugged, your eyes widening in response, "Cut yourself some slack. When you came back, you were bleeding out all over base and in hysterics. Doctor told us that if you got back any later, we would've lost you from the blood loss alone."
"Just the blood loss? Not the drugs? I would've figured the latter would be the end of me." You chuckled until you saw Price's expression, muttering a sheepish 'sorry, too soon?' and sipping your water cup, "I didn't hurt anyone, did I?"
"Well, you did punch Garrick square in the chest, but he's been through worse. Wouldn't stop making puppy eyes at you the entire time after, I think you wounded his heart. Ghost had to restrain you afterward, and you were too weak to do any real damage at that point, just kept screaming your head off until you passed out."
"Shit," You cringed, your face burning hot with shame, "I'm sorry, Captain. I should've been more careful, I could've compromised the mission and-"
"Don't be. Sure, you made a bloody fool of yourself, but you saved your team in the process. And that's got to count for something, yeah?" He nudged you gently, "So don't beat yourself up, especially after you fought your way out of hell."
The sympathetic look he gave you held unspoken words, No one could've known. You couldn't have known. The urge to tear up right then and there was strong, but you didn't want to embarrass yourself more than you already apparently had. Biting back the sting in your eyes, you only quietly nodded in response.
"Good. I'm proud of you, got that?" Price stood from his seat, giving your head a firm pat, "Rest up after they're done with you, alright? Can't have one of my finest on the sidelines for too long, now can I?"
"Honored to be one, Captain." You faltered for a moment, "Wait, 'they'?"
Price only gave you a sly shrug and left the room. You remained to wonder what he meant for approximately ten seconds until Gaz and Roach burst in, the latter immediately glued to your side. So this is who he meant by "they", why were you even surprised?
"Feeling alright there?" Gaz smiled, taking a seat at your other side.
"I should be asking you that, didn't you get all heartbroken after I punched you?"
"I shouldn't have asked," Gaz groaned, shaking his head despite his smile, "Cheeky as ever, huh? Can't even be sympathetic without you trying to make fun of me."
"Well, I for one was pissed!" Roach interjected, "Right after you got here, we got to work on finding the assholes who hurt you and made them eat shit for dinner. Man, I wish I could've been in the interrogation room with Ghost and Soap but Price said I'm only finding an excuse to beat them up more."
Gaz raised a brow, "You were finding an excuse to."
"Well yeah, but I was only gonna mess with them a little bit, not zap their balls like Ghost—"
"I'm sorry, what?" You coughed, stunned by all the information coming out of them and hardly able to keep up. "What happened when I was knocked out?"
"Price didn't tell you? Oh, well," The two began to give you a run-down of events, from how Roach nearly beat the living hell out of your torturers, to the hidden basement, Ghost and Soap's whole interrogation (with great detail via Roach intel), and how both Price and Alejandro held a whole operation and shut down the suppliers.
Gaz shrugged, "Of course, it was mostly to shut it down and for the sake of Las Almas-"
"-but I mean, we also had to defend your honor!" Roach huffed, passionately signing to emphasize his point, "At least I wanted to. Seriously, how fucked up is it that they drugged you? It wasn't even helpful, they're just sickos that-"
Before Roach could further rant, Gaz tugged at the back of his uniform collar and glanced at his watch. "C'mon Roach, we've been here for a good hour and Price has us on duty right now." Roach only whined at Gaz in response but he ignored it, giving you one last glance, "Get some rest and get well soon, mate. I can't babysit all on my own after all."
You broke out in laughter, watching the two leave and waving them goodbye. While you wished they could've stayed longer, your heart still warmed at the thought of how they cared, waiting for you to wake up and immediately being at your side. It reminded you of how you stayed at their side when they got sick from a mission in the rain and you didn't, so you felt somewhat obligated to help them as the 'survivor'. Perhaps they felt the same way too, that as your friends, they felt obligated and willing to stay by your side in return.
Hours passed since Gaz and Roach had visited, morning turning to late afternoon. The only ones who did pass by were either other soldiers on base needing medical attention or the nurses themselves, who regularly checked up on you. It wasn't exactly the company you wanted, but it was better than agonizing silence and isolation, which you quickly found to be the worst of it all. Not the scars, not the stiff bandages, not even the sickly clean smell, but just when things were silent. When things were silent, your mind went back to the time you spent, the hours you waited in between questions and beatings with nothing but you in your own head fighting for your consciousness. The buzz of the fluorescent lights in the infirmary drilled a hole in your skull the same way that singular overhead light had, drowning out your thoughts in an uncanny way. The IV drip was no better, it kept you awake the same way the rhythm of your own blood dripping had. You hadn't even noticed the way your breathing suddenly turned ragged just like it did when—no, you had noticed, but you didn't want to.
It shouldn't have bothered you as much as it did, it was only a few hours, you've been through worse, others have been through worse.
But god, the silence.
"You doing okay there, uh-" A nurse walked in through the curtains, pulling up the clipboard at the end of your bed and reading your name, "I'm just going to administer some painkillers real quick, okay?"
Unconsciously, you nodded and watched in a slight daze as she pulled up a cart of medical supplies. Your hands balled into fists to stop the trembling you weren't even aware of but somehow knew you had to hide. It hadn't quite registered to you what was going on or what she had said, even as you watched her fill up the syringe and flick it. But the moment you felt the needle against your skin, you roughly grabbed her wrist, causing her to yelp and drop it.
Your hands began to tremble again, growing clammy. You became all too aware of how muffled the nurse's panicked words were but how sharp the ringing in your ears was, piercing your brain. Words wouldn't come out of your mouth, replaced with small, quick breaths while your eyes darted around to find something, anything to focus on with your blurred vision.
"At ease, sergeant." A heavily accented voice spoke, ripping you from your haze and you turned to find that familiar skull mask standing by the curtains.
"I... I'm sorry," You mumbled, letting go of the poor woman's wrist and hanging your head apologetically. Your breaths returned to normal, the lights were less bright, and the noise was gone for now.
"I think it's best if you ask the doctor to try other kinds of painkillers with our friend here, miss. They aren't too fond of needles, ain't that right?" Soap appeared behind Ghost, trying to keep things lighthearted with how tension in the air was thick enough to suffocate in. The nurse nervously nodded her head before walking away with the cart, understandably still shaken by what had happened.
"I'd ask if you're doin' okay, but it seems a bit obvious now, ain't it, Ghost?"
The other grunted in response, sitting down at one of the chairs by your side. "You'd think they'd know better with these kinds of things."
"Don't be mean now, they're just doing their jobs," The scotsman chuckled, turning back to you, "Now, aren't you quite the sight for sore eyes? Sorry we couldn't make it earlier, we got tied down with paperwork after the whole fiasco, you know about that yet?"
"Yeah, I didn't expect you guys to get the job done so fast."
"Aw, did you want us to leave you some left over? If I'd known, I would've told Ghost to go a little easier on the lads." Soap was the only one trying to make any conversation out of this visit and you already knew the reason for Ghost's silence. It was just like in the helicopter after you took the blow for him, though you were pretty sure a pun wouldn't be enough to break him from "brooding" like last time.
"Sure. Would've loved to get a few punches back on them," You teased back, "But thank you guys. Really. I know it wasn't the main purpose, but I really appreciate that you guys had my safety in mind. Never figured joining the 141 would come with vengeance perks, or am I just that special to you guys?"
"You little shite, you," Soap cackled, ruffling your hair.
"Looks like they beat us here, Rudy." Alejandro's voice chimed out of the blue, appearing soon after.
"Too bad, I was hoping we'd have them to ourselves," Rodolfo hummed, followed behind with a gift basket in hand, "At least we bought something, eh?"
"Oi! We would've brought something too, we just wanted to get here as soon as we got back." Soap pouted, "Tell 'em Ghost."
"Actually I was hoping to get a 'get well' card on our way here." The masked man mumbled, ignoring his partner's offended gasp.
"You seein' this?" He whined, but you also ignored him, favoring the sweets that were in the gift basket.
"How'd you know this was my favorite?" You gasped, your reaction had the two Vaqueros looking at each other with proud faces.
"I have my sources."
"Ale, you just asked around base."
"That still counts as sources."
The whole lot of you started breaking into conversation, the boys exchanging their accounts of their ambush. In return, you shared what had happened when you were caught and how you escaped in a small summary of events, which led to them ranting about the men they interrogated and about the drugs themselves. Even Roach, Price, and Gaz popped in one last time for the day to visit you and join in on the discussion. Seeing them all like this, gathered around your bed, laughing and bantering, it almost made you forget all that had happened. You wanted to cherish this moment, keep a mental picture of it framed over the locked box in the back of your mind. Being in the military never allowed much room for friends gathering and all this chit-chatting outside of pubs, so it was a rare sight for sore eyes.
In a way, it made your life a little more meaningful. Reminded you that you weren't just a "good soldier", you were a teammate, a friend. You were important, someone worth fighting for. A purpose.
Although the job was harsh and you always felt like you had a gun to your head, that everyone wanted you dead on the battlefield, the 141 always showed you that someone out there still cared, still wanted you to fight and stay alive. Even if life tried to put you six feet under, they'd be there to pull you out without hesitation. You didn't have to doubt or question why, you already knew the answer.
You were family.
Unfortunately, the moment couldn't last for long, the poor nurse from before had been startled by the sheer volume of people around you, especially when most of them were high-ranking. Regardless, she chastised them for keeping you up when you needed your rest (you didn't) and began to shoo them all out. It was almost comedic how the group of giant, intimidating men left with little resistance in a pile of shame. Christ, they look like a pack of sad puppies, you humorously thought to yourself.
Ghost was the last to leave, hesitating to say something by the way he just stood there, curling his hands into fists. You had to force yourself not to laugh right then and there. For someone who was so silent and stoic for most conversations, he was easy to read. It wasn't hard to notice how his eyes kept flickering to your bandages the entire time he sat there, followed by the flashes of concern on his face every time you had coughed from laughing too hard or accidentally hurt yourself by shifting your body too quickly.
"I'll be alright, Simon." Giving him a reassuring smile, you hoped he'd take your words to heart, "Don't worry about it, I'll be on the field right as rain again in two days tops and you can kick my ass around all you want then. Promise."
He didn't say anything for a moment, and you began to worry that maybe your words were too cheap for him to believe, or maybe that he was more upset than you'd originally thought.
"You better be sure." He finally responded, "I take my promises pretty seriously, remember that, sergeant."
You stared at him all googly-eyed until your lips broke into a wide grin, beaming brightly at him and shouting as he left.
"Message received, L.T!"
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a/n: AAAA I haven't written this much in so longgg. I had the first half already down from the last part because it went on for too long, but this one is nearly DOUBLE the word count. It's bound to have some grammar mistakes, but I hope that doesn't ruin the immersion too much. Let me know what you guys think!
2K notes · View notes
spilledblood · 1 year
OKAY, more of an official meme call. like this and i’ll go through your memes.
10 notes · View notes
leighsartworks216 · 9 months
My Sunshine
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Part 2 Here: Tumblr link - AO3 link
This is probably definitely ooc but I needed to get it out of my brain anyway. I also have not seen any actual gameplay (aside from the romance scenes) so this won't be 100% canon compliant
For @niermortem bc I need you to read this and suffer (affectionate)
Warnings: alcohol use, swearing, grief/mourning, blood, injury, fluff and angst, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 3,146
You raised your goblet of wine in the air, smiling blindingly bright at your best friend. "To another case solved, and another criminal behind bars!"
He laughed and clinked his goblet with yours. The red liquid sloshed against the edge, almost spilling into yours. You each drank deeply.
"You make that toast after every trial," he bemoaned, but a stray chuckle ruined his disapproval. "It's a minor court for minor offenses - It's not like I locked up a serial killer."
You huffed and nudged his shoulder. "Don't sell yourself short! What you do is incredible, Astarion. It's so rare for an elf as young as you to get appointed as a magistrate. That's worth celebrating."
He hummed, smirk dancing across his face. "You're younger than me, my dear, and from what I've heard you're doing just as well." He gestured around the room.
The light of the fireplace cast odd shadows of your figures against the wall. Between the flickering shapes, Astarion could see the several paintings hung up on the wall. Portraits, landscapes - all formed with careful brush strokes and intense patience. It was no mean feat. He'd grown up alongside you, witnessed your struggles with charcoal and accuracy. He'd even posed for a few so you could study anatomy and shadow. Pride swelled in his chest thinking of those shaky, rough sketches and seeing the confident, soft strokes that composed the paintings.
You avoided looking, staring into the fire. For the briefest moment, he wanted to smooth out the crease in your brow and remove the frown from your face. Instead he gripped his goblet tighter and took another drink.
"I wish I could be as proud of them as you are, my sunshine. But when I look at them, all I see are mistakes."
He sighed quietly. "Your parents still don't approve, then?"
"They approve my profession - finally - but they think my execution is lackluster. I paint like a human."
"You paint like a god, darling."
“Ah,” you chuckled, “is the praise being turned back on me now?"
He smiled and raised his goblet. "A toast to the greatest artist Baldur's Gate has ever seen and will ever see again."
After a moment's hesitation, you raised your glass and knocked it against his. He threw back the last remaining contents, a drop of red falling from the corner of his mouth and down his neck. He finished off the rich alcohol with a contented sigh.
A clock on the mantelpiece chimed. You leaned back on your hand to look up at the old thing. It was a gift in lieu of payment, handmade, from its gears to its wooden casing. It chimed 11 times in all. Astarion sighed.
"One last drink for the road." You offered him the last of the wine in your goblet, and he drained it easily. “We can finish the rest tomorrow.”
“Mm, and what will we be celebrating tomorrow?”
“Anything and everything.”
He smiled fondly. What gods could have been kind enough to create you?
He rose to his knees and held your cheeks in both hands. “I look forward to it.” You closed your eyes as he planted a kiss on your forehead. It was almost a ritual, after so many years of doing it. Once he pulled away, you rose to your own knees, held his face the same way, and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“Stay safe on your way back.” You pulled away to look him straight in the eye, an exaggerated expression of seriousness on your face. “If anything happened to you, I wouldn’t have anybody to absolve me in court.”
He chuckled. “I’ll be fine, my dear.”
“You’d better.”
You stared numbly at the headstone. Your eyes scanned the words over and over and over again. You could recite it if you wanted to.
'Astarion Ancunin 229 - 268 DR'
He was only 39. He was just a child. A child buried 6 feet under your boots, hidden away, wrapped in sheets and sealed in a wooden coffin. Thirty-nine. He was only thirty-nine.
The sun was beginning to set. There was not a cloud in the sky. No chance for rain. The only water that fell were tears, and yours had long since dried up. Everyone else left hours ago. They'd touched your shoulder, shared in your grief, promised to pray for you and Astarion. If you were perhaps a bit more naive, a bit more desperate, you would have pleaded to the gods to bring him back, no matter the cost.
You inhaled shakily and tilted your head back. The sky was so beautiful; a vibrant array of orange and yellow and blue. You cursed it, for your best friend would never get to share in its beauty with you ever again.
When you looked back down, you forced your eyes not to trace the carved stone any more. It wasn't safe at night. If you looked again, you'd never make it back home.
A hint of white in the corner of your eye stole your attention. A flower. Its petals curled back and around, almost touching itself. Blue and yellow mixed within its center, but the very tips of its petals were bright white.
Your feet felt like lead as you moved toward it. Deep prints were left behind at the end of the dirt mound. Your legs were stiff and creaky from standing so long.
When you reached down to pluck the flower, you stopped. Hand outstretched toward its stem. You'd be killing it to mourn your friend. And in an hour, it will be droopy and wilted, dying on top of the grave. But if you left it, come two days from now, it would be closed and dried up anyway.
Your frown dug creases into your skin. Lines around your mouth and between your brows. You never realized before how quickly beautiful things die. The lines smoothed slightly when you brushed the delicate petal with your fingers. It was as soft as his hair had been.
"Look after him for me," you croaked, voice raw and unused. It cracked when you whispered desperately, "Please."
You rubbed your eyes as you backed away. The burn of tears stung the back of your eyes, but no water was produced. And you needed to get out of here. It hurt too much to stay.
You allowed yourself one last glance at the grave, before you turned and left. Your home never felt so cold, so uninviting, and so empty.
You’d never been much further than the city’s limits before, yet here you were. Lost, infected, confused. The blood on your hands terrified you, but if you hadn’t fought, you would be dead. A voice in the back of your mind haunted you with memories. Unbidden, you often recalled tidbits of your life 200 years ago. This time it reminded you of Astarion, flipping knives and sneaking up on you for a laugh. He would have been much more suited to this awful situation than you were.
Your hand fell to your pocket, pressing against a hidden journal tucked safely away. You would be lost without it. It’s all that’s kept you sane all these long years.
A shock of white hair up ahead caught your attention. A man, searching down a hill, beckoning. “Hurry,” he urged in a whisper, “I’ve got one of those brain things cornered.” He kept his back to you, but something in the way he spoke seemed familiar. Or maybe you were just so tired. “There, in the grass. You can kill it, can’t you? Like you killed the others.”
You flinched, frowning at the way he said ‘killed’. It shouldn’t have bothered you as much as it did. Perhaps it sounded too confrontational. Perhaps it was the dark turn his voice took. But you swallowed down the discomfort. You weren’t going to abandon someone in need.
“I can.”
You stepped forward, ready to grab at your dagger. It was quiet. The soft rustle of dry shrubs was all you could hear. You stepped a little further.
A loud squeal made you jump out of your skin as a frightened boar ran from the grass. You stumbled backward. Before you could trip yourself up, a rough arm wrapped behind your neck and dragged you down to the ground. A knife pointed at your throat.
On pure instinct, you grabbed at the blade. It dug into your palm and fingers, but you couldn’t let go. You could feel the man applying pressure to keep it at your neck. If you let go… You shuddered to think what could happen.
“Shh. Not a sound. Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours.” Deep crimson eyes stared into yours, contrasted by the pure white of his hair and the smirk toying his lips. He looked oddly familiar, too. Had you passed him somewhere before? No, you would remember a man like him. “Now, I saw you on the ship. Didn’t I? Nod.”
The command has you nodding with no hesitation.
“Splendid,” he purred. His voice turned serious then. “And now you’re going to tell me exactly what you and those tentacled freaks did to me.”
“I haven’t done anything,” you grit out. Blood trailed down your wrist and stained the cuff of your sleeve. His eyes flickered toward it for a moment. “They took me prisoner, too!”
“Don’t lie to me! I- Argh!”
Behind your eyes the tadpole squirms. It’s jarring and uncomfortable, and so are the images that come with it. Dark city streets seen through someone else’s eyes. They scan every passerby, studying them. But just as you urge to see more, it’s gone. All you’re left with is the sensation of fear.
The man grunts again. “What was that?” he demands. He pushed the knife even closer to your neck, despite your best efforts to keep it away. “What’s going on?!”
The fear from the memory quickly intermingled with your own terror. Your heart thumped in your ears. The words came tumbling out of you before you knew what you were saying. “Please, please just put the knife away and we can figure this out.”
For a moment, he just stared at you. Calculating. And then the pressure faded and you could let go of the dagger. His arm let go of you, and he watched as you scampered away one-handed and struggled to your feet. He stood defensively, keeping his hold on the knife.
“You’re… not one of them.” You could feel his eyes searching you up and down. “They took you, just the same as me. And to think, I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards.” He laughed weakly. “Apologies.”
You cradled your hand to your chest with a frown. Nobody would blame you if you shouted insults, left him to deal with this on his own, took care of your own issues. But you couldn’t. “Apology accepted,” you sighed.
He smiled. It felt plastered on, like an actor’s during a play. “I’m out of wine and flowers, so I hope an introduction will suffice. My name’s Astarion. I was in Baldur’s Gate when those beasts snatched me.”
The last of his words was drowned out. Your heart raced, flooding your ears as a tidal wave of emotions swirled in your chest. That name. In all your years, you only knew one elf with that name. What were the chances of another carrying the same one?
Slim to none.
But it can’t be him. He died.
It has to be him. It has to.
“Darling?” He chuckled nervously, waving a hand in front of you. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
If you weren’t so dazed, maybe you would have laughed. But you just stared, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. Your eyes burned. A lump crawled up your throat and you weren’t sure if it was bile or a sob.
“You died,” you finally gasped out. It was only a whisper, but Astarion’s ears picked it up as if you’d shouted it out. His grin faltered, entire aura of confidence and sexuality falling with those two words alone. “You died… My sunshine.”
Astarion stepped back, holding his dagger up as a warning. It still dripped with your blood. His face was dark. You’d never seen it as gravely serious as this. “Who are you? How do you- How do you know that?”
Your old name - the name you had as a child - lingers in the air. He stares at you with eyes hopeful and distrusting. There is a war in his mind. You can see it in the way his dagger wavers in his hold. How he looks you up and down, studies your face. He’d grabbed you, even made you bleed - you weren’t just a fucked up figment of his imagination. But he still couldn’t fathom it.
“Prove it.”
“I don’t care how! Just prove it!” The shout is broken and desperate.
You fumbled. Everything you knew about him fled your brain in an instant. You searched for memories in the dirt, in the dry bushes, in the curls of his hair…
Cursing, he watched as you ripped a book from your pocket. Even though you’d grabbed it with your uninjured hand, blood stained the leather binding. You held it out to him.
“These are sketches I have made every day for two hundred years.” You stepped forward, urging him to take it. “All of them are of you.”
A part of him didn’t want to listen. It wanted him to remain unaware and oblivious for the rest of his godsdamned life. The mere idea of the truth - of his past being exposed to this corrupted thing he’s become - terrified him. How easy it would be to run away. To hide away forever.
But he would never be free. Always a slave to the burning questions. Forever wondering just who you were, and if you were telling the truth.
He reaches past his knife and takes the journal. With use of his leg as an aid, he’s able to remove the string tying it shut and flip open the book.
On each page is his face. Several of them. Smiling, laughing, pouting, focused, and a thousand more expressions. After 200 years, he doesn’t quite remember what he looks like. He couldn’t recall if his hair had always been white, nor the shade of his eyes. But tucked away is a crude sketch, not of his face, but of yours. It looks like a child closed their eyes and scribbled. At the bottom of the page, in what is undoubtedly his handwriting, is his signature.
You watch desperately as he puts his knife away. He’ll have to clean it later, but he isn’t thinking about it now. Both hands freed, he flips through each page. At the beginning, the portraits are unrefined and rough. The lines are sketchy and smudged, as though someone had tried wiping away their mistakes. With each page, they get better. The lines become confident and smooth. Even further still, the style is almost elegant, but the face has become unfocused. The eyes begin losing form. The mouth feels off on the face. On one, the face has been erased and redone several times over; so much so the paper has begun crumbling. The last drawing held little resemblance to him anymore. This one was freshly done. The lines were sketchy once more, uncertain. The only recognizable features were his ears and the curls of his hair. Even the shape of his face was lost to time.
“After you… After I buried you, I…” You take a shaky breath, fighting back tears. “I didn’t want to forget you. So I sketched you, every day. I thought I’d always remember that damn smile of yours, but… I didn’t. Little by little, you were stolen from my memories, until all I had left was a vague impression of who you were, what we did together. Even looking at the old sketches couldn’t bring it back. But I kept trying.”
Astarion’s face is the epitome of sorrow when he looks up at last. There are deep set creases around his mouth and eyes, aging him - an odd concept for an elf. He looks so lost. “Where did you go?”
You frowned, and Astarion wished he could smooth out the crease between your brows. How could he forget your face? After all Cazador did to him, made him do, how could he forget you?
“After you buried me,” he clarified.
“I couldn’t bear to stay. I sold all my paintings and I left. I didn’t get very far.” You chuckled weakly. “Just stayed with my parents.”
His face lights up. “What name are you going by now?”
“Tav,” he repeats. The name is different in his mouth. Not good or bad, simply there. New. He wishes he could have been there when you chose it.
You took a deep breath. It was time to ask the big question, the one burning a hole in your chest. “How are you alive?”
The corner of his lip twitches up, somewhere between amused and dismayed. “It’s a rather long story, my dear.”
“I’ve waited 200 years to hear it.”
He chuckles at that. It’s genuine, but a sour note still lingers. He closes your journal, deftly ties the strings, and saunters to stand in front of you. The intoxicating scent of your blood drives him mad. It’s so close, but he could never forgive himself if he told you the truth and you ran away. Truthfully, after so long, he wasn’t sure how you’d react. But it still felt too heavy an admission.
He slips the book back into your pocket. With both hands, he reaches to cup your face, but he stops. The motion feels wrong. He wants so desperately to hold you again. You even lean toward his palm. The tip of your pointed ear brushes his fingers. But he can’t. His hands fall back to his sides, and he plasters a smile on once more.
“Come on, darling. Let’s get you cleaned up before you attract something.”
You nod and follow alongside him as he begins leading you toward water. The bleeding has mostly stopped by now. The cut still stings, exposed to the air. But the pain feels distant. It hardly matters when the man you’ve spent two hundred years mourning is alive and with you again. And he’s changed - there is no way to deny it. His hair, his eyes, even the way he spoke had more of a lilting tune to it than it once did. But he’s here. He’s real.
“For the record,” you begin, stepping close enough to brush arms as you walked, “it’s good to see you again, my sunshine.”
And, oh, if that didn’t make him feel alive once more.
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echoisbabe · 3 months
Tear in my heart
I had this idea from that scene from Black panther and this was born from that.
I think TW, for death? However! I hope that everyone that reads enjoys! My request are open
<also ooc Wolffe????>
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He stands before you, blaster raised. Your hands are raised, eyes never leaving the familiar helmet of Wolffe.
“Wolffe” his name leaves your lips in a plea, his grip loosens on his blaster
For once you are not happy to see him, your heart beats faster as he steps towards you. You don’t know what to do, turn and run? He’d shot you in the back that you are sure of.
“You are a traitor” his grip tightens on his blaster
“You would kill me, my love?” His grip falters again, he steps towards you once more
You wonder if he remembers it all, if someone where in his mind the thought of you lingers.
“For the empire” he states as he squares his shoulders, a second blaster now in his free hand “Without question”
Horror flashes across your face as you take a step back. What can you do now? You had promised never to use the Jedi mind trick on him, promised not to use the force on him. You know times are different however you can’t bring yourself to do it.
“Do you remember?” You ask, raising a hand and he flinches subtly, you take a step forward “what we shared? Does that mean nothing now?”
It hangs in the air, he’s holstering one blaster. He closes the distance between you and him. His helmeted forehead meets yours. He’s breathing deeply, his arm wraps around you. He pulls you closer, and you allow him to give you this.
“Let me go, Wolffe” you whisper “don’t let my blood be on your hands” you reach up, hands hesitantly taking hold of his helmet
“I-I have my orders, Cyar’ika” he moves away, so as not to let you lift his helmet “there won’t be any pain, if I do it, I promise”
You wrap your arms around him, tears finally falling freely from your eyes. Your heart is breaking with each passing second, clinging to him but also wanting to run. You had spent months running from this moment. Spent months missing this feeling that’s slipping through your fingers.
“Please” you try again, hoping for a different answer “just let me go” your pulling away from him, and he lets you pull from his arms but doesn’t allow any more distance to separate you
In the distance you hear his men, voices that you don’t recognize. It’s now or never, breaking this promise would sting but it must be done. You raise your hand with the words stuck on your tongue.
“Commander!” A voice shouts, Wolffe turns as your eyes widen, the blaster bolt has been shot and there is nothing to be done, if you pull your hand from him now it would be him that is hit, so you shove him and the blaster hits you square in the chest.
You hear your name screamed out like a banshee. Your knees go weak and you stumble, you want to catch yourself but your muscles fail you and you are falling.
Wolffe had never moved faster, he had caught you just before you hit the ground. His helmet had fallen off and you see his face, a smile graces your lips, your mouth moving as if you’re trying to formulate words that won’t come. He cups your face, shaking his head trying to fight the sudden rush of tears that threatens to spill from his eyes.
“Cyar’ika, I’m here” he whispers, he moves the hair from your face “I’m here” he whispers and your smile grows wider, he takes your hand, pressing it to his cheek “Wo- Wolffe, I-I lo-“ your last breath leaves and your body goes limp in his arms “Wait, no, no”
Wolffe reaches for his blaster, turning it on the man and doesn’t think twice, the blaster hits the man and he drops. He turns back to you, he pulls you closer as his forehead comes to rest on yours and he weeps.
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q1ngqve · 19 days
hello! I like your fics, can u do Mikhail smut? 🥹 that npc man is making me feel things a gurl shouldn’t. Any for, is fine, be it from the LC’s Tomorrow’s Journey or the old form ♥️🥺
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🪷🫧💭 — sorry if it’s ooc… i tried (also requests are closed!)
CW; sex. no other warnings 😜ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི
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"do we really have to?"
you shoot him a glare as you adjust your necklace, the jewelry shiny and cool against your skin. "yes, because you reserved it." a tiny yelp escapes you at the sudden warmth on your nape, making your hair stand on end as you elbow him in the ribs.
he chuckles at your reaction to him appearing behind you without warning before parting your hair to one side and plants soft kisses on your skin.
"do you have to wear this specific dress then?" his arms snake around your waist, "you know it's my favorite." mikhail takes a step back as you remove his arms, spinning around to face him and draping your arms on his shoulders.
the corners of your lips curve into a soft smile as you lean closer, pecking a kiss onto his lips, staining them light red with your lip-gloss.
"I guess you'll have to wait till we come back," you shrug, "I don't wanna waste all the effort on doing my makeup."
his smile matches your own as his hands roam to the small of your back and nape, pulling you closer. "a quick one?" your eyes narrow at the feeling of his bulge against your stomach. "please?"
"you're so good to me, my love."
his lips come fervently, sucking all the air from your lungs, desperate to taste and feel you. he walks you backward, hands and mouth never leaving you until you hit the wall with a thud. you push at his shoulders, trying to get him to release you so you can get some air.
soft gasps fill the air as he pulls away, his hands continuing with their ministrations. while you try to catch your breath, he already has your dress bunched up and you held up against the wall with your legs wrapped around his waist.
"mikhail— need you..."
his kiss comes again, harsher this time, as he undoes his belt, muttering an "mhmm" into your mouth. a soft hit lands on his shoulders at your disapproval when the sound of lingerie tearing fills the air. "we'll get you a new one."
your arms wrap tighter around him, gripping on for dear life, knowing how hard he goes when he's in a rush. whimpers of his name spill from your puffy lips as he nibbles on them, thrusting into you at the same time. the stretch has your back arching and legs tensing, and you hear him chuckle.
"love, you gotta relax—" mikhail hisses as his free hand slides between you two and draws circles on your clit. "you're so fucking tight."
deep grunts sound from the man before you as he finally bottoms out. he manages to pull another yelp from you as he pulls back and thrusts back in almost immediately, not giving you the time to adjust.
"wait— slow down!"
his chest reverberates as he laughs. "slow down? you told me to be quick, did you not?"
your head falls on his shoulder as you hang limp in his arms, body tensing at each rub of his tip on your gummy walls. you find yourself coming undone too quickly in this position, especially with him coaxing you on with each drive of his hips.
mikhail plants another kiss on your lips as you start shuddering and clenching against him, body tensing up at the knot building in your lower stomach. goosebumps litter your skin as he kisses down your neck, the warmth of his pants and groans urging your impending orgasm.
under the influence of his soft "cum for me"s in your ear, you cum with loud whines of his name, nails digging into his suit for support. he doesn't stop his movements, guiding you down from your orgasm as he reaches his own.
warm spurts fill your insides as he holds you up, hugging you close as you both ride out the high. when he senses you've relaxed, he sets you down and cups your face, kissing your blood-flushed lips gentler this time.
you lean against him as he smooths down your dress, a bright smile on his face as he holds out his hand.
"shall we go then, my love?"
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tempobaekh · 7 months
Golden dresses, broken legs
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PAIRINGS: OPLA!Zoro x harlequin!reader
WARNINGS: zoro being hot as usual, creepy man getting what he deserves, maybe ooc Zoro idk, kind of suggestive at the end, Y/N is mentioned once, the reader looks and acts like Harley but not much body, hair and facial is mentioned, just the fact that the reader has two toned hair like Harley, same makeup and personality.
AUTHORS NOTE: I fucking love crossovers with like characters and stuff and my mind is running wild with this crossover idgaf what people say. this one can be read like a part one with the headcanon's that I'm not done with yet so it can be like a background for this story but this can be read alone as well. this is also inspired by this one scene in birds of prey.
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The Straw Hat Pirates had gathered at a bustling bar in a nameless town, celebrating yet another victorious adventure on the Grand Line. 
You were wearing a stunning gold and black checkered sequence dress, it having a strapless design and features a sweetheart neckline, emphasizing your figure and adding to your provocative appearance, turned heads as you entered the establishment.
The deep V-line dress showcased your elaborate tattoos, from the ones on your collarbone to the intricate back piece’s and down to the ones on your legs.
The golden accessories gleamed under the dim lights, and you proudly sported multiple gold necklaces, including a layered necklace with one layer that says "Y/N," another with "Loves," and the last one bearing "Zoro." With gold bracelets adorning your wrists, you looked like a treasure yourself.
You quickly became the life of the party (as usual), downing shots and drinks with a contagious energy, cackling and giggling with your dear crew mates.
 Zoro, the quiet swordsman and ever watchful lover, noticed a man with unsavory intentions leering at you. His grip on the hilt of his sword tightened, his anger simmering just beneath the surface.
As the night progressed, you decided to take the celebration up a notch. You spotted a table with a dancing pole on it and grinned with an idea popping in your head.
You climbed onto a table with the pole on it and began dancing and twirling around it. 
Throwing Zoro winks and seductive smirks, directing your dancing and grinding towards Zoro, the entire dance and performance had been directed at him, and Zoro took pleasure in every single second of it with a small smirk at seeing you dancing around the pole like that in such an exquisite dress.
Usopp, Nami, and Sanji were all intoxicated (with Usopp being especially drunk) and hyped up the dancing girl's every move, while Luffy just clapped along innocently, delighted to see his crew having fun, and sipped on his glass of milk.
Meanwhile, the guy who had been ogling at you earlier now sported a hideous grin, hoping he may get fortunate and undoubtedly delusionally assuming that the entire dance was for him.
 To be honest, it was just you having fun. (and possibly rousing Zoro for a quickie, but we won't get into that right now).
Without realising because of the hyped up energy around you, you were still holding your drink when you began dancing on the pole.
In your enthusiasm, you accidentally spilled the alcoholic beverage all over the man and continued dancing as if nothing had happened.
I mean you didn’t even notice that you spilled it on him, in your defense!
The man was furious, huffing and puffing while attempting and failing to wipe the booze off his awful suit jacket, and couldn't hold back his rudeness anymore, any previous hints of desire gone, and his fragile ego bursting forth.
"God dammit! Sit the fuck down!" he loudly commanded, his annoyance visible.
The arrogant attitude of this stranger's comment made Zoro's blood boil.
Zoro set his alcoholic beverage on the table in front of him and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to pull the blade forward if necessary, but he waited.
He was well aware that you could defend yourself just fine without his or the crew's assistance, your pure strength and muscle not failing you in any fight or confrontations.
Even though you could get a bit distracted by flirting with him in some fights, but you had the attention span of a one year old, none.
You had heard the command and feigned innocence and asked, "What?" Just to get a rise from the man and your playful demeanor only fueled the man's anger. 
He sneered, "I said sit your ass down, you dumb slut," and brazenly placed both his legs on the table in front of him, thinking he did something accomplishing.
You simply responded with an innocent "Okay!" and shrugged, before Zoro could make another move in pure rage. 
In a split second, you leaped off the table and landed squarely on the man's legs, breaking them with a sickening crack. 
His cries of pain filled the bar, and you, with an unsettling, almost psychotic grin, sat in his lap, cackling and laughing loudly in his face.
“You broke my fucking legs!” The man yelled in agony.
Placing your arms around his neck you mockingly taunted him with a sing-song "Oh, bo-hoo!" The crew looked on in shock, but Zoro couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at how Y/N had handled the situation. 
That's my girl, he thought with a smirk as the crying man with broken legs was hauled out by his peers.
“It’s not a party without a lil’ drama!” you cheered with a smile.
Without missing a beat, you casually resumed dancing.
The incident in the club had left the room in a mixture of shock and amazement, and as you resumed dancing, the atmosphere slowly shifted back to the celebration.
The night continued with the crew continuing dancing (minus Zoro), and the defeated man learned the hard way that underestimating you was a grave mistake.
"Puddinnn' " Zoro recognized the drawl of the familiar nickname that he had come to adore, looking up to see you walking towards him, with a sway in your hips and your curled hair with half blue and half pink ends bouncing along.
The owner of the voice sat shamelessly on Zoro's lap sideways, and Zoro couldn't care less at the public display of affection that would normally be more subtle from his side and more open from yours.
He couldn’t care when you were sitting there on his lap, looking so perfect and beautiful.
He lowered his arms around your waist, his hands dragging up and down in a caress with a sly grin, while you loosely placed your arms around his neck.
"You really showed that guy huh," he said, admiration evident in his eyes and tone.
Still caught up in the spirit of the night, you winked at Zoro and answered, "Well, you know me, puddin', I don't take shit from anyone." before moving down and planting a kiss on his neck, grinning gleefully at the mark left by your bold red lips and the fact that Zoro didn't attempt to wipe the mark away.
Zoro couldn't help but smirk at your actions. "I've always liked your way of dealing with trouble."
You leaned closer, her fingers tracing a path from his sharp jaw to his chest that was partially exposed from the few button’s open on his shirt. "Just for you, I can be very persuasive."
Without saying a word, Zoro moved his hand to the back of your neck while using his free hand to sneak a finger under one of your layered necklace’s that read 'Zoro' and pulled you down, smashing his lips on yours in a rough and fierce kiss.
You responded with equal ferocity, straddling Zoro's lap without breaking the kiss and pressed yourself impossibly closer to the green-haired swordsman, your hips gradually grinding against his.
The swordsman growled subtly at the movement and bit your lower lip, eliciting a slight moan that he swallowed and used it as an opportunity to enter his tongue past your lips and explore your warm mouth, tasting your sweet taste on his tongue.
You tugged on Zoro's nape hair and slowly pulled away from him in need of oxygen, leaving a string of spit that kept your lips connected with his, your crimson lipstick smudged, and residues of it on Zoro's lips.
With foreheads pressed against one other, rapidly gasping and attempting to catch your breath.
Zoro began placing small kisses up your neck, occasionally grazing his teeth against your skin as you leaned back your head, allowing him easier access.
"Want to continue this somewhere else?" Zoro rasped out in his low voice, staring at your lustful gaze as you grinned.
"I thought you'd never ask puddin'."
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Note: gifs, pictures, and header DOES NOT belong to me. CREDITS TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS!! Feedback is appreciated.
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yufloria · 1 year
Soft!Task Force 141 x Reader  
A/N: This is my first fanfic and the characters might be too OOC. I hope is good.  
ALSO: I sprinkled some praise ;3  
Word Count: 3.2k  
After a mission gone wrong in an undisclosed location Task Force 141 is forced to stay in a safe house, a cabin, in the middle of a dense forest and high between the mountains. It is no task for the team but unfortunately for you. You were injured.  
Ghost and you were paired together on this mission. It was supposed to be a “quick in and out” mission but as you were following behind Ghost; and heard him say something on the radio. You could not hear what he said. Your radio had been broken by getting hit by the butt of a gun but nothing you couldn’t handle you took care of it no problem. As both of you entered the room, the door suddenly slammed behind you and the lights were shut off leaving you on a disadvantage you were surrounded by armed men and Ghost was the first one to react, shooting with precise accuracy men started to fall left and right. Using the flashing lights, movement, and your hearing, you followed in suit shooting with Ghost, you were already pulling the trigger before you can properly aim, and the room quickly became deathly still, before you could even get out a sigh of relief it came out as a gasp of pain. You were attacked from behind because you felt it before you saw it. With his aim, Ghost’s shot went straight through the head. "Bullseye!" You called out watching the body slumped near your feet. You gasped at the shock at how much effort you needed to speak. Looking down at your hand pressing on the side of your torso seeing how both your shirt and hand start turning into a deep red. Ghost is on you, lifting your shirt enough just to see how bad your wound is. "I'll live. Been through worse," you say nonchalantly trying not to make it sound like a big deal. "Captain, Scorpion has been stabbed and her wound is not life-threatening but needs medical attention." A line of 'what's' responded to Ghost. "Repeat that again Ghost." Soap said. "Scorpion has been stabbed but she won't die" Repeated Ghost. "I won't die but Holy Jesus! It hurts like a motherfu--"you groaned out and getting cut off by Price announcing, "Everyone regroup on the Eastside of the church." Ghost motioned towards you moving to wrap your left arm around his shoulders and with his sheer size you are lifted enough for you to start to tiptoe when walking. Flinching and wincing every few steps, you start leaning most of your body weight onto Ghost. "Atta girl almost there, we just need to cross the hallway, so we can patch you up." Ghost said with a hint of concern. You would tease him about it if the doors adjacent to the hallway toward the church hadn’t busted open to show a very panicked Soap. "They're here!" Soap yelled back to the team, took your right arm, wrapped it around his shoulders, and put pressure on your wound, causing you to hiss out, "I thought you could handle it." Soap teased. "Shut it." You remarked back. Now with the height difference, they are basically dragging you down the aisle toward Gaz and Price. They laid you down on the floor. "I thought it wasn't going to be this bad," Gaz gasped after looking at your gash, blood was still spilling at an alarming rate "This needs medical attention, and we need to return to the medic-bay." "About that..." Price uttered, catching the attention of everyone "Our exfil can't be processed due to our location and weather." “What the hell! What do you mean by that!” Soap shouted. “Have you seen the weather outside? It is a blizzard out there!” Price countered, pointing out through a broken stained glass. A voice was heard on Price’s radio, “Price, this is Laswell we have noticed movement towards your location. Estimation around 50-100 men. Unless you want your team to perish, I say you start moving toward the safe house up north-west from the graveyard.” “Copy that Laswell. Gaz try your best to stabilize Scorpion so we can all move out. I know that you are more than capable of neutralizing the enemy, but I don’t want another injury if we don’t have a fast form of transportation out of these mountains.”  
No matter how much you get them you’ll never get used to the feeling of someone stitching you up with no anesthesia still sends a shiver down your spine. You were grunting as Gaz tried to make the process less painful and fast as possible. Lifting your uniform enough to have your midriff exposed so he could wrap the medical gauze around your body. “Come on. Up you go!” Soap grunted as he pulled you up onto your feet. “Careful with her if not I'll do you worst than what she has!” Ghost grunts out before turning back to you “Are you okay?” he asked in a hushed whisper. “I’m okay. We need to move out before the weather gets worse,” you replied. “Can you walk without support?” asked Gaz with outstretched arms as if you were to fall without notice. “I think I can manage.” you breathe out walking with a limp “Yeah...yeah, I think I can manage. Price how long is the walk," you questioned. “Walking? Oh, Sweetheart from here to the safe house it's going to be a hike.” Price chuckled, removing his gaze from the stained glass, and turned to face you. “If you can’t handle it, I can always carry you like a princess and I’ll be your prince in shining armor.” Soap teased with a wink. Chuckling to yourself, you playfully punch his shoulder as a form of saying you’re going to be okay, and you were going to stick to yourself, and you start following behind Ghost and out the door walking through the graveyard with unmarked tombs.   
“Facken Hell” Soap grunted, he was the first one to complain about the freezing weather as you and the team struggled to push through the almost knee-high snow. Ghost was at least kind enough to go in front of you unintentionally making a small path and making it a bit easier for you to walk. You have never been more grateful about his size more than today (not that you’ll ever admit it) and even with his help you still staggered behind. You haven't even started walking for 30 minutes and you felt like you just ran a marathon. You tried to even out your breathing thinking that you might be overreacting. You started giving yourself little motivation so you could keep up with the team. That was before your side felt like it was on fire, your body slowly started to get warm, and you started to slow down into a stop.  Gaz noticed that you had stopped walking and turned back to you. “Are you doing alright?” he asked, slowing his pace to stand next to you. “As much as I want to say I’m fine. I’m starting to feel a little lightheaded” you replied with gasps in between, holding your head with a hand on your forehead. You wanted to start walking again but your whole body seemed like it was underwater even though Gaz was next to you his voice started to sound muffled and far away. You decided that you wanted to push more, and you didn’t check your stepping and your foot slipped on a rock causing you to lose your balance. You were not able to stop yourself from both cushioning the fall and tumbling down a steep trench that you hadn't noticed until now and you landed face down and you swear you felt like someone has pressed a branding iron on your wound. You used the last bit of energy to roll yourself over onto your back staring up at the soft pearl clouds blanketing the whole sky, the subtle flickering of the snow glistening as they twisted and turned with their slow grace down to earth. It was a peaceful sight other than the blinding pain your body had to currently endure. Your vision was fighting to stay awake slowly blinking as 4 dark figures were running down the hill towards you, a stark contrast on the untouched snow. Price was the first one in your line of vision holding your head and through your blurred vision you see his mouth moving but you can’t hear anything other than the ringing in your ears. You try to focus your eyes on him, trying to understand what he is shouting to the rest of your team then your eyes started straining signifying that you were slowly losing your fight on staying conscious, letting your head loose, it tilted away from Price as you closed your eyes for a well-deserved break into the darkness.   
A pounding in your head disrupted your sleep causing you to groan softly against a mattress. You slowly stretch yourself enough to feel the rough texture of the mattress grinding on your soft skin. You were relishing a few seconds to yourself before a cry broke out from your lips causing you to sit up quickly and your hands flying to the side of your torso.  As you were cradling your wound, a pair of hands were suddenly pushing you down by your shoulders. By instinct you tried to look for a way to defend yourself, that was until the hands on your shoulders managed to push you into the mattress, a soft shushing caught your attention. “Hey! Take it easy. Look at me. Breathe. It’s just me, Soap.’’ You relaxed on the mattress and looked around at your surroundings. It seems that the team had settled down into an abandoned cabin that consisted of a fireplace that was still covered in dust, probably not used in years and especially not now. You guessed because the smoke might give your location away if you were to build a fire. The lack of light caused you to try and look outside through the snow and frosted-covered glass plane, but it was still enough to confirm that it was dark outside. “What happened? It was barely noon last time I remember,” you asked absentminded. “Well... We heard that you started to slow down, and Gaz went to check on you and he did nothing to stop you from falling off the cliff.” Soap explained, raising his voice towards the end. “Hey! It just happened too fast and-” Before he could finish Soap hit him on the head and he sat down next to him leaving you alone and he started continuing what he was saying “You took a nasty fall and hit your head and you seemed out of it. Nothing big though, you’re just going to have to deal with a migraine for a while and you managed to rip your stitches apart. Gaz was able to secure them again, but you were out like a light. Ghost piggybacked you all the way over here!” he laughed.   
You nodded slowly, seemingly lost in your mind. “She seems dazed, guess that fall took a lot more than we thought” Price noted watching as you weakly started to stand and slowly made your way to where Gaz and Soap were sitting and plopped down next to them.  Groaning out softly you curiously looked at your puff of condensed air. They all watched in silence as you giggled like a little girl then a shiver rolled down your spine you then did the unthinkable, since Soap was the nearest to you sat and curled up between Soap’s legs and cuddled your head into his shoulder. It seemed that the whole room froze towards your actions. You aren’t usually like this with your tough demeanor, you usually never asked for help, and even on the rare times you do ask for help you’ll be embarrassed and cuss them out as if the problem was somehow caused by them, and it was (at least to the team) weird to see you open to your actions.  You felt him tense up against you raising his hands as if he was being held at gunpoint, he was about to push you away until he hears you softly whine something he wasn’t going to hear if you weren’t so close. “Gosh, you’re so warm it's so cold in here.” You pulled up your hands to your mouth and let little puffs into them and rubbed them together.  You’re slowly settling down to rest again until Ghost’s voice broke the silence “You haven’t eaten all day. You need to eat something before sleeping again without food you won't heal as fast.’ You turned to face him as he sat silently in a dark corner and slightly opened one of your eyes and sheepishly shook your head saying no. “Jesus Christ you’re burning up there, lass, aren't you?” His hand suddenly came to rest on your forehead and Price gently rubbed the back of his hand onto your cheek muttering more to himself, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear “She’s running a fever.”  “Here make her drink a lot of water.” Ghost urges holding out a bottled water; Price takes the bottle from him and extends it to you. You once again shake your head. “Don’t you back away. Come on. It's just water.” ”Don't wanna” you replied. “Would you drink if I help you?” You said nothing this time. Price takes your silence as a yes. Confused, he carefully tested the waters by slowly tilting the bottled water to your lips allowing you to take small sips. After you finished half of the bottle he praises “That’s my girl.” He closes the bottle, places it on the floor, leans back, and sits silently.  After a few minutes, everyone continued to settle down, especially Soap since he was busy embracing and enjoying your warmth then one by one started noticing that your breathing came out as deep breaths. Gaz suddenly perks up and says, “She still has to eat too” Once again all their attention was now on you. Everyone stares at Soap and expects him to do something “What? Do you really think I’m going to wake her up just for her to eat?” he said defensively, subconsciously pulling you tighter into his chest and embrace.  
“You know we have to.” Ghost sighs. “Not even 5 more minutes.” Soap said while shying away from the harsh stares of the team. Ghost forces Soap’s arms away from your body slowly and gently shaking your shoulder to wake up. You stirred from your short-lived slumber and looked up at him confused. He crouched down to your eye level and whispered “Luv, you must eat something before going back to bed.” “But I’m going to get cold though.” “Here you can have my blanket.” Price immediately covers you in the soft material that seemingly had his scent covered all over the blanket. He gently started pulling you away from Soap which had begrudgingly agreed to let you go. Price starts getting an MRE out of his backpack opens it up for you and puts it in your hands.  Your head jolted back in disgust upon seeing and smelling the MRE, and you pushed it back to Price “Eww I don’t want to eat that it looks horrible,” you replied with a huff and tried to cross your arms over your chest before Price forces them down once more and he responded, “Come on, sweetheart you know you have to eat at least something”. “Do you have anything that tastes better than that?’” you pleaded. “I think I might have something you like!” Gaz exclaims while reaching into his backpack looking for something and he pulls out a Chocolate bar. Your eyes sparkled when your eyes landed on the candy. You moved to the outstretched hand with the candy, your hand was barely closing on the sugary goodness before it was snatched away by Price. You softly gasp and shockingly look at Price, your eyes begging for an answer. He just smirks and holds the bar next to his face and simply tells “I promise to give it to you once you have finished your food.’’ “Promise?” “I promise in fact I’ll help you” Price said as he continues to sit directly in front of you, place the chocolate bar next to him and scooped a spoonful out of the MRE and holding it a mere inches away from your mouth. “Don’t be shy, open up”. You became rigid as you noticed that you are in the middle of attention, and you knew that Price is stubborn enough not to have it your way and as you open your mouth to eat what was on the spoon a small involuntary ‘ah∼’ squeaked from you. You looked down embarrassedly and chewed slowly. You could hear the stifled laughs from everyone as your face turns bright pink. Price once again hold out a spoonful toward you and shook your head in denial. Price once again holds up the chocolate bar and teasingly said “Come on, Princess if you want this you must finish.” You closed your eyes, swallowed your pride, and ate more. The whole process went on in a somewhat comfortable silence. You got used to the routine so much that you started to nod off bit by bit until Price startled you when he shoved the chocolate into your hands and softly muttered “You did such a good job, Princess.”   
You stared happily at the chocolate on your hands and before you could open it, you sneezed and broke into a coughing fit. You tried to huddle yourself tighter into the blanket, but it didn’t stop you from shaking like a leaf. A small commotion broke out but once your coughing fit calmed down you realize that you have been picked up and carried by someone you only noticed once you suddenly felt a wave of warmth spread through your body that you, in fact, are laying on top of Ghost. Once you settled down in that conclusion you tried to scramble away from him, before he held you down by hugging you and squeezing you closer to him. You noticed that he wasn’t wearing his protective gear, you felt some but not all of it under his hoodie that you didn’t notice that he was wearing because he was sitting in the dark up until now. Your head was placed directly on top of Ghost’s chest, and you can hear his heartbeat quicken just a little. The rhythm of his heart and the warmth of his body slowly coaxed you closer to a deep slumber. Your eyes fought to stay awake until a heavy hand slowly petted your head and dragged down your back. You slowly relaxed into his strong embrace and unconsciously rubbed your nose into his chest until you found a comfortable place for your head to rest.  Unknowing to you Price, Gaz, and especially Soap gave Ghost the most hateful stare they could muster but Ghost simply shrugged as he continued to comb his fingers through your hair.   
Silently wishing that the night would last forever just to have you in his arms. 
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demonpiratehuntress · 8 months
hurt for long
OPLA!Zoro x Reader
Summary - Every time you go to a certain island, you're used by a guy you think genuinely likes you. This time you go with Zoro, and when that guy hurts you yet again, the green-haired swordsman is there to pick up the pieces.
Warning - cussing, violence (a little, but it's Zoro), he may be OOC a little but it fits the plot
"Don't you think for a minute he's irreplaceable
I know he hurt you, but it won't hurt for long
Hurt for long
He thinks you're out of options
You're 'bout to prove him wrong
'Cause I'm right here making sure you don't hurt for long
Hurt for long"
"What's so nice about this island?"
You looked at the dark-haired sharpshooter next to you as leaned against the railing of the ship, your gaze previously on the upcoming stretch of land. You let out a sigh, trying to calm your nerves which were clearly showing. But you felt too excited.
"I'm just excited to see someone."
"Oooooh," Usopp teased, "(Name)'s got a boyfriend."
The timing could not have been worse, because your closest crewmate - and secret crush, but that's a long story - was about to join you and Usopp. However, when those words met his ears, he changed his mind. He was not going to stand and listen to you gush about the nobody you liked, because it wasn't him.
You didn't notice, your cheeks reddening, "He's not my boyfriend! Just a...friend with benefits, of sorts."
Zoro's annoyance quickly grew, and he almost accidentally shoved a passing Sanji overboard while storming away from the deck. He didn't know why he felt so protective, so possessive, because it was clear you weren't into him (at least in his mind), but he couldn't help it. He'd tried so hard to stop these feelings, unsuccessfully. And now he had to deal with your affections lying elsewhere, with some stupid guy on some stupid island and-
"We're here!"
You were bounding off the ship as soon as it was moored, and already running into the village without waiting for anyone. Nami and Sanji - the only two who were aware of Zoro's feelings, much to his irritation - looked at him. He turned away, trying to appear unaffected, but none of them missed the way his fists clenched.
By the time the rest of the crew had caught up with you, however, Zoro's anger and frustration was immediately replaced with heartbreak and concern.
You were dejectedly walking back the way you came, hugging yourself with tears streaming down your face. Your quiet sniffles were not as quiet as you intended them to be, and upon hearing them Zoro's heart sunk.
"(Name), what happened?!" Nami was the first to reach you, grabbing your arms and pulling you aside.
"I don't want to talk about it," you replied quietly, a fresh round of tears slipping down your face. "Can we just go?"
"What did he do?"
All eyes turned to the green-haired swordsman, anger burning in his eyes. One hand was on his swords, as if he was preparing to slide one out and slice whoever hurt you into ribbons.
"How did you-" You looked up at him, but he cut you off.
"What. Did. He. Do?"
"Please don't do anything stupid," you pleaded, but told him anyway. Out of everyone on the crew, you were closest to Zoro. You couldn't stop yourself from telling him anything and everything, even if you tried.
"I'm going to kill him."
"No, Zoro!"
Before you could lunge at him to stop him, he was gone. You cursed yourself for mentioning which house it was, and the rest of you ran as fast as you could to chase down your aggressive crewmate.
But when Zoro was out for blood, he usually got it.
By the time you all reached the house, Zoro was standing over the guy with his boot pressed down hard on the coward's chest, with him whimpering and begging to be freed. One of Zoro's katanas was pointed directly at his nose, and he was going squint trying to keep his eyes on it. You were about to say something, when you heard the words spilling from the swordsman's mouth.
"You dumb fuck," he hissed, "Do you even realise what you have done? You had all of her attention, all of her affection, and you go and fuck it up? How could you settle for that whore upstairs when you had the prettiest woman already? Bastard."
Your heart fluttered at those words - some of them, anyway. He thought you were the prettiest? He yearned for your love and attention? You had been so busy trying to ignore your feelings for him and project them onto someone else, that you had never made room for the possibility he might like you back. Now you felt guilty, and started to cry all over again.
"Zoro," Nami warned. "Let's go."
He looked up to see you standing there with Nami, all the fire in his eyes extinguishing at the sight of you. His expression softened, and within seconds he had his sword sheathed and you in his arms. You tried to protest, saying you could walk, but his next words made you melt.
"I want to carry you."
A while later, you were back on the seas with your crew. A blanket had been slung across your shoulders, and you were sitting out on the deck with a hot drink in your hand - courtesy of Sanji who had been in no way threatened by Zoro to make it.
"Thank you," you finally spoke, turning to the silent swordsman beside you.
"What for?" He asked, his deep voice comforting you.
"For beating him up," you managed a small laugh.
He cracked a smile at that, turning to look at you, "Who says I did it for you? Maybe I just wanted an excuse to hit something."
"Uh huh, tough guy," you laughed, then leaned against him. "Did you mean all those things you said?"
"What things?" He hummed, trying to feign confusion.
You rolled your eyes, but smiled and let him be. You just sat there, leaning against him, and watched the ocean in silence. Until he decided to speak up.
"I did mean them."
You smiled, and looked up at him as he continued.
"I'm not...I'm not very good at showing how I feel, especially when it comes to something like this." He paused. "I don't know how to...navigate this, because I have never let myself think about anything other than training. Than becoming the world's greatest swordsman. Romance was the last thing I ever expected to find, but..." He gave you a rare, unguarded and genuinely happy smile, "I'm glad I found it with you."
His confession made your eyes widen, and you had to set the drink down from how shaky your hands got.
"And I know..." He took a deep breath, "I know you liked that guy, but-"
You giggled, and he stopped talking, his face turning red.
"Your naivety towards some things is adorable, you know that?" You stopped him before he could protest about being called adorable. "I only diverted my attention to him because I didn't think I would ever have a chance with you, the absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, quietly sweet, and extremely protective former pirate hunter."
Your words caused an unfamiliar feeling to overcome him. He felt heat rise to his cheeks, an effect only you had ever had on him. He couldn't describe how he felt hearing you say that, but it was definitely a good feeling and he was starting to enjoy the way you made him feel.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you right against him. You hummed in satisfaction and curled into his side, head resting on his shoulder as his chin found the top of your head. You felt a soft, barely-there kiss being placed on top of your head, and smiled to yourself.
"Well I guess I should be thankful that idiot messed up," he spoke again, "He didn't deserve you anyway." He looked at you. "You deserve so much better than that, and I'm going to show you that."
You smiled, tilting your head up to meet his warm eyes, "I know."
He let himself smile again, satisfaction bubbling within him at the fact that he was the cause of your smile this time. He held you just a bit tighter, not wanting to let go, and wanting to keep you from further harm, emotional or physical. He wanted to shield you from all the hurtful things you might encounter, because he would be damned if he had to go through the pain of seeing your face so broken and upset again. He didn't ever want to see you cry again, not because of him, or anyone else.
"You know, that didn't hurt for long," you finally spoke up again after a few quiet minutes. "Thanks to you."
"Glad I can be of service."
You rolled your eyes, lightly smacking his chest at his remark. He laughed, the sound like audible honey, and leaned in to softly press his lips against yours.
"Get some rest. I'll be here for as long as you need me to."
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