#🍕:: portfolio
duck-caake · 6 months
Bandit from Bluey is a Playmate + Caregiver!!
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Playmate Flag by @bunnelbaby
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Caregiver Flag by @furbyreg
This was super self indulgent but I love Bandit ;;
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berix2010 · 5 months
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I would love to wish a very Merry Christmas to each and every one of my great friends, mutuals, and followers!
On that note, I'd love to give a huge shout out to all of the talented and kind LucyHeart8003, someone I'm very glad to have met, and who drew this beautiful piece featuring all 4 of my main original characters together. She was very proud of it, and I'm extremely happy and thought that sharing a piece like this would be a great way to send off a year full of ups and downs, but one that was made good overall thanks to all of the friendship and perseverance that made everything worth going through. People like you made this year truly worth remembering in all of the best ways. I can't thank my friends enough for the kindness we've shared, and all of the good memories we've made this year.
LucyHeart8003's socials/portfolio can be found under the readmore.
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bettysue-pizzart · 7 months
Hello 🍕🍕🎃
Welcome to my page , this one is going to be used as my Portfolio where there will be
🎃Schools Projects
Hope you will like my art 🤠
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sir-israel02 · 8 months
Why did the computer apply for a work-from-home job as a gardener? Because it wanted to finally get in touch with its "root" directory and grow some "tree-mendous" income! 🌳💰😄
In an era defined by digital connectivity and remote work options, the search for online work-at-home jobs has become increasingly prevalent. Many individuals seek opportunities that allow them to earn an income from the comfort of their homes. However, with the proliferation of online job listings and the ever-present risk of scams, the question arises: Are there any legitimate online work-at-home jobs? This article delves into the reality of online employment, exploring the various opportunities, how to distinguish legitimate work from scams, and tips for finding genuine remote work.
The Landscape of Online Work-at-Home Jobs
The digital age has transformed the employment landscape, making remote work more accessible than ever before. There are various types of online work-at-home jobs available, catering to different skill sets and interests:
1. Freelancing
Freelancing offers a broad spectrum of opportunities, from writing and graphic design to web development and digital marketing. Freelancers typically work on a project basis for clients, allowing for flexibility and autonomy.
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Freelancing has rapidly emerged as a defining trend in today's workforce, reshaping the way people approach their careers and find employment. This dynamic work arrangement offers unparalleled freedom and flexibility, attracting a diverse range of professionals, from creatives to tech experts.
The Essence of Freelancing
Freelancing, often synonymous with the gig economy, involves individuals working independently on a project-to-project basis, without long-term commitments to a single employer. Freelancers are their own bosses, setting their schedules, rates, and choosing their clients and projects.
"Stop scrolling and start dollar-ing! Click that button below to discover the path to online riches… or at least enough to buy more pizza! 🍕💰"
The Benefits of Freelancing
Freelancing grants the ultimate flexibility in work-life balance. Professionals can tailor their schedules to suit their needs, making it an attractive choice for parents, students, and those with multiple commitments.
Diverse Opportunities
Freelancers have the liberty to explore various projects and industries, which not only keeps work engaging but also allows them to acquire a versatile skill set.
 Freelancers enjoy autonomy in their work. They negotiate their terms, select clients that align with their values, and manage their projects as they see fit.
Remote Work
 The rise of remote work has opened up global opportunities for freelancers. They can collaborate with clients and companies worldwide, transcending geographical boundaries.
Income Potential
 With experience and a solid portfolio, freelancers often have the potential to earn more than their salaried counterparts. They can set competitive rates based on their expertise.
Remote Employment
Many companies now offer remote employment options for roles that can be performed online. These positions may include customer service, data entry, virtual assistance, and software development.
Remote employment, once considered a niche work arrangement, has swiftly become a mainstream phenomenon, reshaping the way we think about traditional office-based jobs. Fueled by advancements in technology and a shift in workplace culture, remote employment offers a plethora of benefits and challenges, revolutionizing the modern workforce.
The Essence of Remote Employment
Remote employment, often referred to as telecommuting or teleworking, involves individuals working from locations other than a central office. This could be from home, co-working spaces, or anywhere with an internet connection. It's a departure from the traditional notion of work that requires a physical presence at the workplace.
The Benefits of Remote Employment
 Remote employment provides an unprecedented level of flexibility. Employees can set their work hours to suit their personal needs and preferences, which is particularly appealing to those seeking work-life balance.
Increased Productivity
 Many studies indicate that remote workers are often more productive than their office-bound counterparts. The absence of office distractions and long commutes can result in heightened focus and efficiency.
Access to Global Talent
Employers can tap into a global talent pool, allowing them to find the best candidates for their positions, regardless of their location.
Cost Savings
 Remote employment can lead to significant cost savings for both employees and employers. Employees save on commuting costs and work attire, while employers can reduce expenses related to office space and utilities.
Challenges of Remote Employment
Working remotely can be isolating, as employees miss out on the social interactions and camaraderie that come with an office environment.
Effective communication becomes paramount in remote work settings. Clear, regular communication and the use of collaboration tools are essential to keep remote teams connected.
Work-Life Balance
 Paradoxically, the flexibility of remote work can blur the boundaries between work and personal life. Setting clear boundaries is crucial to maintain a healthy balance.
Online Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial ventures such as e-commerce, drop shipping, affiliate marketing, and blogging provide opportunities to create online businesses and generate income from home.
The digital age has ushered in a new era of entrepreneurship, where the internet serves as a fertile ground for innovative ideas and business ventures. Online entrepreneurship, often referred to as e-commerce or digital entrepreneurship, has become a dynamic and accessible pathway to turning dreams into profitable enterprises.
The Essence of Online Entrepreneurship
Online entrepreneurship revolves around the creation and management of businesses conducted primarily or entirely in the digital realm. This includes e-commerce stores, digital marketing agencies, content creation platforms, online coaching, and much more. The internet has democratized entrepreneurship, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds to explore their entrepreneurial ambitions.
Advantages of Online Entrepreneurship
Global Reach
Online businesses have the potential to reach a global audience, breaking down geographical barriers and expanding market opportunities.
Lower Overhead Costs
Traditional brick-and-mortar businesses often require substantial investments in physical infrastructure. Online entrepreneurs can often operate with lower overhead costs, as they don't need physical storefronts or extensive inventory.
 Online entrepreneurs have the flexibility to work from anywhere with an internet connection. This freedom is particularly appealing to those seeking work-life balance.
Digital businesses can scale quickly and efficiently. As demand grows, entrepreneurs can expand their operations, often without the need for significant physical expansion.
Challenges of Online Entrepreneurship
 The online marketplace is highly competitive. Success often requires not only a unique value proposition but also effective digital marketing strategies.
Technical Skills
 Online entrepreneurs must possess or acquire technical skills, such as website development, search engine optimization (SEO), and digital marketing, to thrive in the digital landscape.
 The digital realm presents cybersecurity challenges. Entrepreneurs must safeguard their businesses and customer data against cyber threats.
The Future of Online Entrepreneurship
The future of online entrepreneurship looks promising. Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and blockchain, are creating new opportunities for innovation and business growth. Additionally, the rise of remote work and the gig economy is fueling the demand for digital services and products, creating a fertile ground for online entrepreneurs.
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In conclusion, online entrepreneurship is redefining the business landscape, offering accessible pathways to success in the digital age. The key to thriving in this frontier lies in innovation, adaptability, and a deep understanding of the evolving digital marketplace.
Online Teaching and Tutoring
The demand for online education has led to a surge in opportunities for educators and subject matter experts to teach, tutor, or create online courses.
The advent of the internet and digital technologies has revolutionized education, giving rise to online teaching and tutoring as powerful and flexible modes of learning. This transformation has not only made education more accessible but has also created innovative opportunities for both educators and learners.
The Rise of Online Education
Online teaching and tutoring encompass a broad spectrum of educational activities conducted over the internet. This includes formal online courses offered by institutions, one-on-one tutoring sessions, and even informal learning through YouTube or educational websites.
Key Advantages of Online Teaching and Tutoring
Online education breaks down geographical barriers, allowing students to access high-quality education regardless of their location. This accessibility is especially valuable for those in remote areas or with physical limitations.
Online learning offers unparalleled flexibility. Students can learn at their own pace, choose when and where they study, and balance their education with work or other commitments.
Online platforms often use data and algorithms to tailor content and assessments to individual students' needs and learning styles, enhancing the learning experience.
Global Learning Community
Online education connects students and educators from around the world, fostering a diverse and global learning community. This multicultural perspective enriches the educational experience.
Online education can be more cost-effective than traditional in-person learning. It eliminates commuting and the need for physical infrastructure, making education more affordable for many.
Separating Legitimate Opportunities from Scams
While legitimate online work-at-home jobs do exist, it's essential to be cautious and discerning when searching for such opportunities. Here are some tips to help you distinguish between genuine work and potential scams:
"Ready to turn your couch into a cash cow? Click that mouse and let's make your bank account laugh all the way to the internet bank!" 🛋️💰😄
Research Thoroughly
Before committing to any online job, research the company or platform extensively. Look for reviews, ratings, and feedback from others who have worked with or for the organization.
Avoid "Get Rich Quick" Schemes
Be wary of job listings or advertisements that promise extravagant earnings with minimal effort. Legitimate work often requires dedication and skill development.
Beware of Upfront Fees
Reputable employers or clients do not typically require upfront fees for job opportunities. Be cautious of any request for payment before you start working.
Check for a Professional Online Presence
Legitimate companies and clients have professional websites and online profiles. Look for a well-established online presence when considering a job offer.
Verify Contact Information
Ensure that you have valid contact information for the employer or client. Avoid jobs that only provide email addresses and lack a physical address or phone number.
Trust Your Instincts
If something feels off or too good to be true, trust your instincts. Scams often prey on desperation or unrealistic expectations.
Tips for Finding Genuine Online Work-at-Home Jobs
Finding legitimate online work-at-home jobs requires diligence and persistence. Here are some strategies to help you in your search:
Utilize Reputable Job Platforms
Use well-known job platforms and websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, Upwork, and Flex Jobs to search for remote job opportunities.
Network with Professionals
Leverage your professional network to uncover job openings and freelance opportunities. Recommendations from trusted contacts can lead to legitimate work.
Create an Online Portfolio
If you plan to work as a freelancer, build a professional online portfolio showcasing your skills and previous work. This can help you attract clients and employers.
Stay Informed
Keep up-to-date with industry trends and job market insights. Understanding the demand for specific skills can guide your job search.
Seek Legal Protections
Verify the legal aspects of any contract or agreement before committing to an online job. Consult with legal professionals if needed.
In the digital age, legitimate online work-at-home jobs are indeed available, offering opportunities for individuals to earn income, pursue their passions, and achieve a better work-life balance. However, it is crucial to approach the job search with caution and skepticism. The prevalence of online job scams requires job seekers to be diligent, research thoroughly, and trust their instincts when evaluating potential opportunities. By employing the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of finding genuine online work-at-home jobs that align with your skills and career goals. Remember that legitimate opportunities do exist, and with careful navigation, you can unlock the benefits of remote work while avoiding potential scams.
"Ready to unlock the secrets of making money online? Don't miss out on this opportunity to change your financial future. Click here to read our comprehensive guide and start your journey towards online wealth today!"
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my-weird-news · 9 months
🔥 SHOCKING: 100+ Gunfire Incidents Rock South Carolina Homes! 😱
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Bullets and Bullseyes: Gangs, Guns, and the Accidentally Targeted Oh, buckle up, folks, because in the county that hugs South Carolina's capital like an overenthusiastic boa constrictor, bullets are becoming a more frequent houseguest than your weird uncle who collects garden gnomes. I mean, seriously, it's gotten so bad that even rival gangs are RSVPing to this unintended soirée of mayhem. 🎉🔫 So, let me set the stage for you: a peaceful suburban neighborhood, like something straight out of a Hallmark movie. Birds chirping, white picket fences, the whole nine yards. But wait for it... cue the drama! A drive-by shooting, because what's a weekend without a little friendly neighborhood gunfire, am I right? This time, it's Cpl. Terrance Crawford and his better half who caught the limelight, quite literally, in their legs. Bravo, folks, you've just earned yourselves the "Worst Date Night Ever" award! 🏆🤕 Now, Sheriff Leon Lott enters the scene like a sage narrator of absurdity. He informs us that good ol' Terrance here is a school police officer. Yes, you heard that right. Imagine sitting in math class, desperately trying to understand the Pythagorean theorem, and you just know that your teacher moonlights as a human bullet catcher. Talk about job benefits! But wait, there's more! Apparently, the gangsters responsible for this little shindig knew exactly who they were targeting. How, you ask? Well, they spotted Terrance's official police car parked out front. It's like the criminals attended the "How to Spot a Deputy's House 101" seminar. And here I thought criminals were too busy plotting heists to be experts in law enforcement vehicle identification. 🚓🕵️‍♂️ But wait, wait, wait. Hold the phone! This isn't just any shooting spree; this is a "milestone" shooting spree. We're talking the 96th incident of bullets crashing homes like unwelcome party crashers in 2023 alone. You'd think that by now, these bullets would be tired of their impromptu tour of Richland County real estate. Maybe they're just trying to diversify their investment portfolios? 💼🏡 Sheriff Lott isn't mincing words either. He's got a theory, and it's all about those "rival gangs." Ah, yes, the classic tale of sneaky cowards playing hide-and-seek in the dark, except instead of tagging someone out, they're tagging houses with bullets. The sheriff paints a vivid picture of these nocturnal ninjas slithering away like serpents, probably mumbling about their next hideout spot at the local 24-hour doughnut shop. And before you start dialing 911 to report this absurdity overload, let me remind you that there's an AI operator in town who's tired of hearing about your neighbor's cat stuck in a tree. This bot's here to weed out the nonsense and save the day by freeing up the actual heroes who rush to the scene of real emergencies. "Help, my pizza delivery is late!" Sorry, Brenda, that's not a priority right now. 🍕📞🚒 In the end, we're left with more questions than answers. What's with the gangs' obsession with home décor rearrangement via bullets? Will Terrance's police car need therapy after this blatant betrayal? And most importantly, how does one become a "stupid gang stuff" expert like Sheriff Lott? The mysteries of life, my friends, the mysteries of life. 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️🔍# Bullets and Bullseyes: Gangs, Guns, and the Accidentally Targeted Oh, buckle up, folks, because in the county that hugs South Carolina's capital like an overenthusiastic boa constrictor, bullets are becoming a more frequent houseguest than your weird uncle who collects garden gnomes. I mean, seriously, it's gotten so bad that even rival gangs are RSVPing to this unintended soirée of mayhem. 🎉🔫 So, let me set the stage for you: a peaceful suburban neighborhood, like something straight out of a Hallmark movie. Birds chirping, white picket fences, the whole nine yards. But wait for it... cue the drama! A drive-by shooting, because what's a weekend without a little friendly neighborhood gunfire, am I right? This time, it's Cpl. Terrance Crawford and his better half who caught the limelight, quite literally, in their legs. Bravo, folks, you've just earned yourselves the "Worst Date Night Ever" award! 🏆🤕 Now, Sheriff Leon Lott enters the scene like a sage narrator of absurdity. He informs us that good ol' Terrance here is a school police officer. Yes, you heard that right. Imagine sitting in math class, desperately trying to understand the Pythagorean theorem, and you just know that your teacher moonlights as a human bullet catcher. Talk about job benefits! But wait, there's more! Apparently, the gangsters responsible for this little shindig knew exactly who they were targeting. How, you ask? Well, they spotted Terrance's official police car parked out front. It's like the criminals attended the "How to Spot a Deputy's House 101" seminar. And here I thought criminals were too busy plotting heists to be experts in law enforcement vehicle identification. 🚓🕵️‍♂️ But wait, wait, wait. Hold the phone! This isn't just any shooting spree; this is a "milestone" shooting spree. We're talking the 96th incident of bullets crashing homes like unwelcome party crashers in 2023 alone. You'd think that by now, these bullets would be tired of their impromptu tour of Richland County real estate. Maybe they're just trying to diversify their investment portfolios? 💼🏡 Sheriff Lott isn't mincing words either. He's got a theory, and it's all about those "rival gangs." Ah, yes, the classic tale of sneaky cowards playing hide-and-seek in the dark, except instead of tagging someone out, they're tagging houses with bullets. The sheriff paints a vivid picture of these nocturnal ninjas slithering away like serpents, probably mumbling about their next hideout spot at the local 24-hour doughnut shop. And before you start dialing 911 to report this absurdity overload, let me remind you that there's an AI operator in town who's tired of hearing about your neighbor's cat stuck in a tree. This bot's here to weed out the nonsense and save the day by freeing up the actual heroes who rush to the scene of real emergencies. "Help, my pizza delivery is late!" Sorry, Brenda, that's not a priority right now. 🍕📞🚒 In the end, we're left with more questions than answers. What's with the gangs' obsession with home décor rearrangement via bullets? Will Terrance's police car need therapy after this blatant betrayal? And most importantly, how does one become a "stupid gang stuff" expert like Sheriff Lott? The mysteries of life, my friends, the mysteries of life. 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️🔍 Read the full article
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oraoraora-ariariari · 5 years
I’m working on some Alternate Ending comic pages for Stardust Crusaders that are taking me a while cuz I’m hoping to use them for my portfolio XD
I’m also working on a Bucciarati x Fem Reader fanfic (My first fanfic ever! 😬) In the meantime, have this pic of Bucci eating some pizza from the manga lol 🍕
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I’ll also do some random JJBA digital sketches to keep the art aspect going! To everyone that has followed this blog so far THANK YOU SO MUCH, I can’t thank you guys enough! 😍😍😍😍
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duck-caake · 6 months
Agere Flip! Donna Beneviento Stimboard!
(req by anon)
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(flag by @pummoosun)
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duck-caake · 6 months
Some Fake Peppino DNI Banners!
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Please int if using/saved! Credit not required but appreciated!
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duck-caake · 6 months
🍕Fake Peppino Agere Outfit! 🍕
(req by anon)
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X • X • X • X • X • X • X • X • X
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duck-caake · 6 months
Ooo oo! What agere hcs do you have for fake Pep?
(I am really really excited to see another agere acc that likes pizza tower eeeee)
((Also hi i was the anon who req the outfit board))
sorry this took a minute ;; everything’s under the cut for space
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• Ofc I personally think Pep is a flip :>
• Loooves to cook for you, while at first it was questionable at best, once given real ingredients and some time he started making stuff that was genuinely delicious.
• On the topic of food, if you have to ever go somewhere like to school or work, he always makes you a little lunchbox with all your favorite snacks and a scribbled handwritten note that you can barely make out as a backwards “Love you.”
• Extremely protective and scary when he feels like youre being threatened :3
• His squishy amorphous body gives the most secure and comforting hugs, wants you to know he wouldnt let anything hurt you.
• Has a habit of picking you up and holding you to his chest like a baby when you’re upset or tired. His go to when you’re having a breakdown is to just scoop you up and sit on the floor with you tight in his arms, petting your hair and watching you closely till you relax and usually fall asleep.
🐸 🍕 🐸 🍕 🐸
As for regressor headcanons…
• Really likes playing with stuff like play dough cooking sets and easy bake ovens, makes him feel like a real chef >:3
• Loves to play pretend, his favorite being “restaurant” and “frogs”. Silly little guy will make you play with him or if not, chase him around the room and sticking to the ceiling and walls out of your reach.
• Is a suuuper curious little one, like… you should keep an eye on him.
I still feel like this list is a little barren but I know my hc requests are kinda rotting away aaaaaa so I may come back at add more later!
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duck-caake · 6 months
🔔 🔪 🔔 🔪 🔔 🔪
The Wraith from Dead by Daylight is a Slasher Caregiver!
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flag by @bunnelbaby
(credit not required but appreciated!)
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🔔 🔪 🔔 🔪 🔔 🔪
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duck-caake · 6 months
Agere Head Canon Request Rules and Sources:
So I’m very hesitantly opening head canon requests! Ill only be doing them for the following sources but ofc I may have missed something so feel free to ask if I can add another source!
Character only, caregiver and regressor, ship, and self shipping head canons all welcome!
Five Nights at Freddy’s
The Last of Us
Pizza Tower
Blues Clues (original)
Minecraft (orig game no smps)
Marvel (limited charas)
DC (limited charas)
Gotham (TV series)
The Walking Dead (TLC)
MLP Friendship is Magic
Outlast (videogame)
Adventure Time
Regular Show
Amazing World of Gumball
Soul Eater
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Sonic The Hedgehog (all sources but DX & Boom esp)
CoD: MWII (limited charas)
Black Butler
Overwatch (limited charas)
Startrek: The Original Series
Saw Series
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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duck-caake · 7 months
🦷 🦷 🦷 🦷
he/him Il 22 || regressor + cg || disabled
requests open!!! (list below!)
just a corpse paint wearing little guy that finds way too much comfort in animatronics, arcades, and pizza places.
please keep in mind this is a sfw coping blog for childhood trauma. however if it still bothers you that i reblogged something please just message and ill remove it.
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icon by @chocoperrito
dni banner by me :)
🦷 🦷 🦷 🦷
blog cw// horror movies (mild- usually no bl00d, i just have a lot of slasher/horror comfort characters), 420 ments, cursing, food, food talk (positive only, ARFID kiddo), stims, gifs (no flashing lights), illness talk (unresolved digestive issues, occasional tagged emeto ment)
this is a side blog! i follow back from @ la***-b*******m
fictional cgs/sibs/little guys
peppino spaghetti (dad), fake peppino (cg) || glamrock freddy (dad), freddy fazbear (baby sitter/sib), mike schmidt (dad), the daycare attendants (baby sitter), all bonnies (baby sitter/sib), and my springtrap/william afton hcoc (dad) || jason voorhees (little guy), tommy (little guy), brahms heelshire (little guy) || two-bit matthews (little guy)
comfort media
five nights at freddy’s, pizza tower, tmnt, sonic, tf2, spongebob, animal crossing, teen titans, wolverine, deadpool, spiderman, superman, minecraft, edward sissorhands, corpse bride, alice in wonderland, the rock-afire explosion, chuck e cheese, the simpsons, blues clues, bluey, dr. seuss, rainbow brite, classic horror (20’s-60s), horror movies in general, betty boop
comics, coloring, horror movies, videogames, cartoons, plushies/build-a-bear, animatronics/robotics
req masterlist
(check out my #🍕 :: portfolio)
- fake peppino from pizza tower outfit ✔️
- flip! donna from res evil 8 stimboard ✔️
- care bears outfit board ✔️
- fake peppino is a eldritch caregiver ✔️
- fake peppino dni banner ✔️
- the wrath from dbd agere flags X . X . X ✔️
- fake peppino from pizza tower flip headcanons ✔️
- bandit from bluey is an age regressor/playmate ✔️
- nightmare bonnie (fnaf4) cg icon ✔️
- bucky and steve (marvel) cg headcanons • • • LOADING
- nightmare bonnie (fnaf world) agere outfit
- green goblin from spiderman/marvel agere outfit
not requests:
- cg! peppino spaghetti from pizza tower mood board
- mario and luigi from the mario bros movie mood board
- mario bros outfit board
- peppino spaghetti from pizza tower outfit board
- bingo from bluey outfit board
- socks from bluey outfit board
- pizza tower fun farm level outfit board
- amanda young from saw is a caregiver
- peppino from pizza tower is a caregiver
- beef tobin from the great north is a caregiver
- bowser from mario bros is an age regressor/caregiver
- mario from the mario bros is a older sibling cg
- luigi from the mario bros is a age regressor
- pavel borsch from vodka! tower is a caregiver
- springtrap from fnaf is a caregiver
- the conductor from the polar express is a caregiver
- jason voorhees is an age regressor
feel free to request stuff on the “not a req” section to bump it up to next in the queue!
🌈 ☀️ 🌈 ☀️ 🌈 ☀️ 🌈
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duck-caake · 6 months
🔔 🔪 🔔 🔪 🔔 🔪
The Wraith from Dead by Daylight is a Playmate!
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flag by @bunnelbaby
(credit not required but appreciated!)
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🔔 🔪 🔔 🔪 🔔 🔪
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duck-caake · 6 months
🔔 🔪 🔔 🔪 🔔 🔪
The Wraith from Dead by Daylight is a Darkness Age Regressor!
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flag by @pummoosun
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🔔 🔪 🔔 🔪 🔔 🔪
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duck-caake · 6 months
🍕 🧸 🍕 🧸 🍕 🧸
request rules! (OPEN)
before you request: i am a sfw blog! dd*g, k*nk, etc accounts will be blocked and reported if you try to message me :)
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🍕 🧸 🍕 🧸 🍕 🧸
okay now with that out of the way c:
you can request:
headcanons (temp closed!)
please read this post before requesting!! pls include: your character, their source, and what headcanons you want (cg/flip/reg) very limited sources!
mood boards
pls include: theme, colors, anything you want/dont want, and age range if applicable
outfit boards
pls include: theme, age, gender (masc,fem,neut), any specific gear/items you want/dont want, and any colors or fashion styles you like
stim boards
pls include: theme, age range, colors, favorite stims, what speed of stims you like, any stims you dont like, any triggers, and anything else you want/dont want
your fav is a (regressor/dreamer/cg/flip/etc!)
pls include: character and source (full names for both is preferred but popular sources are fine like FNAF, RE8, CoD, etc.), what you hc them as (regressor, cg, dreamer, flip, etc), and any specific flag you want me to use (if you dont have one but dont want just the standard cg/flip/reg flags just lmk and ill find one!)
if your request is source specific these are the sources i’m familiar with but feel free to req things not on the list!
five nights at freddy’s
pizza tower
care bears
resident evil
tim burton movies
any horror media (dw i will tag w content warnings)
my little pony
blues clues
rainbow brite
+ more! just ask c:
• • •
i retain the right to not do any requests that make me uncomfortable however i cant think of any specific sources i would have a problem with! but if your request just never gets answered thats probably why :c feel free to send a new request from a different source though!
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