#?? its fun!
haunted-xander · 2 years
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Hello kny fandom
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thiccsys · 3 months
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hey guys i wanna digital paint so im learning heres my first study
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spiderdotexe · 3 months
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the dastardly sonic dot executable!
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cauchys-special-boy · 4 months
i really like that elementary real analysis takes introducing all these powerful tools, bumping up a level of abstraction, to prove really practical workman calculus results. and then elementary complex analysis is where you prove things about these really beautiful abstractions that ripple out into all sorts of other fields by like. carefully picking a contour and then doing high school calculus
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draggysden · 6 months
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Dragon legy
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vlupshittous · 22 days
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The pocket on these pants has been unusuably ripped for years so when I wore a hole through the ass, I grafted a piece of fabric from the ripped pocket in as a patch.
I'm not a very good seamstress and it's not like no one has ever done this but I'm proud of having done this with my own hands.
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jazzzzzzhands · 8 months
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Inktober 2023 Yr 8. Day 10: Fortune When I think of riches and treasures, I think of the little things in life!!
The special things that we collect and find along the way! So have art inspired by a few things on my desk!!
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upthewitchypunx · 10 months
So, for those of you who don't know, I'm one of the organizers behind the Critical Thinking Witch Collective. We found each other in a Facebook atheist witches group 3 years ago and decided to make things we wanted to see in the world instead of just snarking about the lack of critical thinking we saw in regular witchcraft spaces.
We aren't all atheists, but we do all value critical thinking and enjoy the value and beauty of the mysterious. With several experienced event organizers in our group, we decided to make our own virtual convention with panels and discussions that we wanted to see in the world. And for two years it's been such a success! We are gearing up for our 4th year and I'm really excited for you to see what we have in store!
In addition to our big CritWitchCon, we host smaller free events we call "Witches Brews" they are smaller virtual events with a theme, presentations, activities, and smaller breakout rooms with guided discussion. This is an excellent way to test the water to see if it's a good fit for you and also have a lot of fun with like minded witches.
I posted a link to our next event that has a theme of Magic of Words. It's August 20th and while the event is free, you do need to get a ticket so we can send you the link.
Hope to see you there!
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howaitot · 2 months
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quick doodle of a revolutionary new concept - non wod artemiy
[ He's a medium who died and who's ghost got bound to his own body - which is an incredible privilege amongst ghosts but also. now he has to learn how to be dead ]
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basilpaste · 3 months
the au scene in the isat fandom is really just a circle of us shouting "DONT BE MEAN TO THEM" at everyone else and then teeheeing when we get the same reaction when mean to our guy(s) of choice
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ariapmdeol · 28 days
i used to not pay attention to name order for pairings (and i still don't pay THAT much attention) but it's really really funny to read a pairing name and have a visceral reaction of 'NO ITS THE OTHER WAY AROUND'
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redclown19 · 14 days
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callisteios · 2 years
ooh check out my very spooky scary uquiz: welcome to my jigsaw saw trap (except I’m not very good at being jigsaw :/ )
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nyapheus · 2 months
Recently i’ve been peppering in cat-based puns into my speech. Incredibly amusing. Couldn’t recommend more. (Or should I say “amewsing?”)
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ispyspookymansion · 3 months
when making character playlists do you usually add any song that makes you think of them or try to stick to their vibe. i am Struggling
(follow up question: would you be interested in a benson playlist. im going insane over here)
usually i find it easier to make playlists that make me think of a character but if i find one with their vibe i’ll add it as well. i try to use some personal discretion and not add in things that feel SO egregiously off base, vibewise, but mostly i do it based on lyrics that make me think of them which admittedly can result in some He would not fucking listen to that playlist choices but i am doing this for ME ! (also sure yes of course i would! send it my way if you want to when its done! hes an interesting guy i havent found too many songs that clearly make me think of him either)
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Anyways please play Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective if you can please! It's from the same creator of the Ace Attorney games so if you enjoyed them you'll probably like this too! The characters are awesome, the animation is splendid for a DS game and it has one of the best stories I've ever seen. If you like puzzle games, stories that know when to make you laught and when to pull your heartstrings, charismatic characters and a really good mystery, you need to give Ghost Trick a chance.
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