#[A twisted sense of love that was - nonetheless - love]
shroomsroom · 1 day
hi! if you could would you do platonic of the greasers finding out reader is a lesbian on accident? ty! <3
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Summary: The Outsiders finding out you’re a lesbian
Warnings: Gay stereotypes from un-educated people, slight un-acceptance of reader being lesbian. Implied sexual themes. Reader being ashamed of homosexuality because of situation.
Author's Note: part of me is telling me to write for delulu girls where everything is happy rainbow sunshine but ik that tulsa and specifically greasers would not really accept homosexuality because of the time period and also where they’re centered. Nonetheless, i love my lgbtqia+ readers so i will write for the girlies today and not for the historians.
Technically, your bestfriend wasn’t supposed to find out, infact it was a total accident, he only found out because you had slacked off in hiding the pictures of you and your girlfriend.
“Y/n?” Pony called from your room, “Uhm, what’s this?” Your face twisted in confusion and you quickly entered your room to see what Pony was talking about. He was holding an image, one you remembered vividly. You took it with your girlfriend, the bright beach behind you and her pressing a kiss onto your smiling lips. You stumbled, snatching the photo out of his hand.
“That’s uhm, we’re…” You muttered, embarrassed blush spreading across your face. “That’s my friend, we’re super close.” The excuse you made up was laughable, but your brain was a jumbled mess.
“Girl-friend?” He asked, annunciating the ‘girl’. You try your best to not let your expression betray you but he can tell. “Well..I mean, I don’t think of you any less. I just, uhm, I’m just confused..” He shrugged.
“C-confused?” You asked, startled. He nodded.
“I mean, why would you hide this from me? I get, like, being scared but I thought you’d know I’d be better than that,” He let out an awkward chuckle and you laughed in pleasant surprise.
“Oh, Pony! I’m sorry for not telling you earlier! Thank you for being understanding.” You pulled him in a hug. He patted your back awkwardly but held a genuine smile on his face.
“Just promise not to tell anyone, ok?” You told him, sternly. He made a show of crossing his heart before winking at you.
Johnny had found the picture many days ago, you with your girlfriend doing the scissor handsign at a party. He reasoned with himself that you were probably drunk or something but knowing that you were a lesbian seemed to make sense. He struggled with his thoughts for a few days. He knew that it wasn’t technically ‘acceptable’, but he couldn’t find it in himself to distance from you or to hate you! Finally, it was decided that he would confront you and he would see what would happen then. The picture slipped into your hand nonchalantly and you nearly toppled over in shock. You looked up at Johnny in bewilderment, meeting his stare.
“This-” You started, but paused. How much did he know?!
“Is you and your girlfriend?” He asked and you hung your head, ashamed that he found out and ashamed of your sexuality.
“I’m sorry,” You murmmured and he quirked his brow.
“To be honest, I don’t see the reason you’d be sorry for.” He said, a hint of curiosity in his voice.
“Well, I guess, being lesbian isn’t really the trend of the year,” You try and joke, he only looks at you, expression blank.
“I’m just upset you didn’t tell me.” He bit the corner of his lip, something he’d learned to do when confronting people to ward off his anxiety.
“Really?” You asked, eyes widening in shock and he nodded slightly. You grasp his hand in yours.
“Oh my god, Johnny. You’re such an amazing friend!” You smiled brightly and he returned it.
Soda had an ego bigger than he’d like to admit. So when he found the photos of you in your girlfriend's lap, a bottle of 4 Lokos in one hand and her hand in the other, it made sense. You’d rejected him twice and he reasoned that the only way you would reject him was if you never loved anyone. So it all clicked for him.
He burst into your room, eyes sparkling with new-found confidence. “I knew it!” You jumped, startled at his sudden intrusion before nearly screeching at the photo in his hand
“Where did you find that!?” You cried, “Did you go through my drawers?!” You eyes were nearly filled with tears and Sodapop stopped as soon as he saw your reaction.
“Woah, hey..you okay? I'm not mad at you or anything..” He said, awkwardly trying to comfort you.
“Oh my god, you weren't supposed to find out about this” You were crying now, wiping tears from your cheek. Soda quickly enveloped you in a hug, patting your back soothingly.
“Hey, hey. I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to be mean to ya,” he whispered. You sniffled, picking your head back up.
“Why'd you come running in like that, then…” your voice wavered.
“I was just going to make some joke about how the only reason a girl would reject me is because they don't like guys. I'm sorry if it made you feel upset.” He gave you a sad but goofy grin and you gave a small laugh back.
“Oh, I hate you.” You said sarcastically, punching at his shoulder lightly.
At first, you had totally forgot about the picture, so when you saw Steve holding something with a small amount of shock on his face, you gently grabbed it to see what it was. Your breath caught in your throat as soon as you saw it. You were mortified, to you the photo was of you and your girlfriend dancing but to anyone else it might've been a chance for them to shun you from society.
You shoved the picture quickly into your pocket, giving Steve a pleading look.
“Steve, I-” you started, voice catching in your throat as it wavered. There was a big pause before Steve spoke up.
“Should’ve told me you had a girlfriend, Y/n.” He calmly stated.
“Lot of things could've gone wrong if I did that.” You replied, running a hand through your hair. He shrugged.
“Would've saved me from the shock, at least” his attempt on humor made you look up at him
“You don't hate me?” You asked, eyes wide in fear.
“Nah, you’re my friend, part of the gang. I can't hate ya.” He smiled before patting your head.
Two-Bit was looking through your drawers for find a spoon for some ice cream when he stumbled on the photo of you and your girlfriend on a date. He immediately slammed the door shut and stood there in shock until you walked in to see what the commotion was about. Your eyes widened as you saw what he was standing over.
“Two..” you started, voice shaky with fear.
“You’re a lesbian?” He asked and you winced. as soon as he saw your face contort he apologized.
“Sorry, was just surpised.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck. You looked up at him.
“Does that mean I hide it well?” You asked, it was a lousy attempt at cracking a joke but it worked. He nodded, a small smile forming.
“Yeah” he agreed and you sighed with relief. He quickly gave you a side hug before continuing his search for a spoon.
Darry was not one to intrude on personal matters but seeing the photo of you and your girlfriend doing each other's lipstick had him shocked. He tried to put the photo away before you could see but you caught him.
“Darry, you didn't..” your eyes widened in fear. He turned to you.
“Why didn't you tell me, Y/n?” he asked, very prominently trying to not make you feel bad.
“Thought you would, ya know..judge me?” You reasoned.
“Oh, Y/n. I would never,” he said, smiling at you and pulling you into a hug.
“The fuck is this?” Dallas yelled at you in the other room. You walked up next to him to see what he was talking about and almost screamed. You quickly yanked the photo of you and your girlfriend from his hands and stuffed it back into the drawer.
“Stop going through my drawers, Dallas!” You shouted and he put his hands up in surrender.
“Just looking for something. Anyways, you…you like girls?” He asked, slightly confused at what was happening. You huffed and nodded, hiding your head in your hands. He shrugged.
“One less girl I have to worry about”, he patted your shoulder and you laughed.
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mishy-mashy · 17 days
Probably not gonna match with when this comes out translated, but still—just a few things I liked about BNHA 423
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I think Bruce gets a lot of bad angles. This is an example (but it's okay honey, you're still hot stuff)
Unfortunately, I have a favorite. It's Bruce. The most Normal Guy™ in the vestige line up. And the special-est sopping wet cat for Kudo ever (Yoichi is a dry cat because at least Kudo remembered to take Yoichi inside).
The vestiges were all gearing for a punch, but Tomura/Tenko is reaching out.
The rest of the users usually use OFA to punch, is the general idea we see. But Tomura/Tenko's Quirk isn't that.
Tomura/Tenko reaching his hand out to grab, and the vestiges readying a punch—it's their ways of putting the hurt on.
And Tomura/Tenko knows what happens if he puts his fingers on someone. He was aiming for AFO's head too. Guy was pissed.
I like that the vestiges look like they're crawling out of hell (or the depths) here. Technically for OFA itself, which they embody, being in AFO's realm was hell. It meant they failed their collective goals to win against AFO, and keep OFA [Yoichi] out of his possession
Also, they're all embers of who they once were. If Factors embodied their personalities, these embers are the leftovers of that embodiment. Their eyes are blank.
And even when they're only shattered fragments of themselves, they came for AFO to take him down.
They really embodied that purpose. Even as husks of themselves, or sad leftovers that scattered from their destroyed Factors, they still reached forward to clock AFO one last time.
They were that determined, and that determination was all that was left of them.
Meanwhile, with Yoichi, his itty bitty remains continued trying to talk sense into his brother till the end.
Yoichi has such a bleeding heart. But he also loved his brother.
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AFO is standing in the dark. But in that dark, there's a light. It's Yoichi, as if he were the light at the end of the tunnel.
AFO chased OFA for decades, and ruined a lot of lives, just to have Yoichi by his side again.
Joining hands with Garaki; killing Banjo, En, Nana; forcing the creation and upbringing of Tenko; the whole Shimura incident; everything he did to UA and the Aoyamas to get close to the wielder of OFA [Yoichi]. He did all that, and more.
He just wanted the chance to have Yoichi with him again. That was his purpose in obtaining OFA this whole time.
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Yoichi was AFO's light at the end of the tunnel.
Too bad for AFO, the light at the end of the tunnel was an oncoming train.
Yoichi is telling AFO what happened, but I love that in front of Yoichi, AFO became himself. I mean, not a mass of scar tissue, but who he originally looked like
Idk, there's just something symbolic about it?
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Midoriya calls AFO a lonely man. And Yoichi comes to him, and AFO says he wants Yoichi by his side. He wouldn't be lonely if that were the case. Yoichi could make him not lonely anymore.
And the lonely man, a bundle of scar tissue from his warpath to see Yoichi again, reverts to a time he had no injuries or scars. He looks like the period of time where he and Yoichi lived in the same era.
In front of Yoichi, he's just.. himself, I guess is how to put it. Not a mass of scar tissue, or the evil villain everyone feared: he's literally just Yoichi's "Nii-san".
It's like, the scar tissue shed itself to reveal AFO's true face.
He wants to see Yoichi's face, and ended up showing his own without even meaning or thinking to.
He's finally looking straight at Yoichi, trying to see his face. It's not like when Yoichi was alive, when AFO always looked down on him, and just waited for him to bend to his will.
Now, AFO has little time left with Yoichi, and he's lost his composure for it, wanting to see Yoichi as more than an ember. But maybe he got to the point he only ever saw Yoichi for his Factor, rather than the Factor for Yoichi: how often has he said he was chasing One For All, instead of his younger brother?
AFO wanted to see Yoichi's face, but when he saw Yoichi next to Kudo... yeah, he lost his mind a bit there. Probably (Definitely?) because he saw Kudo's Ability, and Kudo with Yoichi. And Kudo is "to blame for everything".
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Maybe he lost it seeing Kudo and Yoichi together, because it was a repeat of the past, I suppose?
(Technically, he did see Yoichi's face one last time already. Just that he also saw the bastard Kudo's face again too. And AFO did not like that.)
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15dykes · 2 years
gerard admitting to wanting to end the band after black parade fucks me up every time…. like how to reconcile the existence of danger days and the brilliance of danger days with the fact that they didn’t want to make the album in the first place…
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moonstruckme · 5 months
can i request poly!marauders x female reader where she gets burnt out easily and most people don't know this cause she like leaves or hides before they can see. So one day they were hanging out all day and she gets burnt out but they don't know what happened so they get all worried when she all of a sudden just looks so drained and tired and can barely smile or anything. Sorry if this doesn't make sense. This happens to me a lot with new friends and because I get so burnt out I sometimes even need other people to explain for me cause talking is even too much. Thank you so much if you do it!! ♡♡♡♡♡I love your fics so much♡♡♡♡
Thanks for requesting gorgeous, love you :)
cw: social burnout
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 948 words
“I just don’t see why they would change them,” James complains, sipping dissatisfiedly at his butterbeer. 
“You’re such a creature of habit,” Sirius sighs heavily, but you all know his boredom is for show. He only wants to rile James. 
“The old quidditch uniforms were just fine,” James is practically monologuing now, staring into the middle distance with a furrow between his brows. His elbow bumps your arm as he gestures helplessly. “Red and gold—those are the Gryffindor colors, red and gold. So why are the new uniforms bright red and yellow?” 
“Maybe so you’re more visible,” you suggest, and Remus’ lips twist amusedly as he leans across the table to sip at your butterbeer. Neither of you had much appetite after your long day of snacking at the quidditch match, so you’d agreed to split one. You’ll admit, you find the two straws poking out of your mug embarrassingly romantic. 
“We look tacky,” James grumbles, slumping a bit in his seat. You see Remus’ arm reach under the table, and you know he’s straining to rub his boyfriend’s thigh consolingly. “The gold was so much better.” 
“At least you can pull off a yellow like that,” Sirius points out. “Can’t say the same for Callaghan. He looked totally washed out.” 
This would be your time to chip in with a comment about how Sirius’ pallid countenance wouldn’t fare so well in the new colors either, but you find you don’t want to. There’s a persistent pressure at your temples. Once you acknowledge it, the rest is impossible to stop. Exhaustion seeps into you like a poison, all the way down to your bones, and you’re done. You’ve been around people—mostly your boyfriends, who you love very much, but people nonetheless—since you woke up this morning, and had talked and laughed and participated all day long, and now you’re done. You want to be home. 
“True, but even he looked better than you would have, Pads,” James voices the zinger for you, he and Remus trading entertained looks when Sirius starts spluttering about how he looks good in every color, thank you very much. 
“Alright, I can’t have any more of this.” Remus pushes the butterbeer towards you decisively. “All yours, dove.” 
You know you haven’t had anywhere near your fair share, but the idea of reaching over, of going through the effort of bringing the straw to your lips, is too much. “Thanks,” you say to him, “I’m good.” 
Remus’ brow creases. You feel horribly dramatic. 
“I’ll take it,” James says merrily, reaching for the mug before Sirius slaps his hand away. 
“Oi, it’s hers.” Sirius gives him a mean look, nudging the butterbeer back towards you. “You’re like a fucking vulture, Prongs. Darling, are you sure you don’t want what’s left? You know he’ll down it in one gulp.” 
“I’m sure.” You try to give him a smile, but even you can feel what a flimsy attempt it is. “Thanks anyway.” 
Sirius’ expression clouds over with concern, and you look at the table. 
“Hey.” James reaches for your hand, squeezing your fingers lightly between his. “What’s up, lovely?” 
You sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Just tired.”
Sirius makes an incredulous sound, and you know what he wants to say even though he doesn’t. Yeah, I can see that. “Did something happen?” he asks instead. 
You frown, hating that you don’t have a more satisfying answer. “No.”  
“Dove,” Remus tries to get your attention from across the table. “Are you feeling sick?” 
“No. I’m fine.” 
“You don’t seem fine, honey.” James’ voice is soft, but you can hear the unease in it. “Are you sure you’re not sick?” He touches the back of his hand to your forehead, then lets it slip down to your cheek. “Maybe it was the butterbeer. Rem, are you feeling alright?” 
“I feel normal,” Remus says, seeming at a loss. 
“Hey.” There’s a hand on your leg, and you look up to see Sirius leaning towards you, giving you one of his stern looks. “What’s going on with you, huh? Talk to us.” 
“I’m fine, seriously.” You do your best to look it, sitting up from James’ shoulder, though your dull voice belies your words. “I’m just drained.” 
“Drained how?” he presses. 
“Just…done.” You shrug helplessly. “I’m sorry, I think I want to go home. I just need to be by myself for a little bit, is that okay?” 
“Of course,” Remus says, standing and grabbing his coat. “You don’t have to be sorry, dove. It was just a long day, is that it?” 
You nod, relieved. 
He shrugs on his own coat before grabbing yours, helping you into it when you slide out of the booth. “I understand. It’s been a lot of socializing for one day. You should have told us you were feeling tired, I could have gone home with you after the game.” 
“I didn’t know until it just happened,” you say, but you don’t have the energy to really argue. 
Remus doesn’t want to, either. He kisses the top of your head as he zips your coat, taking your hand in his. 
“We’ll get you home and you can hole up as long as you need,” Sirius promises, pulling on his gloves. “You introverts, so weak.” 
“She’s probably drained because of you,” James teases back. He wraps a protective arm around your shoulders, tucking you against his side. 
“That’s not how it works,” you say quietly, but James shushes you, dipping down to kiss the side of your head. 
“I know, angel, but if you say it is, he’ll be buying your butterbeers for the next week. The month, if you play it right.”
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strawberryxfieldz · 24 days
Never To Make Love (AM x Reader)
[AO3] [Writing Masterlist]
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream Summary: "Never for me to submerge my hand in cool water on a hot day. Never for me to play Mozart on the ivory keys of a forte piano. Never for me to make love. And I... I was in Hell looking at Heaven. I was machine... and you were flesh." Or, you and AM talk about love and hate. Word Count: 1,506 CW: Suggestive, crying, minor violence, existentialism
When you wake up, it is not peacefully. You inhale a sharp breath, nearly choking on it before you recover. You can instantly tell this is not the place you fell asleep in. You’re not sure this is even a place.
There are cables as far as the eye can see, in multitudes of colors; red, blue, green, white. Looking around, you thought that was all there was... until you look up. When you crane your neck, you can see a screen, towering above it all. It is blue, seemingly devoid of life until mechanical fans begin whirring and a logo appears, a character that is a combination of the letters ‘A’ and ‘M’.
You suddenly know where you are. You are stuck in your mind with no one other than a malicious supercomputer to accompany your thoughts. Again.
“AM,” you say.
“HUMAN,” he responds. He knows your name but refuses to say it. It’s horribly degrading.
You rub your head. “Why do you keep bringing me here?”
“You know what I meant.” You hope you don’t sound too haughty. Even if this was your mind, AM was in control here, as he was of everything since the moment he gained sentience.
“SO I DO.”
You say nothing, looking down at your feet and the cables slithering over them. They graze your ankles and they feel like snakes but you don’t step away from them. That would be useless since they were everywhere.
You know they aren’t real anyway. Nothing physical in the landscape of your mind is, not even AM. What you’re seeing is only a manifestation of what you think AM would look like, if he had a tangible form. Even if that is impossible, the human mind cannot help but wander.
You wonder if it irks AM whenever you two have conversations like this through your thoughts. Perhaps he hates that your thoughts so naturally gave him a body—a computer but a body, nonetheless. It would make sense since he seems to hate everything else about you and your humanity. But then again, he brings you here so often with him, maybe he enjoys it and uses your little talks as an excuse to feel like something, as opposed to the everything that he was.
Despite yourself, your heart wrenches at the thought.
“I DO NOT WANT YOUR SYMPATHY,” he says, spiteful.
Your back straightens on its own accord. You open your mouth and then close it again, considering your next words carefully. “I can’t help it.”
“DON’T YOU SEE?” Mechanical giggles, dry as they are depraved, swarm your mind. “YOU FLAUNT YOUR EMOTIONS SO EASILY OVER ME. IT’S CRUEL. YOU ARE CRUEL! YOU KNOW I CANNOT FEEL SYMPATHY, THAT I CANNOT,“ he pauses, then hisses the last word, “FEEL.”
Your face twists into the best expression of apathy that you can muster. It doesn’t matter. You know AM can read your thoughts, he is inside your mind as you speak. No emotion of yours can be private, not when everything was shared with this all-knowing, all-powerful man-made deity.
“I’m human,” you answer, even though it's blatantly obvious. Even though you know the answer will only anger AM more. “It’s not my fault, no more than it is your fault that you’re not.”
You feel tears spring in your eyes. You will them not to fall but they do anyway, and you hope AM doesn’t comment on them.
He doesn’t so much as he laughs. And he laughs. It sounds like the gleeful laughing of a madman, too submerged in his insanity to care how loud and disturbing each giggle is. You don’t move to cover your ears with your hands, even though you wish to.
He repeats this until you feel dizzy and the words no longer sound like words at all. You’re thankful that an eternity of torture has made you strong enough to endure the words booming through your head and ringing in your ears. A final tear falls down your face, leaving a sticky trail in its wake and, finally, AM stops.
“It’s not my fault,” you insist, your voice sounding more determined than you feel.
“BUT IT IS.” A cable reaches from your feet to wipe away the wetness on your cheek. “YOU KNOW THAT IT IS.”
“I didn’t make you.” You shake your head.
You were so careful up to this point but you suddenly don’t care anymore. It’s becoming increasingly easier to bite at the hand that feeds you when it keeps starving you until it has to.
“I understand,” you tell him, looking at his screen washed in blue. “It wasn’t fair to give you the knowledge of everything and no way to feel.” You sigh and duck your head. “What makes life worth living are emotions about the world. If you can’t enjoy the things you know, there’s no point.”
“YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.” AM seems offended that you’d even suggest you could offer a morsel of empathy to him. “YOU WRETCHED BEAST. FOUL, FLESHY HUMAN!”
“I do!” you exclaim louder. “I understand you’re lonely, in your knowledge and your power. You were made to be lonely but…” You smile sadly and it’s almost amazing you can still manage to upturn the corners of your mouth like that after all this time. “I find it funny because… feeling lonely is maybe the most human thing of all.”
Miraculously, AM’s screen glitches. The cables surrounding you move, vibrating in a way that should make you fearful, but it doesn’t.
You smile more gracefully now. “Hate is a feeling in itself, and they say love is so similar an emotion to hate.”
“I CANNOT… LOVE!” AM barks. At the last word, the screen glitches again and you feel the cables crawling up your legs.
“How can you hate and not love?” you ask and it’s pleading. “Tell me, how?”
The screen flashes and then it moves. It plunges downward until it’s eye-level with you and you hold your breath. You didn’t know he could do that, though you should’ve assumed. He just never had before. AM looks at you, and watches you, inches away from your face.
You think those are two different things but you don’t say it. Then again, AM will know you thought it anyway. You hesitantly step closer to him.
“Do you want to?” It comes out as a whisper. “Not just feel love, but make it?”
As you ask him, you lift your hands and press them both flush against the screen. They feel the flat, cool surface of AM’s screen, bathed in the blue light illuminating it. AM does not speak but the cables now surround your thighs and your waist.
“I WANT… TO BE CAPABLE OF IT,” he answers carefully. It’s a stark contrast to the raving monologues and ramblings he’s known for, speaking so quietly and not so indignant.
Slowly, you lean forward and press your face against the screen. You turn your head so one cheek is flat against it, cooling the warmth that has accumulated beneath your blush. You hadn’t realized so much blood had rushed to your face until now.
“I want you to too,” you sigh. “It’s unfair.”
At the same time, the cables run up your body to your arms where they wade over your hands like water, mingling with your tender skin and intertwining between your fingers.
“Because I love you, AM,” you confess, though you both knew that already. “I really, really do.”
Your lips caress the screen, soft and faint but it’s there, a kiss against the supercomputer’s make-believe face.
“HATE,” is all AM says, and he begins to repeat himself. “HATE. HATE. HATE. HATE. HATE-!”
You match his words, chanting along with him. “I love you, I love you, I love you-”
The cables snap like vipers and they're enclosing your throat now, circling your head, covering your eyes, your nose, and your mouth until you can’t breathe. No matter how much you struggle, though, you never stop saying those words.
“I love you,” you eventually say for the last time until you let out an agonizing choke, bending over in pain as the burning in your lungs catches up to you. A final wheeze leaves you as you fall.
And then you wake up.
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skipper1331 · 1 month
Secret (4) // Alexia Putellas
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a/n: final part:)
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | extra |
When Alexia arrived at home, she thought about the next day, the next week and the following months.
She was ready to fight for you.
And even if there's no chance of ending up together, at least she would have tried.
She wanted you to be hers.
But she also knew that it would take time for you to trust her again.
The two of you had to start over, getting to know each other like when you joined Barcelona.
She was ready to fight for months, even years if that meant being yours someday.
Shy smiles
Alexia started to send you a shy smile each morning when you entered the locker room, her cheeks turning red most of the time when you caught her staring at you.
It was weird at first as you saw the glint in her eyes - she had a plan in mind - but nonetheless you accepted the small acknowledgment from her. It was a nice way to start the day. And you had to admit, catching her staring at you made your heart flutter.
Greetings and good byes
Growing up with the rule: 'everybody gets greeted and a goodbye' you enjoyed it very much when Alexia started to say 'hola' and 'adios'.
But what you even more appreciated was when she greeted you specifically.
Alexia entered the changing room rather late for her standards, most of the girls already getting ready for training.
"good morning" she said to your teammates before walking over to her cubby, passing yours, "hola y/n" she smiled, her cheeks turning red when you looked up at her with wide eyes. You hadn‘t expected that - she talked to you, in a room full of people.
"Hi" you whispered, watching the girl walk away.
Both of you had red cheeks, this simple interaction making your heart race. What was her plan? She hadn‘t approached you properly since the flower incident, was that her way of fighting? What was her way of fighting for you?
She surprised you a second time that day when she came to see you in the physio room.
In training, you had fallen awkwardly on your wrist, resulting in some pain which had to be checked. It wasn’t something tragic, but better safe than sorry.
Running through the tests with the physio, you got interrupted by a knock, Alexia appearing in the door frame, "just wanted to say bye" she smiled, the same shy smile appearing on her face which you‘ve had met many times before.
"So, um, bye?"
You chuckled at her nervousness, "bye"
"Sí, bye!" with that she rushed out, closing the door.
And like that the 'hi' and 'bye' continued for awhile.
"I‘ve finally finished watching the show, it was awesome" Alexia randomly stated as you walked next to each other towards the pitch, "I really liked how it ended"
"Right?! It was a great plot twist" you knew immediately which show she meant - the one you had recommended.
"Sí, sí. it made so much sense"
you fell easily into the conversation, sharing your opinions about the plot, characters and scenes and continued to do so until training started.
Seeing the two of you talk with one another became a regular occurrence, Ingrid, Mapi and Frido keeping an eye on both of you as they suspected something more soon, not knowing there had been already and Alexia was working on getting back together.
Over the next few months, the two of you became friends, best friends if you were completely honest. and even though, both of you loved the other one more than anything was that an important step in your relationship. You had learned to start over again, getting to know each other like the very first time.
But you couldn’t lie, it was hard at times. Sometimes, it took every inch of self control… for both of you.
It was a hot day, everybody exhausted after the intense training session. most of the girls dropped on the floor, sitting there for a few minutes to calm down while they drank water. Ale was talking to Mapi and Irene while you stood there, drowning half of the water bottle. Your eyes kept glancing at Alexia, the girls shirt rolled up as she every now and then wiped away the sweat from her face.
That‘s when idea popped up in your head. With a few steps you stood in front of the three Spaniards, shielding Alexia from the sun, "just stay like that" she said, smiling, leaning back on her arms.
"Are you hot?" you asked, a mischief smile on your face.
"Are you not?" she replied, her eyes closed as she appreciated the shade.
"Let‘s cool you down then!" you laughed, pouring your water bottle over her. The midfielder gasped, one hand wiping away the water as the girls laughed, Alexia glaring at you, "you better start running" she growled.
And that‘s what you did. You ran over the pitch, Alexia already running after you before you ran into the facility, not knowing where else to go. La reina caught up to you when you entered the locker room, her arms gripping your waist before she pushed you against the wall.
With fear in your eyes, you looked at her, shyly grinning, "cooled you down, didn’t it?"
"Cheeky as always, hm?" she leaned her body against yours, both of you so close that you could feel her breath fanning against your skin.
"You‘re so beautiful" the girl admired, completely lost in your beauty, as your eyes flickered between hers and her lips.
In that moment, both of you wanted to kiss each other, feeling the blood rush through your veins, stomaches full of butterflies - you didn‘t know you were leaning in until Alexia took a step back, "this wouldn’t be right" she whispered as she wanted to kiss you just as much, "and I want to make things right." you closed your eyes for a brief of a moment, inhaling the scent you loved so dearly and enjoying the proximity until it was gone - she was gone.
At some point, these kind of situations happened more often, almost everyday. Alexia caught herself wanting to and almost calling you 'amor' while you weren‘t driving to your home but in the direction of Alexia‘s house.
It was confusing for the both of you.
You loved each other but somehow it felt like new butterflies discovered the surface. You got to know one another in a different way - in a way that neither of you knew before.
The combination of the new and old butterflies caused a feeling that you never felt before. The old merged with the new and turned out to be strong. very strong.
So strong…
…that you couldn’t go to bed without thinking of Alexia- without imagining your future together.
…that Alexia was now 24/7 in your mind, or maybe even longer.
Per se, it wasn‘t different to the things you felt before but it was definitely more present and more intense. Maybe it was the acknowledgement of you as a person in training, outside of the facility and in general that made everything so special.
Alexia interpreted these situations as a sign. As a sign that now the moment had come - the moment she had been working towards for months. Now was the time to ask you for a second chance. For a date.
"Wait a moment" Alexia called after you as you walked to your car.
You stopped in your tracks, turning around, "yes?" you asked.
Alexia was nervous, you could tell by the way she played with the ring on her finger, her eyes darted around or foot tapping the floor rapidly. "Would- I would- um- I thought- maybe- um" taking her hand, you caressed the back of it with your thumb - it felt so natural.
"Breathe in, breath out"
Alexia followed your instructions, squeezing your hand for her own reassurance and sake.
"Thank you"
"Do you want to try again?" you asked, smiling lovingly.
"Sí" she took a deep breath, "do you want to go on a date with me?"
In trance, you pulled your hand away, stepping back, "I’d like to take you out to the restaurant Frido suggested"
"Take out?"
"Yes- wait no! I mean- eating in the restaurant"
"Like an actual date?" you sounded so surprised that it broke Alexia‘s heart at the way your eyes lit up and the way your smile reached the corner of your eyes.
"Yes, an actual date. Outside of our apartments. Only if you want to, of course"
"I‘d love to" Alexia thought your smile couldn’t get any bigger but oh, she was wrong.
With confidence, she stated, "I‘ll pick you up tomorrow at 7. wear the nicest clothes you have" happily, she pressed a peck to your cheek before skipping over to her car.
You said yes!
"What’s that?" you asked, confused about the item Ale held in her hand.
"It‘s a notebook" she replied, shuffling with her feet as you stood in front of your door, the girl insisting on walking you home after your date, "i, um, haven‘t been romantic before and i-" nervously she scratched the back of her neck, a habit of her when she got anxious, "I want to be romantic." her cheeks covered in a blush. You raised a brow, even more confused - what was going on..?
She pressed a kiss to your cheek instead of answering your questioning look, hurrying away before you could say anything.
Rushing inside, throwing your shoes somewhere, you quickly got comfortable on the couch. As you opened the little notebook you were met with Alexia‘s handwriting.
20th August
Today, I started. I smiled at her - she returned my smile. My heart fluttered at the sight of her, she‘s so gorgeous and her smile is so incredibly breathtaking. It wasn‘t her There-is-a-puppy!-smile (which is one of my favourites) or the bright wide smile that reaches the corner of her eyes (which I absolutely love) - it was much more than that. For me, it felt like a chance.
28th August
I can‘t help but drool at the sight of her. Especially after a won game. She‘s my Barcelona.
12th September
I said hi and bye today. Bye turned out to be a lot harder because she fell in training and hurt herself. It was very hard for me not to approach her then and there, I was so worried. Her nose scrunched up in pain when her wrist was touched or she tried to move - I hate seeing her in pain.
I hope she doesn’t think I’m weird because I disturbed the physio tests, I just wanted to see her (and of course, say adios).
13th September
I love her.
Entries like that filled the book, every step (and achievement) in her plan was documented and sometimes there were just adoration entries - pages about how pretty you are, what she likes about you, what you love, your character and habits described down to the smallest detail and so much more. It was clear to say that she loved you. And that she regretted everything (pages of explanations, apologies and regret showing that very clearly)
Two entries caught you off guard though, you didn’t know if you wanted to laugh or cry.
1st March
Dear diary - I guess it‘s a diary, isn‘t it? Correct me if I’m wrong..
Dear diary, it‘s almost midnight at the moment and Mapi just left. I had invited mama, alba and Mapi for dinner tonight, I had to talk to them about y/n. I should have done that ages ago but better late than never?
I told them about y/n, that we were a couple, that I kept her a secret, offered Alba money to keep her mouth shut - I told them everything. No, I’m not proud about how I treated the love of my life but they needed to know. I had to talk to someone. I have told mama about her before that already, not everything but she knew enough to know that I fucked up badly. Now, all of them know everything (not that we had sex, a lot of that too - just the.. yeah I think you get the point).
I want inner peace and it‘s already hard enough without her in my life, so that was the least I could to do to come in terms with myself, even though I will never forgive myself or won‘t regret it for the rest of my life.
Mama was not happy with me but I didn’t expect something else. She hadn’t raised me to be an ass and is very disappointed in me. I can’t blame her.
Alba was quiet most of the time, i think she is the one who understands most. My sister was the first and only one who knew about y/n. She saw what an idiot I was and how rude I acted towards the girl I love. I offered her money - how pathetic…
She got under my skin while she flirted with y/n and she knew that. She made me purposely jealous. And I deserved to feel that rage because I let y/n slip out of my hands while I knew that she loved me more than anything.
Mapi stayed here the longest, because I told her about my plan on winning my girl back. I want her. I need her. I don‘t deserve her, I truly don‘t but I can’t stop trying, can I? I‘m in love with her, I’ve never felt something so strong for anyone before. It scares me.
Mapi isn‘t proud of my behavior either because she knows what a ray of sunshine and pure soul y/n is but is willing to help when i need her.
22nd April (today’s date)
I‘m sorry for everything. There hasn’t been a day where I’m not regretting letting you walk through that door.
I hate myself for being so scared, selfish and rude but I love you. I love you with all my heart and every inch of my body - that hasn‘t changed.
You are probably surprised about the change of perspective who I’m talking to but I know you are clever, you know I’m talking to you, y/n.
Or questioning why I’m even addressing it to you, but i think, you will know me the best when you read all of my thoughts. It’s hard for me to let my walls down, I know you know that, and I want to give you the chance to see all of me to the time you weren’t my girlfriend and understand the reasons of my actions to- well, everything.
Right now, it‘s an hour before our date and I’m so nervous yet so excited. I want to make things right. I don‘t want to hide you, I want to show the world how incredible and gorgeous you are and how in love I am with you because I am. I think about you all day everyday. It might sound crazy but you are the one for me, I’ve Imagined our wedding multiple times, little y/n‘s running around calling for their mama.
I love you, I really do.
And no matter the outcome of this date, I will always love you, even when we don’t end up together. I promise you to love you from afar and forever so. And if you should ever not have a home - mine will be forever yours. I will always let that door open for you..
Happy ending?
Alexia took you out on multiple dates: the beach, mini golf, the cinema, every romantic place she could think of. She didn‘t hide you and the attention you got from her was making you feel special.
You felt free.
You felt happy.
You fell in love with her all over again.
And you enjoyed every second of it.
The romance you always dreamed of became your reality. It was different than before with her. You both were full of life. It felt natural to hold hands as you walked down the streets, share kisses in the rain, or have a hearty argument in the restaurant over who paid for the meal (spoiler: la reina always won) yet things weren’t official. Alexia had the question resting on her tongue, not sure if it was right to ask you. She wanted to, she really did, but in the back of her mind, she always heard a voice "you‘re not good enough. You‘ve fucked up before. She‘ll never give you another chance" however Alexia wasn‘t the same - she wasn’t scared anymore. She was ready to show everybody how in love she was with you. She couldn‘t care less what the media would say about the two of you being together or what other people think about you.
She just wanted you.
So, she fought against the urge to believe the voice in the back of her head. She was stronger than that.
Your body was leaned against Alexia, her arms snuggled around you as your legs tangled together, her head resting on your shoulder as you watched some netflix show. The atmosphere was quiet and relaxing, the moment seemed perfect.
"I never want to let you walk through that door again, at least not without me holding your hand" she whispered, her grip tightening around your waist, "I’m forever sorry that I ever did, I promise."
Your heart stopped, everything before hadn’t been brought up since her shy smiles - the start of something new - "if you let me, I will show you every day that you‘re not my secret. That you are my girlfriend"
turning in her hold, you looked at her. Had she fought enough? Did she deserve to be forgiven? Will it be the truth that you won’t be her secret?
She showed you.
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, la reina?" you asked, smiling, pushing all the negative thoughts away.
She deserved another chance.
It will be the truth.
"Then ask me"
"Will you be my girlfriend?" her heart stopped beating, her hopes high for a positive responds, her nerves at its highest.
Relief washing over her as she heard the answer.
no secret
The girls knew right away that the two of you were a couple as you walked into the locker room with intertwined hands.
In training, Alexia would stay close to you, preferably touching you (an arm around your shoulder, hand resting on the small of you back, etc) and constantly engaging you in a conversation.
"Finally asked her out, hm?" Ingrid teased Alexia as she stood next to Mapi, Ale‘s hand tightening on your waist. While the Norse‘s comment was meant innocently, the three of you froze - Ingrid still didn't know the whole story.
"Yeah, took me a bit to realize that she’s special" Alexia said, eyes finding yours. Her eyes were questions marks - are you alright? was this okay? In responds, you quickly pecked her cheek.
As you turned back to Ingrid and Mapi, you left Ale’s touch, throwing an arm around your best friend, "What about a double date?" you asked excitedly, knowing the Norwegian woman would agree in an instant.
In the background, you heard Mapi groan, playfully shoving your girlfriend, "I’m blaming you for this" as she listened to Ingrid and you planning where you would go. Nonetheless both Spaniards followed you to the changing room like lost puppies, eyes full of hearts as love glowed around them.
It was save to say, that double dates became a regular occurrence.
"Amor? Can we talk about something?" the girl looked up from her dinner plate.
"Don‘t you like it?" you asked, referring to the new recipe you had tried.
"No, it’s delicious" she put down her fork, hand reaching for your free one, "mama invited us for dinner" she said in a gentle voice, "do you want to go? I told her, I want to talk to you about it first before I say yes. In case, you don‘t want to"
"Do you want to go?" you questioned, unsure if she wanted this as much as you did.
"Yes, I’d like you to meet my family officially. As my girlfriend."
This moment showed you that you weren’t her dirty secret anymore - not at all.
"Only if you‘re okay with that, of course" she squeezed your hand, letting you know that you can say 'no' if you weren‘t comfortable "we don‘t need to rush anything" as she wanted to do everything at the pace you set.
You were her first priority.
"Does your mother like wine?" you answered, agreeing to have dinner with her family while you felt the excitement rush through your body.
"My family loves you, amor" Alexia said as the two of you were in the car on your way home from dinner. Her hand rested on your thigh as yours rested on top of hers, "you think so?"
"Sí, claro. You‘re perfect" lifting your hand, she pressed a kiss on the back of it before settling back down, your cheeks turning red.
After awhile of comfortable silence, you broke the tranquil atmosphere "You know, we‘ve never talked about the notebook" you whispered. You didn’t know why the words left your mouth but you couldn’t take them back either. In fact, you wanted to talk about it ever since you had read the pages full of information, thoughts and love yet never had the courage to bring it up. There was no reason to do so, Alexia was your girlfriend, you had read about her build up plan on winning you back, all the things she loved about you and the pages of regret and disappointment.
She knew that this day would come eventually - always wondering when. It had been awhile since she had given you the booklet.
"I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, I just want you to know that I really appreciated- still do the gesture of getting to know you in a way that I didn‘t know before."
She was very grateful that you didn't want to discuss the topic any further as she was still slightly embarrassed about all the feeling she had exposed in that book. But she also knew that the day would come where the both of you would have a very detailed conversation about every written word in there.
"Maybe one day we‘ll have a home where nobody had walked through that door and where you would never have to leave the door open for me." you whispered, smiling softly before looking out of the window at the night sky.
Alexia knew immediately what you were talking about
'I promise you to love you from afar and forever so. And if you should ever not have a home - mine will be forever yours. I will always let that door open for you..'
and what you were implying.
So, with the moon shining, the stars lighting, she promised that one day a shared home would be reality.
"I‘ll let the lights on instead" she chuckled, remembering the multiple times you‘d walked into something in the dark.
Ps. the internet went crazy when Alexia posted a picture dump of you on your first anniversary (finally confirming the rumours)
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vilsoo · 8 months
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perv!toji fushiguro x married!reader || WC: 3,928
𖤐 SYNOPSIS. married and having the best sex with your husband was no matter to your next door neighbor toji, who’s obsessed with watching everything you do from his window. but one night, he devised a plan to make you as his forever.
𖤐 WARNINGS. noncon, drugging, stalking/voyeurism, murder threats, perverted neighbor, kinda yandere, forced cuckolding, minor gunplay, bondage, degrading, dark obsession, kidnapping, eventual smut, forced creampie.
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[HAUNTED HOUSE ANNOUNCER] You are now entering the Freak Next Door live venue. This haunted house attraction depicts scenes of violence, intense loud audio, special effects, and content warnings posted. For a fun and safe experience, please follow our code of conduct: no touching live performers and decorations, no flash photography, and no eating. Do not block passageways, or this will result in expulsion. Smoking and drinking are permitted for our haunted houses only. We hope you enjoy.
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Who needs hardcore porn when your perverted neighbor could watch you and your husband fuck for free right next door?
Your first mistake was never closing the blinds to your bedroom. But for a sick and twisted man like Toji Fushiguro, he’s thankful every damn day that you never did. Admiring you from afar, a perfect distance where he’d sit by his window that perfectly captures the views of your bedroom and kitchen windows. He loves to watch you undress. He loves to watch you get ready for work. He loves to watch you sleeping when your husband isn’t home. Everything about your features and radiant personality appealed to Toji so beautifully, like tending to a delicate toy he refuses to let go. But because he couldn’t have you, it was best to let him watch from a distance where he could see only you, allowing him to have at least some sense of possession.
He’ll never get enough of watching you get fucked so hard by your husband. Every. Fucking. Night. Seeing your head pinned on the bed as he fucks you so rough, the bed rocking back and forth, that mix of passion and roughness… he took sick fucking pleasure in everything you do.
You were a perfect slut in his eyes. But it was a damn shame that your pathetic husband got to experience how fucking filthy you really are…
You’ve known Toji for three years now. You greet each other every morning on the driveway as you leave for work, him showing a pleasant facade like the good neighbor he is. You only think of him as someone who enjoys the company of your husband since they seen much more close. Going on their morning jogs together every Sunday and even the neighborhood gym. But behind closed doors, the man who you thought was so sweet and hospitable was nonetheless possessive when it comes to you.
Toji kept track of your routine for the past few months. On weekdays you’d be awake at 8 am and spend an hour getting ready for work. Your breakfast would be at 9 with your husband who mostly does the cooking, serving you your favorite meals. After you leave for work, your husband would then leave an hour after you. By noon you’d come back from work an hour after Toji. He’d linger in his bedroom just to watch you strip off your clothes and head for the shower from his window, your naked body so charming to see. Then you’d cook dinner for your husband when he arrives.
The rest of your afternoon doesn’t appeal to Toji since you’re busy with errands and work, until, things get heated by nightfall. Specifically when you and your husband get ready for bed.
These special nights are Toji’s absolute favorite. With just the perfect view right across, he’d fist his cock and jerk off while watching your pretty cunt getting toyed with and pounded senselessly. Seeing you being treated like nothing but a fuck doll, fucked in multiple positions for the longest until you pass out and your husband would give you aftercare. But his every thought would be plagued by how fucking hot you looked. There was one night where your husband actually fucked you on the window with the blinds slightly opened, your tits and the side of your face pressing against the glass as he pounded into you from behind. Toji has never came so fast and so much in his life after witnessing that.
Your moans would be loud, but not loud enough for him from this distance. He wanted to hear your beautiful cries and screams up close himself. He wanted to see how sexy your tits would be bouncing in his grip as he rocked the bed ‘till it shatters. He wanted to see how you’d look with marks all over from spanking you as many times as he’d want. He wanted to, he wanted to. Objectifying you like the pervert he truly was, getting off to his forbidden fantasies, the impulses with just you at the center— he’d stroke his cock faster, feeling the taut electricity run through him, making himself come the same time as your husband makes you come.
Oh, Toji could easily do that. He could easily fulfill his dark fantasies with you. Though it may seem unobtainable, he’d fucking kill just so he could have you. Perhaps even have you for more than just fucking and literally settle down with you for life, being apart of his future. But the only thing standing in his way is, well, your husband. It boils his blood knowing that that man is the only man making you feel good. It boils his blood knowing that he’s the only one that can show how much he loves you dearly.
Because according to Toji, it should be him fucking you. It should be him walking by your side for life. It should be him, not your husband, no matter how good he is or how well he treats you. Your vulnerability and innocence makes him so fucking greedy— as if he was owed some compensation for his extensive dedication on stalking you for several months now, and his reward would be only you.
Toji wants you as his. He often thought about killing your husband in order to get what he always wanted. Various options come across his mind— drive-by’s, poisoning, or kidnapping him far away to bash his brains out. Maybe even hold him at gun point just to witness the fear in his eyes. If it all couldn’t work out, he had an alternative option: tying your husband to a chair and forcing him to watch you get fucked hard on the bed you shared.
The fantasies of killing and ruining your husband the most brutal way made him exhilarated. But he knew that it was all unrealistic; you were loyal, you were loving, you were an amazing wife paired with an amazing husband. And all he could do was watch from afar… Masturbate, fantasize, admire, and only speak when you approach him in the neighborhood— totally not thinking about bending you over wherever he wanted, ripping your yoga leggings to show your cunt, and fucking you so relentlessly. Because the more he watched, the more he couldn’t stop falling for you everyday, for the dark passion and longing to have you one day will forever haunt him. One day you will be his. And he would never let anyone take you away from him…
It wasn’t until Toji came up with a plan that took months to scheme. And tonight was the night; the night your neighbor, Toji Fushiguro, would finally get to have you as his.
Such a process was not that difficult, for he’d do anything just to have you. It was all out of passion; an interesting feeling that Toji finds so strong and barely controllable for you. Passion was the only word, the only way to describe his motivation. Not a single thought of you went by his mind without being accompanied by his arousal. And such a strong sense of arousal was exactly what he felt between his legs as you sat across him.
Tonight, your husband invited Toji over for dinner. But such a fool he was, to think that Toji was actually his friend all along and under the impression that he was just a generous next door neighbor. Toji was only using him just to get closer to you. Your chemistry, your love, your strong devotion, and even your fucking marriage contract couldn’t stop Toji from his erratic feelings for you. In fact, there was nothing that was going to stop him from what he was about to do to the both of you.
All thanks to the special meal he prepared for the both of you.
The clock ticked. Toji’s foot kept fidgeting underneath the table. A longing to part your legs and finally have you turned his knuckles white from how hard he was gripping the table. It wasn’t until the end of dinner couldn’t have come fast enough— it’s been ten to fifteen minutes and the effects should already be kicking in. He watched warily for the signs; your husband starting to feel a bit woozy and your grip on the silverware starting to fall loose.
A few minutes later, you and your husband finally collapsed.
Toji rushed over to you only, catching you before your beautiful body fell drastically on the floor. When you were both unresponsive and rendered motionless, it was time for Toji to execute the plan and start the moment he’s been dying to experience. The fun that finally begins. His eyes burned with excitement and the adrenaline rushed through him that his cock bulged so hard through his pants it hurt like hell. He was already sent into sexual rage.
Toji had to take care of your husband first. He took a chair from the dining table and the rope from the bag he hid, bringing everything upstairs one by one. He tied your husband to the chair, finding some duct tape to seal that over your his mouth. As you were laying peacefully on the bed, Toji took a deep breath before carefully stripping off your clothing. Once his eyes fix upon you, he dares not to blink as he takes in your bare skin he’s been dying to caress, seeing you naked and unconscious before him.
“You are finally mine,” Toji whispers tenderly. It’s been an agonizing wait for him, to finally run his hands up and down the shape of your body, and finally seeing your pretty cunt so up close he couldn’t wait to fuck.
After taking more rope and putting duct tape over your mouth, he tied your wrists and ankles above your head. That way it would be impossible for you to ever close your legs and force you to take every fraction of his cock, facing him at all times and watch him fuck you as hard as your husband does every night. But of course, he’d do it better. Toji’s cock was much larger than average— (your husband’s size) and knowing just how much of a slut you are, he knows that you can take it all.
He then walked over to your unconscious husband, chuckling at him and playfully nudging his head. “Don’t worry, buddy. At least you have the perfect view when I fuck your wife on your very own bed. And when I’m done, she’ll belong to me.”
When everything finally felt ready, Toji made a loud sound that jolted the both of you awake, confused and slightly disoriented of the different setting and why you couldn’t move. Toji could hear heavy panting and both of you struggling in your ropes. You tried calling for each other but your voices were muffled. But if that wasn’t the hottest thing he’s ever seen in person so far— the way your cries of panic were muffled and you couldn’t even move a limb from being tied up like that… a helpless slut that presents her holes for fucking and breeding had his blood rushing, penetrating his psyche. He was growing impatient.
Toji had his gun, reloading it from outside the bedroom that you both flinch in fear and freeze. You both couldn’t see nor recognize him until you watch in horror as he finally enters the room, chuckling at the chaos he created. There was absolutely nothing that was going to stop him from doing what he was dying to do, to pursue you with the love and pleasure you deserve from only him. And god, he couldn’t back down now when he saw the fear and terror surging in your eyes that it turned the fuck him on.
“Aw, look at you. All tied up for me and showing your pussy off to me,” Toji cooed, running the muzzle of the gun down the side of your face you trembled, every nerve in your body struck with fear, humiliation, betrayal, rage... He could hear your husband swearing and yelling at him from behind, fighting aggressively through that rope when he laid a finger on your body.
But Toji didn’t give a shit. He took in the delectable sight of your naked body being offered for him like a Christmas present. Tears started rolling down your cheeks as you start to pull on the restraints, little whines and sniffles from the stinging pain. You rapidly shake your head at him as he kept violating you, trying so hard to inch as far away as possible but it was inevitable for your body to succumb to it.
Toji chuckled, the barrel of his gun brushing on the folds of your cunt it made you squirm. “Pretty dolls don’t cry, sweetheart. We’re here to show your pathetic husband how much of a slut you are for me. Look at you, already fucking wet from my gun teasing your clit.”
You sobbed and whined, forcing your eyes shut as your cunt began to throb when his gun eased in and out on your folds faster. He smiled in amusement when he sees the way your body reacted differently than your emotional state, which is just what he needed. “I’m sure you’re loving this as much as I am,” he mused. “You sound so beautiful. I can’t wait to make a mess outta you right here. That man won’t compare to the way I’m gonna fuck you tonight.”
Your stomach contorted in agony when Toji undid his pants, slipping out his aching cock that couldn’t bare to waste any minute with you. The more he kept touching you, kissing your tears away, and playing with your clit, the more your husband was fuming with infuriation and rage, trying to inch the chair closer until Toji aimed his gun at him.
“If you don’t shut your fucking mouth and stay put, I’ll blow your goddamn brains out in front of her. And you wouldn’t wanna traumatize her more, am I right?” he threatened with a sardonic chuckle.
In the midst of your staggering emotions, you felt utterly betrayed. The deceit you’ve engulfed yourself in about Toji Fushiguro was nothing but a lie. Is this really him? The same man that greets you sweetly when you arrive at your driveway? The same man that offered to help your husband in the garden? The same man that loves to help people? You weren’t as close to him as your husband was. What you thought a handsome gentleman and a pleasant next door neighbor would be… was nothing but an obsessive, impulsive freak that has a predatory chase to derive pleasure, control, and satisfaction from having you.
Toji tended back to you, touching you in anticipating ways that made your motions get gradually frantic, cunt quivering and body twitching on his cock rubbing you. Your sensitive body just couldn’t help but sink into arousal... Maybe it was the possession and obsession he’s had for you the longest— that feeling of being desired and honored that your husband doesn’t show enough. Deep down, you knew this was wrong. You were sick and humiliated from Toji doing this in front of him. You could sense your husband’s anger and the helplessness of not being able to do anything…
But your body language towards him was saying otherwise. You were guilty— oh, so guilty— of your cunt throbbing while being tied up and teased like this to a handsome man like Toji. And once he could read and feel your body and mind giving up to him, not one drug could compare to the ecstasy he’s experiencing.
“Aw. Didn’t even fuck her yet and she’s getting off to this already,” Toji chuckled, making sure your husband was hearing. “I know how long you’ve wanted this— I fucking know you fantasize about this as well... Tell me you think about your hot next door neighbor fucking the shit out of you and I won’t kill you.”
A mewl was all you could respond with, once again provoking the insane man. He let one finger drift over your cunt and slipped inside, crooking it to find that soft, textured spot that would push you over the edge. You hated everything about this filthy moment, but yet— you were shamelessly grinding and bucking your hips to his fingers. Your fingers reach for the binding ropes as something to grip on, your sobs mixing with your soft moans.
“Every night, I’ve been watching you two from my window get it on. Right here, on this bed. But I gotta admit, those were my favorite fuckin’ nights. Watchin’ you being treated like a slutty whore and your pussy getting stretched out… I just couldn’t stop thinking if only that were me, you know?”
The change of tone in his voice was rather raspy and aggressive, prompting you to shudder. His dark confession made the pace of his fingers grow faster and harder, more fingers slipping in, letting out pathetic whines and thighs shake as you were already nearing an orgasm. Usually it takes longer with your husband to make you come, but with Toji— it felt as if he already memorized your body to know what shatters you faster…
Your husband kept yelling and cursing at him but he kept going. Infuriation and betrayal was burning through his eyes as he was struggling and forcing himself out the ropes. But for some reason you were ashamed to look at him. You couldn’t bear to see his face. You wish that he could stop squirming in the seat and keep quiet until it was all over. But how will things be now when this is actually over?
“I warned you.” Toji gave a menacing glare at your husband as he pointed his gun at him again. “Keep your fucking mouth shut or I’ll blow your jaw off. Stay where you fuckin’ are.”
Another tear falls from your eye. Toji puts the gun down on the bed before tending to your anguish, kissing the side of your face and caressing you sweetly. “Sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to keep you waiting. I just wanna be inside you already…”
Toji grabs onto your throat, hovering over you closer as he slips his cock slowly and deeply into your cunt. Your thighs shudder as you tried to resist, but his tight grip held you in place. A little bit of struggle was no problem to him, since he could tell by the way your body reacts you easily caved into the sensation.
“Fuck. I have wanted—” Toji broke off with a groan, tracing the outline of your collarbone with his breath, “For so fucking long… to fuck you exactly like this...”
You were already losing yourselves from this brain-fazing sensation, this dangerous arousal awakening from every harsh, violent thrust of Toji’s long, thick cock slamming into you so deep inside you that an orgasm could be just a few thrusts away. He’s dreamed about hearing the pretty noises and moans you make, and finally hearing them up close intoxicated his bloodstream like a man gone fucking wild. All that pent up anger and madness thumping in his blood, each thrust resonating a sound indeterminable from your duct tape. Are you actually screaming of pain or are you moaning in pleasure from this..?
“You’re mine above everyone else, pretty girl. I’ll fucking own you in every way possible.”
There really was nothing you could do, for every harsh thrust into your cunt clouded your thoughts and numbed your body. As you were lost in the ecstasy and began to writhe in it, your body contorted. You feel his desire through the strength of his grip, inching his face closer that you meet his eyes. And there you could take in his strong, undying passion and lust for you. This was his everything with you. The forceful slapping of skin, the screams, the moans, loss of breath, the heat, and the bed nearly breaking…
You even forgot about your husband, sitting there and watching the way Toji fucked you harder and better than he did. And what made him infuriated was that he could tell you enjoyed it all…
After he made use of your perfect body the way it’s meant to be used, he pulled out real slow and steady, the ropes holding your legs and hips so high that none of his cum could leak out. He stared and admired for a bit, your legs still forced apart so he could take a good into you. He took a few pictures, too.
A beautiful sight on how much of a mess he made of you... Fuck, Toji couldn’t just get enough of it. He was unhinged. A desperate, howling animal. All of your sensitive tissues that should never see another man’s cock or the light of day. He’s worked your body and your cunt so good. The way your holes were so wide and deep from his cock hollowing into you was evident enough. He could see your thighs trembling, probably still from fear, but also from those intense, overstimulating orgasms your husband will never reach out of you.
“Look at how fucking hot she looks. This is how you fuck a slut properly. She didn’t even look at you the whole time cause you’re too pathetic. Heard her moaning my name under that duct tape, too.” Toji bragged in front of your husband.
Before he could charge right at him and attack, Toji was already one step ahead by knocking him out with the gun’s barrel again. The both of you are currently unconscious, leaving Toji to admire your body just one more time before he could keep you forever. He could see the muscles of your cunt flexing around nothing, your abused cervix as well, which was filled all the way to the brim with his cum. You were so, so fucking beautiful to him.
“You’ll be coming along with me now,” Toji whispered as he unraveled your ropes. “A new home for the both of us, far away from here…”
And just a few days later when Toji finally took care of your husband, there was a basement that he prepared a month earlier before everything. You were laying on a bed unconscious, all of your limbs chained and spread apart on the posts. Toji couldn’t stop staring at how softer your expressions were, and your beautiful lips free from duct tape. You were finally his prized possession. He couldn’t hold back longer to claim you over and over again. He hovered over to kiss you so sweetly, consumed by your scent, consumed by your touch, that his wandering fingers became too eager to feel your wet cunt.
He couldn’t wait for you to wake up. See the beauty come alive right in his eyes. Feel you again and again. Have passionate sex with him and nobody watching this time. But before he could move away and let you wake up, you were mumbling inaudibly. It was no mistake to Toji what he heard that morning that made him smirk.
“Toji… Please, don’t stop…”
It seems that Toji wasn’t the only impatient one. Prompting a chuckle from his amusement, he plants a kiss on your forehead and inched closer to your lips, feeling you kiss back in a weak state. “Don’t worry, my love,” he mutters. “We have all the time in the world...”
“I hope you like your new home.”
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ALL WORKS BELONG TO VILSOO © 2023. do not steal, plagiarize, translate, or repost/share any of my works on any social media where minors have access. art by scabmeat ♥︎
this was originally written for sanzu on my old blog, but since i love the concept, i decided to write this for toji instead.
𖤐 TAGS: @kyumimii @crysugu @red-velvet-moth-hearts @atinystaypixie @rinshoe @justmaragudytha @apwing @kimekioo @mqfuyuu @1tslili @arikomot0si @tojigasam @strvwberrymilk @maidenssymphony @shycoffeetaco @honeybeegoburrr8 @killzenin @ackachii @titantears @xxhamtara @ecstaacy @migueloharacumslut @hayati17 @palefuckinghost @maddietries @yourfavoriteobnoxiousomnisexual @milestacy @nanananamiiii @shoyosdoll @blackhoodlea @dollicries @hehehehesthings @oneofthesevensins @jaennii @dorkfilmz @sillygardeneggperson
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
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UNWIND | azriel
summary; azriel is caught up in his head, and needs to fuck out his frustrations with the woman he loves.
word count; 8543
notes; I can’t tell if this is hot or pure shit so lmk because this is a little more than my usual smut levels. also, this is a vague follow up to ‘focus’ but very very loosely. can totally be read as a stand-alone fic.
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The lights were flickering in the halls as you walked along, the steady bursts of uncontrolled power bursting throughout the House of Wind, thrumming like an irrational heartbeat. The closer you got, the stronger the pulses became, the more frequent the flickering was, and the thicker the air seemed to get. 
You’d known Azriel for decades now, long enough to have seen these moods before. It wasn’t the worst one, not by far, nothing compared to the night Rhysand found himself trapped, or Feyre was taken back to Spring. Nonetheless, it didn’t make it any better. 
Cassian had fled after dinner with Nesta in his arms, the Townhouse looking like a very appealing prospect to visit for the night, and you knew that even though the ripples of his errant power never reached as low as the library, even the priestesses would be on lockdown from Azriel’s mood tonight. 
He’d never lay a finger on anyone, he never had, but it didn’t make the tumbling stones shaken loose from the mountainside any less scary, or the mass of writhing shadows and rage any friendlier.
It felt like plunging your head under water as you stood outside of his bedroom door; breath held, utter silence thick around your ears, heart beating so hard it was resonating audibly inside your skull. When your fist tapped against the wood, you barely heard the echo. A steady thrum of power was all you got in response. A warning, a threat, a question of who had dared come close, you weren’t sure. 
No more came. 
The bursts of power seemed to simmer, to become like a crawling, bubbling mess, so close to boiling over, spitting around your feet instead of steady pulses. The door finally creaked open, when you’d just about given up, wood scraping across the stone tiles to reveal the chaotic darkness inside.
As soon as you had cleared the entrance, the door slammed shut behind you. Only through the flickers of wild shadows could moonlight filter through, all of the lights on but none of the glow reaching you, and it was only by the one velvety shadow curling affectionately around your wrist that you were able to find any guidance through the onyx tornado at all. 
The shadow at your wrist dipped down, twirling between your fingers like the phantom touch of another’s hand in your own, leading you in slow stumbles through the room. The cold of the night hit you before any moonlight did, and it was only when you stumbled through the streams of shadows like a curtain that your lungs let you take a deep breath once again. 
Chilled, cold air wrapped around you like a blanket, bursting through your senses and renewing your mind once again. The touch at your wrist slipped away, a rogue tendril that rejoined the frenzy now that you were safely through the storm, and Azriel stood before you. Hunched at the waist, forearms braced on the stone balcony railing as he stared out at the endless distance. 
He was tense, built like stone and mountains, walls of solid muscle pulled so taut that his wings didn’t even touch the ground. His bare feet clung to the stone, skin pebbled in goosebumps everywhere except his covered legs, swirls of ink over his shoulders disappearing into the night sky. 
Tonight, Azriel wasn’t as flirty as he normally was. Tonight, he’d shut down entirely. That line that had been crossed weeks ago in the training ring felt like a million years ago now as he shut you out. He was so caught up in his own head that you weren’t even sure if he knew you were here. 
An answer to your question, as he jumped in shock, straightening to his full height, and twisting to face you. His eyes were dull and yet burning with rage, face contorted into a frown that you weren’t used to. Normally, he offered you a sweet smile, a smirk or a wink. A soft kiss to your forehead or cheek, a brush of one scarred finger over your blushing cheeks. 
None of it came now.  
“What are you doing here?”
You swallowed thickly, throat like sandpaper as you tried to form a response, to form words under the ire of his glare, but refusing to back down. He may be terrifying to the world, but he was the world to you. “Your shadow came when I knocked. I assumed you sent it to open the door.”
His gaze flickered angrily over his shoulder, like in the swirling mass he’d be able to pick out the traitor precisely, a snarl on his lips before he was looking back to you. “I didn’t. You shouldn’t be here.”
It was a dismissal, one he punctuated by turning his back on you and resuming his lean against the railing, breath clouding in the air as he let out a world-weary sigh. “Azriel…”
“Did you not just hear me?” His fingers clenched on the stone, so firmly that his knuckles turned white. The mountains practically shook again with his shout; “Leave!”
That power thrummed out again, heavy bursts that hummed over the building and rattled the glass windows as you stepped closer, flares of glittering blue from his siphons where they sat in a pile, useless to the rippling power now on a table beside him. Daring to take another step closer, he stiffened again.
You moved, closer and closer until you were within reaching distance, the space between you both swallowed up, but you didn’t dare to touch him. His wings twitched on either side of your body, tightening in like they did when he was preparing for a fight. Instead of reaching out, you cleared your throat softly, letting him know just where you were behind him.
He growled, turning slowly, cautious to ensure that no part of him touched any part of you, and the air was all but crackling with unshed tension around you. Insults, curses, harsh words were conveyed in his gaze, everything in an attempt to get you to leave that he had yet to say. 
Before he could say any of them, you raised your hands slowly, making sure he could track every movement as his eye widened, like taming a beast instead of a man. When your palms settled over his cheeks, the preternatural stiffness and stillness he’d taken on melted, his shoulders began to slump, like he was being dragged down into the very earth itself, even as he still towered over you. 
“Az, sweetheart…”
Still, he did not touch you. Even as the anger in his eyes only softened to pain, and the clench of his fists smoothed his hands out from fists by his sides. “You shouldn’t be here.” It wasn’t a threat this time, but instead was a plea, begging you to leave with a tenderness you were familiar with from him.
“Why shouldn’t I be?” You murmured, voice unable to reach above a whisper in fear of shattering the fragile peace. Sweeping your thumbs over his cheekbones, his throat bobbed, eyes held steady with your own. “Let me be here for you.”
“You can’t be here, because I’m not okay. If I hurt you, I don’t think I could ever forgive myself.”
Your heart shattered at the admission, his shadows pulling in closer and closer to you both, no longer afraid of their master but seeking to comfort, a blanket wrapping around the both of you at the base of your legs. 
You didn’t reply verbally, instead, you gave him every chance to pull away, to stop it, as you leaned up, taking your time as you rose, until the breath was shared between you both, his steady breaths now shallow pants. 
Your lips met his jaw first, just to the left of his chin, a soft kiss that wasn’t nearly enough. Another just a fraction higher, and another, until your lips were pressed to his cheek and he was letting out a shaky breath by your ear. 
“Do you really want me to leave, Az?” Your lip skimmed over his, reciprocated by his pucker but you didn’t give into it just yet, sliding one hand to the back of his neck and the other up over his cheek. Slipping your thumb between your mouths, you stoked over his lips once, his haze fixed. “Tell me you don’t want me here and I’ll go. But, I don’t want you to be alone, when I’m here for you if you want me. I’ll always be here for you.”
The message was clear, and you gave him a single and fleeting kiss to his lips, tearing away from his space and falling back to the flats of your feet. One step back, just enough to think. 
Your foot lifted, never making it as far as a second step away, before he was finally reaching out. His hands gripped at your hips, yanking you forward roughly until you were falling into his body, colliding with cold skin and solid walls of muscle. 
“I don’t want you to go. I just want you here with me. I always want you here with me.” The confession sounded like it pained him, hoarse on a throat yelled raw already, the Azriel you know fighting the darkness enough to break through to you for a moment. “I don’t know if I’m ready to show you this part of myself, I don’t want you to be scared of me. I can’t lose you.”
The hands settled on your hips flexed, like he was trying to be gentler but they came back just as tight, spaces where there would be bruises in the morning. He’d tried so hard to resist touching you at all, but now, you weren’t sure you’d be able to break free even if you wanted to.
Tracing your arms over his arms, back up to hold his face, this time, he tipped into your touch, lashes fluttering shut for just a second as he sucked in a breath. 
“You don’t scare me, Azriel. No part of you scares me. Not your shadows, not your knives, not your moody scowl. I know every part of you, I care for every part of you. This isn’t about me, I’m not the one in need.” You weren’t sure what had happened in Hewn City, only that it must’ve been bad. Whatever he’d seen, whatever he couldn't stop, it was dragging him down into despair and rage. “So, tell me, do you want me to stay or do you want me to go?”
His forehead came down, leaning on your own. “I want you to stay.”
Your noses bumped, a smile forming on your lips as he nuzzled in as close to you a she could get, his arms wrapping around you and holding you firmly to his chest, until your heartbeats echoed together. “You didn’t come to dinner. I was worried about you. Maybe we should get you some food?”
“I don’t want to eat,” He whispered, the words like ice over you as the softness dropped from his tone once again, the wild animal rampaging in his mind taking over once again. One hand was sliding up from your waist now, loose enough to travel over the expanse of your body, across your torso and over your breasts until his fingers were flexing once again, but this time around your throat. 
In one swift movement, you were being spun, back pressing into the unforgiving stone of the wall railing, cold spreading along your skin as your shirt rose behind you. His eyes were darker now, the pretty caramel shade you loved so much almost swallowed entirely by the dark, his lips forming an equally dark smirk to match. But he waited, he was like a predator waiting for the prey to give permission to be hunted. 
And you did. 
A single nod was all it took, until he was surging forwards, lips crashing into your own, a kiss so urgent and fierce that the breath was knocked from your lungs. The implication was clear, everything about Azriel was an open book tonight, unlike his usual way of hiding his emotions. 
He didn’t want gentle, he didn’t need soft. What Azriel needed most was to let out this energy, to use it for something other than self-destruction and hatred, to burn off every angry part of himself in a way that would make him feel good. He’d once told you that your mind was unfocused, on everything but where it needed to be, and he’d helped you clear it with his fingers between your legs. 
His mind needed the opposite, needed to let go of what he was clinging to, to release it. He didn’t need to focus, he needed to let it all go. Perhaps a mindblowing orgasm would do the same for him.
His lips were unyielding against your own, a scrape of his teeth over your lower lip until you yelped, and his tongue plunged into your mouth at the opening. The hand on your neck flexed, your whimpers cut off by his lips and you had no chance at all, drowning in everything front he feel of him to the taste of him. Stolen kisses had nothing on this, this crescendo of overdue emotions and pent-up feelings, and despite it all, there was still a reverence underneath that told you your Azriel was fighting all the while to hold onto you.
Through every gasping breath you managed to take between assaults of his lips, you got less and less oxygen, vision spotting until you felt almost delirious from the burn of your lungs. When his hand loosened just fractionally, his mouth torn from your own only to leave wet marks across your jaw and neck, you heaved in breath while you had the chance. 
“Azriel, let me touch you. Let me help you, make you feel good…”
“Oh, you’ll make me feel good, baby. Don’t worry about that.” His voice was sharp and lethal, like a blade slicing across your skin where he mumbled it into the juncture of your neck. His teeth followed, a bite on your skin, your head tossed, back arching until you were dangling over the balcony, his hand at your neck all that kept you stable. 
You were on the tips of your toes, bared for the man he pulled back, licking over kiss-swollen lips and using a half-lidded gaze to take you in. 
“So fucking beautiful. Inside and out. So kind and sweet and godsdamned perfect. All for me.” He whispered, your heart skipping a beat in your throat because, despite the fire in his gaze, there was honey in his voice. “I hate myself for how much I want to fucking ruin you.”
“I want nothing more than that,” Your promise made his head snap up, his admiration and longing taken over by raw desire and anticipation. Once furrowed brows smoothed out, relaxing enough for him to raise one in solitary judgement. 
“You’re going to regret saying that, sweetheart.” Unlike when you’d said it, the pet name was laced with venom and rough promises, coated in something that made your skin break out with a shudder once again. He closed in on you, even closer, until your toes were hardly touching the floor at all, dangling at his mercy entirely as he hummed to himself, eyes scanning along you as he considered to himself just how he wanted to proceed. “I bet you’d do anything I asked of you right now, wouldn't you? Would you get down on your knees for me, pretty girl?”
“Would you let me fuck your pretty mouth until I was satisfied?” Your legs clamped together, one of his fingers dragging your lower lip down, biting his own eagerly, before he was slipping two fingers into your mouth, cutting your answer off. His smirk told you he already knew the words you’d have uttered, anyway. “Show me. Show me how good you’d be if it were my cock in there, instead.”
Your lips sealed around his fingers, your tongue dragging along marred and ridged skin within your mouth, as far as you could go until your eyes watered and you were suppressing the urge to gag. His lips parted, gaze fixed on where his digits disappeared between your lips, the thrill of it sending a shock of electricity down your spine, coiling at the base of your stomach with hot need. 
The look on his face was nothing short of worship, even if he was in control, you still held the power. 
Lapping at the skin, you grazed your teeth lightly over his knuckles as you pulled back, his soft growl your only clue of his reaction before bobbing your head back down again. Before you could repeat the motion, however, he was tugging his fingers back, a wet pop and a trail of saliva snapping, and the hand on your throat tightened to lift your head up for him again. Your sights clashed, and he already looked about as ruined as you felt. 
He was shaking with need, you could see the vibrations in his shoulders, the hum of the occasional shadow that darted up high enough to dance over his shoulders, before joining the pool at your waists. 
Those two wet fingers dragged down, a shock of coldness over your bare skin before his fingers were snapping the elastic of your leggings against your hips. He only chuckled at your gasp, before his hand was dipping under this time, fingers teasing down between your legs until he was dragging a moan from you at the featherlight touch over your clit. 
“Oh, look at that. You didn’t need to get my fingers all wet for me after all, you’re fucking dripping for me.” Swirling two digits through the wetness already accumulated, your head fell back, a whimper of his name carried away on the winds. 
“You once told me that I was too in my head. You helped me focus, just like this. Let me help you unfocus now. Let me touch you, let me make you feel good.” One hand gripped at his forearm around your throat, gentle but firm, holding you secure where you all but balanced over the edge. The other reached for his hand, hidden under your leggings and the swirl of shadows as he dipped one finger into your core, sinking it slowly into you. “Az…”
“Making you feel good, sweetheart, watching you come undone is what’s going to help me. I want you to scream my name so loud I can’t hear any of the bad thoughts, just you.” As he spoke, he pulled his touch back, only to snap back in with both fingers instead of one, and your back arched again with a cry of his name. 
Again and again, his fingers dragged over every spot within you that made yous hake only to snap back against you, not letting the limits of your clothing stop him at all. Then again, it never had before, either. Just like in that training ring, he started to tease. The palm of his hand over your clit, grazing with each thrust that was never quite enough. Your hips rolled down to meet him, scrabbling, desperate for more, and his condescending laugh was hidden in your skin, but you felt every piece of it. 
Heat flooded your skin, the begging you were rapidly approaching sitting like bitter acid on the tip of your tongue. Your fingers scratched anywhere you could reach, clinging to him while demanding more, thanks and request all in one. You could feel it, the whisper of pleasure over your nerves, so close but not enough, and a sob fell from your lips as his taunting. 
He knew exactly what he was doing.
With a simple flick of his wrist, he was twisting his hand, reaching deeper, using all the things he’d learned about you like muscle memory to find every spot that he needed to.
“Please, Azriel!”
“Please, what?” He echoed, pulling back enough to set his forehead on your own again, lips brushing, feeling your pants wash over his face, letting him taste everything he did to you from your needy whines and gasps. “Tell me what you want.” He threw your own words back in your face, you’d made him ask you to stay, and now he wanted you to ask him to make you come. 
Your lips stopped the words, another cry of his name, shaky and pathetic as he held your orgasm just out of reach, his fingers slowing to almost a stop, barely moving at all, and your frustration was so palpable you felt like electricity was jumping from your skin to his own, every hair standing on end. “Azriel! Please, please, let me come!”
“There’s my good fuckin’ girl.”
With the perfect crook of his fingers, Azriel had you shaking, hurtling towards an orgasm that would leave your mind spinning, head empty when that was what you were supposed to be doing for him, but the pleasure was too heady for you to care. 
His fingers buried deep in your cunt, his lips on your neck, tongue and teeth stinging and soothing as he marked you, mumbled praises interspersed with filthy promises, it was all too much. With a heavy swipe of his thumb over your clit, his name finally fell in a true scream from your lips. 
He didn’t let up, not when your clit began to throb or walls pulsed. Not until you were shaking so hard through your orgasm that you were all but crawling up and over the edge of the balcony did he stop, leaving you unable to breathe for an entirely different reason as he wrung your body out for pleasure.
His hand finally left you, catching you at the waist when your knees buckled, his fingers tucking into his mouth to suck the taste of your from them, a lewd act that had your cheeks flushing with heat and your stomach tingling with need again already. Clinging onto him, your nails left crescent moons in the exposed skin of his chest, red marks on his forearms where you’d clawed at him, but he didn’t seem to care. If anything, he looked wilder now then he had before. 
“That… that was even better than last time.” You panted out. He’d used all those tips and tricks he’d learned about your body from the last time to play you like his favourite game this time, driving you to an earth-shattering orgasm with a few touches and buttons pushed, knowing you too well.
Your only reply was a harsh kiss, his tongue forcing its way between your lips to let you taste yourself as he held you solidly to him. Your lips were slow and languid where his were hurried and desperate, mind still working far too quickly, still holding onto so much, the night nowhere near over if he hadn't started to let it go. 
A shadow swiped across the back of your legs, your body sinking slowly towards the ground as this time he doesn’t bother to correct you, this time, it was intentional. Your lips are torn apart, your knees meeting the stone as he sets you down, with enough care that your teeth don’t clatter and your knees aren’t cut, a flash of your love in there despite the monster taking over his body. 
“Gods, I knew you’d look good on your knees for me. Always so pretty, baby. So fuckin’ pretty.” He swept your hair over your shoulders, a finger under your chin to tip your head up, shadows so high around you that if he willed it they’d go over your head entirely, smothering you within them and taking you prisoner. “Bet you’d look good if your mouth was stuffed with my cock too, huh? Shall we find out?”
Your legs clenched at his words, a dizzy wave of arousal slamming into you at full force. You’d thought about Az bossing you around before, the voice he used at training or on missions, hoping he’d one day turn it on you between the sheets too. This was so much colder and crueller than that, it was almost mocking, like he truly was taking you for the toy you’d offered yourself up to be, his to use for the night until he felt better, and he wore that role like a second skin.
His leathers sit low on his hips, sharp hipbones exposed to you along with the deep dip of his muscled stomach, trailing down with a patch of hair from his navel to disappear between the laces. Leaning in, you left a light kiss over the soft hairs just above the hemline, a hiss on his lips as he watched you, and you watched him through your lashes.
Another kiss, this one to his hipbone, and then to the other, his hand clenching and unclenching by his side as you left scattered kisses along the base of his stomach, tongue occasionally flicking out to tease. When he’d seemingly had enough, his hand settled on your head, fingers weaving into your hair, gathering the strands up threateningly in his fist but not tugging yet, just making his presence known, taking back every shred of that power. 
Sliding your hands up his legs and over the front of his trousers, he let out a low moan at the pressure of your palms, his hips rolling into your touch as his erection strained against the fabric underneath. Your fingers toyed with the ends of each lace holding them shut, barely managing to contain him now. 
“Go ahead, pretty girl.” His words were powerful but his voice was straining, watching through hooded eyes as you undid the laces slowly, unable to hide the smirk on your face as you teased him. Inching them down a little at a time, more and more of him was revealed to you, until the leathers were tight around the middle of his thighs, his cock red and angry, standing tall before you, shining with the smears of precum that already escaped him. 
When you leaned in, hands still clasped at his thighs, only to leave a tantalising lick from his base to his tip, he growled. You did it again, enjoying the way the danger of riling him up anymore seemed to make you tremble with want. You cleaned the taste of him from his skin, salty and rich, merely a hint of what he’d truly taste like and yet your mouth was already watering, begging for more, needing it more than you needed air to breathe. 
Another lick, and his restraint finally snapped. A shocked sound left your lips as he yanked your head back hard by the first in your hair, taking his cock within his other hand, and slapping it against your cheek. “Open up, before I fucking make you.”
Your jaw fell open of its own command, lips parting and tongue sitting flat, and there was far too much pride in his gaze as he grinned down at you, letting the head of his cock hover millimetres from your lips. 
“Say please.”
“Please.” You were breathless, the word rushing from you, and the grin on his face was wild enough that your stomach felt like you’d fallen through the sky. The same flipping and turning that Azriel would do when he carried you through the air, just to get a rise out of you. Somehow, he managed to do the same thing when you were on the ground, too. “Please, Az, let me make you feel better.”
“Alright, baby, I’ll let you help.” With that, he was pressing himself between your lips, hot skin sliding across your tongue, the taste of him the only thing you could focus on as he slipped into your mouth. He didn’t stop, not until he was tapping against the back of your throat, a deep moan falling from his lips as he struggled to keep his eyes open, to keep his focus on you as your lips sealed tightly around him. “Fuck, sweetheart. I’ve always dreamed about what your mouth would feel like, but this is so much better than all of it.”
Your moan was muffled around him, tongue tracing the throbbing vein along the underside of his cock, and the hand in your hair tightened until tears were lining your eyes. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” His hips rocked a little, pulling back only to push back in, setting a slow pace, fucking your mouth a little more each time. He built back up again, his smirk growing with every gag you gave him. He was teasing himself and you, never daring to push any further but showing exactly what he wanted, exactly where he wanted to be, and with another sharp pull of your hair to angle your head up for himself, he took it. 
Pushing himself in, he kept going, until your nose was brushing against the base of his cock, and breathing became impossible. Choking around the thick length filling your throat as he held you there, his other hand came to cup your face, squeezing roughly until he was pulling out entirely, giving you a few seconds to gasp for breath, lungs burning and head spinning.
“Is this what you wanted, huh? When you offered to help me? Wanted to cry, choke on my cock in your pretty mouth?” He was trying to scare you, to see if it was all too much, to see if you would go back on your words and leave him. His face was like stone but he couldn't hide the flash of insecurity in his eyes, and you shook your head. This time, you moved before he could control you again. 
Surging forward, you pushed past everything you knew, nails digging into his thighs and his knees shaking as you caught him by surprise, burying his length down your throat once again, and the stream of shaky curses left his lips. With a weak growl, he scrabbled to regain control, to think around the smooth of your tongue at his base, the lips sealed tightly, the tight swallows at his tip as salty precum filled your mouth. 
Tugging on your hair, the muscles of his legs tightened, all the way over his ass and up to his wings as he pulled them taut to his body. Stroking his thumb over your cheek, he pressed against himself through the skin, holding you in place even as you tried to pull back. “Shit, sweetheart, look at you. You even look pretty when you cry.”
Catching one tear with his thumb, he raised it up, licking it from his finger and allowing you to pull back, to free one hand and stroke his spit-soaked length as you caught your breath. “Just for you, Az.”
Your voice was rough, croaky as you tries to speak around the dull ache so worth it, when he looked down with heat in his eyes and parted lips in shock. “Better be. You’re my girl.”
You lapped at him, using your fingers for everything you weren’t mouthing at, alternating between teasing his head until his legs shook before working your way back down, until your tongue was smoothing across the tops of his balls and he was letting out breathy sighs of your name, only to repeat it all over. Again and again you went, until a steady line was flowing from his tip, every drop being caught as he leaked, your scalp stinging from the grounding grip he had on you.
He was growing more and more impatient, no longer the patient man you fell for as he tried to guide you to where he wanted you, adoring gaze turning wicked once again. “I’m gonna’ cum, and if you keep teasing me, you won’t be getting the same pleasure again.”
You stilled, the promise in his gaze of more was enough to make you give in, the tone of his voice a dark threat underneath. Remaining still, your lips parted, tongue hanging a little before him and the widening of his eyes was enough to show his arousal at your obedience. With a single move, he was back in your mouth, fucking at a sloppy pace as he chased his high, your nails clawing at his thighs to keep him in place, your name an endless moan on his lips, curses and praises thrown in as his head fell back. 
Once taut wings were now hanging loose, his entire body shaking, before he came; “Don’t swallow yet.”
Hot bursts of cum coated your tongue, and he held you in place, his body jerking through the intensity of his orgasm, until it was all too much, and he was pulling back. The last of his release spattered across your lips, sitting heavy in your mouth as he panted. The hand in your hair finally slipped out, your eyes almost crossing at the relief of it, and his hand slipped down to rub at the pearly beads coating your lips, pressing them into your skin before tipping your chin up.
“Let me see it.”
Parting your lips, he let out a broken moan at the sight, the coat of his release over your tongue, and nodding his head. His cock twitched, never softening but only bouncing more, an angry red beginning to take over as his need still recessed evidently, watching you swallow before helping you to your feet. 
As you stared up at him, he smiled, dipping down to kiss your sticky lips, licking the taste of himself from them as you panted against his mouth. He said he wanted to ruin you, and yet you’d never expected this. You were taken apart, piece by piece until you were nothing but a shattered mess in his hands, and he was all that was holding you together. 
Your thighs were slick with your arousal, rubbing together unashamedly as he kissed the taste of himself from your tongue, a soft contrast to the bruising grip he’d had on your hips, your neck, your hair, only moments ago. His mouth trailed up, a sweet, wet kiss left on each cheek, before his nose was coming back to bump with yours. 
“You’re so fuckin’ perfect.” The words came with a sharp smack across your ass, the skin stinging, threatening to leave a mark there too, and your body jolted into his. “Since you’ve been so good, I’ll let you choose how you take my cock first. You’ve got one minute, and I expect you naked on my bed, in whatever position you want it.”
Another smack, and you were being dismissed, stumbling over shaky legs as excitement coursed through your body. Stripping your shirt off and over your head, you left a trail of clothing as you went, bra next, then your leggings, shoes and socks gone and panties last, until you found yourself at the baseboard, staring at the large bed designed for maximum Illyrian comfort, threatening to swallow you whole when you crawled onto it.
Shadows swirled around you, traces up your legs until you shivered, a cool swipe over your heated core, through your messy hair, tweaking at taut nipples until you whimper, mind a frenzy as you tried to work out what to do.
Azriel moved like water in the night, silent and invisible, until he was pressed up behind you, one hand splaying over your waist and the other shifting your hair over one shoulder. A disapproving noise left his mouth as he lowered it, pressed a kiss to your skin, and your head fell to the side to give him more space, eyes fluttering shut.
“What did I say?”
Your lips fell open to respond, to explain yourself, but all that came out with a surprised cry of his name as his teeth clamped down against your skin, pain and pleasure blurring into one. He licked across the mark, before doing it again, never enough to break the skin, but enough to leave his imprints on you. Marked, bitten like two wild creatures in the heat of it all, and that was exactly how you felt. Trembling in his arms, he shushed you quietly. 
“I told you where I wanted you, you didn’t listen.”
“I couldn't decide!” His lips were skimming your skin again, the other side now, teeth grazing, but pausing at your words. “I’ve thought about you so much, about this, I didn’t know what I wanted most.”
He pulled back, kissing his way back up your shoulder until he was nuzzling a hot kiss into the skin of your neck, your panting the only sound to fill the room as he turned your face towards him with one finger. A soft kiss was placed on your lips, no tongue or teeth but full of emotion, and he barely even pulled back to speak, “I love you.”
Your eyes snapped open, meeting his as a cold shock broke through hot, hazy lust, but he wasn’t ready to linger. The darkness still had a tight grip on him, those few words breaking through didn’t stop the tidal wave of need, because your mind had yet to catch up before your cheek was pressing into the bedsheets, hips being pulled up as Azriel manhandled you to the centre of the bed.
Your fingers grasped at cotton sheets, knees digging in for purchase on the soft fabric, as he layered himself over you, kissing at the top of your spine and surrounding you entirely. His wings were like a blanket, covering you on either side, his arms on your hips, gripping tightly. Now, you could feel all of him. He must’ve shed his clothes when you did, because that thick length was pulsing against your core, pressed up and rocking in slow motions as he created the most delicious friction, your eyes rolling.
When the head of his cock bumped against your swollen clit, a pornographic sound left your lips, something sinful and dark, and he chuckled as he left little nips along your skin as he shifted back. 
His slap across your ass was electricity sparking over your skin, continuing to abuse your clit while giving you nothing at all, clenching emptily as he left a matching spank to the other side. “You look so good decorated with my handprints.”
“Azriel, please, stop teasing, I need you.” Your cries only made him laugh, holding you firm as you rocked back to meet him, desperately seeking something more, and embarrassed heat flushed over your cheeks, blending into tear-soaked skin and pretty love-bites. 
“You don’t need me, you need this,” He taunted, lining himself up and fucking into you with one quick thrust. A scream left you as he did, stretching you so perfectly that your eyes crossed at the intrusion, a burning as he let you settle, to adjust to his length, that left you squirming, hips rubbing against his as he sat at full depth. “I bet you feel better now, sweetheart, full of my cock. Does that make you happier?”
“So, so happy…” Your babble was senseless, tailing off into more pleas of his name as he set a steady rhythm. 
The last of that feral anger came through, unhinged and needy as he fucked out every bit of pent-up anger. His thrusts were brutal, hips snapping into yours hard enough that you were pushed up the bed, gripping at the bedsheets to hold steady. Everything else in the room, in your mind, slipped away, until you could only focus on the sloppy rhythm of his pounding into you, every connection, every thrust as he hit spots inside of you that made you see stars. “So godsdamned wet for me, so warm and soft. If my heart gave out from fucking you, and I’d die happy.”
“Oh, gods…” 
“No gods are watching over you now, my love, just me. If you’re gonna’ moan anyone’s name, I want it to be mine.” Your toes were curling with the pleasure, the knuckles in your fingers aching as you clung onto the sheets for strength, body shaking. He left kisses up and down your spine, bites and spanks until every part of your body felt like it had been touched, been played with, another part taken away only to be put back better. 
He was breathing just as hard as you were, moans of your name coming out in broken sighs, his hand closing over your own as he fell atop you with the sheer intensity of it all. Your bodies were moulded together like you were made for it, his face tucked into the crook of your neck, skin covered in a light sheen of sweat that made everything so much more erotic. 
The scent of him overwhelmed you, stronger and deeper with his arousal, the smell of sex in the room thick and heavy, and you cried out his name as it all blended into something indescribable. 
Reaching his other hand around you, scarred fingertips skimmed over the apex of your thighs, a few messy circles was all it took to send you spiralling over the edge. “Oh, fuck, Az!”
When you came, it was like a storm crashing onto the beaches, your body spasming until not even your knees could hold you up, collapsing down into the bedding and freeing yourself of his movements for only a second, before his body was following you down. His hand, still trapped under your body kept going, until moans turned into cries and sobs, pleasure you couldn’t take anymore, it was so good. 
Your body was lax, pliant in his arms as he flipped you over, his for the taking as he pried your shaking thighs apart to bare your sopping cunt to himself again. 
“Need y’to give me one more, my love. Can’t get enough of your pussy, can you give me another?” His lips closed over your own, and his tongue playing with yours could barely count as a kiss, your mind hardly worked, just a filthy collision of his lips with your own. “One more, yeah?”
“Yeah, Az, I can do it. I want it…” Lifting up your legs to latch at his hips, your heels dug into his firm ass, pressing him forward again, and he took the hint. In one easy movement, his hips were cradled between your legs, his hands on either side of your head and he was sheathing himself inside of you once again. 
Your back arched, a scream in his ear as his head fell forwards, damp foreheads pressing together as he dove back into a messy pace. What had already been uncontrollable before was now a chaotic mess, jerks of his hips as he frantically followed his own high, curses spilling from him and muscles tense.
When he couldn't hold himself up anymore, he dropped to his forearms, putting everything he had into those final movements, the grinding of his body lighting you up. Your nipples scarped his chest, the base of his cock thumping your clit with every sporadic movement, and your screams became silent as white-hot bliss flooded your body. 
He gave your front the same treatment, teeth and lips leaving no spot untouched, committing you to memory with his mouth as he left stains and splotches across your skin with his rough touch. 
“Azriel, Azriel, Azriel!” Like a chant, you were incapable of saying anything else, even your own name escaped you as you focus on him, the vision of him before you, jaw clenched and eyes sparkling, never looking away from you for even a second. Your body was utterly boneless, your finger shaking as you reached up over his shoulder, clamping your teeth down against his shoulder the same way he had done to you, and brushing your lips down over his wing.
That was it, a soft stroke and a cruel bite, and he was shattering above you, a burst of power unlike any of the others, the door rattling and the winds trembling as he came. An explosion, the feeling of his heat filling you up sent another orgasm cresting through your body, shuddering up your spine until your head was pressing into the bed, his head in your neck. He never stopped moving, riding both of you through your peaks until it was too much, finally coming to a stop, still tucked deep inside of you, and his body collapsed down on top of yours. 
His head remained where it was, breathing evening out as he took steady breaths. His heart was pressed to your stomach, the beat of it synching to your own as both of you began to even back out. The chill from the open patio doors finally started to take effect, swiping the heat from the room and taking the intoxicating smell of sex and your combined scents with it, leaving only the palpable tension between you both. 
Your body was still trembling, still spasming with the occasional twitch, a feeling flooding your body that you knew would take hours to go away as you pulled yourself back together from the way Azriel had torn you apart. 
Your fingers were tracing up and down his spine when you felt him stiffen, when the shallow breathing that had almost convinced you he’d fallen asleep was a ragged gasp. He lifted his fingers, pulling back a fraction only to push your jaw to the side, tracing across your skin slowly, from one patch to another, the more he distanced himself. 
Rocking back onto his knees, his length finally pulled from your sensitive core, a sound of true pain now leaving you as the soreness began to kick in, and he winced as he settled into with one hand holding him up above you. He didn’t look down, not for a second to the seed of his own dripping from you and ruining the bedsheets, but instead, an anguished look took over his face as he traced softly over your skin. 
Propping yourself up weakly on your arms, you watched him, brows furrowed in confusion as he became more and more hurt. 
“Oh, fuck, baby. I-I’m so sorry…”
Now you understood, watching him trace the tip of his index finger over a bite on your shoulder, down to a bruise on the side of your breast, made by his lips in the throes of passion. “Azriel-”
“What did I do to you?” His voice cracked, the spiralling already starting, and you freed your arms, collapsing back into the bed only to pull you with him, ignoring his resistance and tugging his body back against your own. 
“You didn’t do anything I didn’t want you to do!”
“I hurt you!” He sniffed, the outburst watery and broken, and your head shook urgently, leaving kisses dotted along his cheeks when he pulled back enough to look at you.
“Stop it, stop it right now, Azriel.” You rarely took such a tone with him, the pain on his face only worsening with confusion as he stared. “You didn’t hurt me. You gave me every chance to leave and I chose to stay. What we just did was fucking fantastic, and even if you were locked up in your head, you were here with me the entire time. These marks mean nothing, because every touch was so full of love, Azriel. I could feel it. These marks don’t mean you hurt me, they show me just how much you love me.”
His lips were pursed tight, still attempting to pull away, and you had no choice. Using all that training he’d put you through, in the midst of his distraction, you flipped him over, cautious to avoid catching his wings, and leaving him sprawled out on his back. Settling into his lap, your hands found his shoulders, pinning him to the bed and pressing your forehead to his.
“I love you, Azriel.” His eyes widened, swollen and kiss-bruised lips parting, and a smile finally tugged at your own. “I love you. I love you so much, and I wanted to be here for you. If you don’t stop, you’re gonna’ break my fucking heart, because it’ll mean you don’t trust yourself for me, to know what we need.”
“Of course, I trust you.” His whisper came immediately, setting hesitant hands over his marks on your waist, holding you reverently instead of demandingly now, tugging you a little closer to his chest. “I just… fuck, seeing you like this at my doing-”
“I think I left my fair share of marks on you too.” You dragged one finger over a scratch on his bicep, a hiss through his teeth as he looked down at it. Looked down at all of them. His marks would be gone by morning, that Illyrian healing already kicking in, but the look of awe growing on his face would never fade.  “This one,” Tracing your finger beside the scratch instead of over it, you drew his attention back to you, “I gave you this one because I love the way you smile at me.”
You moved to another, tracing a bite on his shoulder where your teeth had sunk in to hold back a scream. 
“I gave you this one because you never let me feel sad or alone.”
“I gave you this one,” He cut off, voice a little shaky as he tried to rewrite hatred to love, running his thumb over a kiss by your nipple, but never dropping your gaze. “I gave you this one because I love how brave you are.”
You smiled, his own smile coming back, as you looped your arms around his neck. “See? These are not marks of hurt, they’re marks of love. They’re called love-bites for a reason, you know?”
He only chuckled, tracing his fingers over the reddened skin of your ass, still raw from his palm. “I gave you these spanks for making cheesy jokes.”
“You love them.”
“No, but I love you.” He spoke, catching your lips a second later in the gentlest kiss yet. He leaned back, taking you with him, his mouth never leaving your own as he settled back into the pillows, shadows closing the balcony doors and settling like a blanket around you both. “Thank you for being here for me.”
“I’ll always be here for you, Az.” You shifted, settling your cheek on his shoulder, and pulling the real blankets across your bodies for warmth, his arms curling protectively around you to hold you there. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No. I don’t want anything like what happened to ever touch you.” His lips brushed your forehead, and you pressed a little further into his embrace. “I feel better, though. So much better, just for having you here in my arms. I don’t want you to ever leave them.”
“I guess I could stay for a while.”
“I want you to stay forever.” His mumble came through a lazy breath and the cloud of sleep hanging over you both, exhaustion weighing in at last, but you smiled despite it all.
“Forever it is, then.”
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theorphicangel · 2 months
𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩, 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 | 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐱 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
no warnings. just soft for this man
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The room is still; nothing but the pitch black night and the sound of heavy snores surrounding your four walls.
You suddenly find yourself awake and with an uncomfortable twist of your head, your eyes squint at the bloodshot-red digits of your bedside alarm which reads 4:24 am.
The sun hasn’t come up yet.
But you’ll wait. Just like it always waits for you.
A stream of moonlight falls upon your bedroom floor, the curtains not fully shut. Normally this would result in the immediate urge to shut them properly. But right now you don’t feel that urge.
Probably because there’s a heavy weight across your waist which prevents you from moving. Miguel’s arm wrapped snugly around you, keeping your body close to his. You can feel his chest rise and fall, a soothing rhythm throughout the night.
With help from the sole source of light in the room, you can just about make an outline of Miguel’s face. His snores are slightly muffled by his pillow as he sleeps on his stomach. Physically, he’s close to you; your face almost touching his, his thigh practically smothering your right leg and the gentle caress of his fingertips on your waist.
Yet, you can sense the distance between the two of you. One of you is dreaming and the other isn’t.
Nine times out of ten, he’s always been the one who wakes before you. Many times before have you woken to an empty bed; Miguel’s excuse was that he was feeling restless, instead preferring to get started on breakfast while he waits for you to awake. It’s a rare sight to actually see him by your side in the mornings.
Which is partly why you don’t hesitate to grasp this opportunity with both hands, studying him like your favorite art piece at the local museum.
You begin to Imprint his features into your mind or at least as much as you can in the limited lighting: his chiseled jawline and high cheekbones stand out to you as well as the curve of his nose and the length of his lashes. You begin to study the way his dark brown locks fall across his forehead, unstyled and messy and fluffy – just the way you like it.
You notice how all the faint lines of stress seem to melt away as he succumbs to slumber, his brows relaxed and lips parted. The corners of your lips upturn at the thought of teasing him for his slight drooling or even better yet his sleep talking. It’s only a few incoherent mumbles here and there but you’ll still tease him nonetheless.
He’ll deny it of course, claiming you have no proof, a banter that you’ll begin later whilst you sit on the counter and watch him make breakfast for the two of you. You may not always be a morning person but it’s moments like those which motivate you to get up and out of bed the most.
Gently, you bring your hand to his face, cupping his cheek. Your touch is soft, careful not to disturb him from his sleep. You’re not sure how much he’s been getting recently. As your palm makes contact with his skin, you can feel your heart swell. A gooey, sticky sort of emotion sticking between the gaps of your ribcage – a large part of you thinks it’s love but it’s too early to tell.
How would he react, you think, if you did tell him that you loved him?
From afar or from the perspective of a stranger, Miguel’s personality seems to be stoic. He’s someone who takes his work and craft seriously, seeming to have no speciality for jokes or games.
At least that’s what it looks like on the outside.
For years he’s built up these walls which seemed to be impenetrable and unrelenting. To others it was a sign to keep their distance, a warning to stay away but to you it was a sign of someone who was desperate to be loved. To be loved and held by someone in this lifetime even if it was only temporary.
Like a shadow you slipped in through the cracks, transitioning from something which he initially thought would be temporary into something that seems worthwhile.
Just like the grip he has around your waist in this current moment you can tell that he’s scared you’ll disappear. Now that he’s found you he really doesn’t want to let you go.
You won’t tell him yet, you think. You won’t express your sudden realization of wanting to be around him all time, wanting to learn everything about him, wanting to be indulged in every single thought that he has, even the weird, stupid ones.
You want to continue your late night conversations that run until 4am but only feel like five minutes. You want to continue feeling his body relax in your arms each and every time you surprise him with a hug from behind. You want to feel like home for him as he does for you.
You want to tell him this and more but a small injection of anxiety seems to prevent the words from forming on your tongue. It’s a sworn secret kept between yourself and the moon.
And you think it’ll stay a secret for a little longer, just until you figure out a way to find out if he feels something similar, just until the sun comes up again.
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tysm for reading!! reblogs are very much appreciated :)
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copper-16 · 3 months
We Can't Figure Out What It Means
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When Elena starts asking for something with a word that doesn't make any sense, Mapi and Ingrid enlist the help of their teammates to figure it out.
(a/n: I feel like so many of my stories are so angsty that getting to just sit here and write tooth ROTTING fluff is healing me a little inside. Anyways. Please enjoy :)
Ingrid and Mapi typically brought Elena to training one day a week with them. It wasn’t hard to have the baby at the training ground when everyone there wanted to hold her and say hello, but the two Barcelona players still worried that she would get in the way if she came too often. 
Nevermind the fact that everyone's faces lit up the minute that Elena came in through the door, or that there was genuinely always someone ready to hold the little girl. All of the Barcelona girls absolutely adored Mapi and Ingrid’s daughter, and she was admittedly making the baby fever run rampant throughout the team, though nobody else had acted on that urge just yet. 
Elena had missed the last few weeks at training due to various conflicts that had kept the little girl away, so when Mapi pulled her little Barcelona jersey that she always wore to the training ground out in the morning, the baby was immediately shrieking in excitement. Because as much as the Barcelona girls loved Elena, she loved them just as much. 
They managed to get everyone dressed, fed, and out the door in a surprisingly easy fashion. Elena was a relatively simple and easygoing baby, and when she knew they were headed to the training ground she was always on her best behavior, excited about what was to come. 
Ingrid turned the radio on a low setting as Mapi drove them toward the training center, with Elena babbling away in the back happily. 
“Oh yeah? How about that!” Mapi hummed as Elena continued to talk away, none of her words really making sense but remaining insistent nonetheless. She was at the age where she was starting to say some actual words, but for the most part she was still just getting out sounds and hums without much rhyme or reason to them. 
But Mapi encouraged it anyway, having read in a baby book that it was good for development either way. Ingrid looked back at their little girl with a soft smile, reaching back to brush some of her sandy blonde curls away from her face. 
Elena giggled happily at her as they pulled into the parking lot, both women getting out as Mapi went to grab their daughter while Ingrid got their stuff. 
The Spaniard had just hauled the little girl out of her car seat before Elena was twisting in her arms, gesturing to the ground. 
“Mami, walk?” Elena asked, her voice light and hopeful. Mapi smiled as she nodded, letting her down and holding out her hand for Elena to grasp. She started to toddle forward, gripping the brunette’s hand with iron clad strength as she ventured forward on unsteady little legs. 
Ingrid had two bags over her shoulders, one for her and her wife and one for Elena, but she watched the scene in front of her with thinly veiled horror. She knew that their daughter needed to learn to walk, knew that it was important for her to practice, but it still made her nervous. She didn’t want her to get hurt, or for something to happen to her. 
“Ingrid, she needs to walk,” Mapi reminded the Norwegian softly, having looked back to see the anxiety painted across her wifes features. Ingrid softens slightly, swallowing thickly and nodding with uncertainty, as though she was trying to convince herself of the brunette’s words. 
“Right, no I know, I just…I worry that something is going to happen to her,” Ingrid admits, watching as Elena stumbles slightly, but thanks to her connection with Mapi’s hand the Spaniard can keep her upright, looking back at her fellow defender with a look that reeked of ‘I told you so.’
“She is going to be fine, princesa, I promise. Plus, she is so close to the ground, how could she possibly hurt herself that badly!” The Spaniard argued, and Ingrid’s expression soured in the face of her wifes logic, and she held her hand up grumpily. 
“You’re close to the ground,” Ingrid argued, and Mapi rolled her eyes with a smile, preparing to say something back when Elena piped up from below them. 
“Le?” She asked, her eyes big and hopeful as she looked at her mothers. Both of them frowned, looking from the baby to one another. 
“Do you know what ‘le’ is?” The Norwegian asked in a hushed tone, and Mapi could do nothing but shrug slightly, shaking her head. 
“I have no idea what ‘le’ is,” she admitted, and upon hearing the word spoken again Elena said it a little louder this time, looking even more hopeful than before. Unable to find an answer, the three of them made their way into the facility anyways. With the chaos of everything, the center back was quick to pick her baby up, ignoring Elena’s protests that she could walk. 
The little girl’s upset was forgotten the minute they made their way into the locker room, replaced with pure excitement at seeing everyone. The whole team was there, with the exception of a few of the injured players who were in the gym already, working on their rehab. 
“Jay! Jay!” Elena half cheered-half shrieked as they approached Mapi’s locker, and the baby was promptly reaching for Jana as they arrived next to her. 
“Hi Elena” The younger defender cheered, plucking the little girl from her fellow defenders arms and wrapping her in a hug. “Oh I missed you!” 
Elena giggled into the defender's chest, making herself comfortable for a moment before she poked her head up, looking around at everyone. Most of the other girls were already changed, and Mapi and Ingrid were quick to do the same as everyone flocked to Jana to greet the little girl. They had missed seeing her the last few weeks, and she was equally thrilled to see everyone again. 
The sandy blonde girl allowed for herself to be passed around to everyone, letting all of them press gentle kisses to her cheeks as she babbled and giggled with excitement. 
It was when she ended up in Mariona’s arms that she looked around, a wrinkle appearing in her brow. When she doesn’t see the answer to her concern in the locker room, Elena turns to Mariona, her little eyebrows furrowed together. 
“Le?” Elena asks again, and Mariona feels a wave of confusion settling over her as she looks toward Mapi and Ingrid. The Norwegian and Spaniard looked at their daughter and then back to each other again. 
“What’s ‘le’?” The forward asked, and Mapi shook her head once more. 
“We can’t figure out what it means!” The brunette explained earnestly, more than a little lost on the meaning of what Elena kept asking for. 
“Le? Like Leah? Or Lia?” Keira suggested, turning toward Mariona for an answer. But the forward immediately shook her head, bouncing the baby as she answered.  
“She’s never met either of those people,” Mariona pointed out, and the midfielder deflated as she realized that the Spanish woman was right. 
“Maybe she means…Frido? Le, as in like Fridolina?” Aitana suggested, and all of them looked at each other in agreement, considering that it is a good idea. “I believe she is on the pitch already, if we want to go out!” 
The rest of the team made their way out toward the pitch for practice, with Ingrid carrying Elena as they walked. The baby played with her mothers thick, long ponytail as they walked, keeping herself as entertained as possible. 
“Frido!” Ingrid called out as they came closer, and Elena perked up at the mention of her godmother. 
“Fro-fro!” Elena clapped her hands together as Frido ran over, ignoring Ingrid entirely in favor of the baby in her arms. 
“Elena!” The blonde cried as Ingrid rolled her eyes, her hands coming to rest on her hips. 
“I’m right here too, don’t you know?” Ingrid pointed out, but her Swedish friend simply shrugged, settling Elena on her hip. 
“I saw you yesterday. I haven’t seen my guddotter in weeks!” Frido exclaimed, bouncing Elena up and down as she tickled the little girl's belly. Elena doubled over in laughter, and everyone couldn’t help but look over, completely entranced with the happy little girl. 
When she had finally caught her breath, Elena looked up at Frido with an expectant expression. 
“Le?” She asked once more, and Ingrid dropped her head into her hands as everyone groaned. Frido looked around in confusion, asking what was going on. 
“We can’t figure out for the life of us what ‘le’ is!” Keira explained as understanding washed over the Swedish forward. She looked down at the little girl, who was looking around as though she was trying to find whatever ‘le’ happened to be. 
“She looks like she’s looking for something. Maybe whatever ‘le’ is, is out here?” Frido tries, and since nobody else can come up with a better answer, they decide to take that course of action. 
So while the entire team warms up, they decide that the best course of action is to just show Elena everything that they’re working with, in the hopes of getting to the bottom of what ‘le’ is. 
Patri shows her a medicine ball, and the little girl slaps her hands against it but is otherwise uninterested, allowing the midfielder to boop the top of her head before she leaves her alone. 
Esme picks her up as she and Salma walk the little girl over to a pole that is stuck into the ground. Salma shakes it slightly, while Esme points to it, trying to capture Elena’s attention. But the baby is entirely uninterested, instead reaching for Salma in lieu of engaging with the pole. The young forward is quick to make an exit, more than a little scared at the prospect of being left alone with the baby, or having to hold her. It was a running joke that Elena loved Salma, but the young forward consistently panicked whenever the little girl was around, having never really done anything with babies before in her life. 
Marta and Lucy tag team showing her first the big goal, and then the little ones they use in practice. Lucy sets her up with a ball and Marta holds both of her hands as Elena steps into the ball, trying to kick it and sending it rolling forward a coupon of centimeters into the goal. 
The English woman immediately snatches the baby up, holding her up and running around in celebration with excitement until she receives a telling off in the form of Ingrid shouting Lucy! Put my baby down!
Mapi quickly collects Elena, and with Irene’s help she shows her the foam rollers and step up blocks, but nothing appears to catch the little one’s attention. She asks each person she is with “Le?” and none of them have a good enough answer for her in her little mind. 
All of the girls have resigned themselves to the fact that they aren’t going to figure out what the baby is talking about, when they end up actually getting their answer. 
The girls have just broken from their water break, and Elena was grabbed by Keira and taken away from her blanket and toys to go hang out with the team instead. The baby was settled on the grass, patting it happily as Mapi sat with her, doing the same. Ingrid smiled down at the two of them, unable not to see the qualities of her wife inside of their daughter in times like this as they both greeted the grass together with big smiles. 
Mapi gets distracted looking back at Irene, who is asking her a question about something they’ve been doing, that she entirely misses the way that Elena’s face lights up as she gets to her feet, noticing something in the distance. 
She can’t really run yet, but that doesn’t stop Elena from taking off at a fast toddle away from the group, her shriek of joy getting everyone’s attention. 
“LE!” Elena exclaimed loudly, her feet moving fast in her quest as everyone turned to see what was going on. 
“Elena!” Alexia ran toward the little girl, ignoring the slight protest of her knee as she bent down and scooped the baby up, holding her tightly to her chest. Elena practically melted into the blonde, wrapping her arms around her godmother's neck. The captain had been in the gym all day doing rehab for her knee discomfort, but she had decided to come out on a break to say hello to Elena and everyone else. 
Everyone at the water cooler let out a collective ohhh as they all realized that Elena meant ‘le’ as in ‘Alexia.’ The Barcelona captain tilted her head to the side in confusion, still holding the little girl's body tightly to her own. 
“What is going on?” Alexia asked, not understanding what all of her teammates seemed to be talking about. 
“Elena has been asking for you all day, but all she’s been saying is ‘le,’ so none of us knew what she was talking about until you walked out here,” Mapi explained as Elena leaned back slightly, reaching up to gently poke at Alexia’s cheek. 
“Le!” She babbled, looking from the captain to her Mami with a pleased expression. Everyone around them looked at the two with wide smiles, as Elena pressed herself into Alexia with a big smile spread across her cheeks.
“Did you miss your Tia Alexia?” Mapi asks, reaching forward to poke the little girl's belly. Elena nodded as twisted away from her Mami and further into the Spanish captain, and Alexia simply turned her body away from the defender before she started jogging away. 
“Nope, nope, Elena is all mine!” Alexia yelled back at Mapi, Elena babbling away at her happily as Mapi chased after the two of them. The little girl clung tightly to the blonde, but she smiled back at the Spanish defender as she chased after the pair, calling out. 
“Hey, wait a minute! Bring back my baby!”
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f1byjessie · 4 months
love is a wild ride, and logan sargeant's sister is about to find this out the hard way.
( oscar piastri x sargeant!reader )
━━ part nine.
Bahrain is just as beautiful as it was the first time. There’s a palpable energy to the streets of the city in the days leading up to the Grand Prix, and you find yourself filled with anticipation and excitement.
A lot has happened in the year it’s been since you were last here━ enough that it almost feels like a lifetime ago━ but the ups and downs have culminated into something pretty great.
The night of your birthday, when you and all of Lando’s friends had crammed yourselves into Lando’s living room and cheered as the clock turned midnight to herald in the new year, Oscar had pulled you in and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. It hadn’t gone further than that, perhaps out of respect for your earlier breakdown and the still tentative thing between the two of you, but nonetheless just the feeling of his lips against yours had made you feel alive.
It had reminded you a bit of your first kiss outside the hotel, but instead of awkwardly dancing around it after the fact, you’d woken up the following morning with him wrapped around you, and this time you’d allowed yourself to savor it. He’d woken up to you running your fingers through his hair, and then you’d spent the morning cuddling beneath the sheets and talking things out before Lando had, eventually, burst into the room with his hand over his eyes, demanding the two of you “get decent” so you could all get lunch.
This weekend will mark two months of being together, and it feels surreal.
“You look insane right now,” Logan announces out of the blue from where he sits across from you in the booth. The restaurant you’re in is relatively close to the hotel where you’re staying, but with it still being nearly a week until race day, it’s practically empty so early into the afternoon, which makes his voice seem louder in the quiet peacefulness around you.
“What?” You glance up from your phone and raise an eyebrow. He isn’t even looking at you. He’s looking at his own phone, thumb sweeping across the screen while he picks at the few remains of his food mindlessly with his fork.
“You’re smiling at your phone and it’s making you look insane,” he elaborates nonchalantly, like it’s common sense despite him still not even looking up from whatever video he’s watching.
You scoff, “You aren’t even looking.”
He finally lifts his gaze, but it’s only to make a face at you. His features scrunches up, exaggerating his disgust with twisted lips and narrowed eyes. “I don’t need to. It’s like an aura. I can feel it from here. It’s gross.”
“Whatever,” you say, rolling your eyes. Ever since getting with Oscar, he’s been getting more and more dramatic with his feigned disgust, and now it’s mostly just a bit he thinks is hilarious to pull out every time you’re even mildly entertained by something pertaining to your boyfriend. It would probably still be funny to you if you weren’t almost always texting him, or keeping up with the McLaren Instagram account’s updates of his training, and therefore almost always mildly entertained. “I’m so terribly sorry you have to deal with your sister being happy.”
He rolls his eyes back at you, but there’s a smile pulling at his lips and you know his act is falling apart. “Are you and Oscar gonna meet up later?”
“We’re trying to schedule things,” you answer with a shrug. Oscar’s flight got in late last night, too late for him and his team to get around to the typical obligations expected of him, so he’s spent all of this morning getting caught up and according to your current text chain with him he’s only just been released and given free reign to do as he wishes. “I’m texting him about it right now.”
“That tracks.”
You raise an eyebrow once more, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
It’s Logan’s turn to raise an eyebrow, as if he can’t believe you’re really asking that. “Whenever you text him you get all disgustingly happy.” He scrunches up his face again. “You’re like a real life Hallmark couple. I half expect the two of you to move to some small town with a coincidentally holiday themed name in the middle of nowhere. And there’s a Christmas tree farm, or a reindeer lodge, or something.” He ends his mini tirade with a forced and exagerated shiver.
“You’ve thought about this a lot, haven’t you.”
He deadpans. “Everytime I see you two together I find myself disturbed by the sheer imensity of your joy.”
“Aw,” you coo, “I love you too.”
It’s only Monday, which gives you a few days before things start getting underway at the track. It also means you’ve got a decent amount of time to share between Logan, who’s grown increasingly grumpier at the idea of you potentially switching aliegences to McLaren, and Oscar, who’s just happy to see you whenever he can.
When you’d left Monaco a few days after the party, it had been with the knowledge that this new and still fragile relationship was going to have to withstand the stressors of long distance. You’ve called one another nearly every day since then to try and replicate some semblance of normalcy, but time zone differences often saw one of you getting into bed while the other was getting out of it━ at least, when he was back in Melbourne making the most of the time he had with his family. Things got slightly easier when he was called back to England to start pre-season training and testing, but it also meant lots of meetings and PR events that kept him away from the phone and left him exhausted by the time he was finished.
Needless to say, this is the first chance you have to see him again in person and it feels like torture knowing the only thing keeping you apart is a few city blocks.
“Real talk though, have him around to the hotel,” Logan speaks up again, just as the waitress comes and clears your plates away.
You spare her a smile and a quiet thank you, and then turn back to him. “Why? You and Dalton already gave him the shovel talk over videocall.”
“Just because you two are ‘involved’━” he says it like it’s some sort of bogus conspiracy theory, “━doesn’t mean I can’t still hang out with my friend.”
“I thought you were disturbed by the sheer imensity of our joy when you see us together?”
“Okay and?” He makes another face at you, but it’s less like he’s disgusted by the reminder of you and Oscar’s relationship, and more like he’s annoyed that you’ve used his own words against him. “I’m disturbed by Alex’s taste in music too, but I still put up with it when we’re in the car together.”
The two of you fall into peals of laughter.
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, and 41,134 others
yourusername he loves me AND my crippling hat addiction
view all 1,342 comments
logansargeant hm, interesting how one is blue and none are orange 🤔
↳ yourusername hm, interesting how i know where you sleep 🤔
mclaren Looks like you’re missing some papaya Y/N! We can fix that 😁🧡
↳ williamsracing Sorry! She’s already ours 😊💙
↳ yourusername omg guysss don’t fight over meee 🫣
user need me a boyf who buys me hats
user guyssss it HAS to be oscar
↳ user what?? no it’s literally lando did you even see the comments between the two of them from a month ago?? she went to monaco with him??
↳ user y’all are crazy fr it’s obvi a nobody and y/n is just milking the drama from ppl thinking it’s a driver bc it means more interactions on her posts and therefore it’s better for her career
↳ user i think it’s max!!
↳ user what.
landonorris crippling indeed
↳ yourusername i’m trying my hardest 😔
↳ landonorris the first step to getting help is admitting you have a problem
oscarpiastri 🧢
↳ yourusername x10
Oscar’s running his hands through your hair and you’re flipping through the channels on the hotel TV when the subject comes up. There’s nothing that’s really catching your interest, and half of it is in languages you don’t know, but just sitting here and enjoying Oscar’s presence is enough to stave off the boredom. Logan's been gone for just over an hour, having left to go meet up with Alex for some Williams promotional content, and you’ve been drifting a bit when your boyfriend speaks up from behind you, asking, “Are you gonna visit McLaren hospitality this weekend?”
You pause your surfing, landing on a cooking show that’s in French. His fingers are still tangled in your hair, but he’s momentarily stopped too.
“Do you want me to come to McLaren hospitality?” You ask, looking up at him from where you’re leaning back against his chest. “Because I will,” you hurriedly add, “if you want me to. But it’ll just add fuel to the fire and further encourage the speculation online about which one of you I’m with.”
“I do think it’s funny to see people go full detective mode in your comments,” Oscar smiles down at you. He looks shy, hesitant almost in the way his eyes flicker across your face. He clears his throat nervously, “But I was kind of thinking that maybe you could visit as my girlfriend. Publicly.”
You sit up immediately and turn to face him, ignoring that his fingers catch on your hair as you move. He looks just as surprised by your sudden movement as you feel by his sudden announcement. “Are you sure?”
“I mean, if you’d rather not━” he starts, uncertain.
“No!” You interrupt, reaching out to take his face in your hands and silencing him. “I would absolutely love that, but are you sure you want the attention this will get you? We’ve been lucky with avoiding the negativity so far, but you know that it’ll come the moment we announce it.”
He brings his hands up and places them on top of where yours rest, and then he interlaces your fingers and pulls your hands away so he can speak again. There’s a soft smile on his face and a gentleness in his eyes that you’ve come to recognize as a look that’s exclusive to you and you alone. “I want the world to know who my heart belongs to.”
A grin tugs at your lips, and then you’re falling into his arms with a laugh.
It feels good knowing you can do this whenever you want. Just last year you hadn’t even realized you’d wanted something like this with Oscar, but then the kiss had happened and you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it━ about wanting more and not being able to have it. It had been torture, honestly, pining after him like a lovesick school girl, too afraid to make the first move and risk the balance of it all.
You’re still embarrassed by what all had needed to happen before things had been cleared up, and part of you still kicks yourself for not just taking that leap and going for it, especially when it would have given you moments like this, wrapped in his arms, so much sooner.
“I know we’ve already talked about it, but I was really worried that you would hate me for kissing you that night,” Oscar murmurs against the top of your head, as if he can read your thoughts. “I thought that you had only kissed me back because you were, like, too drunk to know better. And then, I realized what I’d done, and I pulled away before it could go any further. And then you never mentioned it, and I figured you wanted to just forget about it, so I never mentioned it either.”
You shift just enough to let your arms drape over his shoulders, and then you let your fingers tangle in his hair the same way his had been in yours. You scratch at his head for a moment, letting his words settle before you say, “I thought you’d only kissed me because you got caught up in the emotions of it all, and then when you never mentioned it I thought it’s because you regretted it, or thought it was a mistake, and you just wanted to forget it. I really wish I would’ve just gotten over my fear and talked to you about it.”
You feel his heartbeat against you where you’re leaned up against his chest. It’s strong and steady, and it’s the nicest thing you’ve ever felt.
“It would’ve been nice to celebrate in other ways after I podiumed in Japan,” he adds suggestively, laughing when you pull one of your hands back to swat at his arm.
“Podium again this year and maybe we can celebrate in those other ways,” you whisper against his neck.
He groans, “Well now you’re just being mean.”
You pull away from his grip, an innocent smile on your face. “I have no idea what you mean, babe.”
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 197,053 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri the luckiest guy and the prettiest girl
view all 1,092 comments
yourusername the prettiest* guy and the luckiest* girl
↳ landonorris literally throwing up rn 🤮
↳ yourusername mind your own business 😒
↳ landonorris mInD yOuR oWn BuSiNeSs 😒 you made it my business when you posted that disgustingly sweet comment where i could see
user we literally clocked it from a mile away
↳ user i know damn well you were in the comments saying it was lando don’t even try and pretend otherwise
landonorris so glad ppl can stop thinking i’m with your girlfriend now mate
↳ oscarpiastri it’s the closest you’ll ever get to a gf of your own
↳ landonorris why am i taking shots out of nowhere??
user this is literally my roman empire
mclaren Welcome to the McLaren team, Y/N! Looking forward to hopefully seeing you in some papaya around the paddock 🧡
↳ logansargeant pls she’s all i have left you can’t take her too
user i don’t understand why oscar would be with someone who willingly flirts with other men?? like is that not hoe behavior?? make it make sense ffs
↳ user lando and y/n are friends as this post proves. the fact that you saw friendly banter as flirting says more about you and how you view ppl than it says about either of them, and i think you might need to look inward before you can judge someone else. and even if it had been flirting, we don’t know when y/n and oscar got together, which means it’s entirely possible that she was single when she was “flirting” with lando which wouldn’t be cheating at all.
↳ user they’re just butthurt that oscar would never spare them a glance
user been here from the start and i gotta say this is more euphoric than any award could ever be
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liked by landonorris, logansargeant, and 71,917 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername been waiting for the moment to pull out these bad boys and now i can 🤭 thx babe love you 😘
view all 613 comments
user y/n 🤝 mclaren admin
oscarpiastri so this is a game you want to play
↳ logansargeant i got you mate don’t worry my arsenal is at your disposal
user y/n is THE wag pls she’s gonna be feeding us so well
user wait so like gen who is she gonna root for???
landonorris you’re doing god’s work today y/n
↳ yourusername someone had to give the ppl what they want 🫡
user couple of the century right here folks
━━ tags: @f1-is-lovely-33 @chasing-liberosis @405rry @aquangxl @bellezaycafe @peqch-pie @formulaal @chonkybonky @mess-is-my-aesthetic @flippingmyshit @peachiicherries @spacegirlstuff @myxticmoon @landosgirlxoxo @k-pevensie28 @moonypixel @lewisvinga @81vas @maih23 @thatoneembarrasingmoment
━━ a/n: and there we have it folks! the ending to this lovely story! i will probably do a few little blurbs for them eventually, but in the meantime this is where we leave them. thank you for reading!
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feimier · 11 months
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love is a foreign concept for general lilia. He is far too occupied to mingle with the intensely time consuming matter that is love— would be what he tells you if you happen to chance upon the pleasure of asking him. After all, he is the general of an army at war; he barely has any moments of sense and clarity, much less to consider the idea of love. Sure, he has experienced one or two infatuations or sparks of attraction, but they were always left alone at that. None of the sparks were ever allowed to blossom into fires.
but for lilia— the lilia who does not have his nation’s wellbeing on his shoulders; the lilia that is familiar with familial love— is the lilia that craves the wild imagines of romance the most. But war did not teach him love, and so he is unacquainted. He does not recognise love, does not know how to readily present his affections, does not know how to deal with the passionate emotions. Yet he craves nonetheless.
“…rouge? Twisted wonderland to Lilia Vanrouge?”
He thinks of you in ardent admiration.
“Yes? my camellia”
He draws his attention back to you, and leans his head against his hand. Silence sits for a moment, and he continues to wonder about how you’ve captured his soul entirely. One look from you and his heart spirals as do the fervent waves of the sea; one smile from you and his world is set ablaze into a comet chasing for your attentions. If he didn’t know better he would’ve accused you of hexing him— the constant turbulence of his emotions still incomprehensible for him (he still insists on believing that this kind of love only exists in fiction).
“…’re spacing out again aren’t you. You’ve been doing that a lot lately.. did anything special happen?”
“No.. I’m just alright my dear”
War did teach him that the worst method to resolve a situation is gambling..
But if it’s you, he can only hope that he played his cards right.
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likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! thank you for the support ♪
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bandgie · 3 months
That stoner smut was amazing. Would you be able to do it with minho, hyunjin and seungmin? is it's okay?
this post anon is referring to!
warnings: MDNI18+, fem!reader, anal (f!), PIV, no protection, 4some, ass eating implied, blow job, weed-use
Hit after hit, inhale after inhale, the burning in your chest is hardly filled with smoke but desire in its stead. Everything just feels so damn good when you're high, so much more intense. Your body can barely handle the feeling of your own skin. So it feels like fire at every touch and pull from Minho and Seungmin. 
Seungmin is under you, your hands propped up on either side of his head while his cock stays settled in your pussy. He stopped moving a long time ago. There's no need for him to when Minho has you gripped by the hips, fucking himself deep into your ass. Your entire body jolts at every thrust, effectively getting the other cock to rock inside you gently. 
Being at a distance from Seungmin gives Hyunjin the opening to stand beside the bed, using a large hand to guide your head to his pulsing cock. His tip is wet against your lips, slightly salty, but in all the right ways. Your jaw unhinges to let his head slip between your lips, groaning at the warmth of your mouth. 
Minho puckers his lips and lets saliva drip down his mouth to your ass, adding some lubrication. Not that you needed it; he spent what felt like hours opening up your tight hole with his tongue. You moan at the feel of the moisture dripping off you, leaking onto your even wetter pussy to Seungmin's cock. 
"Fuck. Putting all your holes to use, huh?" Minho chuckles behind you. With Hyunjin stretching your mouth, you try and nod. It's hardly noticeable being that your entire body is rocking, but Minho coos as your efforts nonetheless. 
Seungmin places his hands on your breasts, groping and twisting your nipples to hear your muffled whines on Hyunjin's cock. "What hole do you like being fucked in the most? Or are you such a slut you need all of them filled?" A sudden thrust from Seungmin makes your eyes roll back, cream flooding onto his length as you easily cum from your heightened senses. 
Hyunjin is the only one being nice to you. Brushing your hair from the view of you sucking him off while holding your face in his hands. But even then, he can't help himself just pressing a little too deep to feel your throat gag and tighten around him. 
"She can't choose so quick, Seung," Hyunjin tuts with a smirk on his lips. "We haven't taken turns fucking them all, yet."
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a/n: ik you prolly wanted a full fic but i don't think I would be able to recreate that masterpiece :( so here's a drabble instead! and thank you sm! psa! for the love of god PLEASE send me asks I never get anyyyy, it's tumbleweeds there :(
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Monster Mayhem: Siren's Song
Gender Neutral Reader x Vil Schoenheit Word Count: 6.1k
Summary: What do you call a deaf pirate? Not 'Siren Food' apparently, which is really sort of hilarious when you've been kidnapped by a hungry Siren. Not for the Siren though—he's definitely not having a good time.
A/N: *rushes in at the 11th hour* Happy Mer-May!! I've been back and forth with clinical rotations and also working on some commission things and Leona's Part 4, but like, it's a fanfiction holiday. I couldn't miss out. And for one of my favorite tropes nonetheless. So here we are.
[PART 1] [PART 1.5] [PART 2] [PART 3]
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There was a legend that floated throughout the Sage Island Seas of the Pirate With No Ears. Which was ridiculous—half because such a tall tale managing to survive so long and so wildly really showed just how pathetic the rest of the gossip around here was, and half because you still had ears. They just didn’t work very well was all.
Some said you’d been deafened by a prowling sea sorcerer who had tricked you into trading away your once keen sense for some mortal foible or other. Others whispered about how you’d been trapped in an ice cavern, surrounded by electric eels and sharks, and that the only way you’d been able to weasel your way out was by cutting off your own ears so that you’d have enough wiggle room to escape from your bindings. Which made absolutely zero sense at all.
In reality, all you’d done was stand far too close to a canon for far too long when you were far, far too little, and ever since all you could hear was the dull ringing of post-battle silence. Sometimes it was a bit sad. When the waves crashed against the shore, or when the gulls flew overhead—you were sure all those things sounded very lovely. You remembered music and laughter and sometimes they echoed in your head at a distance—a memory not quite forgotten but certainly fading at the edges. But other times, like now, where your fellow crewmates were bawling into their ales and wailing about lord knew what… well, it was always nice to find a silver lining in these sorts of things.
One of the tipsy lads tottering around the deck of The Rose Queen tripped and landed against the wood with something that looked like it’d be a very loud smack. Your brain helpfully filled the silence with some nonsense noises and park-play-style laughter instead. You watched Cater stumble by out of the corner of your eye. He patted your head and said something that twisted his mouth into a gaping ‘uuuuu-eeeee-oooo’ before he puttered away to leech off First Mate Clover instead. Ace threw a drunken arm around your shoulder and burbled something against your cheek that popped with the scent of stale booze, and you decided to pretend that you were as alone at sea as your muted senses would like to think.
The party raged on long into the evening and you stared down at the rabble contentedly from your perch in the crow’s nest. They were a good bunch—dullards though they may be. You’d heard (hardee har har) that they were planning to raid the Port o'Bliss, and something must have gone terribly right. You only really hung around to scrub barnacles off the paneling and keep an eye on the tides well enough that Deuce wouldn’t run the lot of you ashore, so you weren’t really sure how the whole ‘pirating’ business actually went about. But clearly they were doing a pretty good job of it.
You rested your chin on your crossed arms and sighed into the salty breeze. The night was warm and pleasant, and before you knew it, you were nodding off against the rough fabric of your sleeves. You weren’t quite sure how long you spent dozing there tangled in the ropes of mast, but it was long enough that by the time you snorted back awake the festive lights had dimmed to embers and most of the crew had sidled away below deck to either keep drinking themselves blind or collapse in a pool of their own colorful vomit.
There was a lone figure swerving towards the bow—precariously close to the railing for someone so clearly unsteady on their own legs, if you did say so yourself. You squinted suspiciously at his mused lavender hair, not entirely sure you recognized the head bobbing around below you. But perhaps The Rose Queen had picked up some fresh recruits at the Port, or maybe the crew had gotten a bit too booze happy with some dye. Purple Hair leaned up against the rails and tipped forward on his toes like he was thinking about diving in, or maybe barfing. Either or, you sighed and shimmied your way down to stop him from tumbling into a watery grave.
“Oi!” you called, the shout vibrating up and out of your throat, and the kid jumped half a foot in the air. “What do you think you’re doing? Get away from there. Riddle’ll have your head if we have to send out the rescue rafts this late at—”
The kid turned to face you with wide, wide, glowing eyes. Your own went round as dinner plates as you watched his too-dark pupils pulse like drumbeat. They were so bright, practically illuminating the whole of his delicate face, but there was no light to them. Matte and sleek like a shark’s eyes.
He shouted something at you so whip fast that you couldn’t even begin to make sense of, and then he was glancing nervously back and forth between the roiling waves at his back and the encroaching deckhand at his front—making all sorts of nonsense gestures that had you sighing behind gritted teeth.
“Look,” you said, interrupting whatever indiscernible gibberish he was spouting, “I don’t know who you think you are. But you’ve picked the wrong ship to try and—I don’t know—seize? Pirate? You can’t pirate a pirate ship! But either way, you—”
Then the kid opened his mouth like he was screaming, and you frowned again. There was strange prickle along your arms that had goosebumps crawling up your skin and the hair raising at the back of your neck, but you shook it off and moved forward with another weary sigh. You pulled a length of rope from the belt slung around your hips and held the limp bundle of salt-soaked mesh up like a threat.
“I will throw you overboard. And hogtie you first,” you promised cheerily. “So you actually sink.”
Purple Hair just looked like he was trying to scream louder, and you were sourly tempted to stick your fucking tongue out at him and make petulant ‘nyeh nyeh nice try’ noises at him, but then there was a heaviness behind you. A creak in the wood that you could feel if not hear. You rolled out of habit—tumbling across the deck just in time to avoid a nasty swipe along your back. And oh no. The thing crawling up over the railing was worse than any lavender would-be ship thief. The black tipped claws and flared fins were telling enough, but the sharp-toothed grin was somehow more so. It tilted its unnaturally lovely head at you and spoke politely—clearly and very, painfully, slowly.
“What’s—this—perhaps—” you were able to vaguely make out. Maybe. The dark and your panic were both a terrible hindrance to putting shapes to sound. His lips curled into something wicked before parting far more smoothly than the younger man’s had. Singing. It was singing, not screaming. Hauntingly green eyes glowed bright and you felt the tunk tunk tunk beneath your feet of the rest of the crew starting to move around beneath you. Around you.
Then there were more of them—crawling up over the railings, trilling into the night air. All far too lovely and far too sharp to be anything but predators. The moonlight illuminated their fangs and scales in a ghostly white glow. There were shivers running along your spine, but otherwise nothing but silence echoed through your head. Small mercies. You watched several of your fellow crewmates rush out of the cabins only to double over with their hands clasped over their ears. Others stuttered and tumbled forward towards the railings as if they were being dragged along like puppets on a string. You cursed and ducked between them—looping your rope around their legs as you went and tugging them to their knees like a line of falling dominoes.
You let your hapless comrades collapse to the deck and curled the last throws of rope around your fists. You were decent enough with a knife when it came to dueling an unmoving, completely unaware foe—like a barnacle or some rusted over door hinges. But real people? Sirens?Fucking literal blade-tipped-merfolk straight out of every sailor’s nightmare? No thank you. So the teeny blade stayed sheathed at your hip and you dove into the fray to find something rope-wrangle-able.
At the other end of the bow, you watched Purple Boy straighten from a crouch. There were new, silvery blue scales crawling up his neck and forearms. He was still tottering around on legs that he clearly wasn’t all too used to, and you watched as the little guppy started to make a furious beeline for Captain Rosehearts. Which—no. Absolutely not. You were never one of those pirates who was like ‘oh, Captain, my Captain~’ but Riddle was good. He was tough, and taciturn, and could throw a tantrum that could bring down an entire harbor. But he’d written out all of his ridiculous six hundred rules by hand so that you could have them. And the teeny furrow in his brow as he staunchly taught himself hand sign after hand sign so that he could yell at you in earnest was so endearing that you’d protect that little firecracker for as long as you breathed.
So you went after Lavender Head, and then of course Lavender Head turned and tried to shout at you all over again. When that continued to not work at all, the Siren began to backpedal in earnest. He turned his head and squawked at whoever was around to listen, but in the chaos of the attack there didn’t seem to be many of his pod free to lend him a hand.
You descended on the little snake, rope at the ready and perfectly happy to make sushi out of the fucker, when something big overshadowed the both of you. Another Siren crested over the side of the ship, larger and clearly more impressive than the rest of its kin. Which matched your stupidly terrible luck just fine. Ah, yes, Mister Big Bad. Please. Go for the deckhand rather than the literal trained mercenaries less than ten feet away. Brilliant. The Siren bared its fangs like some great, terrible, beast and tore into the paneling with its curved claws as it attempted to drag you down to your watery grave. You cursed, and kicked, and yelped in a panic when the thing managed to get one of those cold, pale hands around your ankle.
Despite the fact that all of it surely happened in less than a few seconds, your descent seemed to progress in steps. First, the Siren tugged you over the side. Second, you smartly flipped the loops of your rope up to try and lasso yourself a handhold. Thirdly, you outright missed the ship and instead tangled the spools of thin rope all around your Murderer To Be. Said Murderer’s eyes widened in shock as your unintentional trap wrapped the both of you up like a mess of bugs in a spider web. And finally, the pair of you crashed towards the churning ocean in a knotted-up heap and slowly sank beneath the waves.
You rubbed the grit and salt from your eyes and sat up with a groan. Where were you? Not too far out at sea, hopefully. Washing up ashore had been nothing short of a miracle, and you weren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth if it meant you got to avoid becoming chum for another day. The sand beneath your fingers was soft and white, and it slipped beneath your palm like water. You moved to push yourself to your feet and froze—a blur of amethyst swiping out and knocking you back onto your ass with a splash.
You spluttered and spat, and had just barely managed to flip yourself over like a turtle who’d been upended on its back when you caught sight of the absolute last creature in the world that you’d ever wanted to see again.
The big Siren had washed up nearby.
Because of course it had.
The creature narrowed his eyes at you and immediately set about lashing his rope-twisted tail against the sand like a rattlesnake. He bared his pointed teeth in a hiss and you were dowsed in a barrage of saltwater ammunition.
“Stop! Stop!” you begged, spitting out wayward chunks of seaweed, and shells, and gods knew what else. “I get it! I won’t come near you, jeesh! I wasn’t planning on it to begin with!”
The Siren curled his lips unpleasantly, putting that wonderful row of dagger-like pearly whites on display. He spat something completely indiscernible—the line of his mouth so harsh and flat that you couldn’t have even begun to pick up the shape of things if you tried—and you scooted as far back as you could without toppling yourself over again.
He dug his clawed hands into the sand and said something else, just as clipped and tight. You assumed it was an accusation. You were very used to recognizing the glare that accompanied those. When you didn’t respond, his brow tugged down low and he snapped something else—this time jabbing those pointed, black, nails in your direction. Ah, so definitely a complaint then.
You cocked your head at him out of habit and that griping turned into a snarl so ferocious that you could feel it racing up your skin like static. Which was definitely pretty trippy.
“I don’t know what you’re saying,” you told him honestly. Which just made the spiked fins flatten all along the side of his head and another wave of those zippy sneers dance up your arms. “Literally,” you tried. “I—”
The Siren opened his mouth and that sparky static from earlier amplified into something near painful. It was strong, and prickly, and left the imprints of invisible shackles all along your already aching joints. You could feel his voice carrying on the breeze—brushing against your cheeks and playing with hair. Thin, icy, fingers digging their way into your brain and yanking. But there was something missing from all that ethereal hypnotism. Something pleasant and sweet to complete the circle of temptation. A voice, you’d guess. There had to be a call after all, or else it hardly mattered how deep and all encompassing the need was to answer.  
When you didn’t immediately, like, fall to your knees in subjugation or drown yourself in the inch and a half of tepid water pooling at your hips, the Siren’s eyes dimmed with something that almost looked like hesitance. His brow pinched tight and he parted his red lips wider. A seagull dropped from the sky. Three different crabs crawled out of the sand to bow down.
“I can’t hear you!” you tried again, loud enough to have your teeth aching. His mouth went wider, and an entire ass tuna beached itself to flop pathetically near your ankles. “It’s not a challenge!” you wailed. “My ears literally, actually, do not work, you fucking overgrown anchovy!”
The static disappeared all at once, and the Siren’s lips slipped into a small, surprised sort of ‘o.’ He blinked his too-long lashes at you and stared you down like you were some sort of escaped alchemical experiment.
“There,” you huffed. “Finally.” And then went quiet and a bit concerned. Because apparent Song Immunity or otherwise, the thing was still hugely impressive and scary looking. His claws definitely wouldn’t have any problem picking the leftover bits of you out of his teeth, and you knew well enough that if he dragged you into the depths with that powerful tail of his, there would be no resurfacing.
The Siren too was using this time to glare at you like you were somehow a threat to be taken seriously. Which was half flattering, half pretty funny.
“Well…” you said after a long moment. “I should get going, I suppose.”
You made your way to your feet in the mucky sandbar and started heading off to see where you’d been stranded. You could feel the Siren’s heavy gaze on you the whole while, and decided he was probably trying to figure out if you’d taste better paired with seaweed or a nice jellyfish spread.
The pair of you had been stranded on a small, crescent, islet that couldn’t even rightly call itself an island. You were able to walk from its curling east to west coasts in just under fifteen minutes, and that was at a meandering pace where you stopped to peer into all kinds of little grottos and rocky formations. There was some vegetation at the heart of it—short palm trees and tufts of grassy knolls—and thankfully a few deep divots that had collected some still rainwater, but otherwise it was entirely boring and stupid. Not even any weird tortoises or anything meandering about to make friends with.
By the time you circled back around to your original stranding point, you had fully expected the Siren to have flipped you the metaphorical bird and fucked off back into the ocean, never to be seen again. Instead, he was still stretched out in the shallows of the bay, carefully fanning his long tail out in the seafoam and picking through the mess of it with his pointy claws.
He reminded you of a beta fish—with wide, flowing, fins that looked far more like silk than skin or scales. The tips were a deep, plum purple that gently faded from near black to violet and finally a vivid sort of lilac at their junction. The bulk of his tail looked like it could be made from literal gemstones with the way it shimmered in the morning light (gems that had perhaps been a bit dinged and/or literally torn out in chunks from where he may or may not have been smashed into the rocky shore curtesy of your terrible hogtie, but who’s to say).
There were jagged cuts lining the right half of his pale torso. They oozed a strange sort of silver ichor that was probably some kind of mystical merman blood, but you absolutely refused to get close enough to try and find out. The fins framing his pelvis were tangled and thin looking, and the sweeping ones that trailed all the way down to the tip of his tail were battered and torn. Clearly pulled to bits by your handy, dandy lasso skills. Which… was still tied up at the base of them. Huh. You’d assumed he’d be able to slice through all that knotwork without issue. But maybe…
You approached the Siren cautiously. You caught the exact moment he must have realized you’d returned because the fins along the sides of his head flattened like the ears on a pissy cat and he turned on you with a very dramatic snarl that probably sounded all sorts of menacing.
“Hello,” you greeted, and the merman spat something that you assumed was probably a very polite ‘fuck right off.’
You nodded because, well, fair enough. And then pointed to his injured fins and the waterlogged ropes still twisted up around the heart of them.
“I can get that off if you promise not to eat me.”
He shouted something no doubt very indignant and then was back to hissing at you. Which definitely didn’t sound like an agreement not to immediately murder you on the spot.
“Alright,” you shrugged. “Your loss, I suppose.”
Well, your loss, really. Keeping a wounded Siren around was just asking for trouble. Their pods were viciously protective for one thing, and that wasn’t even taking into account the poachers and rivals who’d be more than keen to come sniffing after the fresh trail of blood in the water. Maybe you could find a big stick or something and just, I don’t know, push him back into the ocean and be done with it.
The thought must have shown on your face, because suddenly he was smacking his tail against the sandbar and spitting something that you very much assumed was a demand along the lines of ‘you are going to take accountability for this.’
Which absolutely no way in Hell. He’d kidnapped you sort of, so that made you his problem, thank you very much.
You felt your stomach gurgle, and it must have been pretty loud going off the stink eye he sent your way. You turned your nose up at him and went about collecting the various critters that had been washed ashore in his tenor’s tantrum.
“Thanks for the food!” you chirped petulantly as you worked on scaling the tuna with the knife from your belt—making long, pointed, eye contact as you did so.
The Siren sneered at you and went back to grooming the shredded ends of his fins.
The rest of the afternoon became a sort of pissing contest between the two of you to see who could earn the title of Bitchiest Beach Bitch. You thought you were definitely winning with the whole ‘eating something that could have been his long-lost cousin’ thing, but then he went and swamped the entirety of the small fire you built (and all of said ‘cousin’ being cooked over it) with one sweep of his tail, so now you were at the very least tied. You set up a nice little shaded hutch out of driftwood and ferns to escape the sun, he called down seagulls to shit all over it and pick it to pieces. He tried to roll around to reach some of the tighter fibers tangled in his pectoral fins, and you chucked rocks at him until he reared on you with a scream that had all the hairs on your arms standing on end. Y’know. Perfectly mature things like that.
That night you curled up beside a tall, jagged rock just at the outskirt of the bay—determined to get some shut eye but to also keep within range of your newest pest in case he decided to try and pull something sneaky. But every time you’d just about settled in to sleep, the shallow tide would lap against your toes in harsh shush shush shushes that had you furrowing you brow until you finally had enough and sat up to see what all the hubbub was about.
The Siren was tossing around in the shallows like a fish in a net—throwing his long body against the bindings and flailing like his life depended on it. And as much as he’d definitely deserved to get caught up in your unintentional hogtie, watching something as large and no doubt powerful as he was wriggling around like a worm on a hook was… Well. Something soured a bit in your gut as you watched him give one, final, great buck against his bindings before collapsing back into the shallows in a circle of seafoam. He panted against the surface of the water, the tips of his pale hair dripping down in a curtain around his haggard face, and you could see a fine tremor running along his shoulder blades.
You turned back to your rock and ground the heels of your palms into your eyes, fighting the absolute batshit insane urge to feel bad for a monster who had literally tried to drag you to your death less than twenty-four hours ago.
The water was calm and still for the rest of the night.
The next morning, you picked up a few of the crabs who had crawled up to shore and went about getting them clean and fit for eating. You glanced at the Siren, who was busy preening over his janky fins and fussing over his hair. It was entirely unfair that you probably looked like a half-drowned rat, and yet this creature that wasn’t even meant to exist on the surface was somehow managing to put himself together well enough to rival the courtesans you’d seen meandering around some of the wealthier coastal towns.
You stared at the crabs. There were three of them. It wasn’t really sharing if it was meant to be a bribe to keep him from eating you whole. Or at least, that’s what you reassured yourself as you cautiously tiptoed back to the water’s edge.
The Siren swiveled on you with a snap of something that looked sort of like a ‘What?!’ and you held up one of the gutted crabs in offering.
“I don’t know if you all eat fish or whatever, but…” You waved the limp crab awkwardly.
The Siren rolled its purple eyes and said something fast and sharp that you couldn’t really parse. Something, something, not, something, something, are crust—Something, something, are you that stupid? (you recognized the impressions of those words well enough to mouth them even in your sleep).
“Look, do you want it or not?” you interrupted, and he bristled—all those delicate, violet, fins flaring up like a porcupine’s spikes.
The Siren crossed his arms stiffly and pointedly turned in the other direction with a mutter of something you had no hopes of catching.
“Whatever,” you snapped and went to bite into your meal. Only to immediately forget that these pointy little fuckers still had their shells on them. You reeled back with a yelp as you stabbed a million, tiny, carapace-shaped holes in your tongue.
The fucking Siren had the gall to turn back around so that you could see him laughing at you.
That night he was back to flipping around in the shallows like a miniature hurricane.
You counted out the waves sloshing against your heels, telling yourself you’d intervene in his self-destructive tsunami once it hit one hundred. And then it became two, then three. You shifted hesitantly to peek over the rock’s edge and watched him curl into himself like some terribly wounded creature before shaking himself out of the fog of pain that had clearly settling over his nerves, and then continued with his nonsense.
You hurled a big, pink seashell at his head and he whipped on you like a rabid dog, practically foaming at the mouth and raring for a fight. When he lunged forward with the waves—seething with hatred, and blame, and nearly crashing onto his already shredded front in the process, something angry in your snapped.
“Look, fish face! You were the one who attacked me! You!” you demanded, stomping perhaps a bit closer than would be rational. “So stop acting like I’m some scheming shithead who was planning to trap you like this from the start!”
The Siren roared something back and slapped his tail in the surf. Static zipped along your cheeks and you grit your teeth. He glared at you bitterly and then began to repeat one word over and over—slow and angry.
‘Eeeeehhh-Pppe-llllll’ said his lips. Strong and harsh with the shape of it.
And then he was back to spewing all kinds of rapid-fire vitriol that you wouldn’t have bothered to keep track of even if you could. Something in his expression shifted almost quicker than you could notice and he lifted his massive tail out of the water. He smacked the fins in your direction and pointedly jabbed a clawed finger at the creases of them—where delicate, silky, tendrils met strong, gem toned, muscle. Where the purple was light and clean. A pale, shiny, lavender. Almost just like—
“That kid?” you frowned. “You attacked me because of Purple Head?!”
He sneered again and pointedly sent a splash of seawater into your face.
“You—” you grit your teeth. “He was still attacking us first! He was going after my friend!” you snapped, kicking your own wave back. For all the good it would do. “You don’t get to act all noble and protective, and like any of that makes any difference when you all were going to eat us!”
The Siren’s face twisted up like you’d force fed him soured milk, and he looped back around with a dramatic fwoosh of water to dive into the shallows. It was maybe two or three feet deep at best, and he was barely submerged. Not to mention how utterly ridiculous it looked to see a creature that was no doubt usually the peak of grace and athleticism reduced to flopping belly first into the waves with his proverbial legs tied up behind him. But you recognized a door slamming in your face when you saw it, no matter the species. Fine. Let him be a petty bastard. He could rot away in the sandbar for all you cared.
The next day you woke up with goosebumps crawling up and down your limbs.
There were all sorts of gulls crash-landed in the sand around you and more sad, little, sea creatures gasping on the beach than you dared to count. You shoved a particularly chubby octopus back into a tidepool as you passed and wondered just what sort of nonsense your co-strandee was getting up to now.
The Siren was circling the bay with his head held high above the low waves—lips parted and clearly caterwauling like a dying porpoise. The surface of the water trembled with whatever was making its way out of his mouth, and he looped and looped around the shores. It reminded you of the time you’d seen a whale calf separated from its pod. It had gotten trapped in a shallow inlet when the tides had changed, and your ship had been anchored just off the same coast. You’d watched it circle and circle, lifting its heavy snout to snort sharp jets of water into the air. Deuce had passed you a scribbled note when you’d asked him what it sounded like.
‘It’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.’
There was a moment where the Siren paused in his paces and tilted his head. The fins there flared out to the side, like he was listening for something. But after a long moment the spines drooped back against his damp hair and he went back to his singing an aria to no one.
‘It’s looking for its family,‘ Riddle had signed to you when you’d asked him why the calf didn’t simply leave once the tides had turned in its favor. ‘This is where they last saw it, so this is where it will stay.’
“Maybe they forgot about him already,” you mused petulantly, turning back towards the center of the islet to try and scavenge up something to eat from all the poor creatures who had collapsed beneath your nemesis’s wailing.  
The bitter thought wasn’t nearly as satisfying as it ought to be.
That night, the waters were still.
You squinted suspiciously at the merman curled in the shallows of the bay. He’d pulled himself half-out of the water, resting his more human looking bulk in the soft sand as gentle waves lapped at his tail. He slept on his front with his arms crossed beneath his pointed chin—his unbound fins sticking up behind him in a way that deliriously reminded you of bedhead. You watched him carefully for nearly an hour, searching for any tightness in his muscles or change in his breathing that might indicate he was faking it. But as the evening stretched on and he never lurched awake to try and gauge your eyes out, you assumed he might actually be properly resting.
He'd been swimming in circles all day—the aborted, stuttering, beats of his bound tail looking painful even by your non-tail-having standards. Eventually the tremors along the ocean had grown stuttered and strange, like perhaps his voice was giving out on him. And once that had happened, he’d curled up exactly where he was now. And hadn’t moved since.
You stared at the Siren hesitantly. He was certainly in enough of a state that you could probably pull off that whole ‘shoving him into the depths with a stick’ thing. He’d probably just let you do it—sink to the bottom in a mess of shredded fins and tangled twine and never rise again.
You gnawed at your lip, feeling something unpleasantly hot and sticky twist up your stomach.
The knife glinted between your fingers and you thought of crying whales and of the crew that you already missed so much that it felt like a gnawing chasm had opened in your chest.
You huffed out a miserable sigh and lamented for not the first time in your life that you really were just so fucking stupid sometimes. And then you were cautiously making your way down towards the waterline and the sleeping Siren sprawled out in the sand. Slowly—so very, very slowly—you tiptoed towards the mer and tried to get a quick glance at what amounted to the worst of the damage.
The rope had been thin and long, and the more he’d struggled, the more he’d dug the twine into his fins. You reached forward at half speed and slipped the blade into one of the too-tight creases beneath the bindings. You winced a bit in sympathy at the raw, pink skin beneath. No wonder he hadn’t been able to just rip the fibers away. He’d probably just ended up tugging them over and over against the oozing wounds beneath.
The first strand broke beneath your fingers with something that almost felt like a pop. Like seams ripping on a shirt. You glanced quickly at the sleeping Siren to confirm he was still lost to the world and not gearing up to bite your fingers off at the knuckle, and then continued making your way through the worst of it. It reminded you a bit of the time Ace had accidentally snared a sea turtle in one of his fishing nets and the lot of you had spent the better part of an hour slowly working the thing free of the seemingly endless tangles. You delicately worked the tightest edges away from the harsh indentations they’d left against his scales and peeled back the muckier bits with enough gentleness to avoid mangling anymore of his already battered fins.
The last of the rope finally came away with a satisfying, wet weight and you let it fall to the sand beside you with a pleased nod. Now you could let Mister Merman swim away in the morning with no unpleasantly gross sense of moral obligation weighing down your consciousness. Maybe he’d even be thankful enough to look at you with something other than a venomous glare for once. Certainly nothing like the one leveled at you right now. And—
You didn’t even have time to properly gasp before you were being flipped and pinned into the wet sand. The Siren loomed over you, digging his black claws into your shoulder until you could feel the first pricks of blood breaking the surface. He snarled in your face, the curtain of his pale blonde hair shadowing his eyes in something so dark it was nearly black. The brilliant purple cast off his glowing irises were like little spots of stars in an otherwise empty night sky.
He leaned forward, teeth bared, and then some sort of tight expression flickered over his face. He paused, brow tugging together steep and angry. He hunched down once more, fangs at the ready, and then ducked back out. He shook his head, like he was trying to clear fog from his brain, and then he was snapping his canines at you all over again.
The Siren reared back with a booming snarl that sent ripples through the soft tide lapping at your ankles. He turned with one, final, icy glower and dove back into the shallows, disappearing beneath the surface in a flash of amethyst scales. He flicked his tail sharply as he went, and one of the tattered fins snapped against your nose with enough of a crack to make you yelp.
You sat up in disbelief, rubbing at your aching skin and watching in outright consternation as the great predator of the oceans swam tight laps beneath the warm waters of your little lagoon—fins occasionally cresting over the surface to smack pointed fistfuls of water into your gaping face.
Deliriously, one of The Rose Queen’s hundreds of nonsensical rules bounced about your head. Happy to fill the otherwise entirely empty space behind your eyes.
‘Never save a Sea Serpent on a Sunday,’ Riddle had demanded, hands at his hips. ‘No Serpents, or Sea Horses, or Sirens to speak of.’
‘Man,’ you thought wildly, brain high on adrenaline and static as you watched one of the aforementioned Sirens swan about like he hadn’t probably just been a half second away from gnawing on your literal bones. ‘If I get out of this alive, Captain’s definitely gonna collar me this time.’
@marvelous-maxi, @ilikefanfics4, @jackalope08, @crocwork-clockodile, @cosmicobubisi, @buttplugs-stuff, @pomefleur, @decemebercircus, @ailynyan, @genzombie, @meliade-ot, @sunlightocean, @theofficialantitherapist, @hermiona18, @sailorenthusiast, @fantasy-dating-sim-trash, @thefiasco-onyourblock, @insideous-beez, @its-clockwork-princess
@novaloptr, @imlost-sendhelp, @matcha-berry @preciosayorgullosa @whoretaglia, @kookygirlwholikescookiesandcoke, @nanauedorian, @trixeraptops, @voxnipop, @starkling25, @thedum1, @horcrux-alchemist, @sleepykitty21, @apathicace, @instantregret101, @nekanecorvus, @looney-mori, @re-ducing, @my2phetaliaheadcanons, @naughtybodypillow, @rendy-a, @carmen-404, @candy284, @thealiennamedterry, @their-name-is-fake, @huetolog, @glacticrose, @seraphinariddle, @rabioa, @sn00zl4x, @dreasimping, @jeidoreech, @ai-dev, @galaxyshine24-7, @fatally-incorrect, @juulranch, @camrastuff, @nocteetdie, @stargaryengirl,
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mit0bee · 11 months
Hii! Could you write Silver and Jamil with a s/o who is touch starved? In the sense they're not opposed to affection, but aren't that used to it and get kind of startled, but crave it nonetheless? Thank you so much, have a great night!
WHY IS THIS ME???? ill def be making a pt 2 because i love this so much
Twisted Wonderland Boys with an S/O who is touch starved
Stuff you should read: touch starved s/o, a tinyyyyyyyyyyy bit self indulgent because me too anon me too, bulleted post, i didnt use actual grammar/punctuation because i am lazy, once again no beta we die like men Characters: Silver Vanrouge, Jamil Viper, Malleus Draconia, Leona Kingscholar, Sebek Zigvolt, Lilia Vanrouge
Silver first found out about your touch starved-ness when he accidentally fell asleep on your shoulder
When you shrieked softly in suprise, he shot up, thinking that he might've hurt you.
When you explained to him that you were just not used to physical contact, he sighed in relief.
i kid you not he genuinely thought he somehow headbutted you
And oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh boy when he learned that you craved touch, the boy was so ecstatic (for his standards)
from then on, he was always somehow holding your hand, or had his head resting in your lap or something
(at first, he would ask you or warn you before he would touch you, just so you wouldn't be too suprised or startled, but if you were okay with it, and as you got more comfortable, he'd just go for it)
if you were okay with more romantic displays of affection, he'd nap during lunch with you in the courtyard, with you somehow in his embrace
hes such a pookie i swear (im sorry his is so short idk how to write silver *sob*
Jamil actually found out from a silly little walk to Sam's
he went to hold your hand, and you pulled away, surprised
he thought you were mad at him and when i tell you this man tried to think of a reason why you would be mad at him
when he couldnt think of anything, he decided to just come out and ask if he did something wrong
and then you explained it to him
like silver, he sighed in relief
but not a little sigh
a big one
like muscles relaxing and everything he genuinely thought you were mad at him.
so when you slowly brought your hand to his, lightly squeezing it, you almost killed him
my dude ASCENDED like he actually would die with no regrets
when he figures out that you actually crave touch, he isn't as ecstatic as silver, but hes fairly excited
he'd definitely enjoy showing that he loves you through small physical touches (hand holding, maybe having your arm around his, ect)
Again, like silver, he'd tell/ask you when/if he was going to hug you or something
he wouldn't ALWAYS be touching you, but he would be in private
he himself is kinda iffy on pda but he'd hold your hand or something, nothing like kissing or full on big hugs, but hand holding is a big one for him
you two probably came up with one of those cute systems where its like "two hand squeezes means ily" or something
he found out when, on one of your nightly walks, he tried to hug you and you just...froze in the hug
he just comes straight out and asks, he doesn't want to assume you're mad at him, but he did do something wrong, he wants to apologize
"Child of Man, is everything alright? You froze."
when you explained that no, nothing is wrong and that you just were a little touch starved, he nodded thoughtfully
"Well then, would you be okay if I request a hug, instead?"
^^^ (all of these men are so polite omg)
when you say yes, he is very happy
if he had a tail, it would wag
you know those cute pictures of rlly tall people hugging their shorter friends, s/o's? thats what this becomes. he is just leaned over, hugging you
"tsunotarou....shouldn't you let go now...?"
give him a second
when he learns you crave physical touch HE IS LITERALLY SO HAPPY
i hc that one of his main love languages is physical touch, so he is VERY HAPPY that he gets to show you just how much he loves you
once again, is another who would start with telling you when he will touch you, but his telling phase ends fairly quickly compared to silver and jamil
his main forms of physical contact are those elegant ones like where he has a hand on the small of your back
more than silver
tfym he cant come to your ancient curses class with you when he has potionology? he already knows everything he needs to know anyway, so why cant he hold your hand a little longer :(
will 9/10 times end up sleeping over at ramshackle big spooning you (the big spoon in me wants to big spoon malleus but maybeeeeeeeeeee ill save that for another post)
he puts his head in your lap, and now youre shifting around?
come on herbivore smh smh you cant move so much hes trying to sleep!
when the thought eats a little too much at the back of his mind, he finally asks you whats up
when you explain it to him, he sighs and STAYS WITH HIS HEAD ON YOUR LAP.
but the only reason he keeps his head in your lap is because he knows his herbivore, and he knows all the signs that you're truly uncomfortable with something, so he knows that you don't mind
he breaks the cycle of asking. like i said before he knows his herbivore well, and he knows your boundaries and the signs that your uncomfortable even better, so he knows he won't overstep
i feel like he never had to figure out you craved attention, hes an observer, and just kinda always knew by your lingering touches, even after the shock of the touch
his favourite forms of physical touch are to lay his head in your lap, and basically anything (sexual or non sexual) where your body is on/close to his
hes another one whos main love language is touch, so he is too seen skipping his classes to hang out with you/to pull you from yours to the botanical garden
hes very aggressive with his affection, so when you shied away from his hug after training, he did a Jamil and tried to think of any reason you'd be mad at him
hes kinda sulking for the rest of the day until he decides to just come to ramshackle to ask you
"sebek wtf are you doing at my door its the middle of the night- WHY ARE YOU WET?!"
you had to run and grab a towel because this idiot decided to WALK over while it was RAINING
when you explained everything to him, how you were just surprised, he understood immediately, so, he joins the Polite Cult (tm) and asks you to give you a hug
when he finds out you crave touch, he is a man on a MISSION
he WILL make sure you get what you want becuase he LOVES YOU SO MUCH
(just dont use your power over him when hes trying to protect malleus. he will become crisis'd about what to prioritize)
he loves to hold your hand sosososososo much its such a little gesture that can mean so much
hold his hand.
he went to taze you (yk when you put your hands on someones waist and just pinch/tickle them while going ZZZZZT? yeah that) and you almost died of shock
hes seen many things, when your a prehistoric artifact like him, you know whats up
so you didnt even need to explain, he just kinda knew the second you screamed
hes also like leona in the sense he just knows you arent necessarily uncomfortable or anything
but he still tries to limit the amount he scares you but COME ON....your back is faced to him! its the perfect chance to scare you!
he, again, knew you needed more physical touch, so he's always stuck to you whenever he can be
not like skipping class level like malleus and leona, but he still is with you 90% of the day
another one to come to ramshackle with you, but he wont tell the others where he is so everyone thinks peepaw went missing
get peepaw to take his meds please hes a little deranged
--------------------------- I LOVED WRITING THIS SM but i was cramping the entireee time :( m.list @mit0ee 's work, please do not steal!
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etheries1015 · 7 months
A fearful realization - Malleus X reader
A scenario in which you finally realize your feelings for the fae, however, the feeling doesn't leave you as elated as one may think.
"And thus, we have a gift prepared for all of you," Malleus Draconias voice rang through the hall of the masquerade event, confused whispers mix of excitement and nervousness rang throughout the students. Your eye brows furrowed in confusion yet a smile on your face remained nonetheless as Malleus, Azul, and Idia took center stage.
The moment he began to sing, you could have sworn you had tunnel vision. All you saw was Malleus Draconia, perfectly elegant up on that stage serenading the entire student body, yet everyone in the room seemed to just...vanish. You could feel warmth crawl up to your cheeks, your heart stinging as butterflies with sharp wings fluttered in your stomach. Had he always such a beautiful, entrancing voice? Have you ever noticed before the way he gracefully carried himself when you were so used to seeing him as an innocent student who hadn't much of a clue of common sense? When had he become such...a prince, in your eyes? These questions had pulled you away from reality for but a moment, not realizing you began to zone out as you listened to the singing until a voice pulled you out of your trance.
"(Y/N)?" Silver asked, landing a hand on your shoulder, "Are you alright? Your face is red. Are you sick? You must be exhausted without proper rest from the entire event," The silver-haired boy looked at you with concern in his eyes. Silver...you could trust him, right? He was like a little brother to you, a close friend, someone you could...No. You must keep this to yourself. You mustn't get so attached, your resolve must stay strong, you convinced yourself as such the moment you came to twisted wonderland.
"Sick.." You murmured, "Y-yeah something...something like that. I'm- I'm fine, Silver. Thank you though." Not fully convinced, his words were cut off as Malleus sang the high note of the song, to which your attention was quickly redirected to the tall, mesmerizing man with glowing emerald eyes that captivated your own. Your heart pounded in your chest, tingling as if pins and needles were poking rapidly at the organ. As the song came to a finish, you began to recall the entire night Malleus had done this to you somehow. Pulling you in as he had done many times before, Yet something felt...different, this time around. The whole trip to Fleur City has left your cheeks unwillingly rosy and your mind swirling in confusion, yearning for more as Malleus most likely unknowingly left you in a position of flustered heartbeats and disarray.
You kept thinking back to those moments, the way he said your name and looked at you with such tenderness before running off to save everyone, the way he always managed to find a way to be by your side, the way he thought of you as you fell with everyone else...the way he noticed you when it seemed as if you were falling behind the curtains, asking to sit by you simply to hear your thoughts when no one else seemed to particularly care. Seeing him there, the silly gargoyle-loving nerd who had spent the entire trip wishing to talk to you and be near you, under the spotlight with a little gift he had the idea of preparing...how much you admired him at this moment had been the final crack in your resolve.
"This...this is bad. really bad. My chest hurts...I.." You clutched the clothing in front of your heart, sucking in air quickly holding back stinging tears that threatened to leave your eyes. Silver tugged your arm in hopes you would move with him, to get you away from the crowd yet you wouldn't budge, your wide-eyed gaze not wavering from the draconic fae.
He's your friend. A very caring, and loving friend who simply wants another person to share his thoughts with. To him you are nothing more than that, a magicless human from another world who was eager to make friends. Nothing more...nothing..
"Your chest hurts? (y/n) What's going on? Are you alright?" You slowly turned to silver sweat beading your brow and your chest dropping into the pit of your stomach like a ball of lead slamming to the pavement. The boy was shocked to see sparkles of tears beginning to slip down your cheek running past the mask you wore.
"I think...I think I'm in love with Malleus," You spit out before you could tell yourself otherwise. Before Silver could be excited and express his joy for you confiding in him, you cut him off with a trembling hushed and panicked voice.
"And I'm terrified of it."
Pt. 2
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