#(according to the comments anyway haha)
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flags-planes-and-fire · 3 months
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Left to right: Agustín Pardella, Matías Recalt, Roberto Canessa, Tino Canessa (Roberto's son) and Andy Pruss.
In LSDLN, Pardella portrays Nando Parrado, Recalt portrays Roberto Canessa, Pruss portrays Roy Harely, and Canessa himself has the role of an unnamed doctor treating the survivors (He is seen standing behind Recalt for a few moments)
Roberto wrote the following caption on his Instagram.
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Alt ID (Loose? English): During the filming of #societyofthesnow on set the day we did the cameo with @/matiasrecalt.
The strange and at the same time fun sensation of replicating what happened in 1972, but this time in the role of doctor who received the survivors of the Andes.
My son Tino is also in the photo, @/andypruss as my dear brother-in-law @/roy_harley52, and @/agustinpardella as my great friend @/nandoparradoofficial.
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forgottenarias · 3 months
stafford family swords
... and since we NEVER go down a rabbit hole in comments... everything we went on about re: the stafford family swords
forgotteneithne @giadesstrin OH WAIT NOW WHERES THE STAFFORD FAMILY SWORD?!?!
giadesstrin @forgotteneithne you know stupid roderick seized that treasure 😭😭😭😭 and/or if they gif it he’s desperate to grab it
giadesstrin *hid
giadesstrin Ooooh or maybe Siobhan has it???? And it might be proof she is who she ~says she is? 👀
giadesstrin Like…they snuck it out w her?
giadesstrin @forgottenarias ooooh also what if Evenstar/Morningstar is a meteorite blade like king tut’s dagger, so it’s literally forged from a falling star!!!
forgottenarias @giadesstrin ooo I love that!! … could it be there’s both an evenstar & Morningstar and Roderick’s snatched one maybe not knowing it has a twin blade of some sort that Siobhan is running around with???? @lizzydobbs
giadesstrin @forgottenarias KATE!!! Your mind!!!! I looooove thattttt!!!! The sword of the dawning and the sword of the evening
giadesstrin The sword of the ruler and the sword of the heir maybe? It like matching king and queen swords?
giadesstrin @forgottenarias ok is this ~too much? Maybe there are (or were) three swords originally, since it’s the three stars, and we’d talking abt three brothers founding the house originally iirc? Anyway maybe one was lost asp but it has legends a la Excalibur that only a true ruler of astaira (which to astairans means anyone willing to put astaira first but roderick ofc assumes it means rightful king aka himself basicall)can draw it from the stone/tree and it lies still somewhere hidden or whatever tbc
forgottenarias @giadesstrin ahhh I love this!!! You know Roderick wants to find that legendary sword!!! Maybe whatever Siobhan has is the smallest blade— something that would’ve been easy for her to smuggle out (honestly Aria was such a wreck she would’ve never thought “oh let’s take protection/something to prove who we are!” lbr— she was never leaving that castle. Also we’ve established she has no idea how to use a sword haha) But Siobhan having that blade to prove who she is!! ❤️❤️
margueritedemarigny @forgottenarias not me saying 'tbc' and then never actually continuing klajsdfkjlsdf ok so i ~do think eilia would be like 'here take this' and hand them ~the most significant~ ancestral sword bc she had perfect faith they were getting out and she wasn't letting her father's sword fall into roderick's hands, so my thought is that siobhan maybe has the ~king's sword -- eilia knew ~she couldn't get away but she could at least save her sisters and that sword tbc
margueritedemarigny @forgottenarias tbh i feel like they're largely ~ceremonial swords re: their usage anymore bc i do think astaira was a largely peaceful place till roderick hahah (thanks bud) but yeah!! my thought was that the third one (which was maybe the og kingly sword?) is the one that according to legend is stuck in a tree/stone, and may or may not actually exist???? and meanwhile the staffords have held onto the other two swords laskdjflksdjf oh oops gotta run but i swear ill tbc
forgotteneithne @margueritedemarigny ahahah I get it! I legit earlier wrote 3/4 of an email and then I had emergency go buy a bunch of random show make up 😅 and came back 3 hours late like oh right… probably should’ve sent that 😂😂 But literally love ALL OF THIIIIIIS
giadesstrin @forgotteneithne oh man big moooood honestly 😂😂😂 Ok so I’m three cosmos in atp so I’m either incomprehensible or ascendant but my notion was basically that given the multi sword situation I feel like it’s be pr easy to present the leftover sword as if it were the kingly one so roderick probs ~thinks he has the most important one, but every astairan can take one lion at it and know it’s not the right stafford sword probs — there was smth more to this no lie but idr at present ngl dhkhfdgjjfg tbc
giadesstrin I somehow got thinking abt the likely very different coronations that roderick has had Vs Eilia’s and my mind melted 😂😂😂
forgotteneithne @giadesstrin Yaaaas girl get it (we chugged margaritas on our hour dinner so i get it hahaha) BUT YES I love this!! Secretly tricking Roderick-- which i assume he'll go mental about if/when he finds out-- but just a little thing all the Astarians know and kinda binds them together at his expense! also how overdone was roderick's coronation versus eilias? XD I love how judgey astarians are about how overwrought his ~aesthetic~ is
giadesstrin @forgottenarias right!! I do quite like the idea of Astairans collectively pulling the wool over his eyes! I do think the cat’ll probs be out of the bag when someone perhaps @forgottencassimir claps eyes on it and then roderick will be FURIOUS but I imagine Eilia and Aria always knew that’d happen eventually? I will def do a post abt that sometime bc i ofc got way carried away but it ft stuff like Eilia going barefoot to be crowned vs roderick pulling a Napoleon and snatching the crown away tbc
giadesstrin From the priest to crown himself etc — also omg ikr!!! They’re just like ‘gif he’s so tacky’ while he thinks he’s being magnificent and I love it 😂🙌
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
Beomgyu x reader
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Pairings: switch!beomgyu x switch!fem!reader
Warnings:smut...like hard core
Genre:friends to lovers, childhood friends, smut
Themes: blow job, public sex, oral sex, based off the song by Ayesha Erotica
Word count: 2,150
A/N: this actually sucks...I really don't like it. I feel like the descriptions for the spicy time sounded weird no matter how I tried to describe it? Idk let me know if you genuinely like this lol
You leaned against the wall of the bathroom in the mall as your friends gossiped. There wasn't anything too interesting going around lately but according to your friends there was a lot. You kept an ear out as your friends dolled themselves up in the mirrors. Of course when gossip is being talked about boys come up.
One of your friends, kizzy, brought up her boyfriend and added on some info you really didn't need to know about him. But your other friends seemed to enjoy this topic. It was strange to say the least, you're all from the ages 19-21 so all this sex talk is completely normal yet you always felt out of place. I mean it's not like you haven't thought of anything like that but it's still odd to talk about.
Your thoughts got interrupted as the girls started discussing their next shopping destination.
"Hey, Y/N you haven't picked a place yet! You should choose the next one," Sissy said with a smile, her shining pink lip gloss drawing attention to her lips.
"Um, I'm good. I don't really care where we go haha, we all like the same stores anyway," You said with a shrug and a complimentary smile.
"That's true…" Kizzy said as she thought to herself. "Alright so how about Spencer's? What do ya think!?" She said with a clap of her hands, it echoed throughout the (hopefully) empty bathroom.
"Oh you whore you just want to go to the back section," You commented making everyone laugh as they packed up their makeup including Kizzy.
After getting to Spencer's the girls all roamed around the store in groups of two, you were with Sissy in the LGBTQ+ section. It didn't take long for the girls to get bored and head to the store across from Spencer's, hot topic.
"So what's the deal with you and that boy," kizzy nudged you with her elbow. Of course you didn't forget that Beomgyu works there but you pretended to act dumb.
"Who?" You said widening your eyes.
"The cute boy with the long hair. He works here?" She said as we walked in.
"Oh him yeah. What about him?" You said as you automatically followed Kizzy to the anime area.
"You get closer to him?" She said with excitement on her face.
"I mean I can't really get much closer, we've been friends since first grade," you said with a shrug. Kizzy just nodded her head and sighed. That's when Sissy, Abigail and Minnie came over. They had a ton of things with them already and we'd only been there for five minutes. They were showing Kizzy everything they found when Abigail showed her a pair of strawberry earrings and a cute strawberry dress. Kizzy flipped out and asked her to show where they were. All the girls giggled off to another area, you kept browsing around when you heard an ever so familiar voice.
"Need any help Y/N?" He said with a smirk. You looked up to the source of the sound and viola Beomgyu standing over you. Today he was wearing about a thousand layers of black clothes. A my chemical romance tee, with a baggy fishnet over top of it, he also wore baggy and slightly ripped jeans. As for accessories he wore a black choked with some small spikes, a cross necklace, a skull necklace, a metal star belt, tons of rings, snake bite lip piercings, and a nose piercing. His make up was Suttle today, just some cloudy black/blue eyeshadow.
"Oh Beomgyu you scared me!" You said with a slight jump.
"I'm not that scary looking!" He said, crossing his arms and tipping his chin up. You laughed as you set your hand on his shoulder. You sighed and started stretching. All this walking around was making you tired.
"Getting too old for this already?" Beomgyu chuckled lowly.
"Hey! No. Just these girls move faster than sonic when it comes to clothes and cute boys,"
"So that's why you're all here," he said looking down at you while leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
"Yeah they somehow always find the cutest things here,"
"What can I say, it's in my genes," beomgyu said, flipping his hair. You laughed at him and he grinned as well. His dark bangs hung in his face as he laughed. "Anyways, do you want to sit for a minute," he said gesturing to the back of the shop.
"Yes please," you laughed. He led you to the back of the store and you sat behind the counter with this other girl who was wearing a very scene fashioned outfit. She was very kind and bubbly but you seemed to forget her. You sat awkwardly as Beomgyu and the scene girl chatted. It was quite the awkward angle, but Beomgyus Jean's did fit on him nicely. Your cheeks were red at your dirty thoughts. You patted your face trying to snap yourself out of it. You looked down at the floor and saw Beomgyu wearing some new boots.
"Gyu, are those new?" You said pointing to his shoes. He looked down and nodded.
"Yup I actually got them from here," he laughed. He then bent down to your level, looking you in the eyes. You blushed and tried to keep eye contact, he rested his arms on your bare thighs. You jumped slightly at the cold feeling of his bracelets. The look in his eyes suddenly turned you on so much causing you to reflexively rub your thighs together. Doing so secretly so Beomgyu wouldn't notice anything. "Are you alright? You seem off," he said looking up at you with lustful eyes.
"J-just hungry," you avoided his eyes. He grabbed you by the wrist and said
"Alright, I have some snacks in the back," he said looking up at the scene girl.
"It's fine your shift is almost over," she said with a wave of her hand. He took you to the very back of the shop to a door. He opened it and dragged you into the pitch black room. It was a little closet filled with some random trinkets they might need. He shut the door tightly and turned to you.
"So what do you feel like eating," he said with a smile as he turned the lights on. You looked at him suspiciously.
"Um, maybe a bite of you," you said jokingly. You laughed while Beomgyu gave you a bit of a peculiar stare. He inched closer to you as he rested his hands up aimlessly aiming for you.
"Gyu?" You said as his lustful gaze burned through you. You put your hands on his boney shoulders, the feeling of his warm body on yours. You then found your back against the wall as Beomgyu's hands were placed on the wall. Pinning you to him.
"You aren't actually hungry are you?" He said with a smirk.
"W-what?" You stuttered as your cheeks heated up. There's no way he actually figured you all out! Right?
"A minute ago you said you were hungry, but I think you actually meant to say horny," he said with a small smile. Your eyes widened before looking away from him. He just got closer to you, close enough to kiss you. His addictive scent filled your nose as his hand gently swiped some loose strands of hair behind your ear. "God you're so pretty," he said as his lips came closer to yours. Your eyes started fluttering shut while Beomgyu looked down at you. He stood there waiting for some kind of permission to kiss you.
You grabbed him by the shirt harshly and pulled him in for a rough kiss. It was messy and uncoordinated. Hands and tongues roaming heated skin. Moans and hums filled the small closet. It wasn't long before your curious hands found their way down to the zipper of Beomgyu's black jeans. You used your middle finger to rub up and down the zipper line. Beomgyus hands went up to your hair and played with it. You broke the ongoing kiss to breathe. Without any thoughts inside your head besides wanting to hear Beomgyu moan your name you went down on your knees. His hands still held onto your hair as you started undoing his jeans. Beomgyu panted above you as his hair hung in his face.
"Y/N what are you doing?" He said with a quivering voice. You pulled down his pants to see his hardened member before you.
"Getting a snack," you replied before wrapping your lips around him. He gasped before throwing his head back and covering his mouth. You slowly moved your mouth up and down his length before letting go for a quick breath. As you moved back, strings of his arousal connected with your saliva. Beomgyu looked down at the beautiful sight below him and he basically started petting you while praising you. You slipped your lips back around him and started going at a quicker pace using your spit as lube. Beomgyu bit his lip as he muffled his whines and moans.
"So good, so good," he kept whispering as you started using your hands for extra support. His moans started getting louder and more frequent as he bucked his hips into your mouth. Gyu then started speaking nonsense. A mix of "I'm so close" and "I'm gonna cum," and not surprisingly he was right. Your mouth filled with salty yet sweet and warm liquid. You choked slightly, making you cough, letting some of his cum drip from your lips. Beomgyu then fell to the floor in front of you. Shock was very present on his face along with the black strands of hair. He panted as some drool fell from the corner of his mouth.
Meanwhile you swallowed everything and started crawling over to him. You kissed him passionately as you fell to the floor. As he entertained your mouth his hands went to your ass abruptly moving his hands around. His hands traveled up to your waist before tugging and the hem of your skirt. He swiftly pulled them off as you took a breather.
"Now that I'm thinking about it," he started as he sat up straight, allowing your bare legs to rest on the floor. "I'm getting hungry myself," he said, pouncing on you, landing on the floor. He placed some hickies all down your jawline and neck. He pulled off your shirt before tracing more kisses, bites and hickies all along your body down to your tummy. He locked in between your thighs and over your still clothed pussy. You moaned and whined throughout the whole process.
"Beomgyu please, stop teasing," you whined as your hands found their way to his hair.
"Alright, you've been a very good girl," Beomgyu said, pulling down your undies. He quickly used his whole tongue across your whole entrance making you moan and squirm. He wasn't messing around when it came to giving oral, apparently. He ate you out like you were his last dessert to ever enjoy. He collected every last bit of your arousal. Beomgyu's long fingers then found their way inside you making you moan before covering your mouth. Gyu quietly hushed you before continuing to venture inside you. His fingers quickly moving around inside you to find that specific spot that'd make you scream his name. He decided to go as deep as possible into you and he found one spot that made you jolt up to him. You mumbled out "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my fucking God," a bunch as he kept hitting that same spot over and over.
You then felt your walls tighten around his slim fingers and your legs quivered. You warned Beomgyu about your high before his fingers were coated in your juices and his ears filled with loud moans. After you released everything his fingers went to his mouth, cleaning up all the mess you made on them.
"You taste so good," he moaned as he bent back down to your clit and started licking it. That's when the door burst opened.
"Alright Beomgyu get out your shifts over," the scene girl stood there not even phased by the situation at all.
"Close the door! My girlfriend doesn't want the whole world seeing her naked!" Beomgyu yelled and the girl closed the door.
"Fair. But Beomgyu if you don't get out I'll pull you out by your choker," she said outside the door before walking away to help some customers.
"Girlfriend?" You asked as you put on your clothes with Beomgyu.
"Oh um yeah," he said awkwardly as he slipped his jeans back on. "I thought since you just gave me a blowjob you'd want to be my boyfriend…" he said awkwardly as his cheeks filled with blush.
"Haha of course, babe," you said with a smile.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 3 months
Hello there, love your blog, it's one of my favourite ones, I had a question... I read a comment that said Amy is no longer interested on Sonic anymore and that this is shown on frontiers, that they will make their own paths and lives, is this true?
Hey, anon! I'm glad you enjoy my blog! 🥰💙
No, no, Amy is definitely still madly in love with Sonic 🤭😁 The main reason she's been acting more tame and not so open about it is really just due to character development/maturity. According to Sega, "she's not [physically] chasing after Sonic anymore, but he's still #1 in her heart!" 💙🩷
Sonic Frontiers actually has a decent amount of Sonamy content, but moreso if you squint. 😁 First of all, it tends to address the situation more from Sonic's end, in his moments of saying romance-coded things like "Wish we were sharing an umbrella, Amy," and "Amy, I should've made up my mind sooner." 🥹
Sonic has always been shy about his feelings and therefore never said anything about said feelings to her, and he's more of an "actions speak louder than words" type of guy, but as she shared her desires to share her love with the world, he worried a little that he may have lost his chance. However, Frontiers also makes clear that his friends' plans to go on their own paths were not permanent. Especially seen in Amy's case when she told Sonic her plans, and Sonic replied, "I'm sure you'll do great. I wanna hear all about it when you get back!" 💙
As a bonus, the Final Horizons update treated us to a bit more Sonamy content as well. 🤩 In a conversation between Amy and Sage, Sage identified Amy as "the one who admires Sonic." Amy, with a bit of her younger behavior slipping out, replied with no shortage of sass, "Oh. And are you a fellow admirer? Hm?" 😂
There were a few conversations between Sonic and Amy, during one of which Sonic tried to tell Amy to take care of herself as well as the Koco. Amy ruefully retorted that she could say the exact same thing back to him. Sonic admitted that she got him there, and confidently stated that they would get through this together.
And of course, after all this, my favorite Sonamy moment of the whole game. After everything was over, his friends were restored, and he reunited with them.
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The way Amy laughed and practically launched herself into his arms, Sonic's surprised little "oh!" but the way he welcomed the hug, and kept one arm around her as he high fived Tails and fist bumped Knuckles. 🥰 First of all, it's so obvious Amy had been dying to do that the whole game, and we can imagine it was tough on Sonic to be touch-deprived for an extended period of time once again (after the Metal Virus).
I think the main reason Amy didn't run to hug him when he freed her was because she immediately saw he was somehow struggling and likely didn't want to hurt him. (But then realized she wouldn't have been able to touch him, anyway. 🥲) Although it would've been kinda funny if she HAD tried to hug him and just fell straight through. 😂
I think it's worth noticing that Sonic has had this response to Amy's hugs several times lately. Instead of avoiding them, he lets her hug him and actually puts an arm around her in return. I've got a couple more examples from IDW.
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Anyhoo haha, I think I got a little carried away. 😂 I hope this answers your question! Thank you for the ask! 💙
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markantonys · 6 months
Idk if you saw the Josha Collider interview but he kinda hints we might get some Randlayne in s3? Which I am curious about that cause I didn't think they'd have time. Also that the Randfear relationship will continue where it left off and get even more complicated (which is very much their Shadow Rising dynamic)
i'm gobbling up these randlayne crumbs!!
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but he keeps it very vague here and i don't think there's anything too surprising in what he says - the fact that the show took the time to signal randlayne in 2x08 definitely implies to me that they plan to follow up on it in SOME way in season 3, and given that daniel was already talking about having filmed some lanaeve scenes way back in june which according to the block filming schedule would probably mean those scenes are somewhere in the first block (eps 1&2), i think we can pretty safely assume that the tanchico & waste travel groups won't split up right away, and that we'll see rand and elayne interacting early in the season.
now, that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to be making out all over falme or declaring their love for each other already! "a gradual thing which needs to be organic" definitely makes me feel pretty good about my prior randlayne guess, which is that they'll be getting to know each other and building a connection early in s3 and laying that groundwork for romance, but nothing explicitly romantic will happen between them before they split up for their respective journeys. because they wouldn't have included that Moment between them in 2x08 if they didn't intend to build upon it pretty promptly at the start of season 3, so we've got to be seeing SOMETHING more on the randlayne front, but i don't think it will be anything huge. and what josha says here supports both parts of that prediction, i think! his comments on rand's headspace at the start of s3 also make me think it's unlikely rand will be jumping straight into brand-new romance during the first episode block, and since we know tanchico & the waste are both in, i don't think rand would see elayne again until the second half of s3 at the earliest and perhaps not until s4 (in person, anyway; further randlayne development through TAR chats is not outside the realm of possibility!)
and of course, avirand isn't something josha would be hinting at even a tiny bit in interviews since it's way too much of a spoiler, given that the two of them haven't even met yet, so randlayne being the s3 romance he's discussing doesn't mean avirand won't sneak in there and end up happening first! but all this being said, i am always ready for the show to surprise me and prove me totally wrong haha
and he made intriguing comments about randfear too, like you say!
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in a couple of today's other interviews he said he wants randfear endgame djkjfg i'd have a shipping war with him about that, but i love how much he's loving digging into this relationship! lanfear positioning herself as ~the only one who understands him~ despite him being surrounded by his friends definitely sets up some toxic shit and i can't wait to see where that goes in s3. i love Mess!!
(..................i'm saying nothing about book!min positioning herself as ~the only one who understands him~. nothing at all!)
wait a moment. literally right here josha says rand is with his friends at the start of season 3, so that pretty much confirms we'll be starting off with the gang all still together!!!!!! (of course, he could mean just that he's with mat & egwene en route to the waste, but given daniel's confirmation of lanaeve scenes, i think at this point we can feel very very confident in seeing the whole gang still together at the start of the season)
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snzluv3r · 26 days
What exactly is honeymoon rhinitis?
What about it makes you sneeze?
(If this is uncomfortable to answer no pressure. Just curious about it since you said we can ask about it)
not uncomfortable at all (maybe a little embarrassing haha) but i appreciate you checking in even though i invited the questions <3 thank you, you’re sweet 🫶 i tend to get shy explaining honeymoon rhinitis because it’s kinda just my instinct after years of having to explain to partners, bright red and embarrassed, still sneezy, that being horny makes me sneeze, but being on here has changed that for sure
(this got long so it’s under the cut, but cw nsfw)
for the first question, “What exactly is honeymoon rhinitis,” according to google, honeymoon rhinitis is “the situation where sexual activity leads to nasal symptoms, including sneezing” and “may happen at any stage during sex”, which pretty much sums up my personal understanding of it as well lol. i think some people refer to it as sexually induced sneezing, but that also might be an entirely (or slightly) different thing?
okay actually i looked it up and sexually induced sneezing is defined as “sneezing in response either to sexual ideation or in response to orgasm” and based on this fucking NIH study (wonder which sneezefucker funded that) i’m reading rn, occurs with no symptoms besides sneezing, which is different from the colloquial definitions of honeymoon rhinitis that i’ve seen. interestingly, the study also says that the phenomenon seems to occur in two distinct patterns—the first, where one sneezes immediately following sexual ideation, regardless of stimulation, and the second being that the sneezes come “very soon after orgasm” (but what i thought was most interesting was that they also said that the two seem mutually exclusive—they couldn’t find anybody with both sneezing with sexual ideation and sneezing with orgasm…though i’d like to argue that they haven’t met me 😵‍💫)
anyways sorry to fall into that rabbit hole but as i’m looking at these ‘official’ definitions i’m realizing that i’ve been using honeymoon rhinitis as a blanket term for all kinds of sexually induced sneezing that i experience
AND FINALLY for the second question, What about it makes you sneeze?: i don’t know exactly how to answer this question, because i don’t understand why it makes me sneeze, outside of the theories i’ve read that it’s some type of nervous system disconnection and/or erectile tissue in the nose lol, so i can’t explain that if that’s what you were looking for, but in terms of how it affects me?
like i kinda referenced above, the hypothesis that if you get sneezy with sexual ideation you don’t get sneezy after orgasm definitely does not apply to me, though i certainly sneeze a lot more with the former than the latter. it almost feels like my nose gets the same little shocks as my pussy does when i get turned on, and even just a passing comment from my girlfriend that makes my thighs clench can be enough to trigger a little fit of sneezes sometimes. so you can imagine how much my honeymoon rhinitis and sexually induced sneezing comes into play when that cycle of sexual ideation/pleasure and sneezing starts (and especially dating another snzfucker who drives me absolutely insane)
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keeperoftinyarmy · 1 year
I’m glad there’s still some Jikookers who think similar to me, I was starting to think I was the only one in Jikookland who didn’t see the worst in Tae haha. But seriously, I am getting a bit concerned/surprised by the growing number of Jikookers who think Tae and his 2 minute lives are public enemy #1. I don’t remember all this animosity towards Tae a year ago when we were preaching for tkkrs to stop viewing everything Jimin did or said about JK as fanservice, clout chasing, being unnecessarily clingy. I could have sworn that most Jikookers were saying “the difference between us and tkkrs is that we don’t hate Tae or blame him when our ship doesn’t act accordingly.” Now I see the complete opposite everyday on my Tumblr timeline, every day one more blogger declares that they aren’t a fan of Tae and his antics because they believe he’s intentionally feeding his shippers/hurting Jimin by acting the way we always knew him to act. Suddenly I’m seeing essays analyzing how JK doesn’t smile and looks uncomfortable with Tae but is only happy with Jimin….wasn’t this what tkkrs said about JK when they accused Jimin of initiating 95% of the Jikook moments? It all seems like a weird dream to me how quickly the switch flipped within the Jikooker fandom. I used to be proud of how the majority of Jikookers carried themselves compared to other shippers by being more logical in their thinking and defending members from unfair hate/hypocrisy/conspiracy thinking. I think this anger towards Tae is also compounded with the fact that Tae didn’t publicly congratulate Jimin on FACE. Didn’t we all witness Hobi say that Tae was one of his biggest cheerleaders behind the scenes when he was performing at Lolla last year? We saw nothing on the timeline but Hobi said Tae was all up in his messages supporting him. Similar to what Jin said about not showing support online ≠ not supporting in private. I also wholeheartedly agree with you that members probably don’t dwell too much on the negative comments they receive. I know many Jikookers say that Tae knows about the hate Jimin gets and yet still continues to act a against his best interests, but I just don’t think he (and the members) post on social media according to the hate each member gets. Anyways, I say all this to say that I’m glad that I still see Jikookers who haven’t adopted this negative mindset towards Tae. You nice, keep going!
I love this Tae positive comment.
I never have any doubts that Tae is loving his bandmates until the end. He doesn’t have to post on social media for me to know it.
The hate is a minority. As Tae said in the Festa dinner 97%(?) support them truly. With that in mind they interact on social and share what they want and live with the trash and hate. When things get loud…like army attacking media on SM then sometimes the group says stuff but I think mainly they rise above the fray.
I sort of think that jikook have done some things in reaction to trending comments or loud hate…but it could all be coincidence.
I am soooo rambling sorry. I hope things calm down in ship land soon. It’s not a good look for any of us and the guys don’t deserve it. Their lives are changing dramatically…so much uncertainty in their careers and a bs hateful fanwar is raging.
It’s going to be a long 2024 without them. We should be supporting each other as fans not tearing each other (and the members) apart over nothing.
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drstonetrivia · 10 months
Chapter 4 Trivia
Tsukasa's stone-cold goals are revealed.
Tsukasa's still got some lion blood on his hand from the punch he delivered in the last chapter.
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Because lions have to be stronger than their prey, they're full of muscle and don't have a lot of fat, making their meat tough. Because of the lack of connective tissue and fat to soften the meat through traditional methods, the best way to do it is slowly over a low temperature which prevents the meat overcooking while allowing the connective tissue to break down and soften. Recommendations for cooking lion meat say 57°C over 24 hours. After that, it apparently tastes like pork, but richer.
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(I couldn't find any sources on the meat smelling or tasting like ammonia, I'm forced to assume it's a side effect of their territory-marking urine?)
Normally it takes 6-8 weeks to make leather out of skin, but here Tsukasa is wearing it immediately and probably even before the body's become cold, judging by Taiju carrying Yuzuriha's statue to the base in the next panel. This is absolutely disgusting. Don't do this please.
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Here we have proof Senku switches out his pouches based on what he needs. What's actually in them is anyone's guess though!
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Smoking food works for several reasons. It dries the food (preventing fungal/bacterial growth), the smoke keeps insects away during the process, and the smoke itself imparts preservative and antimicrobial compounds such as the aldehydes Senku mentions. (Too much is toxic though!)
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Interesting little habit you have there, Senku...
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According to Senku, Tsukasa's skin is extremely pale. I'm not sure if this means he's got Snow White's complexion, or if Senku and Taiju are by comparison very tanned from working outside all day.
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Tsukasa may have deemed himself the fighter, but he's no meathead! Based off his thoughtful comments, it looks like Tsukasa is quite scientifically knowledgeable himself, just not as much as Senku.
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Adding lime (calcium carbonate) to soil reduces its acidity. Most plants prefer a pH of 6-7.5, which is neutral to slightly acidic. Obviously adding lime to already alkaline soil will make it even more alkaline, so you should test your soil first. Some plants like the acidity!
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Heating lime to over 900°C releases CO2 and forms calcium oxide. Adding water and sand to it creates mortar, a substance that hardens by absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and turning it back into calcium carbonate.
Fun fact: you can use the carbon in mortar for carbon dating!
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To make soap, you need a fat (vegetable oil, bacon grease) and a base (lye, wood ash, lime). The goal is to saponify the fat. In modern soaps, calcium carbonate is added to bulk up the product and act as a mild abrasive.
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Taiju is a very good friend for Senku because he obviously pays good attention and has a good memory. That is all.
He's just not that great for subtlety or negotiations...
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Legally, "disfigurement" means to cause permanent change in a person's body, particularly by leaving visible scars which affect a person's appearance. We don't see any of that on Tsukasa, so did they heal? Was he fighting with broken fingers pre-petrification? What happened?
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Freshly broken stone parts are colored in white. Does this mean as long as the stone is still white/unblemished, the pieces can be recombined?
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Haha yeah it would be a shame if an evil dictator was woken up...
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I still don't understand why Tsukasa skinned the lion where it dropped instead of bringing it back with them if they were going to eat the meat anyway...
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argumentl · 1 year
The Freedom of Expression Vol 18 - Making teru teru bōzu (2023/05/29)
(*Long post including:
•Kaoru's mixed feelings regarding Hanshin's winning streak.
•Making fun of Tasai
•Kaoru pulling a prank on Joe
•Kaoru's limited sewing and Home Economics ability*)
K: Hi, we are here with The Freedom of Expression, I'm Kaoru from Dir en grey.
J: And I'm Joe Yokomizo.
T: I'm Tasai from Tokyo Sports.
J: Ok, we're off!
K: Haha, you're suddenly full of energy. (*To Tasai*) Before coming on air he was almost sleeping, right?
J: No, I was just conserving my energy for the main show.
K: Weren't you just sleepy after eating too much?
J: Haha, no, but wasn't that bento curry incredible?!
K: Yeah, it was good.
T: It was.
J: According to you Tasai, it was some kind of luxury curry, right?
T: Yeah, I've heard about it.
J: I'd like it if we have that every time.
T, K: Haha
J: That would up the excitement.
T: You'd just get sleepy, Joe.
K: He's suddenly full of energy, until just now he was nodding off.
J: Haha, its my age, I cant help it! What about Tasai, changing his clothes before coming on air?!
T: I'm Link from The Legend of Zelda.
K: Hahaha
J: No, you look like some kind of assembly member trying to get elected or something. We just recorded the members only video, and he took it off after that. He just had a regular black t shirt on instead, so I thought he would wear that for the live broadcast. But then before we came on air, he was like, 'Right, time to get changed!'
T: Haha, what's wrong with it??
J: I really don't get why you would wear that. Anyway, here we are, live again after 2 months. Leader, do you remember where we were last time?
K: Fussa!
J: That's right, we were in Fussa having a walk down Base Side Street. Tell us again what you thought of it.
K: It was fun. Its been a while since we were last on location.
J: Was that actually our first time on location for Niconama?
K: Uh, didn't we go to Kagurazaka?
J: Oh, did we?
T: Yeh, we went for a walk there...
Oh, that was for Youtube?
J: Right.
K: I don't think we went anywhere since then.
J: I was right! haha
T: But the blue sky in Fussa was great, right?
J: Oh yeh. Leader, did you end up buying anything?
K: Yeah, I bought some cargo pants.
J: Right, yeh. Have you been wearing them?
K: Yes, I have been.
J: Ohh. After we finished filming, me and Tasai ended up going for gyoza and beer near Fussa station.
K: Yeah, I had other business so I had to leave.
T: Yeah, I thought you would envy us, haha.
J: You sent him a photo!
K: Yeah, but I thought 'Chinese??' haha
J: Not American at all, right? We put so much emphasis on being next to the American base, but ended up eating Chinese food, haha.
K: It looked good though.
J: Yeah, it was. So, while we were in Fussa, we bought 5 cups to give away as presents to viewers. To enter the lottery to win one of them, please check out the show's blog, the deadline is 5/31 (Wed). There's the link. Oh, someone said they already entered!
T: Ah, thank you!
J: You still have time, so don't miss out. Ah, someone wrote, 'I hope I win!'. Oh, and 'Kaoru suits khaki with his brown hair'.
T: Yes, I thought he looks very cool like this.
K: No, I think this is cooler. (*Tasai's shirt*)
T: Haha, stop messing with me.
J: Leader, do you wanna wear that shirt?!
K: Hahaha
T: Come on, stop teasing me!
J: Would you dare wear that shirt?!
T: I'm gonna get mad in a minute!
K: Hahaha
J: I don't think I'd have the courage to wear that! Actually, lets ask the viewers, should we give this shirt away as a present?
T: Haha, I'll give it to them! If anyone wants it, they can have it!
J: 'Its refreshing on Tasai, its good'
T: Hey, see! The viewers are kind, its only you making fun of me, Joe.
J: Nahh...'Kaoru's hair colour looks brighter than at the lives'...'Kaoru suits khaki', look khaki is popular on Leader...'I w..w..want it!' Can we not do a last min survey on how many want it?
K: (*seeing a comment*) Ah yeh, its the colour of zunda! (*mashed soy beans*).
J: Of course it is! Should we put a survey out to see who wants it? If more people want it than dont want it, we could give it away as a present. Haha, 'Its like grass', 'Tasai san, melon juice', and someone said its like a frog. Ok, we will do a survey. Do you want Tasai's zunda shirt? It'll be unwashed. We'll send it complete with Tasai's smell.
T: This is embarrassing.
J: By the way, how much did you pay for that, Tasai?
T: I don't know I just bought it with one click.
J: Oh, on Amazon? You should at least shop on Zozotown.
T: Why?
J: I don't know, haha. Its more stylish. Ok, here's the survey. If we use Tasai's tshirt as a present would you like it, or dont you need it? 'Tasai's fragrance', 'Will Tasai sign it?'
T: No, I wil not, haha.
J: I wonder what the answer will be....
Ohhh! 56.2% don't need it. They are all still normal people!
T: Yeah, but 43.8% wanted it!
J: No, this result means the viewers are still normal, thank goodness. Imagine if more had wanted it. Thats a relief. Anyway, the cups are still up for grabs, so check out the blog before 5/31. So, today we are not here to talk about Tasai's shirt, or melons. Lets move onto baseball.
T: Hanshin are strong, right?
J: Aren't they winning too much?
K: Ahhh, its tough.
J: Why??
K: Its tough..
T: Yeh, why??
K: I've never experienced them winning this much!
J, T: Hahaha
K: I don't know how to respond to this. They've never had this many wins!
J: It feels wrong, right?
K: Yeah, but I don't know why.
T: Ohh, thats how it feels to win now?
K: Cause I end up thinking this is gonna be their peak.
J: For fans of a team who are in the habit of losing, its not a good sign.
K: Yeah, I get sad thinking about how it wont last.
T: You should be happy!
J: You can't enjoy it?
K: Yeh, well, everyday Im like 'Yess!' when they win, but then I think about it, and Im like, 'Oh no, they already peaked'.
T: But Hanshin have good pitchers this year, they are a good, strong team.
J: I usually know nothing about it, but I was staying in a hotel the other day for an event, and I got to the hotel, put the tv on, and this first thing that came on was the sports news. I saw that Hanshin were in the top spot with a 6 game difference, and I thought, wow!
T: What is it? 8 consecutive wins currently?
K: Yes, 8. Before this 8 consecutive wins they lost one game, but they had another 7 consecutive wins before that.
J: Omg
T: Isn't is an exciting month?!
K: Oh yeh, its been great. You know Die is a Giants fan, he was like, 'Tch, shit!!', and I'm like 'Good good', haha.
J: In the dressing room, right? Die' going 'Tch!' and you're going 'Yesss'!
K: Yeah, if he's like 'Aghh, no!', I'm like 'Niceee', hahaha.
T: Hanshin have won three games against the Giants, they showed just enough strength to win, especially with those pitchers.
J: Which Hanshin players are you rooting for?
K: Hmm, probably numbers 1 and 2, Tsukamoto and Nakano.
T: Then there is Murakami, and then the guy from Softbank...
K: Ōtake.
T: Yeh, Ōtake. His ERA is 0, with 6 wins and no losses.
K: Yeh, and recently, in the 7th innings of the game, a chance came while the score was even...
T: Yeh, it was 0-0.
K: Yeh, so a chance came and Ōtake was sent to the bench, because he wasn't breaking the tie. The next pitcher broke the tie, and Ōtake was spotted crying on the bench!
T: He was overjoyed.
J: It was that dramatic?!
T: Yeh, it made headlines. Overjoyed!
J: Well, Leader, since you are on tour, you won't have been going to the stadiums, right?
K: No, I havnt.
J: Ah, just on TV. Ah, comments saying 'It was cute', 'Crying!'...Please keep sending us your comments, and we may even have more random surveys too. For now the viewers don't seem to want Tasai's shirt.
T: No, but 43% did!
J: Haha, they were probably just being kind.
T: Haha, yeh.
J: Please send us your thoughts and questions in the comments, and if you are using twitter, you can use the tag TFOE. So, you already know, but the first part of this show is free, and the second part is for members only. If you join, you can watch this in the archives for a year, and you can also enjoy extra members only videos, so please use the link at the top of the screen, Leader, point to it! Thank you - to join, and enjoy the show to the end. Now, some people may be worried that we are going to spend the whole hour talking about baseball, but don't worry. That is not the case. We may touch on it occasionally, but its June soon and the rainy season is starting. Not quite yet in Kanto, but I think it might be there already in Okinawa and Kyushu. But since Hanshin are in great shape at the moment, you don't want it to rain, right, Leader?
K: Yeah, well there are a lot of interleage games...the dome stadiums are...huh? How many are domes?
T: Uhh, Softbank, Ham, Orixs...about 4.
K: Yeh, so I think it'll be ok even if it rains.
J: Do we need to change the plan for today's show then?? Can't you just pretend that the rain is gonna cause trouble? haha
K: Haha, Koshien isn't a dome though.
J: Right?! You don't want the team's flow to be broken by games postponed due to rain, right? Don't dampen our idea, Kaoru! Anyway, the plan for this week is us making Teru teru bōzus in the style of TFOE!! So that means, not the regular white type that everyone knows, but ones with a little more character, fitting with this show. We have some materials here in front of us, and Tasai, you have string, right? So the first half will be making characteristic teru teru bōzus, and in the second part we will do some psychopath quizzes. Its not only baseball today, we have loads. So as we have the goods here, we can continue talking while we are crafting.
T: Oh, someone just commented, 'There were Dir Teru teru bōzus before too, right?'
K: I think there were, yeh.
J: Well, this will be something to look forward to, as well as the psychopath quizzes. About that, of course we are each going to take a quiz to see which one of us is the biggest psychopath, but viewers can join in too, and test yourselves. I mean, I know a lot of you sad you didn't want Tasai's shirt, so you may not score too badly..
K: Haha, he's not gonna let this go.
T: Joe, Im gonna make you wear this.
J: No no, after the show, please. Hey, Leader should try it on!
T: No no no, you! haha
J: Ah, seriously? haha. Hey, but Leader, who do you think is the biggest psychopath?
K: Definitely Tasai.
J: Yeah.
T: Eh?! Why?!
J: You're a Tasaicopath.
T: I would say its you, Joe.
K: He is the type of guy who...*???*
K: Thats right!
T: Isnt that interesting, though?
K: Its something!
J: But based on these live broadcasts that we do, even the staff think there is something about you, Tasai.
T: Why?? haha
J: Maybe thats where the psychopath idea came from.
T: Haha, when I looked at the script, it says 'Talk about how wierd Tasai is'. Its all due to me!
K: Hahahaha
T: They didn't even write 'Tasai san', just 'Tasai'? They were commenting on how strange you are after filming last time.
K: This task is for Tasai then, really.
T: Ah, great.
J: Yes, it will reveal more of Tasai's uniqueness.
K: He needs time to think about his answers though.
J: Yes, so we will get these teru teru bōzus out of the way first. We can talk while we make, Hanshin talk or such.
K: Yes.
J: Leader, which materials will you choose?
K: I choose one of these?
J: Yeah, this is another good way of expressing personality. Ah, but yeh, no alcohol today.
T: I wanna have a drink while watching the baseball again on the show.
K: Yeah, I wanna do that again.
T: It'll be fun this year, at Koshien and such.
J: You know, if they win ...(*something about calling players over*) Will that happen this year?
T: Hmm
J: And with Tokyo Sports' connections...
you are a sports newspaper after all! Can't you do that?
T: Well, we do sometimes...but..
J: Ah, the fee?
T: Well, im not sure.
J: Send some of your chu-hi as a favour.
K: Tokyo Sports has its own chu-hi??
J: Yeh, they just released it.
T: Yeah, and its 13%
K: Oh, great!
J: Chu-hi from hell!
K: Bring some for me to try next time!
T: Well, there's none left in the office!
K: Its selling too well??
J: Or everyone at work is just stealing it?
T: Haha, yeh. Hiranabe had the lot!
J: No no, im sure it must be selling well. Hey, but 13% is impressive, right?
T: Only for serious drinkers, haha.
J: For sure. Are you trying to sell it as a set with the gyōza?
T: Yeah.
J: Ahh. Hey Leader, you chose some cute fabric.
K: Well, I don't know about that.
T: Joe, what will you go for?
J: Well, its me so I'll probably go for black. But it doesn't have to be just one colour. We can combine colours.
K: Yeah.
J: I'll have the yellow too. But as for Hanshin, they are not just winning by fluke are they?
K: No, they are a really strong team.
T: They are keeping it really cool. They are not just putting pedal to the metal and going all out. They are going quite steadily.
K: Yeah.
T: They do still have days where they lose, but their wins are steadily taking them higher.
J: You are not worried then, Leader?
K: Agh, well they are too strong! It wouldn't be so bad if they were just a little bit strong, but at this rate, they are gonna plummet eventually.
J: They are doing too well?
T: This year their pitchers are too good.
J: Plus if they have few injuries, that helps.
K: Yeah, but it is a bit scary.
J: Its scary seeing the team so strong?
T: Yeah, cause they are used to losing.
J: Its not impossible for them to continue this winning streak though?
K: No, its not.
J: And the players are young, right?
K: Yeah. They are the youngest team out of the 12 main teams.
J: Oh so they wont tire out as easily? Or is that not the case? The older players dont tire out more quickly?
K: Well, I expect they do, but they know how to play to their strengths.
J: Ah, yeah, they have the experience.
K: We cant really know how they do it.
J: Yeah. You know, I can't even remember how to make teru teru bōzus.
K: Me neither.
J: The staff made some earlier, oh those look good. These really show your personality. Ah, I think I'll use some of that foil too. We also have these sticky-on eyes here too....So the team are young...but hey, a team in good condition will be noticed, right?
K: Yeah
J: So the other teams will....Oh Leader, you are approaching this task really freely again. *looking at Kaoru making a triangle shape*
T: I think Yokohama and the Giants are the teams to be wary of.
J: Ah, rival teams, yeh?
T: Yeah. Yakult has a lot of injured players.
J: Oh! Yakult are no competition.
K: They lost 10 games in a row.
J: Really? Wow. What about the Pacific League?
T: Lotte are winning there.
J: Really??
T: Yeah, Yoshii san is their new manager.
J: Yoshii of the Kintetsu Buffalos?
K: Yeh yeh yeh.
T: He was with Kintetsu, Yakult, Mets...
J: Oh yeh, he used to be with Mets too!...Leader, you do know we are supposed to be making teru teru bōzu, right? That's an interesting shape, haha.
T: *holding up bright green string* I'm not letting anyone have this. This is mine.
K: Hahaha.
J: Yeh, don't worry, we don't need it.
T: Haha
J: We really don't, haha.
T: Oh, that hurts, haha.
J: I wonder if the viewers know how to make these.
T: Shall we do a survey?
J: Yeah, have you ever made a teru teru bōzu? A simple question like that?
T: Yeah, we don't want to make it too hard for the staff.
J: What if we annoy them too much? haha. Ahh, this is difficult.
T: Yeah.
J: I've only ever thought about making these with paper. Ok, please answer the survey, 'Have you ever made a teru teru bōzu?' Yes, or no. Surely most people have, right?
T: I don't think I ever have.
J: Really?? Leader, have you?
K: I have at school.
J: What did you hope for when you made it?
K: Well, it was just part of a lesson at school.
J: Oh, like as an art project? Ok, lets look at the result of this survey. Oh, 96.4% have made one before.
T: Oh, that's quite a lot.
J: 3.6% haven't so there are still some who haven't. I see.... Are teru teru bōzus only in Japan, do other countries have them? I've never seen them overseas.
T: I think we need some more questions or comments. This is getting too serious. Ask some simple things to Kaoru.
J: Yep, we'll pick them up. Ah, we are already over 20mins....'What is teru teru bōzu in English?' Hm, what is it?
T: Isn't it Sunny Sunny Boy?
J: Ah, that sounds about right! Haha, Sunny Sunny Boy.
T: It sounds like a song lyric, haha. 'Are you good at sewing?'
K: Uh, no, i don't sew.
J: Oh, apparently teru teru bōzus came from China originally.... 'Kaoru, what were your grades like for Home Economics at school?'
K: I don't remember Home Economics.
J: We did do that at school though, right?....'Have you ever made your own clothes?'
K: Made on my own? No, I don't think I have.
T: 'Can you sew on a button yourself?'
K: Have I ever sewed on a button?
T: Yeah, like these on your sleeve.
K: Ohhh, I actually have done that before, at school!
J: In Home Economics?
K: Yes.
T: But not since becoming an adult?
K: No.
J: 'Didn't you used to go to Yuzawaya a lot?'
K: What's Yuzawaya? Oh, that store that sells fabric rolls and stuff? Yeh, I used to go with the costume designer to choose fabric.
T: 'You used to make costumes too, right?'
K: No, I don't think I did.
J: Did you say that in an interview once? Ok, so we are still taking questions... Agh!!! What was that?! An elastic band?? That gave me a shock!! (*Kaoru deliberately twisted up some elastic bands and rubbed them on Joe's arm, pulling the hairs, I guess*)
T: This one (Kaoru) is the psychopath!
J: Right?!
K: Hahaha (*does it again*)
J: Agh, that stings! I thought it was *??????*
K: Hahaha
J: That gave me a shock! What a total prankster!
T: Yeah, haha.
J: 'Prankster Kaoru', right?! Ah, that was a shock, I gotta watch out from now on....'Cute', haha.
T: *reading a comment* Have you eaten Tenmusu on tour, Kaoru?
K: Yeah, I'm gradually able to tolerate shrimp.
T: Even though you hated it so much?
K: Yeh, but actually, after that tenmusu I tried ebichiri (shrimp in chilli sauce) in a bento or something, and I couldn't tolerate that.
J: Ahh, I see. It depends what you have it with.
K: I don't know what it is really.
J: But you are slowly getting used to it? Hey, we should do an episode trying different shrimp foods sometime.
K: Noo, if we are gonna do that we might as well do it with food that actually tastes good.
T: Someone asked, 'Did you both go to the Zepp Haneda shows?' We did!
J: Yep. Tasai, you went on the first of the two days, didn't you? I went on Tuesday.
T: Well, we can't really say anything about it since the tour isn't finished yet.
K: Haha, he said you went on the first day, and he went on Tuesday. What does that mean?? haha.
J: Two days being the first day and Tuesday, haha. I mean I went on the second day.
T: It was good though.
J:....Tasai, what are you doing?
T: Making a teru teru bōzu.
J: Ehh?
T: Someone wrote 'scribbling noise', haha. You already made the body, Kaoru? That's quick!
J: These are like works of art we're making. Someone asked, 'Are you using the green string?'
T: Yeh, this string is mine.
J: Haha, don't worry. You can take it home if you want....'A curse ritual', haha, right...'zubōteruteru', 'Tasaicopath is showing'. Leader, yours is looking great.
T: Yeah.
J: Its really artistic. You guys are doing well, I'm struggling.
T: Is it ok if we finish these in the first part?
J: Yeh, its fine. Cause we have the psychopath tests in the second part.
T: We made that Christmas Tree together before too, didn't we?
J: Yeah, that was great. I think that was a pretty unique creation.
K: Yeah.
J: As usual I can't remember anything specific about it though.
K: Hahaha
J: Yeh, I bet you don't remember either!
K: I do remember! We used it for the karuta too.
J: Ah, I'm forgetting everything these days. Well, we are still making these, but its just about at the 30min mark, so we will have to end the first part of the show. We will move on to the members only content next, where you can enjoy seeing us taking psychopath tests. Here's how you can watch the second part. The first part of this show is free for anyone to watch, but the second part is for members only. So you have to be a member if you want to watch to the end. If you become a member, you can watch the live broadcasts in the archive as much as you like for one year, and we will also release another members only video in a few days. We always try out interesting things in these videos, the one we recorded today is really funny, right? One staff member said their stomach hurt from laughing.
T: Really?
J: Yeah, so please check that out. Ok, here's how to join. There should be a blue link at the top of your screen now. Leader, point to it! Thank you, even while holding the glue, haha. If you click this link, you will get this page asking you to choose your payment method. Choose, your method, click proceed, enter your details, and then you are good to go. If you haven't yet joined, please do so to enjoy the show fully. Ok, Leader, do you have any announcements?
K: Uh, we have lives in Osaka and Nagoya next week, no this week. Nagoya is fan club only, but I think there might still be some tickets left for Osaka, so please come along if you can.
J: Ok, time to end this part. The screen will change for a minute, but the members part will start soon, so just wait there. Ok, see you soon for more TFOE! Bye!
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mofffun · 11 months
23/7 Kingohger Summer Stage REPO
11:00 Hero show
11:30 Cast Talk
11:40 Waking the King + OP live
~shake hands with heroes for purchase >2000~
Full cast.
I got here at 10:40am so the queue was already rather long. the paying tickes is numbered up to 1000 but you can watch the event for free as well since it's outdoors. Naturally I was standing further back (even though I didn't queue up yesterday.) Kinda feels like there's more people? but that'd be weird because there were geats-only fans yesterday too. maybe it's the sunday.
Hero show
part 1:
So the first part is Hero Show, but it's more just an interactive session. Act 1 has Red Yellow Blue fighting two foot soliders. Gira got a solo fight and then it's the Yan Hime combo fight. Shipper lens ON. Himeno did a cart wheel holding onto Yanma and Yanma princess carried Himeno for a spin attack while she ojousana-laugh! Yanma complimented on Himeno ("Yarujanika" "arigatou")
part 2:
Then the MOTW aka Bug Host shows up and makes small talk with the audience. He's a lot of fun, questioned if we really like Kingohgers so much and hate the Bugnaroks so bad, then asks again and says bugnarok fans can get presents. He also keeps reminding the crowd to beware of heat stroke and drink water. Even commented that "looks like there're a lot of idling adults at the back" haha.
A boy and a girl, both 4 years old are invtied to play musical chair on stage. The girl cried at the first round when the foot soldier took her seat. So the host pulled the boy aside and give him the "men should be kind to girls talk" while the foot soldier plays peekaboo to cheer her up. But they both sat on the seat in second round anyway. However the gift bag they won is 01 and Kiramei cutlery and stationery 😂 According to host, those are for "leftover stock for adult reasons"
Part 3:
Dango Mushi Jim is the MOTW.
the whole team appears on the stage and did the Kingohger Spell from ep10. Maybe it's just that line but Himeno's audio here sounds like it's cut from the ep. Rita also did the "taskforce" speech so it connects to Gira calling "Ohsama Sentai" and the others responding "Kingohger". Kaguragi gets a solo fight with his ep4 speech.
What I love about Papillon's suit action is they can't always wait for the enemy to come at them in order to fit the "immovable" image. they don't rotate in himeno's sense but they rotate to always face the enemy (himeno's earth versus rita's moon if you will) and always keeps the enemy at sword's length. Both today and G-Rosso's Rita-sama is good at fighting with just one hand and they'd put their other hand holding the cape at the back of their waist and that is so good. love that move where they hit the MOTW in the face with the pommel of the sword.
Blue and Yellow reappears and THE FIRST THING, Himeno runs to ask if Rita is ok. <3 They brought Rita offstage so it's Gira's solo.
the team gathers again and INFERNO plays. Gira ask everyone to do the finisher together but Yanma kicks him. Then they do the finisher together.
This Yanma is the tallest and has the most movement during the dance. Rita's steps the bottom limit of what is consider a step and their legs would not move fro the arm shakes.
Gira in suit is so cute he saw a kid dressed as Gira and excitedly waved and pointed to himself with Rita. who simply nodded. this went on three times.
Rita's wave is your old-man-government-leader wave. 90 degrees elbows/shoulder, palm 90 degrees turn between facing themself and their left.
Cast Talk
matsumoto hiroya hosting.
to be called "Sukapon Tanuki" to my face... shiawase!
声小さい! *crowd cheers* *Yanma turns his back to the crowd but gives thumbs up high in the air*
Kaku introduced himself in Jeramie's voice "Kaguragi Dybowski, lordly king of this country Toufu... tosa."
Jeramie has to repeat now (name/a storytellier behind the times tosa.) so he follows up with the opening narration, than Kagu immediately interrupts him with a "too long!" to which Masahi: "Otto"
Part 1: Movie
Q1: memories about filming
Gira: performing with Sakurai-san (Debonica). the cast knew her from reputation and especially Himeno is jealous-in-a-good-sense about Taisei getting to work with her a lot.
Q2: with Hinagata Akiko (Iroki)
Kaku: (pretty much the same answer as yesterday) She is an approchable person so it seems she's quite different from the character setting before filming starts, but once on the job, there's an evil ruler aura about her.
Q3: RBP with Nakamura Shido (Rainoir)
Taisei said "Aoto and Yuzuyan"
something about his professionalism
one thing that made Aoto very happy is Nakamura's son's fave is Tonbo Ohger.
Erica was great at fanservice! She's always looking off stage and waved and made finger hearts at the crowd. I think as a model she's just really good at locating where the camera is.
Erica spoke of the assets and CG specifically made for the movie that impressed her, then asked the audience to raise their hands if they'll see it in theaters. She interacted with the audience like this again towards the end.
Yuzuki talked about seeing a new side of Rita again (pretty much same as bandai ad). It was fresh for her to film something different than TV's Rita. (I wonder if one'd use 'fresh' to describe it if they're just being their usual self but in front of the camera?)
Yuzuki is not very good at answering questions on the spot so sometimes either she says a lot of filler words or her greeting and answers to promotional questions that have been asked a thousand times sound rehearsed.
Yzy and So are truly close friends. they'd chat off-mic and at one point So pointed at Rita fans in the crowd for Yuzuki.
Part 2: Questions from cast members
Q1: "これからも一緒に頑張ろう 碧斗❤" (Let's keep on working hard together. from Aoto❤) Host reads out the heart too.
Kagu tsukkomi said hey that's not a question, let's hear some questions
Q2: To Kaguragi, why muscles? from Jeramie.
Masahi: 気になる I really want to know that
So: (Jeramie voice) Do you want to come to the world of muscles too? Muscles are good for you ;D 筋肉はいいよ
Q3: みんなへ 好きな季節は? りたっち To everyone, what is your favourite season? Rittachi
(Yuzuki's last ig/cl live mentioned nicknames people called her. Yuzuchi was on the list but at the very last because only close friends from home would call her that. new people she met after entering the proffesion don't usually use it. those that called her Yuzuchi called her that day one they met. IIRC)
So: Summer. Though it's hot, what a nice time to hear sounds of life like cicada.
Host: suddenly became a serious/adult-like conversation?
Yzy:(host made fun of Rittachi) for Rittachi of course it's winter.
Taisei: Girachi is winter
Erica: [Moffun voice] Himechi is spring.
crowd/host doesn't really get moffun at first but yuzuki pointed it out.
[Host asks how to chi-ify Aoto's name] Aochi is summer. Because I get to meet everyone みんなと会いえる + *walks backstage index finger & arm raised*
Q4: 好きなセリフものまね immitate your favourite lines (of another character)
So: Ah I wrote that? Yzy: (tsukkomi) Did you forget?
host: (sth like) you want to do it so bad you did just that haha
So: well then I'll do Gira. "一草一木" line. eh what's next? Taisei follows up to "jakku no ou Gira!"
Erica: Kono Sukapon Tanuki! (i rmb she did the same thing in an interview but i forgot whcih. literally SO adorable my health bar is out)
Aoto repeast the tanuki line
Aoto: O~RE~WA~ JER~RA~MIE.... (make every syllable long like a skipping kindergardtener, got complained doesn't sound like jeramie at all)
Yzy: (in her own voice) ただわがままに 我が道を行く (himeno's catchphrase) (ah... so this is the world where yuzuki's got himeno's role...)
Masahi: (full kabuki face + gestures) Kaguragi Dybowski!
So and Yzy tsukkomi with the usual So Tsukkomi Pose.
Taisei: Then I'll do Onii-chaan! (He said Onii-chan yesterday too [CRY]) Shugoddom's King, Racules Husty. I am the nation. (same as relay interview)
the ep10 cockpit roll call! with jera! (evil king, wise king, queen of beatuy, bounty lord, immovable sovereign, king of the in-betweens)
Music live
original singer of Waking the King. I know he's experienced but he seemef to be quite popular? suddenly a rush of cheers from behind me when he appeared on stage. But his pitch and control was so good though. I like this insert a lot too and the first verse is just his vocals over piano and instantly gave me goosebumps.
he also sang the OP that he described as "a challenge". The cast reappeared after the singer asked us to "called for Kingohgers from your heart!"
The cast came holding their plushies and promote them.
They danced up to before the chorus then walked off-stage to greet the audience. They pretty much went around the whole paid area. Aoto was especially eager to wave at the audience. (It's between his blue hair and Kagu's head that I can spot from the back)
the dance was the energetic version from new op. The suit actors did the in-character dance before them.
When they came back onto stage after greeting, Taisei said something/bumped into Yuzuki and she did her 'clap knees laugh' thing.
Then it's the closing words (your usual "thank you for coming in the heat", "please support us and the film") and a group photo + countdown tiktok with the audience.
Aoto waved back during to the crowd during the photo and Yuzuyan said thank you after taking the tiktok.
there's a kid with a pillbug taxi prop in the front and a kid dressed as Shiokara with his baby brother as Gira. + girls in yellow princess dresses.
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
two weeks late? what do you mean? ...haha.
sorry i have excuses okay? I moved houses in that time and then got sick. like i said, lateness is becoming my brand i guess
anyways this week (last week) it is time for
The Opera in the Outback Caper!!
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notes as always under the cut!
player's australian accent is hilarious
bro the writers were researching australia and they saw carmen the opera and their eyes shot out of their heads like looney toons
according to wikipedia if this episode had gone like the opera carmen would have stabbed a bitch to death and then sung about fucking somebody all night from prison. but yeah carmen would have also ended up stabbed to death in the end so....leaning towards the bad omen scale
that fifteen person orchestra is really pulling its weight damn
can you imagine being gray in this episode he has literally no idea what the fuck is going on wheeze
this is totally way later in the episode but wait a minute if the vile device fried all the soundboards how the hell did the rest of the opera keep going
its gra-YUHM
that surprised pikachu face jdsghdjhga
god fuck i hate that he flirts with her im getting it out of the way right now so i don't harp on it later but i do not like it
Gray Ham says enjoy the show and carmen walks like a penguin her ankles go WAY up
i love love love watching the progression of carmen's faith in vile go from her mostly playful, almost dismissive air in the start to realizing just how dangerous this all is and i think it starts RIGHT HERE, realizing that theyve killed crackle's memories of her and VILE
mentally i am the guy dressed as a soldier who is staring straight ahead and singing with one blank smile on his face
something about that swing and how carmen's coattails move is just mwah
carmen stays there for literally no reason how did you not see le chevre coming over to kick you in the back girl
that subliminal messaging device falling was sooo on key 🫦
so nitpicky but that opera singer is NOT opening her mouth enough literally watch any video of an opera singer their mouths are going twice that wide
the way she just plucks it from his hand is so funny
i love this fight btw. its so dynamic but its SILENT. and the entire fight is based around the need to not draw attention to themselves and disrupt the performance. very cool fight
like yeah the flips and the way they pull on each other's clothing and jump and use the bars and stuff super cool
literally the second time le chevre has done that exact same thing girly
that landing HAD to hurt SO BAD are you kidding
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also love how carmen goes in slow motion before this but the music doesnt thats hilarious
wouldnt it have been funny if as carmen the singer was singing her high note carmen the thief fell on her
love the standing ovation and curtsy for the uh. fourth song of the opera
player was in record mode because he secretly loves opera and wanted to record the live performance of his favorite habanera
HUAN HONK HUNK HONK HA HION HA HONK he does bleat like a goat
i find it very hard to believe that le chevre is so flippant about the mindwiping thing seeing as dr bellum is potentially setting him up for the exact same circumstances today in fighting carmen lmao
i love when characters on screens look at things from the perspective of the. screen
"remix" its just you dr bellum
carmen: haha quip player: oh girl u fucked up girl
love Carmen's thought process of being completely unaffected by the thing that got blasted directly in her face just because she wasn't the target
player does the most
i love doctor denim jeans she seems like such a nice enthusiastic person
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look at her shes so excited
what was carmen standing up there looking for anyway
pls player didnt even know it was gray but he knew. he was just like ffs carmen not the silver jambon
love how carmen is pinpointing his orders from vile as the problem and not. his willingness and ability to kill her
he's got good hearing wow
sparky is actually australian slang for an electrician. good to know. shocked crackle didnt name himself Sparky
love how crackles tone changes from joking to that dramatic "year of my life" speech i dont remember if they used that for flashbacks or trailers or what but its for something lol
"electrician" gray you sit at the desk and press buttons as far as we can tell dude
"yeah stranger go online and find some random guy to take you into the australian outback <3 my experience couldnt help you avoid a potentially bad situation there at all."
shes like four feet away and he's screaming lmaoo
it is just her name, honey maid
"the outback- may sound like somewhere you would take a man to shoot him but we have to save that for next season!"
mad respect for them primarily referring to it as uluru so it sticks that way and not the more colonialized name of ayers rock, which was given to it by, surprise surprise, a brit
its a miracle the car didnt break down in the outback after player told her to be careful in the harsh terrain. literally two episode ago he was like "be careful of altitude sickness!!" and then she died
god the music and animation in this episode are gorgeous though arent they?
miro is the most patient man on the planet
ivy being so fed up with him wheeze
carmen being polite and excusing herself from the conversation! never thought i'd see the day lol
i love miro he's just like what. what do you mean. who are you guys and he's right
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for sure the only tourist in the car
where did carmen get those hot little pink glasses and coats did they mug a couple workers or what
ivy and zack's sibling dynamic forever
she is for sure like five feet from that door and should not be running for as long as she is while talking to player she is a split second away from crashing into the wall
pls the rocket is so close to the facilities it would take the buildings out
anyone else love the animation when ivy's waving the id badge at mom jeans denim
zack's little salute ive never noticed that before
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yeah your new interns. the most conspicuous american twenty year olds we can find who apparently blend in with every situation, including fashion week in milan
who voices bell bottom jeans because her australian accent is sketch is it sharon. it sounds a little like bellum
IT IS SHARON ok sorry queen your australian accent is not great </3
is there a "where in space is carmen sandiego" where zack and ivy go to an alien planet because i havent watched any of the 90s show but. that feels like it would happen
was player directing her through that or did carmen just randomly learn to hack too
love the single button to launch a whole rocket its so funny
brancusi jeans: that was the day i decided the laboratory is no place for opera speakers: opera in the laboratory skinny jeans: wow this is the best thing that has ever happened to me
i wonder if that cart wheel was 3d
ivy expertly tied that woman up great job ivy. ig she learned from boston lol. interesting tho- that is how carmen tied them up, and i wonder if carmen taught them
uh oh spaghettio
again cs color theory <3 with the button going green when vile's plan starts to work
the rocket launched in less that 3 minutes! btw it will take more than 4 until we get to the final countdown. and we will cut down much of the space in between but its totally less than three ok
love the way ivy smashes through that door
wheeze the control panel at the top of the tower
zack's got the best australian accent out of all the terrible australian accents in this show. he could be on bluey
zack's cold chuckle before he tells el topo that the dingoes are mauling his boyfriend is priceless its so funny
adore the clear shock and horror in carmen's voice when she realizes what she's done. good gina moment thank you for a moment gina. oh nevermind that what have i done was sad and limp :(
le chevre said grrr. WHAT? OUGH!
"let go" yes le chevre that is something she would do while you're dangling her a thousand feet above the ground
pls my video started buffering and it just went "OUT OF MY WA-" and then the screen went black ivy killed it
love ivy shes such a girlboss
still not sure btw how top and bottom arent recognizing the boston kids its. what the third, fourth time?
that little thing le chevre does i think must be a vile taught thing, which is interesting. he hooks his arms under hers and holds her there that way. i say that because in the s2 opener episode el topo does the exact same thing to carmen
the gays are so funny i love them
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ivy comes very close to dying a horrible death this episode lol
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"i've got you."
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drops her
she did not have to slide down the rocket like that but thank god she did. hot of her. love that her hair came down and her glasses came off for maximum hotness she booked it over here you can tell
the two gays are literally just >:( >:(
shit my pants joke
everyone laugh
player is literally that friend trying to get his bff not to get back in that toxic relationship GIRL HE TRIED TO KILL YOU LIKE. A WEEK AGO HE AINT WORTH THE FRESH START BROTHERLY RELATIONSHIP
i do like gina's voice acting here though. she does sound like she's actually. feeling things
god the shots in this show are so pretty
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look at that. art
even the light changing from green to red once she decides to blow him off. yes yes yes yes the red represents safety and certainty and as soon as that green light turns not only does it physically block her from crossing over to him just like she's mentally decided not to put it puts any question of vile completely out of the question
insert that tumblr post about wanting to make eye contact with someone from across a street and then disappear behind a bus here bc i can't find it
woohoo carmen leading herself to believe that the only way she can keep people safe is to avoid them. im sure this wont come into play in any future searches for more familial figures of carmen's
i like all the human and animal remains in maelstrom's office. cool of him tbh
they wanted to say "bring me the head" so bad
anyway PAPER STAR! TRANSITION SENTENCE TO NEXT EP! i love next ep paper star is so cool. also beginnings of julethief. look, i have a transition sentence too.
next week is actually two days ago on saturday but thats okay ill hopefully get it done sometime this week, so i can be on time for being late this saturday. hope you liked this ep's notes <3
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snzzone · 1 year
I blame your face for my photic reflexes
Scara/mouche snz fic?????
Hey guys, this is my first time posting a fic 👉👈🏃‍♀️ b-be nice
"W-what are you doing?!!" Wanderer protested as Traveler gently yet switfly lifted off his hat. Though he'd been out in the sun all day with the Traveler, he was still surprised by the sudden brightness in his eyes. He grimaced. Suddenly he could feel the warm sun on his face, and the glare from the light stung his eyes. He felt something suddenly take over him, and all at once, the reflex pulled him. He felt the muscles on his face involuntarily twitch.
The expression of displeasure that he had from the Traveler stealing his hat, was starting to waver into something else. He gritted his teeth, and even though it looked like it was out of anger, it really was just a weak attempt to delay the inevitable.
He tried to stop it, but the reflex took him over anyway, "hah- uhh- IPTCHuu! IhkCHUuh! ahh- aPTCH!" He bobbed his head downwards for each sneeze as he tried his best to shield his eyes from the sun.
The Wanderer tried to grab his hat back from the Traveler, but the Traveler was way too agile, especially since he was the one with the disadvantage here. "Aptchhh!! Give it back! How dare you steal my hat! You- ! You thiefhCHHH- uhhh!" Everytime he tried to grab it he was always just out of reach. As he was struggling, Traveler was laughing his head off. "Hah... you think this is funny? This isn't as amusing as you think it is!" Wanderer managed between sneezes. Though the complaining did nothing to slow down the Traveler.
Traveler- even through laughter- did not waver. He dodged every attempt that the Wanderer made to get his hat back. There was a point during one of the openings, where the Wanderer saw his clear chance for victory. However, before being able to even have the slightest taste of winning, the sun suddenly glared in his eyes, causing his face to contrort. The Wanderer didn't want to do something as gross as spewing all over the Traveler, so he halted, and buried his face into his elbow- "hhg- !! uhKTSHH!! itSHHiew!! huhhh... itSHiehh! ... hadtch! aptchh!!"
Finally, after feeling enough pity, the Traveler stopped dodging and gave the hat back. The Wanderer aggressively grabbed it back. Huffing out breaths. He fixed his hair after it got slightly messy from the whole ordeal. "*snf* Some hero you are... stealing other people's stuff," he grumbled.
"Hahaha! Who knew that the great and powerful balladeer always wore his hat because a little sunshine makes him sneeze..." Wanderer blushed at this.
"Ghh.. obviously I don't wear my hat just because of a stupid reason like this! The attire that I choose fits according to my situation and goals. The hat has always represented my itinerant lifestyle. Don't act like you know everything about me," he retorted.
"Sure... however, the sun doesn't lie, and neither does your face," the Traveler tips the Wanderer's hat up but the Wanderer quickly pulls it back down again. The Traveler laughs again. "You know, had I known that you have this little quirk of yours, I think me and Paimon would've found you a lot less intimidating." The Traveler smiled.
"Hmph, as if something simple like this could've lifted your animosity towards me during our earlier encounters."
"Haha, you could be right. But... how would you know if you didn't try it?"
"Wh- did you want me to just start randomly sneezing during our first meet, just to possibly gain your favor??!"
"Why not? I think it would've been a good first impression," the Traveler chuckled before continuing, "and I think... you would've looked rather adorable," the Traveler said genuinely. Hearing the comment, the Wanderer became speechless. He felt blood quickly creep up his face. Tipping his hat down, the Wanderer shielded his face. Though this time, not from the sun, but from someone who was literally the human embodiment of it...
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epivanosilon · 2 months
100 posts!
according to tumblr, this will be my 99th post on this blog, which means that the 100th will be the name breakdown for chapter 15! how exciting!!!
i just wanted to have a separate post commemorating this milestone, even if it's not actually the 100th post hehe
i was thinking about doing something special, like making my own translation and/or english translyrics for gurenge, but that would take way too long for my liking... i'll save that for a future milestone, i guess! maybe 500 or 1000 posts...? or something crazy like 10 followers, haha
speaking of followers, i hope you guys have been enjoying what i put out! or at least have been finding it interesting or educational. i like the idea of helping others out while teaching myself. kind of like a group project, except i do all the work and everyone else benefits...
...so, exactly like a group project.
sounds like it's time for you all to start pulling your weight! /j
if any of you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or requests, feel free to send me an ask or message me! i'll do my best to respond in a timely manner. i've only made friends over the internet once or twice, but i wouldn't mind changing that! i promise it's just because i keep to myself most of the time lol
anyway, i should be getting to bed soon if i want to maintain some semblance of a healthy sleep schedule, so off i go. thanks for reading, and look forward to that 100th post! i know i am :)
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marimbles · 2 months
🍎😱😁? for the writer asks
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
I answered this one before but I have another one! When I wrote my ohshc fic hey, you’ve got to hide your love away I ended up doing a deep dive on the Japanese phrase 愛してる(aishiteru), which basically means “I love you” (in a romantic way). According to my research, it’s pretty uncommon even for married couples to use this word because it’s seen as a very heavy/dramatic expression. 大好き(daisuki), which basically equivalent to “I like you a lot,” is usually used instead for “I love you.” I’m not Japanese and have very little knowledge of the language, but I thought this distinction was a fascinating cultural tidbit, so I ended up leaning into it for the fic and talking about the difference between how “I love you” is expressed in English, French, and Japanese. I figured tamaki is dramatic and romantic enough to use 愛してる lol although I don’t think he ever does in the original manga (but I can’t know for sure because I can’t read the Japanese version). Anyway! I hope I didn’t misrepresent Japanese culture or language there (or French, for that matter), but I had a lot of fun learning about that and incorporating it into the fic 💜
😱What's your greatest fear as a fanfic writer?
Uh I guess that people will find something about me/my writing problematic and hate me forever and cancel me because of it lol
😁What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
probably tumblr asks (if we’re talking about asks that are specifically about a fic or my writing in general). But fic comments are a close second! it always makes me so happy to see a new ao3 comment in my email! 🥰 I guess asks feel a tiny bit more special bc I know the person had to go out of their way to send it. But still, fic comments are so appreciated 😭 and of course I appreciate all these metrics! I’m just less aware of the others haha
writer asks
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projectbluearcadia · 11 months
Forgive? Forget? Haha, I Wish.
[ Trigger Warning - Severe overreaction to dark humor
Reader Discretion Advised ]
Mammon: This pipsqueak is the human we’re supposed to be protecting?
Lizzy: Hol’ up. Pipsqueak? Seriously?
Annelie: Well, you are shorter than me. 
Lizzy: Hushshsh. We don’t talk about that.   
Annelie: That said, Mammary, her name is Elizabeth, so please use it. 
Mammon: I’m going to call her Zabeth ‘cause that sounds cooler.
Lizzy: Uh... haven’t heard that one before. 
Annelie: Well, it’s better than his nickname for me. Levi, Satan, pay attention. 
Levi: But she’s a normie. 
Satan: Do I have to?
Lucifer: Honestly, you’re all acting like children... Belphie, I know you just got back, but stop sleeping. 
Belphie: Zzzzmnghs... 
Beel: He says he’ll be back in ten minutes. 
Annelie: You could understand that?
Lizzy: Isn’t the bigger question why he’s on the floor in a maid costume? I mean no judging anyways, but it smells fruity up in dis house. 
Lucifer: What? Fruity?
Annelie: Punishment I guess? Dia was trying to be creative, but after a while, I think Belphie just got used to it and was too lazy to take it off when he came home yesterday. 
Lizzy: Punishment?
Annelie: Non-sexual, to clarify. 
Lizzy: That didn’t even cross my mind. Pervert. 
Annelie: Well, anyway, the oldest here is Lucifer. He’s stressed 24/7, so please don’t bother him.  Second-born is Mammon. Don’t leave your money near him. Leviathan, will only talk about games, anime, manga, TSL, etcetera. Satan, will help you with your math homework if you ask really nicely. Asmodeus, who is currently in a bath towel why?
Asmo: Well, I would have dried off and did my hair and nails and skin if someone hadn’t rushed me out!
Asmo glares at Lucifer.
Annelie: Well, anyway, ask him about anything beauty-related. Beelzebub, very sweet and can be bribed with food for pretty much anything. Belphegor, basically sleeping beauty, wouldn’t ask him for anything unless you’ve got no one else to turn to. 
Belphie flips Annelie off in his sleep. 
Annelie: You’re such a brat, you know that?
Belphie smirks. 
Lucifer: I can smack him for you. 
Annelie: Why? That’s just how he normally is around me. One day he’ll be using my feet as pillows and the next he’ll be hitting me with backhanded compliments. I swear to Diavolo he’s a damn cat. 
Lucifer: And yet you like cats. 
Annelie: Actual cats preferably. Although Satan is a very cute cat. 
Satan flushes. 
Lucifer: He’s only cute when he’s sleeping. 
Satan: Oi!
Lizzy: Are we just ignoring the fact that half of Lucifer and Satan and Beelzebub are literally the same person? And what’s with the nameless—no offense, Simeon—angel? 
Lizzy points to Simeon even as Annelie bustles over to Satan to calm him down. 
Lizzy: Where’s Michael and Samael and all those guys? Also, what happened to the spinning wheels and masses of eyes? I really wanted to see those.
Simeon softly chuckles.
Simeon: It’s a lot less fun that way though. As far as Michael goes... he’s a bit busy right now, and I’m not too sure about who Samael is supposed to be, but I’m sure he’s a lovely person. 
Lucifer: Well, in any case, since Annelie’s has taken my job from me, I’ll take hers. She’s the head of the Human-Demon Relations Agency, and Solomon, whom you will be sharing a dorm with, will be monitoring the school according to her regulations. 
Lizzy: OOF imma die. 
Lucifer: Why? 
Lizzy: I mean Anne doesn’t really care about me, soooo~ 
Annelie stops in place as LIzzy makes a flippant head-cutting motion and sticks out her tongue pretending to be dead. 
I don’t care? Are you fucking kidding me right now? No, you never are, because you never thought I cared through all of those years. 
The brothers stir. 
Lucifer: Elizabeth, if you choose to make comments like that, please make it absolutely clear that you’re joking. 
Lizzy: Wow, look at you being all threatening. Way to reinforce that male dominance thing. 
Lucifer glances at her, and she steps backwards. 
Lucifer: I won’t say it a second time. 
Lizzy: ...jesus, I was joking! Excuse me! 
You weren’t joking. Unfortunately, I know you way too well. 
Simeon: Lizzy, I don’t think Annelie thought it was a joke.  
Annelie: It’s fine. Did you have any questions?
Lizzy: ...
Lizzy steps backward further. 
Annelie: What? 
Lizzy: Why are you... all glaring at me? What’d I do?
Annelie: Nothing. Guys, knock it off. 
The brothers begin to settle with the exception of Lucifer, who knocks a pencil off of the mantlepiece. 
Annelie: Lucifer, I didn’t mean that literally. 
Lucifer: Be more specific then. 
I have a feeling he’s going to make me spill my guts on me and LIzzy the second we’re alone together... 
Lucifer: Do you have any questions for us? If not, then join us for dinner.
He’s just going to brute force it, isn’t he?
Annelie: We’re not going to cook you, before you ask. 
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