#[through clenched teeth] Feeling so normal about these two rn
venacoeurva · 2 years
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The bitter end
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onlyroomforhope · 4 months
on the tip of my tongue (waiting to be said)
Fandom: Welcome to the Table (WT3)
Relationships: California/Texas, California & Texas, California & Florida & Louisiana, DC | Gov & Texas
Characters: California, Texas, Florida, DC | Gov
Tags: love confessions, first “i love you”s, falling in love, established relationship, idiots in love, fluff, domestic fluff, mutual pining, except it's established relationship so, they're dorks your honour, cali is the babysitter when gov's not around, he's not a good one though, poetry-adjacent, funky writing style ‘cause i cant write normally for the life of me
I think I love you.
The words were bubblegum, caramel, strawberry sauce; pink, orange and red red red on his tongue. It flowed pleasantly from his lips and his heart stuttered in turn, joy and apprehension and warmth pooling in his chest. An entire room of states and he only had eyes for Texas.
I think I love you.
The mere phrase was crisp apples and sherbet; red and green and color rainbow color on his tongue. He idly wondered if his lungs had forgotten how to breathe as he choked on the adoration and hesitance and overwhelming fondness that swelled in his chest. An entire room of states and he only had eyes for California.
(or: texas, california, and simple declarations of love)
TWs and notes: nothing graphic and no violence, but heads-up for potentially grotesque and surreal imagery. written and posted october 2022 so it’s an oldie. oh, i also apologise for the awful formatting - its 5am and i’m on mobile rn
California watched his partner, an indecipherable feeling thick in his chest and throat and eyes. Tranquility was evident in the slow pace of his heart, the warmth of his fingertips. Words pressed against the roof of his mouth, traced against his jaw and fizzled against his tastebuds. His tongue rolled the words, gently grazing his lips, air fluttering between his teeth. He tasted it, then tasted it again.
It flowed pleasantly from his lips and his heart stuttered in turn, joy and apprehension and warmth pooling in his chest. He felt light as a balloon, like he could soar through the stars he saw reflected in Texas’ eyes and smile. The other state grinned shamelessly from where he stood on the other side of the room, likely bragging about something or other, and the warmth in California’s chest threatened to overflow. Threatened to fill his mouth and spill from his lips and drip down his chin, to expose the adoration and devotion and love love love that pumped with the beat of his heart. His jaw ached in need, yearning to open and spill the butterflies fluttering in his chest, but he clenched it shut.
I think I love you.
The words were bubblegum, caramel, strawberry sauce; pink, orange and red red red on his tongue and in his mind. He paused and just drank in the cloying sweetness, tequila-lime-love pumping quickly through his veins and a saccharine smile on his lips.
He laughed to himself, gentle wind chimes blessing the air. An entire room of states and he only had eyes for Texas. His partner would call him a simp; he wouldn’t disagree with the sentiment, not when he’d fight god for the other if he ever asked.
A poke to his arm startled him out of his thoughts. He whipped around and was greeted by a grinning Florida.
“C’mon, Cali, quit swooning over Texas and come help me and Louie cover Gov’s office in sticky notes.” The shorter state didn’t phrase it as a question and didn’t wait for an answer, tugging California up and out of the chair by his arm. The golden state groaned playfully but allowed himself to be dragged along, flashing one last look at his partner before mentally preparing himself to limit the chaos the other two states would get up to.
Texas watched his boyfriend gesture wildly, the warmth in his chest and at the back of his throat threatening to bubble from his lips. He watched the way the other’s eyes visibly lit up behind his glasses, fond exasperation coloring his cheeks with roses and rubies. The way that dark lashes met with smooth, tanned skin, and alluring, rosey lips lifted into a soft smile made Texas’ heart flutter. His own lips instinctively opened, letters and syllables dancing playfully on his tongue.
He idly wondered if his lungs had forgotten how to breathe as he choked on the adoration and hesitance and overwhelming fondness that swelled in his chest. He felt as high as a kite, like he could soar beneath the sun he saw reflected in California’s eyes and smile. He once again tentatively rolled the words in his mouth, and grinned like a madman. The other state turned and met his eyes, gaze questioning. For a moment, Texas drowned in those expressive chocolate pools, shoving down the instinctive urge to open his jaw and spill the words hiding in his heart and his head. Then he quirked his lip and tilted his head to quell the worries of the other, and the moment of gentle concern ended, fleeting but meaningful. He continued to watch the beanie-clad state, fingers tingling with warmth and innocent longing.
I think I love you.
The mere phrase was crisp apples and sherbet; red and green and color rainbow color on his tongue and in his mind. He savoured the cool, fresh tingle of apple-raspberry-orange, honey-lemon-love pumping sluggishly through his veins, adoration in the warmth of his eyes.
He chucked to himself, the dancing warmth of a fireplace on a rainy night. An entire room of states and he only had eyes for California. His partner would call him a softie; he’d be right. Texas would drop everything in a heartbeat if the man ever asked.
The rustle of fabric startled him out of his thoughts. He blinked and tilted his head to face an amused Gov.
“You’re down bad, huh?” The smartly dressed personification grinned teasingly, raising a manicured brow. Texas bristled, opening his mouth to defend himself (and gulping back the rush of love love love for his partner that threatened to escape), but the other beat him to the punch. “Illinois told me that the bathroom door’s broken, and I’m gonna need you to fix it.” The lone star state scowled but acquiesced, slowly shuffling to his feet and sparing a final fleeting glance at his partner before trailing after Gov.
The partners lay on the ground under the night sky, grass tickling the napes of their necks. The night air was cool, but the warmth of their bodies and their smiles and their hearts made the cold nigh unnoticeable. Texas merely listened, eyes to the night sky as California regaled him with a detailed account of that afternoon’s shenanigans, of Florida’s prank and Gov’s wrath.
“-But then I reminded Gov of what might’ve happened if I hadn’t been around to watch Florida. Like, I wasn’t the one who left him unattended, it’s not my fault if he decides to cause trouble. Anyway, he paled up real fast and said I didn’t have to help clean up, which is great because honestly? I regret nothing-,”
Soft waves and lavender were evident in his gentle drone, and Texas simply just existed for a moment, basking in the peaceful atmosphere. The state rolled the words in his mouth again, the words that had been on the tip of his tongue all day, before-
“-I love you.”
Texas paused for a moment, his brain processing the unexpected words. Upon finally registering the phrase, he whipped his head to the side and gazed with wide eyes at his partner. Their eyes met and Texas drank in his partner’s features; those chocolate pools were apprehensive but determined. Texas fell a little harder at the certainty in his eyes.
“I wanted t’say that first,” he grumbled goodnaturedly in return. He was rewarded with a chuckle and the sight of his partner relaxing in relief.
“Guess you’ll just have to take the next one,” the other hummed. Texas felt the corners of his lips raise in gentle amusement-adoration-love.
“‘Guess I do. I love ya, Safe Space.”
California’s eyes crinkled in joy and he playfully elbowed the lone star state in the side. “Don’t ruin the moment, asshole.”
And under the blanket of stars, love in the air and their smiles and their hearts, there was nowhere else the pair would rather be.
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skiller0dani · 3 years
Bad Girl| Ethan Nestor
MASTERLIST YouTube Masterlist
smut requested requests info
hey guys it's been a while! Got this amazing request recently and I had to write it asap. love you all xx
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Ethan didn't have many rules for you, but the most important one by far was to not bother him while he's streaming.
With the two of you keeping your relationship a secret there's just too much that can go wrong. He's live so if you came into the room, people could hear, rumors could start. More than anything Ethan wants to protect you so you coming into his recording room while he's streaming is completely out of the question. Normally you respected this rule without question, it was his YouTube channel after all, so he got to call the shots. More than that however, Ethan called the shots in other aspects of your life.
When it came to the sex, he called the shots in that too. But you always did what he said, and frankly, you felt like being a bad girl.
All day you've needed him, from the very second you woke up and the gentle morning sex he'd provided wasn't nearly enough to satiate you. You still felt that uncomfortable throbbing from between your thighs, and it lingered for most of the day. Any attempt you made to get his cock resulted in a soft kiss on the head and a "sorry baby I'm too busy today."
You laid back on the couch, irked to all hell. How could Ethan not see that he was depriving you? You pushed the heel of your hands into your eyes and groaned, your pussy was damp and aching and there wasn't a damn thing you could do about it. Spencer sat happily at your feet chewing on a squeaky bone. At least one of you was happy.
You heard Ethan laugh from inside his recording room, he was currently streaming Among Us. You feel so frustrated you want to cry and when you glance at the clock you feel like crying all over again. It's only 1:30, and Ethan is only 20 minutes into his stream. Meaning at this rate Ethan won't be able to help you until later tonight. You whined to yourself, snaking your hand under the sleep shorts you were wearing. Your fingers found your clit and you began to rub small circles just like Ethan does. It does little to nothing to relieve the pounding in your core. Only Ethan can.
You stand from your spot on the couch to go grab a bottle of water, hoping that some cold water will help calm you down. You lean against the counter, sipping at the cold water when you remember the night before. Ethan had come home from filming with someone he doesn't know very well. The recording session was frustrating and he hadn't gotten any good footage, meaning the entire day was a giant waste of time. By the time Ethan had gotten back to the house he was beyond frustrated and the first thing he did was bend you over the kitchen counter and slam into you mercilessly. You feel a shudder run down your spine at the memory and you groan softly in annoyance. You're not going to survive the day like this.
You went upstairs and into your shared room with Ethan and sat on the edge of the bed, you're always such a good girl. You followed every rule and every command without too much complaint. And today Ethan told you to wait. His rule today was to be a good girl and wait for his cock until that night. But damnit you're so turned on right now you feel like you're going to combust into flames.
You don't want to be a good girl today. You feel like breaking the rules.
With a smirk you stand from the bed and creep down the hallway, nearing his recording room. Once you're stood outside the door you feel a rush of adrenaline rush through you, you've never broken this rule before. In all 12 months of your relationship with Ethan, you've never interrupted him while he's live streaming. You almost turn back but when you hear Ethan groan in annoyance it sends tingles down your spine and a fresh wave of arousal dampening your panties. Gritting your teeth you quietly open the door and watch as Ethan's surprised eyes flicker to you for a second.
You bite your lip and sink to the floor, luckily Ethan's desk doesn't have a back so you easily crawl underneath it.
Being careful not to bump the desk you slowly crawl in between Ethan's legs, and he instinctively spreads his legs wider for you. When he glances back down at you, you feel heat rush through your entire body at the angry look in his eyes. He raises a warning brow before turning back to the game and for a second you consider leaving, but the pulsing from between your legs stops you. You bite your lip and reach forward, carefully unbuttoning Ethan’s jeans and slowly pulling his zipper down. 
Ethan tenses, his heart hammering in his chest as he does his best to act natural. This isn’t a regular video, he can’t edit anything out. This is being broadcasted live to nearly a million people. When he feels your dainty hands reaching into his jeans he sucks in a breath through his teeth. 
“Ethan you okay?” Bob asks, unfortunately for Ethan they decided to play Among Us with proximity chat on. Ethan clears his throat, “yeah stubbed my toe.” He lies but he knows it doesn’t sound very convincing. 
You wrap your hand around his hardening cock and you nearly moan when you finally free it from his jeans. The sight of it makes you even more wet then you were before, it’s hard and precumming. It’s beautiful. You lean forward instantly and wrap your lips around the head, sucking softly. Ethan clenches his jaw as he focuses all of his attention on the game in front of him. He keeps his eyes firmly on the screen because he knows if he looks at you it’s game over. Ethan would end the stream and have you bent over this desk in less than 30 seconds if he saw the beautiful sight happening under the desk. 
You keep your lips wrapped around him as you suddenly take all of him in your mouth. Ethan gasps softly in surprise, and this is when he notices the comments on his stream. 
Ethan flashes a smile to the camera, doing his best to pretend he doesn’t notice that every single comment is about him and not about the game. Embarrassment floods through Ethan’s body as he keeps his eyes on his monitor. You continue to slide him down your throat, and Ethan’s eyes briefly flutter shut. When one comment pops up, Ethan panics. 
what’s wrong Ethan???  he looks like he’s in pain  someone should tell the other people on the stream bc ethan does not look okay right now ethan are you okay? 
Shit. Ethan continues to ignore the comments, when did his fan base become little detectives? You bob your head down the full length of his cock, taking him into your mouth fully. It’s becoming increasingly harder to keep the sounds quiet so that nobody notices. When you swallow around him Ethan groans softly, “fuck.” 
does eef have a girl over?? ;)  omg ethan’s totally getting sucked off rn ngl ethan looks super fucking hot 
“Ethan?” This time it’s Mark. You pull off Ethan and smirk as you pump his cock with your hand. The arousal is coating your thighs at this point and you nearly moan out loud just thinking about what Ethan is going to do to you after this. 
“Ethan I’m getting some pretty interesting comments on my stream about you,” Jack says with a teasing tone to his voice. Ethan remains quiet, he doesn’t trust himself to say anything casually. “Got some company Ethan?” Jack says causing a chorus of laughter to ensue afterwards while everyone waits for another round to start. “His silence is...suspicious.” Steven adds through the laughter. 
Unable to focus any longer, Ethan releases a breath he’d been holding as he finally glances down at you. The sight before him stops him cold, you’re sitting on your knees with his cock in your mouth. Your breasts are spilling from the tight tank top you’re wearing and he can see the damp spot forming on the crotch of your shorts. His pupils blow wide as he quickly ends the stream and turns off the camera. The second he’s sure everything is shut off he pushes back from the desk and yanks you to your feet. 
“You think that was funny?” Ethan growls when he sees the smirk on your face. In an instant Ethan has you pulled over his lap, “you think it was funny to suck my cock when I was live? I can’t cover any of that up baby.” Ethan says, his voice low as his hands find the waistband of your shorts. 
“I need you.” You whined as he yanked your shorts down. Ethan hummed in satisfaction once he sees your glistening pussy. “Yes I can see that.” He hums, spreading your lips apart so he can look at you better. 
“I just fucked you this morning baby girl, you couldn’t wait? I’m pretty sure I told you to wait until tonight.” He says, the dominance beginning to seep into his tone. You moaned in delight when you feel Ethan spank you hard. “I couldn’t wait Ethan, I needed you now.” You explain, with a pout on your face. 
“Now all my friends know what a dirty girl you are, and now so do all my fans as well. We aren’t going to be a secret anymore baby, you just outed us.” Ethan explains, his fingertips brushing through your folds. You whine desperately as you try to grind back into his hand, but he pulls away. “It was time baby, oh my god Ethan please just fuck me please.” You plead shamelessly. 
Ethan continues to rub the globes of your ass as you moan and wriggle in his lap, “hm I’m not sure you deserve it now baby. You didn’t listen to me, I’m not sure you deserve my cock anymore.” He says, a small smirk on his face when he sees the look of pure desperation cross onto your face. “No Ethan please, I’ll listen now. I-I will I promise baby!” Ethan taps on your hip, signaling you to stand. Once your stood in front of him you moan again, you’ve never seen him look sexier then he does right now. 
His hair is messy and his chest his heaving, but the best part is between his legs. His cock is hard and his legs are spread wide, and the heated look Ethan is giving you makes you want to melt into the floor. “Go wait for me in our room.” Is all Ethan says, and you immediately scramble out of the room and down to hall to yours and Ethan’s bedroom. You sit on the bed and anxiously wait for him, your entire body buzzing in anticipation. When 10 agonizing minutes pass Ethan finally opens the door, his jeans still opened. “I’ve thought of a fitting punishment for you Princess.” 
Ethan walks to his side of the bed before sitting down, pulling you to stand in front of him. “Since you don’t seem to like my rules, why don’t you be in charge then baby?” Your heart sinks, and you immediately shake your head. 
“But I love it when you’re in control, I love following your rules.” You argue but Ethan shakes his head with a teasing smile on his face. 
“I seem to have lost my authority, you don’t listen to me anymore baby. So you try being in charge, tell me what to do.” Ethan reaches forward and yanks you towards him. You fall against his chest, your lips a hairs length from him, “boss me around.” He whispers and you swallow a thick lump in your throat. You stand again, feeling anxious and unsure of what to do. Normally Ethan tells you what to do, but he just relinquished all control to you and you already hate it. 
Ethan watches with knowing eyes, he knows already that you have no idea what to do. “Well? What do you want me to do baby?” Ethan asks, watching the blush crawl up your neck and tint the edges of your ears. You tremble, “um...I-” you feel your throat close as tears well in your eyes. In a second Ethan is pulling you into his arms, smoothing your hair down and pressing kisses to your head. You melt into his embrace while he mumbles loving words into your hair. “I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean to upset you.” Ethan whispers, pressing soft kisses to your head. 
“Is that how you felt on the stream? Embarrassed?” You ask hesitantly and to your dismay, Ethan nods. 
“Kinda, but it’s okay baby.” You lean up to press a kiss to his lips. 
“I’ve learned my lesson, I promise. I know why you make those rules now.” You say softly and Ethan brushes hair out of your face with a small smile. “Can you be in charge again?” Instead of answering Ethan flashes you a smile before pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“Lay down baby.” In an instant the heat floods through your body again as you scramble to lay down on the bed. Ethan stands and swiftly yanks his shirt over his head, and motions for you to do the same. Sitting up you quickly pull your shirt off, watching as Ethan kicks his jeans and boxers off as well. Ethan hovers over you, and you feel his cock nudging at your entrance and in an instant you spread your legs wider for him. Ethan slides just the head of his cock into you and he stills. You wriggle your hips, “Ethan please,” You beg in a gasp. 
Cupping your cheeks, Ethan turns your head to look him in the eyes. “No more bothering me while I’m live got it?” He says and you nod instantaneously. With one sharp thrust, Ethan slides the rest of the way in and both of you release a moan. Pressing his lips to yours he begins to thrust into you and you feel the heat building already. You wrap your legs around him, locking your ankles behind his back as he slowly picks up speed. Ethan pulls out, “bend over.” He gasps and you move to bend over the bed, already missing the stretch his cock provided. As soon as you’re bent over in front of him, Ethan grasps your hips and thrusts back into you. 
Your face is pressed into the bed as you cry out softly, Ethan slamming into you again and again. “Fucking took my dick in your mouth in front of the entire world, you’re lucky they only saw me. If anyone else saw how beautiful you look with a cock in your mouth I think I’d lose my mind.” Ethan growls and you can only moan in response as your fists twist the sheets in your hands. You feel the coil in your abdomen winding tighter and tighter and when Ethan reaches around your body to softly pinch your clit you’re crying out and convulsing around him, leading him to his orgasm as well. You collapse against the bed and Ethan rubs a hand up and down your back before gently pulling out with a wince. 
He helps you into bed and lays down next to you, pulling your bare body against his chest. “I’m sorry I embarrassed you.” You say softly, but Ethan merely presses a kiss to your lips. 
“Only a little, I couldn’t be bothered too much I mean you were sucking my dick. Doesn’t get better than that.” Ethan shrugs, causing you to blush. You sit up when Ethan stands from the bed, reaching around for his clothes. 
“Now if your unusually high sex drive has been fully satisfied, I have some explaining to do.” Ethan teases, causing you to giggle. With a kiss to your sweaty forehead Ethan is exiting the room, and you lay back against the bed with the widest smile stretched across your face. 
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ahtsumu · 4 years
atsumu: 1, kevin: 0 ; miya atsumu
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↳ pairing: miya atsumu x professional women’s volleyball player!reader
↳ synopsis: miya atsumu realises that he’s tired of keeping your relationship “low-key” with a little help from an overzealous fanboy.
↳ genre(s): fluff, humour!!
↳ warning(s): profanity
↳ length: 1.5k words
↳ a/n: surprise!!! lol i have way too many wips rn especially with requests but i wrote this as a little break from all the angst and stuff hence the cheesiness ☺️ enjoy!!
Miya Atsumu was caught in a kerfuffle.
Earlier that day, the twenty-three-year-old setter for the MSBY Black Jackals made the executive decision to come to watch you–– his Mario Kart player number two, his houseplant co-parent, the air-guitarist to his air-drummer, the Karaoke Night pink-lyric-singer to his blue–– kick some volleyball ass in the V. League Division 1 Women's Volleyball Tournament finals. 
The problem?
You played wing spiker for the Schweiden Falkes. 
There was nothing problematic about being a wing spiker on a Division One volleyball team. What was problematic, however, was that the Schweiden Falkes was the sister team of the Black Jackals’ sworn enemy, the Schweiden Adlers. To rub more salt in the wound, the Adlers had won every single game against the Jackals since Atsumu joined (not that they hadn’t prior to his arrival). And to make matters even worse, as one of the nation’s most sought-after athletes, he had to “appeal to both investors and the general population”. Miya Atsumu was supposed to be a marketable bachelor. And he was not.
Miya Atsumu was also not supposed to be at the finals of the women’s volleyball tournament. 
That was the biggest problem of them all. So maybe, actually, Miya Atsumu was mildly ensnared in a few kerfuffles.
The two of you had agreed to keep your relationship low-key from the start and were nearing two years of private, domestic bliss. Questions about each other in interviews were responded to with short and nondescript replies. Outings in public were conducted without physical contact. And despite how Twitter was almost a diary to Atsumu, he’d never once tweeted your name in his life. But as dull as your relationship seemed in public, the two of you were a different story in private. In private, he would find any way to touch you–– a hand in your back pocket, your legs draped atop his thighs, soft lips trailing up from the neck to each other. In private, sweet nothings were proclaimed and not whispered, laughter bubbled like a stream that never ran dry, and Atsumu said your name over and over again like it was habit.
But that didn’t change the fact that, right now, Miya Atsumu was not supposed to be in the nosebleeds of the Sendai City Gymnasium, even if he was hundreds of meters away from the nearest camera.
All the bigger kerfuffles fell quickly to the back of his mind, however, when a smaller and more irritating one presented itself to him. 
A snotty voice declared one row behind Atsumu’s hooded head, “Oi, you’re in the way of the view, jerk.”
Normally, Atsumu would have turned around with an equally cocky sneer on his chiselled features, “the fuck did you just call me?” locked and loaded behind clenched teeth. But when he turned around ready to deliver that exact line, he saw through his black shades that the owner of said snotty voice was none other than a scrawny prepubescent boy.
And that boy (along with the two equally snot-faced twerps beside him) was wearing your jersey number. Suddenly, all the irritation left Atsumu’s face. Was this your little fan club? A wicked cackle threatened to leap out his mouth. They were so annoying. But also, he mused, kinda cute.
“Was I?” he asked with an innocent expression on his face. It was the same one he used when Osamu would accuse him of stealing his clothes (he totally had), or when you would accuse him of eating the last slice of cake in the fridge (he totally did). “I hadn’t realised.” He really hadn’t. He just wanted to milk this for as long as he could.
“Yeah, you were.” The kid crossed his arms, glaring down at the shady guy one row below. “I can’t see the game anymore.”
“Oops–– my bad.”
“Shut up, Kevin, you were watching Y/N!” one of the brats exclaimed, punching Kevin’s shoulder.
Oh? “Yer a fan of Y/N, hmmm?”
“She’s pretty,” Kevin said immediately, shrugging. He just said it out loud like that? So easily? With a subtle wince, Atsumu thought back to the ridiculously long time before he’d admitted his ‘smidge of a crush’ on you. Yeah, unlike you, stupid. “I’m gonna marry her someday.”
At that, Atsumu’s competitive streak jolted awake. He felt himself sober up a little. Not if I marry her first, you little shit.
Bidding the trio goodbye with a bright grin, he turned around and strolled out of the stands. But he didn’t stop there. He stepped into the elevator and rode it straight down to ground level, sailed through the athlete’s entrance with a swipe of his card, and jogged his way to the side of your team bench, making it just in time to see you spike the setpoint past one of their player’s outstretched arms. 
It landed straight on the baseline.
The roar of the stadium scattered into hushed whispers. No one moved. “In,” Atsumu growled under his breath, tapping his feet against the floor. “In in in in in––” He clenched his hands into fists. If they don’t count that as in… 
Finally, the line judge pointed her arms down. The referee nodded.
And all around him, the crowd erupted into cheers.
As confetti fell from above and the Falkes’ victory song began to play, you ran from the court and into a celebratory team hug, screaming ecstatically in each other’s faces. Atsumu, beaming, ducked out of view, not wanting to steal that glorious feeling of a victory hard-earned from you or your teammates. But when the cheering died down, when the hug dispersed, when the television crews started slithering in your direction, he returned to his position behind the bench. And suddenly regretted all the decisions that had led him to that very spot.
Admittedly, Atsumu hadn’t considered the possibility that you wouldn’t want him at your game, but now, standing just metres away from you, he did. His hands suddenly felt very cold and equally moist.
As if on cue, your teary gaze landed on his figure. Your eyes were narrowed in what seemed like a warning. (Really, you were just trying to see better through your tears.)
Oh, no.
Atsumu spun around to make a run for it. At that moment, however, one of the coach’s assistants who’d been sent away to run an errand returned, barrelling through the same door he was heading towards. 
Colliding in a spectacularly embarrassing fashion, Atsumu’s sunglasses flew from his face and his hood blew off from the force of the impact. Disguise in tatters, he could only turn around sheepishly around his hands stretched out, palms up like a magician at the end of a trick.
Maybe it was the rush of victory still fresh in your bloodstream or maybe it was simply your brain going haywire, but with complete disregard for you and Atsumu’s original agreement, you ran towards him and leaped into his arms.
“Woah,” he wheezed, instinctively pulling you closer into his chest. “Was not expectin’ that.”
“You’re so stupid,” you murmured, nuzzling your face into his neck. “What are you up to, ‘Tsumu?”
“Unkerfufflin’ myself,” was all he said before gently setting you down. His eyes darted over to the place where Kevin and his gremlins had been and, when he realised that spotting them from here would be useless, lazily flapped a hand in their general direction.
“Some brat said he was gonna marry ya,” Atsumu explained after seeing your brows crease. “I felt I had the duty to save ya from that disaster.”
Atsumu blanked. “Er, I, uh, hadn’t thought of that part, actually. I didn’t think you’d be happy to see me here, y’know, considerin’ our agreement and that look on yer face ya had earlie––”
Rolling your eyes, you yanked on his hood, bringing his lips down to yours. His arms snaked around your waist as he deepened the kiss–– he couldn’t help it, it was a knee-jerk reaction by now–– without so much as a second's consideration for the reporters that had swarmed around you like ants to honey. 
You pulled away just a few beats later, both breathless.
“What was that for?” he asked with his forehead pressed against yours. Despite being doused in the blinding flash of cameras and deafened by the barrage of questions shot in your direction, the two of you continued to speak as if you were in your own little world.
“You were about to word-vomit on camera and give Osamu a lifetime’s supply of blackmail,” you replied, giggling. “I thought I’d save you from that disaster.”
Hearing his words come out from your mouth, Atsumu’s eyes waned into little moons. “Consider me saved, doll.”
The noise around you grew louder. You sighed, knowing that the two of you would have a lot to deal with later. As if reading your mind, Atsumu intertwined your hands. I got you. And the unease receded. You’d figure it out together.
“Y/N! Y/N! Are you pregnant?”
“Y/N! Atsumu! When are you two getting married?”
“Can you tell us anything about that steamy kiss?!”
A shit-eating grin crawled onto Atsumu’s face as he grabbed the microphone from that last reporter. “Gladly,” he said, looking into the camera.
“How’s that for bein’ in yer way, Kevin?”
And for the next few hours that the world spent having a meltdown over Kevin’s identity, you and Atsumu remained blissfully tucked away in the comfort of your apartment, playing Mario Kart, baking celebratory cookies to the High School Musical soundtrack, falling asleep to the sound of each other’s heartbeats.
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keilemlucent · 4 years
hands on
eraserhead | aizawa shouta x reader
word count: ~2k
anon asked: You could write something with Aizawa about how the reader might have just had their first kid or gained a lol weight/ their body has changed a lil and Aizawa just can’t get enough of it/ can’t keep his hands off you anymore??? 👀
oh say LESS (this was one of my baby warm up pieces, so unbeta’ed. enjoy!)
warnings: chubby reader, just smut, just nice cute p*rn
Wintertime was somewhat miserable, that was a given. Snow and cold would roll in, making the outside somewhat unbearable for any length of time. It was far easier to cozy up inside, especially when it was with you.
Shouta had called off patrol, having gotten injured enough the night prior for it to be warranted.
(You also bribed/nagged him with a new, warm recipe in exchange for self-care and an evening in, but that’s beside the point).
He’d spent most of his day off napping, lying on the couch half asleep. You hardly minded, working away in the kitchen and whispering idly to the cats. You both knew he needed the rest.
It was later on, in one of his more wakeful moments, that Shouta noticed something.
You had gotten... thicker.
It was probably your more sedentary tendencies during winter, and the fact that you had been cooking more, but it was undeniable that you had gained a bit of weight.
Shouta watched you from the couch, feigning sleepiness so he could drink in his new discovery.
You were only wearing one of his big t-shirts, soft with use, and a cute pair of panties from an older lingerie set, colored a cute baby pink. With so little on, it was easy to see the new roundness of your middle. Shouta felt his dick twitch at the thought of leaving the plushness of your inner thighs painted red and purple by his mouth. He just loved the way your skin bruised so well for him.
You stretched up to a cupboard, a high one. Your shirt slid up as well, showing more of your winter weight and God, Shouta was losing it. How had he not noticed?
The meat of your hips was thicker, love handles more prominent, maybe carrying a few extra stretch marks. Shouta swore he could see the extra chub of your stomach.
All he wanted was to worship your new flesh and skin while buried in your cunt.
The thought made his cock leak.
He was up in an instant, sliding behind you as you moved down from the cupboard.
You jumped a little when you felt his hands sliding over your hips through your shirt.
Turning, you flashed him a cheeky grin, “How are you doing, sleepy?”
“Very good,” Shouta practically purred, squeezing you. “Need any help?”
You leaned back into him, tilting your head to press a nip and a kiss into his jaw, “I’m alright. Food should be ready pretty soon.”
Shouta very much wanted a different sort of meal than the one you were so diligently preparing. He had other appetites to sate.
“How long?” He pressed a kiss to the shell of your ear, relishing the way your body fell back into him.
“Mmmmmm,” You hummed, looking back at the oven. “Maybe half an hour. Why?”
Shouta was already lifting your shirt to get to your squishier bits.
His hands went to cup your ass, making him damn near moan at the feeling of his fingers sinking into the warmth of your skin.
Had you always been this soft? It was winter, your skin should’ve been far drier. Then again, Shouta had been busy lately. Perhaps he hadn’t been tending to you and your body like he should’ve been, making it all the easier for your incredibly cute weight gain to pass him by.
He doesn’t waste any time, hauling you up by your ass, forcing your legs to wrap his waist. You let out a shocked gasp, hands going to clasp behind Shouta’s neck to keep some semblance of balance. It’s not like Shouta would ever let you fall, but the sensation of suddenly getting dumped onto the kitchen island was a bit jarring.
“S-Shouta?” You asked as he gently pushed you down onto the icy granite of the countertop.
God, his dick twitched at the slight tremor in your voice. Your shoulders hit the countertop as he licked a stripe up the fragile skin of your neck. Your hands were wound into the back of his shirt, legs trembling around his waist.
His hands were all over you.
Your shirt was pushed up to your neck, the cold air biting at you just as much as Shouta was. His worn hands couldn’t stop finding new places to touch. They sought out and claimed every bit of new flesh they could, squeezing and leaving crescent imprints.
The way he already sunk into your body made him melt. You were all warm sounds and keening moans that certainly hardened his cock just the same.
His hands skirted over your tummy, feeling the extra fat and squishing it between his fingers. Shouta was surprised as stuttering, low whine came from your mouth.
Your head turned bashfully to the side bottom lip caught in teeth while you absolutely trembled.
Shouta ran a hand over your curves once more, taking careful note of how your eyes squeezed shut and your thighs clenched around his waist.
You were very into this too, weren’t you?
Shouta gave a low chuckle, leaning to lick and kiss up to your tummy and chest, hands all too happy to keep up with your mutual desires. Dinner be damned, snow outside forgotten; you were to be fucked well and proper.
“W-what brought this on?” You managed to ask, breath hitches as Shouta slides his hand over your sex.
He toyed with the elastic at the seam of your panties, humming, “Just noticed how cute you are.”
You rolled your eyes at that, half-snorting and tangling a hand in Shouta’s dark hair, “I think you notice that most of the time. Why jump me during dinner?”
Shouta hummed to himself for a minute, thumb rubbing over your clothed clit. You shook against him, head falling so prettily against the island beneath you.
“I just really love all of you,” Shouta’s voice came out husky and low as he left a sharp bite on your collar bone. “Just realized there’s a little more to love, hm?”
That made a blush of pure crimson dance over your cheekbones as you turned your head from him. Just bashful enough to be cute, and still very into things if the pressure of your thighs on his waist was any estimate.
Your attention was quickly brought back to him as he pulled your panties to the side to slip two thick fingers into your sex.
“Fuck, Shouta!” You cried out, back arching as his fingers curled.
His free hand took to massaging any part of you that it could. Your nipples were rubbed raw by toughened thumbs and your love handles would certainly be bruised the next day.
His fingers pumped slowly in and out of your cunt, stretching and spreading you just enough to be ready for his cock. Shouta truly wanted nothing more than to be buried within the plushness of your thighs and pussy, but he wasn’t about to prepare you half-assedly.
You melted over the counter for him, breath coming out in cute puffs and gasps. Shouta lavished you with kisses to your tummy and thighs, drowning in every part of you.
He withdrew his fingers with a pop, sucking them clean. You whined so sweetly for him, starting to sit up, eyeing his obvious bulge with hungry eyes.
“Not today, kitten,” Shouta purred, rolling your shoulders back into the island. “Maybe later if you want a snack, hm?”
The high, sweet noise that came strangled from your lips made him fuckingmelt.
Shouta didn’t even bother fully taking off his sweats. He just pulled the fabric down enough for his fully hardened cock to pop up.
You visibly gulped.
“I’d love to give you a taste,” Shouta licked his lips at the thought of your pretty mouth stretched around his cock. “But, you do have dinner in the oven, hm?”
You could only frown for a moment before Shouta hiked your legs over his shoulder. Your feet hooked behind his head, trying to drag him closer to you.
You whined, slicked lips parted, “ P-please, Shou’ ”
“Hmmm?” Shouta hummed, pressing a stray kiss to the underside of your breast. Your legs were pressed against your heaving chest as you shook (already) for him. “Want my cock, kitten?”
You nodded quickly for him, shifting your hips with impatience. You normally were more well behaved than this, but Shouta decided to indulge you this once. You were certainly indulging him, letting him throw you up over the countertop while in the middle of cooking.
Shouta was sure you'd complain a little bit about whatever slick and sweat was left on the countertop. He was also sure that you’d have no qualms with licking it up yourself if he gave the incentive of getting his cock down your throat.
But, that was for later.
Shouta teased along your folds, laying a hand flat on your pudgy stomach. He eased in slowly, letting out his own shaking cursed as he felt you physically fill up for him through your tummy.
“ Fuck,” It was all he could push out as you clenched down around him, pulling him closer.
You pulled him into a sweet kiss, one hand loosely cupping his jaw as he slowly pulled back.
He left hand-shaped bruises on your hips as he squeezed down your rounded hips, eyes rolling back in his head as he thrust quickly and harshly back into you.
You let out your own lovely, keening stream of sounds as he began to pound into you.
It was almost overwhelming to Shouta, how much of you he wanted to feel and hold of you at the same time. One of his hands stayed constantly clutching at one of your love handles, while the other greedily felt up the rest of you.
He gave soft encouragement to you, pouring like sweet cream from his lips; all loving remarks and sentiments about your body, the way it looked, and felt against his own.
Sweat dripped down the bridge of his nose as your slick dribbled (as prophesized) onto the countertop below. Your back arched so well for him as his thumb drifted over your clit a few times.
“Do you want to come, baby?” Shouta’s voice oozed over you, all low and rumbling. Your hold on his shoulders tightened as you nodded, pulling at him to press your lips together.
Shouta obliged.
You kiss him with everything you had. He could tell by the way your hands tugged in his hair, tongue licking into his mouth as you moaned and cried for him.
His torso pressed down into the meat of your own, squishing you in the counter as he fucked you without rest. His hand felt and squeezed whenever they could, drinking in every morsel of your figure. It just made his dick get harder even as he was plowing into you. He was only spurred by feeling the way your cunt fluttered and dripped for him.
The pads of his fingers circled your clit, pressing and keeping rhythm as you so beautifully came undone.
Shouta’s free hand gripped your hip as you came for him, bearing down on his cock as he stilled in tandem. He couldn’t help his own release when you just were so fucking stunning. Having you spread out for him, slick skin pressing to his own, already had him halfway from the start.
You kissed Shouta again as he fucked into you once, twice, and a third time as your shuddering sex milked his cock dry. With a soft sigh, you pulled away, eyes shiny.
You gave him a cute smile, breathlessly kissing the corner of his mouth.
Shouta did his best to help you lean forward, sitting on the countertop.
“So,” Your voice was scratchy as you beamed at him. “Dinner?”
As fate would have it, your timer went off a moment later.
Shouta could only chuckle, smothering you in kisses, unable to keep his hands off you for long.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 2]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; cam show, masturbation, dirty talk, sir!kink, tiny jealous!seungcheol. Wow! Thank you all so much for your interest in Cherry Bomb and our very favorite simp! LMAO 😆 And thank you all for being so patient! I know one week drags on when ur waiting for content so thank you so so so so so much for your patience! 🥰🍒 also, some new characters in this, am sorry if ur not a fan but the rest of svt r also simps in this so we had to expand a bit 🤪 HAHAHA HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEUNGCHEOL!!!
chapters; 1 - 2 - ? 
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It’s 10:05AM when Seungcheol makes it to work, tossing his things in his employee locker before pocketing his phone and heading out to the floor for the day.
He’d gotten approximately 3 hours of sleep and the giddiness was still eating him up when he greets Jeongguk; the tall male that works at the concession stand at the roller rink.
“Hey Seungcheol-hyung! Whoa, you look like you didn’t get any sleep, what happened to you?” The two share a laugh; Seungcheol ruffling his own hair as he sighs. “I couldn’t sleep last night, I was just too… Uh, excited about w-work…” He stutters out, Jeongguk’s eyebrow raised almost immediately at the blatant lie.
“Hyung, we’ve been working here for months. No offense, but nobody gets excited about coming here. Yoongi-hyung is hiding in the restroom as we speak.” Jeongguk deadpans, eyes rolling as he passes Seungcheol a water bottle. “Did you get laid?”
Not really, but kinda? But no, Seungcheol thinks.
“Nah, I just, I got a new PC game and I stayed up all night playing. You know how it is!” Jeongguk nods in understanding.
Seungcheol checks his phone for the umpteenth time since he’d woken up and you still hadn’t texted him. Not that he entirely expected to be woken up to a text message from you, but he perhaps had dreamt of it; waking up and scrambling to find the device while he shook the sleep from his eyes.
Sighing, he pockets the device, swiping the water bottle off of the countertop before he shoots Jeongguk a fixed stare. “When does Namjoon-hyung get back from his vacation?” Namjoon was one of the managers who’d gone on an extended vacation recently which left Seungcheol picking up extra shifts. 
On normal occasions, he would’ve politely declined but seeing as it meant extra cash, he practically begged to take them.
“Mmm, dunno. Maybe like a week?” Seungcheol mentally cheers; that meant one more week of extra pay even if he dragged his tired body home every night. He would finally be able to buy you that Sybian that he’d been saving up for. You never asked for one but Seungcheol liked to spoil you and quite frankly, he wanted to see you fall apart on it while you thought of him.
“Cool, well, I’ll be disinfecting the rollerskates. Tell Yoongi-hyung to come help me if he ever emerges from the restroom.”
“You got it, hyung!”
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In the time between leaving Jeongguk at the concession stand and the fourth pair of skates he’s disinfected, a party of ten show up at the roller rink; loud and obnoxious as they set their things everywhere. He sighs, knowing exactly that he would be the one to clean up the mess afterwards.
Seungcheol watches the gaggle of teens fumble all over the rink, a sigh on his lips as he sanitizes another pair of skates. He contemplated every single day if it was worth working at the old and usually empty rollerskating rink, but he had to admit, it paid obscenely well. Nobody wanted to work there so his boss basically paid him double his old wage; silent screams running through his head as soon as he realized that meant he can afford to spoil you with more gifts. That had been hard when he was working at the diner down the street.
“Hey ‘Cheol, some kid broke the wheels off of his rental skates. D’you think you can go handle it?” Yoongi drawls, eyes glued to his phone as he waits for Seungcheol’s reply.
“Sure, let me just finish cleaning these.”
Yoongi nods, walking off. Seungcheol sets the old pair of skates down, dusting off his work pants as he stands up. He feels his phone vibrate in the pocket, fishing it out to check what it is.
[cherry_clouds has gone live!]
His vision goes red; pupils shaking when he sees it. You never went live this early in the day. He can feel his throat going dry, panicked screaming in his head when he realizes his break isn’t for another hour and a half and your shows usually lasted at least 45 minutes on a short day. But Seungcheol can’t miss this; not after the two of you had spoken last night.
Seungcheol’s teeth clench as he glances around the loud room, seeing his co-workers on the floor. He just needed to catch your show for at least 15 minutes and he swore he’d be fine.
“Fuck them kids.” He mutters under his breath, beelining for the employee restroom.
Seungcheol says a thankful prayer, locking the door behind him as he sits on the countertop. Just a few minutes; 20 tops. He lowers the volume so nobody can hear your voice except for him.
tangerine_kwan: whoa, a morning show?
alphagyu97: for once, i’m glad i wake up early
xcaliburDK: honestly, same
You giggle on screen, wiping the sleepiness from your eyes as you stretch out on your bedsheets. Seungcheol smiles appreciatively; you’d slept in the cute sheer lavender babydoll he’d sent you when you first hit 5k subs. “I know… it’s really rare, huh? I woke up and I felt so needy… I was so wet when I woke up…” He watches with bated breath as you tease yourself, running your hands from your torso down between your legs.
artist8hao: oh? what’s on your mind, doll?
universe_WZ: what did i miss
“I was just thinkin’, y’know? I couldn’t sleep last night after I finished all the important stuff I had to do~ ‘n you didn’t miss anything yet~” You tease, fingertips pressing into your soaking panties as you moan.
dom.cheol: i couldn’t sleep either… too busy thinkin’ about you ;)
Seungcheol feels the adrenaline pulsing through his veins, checking how much time has passed since he holed up in the restroom.
dom.cheol has donated $50
therealchan99 has donated $25
therealchan99: all the insomniacs are probably cryin rn
sleepy_wonu: speak for yourself, i’m deadass in the middle of my forensics lab with headphones on and the screen dimmed to hell
“Oho~ Is our sleepy_wonu trying to be a forensics scientist?” You giggle, biting your lip cutely as you stare into the camera lens.
sleepy_wonu: ya, maybe i can buy you gifts if i ever start getting paid big bucks
Seungcheol’s eyes narrow at the comments, jealousy bubbling up at one of your other regulars. He typically tried to keep his jealousy in check, knowing that just because he showered you with gifts didn’t mean the two of you were exclusive or that you owed him anything. And he especially knew you always liked to engage with your viewers and ask them about themselves.
“Hmm~ Our dom.cheol seems quiet this morning~ Everything okay, sir?” Seungcheol feels the arousal pouring over his body and he tries to will it away;  after all, he still needed to get back to work once you were done.
dom.cheol: everything’s ok, sweetheart. you’re very cute in the morning
Your eyes pierce the camera and Seungcheol can momentarily feel his breath stop; fingertips clutching his phone for dear life.
“Mmm, I went to sleep last night dreamin’ of nice and strong hands pinning me down to my bed ‘n fuckin me into the sheets…” You pause, slipping the sheer babydoll over your head which left you only in your lace panties. “And there was a really really really dominating voice making me cum and tellin’ me to take all of his cock and oh~ god, it’s like I could feel it!” You finish, slipping your soaking panties off before you spread your legs wide for the camera.
You don’t waste any time, plunging two fingers deep into your pussy as you keen, toes curling against the sheets as you start fucking yourself.
“Ngh, fu--fuck, ‘n they made me cum over and, hah, o-over, fucking my pussy ‘n my ass… ‘n then cumming down my throat… Mmh and I still wanted more even when they filled me up with so much cum~”
Seungcheol’s throat is drier than a desert, almost dropping his phone as he listens to you. There was absolutely no way you weren’t talking about him.
tangerine_kwan: holy shit
dom.cheol: what else, baby
You curl your fingers, barely able to touch your g-spot and it makes you wonder for a second how well Seungcheol could finger you and how much of his cock you could take.
“A-ah, and--mmh, and I--I kept begging ‘Sir, p-please fuck me more!’ ‘n I felt so f-full… God, it felt so real~ I really needed to cum when I woke up so I turned on my cam~” You whine, thumb pressing down onto your clit. You hated to admit it but thinking of Seungcheol’s deep voice and obscenely handsome good looks was enough to make you cum once more before you even went to sleep and now even your subconscious seemed to crave the devilishly handsome male.
alphagyu97 has donated $75
dom.cheol has donated $250
artist8hao: those cute ‘lil fingers enough to satisfy your greedy pussy?
Mewling, you start rubbing circles on your clit, chasing the quickly growing urge to cum. The sound of donations flood your ears but all you can think of is Seungcheol’s deep voice groaning and growling into your ear. “No~ I want m-more but… but I came so much last night too! Maybe I am a ‘lil greedy, huh?” You tease, adding a third finger as you moan loudly. The stretch felt good; head imagining Seungcheol’s fingers as you fuck yourself faster.
dom.cheol: why don’t you cum? I can see you want to, sweetheart.
“Mmm, is it okay, sir? Can I cum already?” You ask shyly, batting your eyelashes at the camera as Seungcheol grits his teeth, cock throbbing in his work pants. He would definitely need to take care of this before he stepped back out onto the floor.
dom.cheol: cum, babygirl, you deserve it.
Your eyes snap shut right after you read Seungcheol’s comment, biting your lip as you race to your orgasm. The sound of your fingers fucking into your wet pussy and your moans are all Seungcheol can hear, pupils blown wide knowing you just came thinking about him, probably. Or so he hoped, at least.
You can feel your legs shaking, threatening to snap shut as your orgasm crests; the sound of rapid fire donations battering your ears as you cum hard on your own fingers. Choked sobs and cries are all you can muster, shapes dancing behind your eyelids the entire time the pleasure washes over you.
xcaliburDK: well goddamn, good morning to me
sleepy_wonu: fuck
universe_WZ: i… speechless
Seungcheol smiles smugly to himself, mentally patting himself on the back.
“Mm… ‘m so tired…” You murmur, slipping your wet fingers from inside your pussy as you moan at the emptiness. Seungcheol watches as you lick your fingers, cleaning them off before you lay on your side facing the camera.
universe_WZ: i think u deserve a nap
alphagyu97: yea, cuz holy shit fuck that was hot
therealchan99: god i love it when u dirty talk
j__min has donated $400
j__min: me too, dollface ;)
Confusion crosses Seungcheol’s face at the newcomer, blood draining from his body at how much they seemed to donate on the first go.
“Huh? Oh! Do we have a new regular?” You inquire, sleepiness lacing your voice. A nap was definitely needed after the last 24 hours of your life.
j__min: ur quite cute, might need to keep my eye on u princess ;)
dom.cheol has donated $450
That’ll show them, Seungcheol thinks. He didn’t often think of himself as competitive either, but goddamn, would he go the extra mile for you.
You giggle tiredly on camera and he can see the sleepiness in your eyes, watching with fondness as you answer a few more comments, yawning cutely as you stretch out on the bedsheets again. He mentally thanks you for not giving the newcomer any extra attention.
dom.cheol: take a nap, sweetheart.
Nodding, you yawn once more. “Okay, everyone~ I think I’m gonna take that nap you all seem to want me to take, hehe~ ‘n then I’ll probably wake up and get some food delivered ‘cause I’m still really tired after last night… But I just can’t help it, y’know? Sometimes I just wanna be fucked nice ‘n hard by a real cock~” Winking, you say your goodbyes, thanking them for their donations and support; blowing the camera a kiss before you end the stream.
Seungcheol lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, body slumping atop the counter. He had loads of questions now that you were off air. Firstly, were you thinking about him? Secondly, who the fuck was j__min?
Shaking the thoughts from his head, he checks the clock. 45 minutes. He groans. At least nobody had come looking for him.
Seungcheol places his phone down onto the counter, biting his lip and palming himself over his work pants before he thinks, screw it.
A satisfied groan spills from his lips as soon as he wraps a hand around his throbbing cock, not wasting another second before he starts a quick pace. He imagines your tight pussy and your face contorting in pleasure as he fucks you into your own bedsheets, thrusting up into his clenched fist as the images linger in his mind. Licking his lips, he thinks about your sweet moans as you beg him for more, stray tears slipping down your cheeks when you call him ‘sir’ through choked sobs.
And it doesn’t take long before Seungcheol is cumming, teeth biting into his bottom lip to keep his noises in as the euphoria washes over him.
He sighs, sated, as he slows down his strokes, thankful he didn’t get any cum on his work pants.
Seungcheol gives himself a second to catch his breath, shuffling off of the countertop to get cleaned up before he steps back out. He grimaces when he meets his own eyes in the dingy mirror; he’d just gotten off at work while you did an extremely rare morning show. Granted, it wasn’t the lowest he’d ever felt but definitely was a contender.
Shaking his head, he steps back out, the outdated pop music hitting his ears as soon as the roller rink comes back into view.
The gaggle of teens are still on the floor, Jeongguk looks unbothered and Yoongi sits by the skate rental booth; not a single one of them even noticing he was missing for the approximate hour he was in the restroom.
He really loved his job.
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That night, Seungcheol trudges home more tired than he usually is.
You still hadn’t texted him, which was fine. But he had checked his phone every second he had free, zoning out when he saw no new notifications.
Seungcheol toes his shoes off once he crosses the threshold of his studio apartment, making his way to the sofa before he flops down onto it. He scrolls through a few apps, mindlessly reading a few things before his stomach growls.
“Guess I should eat…” He mumbles to himself, placing his phone onto his chest before he closes his eyes for a second. Sighing, he relaxes, almost falling asleep. It was generally really loud at work with the people and the music always blaring, so he liked to bask in the quietness whenever he had the chance to.
This time, however, the peace and quiet doesn’t last long when his phone vibrates on his chest, alerting him of a text message. He grabs his phone at lightning speed, eyes wide when he sees a text message from an unknown number. Quickly opening the notification, his pupils shake as he recognizes your typing style almost immediately.
Unknown Number: Cheollie~ ><;; ‘m sorry I didn’t text sooner… i was kinda shy… and i slept so much too hehe~ oops~ i hope i’m not bothering you? i didn’t know when it was a good time…
Seungcheol shakes his head at his phone, sitting up as the excitement blooms within him again. He take a moment to figure out the best response, typing and erasing the same sentence three times before he sends it.
‘Not at all, sweetheart. ;) How was your nap?’
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teenwolffanclub-me · 4 years
Season 2, Episode 2: Shape Shifted
check out the series masterlist!
Pairing: Stiles x Psychic! Reader
Warnings: mentions of abuse 
Notes: our fav curly haired boy finally makes an appearance!! even tho he’s on the struggle bus rn I’m so excited to finally have him in the series 
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I winced as my back slammed against the concrete floor of the jail cell, a twinge of pain rolling up my spine. A snarling face appeared above me only a moment later. He caged me in with a clawed hand on either side of my head, growling only inches away. 
“Isaac!” I barked, trying to snap him out of it.
There was just enough space between us for me to brace my hands against his chest. I shoved him away with all the strength I could muster and, surprisingly, he stumbled up onto all fours a few feet away.
Isaac growled again from his crouched position, pupils blown wide, making his eyes look completely black. He snarled, revealing his sharpened teeth, and glowered at me dangerously. In the blink of an eye, he hauled me up to my feet and pinned me against one of the brick walls. 
He leaned close, roaring loudly, and my eyes pinched shut as a fear-induced tremor wracked my body. I pressed my back firmly into the wall behind me, my heart sputtering in my chest. I peeled my eyes open when the room went silent and stared ahead with wide eyes, my breath reduced to trembling gasps. 
I should probably take a moment to explain how I got myself in this ridiculous situation.
Stupidity, mostly. My intentions had been mothing but good and still, everything somehow managed to fall apart. But that seems to be a trend in my life, doesn’t it?
Earlier that day...
“You really don’t remember anything?” Allison pressed, despite being told the same answer several times on our way to school.
“They called it a fugue state.” Lydia quipped, swaying her hips as she held her jacket tightly beneath her crossed arms. “Which is basically a fancy way of saying ‘we have no idea why you can’t remember running through the woods naked for a week’.”
She rolled her eyes with a huff, as if the whole thing was nothing but a minor inconvenience. I watched her closely as she bounced up the stairs in her heels. She’d been acting way too...normal since we found her. She kept insisting that she’s fine and doesn’t remember a single thing but somehow, that seems so much worse.
“But, personally, I don’t care. I lost nine pounds.” She shrugged with a satisfied smile, and Allison chuckled.
I couldn’t help but frown. There was no way she didn’t have any lasting effects from being lost in the woods for a week, or that Peter’s bite had done absolutely nothing to her. There was just no way.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I peered at her with concern, and she just rolled her eyes.
“Please, it’s not like my aunt’s a serial killer.” She turned on her heel, flicking her strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder, before either of us could respond.
Allison’s lips parted as she stared at her retreating figure, her brows lifting in surprise. I rubbed a hand over my lips to hide the smirk that was threatening to break through. While completely and utterly inappropriate, I couldn’t deny that the comment was pretty funny.
“Yeah, she’s fine.” I followed after her quickly through the front doors of the school.
My steps faltered as I saw that every single person in the hallway had stopped to stare at Lydia. She stood froze in place, her eyes wide as they flickered around the space. Quiet footsteps sounded behind us, the only noise in the otherwise silent hall.
“Maybe it’s the nine pounds.” Allison joined us at Lydia’s other side and leaned down to whisper the jab into her ear.
She squared her shoulders and flattened her features into a practiced boyeed expression before flicking a stray piece of hair away from her face and strutting away. I narrowed my eyes at her back, the persistent feeling that something was going on with her beneath the surface nagging at me. Allison and I shared a quick glance before following her toward our first class of the day.
I let out an annoyed sigh, for once trying to actually focus on the assignment in front of me. We were doing partner work today and since there were an uneven number of students, Mr. Harris put me, Stiles, and Scott together. We were all surprised by that choice, but I honestly think he wanted us to get distracted so he’d have an excuse to give us detention again.
“Why would Derek choose Isaac?” Scott whispered harshly, continuing the conversation the boys had been having around me for the last several minutes.
“Peter told me that if the bite doesn’t turn you, it could kill you.” Stiles’ eyes briefly flickered toward me, and I avoided his questioning gaze. I was already painfully aware that we were no closer to figuring out what’s wrong with me. I didn’t need any reminders. “Maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving.”
“Does being a teenager mean your dad can’t hold him?” Scott’s voice became urgent as he leaned forward in his chair.
They’d both been freaking out all day. Apparently, one of their teammates was pulled during their morning practice by the police for questioning. His father was killed mysteriously a few nights ago, and he was the prime suspect. Now, that wouldn’t usually be anything more than news-worthy gossip, but it conveniently happened moments after Scott realized he’s a werewolf.
He had to have been turned recently, because Scott only sensed that there was another werewolf on the team this morning. I’d never really noticed the guy before, but he was definitely on my radar now.
Unfortunately, it was most likely Derek who turned him, unless there’s another alpha running around Beacon Hills that we don’t know about. Honestly, I’m not sure which scenario would be worse.
It also just so happens to be a full moon tonight, because heaven forbid a day go by in this town without a supernatural disaster. Scott and Stiles were stressing the fuck out about what a freshly turned werewolf will be capable of, especially while stuck in a jail cell. 
“Well, not unless they have solid evidence. Or a witness—wait...” Stiles’ eyes widened as a thought struck him and he abruptly turned around to face the table behind us. “Danny. Where’s Jackson?”
Scott and I peered back toward him as he glanced up from his paper, the pencil in his hand coming to a stop as his eyes flickered over the three of us slowly. They were swirling with a strange emotion I couldn’t quite decipher. It was almost as if he’d been listening in on our conversation.
“The principal’s office talking to your dad.” He answered slowly, seemingly surprised that we weren’t up to date on the latest developments.
“What? Why?” Stiles whispered harshly, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
“Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac?” Danny shrugged, as if it were obvious.
My shoulders stiffened at his words. We all turned back toward the front of the room quickly when it was clear he wasn’t going to elaborate, not wanting to be caught talking. I glanced between Scott and Stiles, waiting for the inevitable. I could practically see the gears turning behind their eyes. They were coming up with something that I undoubtedly wanted no part of but would get roped into anyway. 
“Witness.” Scott sighed, looking defeated.
Stiles’ brows pinched as a look of determination flickered over his face. “We have to get to the principal’s office.”
“How?” Scott leaned toward him expectantly.
Stiles’ wide eyes flickered around our table before landing on the assignment we were supposed to be doing. He practically lunged toward me so he could slide the paper out from under my hand.
He glanced to the head of the room where Mr. Harris was standing, his back to us as he wrote equations on the chalkboard, before crumpling it into a ball. I let out a huff, instantly realizing that he was about to do something incredibly stupid, and snatched it back.
“Wait a minute.” I glanced between the boys with narrowed eyes. “We literally just closed the door on the whole almost being murdered by two psychopaths thing. Can’t we sit this one out?”
“Not when we can help him.” Scott whispered earnestly, his eyes rounding as he silently pleaded with me to understand.
I groaned at his damn overactive conscience and sunk down into my seat, already giving in. I didn’t want to get involved in another problem already, but it was clearly important to him. Stiles held out his hand expectantly and I pursed my lips, hesitating.
He winked and blew me a kiss, the edge of his lips twitching into a smirk. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. He was having way too much fun with this already. Finally, I dropped the paper ball into his upturned hand.
He wasted no time in chucking it toward the front of the room. It smacked right into Mr. Harris’s head and bounced to the floor. The room erupted into restrained giggles as he quickly whipped around to face the class.
“Who in the hell did that?” He snapped, his brows furrowing in anger.
Scott and Stiles both lifted a finger to point at each other, and I sank further down, making myself small. I had yet to get into any trouble at school, and I wanted to keep it that way, despite whatever potential supernatural crisis we were dealing with. 
“To the office. Now.” The boys instantly popped to their feet at Mr. Harris’s curt demand, failing miserably at hiding their satisfaction that the plan went so smoothly. “You too, Ms. Y/L/N.”
I jolted upright in my chair and gaped at him, my eyes widening in shock. “But Mr. Harris, I didn’t even do—”
“Unless you’d like to finish that thought in detention, I suggest you get moving.” His eyes narrowed into a hard glare.
My jaw clenched at his patronizing tone, but I scooped up my things and followed the guys out into the hall anyway. I shouldn’t have been this annoyed, but I was already a full two weeks behind after missing so many days of school while recovering from Peter’s bite. For once, I actually wanted to focus on school and bring my grades up.
Less than a minute later, we found ourselves sitting outside the office, one of Scott’s ears pressed tightly against the window. Jackson was visible through the glass, his arms crossed lazily over his chest as he sat comfortably in one of the plush chairs. His eyes flickered slowly over Sheriff Stilinski, seemingly bored by their conversation. 
Scott was reciting their every word as he listened in. It wasn’t like Jackson to care for other people, so exactly no one was surprised to find out that he knew about the apparent abuse Isaac was subjected to at the hands of his father for years without telling a soul.
The office door suddenly sprang open without warning, and I jumped in surprise. Stiles spazzed beside me, arms flailing as he grabbed the closet thing he could find to hide behind. Despite getting in trouble intentionally, he didn’t want his dad to see him. He’d been cracking down lately about his record of almost weekly detentions which were always, unsurprisingly, with Mr. Harris.
He slid down in his seat and lifted the magazine he found to cover his face. A moment later, Sheriff Stilinski walked out of the office with another officer in tow. His eyes trailed over Stiles slowly, his brow furrowing in confusion. 
“Hi, Scott. Y/N.” He drawled slowly, his attention still firmly planted on Stiles. 
We both waved awkwardly and he just shook his head with a sigh, accepting that his son was a lost cause before brushing past us. We barely had a moment to breathe before a deep, gravely voice fluttered from the open door. 
“Kids.” My eyes widened as they swept up to the older man we’d seen at Kate’s funeral. Allison’s grandpa. Time seemed to slow as we all stared at him, equal parts surprised and confused. Just yesterday, we had a different principal. So what was he doing here? “Come on in.”
Hesitantly, we all stood and followed him into what was apparently now his office. We sat down in the chairs opposite his desk and waited anxiously for him to begin our lecture. He tooka few moments to ruffle some papers around on his desk before opening a small manila folder. 
“Scott McCall.” He said slowly, his dark eyes flickering over the pages inside. “Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete.”
His gaze swept up to meet Scott’s, who’s lips twitched up into a half-grimace half-smile sort of thing. He was stiff as a board beside me, clearly uncomfortable being this close to someone from Allison’s family.
“Mr. Stilinski.” He continued, attention moving to another folder. “Oh, perfect grades...but little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse.”
Stiles perked up in his chair, eager to talk about his growing role on the team. “Oh, actually, I’m already—”
“Hold on,” Mr. Argent held up a finger, and Stiles visibly deflated before falling back into a slouch. He pointed to Scott, his eyes narrowing slightly. “McCall, you’re the Scott that was dating my granddaughter.”
Scott’s eyes widened, instantly pancking at his words. The two of them were still sneaking around, since her dad’s threat to literally kill him if he caught them together was very much active. “We were dating, but not anymore. We’re not seeing any of each other or...doing anything...with each other.”
I let out an irritated huff at his rambling. For as often as these guys lie, they should be much better at it by now. Mr. Argent chuckled, but it lacked any humor. It was honestly kind of unnerving, like when a super villain laughs just before killing someone in cold blood. 
“Relax, Scott. You look like you’re about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth.” The three of us just stared at him, unsure of how to respond to that weirdly specific and alarming metaphor. 
“Now listen, guys.” He sent us a tight lipped smile, only slightly breaking the quickly mounting tension. “Yes, I am the principal, but I really don’t want you to think of me as the enemy.”
Stiles scoffed harshly from beside me, squirming back and forth in his seat. “Is that so?���
I jammed my elbow into his side at that ridiculously obvious reference to the supernatural. He twitched dramatically and rubbed at his ribs, furrowing his brows at me as if I were the one messing everything up. There was no telling what he already knew. He might not even know that Scott is a werewolf yet, and we didn’t need to be giving him any clues. 
“However, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers. So, unfortunately, someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention.” He continued, eyes immediately sweeping toward Stiles. 
He was momentarily unaware of all the attention on him as he played with a frayed string on his red flannel. As much as it may suck, it just made sense for it to be him. Scott needed to figure out what to do about Isaac, and there was no way I was sitting in detention for a stupid plan that I had no part in.
After a few moments of tense silence his eyes flicked upward. They widened knowingly and he sighed before sagging back in his chair, ready to begrudgingly take one for the team. 
With that decision made, Scott and I were dismissed. He instantly bolted upright and practically ran to the office door. I followed as quickly as possible, squeezing Stiles’ hand reassuringly before I went. Scott frantically tumbled down the small flight of stairs just outside the office before rounding the corner and throwing the side doors open. 
“Scott!” I called, urging him to slow down. He wasn’t even using werewolf speed, he was just freaking the fuck out and going way too fast. “Scott, what are you doing?”
I ran outside after him, feeling a chill run up my spine as a gust of cold wind blew past us. He suddenly staggered to a halt and I swerved to avoid ramming into him. My eyes widened as I finally saw what made him stop so abruptly.
There was a police car pulling away from the curb, and Isaac was sitting in the back. 
“So what’s the plan?” I breathed, feeling my stomach churn with anxiety. 
I didn’t necessarily care what happened to the guy, especially if he did kill his father, but this couldn’t mean anything good for us. Everything just got a hell of a lot more complicated. It was one thing if they were just questioning him, but if they were arresting him our job would be much harder than we anticipated.
Scott let out a huff of annoyance and turned to face me. “Go back inside. I’ll figure this out.”
“Absolutely not.” I crossed my arms, offended at the mere suggestion that I walk away.
There was no way I’d be leaving his side anytime soon. They’d sufficiently dragged me into this problem with them, and now I was here to stay. Plus, I was honestly way too nosy to turn back now. There was only one more period left before school let out anyway, and I wouldn’t be able to focus with all of this going on. 
Just then, a black sports car peeled up to the curb with a high pitched screech. I jumped back in surprise, the sight of the tinted windows making me nervous, but almost immediately relaxed when the passenger window rolled down to reveal Derek. 
“Get in.” He ordered gruffly, not wasting any time with pleasantries. 
“Are you serious? You did that. This is your fault.” Scott raised his voice in frustration and pointed toward the retreating police car. 
“I know that.” Derek barked through clenched teeth, his fingers tightening around the steering wheel. Well, I guess it’s confirmed that he was the one who bit Isaac. “Now, get in the car, and help me.”
Scott rolled his eyes and stood firmly in place. “I’m gonna call a lawyer. Because a lawyer might actually have a chance at getting him out before the moon comes up.”
“Not when they do a real search of the house.” Derek shook his head solemnly, although it was hard to tell exactly what he was feeling behind his dark sunglasses. 
“What do you mean?” I spoke up for the first time, utterly confused by his characteristic vagueness. It honestly wouldn’t be the least bit surprising if he’d been in Isaac’s house since the murder, but if there was something damning in there, he just needed to come out with it. 
“Whatever Jackson said to the cops...” He let out a tense breath and pursed his lips. “What’s in the house is worse. A lot worse.”
He leaned over and popped the passenger door open, peering at us expectantly over his black frames. Scott and I shared a long glance, unsure if we wanted to get tangled up with him again already. Despite the fact that he wasn’t an immediate threat to us, he was an alpha now. That made him dangerous. And if he’s going around turning people, there’s no telling what his agenda is. 
With a sigh, Scott stepped forward and got in the car. I chewed on my bottom lip nervously, but followed after a few seconds. It felt like we were opening the door to something much worse than a newly turned teenager gone rouge. I couldn’t place it, but that nagging feeling was back. There had to be something I was missing. 
“If Isaac didn’t kill his dad, who did?” Scott asked anxiously, waving a flashlight around the dimly lit space. 
Derek was adamant that we wait until the “right moment” to enter Isaac’s house. After a couple hours of sitting around and ducking down to avoid any living thing that crossed his car, I was convinced that he was stalling. The moon would be up soon. We were running out of time. 
The goal was to break Isaac out of the station before he has a chance to shift. There’s no telling how many people he could kill while stuck in there and although they wouldn’t be innocent deaths, the last thing Beacon Hills needed was more bodies. 
“I don’t know yet.” Derek huffed, seemingly annoyed. 
“Then how do you know he’s telling the truth?” I wrapped my arms tightly around myself, feeling the chilly evening air sinking into my skin. This house had absolutely no insulation and I was freezing already. 
“Because I trust my senses. And it’s a combination of them. Not just your sense of smell.” He peered around me to glare pointedly at Scott.
I cringed at his disapproving tone as we continued through the house. I swear, sometimes he acts more like a disgruntled father or older brother than a random werewolf we con into helping us sometimes. It was equal parts endearing and off-putting. 
“You...saw the thing at lacrosse this morning.” Scott grimaced, his shoulders stiffening as he realized he’d been caught. 
“Yeah.” Derek quipped, letting his eyes scan over the disaster of a house in front of us. 
There was nothing...wrong with it, per se. It just wasn’t well maintained. There was a mountain of dishes in the sink, clutter everywhere, and dust covering almost every surface. It was just kind of gross, overall. I was surprised that anyone would want to live like this, but after learning about what a dickwad Isaac’s dad was, I didn’t think he had much of a choice. 
“Did it look that bad?” 
As we made our way around the house slowly, I was beginning to question whether there was even anything here at all. It wasn’t that I thought Derek would intentionally lead us to a dead end, but I didn’t really trust him, either. 
“Yeah.” He clapped a hand over Scott’s shoulder and pressed his lips into a firm line before coming to a stop in front of a door. “You wanna learn? Let’s start now.”
He popped the door open to reveal a narrow staircase that led down to a basement. Only a few feet of floorspace was visible through the darkness, but I could already tell it was a cluttered mess. 
“What’s down there?” I asked tentatively, squinting my eyes in an effort to see more of the room.
Scott started walking down the stairs slowly, looking from side to side as he went. I chewed on my bottom lip as I watched him disappear into the darkness. Part of me wanted to follow him, but there was also a terrible feeling of dread churning in the pit of my stomach. There was something evil down there, I could just sense it.
“Motive.” Derek nudged my back gently and I sighed before following behind Scott.
“And what am I looking for?” He called over his shoulder, sweeping his flashlight over the space quickly. 
“Follow your senses.”
There were piles of junk everywhere. That was the only word one could use to describe the stuff lining the walls. There were tools, random knickknacks, and a bunch of things that honestly looked like forgotten trash. There were big heaps every few feet, making it hard to walk through the room.
“What happened down here?” I breathed, my chest tightening with each step I took. I hugged my sides tighter, needing something to ground myself. It felt like my skin was buzzing, as if I could actually feel the raw emotions that had been left in this place. The air had this thickness that I couldn’t place.
“The kind of thing that leaves an impression.” Derek murmured ominously, and I turned to send him a glare. 
He was being the opposite of helpful, as usual. If he knew what happened, he just needed to tell us so we could get the hell out of here. There wasn’t a single part of me that wanted to be here any longer than necessary. 
Scott moved a shower curtain that was somehow hanging from the ceiling as he continued on his path around the basement. He fidgeted with a few things as he passed them by, walking around a disgusting, stained couch before kneeling down in front of a shattered TV that looked like it was from the eighties. He ran his fingers along the concrete floor beside it, his brows furrowing in concentration. 
His head suddenly jerked upward, his gaze settling on a large freezer against the wall a few feet away. He slowly rose to his full height and stepped toward it. He stopped directly in front of it, his breathing labored. I rushed to his side at the sight of his heightened anxiety, more curious about the odd reaction than anything. 
My lips pulled into a frown as he toyed with a lock that hung from a latch on the freezer. That definitely wasn’t normal. Scott’s eyes flickered to me briefly, but it was long enough for me to see the concern bubbling beneath the surface. We both jumped at Derek’s sudden presence beside us a moment later. 
“Open it.” He encouraged, his eyes firmly planted on the freezer. 
Scott lifted the lid at a painstakingly slow pace, the rusted hinges squealing in protest. He shined the flashlight inside, and my breath instantly caught at the sight of the interior. There were claw marks along almost every inch of the inside. Bloody claw marks. 
The worst part was that they clearly weren’t from a werewolf. The scratches were dull, barely perforating the smooth metal. They were human. My heart dropped into my stomach at the thought of Isaac—or anyone, for that matter—being locked in something like this. 
“This is why he said yes to you.” Scott’s voice was barely above a whisper as he peered down into the freezer. His eyes were dark, swirling with a stormy slew of emotions. 
“Everybody wants power.” Derek quipped, crossing his arms with a shrug as if he hadn’t done anything wrong. 
I scoffed in disbelief as Scott slammed the lid back down. He couldn’t honestly think that turning a tortured teenage boy was a good idea. He could’ve killed him, for starters, but instead may have given a vengeful human all the power he could ever ask for. Either way, he was screwed. And now, so were we. 
“If we help you, then you have to stop. You can’t just go around turning people into werewolves.” Scott’s voice was hard as his eyes narrowed angrily. 
“I can if they’re willing.” Derek lifted his eyebrows casually, completely oblivious to the seriousness of this situation. 
There was no way of telling what anyone would do once transformed into a powerful beast. It was downright irresponsible for him to run around making his own werewolves, but as we learned, alphas are stronger with a pack. And if there was one thing I knew about the Hale’s, it’s that they’re power hungry.
“Did you tell Isaac about the Argents? About being hunted?” Scott’s voice rose incredulously, and Derek just shrugged again. 
“Yes, and he still asked.”
“Then he’s an idiot.” I snapped, over this whole situation. It seemed that our problems always started with Derek. He was a walking magnet for supernatural horrors and I was more than ready to be done with him. It’d barely been a couple weeks since our issues with Peter.
I jumped as my phone suddenly started ringing in my back pocket. I hastily pulled it out, my eyes widening as I saw that I had several missed texts from Allison and Stiles. 
“We need to do something right now.” Allison’s urgent voice fluttered into my ear as she interrupted me before I could even get a word out. I put the call on speaker and held my phone out so the guys could hear. “My dad and grandpa were asking me all these questions about how Lydia was bitten by Peter and then they sent this guy out.”
“Wait. What guy?” Scott asked frantically, his eyes widening with anxiety.
“He was dressed as a sheriff’s deputy.” 
I chewed on my bottom lip nervously. Did that mean the Argents had a man on the inside? Or did they somehow fake a uniform? I glanced up toward the Scott and Derek, who didn’t look any more pleased than I felt.
“They’re sending him to the station for Isaac.” Scott confirmed the fear nagging at the back of my mind. 
“He was also carrying this box with him with something on it. Like a carving or something.” She rushed the words out quietly, probably hiding from her family somewhere in her house. 
“What was it?” I pressed when she didn’t continue.
“Hold on, hold on. It’s in one of these books. I’m gonna send you a picture.”
My phone vibrated in my hand a moment later and I instantly clicked on the notification. It confirmed what all of us were surely thinking. “Wolfsbane.”
She paused for a moment, most likely wondering what the hell I was talking about. There was still a lot she didn’t know about the supernatural. “Okay, what does that mean?” 
“Just come meet me at Isaac’s house. Hurry.” Scott ordered, taking my phone from my hands before ending the call abruptly. 
I raised my eyebrows in question, and he sighed. “I have a plan.”
It was only when he dropped the phone back into my hand that I noticed his nails had extended into pointed claws. My eyes widened with the realization that the moon was coming up. That meant Scott and Isaac both would be losing control any minute. 
We were officially out of time. 
My legs bounced anxiously as I sat on the front steps of the house. They were falling apart, the conceete all cracked and dirty. I let out a slow breath into my hands as I tried keeping them warm. My eyes flickered up toward the sky, my heart sinking further into my stomach with each inch the moon rose.
I let my eyes sweep back to the front door, wondering what was going on inside. The loud squeal of tires against the asphalt had me jerking upright in surprise. I turned back toward the road and let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Stiles’ Jeep lurching to a stop at the end of Isaac’s driveway.
I popped to my feet and jogged toward the car as he threw the passenger door open. His wide eyes flickered over my frame from head to toe quickly, a gesture he’d started after I was released from the hospital. It honestly seemed like a habit at this point, an uncontrollable urge he had to check for some kind of psychotic break every time he saw me. 
“Where’s Scott?” He breathed, still leaning across the bench seat. 
“Doing something really stupid.” I mumbled, moving out of the way as Derek appeared at my side. 
He and Stiles exchanged a tense glance as he wordlessly got into the back of the Jeep. I slid into the passenger seat and let the door fall closed behind me. We were leaving Scott and Allison—who’d arrived a few minutes ago—in the basement to figure out his wolf hormones or whatever. If he was going to be helpful tonight he needed to stay human, and she could assist with that better than anyone. 
Stiles eyed me suspiciously, but eventually jerked the car into drive and sped off. The ride to the sheriff’s station was short, but painfully awkward. Derek and Stiles were taking turns glaring at each other in the rearview mirror and I wanted nothing more than to remove myself from the situation and let them work through whatever the hell was wrong with them. But I was stuck, so I sat in silence until we pulled up at the back entrance of the station. 
“Okay.” Stiles sighed and threw an arm over the back of the seat so he could glance between both of us. “The keys to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my father’s office. The problem is getting past the front desk.”
Derek huffed from the back, as if personally offended by that statement. “I’ll just distract her.” 
He leaned forward to push me out of the way so he could get out, but Stiles lunged across the seat to grip his leather jacket tightly. “Whoa, whoa! Hey. You’re not going in there.”
Derek’s eyes narrowed before flickering between Stiles’ face and the hand balling up the fabric of his jacket. 
“I’m taking my hand off.” His voice rose anxiously as he lifted both arms in surrender. 
“I was exonerated.” Derek snapped, clearly annoyed at being labeled a criminal for the lie that Stiles and Scott had come up with a few weeks ago. In their defense, Peter did have us trapped in the school with a bunch of people who knew nothing about the supernatural. Framing him for the murders Peter had committed was the best option at the time.
“You’re still a person of interest.” I tried to reason with him, but it didn’t look like we were making any breakthroughs as he rolled his eyes in aggravation. 
“An innocent person.”
“You? Yeah, right.” Stiles scoffed with a chuckle, but instantly sobered up at the glare Derek cast his way. 
“Alright, whatever. It’s fine. Let’s just go.” I rushed out, starting to get impatient. 
I just wanted this night to be over already. We had Scott probably shifting at Isaac’s, Isaac definitely losing control inside the jail, and Derek causing way more problems than he’s worth. It was a lot for one day. 
Derek went inside first, shamelessly flirting with the woman at the front desk. Stiles and I waited a few minutes to make sure that she was sufficiently distracted before slinking inside and quietly ducking past the lobby. Stiles ran toward his dad’s office, and I was right on his heels. Once inside, he found the small lockbox mounted onto one of the walls and punched in the code. 
He lifted the front panel off and instantly froze. “Oh, no...” 
He bolted out of the office so fast that I had to stand there for a moment, processing what the hell just happened. After coming to my senses and realizing that someone had taken the keys, I ran after him, easily catching up within seconds. My body slammed into his back harshly only a moment later as we rounded a corner and nearly barreled into a police officer. 
“Whoa.” Stiles breathed, staggering back a step. His eyes widened in alarm, knowing that we weren’t supposed to be here right now. “Uh. We’re just looking—um...”
His awkward attempt at lying trailed off as his eyes flickered down to the man’s leg. I did the same, my breath catching at the sight of an arrow sticking out of his leg. Allison must’ve gotten Scott under control, since before we left she promised to help if she was able. My panic only grew as I noticed the syringe grasped tightly in one of his hands. 
“Oh, shit...” Stiles gripped my arm and started running down the narrow hallway. 
We only made it a few steps before he was violently jerked backward. My eyes widened as I felt his hand leave me and I whipped around to see what happened. A startled gasp tore past my lips as I watched the man wrap an arm around Stiles’ throat and haul him against his chest. 
“Hey! Let him go!”
He started dragging Stiles down the hall, and I instantly ran after them. I had no idea what I could possibly do to help, but I wasn’t stopping for anything. All I knew was that I couldn’t let him get hurt. His arms flailed wildly and he kicked his legs, trying anything to break free. My eyes swept the area for anything that I could use as a weapon. 
“Y/N...go!” Stiles gasped through his struggle. 
With a grunt, the man brought a hand up to cover Stiles’ mouth as he used his free hand to land a few punches at his ribs. His eyes were wide as they silently urged me to run away. But I couldn’t. There was nothing that would make me leave him right now. 
He somehow managed to pull the fire alarm as the man dragged him through the doorway to the cells. I cringed at the loud ringing, but quickly forgot the inconvenience as the man dropped Stiles into a heap on the concrete floor. 
I instantly rushed to his side, placing a gentle hand on his back as he rubbed at his chest and gasped for air. There was barely enough time for relief to begin bubbling in my chest before a low growl echoed through the room. We both stilled at the sound. 
Eerie silence blanketed the room for only a split second before Isaac emerged from a dark corner, teeth barred. He lunged at whoever the Argent’s had sent, wrapping a clawed hand around his throat before slamming him down onto a metal interrogation table. I winced at the harsh sound, but could do nothing but watch as he threw the man across the room. 
His head met the brick wall first, the impact instantly knocking him out cold. Isaac’s head then whipped in our direction, and my breath caught. A bolt of fear surged up my spine as his empty eyes caught mine. They weren’t even glowing, which was somehow much worse. I’d barely noticed the guy when he was a human, but the sight of him as a werewolf right now was terrifying. 
My heart lurched in my chest as he suddenly sprang toward us. Stiles gripped my elbow and tried to pull me with him as he scrambled away, but Isaac got to me first. 
“No!” Stiles yelled frantically, flailing up onto his feet as quickly as possible.
And that brings us back to the present...
I peeled my eyes open when the room went silent again and stared ahead with wide eyes, my breath reduced to trembling gasps. Isaac’s beastly face was only inches from mine, our close proximity only making my heart beat faster. 
Suddenly, a loud crunch echoed through the room. Isaac whipped around, momentarily forgetting about me, and I peered around his shoulder shakily. Derek’s eyes slowly rose from the syringe he’d just stomped to pieces, landing on mine and Isaac’s compromising position with a glare. 
Suddenly, Isaac turned around and lunged toward him with a growl. Derek snarled, revealing his sharpened canines, and growled loudly. My eyes pinched shut as the walls vibrated from the sheer volume of it. I sagged to the concrete floor, my knees giving out as I suddenly felt faint. 
My vision blurred as I slid down the brick wall, but I could still make out the way Isaac dropped down and cowered into a corner. Derek finally stopped roaring and easily shifted back into his human form, his teeth and finger nails retracting. Within a second a pair of strong arms were wrapped around my shoulders. I was hauled into a warm chest, and I let my eyes fall closed with relief. 
“How did you do that?” Stiles breath fanned the top of my head as he ran a hand down my back soothingly. 
I let my eyes flutter open to look at Derek, only to find that he was already studying me curiously. I already knew the answer, and it did nothing to calm my nerves. He was not only an alpha, but the alpha that bit Isaac. They had a connection, just like Peter and I. I couldn’t help but wonder, as my gaze flickered toward Isaac’s crumpled frame...
If Derek had that kind of power over him, what did that mean for me?
Episode 1, Part Two Episode 3
84 notes · View notes
memoriashell · 3 years
first impressions ( are they pointless if fate has already decided? )
Characters /  Pairing: Fukawa Touko/Naegi Komaru, ( implied ) Syo / Komaru
crossposted on ao3
Notes: day 7 of @tokomaruweek​!! soulmate prompt.
sorry if i manage to absolutely fuck up posting this one i'm half awake rn.
i appreciate how unrealistic and improbably soulmate aus are. anyways i knew i wanted to play with this idea as soon as i saw the prompt. i think that bodyswap au has interesting potential. the bodyswap soulmate au in the specific sense that you’d theoretically get to see the kind of hardships your fated might be going through but that’s not really the angle i took on it here but i mean do any of us want komaru to face abuse and bullying? no. i cannot comit to that. someone else can do that i am going to live here angst free anyways in case it isn't obvious the basis premises around this is that once you come of age, you swap bodies with your soulmate. HONESTLY not sure how a body swap au would work w/ a did person but considering that every alter / identity is considered their own person, i figured that it would simply just swap w/ the host, meaning any alters would be left behind. i do think it'd be an interesting concept to play with, maybe?
tw for trauma / abuse ( /ive parents )
Summary:  most circumstances to figure out the identity of your soulmate are pretty unfortunate, but she thinks this one might take the proverbial cake in some regard.
For most people, this would be the kind of momentous occasion that people would count down to. For Touko, it catches her completely off guard because she hardly registers the fact that her birthday is coming up until the day it happens.
‘It’ being the day she comes of age and is supposed to find out who her soulmate is.
She’d be lying if she said she didn’t think about this kind of stuff on occasion. It was kind of a given, with her entire shtick of being a romance author. But quite frankly, she tries to forget it, because really? Soulmates? For someone like her? Not likely.
Who would want to be stuck with someone like her? Best not to get her hopes up too much, and stick to unrequited crushes on people she knows she’s probably not destined for.
The sound of an unfamiliar alarm is what wakes her up— Touko doesn’t really process anything more than trying to turn it off and laying down for a few minutes. And then realizes her body doesn’t quite feel right. Empty. Something’s missing and it’s too quiet and it all feels horribly wrong. And then opening her eyes and realizing she can see perfectly fine without her glasses.
Oh. Oh no. No no no no no.
She hops out of bed and spots a phone ( thank christ ) and confirms her fears. Right. It’s her birthday. Thank god she doesn’t need to know a passcode to figure out that information. Well, nothing she can do about that. Time to sleep off today, so she can go back to living her life normally, soulmate-free.
Or well, that is what she plans to do, until a picture frame catches her attention from the corner of her eye, and— oh. Oh no? Oh no. She absolutely recognizes one of the two people in the picture. She presumes the girl is the one whose body she’s currently inhabits ( nothing particularly special to note there, plain as plain can be ). The boy— she loathes that nonchalant, easygoing expression— the boy she recognizes as her classmate. One Makoto Naegi.
God, it’d be just her luck, huh. Speaking of which—
“Komaru!” Ah, so that’s her name. She hears a shout from downstairs, followed by footsteps. “You’re going to be late!”
Shit. Shit shit shit shit.
In a panic, she sprints to dive back under the covers and pretends to be asleep still. Maybe she’ll get off without much of a punishment that way? Definitely less than the realization that she’d been awake and not getting ready for...school, presumably. She has no clue what this girl is usually like, but hopes that it isn’t painfully obvious what is going on here.
“Komaru?” The voice is closer this time, the sound of the door opening follows close behind. While she panics over the thought of what to do asides from pretending like she’s asleep, Touko misses the sound of footsteps approaching and flinches when the covers are tugged away from her head. She doesn’t mean to let out a whimper of fear when a hand comes down on her forehead, teeth clenched, not that the sound is interpreted as fear. “Are you feeling all right, dear? You’re not feverish, but you are a little sweaty...”
It takes her a moment to recognize the tone of this woman’s voice is one of concern, an incredibly foreign concept for her to expect from any parent ( she’s presuming this is the mother ). It certainly was never one she’d expected to hear from her own mothers, squeezing her eyes shut as if to ignore the truth. “N-No...” It’s not a lie, at least— all of this makes her feel sick to her stomach.
( It leaves an awful taste in her mouth, knowing the love that she is being shown here is just an illusion; not meant for her at all. And yet Touko wants something that she has never had. What an awful child she is )
“Why don’t you take it easy for today, then? If you feel no better later, you can start taking medicine.” She manages to utter a thank you, whatever will get her with no repercussions and left alone again, and there is a hand gently stroking back her hair before she is alone again.
Once ‘her’ mother leaves, she locks the door and buries herself under the blankets, so she can sleep and forget about today ever happening.
In comparison, Komaru Naegi finds herself having a much less than pleasant awakening. In that she doesn’t know what wakes her up, just that she is suddenly, forcibly awakened and in a room she doesn’t recognize.
Weird. Is she dreaming? It kind of feels that way, because she has no control over the body she currently resides in, marching over to the desk and reaches into the draw for...a pair of scissors? Really, really sharp scissors, but a pair of scissors nonetheless.
It’s not a dream. Get out. They hiss at her, scissors pointed at her— themselves? Oh boy. Uh.
“I don’t think I can do that.” She says aloud; wincing. “I don’t— I don’t know what’s going on...?”
Ugh. You think I know any better? ( Yes! Yes she does!! ) It’s totally bullshit that this is my wake-up call after ages, and she’s not even awake and instead I’m stuck with you? Ah. Shit, hold on a second how long has it been. They reach for the calendar, and she feels her face frown. Aw, it hasn’t been that long? She really forgot her own birthday coming up? Some heads up would’ve been nice instead of just waking up to this fucking mess. The voice continues to complain.
“Um...” She hates to interrupt, but she’s still pretty confused. “What do you mean? Who are you?”
You’re expecting me to just give that up without knowing your own name? Or do you not care?
“Sorry!” And she is, given that she’d kind of gotten ahead of herself. “Komaru. Komaru Naegi. But just Komaru is fine!”
Ah— Naegi? What are the odds— Dekomaru it is!
“What? That’s not my name at all!” Komaru completely manages to miss the faint recognition, huffing a pout. “And I told you, so answer my questions!”
Syo. And what I mean is that now I’m stuck explaining this shit— did you seriously not pay attention to any of that or are you that dumb? Geeze, listen to me this time. Okay, so we can have a lesson on proper terms and all that shit another time, long and short of it is that we share this body— miss gloomy and I. It’s technically her coming of age birthday today, which is why you’re here instead of her.
“Oh, okay.” Komaru nods along in agreeably, before her mind catches up and process the implications of what she’s been told. “Wait, you mean I— she— this is my soulmate?!” Her voice cracks as it pitches, hands quick to clasp out of her mouth, a little worriedly.
Yeah, obviously. And don’t worry, the rooms are soundproof. Otherwise, I would’ve already told you to stop replying out loud. People would think that’s weird. They sound amused, reaching back towards the table and fumbles around for a moment before raising something up into the field of their view.
This is a student ID card, which provides her with several helpful bits of information— none of which Komaru chooses to fixate on. “...Hope’s Peak?” What were the chances of that?
Focus, idiot. Do you have any idea of what this means?
Komaru beams, an expression that might have been frightening for anyone else to see on this face. “It means I can be a Hope’s Peak student for today!”
No. Ouch, that’s probably the most cold they’ve sounded so far. Which is saying a lot, considering how they’d greeted her. Well, maybe. I know she really wouldn’t like it if you went around in our body. She doesn’t like it when I force control over our body either, but if it’s you then she probably won’t care. Personally, I don’t give two fucks— I can give you tips on acting more like her if you want.
Komaru makes a face. “I’m bad at acting. Am I really that different?”
Given that you don’t shut up, yes. That’s not a bad thing. They add on when they seem to sense the indignation rising in her. You really want to go around like normal today?
“Please?” She begs in what is sure to not be the last time that Syo enables her in doing something she probably shouldn’t do.
Okay! You’re more fun to have to share with than madam morose. This is way more chaotic. If things go wrong, I’ll help you cover up.
Komaru thinks that’s supposed to be a compliment. Or flattery? Either way, she enthusiastically takes to observing her appearance in the mirror for a good several minutes— more than several, but who’s keeping track? Syo. Syo is— before they point out they’ll be late for class and still haven’t had breakfast. But Komaru really only registers late and class and grabs her bag and rushes out into the hall, only to realize she didn’t really know where she was supposed to be going.
Syo sighs at her and directs her in the right direction of their locker and then their class while Komaru considers what’s the best way to seem cool if she can’t technically be herself. And also try not to nervously overthink things. That is also a thing she tries to avoid.
You know it’s weird that we’re going to class early, right?
“It’s fine...!” She grumbles. I can’t help but be excited, okay? It’s not everyday I get to pretend to be attended one of the most prestigious schools in the country.
Uh huh. Okay. I don’t think it’s really ‘cool’ to be this early to class, but.. Syo snickers at her, and she pouts before opting to ignore them, gathering her nerves before ( with more confidence than the actual Touko Fukawa would ever muster ) pushing the door open and stepping inside the classroom.
And then the whole act cool plan falls apart because while Komaru had registered the, we’re at Hope’s Peak Academy, she had failed to consider the whole, this is the school my brother goes to, I might run into my brother dilemma that she is immediately forced to acknowledge in a very graceful manner.
( And by gracefully she means she very embarrassingly screams at Makoto and Syo cackles at her, and she learns a very important lesson on why she should not trust Syo so easily )
Unfortunately for Touko, her body refuses to sleep much, which means she is wide awake when someone tries to come into the room just after four. Clearly not giving up, a knock soon follows, and, “Fukawa-san? Can you let us in?”
And then the sound of her own voice, way too cheery for her own liking. “No one else is home right now, so you don’t need to worry about it. Please? I really want to meet you! Uhm, properly.” Silence follows, since Touko makes no attempt to acknowledge that- if she pretends to sleep, then they’ve got to give up eventually. Even if she can only run away for so long, given that Makoto will probably just confront her tomorrow if she doesn’t. “Uh, Syo-san says they’ll take matters into their own hands if you don’t...? I’m not really sure what that means, but...” Makoto makes a panicked noise and god damn it Syo. She hadn’t counted on Syo working against her as well. Should she have expected that from them? Eh.
( It might speak more about the other girl, if she’d managed to get something like Syo’s...approval? That doesn’t seem quite right, and feels weird to think about either way )
“Give me a moment.” She calls, just to make sure Syo doesn’t go ahead and try and start picking the lock or break a window or something else that’s drastic and unnecessary. Takes a deep breath as she pulls herself out of bed, doesn’t bother double-checking if she seems too presentable and trudges over to unlock the door.
No sooner than she does so, the door swings open cautiously— Touko manages to sidestep out of the way before she needs to worry about being hit by it. She can feel the other’s gaze focus in on her almost immediately, but she very pointedly decides to not meet her gaze, mostly because it feels weird to be looking at herself, and looks at the same bookcase she has been staring at for the past four hours straight.
( Manga. She hates it. Of course, she would be stuck with someone that loves something that she practically loathes. She also hates the fact that she’d also been so bored that she’d almost considered reading it )
The only thing she chooses to acknowledge is the fact that her hair is down and not braided, really could she not have put forth even that much effort— and that while having her in front of her now is much different from what she might have thought it to be, she really has no idea of what to think of her.
And then the other seems to decide that enough is enough and holds her hands in hers very excitedly. She can only guess what Syo makes of all this. Schadenfreude, probably. She doesn’t actually say anything to her, just giggles to herself ( she’s not sure if she’s trying to be creepy, or if that laughter is directed at something Syo is saying ).
“Stop that...It’s w-w-weird to see my face doing that.” She gnaws on her lip— is this what everyone else saw all day? That’s awful.
As if reading her mind ( and certainly not the atmosphere of room ), Makoto helpfully chimes in, “Give her a break, she’s done a pretty good job trying to not attract any unwanted attention.”
“They made me skip class.” She pouts, crossing her arms. “Syo even said that they’d take the blame for it, but no, I had to skip out.”
“You screamed at me and scared Fujisaki-san? I was more relieved that Ishimaru-kun was willing to get you excused for the day.” Oh good, at least she can count on having reliable notes and not misplaced homework like with some people ( Syo ).
“It wasn’t that bad, Makoto, you’re making it seem worse than it was—”
“Because screaming like that could come off as good somehow?” He butts in.
“— and what’s done is done, so with that said, let’s eat!” She raises a bag that she’d failed t notice earlier. “I know it’s a little weird, but it’s still your birthday, so we can at least celebrate, right? I even asked Syo what you’d prefer the most while we were at the bakery.” That kind of disgustingly desperate face is all too fitting and completely foreign on her face, and Touko scowls at her.
It’s also a very foreign thought to actually be celebrating her birthday for once, and with a practical stranger nonetheless.
“Actually, I have a call I’m supposed to make. So I’ll be waiting downstairs, Komaru— we do have to get back at a reasonable time, so I’ll come back up if you’re staying too long, okay?” Makoto flees in the most inelegant way possible, fittingly.
Traitor, she wants to yell at him. She’s not quite being left alone here, because Syo is clearly present, but it’s not the same. She still feels a sense of betrayal here on all sides nonetheless.
“Touko-chan! Come sit with me!” Not that she gets any say in this, dragged along by her hand into following. She considers telling her off because when did she say that she was allowed to call her that? But bites her tongue for the moment because she’s still a little startled about the ease at which she has accepted all of...this, given the fact that she’s currently got Syo co-fronting. She suspects that they have arbitrarily elected to not acknowledge the elephant in the room which is very annoying to her, but she’s not really given a chance to acknowledge that either since a plate is shoved into her hands.
Fruit tart. So she’s not lying about the fact that Syo has taken a liking to her, apparently.
( No she’s not jealous over her own apparent soulmate. Why on earth would she envy that? )
“Fukawa-san?” Pale lavender eyes peer up at her, lips pursed in a small pout. “I know this isn’t the most ideal situation, and..I don’t expect you to warm up to me right away. But I’d like it if we could meet again sometime, as ourselves.”
Touko gives her a long look, scrutinizing, and then looks away. “I’ll think about it.”
“Okay!” She’s quick to agree like she’d said yes; humming happily with a fork in her mouth ( which would be cuter if she didn't have to look at her own ugly face ).
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 27: The One where I Want to Punch Basically Every Sect Leader in the Face. Repeatedly. With a Chair.
And we start off back in the rain, AKA OUR ENDLESS TEARS
Wwx is like, do you remember our promise?
Wwx: i wished to stand with justice and live without regrets. But tell me now, who’s strong, who’s weaker? Who’s right and who’s wrong?
Lwj: wei ying! 
Oh god, his voice! HE’S DISTRESSED
Wwx: is this the promise we pledged our lives to keep?
Oh, look, lwj is doing the deathgrip of gay yearning on bichen again. We haven’t seen that in awhile AND I WISH WE WEREN’T SEEING IT NOW
Okay, but for real, how can lwj look so hurt here when the actor is literally doing nothing with his face??
I know i’ve mentioned that before, BUT C’MON, HOW?? HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK??
Wwx: my only regret is that i didn’t stop the jin clan who took living people as bait
And now wwx is all, i missed my chance to protect wen ning before so now i MUST leave to save him
Oh no
Oh noooo
He’s pulling out his demon flute. We’re gonna get THAT SCENE
Wwx: lan zhan, if i finally have to fight them, i’d prefer to fight with you
Wwx: if i am doomed to die, at least i can be killed by you. That would be worth it.
Oh god, he’s doing the bichen deathgrip again
He tears his gaze away from wwx and turns to the side TO LET THEM ALL GO PAST
And now he drops his umbrella to the ground AS HE TRIES TO DROWN HIMSELF IN THE RAIN
And after all that emotional torture we get Plot Stuff happening
Blah blah wwx at the burial mounds blah blah sect leader banquet blah blah
Ugh, gross, they’re letting the idiot sect leaders talk again
They’re all blah blah wwx is evil blah blah he murders ppl blah blah we hate him blah blah
This whole part here is so difficult to watch. They’re literally just trash-talking my PRECIOUS SUNSHINE BOY
Jc, lwj, and lxc look visibly uncomfortable with what’s going down and they kind of sort of tried to defend wwx but they didn’t present a united front or hold their ground
Instead they let yao and ouyang run their stupid mouths
Here’s little itty bitty bits of almost wangxiantics in the middle of this mess
Jgs: yeah, jc, i know wwx is your trusted bro and all but idk if wwx actually respects your authority. Do something about it, maybe
Lwj: *subtly glares at jgs*
And then everyone joins in on dragging wwx’s name through the mud bc apparently that’s the hot new thing in the cultivator world
If you look closely while this is happening, you can see that lwj legit GRINDS HIS TEETH with how much he’s holding back. MY POOR BB HAVING TO SIT THERE AND LISTEN TO EVERYONE DISPARAGE HIS SOULMATE
Jgs: wwx totally doesn’t respect you, jc, my bro. Everyone here heard him say how much he thinks you suck or whatever
Lwj: No I didn’t.
Jgs: what??
Lwj: i never heard wei ying say that, nor did i see him disrespect clan leader jiang
And ugh, disgusting, jgy steps in to be all “oh, well, wwx said so many awful things that day, who can possibly remember the specifics?”
Lwj visibly swallows here, as if he’s choking back a response, and his lips are all pursed. 
That’s all the wangxiantics we get from that terrible awful sect leader banquet
Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute! 
This isn’t a wangxiantic
But it is an EPIC MOMENT that should be commemorated.
Because here we get…
*drum roll*
Jz: blah blah wwx kills our people indiscriminately blah blah
Mm: not indiscriminately
Mm: indiscriminate is not accurate
And everyone around her is like, confused and offended because they’re assholes
Mm: in this specific case, if the overseers did abuse the Wen prisoners and kill wen ning, then what wwx did was not “killing indiscriminately”
Ouyang: nah, the overseers said they never abused/killed anyone
(okay, she didn’t call him an idiot outright or swear, but it was totally there in her tone of voice and also ouyang is an idiot so there)
Mm: you all think you’re so smart and voice your opinions so loudly
And she throws down her jin robes and mARCHES RIGHT OUT OF THAT SHITHOLE WITH HER HEAD HELD HIGH
Lwj watches her do that and two seconds later follows her out bC HE RECOGNIZES BADASSERY WHEN HE SEES IT (and also she defended the love of his life)
And that badass moment ends
But the banquet of idiots keeps going
The jin clan needs to learn how to shut the fuck up
God, they just go on and on and on
Why are they torturing me like this
We see lwj and mm standing together on a terrace, talking to each other
Oh, side note to let you all know this direct quote from nmj - “that girl really has a backbone.”
Okay nmj, i’m slightly less angry at you now. I won’t try to beat you with bichen or a table or a chair.
(but now i kinda wish mm would join the nie clan. I think she’d do well there and also i want to see her carry a gigantic saber)
We get some chitchat with the Official Bros™ but idc let’s move on 
(tho i do appreciate the look nmj gives jgy, like, HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME lolol)
Ooooh, now we’re getting lan fam time
ANGRY lan fam time, uh oh.
Lqr: lwj, have you regretted it? I didn’t punish you when you broke into the Forbidden Chamber bc i thought you’d self-reflect 
Lqr: you shouldn’t have gone to qiongqi way and let wwx go. Should you make one mistake after another?
And lwj is kneeling in front of him this whole time with a blank face
Lqr: what’s the use of getting you to memorize the Great Big Book of Lan Fam Rules?? Tell me, what is rule 52?
Lwj: No association with evil
He answers immediately and without any inflection to his voice.
Lqr: did you forget what happened to your father???
Lwj practically gasps and lifts his gaze to meet his uncle head-on
Lwj: my mother, she…!
Lqr: hold your tongue!
And just like that, lwj shuts down again; expression flat and gaze lowered
Basically the entire lan clan needs to go to therapy, like, STAT
Oh, i just noticed, lwj has his fists clenched at his sides. He’s clenching them hard, too. I think they’re trembling a bit, actually…
Lqr: i’ve been taking care of you since you were a kid; you’re like my son.i was strict bc i wanted you to stick to the right path and avoid your father’s tragedy
Lqr: that’s what i wanted to say to you. I hope you choose the right path. You may leave.
Lwj still bows respectfully before taking his leave
And i’m sure y’all are wondering, hey trensu, why did you make us endure that angry lan fam time that hurt us deep in our soul?? That wasn’t wangxiantic at all!
That’s where you're wrong, my friends!
It’s actually SUPER wangxiantic bc lqr kept drawing parallels to lwj’s dad the practically whole time
You know, the dad that married their mother who murdered some guy and had the whole world turn against her. 
(Sound familiar?)
The same mother that dad loved with his entire being and did what he could to keep her safe from the ramifications of her actions? By marrying her? And hiding her in the cloud recesses?
Bc, you know, that’s a totally hetero comparison to make lol
Oh, now we get to see our favorite Disaster Het be less of a disaster
We’re not going into detail here bc we’re not here for hetero shenanigans, yuck (actually, i’m apparently weak to Pining Idiots of all kinds bc this whole jzx/jyl scene is giving me tender feelings)
Also, how the HELL did jzx end up being the one who was able to express his intentions clearly? He was all “please don’t go to the burial mounds, stay here with me so i can protect you from all who would want to hurt you”
Jzx accomplished this before you did, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED.
Huh, okay, i guess i did go into a bit of detail with that hetero nonsense. Oh well.
Now we’re at the burial mounds again with wwx
Lol, wwx is all if you don’t let go i’ll plant you like a turnip
And a-yuan plops himself down in the dirt like YOUR THREATS DON’T WORK ON ME, OLD MAN, I LIKE BEING IN THE DIRT
Then he asks wwx for 3 elder brothers and 2 elder sisters, awwww. He thinks wwx can grow them in the garden (like cabbage patch kids!!!)
Plot stuff happens
Blah blah wwx and wq share moment blah blah jc shows up blah blah
Jc sees that glowing talisman door thing and is like THAT SIGN WON’T STOP ME BC I CAN’T READ
And then whips it down with zidian
Now we get some feelings-laden Yunmeng bros time
A-yuan shows up and leg-grabs jc and it’s ADORABLE
But jc yells at him bc he’s a JERK
Wwx scolds jc and then is a Dad to a-yuan: don’t put your hand in your mouth, you were just touching dirt!
Awww, we get to see jc fight back a smile at this! HE WANTS TO BE AN UNCLE, I JUST KNOW IT.
Plot plot plot stuff happens
More plot stuff happens
And the episode ends with us still in the burial mounds with the yunmeng bros
And you know what, i’m just gonna focus on our BAMF mianmian moment bc quite frankly the rest of the episode either had me in tears of anguish or spitting mad. There was no inbetween. 
I’m gonna end up having blood pressure problems at this rate.
I’m too poor young to have blood pressure problems.
The Jin clan better pay for any medical bills I get because of them, I'm just saying
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solarisjoon · 5 years
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A/N: Whoo! This is finally done, and I’m quite happy to say that smut is easy and fun to write!  I will be posting a weekly/bi-weekly schedule tomorrow that I can truly follow now due to getting my mental health in check.  The third drabble will be posted tomorrow as well.  Feedback would be appreciated!!
Based on this ask from my Drabble NSFW Asks: anonymous said: For the nsfw drabble: d, 3, 63, and dom!hoseok, possibly an abo au? Id kill for a good dom/Alpha au rn love you btw
D:  3: “You’re such a useless whore.” 63: “Keep going, bitch. I want to see tears rolling down your cheeks.”
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Pairing: Dom!Jung Hoseok X Reader ABO!AU Genre: Drabble Word Count: 2164 (Not really a drabble anymore huh?) Warnings: SMUTTY SMUT SMUT
Cause every single touch don't mean a thing And every time you're calling out my name We know that it's just not to be alone We’re loving like we're animals (Animals by Alex & Sierra)
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Receiving the text had caused a rush of heat to flow through me, and I clenched my thighs as I licked my lips:
Hosuck: My apartment, NOW
I hadn't graced him with a response as I hurriedly shoved my books into my bag and bid my study group adieu for the day.
"Where are you going, Y/N?"  My best friend, Kim Taehyung, asked, concern etched onto his features.
"Heading home for the night Tae, don't worry about me."  He stood quickly and grabbed my arm, his nostrils flaring as he scented what I tried hard to conceal.
"You're going to see him, right?  Don't lie to me, I can smell you Y/N."  He shook his head at the small noise I made in protest.  "I thought you were done with him, all he's going to do is hurt you, he doesn't care about you."
Pulling my arm away, I narrowed my eyes, "I know Tae, all we do is fuck, and it's none of your business who and what I do."
The growl that reverberated through the room caused a shiver to run through me and I whined, tilting my head to show submission to the angry alpha in front of me.  Taehyung's eyes widened and he backed away from me, "Shit Y/N, I-"
My eyes watered as I glared at him, "Forget it Tae."  I left him there, rushing out of the library with shame coursing through me at the display I had just given every Alpha in the room.  Taehyung had never handled me in that way before, albeit how unusual and pressing it was for an Alpha and Omega to be best friends, we could control our instincts around each other.  It was upsetting, and I worried my lower lip between my teeth as I debated blowing Hoseok off for the night so I could go home and have a good cry.
As I passed his dorm complex, I could smell Hoseok, surprise rang through me at that, and I hurried up the stairs, taking them two at a time.  Entering the entryway, I glanced around and found Seokjin hurrying to the entrance, shoes barely on and a strange look on his face.
He realized it was me standing there and breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh Y/N, thank gods."
I cocked my head as he pulled me into a quick hug, the comforting scent of a Beta wrapping around me.  "What is it?"
"It's Hobi, he went into heat early, I barely got out of there."
My eyes widened as I realized the issue, and I pushed Jin away, "No, no.  Hobi and I agreed not during heats.  You know as well as I do what could happen."
Jin's eyes twinkled as he grinned, "Well, that wouldn't be a bad thing, now would it?"
"He doesn't feel the same as I do, Jin."  I mumbled, turning away and hanging my head.  "I'm gonna go, just call Hanyu for him, he needs another Alpha to help him."  I started to turn, pushing the door open as I went, cutting Jin off mid-sentence and hurrying home.
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After arriving back at my apartment, I stripped and showered, trying to keep my mind from thoughts of Hanyu and Hoseok together.  Finishing up quickly, I threw on some comfy, yet old, pajamas and settled in front of the TV for a good binging session of Say Yes to the Dress.  Sighing, I shoved a spoonful of rocky road ice cream into my mouth, chewing thoughtfully as I thought of myself in the brides’ places with Hoseok as the-
Okay, ending that train of thought right now.
Sitting up fully, I set the ice cream down on the coffee table in front of me, stretching my arms above me when I heard a loud bang come from the front door of my apartment.  Before I could react, a sweaty, shirtless, Hoseok came into my living room and the overwhelming scent of cinnamon was washing over me.  I let out a low whine and showed my neck to the Alpha before me, slick gathering between my legs at an alarming rate.
“I texted you,” Hoseok growled, fangs on display and anger making his eyes grow gold with his Alpha fully presenting.  
“Jin told me it was your heat and-” I gasped as I was suddenly pressed up against the wall, Hoseok’s knee between my legs and his teeth at my throat, his nose rubbing against my cheek.  
“I called you,” I froze, my mouth going dry and I glanced towards my phone sitting on the coffee table.  If Hoseok had called me in the midst of his heat did that mean...?  No, I wasn’t going to go there, he wasn’t thinking straight and neither was I due to his scent wrapping me in cinnamon cloves.  The Omega part of me wanted to just submit to the Alpha scenting me, it wanted me to spread my legs and take him like a bitch in heat.
I had to stay focused, if I let myself go then Hoseok could accidentally mark me, and I didn't want the Alpha to be angry when he came back to his senses, marking an Omega like me.  I felt the nip before I saw him move, the growl resurfacing, "Why do you smell like another Alpha?"
"It's just Taehyung, I was at a study group with him and-"  Hoseok shut me up with a bruising kiss, his tongue licking into my mouth as if to gather every bit of my essence for his own.  I keened, my back arching into his body as his knee pressed against my center, rubbing against my clenching entrance.  A blush coated my body at the feeling of slick running in rivulets down my parted thighs, I was sure by now I had soaked through his jeans.
"He touched you, he touched what's mine." He had pulled away from my mouth, licking at my lips now.  His words had me gasping as I ground against him, euphoria washing through me at the blooming feeling of hope in my chest.
"H-Hoseok..."  This was dangerous, I was letting myself slip into his rut, into him, and yet I loved it, I was excited by it.  I clenched against him, trying to hold myself back, as well as trying to stop more slick from escaping; the wet sounds of my grinding against his thigh were a bit embarrassing.  "Please..." I broke, giving in to his lust and my love.
The salacious grin I was grace with let me know I was in trouble for running away.  "Good girl."  The rumbling of Hoseok's Alpha voice set me on fire, and I gripped his hair before pulling his lips to mine, fighting for dominance with my tongue and tracing his canines gently.  Hoseok groaned, rutting his hips into my belly, and I realized just how affected he was by me.
Steel pressed into my stomach, rubbing a burning trail along my navel and making me beg for more.  Hoseok happily obliged, flinging me over his shoulder and spanking my ass as he did, the keening cry I let out urging him on quicker to my bedroom.  The air split around me as I was thrown onto my mattress, a soft oof leaving me at the force of his throw.  A ripping sound echoed around us as I realized he had ripped my pajama shorts and panties in half, tossing the tattered threads behind him as he set his gaze upon what he wanted.  
"Hey! Those were expensive!"  I was more upset at the loss of my favorite pair of lacy panties than my sleep shorts, and even though he was the Alpha he needed to know what he had done.  
"I'll buy you as many pairs as you want, just let me touch you now."  Hoseok growled, his hands already sliding up my thighs as he crawled towards my center.  His devilish tongue lashed out and licked a burning stripe up my slit, causing me to cry out at the pleasure.  "Just like that baby girl, let everyone know what's going on."  The puff of his hot breath against my core made me tremble, his lips brushing against my clit with every word he spoke.  
Glancing down, I saw his golden eyes watching me as he lapped at me, a slow grin curving at his lips before he truly set out to devour me whole.  Almost immediately, two fingers were shoved deep into my pussy, stretching me and hitting my g-spot in rapid, quick strokes.  I keened and clawed at his hair, pressing him deeper into me, craving the pleasure he so willingly gave.  His tongue lashed me, swirling about my clit and then tapping it quickly, keeping me so close to the edge but not letting me get there.
"You're such a useless whore, letting me have my way with this pretty pussy while you just whine and cry."   Again, his words caused me such great pleasure, lips teasing my clit in such a perfect way that I cried out and came, stars shining in my head.
When I came back down from my high, Hoseok had undressed himself the rest of the way, his golden eyes watching my chest heave from under my vest top, and lips still shiny from my release.  "Get rid of that before I do it for you."  I scrambled to pull it over my head, so I wouldn't have to deal with yet another ripped item of clothing, and watched as his gaze zeroed in on my chest, more specifically, the way my nipples hardened under his watch.  My own gaze focused on his leaking length, the purple head absolutely dripping with precum and his balls heavy with his release.  I tracked the veins that wrapped his steely shaft, and watched how his knot flared gently at his base, ready to lock me to him.
I went to move onto my knees to give him some relief before Hoseok held me back, "Later, now I want you to ride me."  I nodded and sat up, watching as his cock bobbed while he settled against my pillows, a grin lighting up his face as I crawled over him, slick dripping onto him.  I took him in hand and held his head against my entrance, breath hitching as I pressed down, my body taking him with slight difficulty as he seemed to be much larger than normal.  I moaned as I sank onto him, my clit rubbing against his navel with every breath.
At the slow growl that  left him, I started to move, my hips pounding down onto him with such force the bed creaked in protest.  The slick sounds of our coupling entranced him, as he watched where we were joined with rapt attention, licking his lips and letting out groans of pleasure.  Every slap of my body against his had my energy sapping and a whine flying from my throat, a sudden, sharp smack to my ass had me jolting and opening my eyes to see the Alpha, my Alpha watching me.
“Keep going, bitch. I want to see tears rolling down your cheeks.”  I obliged, slamming myself harder with each smack against my rapidly-bruising ass cheeks, my slick pooling onto his stomach by this point and making everything that much wetter.  Tears started to gather in my eyes at the overwhelming pleasure I was feeling, Hoseok's cock swelling with each stroke.  Suddenly, he grabbed the back of my head and slammed his mouth into mine, licking into me and making me taste my own pleasure on his tongue.  I kissed him back with as much vigor, pushing myself to finish with my Alpha, as his knot was catching on me with every pull out.
Hoseok pulled away from my mouth and trailed kissed down my neck, nibbling little galaxies into my skin and making me cry out his name.  "Shit,"  He growled out, hands grabbing my thighs and nails digging in deep enough to make me feel the bruises I would have.  He thrust up with a force I didn't know he had and shoved his knot into my waiting pussy, his cum flooding me and filling me to the brim.  His teeth were in my scent gland in a flash, and I keened and came around him, walls pulsating and milking more of his seed from him, my own, slightly smaller canines digging into his scent gland, marking Hoseok as mine.
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Hoseok smiled at his mate, her sleeping figure covered in love bites and bruises from his hands, sufficiently marking her as his.  Of course, the mark that covered her scent gland attested to that fact, and the many other rounds that had followed the initial marking.  Their combined scents of cinnamon cloves and jasmine surrounded him and made his Alpha happy; they had their Omega, finally, and no one could take her from them.  She truly was his wolfsbane.
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sunmoonandeddie · 5 years
feelings are fatal (14/24)
pairing: bucky barnes x reader, past steve rogers x reader
word count: 3,554
summary: After the events of Endgame, you struggle to come to terms with what you’ve lost, though you’re learning that you still have something to gain.
chapter warnings: swearing
a/n: I’m so sorry this took so long to post, and thank you all for understanding.  Also, the reader’s inner monologue at the beginning is me rn as I catch feelings.  Anyways, here’s the long awaited chapter fourteen!  Let me know what y’all think!
You wandered through the compound, feeling a little lost.  Ever since you’d realized you had feelings for a certain super soldier, you’d started feeling like a dumb little love struck school girl that listens to Taylor Swift unironically and wears fake glasses because she thinks it’s cute.
It’s a very specific feeling.
Before all of your realizations, you never questioned going to see Bucky.  You’d just join him in whatever he was doing.  You’d walk into his room without knocking and throw yourself across his bed just for him to run his fingers through your hair.  He’d let out that deep chuckle that resonated through his chest.  Your fingers would trace circles on the fabric covering his knee as you closed your eyes, relishing in his touch.  But now, as much as you wanted to do that, you couldn’t.
Because feelings were fucking ridiculous.
You felt like you were seventeen again, counting down the minutes until you’d get to see the Soldat again, get to hear his raspy voice as he gave you commands and feel his hands on you as he guided you through your training.
Yeah, maybe you were a little more fucked up than you thought, because who in their right mind would think that was attractive?
And also, you hadn’t realized just how much you needed Bucky’s touch until you started to overthink yourself.
“Aunt Y/N,” Morgan said as she spotted you, running down the hall to launch herself into your arms.  She’d just gotten back from riding with Happy to bring all her friends home to the city after another day at Pepper’s makeshift daycare.
“Hey, baby girl,” you said as you wrapped your arms around her.  You took comfort in the feeling of the youngest Stark, her weight bringing your racing mind back down to the ground again.  “How was your day?”
“Good!  I started reading my first chapter book today!”
Of course, she did.  Morgan was just as smart as her dad had been, and it wouldn’t surprise you if she ended up being just as much of a prodigy as him.
But the difference was that, unlike her late father, she was going to have her family telling her how proud they were of her and how much they loved her several times a day.  There was no doubt in your mind that she would grow up knowing just how much she was cherished.  Your family wouldn’t allow anything else.
“Oh, really?” You asked, grinning as you carried her through the hall to the living area.  “What book did you start reading?”
“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone!” She said with a few giggles as her arms wrapped around your neck.  “I wanna tell Uncle Bucky!”
And, well, if that wasn’t the best damn reason to go see the object of your affections.
You immediately turned on your heel and began to head for his room.  “He’s going to be so proud of you.”
Once you reached Bucky’s door, you didn’t bother knocking.  Why would you?  It’s not like he’d ever had a problem with you just barging in before.
But, oh, how you’d wished you had.
Your heart stopped in your chest as a knife flew through the air, imbedding itself in the wall by your head.  You were lucky that Morgan was on your other head, even though you knew that if he wanted the knife to hit either of you it would’ve.  “James,” you gasped, your eyes slowly focusing in the dim light.
He was crouched in the corner, his hair hanging in a curtain around his face.  But you couldn’t tell if he was cowering away from you or getting ready to strike.
“Morgan, go find your mother,” you said, your voice quiet and stern as you set her on the ground and moved to stand in front of her. “Tell her that I said Code Soldier.”
“Morgan, now.”
She could be upset with you later.  If this was the Soldat, then she needed to be as far away as possible.
And, to her credit, she followed your command after just a moment’s hesitation.  She may have been young, but she wasn’t stupid.  She could tell when she needed to listen to you.
You shut the door with a soft click, hoping that F.R.I.D.A.Y. would automatically lock it.  The last thing you needed was one of your other teammates barging in.
Heavy breathing broke the silence that fell over the room as the man stared at you.
The man in front of you didn’t react, he just watched you with glittering eyes.  His eyes were so dilated that you could barely see the white surrounding the sea foam irises.
This was the Soldat.
“Soldat,” you said, your voice dropping to a whisper. You had no idea how well addressing him was going to go.  You hadn’t seen this side of him since you’d been rescued from the Red Room.  You tentatively took a step towards him, freezing when you saw the way he tensed.  He seemed skeptical of you, like he recognized you on some level but couldn’t quite place it. “Soldat, it’s me.”
Swallowing, you took another few steps towards him.  “It’s me, Y/N.  Malen’kaya.”
That grabbed his attention.  His features softened, though his eyes stayed as dark as they were.  “Malen’kaya?”
You nodded, hope coursing through your veins. “Yes.  Yes, it’s malen’kaya.”
Before you could blink, the Soldat had flown across the room and had wrapped his arms around you.  He was shaking as his hands roamed over your back, your shoulders, your arms, and back again, as though trying to convince himself that you were real.
You had never seen him this scared.  Bucky, sure, but not the Soldat.
He suddenly pulled away, his calloused hands holding your face.  His touch was much rougher than Bucky’s, though not unwelcome.  “Why are you here?  I thought Natalia got you out?  Did they find you?”
“Wait, what?” You asked, shaking your head.  “What do you mean—”
And then it hit you.  He thought he was still with HYDRA.  He thought that they had dragged you back to the Red Room.
And somehow, he knew that Natasha was the one to get you out.
Something was off.
The past few days, there was a sort of tension in the air, like something was about to happen.
And most of it was coming from the Soldat.  Ever since he’d gotten back from his mission about a week ago, he’d been acting strange.  He was always looking over his shoulder, his mind clearly a million miles away.  His touches lingered a little longer than normal, which was already pretty long.
Not that you minded that bit.
You liked when he touched you.  When he felt comfortable enough to let his hands rest on your shoulders, his front gently pressing against your back.
The man in question grunted from the other side of the room, where he was pulling a knife out of your target.
“What’s wrong?”
He paused, his back still to you.  It was clear that he knew what you were referring to—the weight that hung in the air around you.  He could lie to you, tell you that it was nothing, but you were too smart for that.  You’d spent years training with him now and you could read his face no matter how stoic he tried to appear to be.
“Soldat, talk to me,” you said as you came up behind him.  Reaching forward carefully, you hesitated before resting your hand on his arm.  “Please?”
And maybe it was the way you said it.  Maybe it was how your voice cracked and your eyes watered as you stared up at him, confused as to why your one friend wasn’t talking to you.
Maybe it was because it was you and he’d proven over and over to himself lately that there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for you.
But he turned to face you, his fingers brushing against your cheek.  “I didn’t stop them,” he said finally, his voice low and raspy as always.
“What do you—”  You broke off, feeling a stab of pain, as his eyes trailed down to your abdomen.  You knew exactly what he was talking about.  The soft black fabric of your tank top covered the almost-healed stitches.
While he’d been on his last mission, Madame B had taken you for the Graduation Ceremony.  At the time, you hadn’t known what it was.  You’d simply followed her into the basement of the Red Room, anxiety coursing through your veins.  It hadn’t taken long to realize that something horrific was about to happen.
But you’d been knocked out before you could even open your mouth to scream.
When you’d come to, you’d been greeted by searing pain in your lower abdomen and two perfect rows of stitches on either side of your hips.
“You didn’t know,” you said, frowning as you took a step closer to him.  You didn’t like that he blamed himself for not being there to stop it from happening. “And you were on a mission.  There was nothing you could’ve done.”  Your eyes flickered down to his lips as your mouth suddenly grew dry.  You two were so close that all you had to do was stand up on your tiptoes and press your lips to—
The Soldat cleared his throat as he took a step away.  “We’re done for today,” he said as he crossed the room, the knife he’d been retrieving from the target in his hands.  “We’ve already gone later than normal and you need to get to bed.”
“I said we’re done!”
You froze, eyes widening as he whirled on you. He looked absolutely pissed.  His icy blue eyes were narrowed, his jaw clenched so tightly you were sure his teeth were going to shatter.
His face softened as he realized what he’d done. But before he could even open his mouth to apologize, you were out the door.
You were the last one to hit the showers, the rest of the girls having already headed for bed.  You guessed you had about ten minutes until room check, but Madame B was always a little lenient on you when your training with the Soldat went later than normal.
There was an eerie silence in the showers as you washed away the day.  Despite the front you put up, you hurt.  Badly. Despite the clean stitches, you were still in a lot of physical pain.  Every breath was a little more labored, a little harsher.
And that wasn’t even counting the emotional pain. You’d never even thought about having children or a family, but to have that choice taken away…
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up as you whirled around, only to find nothing.  The doorway leading out of the showers was completely dark and while you weren’t typically afraid of the dark, there was something foreboding about it.
You wanted to call out to see if someone was there, but at the same time, you felt as though that’d be a stupid decision and would end in your death if someone actually was hiding in the shadows.
You turned back to the spray, washing away the conditioner.
But you were definitely hearing footsteps.
You bit your lip as you turned off the water. Silence filled the room once again as who ever was in the changing room stopped moving.
Someone was definitely out there.
You grabbed the towel hanging on the hook outside your stall, wrapping it around yourself.  You didn’t want to face whatever was out there naked, but you really had no choice since your clothes were in the next room.
“Hello?” You shouted, your voice shaking.
You also had no idea if you’d be able to take whoever was out there down.  Sure, you were highly trained, but if this was an intruder, it would mean that they had managed to break into the Red Room undetected.
Steeling yourself for whatever was awaiting you, you rounded the corner, only for the breath to be stolen from your lungs.
“Natalia?” You gasped, your heart hammering as you took in the woman in front of you.
She was older than you remembered her, of course. But she looked softer.  Better cared for.  Her hair—her gorgeous red hair that had been halfway down her back the last time you’d seen her—was cut to just barely lay over her shoulders.  There was a logo of a shield on her all black ensemble.
“Hey, sweetheart,” she said with a faint smile. Like she was almost afraid of how you’d react.
“It’s you,” you said, voice cracking.  Water dripped on the floor as you stepped towards her.  You raised a hand before letting it lower, as though you were afraid that she’d disappear with a single touch.
She nodded, tossing you your clothing that had been left on one of the benches and prompting for you to get dressed.  “It’s me.”
“Where have you been?” You asked as you pulled on your leggings and tank top, brows furrowed with confusion.  You weren’t even bothered by how wet your hair was getting your clothes.  “What… What are you doing here?”
“I’m getting you out.”
“Soldat,” you said quietly, brushing his hair back from his face.
His eyes were locked on you, visibly relaxing as you touched him.
“I need you to stay calm.  Can you do that for me?”  When he nodded, you moved him towards the bed so he was sitting.  You slid behind him, allowing his head to rest on your chest.  Your fingers ran through his hair soothingly as you cradled him to you.  “We’re not in the Red Room.  You’re not with HYDRA.”
He still seemed wary though he didn’t interrupt you.
“We’re in a compound in New York,” you said, searching his face for any signs of Bucky breaking through now that he had calmed down. “We’re with the Avengers.” Swallowing, you pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.  “I know you protect James.  That you’re a part of him that comes out when he’s unsafe.  But I promise you’re safe, okay?  I’m not going to let anything happen to either of you.”
He nodded, though his eyes didn’t change. He was still the Soldat.
“I need you to let me talk to James,” you said slowly.  You had no idea how the Soldat would reply to that.  You could only hope that he trusted you enough.  “Can you do that for me?”
The Soldat closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. There seemed to be a shift in him and you held your breath as a shiver ran through his body.
His eyes fluttered open and you were greeted with an ocean of blue.  “Y/N? What happened?”
“James,” you said, letting out a sigh of relief as you threw your arms around him.
He didn’t hesitate in hugging you back, letting your head burrow into the crook of his neck.  “I’m here.  I’m here,” he said.  His eyes caught on the knife embedded in the wall by the door.  “How…  How did that happen?”
“I came in and the Soldat had taken over,” you said quietly, biting your lip.  You didn’t want him to know right away that Morgan had been with you, or he’d never forgive himself.  “You must’ve had a really bad nightmare or something.”
“Did I…”  He swallowed.  “Did I do anything bad?”
“No,” you quickly said, shaking your head.  “Morgan was—”
He jerked back, his eyes wide.  “Morgan was here?!”
“Yes, but she got out before—”
Bucky stood up, disentangling himself from you. He began pacing the floor of his bedroom.  “She… She saw me like that.  She saw the Sold—”
“James,” you said sternly as you stopped him in his tracks.  “Nothing happened, okay?  The Soldat listened to me, okay?  He listened to me and let you take back over because I asked him to.  Everything’s okay.”  He still seemed unsure, despite your words.  Thinking quickly, you said, “Get in the shower.  Take a long one.  We’re going out tonight.”
“What?” He said, his brows furrowing as he stared down at you.
Pushing him towards the bathroom, you felt a burst of mischief.  “Go get in the shower.  I’ll set out some clothes for you.  Be ready by seven.”
You knew that he’d be ready much sooner than that, but you’d need the time.
He gave in, knowing that you were as stubborn as the day was long.  You’d could argue with a river until it started running backwards, if you chose to do so.  “Alright, alright,” he said, allowing you to push him into the bathroom.
Once the door was closed, you immediately went to his closet.  As soon as you opened it, you saw what you needed.
Hanging pristinely in a clear garment protector was a matte black suit.  It was hanging with a matching button down and a bowtie, and just below it were a shiny pair of Oxfords.
You laid out the suit in its garment bag
In just over an hour and a half, you found yourself in a pale blue vintage dress.  The skirt swished around your knees as you pulled on your stockings and your heels.  Your hair was curled and red lipstick carefully applied.
Bucky had done so much to take care of you, but now it was your turn to take care of him.  It was your turn to make sure that Bucky’s demons were kept at bay and that he had someone there with him to pull him out of the dark.
By the time you were done and had made your way down to the kitchen, Bucky was already standing by the island and watching Rhodey throw vegetables into a skillet.
He looked absolutely gorgeous in his suit.
Sam, who was sitting on one of the stools and scrolling through his phone, noticed you first.  A grin spread across his face as he cleared his throat, nudging Bucky and nodding in your direction.
Bucky’s eyes widened almost comically large as he took the sight of you in.  He cleared his throat, rubbing his hands against his pants.  “You…  You look…” He coughed as a blush crept across his cheeks and down his neck.  “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you said softly as you walked over towards him.  Almost on instinct, he held out his elbow for you to take and you rested your hand in the crook.  “Now come on. We have places to go and people to see,” you teased as you tugged him towards the elevator.
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” He asked as you led him out to the Uber Black that was waiting.  He opened up the door for you, sliding in after you.
“Nope,” you said with a grin.  “It’s a surprise.”
The man beside you grumbled, but there was a soft grin tugging at his lips.  Your heart hammered inside your chest as his hand brushed against yours before his fingers intertwined with yours.
“Thank you for doing this,” he said, his voice breaking you out of your reverie.  “I don’t know where we’re going or what we’re doing but thank you.”
You simply nodded, resting your head against his shoulder.  “I’d do anything for you, James.”
A little over an hour and a half later, the Uber came to a stop in front of Bill’s Place.
“Y/N…  I…,” Bucky said as the two of you stepped out of the car.  “This is…  I saw Billie Holiday perform here.”  He let out a laugh as he pulled you towards the speakeasy.  “It was Monette’s Supper Club back then.  Stevie and I were fifteen and we had no business sneaking in, but we did.”
“Come on, then,” you said with a bright grin as you took his hand, leading him inside.  You had to make a few calls in order to get in, since it was typically reservations only, but sometimes being able to pull the Avengers card came in handy.
Bill Saxton was already playing when the two of you stepped in, a few couples already dancing.
“May I have the honor of this dance?” Bucky asked he bowed deeply, his lips pressing to your hand.
Giggling, you mock curtsied.  “Of course, you may,” you said.
This was going to be a night you dreamed about for the rest of your life.  Bucky held you close, his hand warm against the small of your back.  His cold hand in your right kept you present in the moment, because otherwise you’d be left drowning in his eyes.
God, you’d do anything just to be able to kiss him again.
You swallowed to try to cure your dry throat as a slow song came on, and you leaned your head against his chest.  “James?”
“Yeah, sugar?”  You could feel the vibrations of his voice against your cheek.
“You’re my favorite person in the entire world.”
If you could see him, you would’ve seen the way he blushed and the adoring look in his eyes.  His nose brushed against your hair as the smell of your shampoo invaded his senses.  “You’re my favorite person, too.”
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riseofmoonxchild · 5 years
t r a i n i n g ⋆ w h e e l s → pt. 3 // jimin
jimin x reader | angst |   → pt. 1 // pt. 2 // pt. 3 // pt. 4 (final)
It was like you were the old, worn out training wheels he didn’t need anymore. Now he had found his balance, and once he took off those training wheels he’d practically be able to fly forward toward his dreams. It was just a matter of time before he realized.
I carry band-aids on me now for when your soft hands hit the jagged ground.
우리maknae: nuna?
우리maknae: rapmon-hyung finally made him confess. he knew something was up with jimin-hyung.
우리maknae: nuna, hyung’s really.. well.. we don’t know everything but we kind of get the idea.
우리maknae: I know the last time I asked you to.. I’m sorry. but you should give it some time and..
우리maknae: I don’t know what I’m trying to say.. it’s just that we all miss you, nuna.
jin엄마: I came by and left some kimchi jjigae. make sure you eat it.
jin엄마: I’m serious. it took a lot of work. (o-.-o)
jin엄마: Y/N.. you know you can talk to me, right?
hobi: ya!! Y/N, what’s going on?? why haven’t you said anything?? to anyone?
hobi: no one can get a hold of you! Is your phone not working or something?
hobi: we’re just worried about you guys.
tae: Y/N, you okay?
hobi: but you have a phone don’t you? stop playing dead, it’s not cute! namjoon’s been trying to call you. jiminnie conveniently avoids having to answer any of our questions.. that little sneak -.-‘
hobi: we just need to know what’s going on.. I hope you’re okay. I’ll come find you if you’re not.
tae: I know you’re not really responding to anyone right now..
tae: but you have to at least answer me, okay?..
tae: Suga-hyung wants to know if you’re okay too.. he just doesn’t know how to ask you. -.≦’
tae: but are you really not going to talk to me?
tae: Y/N??!
jin엄마: you’re taking care of yourself, right?
jin엄마: call me when you can, okay? we’re worried.. about you and Chim..
You had managed to get back into your normal routine somewhat. Fortunately, your worked involved staying in your apartment and doing translating work. It was still hard to pass your park every time you went outside or greet the stray cat you and Jimin took turns feeding or walk into the convenience store you always got ramyun at or a hundred other tiny things. It was still hard to even just wake up in the morning and go through the same realization every day: Jimin wouldn’t be coming back.
Though you couldn’t avoid those things, you shut out everyone; you knew it would be too painful to be around the other members. Breaking up with Jimin was like breaking up with all of them, in a sense. It made things a million times worse. They mattered a lot to you too. Though you silently admitted that the person you wanted to hear from the most was Jimin.
After a week, you willed yourself to start responding. They worried about you and even sacrificed their time to get in contact with you.
Now it had already been three weeks since you last saw Jimin. You decided to text Jin back.
Y/N: yeah. don’t worry.. I really appreciate you guys checking up on me. but just keep focused, and I’ll be fine! I’ll give you a call later when I know you’ll be less busy.
Y/N: oppa, fighting!~ I’m cheering you guys on.
As you stretched, got out of bed, and started brushing your teeth, you got another text.  
tae: I hope you’re appropriate.
tae: I’m coming over.
You managed to type and clean your teeth at the same time.
Y/N: wt?? tae, srsuly dnt. I cnt c u rn
You hadn’t even gotten all the toothpaste off your mouth when you got a response back.
tae: too late~
You heard a banging at the door. “Y/N! Open up!” Hesitating due Taehyung’s forcefulness, you froze in your bathroom. “I swear if you keep me locked out here, your neighbors will start to think I’m a loan shark or something! That’s meant to be a threat but-”
He just stared at you with his mouth open. He probably hadn’t expected to make such a dramatic appearance. Despite being in an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants with only one rolled up pant-leg, meaning you weren’t that presentable, you had quickly wiped off your mouth with the back of your hand, ran through the living room, and flew the door open. You knew Taehyung wouldn’t care what you looked like, you both had seen the other at their worst. Besides for Jimin, Taehyung was really the only member you could be fully open with.
You pulled Taehyung by his shirt, shutting the door behind you. “Why make such a huge ruckus? You know I would have let you in.” You exhaled.
He avoided eye contact with you at all costs, conveniently observing your apartment. “Hmm? You did something new, didn’t you? I can’t quite put my finger on it.” Taehyung made a gesture as if he was thinking profoundly about this.
“Tae.. It hasn’t been that long!” Your voice grew softer now, as if you just remembered that you and Jimin were broken up and you hadn’t actually seen Taehyung for months. “I seriously haven’t so much as gotten a new coffee maker.”
“Of course, you’d need my input if you were going to get a new one.” He looked at you, smiling apologetically, his smile not as wide as it usually was, and chuckling with his hand on the back of his neck.
“Why are you.. you know, here?” You asked a bit timidly. You weren’t really ready to see any of the members yet, especially Taehyung.
“Because you’ve just disappeared off the face of the earth, Y/N! I would have thought you would at least talked to me.. I honestly didn’t think you would shut me out.. you know of your life, not your apartment, but that too.. I was planning on knocking down the door if I had to.”
You just stared at him, not sure what to make of the situation.
“Or at least made you think that’s what I was planning.”
Unsure of where he was going with this, you responded, “I texted you back..”
“A 'yeah, don’t worry about me,’ isn’t what I mean. You haven’t talked to me about any of what happened, or how you’re handling it.” You clenched your fists, willing yourself not to start crying. Of course he would know you’re not doing okay, all of them did. Seeing Taehyung here, having him be here for you made you feel like you were really important to him. You would even admit that you really missed his voice.
You just stood there, with a strange look on your face. Taehyung must have started to notice because he stopped talking. He stared at you, unsure of how to comfort you, because he knew, they all knew, that you were trying to distance yourself from them.. He might have even looked at bit frightened at seeing you in your current state, mostly because he wasn’t good at dealing with crying girls. But also because you were normally so vibrant. So was Jimin. You couldn’t imagine Jimin being anything but that. You didn’t let yourself believe he was hurting as much as you, because that would mean he wasn’t okay without you and that you were wrong and that you messed up what you two had.
Taehyung approached you and wrapped his arms around you. Your were stiff, your fists still at your sides. He gently patted your back and waited until you loosened up and started to wipe your eyes and nose. Strangely, it was very comforting. There was no denying that the roles were reversed, and you had suddenly become the child between the two of you. You just looked at him and laughed a little, finding the situation awkward and somewhat amusing because of that.
He then shifted behind you, gently placing his hands around both of your arms and directing you towards the couch. You sat down and he sat next to you. He was looking at you, strangely solemn. The change of mood was odd. Taehyung had been vigorous and now hesitant. “Are you here to just see how I’m doing.. or? You’re acting a bit strange.” You paused. “I mean, stranger than usual.” Honestly, you were being completely serious at the moment.
“Listen to me, Y/N..”
“Okay, shoot.”
“I had this all planned out.” He looked away, perhaps mourning the fact that not everything was going the way he wanted. He just sighed and looked back at you. “I was going to barge in here, drag you all the way back to our dorms, and make you guys talk whatever your problems are out.”
You swore his eyes were sparkling a little. You snorted. “Like that would have solved anything. Tae, he and I.. can’t just talk this one out. Not like we used to.”
“You haven’t seen him, Y/N..” He hesitated to bring up his name, probably because he sensed you didn’t want to hear any mention of him. “Jimin.. he’s not the same without you.”
You just avoided looking at Taehyung. “I thought you were here to see how I was doing,” you joked half-heartedly.
“No, really. Y/N, he talked to me, okay? You need to tell him how you really feel. Because I know there’s something you’re leaving out too.”
“No.. I mean.. I already said-”
“And you need to let him tell you how he feels,” he motioned with his hands. “I know Jimin hasn’t done that either. He has things he needs to say too.” You knew Taehyung was being incredibly sincere, but you couldn’t help notice how he kept shaking his head up and down as if validating that everything he was saying was true, looking back and forth from you to the TV that wasn’t on. It made you smile warmheartedly. “You would know just as well as any of us that he’s not the best at that. He’s insecure, and so are you.”
“Then why would he break up with me? If he still had something to say to me?”
“Aigoo.. Aren’t both of you complete fools?” He asked you as he shook his head side to side and pursed his lips.
You were playing with your fingers in your lap, your eyes now concentrated on that. “This isn’t funny. Tae..”
“Eo? Wae?”
“I know I’m being stupid.. I just can’t. I can’t go to him and be totally open. I’d still be holding him back. You have no idea how much I want to, I really, really need him.. but..” You collected yourself a little. “Thank you.. You know, for coming here, knowing how I’m really feeling..” You trailed off.
“But,” you looked Taehyung in the eyes, able to tell he had been paying close attention to everything you were saying all this time by the way he was looking at you expectantly. You wiped your eyes though tears were not yet forming, “If we’re together, I’ll just be in the way.”
“Trust me, okay?” He waited for you to actually respond, so you shook your head yes. “He doesn’t think that way. You need to tell him that-”
You heard a soft thud on your door. Unwillingly, your heart started to race uncontrollably. You kept your eyes on the door. “Did you plan something?”
Taehyung’s eyes widened out of surprise. “No, seriously. I don’t think-”
Immediately, you rushed to the door, struggling to turn the knob, because, of course, it hadn’t been giving you problems lately but now it was starting to have trouble turning again. This was ridiculous, you thought. You could feel yourself on the verge of sobbing over something so stupid.
When you opened the door, no one was there. You feel on your knees, tears finally making an appearance. “Aish, I’m going crazy,” you complained as Taehyung closed the door and brought you to your feet.
He tried to be there for you, but having Taehyung present was just making your heart ache more. “Tae.. I think it would be better to just distance myself from you, all of you, for awhile. I’m sorry. I just can’t do anything anymore, not when I keep thinking of him. I need some space, like, more space than I’ve been getting.”
He shook his head in understanding, still evidently a little bit hurt. “I get it.”
“So no barging in here without notice to execute your get-Y/N-and-Jimin-back-together tactics, okay?” You scolded.
“You’re really not going to listen to anything I said, are you?” He asked. Taehyung breathed in and looked away for a second, as if he had lost at something but was trying to brush it off. Then he let out a sigh, “You can’t avoid us forever.”
“Mmm,” You acknowledged, “You already heard me out. So you know what kind of situation I’m in.. Why can’t you just accept that Jimin and I aren’t getting back together?”
He looked a little shocked. “I care about you, Y/N. I also care about Jimin. He needs to hear what you have to say, and you need to hear him out..” You could tell he was contemplating something, as he stared at his feet. Then, he looked up, “Y/N, come to our next performance.”
“Eh?! You’re crazy-”
“Ya, didn’t you say you would also support us and cheer us on? Isn’t that why you’re having such a hard time, because you think you’ll be in the way of Jimin and what he wants to do?” He raised his eyebrow. “Because you really, truly, deep, deep down want to see Jimin pursue his dreams and live happily?”
“I mean, yes-”
“Then come do that for us. You might not believe it, but we all need your support.” You just looked Taehyung in the eyes, and, seeing how heartfelt he was being, you agreed.
A/N: okay, so just had to say that I remember writing this chapter with Tae and it was seriously so much fun, I love this little fluffball so much <33. there’s just something about his character that’s really fun to play with and write about (^_~)☆
it’s seriously my main goal to be able to write him and all the other members better as I develop as a writer, and hopefully do these boys at least a fraction of the justice that they deserve.
→ pt. 1 // pt. 2 // pt. 3 // pt. 4 (final)
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oh-so-scenarios · 6 years
Tell Me...Say It [1]
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How can I love the works without loving the artist?
Word Count: 3.8k
Genre/Warning: Angst, fluff -- Mentions of eating disorders(For a short moment)
⇾ Updates every Wednesday (EST)
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The smell of a hospital is gross to some, and causes others to grow sick. The smell of metal and rubbing alcohol that gets stuck in the back of people’s throat, leaving a bitter after taste. The air is filled with various machines beeping, and doctors with nurses trailing behind them. The atmosphere can leave people anxious and tends to cause stress to those who are waiting.
For me, it’s the opposite. This environment has been my second home for two years. The beeps of machines, and the occasional crying of newborn babies is normal white noise in the waves of sound around me. Bright white walls, and open windows with tall trees looming in front of them. The colorful yet dying leaves brought the internal warm of fall with the anticipation of holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and the highly favored Christmas.
The hospital is always the same around this time. Everyone gets festive and walks around with huge, but strained smiles on their lips.
The festive scrubs make an appearance while holiday decorations are hung on the normally plain walls. Scrubs with pumpkins, leaves and black cats and other things put in the category of Halloween. I usually complain about it but that would be hypocritical.
I took a short look at my orange scrub top, holding multiple black and white cats. If you looked hard enough, you could notice small jack-o'lanterns smiling widely.
I walk through the busy hallway to room 134, holding the last patient on my list. Before sliding the door open, I made sure to stretch a smile onto my slightly chapped lips.
Working at Seoul National Hospital has taught me one important thing; entering a patient’s room with anything less than a smile is a setup for disaster. Whether you’re a doctor, or a nurse like myself, the patient is reading your face and body language with hopes of understanding the gist of the coming news. Walking in with a frown, and the patient will begin to panic.
I slide the door open and stroll into Mr. Kwon’s hospital room. His eyes don’t leave the TV screen for more than a second. He looks my way, acknowledging my presence than looks back to his TV screen.
Mr. Kwon, a 78 year old man, is frequently in the hospital. He suffers from a heart condition, and though his doctor often recommends him medication, he fails to take it.
“Hello, Mr. Kwon,” I greet with a small smile, “How are you doing today?” I catch the flicker of his eyes when he finally looks my way. Rather than looking away, he gazes at me for a moment. Then like a light switch, his face brightens with a toothy smile.
“I’m better, now that you’re here nurse Y/n.” He chimes. I giggle but say no more. Just like Mr. Kwon. A crazy flirt who will talk to sweet to anyone but his wife. His wife isn’t seen often at the hospital.
She visits occasionally, mostly to see if he’s dead yet. I can’t make this up. She has asked one too many times, “How close to death is he?” We tend to laugh it off, leaving the slight worry we feel to ourselves.
“I’m going to check on your drip and take a look at your vitals.” I explain, hanging the plastic clipboard in my hands, on the end of his bed.
I walk around the still man, looking at his drip which didn’t need to be switched just yet. I checked his vitals, blood pressure, heart rate and pulse. Everything seemed normal. I am brought out of my concentration when a hand promptly smacks my backside, leaving me to become rigid. I turn to Mr. Kwon who shows me a proud grin.
This is my fault. I left myself open when I should have known better.
Mr. Kwon is known for being a touchy patient. He has been passed to about three nurses, making me the fourth. The second nurse was a man, but that didn’t affect Mr. Kwon behavior in anyway.
I sigh, showing him a strained smile, “Sir, I’ve already warned you. Keep your hands to yourself.” My words are taken with a grain of salt as Mr. Kwon giggles. Without a word, I walk to the end of the bed, taking his personal patient chart, writing the numbers of his vitals.
I grab my own clipboard, giving him a light ‘good bye’ thus prompting him to reply with a wink.
I walk down the hallway till I come to the center of the floor where Suzy, my co-worker sat behind a desk.
“You’ve returned.” Suzy teases. I giggle, rolling my eyes.
“You think Mr. Kwon can ruin my day? You must not know me.” I say. She snickers in reply, stretching her hand out. I give her back the clipboard and lean against the counter. My eyes skim the area to settle on a familiar figure making their way closer. I can practically here Suzy’s breathing stop and can’t help but chuckle.
“Dr. Park,” She says, her voice a key higher than normal. She is so whipped for this guy. He’s personally not my type, but I can understand what she sees in him. I must be the weird one, because just about every female and a few males love Dr. Park.
I turn to him, staring at his profiles as he exchanged clipboards with Suzy. He doesn’t look my way once, not that I wanted him to. He’s a quiet and delicate man who is too good to be true. A surgeon with a pretty face, soft smile yet intense and deep eyes. Sounds like a manga character to me. His sharp jaw yet soft face was something all the women swooned over.
Like I said, not my type.
He takes the new clipboard from Suzy, barely making eye contact with her as his managed a soft word of thanks. He walks away, taking Suzy’s attention in the process. I stare at her for a moment, hoping she’d snap out of the trance herself.
I open my mouth, ready to say something smart, but she beats me to it. The love sick expression on her face is hard to miss.
“I had a blind date last night.” She left the statement hanging, leaving me to jump to my own conclusions.
“It went badly, huh?” I say, with a look of pity.
She finally looks away from the space Dr. Park once stood and back to me. She stares at me before groaning, answering my question, “He wasn’t cute, and he was all about his mother.”
“A momma’s boy? Yikes.” I shift my weight onto my other foot, “Did he at least have money?”
“Yes,” a short pause, “his mother’s money.” I throw my head back in disappointment. Suzy nevers has luck with dates. Ever since we met back in school as we were both studying to be RNs, all her boyfriends were loser who only cared for their mothers.
“I need to get a man that has his life together,” Her words were clearly coming from a place of bitterness.
“A man like Dr. Park?” I tease, raising an eyebrow her way.
“I wish,” She scoffs, “I could be naked and he still won’t give me a minute of his day.”
I watch in silence while Suzy grabs another clipboard and hands it to me. Before setting my eyes on the papers, I turn to Suzy.
“How is this patient list looking?” I question, clenching my teeth nervously. A grim smile grazes her lips and the breath I’ve been holding leaves my lips abruptly.
“Great.” I hiss, turning my attention to the list.  My eyes skim the names momentarily before I look back to Suzy.
“Gotta run.” I say. I head down the opposite hallway I came from, which led to the VIP hospital rooms. Those room hold celebrities, athletes, CEOs and other rich people. It’s not often that I look after a patient in these rooms, but this is a special case.
Kang Hani, a sixteen year old girl who has driven herself to an eating disorder to stay skinny. The other nurses were hoping to avoid her on their list, so she was given to me. I like dealing with rough patients. As a nurse, you are expected to be a people person, no matter the personality you are met with.
I stand in the doorway, watching the other nurse who is assigned to Hani. Her assignment? To make sure Hani eats. It would be easier to teach an elephant Korean. I giggle at my own thoughts and stroll into the room, Hani’s eyes snapping my way.
There it is. That glare of hers. Her fierce and guarded eyes also held hurt, which others seem to overlook. She must be used to seeing me at this point. It’s my third day being her nurse, but the glare is just ugly as day one.
I give her a big smile, mumbling a small greet and hanging my clipboard on her bed end. It’s at that moment that I become aware of Mrs. Kang sitting at Hani bedside, a bit of space between her and the bed. The disapprovement resting on her facial expressions was enough.
I’m sure she can feel my eyes on her, but she does not met my gaze. I look back at Hani, checking her vitals while the nurse continues to pursue her.
“Seriously, Hani?” Mrs. Kang voice snaps like a whip in the silence. The other nurse jumps in shock, and though I was surprised, my body didn’t show it. I silently hope that the conversation doesn’t continue.
“Hani, why are we here?” Mrs. Kang continues, “Why are we here? Why are you doing this? An eating disorder, really?” Mrs. Kang stares at her daughter with questioning eyes, that were almost...mocking her.
My movements pause, shocked by the hostility given off by Mrs. Kang. Hani’s poker face doesn’t drop. She looks back down at the food in front of her, then set her eyes on me. I show her a sad smile, and resume my work.
“Are you planning on becoming a stereotypical model? Eating disorders? This is why we got you a personal trainer!” I look up and meet Mrs. Kang’s hot glare.
“Nurse Y/n! Am I being over dramatic?” She asks staring at expectantly. My mouth is open, unsure what to say. I look at Hani who was also waiting for my answer.
I laugh nervously, “It’s not my place to say.”
Mrs. Kang didn’t budge, “I want you hear your opinion. My daughter thinks I don’t understand.”
My eyes shift to Hani, and back to Mrs. Kang.
Why am I always put in a spot like this? I try my best to stay out of patient’s personal business. My job is to care for you, and bring you back to help. I don’t want to step my foot into family issues. Despite this, both Hani and her mother have their eyes trained on me. I sigh, a long and drawn out breath.
“I believe the solution to this problem is to take her out of the environment that caused it.” I answer quietly, and look to the drip beside Hani.
“Excuse me,” I say to the other nurse, “please bring a new drip.” She stands up quickly and shuffles out the room. I wasn’t aware of Mrs. Kang’s stunned expression.
I stop my movement to respond to her big eyes with an eyebrow raise.
“Stop modeling?” She scoffs, “What else can she do besides modeling? What do you know?” I have to keep my face from scrunching up in confusion.
She asked for my opinion did she not? I laugh humorlessly and set my eyes on Hani. She hasn’t spoken a word since I entered the room, and I’m curious how long she’s been silent.
“Hani, what do you like to do?” I say, walking to the end of her bed. My work here is done. I grab my clipboard, looking at the next patient.
When I don’t hear a reply from Hani, I glance up from the clipboard. My expecting gaze makes her mouth open and one single word leaves her lips. Her voice is hoarse and tired, but it seemed to be the loudest voice in the room.
My lips curl up into a huge smile, and my heart swells in my chest while tears bubble into Hani’s tired eyes. She looks at her mother with sad eyes and Mrs. Kang stares back.
“That’s pretty simple,” I cock my head at Hani then focus on her speechless mother. It’s easy to see there hasn’t been any communication between these two.
“I’m sure it won’t be hard to find some after school activities for science.” I say to Mrs. Kang, giving her one last smile before turning around and making my way out the room.
I let out a deep sigh and l make my way to the next patient on the list.
Kim Taehyung, who had his appendix removed some days ago. He is set to be discharged today. There isn’t much I can say about this patient. He sticks to himself, his laptop always on his lap as he types away. I was thinking he was an author, but that doesn’t to seem be the case.
I slide the door open and see Taehyung with his laptop on his lap, like always. What was different this time was the phone plastered to his ear. His face showed irritation and impatient. He gazed at me then smiled kindly. He continued his conversation, his brown hair swept over his forehead while he glared at his laptop screen.
“It’s been months and we still have nothing.” He speaks into the phone just as I place my clipboard on the end of his bed. I do my regular work, checking vitals, stats and his drip.
“Yoongi, just admit it. This creative block isn’t going anywhere. It’s been months and we don’t have a single song done.” He replies to whoever is on the line.
Another moment of silence, “You know I don’t have the money for that.” Taehyung groans, leaning back into the bed.
A longer silence, “Well we have to figure this out. The script is done, but we can’t move forward without the musical numbers.”
I check the last of the things needed, before looking at Taehyung till I catch his attention. He puts the phone to his chest, staring up at my curiously.
“I will have the discharge forms brought to you soon.” I speak softly. He nods vigorously and smiles.
“Thank you.” He answers kindly then resumes his phone call. I walk out, making sure to grab my clipboard in the process.
Running up and down, changing diapers and bathing the elderly. The second half of my shift is always the most tiring. That’s how I found myself leaning against the vending machine for support while I aimlessly munched on a protein bar.
My eyes stay on the clock hanging on the opposite wall. My shift is over in 20 minutes, and I’ve finished everything required of me.
While I am lost in my thoughts, my phone begins to vibrate in the pocket of my scrub top. I groan and reach to grab it, not surprised to see the name on my screen,
I answer the phone, placing it to my ear.
“Yes, Da-hee. What can I help you with?” I greet softly.
Da-hee, my younger sister, giggles. I roll my eyes already knowing what is coming my way. She’s going to ask for a favor. She’s 22,so she’s not a child anymore, but since our parents baby her, she expects everyone to.
I can’t blame her, she was an only child up till her parents adopted me when I was 17 years old. She surprising adjusted to having me in the family. Though I can’t tell if she was excited to have an older sister, or someone to ask for favors. Though, she does treat me like a true sister, and helped me adjust to life in Korea.
“Guess.” She eggs on, her voice higher than normal.
“A blind date?” I question before taking another bite of my protein bar. The short silence from the other line tells me I’m right.
“You want me to call you as if it’s an emergency again?” I add. Da-hee has been calling me for the past few months with this same sketchy panic. Mrs. Kim, Da-hee’s mother and my adoptive mother, have been pushing for Da-hee to get married. This was after forcing Da-hee to break up with a tattoo artist she was seeing.
Being her father’s daughter, she needs someone who matches her status. Mr. Kim owns an investment company that funds many projects for others. After having Da-hee, Mrs. Kim was unable to have another child, drowning the hopes for a son. Da-hee is now the ticket to find a worthy son-in-law.
Unfortunately, the men that meet Mr. & Mrs. Kim’s high standards have all been too old, or too ugly for Da-hee’s basic standards. This results in her rushing to me for help every time. Over the past few months Da-hee has me call her faking a family death, a car accident and more. I don’t know why our parents still try. After she bails the date early, she receives a scolding then they plan another date as if she’ll listen.
Da-hee hasn’t revealed that I am the friend who calls her and assists with her escape. She’s lucky I’m helping in the first place. If I am dragged into the mess with mom and dad, she knows that'll be the last time I help her.
“No..” She trails off, “I need a bigger favor.”
“Which is what?”
“I’m not going to show up.”
“You’re gonna completely ditch this time?” My shock wasn’t very convincing. I knew they would push her to this point.
“I’m meeting with someone, but I don’t want to be rude. Can you stop by and apologize for me? Doing it over the phone seems rude.” She explains.
My shoulders drop as I sigh, “Text me the address and his name.”
“Thank you! Thank you so much Y/n!” She cheers.
“Yeah, yeah,” I mumble, “but you owe me one.”
I hang up in time to see Suzy approaching me with a knowing smile, “Was that Da-hee?”
I roll my eyes, “You already know it was. Another blind date that I have to keep from happening.” I pocket my phone and take the last bite of my protein bar, waving goodbye to Suzy and heading to the employee room to clock out early.
It isn’t long before I find myself in my car, following the GPS to the casual restaurant where Da-hee’s unsuspecting blind date is waiting. Da-hee can’t stand to sit through another one of these, and I can’t blame her. All her dates have been over 35, which is too old in her mind, and have not been attractive. They all, however, have amazing background in business and great work ethic and experience. Nothing that Da-hee cares for.
Traffic wasn’t too bad, seeing as it wasn’t even 7 yet, so I got there pretty quickly. I walk in, wearing my black coat and orange, halloween themed scrubs. I catch the eyes of a server right away. I am not dressed to be dining in their facility, so I stick out like a sore thumb.
The place was about half-full. There were large windows, letting in the little sunlight allowed by the cloudy sky. Couples sat all around, sharing food and feeding each other. Older, wealthier women also sat in the restaurant speaking to each other and giggling.
“Hello ma’am,” A young girl approaches me. She’s wearing all black with a black apron around her waist, “How may I help you?”
I pull my phone from my pocket and look at Da-hee’s text once again.
“I’m looking for ‘Min Yoongi’?” I say and look up at her unsure. Her eyes run from my head to my feet, and back to my unsure eyes.
“You’re the one meeting Mr. Min?” Her words showed her uneasiness, but I wasn’t bothered by it.
“Yes. Where is he?”
“Right over there ma’am.” She steps further into the restaurant and I follow her. She stretches her hand out, pointing to the young man sitting at a table beside the window. My eyes widen.
That’s him? He’s young, and handsome. Is Da-hee sure she doesn’t want to sit through this date?
I walk towards his table, inwardly gasping when I get closer to the man. He is...extremely handsome. I feel my heart pumping harder while my nerves bounced around in my stomach. He can’t be any older than me.
He was focused on something, looking down at some papers set in front of him. He held a pencil in his hand and tapped it fiercely against the square wooden table. When I got closer, he noticed my presence and stood, assuming I was Da-hee.
Unlike the employees of this restaurant, he didn’t notice my attire. Rather his eyes were focused on my face, looking right into my eyes.
“Kim Da-hee?” He says, and stretch a hand out.
Wow, he has a nice deep voice.
I catch my breath, “No.” His hand drops while his face scrunches up in confusion.
“I’m here to inform you that Da-hee won’t be able to make it, and I am apologizing on her behalf.” I speak kindly. I bow 90 degrees and hear him chuckle. I stand straight to see a small smile on his lips.
“So you’re not Da-hee?” He asks.
“No, I’m not.” My eyes flick to the table to see that the papers he was focused on was not work documents. It was sheet music for a work of music. I look back to the man, clearly taking in his presence. He’s wearing a navy blue dress shirt, with a black blazer and black suit pants. I was too busy checking him out, I didn’t hear him speaking to me.
“I’m sorry, what?” I snap out of my trance.
He snickers, “I said, it’s a shame that Da-hee can’t make it. Unfortunately, I’ve already ordered for two.” He puts a hand in the pocket of his pants.
“Why don’t you sit and eat with me?” He suggests.
Thrown off, my voice is a little below a shout, “Me?”
“Why not? You’re here.”
He wants me to eat with him? What’s up with this guy? I guess he didn’t care much for the blind date in the first place. Eh, he’s attractive, but I’m not interested. I have a lot of things to do once I get home.
“Thank you, but no thank you. Have a good meal.” I tell him, and spin around on my heels, exiting the restaurant.
The moment I’m in the half-empty parking lot, I call Da-hee. She answers on the second ring.
“Was he angry?” Her first words when she picks up.
“No,” I tell her, “but he was young.”
“Oh really?” She doesn't sound like she believes me.
“He was really cute too.”
“Yeah, if you think he’s cute then I can be certain he’s not.” She giggles and the line goes dead just as I reach my car.
A/N: This a different writing style than I normally do. Tell me what you think! :D
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supergirl-imagines · 7 years
Lena Luthor/you fic part 8
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“Y/N, wake up.  Your doctor is here.”
Your eyes open to the sound of Lena’s voice and her hand on your shoulder.  She’s standing at your bedside, still in the clothes she had fallen asleep in, and a man in a white coat stands beside her.  You do your best to straighten up and not look like your entire body is screaming at you to stop moving.
“Y/N, I’m Dr. Russel and I performed your surgery.  How are you feeling this morning?” he introduced himself as he checked the stats blinking on your bedside monitor.
“I’m fine, thanks,” you replied quickly.  Lena, Dr. Russel, and the nurse at the foot of your bed did not look convinced.
“You know, your recovery will go a lot faster if you tell us the truth.”
Lena put a hand on your arm reassuringly and looked between you and your doctor.  
“I mean, my leg hurts, and my head.  And my side,” you admitted.  
“Are you feeling any nausea?”
“No, not really.”
“Alright, follow my light—“ he pulled a penlight out of his pocket and shined it back and forth in front of your eyes, “—okay, I’m noticing a little delay in your left pupil, but considering the trauma to your skull, that is to be expected.”
“You said there wouldn’t be permanent damage,” Lena’s eyes narrowed at the man.
“Once her concussion passes, everything should return to normal.  We’ll keep an eye on it just in case,” he replied calmly.  Lena bristled, but accepted his reply with a nod.
“Can you wiggle your toes for me?” Dr. Russel continued with his examination and flipped your blanket up over your feet.  A slight twinge of pain shot through the bottom half of your leg, but you were able to follow his request.  Apparently satisfied, he turned your blanket back down and scribbled something on his chart.
“We’re going to fit you with a boot before you leave the hospital.  Have you used crutches before?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “so I won’t need a cast?”
“As long as you keep weight off of it, your leg should be stable enough in a brace.  You’ll need to wear it for at least four weeks.  I’ll have one of my RN’s come in to change the dressing on your stitches as soon as I can.  Do you—“ the doctor caught Lena’s eye and immediately corrected himself, “—either of you have any questions?”
“Yeah, when can I get out of here?”
“With head injuries as severe as yours, we like to keep patients under observation for at least three days.”
“Are you sure that’s long enough?” Lena’s voice was laced with skepticism, but the doctor smiled and nodded nevertheless.
“Yes, I’m quite sure.  Anything else?”
“No, thank you, we’re fine,” you answered before Lena could question anything else and Dr. Russel handed your chart to the nurse.  Once she finished asking you about your pain levels and checked your vitals, the two of you were left alone once again.
“You know that guy is a doctor, right?”
“Yes, I’m just…I want to make sure he’s being thorough,” Lena replied.  “You can’t blame me for being concerned.”
“You look exhausted, Lena.  Why don’t you go home and get some rest?”
In an attempt to divert the attention from yourself, you made the suggestion lightly and watched her brow furrow in concern.  
“Do…do you not want me here?”
“No,” you tried to sit up and then grunted in pain, “I didn’t mean it like that.  I just…I know what you look like when you’re tired and…you’re tired.  I’m not going anywhere, but that doesn’t mean you can’t.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind?  I could use a shower and a change of clothes…”
“I’m fine, Lena.”
“If you’re certain…” Lena let her voice trail off, giving you another chance to change your mind, and then finally picked her purse up off of the chair she had moved to when the doctor entered.  “I’ll be back soon.”
As she turned and walked towards the doorway, you opened your mouth to speak and then lost your nerve.  Lena disappeared out into the hallway and you stared up at the fluorescent light above your bed, a little upset at yourself for not being able to say what you wanted to.  It almost seemed stupid to let her walk out without saying that you loved her, considering how many times you had stared at the cement walls of the room you were held in and wished you could tell her those exact words.  But, some stupid, insecure part of yourself kept you from doing it.  And, somewhere in the back of your mind, you could still see the condescending amusement on Lillian’s face.
You had just dozed off with a fresh wave of pain meds from your IV when the sound of footsteps roused you.  Your eyes flashed open to see a vaguely familiar blonde enter the room, accompanied by a woman in dark blue scrubs.
“Hi Y/N, I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m Kara Danvers.  I’ve visited Lena at work a few times?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, in a bit of a daze, and squinted at her.  After a few seconds, the realization dawned on you and you continued to stare as she took a seat in the chair beside your bed.  All you had to do was imagine her without her glasses, and you could see it.  She had saved you.  Kara was Supergirl.
“I need to change your bandaging, honey.  Is it alright with your friend here?” the nurse asked, breaking your focus on Kara.  You nodded somewhat absently and allowed her to pull up your hospital gown to expose your abdomen.  As she removed the copious amount of bandages from your skin and you couldn’t help but wince at the sight of your bruised and stitched flesh.  There was no way that the scars wouldn’t last.
“So,” you looked away as the RN went to work and returned your gaze to your visitor, “what are you doing here?”
“Well, I came to check up on Lena but…”
“Yeah, she went home to grab a shower and some new clothes,” you filled her in.  “You guys are close?”
“You could say that,” the blonde confirmed.  Something about her demeanor told you that she had another reason for being there, but she wouldn’t say it with the third person in the room.  “How are you feeling?”
“Could be better,” you attempted to make light of the situation, but the blonde didn’t seem that amused.  Before you could try anything else, the nurse swabbed your incisions with cold antiseptic and all the air shot out of your lungs.  In an attempt to keep your composure, you gripped the sheets below you and clenched your teeth as hard as you could without cracking them.
“Sorry, dear—” the nurse gave you a sympathetic glance and began taping gauze over the stitches, “—but it’s better than an infection.”
“Thank you,” you whispered; still short of breath.  Less than a minute later, the woman rolled your hospital gown back down and you pulled your blanket up.  
“Just holler if you need anything else,” she excused herself, leaving you alone with the disguised superhero, and you took as deep of a breath as your ribs would allow.
“You saved me.  Thank you.”
“Lillian Luthor hired you to spy on her daughter,” Kara stated bluntly.  You dropped your gaze to your hand and pursed your lips.  
“I’m not here to threaten you, or tell you that you got what you deserved, because I don’t believe that.  I want to believe that you’re a good person because of how much Lena seems to care about you.  Just…prove me right, please.”
“Kara, I love Lena.  I would do anything for her.”
God, why is it so easy to tell her this and not Lena?
“Good,” Kara dropped the slight threat in her voice and you felt yourself relax slightly.  
“What about Lillian?  Is she still…out there?”
“Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that,” Kara straightened her glasses and hesitated before continuing.  “Some of the best government agents are tracking her down, but the two men she hired are both in jail.  So, until she’s found, some agents are going to be tailing you and Lena.  I promise, you won’t even be able to tell that they’re there.”
“So, I shouldn’t do anything illegal for a while?”
Kara didn’t seem to look too amused and you sighed.
“It was a joke.  I’m serious about Lena, Kara.”
“I hope you are, because I know what you did before this.  Your info wasn’t that hard to find when you have access to government records.  I know what you’re running from and you better not use Lena to try to compensate for it.  She deserves better than that.”
“I know she does,” your voice almost shook and you grabbed for the button connected to your IV pump.  After a few clicks, the guilt-spurred knot in your stomach loosened and you found yourself able to look at Kara again.  “Thank you; for caring about her and for saving me, even if I didn’t deserve it.”
“Everyone deserves to be saved, Y/N.  It’s what you do after that matters—“ Kara turned towards the window suddenly, having heard something that you didn’t, and practically leapt up from her chair.  “I need to go.  Get well soon.”
In a blur of color, the blonde disappeared and you were once again left alone to your own devices.  Soon enough, the morphine in your system made it’s way to your head and you were able to slip back to sleep.
Lena made it back up to your room a little over an hour later and, having not been sleeping too restfully, you woke up to the sound of her heels on the tile floor.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” she asked and sat down beside the bed.  
“No,” you lied and attempted to blink the drowsiness from your eyes.  Lena had put herself together, make-up and all, and seeing her in her usual state of dress relaxed your for some reason.
“Y/N, should we talk about what happened?”
Lena bit her bottom lip and took your hand.  
“What is there to talk about?”
“I just…I don’t want you to feel like you can’t talk to me about what happened to you?”
“Why would you want to hear about it?” you lowered your voice, uncomfortable with the turn the conversation had taken.  You had based your career off of not having to talk about your past.  You could make whatever you needed to up, as long as you were careful.  
“I’m sorry if this is upsetting,” Lena began to rub the back of your hand with her thumb as she spoke and you bit the inside of your cheek.  “I just can’t not feel like what happened to you was my fault.”
“It wasn’t.”
“Just talk to me anyway,” Lena pleaded.  You looked over to the window, willing yourself not to push her away.  “D-did they touch you, Y/N?”
“What?” you snapped your head back towards her and then winced at the way it made your head throb.  “No, no.  They didn’t…do that.”
“I’m sorry, I just needed to ask.  You were gone for five days and I couldn’t stop thinking about what they might be doing to you.”  Lena’s voice trembled and you watched her glance up at the ceiling like she always did when her emotions began to get the best of her.  It made your heart ache to see her like that.
“Lena, it’s alright,” you said quietly.  “What happened w-was bad, but I’m okay.  You’re okay.  Can’t we just move past this?”
“Of course; I want that too,” she agreed.
“You know,” you changed the subject as smoothly as you could, “your friend Kara stopped by.  You never told me you were so close with Supergirl.”  
“I knew you’d figure it out,” she chuckled lightly and the smile that crossed her features made the corners of your mouth turn upwards as well.  
“She really cares about you,” you noted.  “She’s also very protective.”
“Oh God, what did she say?”
“Just that she knows about, you know, me.  But, she seems like a really good friend.  I’m glad you have her.  She’s, um, very super.”
“I’m glad you didn’t lose your sense of humor,” Lena laughed again and you felt a familiar pang in your stomach.  Suddenly, you found yourself very anxious to leave the hospital and move on.  You didn’t want to think about Lillian, or the stitches in your torso, or the fact that she was still out there, probably plotting a way to get to either you or Lena.  You just wanted to move past this.  
With Lena.
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natkat-140 · 3 years
shoulders and emotions apparently
Both of my shoulders are now frozen. The technical term is adhesive capsulitis
From Mayo Clinic: “The bones, ligaments and tendons that make up your shoulder joint are encased in a capsule of connective tissue. Frozen shoulder occurs when this capsule thickens and tightens around the shoulder joint, restricting its movement.
Doctors aren't sure why this happens to some people, although it's more likely to occur in people who have diabetes or those who recently had to immobilize their shoulder for a long period, such as after surgery or an arm fracture.”
Fucking diabetes, goddammit.
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I have my first physical therapy session for my left shoulder on Monday. I’m not looking forward to it at all. I know it’s what I need if I’m gonna have any chance of avoiding surgery, and even if I do have surgery I’ll need PT after that as well. But, having gone through this before with my right shoulder for the last 3 years, I know that the pain is excruciating. The therapists know it, and they’re always really impressed with how much pain I can tolerate. I was tolerating it because I was in the mindset of doing whatever it takes to get back to normal. I could accept the torturous pain during my sessions if it meant that I was getting better.
But I never did. Over the course of 3 years I went to PT for my right shoulder two different times - once for a year and a half, and once for 8 months. Both times there was a lot of pain with very little improvement in my ROM and I was told surgery wasn’t an option. So I accepted it and I compensated with my left shoulder, my good shoulder. I was still able to do my job with some slight modifications and there wasn’t anything in my daily life that I couldn’t do with my new dampened ROM. It was fine, until this year when my left shoulder started to freeze.
I noticed pain in my shoulder in the mornings in January of this year, but it went away quickly and my ROM wasn’t affected at the time. It was when I had my eye surgery and my positional restrictions that the pain and ROM got much worse, very quickly. I wasn’t allowed to sleep on my back, and due to my right shoulder pain I couldn’t sleep on my right side, so I slept exclusively on my left side for over a month. Toward the end of that month I was noticing pain every morning that would reappear throughout the day with certain movements, even really tiny movements in the wrong direction. Over the course of one week, I went from being able to reach the top shelf in my closet to only lifting my arm 30 degrees in any direction. I only noticed because I wasn’t able to shampoo my hair with my left arm.
So the doctor says I need physical therapy again for them to passively stretch my arm and loosen it up. Even though it’s just stretching and sounds like a breeze, it’s fucking painful. Like tears-in-my-eyes, clenching-my-jaw, yelping-through-my-teeth painful. What they do could literally be torture if that were their intention. But it’s not - obviously - they’re trying to help me and care for me and make me better, so I swallow the lump in my throat and get on with it. On the days that I don’t go to PT, I’ll have DynaSplints - dynamic splints - that will passively stretch my shoulders for me as if a therapist was there. It’s going to be a long and arduous road that will most likely end in bilateral shoulder surgery due to the severity and prolonged duration of the condition. 
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I’ve mentioned this before, but I just want to be well. I don’t want to be on disability for the billionth time. I hurt my wrist, then my shoulder, then broke my ankle, then my eye hemorrhaged and my retina tore and now my shoulder won’t fucking move and I can’t be an ICU nurse without my very important body parts. The doctor says I could very well be “off work” for over a year, especially if we opt for surgery. I’m trying to look for new jobs that I can perform with physical restrictions, like medical admin positions that require an RN license. So we’ll see how that goes.
I’m just so fucking sick of being unwell. And I’m sick of being depressed. I miss being lighthearted and untroubled. There are times when I feel completely engulfed in feelings of desperation, like I’m constantly clawing my way out of a hole but only end up digging myself deeper. I don’t feel satisfied with my life and I lack the energy or will to change it. I don’t even have the mental or emotional energy to change my clothing or brush my hair unless I leave the house, or to put together my own meals, or to do the goddamned dishes. I literally bought more bowls because I didn’t want to clean the dirty ones. How pathetic.
Anyways, I was literally crying all day every day for like 3 weeks straight, then another week of every day but only half the time, and since last Friday I’ve only cried once a day. I’m not any happier, but I’m less anxious? I think I used up my stock of worry and disappointment in myself for now. My therapist is concerned about my change in mood and behavior (as am I), and he told me he thinks I need to increase my medication, but my prescribing MD can’t see me until July, so I went ahead and increased it on my own, from 100mg to 150mg - which, for this particular drug, isn’t that much of a difference. It’s still a low-to-moderate dose. So maybe that’s why I’m feeling less awful at the moment, or it could be a placebo effect, or I could be doing well with my thought challenges. Who knows. 
I still feel joy, and when I do, it’s genuine. But these days, laughter and socialization and sunlight and simply doing takes a heavy toll on me, and I use up all my good energy quickly and I fall into a more depressive state. I don’t want to go outside. I don’t want to see people. I don’t want to entertain. I don’t want to laugh. I don’t want to do anything. But I do, because I know I need to, I know it’s good for me. But it’s so fucking draining, and it’s getting more and more difficult to swallow the lump in my throat. 
This was just supposed to be about my shoulders but I’m obviously going through something. I typically see my therapist once a month, but for the last several months we increased it to twice a month. I should have seen him this week but he’s on vacation. I see him on Monday, after my first PT session.
 Thank fuck.
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