#↳ verse ⸻ ❛ special agent٬ this is my design. ❜
empathbled · 9 months
tag drop.
↳ ooc ⸻ ❛ i can make myself look٬ but the thinking is shutting down. ❜ ↳ promo ⸻ ❛ everyone has thought about killing someone٬ one way or another. ❜ ↳ memes ⸻ ❛ you won't like me when i'm psychoanalyzed. ❜ ↳ starter call ⸻ ❛ wind him up and watch him go. ❜ ↳ crack ⸻ ❛ i feel crazy. ❜ ↳ queue ⸻ ❛ do you feel alive? ❜
↳ about ⸻ ❛ i felt terrified٬ and then i felt powerful. ❜ ↳ meta ⸻ ❛ i feel like i am spilling. ❜
↳ images ⸻ ❛ i'm not even sure if i'm awake now. ❜ ↳ music ⸻ ❛ i could use a good scream٬ i can feel one perched under my chin. ❜ ↳ desires ⸻ ❛ but it wasn't real٬ it wasn't real. ❜
↳ answers ⸻ ❛ it's not any easier. shake it off٬ keep on looking. ❜ ↳ speech ⸻ ❛ i know what kind of crazy i am٬ but this isn't that kind of crazy. ❜
↳ hannibal ⸻ ❛ do you believe you could change me the way i've changed you? ٬ i already did. ❜ ↳ abigail ⸻ ❛ never again. only in my memories sleepless in the dark shall i still tread the old paths. ❜ ↳ medicbled (gloria) ⸻ ❛ put me back together. fix my broken mind. ❜ ↳ survivorofhellskitchen (karen) ⸻ ❛ let me see you stripped down to your bone. ❜
↳ verse ⸻ ❛ special agent٬ this is my design. ❜ ↳ verse ⸻ ❛ after the fall٬ this is my legacy. ❜
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i'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to guns, and thought randomly at some point that it'd be fun to start this gimmick blog and try to identify guns in various posts. however I do still kind of consider myself to be in the dunning-kruger valley, and gun identification is a bit more complex than car identification due to just how many variants of individual gun patterns there are, and how much easier it is to do modifications of them...
(ask / submission rules and other guidelines are further down in this post)
I'll try to at least identify the general pattern of the gun or any recognizable parts and cross reference with images and articles to make a decision. If your post or submission is from a particular piece of media, it's extremely likely for it to already be documented on the Internet Movie Firearms Database wiki website, so some answers will probably be pulled straight from there.
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For example, the wiki clearly outlines that, in the above blog header, which is from the anime/manga Lycoris Recoil (IMFDB link here), Chisato (left) canonically uses a Detonics CombatMaster (variant of Colt 1911 pattern, chambered in .45 ACP), specifically one that incorporates elements of the Tokyo Marui Strike Warrior Airsoft replica (notable in the strike face compensator and modified rear sight). Takina (right) meanwhile uses a somewhat generic Smith and Wesson M&P9 PRO, chambered in 9x19mm, with the extended 5" barrel.
To make up for how garbage I am at getting specifics right, I may also offer some bits of trivia about the gun(s) in question and/or their implementation. For example, although Chisato's gun seems based off of the Tokyo Marui design, it notably has three port holes at the top of the compensator as compared to the single port in the original; it might be a bit more effective as a real compensator than the very-Airsoft cosmetic fixing of the TM replica. It also lacks the accessory rail in the anime. Additionally, Takina's signature sidearm, the M&P9, is extremely common in modern law enforcement (you might even recognize the handle of it in the "(A) Steal Officer's Service Weapon" meme), so it's a bit of a "cop gun" in a sense; which possibly matches how Takina essentially serves as the by-the-numbers half of the pseudo-buddycop pairing formed by her and Chisato. Interestingly enough, all other Lycoris agents are seen wielding Glock 17s instead...
I'm always open to asks if you want to ask me anything, but if you want me to identify something, you should probably make it a submission!
Only submit requests for identification of guns OR fictional gun reviews (more on that in another section)! Preferably memes and posts. You can also submit things from media like video games and anime, but you could probably get a faster answer through IMFDB than me >~>
If your submission or tag is for a "cursed gun" then some special rules apply. If it's a real life picture of some effed up monstrosity, I will do my best to identify it with a real, pre-built gun; otherwise, I'll try to identify parts that may have been used for it. If it's clearly an edited picture or some other form of drawing, concept, or very clearly fictional gun, this will be treated as a "Fictional Gun Review" instead.
Generally speaking I'm looking at "small arms" guns; I'm not super well-versed on artillery pieces and aircraft weapons and the like. I know a handful of rocket launchers and might be able to pick out a couple but those are also pretty hard for me.
Fictional Gun Reviews
I'm also a bit of a hobbyist game designer and like creating weapon designs myself! I can take a look at strictly fictional weapon designs and give some cursory criticism on whether or not the gun would actually function in the configuration it's in (checking things like barrel/bolt/magazine alignment, etc.), what parts of it I recognize from real guns, and an overall subjective rating.
about me
i'm a 21+ trans woman (she/her) and pansexual/biromantic disaster married to a hot butch wife. i'm also an independent game developer and secretly a streamer on another alias of mine. i like guns! i like the history of guns and the engineering of guns. personal favorites are sniper rifles, particularly the L96A1, the first military-specification sniper rifle made by Accuracy International, which served as the prototype of the Arctic Warfare line of rifles, popularized by Counter Strike's AWP (though the classification of "AWP" is incorrect for the particular weapon featured in the series, it's actually an AWM .338). favorite pistol is probably the Beretta 93R, a 3 round burst fire pistol with a similar pattern to the iconic M9 pistol. i also like the MP7 PDW (obvious half life 2 fan is obvious), the MAC10 (by far the coolest machine pistol to fire in akimbo lol), and the G36C (one of the first guns I ever decided to look up more information about many years ago after picking it up in Garry's Mod of all places).
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romanarose · 6 months
IYWBW 👀 talk bitch (affectionate)
If You Wanna Be Wild, Santiago Garcia x latina!Reader x Javier Pena
Send me an ask
Below the cut is talks of sex, repressed bisexuality, religious trauma (catholic guilt) and emotional incest.
Santiago Garcia. Probably my favorite character in the oscar-verse. Wrote two series with him, Leather and Lace and then Awakening and, i adore him. So much
But young Santi? vunerable santi??? mommy issues Santi??? god. He's soooooo special to me.
The thing I wish i could emphacize better is the contrast between his abilities and his trauma.
I am not good at writting action... so i dont. But I need everyone to understand, Santi is incredibly capable as a soldier and as a DEA agent. He does not need protection, he does not hide behind Javi nor does Javi particularly stress about Santi in the field. He worries durig gunshots or when he hasn't heard from him OFC, bc thats his best friend, the man he loves, but he absolutly does not see Santi as someone he needs to stand in front of or control. He respects him as an equal the way he did Steve. He does not need his hand held and I hope I can do better in future chapters as they do more detective work going after Lorea. He's young, only 25, but a lifetime of being parentified and adult responsibilities had made him capable and smart beyond his years.
And in bed, although Candy takes the lead, through these weeks with Candy Santi has grown far more comfortable and can pleasure her for hours. It's just not shown rn bc in fics I have limited time
It's his emotions though, thats what needs protection.
We'll go more into it in a few chapters but his mom was emotionally incestuous. If you don't know what that means, let me clarify that it does not mean he was molested. It means that she treated him like husband. They Santi was expected to work from age 9 to keep the household afloat, the way his mom allowed him to stay up late with her as she complained about his dad and his sister.
His older sister, Elena, was not super helpful either but seeing as their mom was physically abusive to her and emotionally abusive in different ways, she was a victim too. These sorts of family dynamics are designed to keep siblings apart, to prevent them from banding together. Elena resented Santi a lot for not standing up for her, for their moms special treatment, but as she entered college and learned about feminist theories, she brought a new issue t Santi, even if it was inadvertent. The need to be a better man than their father, a better man than the men who victimized her.
Between his mother and sisters expectations and his strict catholic upbringing, Santi is absolutely CRUSHED by the need to be good, to be perfect, to never slip up ever. He's nto allowed to slip up, and that means repressing his sexuality, repressing his desire for Javi so far down it manifests in constant anxiety. Candy is his only outlet. Candy allows him to feel sexual without feeling like he's harming her, like he was taught sex before marriage would do...
Until A few chapters later, when the bubble bursts and all his guilt comes crashing down... but that's later.
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belost-the-watcher · 5 months
Since @steel-and-fire mentioned developing designs it got me thinking....
Belost through the years! :D
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Belost's original armor design!
He had the tall ballistic collar with the open front, metal clasps to connect the front and back armor halves, a spaulder, and two plates of extra armor to cover his stomach. I wanted a light armor look to those massive suits that the galra wore- while protecting the one spot they all left completely exposed XD
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The armor design for his short-lived agent AU
Pretty similar to the original but sporting a small gorget on the front to protect his throat, a fixed pauldron, and a more official looking pair of eyes. The eyes on his non-agent armor always look kind of messy because he has to get them repainted constantly from a mix of damage to his armor, dirt, and camouflage paint. The cleaner design here is because it wouldn't be getting damaged as often. It also sort of morphed into a MK2 for his main verse armor eventually.
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Then his third design!
It's mostly going back to the first design but going a more modern route of just being one piece and larger, it technically covers less than it did with the two extra plates but it covers more on his sides and makes far less noise. He's back to the spaulder and has cushioned shoulder straps on top along with a wrap around ballistic collar. I wanted to go more realistic with this look and around this time was when I really started separating Trackers from the Navy and made them an Army unit. That way I could explain the heavy, semi-impractical Galra armor from the show as a Navy / officer thing where the enlisted in the Army used more functional armor to stay relatively light.
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Fourth design!
It really is a back and forth between spaulder and pauldron, isn't it? This is his RIC design (Republic Intelligence Committee) where his role is much more official with a mix of spy work and skirmishing. Other than the paulron and RIC replacing the Empire's eyes, we have the introduction of gloves and a gorka-style BDU. I still kind of like this one but it's a little too official for my tastes.
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His 5th and current design!
We're back to the spaulder but we kept the gloves and gorka! This mostly introduced his camouflage poncho for all weather along with some gaiters to further reduce water from getting into his boots and bugs from getting into his pant legs. The addition of that poncho makes him feel a bit better to me. He always paints his armor based on the environment he's going into before deployments, then re-paints it red when he gets back into the fleet, but the poncho makes him look the part a bit more. Plus it's just nice to have when you're out in the field! We also have the introduction of his TAP pistol and his custom rifle. And while we're comparing development, here's the development of the TAP Special (Tracker Automatic Pistol).
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From uncomfortable to hold and super long to ergonomic, (relatively) short, and integrally suppressed!
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the-madwomen · 1 year
Things I Learned Reanimating The Dead
By Dr. Luna Ludenburg
As far as anyone is concerned, this is a work of fiction, because it technically did not happen in this reality.
For the sake of transparency, I am not a medical doctor, nor am I particularly versed in biology. My doctorates are in theoretical physics (well, when it comes to lifestyles such as mine, it's only partially theoretical) and something called reality engineering (the ability to manipulate how others view reality, non-existent degree in our universe, nicknamed "the spin doctorate") which I got mostly to make any art I make to seem more immersive. In terms of areas of study outside of my titles I have been teaching myself neuroscience, which even then is not enough knowledge to bring back a whole body from the point of death and is only an interest I developed after the experience. So you may ask yourself why I would attempt something as radical as the title of this account suggests.
To tell you nothing but the truth, it was due to wanting to be accepted by my peers. Not in the scientific community at large, but that subset of mad doctors and professors akin to myself, testing the limits of both science and ethics. Fellow mad scientists, essentially. They often form these sorts of secret societies where they group together and share inventions, or at least concept art of such.
I, as a self-respecting agent of madness and progress, of course wanted in. But as it turns out, most have an initiation to see how far you're willing to go for the sake of knowledge. This is not a form of gate-keeping as I had assumed, or at least not the kind that fandom often has. Rather, it was a way to separate spies and other undercover agents from the rest, as most members would be enemies of countries due to their attempts to better the world... For them, anyways.
You can probably guess as to what this initiation entailed. Reanimating a corpse is off-putting to most, so it's a good way to separate those putting on an act from those with a passion. I won't say the thought didn't give me pause at first, but it didn't take me long to accept the offer. I knew there was a risk, and I was still mortal at the time so that risk was my own safety, but then again so was my dimension-hopping adventures normally.
The good news was one club would give me the basic supplies for the machinery used for the experiment, though I would need to assemble it myself. They also handed me the basic instructions on how to assemble a body together, and I do mean the most basic instructions. Some of the other groups, such as the one helmed by Dr. Isabella Saltine, gave me helpful advice not covered in these instructions. In case you ever feel the need to pull off what the forerunner of us mad scientists managed, here are just some of the things I was told.
- Make certain the blood types of every part you use match. If not, this can cause complications throughout the whole body, including the brain. The person who gave me this advice, Dr. Isaiah Fleaford, also gave a device to test blood type in a cadaver in case that information wasn't on record.
- Handle the brain with the upmost care. Not just not dropping it, but also in touching it whatsoever. Smudge the wrong part of the brain and the subject's sapience may suffer for it.
- Nerve endings will prove the most trouble. In the dimension I'm from, this one I'm assuming, there have been cases of head transplants being partially successful in monkeys. The problem was they would be paralyzed from the head-down. Thankfully, as part of the basic equipment, I was given special devices designed to make the nerves connect to the brain properly. I am glad I was given a few hundred, as this still proved to be the most difficult part of the process.
- One man, Professor Charles "Chills" Carlson, gave me a few cryo-chambers to work with. Keeping all the body parts preserved while I go look for other bits would prevent them from rotting and myself from having to look for new parts.
- The body used should be very large, at least 3 meters in height. Physical fitness is also good to look out for.
- Stay as low profile as possible. People don't take kindly to desecrating graves, even the ones of those they despise.
With all this information and then some in mind, I set out to begin my work.
Many had also told me to take the brain last, as this would attract the most attention since you would have to take one from a facility designed to keep brains preserved. However, I have the advantage of being an interdimensional traveler, which enables me to take body parts from worlds that haven't developed an equivalent. Therefore, I could get the brain first and not have to worry about suspicion. I decided this was best if I had the option, since I could design the body around the brain as opposed to putting a person into a body they wouldn't feel comfortable in. I had a choice between a professional Chess player with an ELO of 3200 and a beloved cooking show host. I chose the latter, as she was younger and the Chess player's mind was likely more useful to this world's scientists.
I also bothered to do research on each person whose body I used. In respect to their lives and so my research is not wasted, I'll tell what I know of them. Keep in mind that they are all from different universes and time periods, though all were freshly dead.
Jade Perkins was the American host of a popular cooking show that aired weekly on America's PBS. Her dimension was not too dissimilar from our own, though I will be going back there soon after I fix my interdimensional traveling device. Multiple reasons, one of which being that, in hindsight, Goncharov was a film that actually existed there, believe it or not, but the meme didn't come up in my dimension then so I thought nothing of it. Tangent aside, Miss Perkins was known as being incredibly generous and good natured all around. She was considerably overweight, and was proud to be able to combat fatphobia with her television program. She tragically died in 1993 at age 49, when a truck trying to dodge another pedestrian ended up hitting her instead. She was survived by two children. She is the source of the brain I used.
Uma "Übermench" Himmel was a German professional bodybuilder and three time winner of the Miss Galaxy beauty competition. She comes from a dimension wherein Trotsky became the leader of Soviet Russia, resulting in a much faster World War 2 and all of Germany becoming communist. She was known as a risk-taker and for being surprisingly intelligent with a degree in chemistry. She was rumored to be able to lift a baby hippo over her head. She sadly died young in 1972 at the age of 30 due to negligence from a janitor not putting up a "floor wet" sign whilst she was lifting weights, causing her to slip and the dumbbell to smash her face in. She was survived by her girlfriend of three years. Her head and arms were in a horrid state, so they were separated from the neck and shoulders, respectfully, and I took whatever was left.
Frances Benoit was a French serial killer with a personal kill count of 7 men and 6 women. He resided in a dimension where the French revolution had not taken place... Yet. He was known for killing French nobles, likely politically motivated. He killed most of his victims using Garrotte rope, using other methods for only five of them. His last kill would prove him unlucky, as he had to resort to a rather loud gun that made his presence known. I was unfortunate enough to be at his hanging, where he died in 1801 at age 46. He was survived by his wife, who last I checked was beginning to fan the flames for a revolution in his name. I ended up taking his arms, as I found no buff female cadavers with a matching blood type to Perkins' AB, and some pompous fool in all red chased me off with a rapier before I could continue searching.
Jesse Burrell was an Australian recluse who lived an isolated life. Her dimension was most similar to my own, from my recollections. I could not get a accurate account of her life due to her isolation and the bad blood she had with most people I found who knew her. She was a gun rights advocate and an alcoholic who spent most of her time outside of her home at the local bar. She died in 2000 at an unknown age, likely her mid-thirties, in a shootout at her estate, along with three others, with the potential survivors and reason for the showdown being unknown. She had no known family members, one genuine friend in the form of the barkeeper and far too many enemies to count. Her life was shrouded in mystery. Her corpse had been vandalized, with tattoos around her whole body having been removed via a knife, resulting in me removing skin from the stomach and stitching it to her face. She was the one I felt the most sorry for, for she was the easiest to take parts from.
Once I had all the supplies I required, I got to work. I won't bore you with the details, as it was all very repetitive truth be told. Building the equipment especially was almost as difficult as an English speaker trying to build IKEA furniture. But in my opinion it had all been worth it, and not just for the membership to any organization. That elation, that joy, when you're about to pull the trigger on a project, especially one as difficult as bringing life to what once was dead. I only managed to mess up one thing. The brain had been split in half. That sounds like a bigger deal than it actually was, but the human mind can survive being split in two. It does result in the two halves of your body being controlled independently from one another, but nothing so terrible.
I remember pulling the lever. The electricity flowing through my temporary laboratory, surrounding me. My hair turned white as snow, but that was fine by me. Looks good on me anyhow. Just the sheer mania I felt, knowing I was doing something as massive as this. My maniacal laughter echo through the world as I felt a pure sense of wonder and amazement at my own achievements... Or maybe it was the electricity, I don't know.
In any case, the results were a massive success. Obviously I couldn't have done it on my own, of course. The supplies given to me were the thing that made this possible, and I couldn't have done it if not for the ones whose corpses I used.
Mayhaps my proudest accomplishment in this is that, aside from the brain split and the consequences of that, Miss Perkins had all her mind intact, no memory loss whatsoever. I was overjoyed at this news, because it meant I could reintroduce her to her world after I showed my fellow scientists. She looked like her total physical opposite now, there were stitches on her face, her skin had a slight a green tint to it, and her arms grew slightly more hair than the rest of her body, but other than that she seemed like a normal human being.
It had worked out as perfect as it could have.
The best part of it all, in all honesty, was meeting Miss Perkins herself. Last I checked in on her she was still advocating for body positivity of all shapes and sizes. Just because she was fit now didn't mean she had lost her sympathy who are like what she used to look like. She would often joke that, technically, she weighed the exact same due to her height and muscle, which she managed to maintain. And all this in the 90s, no less! There were less fat jokes on TV overall in any case. Even trying to prove it was actually her was sweet, thanks to a song she made up for her kids convincing them. Feels good when mad science has a positive impact.
And of course, I was accepted into the various mad science societies since such a massive success was something to note. Glad that happened, though I would be lying if I said I didn't forget the reason I was doing it halfway through.
So what did I learn? Well, taking risks is sometimes beneficial for everyone involved, hard work is worth it if it's something you're passionate about, the joy others feel about your work is often better than what you get out of it, the saddest deaths have noone sad about it, and the part of the brain that processes the feet and the part that processes sexual attraction are right next to each and some are unfortunate enough to have those intersect.
... I forgot where I was going with this. Ah well.
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manish1999 · 2 months
Securing Artificial Intelligence Admissions at RV College of Engineering
 Are you passionate about delving into the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) and seeking admission to one of the premier institutions in India? Look no further than RV College of Engineering. Renowned for its academic excellence, innovative research, and state-of-the-art facilities, RVCE stands as a beacon of educational innovation. If you're considering admission to the artificial intelligence program at RV College of Engineering, you're in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about securing admissions in artificial intelligence at RVCE, ensuring a smooth and informed admission process.
Understanding Artificial Intelligence Admissions at RV College of Engineering:
Artificial intelligence admissions at RV College of Engineering offer a multitude of opportunities for students passionate about AI and its applications. Let's delve into the various aspects of this pathway:
Admission Process for Artificial Intelligence:
The admission process for artificial intelligence at RV College of Engineering is designed to identify talented and motivated individuals who have the potential to excel in this dynamic field. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Eligibility Criteria:
Before applying for admission, it's essential to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria set by RVCE. Typically, candidates are required to have passed their 10+2 or equivalent examination with a minimum aggregate percentage in relevant subjects. Additionally, specific eligibility criteria may vary depending on the course you're applying for.
Application Procedure:
To apply for artificial intelligence admissions at RV College of Engineering, candidates can fill out the online application form available on the college's official website. The application form usually requires personal details, educational qualifications, and other relevant information. Ensure that you fill out the form accurately and submit it within the specified deadline.
Admission Selection Process:
Once the applications are submitted, RV College of Engineering shortlists candidates based on their academic performance and other relevant factors. Shortlisted candidates may be required to appear for counseling sessions or interviews as part of the selection process.
Easy Way to Get Artificial Intelligence Admissions:
Securing artificial intelligence admissions at RV College of Engineering can be simplified by leveraging your academic achievements and seeking guidance from experienced admission consultants. These consultants are well-versed with the admission criteria and can provide invaluable assistance in navigating the process seamlessly.
Fee Structure for Artificial Intelligence Admissions:
Concerned about the fee structure for artificial intelligence admissions at RV College of Engineering? The fees vary depending on the chosen course and discipline. It's advisable to directly contact the admission cell or visit the official website of RVCE for detailed information regarding the fee structure.
Admission Agents for Artificial Intelligence:
Navigating the admission process for artificial intelligence can be daunting. That's where admission agents specializing in AI admissions come into play. These professionals are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the process and ensure a seamless experience.
Chances of Securing Admission:
Many aspiring students often wonder about their chances of securing admission to artificial intelligence at RV College of Engineering. The university considers various factors such as academic performance, extracurricular achievements, and merit while granting admissions. Therefore, if you have a strong academic background coupled with a passion for AI, you stand a good chance of securing admission at RVCE.
Admission Without Donation:
Worried about hefty donations? RV College of Engineering offers admissions without the compulsion of donations. By focusing on your academic excellence and meeting the criteria set by the institution, you can secure your seat without the burden of additional financial obligations.
Securing admissions in artificial intelligence at RV College of Engineering opens the doors to a world of opportunities and academic excellence. Whether you choose this pathway or explore other options, RVCE provides a conducive environment for your growth and success in the field of AI. By understanding the various admission pathways, leveraging your strengths, and seeking guidance when needed, you can embark on a rewarding educational journey at RV College of Engineering. So, gear up, chase your dreams, and let RVCE be the gateway to your success in the fascinating world of artificial intelligence!
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dmn8partners · 11 months
Pressure Washing: Revitalize Your Surfaces with Premier Pressure Washing and Reconditioning in Suwanee, GA
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Premier Pressure Washing and Reconditioning welcomes you to experience the transformative power of pressure washing. Our dedicated team of experts in Suwanee, GA, is committed to delivering exceptional pressure washing services that revitalize your surfaces and leave them looking brand new. With our state-of-the-art equipment, eco-friendly solutions, and unwavering attention to detail, we are the go-to professionals for all your pressure washing needs.
Unleash the True Potential of Your Property
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Your home or business is a reflection of your personality and style, and the exterior is the first impression visitors and passersby have. Over time, dirt, grime, and other contaminants can accumulate, detracting from the beauty of your property. Our premier pressure washing services are designed to restore and enhance your property's curb appeal, ensuring it stands out in the neighborhood.
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Pressure washing is a highly effective method that utilizes pressurized water to remove tough stains, dirt, and contaminants from various surfaces. Whether it's your driveway, patio, deck, siding, or other outdoor surfaces, our expert team knows the right techniques and equipment to deliver exceptional results.
Benefits of Choosing Premier Pressure Washing and Reconditioning
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State-of-the-Art Equipment: At Premier Pressure Washing and Reconditioning, we utilize advanced pressure washing equipment that provides the perfect balance of power and precision. Our cutting-edge tools allow us to tackle even the most challenging cleaning projects effectively.
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How often should I have my property pressure washed?
The frequency of pressure washing depends on several factors, including the type of surface, the climate, and the level of dirt accumulation. As a general guideline, it is recommended to have your property pressure washed annually. However, high-traffic areas or surfaces prone to dirt and grime and may require more frequent cleaning.
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While pressure washing is safe for most surfaces, certain delicate materials, such as untreated wood or fragile stucco, require a gentler approach. Our experienced team will assess your surfaces and adjust the pressure accordingly to ensure optimal results without causing any damage.
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Pressure washing not only improves aesthetics but also promotes a healthier environment. By eliminating dirt, grime, and other contaminants, you create a safer space for your family, customers, or employees.
Professional pressure washing can help extend the lifespan of your surfaces. By removing dirt and grime buildup, you prevent deterioration and ensure our longevity.
Pressure washing is a versatile cleaning solution. It can be used for various applications, including removing graffiti, preparing surfaces for painting, and revitalizing outdoor furniture.
With Premier Pressure Washing and Reconditioning, your property is in capable hands. Contact us today to unleash the true potential of your surfaces and witness the transformative power of pressure washing. Say goodbye to dirt, stains, and dullness, and welcome a fresh, vibrant look to your property.
Premier Pressure Washing and Reconditioning in Suwanee, GA, offers top-notch pressure washing services that bring new life to your property. With our skilled team, cutting-edge equipment, and eco-friendly solutions, we deliver exceptional results that enhance curb appeal and extend the lifespan of your surfaces.
By choosing Premier Pressure Washing and Reconditioning, you benefit from unmatched expertise, state-of-the-art equipment, and a commitment to detail. We prioritize your satisfaction and strive to exceed your expectations with every project.
So, if you're looking to revitalize your home or business, eliminate stubborn stains, and create a welcoming and vibrant environment, don't hesitate to contact us. Let Premier Pressure Washing and Reconditioning unleash the true potential of your property through the power of professional pressure washing.
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vexx-the-egg · 2 years
matcha and chamomile for the tea ask thing!
Matcha: favourite book?
OH, Howls Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones by FAR!
I highly recommend it, especially for anyone who loved the movie but felt like it needed just a little bit more UMPH! Sophie is so much more Fiery and stubborn in this version and it's absolutely delightful seeing her constantly butt-heads with Howl who forgoes his gentlemanly facade for being a grade-A pain in the ASS. (i love bishonen movie howl but the book howl is such a handsome nosey bastard that he's hard to compete with) It's also a LOT funnier then the movie and the dynamic between Sophie and all the supporting cast is much more fleshed out (there's even a Markl subplot!). It can be a little stuffy in the first few chapters because it's meant to be a deconstruction of the modern Fairy Tale but it loosens up 3 or so chapters in. Sophie has powers in this version too! and it's so lovely seeing her grow as a person and as a witch. It's even lovelier to see those two idiots pinne relentlessly over each other while trying to clumsily dodge their own prophesied fate and undeniable love for each other. 10/10 would read again.
Chamomile: : comfort movie?
OOOOOHHHH where to BEGIN! I have so many that I could probably do a whole presentation on it. here are a couple of my faves in no particular order.
HellBoy(2004): look man I know it's nothing like the comics, but I'm a sucker for radical monster designs and grandiose storytelling. there's a special place in my heart for the box of kittens in the subway scene💕✌🏼
Pacific Rim: I want to say that it's the KICK ASS Robot fights or the Badass soundtrack, Or that I think Drift compatibility and wacky scientist are super cool....BUT REALLY THAT STAFF FIGHT SCEnE WAS SO HOT AND YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THAT.
Holes: do i even need to explain this one.?
First Pokemon movie: also self-explanatory. Brother my brother by Blessid Union of Souls is a sleeper agent in my brain and WILL MAKE ME SOB LIKE A BABYE
Hontable mentiobs" Star Dust. Hitch. When in Rome. Into the Spider-Verse. Ponyo. etc etc. I really really love movies and there are still so many more to watch someday.
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ikeromantic · 3 years
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A Mitsuhide Akechi fanfic, approx. 1800 words. This scene takes place well after the events of the Romantic Epilogue as part of my post-route headcanon storyline.
First: Mitsuhide and the Maiden
Previous: In the Spotlight
Mitsuhide sat on the edge of a stuffed chair, a ‘sofa’, across from his little one’s father. Minoru, for his part, didn’t look any more comfortable with the company. Neither of them said anything. Mitsuhide found that his usual silver tongue had run out of witticisms when faced with the twin challenge of a world 500 years in the future and the need to impress the father of his beloved.
In the kitchen, the chatelaine and her mother Youko were making dinner. Their lively chatter was the only sound as the two men studied each other.
Finally, Minoru cleared his throat. “So. How did you two meet?”
“The answer to that would require additional explanation. Suffice it to say, I met her in the course of my work. Initially, she was a responsibility of mine. To train her so that she knew enough to stay ali- ah, safe.” Mitsuhide smiled. “She was quite a handful.”
Minoru frowned. “Safe? Safe from what? What kind of business are you in?” He leaned forward.
“Intelligence and information gathering.” He silently thanked Sarutobi for the modern words to describe being a spy and torturer.
“You work for a government?”
Mitsuhide nodded. “That is a good way to put it. Yes. For a government.”
His little mouse poked her head through the door. “Everything going ok, you two?”
Both men cleared their expressions and smiled over at her. “Yes,” they replied, almost in unison.
Her bright smile lit up the room. “I’m so glad. I wanted you two to get along. Anyway, dinner is almost ready!” She disappeared again and the smiles the two men wore faded like snow under a noon-day sun.
Minoru turned back to Mitsuhide. “How did my daughter get tangled up with some government agent? She designs clothes. She left for a job in fashion.” His voice is strained, half a year’s worth of worry and frustration pushing at the seams of his soul.
Mitsuhide nodded. “She is amazing at making clothing. That is a career she continues to pursue. But I met her the night she pulled my superior from a burning building. Had she not arrived when she did, he would have died.”
“My baby girl . . . pulled a man from a burning building?” Minoru’s eyebrows shot up, his expression one of incredulous disbelief.
“Yes, and after, he thought she should stay with our forces. For her protection and because he believed there was something special about her.” Mitsuhide’s thin smile reappeared. “He wasn’t wrong. She is very special. A wonder.”
Minoru coughed. “Well, yes, but . . . a burning building? She isn’t, that is, she wouldn’t just -”
Mitsuhide leaned forward. “You know her from her childhood. If she knew someone was going to burn to death and she had a chance to save them, would she leave them to die? Is it so unbelievable?”
He shook his head slowly. He knew his daughter was exactly the kind of girl to put herself at risk for another. “I should not be surprised. When she was five, she ran out into the street to stop traffic for a kitten. Almost got hit by a car. And it wasn’t until after the cat was safe that she even realized how close she came to dying.”
Both men chuckled.
“That sounds exactly like something my little mouse would do.”
Minoru scowled. “Your what?”
“A nickname,” Mitsuhide waved the comment off.
And then the call came for dinner. They all sat down around the table. A spread of familiar and strange foods that piqued Mitsuhide’s curiosity. He wondered which of these his beloved had made, and which her mother. To be safe, he thought, it would be wise to compliment every dish.
“So,” her mother began after everyone was served. “My daughter tells me you’re a warlord working for Oda Nobunaga?”
Mitsuhide choked in surprise, the bite of food sticking in his throat. He glanced at his little mouse for confirmation.
“It just sort of popped out while we were talking.”
With effort and a glass of water, Mitsuhide swallowed and cleared his throat. “I didn’t expect to bring this up until after dinner, but yes.”
Minoru scowled. “You’re telling me you work for a man 500 years dead?”
“I don’t know, he seemed pretty lively last time I saw him,” Mitsuhide quipped.
His little mouse grinned. “Papa, be nice! I told you, we will tell you everything.” She took a deep breath. “It started the day I arrived in Kyoto. I went sightseeing . . .”
Mitsuhide listened as attentively as her parents, this version of the tale filling in gaps and details he hadn’t known. Her timely rescue of Sasuke Sarutobi, her run-in with the forces from Kasugayama. It appeared his little one was better at keeping secrets that he’d credited.
Through the story, her mother made little sounds of agreement or surprise, but Minoru was deathly silent. His expression turned darker at every part until he couldn’t hold back anymore. “This sounds like some ridiculous cartoon! You can’t expect your mother and I to buy this. Tell the truth! What is he, some mafia? A gambler? What?”
Youko frowned at him from across the table. “Now you just hush and eat your food. If our little girl says this is what happened, I believe her. She has no reason to lie. She knows we support her no matter what. Don’t we, dear?”
Minoru’s brows lowered. “You can’t be serious. This, this man shows up with our daughter after months with no word! Not a letter! Not a post card! With this crazy story and we’re supposed to just -”
“Accept it. You know as well as I do that if our girl didn’t write or call, it’s because she couldn’t. When you think of it that way, it makes perfect sense.” Youko nodded to emphasize her point. “Besides, when have you ever known her to lie.”
“She’s terrible at that,” Mitsuhide added drily.
Minoru’s scowl deepened. “Don’t talk like you know her. Maybe you drugged her or something, and now she thinks all that is true.”
Mitsuhide sighed. He’d expected this kind of reaction after Sasuke and his little one explained what ‘meeting the parents’ entailed. He was beginning to wish he could have simply sent some gifts and a contract, or better yet, left that to Nobunaga and simply married the girl. “We did bring some proof with us today, and we have friends tomorrow who can vouch for everything.”
Youko gave Mitsuhide an encouraging smile. “Why don’t you go get it? I’m sure it will make Mino a little less grouchy.”
“I’m not grouchy,” Minoru grumbled.
“You are, papa. But it’s ok. This is really all my fault. I wish I’d been able to call you both. I missed you so much.”
Her father swallowed whatever he’d planned to say, touched by his daughter’s affection.
Mitsuhide went to their bags and grabbed his sword and the clothes he’d arrived in. He carried them back to the dining area. These were unlikely to be enough, he thought, but it wasn’t as if they’d planned to be swept to this time that night.
“Our clothes -” he set them down, “and my sword.”
Minoru poked at the clothing, unimpressed. The sword, however, got his attention. “This . . . it isn’t just some decorative piece . . .” The words were quiet, said more to himself than anyone.
Still, Mitsuhide answered. “No. That blade has taken many lives.”
“And saved some too,” his little mouse added. “Mine included.”
Minoru looked between the two of them. “Maybe you’ve both lost your minds. This thing -” He pointed at the sword, “is clearly an antique, but that proves nothing.”
“You are so stubborn,” Youko huffed.
Mitsuhide was beginning to see where his little one got that quality. Sweetness from her mother, stubbornness from her father. It made him smile.
Miyake and Sasuke sat at a nearby bar, drinks in hand.
“So this is called karaoke?” Miyake eyed the screen with words that moved and then emptied his sake cup. “And I can sing whatever I want?”
“Not whatever. I doubt they have any songs you know on file. But I think the enjoyment quotient will still be high.” Sasuke began tapping through the song selection, his expression focused. He stopped when he came across one with the image of a pink-faced girl. “This one.”
Miyake shrugged. “Alright.”
The music started. It sounded nothing like the instruments Miyake knew, or the rhythms and beats that were familiar to him. Still, he could pick out the melody, and it was nice - if strange.
The first word on the screen lit up and Sasuke started singing. His voice was surprisingly pleasant, even though the lyrics were senseless.
Miyake joined him on the next verse, nodding to the beat. It was a cheerful tune, he thought. Perfect to drink to. He poured another glass for himself and the ninja.
They emptied that and another as the song ended. The next pick was Miyake’s. He chose one based on the picture, a cute girl in a ridiculously short skirt.
“This is the theme song for my favorite anime,” Sasuke grinned.
“Then I picked a good one?”
Sasuke patted his arm. “A great one.”
Two hours later, both of them were too drunk to walk straight. Their singing got louder as their ability to pronounce the lyrics dwindled.
“Todokete atsuku naru omi . . .” The song dissolved into drunken laughter.
Miyake threw an arm around Sasuke. “Y-you’re my besht - besht fren.”
Sasuke leaned into the hug. “N-now I have two! Two besht frienz - friends.” He grinned but the expression slid into a sad frown.
“Wha - what ish it?” Miyake peered at the ninja’s face. “Need more sake?”
“I - I wish my other fren wash here,” Sasuke hiccuped. “An Shingen. I wash goin- going to take him to a hoshpital.”
Miyake nodded, though he didn’t understand. “Maybe nexsht time?”
“If he livesh,” Sasuke sighed.
“To Shingen,” Miyake poured them another round of sake. “And nexsht time!”
They drank to the toast.
Sasuke poured another. “And to friendsh we lef-left behind.”
They drank to that too.
After several more toasts that grew further away from the original point - to short skirts and lady’s stockings, to coffee, to the karaoke bar - the two men finally paid their tab and stumbled to the hotel.
Miyake nearly puked on the elevator, as the movement made his stomach flip. He would have taken the stairs, if he thought he could find the steps. He leaned on Sasuke as they walked down the hall. It felt like their room was miles away.
Sarutobi fumbled with the lock, and when the door opened, they fell inside.
Between leaning on each other and the walls, they managed to stand again.
“I’m go-gonna shower,” Miyake mumbled.
“Me nexsht,” Sasuke agreed. He tripped toward the beds and fell into the nearest one, face first.
Miyake made it to the shower, but didn’t manage to turn it on. He slumped to the floor and leaned his head back on the cool tiles, falling into a deep sleep.
Next: Middle Ground
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majoraop · 3 years
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It partially overlapped with the Corazon Week so I didn’t have much time to make something for the Heart Pirates Week, but I managed to write a short story inspired by several prompts at once ("strength", "longing", "soft", and "caged"). The prompts are mostly used in the song pictured above (written by Law’s reincarnation in my “A Tale of Two Dragons” soulmate AU), which I included in the fanfic. The story features the CoraLaw pairing, the core Heart Pirates crew (Shachi/Penguin/Bepo), and a one-sided LuLaw.
A Tale of Two Dragons – Moon Chapter “You could smile for once, you know?” Penguin told Law while elbowing a chuckling Shachi.   “Is he always like this?” Rocinante sat next to Law, smiling at the camera Luffy was holding.   “Yeah. He has always been like this.” Law sighed, already exhausted even if they had just departed for their Moon Tour—as Luffy had dubbed it.   “My…brother”—just a moment of hesitation, but Rocinante couldn’t avoid forever bringing Doffy up—“told me that all people inhabiting our world came from the moon. I wonder what we’ll find there!”   “I told you already,” Law said with a grin. “There are people with wings on the moon—like angels.”   “Really?” Bepo, the younger component of their band, was staring at Law with a gaping mouth.   “Really,” Law echoed him with a serious face. Penguin and Shachi tried to say something, but Law sent a glare in their direction and they closed their mouths. “They have fluffy wings and celestial voices,” he continued.   “Oh…” Bepo blushed. He was a timid boy with a soft spot for pretty singers—but a skilled drummer for his age.   “Law…you should stop now,” Rocinante reproached him playfully.   “But it’s real!” Luffy exclaimed. “I remember people with wings living in the old world!”   Everyone looked at him, wondering if he was joking. However, there was no trace of doubts or lies in Luffy’s eyes. Law actually believed in those stories too, but he still had fun teasing Bepo.   “I can’t wait to meet them!” the boy whispered, blushing even more, and everyone laughed. --- “Look, Law, we’re almost there!”   Luffy’s enthusiasm rubbed off on Law, too, when he looked out of the porthole of the flying ship they rented for their journey. The moon was so near now that he could distinguish a large city quite clearly. Sentient beings were living up there, and he wouldn’t be able to refuse Luffy his craved moon concert. Law groaned. His life had changed so fast he hadn’t been able to adapt yet. He hadn't even finished writing his new song!   “It looks beautiful,” Rocinante whispered, putting an arm around his shoulders. “I can’t believe we’re travelling together as we promised to do.”   “If only those troublemakers weren't around…”   “Oh no, it’s better like this!” Rocinante smiled. “Your friends are a nice, funny bunch, and I can help with your band. You know, I’ve learned some useful skills.”   Law stared at his confident grin. “What skills?” he asked, mildly worried. He hoped it didn’t involve setting things on fire—the speciality of Rocinante’s old self.   “I’m a dresser,” Rocinante said proudly. “Well, not really—not yet at least, but I studied costume design. I have a great fashion sense, you know?”   Law didn’t remember the old Roci and his Corazon alter ego having a great fashion sense at all—if anything else, it was the contrary.   “Leave it to me,” Rocinante said, puffing up his chest.   Law felt a shiver running down his spine as he hesitantly nodded at him. --- You always gave me strength Once, I was a child who lost his heart Once, I was a child who got your heart On the second night after they arrived at their destination, Law was finally able to sit down and work on his song.   Penguin was playing his guitar in another room together with Shachi, the bassist of their band. Bepo and Luffy were keeping them company, and Law heard the latter singing. His cheerful voice put him in a good mood, which helped him resolve a difficult verse. He would have loved to spend some time alone with Rocinante, but he needed to finish writing his composition first. Besides, Roci was busy designing their stage costumes.   Law looked down at his laptop and deleted a sentence. He remained pensive for a moment. Then, he typed a new line. He hummed the refrain one last time and nodded, satisfied. He would sing this song alone, Luffy only joining him for the chorus. He needed to sing this song alone.   Law saved the file and closed the lid of his laptop. --- They still needed an agent so, after finishing working on his song, Law started searching for one.   Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin accompanied him while Roci kept working on their costumes. Luffy, too, decided to stay back: he hadn't had much time to learn Law's new song, and even if he would only sing the chorus he wanted to practise some more. Law wondered if Luffy understood how much that song was important for him and thus wanted to make a perfect performance. Sorry, he thought, knowing how Luffy felt about him.   “This place is huge!”   Penguin’s comment pulled Law out of his thoughts, and he surveyed his surroundings. That city was the main hub of the moon. The skyscrapers that soared against the starry night looked like buildings out of an ancient civilization, but they were made from glass and not blocks of stone. A giant bubble covered the city under a protective dome and shielded it from cosmic radiations, and at its outskirts, smaller bubbles encircled fields and farms. Factories were situated on the dark side of the moon and connected to the central hub by underground bullet train. During their stay there, Law had learned that water was scarce on the moon: there weren’t rivers, lakes, or seas, but people had been able to survive thanks to their advanced technology. Tiny humanoid robots took care of manual labour, so the citizens of the moon had plenty of free time. Unsurprisingly, upon learning that Law and his group were a rock band, they had immediately asked them to hold a concert.   “People of the moon do have wings, but they are small,” Bepo interrupted Law’s thoughts, sounding a bit disappointed. “They can't fly like that.”   “They don’t need wings to fly,” Shachi told him. “Can’t you see the floating vehicles above our heads?”   “It’s not the same.” Bepo pouted.   “But their wings are still fluffy at least,” Shachi insisted, clearly amused.   “Aye-Aye, they are fluffy.” Bepo nodded, smiling.   Law barely registered their silly conversation as he wondered how many marvellous things were waiting for him and Roci to discover. The thought of being able to experience all of that with him filled him with a happiness he had never felt before in his current of previous lives. --- Finding an agent turned out to be surprisingly easy. After talking with some local people, they met an extravagant man with sparkly, ambitious eyes—a foreigner probably, since he didn't have wings. Nevertheless, he had the right contacts, so they hired him.   The day of the concert arrived in no time, and now Law was staring, appalled, at the clothes and accessories displayed before him. “What. Are. These.” He managed to say after the first moment of shock.   “These? Your stage costume and accessories, of course!” Rocinante said with a big grin on his face.   Law glared at the black leather pants, the belt with a ridiculous-looking, heart-shaped buckle, the earrings, the rings, and the “shoes”. The shoes were the worst part: how was he supposed to sing and dance on those stilts?! Law put his hand to his face, sighing, and flung himself upon the armchair behind him.   “You’ll look great in them, Law!” Luffy exclaimed, looking at him like he usually looked at delicious meat—his favourite food.   Law felt a bit bad for him since he couldn’t reciprocate his feelings, but Luffy was a good person and had accepted Law's relationship with Roci without hesitation. Law sighed again and closed his eyes, massaging his temples with his thumbs.   “I love it!” Bepo cried next to him when Roci showed him his costume. Law glanced at it and was only able to distinguish a white fur-something.   “And these are for you,” Rocinante told Penguin and Shachi with a smiling face. Law straightened his back, ready to savour the horror on his friends’ faces, but they didn't react as he expected but just let out their breath in relief.   Law stood up to see their costumes closer and then frowned. “Why do their clothes look normal and they also have a shirt? Why can’t I wear a shirt too?!”   “It’s because you’re the star, my dear!” Rocinante beamed.   “But Luffy is the co-star, and yet he'll wear a shirt!” Law felt he was losing his sanity.   “It fits his look better,” Rocinante replied with a serious expression.   “…I give up.” Law threw his hands on the air and returned to his armchair. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time he appeared in public shirtless...Oh. He had just remembered about that. So, there were still parts of his past pirate life that he had not recalled yet. Ok, let’s go all out then. “Roci, I need you to paint my chest,” he said, trying not to blush.   At that, even Rocinante looked surprised. “What do you mean?”   “I mean a fake tattoo—nothing too complex, just some black ink.”   “Oh, I remember that!” Luffy chimed in.   Just perfect. Law wanted to disappear, but it wasn’t like his heart-shaped tattoo had been a mystery in his past life. He had walked around showing it on his bare chest like war painting when—no, he needed to stop thinking about that. Doflamingo wasn’t an enemy anymore. Now, we’re all free from our past.   “I…can draw it if you show me the design you’ve in mind,” Roci told him.   “Follow me.” Law stood up. “Just you,” he added when he saw the others moving too. That symbol on his chest had been his source of strength during his turbulent, painful past. More importantly, it had been a memento of his Cora-san. Only Rocinante could hear about it. --- When Law stepped out of his dressing room, he was welcomed by Penguin and Shachi’s barely held laughter and Luffy’s loud cheering. Bepo, instead, just looked at him with a worried expression.   Law sighed and tried a few slow steps on his heels. Thankfully, he was able to walk normally.   “You look fantastic,” Rocinante whispered, his eyes lingering on Law’s painted chest.   Law blushed. There were no secrets left between them: he literally wore his heart on his skin—his feelings for that man for all to see.   Now, he was ready to step on stage and scream his love for him. The white sea of clouds below me is spotless, I recall colourless roofs and skin now spotted, I recall cries and tears, smoke and flames, I recall being saved and then encaged. I remember falling on a pile of trash, I remember silence—and when it crashed. You always gave me strength Once, I was a child who lost his heart Once, I was a child who got your heart The waves are rolling and splashing before me, I recall blue oceans and endless adventures, I recall allies, friends, and their laughter, I recall legends, myths, and old treasures. I remember searching for the truth of my name, I remember crowning the very King of Pirates. You always gave me strength Once, I was a child who lost his heart Once, I was a child who got your heart The boundless sea of stars is sparkling above me, I recall worlds below and above the mountains, I recall the promise I exchanged with you, I recall black feathers, comfy and soft. I remember longing for you in the night, I remember you smiling for the last time. You always gave me strength Once, I was a child who lost his heart Once, I was a child who got your heart You always gave me strength Once, I was a child who lost his heart Once, I was a child who got your heart… A child no more, I give your heart back. [SOULMATE]
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mcnsieur · 3 years
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verse: america - m*cu
For brief reference this verse can be placed onto my present day verse for most things. I will only be detailing the differences.
When Philippe signed up for the military, the French government realizing the potential security issue they had, and how bad it would be if he died, did something probably that leaned on the side of illegal. They had somehow procured a Super Soldier Serum. Upon Philippe’s physical when he entered the armed forces he was given the serum. He wasn’t told he was being given the serum. He got sick for a few days, but seemingly nothing changed. The whole goal of giving him this was to ensure that he would survive.
He went through basic training, and then was actively working within the military. He rose up the ranks easily, and quickly, and through his own work and merit for they did not care who he was or where he came from. He was eventually deployed, and because of his skill he was part of a select group of men. They were sent, ironically to search out a branch of rogue hydra agents in order to seek out some information that the French government had.
In reality a different group stole the super soldier serum and mysteriously presented it to the French government. Their goal was to find out who all this Hydra group were interacted with others in the French government. It was a recon mission. And it went horribly. They were found, and they blew up all of Philippe’s men. And Philippe should have died, but he didn’t, he was resilient. This rogue branch of Hydra agents went after him, but Philippe all but disappeared somehow. He ran.
His time in the service messed him up. He still doesn’t know that he is technically a super soldier. Shield finds out about this and contact him and he promptly tells them to shove their absurd ideas up their ass. The French government watches him closely and wants him to work with them and for them. And Philippe tells them he will if they reinstate the monarchy which gets them to shut up.
At some point Philippe learns what the French government did, he informs Shield and tells them to deal with it. Though at some point after that he gets involved in something and because The Frenchman, which is essentially the equivalent of Captain America and Captain Britain, more or less. He does not have spy training or anything, basic army stuff like Steve Rogers, but the French equivalent. His uniform as The Frenchman utilizes dark leathers, combat fatigues and a beret. On his back you will find two rapiers, and a gun, among various other weapons he was trained with. He is much better as a tactician and he loves to plan, but if he has to go off the plan he can.
One thing to note about him is no matter how hard he fights, somehow he never gets dirty. And no one can figure out just how that happens. The days he does though, watch out, you wont like to be on the other side of that. His fighting style is quite formal when he is doing so with swords, but hand to hand its almost like a waltz.
For the most part he tries to not be The Frenchman. He is also a very accomplished fashion designer who has made suits for many prominent figures, and military men that are in line with what they are allowed to where when it is not a dress uniform. Additionally, he makes suits out of special material like in Kingsman for various figures, most notably Kingpin of New York infamy. His most famous suit is one that is styled from the 1940s it cane be worn fancy, or very casually and was inspired by Steve Rogers and the Howling Comandos.
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creepingsharia · 3 years
Georgia: U.S. Army Soldier Arrested for Attempting to Assist ISIS Conduct Deadly Ambush on U.S. Troops, Attack 9/11 Memorial Site
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US soldier hoped to team up with ISIS to attack 9/11 Memorial: feds
A US soldier hoped to team up with ISIS to launch a terror attack on the 9/11 Memorial in Manhattan, calling the sacred site “a key target,’’ according to explosive court papers Tuesday.
Army Pfc. Cole James Bridges — a 20-year-old cavalry scout from Ohio — allegedly thought he was plotting with a member of the terrorist group while discussing attacking the Sept. 11 memorial.
His supposed ISIS cohorts were actually an undercover FBI worker and confidential informant, the feds said.
Bridges described how an assault on the memorial at Ground Zero “could honestly be a sniper kill and then getting out quietly for a second attack,’’ according to Manhattan federal-court papers.
The documents included a profile photo of the Stow, Ohio, suspect on one of his social-media accounts in August wearing traditional Muslim head garb.
The filing also contained a posting on the same account that month featuring a quote by a jihadist leader whose followers included one of the hijackers of the plane that crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.
“Everyone has to see which side he is on,” the quote reads in part.
While becoming radicalized online, Bridges researched such terms as “badass jihadi,’’ “green beret ambush’’ and “us soldier shooting’’ in late 2019 and through 2020, the papers said.
At one point, he allegedly admitted to the undercover, “I hate displaying the US flag on my shoulder,’’ apparently referring to his military uniform.
Bridges, who was with the Third Infantry Division out of Fort Stewart in Georgia, sought to even help ISIS attack his US comrades in the Mideast, authorities said.
His sick efforts included providing part of an Army training manual and combat-instruction video in a bid to help the terror group kill as many US soldiers as possible, officials said.
“Fortunately, the person with whom he communicated was an FBI employee, and we were able to prevent his evil desires from coming to fruition,’’ FBI Assistant Director William Sweeney Jr. said in a statement.
There were “diagrams that Bridges created demonstrating specific tactical maneuvers and strategy that ISIS should employ against U.S. forces, including rigging a compound with explosives for detonating when U.S. soldiers entered,” court papers alleged.
The documents included drawings that Bridges allegedly sent to the undercover agent showing a “ ‘bottleneck’ tactic” his unit would use “to create a ‘kill zone.’ “
The homegrown terror suspect even starred in a video he made for ISIS, authorities said.
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Bridges “created a video for use by ISIS as propaganda, in which [he]  appears in front of a jihadist flag, wearing body armor and speaking through a voice changer, and makes statements celebrating the anticipated ISIS attack on U.S. soldiers that [he] attempted to facilitate,” the feds said.
The turncoat private, who joined the Army in September 2019, “expressed his allegiance to ISIS and its radical jihadist ideology’’ including while he was with his unit at a US base in Germany in the fall, officials said.
The clueless Bridges boasted in the fall how his terrorist leanings were escaping detection by US authorities  — despite the fact that he “used to have connections with people in Hamas and Isis,’’ the documents said.
“The government could have arrested me,’’ Bridges allegedly wrote. “So I needed to prove to them I wasn’t what they thought I was, and I needed the government to get off my back.
“It was never confirmed. They were suspicious,” he said of his allegiance to ISIS and US officials. “Even still because I had homeland security show up to my work before the army.”
Bridges, aka Cole Conzales,  was arrested Tuesday and set to be hauled into federal court Thursday in that state, the feds said.
The suspect faces charges including providing material support to a foreign terror organization and the attempted murder of US servicemen.
More via the DOJ press release
Tuesday, January 19, 2021           
U.S. Army Soldier Arrested for Attempting to Assist ISIS to Conduct Deadly Ambush on U.S. Troops              
Provided Tactical Guidance in Attempt to Help ISIS to Attack U.S. Forces in the Middle East
Cole James Bridges, aka Cole Gonzales, 20, of Stowe, Ohio, was charged by complaint with attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization and attempting to murder U.S. military service members.  The FBI and U.S. Army Counterintelligence arrested Bridges today, and he will be presented later today in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia.
Bridges joined the U.S. Army in approximately September 2019 and was assigned as a cavalry scout in the 3rd Infantry Division based in Fort Stewart, Georgia.  Beginning in at least 2019, Bridges began researching and consuming online propaganda promoting jihadists and their violent ideology.  Bridges also expressed his support for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and jihad on social media.  In or about October 2020, Bridges began communicating with an FBI online covert employee (the “OCE”), who was posing as an ISIS supporter in contact with ISIS fighters in the Middle East.  During these communications, Bridges expressed his frustration with the U.S. military and his desire to aid ISIS.  Bridges then provided training and guidance to purported ISIS fighters who were planning attacks, including advice about potential targets in New York City, such as the 9/11 Memorial.  Bridges also provided the OCE with portions of a U.S. Army training manual and guidance about military combat tactics, for use by ISIS.
In or about December 2020, Bridges began to supply the OCE with instructions for the purported ISIS fighters on how to attack U.S. forces in the Middle East.  Among other things, Bridges diagrammed specific military maneuvers intended to help ISIS fighters maximize the lethality of attacks on U.S. troops.  Bridges further provided advice about the best way to fortify an ISIS encampment to repel an attack by U.S. Special Forces, including by wiring certain buildings with explosives to kill the U.S. troops.  Then, in January 2021, Bridges provided the OCE with a video of himself in body armor standing before a flag often used by ISIS fighters and making a gesture symbolic of support for ISIS.  Approximately a week later, Bridges sent a second video in which Bridges, using a voice manipulator, narrated a propaganda speech in support of the anticipated ambush by ISIS on U.S. troops.
Bridges is charged in the complaint with (1) attempting to provide material support to ISIS, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2339B, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; and (2) attempting to murder U.S. military service members, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1114, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.  The statutory penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant would be determined by the judge.
Attachment(s):  Download Bridges Complaint.pdf
More on the Islamic doctrine that guides people like Bridges/Gonzales via: Another Muslim-American Soldier Turns Terrorist Traitor
All of this goes back to one pivotal Islamic doctrine, known in Arabic as al-wala’ w’al bar’a.  Perhaps best translated as “loyalty and enmity,” this inherently tribalistic doctrine calls on Muslims to maintain absolute loyalty to one another, while hating and seeking to undermine all non-Muslims—“even if they be their fathers, sons, brothers, or kin” (Koran 60:4; 58:22).
In the words of Koran 3:28, “Let believers not take for friends and allies infidels rather than believers: and whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah—unless you but guard yourselves against them, taking precautions.”
The words translated here as “guard” and “precaution” are derived from the Arabic word taqu, from the trilateral root w-q-y—the same root that gives us the word taqiyya, the Islamic doctrine that permits Muslims to deceive non-Muslims whenever under their authority.
Ibn Kathir (d. 1373), author of one of the most authoritative commentaries on the Koran, explains taqiyya in the context of verse 3:28 as follows: “Whoever at any time or place fears … evil [from non-Muslims] may protect himself through outward show.”  As proof of this, he quotes Muhammad’s close companion Abu Darda, who once said, “Let us grin in the face of some people while our hearts curse them.”
Muhammad ibn Jarir at-Tabari (d. 923), author of another standard commentary on the Koran, interprets verse 3:28 as follows:
If you [Muslims] are under their [non-Muslims’] authority, fearing for yourselves, behave loyally to them with your tongue while harboring inner animosity for them … [know that] Allah has forbidden believers from being friendly or on intimate terms with the infidels rather than other believers—except when infidels are above them [in authority]. Should that be the case, let them act friendly towards them while preserving their religion.
The significance of Islam’s doctrine of Loyalty and Enmity—which is as ironclad in Islam as the so-called Five Pillars—concerning questions of national allegiance and security can hardly be clearer.
American patriots - the MAGA / America First types - should be well aware after 15+ years of FBI stings that this is coming to the MAGA movement.
The entire War on Terror playbook has now been flipped to target red-blooded patriotic Americans.
As terror-linked and sharia-supremacist Muslims are prominently placed throughout the Biden administration, the MAGAphobia will reach levels well beyond 9/11 and many citizens will be jailed.
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weasley-gal · 4 years
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Cindy’s Top Ten Movies of 2019!
Ahhh...2019. In the interest of building suspense, I could be all cagey about this countdown, but let's face it: For me, 2019 was the Year of Rocketman. As lousy as the real-world year was, it was salvaged by Rocketman. Someone suggested in jest (maybe?) that Rocketman should be numbers one through ten on my year-end list, and that would be fair enough; HOWEVER...I did like some other movies this year, so I'm gonna give you--yes YOU, dear reader(s)--ten of my favorites. Just know in your hearts that the other nine fall way behind number one. Way, WAY behind.
The usual disclaimers:
A movie's position on my year-end list does not necessarily reflect its original Weasley score. Some films age well, bear up, and even improve under repeat viewings. Some...well...some do not. Also, I live in a rinky-dink town, so great movies like JoJo Rabbit and 1917--pictures that almost certainly would have found spots here or gotten very close--have not made themselves available to me yet. This is disappointing, but unsurprising. I'd hung my entire holiday break on the prospect of seeing 1917, only to discover on Christmas Day that its Christmas opening was limited release, and I have to wait until January 10th. Humbug. Finally, I think three or four of these movies already made Variety's "worst of" list for 2019, so kindly do not be too shocked when I diverge from The Serious Critics (TM).  
Without further ado, presenting my top ten films of 2019:
"The most important qualification for any leader is not wanting to be leader."
2019 threw me a nice surprise on its way out the celestial door, with the Netflix original The Two Popes. It's a deliberate, thoughtful, and timely film carried by a pair of the year's most exquisite performances: Jonathan Pryce as Pope Francis and Anthony Hopkins as Pope Benedict XVI. While the subject matter is weighty, this movie is an absolute delight.
"I'm glad I'm a revelation and not a disappointment."
This big-screen adaptation of the popular television series Downton Abbey, is, in fact, something of a revelation. A totally new story in the familiar and much-loved setting, with just the right amount of fan service, it is a joyful exercise that hits nearly every note perfectly. Making its case for the big screen are breathtaking costumes and production design...and Mr. Barrow finally seeing a bit of happiness doesn't hurt, either.
"We're gonna bury Ferrari at Le Mans."
At a glance, Ford v Ferrari might seem like a film appealing exclusively to car enthusiasts; however, that assumption does a great disservice to both the film and the viewer. Ford v Ferrari is an inspiring story about people. It's a nail-biter from start to finish, it has heart to spare, and it's fronted by great turns from Matt Damon and Christian Bale. Beautifully filmed race action makes this one to see on the biggest screen you can find.
"It always fits...eventually."
Technically, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a last-year movie, but for me it's a this-year movie, and--despite its being the very first film I saw way back in January, 2019--it's far too great to leave off my best-of list. A Marvel property in the hands of Sony, Spider-Verse is smart, funny, touching, and better than the entire Avengers catalog combined.  
"This is a twisted web, and we are not finished untangling it, not yet."
Knives Out is a great piece of original cinema crafted from artful twists, clever humor, and terrific performances, layered with a gorgeous Gothic setting and an ominous score. Written and directed by Rian Johnson, this perfect murder mystery is a huge creative and financial win for the cinema, and I recommend it without hesitation or qualification.
"This is the worst...and best...and most terrible...excellent thing that's ever happened to me!"
Hands up if you missed the Kid Who Would Be King at your local cinema? Yeah, I see you, ALL of you. The good news is that one of the year's most wonderful pictures is now available for streaming and download, and you shouldn't make the same mistake twice. The Kid Who Would Be King is a charming movie, great fun for people of all ages. Truly one of the year's best.
"Si vis pacem, para bellum."
The John Wick franchise has become quite the phenomenon, and deservedly so. Continually upping the action ante in Fast-and-Furious-like fashion, these movies are so much more than just your garden-variety shoot 'em ups and beat 'em ups. John Wick is the role Keanu Reeves was born to play, and Parabellum raises the stakes for Wick while doubling down on masterful fight choreography and stunning cinematography. Here's to many more adventures for John Wick!
"Bruce is the direct line to all that's true in this world!"
Blinded by the Light is another terrific picture that didn't exactly set the box office on fire. Inspired by the true story of one Springsteen superfan, and built on the Boss's epic catalog, it's a hopeful tale about overcoming prejudice and the limitations set for us by ourselves and by others, one of the year's most inspiring movies.
"Tell the truth to everyone, whenever you can."
Yesterday is yet another of 2019's under-appreciated gems, a beautiful, unique movie fashioned around the timeless music of the Beatles. Himesh Patel is a delight in the lead, and--while the premise requires suspension of disbelief--Yesterday is a charming picture that captivates with its "what ifs?" as well as its iconic soundtrack and enchanting cast.
"You were never ordinary."
My number one movie of the year, and of the decade, was set on May 31st, when I saw Rocketman for the first time. I saw the movie at least twice a week as long as it was at my local cinema. I've watched at least part of it every day since it became available for home viewing. Outside of a week or so around each of the wonderful concerts I saw this summer, I've listened to nothing but the Rocketman soundtrack since the end of May. My phone and all my desktops have Rocketman wallpapers. I've joked (hmm?) that I only speak Rocketman now. The truth is, I'm not interested in speaking anything else. Pre-Rocketman, it had been a decade since a new movie made its way into my all-time top ten. Then there was Rocketman. Pre-Rocketman, my favorite acting performance hadn't changed since 1993. Then there was Taron Egerton's astonishing turn as Elton John. Pre-Rocketman, I was finding reasons to stay away from the movies. Then there was Dexter Fletcher showing us the beauty of real imagination. Rocketman is more than just a well-crafted film that reflects on an iconic artist's inspiring life. It is a film that uses Elton John's art to tell his story in fantastic, creative fashion. It is a film that uses exquisite detail in its styling and costumes to further its vision. It is a film that draws something sparkling and new out of a classic discography. It is a film that is not bound by dull, linear timelines or small minds. It is a film that surrounds a performance for the ages with others that bear it up. It is a film that shows, however dark the times, you will find the light. In doing all these things, it is a film that is saving lives. Rocketman is a film that is, in every way, magnificent. Thank you, Dexter Fletcher and company, for giving us this beautiful movie. Whatever the critics say and whoever wins the prizes as Awards Season bears down upon us, nobody has done anything more valuable this cinema year.
A few Honorable (and Dis-Honorable) Mentions:
While Taron Egerton deserves all the awards, all the time, for his work in Rocketman, there were some other performances this year that also gave me life:
Jamie Bell (Rocketman): Without Bell's Bernie Taupin as his stalwart cornerstone, Egerton's Elton could not have flown. It's a lovely, understated performance that has been grossly underappreciated.
Tom Holland (Marvel Cinematic Universe): Holland is a real gem, a standout who consistently steals the show from bigger names who get weightier work in the MCU. No matter how good, bad, or painfully bloated the movie, Holland is an absolute delight.
Renee Zellweger (Judy): Who knew it was even possible for me to stop hating Renee Zellweger? Well played, 2019.
Rebecca Ferguson (The Kid Who Would Be King/Doctor Sleep): There was little I enjoyed more this year than watching Ferguson chew her way through this pair of pictures. Oh, and if I start walking around wearing a hat, don't ask, m-kay?
Chris Evans (Knives Out): God, I love seeing Chris Evans do *anything* besides Captain America. Bonus points if he gets to be funny. He's really funny, despite his obscenely gorgeous mug.
John Boyega/Oscar Isaac (Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker): These two, individually and together, draw joy out of what's otherwise a fairly mundane exercise. If Finn and Poe somehow jumped to another saga in the Star Wars universe, I wouldn't complain.
The Cast of Jumanji: The Next Level: Top to bottom, a perfectly cast film, and a lesson in how the right actors can elevate any property.
As a matter of interest, if you watch the Irishman and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood back to back, you can effectively calculate how many hours you'll wish you had back when you're on your deathbed.
I would like a word with Gary Oldman's and Sebastian Stan's agents, please.
Cats: Make. It. Stop. Please, just...make it stop.
As this most challenging year winds to a close, I wanted to offer a sincere thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my reviews, and especially those who engage on any of our various platforms. Special thanks to Daniel for allowing me to be a part of his great page, and for tolerating my unceasing randomness. (Hotel Transylvania 4 in 2021, my friend!) I take no one's support for granted, and I’m ever grateful for you all. I wish our readers many blessings as this festive season comes to a close and we roll into 2020. See you at the movies!
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masked-mallards · 4 years
Masked Mallards, The Multiverse, and Everything Else
ch. 8 Whatever happened to Elmo Sputterspark
45 years ago
Posi – St. Canard
Abandon Electrical Plant.
Ma Beagle was used to disappointment. The Beagle Boys were all her children and were a constant failure. She had hoped that their father’s knack for criminal activity would rub off on them and he could lead them to greatness. However, Thick’s influence can only go so far. She was the brains and Thick was the leader, the only one big enough to stop them was Scrooge Mcduck. So, they decided to set up shop in St. Canard, way from the old billionaire’s influence. The Beagle Boys were only successful when Thick led the mission, but Thick couldn’t go on every mission with them. So, Ma Beagle mainly sent him on jobs given by their biggest patron F.O.W.L. 
The small beagle had sent her boys to the local Cirque to collect protection money for the organization, and to teach them a lesson of meeting their quota. The Cirque Du Duck have been lacking in recent years, and F.O.W.L wasn’t too happy about it. They do not take kindly to failure and would have dropped the Beagle Boys from their payroll, but F.O.W.L never let anything go to waste. The Fiendish Organization of World Larceny sent one their agents to ensure the Beagle Boys dealt with the problem. He was a hound known as Agent Sneaky Luiseno. Luiseno had accompanied Thick to the Cirque to collect.
The head agent of F.O.W.L had come to check on his progress. Ma looked to the rooster who sat in the dark. He had made himself comfortable on the couch and had surrounded himself with the female members of the Beagle Boys. “Your boys are late,” he said. “That doesn’t look good on you.” Ma Beagle addressed him. “My apologies Agent Talon,” she responded. “Thick had said he let them have a little fun at the circus. Didn’t expect him to actually take them to a show.” In truth Thick had wanted to find Elmo before they attacked the Cirque. Thick and Ma had fought this morning about the loyalties of Elmo Sputterspark and where they lie. Ma Beagle never trusted the grandson of Bart T. Ratcliff. 
The old rat had always run the Cirque Du Duck, even when her grandfather Blackheart was a child. You can’t be in business that long and not break a few eggs. Mcduck might beg a differ, but then again he had conned Blackheart out of the deed to Duckburg. Sputterspark had come to live with Ratcliff after his parent were sent to jail. The boy became an excellent pickpocket since he came to live him. Ma only agreed to let Elmo be a part of the attack on Cirque Du Duck, only if Thick contacted Sputterspark after they got there. That way, if Elmo was a spy for Ratcliff, he has no way to warn anyone. Ma had turned on the radio to contact Thick and check his progress. When the iron doors flung open. 
Her eldest son Big Time, came running in followed by Bouncer who chased after him. Elmo and Burger were the last to enter carrying Thick. Thick was still unresponsive, and was missing an arm. Burger cleared a nearby table and Elmo laid the large beagle on top of it. Talon got up from the couch to investigate. Ma beagle rushed over Thick, the only beagle aside from Blackheart she cared about, pushing Elmo out of the way. The blood around Thick’s arm was dry, so it had already started to heal and grow back. Agent Talon looked around; Luiseno was not among to party that came back. Ma Beagle shot daggers at Elmo. The fact that Thick was hurt today of all days sent her paranoia in to overdrive.
She grabbed Elmo by the scuff of his shirt and pulled him to her eye level. “Start talking,” she growled. “This was supposed to be a simple smash and go. So why are you back empty handed and with Thick worst for the ware?” Posi- Talon cut in. “Where is Luiseno? Why isn’t he with you?” he asked coolly. Elmo went silent, he knew Ma Beagle never trusted him. Before Elmo could speak, Bouncer came back with Big Time under his arm. The small beagle ran his mouth to save his own skin. “The Cirque knew we were coming,” He said. “They hired some merc with a chainsaw to protect them. He sliced off Pa’s arm and cut Luiseno into ribbons. He called himself Negan. Elmo can tell you; he was with the merc before he attacked us.” Ma beagle tighten her grip on Elmo in rage. “Is this true?” she demanded.
“Yes, I was with him,” Elmo said in a panic. “But I had no idea who he was. I was told he...” Elmo stopped himself from saying anymore. He might be Ratcliff’s spy; didn’t mean he was a good one. “Go on” Posi-Talon said a mock encouraging tone. Elmo didn’t want to tell them the truth, they wouldn’t believe him and not to mention what Magica would do if he threw Drake Mallard under the bus. Besides, Drake had lost enough because of the Beagle Boys. He doesn’t need to lose another family member, even it is Negan. Elmo knew no matter what he said, once Thick woke up and told them that he refused to join the attack, The Beagle Boys would know that he was a spy.
“Never mind,” the rat said defeated not looking Ma Beagle in the eye. “You were right, I am a spy, however I didn’t know about Negan.” Ma Beagle tossed Elmo to the ground. “Damn it!” she raged. Bouncer released Big Time; he was no longer anger at him. He set his sights on the traitor. The broad Beagle lifted Sputterspark off the floor and tossed him into a nearby workbench. Elmo’s weight on the old table was too much and it broke, the table collapsed on top of him. Bouncer picked the rat up with one hand and pinned him against a wall. Elmo’s feet dangled off the ground as he tried to free himself from the beagle’s death grip. Bouncer began to pound Sputterspark’s face in with his free hand. The rest of the Beagle Boys watched smiling and laughing at Elmo’ punishment. However, it was far from over.
”Bouncer that is enough.” Talon said in a professional tone. Bouncer growled at the rooster, but released Elmo. The rat dropped to the floor with a thud. His face was battered, bruised, and swollen. He could barely see. Talon approached him. “Don’t think you are out of the woods yet,” he said. “I do not take kindly to spies in my mist and because of you, F.O.W.L lost a valued agent.” Talon snatched up Elmo by the fur of shoulder. He dug his fingers into the rat’s nervous system. The agent was known to have knowledge of pressure points in the body and use it as a weapon. Elmo’s body went limp and he was at the mercy of Reid Talon.
Talon pulled Sputterspark to his feet. “My superiors will not like to hear about how we had a rat in our operation. I am going to have to deal with the Cirque personally, if they stand up against F.O.W.L. others will follow. They must be made an example of.” He paused and pulled Elmo up to his eye level and forced him to look at the rooster. “But first,” he continued. “I’m going to have to deal with you and send your dear grandfather a message.” Talon eyes darted to his side. “Burger!” he barked. “Get the chair!”  Burger disappeared down the hall on his task. Talon turned his attention back to Elmo. The rooster had an unsettling smirk on his face. “I heard you’re a brilliant scientist in the making,” Talon said almost sounding impressed. “To bad you chose the wrong side.”
Elmo’s eyes widen in fear when Burger came back. He was carting an old electric chair. Reid could read his thoughts. “Don’t worry” he said. “I do not intend to kill you with this.” The rooster walked over the device. “This is a special model designed by the engineers at F.O.W.L.” he continued as if he were marketing it. “The amount of electricity can be more easily controlled by a remote.” He procured a small grey machine from his jacket pocket and waved it around. Elmo looked around. Every exit was blocked off by the Beagle Boys. Ma Beagle smirked; she had been looking forward to this for a long time. She looked at Thick. His arm was beginning to grow back. She turned her attention back to Sputterspark. “Get him boys” she commanded.
Elmo tried in vain to escape, but he was overwhelmed by his former colleagues. Three beagles nabbed him and forced him to the chair. He pleaded for mercy as they strapped him in and hooked him up with wires on his head. “PLEASE....HAVE MERCY....I’LL DO ANYTHING!” he begged. He was noticeably shaking. The beagle took pleasure in Elmo’s despair. Talon said coolly. “I sure you would, but the thing is, I don’t want anything you could provide.” Burger handed Talon a large textbook and whispered in his ear. Talon’s face light up and he took the book and sat in a chair across from Elmo. “Burger tells me that you were gonna graduate high school soon and start your college career to become an electrical engineer. How sweet.” The rooster said with fake sincerity. “The college you what to enroll in is a major one, you have to past the entrance exam in order to enter.
“The wires attached to your head are hooked up to the part of your brain that manages your long- and short-term memory.” Talon explained. “One zap and who knows what happens. Even the Sanitatem Trance can’t restore memories.” He opened the textbook and thumbed through the pages. “I am in a generous mood,” the roosted continued.” Ill help you prepare for your test. For every answer you get correct, Ill think about letting you go.” He paused. “However, if get the answer wrong....” Talon press one of the buttons of his remote. The electricity crack and popped. Elmo screamed as the electricity coursed through his body. Talon pressed the button again and the chair went dead, but Elmo’s body was still shaking with the voltage. 
Talon tapped the grey textbook. “This is a collection of research done by F.O.W.L’s own electrical engineers.” he said. “If you can correctly answer what is in this book, you are a shoe into that school.” He flipped the book open. “Now Let’s begin, shall we?” the rooster said. “Wait wait wait!” Elmo panicked. Talon replied. “Sorry, a pop quiz waits for no one.” Talon made himself comfortable in his chair. “What is your name?” He asked. “Elmo Sputterspark” Elmo replied. A large amount of electricity hit Elmo like a bullet and he yelled in pain. “Wrong,” Talon said waving his finger. “Honestly, how could you forget you your own name?” Talon turned the page of the book. “But it is my name,” Elmo wheezed. Talon raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? Maybe a couple of more zaps will refresh your memory.”
“No...wait....please...” Elmo begged. His pleas fell upon deaf ears. Talon turned on the power to the chair again. Elmo’s body shook violently as the power coursed through his body. The fur around his wrists began to smoke and sizzle with heat. After two minute of pumping Elmo with electricity, Talon shut off the power again. Elmo’s mind became hazy. He could feel himself passing out and the Sanitatem Trance trying to take hold. Burger stuck a needle in the rat’s arm, forcing him awake. “Now, now,” Talon tsked. “We can’t have you pass out just yet, can’t have you undoing all the work we’ve done so far.” Talon turned back on the power to the chair. The Beagles snickered in glee as Elmo screamed in agony.
Elmo began to feel the effects of the electrocution to his brain by the time Talon turned of the power again. “Ma Beagle what is going on?” Elmo asked, already forgetting how he got here. “How did I get here? Why am I strapped to this chair?” Ma Beagle shrugged, she delighted in Elmo’s confusion. Elmo looked around and his eyes locked on Thick. Flashes of Cirque Du Duck crossed his head. He could see everything but couldn’t hear what was going on. Drake introduced him to his look-alike relative. The relative attacked Thick and sliced off his arm, or was it Drake? Elmo couldn’t remember. Talon spoke up and snapped Elmo back to reality. “Do you know who Bart. T Ratcliff is?” the rooster asked.
“He is the owner of Cirque Du Duck and my grandfather on my mother’s side” Elmo answered. Talon didn’t electrocute him this time. “Do you know, why you are here?” Talon questioned. “It is because Ratcliff sold you out. It was to prove his loyalty to us.” he lied. Elmo shook his head. “No, I don’t believe you.” the rat said. “Oh, really?” Talon asked smugly. “Tell me how come we found you out then?” Elmo went quiet, he didn’t have the answer for that. The only people who knew about him being a spy was Ratcliff, Magica, and the Mallards. Magica didn’t fear the Beagle Boys or F.O.W.L, no one messed with the old witch. Shera has had no contact them, and Drake was too proud to even consider to get the good gracious of his father’s killer. 
Ratcliff was the only one who dealt with the criminal groups on a regular basis. However, it wasn’t enough of a reason for Ratcliff to betray him. “I don’t know.” Elmo said. Electricity ran through Elmo’s body again. “Wrong answer.” Talon replied as he turned off the chair. The electricity pumped through Elmo’s body. His head tilted as he wailed from the pain. When it finally stopped, Elmo looked around confused. His gazed fell upon Talon and Ma Beagle. “Why am I here?” he asked her. “Is this some sort of gang initiation?” Ma Beagle leaned in and whispered into Talon’s ear. “Looks like his long-term memory is damaged,” she said. “He joined us a year ago.” Talon smiled. “Good,” he replied. “At this rate, we can rewrite his memories and send him back to Ratcliff.” Talon turned his attention back to a confused Elmo and zapped him again.
The pattern of questions and electrocution went on for hours. Thick had woken up and had a new arm. A jagged scar formed a ring around near his shoulder were Negaduck had severed the limb. He confirmed Big Times testimony of the events at Cirque Du Duck. Elmo at this point couldn’t even remember Thick or Ma Beagle by name. Only that they had kidnapped him when he was little to get Ratcliff to do their bidding. Anything that happened after that, Elmo could not remember, and Talon could miniplate his memory as he pleased. Talon took note that Elmo’s fur began to spark with electricity, even when the power to the chair was cut off. He pushed it from his mind.” Must be seeing things.” he thought.
Talon filled Elmo’s head with lies. He told Elmo, that Ratcliff had sold him to the Beagle Boys to pay them off. What happen in the years between then Talon said he didn’t know, but give Elmo’s current battered state he had a good idea. The Cirque Du Duck had prospered since then, and all Ratcliff had to do was sacrifice his grandson to the dogs. The more Talon electrocuted him; the more Elmo began to believe that Ratcliff abandon him. Elmo began to show signs of aggression toward the mention of Bart. T Ratcliff. Burger gave him another needle of modafinil, when Elmo’s consciousness began to fade. The rat was made alert and the torture continued. 
Eventually, Elmo couldn’t remember anyone from the cirque, not even his own name. However, knowledge about electrical science remain and how to take care of himself. That information was stored in a different part of the brain. Talon never zapped him when he asked about technical things. Talon got up from his chair and walked over to Elmo, who was slumped in the electric chair. Elmo’s eyes darted around. “What is your name?” the rooster asked. After a minute Elmo look at him. “ My....name...is...I...I don’t know.” Elmo stuttered. “Do you know who I am?” he asked in a dazed tone. Talon put his hand on his beak and mused. Elmo’s fur was charged with electricity and had turned black from being burned. “Hmm... I think your name is Megawatt.” 
The rooster answered. An unnamed beagle shouted. “That is the name of my favorite band, try something else.” Talon raised an eyebrow. “Dim Bulb?” Talon said trying another name. Another Beagle shouted from the crowd. “That’s my name,” he said. Ma beagle was beginning get annoyed with her children’s interruptions. “Shut up Dim Bulb,” she growled. She walked to Talon’s side and gave Elmo a look over. “Your name is Megavolt and that is final,” she said then turned to the rest of the Beagle Boys. “Right...?” She inquired. Every Beagle Boy in the room answered in unison as if they were soldiers. “Yes Ma!”
Talon rolled his eyes, with the exception of Thick and Ma, the Beagle Boys were idiots in his book. The rooster handed the remote to Burger. “I want you to stay with Megavolt and continue to reeducate him until we comeback.” He turned to the rest of the gang. “In the mean time I want you all to prepare to mount another attack. This time we are not going to collect a debt. The Cirque Du Duck needs to be made an example of, we gonna kill everyone there and burn it to the ground!” Ma Beagle spoke up to rile up her sons. “Do this to avenge Luiseno, to protect the honor of your Pa, do it for dear old Ma!” The Beagle Boys roared and hollered. They were ready and willing. “That’s the spirit, boys!” Thick shouted over them. “Be ready to attack tomorrow at dusk, and teach the world a lesson that they won’t forget.” 
The Beagle Boys departed leaving Talon, Ma and Thick Beagle, Burger, and Elmo. “Oversee the preparations for the next attack.” Talon instructed Ma and Thick. he grabbed his coat and retrieved a radio from it. “I am going to see what I can find out about this “Negan” and hopefully dispose of him. He shall rue the day he interfered in F.O.W.L business!” Talon started up the radio, and it cracked to life. “I need you to snoop around the camp.” He talked into the radio. “I want you find out what can about Negan, I will meet you at the cirque tomorrow.” A voice came from the other end of the line. “Roger boss,” it said. Talon placed the radio on the couch. The three left the electrical plant. The only ones left were Burger and Megavolt. Burger turned on the electric chair and watched as Elmo squirmed. After a few minutes he turned it off and placed the remote on the table. He picked up the Talon’s textbook and disappeared down the hall to put it away. Elmo was alone. His fur cracked and popped with electricity. 
Bang. The sound of the explosion caused Burger to fall to the ground. He looked in the direction it came from. Smoke rose from the main room Elmo was being held. Burger rushed back to check the prisoner, only to find the electric chain was nothing more than a warped piece of metal and wood. Elmo was nowhere in sight. The power to the building went out, yet Burger could see lights from other buildings. Something scurried across the room. Burger was immediately alert. “Elmo is that you?’ He asked weakly. He didn’t know why he was afraid. There was no way Elmo could hurt him. The was no reply. Burger made his way to the exit. He had to report that Elmo had escaped. A blue volt of lightning struck the beagle in back. Burger’s body hit the floor with a thud. He couldn’t move and feel anything past his ribs.
Burger cried in pain until he heard footsteps and the sound electricity approaching. “Elmo?” Burger said not believing his eyes. The rat stood up with a slouch, and had no expression on his face. His fur sparked, and popped like clothes that you get out of the dryer, his clothes were torn, and his fur had turned as black as coal. Elmo looked down at Burger. “Who are you?” he asked. “Why do you call me Elmo? My name is Megavolt.” Elmo’s eyes lock on the grey book Burger had tucked in his arm. “You know what,” he continued. “Never mind, you have something I want.” The last thing Burger saw was Megavolt lift his hand and produce a massive lightning volt. Burger’s screams were drowned out by the electrical pulse.
Megavolt pried the book from Burger’s charred remains and flipped through it. “Interesting,” he mused. “I have to run experiments to prove these theories, but first I have to pay a visit to my dear old grandfather Ratcliff. Can’t exactly remember way, but I want him dead.” The memory of Elmo Sputterspark was gone, all that remained was Megavolt. Megavolt left the old electrical plant taking the book with him. He began to feel weak. “Hmm...” He thought. “Must have used to much juice on that beagle, I guess my power does have its limits.” He wandered around the back alleyway and found a place to sleep. “My biological structure is different now, the Sanitatem Trance should restore me like an electrical battery. I need to learn the limits of my capabilities and what I can do to improve upon them.” Megavolt climbed into a dumpster as the sun set and dozed off. Tomorrow, he’d go see Ratcliff.  
Hours earlier at Cirque Du Duck.  
Nega – Magica De Spell walked to a nearby window. She sighed, “So let me get this straight,” she said in both angry and annoyed tone. She addressed Drake first. “You went off by yourself to practice forming portals...without my permission or supervision. I was right to send Poe out to look for when you didn’t come home right away. Also, it seems you were planning to confront the Beagle Boys.” She walked to the other end of her caravan, and picked up a picture frame and signed. Drake had seen it so many times he knew what it was. It was a photo of Magica and the Macawbers sharing a meal together. Magica and the Macawbers became fast friends since she joined the Cirque. Within the few years she knew them, they made her an honorary family member. That is why she was the first one in line to adopt Morgana after the family was exterminated by the Beagle Boys.
She put down the picture. “Look,” she continued. “I know it hurts, but you are going to have to move on. Picking a fight with the Beagle Boys won’t bring Sergei back or the others. What it does is put a large target on your back.” She paused and turned stern. “Your actions today had put our operation at risk! If you hadn’t created that portal, Negaduck would be in the Negaverse right now where he should be! Not to mention what the Beagle boys will do once they regroup! As punishment, Morgana will replace you as my assistant during shows for 6 months, and you will be running extra laps for a week! That’s not even covering what your aunt is going to do to you when I tell her.” 
Drake was in protest. “Your giving my position to a 7-year-old!?” he exclaimed. “Look, I know I screwed up big time, but this going too far!” Magica rolled her eyes. “Oh, give it a rest Drake,” she responded in annoyed tone. “Your ego could use a reality check anyways.” Negaduck snickered. However, with one look from Nega – Magica, he quickly changed his tune and went silent. Drake clenched his fist. “Be that as it may.” He countered. “I can’t sit here and do nothing. The Cirque can’t even pay rent much less the Beagle Boys. They came here today to do harm. I had to do something!” He looked Magica in the eye. “How am I going to be the Guardian of St. Canard, like you say I ‘m destined to be, if you keep me from protecting my home?” Drake’s voice was thick with sarcasm. He still didn’t believe in destiny.
Magica started at the duckling. Her mouth moved as if she wanted to say something, but decided against it. “It is not time for you take that role yet,” she answered in a calm voice. “All you need to do is trust that I know what I am doing.” Magica could see that Drake still had a hard time believing in magic. He had convinced himself, that his quadworth ability was a mutation. The witch didn’t care wither how he came to terms with it, all that matter is that able and willing to act as her champion. However, it seems that Drake was losing fate in her. He had no motive to go against Nega- Scrooge McDuck. 
Magica turned her gaze to Negaduck. Negaduck stood attention and had a slightly worried look on his face. He knew he done it. Unlike Drake, Negaduck had motivation to act as her champion. His father had driven him over the edge and he wanted revenge. Sergei Starling is the current spymaster of Nega- Scrooge McDuck himself. Unfortunately, both Drake and Negaduck shared a stubborn personality and a complete disregard for the rules. Magica put her hand up to her head and rubbed the bridge of her beak. “I am honestly not surprised by you at this point,” Magica started, this was a normal conversation with Negaduck. “You were in trouble again because you were careless. 1st you lose your talisman. Then, when you get caught thieving, you led one of Nega-McDuck’s men to the Posi-Sanitatem.”
“It is not like I had much of a choice.” Negaduck argued. “It was the portal or the guard.” Magica didn’t miss a beat. “Don’t act like this couldn’t be avoided boy,” she barked. “This wouldn’t have happened if you haven’t stolen in the first place!” Magica eyed the bloodied chain saw that Negaduck had in his hands. “Also, you have done a pretty bang up job of keeping a low profile since you arrived in Posiverse.” She continued. “You angered the Beagle Boys by killing one of their own. Again, why do you risk discovery?” Negaduck looked her in the eye, slightly annoyed. “Because I am not going to live my life hiding from everyone! I like my freedom and I want to keep it.” The witch glowered at him “You won’t have free if you’re dead.” Magica retorted.
Magica walked back to the window and put her arms behind her back. “When we get back to the Negaverse, you will be confined to the Muddlefoot residence for half a year, and I will personally see that you stay there. The only time you are allowed to leave is with me.  Just like Drake you will be running extra laps for a week. I have to create a new talisman for you and it will take a day to do so. So, you will be doing chores around the Cirque in addition to your punishment.” Negaduck didn’t protest. Yes, he hated the idea of beginning in “prison” for half a year, but he wanted to stay on the witch’s good side. His eyes went wide in surprise. “Wait,” he exclaimed. “I’m stuck in this world!? Douglass is going to flip!” 
De Spell made her way to the center of the caravan and sighed. “Now that I have that out of the way,” she said. “I can make a new talisman, but there is a slight complication.” She paused. “Do any of you remember my lesson in how the Multiverse remains balanced and how it keeps quadworths from traveling around without limitation?” Both boys answered. “yes.” Negaduck answered shrugging. “No” Drake responded. Magica sighed. “You’re gonna get a lecture when this is over,” Magica said slightly annoyed. She recomposed herself and addressed Negaduck. “Negaduck, please explain the harmony between worlds.” Negaduck went quiet for a minute. “Actually,” he responded. “I lied; I don’t know how it works. I was hoping Drake had the answer.” De spell did a facepalm and ran her hand down her beak in annoyance. Drake snickered. “Kids.” Magica thought. 
She swatted the both of them atop their heads. “Every migraine I get comes from the both of you.” she growled. “Anyways,” Magica continued. “The Harmony between Worlds is what keeps the multiverse stable and quadworths like you in check. If quadworths travel around the multiverse freely, it would tear up The Void causing a massive blackhole that would suck everything in around it. In short, the multiverse, and everything in it would end via being squished into a pebble.” She tapped her staff on the ground. It was her way of making sure she had their attention, especially Negaduck. 
“So, to prevent its total destruction, the Multiverse limits the number of organisms traveling through the Void. It does so by not allowing any anyone to stay without someone taking their place. Same number in, same number out.” Negaduck gave her a confused look. “What does that have to do with getting back to Negaverse?” He asked. Poe flew over to Negaduck, “You didn’t come here alone.” The raven said. Poe reached under his wing and produced a Doberman puppy. Negaduck snatched up the small dog. The tiny hound opened his eyes and the first thing it saw was Negaduck. “I guess I need to name you, don’t I?” Negaduck asked.  He had completely forgotten about it since he came to Posiverse. The pup gave him a confused look. Negaduck thought for a moment. “Killjoy.” He said. “From now on your name is Killjoy.” Killjoy didn’t have a clue as to what his name meant. He stuck out his tongue and kissed his “parent.” This caught Negaduck off guard, he even smiled a little. He quickly frowned. “We are going to have a talk about your cuteness.” Negaduck said sternly.
The duckling’s heart almost skipped a beat. “The soldier back in the alley!” he exclaimed. Magica nodded “Reid Talon must be sent back to the Negaverse with you.” she replied. Negaduck frowned “Wouldn’t it be safer to just kill him and you go in his stead?” he asked Magica. Drake interjected. “Is you first answer to every problem to kill it?” Negaduck faced Drake. “Hey, I might not have the greatest track record with thinking things through, but I am not stupid,” Negaduck shot back. “Powerful people in the Negaverse want me dead, and Nega - Talon works for them.” Drake still looked unconvinced. “Look, do you have a better idea?” Negaduck said in a slightly annoyed tone. He was getting tired of Drake’s biased mightier- than- thou- attitude. “Well,” Drake started. “Since, according to you, Talon doesn’t know what a quadworth is or that the Multiverse exist. I have practiced hypnotism; we can make him think the was dreaming or the like and he never left Negaverse.”
“We  could do that,” Negaduck answered. “Provided the chicken hadn’t gotten himself arrested for being armed. You said it yourself. The possession of arms is not permitted in St. Canard.” Magica listened to the ducklings go back and forth on how to get Nega – Reid Talon back to Negaverse without him being the wiser. Each plan became less unintelligible than the last. Magica eventually interjected, when they had come up with a plan involving a kangaroo, a Viking helmet, and a jar of peanut butter. “Unfortunately, boys” the witch said, trying not to laugh at them. “Poe has already gone back to the alley and Talon was gone. We have to find him first before we even think about going back to the Negaverse. Finding Nega- Reid is our top priority right now.” 
Magica walked over to her desk and went to work. She placed a blue saucer on top of it and open the drawers of her desk. From it, from it she retrieved a vile, claw clippings from some animal, and lastly a newt. The witch mixed the ingredients together and whispered incantations. She opened a box on the table contain various objects. Magic pulled out a green feather from the box and dropped it into the saucer. Orange smoke rose from the saucer and took form of St. Canard. It lingered for a minute before changing into a rooster then it dissipated back into the saucer. Drake watched as Magica peered into the dish. De Spell had often tutored him in the science of Alchemy. She picked up a scrap of paper off her desk and jotted down an address. 
“Negaduck,” She said, handing the note to him. “Tomorrow you and Drake will go to this location. Talon should be here.” Negaduck took the note read it over, then showed it to Drake. Magica tapped her staff again and the boys looked at her in attention. “I know this bird’s path,” she said, tapping the note. “If you do not seem him at this spot tomorrow, come back to the Cirque immediately. He will come here.” Negaduck spoke up. “How do you do know that he will come here?” he asked. “Because I am a fortune teller.” Magica answered as if she had been waiting for the question. The curtain, that acted as Magica’s front door to her caravan, was flung to the side. A lanky female duck marched in, she had long grey hair and thin limbs. Morgana hid behind the entrance. 
“Aunt Shera!” Drake exclaimed. “What are you doing here!?” he asked. Shera rushed him and gave him a hug like a frightened mother, nearly knocking Negaduck over in the process. However, she quickly released Drake and scowled at him. “Where have you been?!” Shera demanded. “You know to check in with me when you get home. Especially on the day the Beagle Boys come!” her expression turned back to fear. “When you didn’t come home, I drove to the school to see if you were there and Instructed Elmo to have you go wait for me at our trailer until I came back. When I did return. I found the trailer empty and your crossbow gone, and I knew what you planned to do.” Shera became angry again. “What were you thinking?! They could have killed you!” Shera pulled in Drake in for another hug.” Hell, if you scare me like that again, I’ll kill you myself!” she said in tears.
Negaduck watch the little family moment. He hadn’t had that kind of closeness with his own. The only family he had left was trying to kill him. Negaduck shook of a feeling of envy, he had to remind himself that he wanted nothing to do with Nega – Sergei. Drake got off luckier than he did. Shera broke herself away from Drake. “Who are you, and why do you look like Drake?” she asked Negaduck. “This is Negaduck,” Magica responded. “He is Drake’s counterpart from the Negaverse.” Shera gave him a look of concern. “I’d ask what happen, but news travels fast through the grapevine in Cirque Du Duck.” Shera Anyway, Morgana said you were here, Ratcliff is holding an emergency meeting at the fire pick regarding the Beagle Boy attack. He wants everyone there.” Magica escorted everyone out of her caravan. “Very well,” she said. “We shall finish this discussion later. 
”The fire pit was filled with people, everyone looked scared. They had buried Luiseno, well what was left of him. There was no sign of Elmo Sputterspark. The crowd was a buzz, frantic stages hands muttered about possibly leaving town. Others thought to beg for forgiveness. Negaduck never understood why these people didn’t finned for themselves like they did in the Negaverse. Come to think of it, there wasn’t even a Cirque Du Duck in the Negaverse. “Did something happen to it during the Anasian War?” Negaduck thought. It was certainly a place to check out after he got back. Negaduck to notice of Drake slipping away as if he didn’t want to be follow. So naturally, Negaduck tailed his counterpart out of the crowd. 
Drake was sure he was alone. He reached into his pocket and retrieve raw beef he had bought from the market earlier that day. The duckling made his way to the open field at the back end of the Cirque’s property. Hidden amongst the grass, was a trapdoor. It led to a cellar the cirque used in case of a tornado. Drake opened the door. “What are you doing?” a voice aske behind him. Drake nearly jumped out of his skin. He whirled around to see Negaduck standing on the other side of the trapdoor. Killjoy poked his head out from Negaduck’s coat and let out a small yip. Negaduck pushed his head back him in. Something down in the cellar barked. “No, stay!” Drake said in a command voice. “What’s down there?” Negaduck asked. Drake shut the wooden trapdoor with a slam. “Nothing.” he replied.
“You were just talking to a door; you are a terrible liar.” Negaduck deadpanned. Negaduck walked to the other side of the trap door and opened it up. A flurry of white fur jumped out of the cellar and forced Negaduck to the ground. Negaduck was met by the snarling teeth of a large white wolf. A low growl came from Negaduck’s coat. Killjoy crawled from beneath it and put himself between the wolf and Negaduck. The tenacious pup stared down his elder. ���Snow,” Drake said raising his voice. “Heel!”. The wolf calmed and walked over to drake. “I am sorry,” Drake apologized. “She’s about to have a litter, and is a little territorial. She picked the cellar as her den.” Negaduck pulled himself up. Killjoy was still glaring at Snow. “Killjoy!” Negaduck hissed. “Unless you want to become her dinner, stop challenging her.” The pup bowed his head and went back under Negaduck’s coat.
Drake unwrapped the raw beef and tossed it in the cellar. Snow went after it, knocking Negaduck down again, and disappeared into the cellar. Drake closed the trapdoor and locked. “So, why do you have a wolf in there.” Negaduck asked, getting up and dusting the dirt off himself again. “I suppose, someone would have found out about her eventually,” Drake said. “Just please don’t tell Shera. She’s –“ Negaduck cut in in a deadpan. “Is an overprotective parent.” Drake sighed. “Yes,” he answered. “She’ll have a cow.” Negaduck could somewhat relate to Drake on this. Douglass would always flip out anytime Negaduck would not come home for days, though he knew the duckling could take care of himself. The old goose is going to have a heart attack when finds out that Negaduck got stuck Posiverse for a day and half. Negaduck will never hear the end of it.
”Anyway,” Drake continued. “A few months back, she escaped from her transport confinement on a train. Snow was on her way to join some rich guy’s private zoo in Rio De Squawk. However, the train had an accident, causing Snow’s cage to fall out of its boxcar. She was injured in the process. Long story short, I found her, treated her wounds, found out she was pregnant, and set her up here.” Negaduck frowned. “So, it didn’t occur to you to call to call the local zoo?” he asked. “It did at first,” Drake responded. “But they don’t have the greatest track record. They have been caught red handed smuggling diamonds in animals for the Beagle Boys.” Drake went quiet for a moment. “That gang has their hand in everything in St. Canard, even the police, you have to be careful who you trust.”
“It wouldn’t be so bad if you eliminated the problem” Negaduck retorted. Drake turned to Negaduck; he was still upset over Negaduck’s brutal attack on the Beagle Boys. “Because,” Drake growled. “I not about to kill someone, even it would make me no better than the Beagle Boys.” Negaduck knew he hit a nerve. “So.” Negaduck responded. “They only speak one language, best to learn it, otherwise they will continue to terrorized St. Canard, because they can. Trust me, I would know.” Negaduck paused. “I’m not a stranger to people like them.” Drake started to make his way back to the fire pit. “I just can’t determine someone’s fate like that.” Drake said before he turned around back to Negaduck. “Why should you?” Negaduck thought for a moment. “Honestly, I haven’t thought about it much,” Negaduck responded. “I guess it’s just instinct to hack a guy to pieces when he threatens you with a machete.”
Drake,” a voice called from across the field. “We are about to start, who is that with you?” An elderly rat came into view. “Mr. Ratcliff,” Drake said. “This is Negan, my cousin.” Drake grabbed Negaduck’s arm and dragged him in the direction of the camp. Drake didn’t want the old man to discover Snow. “Sorry,” he said. “We will see you at the fire pit.” Ratcliff put his hand on Drake’s shoulder. “Hold it young man,” Ratcliff instructed. Ratcliff handed a dog bag to Drake. “Your friend in the cellar is eating for more than one.” Ratcliff continued. “Be sure to give this to her.” Drake and Negaduck looked dumbfounded. “How did you know Snow was down there?!” Negaduck asked. “My boy, there is not much around here that I don’t know about.” Ratcliff answered. Ratcliff approached Negaduck and looked him over. 
“Magica had told me that everyone had a counterpart in the Negaverse,” He said. “Just didn’t expect the them to look exactly like us.” Negaduck didn’t know what to make of the old man. He was close enough to Magica for her to tell him about the Multiverse, and knew exactly who he was. “But where are my manners,” Ratcliff continued. He took off his hat and bowed. “As already well know, my name is Bart T. Ratcliff, owner and proprietor of Cirque Du Duck.” Ratcliff stood up again and put his hat back on his head. “Come now boys,” he said. “Everyone is waiting, go find Shera at the fire pit.” Ratcliff escorted the pair back to the crowd were Shera was waiting. 
“Where did you two go?” she asked. “We went to let Killjoy go do his business.” Negaduck lied. Drake gave a sigh of relief, he was afraid Negaduck would rat him out after Snow jumped him, or that he was just as bad as liar as he was. Then again, Negaduck was his opposite. He wasn’t a bad person, at least Drake had no reason to believe he was, but his “act – first- ask – questions - later” way of thinking was definitely going to be a problem in the long run. Drake thought it best to be wary of his yellow-clad counterpart for the time being. However, Negaduck right about one thing. The Beagle Boys will never learn until someone says no more to their bullshit. If nobody did, things won’t get better for anyone.
The crowd grew quiet when Ratcliff appeared near the center of the fire pit. “I assume we all know why know why I have called this gathering” Ratcliff began. No one said a word, but Negaduck could feel the eyes of the camp peer into him. Negaduck could recognize some of the faces from the crowd, they were present when he had attacked the Beagle Boys. His mind began to race, Negaduck had killed may times before, but only benefited from it until now. “Earlier today,” Ratcliff continued. “The Beagle Boys came to Cirque Du Duck. However, as I was told, they left in a hurry after one of their own was killed. This place seems to be a beacon for death isn’t it?” A voice shouted from the crowd. It was Goose Lee. “It was that Negan kid,” he said pointing out Negaduck from the crowd. 
Ratcliff stopped his speech and eyed Lee. “If you ask me, we should give the little monster to the Beagle Boys, maybe they will forgive us.” Lee continued. Negaduck slide his hand on to his chainsaw, he wasn’t going down without a fight. “Now, now Lee,” Ratcliff said as if Lee was a child. “We can’t make any rash decisions here. We don’t even know if the Beagle Boy think we are responsible for this.” Ratcliff scanned the crowd before continuing. “It seems that Elmo has yet to return, until then we cannot say for certain what the Beagle Boys plan to do.” Lee glowered at the ringmaster. “Even so,” Lee shot back “This kid killed someone without reason, he is dangerous we need to get rid of him.” The crowd began to murmur in agreement. Several people surround Negaduck, he wrapped his hand around starter. 
Shera grabbed Negaduck's shoulder and pulled him close to her protectively. “Lee don’t you dare lay a hand on him!” she barked. This took Negaduck aback, Shera barely knew him and yet she was ready to face a potential mob to defend him. “Besides,” she continued. “Everyone knows you have been pining after Ratcliff’s job for years. This is just another stunt to make him look bad.” The murmuring continued and Lee turned his menace to Shera, who had called him out. Ratcliff chuckled. “It’s true that the child did kill one of them,” Ratcliff said. “However, the Beagle Boys came to do more than just pick up protection money.” Ratcliff gestured to the crowbars, bats, and other weapons on the ground. “According to witnesses, Thick threaten to harm the boy, so this is a matter of self-defense.”  
Goose Lee didn’t miss a beat. “You may be right,” he said. “But there is a difference between self-defense and hacking a guy to pieces.” Ratcliff rolled his eyes at the old goose. “Negan, is member of the Mallards family,” Ratcliff said. “The Mallards have been a part of Cirque Du Duck for generations and we protect our own.” Ratcliff’s tone turned serious. “Besides, if Negan and Drake didn’t act and the Beagle Boys attacked, it would have been a lot worst.” The crowd grew quiet again. “Elmo is not here,” Ratcliff continued. “It is most likely that he is with the Beagle Boys.” He paused. “Though Elmo is a member of their gang, he works as my spy.” The murmuring started again, very few knew of Elmo Sputterspark’s involvement with Beagle Boys.
“We will wait until his return figure out a course of action.” Ratcliff instructed. “Until then we stay put. However, I would advise that we lock all our doors tonight and travel in groups.” Silence fell among the cirque troop again. “This concludes our meeting,” Ratcliff said calmly. “Have a nice evening.” After a few minutes the crowd began to disperse. Negaduck, The Mallards, Magica, Morgana, and Ratcliff remained. Ratcliff’s eyes fell upon Negaduck. “Magica had filled me in on your predicament.” He said. “Since you are stuck here, do you know where you will be staying the night?” Morgana chimed in. “We have the guest tents; he could stay there.” Ratcliff shook his head. “No,” he said. “I might have said that the troupe couldn’t lay a hand on him, doesn’t me they will listen.”
“He will stay with us,” Shera said. “We have the extra room.” Magica spoke up, “Than it’s settled. Negaduck will stay with Shera. In the meantime, I will begin working on a new talisman.” The witch’s gaze fell upon Drake and Negaduck. “This doesn’t change anything,” she said. “The both of you will go into town tomorrow, find Reid Talon, and bring him back to the cirque.” The boys nodded and followed Shera back to her trailer. Morgan skipped back to Magica’s caravan. Ratcliff waited until the trio was out of sight. “Do you think it wise to lie to them like that?” he asked Magica. “When they learn the truth of Nega- Reid Talon, you might lose their trust, at least Negaduck’s.”
Magica sighed. “I need to see how they work as a team,” she answered. “They won’t have a choice down the line, and I need to know if they can do it. Counterparts are notorious for fighting one another.” Magica went quiet. “It won’t matter in the long run. At some point down the line, they will be on their own. Certain events will happen, and both ducks will want to bring down Nega-Scrooge McDuck.” Magica began to walk back to her caravan. She turned to face Ratcliff. “The Cirque is lost and you know it.” She said. “Why do you stay?” Ratcliff sat on a nearby log and pulled out a pipe to smoke it. “I have hope that the cirque will pull through,” he answered. “It has for so many years. However, I am not about to put everyone in danger if that is what you’re thinking. If Elmo is not back by tomorrow evening, I’ll have everyone pack up and leave.” 
Magica left. Ratcliff was alone smoking his pipe and watching the fire die out. Unknown to him, he was being watched. Goose Lee hid behind a nearby stand and had heard Ratcliff’s backup plan. “Sorry, Ratcliff, he said barely above a whisper. “Elmo will not be returning, not after I report this to F.O.W.L.” The criminal organization had paid Lee handsomely to keep an eye on Ratcliff and the Cirque Du Duck. Posi – Talon had already radioed to him that Elmo was taken care of, and ordered Lee to make sure nobody left the Cirque. By the time Ratcliff realizes that his grandson is not coming back it will be too late. Lee had hoped to get in touch with Talon regarding Negan. However, the radio wasn’t able to pick up his line. Lee thought it was weird, the line they used usually worked. The goose figured he try again in the morning. He snuck away and left Ratcliff alone at the fire pit. 
Negaduck instantly felt sick when he entered the trailer. There was nothing wrong about the home, in fact it was completely normal, and that was the problem. Negaduck was used to living in war torn St. Canard, and was reminded that the Anasian War never happen in Posi – Sanitatem. The dwelling was covered in family photos, some were of Sergei Mallard, a duck that actually cared for his family. Negaduck shift his gaze back to Drake. A feeling of envy surged in his mind. He wondered, that if Sergei Starling was a good man, and didn’t take Nega – McDuck offer’s, would his mother still be alive? Would he actually be happy? Negaduck shook the thought from his mind. What could have been didn’t matter. “I need to focus on my main goal” he reminded himself. Sergei Starling was going to die by his hand for his crimes, and nothing was going to change that. 
Shera went to the far side of the trailer and opened a cabinet. She proceeded to unloaded several bowls and a large pot. “We are having beef stew tonight,” she said. Shera opened the small fridge next to the cabinets and frowned. “Looks like I forgot the milk again.” She continued. “I will need to run to the store and get some.” Shera grabbed her purse and headed to the door. The parent eyed her charges as she put her hand on the knob. “Don’t leave the trailer under any circumstances.” She said sternly. “I mean it.” Shera took the key on the hook next to the door and left. Drake and Negaduck were alone in the trailer. Killjoy wiggled his way out of Negaduck’s jacket and hopped to the floor. He sniffed around his new surroundings. The pup eventually made himself comfortable in a pile of laundry on the floor. 
Negaduck could hear Shera start the car, and listened. Once he was sure she was gone, he bolted to the door and looked out its window. He grabbed Drake’s crossbow and shoved into Drake’s hands. “Come on,” Negaduck said making his way to the exit. Drake looked a little confused and annoyed. “Where are we going?” Drake asked in a concern tone. “Why do I need to bring my bow?” Negaduck checked the windows, he had a paranoid looked his face. “I might be under Ratcliff’s protection, but that can only go so far.” Negaduck replied. Drake placed his crossbow on the floor. “Don’t you think that maybe you're taking this a little too far?” He asked. Negaduck stood by the door with his hand grasped around its handle. “I’ve got a way of reading people,” Negaduck said. “I don’t trust Goose Lee; he was way too quick to go against Ratcliff.” Drake interjected. “Lee is always like that.” he said with a hint of annoyance. 
“It is not the fact that he went against Ratcliff that worries me.” Negaduck said in a serious tone for once. “It’s that people were ready and will to follow him. It seems he has been persuading some of the cirque.” Drake crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow. “Look,” Negaduck “You said it yourself, the Beagle Boys have their hand in everything, even the police. If they are that organized, then they probably have eyes and ears everywhere. Including the Cirque.” At this point Drake was getting fed up with Negaduck’s paranoid behavior. However, he wasn’t wrong. Lee was constantly running against Ratcliff, and came close to taking control of Cirque Du Duck. The only reason he wasn’t able to was because Posi - Scrooge McDuck owned the land it was on and would have kicked the Cirque Du Duck from the property if Lee took over.
“We can’t trust him or anyone other than your aunt, Magica, Poe and, Radcliff.” Negaduck said. Drake approached his uneasy counterpart. He slowly reached for Negaduck's chainsaw, and relieved it from him of his blade. “True, we can’t trust most people,” Drake responded. “We can’t just sit here hold the fort all night.” Negaduck slammed his hand into his fist. “Your right,” he said. Negaduck grabbed his chainsaw from Drake. “It’d be much simpler to get rid of the problem permanently.” Drake moved between Negaduck and the exit. “No!” Drake exclaimed. “If you do that, it will warrant Lee’s point, and Ratcliff won’t be able to stop him.” Negaduck groaned in defeat. “I hope I don’t regret listening to you.” he said. Negaduck went to over to the nearby couch and slumped right in. 
Drake gave a sigh of relief. He grabbed a chair, placed it front of Negaduck, and sat in it backwards. “While we are on the subject of who can and can’t trust.” Drake said, his tone turning serious like Negaduck’s. “We both know we can’t trust Goose Lee, that is a given. It’d be wise to keep an eye on him for the time being. However, there is another person we should be wary about, and probably investigate.” He paused. “Nega - Sanitatem Magica De Spell.” Negaduck sat up from the couch. It was his turn to be skeptical. “Why do you suspect her of foul play?” he asked. “Doesn’t she need us to fulfill some prophecy?” Then again, she is very reluctant to share any information, regarding the supposed dooms day. Any time he or Drake asked about it her reply is always the same. All you need to do is trust that I know what I am doing. 
“You might be able to read people, but I can see the environment and facts.” Drake responded. He got up from his chair and picked a book from the bookshelf. Drake return to his seat and showed it to Negaduck. It was an old leather-bound book filled with loose papers and sealed shut with a leather buckle. On the books cover was a silhouette of a raven and a female duck. At the bottom of the illustration was “Property of Clan De Spell”. “Magica lent it to me,” Drake started to explain. “Said I could use it to study alchemy.” Negaduck took the book from Drake and flipped through the pages. “What does this have to do with Magica?” he asked. “Why are you even studying alchemy? I thought you didn’t believe in magic.”
Drake took a slight offense to Negaduck's remark and took the book back. “Alchemy is not magic!” he said. “It is a science of changing matter from on stage to the other. To answer your other question, I’m only learn the science because I think it can add a certain flare to my act.” Negaduck wanted to argue that alchemy was a form of magic, but decided to agree to disagree. Drake thumbed through the old book. Once he found the page he was looking for, he showed Negaduck. “This is what worries me.” Drake said pointing at the page’s title. “Tracker’s Potion”. Drake handed the book back to Negaduck. “Earlier, back at her caravan, De Spell made this potion to track down Reid Talon.” Drake explained. “However, in order for it to work, you need something that belonged to the thing you’re trying to track.” 
Negaduck read the page that listed the ingredients needed to create the potion. Magica had followed the recipe to the letter. The only thing she used that was not listed was a green feather. “Do, you see the problem?” Drake asked. Negaduck shook his head. “I assume that it is green feather she used,” he replied. “And the feather belonged to Nega – Reid Talon.” Drake took the book from Negaduck and put it back on the shelf. “Don’t you find it odd that she had it in the first place?” Drake pressed. “Or that she knew his name before you told her?” Negaduck got up from the couch. “Come to think of it,” he said. “That’s true, and once more she was quick to answer as to how she knew where he be. “I am a fortune teller,” she says.” Negaduck said, imitating her voice. 
“Yet there was nothing in her book that could explain how she knew where he was going, and going to be.” Drake continued. “Negaduck looked to the floor. “Who even is Reid Talon anyway?” Negaduck asked. “Why is Magica so sure he will come back here if we don’t find him first?” Drake shrugged. “I don’t know,” Drake said sadly. “What I do know is that there is more to this than she is telling us.” Both ducklings grew quiet. Negaduck went to the couch and sat back down. He thought he knew the witch, but now with what Drake has revealed, he began to wonder if he knew at all. “Now what?” Negaduck asked his host. Drake produced a cardboard box from a compartment underneath the table, and placed it on top. “Now,” Drake answered. “All we can do is wait until morning.” Negaduck read the name on the box “SORRY”  
1 hour later
Drake and Negaduck were on their 3rd round of the game of sweet revenge. It was a nice distraction from the day’s events. It was also used as an opportunity to learn about each other’s world. Drake got a real prospective of just how bad it is over in the Negaverse. Magica wasn’t kidding when she said Nega -Scrooge McDuck was a vile man. Negaduck seemed very interested in the technological advancement of Posi-Sanitatem. He said the Negaverse was behind because of Anasian War, and any that were made, were used by Nega – McDuck’s forces or the rich. Drake pondered if the mysterious patron of the Beagle Boys were to continue with their corruption, would Posiverse head the same way as the Negaverse? Drake shook the thought from his head. He told himself he was over thinking it. 
Shera entered the trailer with groceries and set them on top of one the counter. “O.K.,” she said, washing her hands. “I will start cooking, while you two clean yourselves up. You reek.” Drake cringed; it was the first time he realized since the fight with the Beagle Boys, that he was covered in dirt and grim. The Duckling cared very much for his appearance. “Dibbs on the first bath!” he exclaimed and ran down the bathroom. “It’s just a little dirt Drake,” Shera said annoyed. “It’s not like you preforming anytime soon anyway, your grounded remember?” Drake stopped in his tracks. “I still have to work the concessions stand during the next show,” Drake replied. “I still represent Cirque Du Duck, and I doubt costumers want dirt in their food.”
Shera frowned. “You might have a point there,” she said. “However, tonight’s show is cancelled due to the Beagle Boy attack. We are not about to endanger costumers if they decide to attack again.” Drake went silent. “I see,” he said. Then disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Negaduck alone with Shera. “Take your coat off and I wash it for you. Just put in that bin by the couch.” She instructed. Negaduck did as she asked, it was nice to for someone to do something for you without wanting something in return. That kind of generosity, or any generosity in general, was rare in the Negaverse. Negaduck placed his yellow coat in the bin, and a bag with two syringes a smaller bag of powder fell out the pocket. Negaduck had completely forgotten he had drugs on him. 
Shera’s eyes flickered. She snatched up the bag before Negaduck could react. Negaduck was used to getting a chewed out by Douglass anytime he caught him with the drugs. Yet one looked at Shera’s furious face and he knew she was going to be worst. The exit was blocked off by Shera.  Negaduck braced for what was to come. The yelling, the screaming, and what- the-were-you-thinking. “What is this?” Shera asked in an inquisitive tone as she waved the bag in front of his bill. “It depends on how bad it looks.” Negaduck replied trying to play coy. “Negaduck,” Shera said in a warning tone. Killjoy emerged from his nest to see what was going on. “Drugs,” he replied not even trying to cover it. Negaduck might like the idea of getting pinched, but if he was gonna it caught, he was going to own it. 
“Heroin?” she asked, examining the bag in the light. “Yes.” Negaduck answered. Shera walked over to a chair adjacent to the couch. “I haven’t seen this in ages.” She said sniffing the bag. “Well not since Sergei cut me off.” Shera eyed Negaduck who hadn’t moved. “Why do you have this anyway?” she asked. Negaduck was prepared to answer that. “Because it is an addictive chemical,” He deadpanned knowing a lecture was coming. He was used to the same song and dance from Douglass Muddlefoot. “It is bad, I know but I don’t care.” Shera gave a hurt and confused look. “That’s why you refuse to stop.” She responded in calm tone. “I asked why you took it in the first place.” Negaduck couldn’t understand it. He was prepared for a shouting match. Not to be quizzed on his life’s choices. 
“Back when I was beginning high school; Sergei and I were in a car accident that killed our parents.” Shera continued. “Sergei got off with a few bruises, I however, suffered broken bones, and cuts from the windshield. They kept me in the hospital under a lot of morphine until the Sanitatem Trance did its job. Unfortunately, the trance can’t heal the mind, and I got hooked on morphine.” Shera looked at the small bag as if she was tempted. She put the bag on the table. “I wanted more,” she said. “When the hospital didn’t give it to me, I found heroin as the alternative. The only way I could get the drugs was through the only people that would deal the drug with the cirque.” She sighed. “The Sputtersparks.” 
“I spent my life savings up that point on the White China, and thought I kept a well-guarded secret.” Shera started to cringe of the thought the subject, but pressed forward. “Naturally, Sergei found out and he confronted me.” Shera continued. Negaduck wondered why she was telling him her sob story, but didn’t interrupt. Anything to avoid a lecture. It was unusual to hear of Sergei in a good light. “He pleaded with me to stop, I was a mess and in deep with the Sputtersparks. When I refused, he took matters into his own hands.” Shera pick up a framed photo of the wall. It depicted a younger Shera and Sergei; they look old enough to be teenagers. “Sergei reported the Sputterspark’s underground business to the authorities, before the they came under the Beagle Boy’s influence.” Shera continued. 
“He didn’t tell them that I was buying their product.” Her tone turned somber. “My brother also waited until after the Sputterspark’s had their son Elmo, so the child wouldn’t be born in jail. It was at Elmo’s mother’s request. Even in the end, Sergei Mallard wanted to help people, even criminals.” Shera put the picture back and wandered back to the counter, picking up the bag. “The whole experience was enough to for me to learn to hate the vile drug. I haven’t touched it since then. Serge on the other hand, wanted to help people like me, so he decided to become a doctor.” Shera picked up the bag then looked at Negaduck. “However,” she carried on. “You and I both know that Nega – Sergei would never have done that. Magica told me all about what kind of man he is.” Her voice turning to disgust. 
Magica had been sharing information about him with her, he wondered if Douglass knew anything about Drake. “He abandoned you,” She said. Negaduck could feel his blood boil at the mention of his name. “I never needed my fath- that man.” Negaduck said angerly, he was trembling. Shera raised an eyebrow. “Of course not,” Shera responded. “He does seem to scare you though.” Negaduck’s face went red. “I-I m not scared of him” Negaduck said in a foul tone, but he couldn’t look her in the eye when he did. “Oh, really?” Shera replied. “You still wear a mask, yet you know his quadworth capabilities can’t take him out of Nega Sentitatem, you ran from a guard because he could have exposed you to Nega- Sergei.” Shera stood up. “You have been uneasy since you set foot in this trailer. Is because you see the face of the man who took everything from you, upsets you?” 
Tears began to burn down the duckling’s face. For the first time in years, he was going to have to relive the day his mother was taken from him and he was powerless to do anything. Had nothing really changed since then? Was he still the weak boy he was before? “I’m going to ask you again, and this time I want a straight answer.” She said sternly. “Why do you have this!” Negaduck wiped away his tears. “It started out as way to easy the pain after I got into street fights and illegal boxing rings.” Negaduck began, it was the first time he had been honest with himself. “Medical supplies, is hard to come by in Nega – St. Canard.” He explained. “At first, I took it as need, but then...” his voice trailed off. Shera urged him to continued. “Go on.” 
“It became an escape,” Negaduck went on. “Magica’s Prediction has everyone in the Muddlefoot Syndicate watching my every move. Douglass wants me take over when I older. They think I’m some born leader, but I’m not! I am just scared kid, who wants nothing to do with it!” At that point Negaduck was shouting. “My greatest fear is that, despite how hard I train, or no matter what I do. I’m still the same weak child that should have died in the Void!” Negaduck was breathing heavily. Shera tossed the bag to the floor and knelt down. She wrapped her arms around him. “Its O.K.” she said. “It is not weakness to remember or to have doubt.
”Negaduck fell silent. He didn’t know how to react. He used to being treated like the trouble maker he was. He mostly had to fend for himself in the Nega – St. Canard after N.S took over. Sure, he had Douglass, but the goose only cares about N. M’s prophecy and keeping Negaduck alive to do it. Herb was his best friend, but even he began to distance himself from him. No one had really cared about him in years until now. Negaduck held on to Shera, slumped to the floor, and cried. He hadn’t done so since he lost his mother. After several minutes, Shera brought Negaduck to his feet and wiped his face. “Sometimes a little catharsis can go a long way,” She said. “Feel better?” Negaduck nodded and even cracked a smile.
Shera picked up the bag of white powder. “Do you still want this?” She asked. Negaduck stared at it for a moment and took the bag. “No,” he answered. “but Douglass is going to want it back. Besides, I don’t need a crutch.” He shrugged and looked off in a different direction. “Negaduck...” Shera said in a warning tone. Negaduck told the truth. “Fine, I was going to use it to drug Reid Talon, and drag him back to Negaverse.” Shera rolled her eyes. She didn’t approve of Drake and Negaduck going to look for this man tomorrow, nor the fact that Negaduck wanted to drug him. At least it was better than the boys’ idea of a kangaroo in a Viking helmet. However, if getting this Reid Talon into Negaverse was the only way to get Negaduck home she was onboard with it. 
“You know,” she said. “You and Drake have a tell when you lie. You shrug and avoid eye contact.” Negaduck look surprised. “Really?” he asked. “I’ll have to remember that the next time I talk to Douglass.” Shera changed the subject. “Let’s get back to making dinner.” She said. “I assume you know how cook meat?” Negaduck caught himself before he shrugged again. “No,” he answered. Shera however, wasn’t fooled. “Then there is no time like the present to learn.” She replied grabbing the ingredients and a large pot and made her way to the door. “Come on.” She instructed. Negaduck followed and opened the door for her. Killjoy could sense that everything was going to be ok and went back to sleep.  
15 minutes later. 
Drake exited the trailer. Negaduck and Shera were talking as the stew cooked. They greeted him as he made his way to the small fire they had started. Drake noticed that Negaduck wasn’t in a hurry to get back to the Negaverse anymore, and he had was in better spirits. Negaduck went inside the camper to take his shower. He had told them this the first time he’s had hot water in years. Killjoy came outside as Negaduck came in, the Doberman smelled the pleasant aroma of dinner. “Ratcliff came by.” Shera said. Her tone changed to that of worry. “Elmo has still not come back yet. He is worried about him.” Drake was also concerned by this. It wasn’t like Elmo to not check in with him. The rat loved Shera’s cooking and never miss out on dinner with them.
Negaduck returned 10 minutes later. Drake scooped him a bowl and handed it to him. “Really!?” Negaduck exclaimed. “I can have this much?!” Drake was taken aback. He had briefly forgotten that Nega – St. Canard was a war-torn area. “Negaduck must find first world problem really annoying” Drake thought to himself. Once they had finished their food and fed the scraps to Killjoy, they return to the camper for the night. There was still no sign of Elmo Sputterspark. Drake wondered what could have happened to him. He shook his head. There was valid reason for Elmo not have made contact, given current events, he might be trying to be extra cautious, so he would get found out. Drake had known Elmo for years, he was fine.  
Back at the Electrical Plant.  
 Posi- Reid Talon couldn’t comprehend it. He sat across an empty lot at café, smoking an overpriced cigar. The empty lot was once the electrical plant. The Electrical Plant had caught fire had burned down in the afternoon. Agents he had in the force said it was caused by an electrical discharge, but it wasn’t the electric chair. That was destroyed before the fire. Megavolt and Burger Beagle were missing to. Ma Beagle had reported that Burger hadn’t returned to the junkyard and Thick hadn’t seen him either. Talon didn’t know if Megavolt was alive or dead, which concerned him. The rooster might have brainwashed him, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t still loyal to Ratcliff. Sure, it was obvious that Megavolt hated the old rat, but Talon didn’t deal with maybes. Talon couldn’t contact his agent in the Cirque Du Duck either. The radio that they used to keep in touch was lost in the fire. Talon blew out smoke. “I guess it can’t be helped.” he thought. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. 
Chapter 7
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cbcdiversity · 5 years
Why Representation Matters
By L.L. McKinney
I’m seven and falling in love with Spider-Man. I learn everything I can about this kid who has incredible powers, but (unlike all the other heroes) his city hates him. He tries his best, and people are always knocking him down for it. Sometimes he wants to give up, but he doesn’t. Somehow, he keeps going. With addiction eating at my parents and slowly tearing my family apart, Peter helps me figure out how to keep going, too.
I’m ten, and it’s the first Show-and-Tell of the year. I bring the comic my Granny gave me, the first I’ve ever owned. A group of kids near the cubbies are giving each other sneak peeks of favorite toys, books, and other things before class. Thrumming with excitement, I join them and thrust my copy of Amazing Fantasy #15 out.
A boy snorts and mutters “What do you know about Spider-Man?” Before I can answer, his friends start in on how I’m just faking. How I should’ve brought my Barbie, the “ugly” one (they know I have it). Or maybe I should’ve brought my pet watermelon. I don’t present that day, or ever again.
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I’m fifteen, waiting for the 4:30 bus with some other kids, since I had to stay after class and practice with the rest of the Symphonic Orchestra. Sitting on the front steps of my high school, I sing along to “Crawling” by Linkin Park.
Someone rips my headphones off. A boy from the class ahead of mine presses them to his ears. He sucks his teeth. “Man, you listening to that white boy music.” A girl behind him giggles. “That’s cause she white.” Their little group cracks up, and he drops my headphones on the ground. Shouts of Oreo, wannabe white girl, and worse follow me home. For the rest of the year, I only listen to Hip-Hop in public.
I’m twenty, and after spending most of my life playing video games, I decide I want to make them for a living. I spend weeks researching schools and programs before finally settling on one. I save up my pennies, I pack my bags, and I move across the country to live with one of my best friends while I go to school. She tours the campus with me and helps me buy my supplies. 
The first day of class, I notice I’m one of three girls. I’m the only non-white person period. I sit in the back and try not to draw attention to myself. The teacher asks us to introduce ourselves and, for an icebreaker, say what we want to change about gaming. I say I’d like to see more Black characters. After that, it only takes two days for someone to ask why I’m not in the music program, because “that’s where all the other Black people are.”
It’s another two days before someone else says they didn’t know Black people even liked video games that weren’t NBA All-Star or Madden NFL. Before the week is out, someone says I’m making a big deal out of nothing, it doesn’t matter what race the characters are. Besides “doesn’t Donkey Kong count?” When the racism escalates to anonymous threats of violence that the school does nothing about, I drop from the program.
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I’m twenty-two, and Spider-Man 3 is about to hit theaters. I’ve seen the first movies multiple times on my own. I have all of the DVDs, including the special editions. One of my friends catches me looking up locations for midnight showings. “I didn’t know you like Spider-Man,” she says with a note of amusement in her voice. Without meeting her gaze, I quietly admit he’s my favorite hero, as if I’m confessing to a crime. She grunts to herself and goes about her business.
That week she surprises me with tickets for us and another friend. We meet at my parents' place, put on Spider-Man t-shirts, and paint his mask on our faces. The theater cheers when we walk in.
I’m twenty-seven and on my way home from a Disturbed concert. I pull into a gas station, music blaring as I head-bang along. When the song ends, I climb out to go get gas. On the other side of the pump, an older Black man is staring.
It’s about to get awkward when he nods, scrunches his face, and holds up a hand, pointer and pinky fingers out. “Hell, yeah.” I return the gesture. He gets in his car and drives off, the wails of Metallica trailing behind his low rider Caddy. On the way home I roll the windows down, letting the wind hit my face, music pouring out of my car.
I’m thirty-four, and the developers for a video game I’ve been playing for a couple years, Paladins, drop a clip of their newest character: Imani. 
She’s strong. She’s fierce. She’s a tamer of dragons, a wielder of magic, and she’s Black. I stare at my screen, fixated as I play the clip over and over again. I pause the video at different spots and take in every detail of her design; her wide nose, her full lips, her thick braids. I stare. I marvel. I bask. And I cry. I’m overwhelmed. There she is.
There I am.
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L.L. McKinney is writer, poet, and active member of the kidlit community. She’s the creator and host of the bi-annual Pitch Slam contest and spent time in the slush by serving as a reader for agents and participating as a judge in various online writing contests. A Blade So Black is her debut novel. 
Learn more about A Blade So Black and A Dream So Dark, the first two books in L.L. McKinney’s Nightmare-Verse, a thrilling YA urban fantasy series that #1 New York Times bestselling author Angie Thomas calls “the fantasy series I’ve been waiting for my whole life.”
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dippedanddripped · 4 years
A Q&A With Keary Kase On Pioneering Hip Hop In Portland
Trenton, NJ born rapper Keary Kase is now pioneering hip hop from Portland, Oregon. After having been involved in a Nike ad campaign that featured him on Billboards across the US, Keary’s singles began to top the radio charts. He began to work with artists like The Wutang Clan and producers Bosko and Non-Stop Da Hitman. Most recently, he partnered with Adidas designers in Portland to develop ‘Reder’ – an athletic apparel brand with focus on CBD delivery systems for athletes who are recovering from injuries.
We had the chance to sit down with Keary Kase to talk about Portland’s thriving hip hop scene, his Nike campaign, and what fans and followers can expect in 2020.
Tell us a little bit about the hip hop scene in Portland. We’d love to know more!
Portland hip hop has so many facets, I’m not sure where to begin. We do have a solid foundation of originals, like Mic Crenshaw, Cool Nutz, Mellenium (Kenny Mack), Maniac Lok, Bosko, Vursatyl, X-Kid, DJ Wicked, Pete Miser and myself, who are still active.
Having strong artists, who have made careers in Hip Hop, as role models and idols allows the kids to aspire to become musical artists. Without these examples, the endless call to normalcy and job security (which we all now know is B/S) by pretty much EVERYBODY, would lead these young Ore-guns to self doubt and failure.
Mike Capes, Swiggle Mandela, Drae Steve’s, JR Patton and Keith Canvas are a few Portland artists to check out.
Right now, a lot of artists are showing support to the BLM movement using their voices to speak, rather than rap to those participating in protests, rallies and such.
How do you feel being originally from the east coast has affected your musical style?
In my embryonic years, I saw myself as an east coast rapper. I felt like, with the exception of rappers like Ice T, Too Short, NWA and The DOC, west coast rappers were mostly basic compared to east coast rappers. They had KRS, Big Daddy Kane, Slick Rick (my favorite golden era rapper), Special ED, Kool G Rap & Polo, RAKIM!!! Plus WBLS used to play all the hot new shit off the block.
I was enamored by east coast swagger and tone. The slang and accent was natural for me because my entire family spoke with it. My ability to slip in and out of the style made me different in Portland.
In the early 90’s I started spending time in LA. I was slanging FIMO beads to tourists at Venice Beach in the daylight and going to clubs and shows at night. I met this dude named Self Jupiter at this summer festival called The African Marketplace, where I was selling jewelry and celebrating my black youth. Jupiter was a member of a rap group called Freestyle Fellowship. He gave me a tape. After I listened to it, my entire opinion of west coast hip hop was turned upside down. I witnessed west coast rappers like Volume 10, WC, Divine Styler, Cypress Hill and E40 change the game. I became influenced by them and my style was set free. I became open to all influences, no matter if they came from the east, west, northwest, midwest or south.
Tell us more about the Nike ad campaign you were featured in. How did that come about?
One day I was leaving my boy Tommy Hestmark’s studio in downtown Portland. I was walking down the street with my back straight and my chest and chin up, as all men and women should. This guy approached me and said “excuse me, can I talk to you?” I looked at him sideways and he says “no, no. It’s just…. Your face is CRAZY!” I squinted as if to say “do you hear yourself fool?” He pulls out a card and explains that he owned a modeling agency and he thought my look was money. He asked me to call to schedule a test shoot. I called and scheduled the shoot. When I went there, he asked me if I was wearing boxers. I confirmed, then he asked me if I would take some test shots in my boxers. I’m thinking this dude is either going to proposition me for sex or he wants to see if I can be the next face of Calvin Klein. I gambled on Calvin Klein and agreed to take the pics. We walked into a hall and he said “you can get undressed here,” then walked away. So there I stood baring all that my boxers would not cover, with my clothes in a small pile on the floor. I heard footsteps, then an attractive woman appears holding a camera. It was his wife. She told me where to stand , took a couple quick pics and said “Keary, you’re a machine,” then allowed me to get dressed and walked me out.
A few weeks later they called me back and said a photographer knew of me and wanted to do a martial arts shoot. There was no pay, but the photographer was well known and really good. I had no portfolio, and no published work so this was an opportunity to do TFP to add to my comp card.
The photographer, Marcus Swanson, wanted me to do a flying sidekick, which is a classic taekwondo photo kick. When I got there, there was nowhere to get a running start so I improvised and pulled it off. While I was there, a Nike scout was lurking. As I was leaving, Marcus’ assistant, Amber Geiger, mentioned a potential shoot for Nike and asked if they could do a quick polaroid. Snap snap and I was out. A few months passed by before I got a call back from my agent about the shoot. In those few months, I became a black belt, won a gold medal at the the regional national qualification tournament in the black belt dividion, then a silver medal at the US National Championship, and was leaving in a few days to go whoop everybody’s ass at the invitational US Team Trials. It didn’t play out that way but I believe being so active in the few months between the martial arts test shoot and the paid shoot is what influenced their decision to go with me for the ad campaign. We agreed on a date and time, after my return, for the shoot.
When I got back, we did the shoot. I thought it was going to be light work but it was brutal. Modeling is hardcore. I remember seeing myself on a billboard for the first time. It felt like a distant relative to masturbation. I also remember it taking forever to get my money. Agencies can be gangster. I had to make some very firm promises before I got the check. After that, our relationship became square.
You have worked with several platinum artists and producers. Do you have any memorable stories about your experiences that you’d like to share?
Hmm. I don’t like to deride or D-RIDE anyone, but there was an interesting encounter with a Wu-Tang Clan member named Cappadonna. Cappadonna, Killa Priest and a small crew they were touring with were staying at my house when they stopped through Portland. My roommate, MyG,  was helping them do some business in Portland while they killed time before their next tour date. At the time, we had a lil 5 bedroom spread with 2 recording studios in it, so we let their whole crew crash at the spot. The house was already like a revolving door for whoever was on tour in the NW. Artists could come through while in town and collab, get local pub through us and be blessed with some Oregon grown greeneries for the road.
So this was the first time we met (Cappadonna & I). I was taking acting classes at the time so I was gone when they pulled up. When I got home after class, Cappadonna was in the booth. I walked in the room and he started talking wild like “aye yo break that nigga watch!…stab that nigga!” I’m standing in a room full of dudes, with New York energy, that I don’t know, so I assumed he was talking about me. I dip out to my room and get a screwdriver just so I have something in my hand incase things go left. A few minutes pass, then MyG tells Cappadonna to move on to the next part. At this moment I realize he’s in character and not talking about me at all. Killah Priest enters the room. We introduce ourselves and dap up. He asks me what I do and I tell him that I’m in acting school. When Cap comes out, KP says “this is Kase, he’s an actor.” They gave each other a look that, to me , expressed what he spoke as “this is Kase, he’s a fake nigga.”
Granted, I’ve been a skater since day 1, so I understand that some black people (especially at the time) associate being a black skater with being less black or more white. With that in mind, I let what he said breeze by.
After we blessed up, we got to the business. Bosko had let me hold a beat that I wrote a sticky verse to; Cappa liked it so I let him put a hook on it. Me and KP did a DOPE song on a track that this dude named Smoke produced. It sounded like some official Wu-affiliate shit. MyG lost the session so none of that material was ever released.
The next day the energy still felt suspect. Like they thought I was a suburban negro, lol. I took them to the block, which is now gentrified, but was still hood at the time. Cappa called my whip a 666. It was the same Denali XL with the same 26” Trump Spinners that was in the video for the song he was promoting at the time, but mine was cleaner. It seemed like he felt a way about it. We went to my mom’s restaurant, where Cappa requested a Psalms verse from my mother. She said “how about a Revelation,” and laced all of us.
I dropped them at the barber shop to get faded and bladed. When they came out, the energy was different. Cappadonna got in and said “you know your hood and your hood knows you. He said you put your moms in that restaurant, didn’t you?” I just looked at him and put my hand out. We dapped up and the respect, which was first being given by me and received by him, suddenly felt mutual.
Cappadonna is a wise dude and a beast MC. I asked him questions related to his lyrics. He explained to me what “God Degree” and “7:30” meant and told me the story of the origin of his name. You might be able to detect that I’m most definitely still a Wu-Tang fan, although I liked his earlier work. KP knows what I mean by that.
Tell us about your involvement with the CBD industry and your views on how it can be a therapeutic tool for people?
CBD is my go-to treatment for a number of conditions. If I am anxious, I use a non-psychoactive tincture. This gives me a general sense of well-being, without making me feel altered or high. I feel like myself on a good day. If I need to restful sleep, I employ a cannabinoid rich CBD blend that allows me to drift off into REM without jumping up 100 times to make sure the garage door is closed (or whatever). Using CBD is like taking premium vitamins.
In 2019, I started a company called Nina Botanica with a material designer who works for Adidas in Portland. I began researching how to use compression technology as a CBD delivery system for athletic injury rehabilitation. There are some products on the market that offer a similar product, but none that fully address the issues of muscle strains, tears and associated pain that can knock an athlete off of their game. What sets us apart is, our CBD compression system has a lifetime guarantee. You can use it until you’re tired of using it.
We also designed a pod based delivery system, called the NINA , with Shenzen based technology company Smoore. The smart hexagonal pod + cartridge system uses inductive charging in place of the industry standard USB to power up.
Due to COVID-19 and our current bout with systemic racism, the techy products will be in preliminary production until mid-late 2021.
Tell us about your latest project “Craze”. Who is involved and what inspired it?
I was a week back on after being off music for years. Just getting my lungs back, not planning on dropping anything yet; just warming up. An artist named Uneek, who had been my mentee for several years, reached out. He was talking about how he blew all of his savings on medical expenses for his seed and how William, Lil Willi and Big Bill were all coming for him at once. He had just got robbed in Atlanta, so he was shy about who he could trust in Portland.
Uneek asked me to help him to rebrand himself and act as a manager, as I did in the beginning of his career. Since he had just found the strength to come out about his sexual identity, he wanted to look to the LBGTQ community for support. Since that was outside of my sphere of influence, I decided to help him generate some traffic in his home studio, offering tracking and mixing as an engineer. I told him we could put out a mixtape to re-introduce him to his followers and the rest of the world. I got 15 tracks from  producers, Sixteen and J Doe. I wanted to see how serious he was about his career so I told him to put hooks on  all 15. He would send me a rough lyric or melody, then I would write or rewrite the lyrics then massage the melody and coach him on how to execute it.  After he did it, I would chop it and arrange it in a Logic, while I was on the road.
Once the mixtape concepts were in the bag, I told him we needed a real record to kick it off. There was a lot of material in his catalog, but nothing that sounded like a hit single to me.
He got a track from this lil dude named 64 and put a hook on it that had us laughing. He was like “yeah this track sound like something Da Baby would get on.” It wasn’t my style, really, but I kept getting drawn into the drums. I let the first line go off the top then it seemed like the rest of the lyrics were just there. We called it “She A Thot.” It dropped on all platforms back in April of this year.
Craze, the follow up single, manifested itself off of the vibe we were on after “She A Thot” dropped. 64 had sent us a 3 pack of beats so it had some of the same feel as the others, however, the “Craze” beat was much more elegant than the other two.It was like the bigger, sexier, more mature and pondering sister of the “She A Thot” beat.
When I started writing, I felt the beat asking me to confess. It was saying “tell your truth, Kase.” The melody in my head was so balanced that I just let it drive through the first verse. I remembered, as a young man, being so caught up in hustling that I lost my compassion for people. I reflected on how I had spent the last decade, since my first daughter was born, re-approaching life with more compassion.
Whatever you have done in your past does not define you. But sometimes it’s good to talk about it. Black  people have traditionally been afraid of counseling or therapy. Mostly because of our trust issues with the people providing those services. I strongly suggest talking to someone about the things that trouble you. My uncle Jeff calls it “dumping.”
Music is my therapy. Dumping is my new craze.
What artists are you listening to right now and why?
I like listening to new music. I’m listening to Lil Durk, Pop Smoke, Amine, Jack Harlow, etc. But that’s like research for me. I like to see and hear what the big dogs are investing in. But right now, I’m developing a K-Pop artist, so I’m listening Big Hit Entertainment’s people. I’m about to go over there and liberate some musical slaves. (*artists)
But I still listen to Sade.
What’s next for you in 2020? What can fans look forward to?
I’m dropping a mixtape later this month. I may be doing a record + video with Compton artist, AD in the next few weeks. We’re still working out the details, but he’s doing real good right now.
Other than that, I’m developing a young K-Pop idol named Kiari. That genre is making big waves. I’m also looking at television as a next play. I have a pocket ace in the Chinese market that I’m keeping tucked. Oh I’m doing business with China.  Sorry Chump…I mean, Sorry Trump. No, wait, I had it right the first time.
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