#𐐪𐑂 — earl grey
yhwhsdaughter · 2 years
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Two beautiful daughters , two beautiful fathers. You are like a mirror of each other; treachery in such majesty.
Being part of their immortal family is a blessing as it is a curse. You are more like Louis; melancholic and ungrateful for the gift of eternal life. You are more like Lestat; vain, vile and enchanting.
You show favor to your dearest sister, your lovely, cruel Claudia. You forgive her trespassings , for her life in eternity is punishment enough.
You are covered nightly with the richest of silks. You drink from strangers to extend your life. You are a monster in the making, and how the world loves you for it.
After all, if you are going to live forever, might as well enjoy everything to the fullest.
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yhwhsdaughter · 2 years
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kenma x f. reader
Whispering myriad of curses under her breath, [Name] slammed put down the controller, turning to her opponent who had the smuggest face she’d ever seen to this day. She tried her best to smile, extending a hand, “Good game..hehe..” Kenma raised a brow, taking her hand, giving it a gentle shake.
“Your face looks like it might break any moment.”
Hearing this, her eye twitched and she smiled wider. “Whatever do you mean?”[Name] was a pretty good player, above average for sure but it was hard to win when her opponent just happened to be a professional gamer.
Snapping out of her thoughts, [Name] tried to shake it off. With more practice, she stood a chance against Kozume. “Right!” she clapped, “A deal is a deal.”
Both had agreed that the loser would pay for dinner. However, they never established a price range. “I’ll chose the place since I’m paying.” She grabbed her bag, bouncing off the couch. “Not all of us can be a CEO” she muttered under her breath, though Kenma heard the comment perfectly.
He rolled his eyes, following [Name]. Noting that he’d taken his car keys, she tutted, shaking a finger, “Nuh-uh. We’re taking public transportation.”
“Like normies.”
“Like normies,” she repeated. Although [Name] had lost and she’d accepted defeat, it didn’t mean she wasn’t going to tease Kozume just a little. He disliked crowds and public spaces. So, taking the keys from his hand, she placed them on the counter and turned.
To Kenma’s misfortune the subway was packed, forcing him to [Name]. The two of them were pressed chest to chest. If she felt his heart racing then she was doing a pretty good job of hiding it. [Name] faced the opposite direction, staring absentmindedly. It gave Kenma a chance to admire her.
They’d met during university, sharing an economics course, the two eventually hitting it off (somewhat) when they got paired for a project, revealing along the way their love for games. [Name] quit university, never revealing the reason, which caused distance between them. It wasn’t till Kenma bumped into her on the street—the latter on her way to work when he impulsively challenged her to a game.
[Name]’s formality with him is something Kenma could never understand. They were the same age, plus they’d known each other for a while now. Though he didn’t voice that, merely following her when they arrived at their destination—which he didn’t know, [Name] refusing to reveal this information, giving him a devilish wink.
A group boarded the train, pushing him backwards. Fortunately [Name] noticed and she was able to grab him by the hand. “Okay… maybe stick closer.” Kenma had taken the subway many times when he went to school but it would still be a hassle if he got lost. He hummed in agreement, noting that she still hadn’t let go.
As if reading his thoughts, [Name] looked down, dropping the contact and leaving Kenma to miss her warmth. It was very much needed with the drop in temperature. After walking for a few blocks into a somewhat desolated area, [Name] stopped in front of a small shop. There was a genuine smile on her face as she opened her arms as introduction, letting out a “ta-da..!”
“It’s one of the last good ramen places. You better not complain!” she huffed the last part, unknowing that ramen was practically Kenma’s only meal in his personal dietary college menu.
Entering, [Name] greeted the owners—who came out at the sound of new customers—like they knew each other very well. “Mr. and Mrs. Miyamoto have been real kind to me.” The couple smiled, their eyes crinkling at the corners, offering them a drink which [Name] took on quickly. Kenma nodded in acknowledgement causing the older lady to gush over him, “Oh my! Your boyfriend is so handsome, [Nickname].”
[Name] choked, spilling liquid onto the wooden table. Throwing a napkin over her mess, she gulped. “No.. Miyamoto-san he’s not—” surely the heat had reached her ears and spread towards her neck. The old man quipped amicably, failing to make her feel any better, “No need to be shy, [Nickname]! It’s normal for young people to date!”
At that moment, she regretted bringing Kenma over. He was always too good for her; smart, cool, and now wealthy. In contrast, she had not even graduated and was living paycheck to paycheck. [Name] was too preoccupied with her feelings of inferiority that she never noticed the way Kenma would stare at her.
Kenma kept quiet. Realizing they’d accidentally embarrassed her, the couple excused themselves after the duo had ordered. The blush that painted her face was dissipating. [Name] sipped on her drink, making no effort to converse.
“You were right.”
[Name] turned at the sound of his voice, having been too engrossed in her meal. Kenma lifted the noodles, “It’s one of the best ramen I’ve ever tasted.” His comment brought a smile to her face. “Told you so.”
Once they finished, [Name] payed while Kenma waited near the door, lifting a hand to wave goodbye at the owners. He stepped out, feeling the cold breeze run through his body. There was a jingle as [Name] joined him. She waved a bag near his face, “On the house.”
She pulled out two taiyaki, handing one to him. Kenma bit into it, enjoying the sweet potato filling warm him. “Thanks.” [Name] had nearly finished hers, “Huh? Oh, yeah.. it’s nothing. We had a deal right?”
He nodded. “Perhaps we could do this again..” [Name] grimaced, “Mm no. At this rate you’ll leave me homeless” she laughed at the last part. “I’ll pay this time” he countered.
A grin molded her lips, “Oh yeah? You planning to lose?” Kenma mirrored her smile, “You wish.”
It was never about the game. It was never about winning or losing. All he wanted was a date with [Name].
Kenma wanted to be by her side. He was a bit of a coward to ask her out, fearing rejection since he was still confused on how she felt about him. Maybe this was like a game; he’d pass this level and would continue to do so until he was ready to face the final boss.
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yhwhsdaughter · 2 years
Sun, Moon, Eclipse
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Yamaguchi x F. Reader x Tsukishima
content: angst little comfort, tsukki trust issues, yamaguchi homewrecker
Heels digging into sand, you felt the ocean breeze washing over you gently. The moon offered its shine, illuminating the entire beach in a soft light. Your peace was short-lived, interrupted by stifled sobs.
He stayed hiding the shadows of the night, his hunching form causing alarm within you. “Tadashi..” you whispered, approaching and kneeling beside him. “What’s wrong?” Teary eyes met yours, gleaming with sorrow reflected on them. Seeing you must’ve caused him more distress because his crying only increased. Not expecting such a reaction, you panicked. “Ah..! Please! Tell me what’s wrong..”
He opened his mouth, but you could not understand a word that came out of it. “S-sorry, could you repeat that?” By this point you had sat down, rubbing his back. Tadashi shook his head, clearly embarrassed by the whole ordeal. You couldn’t imagine why though; was it so private that he could not say it aloud to you—a friend of many years?
Unable to do much except comfort him, the two of you sat there, watching the waves lapping at your sandaled feet. Tadashi sniffed, mumbling “It’s a girl..” so softly that you nearly it missed it over the sound of the ocean. It was… unexpected. Tadashi had never really expressed interest in anyone; Kei always teased him for it which would cause you to elbow him, coming to your friend’s defense. “Tadashi’s just waiting for the right person to come along. Isn’t that right?” He would smile at that.
“I see. Who is she?” Pursing his lips, Tadashi shifted so that he was facing you. “(Name)..”
You arched a brow, “Yes?” Time slowed as Tadashi closed in, a stray tear falling from his lashes. Your hand stilled as Tadashi’s lips met yours, forcing you to feel the wetness of his tears and tasting the saltiness of his sadness. Eyes wide open, you were so close to Tadashi that you could now see the freckles on his face and slight scarring left by acne—little details one wouldn’t notice so easily.
You bunched your hand against his shirt, readying to pull away, though you were a second late as another hand yanked Tadashi. He didn’t have time to react as Kei landed a punch. Blood trickled from Tadashi’s nose as Kei grabbed his collar, “What the fuck were you doing?”
Standing, you tried to separate them, “Kei, stop it!” A mistake on your part, as he turned on you quickly, anger visible on his usually stoic face. “What were you doing?” asked in an accusingly tone, you stumbled on your response. “I— its not what it looks like..!” you lamely objected. Kei read guilt in your face and it was enough for him to release his ex best friend.
Face darkening, he lip twitched, “Sure it isn’t.” Without another word, he walked away. His disbelief hurt, but you chased nonetheless, determined to explain. Tadashi was left alone as you ran towards the angry blond.
“Kei! Wait!” you called relentlessly. He brushed you off, using his long legs as advantage. Eventually he stopped, allowing you to catch up. “Kei—” you started, out of breath.
“Don’t call me that anymore.”
“What do you mean??”
His words were carried by the wind; you didn’t have to hear what he said to understand. Turning his heel, you made a last attempt to reach him but a sharp pain on your foot halted your efforts. “Ah!” Looking down, blood flowed from the seashell that poked your skin. Before you could stumble onto the sand, a pair of arms caught you.
When the two of you got back to the hotel, the rest of the team, who had been grilling and eating fish, greeted you both with confused expressions, wondering why Tsukishima had forced asked Hinata to change rooms with him. You stumbled onto a chair, Kiyoko rushing for a first aid kit to bandage your foot and clean Tadashi’s face.
It was the last day of the trip. Tsukishima sat alone on the bus, his bag occupying the space beside while music blasted from his headphones. You took a seat next to Kiyoko, though you’d glance at Tsukki occasionally. He spent the rest of the drive looking out the window. “Are you okay?” asked a soft voice. Concern reflected in Kiyoko’s eyes, though you couldn’t bring yourself to answer, merely smile.
Over the course of a month, you tried calling and texting Tsukishima but to no avail. He dodged your attempts to contact him. Even when you went to his house, you were greeted by an apologetic Akiteru, who sent you away reluctantly.
Suddenly, you found yourself face to face with Tadashi. He seemed surprised as well. “His favorite” he shrugged after he noticed you eyeing a strawberry cake. You nodded absentmindedly, knowing that all too well. After that awkward greeting, he sidestepped your figure and walked towards the Tsukishima residence. You watched as he rang the doorbell; Akiteru answering again, rebuffing him too. Waiting for him on the sidewalk, Tadashi raised the cake, “Hungry?” And so the two of you sat on the swings, eating an entire cake by yourselves.
Tadashi peeked at you. It was sad seeing you in such a state. The cake entered your mouth but there was no evidence of satisfaction. Whip cream decorated the corner of your lip. He made a move to wipe it off but when you sensed him nearing, you avoided his touch, cleaning yourself with the end of your sleeve.
“I’m sorry…”
The pain in his voice carried your attention back to him. He was met with silence, only hearing the creaking of the worn down swings. Before he could speak, you interrupted, “Why?” Words became stuck in his mouth. You reiterated, “Why did you kiss me? Back at the beach.” Fiddling with his fingers, Tadashi struggled to give you an answer until you tried to get up.
“I love you.”
Three words destroyed your friendship with Tadashi. A dam of emotions broke; he’d stayed silent for so long, he would not stop now. “All these years, you’ve been in my heart.” He spoke unlike himself, full of confidence. Hearing this from him was shocking, bringing a blush to your face. He was.. so honest.
Tsukki was reserved with his emotions. They were so vastly different. Tadashi poured everything into his confession, leaving himself open to rejection and hurt. “I never gave up on you, even now. But Tsukki, he gave you up so easily. Is his trust in you so fragile?”
“Stop it.”
“Stop it. Stop it. Stop—”
Tadashi cradled your face, wiping the falling tears with his thumbs. “(Name)..” he began. “No! Don’t say my name!“ you pushed him from you. Your heartbreak began with him murmuring your name. He said it with such care that it infuriated you. “How—how dare you stir such feelings within me! Fuck you Tadashi! Fuck you for ruining my relationship..! I hate you I hate you I hate… haah..” even covering your eyes would do nothing to prevent them from overflowing.
He took it. Tadashi took your hate and loved you for it, because it meant you felt something for him. It was wrong of him, to hold such a warped mentality but he couldn’t let go just yet. Not until you ran him off. “Please..” he begged.
Sobs racked your chest. It felt heavy, carrying those ugly for a while. Slowly, you felt lighter. Tadashi held the tip of your fingers the entire time, waiting for your to calm down. When the tears dried, he squeezed gently, asking permission to embrace you. “I’m sorry.” He repeated that phrase, lulling and soothing you.
Tsukishima Kei despised the sun ever since he saw it’s bright smile that blinded him. It was radiant. Pure. You had returned the gesture, happy to be in the presence of its light. You held both the moon and the sun in your hands. The moon was yours for a moment until it was overshadowed by the love of the sun.
Would your heavenly body return to the moon’s shadow?
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yhwhsdaughter · 2 years
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𐐪𐑂 — earl grey : sfw
𐐪𐑂 — oolong : nsfw
𐐪𐑂 — jasmine : fem reader
ᙏ̤̫ ²⁰ : 2020
ᙏ̤̫ ²¹ : 2021
୨⎯asks ⎯୧
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yhwhsdaughter · 2 years
Claudia as your bratty sister
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Blood is thicker than water, and so is your bond.
content: platonic obviously, jealousy, child vampire, fem reader
— This is a complex relationship because she loves but envies you. You’re an eternal reminder of everything she can’t have. Your body is more mature and developed than hers. You’ve got the beauty of a woman that she will never posses. What she desperately desires, you have. There’s definitely some resentment there, but she also lives through you.
— She loves you very much, right next to Louis. You’re quite similar to him in certain ways, so it’s probably why she favors you. Claudia would kill anyone for you, but dislikes walking next to you because people often approach you cooing about such a cute little sister you have.
— It’s difficult to get along with Claudia when she throws one of her tantrums, in which she resembles your fathers quite a bit. When she gets like this, you stay out of her way because things can get brutal. Her temper is something you always watch out for.
— Since Claudia was made immortal first, she’ll brag about it. You may be older than her physically but she has seniority in vampiric terms. It makes her feel better about this whole situation so you just let her.
— Adores having another female around. It can get quite boring being around Lestat and Louis at times because there’s things they will never understand about women.
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yhwhsdaughter · 2 years
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Bum manipulating you into staying with him by being the best partner.
He will clean the place spotless, cook all of your favorite meals, spoil you when you’re tired, and get a job if you need financial support.
He will do all this and more in hopes of you staying with him forever.
What he doesn’t know is that you’re perfectly aware of his scheme. It’s cute, that he would go to such lengths to keep you.
Kissing the top of his head, you gave him a gentle smile. “Take care of yourself too, okay?”
You would propose soon, but you wanted to enjoy this a little longer.
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
Malewife Hannibal
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᯽ Hannibal is such a dutiful little malewife, quite perfect if you really have to boast. His cooking is excellent, you’re never left hungry and he prepares the most exquisite and nutritious meals for you.
᯽ He is at your disposal should you need anything.
᯽ Although he’s not the type to do manual labor, the house is always spotless. Hannibal dislikes living in squalor and he wants you to come home to a clean space where you can relax from your day at work.
᯽ Your clothes are ironed to perfection; Hannibal believes that you should present yourself in a manner that commands respect from others. You’re his little doll—every piece of your outfit is well-thought out. He likes to dress you up. Speaking of which, he’s memorized your measurements so whenever he goes shopping, he knows what clothes to select that will fit you best.
᯽ Sometimes work can be incredibly stressful, which is when Hannibal pops a bottle of his finest wine, puts your favorite music, and gives you a nice massage. He’s so thoughtful and you’re so grateful.
᯽ Not only that, Hannibal is a great listener with good advice. His previous profession as a psychiatrist makes him suitable for your troubles.
᯽ In the end, perfect or not, Hannibal loves you very much and does his best to please you which is more than enough.
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yhwhsdaughter · 2 years
Isaac ༄ sfw alphabet
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A ༄ Affection| How affectionate is he? How does he show affection?
Isaac thinks his affection for you as inconvenient. He sees it as a weakness; swearing that he would never be hurt because of love. However, Isaac finds himself unable to resist you. He shows his care for you through actions since it’s easier for him to express.
B ༄ Best friend | What would he be like as a best friend?
Seemingly uncaring but actually incredibly thoughtful. Isaac may be harsh at times with his words but thats because he cares deeply for you. His actions speak louder than words. He’s the type to scold you but then comfort you when something goes awry.
C ༄ Cuddles | Does he like to cuddle? How would he cuddle?
He wouldn’t. At least not in the beginning of your relationship. Isaac is actually touch starved but refuses all forms of skinship if he’s not close with that person. If he eventually opens up emotionally, he would prefer to be the big spoon, to protect you and because it’s hard to give someone his back since it’s been stabbed repeatedly (metaphorically and literally).
D ༄ Domestic | Does he want to settle down? How is he around the house?
Er, Isaac has great ambitions so that’s kind of his priority but once that’s done, he will keep you at his side. He’s pretty great around the house; knows how to cook, clean, and can provide for you so if he ever decides to “settle down” you won’t have to worry about much.
E ༄ Ending | If he had to break up with his partner, how would he do it?
He would be quite blunt; there’s no reason to beat around the bush. If he truly loves you, he might be avoid hurting you but if the relationship just cannot work, he will be honest. Isaac figures it would be a disservice to you if he pretended to be happy when he wasn’t, so while he still cares, he thinks it’s better to go separate ways. You’ll always hold a special place in his heart though.
F ༄ Fiance | How does he feel about commitment? How quick would he want to get married?
Isaac is not a fan of labels. He could honestly spend the rest of his life with you without getting married but if it’s something you truly wish, he’ll do his best to fulfill that. To clarify, it’s not that he doesn’t want to tie the knot, he just doesn’t think it’s necessary— as long as the two of you love each other faithfully, he is perfectly content.
G ༄ Gentle | How gentle is he, both physically and emotionally?
There’s a certain hardness to Isaac, but he has the skill to be incredibly gentle. His touch, despite being responsible for countless deaths, is soft like the feather of an angel. Isaac is kind, but others have abused and confused that for weakness. His cold heart warms at the thought of you only.
H ༄ Hugs | Does he like hugs? What are his hugs like?
Yes and no. Isaac is not the most physical person, but he cannot deny the comfort that he feels when you embrace him. It might take him a while to ease him into it, but there will be instances where Isaac quietly approaches you and hugs you.
I ༄ I love you | How fast does he say the L word?
The last time Isaac told someone “I love you” he was beaten brutally. He recognizes his feelings for you as genuine, but may struggle saying it because when he does, reality will sink in. Love opens the possibility of hurt.
J ༄ Jealousy | How jealous does he get? What does he do when he’s jealous?
An emotion beneath him. Isaac believes it’s fruitless to do so; he has trusted you with his heart. In the circumstance that he does feel jealous, he will not show it. Mostly because he has mastered his facial expression, though that’s not to say you won’t catch his brow twitching ever so slightly.
K ༄ Kisses | What are his kisses like? Where does he like to kiss you? Where does he like to be kissed?
Isaac’s kisses are soft and reassuring. He exudes a comforting presence that makes you feel safe and loved. There’s a tinge of force to them too, since he likes to be in control, but all within your boundaries. His favorite places to kiss you are the cheek, hands, and neck. He enjoys the softness of your skin, especially in those places. Isaac likes to be kissed on the corner of his lips, cheek, and forehead.
L ༄ Little ones | How is he around children?
Listen, I have a theory that children love Isaac and while he won’t openly admit it, he has a soft spot for them. Still thinks they’re bothersome though. He would make a good father, strict but attentive.
M ༄ Morning | How are mornings spent around him?
Isaac usually wakes before you, so he waits till you wake up. In the meantime, he will read and drink tea. He’s fond of watching over you, especially in a position where you’re vulnerable. If he is too busy, he will leave your breakfast near, with a note.
N ༄ Night | How are nights spent around him?
Peaceful. Night is time for the two of you to rest, together. Isaac likes to hold you as he falls asleep, providing him with a sense of comfort. If you’re feeling particularly restless, he will stay up and talk with you till sleep overtakes you both.
O ༄ Open | When would he start revealing things about himself? Does he reveal everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
So, you will require patience with this because Isaac is not an open book. I feel like he might reveal part of his past to you after some time, but if he deems it unnecessary to bring up, it’s likely that he won’t.
P ༄ Patience | How easily angered is he?
He is extremely patient. Isaac is slow to anger, so those who incur his wrath, most likely had it coming. With you, he will exercise his patience to the limit, not wanting to hurt you with his words or actions. Yes, he’s soft solely for you.
Q ༄ Quizzes | How much would he remember about you? Does he remember every little detail you mention in passing or does he kind of forget everything?
Nothing escapes him, especially things that involve you, so rest assured that Isaac will remember all of your favorites. Has an amazing memory and is a great listener. He will take mental notes for special occasions to surprise you with, though Isaac acts nonchalant about it.
R ༄ Remember | What is his favorite moment in your relationship?
To others, this might seem weird, but the first time you witnessed him killing someone. Isaac felt that was one of his ugliest attributes, his capability for violence. Were you another, it would’ve been a terrifying experience yet, you stayed. You accepted every part of him, and to Isaac, that was one of the most touching things you could do. He vowed that day, to accept you wholeheartedly and never give up on you.
S ༄ Security | How protective is he? How would he protect you?
Okay, so he is very protective but doesn’t coddle you. Isaac wants you to know that you can depend on him for anything, especially for important matters, but he also wants you to explore your independence. That said, he might allow certain things to happen so that you can learn to fend for yourself; he’s always ready to intervene in the face of true danger though.
T ༄ Try | How much effort would he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
A lot. It might seem like he didn’t, but everything is thought out. Isaac prides himself in his meticulousness. He always manages to make even the most simplest of things, special.
U ༄ Ugly | What would be some bad habits of his?
Unintentionally harsh. Because of the people he has had to deal with, Isaac developed a blunt nature. He will not sugarcoat things; not to be malicious, but because he thinks it is the better option. This may cause friction with you at times, though that depends on how sensitive you are. He can also be quite cold if he’s been wronged.
V ༄ Vanity | How concerned is he with looks?
He is not necessarily a vain person, but Isaac will not be dirty if he can help it. He dresses well, like a king and carries himself as such. Hygiene king, that’s all I’m saying. He likes to take baths with you!
W ༄ Whole | Would he feel incomplete without you?
In a way, yes. You mean a lot to him; it’s difficult to imagine a life in which you are not part of. Isaac would go on living, should anything happen to you, but he would lay awake at night, feeling there is something missing. Things will just not be the same ever again.
X ༄ X-ray | How well does he know, see through you?
Isaac is an incredible observer; nothing can escape his eye. So while he may notice your moods or secrets, he will only react if deemed necessary. To him, you’re like a transparent ocean of feelings, though it’s an attribute he deeply appreciates— considering he’s dealt with conniving and scheming individuals.
Y ༄ Yuck | What are some things he wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?
Ignorance. Most of the time, ignorance leads to hate, and hate creates violence. At the very least, Isaac would want his partner to be able to discern things by themselves, and not being easily influenced by other’s ideologies. He will definitely share his knowledge with you if it something you would like. In truth, Isaac doesn’t want to see you manipulated by anyone, including himself.
Z ༄ Zzz | What is a sleep habit of his?
He is a light sleeper. At the sound or sign of danger or intruders, he is up, ready to fight. Isaac has an odd sleeping schedule. He will sometimes get no sleep, because of work. Or, he might get enough hours of sleep. It all depends on the circumstances. Despite this, he always manages to look refreshed.
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
Hector ༄ sfw alphabet
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A ༄ Affection| How affectionate is he? How does he show affection?
Tries to be subtle about it but kind of fails at doing so. At the beginning, Hector may be apprehensive but he will increasingly become whipped to the point where he will do anything for you. He shows his affections through actions since he feels words don’t do his love justice.
B ༄ Best friend | What would he be like as a best friend?
Initially awkward because well, he’s never had friends. Will be lowkey clingy and overthinks often but Hector’s the type of friend that is always willing to lend you a hand.
C ༄ Cuddles | Does he like to cuddle? How would he cuddle?
I think he does. Very much. Physical touch is his love language. It goes both ways; sometimes he just really wants to hold you other times he likes to be held.
D ༄ Domestic | Does he want to settle down? How is he around the house?
Of course. Hector may not realize it but he dreams of living with you in a cottage, away from the world. He’s a bit useless in cooking but he’s apt to learn. Actually—I can see him as a little housewife.
E ༄ Ending | If he had to break up with his partner, how would he do it?
Would take so long to do it; prolongs the inevitable because he doesn’t want to hurt you, but he also fears your reaction. Doesn’t want to see you upset. Eventually he would just say it and hope for the best.
F ༄ Fiance | How does he feel about commitment? How quick would he want to get married?
Hector doesn’t like the idea of you being with others and he really can’t be with others romantically aside from you—so he will probably be quick to commit. If he feels you’re the one, he will already be forging wedding rings for the two of you.
G ༄ Gentle | How gentle is he, both physically and emotionally?
Depends. For the most part, Hector is gentle since he doesn’t want to hurt you but if you want him to be rougher, he’s eager. Your wish is my command, type of man.
H ༄ Hugs | Does he like hugs? What are his hugs like?
Yes, Hector likes to be touched and that doesn’t necessarily mean sexually. He’s touch starved so a scrap of affection is like a drug. His hugs can be soft but eventually he may squeeze you more than necessary to make sure you’re there. He’s also quite warm.
I ༄ I love you | How fast do he say the L word?
Fast. Like he might be dating you for a few days or a week and he’ll drop the L bomb. Because he’s been neglected practically his entire life, Hector gets attached easily.
J ༄ Jealousy | How jealous does he get? What does he do when he’s jealous?
Hector is quite possessive and here’s why. He’s never been good with people and he’s finally found a person whom he wants to spend the rest of his life with and if someone comes along and tries to take you away— well, he won’t like that. He trusts you but if that other person won’t back off,,, it’s time to get working. Let’s not forget he’s a forge master.
K ༄ Kisses | What are his kisses like? Where does he like to kiss you? Where does he like to be kissed?
A little needy, like he almost wants to devour you. Hector’s surprisingly a good kisser—he likes to kiss you anywhere, but the neck or back of your hand is his favorite. Hector loves to be kissed in the chest, neck or anywhere near his pelvis, leaves him feeling tingly.
L ༄ Little ones | How is he around children?
He’s okay. A bit awkward but he likes them well enough. Prefers animals since children tend to be fussy.
M ༄ Morning | How are mornings spent around him?
If he’s working he might wake up early and be so focused that when you show up he’s confused, thinking he left you only moments ago. If he’s resting, he likes to wake up together and have breakfast. Loves to see your face every morning.
N ༄ Night | How are nights spent around him?
Comfortable. Hector always hurries to finish work and spend the night with you. Even if the two of you are doing different things, he likes to be near. Most nights, you’ll be cuddling or reading together before going to bed.
O ༄ Open | When would he start revealing things about himself? Is it everything at once or he waits a while to reveal things slowly?
Hector might be open about some things early on if he trusts you but when it comes to his trauma, it might take awhile. Not because he doesn’t trust you, but because it’s difficult for him to talk about such things.
P ༄ Patience | How easily angered is he?
Not that much. Hector might get frustrated which eventually leads him to get angry, but he’s got a lot of patience for you. It also depends on his mood, there’s days where he might be extra snappy.
Q ༄ Quizzes | How much would he remember about you? Does he remember every little detail you mention in passing or does he kind of forget everything?
Embarrassingly enough for him, Hector remembers nearly everything about you because he really wants to make this relationship work. In his defense, it’s not a hard feat for him. You occupy his mind most of the time.
R ༄ Remember | What is his favorite moment in your relationship?
When you told him you loved him for the first time. It made Hector feel loved, like someone really cared for him and they meant it, someone with no ulterior motives. The reality of your love took him a while to digest, he really couldn’t believe. He kept waiting for something to rob his happiness but it never came and you never stopped loving him.
S ༄ Security | How protective is he? How would he protect you?
Very protective. Hector knows you’re a capable person but he still worries because it’s a cruel world. He may forge a creature to protect you if he’s not there, especially if you’re alone or if you’re going to a place that might be dangerous.
T ༄ Try | How much effort would he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
He’s thoughtful; tries to get things he think you would like. Please praise him for it. Since he practically remembers everything about you, gift giving and planning dates isn’t that hard, though he may be clueless at times.
U ༄ Ugly | What would be some bad habits of his?
Workaholic tendencies. Its a bit frustrating to see people take advantage of Hector; although he’s bright, he’s also naive when it comes to people’s intentions. He can be clingy/possessive, so there’s that too.
V ༄ Vanity | How concerned is he with looks?
Hector prefers to look and feel clean, though things don’t always go according to plan. He’s not vain but he will not be musty, crusty, and dusty. May actually be kind of unaware of how handsome he is.
W ༄ Whole | Would he feel incomplete without you?
Yes. Even if you aren’t dating yet, he’s accustomed to you in his life. It would feel odd if you weren’t there, which is why he’s willing to marry you or form a special bond. Doesn’t want to be separated from his beloved.
X ༄ X-ray | How well does he know, see through you?
Honestly, not that well. Hector has had trouble judging people’s characters in the past so… he’s not that good at reading people. A bit better with you, but he might not be that accurate.
Y ༄ Yuck | What are some things he wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?
Someone manipulative. He’s tired. Even if you didn’t direct this skill towards him he’d still feel uneasy. Hector just wants honesty and trust in a relationship and if he feels he can’t have that with you, it will be difficult for him.
Z ༄ Zzz | What is a sleep habit of his?
Hector reaches out to you in his sleep. It’s actually very cute because he doesn’t know he does this. He just likes being close to you, can you blame him?
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
being hannigram’s child
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- fishing on the weekends with will
- hannibal teaching you harpsichord
- you’re allowed as many dogs as you want (so much dog hair)
- traveling around the world
- highly educated parents
- wardrobe is full of flannel and high end clothes
- rich af
- very knowledgeable in cooking and medicine + murder stuff
- caNT lie to them
- very protective parents
- dads who will help you hide a body
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yhwhsdaughter · 2 years
big brothers
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Zeke + Eren x Fem. Reader
Platonic / Familial
『 Protective 』
— Zeke is protective of his little siblings, but more of you since you’re his sister. Its even worse if you’re not a Titan. Not that he thinks you’re weak, but… fragile.
— Eren shares the sentiment. He sees the world as a cruel place, especially for his beloved sister. So anyone who might pose a threat to you or your safety, Eren is already shifting lmao.
— At times it’s cute, the way their chests puff up when they notice someone checking you out. Mostly though, it’s annoying. Life comes with risks and they will have to accept that.
『 Loving 』
— Flaws aside, they really do love you. They think you’re their cute baby sister, too good for this world.
— They might also compete for your affections. Zeke is a bit more calm about it, but Eren really gets worked up about it.
— If you act motherly, I think they might listen to you a bit more. Eren lost Carla when he was quite young so for the rest of his teen and adult years, he lacked motherly affection. Zeke as well; Dina wasn’t the best role model, focusing on the mission instead of just loving his son. Anyways, they might shed a few tears if you run your hands through their hair or tell them encouraging things.
『 Dumb 』
— Listen, both of them can be scheming when they want to. We’ve seen what they’re capable of, fooling people to achieving their goals and devising plans. However, you’d probably hold the superior brain cell. I can’t explain. It’s just what it is.
— Clueless about women. If you’re on your period or something, they won’t know what to do. Seriously lost; though they’ll make an attempt to learn.
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yhwhsdaughter · 2 years
om! boys as ‘The Onion’ headlines
🥧🥧 BEEL 🥧🥧
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🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ SATAN 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
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🎮🎮 LEVI 🎮🎮
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💸💸 MAMMON 💸💸
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💋💋 ASMO 💋💋
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🛌 🛌 BELPHIE 🛌 🛌
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🐑🐑 MC 🐑🐑
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
🌸 flowers 🌼
Based on that tik tok saying "thanks for the flowers" to your partner
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yhwhsdaughter · 2 years
Hold my hand
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shigaraki x f. reader
content: soulmate au, possessiveness, angst, shiggy doesn’t have a quirk, soft hours
when you have happiness at the palm of your hand, it’s hard to let go.
shigaraki caressed your palm, gently rubbing the area till he reached the wrist where a name marred your skin. worst of all, it wasn’t his.
without meaning to, he applied more pressure than necessary. your eyebrow twitched as you slept. “tomura..” small mumbles came out of your lips before snuggling closer.
shigaraki’s grip loosened but he didn’t release your hand. one of the things that he liked about you was your hands—they were so pretty. these beautiful fingers that would interlock with his, that would run through his hair. he’d memorized every line, every vein.
he could careless about his own soulmate, he already had you, at arms length no less. you were enough. you were the only one he could love, and because of this, he would never let you go. you were his. only his to love.
“i won’t let anyone take you away from me..”
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
mc’s baby with the demon brothers ʚ♡ɞ
I couldn’t do Beel and Belphie :( also, MC is implied to be female, but feel free to ignore that
☆ art credit: tmEms_TvT (Twitter)
☆ link to their YouTube
☆ link to the picrew
・ 。゚☆ 𝔩𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔣𝔢𝔯’𝔰 𝔰𝔬𝔫 ☆ 。゚・
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━ has his father’s temper; can be so uptight for a little boy at times
━ lucifer’s pride and joy
━ admires his father but loves his mother
━ kind of a tsundere; has a really soft side tho
━ he enjoys cute things. he was given a teddy bear 🧸 for his birthday by mc and he refuses to sleep without it
・ 。゚☆𝔪𝔞𝔪𝔪𝔬𝔫’𝔰 𝔰𝔬𝔫 ☆ 。゚・
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━ if he wasn’t mischievous, then he wouldn’t be mammon’s son
━ a mama’s boy; he and his father are always fighting for mc’s attention
━ surprisingly, he isn’t really obsessed with money like mammon
━ has a soft spot for animals, especially puppies 🐶
・ 。゚☆ 𝔩𝔢𝔳𝔦’𝔰 𝔰𝔬𝔫 ☆ 。゚・
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━ super mega incredibly adorable, he’s too pure for this world
━ adores both of his parents equally
━ levi dresses him up as his fave characters which is becoming a bit of problem since he’s spent so much money
━ hard to imagine that his father is a demon because he resembles an angel with his cute demeanor
・ 。゚☆ 𝔞𝔰𝔪𝔬’𝔰 𝔨𝔦𝔡 ☆ 。゚・
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━ nonbinary!! asmo doesn’t force his child to abide with societal rules and is actually quite happy with this
━ super cute and more mild mannered than their father
━ really loves and respects their father but has a stronger bond with mc
━ this child is never badly dressed
・ 。゚☆ 𝔰𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔫’𝔰 𝔡𝔞𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔢𝔯 ☆ 。゚・
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━ she’s ruthless; no one messes with satan’s daughter
━ she has her cousins whipped in line which funny but also kinda scary of how much power this girl holds
━ shares her father’s love for literature
━ def a daddy’s girl but has a deep respect for her mother
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
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art credit
promptober masterlist
midoriya izuku x f. reader
I will betray the world for you..
“You promised to serve me. Will you go back on your word?”
Izuku’s sword felt heavy in his hands. After months of searching, he finally found you.
The King had branded you a traitor and murderer, the kingdom’s worst enemy. Because of this, Izuku was faced with a difficult decision. His precious vow was thrown back to his face. Would he abandon his morals and follow you into perdition or would he follow the law and lose you forever?
“If you will, kill me now.”
With a hand you grabbed his weapon, placing its sharp tip over your heart. If he brought you back, your father would only sentence you to death or worse.
Closing your eyes, you awaited judgement. Only he—who had served you faithfully—was worthy of taking your life. To die by a loved one’s hand, it was more than a villain like you deserved.
A harsh clank echoed through the walls.
Izuku dropped to his knees, fully at your mercy. His eyes shined with fervent love and admiration. Even if others had turned their back on you, he would never.
“Your Highness, I brandish my sword at those who oppose you.”
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