#[ let's reminisce shall we? ;; drabbles ]
ladystarksneedle · 2 months
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Golden age
A/N: Got inspired to write a little drabble for Alicent based on this song
Summary: Alicent reminisces on time lost and memories of love.
Word count: 508
She holds the dress in her hands close to her frame as the doors to her chambers shut for the night. It is the hour of the bat and she finds herself unwilling to call upon Talya to help her undress. The fabric crinkles as she struggles to slip it on, the act in itself feeling sacred yet scarred. The green soothes her skin, clings to her like a cloak, a shroud of protection despite being delivered to duty in it all those years ago. 
She finds herself brushing her fingers over her waist, noticing how the velvet tightens around her womb, now long past bearing fruit and wonders how her mother felt when she wore it last. She remembers a banquet, of days past, a happy smile, restrained yet content as she gazed at her father. Love the word in itself holds no meaning anymore. 
She remembers a girl from the past, excited for the royal tourney, eager to bestow her favor to a knight she'd only dreamed about. The ballads and tales that regaled her fell in a swoop that day, lost to the death of the late queen. The tears don't come anymore as she recalls her wedding day.
“Somber and solemn as it should be” her father had said as he'd walked her down the aisle.
“We'll change history today, daughter. You've made our house proud”.
She hadn't felt brave then, letting in a man who'd brought in the very pain that afflicted him, drowning her in a pool of blood and tears. 
“This is the price we pay for greatness, for the good of the realm” she'd heard.
Whispers and assurances passed over meals, in the corridors and great halls as she floundered with the veneer of her head held high. Perhaps it was her. Anyone else would have rejoiced at the position bestowed on her yet how could she claim this to be love when she'd felt it once before, even in a dream.
“You're the most comely girl at court Alicent, why do you ruin yourself so”.
His words rang true even in absence, as the people she trusted dwindled and the drapes and tapestries changed, her enclosure remaining the same guarded by bloodied hands, four instead of two.
The green catches the light of a withering candle nearby and she can see her eyes illuminated by it, feeling the depth of emotion coursing through her.
 “You look just like your mother in certain lights” 
She sees it now, not in the weight of her sorrow but the flecks of gold that cast their shadows. A memory emerges, of fire and uncertainty, a kingly remark of succession whispered with drunken callousness “I had a dream” 
“My son shall be anointed in the way of the Conqueror. Let the people remember the ancient strength of House Targaryen”
Green and gold greet her as she emerges at dawn, straight faced as she gazes at her son shouldered with duty.
“Gold shall eclipse green henceforth and perhaps I'll have lit my way through the dark.”
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anzynai · 2 months
been thinking about azujami from twisted wonderland a LOTT lately, which reminded me of a headcanon/scenario that @thatonetickleblog had talked about with me a while ago… so i wrote it teeheheheh
ANYWAYS, no proper formatting i guess and minimal proofreading. also hoping characters arent ooc but its a drabble so its fine but yea, enjoy please.
azul was a very prideful person and he always made sure of that. there should be no reason he was struggling to make any sort of eye contact, let alone maintain it, with jamil.
“what’s the matter with you?” jamil raised a brow, frowning.
“nothing, don’t fret over it,” azul averted his eyes, looking down at the tiled flooring. he had never had a problem with eye contact before— in fact, it had always come quite easily to him. it being an incredibly useful tool for intimidating others was the prime reason for that. but…
completely out of nowhere and out of character for jamil, he had complimented azul’s talents and to top it off, even smiled. and, really, how was azul meant to deal with that?!
“how are we meant to spar if you can’t even look me in the eyes?” jamil scoffed, annoyance in his gaze. his staring felt much more prominent than ever, almost burning through his body.
“it will be just fine. you worry far too much, jamil!” azul squinted, trying to meet jamil’s eyes. unluckily, the second he caught sight of his eyes, he whipped his head away, trying to will his blush away. crushes were seriously the worst.
“i am definitely not worried.” the scarabia vice-housewarden walked towards him, his steps clacking on the ground rhythmically. the other didn’t look up, not even when jamil was practically a foot away from him.
and then it happened. jamil grabbed his face, forcing azul to meet his gaze. azul couldn’t even attempt to hide the blossoming redness of his face as he let out a gasp. jamil narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing and azul felt himself shrink at his gaze.
jamil readjusted his hands, his slender fingers grazing under azul’s chin in a way that felt very, very ticklish. azul scrunched his neck, accidentally letting a giggle slip through his lips. the two froze. azul, out of of sheer embarrassment, and jamil, out of shock and confusion over what just happened. it didn’t take long for him to connect the dots because a sneer oddly reminiscent of a snake had appeared on his face.
“oh, i see,” jamil snickered, looking way too amused for azul’s liking. and this time, he curled in his fingers, tickling azul on purpose. azul bit his lip, wrinkling his nose as an unwilling smile wore on his face. azul wanted nothing more than to crawl into a dark hole and die. how humilating.
and when azul giggled again, he tried pushing away jamil, hiding his face with his hand under the guise of fixing his glasses. jamil didn’t fight him, choosing to laugh at his misery instead.
“nothing happened,” azul muttered, weakly, disappointed in himself for even allowing himself to get into this situation. in front of his crush, no less!
“nothing happened,” jamil started, sounding as though he was about to agree, but then a smug smile made its way onto his face again. “except i just saw you get flustered over some eye contact.. and not only that, but you’re ticklish. i have to say, it’s a real sight to see.”
was.. was that a compliment? azul shook his head. no, he definitely just wanted to see azul miserable.
“whatever,” azul forced himself to meet jamil’s eyes. “shall we spar now, instead of idling over pointless things?”
jamil chuckled at that, but he pulled his magic pen out of his pocket. azul breathed, pulling his pen out as well. he was definitely going to get the upper hand this time by winning the spar.
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honeyglz · 1 year
"Tell me a secret"
A/N - Back at it already woo!! She/Her pronouns (though I will be trying to branch out in the future) . Its just a little drabble but ye also literally bare minimum proof reading done for this.
Pairing - Bakugou x Reader
P2- Take it to the grave
Warning- Mentions of death, injuries and blood as well as general violence. (Pls lmk if I missed any)
song rec - Atlantis by seafret and somewhere only we know (idk sry)
Category- Angst, enemies to ???
Smoke smothered the air, her breath heavy in her lungs. Her vision blured as tears ran down her face, her mind wandering. Her back pressed against the jagged concrete pillar, legs giving out as she slumped to the floor. A dry cough escaped her, crimson painting her mouth. Her hand found her cracked phone as her bloodied finger slipped across her screen eyes drifting to his contact. She clicked on it and listened as his voice rang in her ear piece.
"What do you want?" Annoyance laced Bakugou's voice as it rang through her ear, loud and clear.
She chuckled before coughing, blood dripping from her mouth. She didn't bother to say much the words slipping from her before she could hold them.
"Tell me a secret."
The request was small, her voice even more so. Bakugous eyes turned to the screen, confused at such a random call and demand.
Silence rang through as he huffed, "Why are you calling me nitwit?- Your supposed to be on patrol"
Her smile faded at his scolding, instead she changed the subject. "I miss UA... remember our first year?"
A grunt came through the phone as he stiffened at her tone. "Where are you L/N?"
"I remember when we first met. You called me an extra and I called you a dumbass" tears ran freely down her cheeks as she reminisced.
"Where the fuck are you L/N?" His stood up from his seat grabbing his coat before he caught sight of the news.
A downtown villian attack. Your patrol route.
Bakugou's blood ran cold as he rushed out the door phone still in hand. "L/N !? Where are you!"
A cough came from the phone as she bought the phone to her shoulder, hands resting at her side as her breath came out labored. "Katsuki, let me ask you something."
He ran as fast as his legs would take before he froze. His body shook at the sight of the city in ruins, the damage was spread too far for him to find you in time. You would die. You were going to die. And you'd be gone. Forever. Your voice snapped him out of his trace as you repeated your request.
"Katsuki. Please." Your voice was so weak. You felt so weak.
"What?... What is it?" His voice shrank as his eyes frantically looked around for any sign of you.
"In our third year I wanted to ask you something. It was our last day and I stopped you but I never told you." You felt your heart ache in your chest, your body slowly shutting off.
"Yea I remember.. what about it?" He flipped debris, you were no where to be seen.
"If I had asked you out that day.... would you have said yes?" It was selfish of you to ask, but death granted only one request. You didn't want to leave without knowing.
His breath caught as he felt tears begin to build. "You wanted to know a secret right?"
You hummed as you closed your eyes, the light around you fading in and out.
"My secret is I would have said yes."
You smiled up to the sky as you felt your mind rest. "Ain't that something huh?" And like clockwork the world went dark, the last thing you heard was his voice. Begging you to let him take you out. To wake up.
"Pro hero H/N pronounced dead after villian attack this morning. Though our medical team has yet to find her body sources concluded her remains were destroyed in the battle. More details coming soon-"
The TV shut off as the remote hit the floor, Y/N's body illuminated by the glow of the screen. Straps and chains decorating her skin as a gloved hand stroked her cheek.
"What do you say dove? Shall we give them a real show?"
A/N - WOOO ANGST YEAAA. Lmk if yall want me to do a part 2 cause yea :D.
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Vee's birthday project day 2
A/n: DAY 2 WOOHOO. And this one was an absolute delight to write. I think this might be on the list of my favorite drabbles to write for Jungkookie ever.
Let's get into it then shall we?
Delayed flights and lattes.
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Tagging: @minniesvenus
A delayed flight isn't the worst thing in the world is it?
Well, no but it's quite high on the list.
Especially if the list isn't even that long.
You could think of only a few things that genuinely pissed you off, and the fact that it was 11:30 pm on the eve of your birthday and your flight back home had been indefinitely delayed for the time being would definitely be up there.
You checked your phone for the 5th time in 5 minutes and rolled your eyes at the sluggish pace of the time passing and slipped lower on the uncomfortable waiting area bench.
Midnight came and went, bringing a swift buzzing from your phone as a storm of happy birthday messages popped up.
One of the reasons you were looking forward to being in the air by midnight was that you could miss the barrage of generics 'happy birthday's which were definitely half assed.
You realized there would atleast be one person who's wish was going to be genuine and you smiled softly as you skimmed through your best friend's message, heart melting at the reminiscences of the past year. Yup, birthday wishes weren't that bad were they.
As it neared 1 am, there was an announcement about your flight, letting people know the flight was rescheduled for 2:30 am. You sighed softly, well atleast you knew now when you'd leave. You hated being left in the dark.
A coffee was required now. And who knows maybe even a donut or cupcake with it. It was your birthday after all. You stood up and stretched, feeling a little sore since the bench had been anything but comfortable.
You grabbed your luggage and made towards the cafe nearby.
The cafe was empty, well almost, as you saw one man in a black sweatshirt and long, fluffy hair working on one of the tables and that was it. To be fair, it was quite late so the airport was quite empty too.
As the realization settled in, you looked around and were delighted by the vibe. This wasn't so bad.
You ordered your latte and a donut and went to sit at the table near the window, near where the man was sitting.
Even at a rudimentary glance, you could see that though he was wearing a mask, he was incredibly handsome. A faint frown sat on his brows and you imagined he might have his lips downturned under that mask.
You snapped out of it, definitely staring for too long as it was, but just as you checked your phone again and looked up, you caught a glimpse of his earrings twinkling in that impressive mane of hair.
God, he really was so damn handsome.
The waitress approached him then, asking him if he'd like a cushion for his back since he'd been sitting in the chair like that for a long time, apparently working.
You noticed that when he looked up at the waitress, his frown disappeared and a soft smile graced his eyes.
And when he spoke... Even his voice was smooth a calming. He politely declined, saying he was comfortable like this and was grateful for the concern. The waitress left, a little dejected and you wondered if her concern was merely a way to talk to the handsome stranger.
Well, you wouldn't blame her. You had already established that he was incredibly attractive.
By the time your order came to you, you had caught the guy's eye.
And you weren't proud to say that it had been when you were already looking at him.
You were sure your cheeks were pink and you prayed he'd looked away since you'd ducked your head immediately.
You looked at the chocolate glazed donut in front of you, and took a sip of your coffee.
You were debating on making a wish. Your friend was always big on making wishes, and it was a habit you'd picked up from her. You weren't too sure you believed in stuff like that but were still willing to entertain her, and well, a birthday wish was traditional.
So you closed your eyes, clasped your hands and made a wish.
"Happy birthday to me I guess" you mumbled and took a bite.
But then your eyes found the handsome stranger again, and this time he was staring at you.
Directly at you, with the softest eyes.
Fuck, had he heard you?
Was that pity in his eyes?
Did he think you were some sad girl, spending her birthday alone in an airport cafe?
Oh no.
Oh noooo.
But then he nodded at you, and went back to work and your tense muscles eased considerably.
Apparently, he wasn't the judgemental type, thank god.
You peacefully finished your food and drink, occasionally stealing glances at the way his hair fell over his forehead and how his tattooed fingers tapped away rapidly at the keyboard.
A little while later, there was an announcement for the boarding of the flight to Los Angeles, and the man finally looked around, then typed a few final words before closing his laptop and stretching, a hum of relief leaving him.
Ahhhh, how endearing. Especially the way he frowned in satisfaction. You hadn't seen that expression ever before.
He then smiled at you, and tore a tiny piece of paper from the notebook next to his laptop and scribbled something, folding it and placing it in his pocket before packing his stuff and going up to the counter.
You noticed that the waitress had been eagerly watching his every move (much like you) and visibly brightened up when he pulled the piece of paper from his pocket.
Her smile dimmed only slightly as he mumbled something you couldn't catch as she flashed a glance at you, making you immediately look away.
When you heard the bell tinkle signalling the door had opened, you looked up again to catch his broad shoulders leaving the cafe, his backpack over one and hair bouncing with every step. You followed him through the glass of the window before he turned and disappeared and a strange sadness settled into your stomach to watch him go.
His presence really had felt like the strangest, most peaceful thing. He had been silent the whole time, but it had been nice. You smiled sadly and finished the coffee in your cup that was cold by now.
"Excuse me miss" the waitress stood above you.
"Oh... Yes?" You blinked.
"The gentleman earlier, left this for you." She placed the folded note on your table and bowed and retreated.
With a racing heart and slightly fumbling fingers you grabbed the note.
"Happy birthday stranger" followed by a number.
You smiled.
Fuck him, even his handwriting was pretty.
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takakuyaku-archive · 3 years
PART 2 of the previous  memory prompts ask. 
[ purple ] for a melancholy memory.
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            THE WIND seemed to caress both of them as Takumi flew through the sky. A familiar figure tucked away in their arms as they soared through the clouds, keeping them safe until they landed on a familiar tower. Tall enough to provide a gorgeous view of the city beneath. At a glimpse this view made everyone look like ants, minuscule as the city lights were their only providers of light.
Takumi holds their partner gently in their arms. Fingers interlocking with the other’s as they were able to press their chin gently on her head. Shutting their eyes quietly they remained in mutual silence. Enjoying the view, the wind, and each other’s company. Not many words were needed between them all the time, but it was strange when they felt her turn and grabbed their shirt. Their attention suddenly on Tomie who holds up a small ring in her hands, words stumble, but not too many. She’s always been so simple, never one to say many things at once or many things at all. Shy, reserved, it’s shocking that she’s doing this, such a bold and loud move.
                                                       Will you marry me? 
             WORDS THAT Takami to this day still remembers, the same quiet whisper, the same look in her large wide eyes and the set that floats above her always. They, for once, were speechless, never having imagined in a million years to settle, but they truly couldn’t see themselves dedicating themselves to anyone else. Perhaps they can have their own happily ever after after all.
[ obsidian ] for a traumatic memory.
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            THE DRIZZLE of rain can be heard trickling down from the sky, brushing against bruised and scratched up skin as the boy ran and ran and ran— They moved as though something were in hot pursuit of them. Fear pumping through their veins as they round a corner, talons scratching brick as they lose their grip from trying to propel themselves further. Breath heavy they scatter and flap their wings, but the pain that surged through their spin when they did is what detours them from trying again. Everything is blurry, everything is so hazy, they shouldn’t have tried what they did, but their mentor would never let them move forward. 
They would call them a failure. 
As they try to get over the wall of rubbish that blocks their path within the alleyway they can hear yelling distantly from behind. Their eyes widen and then go neutral quickly as they climb and just as they almost get over the wall something grabs their ankle and YANKS them back down. A loud CRASH echoes as they hit the concrete, head bouncing as they let out a cry of pain. They didn’t register the voices, they felt like swirling, ringing, they see eyes and men looming over them with weapons. 
             ALL THEY knew to do is react, fight for their right to survive in this dark underground they’ve placed themselves in. Feathers shootout, cutting one of their faces as they stumble forward to get away from them. More feathers are thrown, the young person throwing themselves to the side when a gun is heard. Just nicking them against their shoulder as they move out of the way. When they look back they glare and lock onto the feathers they sent out before. 
A hoarse whisper, but as soon as they release this word into the frigid air feathers return back to them and stab straight through their pursuer’s bodies. Causing two to collapse onto the ground suddenly. Takami wastes no time and runs again, this time dragging out their endurance, forcing their wings to move. They take off, leaving them behind and seeking sanctuary. 
A mission that could have gone sour, but at least they still have the trinket their mentor assigned to them.
[ umber ] for a repressed memory.
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            THEY CAN still hear the soft snores from him. How small and delicate he was at this time, a time and memory that had simply been kept locked away. Never to resurface and stir whatever it was in their chest that ached each time they saw their child. It was a long time ago, Tomie rests comfortably in the hospital bed she was provided while Takumi held their son carefully in their arms. Looking over him carefully as they squirm slightly in their little cloth prison. They didn’t know exactly what to do with him, if too much movement were okay, if they were holding him correctly. If anything all Takumi really did was stare back at Keigo as they yawn and blink at them. 
So out of curiosity, head tilting to the side, they bring Keigo forward slightly and press their forehead to his. Eyes softening as the small child tries to grab their nose and feel for their parent’s face. Takumi doesn’t really say anything, simply shutting their eyes and allowing the newborn to quietly explore, familiarize themselves with them. . .
             THEY STILL remember, that ache in their chest that added so much pressure when this happened. A desire they didn’t understand, but knew it meant protecting this small wiggly bundle in their arms. 
                                           What an unfortunate turn of events.
[ ginger ] for a nostalgic memory.
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            LOUD YELLING from a familiar fiery individual could be heard behind while the teenager present is cackling wildly. Of course they’re being chased, it wasn’t the first nor the last time Todoroki would be on hot pursuit of them for something they’ve done. But this time it may have been validated some, especially when they held his wallet in their hands, flying as fast as their wings could carry them. Quick turns are made as they try to maneuver around a crowd and buildings to get away from him, but they don’t want to quit.
They never were the type to give up so easily. Which Takumi could respect and honestly they found extremely amusing. They kick up against a wall and make a quick turn to dive back around and fly TOWARDS the boy. Grinning wildly as they brought their hand out ready to shove them back. But as flames grew closer it doesn’t seem the other was keen on stopping the sprint he was on for them. It’s when Takumi allows their bit of clumsiness to show unintentionally that they miss their mark and end up smashing foreheads with Todoroki. 
             THE TWO of them falling backwards onto the ground. Takami dropping the other’s wallet and hearing it skid. They quickly shake their head to try and scramble to get it, but Todoroki always seemed to be faster, grabbing what is theirs quickly and putting it away, only to shoot a glare and lunge at them still. Of course they’re going to get their ass kicked, but Takumi wouldn’t let them so simply. 
It doesn’t take long for the two to leave with black eyes and bruises, but even so Takumi doesn’t seem too bothered. If their panting and large grin were an indication of anything else but manic joy. 
“You’re such a fuckin’ short fuse, Jiji.  Can’t you have a little fun for once?” 
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wysteria-clad · 2 years
Our Spring flower
paring: Benedict, Colin x sister! reader
warnings: none
requested by anon
"helloooo, requesting for the domestic drabble thingyy <3
Maybe a Benedict and Colin x Bridgerton sis with the scene either from that iconic pall mall scene or just with Benedict being high and stuff!! 💙🤍"
a/n: Hey, first of all, I love this request. I decided to go with pall mall scene. I know it was supposed to be a drabble, but I got carried away and it turned into an one shot, I hope you like it anon <3
I also added a song in the middle, listen to it while reading this for better experience ^^
gifs are mine, give credit if you use
summary: while playing the game, Y/n stumbles upon her childhood hideaway. She is not the only one who reminisces her childhood fondly, her older brothers realise how fast she is slipping away from their grasp.
"Let's toss a coin" Colin proposed.
"Last year we promised to let the youngest pick first", Eloise chirped in.
"Not fair", Y/n added.
In any other time, Y/n would have accepted and pulled the same 'I'm the youngest and I shall get my way' card, but she was a year older than Eloise and she did not agree to her proposal and showed her disapproval by nudging her younger sister's side.
"We pick based on alphabet order" her oldest brother demanded.
Thus the siblings began to bicker, until Daphne cut them off, sharply. "Everyone, please, now. The only fair thing to do is to let our invited guests choose their mallets and strike first" she declared with gracefulness, proving her title of a Duchess.
Anthony's demeanor changed, seemingly everyone mutually agreed to it.
The game proceeded in fast pace, many entertaining moments between the Bridgerton Siblings and the Sharma sisters taking place.
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"Aw so close!" Y/n let out a whine when the ball didn't pass through the iron hoop.
A teasing laugh from Colin didn't make her pout vanish. She swatted his hand away when he ruffled the top of hair.
[listen to this song - Slipping through my fingers ]
At that precise moment, to Benedict she seemed like the five year old who would tug at his hand with the same pout, asking him to get her more sweets when she knew she wasn't allowed to, not the nineteen year old who had her debut this season.
She wasn't the diamond of the season unlike his other sister, but that didn't seem to faze her one bit.
A clap on his shoulder tethered him back to reality from his reverie. "It's your turn, brother" Anthony said.
After a while, however, Miss Edwina chose to retire back to the stands and have refreshments with their mothers.
Y/n's next shot went too far to her liking.
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"No way! I'm not quitting" she marched bravely towards the trees following the direction of the ball went.
When she did not return after few minutes, Benedict and Colin got worried and decided to check on her.
The worried expression on Benedict's face eased into nostalgic one when he witnessed what his little sister was upto.
Her mallet layed carelessly on the floor next to dried ground to the mud puddle where the ball was.
She was perched on the swing that was attached to the sturdy old white oak tree. Upon hearing footsteps, she turned her neck to glance back, "Look brothers!" she moved legs, pushing the swing.
Her hair flowing in the wind, her soft blue dress swayed along the movement of the swing in gentle motion, the fabric coated in dirt. She was sure she would get an earful from her mother for it, which she choose to ignore.
The sweet, innocent smile she had on her face made Colin stop in his tracks.
He mentally swore it was the same seven year old girl Benedict and Colin used to push in the swing when they were younger. This was their place, their own little thing.
Her little legs could not reach the ground sitting on it, and sometimes Colin would perch her on his lap, holding her tightly with one hand and pushing the swings with his legs. He could still hear the echoes of her laughter.
It is as if he could see the ghosts of their sweet childhood in that moment.
"Are you alright, brother?" she asked Colin.
"Huh? Yes! I mean, yes"
She got off the swing. Grabbing her mallet, she made her way past them. The forlorn look on their eyes didn't go unnoticed by her.
When none of them moved, she called out, "Are you both coming?"
To that question, they nodded dumbly and followed her back to the game.
"Yes! Yes!" Y/n cheered excitedly when she got a clean shot, right through the hoop.
"Lucky one!" Anthony commented.
Y/n stuck her tongue out at her oldest brother.
"Your head is elsewhere, brother. Otherwise, you never would have given me such an easy shot" Colin said, hitting the ball easily through the iron loop.
"I will admit. My thoughts are far from the field" he admitted honestly.
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Colin gestured for Benedict to talk, although he had a sure guess on what was on his brother's mind and he himself was mulling over it.
"It's Y/n" Benedict wasn't sure if Colin would harbour same thought as him or he would brush him off.
But that was far from the reality, Colin too, felt it, realised it, but was hesitant to admit it openly. To admit the truth that their kid sister is not a kid anymore.
The odd melancholy.
The realisation dawned, weighed on them like a heavy iron rock had been placed over their chests.
Even after the game, they could not focus on anything else.
Every step inside the Aubrey hall reminded them of it.
Sure, of course Benedict and Colin had more young siblings to hold on to, and coddle, but that wasn't the point now. Y/n always had a special part in Benedict's heart. Soon, both of them began to reminisce fond little moments.
He remembered the very first moment she came into their lives. It was a sweet spring morning. Fragrance of Violet's fresh roses wafted gently in the air.
The sun rays greeted them pleasantly warm through the window. Violet laid on bed, her brown hair cascading down her shoulder. Edmund cooed at the baby in his arms.
Nine year old Benedict and four year old Colin's feet padded into the room, their eyes wide in excitement and curiosity.
"She is so tiny, papa" Colin made a comment.
Edmund chuckled. "She is just a baby, my boy"
Benedict's eyes never left the baby. His baby sister. "What's her name, papa?"
Edmund gave Violet a knowing look before answering, "Y/n"
"Do you wish to hold her, Benedict?" Violet's voice was soft.
Thus baby Y/n was placed on Benedict's lap. She looked up at him with her wide, baby eyes.
He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her head. She scrunched her tiny nose, sneezing adorably. Hearty laughs of Violet and Edmund filled the room.
"I don't know if you remember this, brother, but my name was Y/n's first word". Benedict knew it was silly but he was proud of that.
It was in this drawing room one year old baby Y/n uttered her very first word.
Anthony, Benedict and Colin fought over it. Constantly around Y/n, prompting her to say her first word. Her first word was not 'Anthony' or 'Colin' or 'Ma' like Violet had hoped.
When baby Y/n attempted to say 'Benny' in her adorable baby voice, ten year old Benedict's heart warmed. He swore to protect this little girl. His baby sister.
A bittersweet smile bloomed in his face at the memory, her cherub face was still clear on his mind. She was wearing an orange and white dress, matching her bright orange bow, adorning her soft baby hair.
"Oh, I remember" Colin shook his head with a fond smile on his face. "But you do know that I'm her favourite, right?"
Now, Colin loved all his siblings equally but Y/n was his little angel. Daphne got along well with Anthony, Eloise favoured Benedict more and Y/n was his little partner in crime.
As soon as she leaned to walk, she mirrored Colin. She was his partner in crime when he pranked his other siblings.
Both of their brothers got pulled out of their track of their sweet nostalgia by baby Augie's laughter. Y/n was bouncing her baby nephew in her arms, making silly faces and making him giggle with a wide grin plastered on her face.
Y/n was not the girl with her hair tied up in pigtails and an adorable tooth gap who wanted a piggyback ride, or the little girl who wanted to play swords with paper swords or the little girl who enjoyed tea parties.
She was a lovely young woman; she would be another man's wife and leave their family to start her own.
Benedict did not realise his eyes welled up until he felt a tear rolled down his cheek. Before anyone could notice, he turned away and quickly wiped his eyes. But Colin didn't fail to see that, but chose not to comment on it.
When did she grow up?
Time is dual.
It was both a friend and a foe. This time, it was their enemy. Oh, how they wished to keep time at bay, so they would make her linger in sweet childhood just for few moments longer.
But alas, it was inevitable.
And they decided to cherish the moments they had till she marries into another family this season.
When her brothers approached her with an amusing proposal, Y/n was surprised.
"You want to play in the swings again?"
"Just like we used to when we were kids" Colid said.
She knew. She knew what prompted her dear brothers.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" she chirped.
Of course she remembered the longing look on their faces earlier. If this could make them happy, she would do it.
"Last one to the swing is a rotten egg!", with that, she sprinted outside with a grin.
Colin took few seconds to register, soon, he followed her. "Feeling too old, brother?" he yelled out as he ran after Y/n.
On that calm spring evening, playing in that old, family swing, they were little children once again.
Benedict followed his siblings outside and beat them to it.
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jenstar1992-2 · 3 years
May I please request an older!Captain Rex x reader drabble where you're married and there with Rex, Gregor and Wolffe when Ezra and the rebels come to Rex for help?
Ask and you shall receive. 😊 Here it is, took me a minute to start writing again, but I finally got around to it. I know this is not really a drabble, I didn’t start out with the intention on making it long, especially not THIS long, but here we are. It's been a good minute since I last wrote anything so hopefully this is ok, and I hope you like it. Also, sorry it went a bit off the rails there, did not mean for it to get so angsty and junk, but my brain was going, and my fingers just kept typing, tried to end it happy though so… yeah.
Pairing: Older! Rex X Fem! reader
Warnings: Language, angst, mentions of order 66, reader being very protective of her boys, feels all around really, a bunch of married couple fluff (not really a warning, just wanted to mention it), it does get a little saucy at the end, nothing crazy, more talk than anything else
Word Count: 11,113
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"We've got company", you hear Gregor say as he eyes the screen in front of him. You stand from your seat and make your way over to him.
"What is it", you ask, looking over his shoulder to inspect the image on the screen for yourself.
"Looks like an auxiliary starfighter of some kind."
"What's it doing out here?"
"I'm more concerned about who's inside it", Rex says from behind you. You turn to face your husband, giving him a curious look.
"Who the hell would be all the way out here? We're in the middle of nowhere", you say, holding your arms out and gesturing to the space around you before folding them at your chest.
"Exactly, who in their right mind would land in the middle of nowhere, and conveniently right in our path."
"You think it's something we should be worried about?"
"Don't know, just seems a bit suspicious is all", he says, lifting his hand to his chin, rubbing it with his index finger in thought.
There's a short moment of silence before you break it. "Well", you say with a little clap of your hands to break Rex out of his thoughts and bring him back to reality. "Let's check it out, who knows, maybe their friendly." You walk to the door and look back to the three men, giving them a smile and waiting for them to follow.
Wolffe chuckled and shook his head. "Ah (Y/N), always the optimist." His comment making you smile a little wider.
"Hey, it's gotten me this far", you say with a little shrug.
They all chuckle at that as they move to join you by the door. Wolffe and Gregor each grabbing their weapons on the way. You give them a confused look before Wolffe states, "Just in case."
You smile and nod, absentmindedly placing your hands to your hips, where they ghost over your lightsabers that you keep strapped there. You didn't know why you kept them on, it's not like you ever used them, never had to after coming to this deserted planet, where nothing much ever happens. But you kept them there, if for no other reason than it just felt wrong not having them on you. Your lightsabers were an extension of yourself after all, at least that's what your master taught you. As you reach to open the door, your hand gets caught in a gentle grip. You turn, raising your eyebrow at Rex who only offers you a soft smile. "I'll go first cyar'ika."
A small grin forms on your lips. "As always", you reply, moving aside to let him take the lead. As he passes you, he places a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Yep, always", he confirms before opening the door and walking out into the bright sunlight, you and the other two men right behind him.
You walk up to the railing and gaze down warily at the group that had just exited the starfighter. "It's a bunch of old geezers, well mostly old geezers", one of them says, a lasat from the looks of him.
"Well- armed old geezers", the Mandalorian girl adds.
"What do you want", Rex asks, sounding a bit gruffer than usual. You guessed he was trying to sound more intimidating. You would've laughed if you weren't also trying keep a serious front.
"We're looking for someone", responded the man in the group.
"Well, that's too bad, cause there's nobody out here", Rex says while leaning on the railing.
The boy speaks up next and asks, "Hey, uh, does the number 7567 mean anything to you?" You all straighten simultaneously.
"What did you just say", you asked, a small ball of anger beginning in your chest.
"Uh, I said 7567", the boy responded.
You looked over to Rex who still had his gaze set on the group below. "Well, that's my birth number", he tells them.
You see the man's eyes light up with recognition, like he's had a realization. "They're clones", he says angrily. He then pulls out a lightsaber and ignites it, stepping in front of the others.
"It's the jedi, they've come for revenge", you hear Wolffe say from your right before he fires a few shots at the man, who blocks them easily. You then see the man take a few more steps forward, looking like he wanted to jump up to your level and take you all out, but you weren't about to let him get that far. Acting on instinct, you grabbed your sabers from your hips and jumped down to the ground, landing just a few feet from him, your sabers igniting as soon as your feet hit the dirt. You stood in a defensive stance, ready to attack if he made even a single wrong move.
"I wouldn't if I were you", you told him in a tone that said you weren't messing around.
"She's a jedi", the boy said from behind the man, surprise clear in his voice.
"Stand down troopers, that's an order", you heard Rex bark from above. "(Y/N)", he then said in a softer tone. You knew what he wanted, but you were far from relenting, you needed to keep your men safe.
"Not gonna happen", you responded, still not taking your eyes off the man in front of you.
"Kanan stop, we have to trust them remember?" The boy seemed to be trying to reason with the man. You continued to glare at him, an action which he reciprocated. You stayed like that for a few more seconds until you heard your name being called again, even more gently than before.
"Please cyare, put them away", Rex calls down, trying to keep his voice as soft as possible. He knows all you need is a little push to send you over the edge at this point. You were always like this when anyone or anything threatened the safety of your men, you'd been that way for as long as he’d known you and he didn't see that ever changing. Not that he didn't respect the hell out of you for it. He and his brothers always appreciated the way you defended them with such vigor. However, Rex also knew that this wasn't the time for that. Something told him that they should be trying to make friends in this situation, instead of starting a fight.
"Not until he does", you finally reply.
The boy puts a hand on the man's shoulder, giving him a pleading look. Kanan sighs before deactivating his lightsaber and returning it to his hip. He then looks at you expectantly. You regard him for a few more moments before you too put your sabers away. Once you re-attached them, you turned and jumped back up to your original position, grabbing the railing and easily pulling yourself up and over it, before coming to stand beside your husband. You cross your arms over your chest, still feeling a bit defensive. Rex could feel your tension and responded by wrapping an arm around your waist to hold you closer to his side, feeling you relax just a bit.
The boy took this opportunity to make his introductions. "My name's Ezra. This is Kanan. That's Sabine and Zeb", he said while pointing out each of his comrades. "It's nice to meet you, 7567."
Rex felt you stiffen a bit in his grasp. You hated when anyone referred to him by his number and not his name. It had started as a pet peeve, but as time went on you just saw it as downright disrespectful and then it just straight up pissed you off. Rex knew this and it was just one of the millions of reasons he loved you so much. He could feel you prickling up with anger again. He moved the hand holding your waist to your hip and gave it a light squeeze in an attempt to calm the storm brewing inside you. This was your way of telling each other that everything was okay and not to be upset, light squeezes or soft touches, usually followed by a reassuring look. After this he again felt you start to calm. It was crazy the affect you two had on each other, it was damn near magic.
"Actually, my name is Rex. Captain, 501st Clone Battalion. Meet Commanders Gregor and Wolffe", Rex introduced the men standing behind you before looking to you, pulling you to him in a tighter one-armed embrace, "and this beautiful ball of fire is our General, (Y/F/N, Y/L/N). I know she seems a bit rough around the edges, but once you get to know her, you'll find she's pretty amazing." You looked to Rex after your introduction to notice him looking at you with an expression of pride, like he had just showed off his most prized possession, which in a way, you were. Rex never had much, but he always had you, and that's all he ever wanted. Your love and adoration were all he needed to feel as though he had a fulfilling life. Something he reminded you of on more than one occasion. You couldn't help but smile back at him, that same adoration clearly visible in your gaze.
You both were brought back to the present when you heard Ezra's voice addressing you. "We were sent by Ahsoka", he told you. Your ears perked up at the mention of your friend, turning to look at the boy.
Rex grinned. "Ahsoka Tano. We fought by her side from the battle of Christophsis to the siege of Mandalore", he said reminiscently.
"A friend of Ahsoka's is a friend of ours", you said, finally offering the group a genuine smile. Ezra smiled back, glad to see the fighting was over.
You and the boys had decided to help the crew of the Ghost to find a place to set up their rebel base. You could tell they were grateful for your help, most of them anyway. Kanan still seemed to distrust your little squad. When you thought about it you couldn't totally blame him. From what you could tell, Kanan was a young man, which meant that he would've still been a young padawan near the end of the clone wars, which also meant that he had to endure the horror that was Order 66 at a young age. You remember how terrible it had been for you, Ahsoka, and Rex. Not to mention the countless others who had to watch their allies, their friends turn on them, not knowing why. You had felt their pain, their fear, their feeling of betrayal, all before they were silenced. Then there were the clones who had their chips removed and had been traumatized at what they had almost done, what most of their brothers did do, even if it was out of their control. It took a heavy toll on all of you, and even though so much time had passed, it still hurt like hell. So yeah, you could understand his feelings, but if you were going to all work together successfully, then he had to lay some of that aside and learn to trust you, and the clones. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you figured it couldn't hurt to try and talk to him.
You were walking topside on your way to the Phantom for what you knew was going to be an uncomfortable talk, at best. As you approached the vessel you saw Rex standing by its entrance talking to whoever was inside. "We all have a choice", he said as you reached his position. He then turned to walk away, stopping after a few steps when he saw you standing there. He had a saddened expression that made your heart hurt, but before you could ask what was wrong, he walked past you, only stopping for a moment to bring your forehead to his, a gesture that meant he wasn't okay, but he would be. You nodded and let him leave, then turned to continue your little mission.
As you walked to the entrance of the phantom Ezra emerged, giving you a sad smile before passing you to join the rest of his crew up front. Once he was gone you focused your attention on Kanan who was facing away from you, fiddling with his lightsaber. "Hey", you called, trying to sound like you weren't still a little pissed at him.
"Hi", he said, rather unenthusiastically.
"Well, aren't you all warm a fuzzy", you said sarcastically.
"Can I help you with something, because if not then please leave me be, I have things to do." You rolled your eyes. This was going to be harder than you thought.
"Mm, yeah, that seems real important", you say, pointing to the saber in his hand that he had been detaching and re- attaching the same piece on for the past minute. He gave you a look over his shoulder, but you ignored it continuing. "Anyway, I was hoping we could talk."
"About what?"
You crossed your arms. "You know what." He just continued his mindless fiddling, so you sighed and went on. "Look, I understand your feelings towards the clones, I even understand your feelings towards me, but if we're going to work together here then you need to put all that aside, even if it's just for the time being. Do you think you could do that?" You looked at him with a sympathetic, yet hopeful look.
"Put it aside, put it aside?" His voice had raised to where he was just short of yelling at you. "How do you suggest I do that, huh? Maybe to you the war was a long time ago, but to me it feels like it could've been yesterday. The pain is still fresh to me, I can't forget it or set it aside as I please, it's always there and it always will be. I can't just sit here and act like I'm okay when everything here reminds of that awful day, the day I lost my master, the one time she needed me most and I couldn't save her. How can I put it aside when every time I turn around here I see the faces that murdered her?” That was it, that was what tore the last piece of patience from you.
"ENOUGH!" He froze, obviously not expecting the amount of anger that now radiated off you in waves. "Listen, you son of a bitch, I've tried to be patient, I've tried to be understanding, hell, I tried to be genuinely nice to you, but clearly you don't respond to nice, so this is how it's gonna go." You grabbed him by the front of his shirt and brought his face only inches from yours. "You are going to buck the kriff up and get over your bantha shit until this is over, and if you hurt or disrespect my men again, you won't be leaving this planet intact, do I make myself clear?" You made sure to emphasize those last five words.
He looked at you, still shocked, for a moment before narrowing his eyes and giving you a bitter, "Yes Ma'am."
You instantly released your grip, letting him go. "Good, as long as we're on the same page, you can go back to your 'oh so important' work." You made you way back to the door but stopped just as your one foot passed the threshold. You turned slightly before saying in a low voice, "You know, you’re not the only one that lost people that day." You paused as so many faces flashed through your mind, all the friends you lost, even ones before the end of the war, all the faces that plagued your thoughts so often. "Survivor’s guilt is a hell of a thing, believe me, I know... we all know", and that's all you left him with before you quickly made your exit, desperately trying to keep the tears at bay, you weren't about to show him that kind of weakness in you, not when you had to stay strong, not when you had your family to protect.
You made your way to the front with the others, seeing Ezra and Sabine leaning on the rail, talking casually. Sabine was the first to notice you approaching. "Oh, hey General (Y/L/N)", she said, smiling as she turned to fully face you. Her smile quickly faded when she took in your expression. "Are you okay", she asked, her voice laced with genuine concern.
You stopped in front of her, finally looking up to meet her gaze. "Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah I'm alright", you replied, giving her a reassuring smile, hoping it was believable. "Oh, and you don't need to call me that. It's (Y/N). Not need for formalities with me, no matter what the boys say." She nodded, turning back to lean on the rail as you moved to stand between the two teens, copying their actions. "So, what were you two talking about before I interrupted", you asked, hoping that a casual conversation with some young bloods would help get your mind off of that upsetting talk you had only moments ago.
"Nothing much, just that you guys seem to have a pretty nice setup here, living the quiet life and all", Ezra said, gesturing toward the modified tank you were all currently on.
You chuckled. "I don’t know if quiet is the word I'd use, if there's one thing these boys are not, it’s quiet, but I get your meaning", you said, smiling at the young teen.
"It makes me wonder though." You turned at Sabine's words to look at the girl. "Wonder what", you asked.
"Well, I can see how this life is desirable for the clones, I mean I'm sure the war took its toll on everyone, but it must've even more so on them. So, a nice quiet life of isolation seems like a nice reprieve if anything else", she said, pausing to look at you, seeming to contemplate her next words before continuing her thought. "But you’re a jedi."
"And", you questioned, cocking an eyebrow.
"Well, all the jedi I know can't seem to stay in one place for very long, not unless there's a point to it anyway. Plus, if anyone should want the downfall of the empire, it should be the jedi. You guys were peacekeepers after all, and with the empire in control there hasn't been any true piece to be found. I don't know, I guess I just thought you'd be fighting with the rebellion, instead of hanging out here slinging for joopa with retired clone troopers." She looked at you with a confused expression.
You sighed before responding, "I get your logic, and you're right, if anyone deserves a quiet life away from all the violence out in the galaxy, it's the clones. We all went through it and it was bad for all of us, but they really got screwed more than any of us in my opinion. We at least had some semblance of a choice in the matter, but the clones, they were forced into a war they had nothing to do with, and not even a light at the end of the tunnel to work toward. Most clones had no idea what would happen to them after the war, or what they would do. If you ask me, these boys deserve much more than this 'quiet' life." You leant over the railing again, looking to the ground below. "You're right about the rest too. We were peacekeepers, at least, we were supposed to be, and I do want the empire to fall, but...", you paused, not sure why you were divulging so many of the thoughts you'd kept to yourself for so long, even during the war, you hadn't fully voiced your opinion on these topics with anyone but Rex, and that was only in confidence, in those precious moments when it was just the two of you, the world outside a distant thought as you held each other and talked throughout the night. These and other hard topics would come up now and then, but you'd never have thought that you'd be here telling those same thoughts to two teens who you'd only just met earlier that day. You realized it was because, for reasons unknown to you, you trusted them, and you guessed that was enough. "When the war ended, and the empire took power, I was lost. We all were", you continued. "Ahsoka, Rex, and I, we were together when it happened, and if it hadn't been for that, well, I don't know where I'd be right now. Maybe I would've joined the rebellion, if I had somehow been able to survive on my own. But that's not how things played out. I was able to keep those closest to me and then I had a decision to make. Join another fight and risk the one thing that gives my life purpose or keep them safe and away from the danger." You stood straight, looking to Sabine. "We all have a choice, and I made mine. I chose family, I chose him."
"Rex", she said, confident in her understanding of your words. You gave her a short nod, then looked away, staring at the empty landscape before you.
It remained silent for a moment until Ezra spoke up, wanting to voice the question that had been on his mind. "Rex said that he never betrayed his jedi, is that true?"
You smiled, turning your attention to Ezra now. "Yes, it's true. It wasn't easy though, those damn chips really did their jobs well. I had never seen him fight so hard against anything the way he did with that thing. Imagine fighting your own body and mind simultaneously because that's what he did, for us. He didn't want to hurt us, and his hesitation gave us the chance we needed to escape. I had never been more relieved than I was to see that damn thing removed from his head. I owe Ahsoka a lot for that, it was her quick thinking that saved him in the end. Well, her... and Fives", you said, a sad expression taking over your features as you thought of your fallen friend, and the sacrifice he made trying to save you all.
"Who's Fives", you heard Ezra ask from beside you.
"A good man, one of the best, who deserved better", you said somberly.
The silence that settled over the three of you was thick with conflicting emotions and full of unasked questions that you were sure would stay that way, which you were grateful for.
You almost jumped at the sound of the door sliding open behind you, turning around to see Rex coming though it towards the three of you. "I've assembled a list of potential bases and clearance codes and a few protocols the imperials still use. Should be of some use", he tells Ezra, who promptly thanked him. Sabine then went inside to collect some data tapes. Rex came to stand beside you. "So, what'd I miss out here", he asked, looking between you and Ezra.
"Oh, nothing much, just telling the kids some old war stories", you said, trying to make it sound as if it had been as simple as that.
"Oh yeah? Hope they were some of the good ones", he said, grinning at you.
"Were there any good ones, because I don't remember the war being all that fun." You hadn't even noticed Kanan enter the vicinity. You instantly frowned and crossed your arms, giving him a look that told him not to test you. He heeded the warning and turned away from you all, looking outward and shaking his head in disapproval, but he stayed silent.
"Actually, (Y/N) was telling us about what you did for her and Ahsoka, about how you saved them", Ezra interjected.
Rex scoffed at that. "If memory serves, it was the other way around. Without her and Commander Tano, I don't think I'd be standing here today", he said, looking back to you, his gaze turning to one of pure adoration. You couldn't help but smile back at him.
Ezra smiled, a knowing look in his eye. "So, I guess you were telling the truth after all. You didn't betray your jedi."
You both turned your attention back on the boy. "Nope. Even married one of 'em", he responded, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you flush against his side. “Best decision I ever made too.”
You sent a sideways grin his way. “Yeah, only took you forever to ask”, you said, finally dropping your arms to mimic his hold and wrap one around his waist.
He laughed, “Sorry cyar'ika. I would’ve asked sooner but we were in the middle of a war.”
“I know, I know”, you said, lifting your free hand to let it caress his cheek lightly before coming to rest your curved finger under his chin. “I just like messing with you”. Rex continued to grace you with a soft smile. But soon your quiet moment was ruined by someone’s loud scoffing, causing you to drop your hand and glare at the offender. “You have something to say, Ponytail”, you asked, your hand now going to your hip, your other staying securely around your husband, acting as your lifeline to sanity. You knew you shouldn’t let this guy rile you up, but you couldn’t help it, he was just so infuriatingly stubborn and took every chance he could to be rude.
“Yeah actually, I do have something to say…”, he started to say, but Ezra tried to intervene.
“Kanan, maybe you shouldn’t. They’re doing us a favor here remember. So maybe we should be, oh I don’t know, nice”, he said, giving his master an almost pleading look.
Kanan scoffed once more, crossing his arms over his chest. “Nice, you want me to be nice? I don’t know Ezra, it’s kind of hard to be nice to someone who not only chooses clones over her own people, but then come to find she broke her code to have a relationship with one of them. Then to top it all off, she goes off to conspire with the traitors”, he said, raising his voice.
You let go of Rex to cross your arms as well, but feeling the rage start to build in you Rex kept his hold on you, knowing if he didn’t this might turn into an all-out fist fight, or worse. “My people huh? Well, I don’t know how things were for you in the order, but let’s just say that by the end of the war, my faith in the jedi was heavily skewed. I couldn’t trust the order anymore, not like I used to. The only people I could truly trust were my friends and my men, and most times they were one in the same. I know you have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to clones, and, as I said before, I get it. However, I can tell you something with absolute certainty, and that is that my husband is no traitor. Rex is a good man, and loyal as hell. For as long as I’ve known him, never once has my faith in him been shaken, not even on that day. He would’ve laid his life down to save Ahsoka and I, damn near did too, just like countless times before. So many of those men risked their lives for me and the other jedi over the course of the war, and I can never thank them enough for that. I knew my men, and they never would’ve turned on us unless they were forced to. It was out of their control, and I can never hold hatred in my heart for them because of it.” You lowered your arms to rest at your sides, deciding you didn’t want to start another fight, and sighed. “Look, I know I can’t tell you how to feel, and I know you’re angry and still grieving. I also know that, that pain will never truly go away.” You see his angry expression falter a bit at your words, his arms releasing a small amount of tension. “I’m sorry about your master, but don’t let her death shape your feelings towards everything that reminds you of it. Don’t let your feelings blind you from the truth.”
He looked you square on the eye then. “How do you know you aren’t letting your feelings blind you from the truth”, he asked bitterly.
You gave this some thought before answering. Meeting his eyes, you said, “Because, at the end of the day, I never let those feelings control my actions. I could love Rex and still do my duty and so could he.” You gestured to Rex, who was now watching you as you spoke. “We never let our relationship get in the way of our responsibilities.”
“She’s right”, Rex spoke up, finally taking his eyes from you to direct his words to Kanan. “Even though it might’ve been hard sometimes, we never let anything keep us from dutifully serving the republic. We had agreed in the very beginning, nothing would sway us from playing our parts in the war, not even our love for each other.” He looked to you with a solemn expression, and you knew he was reliving the same memories that you were in that moment. Remembering all the times you two had parted ways, off on your own missions, saying a bitter goodbye, not knowing if it would be your last.
You were snapped out of your memories when Kanan finally spoke, “That… that must’ve been tough.” You both looked back to him but kept silent so he could finish. “Living day in and day out, with that fear of not knowing what day might be your last was something I think we all felt during the war, and that was hard to cope with at times. But to have that and feel that same fear for another person at the same time… that couldn’t have been easy, and I can tell you that to an extent, I understand how that is now. You never know what’s coming, and you can only hope that the person you care for survives it all, because if they don’t… well, you don’t know what you’ll do.” Kanan’s eyes were cast to the ground beneath him, a sullen look adorning his features.
Ezra stared at his master with a sad but understanding look. Clearly, he knew of who Kanan was referring to, you thought.
After letting a thick silence fill the area around you all for some time, you finally decided it was time to try and end this squabble, for real this time. You cleared your throat. “So… can we come to a truce then”, you asked, stepping from Rex’s hold and moving toward Kanan, holding out your hand for him to shake. He eyed it for a moment, then looked up to meet your eyes. You gave him a hopeful lopsided grin and a little shrug. Come on, what do you have to lose.
He slowly extended his hand, grabbing yours in a firm handshake. “Okay, truce, but I’m still going to be keeping a close eye on you all while we’re here”, he said with a serious tone before he gave you a small grin.
You let out a light huff of laughter and said, “I’d be surprised if you didn’t.” You released his hand and made your way back into your husbands waiting arms. You gave each other a quick hug before turning back to face Ezra who was now smiling at the two of you. “Well, I’m glad that’s settled. So, can we all be friends now”, he asked, making all three of you chuckle.
Suddenly the door next to you slid open and Sabine emerged looking upset, waving a holopad in the air. You were about to ask her what was wrong, but she spoke first. “The clones gave us up. They warned the Empire we’re here”, she said in a huff.
“Wait what”, Ezra asked, shocked.
“You’re mistaken. We would never do that”, Rex said, reaching for the holopad, clearly confused.
Sabine snatched it away from his grasp. “I found the binary transmission to the Empire”, she said, pointing to the screen in her hand, “and there are messages Ahsoka sent to Rex and (Y/N) that they never answered.”
“What”, you and Rex said simultaneously.
“We never got any messages from Ahsoka”, you stated, peering to look at the screen of the holopad that Sabine had handed over to Rex.
“See I knew it, I knew they couldn’t be trusted”, Kanan said, walking toward Rex, pointing accusatively.
“Kanan wait”, Ezra said, holding a hand up to stop the man’s approach. He then turned to face you, Rex, and Wolffe, who had just joined you, and asked, “Is this true?”
Rex just stared at the screen for a few seconds before you saw a flash of realization light in his eyes. He then turned to the man behind you. “Wolffe, what did you do”, he asked, not sounding too happy. You turned around to look at Wolffe, who now had his back turned to you all.
“I…I contacted the Empire. If they found out we were helping jedi they’d wipe us out”, he said, still with his back to you.
“Wolffe how could you”, you asked, not being able to fully hide the hurt from your voice.
Wolffe turned to face you with a saddened expression, your voice clearly working on his emotions. “I… I’m sorry, I didn’t… I just… I’m sorry”, he said, looking to his feet shamefully.
You could hear Kanan speaking behind you, but you weren’t paying attention to what was being said, too focused on wrapping your head around why your friend would do this.
“Why Wolffe, why would you put us at risk like this”, you asked.
“I… I just wanted to protect us, they’d kill us if they knew we were harboring jedi”, he said, looking back up at you.
“Hello, you’ve been harboring a jedi for years now, why is this any different?”
“No, you’re not, I mean, you haven’t been a jedi in a long time, if anything your one of us now.”
“The Empire won’t see it that way”, you said, looking at him with a disappointed frown. “So, what was your plan exactly, call the Empire and let them capture the jedi, do who knows what to them? Were you gonna let them take me too?”
His eyes went wide, and he looked right into yours. “No! No, I would never let them hurt you, we would never let them hurt you. You’re family, aliit. I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking straight, I know that now. Please forgive me (Y/N)”, he said, looking at you like a dejected puppy. You knew you couldn’t stay mad at him for long, especially since it clearly was a mistake on his part, and not a totally conscious one. Wolffe struggled with things like this sometimes, forgot who was truly responsible for all that happened, and wasn’t always sure of who he could trust. The only exceptions being his brothers and you. He knew he could always trust his family. This is why you found it hard to continue to be upset with him, so instead you gave in with a heavy sigh and wrapped your arms around him in a hug. He responded by hugging you back, whispering another shame filled apology.
“I know, I forgive you Wolffe”, you say before pulling away to look him in the eye, “but you have to make this right. These people are not the enemy, they’re our allies, and we have to protect them too.”
He searched your eyes for a moment, and in seeing your resolve gave you a tight nod, confirming that he’d found his own.
As it turned out, fixing Wolffe’s mistake wasn’t going to be as easy as you had thought. Unbeknownst to you, there had been a probe droid on board watching you all, for how long you weren’t sure, but it managed to damage the Phantom’s engine, which meant your new friends were stuck with you all for the time being, something you could tell didn’t make Kanan to happy. Rex had managed to destroy the probe, but the Empire was still on its way, and all you could do was prepare for the inevitable fight that was to come.
Everything happened quite suddenly, and before you knew it the Empire had arrived. They were using some new contraptions that neither you nor the clones had ever seen before, the others called them “walkers”. While impressed, the boys quickly stopped their analysis of the machines and came up with a plan. Retreat into the sandstorm that was brewing behind you to scramble their scanners and use the jedis’ force sight to maneuver your way out. This worked, but the imperials were soon gaining on your position once more. Once you exited the storm Rex instructed the others to leave, with the walkers still in the storm this was their only chance to escape back to their ship without being shot down. Most of them were on board with this plan, but Ezra didn’t want to leave you all behind.
“We can’t just abandon them”, Ezra said, still trying to convince Kanan to let them help you.
“You’re not abandoning anyone. We’re covering your escape. Now go”, Rex said in a commanding tone. He then turned to you and in a softer, but still authoritative voice said, “(Y/N), I want you to go with them.”
“What”, you asked incredulously. “No way.”
Rex sighed and took your hands in his. “Please cyare, those things are going to overrun us, and I don’t want you to be here when they do. I want you to escape with them, I want you to be safe”, he said, his eyes pleading with you to listen, just this once, but you wouldn’t have it.
“No Rex. If you’re going to fight, then so am I, and if this is where it ends, then I’m going to be right here beside you”, you tell him, releasing yourself from his grasp in order to bring your hands to cup his face, bringing his forehead to meet yours. Your eyes close as you say your next words. “If we’re going to die, then we’re going to do it like we’ve done everything else, together.”
You hear Rex sigh once more and you open your eyes to look at him. A small grin starts at the corner of his mouth, “You’re so stubborn, you know that?”
You chuckled lightly. “Yes, I am, and that’s why you love me”, you said, raising an eyebrow and giving a cocky grin. He shook his head at you, but relented, knowing full well he was not going to win this argument.
You both looked back to Ezra who still stood at the entryway of the Phantom, looking sadder than you’d seen him yet. You frowned and walked over to him, placing your hands atop the boy’s shoulders and bending down so you were at eye level. “Hey, it’s okay, we’ll be alright. We have each other’s backs, and that’s all we’ve ever really needed. Besides, we’ve faced worse than this”, you say, trying to reassure him.
“It’s just…”, he started, but you cut him off with a light shake of his shoulders.
“Come on, you gotta focus here. The most important thing for you to do right now is get out of here and get that information back to the rebellion, got it?” He nodded and looked to his feet. You hooked a finger under his chin and brought it up so he would look at you. “You did great out there you know, keep that up and you’ll make one hell of a jedi someday”, you said with an encouraging smile. He gave you a sad smile back before suddenly launching toward you, catching you in a tight hug. You were surprised at first, but soon hugged him back, smiling at the gesture. You had never had any kids of your own, but you thought that this might be close to how motherhood would feel. You had just met this kid, but you were already very proud of him and the actions he had displayed over the time he’d been with you, and although you were sad to see him go you knew he’d be alright, and that brought you an unexpected sense of comfort. A few moments later you finally pulled away, smiling as you told him, “Now go.”
Ezra nodded again, this time a little more confidently, and backed into the starfighter. You moved, walking backwards, stopping to stand next to Rex as you watched them take off. Once they were airborne you turned to your husband with a knowing grin. “So, do we have an actual plan for taking those things down, or are we just winging it”, you asked.
He chuckled. “Well, unless you have any last-minute ideas, I think winging it is our only option”, he said, shrugging.
“Good”, you said, placing your hands on your hips, “Because that was my idea.” He laughed at your sudden perkiness, it reminded him of the old days when you two would exchange snarky comments in the heat of battle, it made the terrors on the battlefield a little easier to deal with and often helped to temporarily relieve his stress. “Now, let’s get to work”, you said and began to walk to the front of the tank. Before you could get more than two steps away you felt a tug on your wrist and were suddenly pulled against Rex’s chest. You looked up at him, a slightly surprised look on your face. He smiled and brought a hand to the back of your neck, bringing you into a deep, passionate kiss, which you immediately melted into, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in even more. You knew this fight would most likely be your last and it was clear he was thinking the same, so you decided to make this moment last, and just marvel in the love that was held there between you. After a few seconds, that were much too short for your liking, you both pulled away but still held onto one another, foreheads lightly touching, for a while longer.
“Whatever happens, I just want you to know that you’re the best thing to ever happen to me. I’m glad I chose love over following the rules, I’m glad I chose you”, Rex said, cutting the silence that had built between you two.
You smiled at his confession, “I’m glad I chose you too Rex. I love you.”
“And I love you (Y/N).” You slowly released one another and shared one more loving glance before you each were heading off to your stations to prepare for the fight that was about to ensue.
You went to stand at the front of the tank, detaching your sabers from your hips and holding them, still deactivated, at your sides while Rex manned the cannon. “Wolffe, bring us around”, you heard him yell to his fellow trooper. The tank began to turn, changing its direction to head straight for the walkers now in front of you.
As you made your approach the walkers began blasting the tank. You blocked a few shots with your sabers but weren’t able to deflect them all since they were shooting from two separate angles. One blast had the tank faltering and falling in the front, causing you to have to hold on to the railing in front of you so as not to fall. You looked behind you to the trooper driving the huge machine. “Wolffe, get us level”, you yelled to him.
“Yes General”, he said firmly. He then pulled the levers in his hands toward him and upwards, causing the tank to begin to lift in the front before finally being back on its feet once more. You took your defensive stance up again once you were able to get your footing. You were coming up quickly on the walkers and were desperately trying to come up with a crazy plan to take them out, if memory served you the craziest plans always seemed to be the most effective. You were halfway through your thinking when you heard Wolffe shout from behind you. “I’m going for the legs, all four of them.”
You turned to him with an incredulous look. “Are you crazy, there’s no way that’ll work”, you said, raising your voice over the commotion surrounding you.
“Never know until we try”, he responded.
You were about to argue against the idea until you remembered your previous thought. It was a crazy idea, so it just might work. You jump to the position right above him, looking down through the glass. “Alright then, have at it Commander”, you told him encouragingly.
He nodded and pushed forward, ramming the tank into the walker ahead. It seemed to be working, until it wasn’t, the tank now with its front legs halfway up the walker’s. You were almost sure that you would all be turned upside down any minute. You thought fast. You did have one plan, maybe impossible given your lack of practice over the years, but it was worth a shot. However, before you could put your plan into action you heard Rex shouting from somewhere behind you. “Come out and fight, you cowards”, he yelled to the men in the walker. He was standing on top of the cannon, and right in the line of fire. You cursed at him internally before leaping toward him, landing right in front of him, sabers ready to block the inevitable blast. Although, it never came. Before they could retaliate, the walker was shot from the side, throwing it off balance enough to distract them from their attack. You looked to see the Phantom fly under it and make its way to the second walker, you then saw Ezra, Kanan, and Zeb jump from the starfighter and land on its head before using their sabers to cut the hatch off and enter the machine. You grinned, and before you could voice the thought, Rex did it for you. “Just like the old days”, he said.
You turned, still grinning, to look at him. “Speaking of…”, you didn’t finish before running up the barrel of the cannon, replacing your sabers on your hips along the way.
“Wait, what are you doing”, he asked, concerned.
“Can’t let them show me up now can I”, you asked him, sending a playful wink over your shoulder. You used your higher position to launch yourself upward toward the first walker and was able to grab onto one of the blasters on the side of its head. You then swung yourself toward the top, landing much more gracefully than you’d expected to. You then drew your sabers and repeated the actions of the other two force-wielders, cutting a hole in the head and jumping down into it. You took your attack stance as soon as you were in, but when you looked around there was no one there. Walking to the control panel, you looked out to see the scene below and a movement from your right caught your eye. It was the imperials that had been manning the very walker you were in now; they had evacuated and were now fleeing on a speeder bike. “Huh, they really are cowards”, you said out loud to yourself.
Rex was below, now back in his seat behind the cannon. He was waiting to take the shot until he knew you were out. He wasn’t about to take that risk and was about to call the whole idea off when he saw something shoot out the head of the walker. He squinted to see better and nearly jumped out of his seat when you landed on the barrel of the cannon, giving a little mischievous grin when you noticed you’d startled him.
Rex shook his head. “So, did ya get ‘em”, he asked, eyebrow cocked and grinning back.
You jumped down, coming to stand next to him. “Nah, those hut’unns turned tail before I could even get to them. Took off that way”, you said, pointing in the direction you saw the speeder go.
“Oh, well then I guess there’s no need to blast this thing then”, he said, gesturing to the walker, “and just when we got the power restored, ah well.” You could see the slight disappointment on his face.
“You could still blast it you know”, you told him.
“To what purpose, they’re already gone.”
You laid a hand on his shoulder. “For no other purpose then the satisfaction of seeing this hunk of junk fall”, you said with a smile.
He grinned at you. “Have I told you how much I love you lately”, he asked.
You bent down so your face was next to his. “Yeah, but it’s always nice to hear it anyway”, you said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before straightening and standing behind him.
Rex took the shot and you all watched as the walker fell to the ground. “You were right, that was satisfying.”
You and Rex had decided to leave the quiet life behind for now and join the rebellion, after a bit of convincing from Ezra and Sabine that is. You had said your goodbyes to Wolffe and Gregor before you left.
“So, I guess this is goodbye then”, Wolffe said, looking a bit downcast.
You laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. “For now, but we’ll all see each other again”, you said, giving him a reassuring smile.
He gave a breathy chuckle. “Did the force tell you that”, he asked sarcastically. He always loved messing with you like that.
You rolled your eyes. “No, but it didn’t need to, I just know. Besides, you guys can’t get rid of us that easily”, you said smirking at them.
Gregor came to stand beside you draping an arm over your shoulders. “Well good, because we don’t want to”, he said, smiling wide. You laughed. Gregor was always the one to lighten the mood, always the chipper one, and so damn optimistic that it almost annoyed you sometimes, but you had to love him for it. You loved all your boys for who they were and for what made them unique, this affection only grew after the war when you all decided to live together in seclusion, and you got to know them better.
During the war it always seemed like there wasn’t enough time to properly get to know all your men, especially the ones outside of the 501st, who you’d been more often affiliated with. However, on the rare occasions where you did work outside of your Legion you tried to widen your friend group, meeting other troopers and their commanding officers, befriending all who would have you. As a jedi you knew this wasn’t advised seeing as you were not to form attachments and all, but at the time you really didn’t care, still didn’t in fact, and looking back you were glad you hadn’t. You knew that throughout the war you would lose many of these friends, and it wouldn’t be easy, but you had accepted that and would take it in stride as it came, because in the end you knew that these friendships would do more good than hurt. Sometimes, a lot of times, all these men needed was a good friend, an ear to listen to the chaos within their minds after hard battles, and on occasion even a shoulder to cry on. You were willing to be all these things for them and did it with as much grace and kindness as you could. It was due to this that it was so easy for Wolffe and Gregor to trust you after the war. Even with their chips removed, they were still confused for a long while, not knowing who to trust but each other, but with you they found it to be much easier, remembering all the times you had been there for them and their men and knowing you would never do anything to betray their trust. Yes, you loved your newfound family, and you’d do anything to keep them safe, which is why you’d finally agreed to join the fight to take down the Empire, it was the only way to make sure they’d never come after your men again. Although, it was still hard to say goodbye.
You looked between the two men, an almost sad smile forming on your face and before you could even think you’d brought them both into a tight hug, one which they returned in kind. “Just don’t do anything too reckless while we’re gone, okay”, you requested, pulling back with a kind smile and wiping the tear that had fallen down your cheek away with your fingertips.
“We’ll do our best General”, Gregor stated with a nod. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at him for addressing you by rank, you weren’t going to argue, not now.
Rex came to stand beside you, facing his brothers. “You both did excellent work today, I have no doubt you’ll handle yourselves in whatever is to come, but let’s hope you won’t have to”, he said with a grin, clapping them both on the shoulder.
“Well, if you ever need us, you know where to reach us”, Wolffe said, clamping his hand over Rex’s forearm, a gesture you had seen exchanged from brother to brother many times before, and it brought a warm feeling to your chest every time. Rex nodded before releasing them and bringing an arm to wrap around your waist, its constant home over the years. “You two stay safe alright? I don’t want to have to find replacements for you, not that there even is such a thing”, Wolffe said with a sideways grin.
You smiled at this and then straightened your posture, giving your men a formal salute and holding it, Rex following suit, standing in the same position beside you. The two commanders returned the salute. After a moment you relaxed and returned to a normal standing position, everyone else doing the same. “Until we see each other again”, you said.
“Until we see each other again”, the two men echoed your words simultaneously.
You had docked the rebel ship and were following the Ghost crew down the brightly lit hallways before turning a corner and coming to a stop. You knew before they parted to let you both pass who would be standing on the other side, you had felt her familiar force signature as soon as you had boarded.
Rex stepped forward first, walking toward the smiling togruta. “Commander”, he addressed his old friend. “You got old.”
Ahsoka chuckled. “Had to happen sometime Rex”, she replied. She looked hesitant for a moment before embracing him in a tight hug.
You watched the interaction between the two, smiling to yourself, realizing just how long it had been since you had seen your friend, it felt like ages now. As you were in this train of thought Ahsoka pulled back from the embrace and suddenly looked over his shoulder, something catching her eye. “(Y/N)”, she said, it almost came out as a sigh.
Ahsoka walked to you and pulled you into a tight embrace as well, which you happily returned. “Hey Ahsoka, it’s been a while”, you said with a laugh.
Releasing each other from the hug, you both looked at one another. “I think that’s a bit of an understatement”, she responded, giving a light laugh of her own before the two of you turned to Rex.
“We’re just glad you’re still alive”, he said to her. You put a hand on her shoulder, giving a confirming nod.
“You too”, she said, looking between you and Rex.
“Well, we wouldn’t be if it weren’t for these guys”, Rex stated, gesturing to the crew behind you.
“Thank you for trusting my friend”, Ahsoka said, seeming to direct her thanks mainly to Kanan, who was surprisingly much less angry than you last remember sensing.
“It wasn’t easy”, Kanan confessed to her, “It still isn’t.”
You and Rex shared a saddened glance and you silently wondered if Kanan would ever come around, but you also made the decision to try not and push the topic, not now at least.
“Nothing worth doing ever is”, Ahsoka told him, and with that you all walked to the command center, for a rebellion is not built on pleasantries.
After a brief discussion of the next course of action, you had been dismissed to settle in, and were led to the room that you and your husband would be sharing for the time being. Before you could even sit down there was a knock at the door and you were surprised to find it was Sabine, asking to borrow you for a little while. You had agreed, albeit a bit hesitantly, wondering what the young girl could possibly need you for, especially with that excited glint in her eye. You shrugged at your confused spouse before following her out of the room.
Awhile later you returned, quite pleased with the outcome of your little surprise endeavor with the Mandalorian girl, who was very happy with herself when all was said and done. You entered your shared quarters and stopped just after entering, letting the door slide shut behind you. This got Rex’s attention and he turned to you from where he was seated, his smile dropping as soon as he properly laid eyes on you, his features morphing into a look of shocked admiration, and quickly closed his mouth that had opened in a slight gape.
He blinked a few times before finally speaking. “Cyar’ika you look…”, he started to say, but found he couldn’t think of the proper word to articulate what he was thinking at the moment.
You smiled. “You like it”, you asked, bringing your hands up to touch your hair, which was now styled in a way that complemented the shape of your face perfectly and now sported dyed blue tips. Sabine had also given you a fresh pair of clothes that she thought would fit you nicely. They did fit, even though they were a bit tighter than you would’ve liked, and the cut on the long-sleeved top was a bit lower than you were used to, but it was still high enough for you to consider it conservative, well conservative enough. Although, with the way your husband was staring at you now, you were grateful for these aspects, seeing just how much he was appreciating the way the outfit hugged your curves by the way his eyes scanned you from head to foot.
He stood and walked the short distance to you, taking your hands in his. “Like it? I love it, you look absolutely stunning, downright delectable even”, he said with a wicked grin.
You smacked his chest lightly, shaking your head. “And here I thought I married and gentleman”, you said, not being able to hide the grin that was forming.
“Oh, you did, it’s just that you have this incredible talent of pushing me to my limit at times, especially when you come in looking like this”, he said, eyeing you up again.
You blushed under his gaze. “Well, at least I know I’ve still got it”, you said, giving him a playful smirk.
He suddenly pulled you to his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist to keep you secure against him, your faces only inches apart now. “Cyare, you never lost it”, he said cocking an eyebrow as he continued to grin at you, and with that you pulled him into a loving kiss, one that he quickly leaned into and deepened.
You pulled away after a bit to make eye contact once more. Rex released one of his arms from around you to bring his hand up to your hair, lightly playing with the tips between his fingers. “I like the hair too, always did think this color suited you.”
You gave a slight shrug. “You know me, always more than willing to support my boys in blue.”
You both shared a small laugh before catching each other’s lips in another kiss, this one a bit more tender than the last.
“So is this a bad time to talk about how I might be wishing we'd rethought our decision about not having kids”, he asked in a low voice once you two parted from the kiss.
You blinked, surprised by the sudden shift in topics. “Umm, alright, what brought this on”, you asked.
He looked to the hand that was still playing with your hair, not wanting to make direct eye contact as he spoke his next words. “Well, it's just that, seeing you with Ezra earlier today, it made me realize, you'd make a great mother, and I almost feel like we've missed out on something special, and this isn’t exactly the first time the thought has crossed my mind. I’ve always wondered if we were making the right call not having a child of our own, but you seemed happy with our life together and I didn’t want you to ever feel pressured, I wanted it to be your choice, I still do.”
“Rex are you trying to tell me you want to have children”, you asked.
“Maybe, but not if you don’t, I mean… do you”, he asked, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
“Well, I won't say I've never thought about it, especially in the early years of our relationship. I'd often wonder what it would be like to have a little version of you running around."
“Or you”, he said with a smile.
You smile. “I guess it would be nice to have an addition to the family, and I'm sure the boys would make great uncles. Well, maybe with some supervision”, you say, chuckling out that last part.
“Really”, he asked, clearly a bit surprised by your response.
“Rex, I know I won't be able to keep you for as long as I'd like, I accepted that reality a long time ago”, you said, sliding your palm against his causing him to let go of the piece of hair he was still holding and intertwining your fingers with his, “but maybe if I have something of you left after, something we created together, then maybe I'll be able to continue on because I'll still be living for you, or at least a part of you." You were desperately trying to keep the tears you felt building behind your eyes from making their way out. You hated thinking about this, your husband’s shortened life span was never a topic you wanted to think about for too long, it was a reality you did not care to observe in your everyday life, but reality it was, and you knew someday you would have to face it. Just not today.
He pulled you closer with the arm still around your waist. “Oh Cyar'ika, I love you so much”, he said, kissing your forehead.
“And I love you, with all my heart.”
“So, we're really doing this then?”
You giggled at his noticeable excitement. “Yes, we're really doing this”, you confirmed. He then let go of your hand and cupped your cheek, pulling you into a kiss so full of love it nearly took the breath right out of you. You laughed once you managed to pull away again, trying to get your next thought out. “We can start trying when we have some time to ourselves.”
“We have time now”, he said, swiftly moving his hands to firmly grip your hips and pull you flush against him. Your senses left you for a second, heat rushing to your face and chest at the implication, before you were able to compose yourself.
You chuckled, coming back to your senses. “Actually, we don't. We've been asked to help pick the location for the rebel base. They figured since we were the ones to give the intel that we'd be able to find the safest place. I'm sure they've already started reviewing the list, so we'd better get going”, you said, a bit annoyed at the fact, there were much better things you could be doing, but you did promise to do whatever you could to help in this rebellion. Damn, why’d you always have to be the responsible one?
Rex broke you from your inner ramblings with another heated kiss that had you weak in the knees. “Alright fine, but tonight you're all mine”, he said against your lips.
“Deal. Now let's go, we're late”, you said, still smiling like a lovesick teenager and reluctantly pulling away from his embrace, which he did not want to make easy, but eventually gave in and released you.
As you made your way to the door, trying to compose yourself once again, he spoke. “Hopefully soon you'll be the one who’s late”, he said, taking you by surprise yet again.
You turned and raised an eyebrow at him and jokingly asked, “Okay, who are you, and where is the Rex I married?”
He laughed, coming to stand in front of you and leaning in slightly. “What can I say cyar’ika, you’ve made me bold”, he said, giving you a mischievous smile.
You shake your head and opened the door, taking him by the hand and leading him out into the corridor. “Alright, alright. Come on Stud, we have to go”, you said and began making your way to the bridge of the ship, “and save the dirty talk for tonight okay?” You grinned at him over your shoulder, continuing to pull him along.
He smiled and quickened his stride to walk alongside you, lacing his fingers with yours. “Yes Ma’am”, he responded softly.
You couldn’t seem to keep the smile off your face, for several reasons. The main two being that you knew you had quite the night ahead of you, thank the force for the private quarters, and you were thrilled at the idea of having Rex’s child. You weren’t sure what this new future would hold for the both of you, but you were ready to find out.
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dreamrecorder · 3 years
Until then, we will find each other again. <||>
fluff & angst drabble, reincarnation au, modern au
| Xiao x Reader | Diluc x Reader |
Note: I'm sorry that I can't put the cut thingy bcos im writing in mobile. Once I get ahold of my laptop I'll put the cut thingy. Happy reading^^ i swear these were supposed to be short but welp
Notes: Immortal companion* - Just think of someone immortal from the game. This is also a different take from Venti's and Zhongli's because I honestly think Xiao is so done with immortality and its consequences.
Suicide implicitly mentioned.**
Xiao is mourning for the passing of his immortal companion*, making him the last immortal to walk the world. Now, it is he, who last remains from a time of gods and monsters. Each passing of a mutual, he witnessed. They deemed it was their time to move on, for humanity has succeeded to bring fate into their own two hands. The world no longer needed them.
Xiao has already suffered loss way before the Archon War. Yet, he never expressed the emotion of grief for he needed to be strong lest the world will eat him alive. However, this passing made his heart of glass, chip a little, then shattering the whole thing altogether. Or perhaps, it was already chipped away and too fragile because of the losses that has culminated in his immortal life.
Now, he lays on the roof of a building of what used to be Wangshu Inn. He was trying hard not to break down again. By doing so, he merely cursed fate over and over again. Yet, to no avail, the man exploded in tears once more, too tired from all the pain and loss suffered from millenias.
Then... there's you. You who uttered the words, "Until then, we will find each other again."
With all sincerity he can muster, he wanted to believe those words. He wanted to believe in you. That's why he stayed. Yet... the pain he feels heavily overweighs his faith in you.
He just wants to... end it all.
"I just want to disappear..."
No one heard him utter those words, only the wind. And the wind- just as once the Anemo Archon had said, carries the words one thinks no one can hear.
It came like a whisper, yet loud and clear. Then all of a sudden, the memories of your previous life flashed before your eyes. You dropped the book you were holding and held your temples at the incoming migraine.
"Are you alright?" You friends asked in worry, looking for any visible signs of pain aside from your clenched eyes and your frowning expression.
You could only groan as a reply and your friends waited for you to take your time to recollect yourself.
Who... Whose voice? You knew this voice... But who?
You finally removed your hands and opened your eyes.
"I- I have to go... Go without me." Was all you said before leaving your friends in the dust who looked at your way with confusion.
Who? Many questions riddled your mind. And with all these unanswered, worry and anxiety grew in your heart. Tears began to swell in your eyes, worsening your headache.
This is not about you! You have to look for... something! Someone! Just-
"Dear gods, please please don't you dare fucking take him..."
You sprinted around the area, following and listening to that now faint whisper under the night. The whispers only became clearer and louder when you approached a building which used to be an inn.
The moment you stepped foot within the building, the lone whisper became mixed with more words which did not lift your heart.
With pure adrenaline, you opted to use the stairs instead of the damn elevator. You have finally reached the door leading to the rooftop, and at that point, the whispers became screams. However, when your hand grasped the handle, the voice in the wind stopped. You opened the door at full to be met by the back of the man who stands at the railing.
At the call of his name by a familiar voice, his head whipped to its direction. But he shall not be fooled.
"You... you're not real."
The words along with lifeless eyes stabbed you.
"It's me, Xiao! Y/n! Don't do this! I'm sorry I took so long! But I'm here now! Just as I had promised!"
Your heart was beating against your ribcage. You had to prove you were real. But how?
"You're just an illusion made by my heart."
"Xiao, please! Fuck I'm really sorry! But please you don't have to do this... I... I remember everything, Xiao... All those times we battled in the war. Those times we shared almond tofu. The times we smiled, cried, laughed, and fought...
I remember everything..."
For each word you uttered, you grew confident in your memories. For each word, you took a step closer. For each word, you saw life coming back to the man you love.
"So please... Come back..."
At the final word, you released all your sincerity, genuity, and adoration for him. And finally, your hands took purchase in his (while trying so hard not to shed any tear for his sake).
"It's me."
You beamed at him and finally, Xiao's eyes were now shining in clarity, and of course, life and love.
Diluc has been reincarnated many times, yet still has not found you. Through his reincarnated forms, he alternated between travelling and staying in Mondstadt. The former done in order to find you. The latter done in the chance you would find him there.
For the first time in his many lifetimes, his current form surprised him. When he reached 'sixteen', his memories resurfaced and the realization sank in. His appearance ended just as how he looked in his first ever lifetime. The only difference was the length of his hair. He even ended up being reincarnated in the Ragnvindr Family along with inheriting the winery business.
To put it bluntly, walking within the old yet maintained Ragnvindr Mansion was a memory lane. However, the moment of reminiscence only gave him a heavy heart, for within these halls used to be filled with your laughter.
In this very same spot where he currently stands, is where you uttered your last words.
"Until then, we will find each other again."
Walking aimlessly around the mansion, he thinks about those long, long years without you. Must be fate so cruel? Making him search far and wide, when in the end fate does not want you to return to him? The man clenched his fists, and in anger, punched the nearby wall.
He expected a bursting kind of pain to come, yet what came was a dull throb on his knuckles. Yet this is not only what he had not expected. He did not expect for the wall to respond with a resounding hollowness.
A hidden corridor? Room? When had the family installed this?
Curiosity held him and began kicking the hollow wall without hesitation. What secrets does it hide from all these years, he shall know. Once the wall opened up for him to fit, he entered with a lit phone in hand at extreme brightness.
Again, what he saw, he had not expected. What he saw both filled and emptied his heart simultaneously. What he saw was a painting of you and him, together in a moment of shared happiness.
"Dilu-" His mother called which snapped out of his trance. His head snapped at her direction and saw her eyes fill with solemness.
"I didn't mean to-"
His mother hushed him with a gentle smile and entered the room to stand alongside him.
"You know," his mother began, "I always believed in the fantasy that had been once in our world. Lord Barbatos, the other Archons, the Twins that saved our world, Visions, and... reincarnation. I always believed in them.
The moment I saw your features when you were born, I knew you were the reincarnation of the Uncrowned King of Mondstadt... So I named you after him because I knew your memories would resurface someday. I knew the day would come when my son will no longer be my son. Because when that day comes, all I would see in your eyes is a long unspoken wisdom and pain that will replace your innocence free from battles and war."
Diluc was surprised, yet kept his emotions to himself. He understood what his mother was pointing at. "Is... Is this why this picture is hidden?"
His mother nodded solemnly. "Perhaps, I was afraid and scared about when the day I spoke of will take place. That's why I ordered this painting be hidden. I knew this painting of you and Lady Y/n will unlock your memories sooner, but I didn't want that."
For once in his lifetimes, his heart softened with love. The kind of love that assures you that someone cares for you. Never in his reincarnated lifetimes, had he experienced this feeling. All those years, he was just... lost in the feelings and thoughts of not being with you.
The man stepped towards his mother with hesitation to which he instantly erased. He hugged his mother with a soft spoken voice saying these words.
"I will always be your son and you will always be my mother. That will never change. I may be 'older' than you, but please do remember that I would not have grown to who am I today without your guidance. For that, I deeply thank you for taking care of me...
I love you, Mom."
With his words, his mother burst into light tears accompanied by a smile. "Don't make me cry, I'm going to wrinkle." Diluc laughed at the comment. After a loving moment, the two separated yet his mother still held onto his arms.
"You've grown so much... I guess little birds do leave the nest someday."
"It wouldn't be possible without you."
His mother looked at him with a proud gaze, "Go. Find her. If memory serves right, I might have seen someone like her dwell everyday in the local library."
The man released his breath he never knew he was holding. Diluc hugged his mom again with a peck on her cheek. He then let go and began to exit the room with haste.
"Once I come home, I will tell you everything. Venti, Morax, the Twin Travelers, the Archons, and Visions. I will tell you everything."
With a rush, Diluc was now out of sight. Yet, the Madam Ragnvindr was not saddened. Her heart swelled for her son whose eyes are finally, once more lit with happiness. However, who's Venti?
A/n: welp truth be told diluc's story took an unexpected turn lol. It's either I'm going to leave this like that or continue it. Take your pick by commenting because I'm actually fine with either options haha happy reading <3
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draw-you-coward · 2 years
krytan mulled wine
just another short (~1.2k) trahearne/roza drabble because i felt like it. happy new year everyone!
(ao3 mirror)
They are sitting on this stolen house’s overly large couch. Roza’s leg is a warm line crossed over Trahearne’s, from the vulnerable give of his thigh to the hard hook of his ankle. It is such a bold thing, Trahearne contemplates, how he has simply thrown a part of himself over him, knowing it would be accepted. Such a risky thing. Is the part of them that is them so assured?
“Behold.” Roza draws a bottle out of nowhere, crystalline and full of amber liquid. “A gift.”
Trahearne is briefly annoyed—of course someone would give Roza alcohol. It takes effort to think of a suitable gift beyond the obvious, more so to be aware of how closely he flirts with a dependency on drink. Is it too much to ask of his friends to not push him towards bad habits? He is fighting tooth and nail to shed the ones he already has.  
“Clearly, someone has your best interests at heart,” Trahearne mutters.
Roza looks surprised—his lips part, and his left eyebrow twitches. Then his expression transforms, tilting upwards, softening his eyes.
“It is my gift to you, you beautiful, ridiculous man,” he says with everlasting fondness. “Do you not recognize it?”
Oh. Trahearne grasps the bottle at the neck as embarrassment warms his cheeks. Crystal bottles are a human style, but the elaborate detailing on this one is… unconventional. He recognizes it as soon as it passes into his hand, cold from Roza’s touch. Krytan mulled wine thickened with nectar. An old, familiar taste.
“How did you find this?” Trahearne traces over an embossed leaf with his thumb.
Cheek bends Roza’s spine. “It was still in your cabinet, along with your other attempts at certainly not courting me.” His eyes sparkle. “I will admit, it was difficult to fish out from beneath the pile of romantic dinners and sexually charged conversations, but I am incredibly clever, and thus I managed.”
Trahearne cannot help the smile that summons, even as he shakes his head in exasperation. Roza laughs, a sweet sound, and it is a fruitless endeavor to resist the effects of that as well. He is not made of strong enough stuff. He does not want to be.
“There you are.” Roza’s fingertips sweep along his temple. “No, unfortunately that bottle is long gone. I bought this from a little shop.”
“A little shop.” Trahearne is amused at his wording.
“Yes. A quaint little shop.” The touch to his forehead leaves, only to be replaced by cool lips. Trahearne’s eyes flutter shut.
“Are you alright?” Roza asks softly.
“Yes.” Trahearne takes his hand. “Mostly. I do not know.”
“Do you want me to return the wine?”
Trahearne smiles at his searching gaze. “No, thank you very much for it. It is quite nostalgic.”
“Do you want me to pester you for hours to talk about your feelings?” Roza drags the last word out. Trahearne chuffs, and a sharp chin settles onto his shoulder. “I shall trap you here and say so many sweet words to you and refuse to make you dinner.”
Now that is an unfair summation. “I must regretfully decline.” Trahearne is about to take his playful bait and let the potential discussion pass them by, but… ah…
There is nothing here that he can lose so easily (and is that not the very crux of the matter?). “I was merely reminiscing. Wondering at how we came to be like this. What a disaster we could have been, had the stars aligned less perfectly.”
“Hm.” Roza settles against him. “If your courting attempts had worked, you mean?”
And if they had? Krytan mulled wine but with its sweetness kept secret, evenings stolen under the pretense of duty, love chased between war and death—that is no way to be with someone.
“They were a coward’s attempts,” Trahearne murmurs. Roza looks at him in some surprise.
“Beware—I love that coward dearly and am liable to defend him at the most minor of provocations.”
“A true menace,” Trahearne acknowledges affectionately.
His menace’s lips curve in the ghost of a smile. “But tell me, how do you mean?”
He means that as much as he had been wise to avoid being burned from untamed flames, Roza did not deserve all the hedging around and the unsaid words. They both did not deserve the meagre scraps of a relationship, gathered from crumbs scattered over the ground.
“My heart was too faint to pursue you properly.” Trahearne takes his lover’s pale hands in his own, holding them firmly. “I would not have held you with ease and pride. We could never have had something like this.”
Roza’s eyelids lift. “Something like…?”
“Something with a strong foundation. That lets you joke without carving too closely and lets me nudge without pushing you over. And Mother only knows what all the stress would have eventually done to us.”
“Ah. I understand.” Roza squeezes his right hand. “It is unpleasant to dwell on the could-have-beens, it is true. Either they are better and we resent our current circumstance, or they are worse and we… do whatever it is you are doing right now. Turn into a dour old man, I suppose.”
“All paths lead back to you calling me a fossil,” Trahearne says dryly, though he knows it is an attempt to keep his mood light. He lets it work, content to by entertained by Roza’s idiosyncratic brand of buffoonery.
“But you are a fossil with such very nice hands.”
Trahearne presses his lips together, sensing where this is going. “Do not.”
“The real tragedy is that we never fulfilled your fantasy of having sex on your desk.”
“Any day now, you will admit to having it.”
“I will admit to no such thing.”
“Do you not remember how you spoke to me? ‘Commander, come sit oh so close to me while I tell you how well you’ve done. Maybe if you are very good we can platonically share a bed later.’”
Trahearne bites back a laugh. “My paperwork would have gotten everywhere,” he says finally. It is as close to an assent as he is willing to get.
Roza flutters his eyelashes innocently. “You would bring your paperwork to bed? Trahearne, my dear, perhaps you should learn of a little something called work-life balance.”
“Oh, that is rich coming from you.” Trahearne leans close. “You paint me as the one with the depraved fantasies—”
“It is hardly depraved—”
“But who was it who wanted to play ‘Marshal and Commander’ just the other day, hm? I am not the one with the kink list longer than Mordremoth.”
Roza scoffs, even as his cheeks turn a telltale gold. “That is neither here nor there, you decrepit old fossil. It is dirty of you to stoop so low.”
“My desk was actually at a comfortable hip height,” Trahearne says.
It takes Roza a solid two seconds to parse that (and Trahearne is just about to explain that he wouldn’t have had to stoop at all, you see, if they truly had—) and then he groans. “Spirits, that was fucking terrible. It is little wonder you never managed get with me before you died—you are as smooth as granite.”
Trahearne makes a noise of protest, and Roza laughs at him. After a minute, he laughs back, and their exchange devolves into the familiar warmth of fruitless chicanery.
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I would love to read a dumo and Sirius fic 🥰🥰
Ask and you shall receive... It’s more a scene drabble than a fic but here it is:
**Dumo is cleaning out the basement now that Logan moved out. Coops come to visit. Sirius and Dumo reminisce.**
The Dumias’ had been working all weekend to clean out their basement out and organize things. When Sunday evening rolled around, everything had been put in it’s place and Adele was helping Celeste prepare dinner before Sirius and Remus got there. Cleaning out Logan’s, and before that Sirius’, old room had made Dumo a bit sentimental and so he had invited the young couple over for Sunday dinner for a chance to catch up outside of the rink.
It was a little past six when they showed up at the Dumias household and let themselves in, walking to the kitchen.
“14 minutes late, mes fils. What kept you?”
“Oh, you know, traffic and all that.”
“I see that.” Dumo said after turning around to take in their appearance and nodding at them. Remus’ hair was tussled and there was a dark bruise starting to form on Sirius’ collar bone that Dumo caught a glimpse of before Sirius had adjusted his black v-neck.
“What he meant to say,” Remus cut in, elbowing his boyfriend, “Was sorry we’re late.”
“Have a seat, I’ll go upstairs and round up the kids.” Dumo instructed.
“I’ll help.” Sirius smiled and followed him upstairs.
Remus walked further into the kitchen. “Is there anything I can help with?”
“Yes, please.” Adele answered. “It’s a good thing y’all made yourselves late by making out. Food’s not quite done.”
“Adele.” Celeste scolded with a chuckle. “Just relax Remus, we-”
“What can I do?” he persisted.
“Set the table?” Adele suggested.
“I can do that.” Remus laughed.
Meanwhile, upstairs, Dumo and Sirius chatted their way up the stairs.
“You taking care of him? And yourself?”
“Oh yeah.” Sirius smirked.
Dumo gave him a look in favor of swatting him playfully. He always used to flinch at it, so Dumo developed his patented Look and still used it even though he knew Sirius had since outgrown flinching at a playful hit. “I don’t want to know the specifics of what YOU were referring to, that’s not what I meant.” He laughed. “So things are good?”
“They’re great.” Sirius stopped walking up the steps, a look of pure happiness plastering itself across his face as he stared ahead but not really seeing what was there.
Dumo noticed a few steps up at the top of the flight that Sirius was not directly behind him anymore. He turned and walked the four steps back down to be just a step above the man who had become a son to him. “Ouais?” He placed a hand on the shoulder of the younger man.
“Oui. Very.” Sirius looked up at Dumo. “Merde, je l’aime. I really love him. We’re so happy. And... and I never thought I could have that. This. Him, the team... you.” Sirius’ eyes were noticeably wet as he continued. “ I... Thank you. For taking me in. And showing me what a family was. What love is, and that I can have it. I don’t know where I’d be if you weren’t there.”
Dumo, holding back tears of his own, wrapped Sirius in a tight embrace which the younger man readily accepted. Without hesitation. He used to do that too; freeze or shy away from an embrace. Sirius had come a long way since he had first came to stay with them.
“And I suppose Re and I wouldn’t be together, or at least not for as long, if you hadn’t meddled in our business.” Sirius said as they pulled away from each other. “But next time, mind your own business, or you may not approve the the things that’ll happen in that guest room should those whose lives you’re meddling with not have any self restraint.
Dumo laughed, turning to head up the last few steps to start knocking on doors to tell the kids that dinner was ready. “Noted.”
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gerudosage · 3 years
this week was stupidly busy with general work stuff & family birthdays, so i haven’t been around much, apologies ! with any luck i’ll be on tomorrow evening, but no promises. i have been working on stuff behind the scenes, though, replies going into my queue & a few big headcanons getting drafted up, but they’ll be posted when they’re ready ! 
in the interim, to keep things ticking over, here’s a silly little drabble involving n.abooru & her wife talking about their kids, & first loves :> it touches on a few heavier topics, so content warning for mentions of war, implied death, violence, allusions to contraception & mentions of alcohol, & a read more for length.
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❛  -  & she’s nervous, i think, but i keep telling her, she’ll be fine. it’s not how it was when we were growing up, y’know ? ❜
❛ oh, i know, ❜
❛ between you & me, ❜ & if those weren’t her favourite words to hear, truly ! her head, which had been held, unmoving, as rhian’s now - stilled fingers weaved the hair upon it into a voluminous braid, turned just slightly sideward, tipped only so far back, to show how intently she would listen, as if she didn’t hang off of rhian’s every word already. with the slight dropping of the other woman’s voice, as though anyone was around who would dare listen in, it was probably for the best. ❛ i think she’s worried about who she’s going to find there, ❜
❛ oh. oh. that’s … ❜
❛ i know, & i’m not sure if telling her that it’s unlikely will make it better or worse, honestly. she’s never really asked about it, but i suspect that’s because she never thought she would ever actually leave, ❜
❛ well, did you ? ❜
❛ what, think she’d go ? ❜
❛ think any of us would go, ❜
❛ oh. oh, fuck no, ❜
a laugh bubbled up from within her at rhian’s nonchalant delivery, the involuntary tipping of her head undoing all of her beloved’s hard work, hair cascading freely down nabooru’s shoulders. the atmosphere of the room, which had begun to grow heavy, broke immediately, & if rhian minded that her effort had come to nothing, it was seen only in the gentle nudging of nabooru’s back with her foot, as she joined her wife in laughter, finding it infectious.
❛ what ? ❜ she asked once she had gathered herself, still smiling, feigning innocence. ❛ you asked, ❜
❛ i did, yeah, but you’re usually a little more, shall we say, diplomatic than that, ❜ nabooru retorted, smile growing across her own face. ❛ such a lack of decorum ! and in the chief’s chambers, at that ! ❜
❛ honey. i live here. ❜
❛ oh ? ❜ & the smile upon her face widened into a grin, already delighting in the inevitable wind - up. ❛ i don’t remember you asking permission to move - ow ! ❜
❛ serves you right, ❜ rhian hummed, withdrawing the hairbrush she had just so viciously attacked her wife with. it would be an injury that would never be forgotten, a war wound nabooru would moan about for months to come, but, really, entirely worth it. ❛ shut up & drink your wine, i’ll start again, ❜
❛ if you must, ❜ if awards were granted for acting, the fake sigh which was heaved from within her surely would have won nabooru all the accolades in the world, although she straightened her head, & her back, once more, shifting back into position on the pillow at her wife’s feet, though her wine, she left untouched. ❛ so, jeska’s overcome because she’s convinced she’s bound to run into him, & you’re, what, ninety per cent sure that she won’t ? ❜
❛ the last time we spoke, he was spinning some story about traveling to labrynna, & making a new life there, ❜
❛ ah, that classic. it’s almost like i’m there with you. twenty rupees saaaaays … he wanted either the glamorous life of a bard, or to settle down on a farm - with you by his side, of course, no matter what. he was drunk, yeah ? ❜
❛ … i didn’t actually agree to that bet, first of all, so i owe you nothing. but yeah, a little bit drunk. pissed, really. i’m pretty sure the ports were all still closed then, too. there’s no way … ❜
❛ … but you still hope he managed it, ❜
silence fell, nabooru’s hair running like waves through rhian’s fingers, & the fire crackling in the grate sounded, suddenly, much too loud for the room. there was a gentle tugging at her scalp as rhian worked, her focus having seemingly shifted entirely, & nabooru reached for the hand mirror by her side, angling it that she might see rhian’s face as she worked. her vision, as always, was somewhat blurred, but still, she could see the tell - tale tightness of rhian’s mouth, & the clench of her jaw, as if keeping a stiff upper lip could banish the feelings entirely.
❛ there’s nothing to say that he didn’t, ❜ she started, watching rhian’s reflection, ❛ maybe not then, but eventually. does she look like him ? ❜
❛ as much as any of the rest of us do, ❜ thank the goddess that rhian couldn’t properly see the sheepish grin which crossed nabooru’s face at her answer, having known, even as the question left her mouth, just how stupid it had been to ask. ❛ no, no, i know what you meant, it’s fine. &, well, she does, sometimes, though she doesn’t realize it. it’s the hair, really, & some of her mannerisms, honestly, it’s scary. you can see his influence, & it’s why she’s nervous, i think. she hasn’t said either way if it’s because she wants it to happen or not, but i think she’s afraid that she’ll be, well, recognizable, if she runs into him, ❜
❛ she should be proud to be recognized, rhian, she’s beautiful, ❜
❛ i think so too, ❜ rhian acknowledged, & despite the turn the conversation had taken, there was still a faint, unmistakable glow of pride within her on her daughter’s behalf. ❛ but just this once, it might have been better if she looked more like me, ❜ one hand stilled, holding the finished braid in place, whilst the other scrabbled for a ribbon to tie it with, their nightly routine almost complete. ❛ what about your girls ? ❜ rhian asked, then, & nabooru stiffened. ❛ do they take after their father ? i always thought makeela was your miniature, ❜
there was no reason for her to be so nervous, nor for the sudden pit to have opened up within her, & yet, she had no way of stopping it. she had taken rhian into confidence about many things before she had taken her as her wife, but their current topic of conversation had always been tip - toed around, a delicate matter neither had been eager to bring up. it was only fair for her to answer, considering rhian had spoken, so far, so candidly about jeska’s father, & yet, still, nabooru hesitated.
❛ oh, she is, ❜ she started after a moment, rhian listening carefully as she pulled the ribbon tight. ❛ she takes after him in the nose, i think, & in temper, sometimes, but otherwise, she’s just like me. they do call her a great beauty, don’t they ? truly, she should thank me for passing on such a magnificent face, ❜ humour always was a great deflector, & the air of ( not entirely fake ) arrogance which nabooru put on as she spoke was almost as effective, eliciting a snort of laughter from rhian as she finished her task, & let the heavy braid fall. ❛ she hates it when i say that too, grumbles about it all the time. i can’t blame her, really, but it’s just so fun, & so easy, to wind her up ! & vaiana … well, vaiana … ❜
❛ i understand, ❜ rhian said softly, filling the silence as nabooru trailed off, leaning down to squeeze her shoulders in an attempt at reassurance. ❛ it’s harder, i think, when they look alike. harder, still, when they ask about it, even after so long, after … well, everything. jeska’s terrified. she won’t say, but i think she does want it to happen, deep down, even if she won’t admit it to herself, & i think that’s almost worse, not knowing if you want to know. she’ll have no peace until she decides, one way or another, & i haven’t a clue how those dice will fall, ❜
❛ makeela couldn’t care less, ❜ nabooru confided, gently brushing her wife’s hand away so that she might stand up, her movement fluid despite the creaking in her left knee. ❛ or so she says. we haven’t spoken much about it, but when we have … she says she doesn’t need to know, because she’s had me. not - not always, but … enough of me, that it didn’t matter, ❜ it was reminiscent of her relationship with her own mother, & how, when the subject had been tentatively broached, she had been fiercely insistent that vashti was the only parent she would ever need in her life - but still, at times, she had wondered, & she was sure that, no matter what she said, on some level, makeela must have been the same. ❛ she’s still so kind about it. i don’t know where i got her from, truly. vai, though … ❜
❛ wait, ❜ realization shot through her like a bolt of lightning, & rhian sat straight as nabooru sank down on the divan, making herself comfortable atop the small mountain of pillows on her end. ❛ is that why she’s leaving ? she thinks - ❜
❛ she won’t find him, ❜ nabooru interrupted quickly, confidently, mournfully. ❛ i told her as much, but she’s determined, & stubborn as an ass about it, about everything. what else am i supposed to do ? she’s a woman grown now, & she’s more than capable of looking after herself out there, i know that in that, she’ll be fine, & i can’t - i can’t blame her for wanting to know, & i don’t, but i … i just … ❜
❛ it’s hard when you can’t protect them, even when you know they’re going to be hurt, ❜
❛ i swear, rhi, if i’d known it was going to be like this, i’d’ve taken the fucking purple potion, ❜
it was rhian’s turn, then, to snort loudly with an unexpected laugh, nabooru’s weary exasperation resonating strongly even as her delivery caught her off guard, the other woman having reclined on the divan with her head buried within her hands as she spoke, the picture of regal aggravation. she would have hit back with a quip of her own, had her laughter not been cut short by a heavy knocking at the door of their chambers, & nabooru immediately rose, though her eyes went not to the door, but to her wife. an interruption this late at night could only mean one thing, & they lingered only a moment, savouring the last of their peace, before nabooru rose, & padded across their chambers to answer the call.
❛ an emergency, i hope ? ❜ she called out as her hand fell upon the door handle, & she half turned back towards her wife, pulling a face all the while, eyes rolling upwards into her head, eliciting another snort of laughter, this time muffled by the goblet rhian had just raised to her lips.
❛ not quite, ❜ through the heavy wood of the door, the pair could already hear shula’s smirk, no doubt relishing, if not the chance to interfere with their evening, the trouble she was about to drag nabooru into, ❛ but enough of the problem that they need your guidance, boss, ❜
❛ chief, ❜
❛ nabsy, ❜
❛ shula, i swear - ❜
❛ it’s a bust up at the training grounds, ❜ shula continued, ignoring her chief’s exasperated muttering, & behind the door, nabooru frowned.
❛ this late ? ❜
❛ apparently it started earlier today. someone didn’t quite make it, but they, uh, well, they claim the whole thing is rigged, so they came back to get what they deserved, apparently, & ran into dayaan on the way. hilarious, really, that they even thought - ❜
❛ alright, alright, i get it. they’re fighting, then ? go separate them, take charge until i get down there, i need to find my shoes, ❜
there was a shout of something that could have been an affirmation, & then silence as shula took off down the hallway, leaving the women alone once more.
❛ do you think they do this on purpose ? ❜ rhian asked, setting aside her goblet & rising from her seat.
❛ they absolutely plan it, i’m sure of it. things getting too quiet ? sure, let’s mess that up, but let’s wait until the chief is on a date, first, then make such a fuss that she has no choice but to come running. honestly ! ❜ nabooru huffed as she bent at the doorway, swapping her slippers for her khussa, as rhian closed the gap between them.
❛ well, it is nice to see you take charge for once, ❜ her wife’s hand found its place on the small of her back as nabooru straightened, & nabooru immediately turned to face her, reaching out to pull her close.
❛ oh, just this once ? ❜ she asked, her indignation mostly fake, ❛ well, miracles can happen, i guess. frankly, they should be giving me a reward for this, we both know damn well shula could’ve handled this perfectly fine on her own, ❜
❛ mm, yes, but then wouldn’t you have complained of missing the action ? ❜
❛ shhh, ❜ nabooru ordered, hands coming up to cradle rhian’s face. ❛ you’re not allowed to be right on date nights. we had an agreement, ❜
❛ i can offer rewards, though, ❜ both women were smiling as their heads came ever closer. ❛ & a good luck kiss before that, ❜
❛ only one ? ❜
❛ well, it is technically - ❜
❛ shhh ! ❜ it was all too easy for nabooru to cut her off, their lips meeting as rhian’s arms reached up to drape around her neck, pulling her deeper into a kiss neither seemed all that eager to end.
❛ they’re going to think you got lost, ❜ rhian murmured, when at last, they broke apart, making no effort at all to disentangle herself.
❛ let them, ❜ nabooru replied, already leaning in for another. ❛ i don’t feel lucky enough to face them yet. guess you better kiss me until i do, ❜
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etherian-affairs · 5 years
First One’s Tech
Based on a previously unreleased Discord drabble.
Crossposted on Ao3
When Hordak had learned that Entrapta had not betrayed the Horde, that she had not betrayed him, he made it his one and only focus to locate her. He learned she had been sent to Beast Island, and followed. He cut a swathe across the death trap of a locale. 
And he had found her.
She was alive, she smiled when she saw him. Yet she was also injured, her hair wrapped around her torso, an arm pressing against it to further cover it. Her hair looked damp and soaked with blood, or some other fluid. It was hard to tell given the color of her hair. 
Without thinking Hordak had moved to examine his Lab Partner, to look at the wound she was hiding behind her hair and arm. He grabbed the tendrils and pulled them aside, entirely too forceful in his actions. 
And Entrapta pulled away. Turning around to face away from him.
It was too late though, Hordak had spotted why she had pulled away. If he had not he might have simply accepted that his actions were too aggressive. That he should not have touched her no matter how worried he was. His mind, trained to spot details and to analyze, had seen enough to know her actions meant than just that.
"Entrapta..." He speaks quietly, the shock and surprise clear in his tone. His emotions in a strange turmoil, a strange anxiety.
The Princess remains silent, and begins to slightly tremble. Her arms pulled tight around her.
Hordak speaks again, slightly more resolve present. "Entrapta... What was that?"
She flinches at the question. Then she turns. Dropping her hair and arms to her side.
Across her midriff is a large gash. From it an unnatural purple ichor seeps. The Purple of her hair formerly hiding the inhuman color from the world. From within her torso there is a faint glow. The technoflesh of first ones machines is woven across the opening as if stitching itself closed. Pale white and blue sinew and meat. It is integrated, it is a part of her.
It is her.
Hordak speaks before he can even think. "What are you?" The question comes out rough. Hard. Too hard. Too accusatory. He curses himself mentally the moment it leaves his lips.
Entrapta flinches once more, stepping back and shivering clearly now as she stands. As if she's heard that question before. 
As if she's lost people to that question before.
"I'm sorry... I never meant to lie to you..." She says with tears beginning to form. "I'm sorry."
Hordak is silent for a moment, eyes wide. His brain taking a moment to process the shock of this revelation. To work through what he has seen, what she has just said.
It does process the shock though. It does work through this information.
And he remembers when he told her what he is, and he knows that this is little different.
"No." He speaks firmly. "Do not apologize for what you are. Whatever you are." Then he steps forward, kneeling down before her, and places his hands on her arms the way she once did with him. "tell me, or don't, but do not apologize."
Entrapta looks back up at him, tears in her eyes. Then a choked sob as she presses herself against him into an embrace. It surprises the warlord, perhaps more than the nature of Entrapta’s body surprised him. Yet it feels safe, and right, to allow her an embrace. 
So he returns it. 
They remain like that, wrapped in one another’s arms, for a short time before Entrapta steps back and takes a deep breath. Letting Hordak look upon her wound once again. "I'm... I'm First One's Tech." She says unsteadily. "Some miners found me... In Dryl... And the city took me in..." 
Hordak nods, leaning forward to take a closer look. He can make out the shifting artificial organs within through the faint lavender glow of whatever powers her. Metal, ceramic, flesh, all intertwined seamlessly. It is very reminiscent of the First One’s insectoid constructs that Horde Forces have had to fight before. It is compact however, and hidden within skin and hair and other pieces that make her look incredibly Etherian. 
The technology, the seamless melding, the refined design, it all makes Hordak’s own cybernetics look so very rough and unrefined.
"They knew?" He asks, reaching out but not touching. He wants to. A prick of curiosity in the back of his head desires to reach inside. 
"Only the ones who found me..." She looks down at him. "I'll be okay... If you're worried. My body fixes itself."
That must be why she has always seemed to have such a disregard for her own safety. She knows her limits. She knows not only that she is durable beyond any simple Etherian, but that her body will mend itself. She is beyond the fragile forms of those around her, she is the strange First One’s tech she seeks. As Hordak thinks about that he looks back up. Realization dawns on him. "You have been fascinated with First Ones tech because-"
"Because I'm First One’s tech... And... I don't really know what I am beyond that..." She is looking to the side, away from Hordak, as he asks. This is clearly a sensitive topic for her, much as Hordak’s own defective body is for him. Though ironically in the opposite way, Entrapta’s body is more than what anyone would expect. Ironic that that has no doubt caused her no end of turmoil in her own life.
"And you want to know."
Entrapta turns her gaze back to him, and nods slowly.
Hordak stands back up, and nods in return. “Then we shall discover the truth of your origin, but first we must return to the mainland. This place is not conducive to such scientific endeavors.”
The Princess of Dryl blinks, then smiles up at Hordak. “I was working on a way to get off of the Island on my own and was almost done but if you have a transport that’s much easier!” she laughs.
Lord Hordak smirks. “Indeed. Let us go. There is much for you to be caught up on, and much work to do.”
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imagethat · 5 years
Final Goodbye | Vergil x Kitsune!Reader
Alright! So this one reads like an absolute novel lmao I like writing while laying in bed. It helps me relax and fall asleep. I don’t post everything, but I wanted to post this. It’s a part two to my Kitsune!Reader drabble.
Something was festering inside you, as the nights grew longer during the winter, so too did your slumber. Each dream becoming more infatuating than the last, lulling you deeper and deeper into your once home. You knew this realm was not of your own creation, it had echoes of familiarity mixed in with the confusion. You already discerned its owner. Why they felt the need to drag this on was an ever evasive answer. You continued still, trying to reach the heart of this world. Before you could reach your destination, an alarm woke you up and you were pulled aggressively back into reality. An annoyed growl escaped you as you sat up in your bed. You’d have to be more cunning if you wished to speak with your nightly captor. The fact you hadn’t yet only adding more to your irritation. You peeled yourself from under the sheets and went downstairs. Dante puffed some air out of his chest before leaning forwards. “Whoah, someones on the warpath.” He commented. Was your irritability really that visible? “Not today Dante.” You warned while placing a hand on your forehead. Vergil quirked a brow. “You’ve been sleeping in rather late, are you alright?” He asked. The only reply he got was a half baked ‘Fine’ from your back as you went into the kitchen to get some food. Dante's eyes scanned over his brother curiously as he leaned back in his chair with crossed arms. Vergil knew something he didn’t, and wasn’t making any moves to tell him either. You returned from the kitchen, only to march past the twins without a word and return to your room. Once inside, you ate the cereal you had poured for yourself while packing for the day. Once ready you went downstairs. “Where are you going?” To your surprise, Vergil asked rather than Dante. “To attend to some business.” You replied, not giving any more of an explanation before heading out the front door.
It would start snowing soon, the sky was dark enough and a horrible chill dampened your bones. You checked Red Grave, making sure all the hexes you had placed remained in tact. Not only because they marked your territory, but because they acted as a ward. To your disappointment, some were broken. That was to be expected though, since another had come into your space. All at once the world gave way beneath your feet as you tumbled into darkness. The sound of your heart beat heavy in your ears with the depth and percussion of a full orchestra. You hit something on your fall and then once more. Your eyes shot open as you jolted forwards, those hits having been something shaking you. The dreams grasp was becoming so tight that you could not discern reality from it. Your eyes darted all around the park, not remembering the sheet of white that veiled it. Vergil was standing beside you, examining you quietly. “You’ve been gone for a whole day.” He commented. You paused… A whole day? Had the dream taken you for that long? It certainly didn’t feel like it had been that long. You didn’t remember moving to this bench either. Before you could question the man beside you, a sharp stinging burned your head. A loud noise rang and you had to cover your ears. You felt weak as you collapsed to the ground while your vision went blurry. Vergil was saying something, but you couldn’t tell what. “Dream…. Snare….. Run…” You tried to warn, your words almost failing you. When you awoke you realized you had finished your fall. But the world hadn’t gotten any lighter. You couldn’t make anything out in the dark despite your demon blood. There was whispering from all directions. You stood up and cautiously searched through the dark with your hands until you found a wall. Then you followed that until you saw the soft glow of light. You could feel it’s presence more clearly now. As you dashed towards it, you broke from the darkness into a cleaning underneath a beautiful never ending sky. Sitting across the clearing from you was your brother who would be the eldest had you not been born. The clearing was reminiscent of where you fought both Vergil and Nero originally. It was to taunt you. “It has been too long, sister.” He mused quietly. You nodded softly. “That is has been, how disrespectful of you to play such pranks on your sister.” You replied. He seemed displeased with your response and flicked his tail. “I would argue that if anyones been disrespectful, it’s you. Have you forgotten your teachings?” He questioned. “I have not, but father lied to us. Humans aren’t the only source of consumption for us.” You answered with a determined look. “That may be true, but why stay with them? They are beneath us, and to even share the same space with them…” He pierced his lips before glaring at you. “You aren’t suited to be the head of the family, return the key to me.” He demanded. When you came of age and proved your worth to your parents they gave you a key. Every dream realm was attached to an item, and the one handed down in your particular lineage was a gold embellished key. “It is mine, I owe you nothing.” You replied, already feeling the tension surrounding you both. This wasn’t going to end well for one of you.
Vergil had carried you back in the snow to Devil May Cry. Dante didn’t think much of it at first, but when he saw the way your veins seemed to be darkened he knew something was wrong. “There is another.” Vergil said before his brother could ask what happened. “So how do we wake y/n up then?” Dante asked. Vergil and you had grown pretty close during the time you agreed to stay at Devil May Cry. That included sharing your knowledge with him. “Only the one who created the snare can release her. By their will or by death.” He replied. Dante seemed to think for a moment before nodding. “Well, it’s nothing we can’t handle.” He said with a teasing smirk. “As long as I’m gettin paid at the end that is.” He added and Vergil scoffed at his brother quietly. They called Lady and Trish to stay with your resting body then headed off.
The fight was long, your brother enjoying every moment of proving his superiority. The world would glitch, and apparitions of your friends would appear in his place. It took everything in you to keep swinging when it happened. He had only dug so deep into your memory thus far. “They have made you weak! Yield sister! Join us once more!” He yelled at you. For a moment you internally stopped and pondered why you were fighting so hard to stay with your new found company when you had been so eager to never see their faces again just a few months ago. In that moment of weakness, not only did he strike you but he delved deeper into your mind. Summing forth your true feelings and more twisted visions of the people who truly matter to you. Your brother sneered loudly, striking you with force you didn’t know was possible. He looked down at you with hateful eyes. “I thought you’d have more respect for father, if you should walk amongst humans you should at least keep his most basic of rules in mind. But it’s true isn’t it!?” He demanded as you pounced back to avoid an attack. You bared your teeth. “What do you speak of!? Have you gone mad! I know my place! I am the head of this family!” You shot back. “We shall see.” He replied while lunging forwards. The action was so unpredictably sudden that it caught you off guard. He lifted you from the ground by your throat. You tried to claw at his arm and halfway to his face you saw him shift to an aplirition. In that moment, you couldn’t strike. Even if you knew it was your brother inside your head tricking you. You gave into your fate as he plunged a blade through your stomach. You were dropped to the floor unceremoniously afterwords. Vergil, or rather your brother standing above you. His eyes boring into your weekend ones. “So it is true… Such a pitiful heir to the family.” He commented. The next few moments were rushed. You heard yelling and gunfire. You opened your eyes as you felt someone lift you. You were being cradled. Through your blurry vision you could see his white hair. But you couldn’t tell if it was a fake figure meant to torment you or actually him. You let your weight fall dead against him.
When you came to this time around, you were in Devil May Cry. Thick familiar gauze was wrapped around your waist. Lady rushed over when she saw you rise to check your status. “Where…. Vergil…” you forced out in a dazed tone. “Where is Vergil?” You asked. Lady looked up at Trish. “Still in the dream.” The blonde haired woman said. “No…” you whispered, fear overtaking you. “They’re still alive… but…” Trish added. She was unsure of their status. You shifted onto your elbows, finally realizing what heavy fabric rested on you. It was Vergil’s coat. He had wrapped it around you when he carried you back from the park. Even such a simple act of courtesy was odd from him and should be taken to heart. You bit your lip as you pulled it against your chest. “I have to go back!” You urged and the two looked at each other. “L-listen… I care for them just as much as you do, but you’re not in any state to fight… Plus, it’s Dante. I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Lady tried to reassure you, but her efforts were in vain. You pleaded to her with your eyes. She finally gave in with a sigh. “Trish and I will go if it will make you feel better.” She offered and you nodded your head no. “I have to go with.” You demanded. Trish crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. “Why?” She asked. You were taken aback. Assuming the answer would be obvious. But it wasn’t as clear as you initially thought. You took a moment to assess why you so desperately needed to go, seeming somewhat baffled by the answer. So… Your brother was right… You quietly hugged Vergil’s coat to your chest as if doing so would somehow reassure you or make things better. You had grown soft in your time within this realm. Most of all though, you broke the most enforced rule your parents taught you. Warm tears spilled down your cheeks. You didn’t know if he’d ever return your feelings or if it was possible to go on being friends after coming to this realization. Worry overtook you, wondering if you would even get the chance to see him again. You had always known he was more comfortable in your presence, never seeming bothered by your antics. He enjoyed when you two would visit your realm so he could borrow books or discuss your kinds traditions. You squeezed his coat in your hands, never having realized all these things until now. You had been willfully ignorant of them. Lady did her best to comfort you, but her condolences fell on deaf ears. They did nothing to help you from your thoughts. All at once, you could feel the heavyweight in your pocket. The one thing in this situation you had. The source of all your pride, the prize of all those hard years spent in training. You couldn’t bare the thought of letting it go. It meant more than anything else in this world. But so too did your friends. Perhaps you were a glutton, one of the cardinal sins. And this would be your punishment. You rose up so quickly that it startled Lady. You knew what had to be done, even if it felt as though someone was crushing your heart.
You returned to the moonlit grove. The battle had taken its toll on the surrounding flora. All three seemed roughed up to a certain extent, but Dante and Vergil were worse for wear. When you entered the clearing, all fighting stopped. A force pushing the twins to the ground as you brother seathed his blade. “It is good to see you’ve returned sister. While I doubt you’ve come to your senses. It is not too late for you to return to us, though your former status can never be repaired.” He offered his hand out to you but could see the hesitation in your eyes. You pulled the key out of your pocket with a somber look on your face. Flipping it in your hands a few times. You had to breath in deeply just to speak. “I see… if you will not honor your ancestors then give me the key.” He said. Dante didn’t know what the key was or the significance of it, but he could tell you were attached to it. “Don’t listen to him.” Vergil spoke out, leaning against his blade. “Yeah, we got this.” Dante added. The one thing the twins shared was their stubbornness. Another wave forced them down and Dante groaned in pain. You sniffled softly, squeezing the key in your hand softly. Knowing it would be the last time you ever held it. You internally said your farewells to your family before chucking the key across the clearing to your brother. He caught it without the slightest bit of hesitation and looked it over before turning his attention to you. He nodded softly. “Thank you… I’m glad you came to your senses, but after the decision you have made… You cannot return here.” He said his voice got softer at the end. It was possible he felt bad for you, but he held his pride higher than you did yours. “Should you foolishly return here, you will be killed on sight. A heavy bounty is now placed on your head.” He added. Your eyes dropped to the ground, understanding the ramifications of the events that just occurred. You didn’t need his reperminds to know of your exile. Once he could tell you knew the extent of your punishment, he left. You fell to your knees, forgetting of Dante and Vergil as all the plants in the clearing started to wither. The tree leaves ashened and fell from their branches. The moon slowly faded from sight and you were left in the dark. Even the world was rejecting you.
Devil May Cry slowly came into view as you were returned to reality. Trish and Lady instantly rushed over to Dante and Vergil. Vergil shrugged them off, asking for your assistance upstairs. You agreed with a soft nod of your head. Lady could tell that you two both needed to be alone. Vergil knew best how to comfort you. Once upstairs, Vergil removed his vest and took a seat while you grabbed a first aid kit from the bathroom. You carefully started applying disinfectant to his cuts, a particularly bad slice cutting across his shoulders and back. You knew he wasn’t careless, he must have been taken by surprise when he rushed in to check on you. It made you feel guilty. “How does that feel?” You asked as you started to wrap soms gauze around his shoulder. “Fine.” He replied, seeming preoccupied with thoughts of his own. “You should have told us originally what was going on. We could have helped.” He said in an authoritative tone. You muttered I know quitely, not in the mood to be even further punished. He quietly acknowledged that with a nod. “…I'm… I’m sorry.” He said softly once you were finished patching him up. “I know… that key meant a lot to you.” He admitted. If he was honest, he felt somewhat at fault since he rushed in. When he saw you on the ground he disregarded his care for the enemy. He had to question why he did that. Vergil was usually so calm and composed. “It’s fine, I’m just glad you and Dante are both okay.” You mused in a somber tone while taking a seat across from him. “Would it be possible to retrieve the key? Or possible to make a world of your own?” He asked, trying to find a solution. His brain always functioned on the basis of logic. You shifted so your back faced him and pulled up your shirt so it showed your back. A mark had started appearing in the center, and was growing darker. It was such a hideous thing. “It marks my fate… I am forsworn…” You replied. Vergil reached out his hand and placed it on top of your new mark. You didn’t flinch or make a move to pull away as he traced its delicate lines. “Now that I’m branded with it everyone in that realm, realms like it, and the realm itself will know of my exile.” You added, breathing out slowly. As if even the thought if it was painful. When he pulled away you let your shirt drop. You turned to face him again, noticing Vergil had picked up the Yamato and was carefully untying the decorative string that garnered the seath. He took one of your hands and began wrapping the ornamental leather around it. After a few more moments he was finished. It started on your upper arm, crossed down in a x formation, wrapped around your wrist, then connected to a design he had made around your fingers. He let his hands rest against yours. “Perhaps if you cannot return, consider this as a key to this realm then.” He said. He wasn’t the best at being emotionally sensitive, but you could tell he was trying his best. “I will.” You nodded softly before scotting in closer so you could wrap your arms gently around his shoulders. There was a brief moment between Vergil hugging you back where he hesitated. Things like this were new to him, even if he had been in the human world for awhile. More so than the physical contact, he was coming to terms with something inside himself. You felt his arms get a little bit tighter around you, but you didn’t mind. This moment was nice, and was what you needed after all that had happened. You couldn’t return home, but you would never forget where you came from. Now this was your home. “If you would join me tomorrow, that would be greatly appreciated. I have something I’d like to show you.” His voice was barely above a whisper, but you could hear him loud as day because of how close you two were. You nodded before hiding your face in his shoulder. You didn’t know it, but he was smiling.
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kats-randomology · 5 years
A little drabble I had to write after the idea popped in my head while writing the other drabble
He’d managed to sneak his way into Liu Hai’s personal room/office. If there was a way to break the chain, it had to be in here where most folks wouldn’t be lucky enough to get to. He had to move fast though, Liu Hai would notice his absence.
 Surely there had to be something in here. Some book or scroll that explained things, that would be nice. He quickly made his way toward a large bookshelf, and skimmed over the titles until he found exactly what he'd hoped for: 'Magical Imprisonments and More: A How To for the Inexperienced'.
 He flipped through the yellowed pages, until stopping on one that caught his eye. A chapter on breaking supernatural bonds, that had to be it. This was it, finally Luck was on his side again--
 The door slammed open, making him flinch as he glanced over his shoulder.
 Liu Hai towered in the doorway, fury in his eyes and shark-like teeth bared in a snarl. Gladstone stood frozen for a moment, fear quickly taking over, before he hastily tried to lighten the mood.
 "H-hey, Hopper, buddy! Was just lookin' for you; you know, you have got a really nice den here,"
 The spirit's fury didn't lessen as he stormed towards the babbling goose.
 "A-and I am really diggin' the jade curtains, really brings the whole atmosphere together in here, very classy, and I can see you aren't buying a-word-of-this-so-I'm-just-gonna-go--!"
 His speech dissolved into a jumble of words as he dodged around the advancing toad, and made a break for the door. A hand caught him by the arm though, and jerked him back to face Liu Hai's anger. He snatched the book from his grasp, and eyed the cover for a moment before fixing his furious eyes back on the panicking goose in hand.
 "Clever, Mr. Gander, but not clever enough," he growled, warping the book back to its place on the shelf, "admirable as it is that you got this far, my patience is wearing thin with your antics."
 "Well my patience is wearing thin with your....EVERYTHING!" Gladstone snapped back, pulling at his arm. 
 "You think I like being stuck here?! You think I'm just gonna roll with it?!"
 "I think if you want to continue having the niceties you have, you'll start behaving--!"
 "I'm NOT a freaking toddler!"
 They both fell silent to catch their breath, glowering at one another; finally, Liu Hai took a long breath, before releasing it slowly.
 "You're going to go back to the game floor, and at least pretend to enjoy yourself, and maybe I'll forget about this grievance."
 "No, I'm not going back out there! I'm not playing anymore; I'm not doing anything!"
 "Tread carefully, Gander..."
 "Or what?! What're you gonna do?! Lock me in my penthouse?! Oh no how terrible, I'll be stuck in a luxury suite for the rest of my life-- oh, wait, I ALREADY AM! You need me so it's not like you're gonna actually DO anything worse than this!"
 Another tense silence descended. Liu Hai's narrowed eyes studied him for a minute or two, before he finally turned to the wall beside them. Waving his free hand, a square opening appeared, revealing a small room. Gladstone found himself rudely shoved into it, stumbling to catch himself, and turned back questioningly.
 "I think you need some time to reflect and consider how you'd like for your stay to go from here on out."
 And with that, the doorway was gone as suddenly as it appeared, leaving him alone.
 He scowled at the bare wall, before turning to take in the rest of the room. Well, not a room so much as a glorified box; no windows or doors, or furniture, or anything that would make it a room. There was no sound either, must be soundproofed with magic or something. So his big plan was to just take away his luxury? 
 Granted it was boring and uncomfortable, but if it meant he got to stick it to Toad, then he'd take it.
 Shrugging, he took a seat on the floor, stretching out with a sigh.
 He could use a good nap.
 The wall opened some time later, and he looked up with an agitated scowl as Liu Hai entered.
 "I trust you've had enough time to think things over?" He asked, face set in a stern frown. Gladstone rolled his eyes as he pushed himself off the floor. 
 "You mean have I decided that you're still a jerk? Because I never considered otherwise; or, was I supposed to be thinking about how busting into your office room whatever to find an escape was bad? Because again, I don't consider myself the villain in this case."
 "I see," Liu Hai clicked his tongue, "stubborn as ever then? Perhaps I haven't made it clear how lucky you have it here."
 "I'm an expert in luck, so I think i have a pretty clear idea--"
 "And I'm a immortal spirit of luck, which of us truly knows better?"
 He only scoffed, and Liu Hai's passive face finally broke into anger. 
 "There is much you don't know, Gladstone; for example, I have many ways of draining the luck of mortals, but you've been fortunate enough to only experience the nicer methods."
 "Uh huh, very interesting..."
 "Harvesting through acts such as gambling, prolonged physical contact,"
 Gladstone did briefly pause at that; was that why he was so hands-y? Well he certainly wasn't going to be letting him continue his 'friendly' breaching of space bubbles...
 "But, then we get to the more...brutal and direct methods."
 "Look I was never big into educational speeches-- hey!"
 Gladstone yelped as the toad suddenly snatched his arm in a tight grip, and yanked him closer; he was quickly trapped in a headlock, and he yelled angrily as he attempted to slip free.
 "Dude what are you doing?! Let go...!"
 "You see, luck is tied to your qi, and as a spirit of luck, I can tap into it and drain you directly. It provides a larger amount with less effort on my part. But, unfortunately for you, it's quite painful."
 "I literally cannot care any less about your dietary methods, now let go of me!"
 Liu Hai gave a light chuckle, and something about it rubbed Gladstone the wrong way. It was just unsettling, somehow...
 "But you probably should, if you want to continue living peacefully here,"
 "What are you going on about?!"
 Another laugh, and he felt him pressing closer.
 "There's a reason some legends refer to me as a luck vampire, Gladstone..."
 It was a minute or two before he processed the statement, he was too focused on trying to squirm his way out of the hold; once it did, though, his movements ceased, as he turned his head slightly to meet the spirit's humored gaze. 
 And behind the humor was the growing spark of hunger. 
 His grin was full of now very sharp teeth that were evidently more than just for show. 
 Gladstone's struggling returned with vigor, pulling at the arm keeping his head in place, kicking behind him, pulling at his outstretched arm currently being held in the toad's other hand. All of this did nothing to loosen the hold, only drive Liu Hai to hold him tighter as he pulled the coat and shirt down to reveal the skin and feathers underneath.
 "Let go, don't you even dare! Let go of me...!"
 "Are we beginning to see just how nice we have it?"
 "Yes, yes, I get it! W-we can stop now, I get it, just let me go and we can get back to that..!"
 "Mmm, but see, with you, it seems demonstrations are far more effective in getting my point across."
 "No," his voice was verging on hysterical as he clawed at the arm, "nonono I'm good! No demonstration needed, point made! You don't have to do that no...!"
 Knife-like teeth grazed his neck, forcing his desperate ramblings into a shriek as he tried in vain to pull his arm free.
 "Don't, don't, please...! Just let me go back to the casino, I-I can play games! Any game, you name it! As many as you want, I can play along, I'll play along, Toad please...!"
 His head was forced to the side, leaving his throat and collar bone exposed. Terror finally brought his wild yells and flailing down to a meek and desperate sob.
 "I'll do whatever you want..."
 A soft laugh, and hands tightening their hold as if in preparation. Liu Hai finally responded, hissing in his ear.
 "I know you will."
 Several sharp teeth sunk in, and fiery, agonizing pain exploded in his shoulder and traveled down his arm.
 A ragged scream went unheard by the world outside. 
 He was dropped to the floor with little care, pressing a hand to his screaming shoulder. There was no blood, he noted with some bewilderment, but it wasn't his top concern. 
 No, that was reserved for the luck leeching demon now standing over him. Liu Hai gave a satisfied sigh, and crouched down before him and tilted his head back. He sneered at the wide eyes, panicked and afraid and exhausted all at once as they found his. 
 "I hope you've learned something from this," he murmured, leaning closer as his eyes took on a terrifying glow, "otherwise we're going to repeat this lesson until you get it through that pretty little head of yours."
 Gladstone flinched, and gave a timid nod, too afraid and in pain to respond otherwise. Liu Hai stood back up, smile and demeanor now pleasant and reminiscent of his hotel persona.
 "Very good, then; shall we return to your room?"
 He didn't wait for answer; a snap warped them to the far brighter and much friendlier suite that had become his home away from home.
 "I suggest you get a good night's sleep; I expect to see you downstairs tomorrow. I'll be generous and let you stay in until noon,"
 The smile fell away into a snarl.
 "Don't make me have to come get you."
 And with that he was gone. 
 It took a good chunk of time for Gladstone to start moving, forcing himself to stand. He dragged himself over to the bed, and sunk into it with a moan. He burrowed under the blankets, desperate to hide from the lights. He didn’t have the energy to turn them off at this point.
 His head was throbbing, coupled with the pain in his arm, it was enough to leave him in tears.
 He had to go along with this. For a while, at least; play games, keep Liu Hai happy, don't make him mad again or else...
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takakuyaku-archive · 3 years
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“Some people should learn to be wiser with their words.”
THEY’VE JUST happened to have left a very eventful meeting...
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waddingham · 5 years
For the drabble ask #2: patrick/david? 3, 10, 17, 51, 83 as like an overall h/c mood, whichever of them (if any) catches ur fancy the most? I couldn't pick they all sounded so good
i will for sure be doing these other prompts in a fic too bc they’re really good but this wouldnt let me go
51. “I can’t breathe.“ 
“I’m sorry? You wanna try that again?”
“I said ’m fine,” Patrick pushed the words through the slime sitting in the back of his throat.
“Obviously, you are totally able to breathe and speak clearly. However, I’m still opening the store without you.”
Patrick was still in bed, which by itself was so weird that David would’ve made him stay home on that alone. The fact that he was dripping from his nose and coughing up all kinds of colors just sealed the deal.
“You’ll feel better if you make it to the couch and hole up there. Then when you really feel like shit, getting in bed will feel really good.” David reached down and stroked his hair. “I’ll be back soon, okay?”
“Mmkay. Bye.”
David couldn’t resist kissing his forehead before heading out.
David came back only a couple hours later, barely managing to con Stevie into watching the store for him. He dropped 3 take out bags on the table. He’d played it safe, getting every soup Twyla had, although he doubted Patrick would be interested in a lumpy clam chowder at the moment.
The TV was playing quietly (You’ve Got Mail he was pleased to note) as he rounded the couch. The sight on the couch made him grin ear to ear.
Patrick was laying on the couch nestled in what looked like 4 blankets, 3 pillows and 83 tissues, nose red with his hands curled under his chin. David took care of the tissues before coming back to straighten the tangled blankets. When he pulled them away, Patrick’s shirt gave him pause. Or rather David’s shirt. He was cuddled in David’s lightning bolt sweater, the one from their first date that David hadn’t worn since that night. It was special; he would literally die if anything happened to it and in this town, walking out the door could mean disaster for luxury knits.
It was just this side of too big for Patrick, but the fact that he had dug that specific one out from the bottom of David’s drawer, passing up softer and warmer sweaters made David’s heart warm.  
Patrick started to blink awake, rumbling out a groan. David set the blankets back down and sat on the edge of the couch, reaching out and taking Patrick’s hand. “Hey, how’re you feeling?”
“I can’t breathe.” He sounded even worse and more stuffy than earlier.
“Aw, honey.” David pressed a hand to Patrick’s forehead. “Do you want me to run you a bath? Oh, I brought soup.”
“For the bath?” Patrick tried to laugh and it dissolved into a weak cough.
“See? You can’t mock me in your condition.” David remarked. “Bath or soup?”
Patrick sat up. “Soup. Then bath.”
David watched as the blankets revealed the sweater again. “Nice top.”
Patrick looked down and smiled sheepishly. David is certain he would blush if he weren’t already flushed. “Sorry. It’s comfy.”
David let his face go soft and he smiled, “It’s a good one.” He plucked gently at the sleeve around Patrick’s hand, still resting in his. “My favorite, I think.”
Patrick’s grin widened as he sniffled, his voice soft and rough, “I promise I haven’t wiped my nose on the sleeves or anything.”
David just shook his head, “I don’t care. It’s washable.”
Patrick’s expression went tender as he gazed at him, like David had just got down on one knee. David blushed and looked down.
Patrick shook his head to clear it. “What kind of soup did you get?”
They stood and Patrick sat at the table while David gathered spoons and bowls. “What kind of soup didn’t I get, honestly.”
Patrick pulled out 6 large, containers of assorted colors and…consistencies. “I see.” He snapped them all open, smelling each one. “I think I’ll have mystery concoction #2, please.”
“Excellent choice, sir.” David filled Patrick’s bowl. “There’s an exceptional orange juice pairing with that selection.” He handed him a glass of juice.
David sat and perused the soups, pulling a face at a couple of them, which pulled a stuffy snort from Patrick each time. He ended up pouring one that resembled something like a wedding soup into his bowl. David was maybe feeling a little reminiscent as he held up his spoon, “Shall we?”
Patrick smiled so fondly that David’s heart swelled. He clinked his spoon with David’s.
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