#( omg i love this so much )
maudiemoods · 10 months
i was thinking about this for a while
like their routine you know, sharing a breakfast together🥺🤲💖
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okay love you bye<3!!!
AHHSVWHABSKABDIANDKAJDJE LMAOO omg I love this so so much they're being so helpful (sun fork and autism moon support)
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lovesbiggerthanpride · 2 months
Mel!!! I was on my walk this evening and this song came on
And all I could think about was Pre Outbreak/No Outbreak!Joel Miller. Summer time with this handsome man all to yourself.
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This is absolutely perfect. Swooning and will be daydreaming about this all week. Please allow me to yearn in peace!
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turtleinsoup · 11 months
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Jericho LISTENING TO THIS ON LOOP. ITS SO GOOD.
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esmeislewd · 2 months
How do you feel about this situation?
You hear a knock on your door.
It is a well dressed woman, speaking English but with an accent you can’t recognize. They tell you you are a long lost princess of a small kingdom. You have never heard of it but the millions of dollars of the kingdom will be yours if you go and clam your birthright as ruler. The 53rd ruler. Would you accept?
If you choose to accept your birthright as princess, the 53rd ruler, you are told you will be making important political decisions and be seen as a symbol of the kingdoms honor and virtue. However when you arrive you find that you are hardly involved in politics and you are constantly being fit into royal dresses and constantly being dolled up in makeup.
You have servants that encourage you, as the 53rd ruler to try all the food at a meal, and encourage you to keep eating when you start to feel full. You are encouraged to sleep in and skip boring meetings if you are not up for it.
In time you become lazier and fatter. And as you start to change you are scheduled for more meals and your servants seem to always be brings you snacks and food. And if you ever feel horny you, as the 53rd ruler have access to consorts to take care of your physical desires, however they will insist on feeding you during the physical act, making you associate physical pleasure with food.
In time you grow even fatter and greedier. And you notice your servants are only giving you clothes that are much too small for you and your fat figure is always causing rips and tears. You also notice that you now spent much of the day being taken to public dinners with the people of your kingdom where everyone is praising you for your weight gain and telling how good of a princess you are. The people are happy to size up the 53rd ruler and encourage her to eat more.
You lose track of time until one day……….. you realize you have gotten so fat you can’t stand up with your own strength……. When a servant sees this they don’t help you….. they just make a phone call saying “she is ready”
What happens next is that you are lifted onto a massive thrown on a parade float and in a grand festival your subjects cheer for you waving goodbye and throwing flowers all around you… at the end of the parade you are taken to what looks like a warehouse where you see massively fat women who are comically obese with feeding tubes in their mouth sitting behind a gold plaque with the number on it.you see the numbers 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, and lastly 53.
You realize that there is no girl in behind the 53 marker……… that is where you are going. As your massive body guided into place you realize that the lower the numbers go the fatter the woman is………….. you see a feeding tube being lead up to your face, you taste the buttery sweet mixture as it starts to be pumped into your body. Your time as princess has ended, and now the kingdom must find number 54.
Oh gosh this is absolutely wonderful!!
I absolutely adore this scenario and wish it would come true sooooo much you have absolutely no idea! I want to be treated like a princess and fattened beyond anything I had ever thought possible that's really the best job I could possibly imagine.
All I want is to be pampered and spoilt as a symbol of wealth enabled and encouraged into increasing displays of gluttony~
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giaeline · 1 year
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Re-draw from one of my old stuff about Big Hero 6! I've alway shipped them, i love this couple so much!
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Oh my god :')
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vinlynn · 2 years
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mushiewrites · 1 year
I don't know if you remember my police concept or not but I thought of something similar, Sapnap pointing a finger gun at Dream and telling him to "stick em up" Dream plays along at first but the second Sapnap’s fingers are attacking all his spots he's doing everything but. Sapnap will then target a much worse spot and point his finger gun back at him telling him to "stop resisting" and "put your hands in the air"
oh my gosh. sleepy YES.
tw // police
because imagine this okay
sapnap is yelling for dream to stick em up right? dream plays along bc they're idiots and they're goofy and silly and he thinks this is hilarious. but sapnap has this stern face, and keeps telling him to put his hands up. dream does, and the second his arms are away from his sides sapnap is tasering into them with his pointer fingers, making dream squeal and start to step backwards to get away
and sapnap is reaching forward, grabbing at his sides, his tummy, his ribs, poking into his neck - anywhere he can reach as dream slowly backs away with his arms out in front of him. and dream is multitasking, trying to watch behind him to make sure he isn't bumping into anything but also trying to block sapnap's hands from his spots
eventually dream hits a wall, and sapnap tells him "this will all be over if you stop resisting and put your hands up!". so dream does, and apparently it's not enough bc sapnap is yelling at him to raise them higher, until they're practically straight up above his head
this is when sapnap drops his finger gun and sticks both hands under dreams arms and he absolutely shrieks. he is doubled over, his forehead is pressed into sapnap's shoulder and his eyes are squeezed shut and he is borderline hysterical as sapnap just wiggles his fingers and keeps yelling at him to "stop resisting, put your hands back up!"
and honestly if sapnap was feeling cruel, he would keep going until dream was able to lift them up, even with sap still tkling. and if he didnt ever raise them up, sapnap would bring in some reinforcements
(aka george, who would blow raspberries into dreams tummy until he cries)
omg i love them sm
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defectivexfragmented · 3 months
continued from here {x}
The younger Peter's reaction made it perfectly clear he was wrong about who the Avengers were. Meeting him had been a lifesaver. Peter had always felt alone in the world but he had never known what it truly meant to be alone until he was thrown into a completely different universe and knew no one.
"Oh, you mean like every day heroes. What are they? A team of special policemen or firemen? SWAT team? Those guys never get the recognition they deserve." Pausing, Peter tilted his head curiously to the side in contemplation. "So they do every day hero thing during the day and then play in the band at night. Geez, when do these guys sleep?"
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mitsuki91 · 3 months
okay im losing it over sejanus being the first one to notice that corrina is pregnant; he realizes after she starts distancing herself from the Covey (b/c she's probs kind of freaked out abt what lucius would think) and clearly doesn't have just a stomach bug, despite what she's been saying. however, lucius and maude ivory have no idea, so they start going to sejanus when they can't find corrina and are like "okay what is up with her. this is not normal."
I think Corinna will be in denial for quite some times ("What do you mean how long since my last period? What? WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN BE PREGNANT?!" and then Sejanus finds a pregnancy test at the black market and Corinna stares at it in horror and disbelife). Sejanus doesn't know what to do. The Covey are on his throat. Lucius is pissed (and jealous). At the end Sejanus scoffs and take Corinna and push her to her fucking Lucius (not in a way to harm her ahahah) so they could talk and figure it out something. Also, he already told Corinna he will be there for her even with money but still she is scared shit about Peacekeeper finding out and letting her go and her family omg Tigris but GRANDMA'AM OMG SHE WILL BE SO DISAPPOINTED IN HER (... Corinna is having the worst mental breakdown ever).
(I don't know how she can tell Lucius but she has to)
(Maude Ivory is already head over heels because she prayed for it to happened so her big mamasister will have to be with them forever)
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
Always lovely to see Eurovision artists from different countries meet and interact with each other. Loreen no doubt helps to spread positive energy everywhere she goes and help her co-contestants feel relaxed this stressful super busy week for them
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dragon-fly34 · 6 months
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Has anyone ever seen a mayor becoming a villain and the villain becoming mayor? 🫣😩
Well, I've seen a lot of Mario Roleswap AU comments where people have wondered if Pauline would swap places with Bowser, of course I wouldn't put that in my AU, so I did that.
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lionhearttt · 9 months
"Word" - 나얼 (Naul) MV
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ov-rwhelmed · 9 months
HELLO! Hope you're doing fine!
Look, right in this moment, I'm re-reading Yu Yu Hakusho (as a girl does) and I suddenly thought of full count. Why? Well, I saw Kuwabara dressed with a baseball shirt and remembered his name is a baseball joke, which led me to remember that Togashi loves baseball and that he also drew the hxh mains as baseball players in a chapter cover. SO all of this is to say that I find it a really cute coincidence and, at least to me, it makes your fic more special ❤
HELLO MY FRIEND❤️ i hope you’re doing well!!!
OMG thank you for sharing this. i’ve been meaning to read YYH for a while and tbh perhaps you just gave me the nudge to 😂 thank you so much for sharing this though omg that is so special and i’m so touched!!!!!!🥰
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superhamham · 10 months
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catboy-sinister · 10 months
Sinister in the pit:
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(Very serious, high effort content obviously)
I have to make this my new home screen brb-
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tryan-a-bex · 1 year
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: The Sandman (Comics), The Sandman (TV 2022) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling Characters: Hob Gadling, Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Lucien | Lucienne (The Sandman), Matthew the Raven Additional Tags: Hob Gadling Saves Dream of the Endless | Morpheus from Roderick Burgess Series: Part 1 of A Happy Little Mistake Summary:
Hob Gadling's life has been getting weirder and weirder since he saved his friend from the glass sphere in the basement. Did he do something wrong during the rescue ?
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