#(also very sorry this is MESSY. i knew we were travelling but didn't expect it to be on your bday week. i had to speedrun this ;( )
vintageskeletons · 2 years
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LIAB-verse zukkas based on conversations @ssreeder and i had, because it's their birthdayyyayyayayayayy!!!
happy birthday to my one and only prison pal, cookie in my cookie day, wine to my lemon juice etc etc.
you're insufferably amazing and amazingly insufferable. never change sreeds! :) <3
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partlystiles · 3 years
Reader is a werewolf and transfers to Hogwarts. She is totally not forced to meet Remus, and the others by extension, by Dumbledore. It’s very awkward in the beginning but when the full moon comes around, that’s when they all realize why Dumbledore forced them to meet. Weird matchmaking happens with Remus and the Reader. After that let your mind run loose. 🍄
fun fun fun! i love this request and i'll always do one for my boy remus. also very sorry if this imagine is a bit dry, i’m still coming out of writers block!
Remus Lupin x fem!reader
summary: as it says in the request!
word count: 3,533
"I hope this school is up to your standards, Miss L/N." Albus Dumbledore said as he walked through the halls of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry, a girl walked beside him and her face was one of heavy disdain whilst the students milling around in the corridors eyed their headmaster warily and by extension, the girl beside him.
She gave a small hum in response, not even bothering to force out any words to reply with. This man had been talking her ear off all morning about her furry little problem and quite frankly, it had gotten extremely annoying very quickly; Their conversations consisted of how the school was properly fitted to her needs and they had an excellent Matron who had been notified of her condition.
It was all rather tedious. She hadn't even wanted to move to Hogwarts in the first place but her mother had been adamant about the fact that this would be good for her. By good she knew her mother was talking about how the school had another person like her which Y/N actually found quite offensive.
Obviously she knew that her mother couldn't handle the stress of tying her daughter up in chains every full moon to keep her from tearing the house apart, but sending her away to a boarding school was something Y/N had not been expecting.
At first she had been sad and slightly put out, but now on the day of the full moon she just felt angry. She could pin anyone in this hallway staring at her against the wall and throttle them if she would get away with it, her emotions were heavily out of control.
To top it all off, she didn't even know where this man was taking her. He was extremely vague and it frustrated her, maybe he would be the one she throttled.
"Here we are." He said, stopping in front of two large double doors and Y/N looked up at them and let her eyes travel to the sign next to the doors that said 'Library' on a golden plaque. "There's someone I want you to meet."
It was definitely the other werewolf. Y/N rolled her eyes and followed him into the room, noticing how much quieter people got as soon as he walked in. People with green ties were sat at one of the tables and scowled at her as she passed, people with blue ties watched her carefully and people with yellow ties did the same.
Y/N just stared back at them all with the same straight face she had been sporting all day. People really needed to mind their own business.
The only people with red ties that she could see were four boys tucked into a corner of the library and laughing with one another. A boy with scars all over his face and messy hair caught her attention first, he was the werewolf. The scars were a big give away but her enhanced senses also made it clear to her.
She had a couple of scars herself, mainly on her chest but she had one on her face; A long stripe which went from the top left of her forehead and diagonally down her face to the bottom of her right cheek. This boy had the same, it peaked her curiosity but she said nothing about it.
Next to this boy, was another boy with clear-skin, messy brown hair and round glasses that were falling off his face so often he needed to push them up.
Across from him sat a third boy with shoulder-length brown hair, she couldn't see his face but she could see the rings on his fingers and immediately had an impression of what kind of guy he was. The final boy was plumper than the others and his blonde hair stood in stark contrast to his companions, his overall innocent aura made her like him best already.
As Y/N and Dumbledore approached their table, Y/N watched as the boy with scars slowly trailed off in his laughter and glanced up towards them before they even got too close. He must've noticed their matching scars too as he sat up slightly straighter and squinted inquisitively at them.
"Gentlemen." Dumbledore greeted, stopping by their table and all four looked up at them. Y/N caught the eyes of the scarred one and he looked like he didn't know whether to smile or run at the sight of her. "Are you enjoying your weekend?"
"Now I am." The long-haired one smiled at Y/N and she turned her attention to him, raising an eyebrow. His lips tilted into a smirk and Y/N didn't react. "Hey, I'm Sirius."
"Okay, well, I'm not going to take you serious with that haircut." She deadpanned, looking away from him straight after his sentence and instead opting to look at the boy with glasses who had just snorted. "Don't know what you find so funny. I'm guessing every time you push your glasses up, your hairline recedes by an inch."
He was stunned into silence, Sirius too as he reached up to touch his hair slightly. Y/N then turned to the blonde boy who just gulped and she looked away, satisfied.
"Pleasure." The messy haired boy smiled tightly.
"Delightful to see you talking, Y/N." Dumbledore smiled serenely at her and she subtly rolled the eyes, catching the other werewolf smile slightly at her display of carelessness. “This is James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin.”
Y/N snorted, his parents must’ve been seers to name him that. She was glad that she had a slightly normal name compared to Remus which just practically screamed werewolf matched with those scars on his face. 
Her own matching scar down her face hadn’t actually come from herself but instead from her mother who had defended herself when she tried to attack, swiping a glass shard in front of her in a moment of panic. It had been an accident, Y/N knows that, but if her own mother could hurt her like that then what would strangers do.
The girl had learned to steel herself against all ridicule a long time ago once she had gotten her scar and realised there was so much danger out there so she was practically stuck with her emotionless expression every minute of every day. It scared people and they stayed away from her as though the scar didn’t do that by itself.
“Nice to meet you.” Remus said with a small smile and Y/N looked over at him for a moment and surveyed him more closely then she had the others.
His hair sat scruffy on top of his head and he had brown glossy eyes that showed a spark of nervousness at her blank stare, his nose and his lips were both perfectly proportioned and his tongue poked out to lick at the skin on his lips out of anxiety. The scars on his face looked like they had been crafted carefully with needle and thread unlike her own which looked like she had been attacked relentless with a knife.
“Well,” Dumbledore said after a moment of silence between the group with Y/N surveying Remus carefully and the other boys looking in between them awkwardly. “I’ll leave you to settle in, Miss L/N.”
Sirius snapped his head up and furrowed his eyebrows at Dumbledore as he started walking away from the table and Y/N was left in the boy’s awkward company. She pulled out the chair in front of her and sat down, dropping her bag under the table carelessly and slouching in her seat as they all awkwardly stared at one another.
James was the first to clear his throat and redirect his attention back to the paper beneath him, Y/N eyed Sirius’ paper from across the table and raised her eyebrows slightly at the wrong answer before looking away again and meeting eyes with Remus who was staring at her too.
Her lips curled into a small sneer and he flushed red and looked away quickly as she frowned and sunk further into her seat, hoping it could make her disappear from whatever mess Dumbledore had left her in.
It was a rough hour and a half sat there in silence whilst the four Gryffindors talked amongst themselves and threw her a wary look every time her eyes zeroed in on the darkening sky outside and the emotion in them grew darker with every shade the light blue swapped to. It was scary for them to say the least, especially when Peter coughed and her eyes snapped to him immediately; all four of them froze and stared at her whilst she scrutinised Peter quietly.
Remus was just as paranoid as her about the darkening sky, she could smell the stench and it nearly got to the point where she had to lift her jumper over her nose and mouth to help herself block it out. The negative emotions weren’t a good smell, especially on a hormonal werewolf, most of them smelt like buckets of sweat and Y/N wasn’t quite fond of it.
Just as Y/N went to reach for her jumper, nose scrunching up the slightest bit, a woman behind her said her name and she turned slowly to see a woman wearing an odd hospital apron thing there. All Y/N did was raise her eyebrows at her inquisitively.
“Come with me, please.” She said and Y/N dragged herself out of her chair, getting her bag from under the table. There were no questions to be asked, Dumbledore had explained that the school matron would come and get her and take her to where this ‘safe place’ was.
The woman took her silently to this place, across the grass fields and over the hills surrounding the castle; Y/N didn’t know when they were going to stop until the woman abruptly turned and she was suddenly facing a large tree with violently swinging branches. The sky was darker than it had been before but the moon hadn’t made an appearance yet and for that, Y/N was thankful.
Just because she had a careless persona didn’t mean she didn’t wish she never had this godforsaken curse thrust upon her.
“Immobulus!” The woman cast with a flick of her wand and the harshness of the branches swings slowed immediately, moving in a syncopated rhythm back and forth. She then walked forward to the tree and stepped on a knot at the bottom of the trunk which opened to reveal a small tunnel.
The young girl’s eyebrows raised slightly, this was not what she was expecting when Dumbledore had said ‘safe place’. A click of the woman’s fingers caught her attention and Y/N rolled her eyes like she always did before slipping down the tunnel as the woman was instructing her to. 
It was a short journey but she reached the bottom in no time, landing onto the hard floor with small noise of surprise before she stood and heard the woman sliding down too. Y/N walked on slightly whilst the woman stood far more gracefully than she had. Then the woman had instructed Y/N to follow her again and lead her though a different tunnel and up some rickety, wooden stairs until it became clear she was in some sort of shack.
“This is where you will go every full moon.” The woman spoke as Y/N followed her down one of the grimy corridors and into a room that had scratch marks all over the walls, she quickly assumed this is where Remus went too. “You won’t be alone, don’t you worry but I will take care of you every morning. My name is Madam Pomfrey.”
She held her hand out for her to shake but Y/N just gave her a nod of  acknowledgement and walked further into the room to examine it. “The moon will be up soon.”
“I know.” Pomfrey said, eyes burning into the back of Y/N’s head and as the girl turned to stare back at her, she noticed the familiar look in the woman’s eyes and looked away before she spoke and killed another person. “I have to go and get Mr. Lupin, stay stafe Y/N.”
She said nothing and just listened to the footsteps retreating out of the door.
It was another long 20 minutes before she heard footsteps again and two people conversing, one a boy and one Madam Pomfrey. Y/N had retreated to a side of the room where she sat against the wall twirling her wand in her hand boredly whilst her eyes scanned the crumbling architecture. 
“It’s you.” Is what persuaded Y/N to open her eyes, Remus was stood in front of her now, shrugging his bag off and putting it in a corner. Madam Pomfrey left them with a soft promise to see them in the morning. “I mean, I guessed that you were like me but I didn’t know...you know, for sure.”
Y/N picked up a new scent at the end of his sentence and then picked up 3 more before narrowing her eyes at Remus who smiled guiltily before 3 more pairs of footsteps wandered into the room. The three of them stopped at the sight of Y/N sat facing the door and the looks on their faces was priceless.
“You-” Sirius pointed at her and narrowed his eyes.
“Me.” She shrugged.
“You’re a werewolf too.” James observed and Y/N nodded slowly, pursing her lips. Of course these fools knew about Remus and had followed him probably on multiple occasions.
“Can we handle both of them?” Peter asked quietly and Y/N groaned quietly as the dull ache started to set in her muscles and her bones. Remus did the same, turning his neck from side to side and the three other boys looked in between the two whilst they both winced and rubbed at their shoulders.
“Course we can.” Sirius said but he didn’t sound so sure.
Y/N looked up and the boy flinched back at her yellow eyes staring back at him whilst the moonlight filtered in through the bordered up window. She glanced over to Remus who groaned as he sat down on the floor too.
The pain commenced quicker than normal that night and then Y/N L/N and Remus Lupin were gone for the night.
She had been the first to awake to the early morning sunlight shining into the room, naked and bloody. Surprisingly it was only her cheek that had a gash instead of another major place on her body, the slightest movement sent a spark of pain through her but she fought it through over to her bag to get out the big t-shirt she had packed and also get out the large plasters she had also managed to put in. 
It was a hard process, especially since she didn’t have a mirror but she attempted as best she could with a couple of winces when she touched the wrong spot; The morning after was always pathetic.
“Let me do that for you.” A groggy voice said from across the room and she spared the hurt boy a glance, he was bare too but had his hands covering his private places. He attempted to shuffle over to his bag to presumably grab something like she had but Y/N shook her head and stood as best she could before walking over to him.
“We’re gonna have to get used to seeing each other naked anyway.” She  mumbled whilst she slowly said, Remus’ hand darting out to help her down when she nearly fell. “Might as well get over it.”
“Well you have a shirt on.” Remus said, looking down at the material but he didn’t dare look any lower than that. “I don’t find it fair if I’m naked and your mostly covered.”
Y/N took the shirt off in one move, her limbs screaming at her to stop being so rash in her movements. Remus made a noise and looked away once she had ripped the shirt off of herself and she rolled her eyes before reaching out for the medical supplies.
She fiddled with the wipes but a large hand took it off of her before she could do anything and then she found herself looking into Remus’ eyes whilst his cheeks flamed red and he unwrapped the wipe from it’s packet and shuffled closer towards her. 
It was silent whilst his hand came at her with the wipe and then not so silent at Y/N’s loud hiss at the stinging applied to the cut on her cheek. Her head jerked away from him but his other hand landed on her other cheek to make her come back, tears pricked her eyes at the pain but she could still see the apologetic meaning behind his own whilst he cared for her.
“You’re hurting me.” She gritted out, a tear escaping and adding to the pain of her cut and she opened her mouth to gasp slightly.
“I know, I know.” He shushed her softly as he cleaned it and then took the wipe away, putting it down and Y/N eyed the blood that covered it whilst Remus grabbed the plaster and took it out of its package before going back up to her face. “All done.”
She let out a small, slightly relieved breath and brought her fingers up to slightly touch at the plaster and Remus moved her hand away slowly but winced and looked at his arm which had a cut on the upper part of it.
“My turn.” Y/N said as she grabbed another wipe to unwrap and Remus surveyed her nervously. Her hands gently came up to his arm, cold fingers making him flinch slightly but after her glare he calmed down.
It was silent whilst she wiped it, it hurt of course it did but Remus just took a deep breath in and held it there, knowing it probably wasn’t as painful as her cheek wound. He looked at her concentrated face as she wiped his arm and eyed the scar she had identical to his own.
“How did you get the scar?” He asked, he didn’t really have to expand on his question since there was only one scar he was mainly curious about. “I mean, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want, it could just be a normal werewolf scar but I was just...curious.”
“Glass shard to the face.” She answered dryly, throwing the bloody wipe next to the one he had used on her before grabbing another plaster and unwrapping it again. “From my mother.”
“Your mother?” His eyes widened.
“Broke free of my chains and she didn’t know what to do.” She explained further whilst flattening the large plaster on his skin before putting her hands in her lap and looking towards the wall and instead of at him. “Fight or flight response, you know?”
“Chains?” Remus repeated again and Y/N’s glare made him apologise softly. “Sorry.”
Her glare softened slightly and she looked away again in order not to show the softening in emotion. “It’s okay. Not all of us have the same experience, some of us are in packs, some of us are in Azkaban, some of us are murderers and some of us are in poverty. Some of us are just kids like you and me, cursed with this thing that no one else will every understand.”
“At least we both have someone who does now.” Remus said with a small smile and Y/N nodded slowly but still didn’t smile. “Which means if I’m going to Azkaban then you’re coming with me.”
That one got the tiniest quirk of her lips out of her and she carried on nodding before she looked up to meet his eyes and they shared a look for a moment, sitting in silence with nothing to say. Naked and vulnerable, yet safe and secure at the same time. Someone would understand and that’s the most either of them could ask.
Y/N grabbed the shirt from behind her and stood abruptly, Remus making another noise and looking away again as she retreated over to her bag and threw a heavily amused look over her shoulder at him; Cheeks red and eyes wide whilst he made a point to stare at the floor again and cover his genitals.
“Take a good look if you need, lord knows this is the first time you’ll ever see a woman’s naked body.” She teased, sitting back down as well as she could across the room. 
“Ha, Ha.” He said sarcastically, looking at her face and only her face, resisting the temptation to look any lower. That wasn’t a worry for long since she tugged on the shirt again and Remus reached for his shorts in his bag. 
Once he had pulled them on, he sat back against the wall and the two of them spent the next ten minutes in peaceful morning silence speaking to each other softly until Madam Pomfrey had come in and helped them back up to the castle, astounded that this girl was talking to someone and actually smiling sometimes.
It seemed as though the teachers had another bet to make.
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rainpudding · 3 years
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note; m will be in my next post, someone else already requested it >3
tw; depression,suicide and ed mentioned,alcohol dying and etc..
catcall die kidnapped time
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Kidnapped (you’re kidnapped)
Most people would say Kaeya would develop a strong alcohol addiction to forget that his lover went missing however I have to strongly disagree.
When Kaeya gets home and he can't find you anywhere he won't think much of it. Maybe you went to visit your family and forgot to tell him, or you're having a sleepover with a friend. On the outside, he seems calm as for the next three days he goes to work acting as nothing happened. But on the inside he is panicking, he gets his work done as soon as possible as he gets home just to sit down on a chair staring at the door. He Is waiting for the door to open and you to appear. He is sitting there for hours and hours.
After a week of you not appearing he blames himself for not reaching for help sooner as it may be too late to found you. He calls knight of favounius and citizens of mondstat goes in groups looking for you. Traveler makes missing posters trying to help at least a little bit.
Kaeya wants to forget you but he slowly loses interest in alcohol, it feels like it lost Its taste.
His public calm image is slowly breaking as his mind is filled with dark imaginations. He slowly forgets to eat meals or to keep himself hydrated.
Apart from Childe who gets obsessive filled with hope, Kaeya gets depressive knowing that there is no possibility you can be okay.
Jean first notices Kaeya's depression when she sees him standing in the middle of the hall. His eyepatch is missing his messy hair covering his eye. He wears only his white shirt as he is visibly confused.
The dehydration and sleep deprivation have a bad impact on him. Jean knows something is wrong and sends him home in order to take a break. Which does not help since Kaeya should have human interaction and get meds not be home.
Diluc gets worried as he makes meals for him carrying them to his house. The house is a mess as Kaeya is unable to clean which results in Dikuc quickly putting Kaeya's mess into the bin trying to clean up at least a little bit.
Kaeya, on the other hand, doesn't want to go to sleep but once he is asleep he doesn't want to wake up. He can't get out of his bed. Becoming more disoriented and slowly forgetting why he is sad in the first place.
He doesn't remember your face anymore, nor your name. He doesn't remember you at all.
And one morning when Diluc opens door to Kaeya's room holding breakfast to his surprise he finds Kaeya in his bed. Melatonin pills everywhere as he slowly realizes Kaeya overdosed himself.
But let's imagine you were found and you came home just before Kaeya got depressed.
You open the door with a crack quickly closing it as you finally feel safe. You were missing for almost three months yet since day one you were dreaming of the moment when you will be able to hug Kaeya again.
You look around finding your shared house slightly messy. The bin is filled with old food. The boxes on tables are also filled with untouched food. You wander around softly smiling at the pictures and decorations.
You pinch yourself just to be sure this is not one of the fantasies you always dreamed about. Opening one of the doors you walk in just to see Kaeya peacefully sleeping in pillows and blankets. His hair messy and his eyepatch still on.
You don't want to wake him up yet you're too excited to wait. You run to him as you hug him tightly. Sweet tears rolling down your cheeks as you sniffle Kaeya's scent.
Kaeya tries to push you away murmuring from his sleep before sleepily opening his eyes. They are dark as the ocean as the sparkles died down. His smirk wasn't decorating his face anymore. Instead, he sighed rubbing his eyes.
You would stroke his cheeks as you hold his chin softly. You're saying reassuring words while smiling with glossy eyes. He finally realizes that you're real. Grabbing your hands to squeeze them and peppering your face with many kisses.
And after a whole hour of hugging each other and you telling him about your kidnapper he decides to go to knights of favounius so they can throw your kidnapper into jail.
However, as he stands up you suddenly stop him as you look at his body. You can see how skinny he got, how his bones are seen, and how his skin is pale. Not to mention the blue hair on the pillow signalizing hair loss.
And you realize that he barely ate. That's why there were boxes with untouched food.
"Later, I'm hungry can we go for lunch first?" You smile brushing your thumb against Kaeya's hand as he nods.
- it would take some time for Kaeya to start taking care of himself again. But when you're with him he is willing to try.
- He will take a break to spend time with you as you cook together and clean the house later even going for a walk.
- eventually, give him few months and he will be healthy again.
Catcall (you’re catcalled and he’s with you)
Same as Diluc, Kaeya is well known and has a reputation. There is no way someone would catcall you on purpose. Yet let's imagine some drunk group catcalling you in front of your boyfriend.
This would go based on how bold they are.
1; if they will call you baby or any pet name maybe hinting something romantic. Kaeya will just chuckle as he is listening to them. He wouldn't get angry as he thinks it's funny how they try to flirt with you. "You should watch what you say, honorary citizens," he smiles as he is supporting his chin.
2; they would get more inappropriate or even try to touch you. This would make Kaeya slightly alerted. When they say something inappropriate he just slowly moves you next to you or into his lap. Or he has a hand around your waist. They will notice him and leave you alone. Yet if they continue even touching you he would be pissed. He doesn't want to make a scene yet he has to make a move. He stood up taking his sword pointing it at the drunk person's chest. He is glaring at that person as the person shivers apologizing. Kaeya's gaze is terrifying. But as soon as the person apologizes he hides his sword sitting next to you again.
The person will probably never come to the tavern again.
Time (you’re ill and only have a few months to live)
Kaeya started noticing that the last few days you didn't felt very well. And the symptoms you were experiencing were quite unique. Pale skin and black bags under the eyes because of insomnia. Hairloss and muscle pain. You not being hungry and constant vomiting. Scars and bruises randomly appearing on your skin.
His eyebrows were scrunched as he had a sad expression on his face. Yet every time you greeted him he quickly smiled and giggled pulling you into a hug and giving you lots of affection. You knew something wasn't right with you too, but you tough maybe it was an allergy or just some mental illness that could go away with few herbs.
Eventually, after the symptoms continuing Kaeya decided to visit Albedo. This resulted in you spending the whole weekend at Albedo's place. He took your blood and saliva, checking your bones and trying to massage the muscles. Taking detailed notes very carefully.
And when the tests were done and you got to know you're slowly dying as your organs are slowly collapsing, you couldn't do anything but blankly stare onto the wall. You felt hopeless. You knew you had few days to live before dying a painful death yet you weren't ready. All your dreams and goals were left in the dust.
Kaeya on the other hand couldn't believe it. He was following Albedo around asking him if It's true and how can he help you. He pinched himself several times, trying to get out of this nightmare. Kaeya grew desperate as he begged Albedo on his knees to make medication. Albedo would of course love to help but he didn't know how so he would dismiss Kaeya over and over.
Kaeya's wasn't mentally well. He would be obsessed with finding some medication. Contacting Baizhu from Lyuie. Spending all his money on different doctors and different people. He didn't even realize that at this time he should pay attention to you and go on dates with you. Instead, he was away in different nations looking for herbs and scientists.
Die (their reaction when you die/your reaction when they die)
And once Kaeya finally arrives home full of despair as he got few herbs but no medication he slowly walks around the room. But before he can hug you and reassure you and spend time with you he finds you on the floor. You were just taking few painkillers writing a diary entry as you collapsed eventually your organs giving in.
He would sit down in panic his eyes glossy as his breathing is slow. "Breathe, common please breathe, to the archons. Lord barbatos y/n breathe," he repeats himself over and over as tears roll down his cheeks. His hands shaking as he cheks your heartbeat.
Your body so cold and your eyes blank. Without a pinch of life. And that's when he breaks down.
Completely sobbing at your dead body. Brushing his hands over your skin as he peppers your face with kisses. "I'm sorry I didn't try harder, I'm useless, I'm a burden. I can't do anything right," he kisses you. But nothing.
You didn't wake up.
He kisses you again expecting you to wake up. In movies, they always wake up.
But this is not a movie.
This is a painful reality.
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
The Assistant
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Quentin Beck smut
Prompt (requested): Quentin finds out that his cute new assistant (the one who loves to tease and be a little brat to him) is a virgin... and he's got plans for her.
Warnings: lots of teasing and dirty talk, idk if it has more degradation or praising, I like to mix it lol.... mentions of losing your virginity, unprotected sex and a surprisingly soft daddy Quentin
Like 3k words
From the minute you stepped into that lab, you had Quentin's attention.
He thought you were the prettiest little thing he had ever seen, but he couldn't allow distractions, so he never really gave you too much attention, just left you there doing your job.
The thing is that you were brilliant at it. There was no way he could ignore your presence.
As time passed, you kept impressing him… And he became kinda obsessed with you.
He thought about you more than he should.
He got jealous whenever he saw another employee talking to you (maybe they mysteriously got fired after).
So he asked one of your coworkers to get really close to you., and find out as many information as possible from you. Like what you liked to do on your free time, what were your ambitions… or if you were single. If he found out you weren't, there's nothing he wouldn't do for you to be.
But he didn't have to waste any time on planning something against your partner's life cause you didn't have one, and he was relieved to hear that.
But those aren't even the best news he got that day
He also heard from your coworker after a small party you attended to that weekend (with a little drinking and a few games) that you were still a virgin. He lost his mind at the thought of you being his and ONLY his. No other man had ever had the privilege to touch you.
Now he had to make you his.
So you were promoted to his personal assistant.
You were thrilled. Not only because you got a better job, but you had this HUGE admiration for Quentin, and being able to get closer to him was amazing.
On the first days, he just showered you in questions. And the better he knew you, the more fascinated he grew.
But you were a little confused. Didn't seem right for your boss to be asking so many personal questions. Sometimes, his questions seemed to have a double meaning. And you knew Quentin was way too smart to not notice that. So the only way you had to find out what he really wanted was playing his game.
One day, you were at his office, and both of you were minding your own business, but you decided that the teasing would start that day.
So your eyes focused on him until he noticed it, and when he looked back at you, they would quickly go back to your computer.
One time was enough to make him suspicious, but after the third one, he couldn't stand it anymore.
"Do you need anything?" He asked, making your heart race.
Pissing him off was exciting, but you knew it was also very dangerous.
"No, sir, I'm sorry." You lied, without taking your eyes off your computer screen.
You started slowly. That was only the first day. On the next ones, you started going a little further. Like smiling at him when he caught you staring. Or asking your own suggestive questions.
Like this one time, when you walked into his office and walked towards his desk, standing beside it until he finally acknowledged your presence.
"Can I help you?" He sighed, looking at you. He was getting tired of your games. He was so confused. You looked pretty innocent by the way you answered to his questions, but there was something in your eyes that made him doubt that.
"Yes, Mr. Beck." You bit your lip, trying to control your smirk as you carefully planned your next words. "I was wondering if I look okay to you."
He raised his eyebrows and waited for you to explain yourself, so you continued:
"I mean… now that I'm your assistant, people will see me next to you all the time. I know you never mentioned anything, sir, but do you think the way I dress is okay?"
That was the first time in a while someone left him speechless like that.
"I appreciate how much you care about your job, Y/N." He finally replied. "If you're worried about that, I could get you some money to buy new clothes."
You didn't expect that at all, you were just teasing him.
"Thank you, sir… but does that mean you don't think I'm pretty now?" You used a sweet, sad tone.
"No, I think you're so fucking pretty." He looked at your body in a way that made you a little shy. "And I don't really care what you're wearing. If you want my sincere opinion, honey, you should wear a lot less than that."
You pressed your thighs together at those words. This was all about driving HIM crazy, but he always found a way to be on control. And he noticed how he made you feel, of course he did.
"You look so eager to be a great assistant." He chuckled darkly. "You would do anything I asked you to, wouldn't you?"
You nodded with no hesitation.
"Good girl." He smiled and caressed you cheek with his finger. "Go back to work, then."
You were in shock. You were frozen beside him trying to process everything. You wanted him so bad, you wouldn't be able to focus on work now. But you walked back to your desk, cause what other choice did you have?
Well, you weren't giving up now.
On the very next day, every single pair of eyes landed on you when you walked into that building.
You were wearing the shortest skirt you could find. And one of those shirts that were a little transparent, with a cute little lace bra under it. Red lipstick. It was impossible not to look.
Quentin was furious. He was possessive, and now everyone was talking about "his girl".
5 minutes after you arrived you were already yelled at. He wanted you in his office. Immediately.
When you walked in, you shivered at his state. He was so angry, and he always looked so hot like that. Sitting on his chair, a hand closed on a fist on his table, his eyes looking at a distant spot… you could almost see that inside his head there was nothing but madness.
"What do you think you're doing?" He sighed, trying to control his anger. "Why are you dressed like that?"
"Well, sir… yesterday you said that you wanted me to wear less clothes. I just wanted to please you."
"Please me?" He thought for a second. "Come closer."
Seemed like a pretty dangerous thing to do, but there was no turning back now.
When you got close enough, he pulled you by the arm, forcing you to sit on his lap, which made you gasp.
"I know you're not stupid, Y/N. I wouldn't be interested in you if you were." He said, running his hand through your thigh. "So why are you doing this? Do you want attention?"
"Yes, sir." You bit your lip as his hand travelled now between your thighs.
"You wanted my attention?" He chuckled. "Well, but I don't want other people looking at my things. Wanting my things…"
He was treating you like just another prize he won and you couldn't understand why you were okay with that. Or why you would be anything he wanted you to be.
"Maybe I should fire you." He said, placing a kiss on the back of your neck.
"No, sir, please… I can be useful to you." You begged.
"I know you can. And you will." He said as his hand got closer and closer to where you needed it, but never actually there.
You were on fire, you just wanted to rub yourself on his thigh, but you were afraid to move unless he asked you to.
"Now come on." He said, forcing you to stand up. "Let's go to your place. We'll get you changed."
"I don't want to go." You muttered.
"Excuse me?" He raised his eyebrows.
"We have work to do." You explained. "And there is nothing wrong with the way I am dressed."
He immediately grabbed you by the neck and said: "We are going to your place right now."
You were thrilled. One more time. Life beside Quentin was never boring.
The drive back to your place was silent. Your eyes were glued to the way he was holding the wheel a lot tighter than he had to. His forearms were so tense. Absolutely beautiful.
The moment you walked into your place, you went directly to your bedroom and he followed you.
"Do I have to change in front of you?" You asked sarcastically. "To make sure you'll approve it?"
"Enough." He sighed. "Why are you acting like a fucking brat? You used to be such a good girl for me…"
You didn't have an answer to give him. Cause you wanted attention? Not really, you had that already. You were doing that simply because it was fun.
"You know what? You don't have to go back with me. You're fired."
"No, sir, don't do that, please!" Your eyes widened. "I'm so sorry, just give me a chance, I will be good again, I promise…"
"I don't usually give people a second chance, you know that." He shrugged. "But it would be a shame to lose you, I have to admit that."
His eyes traveled your body as he walked in circles, trying to make up his mind. You were paralyzed. Not that you were obsessed with your job, but you kinda were with your boss. You knew he wouldn't want to see you ever again.
"I will give you one last chance…" He decided. "If you prove that you're loyal to me. Not to the company, to me. You know you're over qualified to be only an assistant… and I have bigger plans for you."
"I would do anything for you, sir." You nodded eagerly.
"Now that's my good girl." He chuckled and stood in front of you. He leaned closer and placed his hand on your cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb. "My pretty girl."
That man had some kind of power over you that didn't allow you to think straight. Even when you thought you could play him, he found a way to be on control. All you knew was that you wanted him as bad as he wanted you. And before you could think twice, you enjoyed the proximity to kiss him.
You thought he would push you away and leave you there alone and needy, but the fact was that he was holding himself back since the minute you walked into his office that day. So he kissed you back. It was a hungry, messy kiss. His hands quickly went to your waist and pulled you against his body.
He guided you towards your bed without breaking the kiss.
"Not exactly what I had in mind." He chuckled. "But you never fooled me. I always knew you weren't innocent."
You lay on your bed and he climbed on top of you.
"Mr. Beck…" You got a little nervous when you realized how far things had gone. "I have never done this before."
"I know, baby." He said on his sweetest tone. "But I'm gonna take care of you, okay? I'll be good for you. There's no need to be scared. Also, there's no need to call me Mr. Beck here. Call me whatever you want, okay?"
You hesitated for a second, then you whispered the most innocent "daddy" he had ever heard in his entire life.
"Fuck, what did you just say?" He grabbed your chin and forced you to repeat it right to his face, to make sure it was real.
"Can I call you daddy?" You asked nervously.
"God fucking damnit, Y/N." He visibly lost his mind. "Now you can't call me anything else ever again."
"Daddy." You smiled at the effect that little word had on him.
"Yes, babygirl." He slid his hand under your skirt, but this time he didn't tease as much as before, stroking you over your underwear. "Now daddy's gonna make you feel so good."
You bit your lip and nodded. That could be considered a permission for him to do whatever he wanted to you.
So he helped you remove all of your clothes. He removed his shirt too, but he had to stop and take a moment to admire you. No man in the world had ever looked at you like that. With that much lust. That look on his eyes alone would be enough to make you want him, but the sigh of his shirtless chest was something else too.
His hands travelled your body and ended up on your chest, and he decided to dedicate a few minutes to your boobs.
You were starting to think that he planned on fucking you back in his office, but he changed his mind cause he wanted to take his time with you. So ending up in your bedroom had absolutely nothing to do with the clothes you were wearing. Actually, Quentin would love to show you off. He was only mad cause you turned him on that much at the wrong place and time.
But part of you wished he would have finished this at his office, because you couldn't stand this anymore. He played with your nipples until you were desperate for him to fuck you.
"Daddy, please." You begged, pressing your thighs together.
"Please, what?" He smirked at your state.
"Need you inside me so bad." You admitted.
"Do you, honey?" His hands left your boobs and went to your thighs, forcing them open. His fingers started to stroke your folds and you gasped. "Fuck, babygirl. You really do. Look at how fucking wet you are. All for me."
He shoved two fingers inside you at once, making you moan loudly.
"So thigh, princess. Can't wait to stretch you open with my cock. Is that what you want?" He asked, and you nodded eagerly. "Beg for it just a little more. You wouldn't have to if you weren't such a little brat earlier... now you have to earn it."
"I'm sorry, daddy." Your hips bucked as he rubbed your clit so hard. "I won't be a brat anymore, I will be good now."
"Hm." He muttered uninterested and kept rubbing you.
"Daddy… I'm gonna-" You started to feel your orgasm building in your belly because of how good he was touching you and the things he was saying.
"No, you're not." He stopped everything. The look of betrayal on your face was hilarious to him. "Not until you beg."
"Please, daddy, please." You obeyed. "I need your cock, I promise I'll be loyal to you forever, but please…"
He didn't want to give up so soon. Maybe it was because of the tears in your eyes, or that fact that he was painfully hard that made him break.
But you were relieved when you saw him taking off the rest of his clothes. And you couldn't even describe how you felt when you saw his cock.
He placed it on your entrance and started to kiss you again, before he finally entered you. You cried out from pain and pleasure. He started to move slowly.
"Daddy is always gonna give you what you need, as long as you deserve it, honey." He told you as he kissed your neck. "Tell me how you're feeling."
"So big, daddy, so good." You smiled at him. "So good."
"You sound so dumb right now, you little slut." He chuckled.
That was definitely the last thing you expected sex with Quentin to be like. So smiley. Sweet on it's own way. Maybe because it was your first time. Maybe he had a heart after all.
After he was sure you were ready, he started going faster and harder. It was heaven. Didn't take too long for your to feel your orgasm building from where it was brutally interrupted before.
"Daddy, please… can I cum now?" You begged, which pleased him very much. He didn't even have to ask this time.
"Yes, babygirl, cum on daddy's cock before I fill you up, come on." He told you.
The thought of him coming inside you was enough to bring you to the edge. You came so hard, because you needed that for so long. Quentin couldn't decide what was hotter: your face, your moans or the way you held him tightly while your walls clenched around him.
And he kept his promise, spilling himself inside of you a few seconds later.
He kept his cock inside you and brought his hand to your face, caressing it slowly.
"I'm your first and the only man you'll ever have." He whispered. "You're mine now. You were mine since the day you walked into that office for the first time."
"I'm yours." You agreed. "And you're my daddy."
"Right, I'm your daddy." He chuckled. "I have huge plans for you, babygirl…"
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honeypirate · 3 years
Don’t forget part three
Part one part two
Aizawa x fem reader
Cannot stop listening to sour candy by black pink and lady Gaga and I think hizashi Would be all over that but for some reason it won’t let me link that song so here it is on YouTube and I linked the other
Todays the day!
You were up early, your nerves kept you from a good night's sleep but you didn't mind it very much. You dressed in a black tailored suit pants with tapered legs, a white v neck bodysuit(so you didn’t have to worry about tucking, and a black blazer. You put on some heels and some makeup, leaving your hair down but pulling a few strands back and pinning them, before putting on a little perfume. You check the time and gasp, you only have a few minutes before you have to go and you’re only semi sure about where the meeting room was. You grab your keys and phone before locking your door and heading out to the meeting, a travel coffee cup in your hand as you sip the hot liquid, the sting on your tongue keeping your mind off the nerves.
You walk into the main office and then head up the stairs, you see a flash of familiar messy hair rounding the top of the stairs as you look up from the bottom, a surge of excitement flooding through you as you take the steps up.
You turn left instead of right, heading down to Nezu’s office before the meeting. “Y/n! Im glad you are here safe and sound. As you know, classes don't start for the next few days so this is just a preparatory meeting to introduce you. I heard you ran into Present Mic!” you smile and nod “I did, it was good to see him again. I’m excited to be here, thank you again for the opportunity” you bow your head and he smiles.
You hear the talking from the room as you follow Nezu down the hall, your hands clasped behind your back. “Welcome everyone to our first meeting of this school year. As you all know Vlad King is injured and a new teacher will be taking over class 1 B. That teacher is Y/N Y/L/N” he gestures to you and you bow to them for a moment before standing up straight and smiling. “Im looking forward to working with you all” you say, making eye contact with Hizashi who looks like he is going to explode from excitement. You smile and shake your head before your eyes land on the man who was staring into your soul from next to Hizashi.
Aizawa can’t believe what he is seeing. The new teacher is you. Not a man. The beautiful woman he used to love. Back in his life and now teaching with him. He kicked Hizashi under the table for telling him the new teacher was a man. When you meet his eyes you can see the blush dust his cheeks and the shock in his eyes. You wink at him and he feels like his heart is going to pop.
“y/n you can take the empty seat next to Present Mic” Nezu says and you nod at him before making your way around the table, Hizashi immediately moves chairs so you would end up sitting between him and Aizawa and you chuckle softly.
“Surprise Sho” you whisper and he chuckles “you’re my new neighbor” he whispers back and you nod, excitement in your eyes from being able to see him again. This was an unreal experience. “Come over for dinner tonight, you and Hizashi, i’ll cook and we can catch up” he nods and you lean over whispering the same thing to Hizashi before you turn your attention back to Nezu and the meeting.
After the meeting you stood up and Aizawa pulled you into his arms “how come you didn't come see me sooner?” he asks and you laugh, pulling back you cup his cheek, he looked the exact same except much more exhausted now. “Yama made me promise not to. To keep it a secret” Hizashi had left you two to catch up and tell the other teachers to leave you be for a moment but you didn't notice, it was like your world was Aizawa.
“What an ass” he says and you chuckle “you’re still the same boy, just grown up now. And handsome god when did you get so good looking?. God I missed you” you say and wrap your arms around him again. He laughs and hgs you back “you're one to talk y/n” he says “#3 pro hero in America, rated the best looking female hero of the year” you blush and laugh as you finally let go of each other “titles that don't mean much, you knew that was never my goal. Plus it’s not my fault i was blessed with good genes” you joke and he chuckles, it was much more than that, you were beautiful but you also glowed with happiness and goodness. You were always pure and lovely and it just grew as you did. You were even more beautiful than the pictures he has seen online. “You kept tabs on me?” you ask and he nods “of course! You’re my best friend i wanted to make sure you're safe even if we didn't talk as much” you place your hand on his arm “didn’t talk as much Sho we haven't talked for over 10 years” he blushes “I’m so happy to see you again y/n. Truly. I’m happy to have my best friend back”
Nezu comes to get you. Telling you that you had loads of paperwork to fill out. “Dinner tonight. My place. 6pm. Tell Hizashi the time because he left before I could.” he nods “see you then” the moment you are gone Hizashi is right next to Aizawa, elbowing him and wiggling his eyebrows “what dya think? She's grown into a very beautiful woman huh SHO?” he says and Aizawa rolls his eyes with a sigh, he felt like he was in highschool again. “You heard her about dinner?” he asks as he pinches the bridge of his nose, “sure did!” Hizashi answers and Aizawa just leaves to go do his own school planning.
You finish all your paperwork and get shown around by Midnight, you shadow her for the rest of the day to see how she prepares and to be able to ask her any questions you may have. At the end of the day you sit down with Vlad King to go over how he teaches and what he expects of you. You felt like you were glowing all day, you had no doubts you would be amazing at this.
When you got home you tidied up and changed into a pair of distressed black jeans and a loose white shirt, something you could feel comfortable in. You pour yourself a glass of wine and sip it as you start some music, playing a mix of easy songs you could sing along to as you start dinner. Youre in the middle of sauteing vegetables and singing and dancing along to Sour Candy, you almost missed the knock on the door, you turn the stove off and head to open it but before you reached it Hizashi walked in holding a melon and hitting the chorus perfectly, causing you to laugh and continue belting it out as you take the melon and dance into the kitchen with it singing “I’m sour candy, so sweet and i get a little angry yeah sour candy” Hizashi harmonizes the yeahs with you and takes your hands dancing around the kitchen as you sing together “im super psycho make it crazy when I turn the lights low” he lowers his voice and spins you in circles while singing the “Take a bite take a bite” the song ends and you burst into laughter with him as you part.
As the song turns to Ice Cream (melted version) you finally get to look him over, hes wearing dark jeans and a hoodie with his hair down, he looked good. You liked his relaxed a lot better than crazy bird hair. “Yama I missed you so much” you say and he smiles “I missed you too Y/N but believe me Aizawa missed you the most” you feel your cheeks flush and you turn, going back to the stove to finish dinner. “Really?” you ask, trying to sound nonchalant but he saw right through you, sliding up beside you his back against the countertop as he looks down at you, a smirk on his face and his arms crossed, you pick up your wine glass and finish the rest of it as he starts to speak “oh yeah. One time, don't tell him i told you this, but one time he..”he leans in to your ear “You left your door open” Aizawa says as he appears in your doorway, glaring a Hizashi, hating the way he felt jealous of his proximity to you.
You beam at him as you turn around, looking him up and down and appreciating what he was wearing, black jeans and black shirt with his hair in a low bun, he looked classic and hot. You throw your arms around his neck “Sho im so happy you’re here” you say quietly into his neck as you hug him. The nervous knots in your belly turning into butterflies and leaving you feeling confident and comfortable. “I brought some wine, I heard it was good for housewarmings. I see Hizashi brought a melon” he says and you bust up laughing “well he smashed mine yesterday so it was repayment” you take the bottle from his hands and smile warmly at him “this is perfect, do you want some?” he nods and you look at Hizashi holding it up and he gives you a thumbs up.
After dinner the bottle is empty and you’re sitting around your table laughing at their stories, sharing your own and catching up, you keep catching Aizawa’s eyes on you and your cheeks flush every time you make eye contact, he is the same boy you used to love underneath all the experience and life he has went through. You can see the growth these two have been through and they certainly see yours. “I’m sorry i never kept in good contact. I uh” you finish your glass and set it aside “I heard about Obero and after that I was too afraid to check up on you guys. I thought ignorance was bliss but I missed out on a lot. I thought you would have forgotten about me honestly” you chuckle and Hizashi shouts “we would never forget you!” causing you to jump in your seat “I’m not used to that anymore” you say as you hold your heart “Yamada maybe you could get us some water” Aizawa says and Hizashi nods knowingly, standing up and bounding off into your kitchen.
“I promised I wouldn't forget you little Bug” he says and you blush as you meet his eye, the wine making your skin tingle, you reach out and take his hand and he brushes his fingers softly against yours before holding it tight. “We heard the news about your father and I tried to get a hold of you but couldn't. I’m sorry I couldn't be there for you.” he whispers and there it was, all the situations addressed, you nod as your mind goes back to the incident.
your father was killed in a villian attack in the university he worked at a few years after you moved, your mom was a hero as well but you guys moved farther east once the villain was captured. She retired soon after that and you were accepted into a hero college in the states so you stayed there.
Hizashi comes back with three waters and when he notices your hands together he smiles and takes away the plates, retreating back to the kitchen.
“I should have tried more to stay in contact Sho, I’m sorry” he shakes his head and gives you a smile “Don’t worry, okay? I didn’t try hard enough either. So how about we just do our best with our time now?” your cheeks flush and you nod “I’d like that”
Tags: @spicy-therapist-mom @emilhyfries
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stan-joonies · 5 years
The Difference Between His Blood Singer and His Mate
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Requests are open!
Y/N strut down the halls, an easy going smile on her face as people peered at her enviously.
On her right, their arms linked, was her boyfriend, Edward Cullen. The man that introduced her to a world of vampires and shifters and so much more. The one who promised her eternal life once she was 23.
Her eyes caught the new girls and scanned her. The girl was definately at the very least average looking.
Her hair went to her shoulders, clips keeping her messy fringe from falling into her dark, muddy brown eyes. Her eyebrows thin and sad.
She felt Edward stiffen beside her.
The vampire didn't look her way, instead they were latched onto the New Girl's, who looked back at him in interest.
She looked up, her e/c eyes widening when she spotted Edward's were black.
"Edward," She mumbled, getting infront of him and grabbing his face. "Edward! Come on!" She shook his head gently in his hands. His eyes finally found hers, slowly fading back into gold.
"I know, you're ok. Lets take a walk, biology can wait." She grasped his hand, pulling him forcefully away and out of the building.
Over the next few weeks, she realised a difference in Edward.
At first, it was as tiny as no longer paying attention or zoning out of conversations. Then it was the staring. His eyes never left Bella's. His thoughts seemed to be somewhere else.
Edward also seemed very protective of the girl, which annoyed her in a way she was uncomfortable with.
She was Edwards mate, his one and only. Destined to be together. Bella Swan was a blood bag, a distraction. Someone that as soon as they lost all blood, attraction would cease.
But Edward seemed to forget the differences between the titles. He befriended Bella. Walked her to class, laughed at her jokes. Would even cancel on her to spend time with the brunette.
Whispers began to start up. Talking about Edward cheating. How the two were spotted snogging in the halls. How her and Edward broke up.
Frankly, she had enough.
Her tray slammed onto the metal table. Earning curious looks from students.
"What!" She exclaimed, glaring at all her nosey classmates.
She plopped down angrily, picking at her food.
She looked up at the pale faces.
"Y/N," Alice called, indicating towards Jasper, his face scrunched up painfully.
"Sorry..." She took a large breath, her eyes closing. "I just--"
Rosalie put a hand on her shoulder.
"We know." She assured.
"It's fine, Bella's just an appetizer, you're dessert!" Emmett shrugged, grinning at the human.
"Well...he's never had a sweet tooth," Y/N growled.
"Where is our dearest brother?"
"Don't know. Wherever Bella is,"
"You should go find him," Alice said, a pitying look on her face.
Y/N's eyes widened before she scowled.
"Alice...what did you see?"
Alice shook her head, her eyes darting to her hands.
"Go to his locker..."
She was up in a flash, storming past the tables and out of the cafeteria, Smoke flowing from her ears.
"I just...she keeps glaring at me Edward!" Bella yelled, her hands on her head. "It's so unsettling."
Edward laughed slightly.
"It's fine, Y/N doesn't like new people,"
"I can tell," she huffed, edging closer. "I'm just getting annoyed of these secret meetings..."
"They aren't secret. Everyone knows we have them."
"Everyone except Y/N." Bella giggled when Edward looked away.
"I just need to figure things out..." He muttered.
"What's to figure out," She slowly wraps her arms around his neck. "You like me Edward, you're drawn to me. You said it yourself. Don't let her control your feelings," She leaned in, their lips inches from locking.
"Excuse me," Y/N swooped in, her arm locking with Edwards and shoving him back. "I have to talk to Edward. You can have a snog fest after,"
Without waiting for a reply, Y/N directed Edward out of the building, her face red in anger.
"What was that?" Y/N exploded, turning to face him.
"It's nothing," Edward explained, taking a step closer.
"Nothing!?." She screeched. "You almost kissed a girl you've know for a month. Bearing in mind you've known me for two fucking years!"
Edward placed a cool hand on her shoulders.
"You don't get to touch me!" She flinched away from his hands.
"Y/N, you have to understand...Bella is--"
"A blood bag!" She yelled, looking around to make sure nobody was near before lowering her voice. "You're attracted to her blood Edward, not her. I'm your mate, someone who you're ment to be with. Bella is someone you're ment to feed off of and enjoy!"
"Don't talk about her like that!" Edward fumed, crossing his arms.
"I will talk about her how i like Edward!" She growled. "You need to get your head out of your arse and start noticing the differences between love bound by fate and love of something so fickle as blood," the human hissed. "And until you figure it out, I'm not wasting my time with someone who is distracted by a manipulative little girl!"
Edward scoffed, running a hand through unruly hair.
"So this is it? Two years together and you're breaking up with me?"
"Don't make me out to be the bad guy Edward! How can you expect me to be with someone who is fooling around with another girl?"
"We aren't fooling around!" He defended, his hands moving in his frustration.
"Really? Well, until you decide whether you want me or her, we're on a break,"
The girl turned on her heels, walking away from the scene.
The news travelled fast of their split, people still looked her way, but instead of in wow or jealousy, it was to mock her.
She kept her head held high though, refused to cave under their stares. She did the right thing. She didn't regret it.
She still spoke to the Cullens , but often Bella was there, Edward's arm wrapped around her shoulders.
Rosalie hated her, glared at her and ignored Edward too, Emmett didn't stop her, neither did he glare at them.
Jasper tried to be supportive, maybe it was for the best. But he couldn't help but scowl when he caught the emotions Bella was feeling: smug, victorious, proud.
Like she had just won a prize.
Edward brushed it off, ignoring his brother's warnings.
Alice was confused, she tried to see what Bella's future was like, Edward was never in them. She kept it to herself though. Not wanting to hurt anyone. She was less excepting of Bella. It wasn't obvious to Bella, but someone close to Alice, like Jasper, picked up on the reluctance she felt when Bella sauntered to the table.
Y/N wasn't seen after a while, stopped going to school for a week. People began to worry. Wondering if the frail girl was so heartbroken that she took her own life. The very idea but a heavy weight on Edward's heavy heart.
Then she showed back up.
She seemed...happier. she smiled at people as she walked passed, a genuine, welcoming smile.
People began to flock her, warming up to her and wanting to be friends, she earned quite a good few looks from the other males in the school too, which she soaked up.
She began to find a new crowd, away from the supernatural. Away from the danger and immortality.
It was going so well, until it wasn't.
Bella was in a car crash, her body was found too late. She died young.
Although she wasn't Y/N's favourite person, nobody should have to die so young.
She felt even worse when she saw Charlie Swan.
A child should bury their parents. A parent should never bury their child.
She paid respects to her, not apologising, but giving her flowers before silently reading the letters engraved into stone repeatedly before getting up and walking away, never speaking a word.
Edward tried to talk to her. He always came up to the beauty, trying to start conversation, but he was always ignored, something that pained him deeply.
People couldn't help but throw Edward dirty looks.
He left his girlfriend for a girl he knew for only a month, then when his new girlfriend dies tragically in a car crash, he turns to his Ex for comfort.
You assured them it wasn't happening.
Said girl rolls her eyes.
"What, Cullen?"
Edward ran infront of her, halting her escape.
"Can you let me talk for one sec?"
Y/N scowled.
"Five minutes, go,"
Edward sighed.
"Look, I know what i did was wrong and i should have realised, but i got so confused and--"
"You are hundreds of years old Edward. You should know the difference between love and rare steak,"
'I know!!"
"But thats not even the main reason I'm angry. I gave you time to think Edward, i thought you would use that time to take a step back and evaluate the situation. Instead you immediately prance around with that girl, showing her off like a peacock shows its feathers!" Her fingers pointed at his chest. "Don't act like you're a good boy for realising. Cause i know for a fact that if she hadn't died then you would of never realised and would still be at her beck and call!"
Edward grit his teeth.
"What am i ment to tell you! I'm trying to fix things! It's what you want!"
Scoffing, Y/N crossed her arms.
"You think I'm going to crawl to your feet again? After your girlfriend just died? I'm not that shallow and disrespectful!"
"I thought you hated her?"
"No, do i hate how she acted? Yes. Do i hate that you chose her over me? Yes. But i don't hate her. I have a strong dislike for the girl. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go straight back into the cold ass arms of the man she thought loved her as soon as she dies!"
Edward sifted a hand through his thick locks.
"What do you want me to say!?"
"Sorry!" Y/N bellowed, face red. "Thats all i wanted. You can keep knocking on my Door Edward Cullen, but i never will answer."
She turned on her heel, walking away from her mate, her destined partner.
The sad truth was...she knew she'd take him back. It was destiny for them to be mates. Fate had chose to pair them together.
It was something she couldn't control.
Eventually she would open the door.
Letting all the vampires and Werewolves and demons and danger back into her life.
She knew it couldn't be helped.
But she'd be damned if she let her just walk in.
No, he needs to go back to her on his hands and knees, begging.
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