gibbearish · 7 months
kinda frustrating how we've spent the last few months acknowledging how a lot of well intentioned but guilt trippy social justice posts are like specifically designed to worm into ocd ppls brains and then now every single post abt palestine is "i dont care how bad your mental health is, i dont care how bad looking at all this makes you feel, if you don't read every single post you see on this topic in full you are a horrible person and directly contributing to their deaths. 'waaaah my mental health' well at least youre not being bombed, did you think about that??" and its like. i absolutely get where youre coming from but you dont get to complain that guilt tripping is bad then turn around and use it anyways because you think the cause youre using it for is worthwhile. like. everyone thinks the cause theyre using it for is worthwhile, thats why theyre using it. but its still a shit way to do it
#like when you make a tumblr post to your tumblr blog youre not guilt tripping people who disagree with you#youre guilt tripping your followers who if theyre still following you probably already agree with what youre saying#and esp on a topic with so much brutality involved like. yeah OBVIOUSLY theres people who have to look away#like. yall know a bunch of these posts and articles and videos show graphic injuries in them right?#like i physically cant watch news videos abt this bc i will spend days with my brain making me imagine#peoples deaths in graphic detail specifically because it knows that will upset me. and i would prefer not to do that#in fact me doing that helps palestinians exactly as much as finishing my brussel sprouts helps starving kids#by which i mean none. its just a cheap guilt trip to get you to do something you don't want to#which when it's brussel sprouts thats whatever but when its 'deliberately expose yourself to extremely triggering#things otherwise youre a bad person'. not so much#idk i feel like maybe its due to ppl feeling. agitated abt not being able to do anything abt it#like the government isnt listening and we're a world away so physically /all/ we can do really is sit and watch#so i can understand a) wanting to find someone to lash out at to alleviate that feeling#like if you cant stop the actual problem at the very least you can shout down the people supporting it right?#and b) seeing 'not watching' or even just 'not watching as closely as i am' as a transgression#bc well its all we can do so if youre not even doing that you must be bad#and its like. i really do get it. but the whole world is watching right now‚ like this is THE big news thing happening rn#so a few people choosing to avoid to subject will not make a single iota of difference#idk. i guess what im saying is if youre feeling the urge to yell at someone for not looking close enough#just donate some money to a support fund instead itll do a lot more
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toastsnaffler · 11 days
ykw actually I am angry + disappointed w them. I've been pushing how I feel aside and trying to make it my own fault so it's all contained but I think theyve just been mean. and they really should know me better ik I try to pretend I don't expect more from them so I feel less hurt when they do things that upset me but we've been friends for years by this point. like come on.
#just got home and went to put my shit away but my flatmate was in the kitchen and i got suddenly so mad i had to walk back out#not going to do or say anything while im this upset. i need to be a lot calmer before i can even be in the same room as her#like okay. so originally it was just the two of them getting drinks and theyd rather it was just them bc i dont drink. thats cool#it wouldve been difficult for me to join them after work bc travel. and ik theyd done this before just the 2 of them and had fun#i can fully respect that its why i said no and stuck by that decision when she asked again#but to not mention she was taking the day off work and btw i just found out that BOTH of our other old flatmates joined in too#to not mention that they were travelling that entire distance and that it wasnt just drinks it was a whole day out together#thats just mean. why wouldnt you tell me that why did none of them say anything.#and the fact they did the exact same fucking thing last weekend too i didnt know about that at all#like i need to stop trying to justify it. im allowed to feel unwanted and excluded bc thats exactly what theyre doing.#im tired of feeling like other people dont want me around. i know i can be difficult and annoying sometimes. but im really not that bad#and we're meant to be friends!!!!!! like youre supposed to like your friends. and want to spend time with them. or at least i do#and yeah everyones annoying sometimes thats just part of being alive ur supposed to tolerate it if ur friends#im allowed to want to feel like im wanted. im allowed to want ppl to care abt me. that shouldnt be too much to ask for#but the overwhelming message im getting at the moment is they dont want me around. and when i am around them i feel like they dont listen#to me and that they dont really care how i feel unless it directly involves them or theyre responsible for it#i feel like they dont see me as a real person that exists. only a version they have in their heads and they base all their assumptions and#decisions off that version instead of directly communicating with me. and constantly avoid me under the guise of 'giving me space'#when im upset or having a difficult time and most need support from other people. i just feel really unseen#and ik that part of how i feel IS exacerbated by insecurity and depression. like they do care to some degree#but also a lot of it is evidenced in the way they act towards me. mainly my roommate bc shes the person i interact with most#and personally i find the most direct ways of showing u care abt someone are showing up for them. and making them feel seen#and maybe not everyone feels the same way. but thats how it works for me anyway#so to repeatedly exclude me and avoid acknowledging that ive been having a difficult time is the opposite of that to me#which is the point im trying to arrive at... sorry ik ive probably said similar things repeatedly the last few weeks but i feel like its#crystallising a bit like this is the core reason why im so sensitive and reactive atm and why i got so upset by it#idk. not tonight bc im still very emotionally raw but maybe tomorrow if im calmer i should explain that i was upset + why to her#i avoid doing that so often when im upset bc i dont think theres much point in having a conversation abt it unless u expect some kind of#resolution from it. or if you want an apology but idrc abt being apologised to the crucial thing is what theyre going to do different#and i love her but shes very resistant to changing her behaviour bc of other ppl being upset by it. and like i said before she has
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
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"Do you have people who won't let you {W O R R Y}?" {H O L I C} ~ Vol. 12 (Ch. 140) {Compiled by Me} {DO NOT Re-post}
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"Your hearts are similar"
"DON'T {D I S A P P E A R}"
#koushirouizumi clamp#koushirouizumi trc#koushirouizumi holic#koushirouizumi watanuki#koushirouizumi c sakura#c: watanuki#c: c sakura#c sakura and watanuki#duo: both me and the people who love you are happy just because youre there#(but 'Watanuki isnt meant to be cared for even just as friends by Sakura in any other timeline how can you pOSSIBLY think that!!1!1!')#('Watanukis just a p ARADOX born by m ISTAKETM dont you kNOW THA- YEAH IM PRETTY SURE ENTIRE H O L I C FAN BASE KNOWS---)#(Whooo More Parallels I Immediately Caught While Going Back)#(The top cap I had referenced but I forgot C Sakura literally asks Watanuki the exact same thing)#(and then IMMEDIATELY comparing Watanuki to Syao deliberately in the SAME CHAPTERS)#(I remembered the stated comparisons by C Sakura existed but not the above line in relation off the top of mind!!)#(Anyway if you want to fight the comparisons of Watanuki and Syao take it up with C.L.A.M.P doing it THEMSELVES)#(But even this one honestly means a lot to me because C Sakura and Watanuki caring for each other platonically)#({outside A.U.s} is something I DESPERATELY wanted to see more of for 10+ Y E A R S and iM STILL WAITING FOR MORE)#(Anyway also no rb for now but Im going to MAYBE try to have better compilation stuff ready for C.L.A.M.P Day IF)#(PEOPLE CAN STOP BEING AS {YEAH} ABT THIS WITH THEM *AT LEAST* ON THE DAY ITSELF---}#(*by the way this part happens AFTER WATANUKI IS *ab USED* AND HAS FACE ***SPLASHED WITH A HOT W A T E R CANISTER*)#(BY A CANONICALLY *A BUSIVE!!!!* 'm OTHERTM' *AND THEN C SAKURA APPEARS AND SAYS THIS* LOOK IM JUST SAYING)#(Like C Sakura DELIBERATELY comes forward to canon ask Watanuki 'are you hurt???' 'Does it hurt?? DONT Endure It')#(e DIT: I kEPT r EADING & I NEARLY FLIPPED AND P U N C H E D SCREEN BC C.L.A.M.P WHY! THEY *KEEP SAYING* WHAT DID IT ALL M E A N C.L.A.M.P)#(LIKE EVERY SINGLE CHARA + t SUBASA!!! IS *S C R E A M I N G* AT WATA TO *NOT DIS A P P E A R* & EVERYONE IN THE FAN BASE IS LIKE)#('HAHA WELL WATANUKI WOULDNT BE RELEVANT TO THEM AT ALL IN *THAT* {INSERT TIMELINE!!1!1!}')#trc spoilers
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cultpastorkevin · 6 months
Cult Tips for AFTG writers
notes from the resident ex-cult pastor
If you’re in the cult, there is nothing bizarre abt what’s happening and in fact the normal stuff that happens outside of it is what’s bizarre to you. Target? Weird. McDonald’s? Even weirder. I can like guarantee Jean and Kevin never had McDonald’s until they left the Nest.
When you leave, you’re gonna be paranoid as fuck. All the time. Ngl at least for weeks but sometimes for years. Nightmares and insomnia 24/7. Hallucinations too lmao Riko is in every corner of empty rooms and you can hear his voice echo in the confines of the lockers.
I see a lot of Jean wanting to go back to the Nest, but not a lot of Kevin wanting to go back. He definitely struggled, 100%. In fact when he was in the pits of agony from his broken hand, was when he probably wanted to go back the most. Cult is home, cult is safe. Four walls you’ve always known and while it’s a cage at least it’s dependable. They hurt you but by god it always works out and the reward of pushing through this tragic incident is greater than the terror it caused in the first place. It’s a gift, actually. A gift from Riko. He saved Kevin. Cults save you. Cults make you wanna return to them like damn homing pigeons bruh. Give me more shattered hand Kevin screaming at Wymack to let him go back home and having a breakdown when he’s denied fics thanks
Piggybacking off the last one: cults are saviors; you’re nothing without them and they make sure you truly believe that; that everything that is done to you is for you and you’re blessed for it to be happening. You’re lucky even, to be allowed in it. Everything is as it’s supposed to be and order must never be challenged, because it works, and you’re the Edgar Allan Ravens, and this is the most honorable place you could be. All the pain you go through is you earning the right to be saved and to prove your worth every day on court. Only the worthy are honored.
You justify everything that happened and you will start fights and get angry with people who try to correct you and tell you it was wrong what went on.
On the other hand, you blame yourself for everything ever that happened there whether you were at fault or not. Hurting others, hurting yourself, gaslighting the fuck out of yourself over things maybe you could’ve prevented and over things you never could’ve stopped. The guilt is crippling and it eats you alive and haunts you.
There’s a lot of shame too. I see more guilt written than shame but shame is a huge portion of emotions that cult survivors have. Shits embarassing dude like “god how did I end up thinking this wack ass shit was normal” 😐 Shame comes later in the healing process usually, it’s after you have come to terms with shit that’s happened and you understand it. Looking back, you go “Jesus fucking Christ that was a red flag what the hell. Should’ve left then, or then, or then, or then” and then you’re just plain fuckin embarrassed.
Please look up how hive minds and brainwashing are created and work; also Stockholm Syndrome; understanding these would be incredibly helpful tbfh.
Diets are big; everyone eats the same thing; food is used as a reward and a punishment.
Hype hype hype. They whip up a frenzy of one singular emotion and use that to push you into a blind hysteria because you’re more suspectible to their influence when you’re out of your mind.
Drugs. Depends on the cult. But yeah these little bitches can be a huge factor for shit and can help with the brainwashing and hysteria and stockholm. Sometimes you don’t even know you’re being drugged or poisoned until you leave.
OH I ALMOST FORGOT. Dehumanization and then being treated like a person again can be traumatic as fuck yall!! Holy shit! Sometimes it feels worse than being dehumanized!
EDIT AGAIN: you don’t know what mental illness is !! Cults don’t fucking tell you these things lmao. if you show symptoms it’s your fault. Kevin being depressed his mom died was gonna get blamed on him and he was never going to be told grief is normal and it’s okay to be insanely sad. Jean also never got told his anger was correct or his trauma responses to being raped were realistic! They just got blamed for any reactions ever that weren’t neurotypical !! that is all; do with that what you will.
Idk if I think of anything else I’ll write another one but that’s all for now; I haven’t slept much lmao 🫡
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francis-writes · 2 months
Being in polyamorous relationship with Feyd and Rabban HCs with GN!reader
( specifically in a vee type of relationship so you're with both of them but there's no incest)
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I know I said before that they wouldn’t share you, at least with each other but hey, a girl (gender neutral) can dream! And ending up with them both isn't so impossible.
It's easier to start if you're with Feyd-Rautha first, or if you're free and still trying to choose. Feyd is more confident so it's less risky in his eyes to share you. Though he's possesive, well, however that sounds, he sees this as a way to show his superiority over Rabban. Like yeah, you choose Feyd first and Rabban wouldn’t be able to have you if Feyd didn't mercifully agree for that. Rabban isn't very happy with this idea and games of his brother but he accepts it as the only way to be with you. The other way around, it would be much harder to convice Rabban for a polyam relationship because he doesn't want to give away everything to his brother and he would be afraid that you would leave him eventually. But there's also another reason that motivates them both to agree on sharing you: threesomes. But NSFW part will be later.
If you agree on this relationship, you have an important duty and that's bringing balance and stability between them. Watching shit go down is funny once in awhile but it's better if you're boyfriends don't have a constant war with each other.
You usually spend your time with only one brother at once, not just because they like to have your full attention but also all of you have own duties. But every now and then you make sure to spend time all three together.
For longer time, it's not official. Giedi Prime might be famous as planet of debauchery but it's only in some ways: you can have as much concubines as you want, especially when you're rich, but having a stable relationship with two men is still taboo. The other matter is fact that Baron still considers gaining power through getting his nephews into political marriage.
Speaking of the Baron... I mentioned in other post that he would enjoy if brothers competed for your affection because he could use that conflict for his own goals. Happy stable relationship isn't useful to him at all. Even if you have some higher position there's still two problems: 1. Why waste two nephews on one political marriage. Not stonks 2. Happy stable relationship is a threat to his power. Nephews may listen to him less. Rabban may gain self-esteem. That's a big risk. But well, you're still safe as much as you can be. Brothers protect you and they had a talk with their uncle to ensure some rules and your status.
Your relationship isn't official and known to most people, commoners, other Houses and even some local nobles. You don't accompany brothers during public events and even if you're there, you keep your distance and have believable excuse for your presence. Only their inner circle knows about what's between you three. You can be more open about it during dinners together, though when there's Baron Harkonnen present, you can sense he's not very happy about any sign of affection. But who knows, maybe one day he will start appreciating you.
Still on sfw note, when you're all in one place, you usually share a bed. Unless you're not very cuddly and each one sleeps in separate bed to have enough space.
In a scenario where they all survived events of Dune and remained in positions of power, when there's no one stopping them, they would eagerly marry you if you wanted (by no one I mean their uncle; Bene Gesserit and many other Houses thinks that it's a scandal but uhmm Harkonnens don't give a shit abt that). Any previous conflicts and fight for dominance would be put aside. They want to show that you're equally married to one of them, not just are a spouse of one and lover of the other. Desire to show the middle finger to social expectations is even stronger than any their competition.
Of course, I know I couldn't skip that part. I know you waited for it. So yeah, now you can finally read about threesomes, the reasons you got into this post.
I'll skip the moments when you are just with one of the brothers because there are many other posts about it. The only thing I can add in that matter is that for some time they considered making a schedule to make sure that you don't spend too much time with one of them but eventually you gave up on this idea.
Question is, isn't it awkward for them to share you? Wouldn't they feel weird while spitroasting you - lets say, you suck off Rabban, he looks up and looks in the face of his brother while Feyd fucks you from behind. Isn't it unfomfortable even for them? The answer is no. At the beginning they may have some doubts, but lust quickly wins with other feelings and they never mind it again. Despite all the conflicts between them, they know each other well enough to not feel embarrassed while naked around each other. Also they are kinky enough to uphold the reputation of House Harkonnen loving pleasure and perversy. They would rather high five each other over your back than feel awkward (it's just a metaphor. Unless... jk)
Dynamics change everytime, especially if you're a switch. As I mentioned before, Feyd is dom leaning switch and Rabban is sub leaning switch but that doesn't stop them from ocassionaly dominating you together. Or sometimes you dom one of them while other doms you. Or you dom them both. Or you dom one of them and the other helps, well, not sexually but for example he says something to help you humiliate your sub (I'm not pointing fingers). You get the point.
Sometimes you fuck just one of them but you're not completely alone and the other brother just sits next to you and either minds his bussiness or just observes you while being kinda turned on and kinda supportive.
You: Feyd, I am sorry but do you have to keep staring?
Feyd: *shows thubs up* i just admire your strength. Go on. Ride him like Fremen rides a sandworm.
You and Rabban: ;_;
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s1llydr3amscape · 1 month
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Day 5 : Canon Divergence @vanweek2024
Finally talking abt one of my fnaf AU's !!! I try to keep it brief but I cannot simplify for the life off me so yeah have some yapping!! Lots of major stuff and in-between events are not in here but that's what asks are for :] This one is pretty long so buckle up cuz here we go!!!
This au is basically just me taking the fnaf characters and putting them in my oc world!! It started ever since the first FNAF game came out but this story plot started out with Glitchtrap and a few other characters working at an office and shenanigans ensue. When in reality it's a setup because they actually end up killing people and selling off their flesh and pretending that it's organic meat in the market (Like mlp cupcakes + rainbow factory because those were pivotal to my development)
Vanny and all the other workers in a way where technically revived by Glitchtrap as rabbits (Or was already rabbits) making them indebted to Glitchtrap. They can't leave, they have to obey him. Reasons for Glitchtrap needing and starting this business venture is because he needs blood to keep this body I mean his new body alive (Me explaining why they'd have stitching) Because originally Glitchtrap was an entity who took the body of a deceased yellow rabbit and fixed it up enough (like in fnaf sl but this time he just found a fresh corpse) It's rotting the body is failing at this rate, he's going to decay way too fast and he wants to live. (Turning into the black goop like in princess quest)
He paraded as this joyful figure but that's far from the truth obviously. Originally before fnaf sb the body he stole was the father of my own blonde rabbit oc who was dead set on stopping Glitchtrap to let his father's body lay to rest. Even though his father was cruel and left him and his brothers alone, that's the least he can do. He chose to free his body from being mangled worse than it already is because he's a good person I mean better than his father ever was. He doesn’t know if he’s doing it more for himself sometimes.
However, since fnaf sb came out and the movie. I feel like Vanny fits this role better. So yeah to recap Vanny's dad died and Glitchtrap stole his body and made it his own. Vanny knows this later on but she too died in the same vain. Hence, why she ends up having her soul indebted to Glitch as well being the first few workers under him.
At first, she thought she was in hell she's supposed to be dead but she's not and her dad is still here? And he's still the same as ever yet something's not right. He just seems to be acting strange yet it's all too familiar for her.
Vanny ended up posing as a security guard for this residential area. She was tasked to basically infiltrate and blend in so that Glitchtrap had a new source of produce you could say Yet, even after all this Vanny still ended up befriending the Glamrocks. They cared and comforted her even after she wouldn't tell them her sorrows. They were real friends in a way. 
They're nice. In a way.
It felt nice to have friends after moving from area to area to avoid suspicion and ended up making friends. Yet Glitchtrap took this as a sign that she did this for him. Everything she did for herself is for him after all right. Lowering their suspicion on her by being friendly and outgoing, she’s thinking ahead for him. What a good daughter. Making them easier targets if someone were to ever happen to one of these lovely residents. They wouldn't question Vanny now would they! She's just their friendly neighborhood bunny
Her first target was Glamrock Bonnie. It was swift and quick but he put up a fight. Managing to damage one of Vanny’s eyes. The others don't know what happened as the camera feed was seemingly coincidentally cut. Vanny almost didn't make it out and had to leave the body there dead, managing to hide the evidence that she even laid a hand on him. Making it seem like he had fallen down the stairs after a robber tried to mug him. During his funeral, Vanny couldn't even be bothered to look down as he was getting buried. She stood there staring.
She did this.
She was being used as a trojan horse by Glitchtrap to get his supply. She still befriended the others. She shared moments of joy and laughter with them and yet she couldn't help but stare as he was lowered. Glamrock Freddy came to her and cried. This bustling hunk of sunshine weeped at her mercy. She tried comforting him but it left her bittersweet knowing she did this to someone who was nice to her. You’d think she’d be numb at this point but she’s not. 
She never was.
She ended up trying to push them away as the months began to pass. No longer making rounds when she knew they were at home. Deliberately avoiding going to social events and basically just trying to get this job done with. Even when she was doing her rounds and caught sight of the others she answered them rudely or just told them that she was too busy for dilly-dallying.
Roxy tried offering to give her a ride on her bike when she did her rounds but Vanny declined. Chica tried inviting her for lunch but Vanny declined. Freddy tried inviting her over for karaoke but Vanny. Even Monty tried inviting her over to play golf but Vanny declined. 
She's trying to make them hate her. She can't let her dad take them away from her too. She can't. Never again. So she's trying desperately to get them off of his scope so that they wouldn't end up as one of her victims packaged for eating. 
As long as they hate her as long as they don't want anything to do with her they'd be safe. They have to. They don’t need her.
It ended up working for a bit. But Glitchtrap is never satisfied. He never is. Suddenly neighbor after neighbor ended up mysteriously disappearing from this apartment complex. It was more common to see people move in than out and it was happening rapidly.
The residents have asked their landlord for higher security or that they'd move out as even families started going missing. Yet nothing changed. Not a peep gets out here. 
Until one day, Vanny was tasked to kill Freddy. A test by Glitchtrap and she couldn't do it. She tried begging for it to be someone else, anyone but her friend but he didn't like that his worker was testing his patience and took over.
There in the dead of night Vanny broke into Freddy's home. It was a sloppy job. Yet she strutted along. Holding onto the knife with such vigor. Just when she opened the door to his bedroom and tried to take the plunge. She slashed at a child's cheek.
And in that brief moment Vanny regained control and had to face her bearings getting a migraine by the possession by Glitchtrap. She didn't know what was happening until it was too late and the kid fled outside. 
Basically fnaf sb happened but Freddy was at the pharmacy buying meds leaving Gregory (rabbit) home alone for a few minutes. Vanny, being puppeteered at the time by Glitchtrap, broke in intent on killing Freddy but ended up getting Gregory. Vanny and Glitchtrap didn't and doesn't know Gregory was there or who he was. This was because when Vanny tried to cut off the glamrocks Freddy ended up adopting this kid he found. Hence, why neither party seemed to know about the other because it was quite literally very recent. 
But yeah gist off the AU for now!!! Some parts are being rewritten and whatnot with the ruin DLC and book stuff but yeah!!! Short intro of the AU!!!
Headcanons / Lore :
-Vanny was blonde but ever since her resurrection her furs been turning white unknown if it's because she's technically undead or from stress (I like to think like from blonde bunny with green eyes into those white rabbits with red eyes)
-The workers are some canon fnaf characters and ocs
-Glitchtrap can't mind control Vanny all the time cuz he has other workers he needs to monitor and control, basically spanning a wide network. So he uses fear mongering tactics to get her to obey while he's away.
-Glitchtrap needs the flesh because his body is rotting and he needs pieces constantly to replace it. He only went after rabbits at first but due to his rapid decaying (turning into Burntrap as the story progresses) he went after anything that breathed and lived. I can’t decide if at the end of the story he should turn into Mimic where he’s just a walking skeleton or if he should just permanently die like in the Burntrap ending
-Vanny when she came back had many bald patches on her body after being stitched apart. She's trying to grow out her fur to hide what happened. Just to regain her sense of self. Yet things never change and so she ends up shaving it all off becoming bald like in security breach :[
-She knows that's not her dad but she's still scared of him even though he's much more different than how he was before. Maybe it's the unconditional love of a daughter for her father. Or she doesn’t know what a good parental figure is.
-Glitchtrap originally looked like the black goop version from princess quest, always ever changing, never the same as a being born of malice and hatred. He wanted to be a person like everyone else instead of a blob to be free of it all to start anew but he can't. Unless he acquired a body.
-His workers are only alive after he modified them, giving them life again by giving a part of himself inside off them kinda like a soul contract. Permanent scars literally. (How the enemies in Princess Quest look like rabbit people)
-Workers get sent around areas with dense populations and well acquires inventory from there. Glitchtrap gets money selling the flesh claiming it to be from regular animals. With the money he uses it to keep his body intact and alive. This is to explain how he turns into Burntrap becoming green and nasty.
-Each worker is associated with a smell. Vanny is onion. Glitchtrap is lemongrass. If you look at the sketch Scraptrap’s is garlic. If you’re asking why I did this it is because I just think it’s funny.
-There's more but I feel like I've talked enough!! Currently doing more writing to add ruin into this and trying to do a 2024 redesign for this AU!!! Including Vanny I need to make her more nasty and rotten <33333 
-Also be warned I love bittersweet endings if you fancy this AU
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Her stitching and pupils keep switching sides because I couldn't decide 😭 Too embarrassed to show everyone elses design because the start off the story is goofy and the tonal whiplash is killing me. Scraptrap and Glitchtrap cameo tho!!. never realised how squished I made the heads.
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I removed the blood due to the fact because being grabbed at the back off your head by an abusive family member still just as scary I should know
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wof-reworked · 5 months
ok I can't stop thinking about the jade winglet, here's my gender hcs for all of them
Moonwatcher - she/they (nonbinary)
I feel like this is fun bc rn (in canon) her gender is just "anxiety" but like,,, one day in the future she gets to actually play around with it
like she captures a very specific type of person I've met who you go "oh I mean I know she's gay but she's probably cis..." and then you have like one real convo and find out they're like not only nonbinary but better at it then you
I think she should get to be butch when she's older. I think she deserves being a) massive compared to her two twink boyfriends and b) gnc as shit
Kinkajou- any/all (genderfluid +transfem)
Kinkajou strikes me as being like. totally ambivalent to gender. Kinkajou changes her pronouns based on how the fruit he ate for breakfast makes him feel. Kinkajou is better than you
I think she was like staunchly using she/her for a while bc it just felt right and like changes pronouns situationally- Rainwing village is she/her, Jade Academy is any/all, close friends it varies, etc etc
Qibli- he/they (transmasc)
Qibli's just always kind of known who he is, and has been like. pretty contentedly in his corner for a while. I think it's like- a pillar of stability for him of like "at least I know I'm (x)"
Proximity to Moonwatcher puts the they/them in there bc I think it's nice when ppl get more comfortable so they start branching out a lil bit :> Qibli has like. guy who says "he/they" because he doesn't mind they/them and wants his friends to feel supported y'know
Winter- he/him (cis + gnc)
Look I feel bad making him one of like. two cis ppl at JMA but like I think it's funny if he's cis but inflicts a status effect of gender envy on every trans person in his proximity
guy who does makeup flawlessly because "it's fun" and decimates your sense of identity as you wonder why the fuck god gave these gifts to a man
extra funny for the fact that as a dragonet he gets offended by the implication he's pretty. he gets over it eventually I think
Turtle- she/her or he/she/they (transwoman/trans)
See here. Otherwise I think she's like trans and this could go in like. any fucking direction ngl
transmasc turtle??? hell yeah !!! transfem turtle??? hell yeah !!! gender is whatever Turtle has going on and god knows if she knows it
last egg to crack bc Turtle is immune to self reflection that isn't anxiety and self loathing
"Haha everyone hates how other people refer to them and their gender what do you mean? :)" (entire jade winglet: cringing with worry)
Umber- he/him (cis)
cis and a lil insecure about it but like. he's just nice :)
he's like experimented with pronouns and gender and found none of them really stuck so like. cis+. cis (extended dlc). you know what I mean I hope
gonna be honest I'm lost for him bc I genuinely forget he was there bc he peaced out so fast. justice for my boy I want to know more !!!!!
I could be persuaded for transman Umber ngl,,, it tempts me,,,,,,
Peril- she/her (trans woman)
On one hand I'm torn bc I think it almost doesn't make sense for her backstory BUT ON THE OTHER HAND the idea of Scarlet being supportive of Peril's identity and LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE is hysterical to me
though actually if we wanna get sad,,,, that 100% could be a manipulation tactic of Scarlet. "see I love you I even accept you" etc etc. now I just feel bad man
Peril's also in the same camp of Qibli of knowing this abt herself since she could think and being happy in it. She knows what she's about
Carnelian- she/they/he (transmasc)
Look butch can be a gender and sometimes you're a mean butch skywing idk what to tell you
wish she stayed alive bc her and Moon could've been legendary together. girl who will kill for you vs girl who desperately wants you to do anything else please we talked about this you can't solve your problems with murder
I think Carnelian's true gender is Skywing Patriot and idk how to put that in hc form but this is as best I've got
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gacha-incels · 1 month
genuinely dont get why western pjmooners dont get treated w the same level of disdain as like. western hp fans or like on a more similar Bad Company level western niji fans. like idk man if a company cant treat their workers right who gaf abt what they have to say abt capitalism and marginalization? theyre clearly not doing the work?
yeah this is frustrating for me as well. I genuinely see many westerners here, on twitter and other social medias talking up the company and its games for being progressive or anticapitalist (this kills me for limbus company especially, like at least have a little shame about this one) and just not mentioning their role in the surging amount of misogynistic witch hunts still happening in South Korea, their incel pandering, their suing of labor unions, their treatment of the artist monggeu. I guess for many of the western fans and audience it’s not happening directly to them, where they live or to people who they consider like them so they don’t care. there aren’t thousands of posts being blasted out per day reiterating this issue again and again like people do with harry potter. there shouldn’t have to be for you to take this issue seriously just because maybe less people in the west know about it. Seriously I feel embarrassed for the people that need it explained to them in this way like “ok, you see these issues you clearly don’t give a shit about (project moon- misogyny and labor rights, happening in the east). what if you imagined them as something you do care about (harry potter and transphobia, happening in the west)?” furthermore, for the fans who consider themselves progressive, it seems not to really “hit” them how serious this issue is and how equally serious project moon’s actions were. these aren’t flippant little mistakes the company made. look at the reaction it caused from project moon’s long-standing female fans and how much they try to explain the gravity of these actions to westerners. you would think learning about these things, which many of us have written about in English and Korean, would have anyone who sees themselves as allies for women’s rights and unions sounding the alarm about this company. but mostly you will see them talk the issue down (“vellmori left on her own” is the latest baffling explanation), saying it’s just how things work in South Korea so poor little company project moon just had to fire her and they can’t actually be misogynists 🥺, you know this type of thing we’ve seen etc. but I guess because Limbus Company gives the façade of some anticapitalist story and there’s a non-binary gacha protagonist and you like the character design then everything’s fine? It’s worth supporting an antifeminist company? if you were boycotting hogwarts legacy and someone told you it’s fine because you can make a non-binary player character would you think ok nevermind this is fine now? like how do you explain it to these people? Do you really need it explained like everything is fucking Harry Potter? i know I’ve probably written this same thing before regarding fan reaction so I’m sorry if this seems derailed maybe, but it hasn’t stopped being a frustrating situation to continually watch happen and I agree with you.
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rzyraffek · 10 months
Alr yall Eddie Gluskin brainrot part 2 or something. ITS MADE FOR MY PERSONAL NEEDS TO VENT ABT HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM ALR DONT JUDGE scroll down for hyper important notes
Tw: eggie gluskin is his own warning, dub-con???(not really tho), erm eddie gluskin??? Ermmm idk yandere? A bit of nsfw (but there's warning beforehand) ALSO REQUEST OPEN FOR EDDIE SIMPS
Silly Eddie Gluskin headcanons
This idea is my personal one (so prepare). Imagine s/o in that spooky psych ward and she just hangs out around Eddie CUZ LETS BE HONEST HE IS THE SAFEST OPION OUT THERE😭 LIKE rest of people there bearly speak and would bite my toes off. Also I would totally get lost, so fallowing this dude is my best option
Tbh he at least pretends that hes nice😭
Also bro is mesmerised by her cuz 'shes not like other whores' cuz she doesnt scream or run away.
After he got attached (so in like 3minutes) he starts to fallow her like lost puppy and has dumb smile on his face for the whole time
He he w- he when he wh- when he- he when-
He is also very physical🥰 if he cant hug he holds hands, AND he talks a lot too... o my god
the only red flag is that he immediately wants to erm have babies 😔 BRO WANTS TO FUCK ON FIRST DATE😰🤯
Home boy 100% commits cannibalism THERES NOTHING TO EAT HERE ALR
Trying to escape WITH Eddie? Like acually from the ward? Say less
Beats up everyone, litteraly everyone. Somone stands near her in 50meter radius? They are totally dangerous mind if i stab?
Fatherless with attachment issues 👍🧍‍♂️
Loves when s/o sits on his lap, and loves being a big spoon. Litteraly melts when she grabs his hand
He 'invites' her on dates and makes some weird ass food (probably cooked rats) and if she refuses to eat he gonna grab that fork and force it inside her cuz darling you need to stay fed and healthy
He is very into domestic type shit, so if shes okay with becoming housewife he is flying away, blushing, kicking, screaming, begging for more. I mean he still would make her a housewife but its cute that she consents and he doest have to do all this threatening and manipulation stuff to make her do so
If she bakes cookies for him he will litteraly has one of those 'its so cute i want to squash it' moments and cup her cheeks and kiss all over (aggressively)
Believes in zodiac signs and tried to learn tarot once
She has to force him to stop using hair gel he looks like he has boat on his head
Looks like he smells nice but I doubt that
Kinda likes when she tries to run away? let's be honest I doubt that s/o was in love with him from the start, he is some random weird looking dude in hospital after all. So yeah he kinda liked (and still does) enjoy the whole prey/hunter thingy
Lets start with obvious stuff, breeding kink, whole pregnancy stuff, likes his wife cute and obedient, but its kinda fun to chase her around once per few days, see her fear and panic o m g he loves that
He also fucks whenever he wants really, she has to have really good relationship with him to make him lisen and do what she asks him for (to some degree anyways)
Table, chair, wall, bed that he tortures people on, his bed, floor, any place is a good place to make some love
When he's not horny he is acually romantic (rare) he gives neck kisses, holds hands, talks about his plans for future, makes sure that stuff shes wearing and her hair is in good condition, bare minimum yknow
Also I use she/her and 'wife' stuff cuz even if s/o is the most masculine guy ever he is still cute lady in his eyes or something idc
My guy can do fast and rough or slow and deep. Depents of his mood really, if s/o annoyed him or he's just simply frustrated he will be rough, and do it no matter what she was doing, oh you were doing laundry? Not anymore, hop on this washingmachine, we are going on a ride. If he's in more romantic mood and s/o too, he will pick them up, kiss them, do it nice and deep to make sure that s/o feels everything
Tbh he loves 'hunting his prey (shes the prey lol)' prompt so much! Looking for her, feeling her fear... o my god this gets him going so hardddd
Bite marks on her, Hickeys on him
ALSO O MY GOD HER SITTING ON HIS LAP? omg imagine, s/o riding him, Eddie guiding her hips with hands HE DIES OMG YOIR SO CUTEEE
NOT ME WRITING WHOLE ARTICLE ABOUT EGGIE FUCKING GLUSKIN OMG IM SORRY😭 ALSO I was attacked by horse 2days ago and zapped by electric fence twice, just to buy a kebab, Im a survivor you all
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justkennadi · 7 months
Armin if he was 🖤Goth🖤
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Notes: Got this cool idea in my head abt a grown up version of asot armin 🤔 (it’s really cause i saw these pictures on pinterest tho) if u don’t know what asot is it stands for A slap on titan which is parody type series on youtube. 👍🏾👍🏾 but sorry if this isn’t quite accurate to what being goth is like i’m honestly still in my baby’s bat phase so i don’t know much 😭😭
Context: Modern Asot!Armin x Fem Goth!reader
Warnings: mention of ritual attempts but that’s it
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- You first saw him in middle school on the first day of 8th grade. This new blond kid just transferred in and everyone was excited to meet him!
- Well that didn’t last long.
- While you weren’t present but apparently he started spewing crazy things and started talking to himself (or a cat, everyones stories was different) and while he did good in class teachers didn’t appreciate his out bursts.
- People were QUICKLY frightened and bothered by him. He had no friends.
- You were dipping your toes into the whole gothic subculture yourself at the time but you weren’t too interested. However it seemed this new kid was in love with the whole thing. He wore all black all the time, sometimes a bit of eyeliner. He had the whole vibe to him.
- So something about him interested you.
- However, before you got the chance to go up to him, he ended up getting expelled and put in a mental hospital for attempting to perform a ritual on a 6th grader? Yikes.
- He made the news and that’s when you learned his name. Armin…
- As the years went by you slowly forgot about him. But how could you fully? He was your craziest story to tell to friends. A funny and wacky memory to reflect on.
- Now you are in your 2nd year of college. You have decided while you aren’t fully goth(at least you thought) you liked the idea and did get into some of the music and fashion but you stuck to causal clothes most days. And you never got into the heavy makeup you see most goths wear. You learned it’s more about the music anyways which helped.
- You had a slight fascination with darker things and had to constantly tell people you aren’t depressed even if you looked the part.
- One day, while in the library looking for an Edgar Allen Poe book for your book report you accidentally bumped into a slightly taller boy.
- “Sorry! My bad-“
- You realized as you looked at his face…well, did you realize? Is this him?
- “It’s fine.” The boy quietly replied.
- Oh.
- He had blond hair…blue eyes… this could be any white boy honestly. Plus his hair was shorter? And he looked more….put together? He wore a plain brown suit get up with polished brown loafers.
- “Is something the matter?” He asked looking at you.
-“Sorry…i’m sorry you just look.. familiar?” You say squinting your eyes slightly but you realized you might be acting weird so you start to go around him after apologizing again.
- However, before you can…
- “Let me guess. You remembered the crazy, sadistic boy from your childhood and i look like him.” He says stopping you.
- You slowly nod.
- “Yeah, well, it was me.” He looked away for a second. Possibly embarrassed?
- “Armin? Well, you clean up..nice…” You say taking in his appearance once again.
- “Well, a few years of a mental hospital and therapy can do that….” He chuckled. “I see you’re looking for an Edgar allen book too?”
- “Yeah…we get to choose and author and analyze their writing style for my English 2020 class….” You say looking at the shelf.
- “Mhm…I did that last year.”
- “Can i ask what happened to you?” You say abruptly.
- “Y’know…I’d rather talk about that over some coffee.” Armin says laughing once again. “If you don’t mind?”
- This Armin was a now refined gentleman. He leads you to a small coffee shop on campus after helping you pick a book. He even holds the door open for you. From what you remember he used to spit at girls, asking them bizarre personal questions, now he’s holding open doors and pulling your chair out.
- After you two get coffee he tells you everything.
-“So after the therapy and being in a crazy house for years they finally broke me. I started talking about my feelings and whatever and how my when my parents died i lost it and my grandpa wasn’t paying attention to me and blah blah blah. And i guess it was just a phase…well not fully.”
- “How so?” You say sipping on the coffee you got.
- “Well, i may not look it, but i consider my self to be a bit…how do you say..gothic?” He smirks.
- “Yeah i never would’ve guessed. You look more dark academia like.”
- “I don’t dress in all black all the time, you know it’s more about- “
- “The music?” You interrupt.
- Armin smiles. “Yes. Exactly. How did you know? Unless…”
- You smile a bit while nodding your head. Well here’s finally someone you can be yourself around! Everyone else either thought you were weird or a poser. Most just ignored you.
- After that day you and Armin start hanging out. He shows you his room which had many gothic band posters on them like Sisters of mercy posters and Siouxsie and the banshees posters and other plain ones with just bats on them. His room was a bit dark also being mostly black and gray and brown.
- You two loves making goth like inside jokes or thrifting for new accessories or even weird things.
- Armin liked to collect really weird things like taxidermies bugs and mini skulls or halloween themed things.
- He was also a night owl but he had to be awake in the day too so he did end up having slight eyebags and a constant yawn.
- He was really serious about looking presentable though. So as a result he normally just drink a dark coffee everyday. You tried it once and immediately spit it out. “This is so BITTER!?” You say in disgust.
- “Like pure caffeine.” He says taking his cup back and smiling.
- Sometimes you’d two match outfits or at least tried to coordinate them.
- People started to think you two were dating at one point. You never thought of Armin like that but the idea didn’t hurt…
- Sometimes armin tells stories from his past. Explaining how he thought he was a “crimson king” for a while or how he’d sacrifice animals like squirrels. He seems horrified with his old self but not horrified to the point where he can’t laugh about it.
- He was your favorite gothic person now honestly🖤🖤
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softshiin · 2 years
I hope i did it right 🤞🏼
I'd like to rqst a scenarios of how kakucho, (black dragon)koko, (bonten)rindou, or/and shinichiro would react to their clingy drunk s/o♥︎
sorry for the trouble ^^"'
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ଘ summary. you normally don’t get drunk, but when you do… let’s say you’re particularly clingy
๑ includes! shinichiro, kakucho, black d. ! kokonoi, bonten! rindou
ଘ cw. mentions of getting drunk
notes. hello hello! ty for sending in this cyuteee request <3 as i’m clingy myself, it’ll be fun writing abt it
remember that there could be some grammatical mistakes!
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; this was his first time seeing you this drunk
; he kinda know how to handle things with drunk people, cause he used to drink with his friends
; but he didn’t expect you to be this… clingy, yeah. affective?
; shin was delighted to see you leaning into him, giving him little kisses and all
; but hey, y’all weren’t alone right now. you were out with a bunch of co-workers and university friends
; and some of them weren’t close at all to both of you
“ y/n please….” he whispered kinda flustered while all eyes were on you
“mhmm, shin let’s go home? i’m shleepyy” you mumbled cutely
; he took this as his salvation, and immediately got up from his seat, quickly saying goodbye to everyone
; on your way home he even took a video of you singing and humming one of your favorite songs <3
; took you home safely and made sure that you weren’t cold or needed anything during the night
; alr this sweet boy right here. he’s the MOST thoughtful man you’ve ever met. fr.
; he usually pays a lot of attention to you when y’all are out drinking, so you don’t get badly drunk with your friends
; that’s why the only times you’re drunk drunk, it’s only with him
; and possibly at home, cuz it’s safer
; he’s just worried that you’ll get into trouble
; he’s pretty used to you being clingy, so he just goes with it
; prepares a blanket and some water in case you need it
; will definitely help you if you need to throw up, helping you with your hair and washing your mouth afterwards
; cuddles with you a lot
; if you’re feeling well, might as well slow dance with you <3
; waits until you fall asleep to relax a lil
black dr. ! kokonoi
; okay since he’s a minor, he hasn’t experienced a lot of drunkards situations
; he’s as well worried about you, cuz yeah you technically couldn’t drink
; but i mean, it’s not like you drank much? a senpai offered you HALF of his drink, and you were already tipsy
; that’s where koko stopped you without hesitation
“alright… let’s stop here shall we?”
; would do whatever he can if you’re not feeling well
; actually gets scared if you throw up and is about to call an ambulance
; will give you a piggy back-ride to your home while humming some sort of lullaby
; helps you if your parents aren’t at home, and might stay for the night only to make sure that you’re alright
bonten! rindou
; okay this man might be the reason why you got drunk
; he didn’t contact you in a few days and you were reaaallyy worried, but also got mad at him because he didn’t pick up the phone
; i mean, he could’ve at least sent you a message?
; and so you found yourself drinking alone at the home you two shared
; you didn’t even know after how many drinks you heard the door making some noises
; wait. since when doors make noises?
“i’m home honey” you heard a soft voice, coming closer to you
“dear? what are you-“ his words stopped immediately after he saw the state you were in
“oh come on, not again… i told you i was going on a business trip, didn’t i?” he sighed, picking you up and starting to make his way to your bedroom
; this is where he spent the whole night cuddling with you, and keeping to apologize for not being at home
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weaselbeaselpants · 7 months
kind of related but not- I'm genuinely sorry to be posting so much or about Lily Orchard, guys. Prior to Courtney coming on and telling us her story I was mostly just taken aback and angry with Lily as "one of those critic types" in my circle of vision.
It sucks -and yeah I know other critics don't want to hear this+Lily will use this fact as an excuse to discredit ppl's complaints abt her. but I think a lot of us were initially exposed to Lily because they knew of andor were fans of her cartoon criticism content. In my case I knew Lily from her days of Bronydom and have watched her make more and more meanMEAN material even w it's not about internal fandom dramacallouts. Back in those days and up to last year I could say of Lilly the same thing I'd say for a lot of people who annoy me online: I think she's a bully. Which is still bad, it's just not 'criminal', inherent. Comparing her to Rebecca Sugar, Lindsay Ellis, Contrapoints or VivziePop would be stupid as she really doesn't have even half the portfolio or wherewithall as any of those people -or even Zena and Poppy, not that they're angels. Lily was/is annoying because she'd use other people's genuine concerns and talking points. There's a certain takenupbyaltlight-term that I begrudginly would love to use for Lily that REALLY hits the nail on the head with her, be it as a fan, a critic or an activist. But I won't use it. Not because it's untrue, but because it's used by the same people who write her kiwifarm pages and misgender her and clearly couldn't give a crap about her if she didn't make them "lol"
But then, I actually looked at some of Britt's receipts and skimmed bits and pieces of what remains of Stockholm (I think you all already know this but @britts-galaxy-brain the links are missing now). For years, I'd known and listened to others honestly harp on Lily as some kind of counter-initiative for her going after their fav foalcon people. I assumed it was more of the same. It's not. Lily 100% wrote cp and is trying to hide it. No not fiction abt young adults that delves into erotic and sexisms; not stuff with aged-up child characters being big boobied of themselves thru the gaze or r34 artists. She wrote cp.
Essense of Thought's and that one hour long video talking about Stockholm were the first real horrifying revelation. Then I read through Brittney's saved messages from Lily and 'Tara'. Then I saw Patch's video.
THEN, Courtney came out and told everyone on here and her server everything we needed to know. I don't abide by everything Courtney says, especially about her abusers but I mean they're her abusers and please stop asking her to like the children who're valued more than her in the lives of her abusers, or at least maybe vent openly not to Courtney directly about your fear for those kids Cameron has. Yeah, I'm also concerned but idk there's got to be a better way to handle this. Anyway, as previously stated, I believe Courtney, Britt, and Patch. There's no way that those people have faked that stuff. I've heard kind of stretched explanations being true, but there's no way Stockholm was "edited by pedos" like Lily's saying it was I know I'm missing a few folks in there but I believe a lot of people have been genuinely victimized by LO and aren't just acting out of transphobia, bigotry.
Of what I can attest based on what I've seen, I KNOW that Lily Orchard wrote 'fluffy' foalcon and is saying she didn't, and also that the woman hates the word "queer".
Of what has been shown to me, I fully BELIEVE Lily Orchard is an abusive, sockpuppeting predator. Not only that, she's hiding behind other predator's existence to lie to her audience of other abused people to convince both them and herself that she couldn't possibly be a predator.
In 2013, what was 10 years from now, there was a controversy in the MLP fandom where a minor rose a (not undeserved) stink abt the askblog Princess Molestia and how it was making light of r*pe, intentionally or not. To counter this, a bunch of mouthbreathing bronies took it upon themselves to prove they weren't creeps by threatening the underrage sa victim, making r*pe porn of her while other mouthbreathers basically said "yeah put she's [the minor] annoying so it's the same kind of evil we're doing, really". Centrists.
Why this matters to me is (CW. CW. CW) you can find a post from Tara Callie, who was almost certainly one of Lily's alts at the time, admitting she found the r*pe art of Pinkiepony "hot", all the while Lily herself was publicly denouncing Pinkie's treatment by the fandom.
Lily Orchard is an awful human being. She does not have intrusive thoughts or fears of acting on those intrusive thoughts sometimes, like me and other people do. She has sexual and violent urges that she hides enough form the public to not make her followers suspect anything. She's twofaced and takes out her probable self-hate by attacking other predators. She's all deflection and lies. I can not believe a thing that vile woman says. Neither should you.
The biggest means of fighting her I think we all can do of is refusing to use her critical tag w we talk about her. Spam her "own tag". Enough hiding and denying who this terrible bigoted abusive woman really is.
Because really, her thoughts on glubshitto or whoever from Owl House are HARDLY the worst of it. Not even.
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MAN I LOVE UR WRITING I NEED MORE JIMMY MCGILL NOWWW!!!!! that’s unhinged im so sorry
anyways if ur still taking requests i beg u to write smthn abt Goodman helping a client (client is transmasc and tatted and pieced as fuck (me)) with weed possession and he wins the case cus he’s Saul Goodman obviously. after they celebrate with a joint and they have some nasty high sex. like imagining Saul coughing on a joint and being like “damn kid this shit’s strong.. let’s fuck” makes me shensudbwjwbs 🙏🙏
anyways have a good day/night man, congrats on graduating!!! :))
HIIIII im also tatted and pierced so this is personal 2 me 😌🖤 kinda took the piercing idea and ran with it teehee
didn’t wanna describe any specific tattoos but i included some piercing mentions (nipples, septum, tongue, vch for plot relevance >:3c)
this is also way longer than a usual drabble so plbbbbbt
warning: intox kink (weed), light degradation
anatomical terms: clit/dick/cock, pussy, hole
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“In light of this new evidence, the court has decided to drop all charges against the defendant.”
Slam dunk. Saul did it again. He’d managed to convince the judge that the cop who arrested you for marijuana possession had conducted an illegal search. He got you off. You were grateful that you wouldn’t have this looming over your head for the rest of your life. So grateful, in fact, that you hugged him as soon as you two stepped out of the courtroom.
“Ah, don’t mention it, kid. Least I could do for you.” He smiled and patted your back. He’d actually taken quite a liking to you while working on your case. You reminded him of his Slippin’ Jimmy days back in Chicago. A naïve 20-something with an affinity for pot and a less than stellar relationship with the law. He hoped he could steer you on the right path, and maybe have some fun with you too. “Say, you’re actually my last client for today. You wanna grab some food with me or something? Maybe Peter Parker’s girlfriend could join us.”
You snorted. Mary Jane. That was your code for inviting each other to smoke, which ironically you'd done frequently while working on your case. You pushed yourself off his chest and smiled up at him. “Sure. I’d like that.”
You two sat in the parking lot of Los Pollos Hermanos hotboxing his luxury car, passing a joint back and forth with greasy fingers. You took a bite of your sandwich, and a glob of chipotle mayo fell onto your nice, clean dress shirt.
"Aw, man." You groaned, before remembering you didn't need to impress anyone anymore. You shrugged, "Eh, whatever," and untied your tie, no doubt getting chicken grease all over the fabric. Then, you unbuttoned and untucked your ruined shirt, wiped the mayo off with a napkin, and tossed it behind you, leaving you in a tank top undershirt with your arm tattoos exposed. "God, I hate wearing long sleeves. I don't know how you can wear full suits in weather like this. Feel like I'm suffocating."
"You get used to it." Saul laughed and cranked the A/C for you. "I just wasn't sure if the judge would appreciate your ink as much as I do. Wanted to make sure you had the 'perfect little darling' look, y'know? Some people are close-minded like that. Least you don't have to anymore." He passed you the joint. His eyes trailed up your forearms to your chest, where he saw two barbells poking through your shirt. "Woah, hey! You got your high beams on! I'm surprised you didn't set off the metal detector with those!"
You had no idea what he was talking about, "Huh?", until your eyes followed his and you looked down. "Oh! Oh yeah, I figured I wouldn't have to take those ones out."
"Well, they look good on you. Not a lot of dudes can pull them off." Saul took a sip of his drink, ice sloshing as he put it down in the cup holder. "How many piercings you got, anyway?"
You ran through your list nonchalantly. “Not counting the ones on my ears, I have four. Septum, tongue, both nipples, and-“ You stopped yourself short and froze. The other piercing was a VCH. Vertical clit hood. If you told him that, you’d be outing yourself. You decided the best move was to say nothing else. He was a smart guy. Let him figure it out.
And he did. “Oh, ho! Naughty boy! You got a Prince Albert or something?" He elbowed you. "Chicks must be ALL over you."
You grimaced, hoping it looked like a nervous smile. "Not exactly..."
"Hm. Tell you what." Saul lit the joint, hit it, and passed it to you. "I'll buy you an eighth if you show me."
You nearly dropped the joint on your leg when he said that. "What?! Are you serious?!"
"Dead serious! I wanna know if I'm missing out! Maybe I should get one." You anxiously took a puff as he spoke with confidence. Confidence that was unwarranted; he had no clue what he was getting into. "Look, I got a guy and his stuff is the shit. It'll be worth it, I promise. You just whip it out, lemme see, put it back, and I'll hook you up. Hell, I'll even knock some off the money you owe me."
You did the cost benefit analysis in your head. Free weed plus less debt to your lawyer, and all you have to do is show him your pussy? Would it really be so bad? He really wasn't the judgmental type. He'd definitely ogle, but surely he'd understand. You sighed. "Okay. I'll do it." You took one more hit of the joint and passed it to him before you unbuckled your belt. "Just so you know, though, it's probably not what you're expecting."
Saul scoffed. "Kid, I've seen a lot of crazy things in my day. Unless your dick has a radio antenna sticking out of it or something, I think I can handle it."
You ignored his sass and worked on undressing yourself. You slid your pants off, and crossed your legs so he wouldn't see the lack of bulge in your underwear. Then, you looked over at him. "Ready?"
"Ready." He answered smugly.
You uncrossed your legs and tugged your underwear down. Your clothes pooled around your ankles, and you kicked your shoes off to free yourself. Now for the reveal. You turned your body to face him, scooted forwards, and opened your legs, hooking one behind the driver's seat, and the other propped on the dashboard. You spread your lips and showed him your, rather unconventional, dick piercing. The metal barbell stared him right in the face, and he stared back, mouth agape.
"Oh my god..."
You could see the gears turning in his head. His eyes flicked back and forth from your junk, to your face, and then back to your junk. For a man who loved the sound of his own voice, it was rare for him to be left truly speechless, but you'd done it. It was honestly quite the confidence boost.
You smirked. "Well? Is it everything you hoped for?"
"Yeah... Yeah it is..." He answered breathlessly. His mind was screaming at him not to fuck this up.
"Got anything to say? Any questions, comments, or-"
Saul butted in the middle of your sentence. Apparently, he did have something important to say. "Can I touch it?" He blurted out.
You knew exactly where this was going, and you were gonna enjoy the ride. "Sure, go for it." You took the joint and the lighter from him, leaving his hands free to explore.
Saul leaned over and brushed his hand against your skin, not fully making contact with the piercing just yet, essentially just rubbing his fingers up your slit. He was taking his time. He was warming you up. "This is... This is incredible. God, you're... you're really something else kid."
You took a hit of the joint and sighed on the exhale. From his gentle touch and praise to the haze of the weed, you were plenty warm already. Once he thought the same, he pressed his thumb against the barbell and flicked it up. Your whole body jolted and you gasped. "Ah!"
"You alright?" He asked, not pulling his hand away. He kept it firmly in position, ready to strike again.
"Y-Yeah, just-" He did it again, "Ngh... just be careful it's-" and again, "ah... it's sensitive..." and again.
He chuckled. "I can tell. Is that why you got it? You like the extra stimulation?"
"Mhm..." You nodded.
"Heh... slut." He pressed his thumb down hard and rubbed you in quick circles. "Keep smoking. I'm gonna have fun with you."
"O-Okayyy..." You whimpered and lit the joint while he teased you, watching him with wanting eyes as you climbed higher and higher. The smoke left your body and carried a sigh of pleasure out with it.
Keeping his thumb on your cock, he scooped his other fingers down and prodded at your hole. "Aw, look at you. You're already wet for me? That's precious." He slipped two inside without resistance, cooing to you as he pumped them in and out, savoring your pathetic whines and tremors. "Oh, now that's a good boy. C'mon, take another hit."
You took another drag, and while your lungs were full of smoke, he shot his fingers up against your g-spot. You moaned for half a second before choking on your hit. You coughed and waved the smoke out of your face, scrambling for some semblance of composure. "You dick! You did that on purp-ohhh..."
Saul kept working his hand, laughing at how easy it was to shut you up. "Yeah. Yeah, I did, but don't act like you don't love it." He leaned in and kissed your cheek before whispering right to you, making sure you could hear him over your own body. "Hear that? Hear how wet you are for me? That's how I know you love it. Whore." He tilted your face towards him and caught you in a kiss. You let his tongue invade your mouth and take what he wanted, a trail of spit connected you two as he broke off. "You like getting filled up, huh, boy?"
Your voice was a high-pitched, desperate whine. "Y-Yes..."
"Yeah? I bet you like getting fucked in your tight little pussy, too, is that right? You like it when a big, strong, man puts his cock in you and uses you like a cheap sex doll?"
Another slam dunk. He was right on the money. "Yes! Yes! Oh, fuck, yes!"
He flashed a sinister grin. "Good boy." He pulled his hand out of you and went for his own belt. He yanked his pants down, showing off a noteworthy tent in his boxers. You didn't get much of a look before those were off too, but the sight of what was underneath was far better. "Gimme the joint." He demanded as he stroked his cock in preparation.
You'd do anything he said. You handed him the joint and the lighter without a second thought.
"Good boy." He took a hit and blew the smoke in your direction. "So," He took a second to cough, "what you're gonna do is you're gonna sit on my cock and bounce that pretty little ass of yours on it. You think you can do that?"
There were no words left in your mind. You were an animal, acting purely on instinct. He gave the order, and immediately you climbed into his lap, bumping into the steering wheel a few times as you tried to situate yourself. Saul offered no assistance, he just continued with the joint. Fortunately, you managed to get into position without help, and you sunk down onto his cock.
"Oh! Oh my-Mmph!"
He used your wide open mouth as an opportunity to shotgun you. He blew the smoke into you and let it fill the parts of your body that he couldn't reach. You gripped his shoulders and squeezed him like you were trying to pop him. When he pulled back, you dropped your head onto his shoulder and whined.
"There we go. You feel so good, baby boy." He kissed your head and rubbed your back, comforting you as you settled into him. "Now," He yanked you up by your hair to look him in the eyes.
"Hold on tight. Cause I'm gonna take you for a ride..."
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a-azions · 6 months
Reason She Smiles - Shannon x Fem!Reader
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warnings: mentions of homophobia, touch starved!shannon, short!reader (only descriptive detail), this is written very sitcom-y bc it's a sitcom lol
requested?: yes
author's note: i'm so happy i've found a few people who want to read abt dessa and her characters so y'all better eat this and send me requests lmao.
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Clem and Nick held hands as they walked out of the elevator. Clem dropped Nick's hand to dig the key out of her purse as they approached the door.
"These heals are killing me." Clem groaned sticking the key into the knob. "Why do they have to be so pretty?" She looked down admiring them.
"They do make your legs look very-" Nick tried following Clem into the apartment, but was roughly pushed back into the hallway. "What?" He questioned noticing the shocked look on Clem's face as she closed the door again. "Did Shannon leave the living room a mess again? I swear I am gonna give that girl a stern talking to." Nick shook his head.
"No! She's in there cuddling with someone on the couch." She whisper-shouted.
"What? Who?" Nick asked intrigued.
"I don't know. I didn't get a good look." Clem shrugged.
"Well, what do we do?" Nick asked.
"We can't just walk in there." Clem said trying to think of a plan.
"Actually, we can because it's our apartment." Nick said trying to walk past Clem, but she grabbed his arm stopping him.
"Shannon has obviously been hiding whoever that is and if we just barge in there she might feel like we're attacking her and she'll stop actually talking to us."
"When has she ever actually talked us? If you think about it, we really don't know anything about that girl. She might not even be your sister." Nick said.
"I'm serious." Clem placed her hands on her hips.
"Fine, at least let me get a look at this before we go in." Nick said. He slowly turned the door knob and quietly opened the door, only a bit, peaking his head into the apartment. His eyes landed on Shannon with her arms wrapped around her guests shoulders and her head leaning on top of theirs.
"Aw, it's kind of cute." Clem whispered, her head appearing below Nick's as they both watched the two.
"Yeah, I've never seen Shannon so affectionate." Nick whispered back.
As if on cue, Shannon's guests sat up and turned to lean towards Shannon pressing a gently kiss to her lips. Nick and Clem's eyes widened and their jaws dropped as they stared at the two. They quietly shuffled back into the hall and closed the door.
"I know that girl!" Clem whispered shocked. "I saw her and Shannon hanging out the other day when I went shopping with your mom."
"Why didn't you say anything?" Nick asked offended Clem didn't tell him the biggest news about Shannon.
"I thought they were friends. They didn't look all couple-y when I saw them." Clem explained. "I can't believe Shannon didn't tell me about this. I mean I know we just reconnected, but still this is big."
"Come on, Clem. It's Shannon." Nick grabbed her hands to attempt to comfort her. "She's not exactly an open book."
"I just wish she felt like she could've told me. I don't want her to hide from us." Clem frowned.
The couple jumped upon hearing the door open. Clem whipped around putting on a smile while Nick did the same.
"Uh, hey guys." Shannon said staring at them curiously. "How was date night?"
"It was great, actually. We had this delicious-" Nick started explaining, but was interrupted by Shannon.
"I was just being polite. I don't care that much." Shannon said making him nodded sarcastically.
"Who's this?" Clem asked looking at the girl next to Shannon holding her hand.
"Um, this is my friend, y/n." Shannon introduced.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She smiled kindly.
"I'm Clem," She grinned. "This is my fiancé, Nick. It's so nice to finally meet one of Shannon's...friends."
"Why are you being weird?" Shannon asked.
"I'm not being weird." Clem quickly denied.
"Okay," Shannon trailed off. "I'm gonna walk her downstairs. I'll be right back."
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Clem stood in front of Shannon drinking her coffee. Shannon was glued to her phone, too busy texting away to notice Clem staring at her trying to think of the best way to bring up Shannon's "friend" from last night.
"So..." Clem trailed, placing her coffee mug on the counter. "Is y/n a new friend?"
"No." Shannon said simply not even looking up from her phone.
"How long have you known her?" Clem asked.
"Why are you being so nosy?" Shannon looked up from her phone suspiciously.
"I'm just wondering." Clem shrugged. "You've never brought anyone over here."
"She's been my best friend for like three years." Shannon answered. "I met her at school."
"You seem really close." Clem pointed out.
"Yeah, we are." Shannon nodded looking back at her phone in her hands.
"Okay." Clem snatched her phone out her hands making Shannon's eyes grow wide.
"Clem, what the hell?" Shannon reached across the counter trying to grab her phone back.
"I need to ask you something." Clem swatted her hand away. Shannon sat back in her seat with a huff of annoyance. "Please, don't get mad. I'm asking you this because I care about you and want you to feel comfortable here."
"What are you talking about, Clem?" Shannon looked at her utterly confused.
"Is y/n your girlfriend?" Clem asked.
Nick who had just stepped foot into the kitchen froze and turned back around to grab his briefcase. "I'll grab some coffee on the way to work." He said before scurrying out the door.
"Pfft, what?" Shannon laughed, attempting to hide her paled face. "Why are you asking that?"
"I saw you two at the mall together. I didn't think anything of it until last night." Clem admitted.
"You're spying on me?" Shannon raised her voice a little.
"No, of course not! I was shopping with Rose and I saw you two walking around." Clem explained. "Look, Shannon. I just want you to feel like you can be yourself here. You look really happy when you're with her and I hope you know you don't have to hide anything from us."
"y/n is my girlfriend." Shannon said looking at Clem with nervous eyes. "I was planning on telling you, but I got scared that maybe you wouldn't accept me, and we really needed a place to stay."
"We?" Clem questioned.
"Oh, yeah. y/n spends the night a lot. Her mom always has her boyfriends over, so she usually crashes with me." Shannon told her.
"Ok, we're gonna circle back to that later." Clem said shocked.
"y/n's really important to me, Clem." Shannon said. Clem sat up straighter upon hearing the seriousness of her tone. "Before she was my girlfriend she was my best friend. I don't wanna any of our mess of a family to ruin my relationship with her."
"Well, I saw the way you two looked together last night. I've never seen you so happy." Clem rubbed her shoulder giving her a soft smile.
"Thanks, Clem." Shannon smiled back.
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tags: @fairy-geek-ackerman
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michu-writes · 2 years
🐉 K, so...... I never played Omori, but I wanna give you something to write, so how about just general dating headcanons with Hero and Kel? You can do them separately or as a poly ship, either way, is fine. Hope that satisfies you and you'll have fun writing this. Love you! <3
Kel and Hero are brothers so- no poly headcanons ofc BUT SEPERATELY I WILL DO!!! Thank you for requesting dear anon <3
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Malewife? Manwhore? You're lucky to have him as a boyfriend. He's one of the (only) most respectful cis men out there, no joke /j.
He'll shower you with kisses and bring food to your bed !!!!! Hero loves cuddling with you too after a long day of studying just to clear his mind. You both would also cook or bake something together!!! Doesn't matter if you're good or bad at it, because you'll always succeed as long as Herj is with you el oh el.
You guys met in Faraway town a few weeks before he was gonna leave for college at the park. You noticed he looked lonely and uneasy in a way, so you decided to talk to him. He stated he just needed some fresh air and so did you!! You guys eventually became friends and found out you were both gonna attend in the same college, so that is great!
Unfortunately, you guys didn't end up in the same dorm but you both still visited each other at anytime you could!! You still saw each other all around the campus but still yeyeyeye. Anyways he had a little hard time opening up to you,,, but he did tell you about Mari eventually. You felt really bad and awful for him, that must be a really really hard thing to go through at such a young age. You told him everything was gonna be fine and she's in a much better place now. After that you both pretty much got closer and the story goes on!!!
After like a year or two of being buds to good buds to best buds, you finally confessed and he surprisingly felt the same way!! Kel and his dad pretty much knew the whole time, but his mom kept denying it and saying "they're just best friends……."
But when you and Hero came back home from college, he asked if you wanted to meet his family face to face (because you have only been able to video chat with them whenever you were hanging out with Hero in your dorms) and you gladly said yeah. Everyone welcomed you as family and was happy for both of you. Kel May or may not have been like "Ew romance" but that's just how he is. His mom though was like "Oh!" and just needed a moment to process because she never thought Hero would get a s/o anytime soon. But she greeted you and was very nice so no worries!!!
One time you were visiting Hero and you both had to babysit Sally because everyone else was away. He was just done making lunch and was about to tell you until he saw you on the couch. He couldn't help but shed a tear of how cute and gentle you were with Sally, he instantly knew you'd be an awesome parent if you wanted to!!!
You were a bit worried about why he was crying but he quickly said you were just adorable when you were all cuddled up with his little sister. Sally was all fast asleep beside you while you snuggled her up close to your chest as you were watching TV with a blanket.
10/10 boyfriend, would recommend.
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This kinda depends of how much energy you got because if you're like leaning more into the calm and relaxed type, you'll just watch him being a complete idiot in awe. He likes it because he knows your don't mind his chaotic nature (most of the time). But if you match his energy, oh god. Everything will go down hill. You'll both at least commit 5 crimes in a day. It might be really fun, but you both need someone to stop you. Like Hero perhaps.
You have known each other for a long time ever since the whole gang even formed. You both were best friends and was the only people who didn't close off which you both can agree were greatful for. You would invite him to do something to keep his mind off of things for a bit after Mari's death, and all the stress and worries about Hero. It helped and he just couldn't stop thanking you. His parents adores you for trying your best. Kel also helps you too in many different ways, you guys have each other.
When Sunny finally left his house to hangout with Kel before he moved away, they both invited you to tag along, in which you gladly agreed on. Sunny noticed the tension between you two and pointed it out. Let's just say you were both a red burning mess after that.
Sunny was kinda the one who egged Kel on to confess to confess to you because of the obvious crush, so thanks to him.
Kel usually asks Hero for relationship advices. He would also ask his dad, but they're always so long and dumb in his opinion.
He !!! Loves !!!!! Going out !!!!!! On dates !!!!!! You guys can also stay inside. His favorite dates are maybe going on a stroll at night or a movie night. During the strolls, you guys just just look at the night sky and admire the stars and moon while holding hands and rant about your favorite things ! During the movie nights, you just lay on the sofa with snacks in the table, a blanket covering the two who was all cuddled up, probably watching some horror or action movie.
Kel loves to creep up on you and scare you when you're not looking, he finds your reaction hilarious.
Will always hold your hand or have his arm around your shoulders. He'll also give you random hugs and kisses anywhere at all (unless you don't like pda which is totally fine). He's so sweet and goofy.
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Well about the perception of Volo vs Kamado thing, and why more people don’t hate Volo, I have my own reflections (pretty privilege is absolutely a factor tho let’s be real 😂)
Everyone growing up has at least one story of an adult being super unfair to you, even though you were doing everything right. Their own biases and experiences could be understood later once you were older and calmer reflecting back on the incident, like a teacher who snapped at you maybe had a super long day of wrangling hundreds of children. But we never forget how it feels in that moment to have those who should be guiding us be unfair and seemingly unreasonable. So naturally that’s gonna hurt when you get kamado being paranoid.
Volo on the other hand is just absolutely delightful I’m sorry maybe if Kamado put on a silly outfit and hair for his boss battle instead of plate mail he’d have more art. Like you said Volos betrayal is one and done really, he acts like a theater kid and then dips. You have to keep seeing kamado being in charge in the game after his blunders for a while which can rub people the wrong way. (Also this is maybe just me but I never trusted Volo just like I never trusted Cynthia as a kid, and finding out he was evil was a great moment of vindication I CANT be the only one who experienced this)
TLDR we see unfairness way more than we see someone betray us while making their hair like a god horse
well, you heard them, kamado. time to go get the jester outfit. cmon chop chop it's to redeem your image
yeah, the point abt getting burned by adults in authority is also very fair. most of us were not scarred for life by theater kid antics lol. the other thing abt it is that often those same adults never really face any consequences. you were always just expected to move on, suck it up etc. cause that's life as a kid right. sometimes ppl will use their power over you just to flex their limited authority, or to vent whatever's going on in their home life, and this doesn't really stop when you grow up it's just that when you're a kid basically every adult has that authority position. so it's just expected that there's nothing you can do. i mean unless you decide to be the karmic force of justice in your own life by being the most stubborn bitch of a child to walk the earth. not that i would know anything about that cough
uh anyway. the thing is the thing btwn you and kamado isn't about about child vs adult. you're more or less considered an adult yourself by jubilife, albeit a rather young and more importantly low ranking one. like we've said (a million times already lol) kamado's not doing it just to grasp at a sense of control, he's reacting to what he perceives as a very real threat to his village (and also because the writers clocked him in the face with the idiot ball for plot advancement reasons lbr).
and the thing is kamado DOES, kind of, face consequences and own up to his mistakes by the end of the game. also after the red sky event he's like, REALLY nice to you lol. not just briefly either! imo you can tell that he sincerely respects you and regrets his actions in the red sky. go look at his late game quotes-
"Perhaps you are a divine being yourself, sent to bring us gifts from above... "I know I've no right to say this... But we are truly fortunate to have been able to count you among the Survey Corps' ranks. If you had not joined us, we would have fallen on Mount Coronet. We would have lost our home. We would have lost our future." "I'm grateful to you for showing me what a heartening presence Pokémon can be. We must spar again sometime!" "<player>, forgive me for taking so much of your time [telling you about the Galaxy name.] Please accept this as a sort of apology."
like he's trying to make up for the way they were treated earlier and give them the proper treatment they're owed for all their help.
idk i don't have a good way to conclude this i guess. i just think he's a cool character
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