#does this count as a
sliverstyff · 1 month
thinking about my deep privs 2000th tweet
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esquetibin · 1 month
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played around with lapis’s su future design
i like it a lot ngl, but still wanted to add some things, balance out the gold more maybe, and have something based on her baseball outfit, which i like a lot. in this case, i used the shoes. her sandals look very out of place to me because it feels too thin and detailed compared to the other characters, su designs tend to feel chunkier because reoccurring characters need to be as easy to animate as possible (and be easily recognizable)
i considered giving her flip flops like steven (and like the proud brazilian i am), maybe i’ll go back to this design and try the flip flops later
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mintghostko · 9 months
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it’s how he copes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Puffy hamster cheeked boys | Young Royals S1E3/S2E2
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sensurround11 · 10 months
New theory:
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Seiji is NOT in fact watching Jesse. He's watching Nicholas and thinking about their upcoming date (hence Blushcon 11 when he's caught). And then:
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He loses to Sungchul because he's distracted thinking about Nicholas. But he's not nearly as upset about it as you'd expect. Maybe because his upcoming date made him realize there's more to life than fencing.
And finally (as other posters previously noted to their ultimate credit)
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Seiji sweats buckets asking Aiden for advice about tomorrow *in private*. We may be meant to assume he's asking about fencing but I chose to agree with the other posters: he's asking for advice about his date.
I could not love this more. Redemption issue 3 is the bomb.
Actually this whole plot line mirrors one of my favorite Fence fan fics in AO3, As Luck Would Have It. Y'all should go read it.
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spindrifters · 1 year
The thought of them just napping the whole Remus' birthday makes me so happy... Sirius is holding Remus in his arms the whole day and maybe they listen to music and drink coffee in bed and nap some more
mmm yes yes. sirius makes him breakfast in bed, but not before 11am, of course. a full english with coffee and a little sunflower, and then they take a coffee nap. remus is just. completely sprawled on top of sirius like a weighted blanket. they wake up a few times and listen to old records and smoke a few spliffs. at some point they order indian food for delivery. they fuck like once because sleepy, but kiss A Lot. more naps. more kisses. sirius has to tamp down the urge to ask, "okay but what do you want to do" every ten minutes but he does it. he is being so brave. he brings out a cake with 63 candles somehow packed on there and remus loves him so much he isn't even worried about the fire hazard. then there's messy cake and leash sex for like 2 hours. another spliff. more kissing. they fall asleep cuddling. remus doesn't leave the bed once.
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profblahson · 12 days
Hm. I uh. Hm.
I’ve got a lot to think about and things to consider.
Nothing bad is happening! I’m just trying to get the vague idea of “consider thing” out of my brain rn
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miffyplush · 5 months
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ditzy doo but if he was cool & also me.
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So, I'm sure John uses a very commonplace type of aftershave (because he doesn't strike me as the type to spend much thought or money on that as long as it smells alright).
So imagine, at some point during his two years away, Sherlock will weave through a crowd, probably following a suspect or scouting a suspicious place, and this smell will hit him and his body will whirl around before he even fully comprehends, because no and John and it can't be and he will gasp a little and how did John find out and this is impossible - and then his brain will catch up and Sherlock will realize that all of this is, indeed, impossible, and he will stare into the face of a boring, unimportant, loathsome stranger and Sherlock will suddenly feel sick to his stomach.
And he will hate himself because John following him would have been the worst possible case. But Sherlock is still devastatingly disappointed and feels bereft of a hope he didn't even know he had at all, and he does miss him and suddenly he feels desperately, achingly empty when he really should be glad that John is safely back in London.
And he will interrupt his mission for the day because otherwise he might be sick in public place, and he will certainly attract the attention of the wrong people. And he will silently retreat to his bolthole and make a mental note to get John a new aftershave if Sherlock is ever so lucky to see him again or, alternatively, pour all of John's aftershave into the sink in 221b without his consent if necessary.
And then, months, years later, Sherlock will see John again. But John will no longer live at 221b, and when Sherlock comes close enough to smell his aftershave, John will already wear a new one and a new moustache, and then everything will go very wrong and Sherlock will very much concentrate to never think about John's aftershave ever again.
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almostfoulhottub · 6 months
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lit how tryna watch anything on my laptop goes
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plutonianplaything2 · 17 days
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lunch made ✅ toes painted to match my nails (kinda) ✅ apartment cleaned ✅ now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of my labor and color
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catbeeper · 1 year
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gifs ☆ images
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clovernment · 1 month
Been reading berserk for a while now but didn't liveblog bc i wanted an unbroken experience
I had a theory in the back of my mind that the skull knight is guts from the future/alt timeline like the zathura astronaut-brother conundrum
And guts just got his new berserker armour in the story but it warped into the shape of the wolf which represents his darkest desires, which tries to lure him into using the behelit every time. Could he still be the skull knight? Puck did say he felt something vaguely fairy-like from the knight so we shall see
The only "spoilers" I had gotten about berserk were the vibes on that specific post which said: so much of casca's rape is about guts and how he feels about it and how much he suffers and what he thinks and acts around casca, who's now a drastically different person from what she used to be.
I don't even know what i should be feeling about casca's regression and the role she plays in the story rn. Because every time the story showed me a woman who's supposed to be despicable, by the time their formative arc is done, I have loved them so so immensely. Yes, Nina, yes, Farnese.
I love casca so so much and I know the story is barely halfway done. I wish the narrative treats her better. Because the men sure don't.
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firebonbon · 11 months
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edited Sukuna’s markings off of Megumi and I think this is more cursed than the possession
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silcoitus · 2 months
Too many WIPs not enough brain cells
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hayaang1 · 3 months
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charge blade
(commissions are open!)
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