jasondohringnews · 1 month
🥭 Check out Jason Dohring’s new IG Story🥭
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
who would be the top five scariest haikyuu yanderes to run away from and why👀
Hmmmm this is an interesting one 🤔🤔
5. Tendou
Mainly scary because he sees it more as a game. Like a big game of hide and seek. And he’s fast, he will easily catch up to you. You could be screaming and crying about how much you hate him after being caught by him, and he would just chalk it up to you being a sore loser because he caught up to you.
4. Iwaizumi
Mostly just scary because he’s a scary guy in general. He will yell at you. He will yell and yell and yell and threaten you while chasing you. He would never hurt you, no, but he will threaten you. And once he catches you again he will not stop.
3. Ushijima
Absolutely terrifying from how calm he is. He’s so confident he’s going to catch you. Ushijima is a professional athlete, he will catch you in a matter of minutes. He will hold his hand against your mouth to keep you from screaming and carry you all the way home with just one arm.
2. Kyoutani
He is so so so angry. He’s genuinely so mad that he’s chasing after you with practically steam coming out of his ears. He stays completely silent the whole time bringing you home and he will lock you up immediately whether it be in a closet or basement. He has to leave you there and leave the apartment because he’s so angry and he doesn’t want to hurt you physically.
1. Sugawara
You can fight me on this but I think Suga is the most terrifying haikyuu yandere. He is so delusional, he sees this as an act of rebellion. Or perhaps you’re simply a little out of it today. Even so he’s comforting you after you escape. He won’t even listen to your crying and screams. He isn’t afraid to punish you either. You need a rough spanking or two to get you back to your normal self. Or a night or two in the dark cold basement.
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mangospams · 1 year
How would bhna Yanderes would react to their darling walking around with one of their hoodies on?
Hmmmmmm- this is what I think
Openly cooing at how cute you are: Hawks, Denki, KIRISHIMA, MIRIO, Mr. Compress, TOGA
Stays silent and just smiles at you (or smirks at you depending on the yan): Aizawa, Bakugou, TODOROKI, Shinsou, DABI
Gets very flustered: Deku, TAMAKI, OVERHAUL, Shigaraki
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affogonellamarmellata · 4 months
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questo pezzo qua
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jazzandpizazz · 2 years
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Poirot demonstrates how to cut a mango
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heydoped · 1 year
Name a better fruit! 🥭
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frn65 · 2 years
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mysilentmemory · 2 years
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after all, They're OuR CrAzY SuPeR JuNiOr🥭🥭😜
ᴱᴸᶠ & ˢᵁᴶᵁ ᴬᴿᴱ ᴮᴼᵀᴴ ᶜᴿᴬᶻʸ👀
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fankhx-invasion · 1 year
Spring Equinox
Before I even begin,
@mangowritesstuff literally wrote half of this!! He is always so helpful adding in edits to make my writing better, and I was absolutely in love with what he contributed to this. Please enjoy!
┍——🥭——- /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ ———🥭——┑
Eyes, green like fresh, spring leaves, gazed over the land that managed to survive the bitter winter's grasp; lifeless grass, barren branches, and thin layers of frost. The celestial scoffed at the sight, mumbling something incoherent yet disdainful under his breath. He despised the death and destruction caused by the wintertide god.
Regardless of how the previous god came and in his wake left behind nothing but a shell of the once lush valley, the younger man couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for him. Hidden behind a looming facade of brimstone, ash, and volcanic smoke, was the kindest man the spring god had the pleasure of knowing.
Taking a branch from the nearest tree delicately into his fingers, a gentle smile formed on his soft lips. He breathed out in a relaxed, focused manner, a yellow, otherworldly glow emitting from the god's fingertips, warm and comforting. The dogwood before him began to bud leaves on each branch, and, as if on cue, plants sprung to life, painting everything in a sea of pastels and vibrant greens.
The deity smiled at the familiar feeling, humming approvingly at the new scene before him. As the lithe god walked through the valley, surveying his creation, he noted the few animals coming out of hibernation. Stretching their legs and yawning, a few even coming up to the gentle man to give him a curious sniff before running back to their packs. The smile on his face widened when he saw the first daffodils of the season beginning to sprout, their soft yellow petals opening to soak up the warm sunshine. As he turned to keep walking, something in the middle of the small bush caught his eye. As the young deity moved closer, he noticed the familiar glimmer of golden jewelry. Perhaps an offering from the mortals, he thought, as he carefully knelt down.
In the center of the small bush was a stunning ankh, complete with a delicate gold chain. A gift from the winter god, he realized, seeing the dainty red garnets arranged in a star in the center of the pendant. As he clasped the shimmering chain around his neck, a sharp gust of cold wind billowed through the valley; a small sign that the god was watching Vincent. Even during the transitions between their seasons and solstices, they still made time for each other, for not even the heavens above, nor the flames below, could keep the two apart.
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chaoticsoft · 10 months
I smell like mango, orange blossom, and papaya lately and I love this for me. c:
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lovelyliya · 2 years
really craving a mango w tajin
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beautiful-3nigma · 2 years
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Mangonadas make me happy.
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mango-bango-bby · 1 year
imagine yandere dad gojo with a child that's basically a heart throb. I imagine him burning all love letters/gifts while remembering the times when his child was young and 'innocent'.
I can definitely see that. Some may call it unhealthy to burn all of the love letters, and gifts, and telling the people who want you to stay away. But he just wants to keep you safe, Gojo just wants to keep his baby safe. Even if you’re older now, you’re going to forever be his baby
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mangospams · 1 year
Need a romantic yan who’d search for me their whole life and once they found me would chase me to end of the earth just to have me and would burn kingdoms down to keep me safe 😔🤞
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Nothing is more Australian than a wirlybird
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hekateinhell · 2 years
me at 23: where’s the vodka?
me at 27: where’s the mango juice? I have fic to write
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