#first of all yes!!! the way he always speaks about him and joe as a unit!
cementcornfield · 10 months
“My boy JB” 🥹🥹
Me and my boy JB came in town, took over
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moondustpugh · 23 days
Yes Forever
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Joe has been giving hints and it's making your heart explode every time.
Author's Note: The bridge of TTPD is to blame for this. Enjoy! :)
Wordcount: 1.9K
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You knew you should have seen it coming.
It wasn’t like he wasn’t making it obvious these last few weeks. It wasn’t like his little actions were something he has been hiding. You should have seen it coming, but you didn’t want to expect anything. You didn’t want to hope just in case you were wrong, you know? You didn’t want to feel disappointed if it was just your mind making things up. 
It started off at the night of his movie premiere. You were all dressed up, and Joe couldn’t get his eyes off of you. Though, that wasn’t the thing that stuck out the whole night because Joe always looked at you like that no matter what. He was always telling you how stunning you were and that he was so lucky. The movie premiere went smoothly. You joined him at the red carpet and everyone was so proud about the movie and then, the after party came. You didn’t know if it was Joe having way too many drinks, or your mind was just being delusional. 
You sat next to him in the booth. Joe and his co-stars were laughing talking about a memory from the set, and you couldn’t help but let your mind wander somewhere else. It wasn’t like you were bored with their conversations or anything. You were actually enjoying yourself, but it was Joe’s soft touch on your hand under the table that was distracting you so much. 
“You know you should watch out for Joe.” One of his co-stars told you. “I would run off if I still had the chance.” He teased. 
You laughed softly, shaking your head as Joe wrapped an arm around you. His hand softly caressing your arm and his other hand… well… 
It was doing something that was making your heart race. 
Your hand was set on his lap and his index finger was grazing over your bare ring finger. You couldn’t help but purse your lips as you tried to keep your attention on the conversation in front of you. Joe kept that going for the rest of the night, and he didn’t say one word about it when you got home. So, you let the subject go. 
Then, you noticed one night when you were slowly falling asleep on the bed that Joe was just smiling and staring at you. His fingers caressing your soft cheek, while you were fighting hard to keep your eyes open. 
“Hmm…” You smiled, letting out a soft hum. 
“So beautiful.” Joe whispered, kissing your hair. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Joe.” You smiled, moving closer to him. 
You rested your head on his chest, your fingers finding his as you played with them. Joe then intertwined his fingers with yours and brought your hand on his lips, pressing a soft kiss on the back of your hand. 
“You have no idea how much you occupy my heart.” Joe said. “It’s all yours, darling. All of it.”
“I love you so much.” You smiled, pressing your face on his neck.
Joe held you tighter in his arms as comfortable silence blanketed the room for a moment. You two never really talked about the subject of it, but you knew there was that mutual understanding between the two of you. You just knew. You both really didn’t have to talk about it because what was there to talk about, right? You both already knew where this was heading. 
“You know, there was no other woman I felt this way about.” Joe murmured. “When I first saw you, I knew in my heart that it was you. You’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
You hitched a breath as Joe grazed his fingers over your bare ring finger again. You kept your eyes close, face still pressed on his neck. You didn’t know if you could look into his eyes right now. With the words he was speaking, your heart was beating hard out of your chest that you swore he could hear and feel it. 
“Darling?” Joe moved back a little, gazing down at you. 
You kept your eyes shut and stayed still. Joe’s fingers grazed over your cheek again, his lips tugging into a small smile. 
“You’re the love of my life, you know that?” Joe whispered as you fluttered your eyes open. 
You smiled at Joe, glancing up at him and said, “What’s going on, Joe?”
“What do you mean?” 
“I’ve noticed it lately…” You tilted your head at him. 
Joe raised his brow, pretending like he didn’t know what you were talking about. 
“Notice what?”
You chuckled softly, shaking your head. “Nevermind.”
Joe reeled you back in his arms, kissing your hair softly. “I just want you to know how much I love you.”
You nodded your head, smiling softly as you set your head back on his chest. You didn’t want to say it first if he couldn’t admit it because you didn’t want to look stupid. Maybe you really were being delusional in the first place. Maybe Joe really was just being sweet and wanted to reassure you of his love. 
That was all. 
You finally let that subject go for a few weeks. It didn’t appear in your thoughts again until that one night when Joe had taken you out for a date night. He had suggested taking you into a nice restaurant since it had been a while since you both had gone out on a date. So, you agreed. You dressed up in a nice pale blue silky dress, and Joe was in a nice button up and trousers. You couldn’t help but run your fingers through his curls the moment you saw him waiting for you by the front door.
Joe hummed approvingly as he set his hands on your hips, pressing your body against his. 
“God, I can never get over how stunning you are.” Joe whispered, kissing down your neck. 
“And I can never get over how handsome you are.” You smiled, feeling his hands gently run down your sides. 
Joe gazed down at you, his eyes sparkling before leaning down to kiss you passionately. Leading you out the door, Joe had taken you to the restaurant that he chose, and it was nice and cozy. You couldn’t help but enjoy this moment with him. It really had been a while since you two had spent time together, especially with both of your busy schedules. 
“I’ve missed this.” You smiled, taking a sip of your wine.
“Me too.” Joe took your hands in his from across the table. “Sorry if I have been so busy, darling.”
“Joe,” You tilted your head at him. “I understand. You don’t have to apologize.”
“I know, but still…” Joe took a deep breath, playing with your fingers. “I want to apologize and want you to know that I love you.”
Squeezing his hand lightly, you gave Joe a warm reassuring smile. “Joe, I know. I love you too.”
Joe smiled slightly, looking down at your fingers. He played with the ring that you had on your middle finger for a moment before slipping it off. You watched as he slid it over to your ring finger and for a moment, you felt your lungs stopped working. You felt your heart almost exploding as Joe smiled slightly before slipping the ring back on your middle finger again. 
“Joe–” You whispered.
“Good evening, I’m Elle. I’ll be your server this evening.” The server stood by your table, giving both of you a genuine smile.
You pulled your hands away from Joe, your index finger and thumb playing with your ring anxiously under the table. Suddenly, the thoughts that you had pushed away from the last few weeks appeared in your mind again. You bit your lower lip, trying to focus your attention back on Joe and the server. You could feel your heart beat a thousand miles per minute, and you didn’t know how to really react with what just happened.
The rest of the night, you tried to keep your thoughts to yourself. You told your mind to be quiet and just enjoy this dinner date with Joe, especially that it had been so long since you both have done this. Joe never mentioned it once during the whole dinner. He acted like nothing happened and what he did was just a normal thing. However, your heart couldn’t fit in your chest anymore. No matter how much you tried to push the thought away, you kept repeating that little scene he did before dinner. 
“Hold on a second, darling.” Joe held your hand before you could open your front door later that evening. 
“What is it?” You turned to face him as he cupped both of your cheeks between his hands.
“I just want to do this.” Joe leaned down to kiss you softly on the lips. 
You chuckled softly, kissing him deeper and pulling him close to you. You wrapped your arms around his neck as Joe continued to kiss you, this time so lovingly and gentle. 
“I love you.” He murmured through the kiss.
You let out a soft hum as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
“Marry me.” Joe murmured through the kiss. 
You froze for a moment, parting from the kiss as you stared at him with wide eyes. Joe, however, gave you a look that was all so loving. His chocolate button eyes twinkled as he caressed your cheek with his thumb. 
“W…What?” Your words stuttered as you processed what you just heard. 
Joe didn’t say anything as he walked around you and unlocked the front door. He turned to face you again, held out his hand and opened the front door of your flat. You gasped softly as soon as you saw what was behind him. The place was lit by candles and rose petals were laid out all over the floor. 
It was like what you saw in the movies. 
“My love.” Joe took your hand in his as you both entered the flat. 
You swallowed every emotion that was coming up in your throat as you watched Joe’s hand reach for his pocket. Then, he gazed up at you, holding a small red box in his hand, and a smile tugging on his lips as he got down on one knee in front of you.
“Joe, I–” 
“Darling, you knew that the first time I saw you, I knew that you were the one. You make me a better person everyday, and I love you so much. My heart is yours forever. Would you do me the honor to spend the rest of your life with me?”
You gasped softly, both your hands covering your mouth as tears welled up in your eyes. Your heart was racing, and you could barely find words in your mind. 
“Will you marry me?” 
“Yes.” You smiled as you helped Joe get up from the floor. “A thousand times yes. Yes to forever with you. Yes to everything with you.”
Joe grinned happily as he took the ring from the box and slid it on your ring finger before reeling you into his arms and kissed you passionately. Everything almost felt unreal as you kissed him back. 
“I love you.” You murmured, smiling happily.
You have never felt this happy before. Your heart was exploding in happiness as Joe kissed you again and held you in his arms. A big wide grin on his face, tears welling up in his eyes the moment he parted from the kiss.  
“I love you.” Joe whispered, embracing you. 
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you stared into his eyes, happiness radiating from the both of you. 
With Joe, it was always going to be yes. 
The End.
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @browneyes8288 @bylermaxmayfield @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf
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malarkgirlypop · 7 months
Goody Part 3 (Joseph Liebgott x Fem!Reader)
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Dude, this part is steamy. IDK if I should post this to tumblr, like I feel like I will get arrested or something. This is my first ever like proper smut scene, so be nice. AH I'm nervous. No one judge me alright! Bahaha omg ok here we go, this is part three. This is based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters no hate to anyone involved.
I lie in bed dozing, I ruminate on the last conversation I had with Joe. My head swirls with emotions, I’m happy I apologised but I’m sad at how he took the apology. He was so cruel. I have known Joe for a long time, yes he is annoying and rude but always in a playful manner. When I spoke to him before I left he was malicious. I huffed rolling over and pulling the covers under my chin. My plan for today is to do nothing. None of the others are off, so I can be lazy and spend all day in bed, moping. I hear heavy footsteps run up the stairs, my back faces away from the bedroom door, I hear it creak open. “Mary, I’m not doing a shift, this is my day off!” I say before she can speak. I hear the person panting. I still, is it not Mary. I roll over, my eyes widen in surprise. There in the doorway is a breathless Joe. I sit up, then pull the covers up to hide my pj’s I wear. I don’t have a bra on. 
“Joe, what on earth are you doing here?” I query. “Did you run here, you shouldn’t run yet, what about you injury.” I ramble on. He chuckles, catching his breath. 
“They discharged me.” He reports, straightening. He walks further into the room, looking awkward. I watch him curiously. 
“What are you doing here?” I ask him. He moves forward, taking a seat at the bottom of my bed. He wrings his hand together looking sheepish. 
“I wanted to apologise to you. I didn’t mean what I said. I forgive you.” He mutters, looking down at his hands. 
“Oh, well thank you.” I say confused, he ran all the way here to forgive me. I furrow my brow watching him. 
“What?” He says looking up at me. 
“Nothing.” I say shaking my head, “Well I guess this is goodbye then.” I extend my hand for him to shake it. He glances from my hand to my face. He shakes his head. I blink at him confused, I lower my hand. 
“Oh no, Goody, you can’t get rid of me that easily.” He smirks at me, but it’s different, there’s intent behind the smirk. My breath catches in my throat, as my heart beats faster, unsure of what he means. I stay still, as he stands from his position, and makes his way further up the bed, he sits down right beside me. My breathing quickens as I gulp, the butterflies in my stomach do somersaults. I bite my lower lip, waiting with anticipation. His eyes darken as his hand reaches out, removing my lip from my teeth with his thumb as he cups my face. Goosebumps arise on my skin from his touch. A shiver runs up my spine. I hold the cover closer to my chest, trying to hide the fact I’m not wearing a bra. He glances from my lips back to my eyes. I keep very still, not wanting to make any sudden movements, like he is a wild animal and one move will send him back into the woods. 
I glance at his lips. He slowly moves forward, I feel his breath on my face. I’m desperate for him to close the gap. I do it myself, finding his lips with my own. A rush of adrenaline shoots through my body. I kiss him harder, dropping the covers I cling to myself, leaving me in just a t-shirt and my underwear. I pull him closer, grabbing at his neck and shoulder. His hands find my waist pulling me flush with him. His fingers travelled under my shift gripping at my hips. I moan from the contact. He pulls back smiling at me, “You like that huh?” I don’t answer him, smashing my lips back onto his. 
I need him closer. I open my mouth as his tongue darts out wetting my lip. He takes my bottom lip in between his teeth, biting softly. I gasp, as he lets it go, kissing me again, his tongue exploring my mouth. The heat in between my legs is growing, as fingers drag down my back under my top. I tilt my head back as he kisses my neck. I pull his jacket off his shoulders. I can feel him grinning into my neck. I pant, needing him more. I undo his buttons, struggling a little, his hands leave my back to help me with his top. He gets up from the bed, leaving me sitting on my knees. I watch him as he pulls off his tops, exposing his bare chest. I grin at him, “You like the show?” He asks, raising his eyebrows. I nod, grinning at him. I cover my mouth with my hand as he undoes his belt buckle with one hand, then undoing his pants. He pulls them down leaving him in his underwear. 
I squeal as he marches forward, picking me up from the spot I watch him from. He sits down on the bed placing me on top of him. I straddle his lap. Feeling his hardness pressed against me. I lean in to kiss him again but he stops me with his hand around my neck. He tsks, “One of us is wearing too much.” I nod, just wanting his lips on mine again. His hand leaves my neck, pulling off my top. I cover my arms over my chest, suddenly aware of how exposed I am to him. His gaze meets mine, full of lust and need. “I don’t want you to cover yourself around me, Y/N.” His tone low. I lower my hands exposing my chest to him. He takes me in, “You’re beautiful.” He whispers, pulling me closer to him, so that his chest is flush with mine. 
He kisses me hard, I return the kiss. My fingers tangling in his hair. His hands run up my sides, sending shivers around my body. I gasp into his mouth as he takes the soft flesh of my chest into his hand, squeezing it gently. His fingers pinching my erect nipple, causing me to groan in pleasure as I arch my back for him. His mouth quickly latches onto my other nipple, his tongue swirling around it sensually. “Oh god!” I mutter looking down to watch him. I run my fingers through his hair tugging it softly, causing a groan to leave his lips, I shudder as it reverberates throughout my body. 
I grind my hips into his, causing him to gasp. His hands landed on my waist, stilling me. I laugh as he flips us over, so that he hovers over me. I watch him through heavy lids, as he kisses his way down my torso, looking up at me as he goes. He drags his lips over my waist and hips, causing me to squirm under his touch, he grins tickling me with his lips. I still when he kisses me just above the waistband of my underwear. I pant watching him with anticipation. He grins at me, knowing he is teasing me. I lift my hips for him to pull the fabric down but he holds me still. “Joe.” I plead, wiggling my hips. He presses kisses to the insides of my thighs, driving me insane, getting closer with each kiss, but just as he is about to kiss where I want him too he moves away. 
“Stop teasing me.” I whine. 
“Ask nicely.” He looks up at me from between my legs. 
“Please Joe.” I say. 
“Please Joe what? Use your words, Y/N.” He says in his husky voice. 
“Please Joe, please remove my underwear and kiss me… kiss me down there.” I mutter embarrassed. He smirks at me. Lifting my hips and pulling down the fabric, exposing me to him. I wait patiently, watching him take me in with his eyes. 
“So wet for me.” He says, his breath fanning on me. I sigh in content, leaning my head back. I gasp when his lips find my core, my back arching. His tongue swirls over my bud of nerves, sucking and licking. I bit my lip, trying to keep quiet. A loud moan falls from my lips when his finger slides inside of me. I reach down gripping onto his hair, my other hand grasping at the sheets we lie on. He hums in satisfaction, at my noises. I gasp feeling it on my core. “Oh my god, Joe!” I pant. He pushes me close to the edge. Sliding another finger inside of me, I feel myself clench around him. As his mouth continues to pleasure me. The noises from my lips are a mixture of groans and screams. He puts more pressure on my core with his tongue, moving faster in and out of me. I arch my back further as I try to wiggle out of his grasp, nearly over the edge. He holds me still, looking up at me from between my legs. His gaze finally pushed me to my finish. I close my eyes, throwing my head back. My toes curl, as I grip onto Joe’s head, worried I will explode from my orgasm that rips through my body, causing me to shake. I finally come down from my high. I lay there spent, Joe still resting in between my legs, just smiling at me. 
I pull him up to me, crashing my lips into his. Tasting myself on him, “I need you.” I whisper into his ear, as my lips run down his neck. “Greedy?” He says pulling me back, to then kiss my lips again. I nod, kissing him hungrily on his lips. I can feel his smile under my lips. I smile back coyly, “Please.” I look up at him through my lashes, pouting my lips slightly, really putting on my puppy dog eyes. His smirks at me, chuckling. He kisses the tip of my nose. “If you look at me like that I won’t ever leave this room.” He warns, I grin nodding my head. I reach down pulling at his waistband, I tug them down. 
I bite my lip as his dick springs free. I reach down, taking him in my hand, he groans burying his head in my shoulder. His breath tickling my neck. I move my hand up and down his length. “Fuck.” He mutters into my skin. I grip him harder, causing him to moan. I move my hand again. “If you keep doing that, I’m not going to last much longer.” He kisses my cheek. I stop my movement, and grin at him. He bites my lower lip, releasing it again from his teeth. “That's mine, stop biting it.” He growls. I nod, giving him a cheeky smile. 
He watches me, I return his gaze. I don’t notice him moving, until he slips inside of me. I gasp, as he watches me with a smirk on his face. I look down at our bodies connected together. I clench around his length, as he moves slowly in and out of me. I watch his face, he closes his eyes, sighing as he rocks back and forth. I place a kiss on his lips. He opens his eyes, looking at me lovingly. He kisses me gently, picking up his pace. I pant into his mouth as he continues to kiss me. I moan as he rams into me. “You feel so good, Joe.” I whimper, gripping at his back, running my nails down his skin. One of his arms holds the head board above us as the other cups my cheek, his thumb stroking my flesh. We continue to stare at each other, I watch him enjoy me as he does the same. He removes his hand from my cheek, snaking it down between my legs. I cry out as his thumb rubs circles on my bud of nerves. “What do you want Y/N?” He asks in between pants. “I want you Joe.” I moan. He presses into my core as he moves faster in and out of me. The sound of panting, moans and skin slapping together fill the room. He calls out my name, as I do the same. 
“Please Joe, don’t stop.” I beg him almost over the edge. He kisses me hard. Going deeper inside of me, I whine into his mouth, as he groans in mine. We climax together. I feel my body shake under his as my walls clench around him. I feel him finish inside of me as he moans into my hair. He lowers himself down to lie on me. We lie together, panting, coming down from our highs. I hugged him tightly to me as he stroked my hair. We don’t move or pull away from each other basking in each other’s bodies. He pulls back enough to look at my face, he smiles warmly at me, kissing me softly on my lips. “You know what?” He says. 
“What?” I ask brushing the hair off his forehead, grinning at him. 
“I don’t think I hate you.” He states, making me chuckle. 
“Well I hope not.” I say between laughs. 
“No, I think I love you.” His eyes meet mine, as he takes me in. 
“I love you.” I whisper, kissing him gently. He kisses me back lovingly. 
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
Lana... how about getting handsy (or mouthy 😏) with Joey under the signing table at a con... or like maybe in a back room? He's been busy doing his thing all day and you just CANNOT wait until back at the hotel. Thots?
Living for this and have been since 2am this morning when I was up punching walls from content, dreaming about where to go with this, I'M READY.
This one is dedicated to @munsonsgirl71 (thank you for this delicious req) and to one of my main bby's @joejoequinnquinn just because 👀
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Everyone was clueless as to why Joe was late to begin autographs at the Fan Expo. He'd asked for 10 more minutes of privacy with you to the staff before you had to go away for a little whilst he worked. With nothing but a smile and a brief nod looking back, they closed the curtain behind them that sheltered him to have his little moment with you. You sat in the chair facing to the side so that you could get a proper look at your man, his eyes bore into yours longingly, purely from a text he'd sent literally all of an hour ago to you before he began the photo op's which read:
'Can't wait to get my hands on you later, baby.'
You needed no other information, it kept you going in the unspoken promise shown on your phone yet the heat between your legs was fighting not to have his hands all over you right there and then. He moved in to give you a sweet kiss, one that screamed that he'd missed you when he only saw you a couple of hours ago, it didn't matter how many times you'd felt his mouth move onto yours, every move Joe made on you was like the first.
Watching his eyes sparkle the way they did when he fluttered them open to just take you in for a second, you bit down on your lip and moved round to sit on the chair properly, proceeding to look down under the table, watching the space and the way Joe's legs were spread, his leg twitching uncontrollably.
"You alright babe?" You giggled, resting your hand onto his thigh to stop it moving.
"Just a little nervous, it doesn't matter if I've done this quite a few times now, I'm still anxious about it." An imaginary light bulb pinged at the top of your head, you always knew how to relax him but you also knew how to rile him up, there were no two ways about it. You slipped underneath the table, kneeling between his legs as he watched downward to find your hands busy, unbuttoning his trousers, pulling at his zipper in an overly eager manner. "What're you doing Y/N, what if we get caught?"
You smirked at him. "There's a black cloth in between me and the space of that curtain Joe, I'm going to give you a reason to relax. You've just got to be quiet." The noise echoing in the building told you that if he did slip a few whimpers, it wouldn't be such a bad thing, nobody would hear the delicious sounds that were reserved just for you. Joe adhered to your reply, pushing himself up so that you could move them, releasing his already solid erection in one swift motion.
"Baby, you're so fucking naughty." Joe purred as he watched you take his cock into your mouth, taking nothing but the tip which throbbed onto your tongue, his entire body quivered under your touch as he gripped the side of his chair, his lips parting when your muscle stroked the spot just between his length and head.
"And you taste so fucking good." You groaned.
You kept taking inch by inch in, sucking harshly against him, weak groans falling from his lips making you look up through the little slit where you could just see his head tipping back. You quickened the process, wrapping your fist around the thickness just to the base and jerked along with your mouth's movement, twisting your wrist in a motion you knew drove him insane.
"Fuck yes, choke on my cock." Joe was putty in your hands, figuratively speaking. You removed your hand and pushed yourself as far as you could go, earning a stifled choke from both you and his throat when his tip touched the back of your tonsils. Tears begging to escape when you repeated the process a few times, your hand now cupped against his balls, squeezing lightly to bring him close to the edge. The excitement and adrenaline of possibly being able to get caught was too much, you almost did when Joe saw the curtain move. You noticed him squirm and tap onto your head when a member of staff poked their head through the curtain. You continued to suck slowly, edging him to let them know he was going to be a little longer.
"Are you almost- Oh has she gone? We didn't see her leave." They said.
"Yeah just a little longer please, need a drink and a quick smoke if you don't mind, nerves and all that jazz." Joe flashed a unconvincing and tight smile, hoping they'd not see the way his lip was practically drawing blood from keeping the moan that longed to seep out of him.
"No problem!" They grinned. "I'll let everyone know you'll be another 10, they'll wait." Joe nodded like he'd just got whip lash, flashing a flustered grin, the hitch of his breath making his lips part when you danced your tongue around his tip, fucking your hand against his length.
"OooooKAY." Joe yelped.
They flashed the curtain shut and Joe relaxed instantly, the moan that he'd held in crashed out in a low, gravelly tone. "You're such a slut, I'm going to fuck you so hard later for doing this, you're not going to stop me when you've had enough either, I'll keep going." The vibration of your moan from his threat had him leaking more than he'd ever done. "Suck more, I want you to fucking go for it love."
You did as he requested, saliva dribbling down your chin as you used his cock, sucking as hard and fast as you could, squeezing onto his balls tighter, teeth grazing against his shaft lightly. Solid whimpers were heard clearly by you when Joe bucked his hips into your mouth, thrusting forward to give you every inch, he saw his end after you completely deepthroated him, your tongue able to touch at his ball sack when he spewed his seed down your throat, his toes curling and his head launching backwards; maybe letting out a louder, borderline pornographic noise than he'd intended to.
"Yes, yes, yes. Take my cum you cockhungry slut." Joe breathed out the almost angry words which sung to you like a beautiful melody.
You slipped back up from underneath the table, wiping the back of your hand over your lips. Joe had no time to clean up the wetness you'd created all over his cock so he lifted back to readjust himself, zipping up and buttoning his trousers back, his body still shuddering from the sensitive shocks that his softening cock was presenting.
"You'll be the death of me my darling. But you've really got to go now because they think, well I hope they think that you already have gone." You gave him a brief kiss, allowing him to taste himself on your lips, slowly and softly pulling away, he shook at his head at you, gulping his spit down. He felt fucking lucky.
"How are you going to get out of here unnoticed?" Joe laughed worriedly.
You moved over to the right side of the curtain since it was the most quiet and pointed to the opening where you could crawl right underneath. "I'll see you after gorgeous." Joe mouthed an I love you and shortly after you disappeared stealthily, it helped you were small so you could escape like a little mouse.
You moved outside to twiddle your thumbs for a bit after you'd been sat in a little room for an hour with a drink and some snacks that were offered to you by some of the staff members, relaxing and patiently waiting for him to finish up. Hearing loud excitement and applause when Joe was leaving the building, eyeing at the side of the glass doors that he was walking to, people filming him as he blew kisses directly at his fans, smiling away; his work done for the day.
You leaned against the brick wall when he moved through the exit, giving him the most innocent and content look at his side profile, his face beamed from the little memory of his meet and greet. "Have fun?" You grinned, catching him in his thoughts.
Joe noticed your voice before he saw you, moving his head in the direction where it came from and happily sauntered over to you, dropping the bag he had in his hand and wrapping his arms around you, his fingers soothing the small of your back as he whispered "Yes but I missed you after that little escape."
You reciprocated the embrace, your hands moving down to cop a feel of his ass, making him move back but not completely out of your grasp as you gave it a light squeeze.
"I believe it was me that said I couldn't wait to get my hands on you." Joe winked at you and you melted, it didn't matter who he was to you, he had a way of looking at you so intensively that you couldn't help but give into him, his warm eyes and simply beautiful grin did it for you, made you fall in love with your man over and over again, not just love pure lust filled your heat, excited for what was to come, you knew he'd fulfil his promise. His hands came down cupping at your ass, tapping it lightly, joining the way yours were still grasping at his.
"Actions speak louder than-"
He pushed you up against the brick wall, coming in and kissing you hot, his tongue writhing around yours, his bulge beginning to painfully ache against his clothing which pressed into you. He'd proved his point. He moved back to take a look at you from head to toe, huffing a sigh. "Can't wait to see how sticky those panties are from what you did earlier. I already know you're soaking."
Your thighs clenched together knowing he was very much right. Taking a hold of your hand, you walked down the little hidden lane to a car that was waiting to take you back to the hotel. Just as you were about to get in, he opened the door slight before moving down to whisper in your ear, not being to help himself acting on the words he'd already said. "I'm going to fucking rail your cunt till you scream for me baby, you're in for it."
504 notes · View notes
undercoversasa · 1 year
Hiiiii! Could you write a Marcus x fem reader? Idk if you write smut, it’s okay if you don’t and you can just leave that out but I’d like fluffy and angsty smut please. :) or just fluffy with some angst in there somewhere. Maybe something with him climbing into readers room or her climbing into his at some point? But please don’t write anything where reader or Marcus cheats/cheated. Thank you!!!!
Hi yes of course I can write that
his actions are kind of ooc
Wounded Dove
It was Friday night. Ginny and I had gotten into an argument over mom’s suspected murder. I knew mom would never hurt anyone unless it was for our family. Unless there was a reason.
I was the eldest daughter of Georgia Miller, y/n. Ginny and I are the same age but not twins. I came along when mom married my dad, Anthony. To be blunt, I’m her stepdaughter. He was a shit dad to be honest. After his death she took me in. Growing up we had moved between so many different locations that me and my siblings barely had any time to make friends or find where we belonged. Our newest location being Wellsbury. We’ve actually been here long enough to find friend groups and love interests. Mom seemed to be settling in quite well with multiple guys as per usual. I ship her the most with Joe, a total sweet eye candy. Although it seems she much rather prefers the mayor. Ginny has hit it off with this boy named Hunter. He’s good for her, he makes her happy. I happened to hit it off with our neighbor, Marcus Baker. He’s a total eye candy and he rides a motorcycle somewhat like Zion. Me and him had a connection ever since the first day we ran into each other and ever since we made things official between us he started to call me his dove. Lately he’s been sneaking into my room to have make out sessions but it hasn’t gotten to second or third base quite yet. I was hoping today would be the day until the fight with Ginny happened. Now I just sat pathetically crying in my room, having completely forgotten the fact that Marcus would come over. I didn't realize his presence in the room until I heard a slight coughing. “You good, dove?” he approached my side.
“Yea, I’m fine” fidgeting with my hands. “you know you can talk to me about anything, I’m always gonna be here for you” I sighed “thanks it’s just Ginny” I didn't really want to burden him about my family issues but I knew that I could trust him. “What happened? Did she do something to you?” he inquired whilst holding my hands. “it’s just we got into an argument over Georgia. She’s always being so rude to her and for whatever reason she believes she’s always out to get her. She’s our mom for Christ sake.” Speaking of this made me recall how Ginny called our mom a “dangerous woman” who could “hurt us” and it made me feel sick. “ dove, you know her relationship with your mom is complicated. Don’t stress yourself over it because I assure you, it probably won’t end any time soon.”
I realized I probably ruined the mood for the plans we had tonight but I really had looked forward to it so here goes nothing. “can we kiss?” when I said that his face turned slightly red and we began to make out. He certainly knew his way around these kinds of things. Things started to get heated and before I knew it, his hands were up my shirt fumbling with the straps of my bra while I tried my best to aid him. Finally with a bit of struggling we got my top off and we’re just about to take of the rest of our clothes when all of a sudden someone pounds on the door “Y/N YOU BETTER NOT BE GETTING FRISKY WITH WHITE BOI IN YOUR ROOM” ah shit… it’s mom. that’s kind of the end please let me know what you think
662 notes · View notes
blood-mocha-latte · 4 months
How about Webgott + love letters, for Valentine's day :)
greetings!! i stared at this prompt for Forever, and was trying to write it in an Organic and Normal way. and it turns out that the Organic and Normal way for me to write this was modern exes webgott. so although i’m sure it wasn’t exactly what you were thinking, i hope you enjoy <3
Sun, Feb 4, 9:38AM
Subject: Books
Web - 
You forgot your collection at my house. It’s all Dostoevsky, which I knew you did on purpose, idiot. You know I can’t stand that fucker, and you took all of the Vonnegut with you.
Come back and get your books before I burn them all.
- Joe
Sun, Feb 4, 2:19PM
Re: Books
Joe -
You have my phone number. Just text me. What if I don’t have time to check my email?
I’ll pick up my books at 6.
- David
Sun, Feb 4, 6:01PM
Re: Books
Web -
You always check your email. At least five times a day. Don’t lie to me. And I don’t want to have to compete with your goddamn spam texts, I know you forget to delete them.
P.S. You’re late.
- Joe
Fri, Feb 9,  3:06AM
Subject: Journal
I can’t find my journal. The one from August to November? Can you see it at your place? I need it.
Fri, Feb 9, 3:41AM
Re: Journal
It was in your nightstand. You didn’t think to clear that out? 
Go to sleep. It’s ass in the morning.
Fri, Feb 9,  4:13AM
Re: Journal
Can I come by and pick it up before Public Speaking? And you’re the one that responded.
Fri, Feb 9, 4:39AM
Re: Journal
Public Speaking starts at 10, I’m at work by 6. You know where the key is. 
You’re the one that emailed in the first place. I can’t believe you didn’t just text.
Fri, Feb 9,  5:01AM
Re: Journal
You’re so old I thought a text would confuse you.
Mon, Feb 12,  9:03AM
Subject: Journalist
Why did I just get called by a guy about a sports journal? The fuck are you up to?
Mon, Feb 12, 12:41PM
Re: Journalist
Don’t worry about it.
Mon, Feb 12, 12:52PM
Re: Journalist
Web, he has my contact info. If you get crazy-insane murdered so do I. Did you do something?
Mon, Feb 12, 1:13PM
Re: Journalist
Don’t be a doomsday planner. He’s not a murderer. I just went out with him one time. It didn’t end great.
February 12, 1:27PM
“What the hell did you do?”
“What — Jesus, Joe, is this about the guy? It’s fine—”
“Yeah, see, that doesn’t exactly instill me with confidence that you didn’t do something stupid—”
“I already told you, I just went out with him. To dinner.”
“I… I don’t have to tell you that.”
“Yes, the fuck you do, because if—”
“Oh, what, you expect me to say I went on a fucking date with him when we were still together? Get over yourself, Joe, it was five days ago—”
“I didn’t say that! I did not say that—”
“And why the hell do you care, anyways? We broke up in December, okay—”
“Jesus, that was only two months ago—”
“It was three, and that’s plenty of time—”
“I’m just saying, you won’t catch me going out with—”
“Because no one can stand your crotchety ass—”
“Oh, but they can stand yours?” 
“I — Jesus fuck. I’m hanging up. He only called you because he saw your name and thought it was a different Joe. I’ve gotta get to class. I’ll see you—”
“Wait, wait, Web—”
“I’m not even going out with him again, I just was thinking about the fourteenth. I’ll see you around, okay?”
“David — fuck.”
Mon, Feb 12,  6:34PM
Re: Journalist
I shouldn’t have pushed that far. That’s my bad.
Wed, Feb 14, 5:28PM
Subject: (no subject)
Can you come pick me up?
Wed, Feb 14, 5:37PM
Re: (no subject)
Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Where are you?
Wed, Feb 14, 5:31PM
Re: (no subject)
Outside of Delancey’s bar.
Wed, Feb 14, 5:32PM
Re: (no subject)
Please don’t call me.
Wed, Feb 14, 5:33PM
Re: (no subject)
I couldn’t stand to hear your voice right now.
Wed, Feb 14, 5:42PM
Re: (no subject)
I’m on my way. Stay where you are.
Sat, Mar 23, 1:18AM
Subject: (no subject)
I miss you, I think.
Sat, Mar 23, 1:23AM
Re: (no subject)
Finally giving in to just emailing, huh?
Go to sleep, kid.
Sat, Mar 23, 1:29AM
Re: (no subject)
I understand it, now.
It’s less personal.
You have to think more about what you say.
And you’re not asleep, either. 
Thank you for picking me up last month.
Sat, Mar 23, 1:53AM
Re: (no subject)
I thought you wanted a clean break, after that. That’s what you said at the bar.
Sat, Mar 23, 2:02AM
Re: (no subject)
I think that once your ex picks your shitfaced ass up from a bar because he got an email, there’s no such thing as a clean break. 
I think I’m just delusional.
Sat, Mar 23, 2:10AM
Re: (no subject)
Well, I never said you weren’t.
But it seemed like we might have made it, in this go around. It’s been almost a month since we last talked.
Sat, Mar 23, 2:18AM
Re: (no subject)
Well, in the words of one of the best movies of all time: I just can’t quit you.
Sat, Mar 23, 2:32AM
Re: (no subject)
April 6, 8:52PM
“You know, he almost broke his nose here.” 
“Yeah, I do know, Web, ‘cause everyone knows that. There’s not an American alive that doesn’t know that.”
“Mm. I like this scene.”
“What, the making out? Or did the TV’s go outta sync again?”
“No, the making out. Both do a good job at the… the emotion. The desperation, I guess.”
“Are you eating something? I hear chewing.”
“What are you, a cop? Can a man not eat a toblerone while watching a movie?”
“No, you can, it’s just — you’re chewing right into the receiver, Joe, it’s gross—”
“Alright, alright, I’ll put it down. See? No more chewing. Enjoy your gay cowboy movie.”
“If I recall correctly, you’re also watching the gay cowboy movie.”
“Only because it was on! And I would’ve turned it off if you didn’t call me.”
“If I didn’t — you called me!” 
“Yeah, yeah, believe what you wanna believe.”
Thur, April 18, 11:27PM
Subject: (no subject)
I think we’re better as friends.
Thur, April 18, 12:09PM
Re: (no subject)
What makes you say that?
Thur, April 18, 12:31PM
Re: (no subject)
It’s just.
I can’t be the only one that thinks that we get along about a thousand times better now then we did for the entire time we dated. I mean, you would have NEVER watched a Wes Anderson film with me if we were still together.
And we talk way more too, I think. Because of the emails, maybe. 
Thur, April 18, 12:54PM
Re: (no subject)
Well, first off, the reason we talk way more is because of the emails. Because you don’t delete those spam texts and have no filter and are therefore near impossible to reach.
Second off, we still get along terribly, fuck you. 
But I can understand parts of that. We’re still seeing each other just as much as when we were together, I’d say. Now you’re just half an hour away, though. Much shorter distance.
Thur, April 18, 1:08PM
Re: (no subject)
Do you think we’d still be together? If we hadn’t been long distance for so long?
And I’m just saying. You never would have agreed with me on any of this if we’d still been doing the whole dog and pony show. You just don’t have the bone in your head that says to be nice to people.
Thur, April 18, 1:19PM
Re: (no subject)
I disagree with you on everything just on principle.
Fri, May 3, 7:12PM
Subject: The New Deal
I want to propose something.
Fri, May 3, 7:39PM
Re: The New Deal
You get five sentences.
Fri, May 3, 7:57PM
Re: The New Deal
If neither of us is married by forty, we marry each other.
Fri, May 3, 9:02PM
Re: The New Deal
That is the most stereotypical bullshit I’ve ever heard in my entire life.
And I’ll be forty in five years, you’ve got a while. How in the hell does that even work?
Fri, May 3, 9:23PM
Re: The New Deal
It works in normal marriage ways, idiot. 
And that’s why I was thinking about it, anyways. You’re 40 in 5 years, I’m 40 in 12 years, we just split the difference and get married in 7 years. Avoid a lot of hassle.
Fri, May 3, 9:44PM
Re: The New Deal
When you say you were thinking about it, it makes you sound like this is a pity marriage thing. Which is weird, by the way. I don’t think that’s how it works, anyways. That’s more of a heterosexual friends who are scared they’ll die alone sort of deal. Real platonic like.
Fri, May 3, 10:01PM
Re: The New Deal
This isn’t a pity marriage thing! I just think that it’s something to consider. Unless one of us gets hitched in the next 7 years, it doesn’t seem like a half bad plan.
Fri, May 3, 10:19PM
Re: The New Deal
Oh, I have plenty of issues with this plan.
But fine. We’ll get pity-married in 7 years. You’ll be a child bride. 
Fri, May 3, 10:34PM
Re: The New Deal
I’ll be 33, dickhead.
May 19, 9:54AM
“The German dog tags are a nice touch.”
“Mm. ‘s an interesting movie. I like this part, though. It’s incredibly violent.”
“Yeah, I figured. I dragged this fucking DVD across the country and rented a DVD player from the hotel to sync this movie with you, and get such wonderful comments as I like that it’s violent.”
“Well, I do! Nothing much to add there, really. D’you have anything smart to say, jackass?”
“You’re chewing into the receiver again. And not at this particular scene, though. I just like Eli Roth in this movie.”
“Hm. Figures. Want me to start bashing people's heads in with a bat? I could be the Bear Jew.”
“No one could be the Bear Jew. I’m sorry to tell you this. You don’t have the flair. Or the height.”
“Oh, go straight for the jugular, why don’t you—”
“It’s true! You’re chewing, again.”
“How’s everything going?”
“Ugh. Fine. I hate these fucking tours.”
“I know. That’s why I delight in them so much.”
“I hate you.”
“Yeah, yeah. Do you still want me to pick you up from the airport?”
“...yeah. I can’t get anyone else to do it.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll spare you the humiliation of having to be picked up by your ex. I’ll wear a hat and sunglasses. Send me the information.”
“Oh, yack it up, asshole. And I’ll email you.”
“Fine. Remember to make sure it has a fucking subject, I hate it when you do that.”
“Shut up. I’m trying to watch this.”
“Mm. But you’ll still email me?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll still email you, Lieb.”
52 notes · View notes
burrowbaddie · 1 year
Joe Burrow x Female Reader
Series Summary: Childhood friends to lovers to nothing. You and Joe had history, you were each others first and then you were nothing. Years later, you guys rekindle the flame but with more obstacles in the way this time.
Chapter 3 Summary: You and Joe continue to fall apart and together.
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: Afab!reader, smut, swearing. Oral (female & male receiving), vaginal fingering, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, cheating! (You are the side girl, sorry.), small fight scene, jealous Joe,
Series Masterlist
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Joe couldn't take his eyes off you, watching you swim in circles around him. You gave him a splash, swimming toward him and wrapping your legs around him. It's been a whole week of just you and Joe. You felt like you were in heaven. You guys did a dive tour, went hiking, and had a wonderful dinner every night. The night always ended with you folded under Joe, crying and shaking while he fucked into you over and over again, but you didn't complain. You loved every min of it.
"Dinner on the beach tonight?"
"Mmm, sounds romantic. Are you proposing?"
"I would marry you in a heartbeat."
"If you were single." Your voice drips with disappointment. Joe kisses your neck and swims you back to the Villa. You climb up the stairs, and he follows you in. You take turns to dry each other off, not saying a word. You know you've killed the mood, but you can't help it. How long are you supposed to be the other woman? After quick showers, you lounge around watching Netflix while Joe answers emails and returns calls. It isn't until dinner that you speak to him.
"I'm sorry. You have every right to be pissed at me. I want to end things with Nicole."
"So, what's stopping you." You cross your arms over your chest, waiting for him to continue.
"I don't know. I really don't know. Nicole'smother died, and I didn't think it would be the right time."
"You choose now to start caring about her feelings. Ha."
"Cheeks, come on. I-"
"You're fucking me. Newsflash, just because you love me doesn't make it okay for you to cheat on her. So this sudden "I don't want to hurt her" play you're putting on is bullshit!"
The waiter puts your food on the table and awkwardly smiles, walking away. Joe rubs his face. He knows what it sounds like. Excuses. But he really doesn't know how to end things with Nicole without things getting messy. Joe reaches out to take your hand, but you snatch it away.
"I've been caught up with all of it. But I'm tired now, Joey. I'm 25 years old. How long must I keep chasing you and waiting for you to choose me? I want marriage. I want children. I want to be with someone to love me in the light, not in the dark."
"I do love you. I want everything you want. When have I not chosen you?"
"Never. Joe, you have never chosen me. Are you fucking her?"
"Where is this coming from?"
"Joe, are you fucking her? Yes or no. It's a simple question. After you spend all day fucking me, do you return to your girlfriend and fuck her?" Your eyes do not leave Joe's eyes with each burning question. With no response from Joe, you get up and leave the table. He doesn't chase after you nor calls for you. You pack your things and buy a ticket home. Joe walks on the beach for what seems like hours; when he finally returns to the Villa, your luggage sits by the front door.
"We still have a few more days. Don't leave."
"You're fucking her and me. It sounds crazy for me even to say it! I shouldn't be the one hurting because I'm the bad person in this situation. I'm the side bitch."
"Don't talk about yourself like that. You're not. Nothing about you is terrible. It's me. I'm the one in the relationship."
"I wish we could stay here and not have to return to real life, but we can't. You have your life, and I have mine. Maybe we're not meant to be together. It's that simple."
"Cheeks. Please. We have to try and-"
"It's done. I'm tired. Someone is threatening me at this point. Is it all worth it?"
"You're right. You deserve better than me. This person could be unstable, so it's better to let you go than put you in any more danger."
Once again, Joe finds his heart breaking because of you. He didn't think his heart could possibly break anymore. You can't bring yourself to look up at those sad blue eyes, so you walk away first. Joe leaves a day after you, and when he gets home, Nicole books a trip to the Bahamas. As the days pass, you bury yourself in work by picking up shifts at the city hospital.
"You look like you haven't slept in days. You look like shit." Mya says, leaning against the wall.
"I pulled a double at city. I'm going to nap in the on-call room; if needed, page me." You hurry to the room and lie on the bed. Sleep doesn't come, so you scroll Instagram. Nicole added you a few weeks ago, so when her post with Joe pops up, your heart sinks further into your gut. They look so happy and in love. A call from Quinn stops you from gawking at the photo longer.
"I will be in your area tomorrow. Nico had some work in Italy, so I was like, I'm going to spend some time with my best friend in nasty Natti!"
"I'm working doubles all week. I don't know how well I'm going-"
"Joe told Fran, and he told me. I'm coming to cheer you up. No excuses."
"The first breakup sucks, but the second one. Quinn, I'm drowning. I don't understand how I can love someone so much it hurts. I feel like I'm dying. I'm so fucking stuck here. Why am I the only one stuck?"
"I know, baby. I know."
"Can you come in a few weeks? I got back from vacation, so I won't be able to change shifts."
"Of course!"
You hang up and place your phone on the stand. Curling into a ball, you let the tears flow down your face. You can't lay here and cry all day because you're paged to the ED.
"Are you okay? It looks like you've been crying?" Dr. Brian asks, pulling you aside.
"I'm fine. Just tired. Thank you, Brian." You pull away and head to the emergency department. After a long shift, you make your way to city hospital. And after another shift at the children's hospital, you finally go home. You pull Peaches into your lap and stare at the blank tv screen. As promised, Quinn comes to your house to cheer you up. But you can barely get out of bed. Because to keep your mind off of Joe, you've been pulling shift after shift. The bags under your eyes are horrendous. You barely eat, and when you do, it's a random fruit and water. Quinn pulls the blanket off your head and opens the curtains.
"We are not going there. Up! I booked us a spa treatment, and we're going out tonight. It's Friday, and you will not sit here kicking yourself again."
Your throat is sore from crying all night, so you don't respond. Quinn drags you to the shower and forces you in. At the spa, you try to distract yourself with thoughts of relaxing. But it's hard. Joe is consuming your every thought.
"Spill. Let it all out." Quinn pulls her towel down, letting her breast free. You do the same and pout.
"Am I not good enough?"
"For Joe? No. You are better than what he deserves."
"Quinn, Why can't we work out? Why won't he choose me?"
"Men are dumb. You have to walk them right in front of their prize. But at this point, maybe you guys aren't right for each other. Every time you cry over him, I am ready to end my friendship with him. I'm not joking. Watching you wither away when he left the first time crushed me. I don't want to see you like that again. So I will stay with you as long as it takes." She hugs you and kisses your forehead. The rest of the day, you guys catch up. You tell her about the stalker, and she worries for you, but since ending things with Joe, you haven't heard a thing from them.
"You look so good." Quinn grabs your boobs, and you slap her hand away. This would be your first time out in a while. DJ invited you to join him at this club, so you accepted. After picking up Mya, you guys make your way to the club. DJ invites you to the VIP section, and you take a seat catching up with him. He tells you off-season is going pretty well. All the guys can't wait for the season to start.
"I thought you were dodging me for real." He shouts over the music. You sip your drink.
"No. Busy working."
"Right, you're a doctor and shit. That's cool as hell. I admire that about you. A hard-working woman."
"You smile and turn to him, engaging more in the conversation. By the night's end, you've gotten to know DJ more. So, over the next few weeks, you guys hang out and constantly text. When he asks you to the team's pre-season brunch, you're nervous about going, but he assures you Joe won't be there because of a conflict. But Joe finished his interview early and arrived at the brunch with Nicole. You turn around, ready to leave but DJ spots you.
"I thought his interview would be longer. I'm sorry, sweetheart."
"It's fine. We have to co-exist. This is god's way of testing me."
DJ gives you a big smile and takes your hand to introduce you to some guys and their girlfriends.
"Omg! Joey! I told you I'm a matchmaker." Nicole squeals, hugging you. You flinch away but quickly recover and hug her back.
"We're just friends, Nicki; relax." DJ corrects her before you can. Joe won't even look at you. His eyes are dead and only trained on DJ. Nicole takes your hands and wants you to meet her group. She introduces you to the girls as if you were a new toy.
"You grew up with Joe? That's cute." Amber pops her gum, staring you up and down. You simply nod your head and look over at the cocktail table. A drink is definitely going to help you in this situation. Your luck only worsens when you are forced to sit with Joe and Nicole at a table. With every kiss and I love you they share your facade cracks. Nicole leaves to use the restroom, and DJ is pulled away by another player, leaving you with Joe.
"Are you sleeping with him?" Joe mumbles across the table. You don't make eye contact with him. You don't even want to acknowledge him. Joe starts tapping his finger on the table.
"Cheeks, are you-"
"That's inappropriate and none of your business."
"How isn't that my business? You're still my best friend." Joe says softly, sitting up in his chair.
"Best friend? You haven't called me all summer."
"You said it was over. You break up with me, and I'm the bad guy now? You left me again."
Don't look at him. Don't cry. You have to remind yourself of these two things.
"Why was I supposed to do? Stand there while you love another. I'm sick, Joe. I don't want half of you; I want all of you." You whisper, trying to keep the conversation low-key. Joe rubs his face out of frustration.
"I said I would end things."
"When? When we're 40?" You grab your purse, ready to make your exit when Joe grabs your wrist.
"Not with DJ. Please. That's all I'm asking. Not with him."
"I'm not your property." You snatch away, leaving Joe sitting at the table with a sour look on his face. DJ catches you as you rush out.
"I'm sorry. Are you okay? Hey, look at me. Joe doesn't deserve you. If he cheats on Nicole, what makes you think he won't do the same to you?"
You wipe your eyes and shake your head. Right now, hearing those words breaks you down further. You're surprised to hear Joe calling your name. He yanks DJ off of you and stands in front of you protectively.
"Fuck off, DJ."
"Or what, pretty boy? Huh. You honestly think I'm afraid of you."
"Stop. what is going on?" You grab Joe's arm pulling him out of DJ's face.
"I'm not going to tell you again." Joe spits with venom laced in his voice. You've never seen him this upset before. You know you have to step in before things escalate, so you stand between them.
"Joe, go back inside. I can handle myself."
"You heard her, chump," DJ adds. Joe moves you out of the way with one hand.
"I'm real fucking sick of you. You think playing mind games with me is the way to go. Play with me if you want." Joe's voice is stern and sharp.
"Go on, pretty boy, do something. You mad because your bitch-"
DJ doesn't get another word out because Joe swings on him. You scream as they start fighting. Tee, Sam, and Ja'Marr are on sight to break things up before it gets out of control. Ja'Marr scoops you up because when you tried to separate them, you got knocked down and skidded your knee. Thankfully, the fight happened away from prying eyes. Ja'Marr sets you down and goes to get a first-aid kit. He returns, trying to dress your wound.
"She's a doctor, idiot. Let her do it." Sam says, laughing. You thank Ja'Marr and begin cleaning the wound. Nicole runs over to find out what happened because although no one else was around for the fight, word of mouth travels fast.
"Joe and DJ are just being assholes. They went to cool off." Ja'Marr speaks up. Nicole marches off to look for Joe. You stand up, and Ja'Marr lifts you again because you are limping.
"Marr, put me down. I'm okay. I want to go to the bathroom to clean up."
He puts you down and watches you walk away. Before you reach the bathroom, Joe pulls you away. You try to snatch away from him, but his grip is tight.
"And that's the guy that you're fucking? He calls you out of your name and-"
"Because you have so much respect for me, Joseph."
"He called you a bitch!"
"I can handle myself!"
Joe starts pacing, running his hand through his hair. His frustration is written all over his face. He finally stops and stands in front of you. Joe's apologetic eyes make you shy away. He reaches out to take your hands.
"I'm sorry for being an asshole. You're right; you can handle yourself and date anyone you want…just not DJ or anyone on my team. The thought of you with any of them sends me into this state. I feel angry at the thought-"
"Now, you know how I feel—seeing you with Nicole. Every day I wake up turning on the tv and seeing her face, knowing I'm sleeping with you. The guilt is eating me alive. I have worked back-to-back shifts just to keep myself from drowning again-"
"I won't let you drown. Ever. I'll save you every single time, Cheeks. I want to be with you. I promise this time." Joe kisses your forehead and then your lips. You excuse yourself and leave the party. DJ calls after you, but you ignore him.
"Hey, come on. I didn't mean to say that."
"You were way out of line. Lose my number."
"Wow. It's like that? Over pretty boy? You really think he will make you wifey? And what if I slip up and tell Nicole." Dj crosses his arms, wearing a big smile. You look around nervously, ensuring no one is in earshot to hear his threat.
"I don't care what you do. If you think I'm going to let a man intimidate me, you chose the wrong one. Try me." You storm off, leaving him dumbfounded. When you arrive home, you sit on the couch for hours staring at the blank tv. You know that letting yourself sulk will only drive you to more misery.
Joe sits down on the bed, rubbing his face. Nicole stands in her walk-in closet, getting undressed. She tells him she got voted in as the president of the field's club, which is basically a glorified booster club for the woman dating or married to football players. They organize funding for local schools, businesses, and afterschool programs. Joe stands up and walks over to the closet. He leans against the door frame watching Nicole take off her jewelry.
"I want to break up," Joe whispers to himself. Nicole turns around.
"Did you say something? And what did you and DJ fight about? I thought you were good friends."
"Nicole, I want to break up. You can keep the apartment and-"
"What? Where is this coming from?"
"Nothing. It's not you; it's-"
"Do not say that bullshit statement! Why are you trying to break up with me? After all these years, you suddenly feel different."
"Nicki, I know you feel it too. It's not the same. It hasn't been the same between us in a long time. I think it would be better to see other people." Joe makes his statement but refuses to meet her crying eyes.
"The cars and apartment-"
"Give me the fucking reason!"
Joe takes a deep breath and moves quickly to hold her. Nicole cries into his chest as he rubs her back.
"I cheated."
"How many times? How many women? Where?"
"There was only one-"
"Once? Joe, we can fix this. You cheated one time; no big deal. We can-"
"No, I cheated multiple times with the same woman."
Nicole freezes as her mind quickly puts together the pieces, and she pulls away.
"Cheeks? You're cheating on me with her. All those fucking nights you said you were with Marr or at your parent's house!"
Joe nods his head. Nicole grabs a heel off the shelf, throwing it at him. She hits his chest and shoves him away. Joe gently grabs her wrists, trying to calm her down.
"She smiled in my fucking face! Was I a joke to you? Where is she now? I'll kill her!"
"Nicki, calm down. She has nothing to do with this. It was me. I stepped out on you. I know nothing in this world could fix this situation, but I did love you. The blame is all on me."
Nicole settles down and wipes her face.
"I knew you were cheating, but why didn't I think your ex-girlfriend and best friend could be the one? It's fine. We will fix this."
"Nicole, I want to break up. There is no fixing this."
"No?" Joe raises an eyebrow, confused by her words.
"If you think I'm going to let you walk away unscathed, you are fucking dead wrong. You will attend the field club luncheon with me as I accept my position. You will smile and act accordingly. I won't let you break things off and throw me away like I meant nothing. You will never get a happy ending with her as long as I'm alive."
"Nicki, come on. You sound insane right now. What is the point of us-"
"Leave me for her and see what happens. You think I spent years building connections for nothing. Leave me for her, and I will ruin her career faster than you can blink. She will never work in a hospital setting again. I will make sure that not even a run-down clinic will hire her." Nicole crosses her arms, staring Joe into his eyes. Joe shakes his head.
"Nicki, this is crazy. She didn't do anything. If you want to ruin a career, ruin-ruin mine."
"You would actually throw the career you've worked so hard for her? Ha. The funny thing is I believe you. I know you would do it, which is why I will ruin hers. It's much sweeter that way. Do I make myself clear?"
Joe closes his mouth and slowly nods as she rubs his chest.
"Yeah. I get it."
"Good. Pick out your outfit for the luncheon tomorrow. I'm thinking we should match. Cute, right?" She said, holding up her pink pencil skirt. The whole situation completely throws off Joe. After Nicole falls asleep, he sneaks off to call you.
"I'm sorry. Are you at work?" He whispers, leaning against the kitchen counter.
"Yeah. I'm working at city hospital tonight. It's pretty slow tonight. Saying that will probably jinks us now."
"I love you. You know that, right?"
You tell your coworker you need to head to the break room. With each step, your heartbeat grows in synch with the twisting in your tummy. For some reason, this feeling of dread is coming over you. Once you reach the room, you take a deep breath.
"I know. I love you too. What's wrong?"
"I'm going to put you first. I know we keep falling out and making up. I want you. I want every inch of you, but I can't have you. I know that now."
"Joe, what are you saying?"
"I'll stay away from you. I'll let you go. You have the right to be with someone that will make you happy."
Your back is against the door as you stare at a poster across the room. Your eyes become blurred with tears.
"Cheeks. Please don't cry. I'm not sure I can handle hearing you cry. I will break." Joe whispers, trying to hold back his tears. You wipe your eyes and sniffle.
"I'm being paged. Goodbye, Joseph."
"Goodbye, Cheeks."
Neither of you hangs up. Joe, listen to your breath as you listen to his. He sighs and closes his eyes.
"Joe? I have to-I have to go."
"Can I come over after your shift?" He asks. You pause, letting the question roll around in your head. Just seconds ago, you two were on the verge of ending everything.
"Yes." You end the call and get back to your shift. The butterflies in your stomach continue to flip and swirl as the clock ticks down on your shift. You rush home to find Joe sitting on your steps. You stare at each other, wondering what the other is thinking.
"Are you coming in?"
"I don't know. I mean-"
"What's going on? First, you called me to end things, then you asked to come over, and now you don't know? I'm confused!"
"I want to be with you, but I can't. And I want to tell you everything, but I can't." Joe closes his eyes with a sigh.
"What can you do? Because from where I'm standing, this thing we have going on is done. Our friendship is ruined. We ruined it." You whisper the last part to yourself. Joe retakes a seat on your steps, and you follow him. Once again, you two let the silence sit between you. You lean your head on his shoulder, and he kisses your head. Joe wants to tell you about Nicole's threats, but he knows you would try to help him out of the situation. He refuses to let you ruin your career because of him; if someone has to suffer, it should be him. Alone.
"Friends?" He asks, bopping your nose with his index finger. You nod your head as he stands up, pulling you.
Joe hugs you for a while. Neither of you can let go. Finally, you break up the hug.
"I'll always save you a home ticket." He smiles, making you laugh. You watch him drive off and make your way inside. Inside, you found another envelope with photos of you and Joe from the Maldives trip. Setting them on the counter, you take a breath. Things are finally over with Joe, so hopefully, the stalker leaves you alone.
As weeks pass, you let Joe drift far from your focus. It isn't until your father needs you at one of his youth football games that you meet Joe again. He's there as a guest speaker on behalf of your dad. You stand to the side, watching him give the kids a grand speech. Nicole stands near his mother, watching with a wide grin. Robin sits next to you in the bleachers, with your mother on the other side of you. They talk across you about cooking and school stuff. You try to zone out watching the game until Robin talks about Joe and Nicole.
"I'm worried about Joe. I'm sure he and Nicole are fighting so much these days, but I don't want to be overbearing. You know the boy is so private about his relationships. Can you ask him?" Robin takes your hand and looks into your eyes. Like son like mother. You can never turn down a Burrow who gives you that puppy-eyed look. You give a simple nod. During half-time, Nicole leaves, and you take this time to go to the locker room and wait for Joe. He comes out, and you grab his hand.
"Your mother is worried about you. I know we ended things, but we did agree on a normal friendship. Talk."
Joe sighs and leans on the wall.
"Football stuff. Nothing, Cheeks need to worry about."
"You knew he was lying but decided not to push it. Joe walks away and says nothing to you for the remainder of the game. It's not like he didn't want to talk to you. He's afraid Nicole might take it the wrong way and come through full swing on her threats. Joe hasn't told you, but he hired someone to watch your house. He has convinced himself that the person sending those photos must be Nicole. Joe tries to go on without you. He tries to regain a regular pattern. Hell, he even tries to fall in love with Nicole again, but he can't. She threatened you. There is no way he can love her again. His focus now is getting his ring and moving forward. But he sees you at every family event that your parents throw. He thinks of you before every game. Joe jerks off to you several times a week. He can't focus the way he should focus because his heart is in shambles. It feels like college all over again. Joe let you go thinking it was for the best, but it might have been the worst mistake of his life.
"I'm so fucking in love with her, Fran." Joe stares into his empty glass.
"Nicole? Come on; I don't want to hear about your love life during my birthday! It's bad enough I have to share it with my sister! I called you out to spend the day with me!"
"Cheeks. I let her go twice. Two times I made the same mistake two fucking times. The second time I keep trying to convince myself that I'm protecting her, but I'm not. I'm taking the easy way out. I love this woman with every fiber in me. Not being able to wake up next to her makes me sick."
"Keep going," Fran says, leaning on the counter as his phone dials Quinn. Quinn answers the facetime call annoyed her brother is interrupting her birthday outing with you. He tells her to hush.
"Cheeks is my heart. Not football, not Nicole, not anything. For so fucking long, I've made her feel like she had to be second to everything in my life. But the truth is…She's my number one. I'm in love with her. I want her to be my wife. I want her as the mother of my children. I want to grow old together and knit silly little mittens. I want that life with her. Fran, I fucking love her." Joe finally looks over at the phone. You stand next to Quinn, speechless. Taking the phone from her, you give her a half smile.
"I love you too, Joey."
"I'm sorry for being an idiot. Nicole threatened you, and I thought I could fix it by staying away, but I can't. I can't stay away from you anymore. I'm physically sick."
"Thank god! I could not take the sad love songs from her anymore! We are in the same hotel! Please come get your girl!" Quinn shouts, hanging up. Of course, your best friends set it up this way. They hoped you guys would make up so their birthday dinner wouldn't be awkward. So, the twins booked into the same hotel waiting for things to play out. It only took Joe two mins to show up at the door. Fran and Quinn left to celebrate together while you and Joe did your own celebrating.
"Wait, what do you mean Nicole threatened me? Is she the stalker?"
"I'm not entirely sure, but if I had to guess, I would say it's her. She threatened to get you fired from the hospital. Nicole knows a lot of people. I didn't want that to happen, so I stayed with her. I'm not actually with her by choice."
"Woah. This is insane."
"I won't let her do anything. The season is over now. The title she wanted as the president of the club is done. There should be nothing for her to want from me. It's you and me. It's always been us."
You sit on his lap, looking into his sincere blue eyes. You want to believe everything he says, but your heart worries that this is too good to be true. Joe cups your face in his large hands.
"What's going on in that head of yours?"
"Nothing. I mean. I don't know; I get lost in my own head. I-"
"I'll come find you,"
"Whenever you get lost in your head, I will always come find you."
And with those words, you kiss him passionately. Joe smiles into the kiss because he is finally allowing himself to feel true happiness again. It had been several long months with Nicole, who had become this leech draining him of any joy. But now, here with you, Joe feels in complete bliss. You yelp, feeling his cock awaken.
"He missed you too." Joe bites down on your bottom lip, making you squeeze your thighs together. Joe snakes his hands down towards your thighs, pushing them apart. He wastes no time taking your panties off and throwing you over his shoulder toward the bedroom, slapping your ass with every step. You giggle once tossed on the bed. Sitting up, you take your dress off and throw it across the room, watching Joe undress. It doesn't take long for Joe to have you folded in half under him, panting, sweaty, and crying out in pleasure.
"Fucking missed this, mama." Joe grunts. You yelp as Joe suddenly stands up with you still in a mating press. Your weak legs dangle over his muscular arms as he fucks you in the air.
"Too much! Joey, 'ss too much." You mumble, throwing your head back. Joe was far too deep and only drove you further into your fucked out state. You were practically drooling. The loud squelching sound your cunt continued to make only made Joe lose his mind as he chased his orgasm. Your back hits the bed once again, and you watch Joe stare down at you as he cums into you again. You smile up and wipe his sweaty hair from his forehead. You bask in the feeling of having Joe's cum sliding out of you. You roll over to kiss his cheek.
"Is that your phone or mine?" Joe asks, hearing the iPhone ringtone. You would get up and look for the phone, but your legs are jello. Joe gets up, looking for the phone. You find the strength to sit up, watching him answer his phone.
"Mom, yeah. I'm good. It's Fran's birthday, so we're in Florida. Yeah, I'll be back on Monday. She what? Uhh okay. Bye." Joe hangs up, putting the phone on the nightstand.
"Let's order in and cuddle. I'm exhausted." You reach out for him, but Joe doesn't take your hand. You sit up on your knees, waiting for him to speak.
"Nicole's pregnant."
"What?" You shake your head in disbelief. You jump off the bed, grabbing your dress.
"There's no wait! We're done. You can't come back from this! She's having your fucking child! You'll have to marry her and-"
"Cheeks, listen to me. I will find a way to work through this."
"She is not going to get rid of it. You and I both know that. She wants you, Joe. And she won't stop until you are only hers!"
"I'm going to fly home and figure this out. Don't give up. Please." He begs. You sigh and nod your head. You're unsure how things will work, but you trust Joe and let him go home. The following week Joe's texts were scarce, only texting you short answers. Then you get a follow request on IG from CheeksBurrow. You approve and follow up by sending a request back. It was Joe's finsta. You giggle at all the photos he has taken of you off guard. The man was clearly whipped. You watch as Joe proceeds to like all your photos and leave comments on a few. A few mins later, he calls you.
"Y'ou're so obsessed with me."
"Is that a bad thing?" He asks, leaning on the locker.
"Having the hottest QB pining over me…hmm, idk, I might be the luckiest girl in the world."
"I'm the luckiest guy in the world, actually."
"Where are you?" You ask him, staring out your window.
"The gym. Have to start training for next season. That loss to KC is killing me."
"You played-"
"I played like shit."
"I was going to say that." You giggle. You always told him he played well even when he had a shitty game, so Joe knows that was a lie. You smile, watching cars drive by.
"Is she really, umm, pregnant?"
"Yes. She wants to keep it. I told her I'm open to co-parenting, but Nicole is really pushing things. Now that my family knows it will be hard to end things as we wanted."
"I understand, so we are back at square one. I'm still the other girl, and Nicole is your girlfriend."
Joe is quiet again, and so are you. Do you finally give up and let go of your lost love, or do you remain in the backseat again? Your body freezes as you see the same car pass by again, but this time they stop and take a photo. You run outside shouting, but they pull away and hurry around the corner.
"Did you get the plate number?" Joe asks, grabbing his bag and rushing out of the locker room.
"I didn't; it happened so fast. I wasn't thinking. Someone is actually watching me. They took photos of us in the Maldives last year; who knows what else they have? They broke into my house. Joe, what if there are cameras? Oh god. They could have footage of us."
"Calm down, baby. I'm on the way."
"No. Joe, that's what they want us to do. You can't come here, not ever. I'll call you later."
"Baby-" The line cuts off, and Joe angrily hits his car window. Fans are taking photos of him, so he calms and waves, but Joe thinks it could be any of these people. There have been so many incidents where fans become too obsessed. So, he mentally starts taking notes of the fans he sees the most, and he starts paying to their words. When he gets home, he finds Nicole on the couch eating potato chips.
"I know. I hate chips but pregnancy craving, you know!" She gets up and walks over to him. She stands on her tippy toes to try and kiss him, but Joe turns away.
"Are you having someone watch Cheeks and me?"
Nicole's smile falters. She crosses her arms.
"Are you?" Joe asks again. Nicole starts laughing and walks away, leaving Joe standing there with more questions than answers.
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A/N: Here we are, chapter 3! I hope this chapter was okay! Sorry, this took a little longer life is pretty busy! What do you guys think about Nicole? Who do you think the stalker is? Would you stay with a guy who has a baby on the way? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z! :)
Tags: Tags: @joselyn001 @savii999 @lostaurorax @simpgirl-lat @edenhess @blinkloverx3 @dboanalooaa @nm112495 @mhm-ok-sure @katiehud @blu3jeanbaby @mrosales16 @wineauntharry @Cosmolover96 @loviingjihyo @hrlzy @spideybrina @dessxoxsworld
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Lost In Jealousy
Severus Snape Masterlist
Summary: You are invited to join The Order and go to your first meeting at Grimmauld Place. Once it's over, a certain dog starts flirting with you in front of your lover.
Severus x Y/N
Time: Order of The Phoenix
Warnings: slight angst
Word Count: 680
Recommended Song: Norman fucking Rockwell by Lana Del Rey & You're in Love by Joe Hisaishi (all songs can be found in my snape playlist in my Spotify account that is linked in my bio)
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It's Y/N's first Order meeting, and they're quite happy to finally be allowed to join. Severus, however, is a bit nervous for them and wishes Y/N to think more about it before being asked to potentially fight. They arrive at Headquarters on their own as Severus has some stuff to do before classes start up again. After they give the password and enter the door Y/N can hear talking going on down at the end of a very thin hallway. They take a moment to gaze at the art and the way the place is decorated. After a few minutes, everyone sat down at a very long dining table and began the meeting. Y/N was placed next to the Weasley twins and Severus was just across the table.
The meeting went well, and everyone welcomed Y/N kindly. They did notice however that Sirius, who was seated a few seats across from her kept looking at her while speaking. She didn't think anything of it as it was his place after all and maybe he was trying to be welcoming. His smile was calming, and he was ready to help lead the Order towards victory. Severus would share a glance with Y/N a few times during the meeting, but they kept their minds focused on the matter at hand.
After the meeting, Y/N found themselves just exploring the place a bit and ended up near the kitchen where Sirius appeared and began talking to them.
"Hello again. I hope the place isn't too dusty for you." A kind smile was on his face. Y/N smiled softly back at him.
"I do hope you don't mind the arguing that happened at the meeting. It always happens." Sirius leans against a wall and keeps his eyes on them. They shared some more light conversation before Sirius brought something up as he wanted to share his concern in the matter.
"Now, I've heard that you and sniva-... Snape are somewhat close to each other." Y/N nods in response not sure why he brought it up.
"I got to say he's got good eyes for finding nice and gentle souls." It seems as though Sirius tries to hide his distaste for Severus.
"And those who have a good-looking face." He begins to flirt with Y/N who quickly tries to hint that they aren't interested, but he doesn't quite catch on. During this Severus is standing around the corner in the kitchen and hears all of it. His blood boils and he makes sure that he's right in his suspicions. When he rounds the corner Sirius sees him but that doesn't stop him from continuing.
"You're special, "He smiled. "I get why Snivallius chose you." He leans in closer to Y/N causing them to step back a bit and bumping into Severus who now stands behind them. They stare at each other for a moment before Sirius speaks up.
"Quite a lovely friend you've got there Snivallius." Severus frowns greatly and insults Sirius.
"Yes, now don't go trying to taint them with your 'honeyed' words." The two share some back and forth as Y/N stands between them. They slip their hand into Severus' to let him know that they aren't going anywhere.
"How about you go lick your filthy fur instead."
"Hah! Says the greasy git. Trust me Y/n, you don't want this one anywhere near your lips." Severus begins to start to pick a fight with Sirius, but a voice from behind them stops him.
"Enough the both of you!" Molly comes out from the kitchen as she can hear the whole conversation.
"If you wish to find someone to care for you Sirius, don't go home wreaking." Molly scowls at Sirius and Y/N squeezes Severus' hand as to reassure him. They don't speak about what had happened, but Y/N does get a little more lovely and cuddly afterwards.
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[From Batman: The Audio Adventures, Season 1 Episode 1 "A Fortune in Sin"]
Part 1/2 Part 2
Here is the first half of Two-Face's first appearance in Batman: the Audio Adventures simply because I find it captivating and could listen to them talk all day... >.>
Video transcript under the cut
Narrator: A rooftop in Gotham's Little China on a starless night.
Narrator: The buzzing sound you hear is 10,000 volts of neon signage, high atop Yin and Yang's Dim Sum Palace and Dumpling House. A blazing electric yin and yang symbol two stories high whose sputtering radiance is presently reflected in the wide open eyes of a terrified hostage.
Hostage: Please don't do this. Don't do this.
Narrator: He's bound hand and foot and standing beneath the sizzling electric advertisement in a rusty tub of water. Nearby, his captor is bickering angrily with a relentless adversary.
The Other: You better watch your big, fat--hey!
Harvey: Oh, pipe down, you simpleton.
The Other: Hey, Einstein, the circuit breaker's over there.
Harvey: This isn't my first electrocution. I know what I'm doing.
The Other: Sure you do. College boy knows everything.
Harvey: Probably seems like it to you, doesn't it, you ignorant malcontent?
The Other: [laughs] Nuts to that. College boy can't wash behind his own ears.
Narrator: Despite how it may sound, his adversary is himself. He is one man with two voices raised in ceaseless squabble. This conflicted creature is what remains of the man who once was Gotham City district attorney Harvey Dent. An act of spite left him with half his face and a double occupancy inside his head.
The Other: You know what I think?
Harvey: Yeah, I know you don't think.
The Other: I think this whole electrocution gimmick is for the birds.
Harvey: Oh, then it's a good thing your opinion means nothing to me.
Narrator: At once, he is both Jekyll and Hyde, a smooth gentleman criminal and a cruel and vicious thug. And their disputes are settled by the pitiless physics of a tossed coin.
[coin clinks]
Narrator: Now Gotham City calls him Two-Face.
The Other: I said from the beginning, we should just split this drip down the middle with a chainsaw, problem solved.
Hostage: Ahh!
Harvey: Yes, well, we flipped for it, and you lost. And you know what we always say…
The Other: [groans] Don't argue with the coin.
Harvey: We don't argue with the coin.
Hostage: [shivering nervously] You don't have to do this.
The Other: That is not accurate, pal.
Harvey: We're sticklers for precision. We're extremely thorough.
The Other: Two words, chief.
Harvey: Yes, neat and tidy.
The Other: Uh-uh, tooth and nail.
Hostage: What?
Harvey: And every dish needs its spoon. You understand that? We're not savages here.
The Other: Heh, speak for yourself.
Hostage: [wails]
Harvey: The point is, sir, you're a remainder.
Hostage: W-what?
Harvey: By our calculations, you're a yin without a yang.
The Other: And that's about as useful as a pair of left shoes.
Harvey: So we have to balance the books, do a little creative accounting.
The Other: Don't worry. It's all perfectly legal.
Harvey: No, it isn't. It's murder one with malice a forethought.
The Other: Fine, fine, you're the lawyer in this outfit. I'm just here for the screaming. And lonesome Joe here looks like a screamer.
Hostage: [whimpers]
Harvey: Ignore him please, sir. And stand still while we wire you up.
Hostage: Please, I have a wife at home.
Harvey: Oh, yeah, your better half, huh? Well, you should've brought her out tonight.That would've evened things up but made all of this unnecessary.
Narrator: As the terrified captive awaits his end, he has no way to know his rescue is at hand, for the scene is surreptitiously surveyed by a sharp silhouette on an adjacent rooftop.
[dramatic music]
Batman: Batman to Robin. I'm in position and have a clear line of sight on the hostage and Harvey. He left his thugs with the hostages downstairs. They're all yours.
Robin: Acknowledged. I've secured the alley behind the restaurant, and I'm standing by to kick in the kitchen door and bust some skulls.
Batman: Hmm. Say "infiltrate and neutralize" please, Robin. Stand by for a signal as soon as the hostage on the roof is out of danger.
Robin: You can save him, Batman?
Batman: I'm still calculating that, Robin. I don't yet see a nonlethal option for taking down Harvey.
Robin: Batman, what if it comes to the lethal option?
Batman: Nobody's dying tonight, Robin. Thermal shows you have 32 hostages in the main dining room. Two armed hostiles right behind that kitchen door.
Robin: Bob and Bub, Two-Face's trigger twins. But hostage-taking in a Chinese restaurant? This is real small-ball for a kingpin like Two-Face.
Batman: It's February 2nd, Robin, 2/2, and exactly two years ago today, Harvey Dent suffered the disfiguring attack that created Two-Face. His obsession with his own duality is beyond his control right now.
Robin: I get it now, yin and yang. Holy trigger warning.
Batman: We got here just in time. A review of security footage shows 34 minutes ago, Two-Face took the entire restaurant hostage.
[machine gun fires]
Two-Face: Everybody, hands up!
Batman: He held the patrons and the staff at gunpoint.
Two-Face: You're all hostages now!
Batman: While he obsessively arranged everything in the room into symmetrical pairs.
Harvey: Black and white…
Batman: The furnishings, the food, every last pair of chopsticks, he divided into yins and yangs.
Robin: Whoa. I see where this is going.
Batman: When he tried to divide the hostages into two groups--
Robin: He had an odd number!
Batman: And now he's going to eliminate the extra digit unless I time this perfectly.
♪ ♪
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punkprincess1986 · 1 year
A Wild Morning in Animal Kingdom Joseph Quinn x Reader
This is my first time writing so I'm sorry if it's complete shit.
She was definitely speechless. Of all the things that could have happened on this trip, finding out she was pregnant was not something she expected to happen. Especially not on the first day of their Disney trip. Let alone Joe’s first trip to Disney World. She had to take a test though to make sure. So there she stood, hand over her mouth with tears of joy and fear in her eyes in an Animal Kingdom bathroom. Joy because she had always dreamed about this. Fear because, well, was this the right time? Is this something Joe wanted right now? Obviously, it was unplanned, but their careers are going so well right now. Why mess that up? She shoved the positive pregnancy test into her backpack, washed her hands, and went to meet back up with the group.
“you okay?” Joe laughs, “I was getting nervous, thought maybe you fell in” that giggle of his could cure cancer if you asked her. It took away her anxiety and helped her calm down for a split second, but it crept back up very quickly.
“yes, I’m fine,” she laughed, “hey I wanna show you something, you okay to break away from the group for a little bit?” A little secret that isn’t such a secret, she used to work at Animal Kingdom. She knew these parks like the back of her hand. This also meant she knew the more private spots to tell her boyfriend of 2 years that she was not able to go on Expedition Everest because she was carrying his child… Bummer. 
“yeah sure,” he turned back to the group “you lot gonna be able to handle all this on your own? I’m getting my own V.I.P. tour” he jokes. The group nods and starts to head to the trail where they can see the gorillas and she takes his hand pulling him towards a secluded part of the park. They walk in silence for a bit, holding hands, she watches him look at the little kids that run around in amazement. Maybe this isn’t so scary after all she thought to herself. It’s no secret Joe is good with kids. But did he want his own right now?
“ I loved working here,” she started “when I wasn’t cleaning shit and vomit, that it is” they laugh and she pulls Joe towards the Tree of life. A Massive tree in the middle of the park that has hundreds of animals carved into it. It was truly a beautiful place for what was about to be a beautiful moment, she hoped. “ it was always fun to walk around and see all the little kids run around and freak out over the animals,” she remembered.
“I would love to bring my kids here someday,” he smiled. It’s like Joe knew she was anxious, he was always good at reading her and calming her nerves.  They had reached the bottom of the tree and when they looked up Joe couldn’t help but look in amazement. “ I cannot believe you got to see this every day”
“If it’s any constellation, it never lost its beauty,”  she remembered.
“ doesn’t beat the beautiful site I get to see every day” he teased, making her blush. She wasn’t as worried now.
“I have something to tell you,” she pulled her backpack around to grab the test, “I won’t be able to ride Everest with you today” he looked at her confused and raised his eyebrow in a way that always made her heart flutter. She pulled out the test and as she handed it to him she told him “I’m pregnant” 
To say he was shocked was an understatement. He was frozen for a good five seconds but then, he resumed the biggest smile on his face. “Are you serious?” She nodded, tears starting to flow down her cheeks, “don’t mess with me right now!” Now Joe was starting to cry, “I’m going to be a dad?” She nodded yes, and a spilt second later, Joe was pulling her in for a long, passionate, loving kiss. He hugged her so tight that nothing could break his hold on the woman he loved most in the world. This was their happy moment. He got down on his knees and started kissing her stomach and talking to their baby, “hi there little one,” he giggled “this is your daddy speaking” she was running her hand through his hair watching with love and relief as he talked to their baby. “I don’t care if you are a boy or a girl, but I can’t wait to hold you. I love you so much. But just know I will always love your mum more” he kissed her stomach a few more times, luckily there was no one around to make it awkward. He stood up, looked her in the eyes, and said “you have made me the happiest man on earth. I love you so much”. And with that, they rejoined their group but decided to keep in a secret just for a little. They wanted to cherish every moment before the rest of the world found out. 
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detectivechandler · 3 months
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▸ IS YOUR MUSE TALL / SHORT / AVERAGE? at 6'2 he is considered 'tall' by most people's standards. ▸ ARE THEY OKAY WITH THEIR HEIGHT ? He is, yes. I think he would be a bit aware of the fact that it does (rather unfortunately, in his line of thinking) tend to sometimes draw attention his general way. I think in those instances where he'd rather float through something 'under the radar' so to speak, that particular consequence does bug him. but he is also aware that it is not just his height that calls attention from others and he's accepted that. ▸ WHAT’S THEIR HAIR LIKE? blonde. leans more toward thick rather than thin, medium in length and (if left alone and unstyled) can be a bit unruly. at work and other public places, he styles it perfectly. there's no other word to describe it. that professional side part is his pride and joy, leave him alone. ▸ DO THEY SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON THEIR HAIR / GROOMING? yes. seeing joe slightly disheveled and not 100% together is kind of like catching sight of a woman's ankles back in the day. scandalous ! he spends about 30-45 minutes on his hair every morning and checks up on it throughout the day. like i said .. pride and joy. back off. ▸ DOES YOUR MUSE CARE ABOUT THEIR APPEARANCE / WHAT OTHERS THINK ? yes...and no. he definitely cares about his appearance. i think the way he presents himself (especially his clothing choices) acts as a sort of armor, even if he won't admit it. that sense of nothing can be out of place, i need to control everything before it all falls apart bleeds into how he carries himself and how he appears. He cares what others think in the sense that he wants to be well-groomed and he wants to appear capable (and professional in work settings) and powerful (i hesitate to use that word bc i feel like people are gonna take it differently than what i mean but my brain isnt working right now) and he does, on occasion, get self-conscious about certain people's opinions .. but at the end of the day, the way he dresses etc gives him confidence and he's not going to sacrifice that for the sake of opinions.
▸ INDOORS OR OUTDOORS? indoors. ▸ RAIN OR SUNSHINE? overcast, but no rain.. ▸ FOREST OR BEACH? beach ▸ PRECIOUS METALS OR GEMS? gems. ▸ FLOWERS OR PERFUMES? perfumes ▸ PERSONALITY OR APPEARANCE? both. but appearance gets judged first. not from an 'are you attractive' standpoint, but more 'do you look like trash'. ▸ BEING ALONE OR BEING IN A CROWD? he would rather be alone. ▸ ORDER OR ANARCHY? absolute order. without a doubt. ▸ PAINFUL TRUTHS OR WHITE LIES? painful truths. ▸ SCIENCE OR MAGIC? science. he doesnt believe in magic. ▸ PEACE OR CONFLICT? peace. though he is aware conflict is what leads to growth and change. ▸ NIGHT OR DAY? day. ▸ DUSK OR DAWN? dawn. ▸ WARMTH OR COLD ? cold. ▸ MANY ACQUAINTANCES OR A FEW CLOSE FRIENDS? few close friends. ▸ READING OR PLAYING A GAME? reading.
▸ WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSE’S BAD HABITS? he is very stand off-ish. he can be very critical (both of himself and others) and often jumps to judgments before having all of the facts. He is stubborn and has a tendency to ignore the ideas of other parties once he is 'certain' his answer is the right one.
▸ HAS YOUR MUSE LOST ANYONE CLOSE TO THEM? HOW HAS IT AFFECTED THEM? At the age of 32, he's lost a few people in his life but the one that affected him the most was his father's suicide at the age of ten. Finding him, trying to save him, the guilt that came with it, the questions that followed .. they left a mark on Joe''s psyche. While he can acknowledge that he has always had the tendencies associated with his obsessive-compulsive disorder, he easily pinpoints that particular event as the catalyst that set the more severe aspects into motion.
▸ WHAT ARE SOME FOND MEMORIES YOUR MUSE HAS? Growing up with Adam. Things were always a bit harder for Joe in the sense that he always seemed right on the edge of any social circles, but his brother always ensured he was included as much as he wanted to be. Some of his best memories are the nights one of them would climb into the other's bed and they'd whisper stories and jokes to each other, never acknowledging that either one of them were afraid. sometimes, when things get overwhelming and he feels like he's going to have a breakdown (we've all been there) he remembers those nights and remembers that his brother is only a phone call away if he truly needs him.
▸ IS IT EASY FOR YOUR MUSE TO KILL? absolutely not. he believes he caused his father death by certain inactions that left his father 'vulnerable', but other than that .. he has never taken a life.
▸ WHAT’S IT LIKE WHEN YOUR MUSE BREAKS DOWN? He's one of those, I'm about to lose it guys. He can get teary eyed but its not often out of sadness or despair, more anger and frustration..that feeling of helpless desperation. Joe has crafted the ability of 'keeping it together' like its an olympic sport and he's in the running for a gold medal, but when that facade breaks .. it can be very ugly and very messy. It takes a lot to get through to him after that point.
▸ IS YOUR MUSE CAPABLE OF TRUSTING SOMEONE WITH THEIR LIFE? yes. he could name 4 people off the top of his head who he knows without a doubt would keep him safe and alive. Six if you're counting people who would probably try their best.
▸ WHAT’S YOUR MUSE LIKE WHEN THEY’RE IN LOVE? very committed. vulnerable. loyal. romantic in a very old-fashioned way. self - sacrificing. dependable. one of those guys who texts good morning and good night at the same time every day as part of a routine but means every word of it. joe is his partner's very best friend and their biggest supporter.
tagged by: stole it from @caracarnn (thank youuu!) tagging: @gentlemanstarkey , @volchtsa (amren or talia), @senstrike (tell me about kreese in love buddy), @homebehind (elaine!), @dodgedabullet, @theresastargirl, @wornkindness + you !! tag me.
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Hey there!
Can you make a Joe Quinn x reader where they meet on ST4 set and are good friends but are starting to be friends with benefits and later on they begin to fall for eachother but they don't know that from eachother and one night at his house he suddenly tells her in bed he loves her more then a friend and in panic she goes away and doesnt speak to him for weeks and Maya only knows about the benefits things and says why its so hard to confess her feelings and at the premiere she tries to avoid him as much as possible and later he drags her away and she explains she loves him too but she's scared cause she got hurt in her past relations and he assures her he isn't like that and they get together? :)
Oh, hi lovely. This has really got my brain working and I was mentally cheering you on for a hot second. I'm excited to see how it pans out, thanks for requesting :)
Warnings: sweet fluff, heart breaking drama, smutty smut, swearing and a mild mention of abuse
Word Count: 3.7k
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A Bittersweet Love. Joseph Quinn x Reader Requested by @kellysimagines
There was no telling when you got the role as one of the new upcoming characters of Stranger Things on what friendships you'd make and what could go on behind the scenes, but the day you met one Joseph Quinn, your world changed forever. On first meeting with him, you knew you were attracted to him in every sense. His eyes, the way they watched you intensely when you had something to say, the way his smile would soften at the sight of you, the way he would touch you if you cracked a joke or mentioned pretty much anything. Touch was definitely his love language. Joe had also newly joined the cast so that first day when you walked into the table reading, you made sure you tagged along with him and Mason, the original cast made you feel so welcome, so it wasn't long before you were mingling altogether.
Months into filming, time was going on and scenes were heftily coming together one by one for each episode. Yours and Joe's bond had grown strong since you had so many parts to film together. Between takes you'd notice Joe was always looking your way, but when you glanced over, he'd move his gaze elsewhere, you'd only notice because you were sneaking a quick glance back at him.
There was one particular day that would remain in your memory forever. The director had yelled cut and called it a day for filming. As you approached your trailer and headed in to get back into your normal clothes, shortly after, a subtle knock came. "Come in." You quickly tugged your shirt down over your chest as a too familiar face opened the door and peaked in. "Hey Y/N, got a second?" You nodded as you straightened your clothes out and grabbed your hairbrush from the side. You gave Joe a quick once over, his hair was slightly flattened down by the wig he'd been wearing all day and not seeing him in leather and ripped jeans but rather a plain white t-shirt and grey sweats was certainly a pleasant change, he was quite easy on the eye.
"Today was a lot. Just wondered if you wanted to grab a drink together?" You couldn't deny that face that puppy eyed you, hoping you'd say yes. "Sure, got nothing better to do anyway."
You waited outside Joe's trailer who'd fluffed his hair up, changed into some spare smarter clothes that he'd had left on the side from a previous day, he wanted to make an impression, you weren't the only one who had a profound attraction to the other.
Back at the hotel the majority of the cast stayed in, you went into the bar situated on the ground floor, it was empty which Joe favoured because that meant he had you all to himself. You shared a few drinks and you'd finally got a minute to actually get to know each other a lot better, finding you had more in common than you initially would have imagined.
Maybe it was the alcohol going straight to your head when you had mentioned him coming up to your room to carry on talking a little more, making the excuse that you were having a good time and you didn't want the night to come to a close quite yet. Of course, that wasn't disputing that you weren't having a good time, but you were certainly more confident once you'd got a few down you and you were a certified horny drunk. He agreed anyway.
Laughing as you had been the whole time you were around him since the moment you'd walked out of your trailer, you arrived back at your room. You both had been pretty touchy feely with each other for the whole night, at one point you could've sworn you saw a thick outline in Joe's trousers when he'd said something that had made you throw yourself into fits of laughter and you put your hand down on his thigh, rubbing it slightly as you moved away, but he crossed his legs so you never got to confirm it.
You both kicked off your shoes and sat down on your bed, legs spread out next to each other. You thought you were reading the situation right when Joe put his arm round you. "I'm so glad I got the chance to meet you Y/N, you're an amazing person." Yeah, the alcohol was definitely talking through the both of you now. You found yourself turning your heads to face each other as you got closer, little by little. Joe's eyes were fluttering between your eyes and your lips and before you could blink again, Joe's hand came to meet your cheek as you leaned into his touch and he gave you a subtle kiss, testing the waters to see if it was ok. What he didn't see coming was when he pulled away, you quickly returned the kiss back but this time, sloppily crashing your lips onto his. The kiss was hot, extremely hot for two people that were just friends. As the sudden turn of events grew stronger, Joe laid you down and leaned over you, pushing his tongue straight into your mouth, dying to taste you.
Eventually you found him moving himself to lay on top of you, feeling his extremely apparent erection move down and grind into your thigh. You moved your leg up slightly to meet his hard on which earned a hot mouthy groan from Joe, once you'd moved it back down you could feel the jolt of electricity shoot down to your core as you clenched your legs together. Joe broke the kiss first, leaning up slightly to look directly into your eyes, the guy had such an intense stare and your heart raced rapidly. "C-can I touch you?" his hand was hovering down above your left thigh, the fact he was asking permission was sweet, but you knew all dignity was out of the window now he'd got you into a hot mess. And boy were you both down for this. You sat yourself up and removed your shirt and jeans, throwing them to the side quickly to show him that you were indeed wanting him to go further with his actions. Joe wasted no time in palming his hand over your wet clothed panties. "Jesus, you're soaking already, did I do that to you?" You shot him a look of slight confusion. "Who else, you idiot." He rolled his tongue over his top lip as he let out a snort of laughter. Moving your panties down and off you quickly, he pushed his index finger between your slit and stroked up and down in an agonizingly slow motion. "More." you whined out. He granted your wish quickly, pushing his finger straight inside of you. "Fuck you feel tight, you're going to feel so good when I get inside of you." He didn't want to assume that's where this was going but the slip of his tongue got the better of him; that made you raise an eyebrow. "Oh, is that what you're going to do huh?" His fingers started to work you faster as he leaned up to use his other hand to rub circles on your clit. He was a fucking professional. "Is that what you want?" If the moans that escaped you didn't prove otherwise then the boy was clearly a moron. "I said, is that what you want?" You nodded quickly, feeling the knot in your stomach begin to tighten. "Answer me Y/N." His eyes had become darker now, there was not a glimpse of brown to be seen in them, instead a heavy black tone full of lust and want. The dominant side in him showing was extremely unexpected, but in a good way. "Please, Joe. I want you to fuck me." He grinned cheekily at you, knowing you were close when your head couldn't have fell any further back and you were whimpering for him to go faster. "Not before you cum."
"I-I, oh my g-god, I'm going to..." you couldn't finish your sentence as your orgasm washed over you, your whole body stiffened, your eyes squeezed tight, and your toes curled as you moaned out his name several times. He released his fingers from your now gaping hole and pushed them straight into your mouth without warning, you obeyed and sucked them clean whilst he was grinning right at you, pleased and so turned on by how sexy you looked doing so.
Pulling his trousers and boxers down, you eyed up his hidden body part. You'd be lying if you said it hadn't crossed your mind how big it might be, you'd clearly been internally thinking about this man for months, a little hard not to when you spent every day with him. His cock was thick and an average sized length, perfect. As he knelt down at your feet on the edge of the bed, he leaned over and yanked you up by your hand. "Spit on it, pretty girl." You did as asked, spat into your hand and rubbed it over the reddened mushroom shaped tip and up and down his shaft, pumping him a couple of times, earning a sharp breath in between. He pushed your shoulder back harder than anticipated, you were laid beneath him now. Joe didn't waste time in letting himself adjust before pushing himself inside of you, both of your moans filled the room in no time. He was brutal, he slammed into you as hard and fast as humanly possible. Fucking you was a complete understatement, this felt desperate, like it'd been wanted and waiting to happen by both parties for a while.
"I knew you'd feel like heaven, fuck you're so beautiful Y/N." Wait, did he just call you beautiful? You pulled him closer to you, wrapping your legs around his waist so he could get even deeper, clawing at his back relentlessly and definitely leaving a trail of nail marks.
"Fuck, I'm g-getting close, I knew you'd be the death of me."
You were almost there again, searching for your second orgasm which came upon you quick and fast when he hit a certain spot inside of you. "Joe, Joe please, you fuck me so good." He felt your walls clench and tighten around him as you fell apart underneath him, crying out an inaudible string of words. Joe quickly pulled himself out you and began to pump himself fast, finally finishing all over your stomach. "Holy shit." You were both breathing rapidly, spent from clear desire for one another.
Joe spent the night with you in your bed, completely abandoning his room until morning when he'd sneak out unnoticed.
That was how it went on for the next few months, you'd decided from that first night this was going to become a regular occurrence, a friend with benefits kind of situation. It'd happened nowhere but yours or Joe's hotel room and you were never caught, that was until one day Maya confronted you to one side on set. "Can I ask you something Y/N?" You nodded at your friend.
"Sure, anything."
"What's going on with you and Joe?"
Shit, wait. what?
"What Quinn, or Keery?"
She let out a laugh which quickly faded when she pursed her lips together and folded her arms. "You know which Joe I'm referring to. What's going on?"
She knows.
"Save it, I already know. You know it's easy to find out when the walls are quite thin, and I can hear the two of you going at it like rabbits. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but just be careful Y/N."
Your cheeks reddened and you begged her not to tell anyone else. Maya had become quite a close friend to you during your time filming and you knew you trusted her - you just needed that piece of mind.
The attraction was growing stronger with Joe, and you had confided in Maya a few days later and told her that your feelings were becoming a more than friends feeling. She sat in your trailer with you as you held your head in your hands.
"Do I break it off, or do I carry on? Help a girl out."
She patted your back as she hooked her arm round you into a side hug and you rested your head on her shoulder, glad of the embrace.
"Do whatever you feel is right, only you know yourself."
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You'd made the decision to not put an end to what was happening with Joe, because over the last nearing year you'd spent with him and the months you'd personally spent together, you'd formed a pretty solid friendship and an even higher sex drive. The thing was it wasn't just becoming meaningless sex anymore to either of you, it was the cuddling after, or the subtle personal touches on set, or taking you to one side between takes where nobody could see and wrapping your arms round his neck whilst you kissed the shit out of each other. Joe was secretly pining for you too; it had become a mutually unknown feeling between the two of you. Love.
The final day of filming was tomorrow and then you'd be returning back home until you were called out for the premiere of the new season where you'd all meet again. That night as you were both completely fucked out laid side by side in Joe's bed from the mind-blowing sex that'd just occurred. You'd got up to go to the bathroom as you did recently straight after the deed was finished, because if the feelings weren't intense enough now, Joe had begun finishing inside of you, so you always needed to sit down on the toilet after to flush his seed out of yourself. A dangerous game you knew, but it felt so good.
Walking back into the bedroom to see Joe had gotten into the covers properly to settle down to sleep. His mood seemed to have altered completely, he was twiddling his thumbs, his stare falling intensely on his hands.
"Everything okay, Joe?" you let out a small smile to see if he'd return it, he usually did. He sat up quite abruptly and looked over to you.
"What are we Y/N?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, what is this. We've been doing this for a long time now."
You slowly started to put your night clothes on you'd kept in his room for when you stayed over, saving you having to go back to get anything and risk getting caught.
"It's a decision we made together to have a little fun every now and then, we're friends?"
"Friends, don't cuddle in bed and spend every night sleeping next to each other. Friends don't do all the shit we do Y/N."
You sat on the edge of the bed staring directly to him as you felt a sickening feeling erupting in your stomach, a slight hint of sadness shown in his eyes.
"What are you trying to say Joe?"
"I guess, over time. I don't want to just be your friend. I can't be someone's friend that I feel more for, way more. I-I love you."
Woah, woah woah. He loves you?! Inside you were screaming that you loved him too, but you just couldn't bring yourself to say it back.
"No, I can't hear this, you don't love me."
He looked away to anywhere but at you when a single tear declined onto his cheek, rolling straight off onto his arm.
"I do love you; I've loved you for a while now, I just couldn't risk fucking this up and now I clearly have because you don't feel the same. If you really don't feel the same, walk away now because I can't risk doing this any longer, it'll kill me."
You stood up as your heart cracked, you didn't know what the hell to do, so you walked, you collected your clothes off of the floor and left to go back to your room. You heard Joe call your name twice as you were heading out the door, but you didn't look back. Closing the door behind you slowly as to not attract attention from anyone else, you heard faint sobs coming from the heartbroken soul you'd just left. Stupid girl.
The last day of filming was so surprisingly hard to act like everything was ok, but you got on with it. Having to stand next to Joe whilst the cameras were rolling. Let's put it this way, it's a good job you both were professional actors, because the reality of last night that was stuck in your head was disgusting and if you weren't you would of surely broke there and then. When the Duffer Brothers had yelled cut and announced the ending of filming, thanking all of you one by one, you all embraced each other and said your goodbyes. Everyone except you and Joe, you avoided him like the plague.
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A couple of months later of being back home and before you knew it, you were being flown back for the season premiere. Everyone looking extremely dapper and gorgeous in their get ups as you stared around, linking arms with Maya, keeping her close. She was pretty much the only one you'd kept in contact with over the last couple of months, you'd told her everything that had happened that last night before filming ended and she had scolded you for not telling Joe you felt the same way back and that she admired his confidence which you had clearly been quick to put down, although she quickly understood when you'd gave her the reasons why and as your friend, she was there for you and you were grateful for not just her loyalty; but her honesty too.
Joe was the last to arrive and you noticed him through the crowd of people as he wandered past you with Charlie and Natalia. You took a deep sigh and Maya gave you a reassuring tug of the arm when she led you over to them. "It'll be ok Y/N, you really need to explain all of this to him though, at least give him closure, it's not his fault - you both created this and it's the least you could do."
God damn it, she was a woman of sense, and she was so annoyingly correct.
You gave hugs to your co-stars, asking how they were and exchanged in light conversation, still not even taking a glance at Joe, who was constantly looking at you the whole time. From your peripheral vision, you couldn't tell if it was still a look of hurt, hate or he was just listening to what you were saying.
Maya, put her hand onto your back and gave it moderately large nudge, clearing her throat as you looked straight to her. She motioned her head subtly at Joe.
"Hey Joe, can I talk to you alone for a minute?"
"Um, okay." He pretended in front of Charlie, Natalia and Maya that he didn't know why, but Maya knew exactly why.
You found a quiet corner where nobody was around and you took a deep breath in, looking down at your shoes. "You look beautiful tonight Y/N, it's good to see you, I hope you've been-"
You cut him off quickly. You didn't know what else to do. "I love you."
His eyes widened like a deer in headlights. "What?" he gulped hard; anyone would think he didn't expect this.
"I love you; I really do."
"Then w-why, what? Why didn't you say anything that night?" It was time to confess, it was time to for the truth to come out.
"Because I was fucking scared out of my wits Joe, nobody has told me they loved me since my ex and that was pretty hard to believe in the end. Especially after what he-"
You hitched a breath in your throat, you didn't want to cry in the middle of this damn event.
"Wait, what did he do?" He was clueless to anything to do with your ex-boyfriend, and he learnt swiftly why you didn't reiterate those three words back to him that night.
"Well, clearly he never loved me, he used me for sex when he needed it, he cheated on me several times and I was mentally abused by him for years in a controlling sense. I got out when I finally figured I was worth more. It's took a while for me to get back to being me again, you helped with part of that, showing me that I was worth a damn and I guess I was terrified when you told me because I was thinking it'd just end up the same."
Joe didn't need to hear another word; he knew that the burning feeling of anger in his chest that someone would hurt you in the way was enough, but he wouldn't dare show that emotion.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry that someone would do that to you and me telling you that I wouldn't do such a thing won't just snap you into being with me. But let me prove it to you, we'll take things slow, please just give me a chance."
You were practically shaking by this point and Joe put his arms out to hug you, you welcomed it and felt the familiar strong arms wrap around you, stroking your head so lovingly. You can't deny him of the chance to prove it to you, you just had to know one thing.
"Do you still love me too?"
"I never stopped, you broke my heart that night but if you're willing to give me the opportunity, you can help heal my heart and I can break your walls down and be the best damn boyfriend there ever was. I really appreciate you telling me, and I understand now."
Oh, he loved you. He really fucking loved you. You leaned up without any word of warning and kissed him, not in the way you used to, but one that passionate and full of sentiment. He held your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck as you felt him smile into the kiss.
As you broke the kiss you took a hold into each other's arms again and spied Maya out of the corner of your eye grinning wildly at you, giving you a nod of approval, she was proud.
Since the day you'd laid eyes on Joseph Quinn, you'd not been able to deny him of anything bar that one night where it came crashing down. That was a blip that could slowly be forgotten, you were indeed his and you know that he was yours. That was more than enough.
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TROPHY TROPHY TROPHY CH 2 pls :) - Flash anon
YES YES YES THANK YOU FLASH ANON!!! And tagging @practically-an-x-man @fezwearingjellybananas and @shrinkthisviolet who asked for this as well!
Dear gods this got so long; putting it under a cut.
Not again. When the blue lightning reappeared; Zoom had Joe in a headlock not even ten feet from him. Not again. “Zoom— Jay—“ 
You probably noticed the repeating 'not again' s before Joe died; this is of course because Zoom killed Barry's dad a week ago and he's about to lose his other father figure :) . So 'not again' was just some narrative haunting and a way to reference that without making it too on-the-nose. I think it worked well. Barry also calls Zoom 'Jay' as he did with Henry's death in an attempt to appeal to his humanity (but that may just be a headcanon of mine).
“No, I don’t have to.” Barry looked to Zoom with a speck of hope. “When we first met as Zoom and The Flash; you asked me what I wanted from you.” Apprehension built with each word. “I told you: everything.” Fear gripped his heart as that hope crumbled to dust. 
Yes indeed, I repurposed the 'everything' line from Enter Zoom for my own evil deeds. It's obvious at this point but right now Barry is desperate. He's too injured too even move, let alone save Joe; so when Zoom says that first line, he's hoping against all odds and reason that Zoom may choose to spare Joe. But of course.
“Then kill me !” His voice blended to desperation around the final word.
I took a lot of inspiration from Henry's death scene for how Barry would act with Joe's. And of course he's going to beg for Zoom to kill him instead because 1. he's always going to sacrifice himself for others (as we see in chapter 1 when he really does try) and 2. he cannot lose anyone else; especially right now and oh boy...
“Barr, Barr look at me.” In that moment, he did as Joe asked, tears in both of their eyes as they locked gazes. “It’s gonna be ok, son. You’re going to be ok.” Barry shook his head. “Tell Iris—” Joe stared past him, towards the team. “—And Wally, tell them I love them, and that they can get through this. All of you will.” His voice trembled but Joe was resolute. 
This hurt me. I knew there was a few things to accomplish with Joe's last words and I think I hit all of them. First off, his priority was to comfort Barry as best he could, tell him he'll get through this but there's another layer to that. This entire fic came from a line in the season 2 finale that Zoom says to Joe while they're in Zoom's lair: "You know what's gonna be great, Detective? After I beat Barry in the race and prove that I'm the fastest man alive on any Earth, he's gonna rot in a cage just like the one Jay's in now." Since Joe knows what's going to happen to Barry (and I hc that Zoom told him a bit more in this universe) ; he's not just reassuring Barry that he'll get through him dying, but that he'll get through whatever happens next. And in turn; Joe is also telling himself that Barry can get out of Zoom's plan for him; that he'll be ok. And of course; he doesn't think Zoom's going to kill anyone else....
Barry didn’t respond, couldn’t respond— instead speaking again to Zoom. “Please don’t do this. Jay, please, please—” An attempt to get to his feet sent him crashing into the concrete and his eyes closed for a millisecond in pain before darting back up. “I’ll do whatever you want, just let him go.” 
One last desperate attempt; Barry tries to sell his soul to save Joe. He really doesn't care what happens to himself in this situation and I think this was a good way to emphasize that. Also; wouldn't that be an interesting AU if Zoom took him up on that offer?
The world stopped. Barry’s scream was the only sound in existence as Joe fell, almost in slow motion. He reached out, straining himself to get to him. “Joe!” Joe seized on the ground and Barry’s shouts increased. A few plea filled seconds; then Joe’s chest rose, fell, and his body stilled. “No, no, Joe!” Cold air entered Barry’s lungs. “Get up—” A crack in his voice. “Joe!” but Joe lay unmoving, glazed eyes toward the night sky. “No, no, not again—” not again, not again— 
After rewatching Henry's death, I discovered he didn't die right away and had an almost-seizure on the ground for a few seconds first. Since Joe died the same way (Zoom's an asshole for that and it was very intentional); that carried over nicely. Oh man, poor Barry; a few of these lines are taken directly from Henry's death and I think they worked well. Also-- did you notice the callback to the first scene of chapter 1? " Cold air entered Barry’s lungs. " I will abuse temperature symbolism till the day I die and you will see it again.
“I don’t think you realized, Barry—” That voice cut through his pain and he tore his eyes away from Joe, to Zoom, who was grinning over his fallen form. “Just how much you have to lose.”
Some of my favorite Zoom characterization from this, actually. Zoom is having a great time, everyone Barry loves is right here; metaphorically lined up for slaughter. Barry has so much and To Zoom (in this AU at least), it just gives him more to take. I've thought about this a lot actually; Zoom doesn't care about anyone. Caitlin briefly, but as we've seen in this and canon; not enough. He doesn't have anyone in his life because he just sees that kind of attachment as a weakness. (I could probably poke around and figure out where this connects to his childhood trauma but I'd need more braincells for that. Either way; that's just my interpretation.) So he sees Barry with all of these people he cares about so much-- and is just amused because Barry doesn't see it.
Iris struggled in Zoom’s hold, crying and trying to reach her father. “Dad! Dad no! Barry—” She finally whirled to him and he couldn’t find words.
So; the order of deaths. Tbh, this was the order in draft 1 and I didn't really want to change it BUT there is another reason. Joe was killed first because he's the one Zoom initially threatened so it seemed fitting; plus I didn't want to make him watch Iris die. I'm not a monster. Iris on the other hand... well, in the first draft she ran after Joe when Zoom took him so she was already nearby (changed this for a couple reasons). But in this draft the reason more boils down to killing the people closest to Barry. Start with his Henry; his last biological family member, then the people he grew up with, then his friends. And this also worked well with my method for this chapter. The intent was to give both Barry and the readers less and less time to process after each death; so Iris with the second most time seemed fitting.
“Iris— I’m sorry, I’m sorry—” Barry made eye contact with Zoom, desperate. “Please don’t hurt her, Jay please—” His eyes darted between Zoom, Iris, and Joe rapidly; tears still falling. “I’m begging you, please. Please, don’t do this.” Iris struggled more but Zoom’s hold on her was stronger. “Kill me instead!” Forcing her to face him, Zoom placed his hands on either side of Iris’ head as Barry shook his own. “Jay! Don’t! Please!” He made the mistake of meeting Iris’ terrified gaze. “Iris—” He couldn’t lose her. He couldn’t. 
For Iris' death; I rewatched her death in 3x22 a bunch of times and took inspiration from that. A lot of the Barry dialogue was quite similar to when Joe/Henry died; something I noticed is that those canon scenes actually did have some overlap. And oh man, poor Barry.
My thought with how Iris acted in this scene is that she's kind of in that grief shock; similar to when she didn't want to leave Eddie even when the singularity is getting rapidly stronger right next to them. By the time she processes the danger; it's too late.
“Iris?” She stilled immediately at Zoom’s feet, landing with the back of her head facing Barry. “Iris, Iris please look at me, please?” She’s not dead, she can’t be— “Iris!” But she didn’t move. Pressure built in his heaving chest, suffocating him. “Iris!” Tears fell with new meaning.  Zoom, hand dripping blood, crouched into his blurred vision and Barry’s shaking fists clenched as he pushed himself up. The smirking face of their killer replaced grief with pure, unfiltered fury. 
I knew Barry's reaction to be different enough from Joe's death and I think this worked really well (I tear up everytime). Really wanted to bring in that 'losing your childhood and current best friend AND someone you love' feeling all at once. He's really in that denial stage until he sees Zoom.
Cisco was on the ground and Caitlin kneeled beside him— Cisco was seizing. In his mix of emotions, he almost missed Harry being grabbed and deposited next to Iris and Joe. Barry whirled toward Harry but a scream— Caitlin’s— brought him back around. From a distance, he could make out Caitlin reaching for her left ankle, Zoom standing on it and saying something he couldn’t hear. No— no, this wasn’t happening—
SO. The question no one asked nor needed to know the answer to-- who screamed at the end of chapter 1? Cisco! Let's just say the multiverse being destroyed doesn't feel very great when you have dimensional powers... This part is also when it truly hits Barry that he's going to lose everyone. Zoom moves Harry to where he killed Iris and Joe, and injures Caitlin so she can't get away. And that's where this line comes in
“Jay, come on, please—” Something inside him already knew, knew that he couldn’t save any of his friends— I have to try.
My favorite Flash line; arguably a core of Barry himself; "I have to try". Knew I wanted to use that at some point and I hope this hit right.
And trailing back a second-- for Harry's last words; Jesse is his priority. He wanted to tell Barry that he's gratefully for everything he's done for her, and if Barry lives long enough to see her again; to tell her he loves her. This in part comes from Escape from Earth-2 when Harry tried to sacrifice himself to keep Zoom off Earth-1.
“Let go of me—” Caitlin struggled despite her injury, but to no avail. “Jay please—” 
For Caitlin, I thought it would make sense for her to plead with Zoom, like she has in the show before.
Barry pleaded at the same time. “Jay, stop! Just stop! You’ve done enough!” Hoarse but powerful anger found his voice. Barry looked from Caitlin, to the others, and back to Zoom. “Please, please, please stop—” Zoom fixed him with a wordless stare, his arms moved and Barry already knew what came next. “Caitlin—” The snap echoed in the air for a third time. She fell, to join the others.
This is still Barry, so of course he's still going to plead but in the moments before her death; he's truly lost hope. But again-- he has to try. He can't even find the words to say to her so like Iris; he just says her name before the end.
And gods, the idea to have the bodies just pile up in the same place; probably my most painful of all.
Barry turned, just in time to see the last remnants of a breach vanish— Cisco gone along with it. He’s ok. Even as Zoom zipped to the spot and stared at where his friend had just been, that one thought fueled him. Cisco’s ok.
Ah. So originally; I was just going to kill everyone. But then I thought this would be more fun. Fun fact: I did consider having both Cisco and Iris survive because frankly; they're my favorites. But once I planned more I realized there was only one way for this to go. Plus, Cisco surviving was a matter of chance, in a way. It wasn't "who do I want to live" but "who the fuck could escape" and Cisco happened to have the powers to do so. You'll see how this ends up going...
All his injuries came back into awareness at once, grief charging each one. Caitlin— The back of her head faced him. Her limbs splayed out unnaturally and left foot bent at the wrong angle. Harry— only the top of his head could be seen past Caitlin, leaving Barry a brief, horrible moment to remember a man with his friend’s face. He doubled over but each breath sent a dagger to his rib, the movement josling a broken leg, and fueling a compelling urge to vomit. Iris— Her head had rolled to face him; eyes remained open, horribly blank, and her mouth slightly agape. All wrong — Joe— In a pool of his own blood, positioned the same as before. Grief seeped through everything from the injuries to his mind, where sorrow took over in floods as the weight of his loss finally took its full effect— Until he was left sobbing and gasping on the ground from the sheer pain of it all. 
Oh poor poor Barry. Throughout this chapter, it's been one death onto the next and I've given him hardly anytime to process it-- but in this moment, the dust settles and he just falls apart. It hurts me and will only hurt more as things get worse.
He didn’t notice Zoom appear in front of him, couldn’t even acknowledge the presence of their killer. “And now you’re all mine.” The words had no time to register before a black blur and burst of pain sent him tumbling into darkness. As a last thought in a mind muddled by grief, Barry could only hope it would consume him entirely.
I am in love with this part because it works so perfectly to set up everything that is to come in multiple different ways. I shant say anything else about it because spoilers.
I hope you enjoyed my very very very very long breakdown of the painfest™️! :D
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softguarnere · 1 year
I really love your pining hcs soooooo I was wondering if you could maybe do some Joe Toye pining hcs? thank you love
Hi Anon! I'm glad that you like them. Joe is always super fun to write, so I'm glad you requested these 🤭
Okay, so I feel like the second that Joe first sees you, he's just gone. We're talking completely head over heels, love at first sight, and all that
It probably happens in England. Easy Company is out at a pub on passes and he spots you across the room, throwing your head back as you laugh at something that someone has just said
It feels like the world slows down. He can't take his eyes off of you. He has no idea who you are, but he wants to
The reaction just seems so out of character for him that his friends would probably notice straight away that something is up
Because, yes, Joe can be pretty quiet, but he never keeps glancing over his shoulder, or zoning out while someone is speaking just to stare at someone across the room
"Well who's the lucky girl that's captured the attention of our own Joe Toye?" George would tease the second that he realizes what's happening. The other boys would join in on the ribbing, making his face bright red - which really takes himself by surprise more than anyone; since when does Joe Toye blush?
After that, he comes back to the same pub anytime that he gets a pass, hoping to catch a glimpse of you. His friends know exactly what's going on, but they refuse to tease him about it because they've never seen him like this with anyone before
One week your eyes meet his from across the room, and his heart starts running a mile a minute when you make your way across the room to him
"Don't you know that staring is incredibly rude?" You ask, making his heart fall. Then your serious mask breaks as you smile, and he gets to hear that laugh he's fallen in love with up close for the first time. You extend a hand. "(Y/N)."
"Joe," he replies as he shakes your hand.
"Well Joe, it's nice to meet you. Do you come here often?"
Not wanting to give himself away, he tries to play it cool. "As of recently."
You hum. "Well, I hope you keep coming back, because I'd like to get to know you better."
And with those few words, something wonderful begins
Thank you for the request, Anon! I hope you like these 💕🕊️
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unicyclehippo · 2 years
If you’re still doing imodna prompts - scratch. :)
ashton isn’t the first to notice the way laudna never lets herself alone with FCG but he is the only one who’ll do shit about it, sick to death of interrupting long, sorrowful gazes that have a tendency to slip sidelong into loathing. so when FCG announces that he needs a tune-up, and that joe had reached out with some information on the ruin-delver who brought him into basuras, ashton says,
‘i have some people to visit today, can’t go with you. but there’s no fucking way you’re going alone.’
‘oh!’ FCG brightens, little head tilting, curious. ‘who’re you visitin’?’
‘people. you don’t know ‘em.’
‘well, alright! that’s fantastic, ashton! it’s so important for people to engage socially, and it’s great to see that you’re willing to practice that!’ if it were anyone else, ashton would thump them for insinuating, however correctly, that he’s shit at talking, but FCG’s voice is earnest, bright as his copper plates.
‘they’re right, though,’ orym agrees. ‘you shouldn’t go to joe’s alone.’ he meets ashton’s eyes, lifts his brows.
ashton glances casually at laudna.
‘i was planning on scouting the seat of-‘
‘dis taint?’
orym rolls his eyes. ‘just for that, you’re coming with me,’ he says. imogen just smiles and doesn’t argue.
off to the side - she’s always off the side now, lurking in the periphery of their group the sad, sodden witch - laudna’s liquid black eyes widen, fixed on imogen and orym, waiting for an invitation, some sign that she’s welcome to go with them. ashton would feel bad about the manoeuvring, about maybe distressing laudna, but she’s already distressed. imogen doesn’t look her way—another thing to fix, he wonders, or silently helping his plan? she could have skimmed it off his brain the second it sparked to life, he has no fucking clue how that shit works. still, she says nothing, and ashton speaks in her stead, calls over to their friend,
‘hey laudna!’ she jumps and he fights the urge to soften up. she’s gotta know he’s not scared of her. she’s gotta know she doesn’t have to be scared of them. ‘you good to go with fcg? they’ll all wanna pick him apart on sight, fucking vultures, but you’re scary enough to keep ‘em back, i reckon.’
laudna shrinks back into the little shadow she’s found—or made, maybe, since it’s almost noon and the sun is blazing down direct on their head. ‘i—perhaps chetney,’
‘sure,’ the wolf man agrees. he swallows a yelp when ashton kicks him in the ankle. ‘sure-ly not, is what i meant to say, words got stuck. all this dust, so thirsty.’
‘you’re thirsty?’ fearne widens her eyes over at the old gnome.
chetney fakes a cough. ‘parched. ‘fraid i won’t be any help in this - ah - this heat,’ he tells them all, dramatic bitch, and winces up at the sun, lifting a hand to cover his eyes like he could swoon at any second. ‘i need to lay low. say, in a bar?‘
‘what a good idea,’ fearne agrees breezily. ‘we can drink near the - what are they called? paragon’s call. make some friends,’ she says with a coy smile that has orym on the alert. it’s a total coin toss whether or not she’s picked up on ashton’s plan or whether she’s playing a fun little game of her own.
‘i like it!’ chetney says, dropping his fainting act for his usual suspicious intensity. ‘someone’s gotta get on the level of our -‘ he lowers his voice, scans the crowd, ‘- our enemies. you and me, sneak into one of their bars. keep an ear out for their,’ he spins his chisel masterfully in his palm, sheathed it in a smooth motion, ‘movements.’
‘bowel movements.’
‘sure,’ he shrugs.
‘suspicious movements.’
‘and i could do with some milk.’
‘if you want milk, that’s what you get,’ chetney insists, somewhere between smitten and ferocious.
‘anyway,’ ashton drawls. ‘looks like it’s just you and FCG,’ he says, and scratches at his cheek to hide a grin when laudna looks about at everyone like she’s trying to figure out how that happened.
‘of - of course, yes, you certainly shouldn’t go alone. if, if that’s alright with you, of course, fresh cut grass?’
‘sure! it’ll be an adventure!’
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fandomfluffandfuck · 4 months
Hi S,
I was scrolling through Tiktok and I saw a video of Chris Evans and president Joe Biden. And Chris was smiling and laughing. When I tell you I was shooketh! I know Chris was into politics, but damn! How did this even happen?
Also now my hate for USA politics will show, cuz why are the presidents almost always grandpas? I know it’s the system, but why? We’ll at least he isn’t shaking hands with Trump.
Do you know what happened. I think you are from the USA (I’m not sure), so maybe you got some information.
Thank you!! <3
(I also loved the post with Seb on the Syrian)
ah, yes, this video for ASP
Lmao, it's all good, you're welcome to hate on US politics here 💀💀 I may unfortunately be from the USA, but I, too, hate them.
(Putting this under the cut because I get rambly, and I understand that most people aren't here for politics)
I absolutely feel you, though. I was shocked to see Chris and Biden shaking hands. Of course, Chris was at the White House, so it's not impossible, that is where the POTUS is most of the time, and I believe Chris has been to the White House before. I could be wrong there, but, if nothing else, he's certainly been in and around Washington D.C. before with A Starting Point.
(A Starting Point being, according to Wikipedia, "A Starting Point is a website, launched in 2020, devoted to presenting videos by elected officials (current or former), presenting various points of view on issues that are of interest to the United States electorate. It was started by Chris Evans, Mark Kassen, and Joe Kiani.")
So, ASP is how, even if I didn't realize that many people used ASP, lol. I am very involved in politics outside of the fandom space--generally reading and watching and educating myself, as well as attending political events on my campus and speaking to my friends about it--but my involvement doesn't come from ASP.
But, still, the president and Chris meeting, shaking hands, smiling, and laughing feels different. It's a cross-over in a way I would, honestly, rather have not happened.
Don't get me wrong, the purpose Chris was there for, with ASP, trying to get more young people engaged in voting is immensely important. Young people in the US are more likely than any other demographic to vote blue (democratic), and that is something that, with another Trump presidency (GOP/republican) on the possible horizon, is especially important. However, I wish he could've done it without shaking hands with the president. Yes, Biden is a figure head, he doesn't do much (generally and specifically at his age, sitting in the presidency). But, also, with the genocide of Palestinians going on and Biden's active, ongoing support to Israel... I don't enjoy seeing them together.
As far as age... yeah. It's the system. 🙃 If you ask me, the minimum age for being able to run for public office should be lowered (it's 35 at least for president, though, the youngest president was 42, the average age is around mid 50s at inauguration), and there should be a cap on how old you can be and still run as modern medicine continues to prolong life and technology and education provide young people with more resources.
I will admit, growing up in the US, I have absolutely been indoctrinated to see the president and feel something. When I first saw that video my reaction was just, what the fuck!? in a lighthearted, laughing manner. A cross-over, like I said previously, they don't feel like they exist in the same world, y'know? But once I thought about it for half a second longer... it felt different.
Chris can do what he likes. Obviously. I do wonder how it happened, though. Maybe it was something he was approached with by the team for ASP, like, hey, wanna meet the president? Maybe it was something that activated the same indoctrinated kid in him--they teach you young to idolize presidents, past and present--so he said yes, thoughtless. Maybe it was something he thought about and weighed the options of, thinking it would help the cause of getting young people to vote even if it would also, inevitably make people on the Internet mad (maybe rightfully so, too, shaking hands with someone with blood on their hands. As presidents do. Biden's blood is fresh enough it's dripping, though). You can't deny that it made news--Captain America and President Biden shake hands!!! That might give a spark to some younger Marvel fan, tuning in to see what's going on with politics when they otherwise wouldn't. Maybe it was something White House staff and the team for ASP worked on together and surprised Chris.
I don't know.
It's odd. You are correct, though--at least it wasn't Trump (1:26).
If anything, though, it reminds me of the 2016 USO tour Chris and Scarlett went on for Marvel. Like, I appreciate what they did for the individual active service members as people. I think we need to do more to support veterans alongside people who are directly impacted by war--their lives destroyed or altered. However, I am very anti-military, anti-war. So, I don't like that he agreed to do that (granted, it may have been required from Marvel, not something that he could get out of, that's unclear). And I sure as hell hate some of the things he did on that USO tour. Still. My differing opinions on Chris can coexist. I can like what I know of Chris, what he shares of himself, and dislike other parts of him or actions he does. Humans are flawed. I may run a fan blog, and may seem like a stan, but I can also disagree with things people that I am a fan of agree with.
Lmao, thanks! The out-out-place reference to Sebastian on a sybian is related to this, lightening the mood
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