canisalbus · 2 months
Maybe I'm looking too much into it but the way Machete is so tightly curled, as if trying to protect himself from the world compared to relaxed, stretched out Vasco
It shows their personality so well
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khytal · 4 months
hey, I'm really sorry you had to experience that! I hope you'll feel better soon and that the memory won't bother you for long. take care! <3
thank you 🥹
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voxxisms · 1 month
We've been friends all these years and suddenly I'm no good because I love the horses?
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❝ it wouldn't be such an issue if you just knew how to handle them properly. you just suck at it. i'm so much better with horses than you, but you go acting all high && mighty about it— ❞
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veliseraptor · 1 year
I wish you would write a fic where... JGY accidentally figures out XY is not dead in a ditch fairly early on when everyone’s playing house in Y City, and… fucks with the situation in whatever way.
Not as an active priority per say, but as a ball in the air he can make sure hits the floor whenever it would best suit him to do so. Does he make XY aware There’s A Threat? Does he instigate something that forces them out so they don’t get real comfortable together? Does he make sure there’s the right gossip in the right place for SL to find them sooner? Does he have better ideas than I do? Definitely.
oooh this is interesting. I feel like mostly, though, Jin Guangyao would be happy to just...leave that whole thing alone, because in a lot of ways having somebody else keeping Xue Yang busy is nothing but a good thing for him. I feel like making sure Xue Yang had enough enrichment to not get problematically destructive was probably a pretty significant headache for Jin Guangyao when Xue Yang was at Jinlintai; it's like having an extremely reactive husky.
so, whether Jin Guangyao ordered Xue Yang killed or just shooed him out the back door and told him to keep his distance, I feel like he'd look at Xue Yang in Yi City playing house with Xiao Xingchen and basically go "weird, but okay! that seems like something that doesn't need to become a problem for me at this point and I have a lot of other things to be worried about." he'll keep an eye on it, sure, in case Xue Yang looks like he's becoming a liability somehow (very carefully, because letting Xue Yang know he's being watched is a good way for Xue Yang to become a him problem again), but I don't think he'd make any overt moves as long as the situation doesn't change. I think, if anything, he'd be invested in keeping the situation stable: Jin Guangyao is well-acquainted with the fact that an unstable, off-balance, or threatened Xue Yang is far harder to deal with than a Xue Yang who is relatively content.
and again! I do think Jin Guangyao generally is fond of Xue Yang, even as much as he is a problem for him a lot of the time. so whatever he's up to over there that seems to be keeping him occupied and pretty happy...not interrupting seems for the best.
basically Jin Guangyao doing his level best to manage Yi City like a nature preserve for a particularly dangerous endangered species, is kind of what I'm saying here.
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hcllishdreamer · 2 days
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staticgcne · 23 days
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mdr-reikas · 2 months
Something that's actually fun to do on reddit is voicing your opinion, and start an argument (HEAR ME OUT) and then when inevitably someone comes along and starts insulting you, point out that they're rude as fuck and see what they say to defend themselves. (please don't forget the most important step of not actually arguing with them we're just here to look at their justifications for their rotten, foul manners, don't bother arguing with people online it's stupid and not worth it)
My faves:
"well it's been a bit since I talked to someone, so how should I know?" (self-explanatory)
"This is reddit."
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babsaros · 5 months
How did you know you were gay?
ah, couple reasons i guess. some that only became obvious with like 15 years of hindsight, and only after pulling myself out of the deep dark pit of compulsory heterosexuality.
like. classic symptoms of lesbianism include shamefully staring at the floor when you pass the women's underwear racks in the department store, even though you're not quite sure why you're uncomfortable. that sort of thing.
i have memories from early elementary school of accidentally glimpsing down a girl's shirt at recess and then bottling up that feeling and refusing to think about it. any time i had a crush on a boy, it was from an extremely idealized and safely non-actionable distance. the one time i did have a boyfriend, it was just my guy best friend from middle school, we dated for barely a school year before i ended it and the most physical intimacy i was ever comfortable with was holding his hand when we walked to class. i went to a different school's prom because a guy i was kind-of friends with asked me, and spent the whole night uncomfortably avoiding eye contact.
basically i started questioning my sexuality towards the end of high school, when i noticed myself getting like. jealous about my guy best friend's girlfriends?? like. i wanted to date them. i wanted to steal them from him lmao. i thought girls were pretty and soft and nice and cute and i was too afraid of being a predatory creep to do anything about it besides have far-fetched daydreams, but there was no heterosexual explanation. like, i hugged a girl i thought was pretty one time and it did things to my brain. that memory got locked in for life.
i identified as ace/pan early on, but again- compulsory heterosexuality. the idea of being with a guy romantically or sexually was never actually appealing. i had just been told that was what i was supposed to want my entire life, and the movies do a great job of selling that fantasy. but really i was just a lonely depressed helpless romantic teenager that wanted to be loved lol.
a large part of why i identified as asexual was because i was so sex-repulsed by the idea of penetration, honestly? (which i have since gotten over, but specifically Only with girls. the idea of having sex with a man still icks me out, and my preference is definitely femme-presenting ppl) a bit of it was probably also because i hadn't unpacked gender yet either. it made it very difficult to actually imagine myself having sex with anyone ever lol. this is gonna sound so cringe to say, but reading gay smut did awaken things in me.
in conclusion, tldr, i just like to think about tits and kissing women sometimes, idk. thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
#my paranoia is making me think anon is my mom or smth lmao#say something my mom would never fucking say. *gun.png* prove ur not my mom!!!! prove it motherfucker!!!!#if ur questioning ur sexuality my advice is just to explore#look at lots of different porn. try to figure out what attracts you and why#a lot of my kinks are actually divorced from gender tbh#at the height of my teenage repression i was actually reading gay voltron smut nightly#and in total denial like 'this doesn't mean anything about me. im so cis. i would know if i was trans.'#as if i didn't think the exact same shit about being gay. 'i would totally know if i was gay. i don't think about having sex with women'#because i didn't *let* myself think about having sex with women lmao#because i didn't *let* myself think about being trans- because it wasn't *safe* to be trans at the time#and figuring out the difference between 'do i want to look like this person or am i attracted to the way they look' is very tricky#and figuring out that you don't actually genuinely feel any of these implanted emotions about the opposite sex is hard too#sometimes it takes a while its okay#like looking back on my childhood fictional character crushes- it was always the women! i liked the way women looked!!#but i had been TOLD that i was a girl and so thought i HAD to be that and fall in love with a man#idk does any of this make sense lol#im a little sleep-deprived atm#i've been up a solid 24 hours#anonymous#ask#god the way i broke up with that boyfriend was so bad too oughhhhh#i've wondered a few times if i should shoot him a facebook message like 'hey sorry i dumped u like that and then we never talked again.'#'it turned out that i was neither a girl nor heterosexual. so. hope ur doin good!'
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canisalbus · 3 months
have vasco & machete ever gotten into any big arguments?
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bdoubleowo · 2 years
What’s your favorite thing you’ve ever draw 🤔
My favorite piece I've drawn? that's also a complex question. a couple of different pieces are my favorite in different ways.
This is kind of old and a little boring but I'm still really proud of it, particularly the shading on the hair (also! propaganda for 25apcsb lol). its one of my favorite rendered pieces i think? I still didn't really know what i was doing but i pulled through!
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This piece is just,. i really like it i can't explain it. i feel like i did pretty well on face angles and the fabric. it just makes me happy.
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however if you're just talking mcyt? A boring answer is the art in my icon (obviously i liked it enough to be my icon) so i won't answer with that.
I'd say probably this piece? I really struggled with Techno's leg but i refused to change the design and it turned out sooo well i'm so proud of it
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voxxisms · 1 month
you got games on your face?
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anonymous whispered a line ;; unprompted ( always accepting! )
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❝ not for you. ❞
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greyias · 1 year
Finally figured out how to find copies of the in-game mail, and I'm both spamming poor @grumpyhedgehog with random letters of "I DIDN'T GET THIS!" and a thousand sobbing emojis on certain character reveals/paths I hadn't seen.
But most importantly... I don't have to manually transcribe/type out letters I've screen capped for reference. \o/
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boatcats · 2 years
Hello totally anonymous survey that asks for demographic information, I'm the only Puerto Rican trans man around here dad.
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wandcrsoul · 2 days
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lustled · 2 days
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wrathstricken · 2 days
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