#(The only reason I'm still hesitating is because honestly I just want to get it out of the way instead of dragging it out another year+)
koushirouizumi · 7 months
Regal: "Refunds can be processed up to 60 minutes prior to showtime" ME: (Seriously considers if I want to make Toei and Discotek lose my $36 that I paid for two people)
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im-am-not-a-weenie · 5 months
🍓playing with their hair for the first time
Writing bg3 hc Now! Will also still be doing rdr2 a/n at the bottom for more info! spelling errors
Gn Reader
Gale, astarion,halsin,
Establish relationships
You see Gale sitting all alone enjoying a good book. He always looked cute when he was enjoying what he was reading, he looked so concentrated and expressive
You couldn’t help but walk over to the wizard. “Mind if I join you?”. He smiled and patted the ground beside him “Of course, what’s better than a good book? Good company to share it with”
You sat down and made yourself comfortable ” What are you reading” You looked curiously over at the book in the wizard's hands. “Ah, It’s nothing really, just another tail of dragons and knights. I could read it aloud if you wish?”
He looked a bit nervous “On second thought you’ve probably grown tired of hearing my voice”. You gave his arm a reassuring squeeze “Never”
You laid back, Gale didn’t look very comfortable, being hunched over “Here,” you said sweetly and pulled him down so his head was on your lap “Better?” He looked a little stiff but quickly regained his composure “Yes, yes it’s quite nice”
As He started to read Your hand absentmindedly went to his hair, and your fingers started to card through his brown locks, you felt him tense but then relax back into it
You closed your eyes and leaned your head back listening to him read, but after a long you heard him trail off, opening one of your eyes to peek at him you could see he was starting to doze
With a smile, you gently took the book out of his hands “Huh?” He opened his eyes to look at you. ”you were falling asleep” your hand still in his hair
“Could You…could you maybe keep doing that?” Gale mutters sheepishly. You just laughed softly and smiled
That night Gale fell asleep with a smile on his face and your hands in his hair
The party decided it would be best to stay at a tavern that night, treating themselves and of course, astarion headed straight towards where the bath was located
It had been an hour and still no sign of him, getting a tad bit worried you decided to go check on him, you knocked on the door softly “Star? Are you alright in there?” You were met with a muffled “Yes darling quite alright”
After a few minutes you hesitantly “Can…can I come in?" he automatically responded with a "Yes darling"
as you opened the door thick clouds of steam poured out. "hurry my love, we wouldn't want it to get cold in here now would we?" astarion was sitting in a bath you could only assume was boiling hot water "Star, how hot is that bath? your skin is red" he waved off your concern
"now what did you need?" his eyebrow raised in curiosity. "I was hoping to join you honestly" his expression dropped as he opened his mouth to speak but then closed it
"You can say no" your voice filled with nothing but love and encouragement. he hesitates for a moment before finally saying "It's just I don't believe the tub would be big enough for us both that's all" he flashed you a charming smile. you knew there was a deeper reason but didn't push
"i was actually thinking of just sitting in here with you. Would that be ok?' he looked taken aback "You just wish to sit here with me that's all?" you gave a nod "Well I mean who wouldn't want to sit here and marvel at my beauty, go ahead"
as he reached for the soap you beat him to it "Here let me." pouring a generous amount of soap into your hands, making your way behind him, first lathering the soap in your hands before sinking them into his hair
"What are you doing?" his body tensed up slightly. "washing your hair what does it look like" teased him with a sweet voice as your fingers gently massaged his head. "I get that darling but why?" his voice sounded unsure, not used to non-sexual intimacy.
"Because I love you, and you deserve to get pampered" his breath caught in his throat and quickly cleared it "Of course I do, I'm glad we're on the same page." you gave him a small laugh as you kept washing his hair, he closed his eyes and lent back into your hands. you swear you could hear him purring
you both sat in comfortable silence until he softly said "I love you too" You could hear the faint smile on his lips without having to see it
this morning was a rare morning, not only did you wake up early voluntarily, but you woke before Halsin which never happened. (to be fair he just got back from a long and exhausting journey but still!)
waking up feeling warm. not sure if it was because of how the sun was hitting your face or because of the giant man holding you close to him
your eyes fluttered open and you were met with the sight of a sleeping Halsin. he looked peaceful. the sun made him look radiant, glowing almost, as his chest rose and fell with a steady rhythm. something else caught your eye. he had his hair down
yes his hair was always down but it was always pulled back, but this morning it sprawled messily over his pillow, and a couple stray strands laid on his face. you couldn't help but reach out and brush it away
his eyebrows frowned before he quietly spoke "Your hands are cold" You quickly retracted your hand. "sorry" you whispered back, Halsins eyes opened slolwy. blinking away the sleep, he smiled and grabbed your hand and placed it back on his cheek, and kissed the palm of your hand. "it's ok my heart"
you could feel your face heat up all you could do was smile dumbly "It's down" was all you said and tucked a few more pieces behind his ear. "does it bother you my heart?' you shook your head, all too eager to see the druid with his hair down. "no, I like it"
running your hand through his usually well-kept hair. "how is it so soft" you wondered out loud, Halsin just chuckled and let you have your fun.
he let out a content sigh. "awfully affectionate this morning. not that I mind" his lips pressed against your forehead. "Is something the matter?"
"no, I just missed my bear that's all" You studied his face, taking in every detail. "I think I finally understand the whole "appreciate nature's gift" thing." the druid just laughed warmly and shook his head fondly
the two of you spent all morning like that. his arms wrapped around you and you playing with his hair
hey guys im back! so much as happened i graduated and im 19 now? life has been crazy!! i know this is different from my usual content but playing baulders gate gave me inspiration to write again. dont worry i will still take requests for RDR2 but i will also be writing for BG3. With that said im cleaning out my inbox so if you see your request finally go through a year later.............🤷‍♀️. i will also be taking BG3 requests. i did astarion, gale, and halsin i think i can write them comfortably. but do not be scared to request other characters if you really wanna see me write for them or have a really specific scenario in mind. i will also try to post every other Wednesday
love yall and thx for the support <3
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bonny-kookoo · 4 months
green!family is so cute :((( does oc see their lowkey family portrait on the fridge when she comes over?
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The second time Jungkook visits with his daughter, she's a lot more comfortable basically zooming right off into your apartment the second Jungkook has taken off her boots and coat.
It makes you happy to see her this comfortable in your home, even if Jungkook feels a bit embarrassed by the way she visibly forgot to even greet you, instead jumping right onto your sofa since her favorite cartoon is already running on the TV. "I'm so sorry, I swear she's more polite usually-" He defends himself, but you wave it off.
"It's not that big of a deal Jungkook, really. I'm glad to see her happy." You reassure the young father. After all, it must be quite a handful to manage such a young child, work, and your own life all at once. And honestly, it's not surprising she's still rather unsure about you- you've noticed that she hesitated while looking at you as Jungkook had slipped off her boots.
She does, often, look at you from a distance. As if she's trying to figure out how to approach you, of if she should. So it's not that she's impolite- she just doesn't know how to really act towards you.
"I guess it might be because.. well, she's mostly around me, or my friends. And they're all men." He sighs. "I'm.. I mean, you know, I've been with women here and there, but I've.. always kept them from her, you know? I didn't want her to get confused, or attached, and then..."
"Jungkook, that's completely reasonable." You say, walking into the kitchen with him to get something to drink. "...though I do feel rather special now, hearing that." You tease, and much to your surprise, he takes the bait right away, and bites down with the force of a predator.
"Well, I'd promised myself to only ever introduce her to someone I'd see myself with long-term." He explains, walking closer to you until his hands are on your hips, eyes traveling from your neck up to meet your gaze. "And from what I can tell... and from what I've.. experienced.." He says more quietly, a warmth to his words that softens up your soul, as he leans even closer, eyes moving from your lips back to your eyes again, unsure. "...we do fit quite well." He teases with an impish grin, making your ears flop down a bit in shyness, clearly getting the hint at what exactly he's talking about.
"Minji-" You start, but he only raises his brows before he tilts his head to the side.
"Is in the living room, watching TV." He calms you. "But don't worry- I won't yet do that." He purrs, leaning closer to instead kiss your cheek, chuckling.
"But we already kissed.!" You complain as he moves away from you, grinning as he takes his and your cup of tea to bring along into the living room.
"Not really." He denies however, sending you a rather odd look. "Not.. like that." He reminds you-
and you realize what he means.
Once you sit down on the sofa- Jungkook between you and his daughter, the mood eases up quite a lot, both you and Jungkook talking about random things of your days while Minji happily watches the frog-cartoon next to her father, only occasionally getting distracted by something.
But it's when both she and her father leave that suddenly, your doorbell rings again, causing you to open it, surprised. "Did you forget something?" You ask, but instead of Jungkook answering, Minji whines, and jumps with something in her hands, holding it out for you to take.
"She left it in the car, but really wanted you to have it." Jungkook explains as you unravel the rolled up page of paper, curious as to what it might be.
It's a page out of a coloring book, colorful strokes of crayon painting the bodies of the frogs and background. A sun in the corner with a smiling face, little trees and flowers all around, and in the middle, three frogs. Two bigger one's stand next to a smaller one in the middle on a swing, the small child-frog and the bigger frog on the left colored different shades of green- with added strokes of a black fineline marker, clumsily drawing in two small lines on one side of the big frog's mouth.
Jungkook's piercings, you realize. She even drew them some bunny ears, even though they're a bit off-center and different sizes.
But what catches your attention most is the frog on the right, painted with orange and red, a fluffy big tail added to it, making it clear who it's supposed to resemble.
A small hand tugs on your shirt. Only now do you realize your eyes have begun watering up.
"I-It's really pretty Minji." You praise, blinking the tears away before they can fall, as you squat down.
"She wants you to have it. We have made a copy, it's hung up on our fridge." He kindly tells you, and you nod, sniffling a little, trying hard to keep it together. But the gentle hand of the little girl carefully petting your head is enough to make you break down a little, moving the picture away as to not get any tears on it.
The picture on the fridge presenting so much more now than just a child's drawing.
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tsams-confessions · 3 months
Not so short confession about Eclipse and the entire TSAMS lore: Eclipse was only the bad guy because everyone treated him like one.
Hate me all you want, but was prooven with KC, Solar, old Moon, Lunar (who is technically all that was good inside Eclipse) Ruin, heck, even with Sun that with a TINY BIT of love and care, anyone can change for the better. Solar needed his Sun to care about him in the start, and he never became a bad guy, even after his Sun died. KC needed, what? A 10 MINUTES LONG FRIENDLY CONVO with Glamrock Freddy, and after that he overcame his base coding. Old Moon sacrifised himself to not kill anymore person, giving KC and himself a chance in life to be better. Ruin was saved because new Moon and Sun risked their lifes and only way back to their home to get the cure for Ruin, even though Ruin brought Bloodmoon back, blew up the daycare and tormented them worse than Eclipse. Sun didn't go insane and potentially more suicidal because Earth showed up (I don't think he would've survived the guilt of loosing Moon without her). And Lunar... Eclipse got rid of his part that cared and wanted to be more than a villain, the part of him that longed for love and understanding... and to be fair I would be mad too if I was doomed to be a villain, and then the people who wronged me accepted my scrapped loving part without hesitation (which I scrapped because I hated I cared about said people) while I never got a chance to show I can be better. This doesn't justify what Eclipse did, because he still killed Lunar. Imma say it louder so everyone will understand: THIS DOESN'T JUSTIFY WHAT ECLIPSE DID TO LUNAR, BECAUSE IT WAS HORRIBLE AND WRONG IN SO MANY LEVELS!!!
But who didn't hurt/traumatize/killed their loved ones here? Old Moon was hardcore abusive with Sun and started this whole Eclipse problem (Moon cared still, but that doesn't excuse what he did to Sun), Sun killed Bloodmoon and hate to say it but he killed old Moon too without wanting to, KC, who was literally redeemed and forgiven killed probably hundreds of innocent people. Sun even gave Bloodmoon one last chance to be redeemed, but Eclipse? This mf died while trying to warn the only people he still somehow cared for, no matter how scrapped he was. He was begging to be heard out, not giving a flying fuck if Sun hurts him (and sidenote, even when Moon threatened to kill Eclipse, he accepted it, just wanted to be heard out, while Solar, when his Moon was truthfully wanting to kill him, he killed his Moon. Eclipse didn't even bother). He could've use the star to stop Sun, and he didn't.
And that's what I love in the lore of TSAMS, because this doesn't seem unintentional. Every now and then it's shown and prooven that with a tiny bit of understanding and love, ANYONE can change. All of the main characters (except for Earth and Lunar) did horrible things beforehand, and the only reason they stayed sane and didn't go down on a bad path on the long run because they had love and support by their side. Eclipse died TWICE, and even though it was confirmed by a celestial being who WATCHES THE ENTIRE COSMOS that this Eclipse is not the one who killed Lunar, he still payes the prize of V1 and 2 Eclipse's actions. And honestly... I don't understand new Moon and Solar, the two genius of the current lore: what do you expect from this copy of an Eclipse? He is a literally badly put togther scrapped dude who lives with horrying memories and has no idea why he lives. JUST MAYBEEE, if you'd give him a system repair, he would be less violent and more capable of helping you? Maybe? Oh yeah right I forgot that there is one universal rule throughout all dimensions: we hate and overvillainize our og Eclipse, because anyone deserves a chance in life, expect him.
And again, I'm not trying to protect Eclipse from hate or justify what he did, because he indeed became a villain. But what about everyone else? How come everyone else's action were forgiven and got a chance to be redeemed but not him? I'm not saying everyone should forgive him, heck Lunar has all right to never forgive him! But this Eclipse didn't do the actions he gets the blame for, and he would deserve to finally have more than just hate poured onto him. They don't have to forgive Eclipse, but if KC got a chance and Sun was WILLINGLY wanting to give a chance to Bloodmoon too, Eclipse has all right to get his redemption, because with Solar, it was prooven all an Eclipse needs is love and understanding.
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sissylittlefeather · 5 months
Baby, Let's Play House
A/N: I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Like I was so excited to write this idea and then I'm not sure it turned out very well. I don't know. If you like it, let me know because my confidence is slipping. If you read it, thanks as always. You're the reason I do this!
Warning: 18+ minors DNI, kissing, cussing, fingering, p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, infidelity, domestic violence (happens "off screen", Elvis is not violent), mentions of infertility
Word count: ~3.8k
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And a little song inspiration for this one. (I know it's not the title song but it inspired the fic lol)
You've been on Audubon Drive for several years when the Presleys move in next door. They seem like nice people: a husband, wife, and young adult son. They wave and smile when appropriate and you go on about your daily life.
You don't have children, so it's just you and your husband in your home. You try to convince yourself that he's not a bad man, but when he has a few too many, he has a tendency to make that a hard argument. But what choice do you have? It's 1956 and divorce isn't something anyone goes into lightly. Honestly, you probably just need to toughen up and realize that this is what you signed on for when you married George. Still, some small part of you hopes that there may be more to life.
One day, you decide to take it upon yourself to help George with the chores. Maybe this will reduce his stress and allow him to be kinder to you. You bring the lawnmower out of the garage with the grand idea to mow the lawn on your own. There's only one problem: you've never used a lawnmower before. You go to battle with it for about twenty minutes before you're so frustrated you want to cry. Finally, you sit down in the grass next to it and try to gather yourself. You're just about ready to give up entirely when you hear him. You look up into his face from your place on the ground.
"Ma'am, can I help you at all?" It's the neighbor boy from next door. You say boy, but he's easily in his early twenties. He's a man.
"Oh, well, I'm just, no I'm fine." He sits down next to you on the grass.
"I'll be honest. You don't look fine. Are you sure I can't help?" For the first time, you get a really good look at him. He's impossibly handsome. The lines of his face are like a Greek god and his lips look like they're soft as marshmallows. He kind of takes your breath away, but you're hesitant to let him know that.
"Well. I've never used one of these things before." He chuckles.
"I suspected as much. Can I do it for you?"
"Oh, my husband..."
"Is he here?" He turns to look up at your house.
"Then why don'tcha let me help? I'll be done before you can shake a stick." He smiles and you almost melt.
"Alright. If you insist."
"I do. I'm Elvis. Elvis Presley." He reaches a hand out to shake yours.
"Y/n. Y/f/n y/l/n. Thank you, Elvis."
"You're welcome, Mrs. Y/l/n." He pops up off the ground and takes the lawnmower. He skillfully maneuvers it around the yard and you watch from the porch for a bit. Then, it occurs to you that you should do something to thank him. You run inside to make some lemonade. When you come back out, he's taken his shirt off and is almost finished. A thin, sheer coating of sweat covers his skin and something inside you jumps. You stand on the porch with your tray trying not to stare at him as his arm muscles flex with the movement of the lawnmower. At one point, he looks up at you and you look away quickly. When you risk a glance back in his direction, he's smiling the dimpled smile again. Eventually, he finishes and parks the lawnmower in front of the porch. He walks up the steps, wet with sweat, and takes the glass of lemonade that you offer him.
"Thank you, ma'am."
"Please don't call me ma'am. It makes me feel like I'm a hundred years old."
"Well, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"
"That's not a very nice question to ask a lady."
"Oh, I'm sorry-"
"I'm 33." He nods and smiles again.
"That's not old at all, honey." The switch from ma'am to honey is a subtle but deliberate one.
"How old are you?" He grins devilishly.
"Old enough." You feel your cheeks flush with his flirtatious answer. You're trying very hard not to notice how his tanned skin glistens in the sun. But the way he looks at you, like a puppy who hasn't eaten in a week, makes it hard to ignore how handsome he is. He looks out to your yard again.
"Looks like you need someone to sort out those flower beds. Can I come back this weekend?" You think to yourself that George wouldn't like it. But he's out of town for work this weekend and you do need help with the flower beds.
"Sure. Can you be here Saturday morning?"
"I can be here whenever you want, honey." He winks and hands you his empty glass. Then, he takes your hand and kisses the back of it. "I'll see you on Saturday."
"I'll be waiting." You try to hide your cringe after you say it. What on earth made you say that?! But he takes it in stride, grinning widely.
"It can't come soon enough." He walks back across the yard to his home and goes inside. Your chest is heaving and it feels like you can't breathe. No one has made you feel like this in years.
George doesn't even notice that the yard is mowed before he leaves for his business trip. You're torn between being disappointed that he doesn't notice your efforts and relieved that you didn't have to tell him about having the neighbor help.
When Saturday rolls around, you wake up early to make yourself presentable. You catch yourself as you're about to dab on your expensive perfume and look at yourself in the mirror disapprovingly. Why are you trying so hard to impress this young man? You put the perfume down and walk out of the bathroom. But before you make it to the living room you go back and dab on the perfume and swipe on your favorite lipstick. Does it really hurt anything to look and smell nice? No. At least that's what you're going to tell yourself.
He shows up around 10am and knocks on your front door. The butterflies in your stomach are embarrassing and you take a deep breath before opening the door.
"Hi Mrs. Y/l/n!" He smiles brightly and you actively try to calm yourself down.
"Hi Elvis. Thank you again for doing this."
"Oh, it's no trouble!" You walk outside with him and show him what you want done with the flower beds.
"I know that's a lot of work. If you don't finish today, it's okay." You look at him and try not to bat your eyes.
"I'll just come back again." He winks and your stomach flip flops.
"Well, I'll leave you to it." You smile awkwardly and he nods. As you walk away, he calls after you.
"I don't mind if you watch." You turn back to him with a shocked expression on your face. "Kidding. Mostly."
His smirk causes a physical response between your legs and you turn and walk away from him as quickly as possible.
A couple of hours later, you peek through the blinds to check his progress. He's taken his shirt off again and you watch as he wipes his brow. You don't even notice you're biting your lower lip until he looks up at you in the window. He smiles mischievously and you realize you might be in trouble.
After another hour, he knocks on the door. You swallow deeply and open it.
"I think I've done all I can do today. Do you mind if I take a break in here? Maybe have some more lemonade?"
"Oh, of course!" He follows you to the kitchen where you fix him another glass of lemonade. When you hand it to him, your fingers touch and you almost drop it. He takes a long drink and then looks around your house.
"Your husband isn't here?"
"No, he's away for work."
"You have kids?"
"No, no kids."
"Hm." He drinks more from his glass and you take the opportunity to look at him again. His hair has fallen from its perfect, slicked back style and the front pieces hang in his face. You become keenly aware of the fact that you're alone in your house with him and he's half naked. Your imagination begins to run wild and you clear your throat to try to get it to stop.
"How do you like the neighborhood?"
"Oh, it's really nice. It's the best place we've ever lived." You nod and he tells you a little bit about the place they came from and how his music career has allowed him to get something nicer for his family.
When his glass is empty, he looks down at it and then back up at you.
"Would you like some more?"
"No, I'm alright Mrs. Y/l/n."
"You know, you can call me y/n."
"Okay then, y/n." He looks into your eyes for a minute before he takes a step closer to you where you stand leaning against the kitchen counter. You look up at him in anticipation and he reaches behind you to set his glass down. He gets painfully close to you when he does so, close enough for you to catch the scent of his natural musk mixed with some other manly smell. He's absolutely intoxicating.
"I should probably get out of here. Thanks for the lemonade." You nod.
"Of course."
"I'll come back to finish those flower beds sometime this week."
"Okay. That sounds good." You're so discombobulated that you don't even think about what might happen if he shows up when George is home. He's got you so distracted that you almost forget George exists. Then, before he leaves, he leans in and whispers in your ear.
"I like your perfume." As he backs away, his lips graze your cheek and a shiver runs through you. "I'll see you soon."
He turns to walk toward the door and your heart pounds so loud you're pretty sure he can hear it.
Thankfully, when he shows up on Wednesday to finish up the flower beds, George is at work. You answer the door and he stands on your porch eagerly.
"Thought I'd come finish those beds, if you don't mind."
"Oh, not at all. Thank you for coming back."
"Well, maybe I missed you." He smiles and your heart turns over in your chest.
"Elvis, you don't know me well enough to miss me."
"Maybe I'd like to know you better, then." He's surprisingly serious when he says it. You open the door for him to walk inside and then close it gently behind him.
"I have a husband." You practically whisper it to him and look down at your feet.
"I know that." He tips your chin up so that you're looking up at him. "You just seem so lonely."
"I am." Your eyes fill with tears as you look at each other. A single tear escapes and slides down your cheek. He catches it and wipes it away with his thumb. Slowly, he leans in and kisses your cheek where the tear was. Electricity runs through you and you're overwhelmed with the need for him to kiss you more. Seemingly reading your mind, he leans in again and presses his lips to yours softly. When he pulls back, his eyes flick between yours and then down to your mouth. You can tell he's about to kiss you again, so you look back down at your feet.
"Elvis, I can't."
"Is he good to you?"
"It doesn't matter."
"Like hell it doesn't!"
"Elvis, please." You look at him desperately and his heart breaks for you.
"Okay. I understand."
"I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay. I'll just get to work on those flower beds."
"You really don't have to."
"Y/n, I want to. Please let me help you." Your heart is warmed by his kindness. He seems to genuinely care about your wellbeing.
"Thank you." He nods and smiles and heads out the front door to the yard.
While he works, you sit in the living room and sob. You're not used to a man who actually cares.
"What happened to the flower beds?" George stands at the window on Friday afternoon with a glass of whiskey and a cigarette.
"What do you mean?" You ask innocently, trying to figure out how to answer him.
"They're weeded and there's new flowers."
"Oh, well, I did it. Or rather, I had a friend do them."
"A friend? What friends do you have?" His tone is scathing. He loves to bring up how alone you are.
"The neighbor boy."
"The one with the sideburns and squirrel shoes?"
"Stop, George, he's nice."
"Oh? He's nice? How many times has he been over here?"
"Just a couple of times to help with the yard work." A sickening feeling settles in your stomach as his mouth twists.
"Why is he so keen to help you?"
"He's just a nice kid, George."
"I'll bet he's nice. Men usually are when you fuck them."
"George! I have not!"
"I'm sure, you little whore. You'd give it up to anyone who smiles at you right." You feel the angry tears prick the corners of your eyes.
"George, please stop." He walks towards you menacingly and you cower, trying to avoid him. You close your eyes and pray that he'll get his fill of hurting you quickly.
On Saturday morning, George leaves for another business trip and you lay in your bed crying. That's where you are when you hear the soft knock on your door. You don't answer it. But then you hear another knock and Elvis calls to you from the porch.
"Y/n! I know you're in there." You walk to the door and talk to him through it, refusing to open it.
"What do you want, Elvis?"
"I don't know, I just. I wanted to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Your husband. He said something to me. Please let me in."
"What did he say?"
"He said 'she's all yours'. Now let me in. I have a bad feeling about this."
"No. Go home, Elvis. It's nothing."
"Alright, now I'm really coming in. You can open this door or I'm breaking it down."
"Elvis. Don't be ridiculous."
"Here I go! You better stay clear." You hear him back up like he's going to actually try to kick the door in, so you open it quickly.
"There now that's... y/n..." He pushes his way into the room when he sees you, closing the door behind him. You stand and stare at each other. Then, he gently holds his hand up to your face, gingerly ghosting his thumb over the black and purple bruising on your eye.
"Did he do this to you?" His voice is strained and lower than you've ever heard it before.
"It doesn't matter."
"I'll kill him." You can feel the raging energy coming off of him in waves.
"Elvis, please." The desperation in your voice is the only thing that could calm him down.
"Did he do this because of me?" He practically whispers it. You look down at the floor. "Did he?!"
When he gets loud, you wince and move away from him out of habit.
"Oh, god, honey, I'm sorry." He softens again and wraps his arms around you. You don't hold back anymore, sobbing openly on his shoulder. He walks you to the couch and sits you down next to him, still holding you as you cry.
Eventually, you sit up and look into his face. He shakes his head when he sees your eye again.
"I know I'm ugly with this-" You put your hand up to cover it and he brings it back down.
"Stop. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I just wish I could've been here to protect you."
"Oh Elvis, it's not your-"
He cuts you off by pressing his lips to yours, his hand on the side of your neck. He pulls back a little and whispers, running his thumb gently across your cheek.
"He'll never hurt you again. Not as long as I live." Then he dives back in and kisses you deeply, parting your lips to let his tongue slide into your mouth. He kisses your cheek down to your neck and lays you down on the couch, situating himself beside you. You put your hands on his chest and melt into the closeness of his body. He might be young, but he's strong and for the first time in a long time you feel safe. His hand drifts up and down your back, finally settling on your hip, pulling you tight against him. His mouth finds yours again and your tongues dance against each other passionately.
You know you should stop him. You're married. But you don't. Instead, you let him reach behind you to the zipper on your dress.
"I'm going to take this off now, unless you say no." You're a little surprised at his confidence, but it's obvious he can tell how vulnerable you are. You nod yes and he slowly pulls the zipper down. Then, he sits up and uses both hands to pull your dress forward and down off of your body. He pulls his shirt over his head and kicks off his shoes, lying back down at your side. He rolls his hips into you and you feel his erection pressing against you. His hand slides up your body to your breast and he squeezes it lightly as he kisses your neck. You reach back and unclasp your bra, letting him pull it forward off of you. His mouth immediately goes to one of your nipples and he kisses and nibbles your chest affectionately. He slides his hand under your panties and teases your clit with his finger. Before too long, he slips a long finger into you and begins to pump it in and out. He adds a second finger and kisses your mouth again.
"Does that feel good, darlin'?" You moan softly and nod.
"Yes. Yes it does."
"Good. I just want to make you feel good, baby." He uses his thumb to rub circles on your clit and you whimper with pleasure.
"Oh, you like that?"
"Yes, don't stop!" He slows his fingers down and focuses instead on stimulating your sensitive bud. He drags his thumb over the top of it and moves faster and faster. He watches your body for cues and follows them to bring you the most pleasure. Your breathing picks up as you feel your climax approaching. He rubs a consistent pattern and your orgasm rushes toward you.
"Oh, God, Elvis, yes! Yes!" You cry out as you come hard on his hand. While you ride your body high, he goes back to pumping his fingers, crashing against your g-spot, and you come again, your release splashing out of you. Your legs shake as he pulls his hand away. He pulls your panties down and off and then stands up to remove his pants. They hit the floor and you're shocked to find that he isn't wearing underwear. His cock bounces free and the size of it takes your breath away. He climbs on top of you and aligns himself with your entrance, massaging your sensitive clit with his tip.
"Are you ready?" You look at him hovering above you and you can't believe this is your life. He's so beautiful and so kind. If you're not careful, you'll be in love with him. Finally, you whisper.
He nods and pushes into you, slowly sliding his cock inside. You moan softly as he fills you fully and you stretch around him.
"Oh fuck." He sighs and closes his eyes. You laugh a little at his reaction and he smiles, kissing your shoulder. Then, he picks up a steady pace of fucking into you.
"Is that good, honey?" He whispers in your ear as he pounds you.
"God, yes." You wrap your legs around his waist and he groans. He kisses your mouth with heavy tongue and slows his pace to long, deep strokes.
"Mmm, you feel so good, baby. I could do this forever." A big part of you wishes he would. "But I'm gonna come soon, darlin'. Where should I-?"
"You don't have to stop. I'm not... there won't be a baby." He stops momentarily and looks down into your face. You look away from him and he cups your chin and turns you back to look at him. He kisses your mouth, your cheek, and then your forehead.
"Okay, honey." You never thought you'd find a silver lining to your situation, but here it is. He rolls you on your side to face him with your leg over his hip and begins to pump in and out of you again slowly. Something changes slightly in the way he fucks you. He was gentle and deliberate from the beginning, but now he's even more affectionate, sweetly peppering you with kisses and running his hand over you gingerly. It dawns on you that you've gone from having sex to making love.
He moves his hand down to your hip and holds you tightly as he increases speed.
"Mmm. Baby. It's so good." He rolls his hips into you over and over as his climax approaches. His cock slides in and out quickly and he kisses your mouth one last time before he slams into you and shudders, filling you with warmth. He presses his forehead to yours and breathes heavily. "That was amazing."
You nod and kiss him softly on the lips. He rolls onto his back and rearranges you to lay on his chest. For a young man, he has no problem taking charge and you feel more and more comfortable in his arms. You spend the next few hours in this position, talking about anything and everything. When the sun starts to get low in the sky, he looks out the window.
"Do I need to leave?"
"It's up to you. George won't be home until Monday evening." You feel a lump form in your throat at the thought of spending the next few days alone.
"Then I'm staying. I have to leave on Monday to play a couple of shows, but I'll be back. I'll stay with you until I leave."
"Your parents won't worry about you?"
"I'm an adult. I'll call my mother and tell her I'm staying with a friend for a bit."
And he does. You spend the next two days together, laughing and talking and playing house. You've never been happier in your life. Neither of you thinks about what the future might hold for you. Instead, you revel in the time you have right now with each other. For the moment, you're happy, and no one can take that away from you.
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love
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I saw the requests for fics were open I just need to ask if it's ok to put one in and if it's ok to have an x reader even if platonic bc honestly I'm in a mood lol and I am craving LER ALASTOR idk why and I love your fics and you are a great writer
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"Good night"
Summary: You were struggling to sleep that night, so in defeat, decided to just give up and stay up all night. Sadly for you, Alastor didn't exactly approved your idea.
Warnings: Swearing.
Bags under your eyes would appear if you didn't go to sleep, and you knew it pretty well. It sucks, really sucks, but laying down on your bed doing nothing and being unable to finally take a good night of sleep sucks the double of those two combined.
As much as the TV wasn't that entertaining, it was enough to keep you awake and slightly less bored.
3AM, still nothing. You took a nap on the couch, but then woke up again. Did you actually took a nap? Or did you brain just turned off? Not sure, not bothered enough to care.
But, suddenly, something else finally got your eyes off of the screen.
"And what are you doing down here so late?"
The sudden voice made you stop on your tracks, jump even, as it came right after hours of silence.
"Jesus fucking Christ Alastor, I almost had a heart attack!" You took a deep breath, calming yourself down. "I'm just watching TV."
Alastor looks to the TV with the corner of his eyes, squeezing them slightly to show his displeasure. "Those things can be quite unhealthy at this time, my dear. Why don't you just turn this off and go to sleep?"
"Because I don't wanna and I can't sleep." You didn't even wanted to sound abrupt, but your filters slowly disappear when you grow more and more tired.
"Now that's just rude." Replied, not offended at all but rather keeping this in his mind for later. "Can't sleep, you say? Well, I have a solution for that." He added with a confident grin.
"...does it include hitting my head onto a wall to knock me out or something?"
Alastor stared at you with a blank face, blinking a few times. "Two solutions."
You rolled your eyes and finally sat, raising an eyebrow. "What solution?"
Alastor lets out a snicker, and with a single snap of his fingers, both of you are back on your room. You fell on your bed a bit too aggressively, but it's not like he cares.
"We only need to get rid of that energy of yours. I'm sure it'll be as easy as pie, you're already almost falling asleep."
"Uh... okay... and what's your plan, exactly?"
Your question made him look at you mischievously, which startled you and already made you let your guard up.
But before you could react, something pinched your side right behind you. As you looked, it was one of Alastor's little creatures. Is that a little man? A doll? A little demon? A pet? Whatever this thing is, made you flinch with a single touch.
And just like Alastor could spawn one of those, getting more of them needed the exact same effort.
"What are those??"
"Oh, I never really gave them names, so call them whatever you want. They're also harmless."
Three of them surrounded you, poking your upperbody in different spots while giggling.
"H-Hey! Gehehet off!" They may be weird but also looked weirdly adorable, what made you hesitated on pushing them away. "Thehehey're tick-"
But you stopped yourself right away. It got the other demon's attention, since your fit of giggles was definitely not the cause of the sudden hold up.
"Did you just interrupted yourself?" He asked teasingly, leaning towards you with a more bratty smile.
"Whahahat?! Nohohoho!"
Alastor shrugged, throwing his staff lightly from one hand to another. "If that's the case, I must have misunderstood. After all, there's no reason for you to not say 'tickle'." His head turned back to you, curiously. "Correct?"
As they keep tickling you, you ended up falling on the bed, rolling back and fourth as a poor attempt to escape. "ShuhUHUHUT UP!"
The deer chuckled at your reaction to it. "Oh, I'm not the one who should! Your volume may wake up someone in the hotel."
"Thehehen STOHOP!"
Your words entered his ear and leaved the other, or even worse, didn't even entered in any at the first place, as everything he did was look at his nails.
"I can't, I already promised to help. It is getting you tired after all-"
Your tone suddenly increased in a... huge volume. More than he expected, what startled the guy. Wanting or not, if anyone wakes up he'll end up getting in trouble aswell, so he's thinking twice about his plans.
However, something is off for him. Once you lay down, you didn't got up again nor tried to. It definitely isn't bothering you as much as it looks like, and this fact did not make it worse for himself. More likely to be the opposite, as an encouragement.
The inner conflict was agonizing to keep, and Alastor's eyes show that. With a sigh mixed with a humming, he snaps his fingers, finally sparing you from the shadows.
Your laughter slowly died down, and without realizing, your face shifts to one of disappointment.
"Hah... heh... what..?"
The taller one sits by your side, avoiding visual contact but, for some reason, not the physical one.
Before you could react, Alastor quickly recomposed himself, looking at you with a cheeky grin once again while his own hand touches your stomach.
"It is unfair for me to get punished because of your sensitivity, so I'll try something lighter this time."
The demon's fingers began to scratch, but not hurt, tickling you in a slow yet surprisingly effective way. You grabbed his wrist, but didn't have the courage to take it off as you knew it would come to an end if you did.
Your chuckles, snorts, cackles, any noises you would make, would spread the room as long as he wanted, and the silence would only return once you're finally asleep.
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veintrry · 1 year
the tension that rises between us.
wanderer x gn!reader, nsfw, grinding, finger sucking, consensual. reader's race, skin colour, sexuality, gender, body size is not specified/ anyone can read! not proofread, this is bad. 1.4k
let's just put it like this; one morning you wanted to be particularly annoying and this was the consequence of that. or reward. that's for you to decide.
AN: hi i hate this with a passion and by far this is one of my worst works ever lord what was I thinking
ac: lanamaru (tmblr)
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You wouldn't have usually pulled this sort of thing, in fact, you never had. So why now? Your reasoning was pretty simple. Your dumb little mind seemed to have still not been fully conscious yet, and relying solely on your dumb mischievous ideas you didn't even give them a second thought. So, you could only guess the idea you got as you saw Scaramouche sleeping peacefully. On any other day you would've done anything to avoid waking him up, but today? Today was a day to try new things!
You inch a finger closer and closer to his cheek, and poke him. To your surprise he doesn't awake, and you can only assume its because he's gotten so used to being around you that he's softened up his defenses. Hastily crawling on top of him you get a good view of his face. GOOD view. You notice how nicely curled his lashes are, how his lips appear to be slightly darker on the inner part, how there's barely evident red stains near his eyes likely from his eyeliner. Only you get to see this, only you.
You rest on top of him, sat comfortably for yourself, and you move a hand to touch his face, but opt to only hover over his cheek as to not wake him. You began to wonder was this the sight that had lasted years? Unwoken, undisturbed. He looked so sweet like this, when he wasn't covering his feelings up. In a way, his vulnerability felt like an affection in its own way, after all it wasn't something easily granted.
"Kuni..." You whisper. You had practically forgotten you were meant to be annoying him, and at the reminder you completely changed what you're doing. You could say a slight curiosity came to you, one you couldn't erase... If he was to awake to see you like this, sat atop of him, he'd likely push you off, right? Or maybe he'd grumble about how you had disturbed his sleep. But, what if the circumstances were different.
Biting your bottom lip out of hesitation and slight nervousness, you slowly drag your hips up and down his groin. It felt lewd to do this, it wasn't really on your bucket list, but maybe it should've been. There is something that had you smiling to yourself as you peered down on him, you almost wanted to giggle at the sight of his sweet figure and soon you felt this rotting sweet sensation turn more needy. Even so, you didn't speed up. You just eyed him like a prey, mouth watering awaiting him. You rested a hand next to his head to have an even better view of the way his hair framed his face, to see how his jaw was slack and how his lips parted. You wanted to kiss them. You wouldn't though, not yet. A part of you, no, most of you wanted him to wake up. You didn't want to do it yourself, you wanted him to find you like this. You find yourself rewinding the idea of him seeing you like this, his reaction, what he'd say, what he'd think, and you attempt to keep those little whines of yours to yourself, that is, until you begin to speed up.
You let out short heavy breaths with each glide over him, feeling your core burn up you think its engulfing your entire body. Honestly, you must be shameless to do such a thing, if not that then you must simply enjoy the idea of being humiliated.
"You're so needy. Even I'm not this impatient."
You halt. Straightening your back, you look wide-eyed at him. It's not like you're actually shocked, but this is how people should react to being busted, right? "Ah, well... you looked pretty?" A brow lifted at your reasoning, giving you a humorous smirk. "I looked pretty. So you started grinding on me? I've never heard of people doing that."
Frankly, you didn't want to be interrogated for what you were doing, you didn't know why you did it either, impulses exist! Attempting to get off of him you move your hand away from his face and lift your leg over him before he's pulling you down again, hand gripping your wrist, pulling your face closer to his.
"Did I say you could stop now? You should know better than that. Finish what you started."
You feel a cold hand slither to your hips, holding you in place. Even though he was the one beneath you he still had a way to compel you with his eyes, it was honestly astonishing the power he held over you. "Don't tell me you've gotten shy, need my help?" His teasing was evident, he was making a mockery of you and yet you still wanted his aid, even you have your limits. "Yes. Maybe I do." You grumbled. "Hah, All you had to do was ask." He wasted no time in doing his task, leading your hips back into their previous rhythm. There was a way he gripped onto you when he felt you push deeper into him, like he was doing his all to keep his nails from digging into you. "To think you would've done something like this. You're absolutely shameless."
You replied with nothing but muffled sounds as you kept your mouth shut, biting your tongue. He didn't like that. No, he was always a fan of your sounds, after all no one else could hear them, not only that, but he was the cause. He was the reason for everything. That being said, he must confess that having woken to you like that, well, it was rewarding to him. To think you found him so attractive, that you liked him so much you just couldn't help yourself. But if you wished to make yourself feel welcome then he wouldn't protest.
The tip of Scaramouche's nose touched yours, his eyes lidded as he gazed at you with a calculating look as though he had you figured out. "Cat got your tongue?" He cocked his head to the side. There was no way you could muster a reply, no way you'd even want to. Covering your mouth to do your best as he pushed you harder onto him, at this point you didn't need him to guide you, you didn't even need to think of what to do, your hips rolled against him pleading for more friction, any friction against the bulge you can feel beneath you. You knew he liked it, no, he absolutely loved it when he had you for himself.
"That's no good." Releasing your wrist he reaches for the hand jailing the sweet sounds erupting from your throat, pulling it away with ease as you put up no fight. Your body was lazy, your eyes staring at his chest, only now realising the tight black clothing he had on. You were keeping yourself up with only one hand and even so you felt your strength slipping as you wanted nothing more than to just feel him. "Open your mouth for me." You spare a glance up at him, with want, not only for him, but to see him needing you too.
You separate your lips, mouth open awaiting his next move, and as you eye his facial expression, his satisfaction with your behaviour, how lustrous orbs eye you with such lust swirling within them. He picks up your jaw to get one proper look at you with drool spilling down your lips onto your chin. He swipes it off with his thumb, licking it. "All for me." He eyes his wet thumb, then you. Inserting two digits into your mouth, he speaks demandingly, "Suck." And despite his harsh tone, you feel your heart pump more and more. To you, this was no more than a sign of his want. So you do as he asks. Lacing your tongue around his fingers, taking them in, and bobbing your head as you even plant kisses on them.
You could hear his breathing, how unlike yours despite it being quieter, clearly an attempt from him to hide it. His breaths were heavy, but they asked for more. Scaramouche observed as you practically sucked his fingers off as though it was his very own cock. And he found his mind trailing far far away with new ways to toy with you after you're done entertaining him. Maybe you should do this more often.
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sleepytwilight · 3 months
You seems like you really love angst. How about making artw men baby trap Summoner
I love angst but no way I'm making tha—
Warning: non-con, force pregnancy, manipulation, gatekeep, gaslight, Arcturus being the delusion yandere, Sirius is actually helpful.
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You desperately wanted to go home. That's all what you wanted which confused Arcturus.
Are you not happy with him? He did everything for you and yet you wanted to leave him?
He won't let that happen.
He spiked your drink, letting you get drunk. Of course he doesn't want to do it but can you blame him? It's your fault for wanting to leave.
Arcturus did not hesitate to accused you for forcing him to sleep with you. Letting you completely helpless... He forgives you, after all he is Arcturus.
He convinced the guide committee members to let you stay because you're carrying his child after all.
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Spica always wanted you to stay, he even said it he want you to rely on him only. Still you want to go back home?
Oh dear... At least this man is not worse than Arcturus but still... ...
He trick you on sleeping with him, let you believe you wanted this.
Your relationship is just full of lie and toxicity, damn you can't catch a break.
ℙ𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕩 idea by @chaoticwriting
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Pollux will be very very very very.... Complicated.
He want you to stay, he really do but what should he do? You want to go back to your world and you already figured out way home.
That's when he realized something, he's going to guilt trip you to have a baby with him.
His cuteness is the key, can you really refuse him? No... Not really- even if you did, he'll still force himself on you.
Then lie he didn't mean to and it was just an accident but he is ready to take full responsibility.
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I honestly can't image this guy baby trapping you.
Maybe when he realized he was your past life lover, maybe he want you and him to be together again?
But you insist wanting to go home and ignore your history with him...
You made this by yourself, you leave him no choice. If only you agree on staying.
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Naur but Sirius brain cells suddenly coming back and he was speechless in 69 languages like wtf the sorcerers are doing.
He definitely will not baby trapping you, he did everything just for you to have freedom and the guide sorcerers are trying to take that away from you?
Nu-uh more homicide for him.
He probably had to kidnapped you but for good reasons okay, he have to keep you safe from them especially Arcturus until the rift is open again.
Don't be surprised when he treat you nicely- he just want you to feel safe.
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Vega just got you back but yet you wanted to leave already? Oh you... Always the reason why he's heartbroken.
He don't want you to leave him again but what possibly he can do to make you stay...?
Then he remembers something from mid eartheim, he remembers seeing news. That's his plan now.
Please don't blame him, it's your fault like always. You're the one to blame... You did this to yourself and face the consequences.
Vega honestly will take you to his home, at least you can have sorceress Gianna for your emotional support.
If you think sorceress Gianna will support his actions, nah she slapped Vega for doing this to you.
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nikxlaii · 10 months
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☁ Pairing: Dazai Osamu x gn!reader
☁ Category: Angst
☁ Synopsis: Every time he holds you closer, he can’t help but think of his previous love. You left the agency in order to move on and recover, leaving Dazai in pain.
☁ Note: A continuation of Part 1 of Glimpse of Her. Originally, I didn't plan on making a second part for this since I'm out of ideas, but some of you insisted, so here you go. This story sounds so much better in my head. ;// 08/16/2023
Part 1
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Since then, a week has gone by without your presence at the agency. Others started to worry and tried contacting you. They knew what had happened and were utterly disappointed with Dazai. Of course, he received tons of smacking from Kunikida for being such an idiot.
Dazai sat at his desk, staring into the distance. He absentmindedly fiddled with the slack bandage covering his arm, almost ripping it out. Normally, he would replace them with new ones, but does that really matter right now? He couldn’t think of anything other than you circling his mind.
It was unusual, to say the least, for the Agency to be so quiet.
He signed softly and leaned his head on his desk. The pain, guilt, and regret have been weighing heavily on his mind. He despised himself for how he exploited you for his own pleasure; how he only loved you because you reminded him so much of her, yet despite everything he had done to you, you continued to love him dearly, and that made him feel extremely guilty.
What good would it do, he thought, to apologize when he knew it wouldn't repair the pain he had caused?
Honestly, even if he knows he's done something wrong, he's not the type to apologize, but to you? He's unbelievably tender, almost making Kunikida choke and die with the change of Dazai’s personality around you.
He thought about what might possibly happen if you hadn't accepted his feelings in the first place. Will you both be content with your lives as friends or just happy as companions?
He doesn’t know the answer to that.
He sighed and stood up, proceeding towards the exit. This is something he always does to clear his mind. He'll go somewhere where he can be alone and think without being interrupted by people.
He twisted the doorknob, ignoring Kunikida's exasperated yells. He proceeded through the corridors and down the stairs, ignoring everyone in the agency. He just wants to get out and be by himself right now. Most eager to find you. Yes, he's worried.
As he was ready to leave the building, he was stopped by Ranpo's plaintive voice from the President's room.
“EHH? WHAT? You’re leaving?! (Name), don’t leave me!” was all Dazai heard as he walked back almost immediately and stood in front of the president's office. He grasped the doorknob, hesitant to enter. Dazai knew you didn't want to see him, but it's been a week, so this would be an opportunity to talk to you.
He broke out in a cold sweat as the thought of you leaving passed through his head. This felt like a kick to the gut for Dazai. He doesn’t want you to leave. He’s already lost the people he cared for, and now you? His grip tightened, and a familiar feeling rose up in his chest. He knew he was the reason, yet he ashamedly admits he doesn’t want you to leave. Even if you don’t talk to him, seeing your presence safe in the agency is already enough for him.
But what did he expect? This is clearly the consequence of his foolish actions.
He stood there for a moment, debating whether he should go in or just wait for you to come out. He gritted his teeth as his breath became shallow. His heart was hammering against his ribs. Despite being able to control his heart rate, he couldn’t stop it. Dazai wasn’t familiar with the sensation, as it was the first time he had felt this way, and it left him feeling overwhelmed and out of character, almost making him cringe.
He snapped back to reality when he heard a familiar voice behind the door. "Don't worry, Ranpo-san, I'll still come by and bring you sweets," you muttered as you opened the door, unaware of the person behind it. You collided with something, or more specifically, someone's chest. You looked up to see who it was, making you suck in a breath. You took a step back and instantly adjusted your stance. You silently closed the door behind you while staring at the individual in awkward silence.
Why now?
You thought as you pursed your lips. You were helpless and simply stood there, staring at the man who had broken you. Thoughts of ignoring him and leaving as if you didn't know him crossed your mind, but something inside of you keeps you from doing so. Possibly anxious?
Breathing nervously, you were taken aback by his sudden embrace, causing you to halt in place and your eyes to widen. Dazai didn’t know what pushed him to do that, but he didn’t care; he just felt the need to hold you in his arms.
"(Name), you’re safe. I’ve missed you so much, my bella-"
"-please get off of me." You spoke as you firmly pushed him away. You could have sworn you saw the anguished expression he made, but you were too perplexed to even care about that. Right now, you just want to be eaten by the ground and be alone. Just seeing him makes your heart tighten.
"(Name), belladona, can we talk this out? Please talk to me," He said in a pleading tone, taking a step closer to you, but you were too hurt to even want to hear of any of his pathetic reasons. You didn't want to take a chance of getting hurt again, especially when he made it clear that he took advantage of your feelings.
Sweat began to gather on your forehead as you fought back tears that threatened to form in your eyes. You were at a loss for what to do in this uncomfortable situation. You didn't want to cry in his presence. You just want to be away from him and be alone.
When he didn't hear you respond, his heart tightened, a clear indication to him that you didn't want to talk to him. Normally he would pester the person and force them to speak to him, but this time was different. He knew you didn’t want to, so he had no choice but to let you go.
You muttered a low ‘excuse me’ as you walked past Dazai, leaving a pit inside of his stomach. You surpassed the impulse to cry as you exited the building. It's probably the last time you'll ever set foot on it. As much as Dazai wanted to hold your wrist to stop you, he just can’t bring himself to do it. But if he can, he will, even if it means screaming at him, just for you to stay.
His heart sank when you disappeared from his sight. The person he loved was leaving him again, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Even if he wanted to, he just couldn’t. In that moment, everything seemed to slow down as he watched the person who had made him feel understood disappear from his life forever.
Ranpo knew it was coming as he walked out of the President's office, peering at the man's amber eyes with his emerald ones in disappointment.
"Honestly, did you love them? Or was it simply the way they treated and loved you that made you love them?" Ranpo inquired solemnly, already knowing the answer to his question. Despite Ranpo's childish demeanor, he becomes serious in circumstances like this if you’re involved. You were like a sister to Ranpo, and watching you leave the agency sent thousands of knives through his chest. He couldn't help but blame the brunette for your departure.
Dazai turned his gaze to where you had left. He did love you. He loves you with all his heart. But there were times that he'd see you as her, and he couldn’t help but miss her solace. But of course, that is no excuse for him to make you stay.
He didn’t immediately respond, but after a moment of silence, he replied, “With all my heart.”
“How can you say that? You broke their heart.”
He sighed deeply and said, “I know, and for that, I'm forever sorry. But I want you to know that I never meant to hurt them. I loved them more than anything in the world. I still do.”
‘Never meant? that’s bullshit.’ Ranpo thought to himself. Although Ranpo isn’t the type of person to curse, what Dazai said made him look at him in disbelief.
After a long pause, Dazai continued, “I know how much pain I caused them, and I don’t expect them to forgive me. But I want them to know that they’ll always have a place in my heart.”
If he hadn't messed up in the first place, surely your relationship would not have ended up this way.
But his actions were a choice, not a mistake, right?
Before turning around, Ranpo took a final look at the brunette and then closed his eyes.
“The hardest part of love isn’t falling in or out of it. It’s learning how to pick yourself up and move on.” and with that, Ranpo left the brunette dumbfounded.
As he stood there dumbfounded, a sudden realization slowly began to dawn on Dazai. He was coming to understand something he had never quite fully realized before. He blinked a few times as he breathed out a breath he was holding before starting to move again.
Maybe… Just maybe one day he'll find a glimpse of us.
Part 1
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Bonus part: It's been 6 years since you last visited the agency, and you're now blissfully engaged to someone amazing. You haven't seen or heard from your former colleagues in a long time, so inviting them to your wedding would be a fantastic idea.
And what about Dazai? He hasn't changed since you left. Consider his distress when he receives your wedding invitation. To be honest, he deserves it. That was something he did to himself. But part of him is relieved that you've found happiness.
He was hesitant to attend your wedding, but Ranpo persuaded him to do so. (Lmao He wanted him to feel your anguish 6 years ago.)
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cactuscoolerr · 6 months
Ok, I'm a fan of our sweet boy Isagi as a bf as much as the next person
hmo, what about our mean, possessive, greedy, just simply egoist!Isagi as a bf, idk it just sounds so hot to me, how he would approach us, them treat us when we're dating (idk if it makes sense but it remotely did in my mind)
⋆。˚. mine - isagi yoichi
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i love possessive isagi so bad.. the thought alone makes me actually insane 🤭
honestly, i think that y'all would know each other because ur in the same class or you're friends with one of his friends or even u guys are friends, but not that close. like even though he wants you a lot, he'd still be hesitant to ask u out and stuff LOL cutie
anyway.. the way id imagine it going down is that he'd be hanging out with a few of the blue lock guys, (nagi, bachira, karasu, otoya, idk blah blah) and then.. there u are omg.. and otoya ofc would say ur hot and isagi would get all defensive 😭
like yeah ofc ur hot and shit but like.. only isagi was allowed to think that wtf 🙄
he'd get so fed up with otoya thinking ur attractive that he'd finally go up to you and ask you out on the spot. even he doesn't even realize what's happening until ur blushing and asking if he's serious LOL then he'd get all embarrassed and blush but in the end you'd agree ofc cuz its isagi and you like him just as much as he likes u.
while dating, ofc isagi is gonna be all sweet cuz that's just how he is BUT ofc ur also gonna recognize his mean and possessive side. like he doesn't even realize how he's acting when he's pissed off LOL but he's never a dick to u or anything and if he accidentally snaps at u for whatever reason, he's quick to apologize like crazy and kiss your face like crazy and cradle your head against his chest.
possessive isagi always comes out whenever his friends seem to be getting too close to you. basically, ur just so perfect and beautiful to him that he thinks anyone that looks ur way falls deeply in love with you. in his head, he has every reason to be jealous and possessive.. ur just so perfect that he always thinks someones gonna try to steal u away from him 🙄
u think its so attractive though.. the way he never glares, instead just staring down the person with an intimidating gaze. a lot of the times, he also acts passive aggressive towards the person.
even after its just the two of you again, he's wrapping his arms around your waist and making sure that ur close to him and only him. ur his girl after all 🤭
idk.. i think I'm best at writing isagi as a sweetie.. anyway, yeah i love isagi sm 🙏
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desafinado · 1 year
secret relationship hcs with them...
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°。⋆ it's not necessarily confidential or forbidden, but the two of you would just rather have each other to yourselves...
°。⋆ kaveh, diluc, ayato x gn! reader
note: i love the secret relationship trope bcos like.. it's like yeah u guys still live seperate lives but those moments when it's just the two of you, it's as though the world doesn't matter.. bc ur each other's world im so 😭.. also this is a repost bc initially i think it got shadowbanned or something 💀
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kaveh ♡
it's not that the both of you are trying to keep it a secret, but… you're a very busy person in a somewhat high position in the akademiya so you barely ever get some time alone.
this only motivates kaveh to be more romantic with the short moments you guys have.
expect him to have a bouquet of dried flowers every time he goes to meet you.
secret meetings in all the best viewpoints in sumeru city and port ormos (bc ofc he knows them).
or if he needs to, he'll be happy to adjust for you
"my love… i came through the window just to see you" "my office is on the first floor?" "exactly"
sitting on his lap while you do paperwork, or vice versa.
kisses that always feel as though he'll never get the chance to kiss you again.
the first time alhaitham caught you visiting kaveh, alhaitham simple did not want to believe.
"ah y/n, did you want to discuss something…? i must say i'm not sure how you knew where i live, but-… oh.. this isn't what i think it is, correct? please?"
he makes much more romantic and maybe even.. sensual… architecture designs.
and whenever people ask him where he got the inspiration he simple replies "ah well, love is everywhere.. im simply the messenger"
however their praises can never compare to the look of astonishment you have when you show him his newest design.
"this.. is beautiful, kaveh" "only for you, my love.. only by you was it possible"
whenever you get the chance to spend the night together, he makes sure to hold you tight and stay with you until you wake up.
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diluc ♡
does he loves you? of course. would he rather you not get swept up by the rumors and dangers that surround his life? very much.
"mysterious" gifts left at your door stop every night delivered by the dark knight himself… flowers, chocolates, anything you might want
on the rare occasion, the gift might even be himself "hello dear… may i?"
he rather stay over at your place, because it lets him pretend for a second that he lives a normal quaint life with you.
will sometimes ask you to tend his wounds, which ends up with you lecturing him for however long it takes.
he just wanted to babied with your touch he didn't ask for this :(
you'll also tell him about your day and he listens attentively, asking questions every so often.
you'll also tell him the latest rumors about him
"they think.. im a vampire..? how ridiculous.." "can you not crush my dreams?"
he also might drop by after a particularly exhausting night at angel's share.
his head in your lap as you mindlessly stroke his hair, it's just so…
"you're so pretty.. you know that?" "i..thank you."
is still a bit hesitant in being intimate, so you proudly take the first move just to make him feel comfortable.
holds you as though you're made of glass, kisses you as if it's both your first time.
he always makes sure you know that he loves and cares for you, and he would never take you for granted.
he waits for the day he can just fade away from the public's eye and live in his own little world with you, and only you.
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ayato ♡
this man is the whole reason i decided to write this.. and the trope feels most reasonable with him
make-out sessions in his office, stolen kisses in the most secluded areas of the city
kisses that feel forbidden, only causing more of an adrenaline rush
honestly though, thoma knows about it because he often acts as correspondence between the two of you.. and everything he knows was learned against his will
"my lord.. im not telling y/n that.." "but it is simply how i feel? this is an order, thoma."
now it isn't too suspicious for him to be talking to you a lot, since your small family business often play a big part in preparations for festivals
nor would it be too suspicious to find you both walking through the festival checking on the stalls, enjoying the atmosphere
but when the grand fireworks display go off, and the both of you are nowhere to be seen.. it gets just the slightest suspicious.. but oh well, not many seem to notice anyways
he loves teasing you and almost exposing your relationship in front of others
"are you free to discuss the layout later?" "a-actually, i have a-" "so it's settled, please meet me in my office"
nothing with you ever feels forced, you make him feel so relaxed. work leaves his mind and insecurities die down
anything he asks of you.. time, affection, forgiveness.. you give him, but also don't let him off so easily. you keep him grounded
he always feels like he's not enough, and that someone else would make you so much happier
"I'm sorry, love.. I-" "no, i love you so much, and i can't imagine a future without you. i don't care how long it takes, what it takes or how, but i believe in us."
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requests are open!! please do not repost on other sites.
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courtlyharlequin · 1 year
Can you do vil, rook, and epel with a s/o who has tattoos because they used to be in a gang please ?
Permanent Ink
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A/N: I hope you don't mind that I slightly changed your request to just the reader having a tattoo. The origin is unknown. To be frank, I don't know anything about gangs and I'm a little hesitant to research about them for fear of coming across anything triggering (T⌓T)
Vil Schoenheit:
He's the type of person that thinks that tattoo sleeves are tacky. Too much of anything especially in beauty, fashion and aesthetics is going to come off as tacky. Too much makeup can make your face look cake-y. Too much crystals on a wedding dress will take away from the fabric's beauty. Things like that. So, tattoo sleeves are a no-no for him, but that's just him personally.
If you have a sleeve, cool. That's how you express yourself and if you feel confident with it then good for you. Vil won't make you feel bad about it– especially if there's meaning behind it.
If you just have one, two, or a few tattoos spread out on your body, he'd probably like that more in terms of artistic taste. Vil is fond of the smaller tattoos like wings on your back, a ring of ink around your fingers or some writing on your rib. They're discreet, but they're enough to make a statement
The first time Vil ever saw your tattoos, he was a bit surprised. He never expected you to have any for some reason. Perhaps it was because he never saw them so he just assumed you never had any.
He'll ask questions right off the bat. What's the meaning? Or did you simply like the design?
Don't hesitate to ask him for thoughts on a design or even help making one! Though he's not a tattoo artist, he can work with a pen and paper and give you some ideas
Rook Hunt
He would... stare and your tattoo(s) the first time he sees it. No questions just examining the details, the lines, the curves, and the colors. Whether how obvious it is depends on how observant you are.
But if you did catch him, Rook would tell you that they were just so mesmerizing that he couldn't help himself. Then, you could welcome the basic questions people usually ask about tattoos: "did it hurt?", "what's the meaning?", etc.
But what shocks you even more is when he starts asking about which parlor or artist did it? He's quite knowledgeable about tattoos, leading you to asking him if he's had any... a question that he skillfully dodges.
If you had a small tattoo on somewhere discreet like your collarbone or wrist, Rook would kiss your tattoos there. He would also absentmindedly trace along the lines of the ink whenever he's deep in thought, sending shivers down your spine with his dexterous and light touch.
One day, out of the blue, he might even coin an idea of getting matching tattoos. It could be your initials or something symbolic like two turtle doves that make a heart when you put your hands next to each other's.
"It's romantic, isn't it?"
Epel Felmeir
Epel would be the most vocal reaction out of the Pomefiore trio when it comes to finding out you have a tattoo. Something like "WOAH!"
If you have a sleeve or colored tattoos, his reaction will be even louder. He had always assumed tattoos only came in one color.
It's honestly a really cute reaction. He asks if he can touch it and spends a good amount of time examining your skin. He then asks if he can try something then unironically does a Chinese burn on your forearm to see how the ink holds. And surprise... the ink is still there! It didn't rub off! But your wrist is a little sore...
In general, he's just super curious and inquisitive about your tattoos. His grandmother never allowed to even think about getting one... but yes he wants one. Just a tiny one.
Maybe one that his grandmother can't find so easily. Epel hasn't really thought of the design yet, but maybe you can help since yours is so well thought out? Making tattoos designs together seems like a cute date idea!
He'll even go with you to a tattoo parlor to check things out if you ever invite him or decide to get another tattoo. He wants to watch and see how it's done!
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nqmonarch · 3 months
happy valentine's day!! <3 honestly anything for aventurine is fine, probably like what are your thoughts about him?
Happy very belated Valentine's day! I hope yours was wonderful anon!
Anyway I think my thoughts about Aventurine are uh... definitely out there. Normally when I write stuff I like to read the character's little lore things and read over character's quotes to make sure I'm depicting them well but Aventurine doesn't have much of that and my overall thoughts on him are straight up just my thoughts which are...
Aw he's baby :). I can't take him seriously x.x like I feel like under that haha let's gamble it all away front he is both terrifying but also so weak and vulnerable. Like I want to hold him in my arms and tell him he has meaning but at the same time I think he may be some kind of masochist (hot), I don't know he just gives off those vibes he's like "use me, as long as it's fun." Like okay man.
Aventurine is both the most and least predictable person you've ever met. His existence itself is like a gamble you can never tell what will come next, will it be the cocky and confident Aventurine edging you on to take his carefully laid out bait? Or would it be the pathetic Aventurine hiding beneath the surface of all his actions who's begging to be comforted?
He acts so nonchalant for someone that cares so much. It was the only reason you still tolerated him. You also cared about Aventurine but he didn't need to know that. He also didn't need to know about the lengths you went to in order to keep him out of trouble.
The two of you getting together was a miracle in itself. Because Aventurine would've never asked you out seriously. He would've teased you about it, and about your lack of a partner. Maybe he would've made a bet or two to make you hang out with him on a date. But he was too scared of commitment to give it a label.
Of course he would be scared of commitment when everything he's ever had, he's lost and everything he's gained isn't his own. How else would he be able to gamble everything he knows to be true so easily? It pissed you off to an extent, and made you hesitant to commit. What if that fucker used you in a bet? He probably wouldn't but everything with Aventurine was a gamble.
So one day after the idiot had almost gotten himself in trouble, only to be saved by his luck, you had angrily grabbed him by his neck and pressed him against the wall.
You were fine with him betting nearly everything from millions of credits to rare items. He wasn't allowed to bet his life though. Not when you were around. Because his life was yours. You wouldn't let Aventurine die.
Through an unorganized and incoherent train of thoughts you tried to express yourself to Aventurine and at first he teased you,
"You really care about me that much? You're a better friend than I thought you would be, how useful!"
But as those thoughts straightened out more into a heartfelt confession he began to quiet and freeze. Maybe if this was a game to him he'd be able to maintain his light hearted facade but you hoped you meant more. You'd known him for a while after all, and better than anyone else.
Aventurine, struggling to articulate his thoughts, only nodded at the end. Then you kissed him. His lips were hesitant against yours but his hands gripped onto your arms tightly, refusing to let go. He didn't want to seem desperate, he didn't want to seem like he cared, but the silent plea of his arms wrapping around you spoke words.
For the most part he acted as a complement to your personality. When you didn't go after him, he went after you always in an attempt to sweep you off your feet unexpectedly. When you went after him, he'd lay still and let himself be attacked unable to defend himself as a blush rose up his neck to his ears and cheeks.
A serious relationship was something new for the both of you. And given how Aventurine acted, and how you struggled to explain your emotions, the two of you ran into communication issues often.
But despite it all the two of you made it through. After all how can one better express love than saving the other's life?
Aventurine had foolishly bet his life again, this time for some inconsequential thing. The two of you had been talking to a new "friend" of his, that ended up having ties with your past. As such they'd managed to come across some minor family heirloom of yours and for some reason trying to barter with it for information.
You could've cared less but Aventurine for some reason took the bait. Inviting this "friend" to a gamble, in which if he won then he would receive Aventurine's life and assets something you thought to be overly dramatic. If Aventurine won he'd receive the heirloom and the information you'd actually come here for, the information that would allow you to blackmail the government of this planet into giving into the IPC.
Aventurine managed to lose, but it's not like it mattered. Since your bullet was through his "friend's" head in the next second. As he died you registered a small clicking sound and shielded yourself and Aventurine as the body exploded. Really? What a pain.
"The IPC will work even harder to get you killed if they know about this," You couldn't help but mutter, a frown on your face, "Is there anyone left we can contact for this?" Aventurine still had more contacts than you unsurprisingly.
Failure was always met with death for people like him.
"You want to talk to more people than me?" He spoke with mock offense and before you could retort he held out some papers, "He was useful until the very end." He joked and you frowned.
Your voice was beginning to raise in anger, "Did you have to go ahead and bet your life?"
He took a step closer, the documents disappearing, "You made the opening for me. Come on, don't be mad," His voice was coy as he grabbed your hand in his.
You didn't like it when he bet his life. If he was going to take such poor care of himself then his life would be safer in your hands. Aventurine had already begun to lead the way to your next destination and your eyes rested on him, analyzing every detail. They continued without pause until they found his neck, you wanted to cover that barcode on his neck up with bites.
When you got back to the hotel room you were staying at you found the heirloom resting on the bed, and you let out an aggravated sigh. "That bastard... I told him I didn't care about it." And you didn't but you opened up the music box nonetheless and a tune began to play out.
A few moments after it began you felt arms wrap around you and hot breath on your neck. You closed your eyes and leaned into Aventurine, "Your life will always be the most important thing to me," You spoke softly.
He stiffened and then relaxed, "That's a terrible decision."
He was annoying. Hard to communicate with. He was also always a gamble, you could never predict him. But he kept life interesting, he was interesting, and amusing. You didn't want such an adorable person to die.
Maybe one day the two of you would be able to have a completely serious conversation but that'd be a while, and for now you were content with the man that loves you who you love back.
Aventurine trying to avoid affection like an insect avoiding rain drops but you're a motherfucking tsunami.
I started it like a week after I got it and then had writers block on what to do but anyway yeah this is my take on ya boy Aventurine. He's kinda pathetic but I'm into that.
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buckevantommy · 21 days
what sort of bucktommy pda do you think we'll get with the new episode?
part of me wants to go in with low expectations so i won't be disappointed, but the rest of me (the majority) is thinking like this:
it's going to be couples a-plenty at the ceremony (madney, bathena, henren, eddie/marisol, bucktommy) which i think bodes well for something with bucktommy, because we know there will be pda all around them (madney rose dance, henren lack of personal space, eddie and marisol) and so to not let bucktommy have any pda would look.. weird. it would make them look like coworkers/friends and we know buck and tommy don't want that - everyone knows they're together and they want to be out together - and that's not the vibe we've been given so far; tommy's hand on the small of buck's back, the cafe hand holding, the sooty public kiss - it wouldn't make sense for them to remove all romantic touches now.
the only reason i foresee them holding back at the ceremony would be because they're both in uniform (all the other couples only have half in their blues) and maybe that's frowned upon? although if it were a het couple i'm sure that wouldn't be a hindrance and this is fiction so they can fudge whatever details they want. i suppose gerrard's presence might deter tommy putting his hands on buck, but honestly I don't think so - or at least, i don't want to see that happen. they can give me tommy being affected by gerrard's presence, but i don't think i'd accept him stepping back in the closet because of it, and even if tommy was hesitant to touch buck i think buck would still touch him.
so: what kind of bucktommy pda will we get?
1 - they're seated next to each other in the audience, so i'm thinking maybe a knee touch of comfort/pride.
2 - tommy's hand on the small of buck's back when they leave the podium or are mingling and getting cake.
3 - lack of personal space, plastered to each other's side even for a moment; maybe even leaning into each other.
4 - if tommy encounters gerrard and is shaken by it, we might see buck asking if he's okay with a hand on the small of his back, or his arm, maybe even hand-holding.
^^^^ those are the bare minimum types of pda i'd expect. but if we're talking about raising hopes a little:
a - holding hands, maybe while entering the station for the ceremony, maybe in the crowd after.
b - a KISS !! congratulatory after the ceremony, soft and sweet and brief but it's there.
c - soft intimate touches: adjusting the medals around each other's neck, fingertips tracing over hands, close-talking with lips grazing an ear, close-talking with noses brushing cheeks.
...i could go on. basically, there are a myriad of touches they could give us that wouldn't pull focus but which would once again remind the audience that they are dating, they are a romantic pairing, they are ✨ thriving ✨ and given that other romantic pairings around them are allowed some pda i think we'll get something from our boys, i'm just not sure what exactly.
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iris-black13 · 2 months
In honour of Merlin trending for literally no reason today, I would like to share my theories that I came up with during my recent rewatch. (I'm only up to season 3 right now so there really aren't that many theories yet.)
1. Merlin and Arthur 100% fell in love with each other in season 1, but they aren't aware of it at all.
2. Merlin is so gay. I'm not sure if he knows it or not, but Merlin is not attracted to women. Every time he's seemed interested in a woman, it's because she's been a powerful sorceress or a magical creature. Speaking of Freya; his only real female love interest, what he loves about her is that he sees himself in her. He feels a sense of kinship towards her as someone who is trapped and hunted for something out of her control. I don't think he feels any actual romantic love for her. He loves her, sure. But I think he's confusing romantic love for something else. (But idk I could be wrong.)
3. I don't think the Morgana we got back after her disappearance is the same Morgana we had pre S2E12. I think she probably died and came back wrong. In fact, I think she's a shade. Because otherwise the personality difference is too drastic. Her relationship with Gwen for instance. It makes sense if she didn't forgive Merlin for what he did, but why is she so mean to Gwen?? Gwen was her best friend and maybe even her first love? Morgana was never classist before season 3, but afterwards she acts like Gwen is lesser than and it just doesn't make sense. Anyway that's my in-universe explanation for her terrible shift in character.
4. This is the most important one. Merlin doesn't realize he's in love with Arthur until some time shortly before the season 2 finale. Before the finale, Merlin is happy to cheer on the romance between Arthur and Gwen. Two of his best friends fell in love! Why wouldn't he be happy? Even if they think there's no future for their relationship, he's more than happy to help them get together because Merlin believes in loving who you want to love.
Now, I could go on about how falling in love with Gwen is basically Arthur's way of expressing his repressed feelings for Merlin since Gwen and Merlin are of the same social standing and since Gwen is a woman he can experience the love he could have had with Merlin if it was allowed, but I won't do that. This ain't about him. What's important is that Merlin, in the season 2 finale- knows he's in love with Arthur, and that Arthur can't love him back. After the finale, he's still happy to help his friends in their affections for each other, but his bright goofy smile is gone. It's replaced with this melancholy smile and a hesitant voice.
I'm so serious right now. If you don't believe me, just go rewatch seasons 2 and 3 and see the shift in his demeanor yourself. He actively avoids them when they're interacting in season 3. In- I think it was the changeling episode, at the end, Arthur and Merlin walk into a hallway at the bottom of the staircase. They both see Gwen on the staircase, and when Arthur starts up the stairs, Merlin immediately leaves. It's not a "I'll give them their space" moment. It's a "I can't be here right now" kind of moment. He doesn't even try to stick around to protect Arthur on their date in the episode where Morgana frames Gwen for witchcraft. (and don't even get me started on that episode of my god.) Normally, he would stick around in the shadows to make sure nothing goes wrong and they aren't attacked or anything. It's weird that he doesn't try to stick around!
And oh my God. There are so many moments where Colin Morgan's acting just makes my heart ache. In the crystal caves, Merlin trying to banter with an unconscious Arthur while trying desperately to heal him makes me want to cry. And any time he's encouraging Gwen to follow her heart and be with Arthur just makes me ache. In the "...you still have feelings for him." And the "you like him. He likes you. Isn't that all that really matters?" I just can't.
Honestly, I could go on, but this post is already wordy enough. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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ywpd-translations · 2 months
Ride 771: A new gear!!
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Pag 1
1: This is the fight's gong!!
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Pag 2
1: Ohuruaaaagh!!
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Pag 3
1: Buooooogh
2: The lead is here, two people!!
3: Sohoku and Hakogaku!!
So the ones who are aiming for the sprint line on the first day of the Inter High…. Those two…
4: are the same two people from last year!!
5: Huh waa
There are still almost 3km until the sprint line, but …
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Pag 4
1: They're accelerating like they're right before the sprint line!!
2: They're so fast!
How many kilometers per hours are they going at!?
A bike can go at that speed!?
3: But those two….
Was it my imagination?
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Pag 5
1: They were smiling!!
2: Hahaha, not bad, San-na!!
You're keeping up with my acceleration!!
Keeping up!? With your acceleration!?
Oi oi, that's-
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Pag 6
1: My line!! Orange!!
Honestly, I'm surprised!!
2: I'm number 4, the ace climber, and I'm a Hakogaku third year
Honestly, during the last year both my power and my acceleration 
3: have increased by several steps!!
4: Is that so!!
5: There are practically no sprinters within the club who can keep up with me!!
6: But you did
You didn't just stick to me from behind, you lined up!!
What does it mean!! It makes the corners of my mouth turn up!!
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Pag 7
1: Hahaha that's because
2: He's shooting ahead!!
3: I'm a genius!!
5: Nice acceleration!!
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Pag 8
1: Orange!!
2: The speed of your attack, your acceleration power and the lack of hesitation when taking the curve!!
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Pag 9
1: It's really like you said, you definitely powered up!!
You got stronger since last year!!
4: Even while taking a curve in an unsteady position, with my shoulder hitting against yours.......
5: What's wrong, San-na, what's this
6: Are you about to say something secret you can't let the spectators hear?
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Pag 10
1: you counter it firmly with the trunk of your body!!
2: Didn't they just make contact with each other while taking the curve!?
Sohoku's number 4 pushed back that huge guy from Hakogaku with his hips!!
3: Buah!!
You're the only one
4: You're the only one who can make me shake like this!!
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Pag 11
2: They hit each other again!! It's a super close combat!!
So what’s the deal with all your banging around since earlier, then?
Ah, that?
3: Is this a request?
You mean you want me to show you
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Pag 12
1: the true essence of my special explosive acceleration!?
Okay then, watch closely!!
4: His movements are so fast!!
5: This my Special Highstone
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Pag 13
1: Hyper acceleration!!
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Pag 14
1: He left me before my own eyes!!
Is this guy for real!?
2: This is fun!!
3: Are you surprised, San-na? Hahaha
Until last year, I accelerated with the image
4: of a gear going into place
Get in
Get in
Get in
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Pag 15
1: But now I've come to the point that I can freely make it go into place matching my own timing!!
4: The number of gears I've prepared is
5: “Number”!?
6: The first one is “white”
7: The second one is “shironeri*”
8: The third one is “pale yellow”
9: The fourth one is “gamboge*”
The fifth one is “orange”
(*NdT.: all the names are colors, these ones are Japanese traditional colors)
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Pag 16
1: All together there are six levels!!
This year I divided my acceleration in six stages!!
2: Six stages!!
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Pag 17
1: And by the way, my acceleration from earlier was “unbleached silk” the second stage
2: Did it feel fast!?
3: Naturally, once we get before the sprint line I'll use
4: the sixth one, “golden yellow”!!
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Pag 18
3: Dammit
4: So there's also things like this in the Inter High
5: Now I understand the reason for our hard practice and for the harshness of training camp
Without that I wouldn't have been able to fight on this stage
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Pag 19
1: Issa and Doubashi..... just when I thought the sprint fight was narrowed down to those two.....
2: Another person comes chasing!!
3: Did he break away from the pack behind and got here!? He wasn't there with us earlier!!
In such a short time he shook everyone off and chased us!?
4: Even though I've been pedaling at full throttle since earlier, he keeps getting closer!!
5: So there's also things like this!? At the Inter High!!
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Pag 20
1: It's filled with monsters!!
2: But that's fine by me
I thought my part was over....
But there's still work left to do!! I won't let this guy get to the lead!!
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