#thank you anon!!!!!
starscelly · 2 days
MAJOR things are getting cooked up
oh my GOD
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got so caught up on “no way you’re making one sport athlete jason robertson the captain of this team” my brain didn’t even process the “ALONG WITH TEAMMATES”!!!!!! WHO. DROP NAMES. WHO IS FLOPPING AT SOFTBALL WITH HIM
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reigningmax · 4 months
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Behind the scenes with Max at the 2024 season photoshoot By Mark Thompson
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
hey!! could i request "enjoying the sun that's warming their face" for whichever character/ship you're feeling? thank youuu 💕
hello anon! thank you so much for stopping by the askbox! and thank you even more so for sending in a prompt - i really loved getting to work with this prompt so so much and it honestly led me to a (1) new OC for MoTA and (2) writing with a new character from MoTA that I wanted to try some writing for! :) SO, i hope you enjoy the first introduction to WAC, Lieutenant Annie Chattaway from Mankato, Minnesota!
It was a wonder to Annie what a Lieutenant bar did to a man.
Not only did she watch men seem to hastily salute in her direction, or shove each other quickly to their feet, but they watched her with a shaky gaze before she kept on moving past.
The bright sunlight above seemed fit for arrival, her transport having dropped her by the entrance to Thorpe Abbotts, with Colonel Harding taking her in for introductions, hand-shaking and flattery. Now, with her belongings sorted out and her bearings gathered, she was in search of a few select names that Harding had graciously offered up.
"Looking for something special?"
The rumble of a military-grade jeep, fumes and all, pulled up beside her in a hurry, screeching to a halt, the breaks in need of a good oiling, and a smiley Major in the front seat. Annie halted for a moment there on the tarmac and offered a sweet smile, from behind the Raybands and her cap and stepped to the edge of the jeep.
"Depends on who's asking." she told him with a smile and a nod, before saluting.
"John Egan, uh, Major Egan," he said, another smile spreading on his lips, tilting his head to the side, "Bucky if you like." More widening of the grin.
"Pleasure to meet you, Major Egan," she said, dismissing his grinny self and stuck out a hand forward, "Lieutenant Chattaway, just in from Fort Des Moines. I've been assigned here, as a translator."
Major Egan made a show of raising his brow from behind his own pair of Raybands and leaned forward, arm up over the passenger's side of the jeep, hand on the steering wheel and smirked.
"Sounds like you got yourself into a nice gig," he said, "….translator, huh?" Annie stared at him from behind her Raybands. Right.
"Can I ask where your mess hall is, sir?" she asked him, side-stepping the translator question, "Colonel Harding mentioned it after introductions."
"Wanna hop in? I could give you a ride over, chat over coffee, hey, I'll even show you where the officers' club is." he said and then scooched back to his side and nodded to the seat, smiling, "Take it or leave it." Annie watched him for a moment and debated her options - ride with Major Egan, possibly get some coffee that he definitely knew the location of, or continue to wander around base looking like a sorry excuse for a bull in a china shop.
Annie turned to behind her, following Major Egan's line of sight, and found a Captain walking towards them, his eyes squinting in the bright sunlight, saluting Major Egan and then turning his eyes to her. He watched her for a moment, before she quickly saluted him, watching him quietly from behind her Raybands - tall, large stature, soft eyes.
To think he was a pilot by the way his peak cap covered his head, seeing all the war the planes brought to the air and the sky around.
"Brady, just in time," cooed Egan, jumping up from his seat in the jeep and coming towards the Captain - Brady - wrapping an arm around his shoulder and nodding, Brady slowly looking towards Egan with a tired look.
"This is Lieutenant Chattaway," Egan said with a nod to her, "didn't find the time for a first name, but I know it's there. She's gonna be translating." Brady eyed her for a moment.
"Pleasure to have you here, Lieutenant Chattaway." Brady said, nodding firmly, a quick itch of a smile on his face before disappearing and looking over to Egan, "Major Egan, I've been meaning to discuss with you-"
"Later." Egan said, clapping Brady on the shoulder, "right now, we gotta show Lieutenant 'No Name' Chattaway to the mess hall. Get her some grub." Brady glanced her way again - she stared right back at him through her Raybands and cleared her throat.
"It's fine really, sir," she said quickly, "I can find my way." She smiled slightly.
"Nah! Nah, c'mon, Lieutenant," Egan said, "look, here, Brady and I, consider us your personal tour guides-"
"C'mon, let's roll." Egan said and then gave Brady a clap on the shoulder and a wink and then moved back towards the jeep. The two watched him go before standing in silence.
Annie looked back towards Brady and found him already watching her; when he caught her eyes on him, he offered a small smile.
"You doing alright?" he asked her, the smile on his face soft, the sunlight bathing his face in a golden light; looking up towards him she put on her best smile and nodded.
"Yes, sir." she said firmly.
"He can be…." Brady trailed off and looked over her shoulder and nodded, "….yeah."
"It's fine, really, sir," she said, "seems like a fun guy." Brady grinned at her comment and nodded, before looking down.
"Probably best if we get in the jeep, before he starts well…." Brady smirked, "….you can probably guess." Brady imitated a little circle beside his head - before he starts going crazy, she seemed to finish it off in her mind. Annie smiled.
"Captain John Brady," he said, holding out his hand, "I know Major Egan introduced you as Lieutenant 'No Name' Chattaway, but that's-"
"Annie." she said, meeting his hand - warm as anything, encasing her own, firm, "Annie Chattaway." A loud beep-beep and a rumble of an engine appeared beside them with a slightly, pathetically disgruntled Major Egan in the front seat.
"C'monnn, let's goooo," he said, clapping his hands in front of him, "days changing to night, I think the first leaves of fall have come down." Annie looked back over to Brady and watched the small smile dart onto his face.
"What? Are you going to turn into a pumpkin, sir?" Annie questioned turning to him and moving towards the passenger side, before climbing right in the back, looking over to Egan who was smirking at her - she glanced then at Brady, "Will you be joining us, Captain?" Brady looked to her and then offered her a smile and climbed in the passengers' side.
"What would happen if I turn into a pumpkin, huh?" Egan called over his shoulder, "You hear that, Brady, she thinks I'll turn into a pumpkin!" He started up the jeep.
"I think a pumpkin is being generous, sir!" Brady called back over the roar of the jeep as they moved towards the barracks. Annie smirked to herself and admired the life around base - the Land Army women, the townsfolk, the pilots, the airmen, the ground crews, the sky, the sun, the trees. The world as they knew it.
"So, Chattaway, where you from? Wisconsin? Harding mentioned something or other..." Egan called over his shoulder, "They make cheese right?"
"Minnesota, sir!" Annie called back, "Mankato!"
"Never been!" Egan called over his shoulder, "Should show me how to make The Bootleg - you know….. they said F. Scott Fitzgerald would sip on some of those."
"Really." muttered Brady unenthusiastically from beside him.
"Oh, cheer up, Brady, you could be getting The Bootleg tonight - you'd be thanking me for it, too." Egan called as they pulled up to the front of mess, "Right, we're here." Egan turned to look over his shoulder at her and grinned.
"Liking the view?" Annie offered a smile.
"Thorpe Abbotts is beautiful, sir," she said glancing to the sky, "I'll be excited to see the mess hall." Egan grinned and gave Brady another shoulder slap.
"You'll be pleased as peaches to see coffee," Egan said hoping out and turning to her, laughing to himself, "I mean, I know I always am." Brady moved out and straightened out his pants before glancing over his shoulder and turning towards her.
"It's nothing more than watered down G.I. coffee, but it's something," he said as Annie slowly shifted forward, "Major Egan just gets excited when there's still extra by midday."
"Don't be telling my secrets now, Brady," Egan said pointing to him, "it's a precious commodity, we don't go saying that around here." Annie smiled to herself and then slowly stood, placing her hands on the edge of the jeep before noticing a hand appear.
Looking up, Brady was stood there, watching her with the sun warming his softened face. She smiled at him, gratefully taking his hand, letting him help her step down onto the ground. It was only a few seconds more before the two were dropping their hands and Major Egan was making a show of pointing up to the mess hall and going on about something or other about a beer bottle being thrown at the wall - but as Annie followed quietly behind both Egan and Brady, she noticed the clench of Brady's hand there.
The one that had touched her own.
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cementcornfield · 10 months
“My boy JB” 🥹🥹
Me and my boy JB came in town, took over
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soracities · 10 months
Diff Hindi anon but you HAVE to watch omkara. One of the best Shakespeare adaptations ever made.
googled this and literally gasped out loud non-white Othello adaptions LET'S GO
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frownyalfred · 7 months
wait,,,, if Jason was pretty close to presentation before he died and now he's off the alpha shit his body is presumably continuing ever closer to that,,,,, and Lex and a now pregnant smelling Bruce are gonna go see him,,,,, is that gonna kickstart his presentation heat in the middle of him yelling at Bruce???
[I am screaming inside I'm so excited for the next chapter!! This one was such a good ramp up for anticipation]
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beachboysnatural · 21 days
" BWS is not going to f*ck you so put your thinking caps on " When I tell you I screamed because I mean... You went straight to the point. I think some people just want romance dramas where the hot ML spends every single waking moment loving the FL and making the biggest romantic gestures while she just sits there doing absolutely nothing and that kinda scares me ngl
No literally!!!! I love a ML who is head over heels as much as the next person but the FL is not there for you to insert yourself in her place! And also I always think it's weird and a little creepy when the ML is turned up to 11 and the FL is sitting there like :o the entire time because she didn't ask for any of it. Like that's so not enjoyable to watch?? Idk part of Lovely Runner's charm for me is that you can really understand why the characters are so devoted to each other because they are both such lovable personalities whose love for each other manifests in different ways that parallel each other at the same time. But sure Sunjae is nothing but a loser in love and Sol is incredibly cruel for doing everything she can to save his life
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sergle · 1 year
Saw your last selfie and god damn. Have some money. Even if aud to usd hurts can't be as bad as your back. And I have scoliosis so I know back pain. God speed sister.
OUEGJDHG?? Judging by the timing of the ask YOU SENT ME $100... that's so much money in australian moneys
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xemmez · 1 month
You did a “fat fem furs” piece awhile back & i just wanted to let you know i stumbled across it & that it really helped boost my mood while i was goin through it recently :,]!!
Im a fat transmasc fur w/ a pretty damn fat fem body, and seeing the positivity towards it really helped! So thank you 🫶 i appreciate ur cool art!
aawww thank you my friend!!!!
i feel very happy that my silly art is really able to connect with people on some level, especially since my art means so much to me too. i’m a fat transfem fur so i’m totally getting what you means about a lack of positivity.
trans fat furs of any side of the spectrum deserve positivity all the time forever in my book 🫶🏳️‍⚧️
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esmeislewd · 2 months
How do you feel about this situation?
You hear a knock on your door.
It is a well dressed woman, speaking English but with an accent you can’t recognize. They tell you you are a long lost princess of a small kingdom. You have never heard of it but the millions of dollars of the kingdom will be yours if you go and clam your birthright as ruler. The 53rd ruler. Would you accept?
If you choose to accept your birthright as princess, the 53rd ruler, you are told you will be making important political decisions and be seen as a symbol of the kingdoms honor and virtue. However when you arrive you find that you are hardly involved in politics and you are constantly being fit into royal dresses and constantly being dolled up in makeup.
You have servants that encourage you, as the 53rd ruler to try all the food at a meal, and encourage you to keep eating when you start to feel full. You are encouraged to sleep in and skip boring meetings if you are not up for it.
In time you become lazier and fatter. And as you start to change you are scheduled for more meals and your servants seem to always be brings you snacks and food. And if you ever feel horny you, as the 53rd ruler have access to consorts to take care of your physical desires, however they will insist on feeding you during the physical act, making you associate physical pleasure with food.
In time you grow even fatter and greedier. And you notice your servants are only giving you clothes that are much too small for you and your fat figure is always causing rips and tears. You also notice that you now spent much of the day being taken to public dinners with the people of your kingdom where everyone is praising you for your weight gain and telling how good of a princess you are. The people are happy to size up the 53rd ruler and encourage her to eat more.
You lose track of time until one day……….. you realize you have gotten so fat you can’t stand up with your own strength……. When a servant sees this they don’t help you….. they just make a phone call saying “she is ready”
What happens next is that you are lifted onto a massive thrown on a parade float and in a grand festival your subjects cheer for you waving goodbye and throwing flowers all around you… at the end of the parade you are taken to what looks like a warehouse where you see massively fat women who are comically obese with feeding tubes in their mouth sitting behind a gold plaque with the number on it.you see the numbers 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, and lastly 53.
You realize that there is no girl in behind the 53 marker……… that is where you are going. As your massive body guided into place you realize that the lower the numbers go the fatter the woman is………….. you see a feeding tube being lead up to your face, you taste the buttery sweet mixture as it starts to be pumped into your body. Your time as princess has ended, and now the kingdom must find number 54.
Oh gosh this is absolutely wonderful!!
I absolutely adore this scenario and wish it would come true sooooo much you have absolutely no idea! I want to be treated like a princess and fattened beyond anything I had ever thought possible that's really the best job I could possibly imagine.
All I want is to be pampered and spoilt as a symbol of wealth enabled and encouraged into increasing displays of gluttony~
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omg so excited for the decoy fic! i never realized that beyond the callback to ted demonstrating the play, jamie acting as the decoy in the show also has a callback to him yelling "me!" right before he gets benched in s1.
Ah that makes me so excited that you’re excited!
I don’t think I realized the me! part either until the gif set.
Here is a tiny snippet:
Nate’s decoy play was doing it’s best to mess with Jamie again. It must be some type of karma. There was no other explanation for Nathan Shelley fucking with Jamie’s life months after he left AFC Richmond to manage West Ham. The worst part was Jamie knew it was all deserved. He was an arsehole to Nate when he was kit man and though he’d tried to make up for it when Nate was assistant coach, Jamie had accrued too many prick points to not have karmic justice coming for him.
* Jamie’s prick points go towards @jamiesfootball ‘s idea (of course I can’t find the og post) about Roy essentially training Jamie that if he does good things he can then cash in his “prick points” but in this case they’re things Jamie has to work off.
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kinnbig · 1 year
🖊️!!! Please!!!
🖊️- Post a snippet from a current WIP.
hehehe okay this is a snippet from my KenBig "everyone lives but no one is okay" fic that I've been working on like crazy for the past few weeks! (I also posted the opening scene of this fic here btw 👀)
context: the fic is canon-divergent from episode 10, beginning with Big surviving the explosion in the warehouse. this snippet is a flashback section that takes place several weeks earlier (during the events of episode 5 in the show).
it's going under the cut because it's kinda long and kinda nsfw 😳
Ken’s on him as soon as the door to their rooms slams shut, grabbing him by his suspenders, pulling him in until Big has him pressed hard against the wall. 
“Fuck.” He’s grinning from ear to ear, even as Big’s lips find his neck, even as they arch up against each other. “That was so fucking good.” 
Big’s hum of agreement dissolves into a groan as Ken’s palm grinds against his cock through his clothes. He’s already hard. They both are. They’ve been half-hard since before they left the gym.
“Karma,” Big murmurs against Ken’s throat, fingers working frantically on the buttons of his shirt, “finally.” 
Ken laughs. The vibrations of it rumble across Big’s lips, jolting like electricity through his skin. 
“Shit, Porsche’s face when Kinn showed up. Fucking priceless.” 
Ken doesn’t bother with Big’s buttons. He just tears, ripping the fabric apart, sending them cascading to the floor. 
“What the fuck, Ken-” Big starts, but then Ken’s kissing him, searing and urgent, and the complaint dies on his tongue.
They don’t always kiss. 
Kissing muddles things. Kissing is a knife against Big’s throat; a threat of wanting becoming needing, fucking becoming intimacy, nothing becoming something. 
Big doesn’t want something. 
Ken moans into his mouth when Big’s hands snake down his back to grip his ass. 
They don’t always kiss. But fuck - sometimes Big craves the knife. He’ll take the risk, balance on the edge of the blade, sometimes. For this. For the way adrenaline thrums in his veins at the glide of Ken’s tongue against his own. 
Ken’s fingers slip beneath his waistband and curl clumsily, hungrily, around his cock. 
“Fuck,” Big gasps, and then, pulling back, “I want - not here. Bedroom.” 
Ken half leads, half drags them, tearing off what’s left of his clothes as they go. 
“Hey,” he says, once Big’s got him pinned against the mattress, “remember how Porsche could barely walk once we were done with him?” 
Big grazes his teeth along Ken’s earlobe. “I remember.” 
Of course he remembers. Porsche had completed his laps, barely, practically simmering with embarrassment and rage, and then almost fallen over as soon as they’d let him up. 
Ken twists in his arms, turning onto his front. 
Big’s hands fall to his hips like an instinct, pressing his fingertips into his skin. 
When Ken turns to look at him over his shoulder, his eyes are hard and dark and wild. 
“Make me feel like that.” 
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mintmatcha · 2 months
feed back from fic: 😀
it's about typos: 🫠
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ispyspookymansion · 1 month
Happy birthday! 23 is a weird age but if you don't stick around to provide us your piping hot & objectively correct niche horror takes, who will?
YOURE RIGHT…….it aint much but its honest work. sticking around only to blog!
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gatoiberico · 1 year
just wanted to say that your art, nay, your entire blog is *cheffs kiss* im crying happy tears at every turn <3
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