#(if this site refuses to re upload)
koushirouizumi · 11 months
Another of my A.M.V.s: (~mysteriously~ goes down) M E: .....
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niqhtlord01 · 3 months
Humans are weird: Prank Gone Wrong
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
“Filnar Go F%$@ Yourself!” was possibly the most disruptive software virus the universe had ever seen.
The program was designed to download itself to a computer, copy the functions of existing software before deleting said software and imitating it, then running its original programming all the while avoiding the various attempts to locate and remove it by security software.
What was strange about such a highly advanced virus was that it did not steal government secrets, nor siphon funds from banking institutions, it ignore critical infrastructure processes, and even bypassed trade markets that if altered could cause chaos on an unprecedented scale. The only thing the software seemed focused on was in locating any information regarding the “Hen’va” species, and deleting it.
First signs of the virus outbreak were recorded on the planet Yul’o IV, but once the virus began to migrate at an increasing rate and latched on to several subroutines for traveling merchant ships things rapidly spiraled out of control. Within a week the virus had infected every core world and consumed all information regarding the Hen’va. It still thankfully had not resulted in any deaths, but the sudden loss of information was beginning to cause other problems.
Hen’va citizens suddenly found that they were not listed as galactic citizens and were detained by security forces on numerous worlds. Trade routes became disrupted as Hen’va systems were now listed as uninhabited and barren leading to merchants seeking to trade elsewhere. Birth records and hospital information for millions of patients were wiped clean as they now pertained to individuals who did not exist.
Numerous software updates and purges were commenced in attempting to remove the virus. Even the galactic council’s cyber security bureau was mobilized for the effort, but if even a single strand of the virus’s code survived it was enough to rebuild itself and become even craftier with hiding itself while carrying out its programming. This was made worse by the high level of integration the various cyber systems of the galaxy had made it so the chance of systems being re-infected was always high.
After ten years every digital record of the Hen’va was erased from the wider universe. All attempts to upload copies were likewise deleted almost immediately leaving only physical records to remain untouched.
To combat this, the Hen’va for all official purposes adopted a new name; then “Ven’dari”. In the Hen’va tongue in means “The Forgotten”, which is rather ironic as the Hen’va have had to abandon everything about their previous culture to continue their existence. The virus had become a defacto component of every computer system in the galaxy and continued to erase all information related to the Hen’va. Even the translator units refused identify the Hen’va tongue and so the Ven’dari needed to create a brand new language.
It wasn’t until another fifty years had passed before the original creator of the virus stepped forward and admitted to their crime. A one “Penelope Wick”.
At the time of the programs creation Ms. Wick was a student studying on Yul’o IV to be a software designer. While attending the institution Ms. Wick stated that a fellow student, a Hen’va named “Filnar”, would hound her daily. He would denounce her presence within the school and repeatedly declared that “what are the scrapings of humans compared to the glory of the Hen’va?”
The virus was her creation as a way of getting back at the student for his constant spite. Ms. Wick was well aware of the dangers it could pose if released into the wild and so had emplaced the limitation that the virus would only infect computers on site with the campus. The schools network was setup that students could only work on their projects within the confines of the institution to ensure they did not cheat and have others make them instead. What she had not counted on was this rule only applied to students and not teachers. So when a teacher brought home several student projects to review and then sharing those infected files with their personal computer, the virus then gained free access to the wider planets networks.
When the Ven’dari learned of this there were several hundred calls for Ms. Wick to be held accountable for her actions, and nearly twice as many made to take her head by less patient individuals who had seen their entire culture erased. Much to their dismay Ms. Wick died shortly after her confession from a long term disease that had ravaged her body for several years.
Much to her delight, she had achieved her goals of removing the source of her mockery.
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cinnamon-mey · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
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It was one of those nights. The kind of nights Ana helped Dino acquire information about some Biotechnica clients and then they celebrated the success of the gig at the Electric Orgasm. One of those nights when Dino warned his employees he was busy for a while in his office, and Ana would complain about how uncomfortable his couch was.
But it was also the night when Dino realized he was in love with her.
When the sun rose on the same, old, Night City once again, they had a coffee sitting somewhere. Ana was talking about some fun shit about her job and Dino just listened to her in silence, admiring that beautiful, ass-kicker from Heywood.
He refused to be sentimental, but if he had the opportunity to meet her when he played in the Gloryhole Bandits, she would be his woman.
@morganlefaye79 thanks for the tag! I already did it :D
⚠ Do not re-upload/use my content on Tumblr or other sites
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gncatelier · 2 years
BOYCOTT CRUNCHYROLL! CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION!(Crunchyroll is now owned by Sony btw)
Crunchyroll has been SEVERELY underpaying their voice actors and translators! Actors on twitter are claiming to be payed anywhere from 35$ to 150$ on an ENTIRE SHOW! Crunchyroll is refusing to cooperate with any unions or even communicate with them!
An example of the shit that’s going down right now:
Popular dub voice actor for the character Mob in Mob Psycho 100, Kyle McCarley is being cut from the final season because Crunchyroll refuses to meet his VERY GENEROUS union conditions. Which was just to have a conversation with his union representatives. Listen here.
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re-posted with permission of @clay_s_s on twitter
(description: The anime character Mob, from Mob Psycho 100 holding up a sign with telekinesis that reads, “Union your dubs”. end description)
Here are some links to a few claims and messages from voice actors who have worked with Crunchyroll, on twitter (I am sure there are many more where this came from):
Michael Schwalbe:
Kai Jordan:
Anairis Quiñones:
June Yoon:
Martin M. Miller:
Ben Diskin (a thread):
Spread the word! Being active on social media about this issue and using tags like #JustaMeeting make a difference. If or when you cancel your subscription, tell them exactly why! They are already getting a lot of shit on social media and are limiting comments in some places, keep it coming!
I know it is difficult to boycott a company that has monopolized the anime industry to such an extreme but it has to happen sooner rather than later. That is because unless consumers fight back, things will only get worse for creators. We are near the start of an incredibly packed and anticipated fall anime season, which makes this boycott even harder, but that is all the more reason to do it now, to hit the corporate streaming service where it hurts! Pirate that shit!
If I have spread any false information or you would like to add to the conversation feel free to add on!
p.s if anyone knows any anime pirate sites that upload episodes the day of release please please please dm me <3
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I Got a ‘Little’ Issue
My internet is acting stupid.
Quite a few things are not loading for me, tbh.
YouTube works just fine, I am watching a vid right now. However, Twitter, Instagram, Deviantart, Tumblr and Inkblot REFUSE to load, at all. It’s like they don’t exist on the web. This issue is only with my computer near far as I can tell— Deviantart, and Twitter work peachy on my phone, which I am using to write this out, actually.
So... While I would like to know if anyone is having any issues with this as well, or KNOW what’s going on and could give me some advice, then artwork is going to be slow (my computer is my art-tool after all, and I cannot transfer images from my computer to my phone.) so.... I can maybe post art on my Ko-Fi, offer High-res download and then download onto my phone to upload to these other sites... But still, idk.
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Well, I got here. Listened to the entire John Oliver-era run of The Bugle between late March and June 2022, had a small breakdown and decided that clearly the end of this means nothing gold can stay and there’s no future to look forward to (to be fair to me, the way John Oliver left the podcast was really drawn out to be as painful an ending as possible, also I had some difficult stuff going on in my actual life and being upset about a podcast was just a projection of that, but even considering those mitigating factors, I still got more upset than a podcast hiatus warranted). I then spent a few weeks unable to bring myself to listen to any other episodes because I thought I’d just spend the whole time refusing to like the new thing and being upset that it wasn’t the old thing, until the coup against Johnson occurred in early July and not enough topical comedy shows were running so I turned to The Bugle to get some takes on it, and I realized that I actually can get through a non-Oliver-based Bugle episode without it being the end of the world. So then I went back and started listening to the post-Oliver episodes from the beginning of them, with a bit of a rocky start as my brain does object to change, but as it went along I got used to them and began to accept that sometimes some things can be good even if they’re not exactly like the things I liked before. Maybe.
That was 177 episodes ago. Here I am at episode 177, the last episode of 2020, the famed reunion episode, featuring John Oliver back on the podcast for the first time since he unceremoniously (and seriously, very slowly and painfully) fucked off in 2016. And really in 2015, since he was gone for the last seven months of 2015 even though they kept putting out filler episodes saying he’d be back imminently, but he didn’t come back until one episode in March 2016 and then almost one more 2016 episode but that one didn’t really happen, and then they kept saying they’d get it going again until suddenly he showed up in June said actually he’s done, and seriously, John, you’re a wonderful person but that was not your best handled situation, professionalism-wise.
Anyway. That said, here we are in December 2020, and here they are, and I’m feeling a completely normal and healthy number of emotions about it. Like three or four emotions - five tops, I swear. They started putting out videos of some Bugle recordings earlier in 2020 and I have not watched those because this is meant to be an audio newspaper, but obviously I’m watching the video version of this one. This video has come up in my YouTube recommendations many times before, of course. I’ve seen clips of it shared and referenced on this site a couple of times. I have always resisted the temptation to watch any of it, thinking I’d appreciate it more if I save it for when I actually get there in my chronological Bugle listening. And here I am.
So far, I’ve just started watching it and I have one comment: at 5:17, John Oliver says the words “fucking disgrace”, but it gets bleeped out, as swear words almost always do on The Bugle. Just after that, you can see Producer Chris look down and clearly make a note. I’m pretty sure he’s marking the timestamp so it’ll be easier when he goes back later to censor the swearing. That is somewhat like something I do when I listen to The Bugle, or for that matter any other podcast or TV show episode, and I hear something of sufficient interest for me to think I should write about it on this blog. I mark the timestamp in the notes app on my phone, so I can easily go back there to cut out a video or audio clip and upload it here, and/or type out a transcript of what was said, and/or just re-watch/re-listen to it so I can remember what I wanted to write about it. To often since starting this blog, I have spent too much time searching through episodes of something to try to find the little snippet I wanted to write about, and I save myself a lot of time when I note timestamps as I go along. It makes me inordinately happy to see Producer Chris do something similar to that, except with swear words he has to bleep out.
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jadethest0ne · 2 years
The tapas comics were difficult to load, so I want you to know I got the app specifically for Liberty. I need to know what happens too much to let an app stop me (I say refusing to get the tumblr app) How do you update so quickly? I’ve never seen any comic update this quickly. Don’t burn yourself out. Taking breaks, even long breaks is understandable, never feel pressured by us!
That's super sweet! I'm so glad you enjoy it enough to do that! Thank you!
Omigosh, I am not that quick at updating, haha! Everything on Tapas is a re-upload from the comic that I created between 2014-2020. I updated Liberty roughly weekly at the time, so I've got literal hundreds of pages, and I just scheduled them to upload daily on Tapas.
Sadly, I did actually burn out (and got into a different fandom(TMNT)) at a point in 2020. Sort of. There were lots of things happening in my life at the time that I don't wanna get into. Additionally, it didn't help that the site that I was uploading them to at the time kinda changed a bunch and became more difficult to use, and I stopped using it regularly. So I decided to try Tapas.
I hope that by the time the updates catch up (which should be September-ish), I will go back to a regular, but longer update schedule (weekly/monthly?) of actual new content. But truthfully, I am unsure due to stuff going on for me irl, and trying to get into the animation industry, so I can't actually promise that.
But, uh, yeah, to sum up, everything on Liberty that you are seeing on Tapas right now is years old ^^;
I'm very sorry if that wasn't obvious, I thought I mentioned it at a point
Regardless, I still thank you for your support and enthusiasm for it! "Liberty" still honestly means a lot to me, so it's so nice to see new fans for it
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xxp1g30nxx · 10 months
CC rant
Ok, I know as a CC enjoyer i am not entitled to anything. However I cant help but feel frustrated when, and have no sympathy for:
-CC creators hide their content behind paywalls permanently.
-CC creators who use ad-linkers for their free/dewalled content.
-ESPECIALLY when a creator ad-links to a dead link.
-When creators who use sites like patreon either abandon their account, or dont let their patrons know when they are going on hiatus. Please let people know so they can cancel their sub.
-Creators who steal meshes and monitize them. Inc re-colourists (who are not given consent)
-People who take content and re-upload to other sites esp when they dont credit the author.
-People who charge rediculous prices for their CC. I refuse to pay 70$ for some pixel pants.
-Creators who try to twist other creators TOS to get away with theft. You shouldnt have to specify that you dont want your content converted/edited/re-uploaded or anything other than directly downloaded through official channels and credited.
-People who get mad at creators for pay-walling their CC at all. I think people should be able to gather donations/support even if it is just their hobby. Dont want to pay? Just wait.
Part of the reason I havent published any CC is because I know I would be incredibly inconsistent with my uploads, and the current culture is not something i want to engage in directly. I will upload in waves, and for free without ad-links always. I am still currently familiarizing myself with blender so it will be quite some time before i upload anything.
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bananaeazy · 2 years
Ed edd n eddy sound effects dead
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Ed edd n eddy sound effects dead movie#
Ed edd n eddy sound effects dead manual#
Ed edd n eddy sound effects dead full#
Ed edd n eddy sound effects dead free#
Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so.
Ed edd n eddy sound effects dead manual#
Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed.It seems that Pioneer added a choo-choo-train sound effect to Goku's running. I meant to make note of this earlier because I found it hilarious. Zenkai Power did not seem to have this issue though.ĮDIT: 6:30 in.
Ed edd n eddy sound effects dead movie#
To fix the ending I need to get some soundeffects of Kintoun to cover up the lack of sound, though.īy the way, when I did this, I dropped in the TV size stereo Cha-La-Head-Cha-La from the BGM CD, and I realized that the movie version is actually a bit slower. If you notice anything else really glaring, let me know. I'm guessing they added a bunch, especially where they made things have stereo directionality. I found the bleep you're talking about too, and you're right on second listen that it's obviously a bit different. I noticed that during the ending, where there's a bunch of new sound effects for flying wooshes and the kintoun. This happens with several sound effects including the Kinto'un flying, Ki blasts, etc. The sound effects in the Ocean dub have extra sounds overlayed on top of the existing ones. Puto wrote:It's not just audio processing. but I sort of like how it seems like Piccolo is one-upping Kuririn's entrance with the same line in this version. One weird thing I noticed is when they redid the script, during their intro, they gave Kuririn the line Piccolo had in the original dub. The banter between Goku and Piccolo when they strip their weights off makes more sense, for instance. The dialogue for both movies is pretty much the same, though as much as I love the Geneon performance I think some of the rewritten dialogue in the Funimation one is technically better in terms of tone and clarity. Even still, except for one or two cases I've managed to make the transitions fairly seamless. The music is also a lot less loud than the dialogue. In the Funimation version, it's a lot cleaner, but the sound effects and music are a bit tinny, a lot more cutting to the ear. In the Pioneer version, the foley and music are a lot louder compared to the dialogue, though you can hear hiss and hum throughout.
Ed edd n eddy sound effects dead free#
Feel free to moderhate me if not.Īnalysis wise, I learned a lot about how both of these movies were mixed in the process of doing this.
Ed edd n eddy sound effects dead full#
I've seen people upload audio from full episodes before, so hopefully this is within the limits of the forum. The audio's not perfect, but it's pretty seamless save for one or two instances you probably won't notice. though you may have to resync it just slightly depending. It should work with the Dragon Box or the Double Features. You will have to sync it up to your legitimate copy yourself. Like I said, this is JUST AN MP3 of the audio, not the entire movie. So what I have done is uploaded an mp3 of my project. and I bet some other people do too, so here it is. I've always wondered what it would be like for Schemmel's Goku to interact with McNeil's Piccolo. So I took this challenge and re-edited the movie so that Goku, Kuririn, and Roshi from the Funimation version interact with Piccolo, Gohan, Bulma, Garlic Jr. So, since I doubt we'll ever have this film redone by the Kai cast, I instead wondered if it was feasible to combine the best performances of the two into one fan edit and still have the movie make sense. The villains especially have that too gruff/not natural enough thing going for them that they've grown out of in Kai. I also really like Piccolo, but even though I really liked a lot of it, it just wasn't the same as when I was a kid. Sean Schemmel's Goku is really great in this film, as is Sonny Strait's Kuririn. Still, parts of it were really good and you can tell it's much more recent than the later movies. Just recently, I checked out the double feature of Dead Zone to listen to the Funimation dub - something I had never done before - and all it did was make me wish for the full Kai cast. No sleight against Peter Kelamis - he's great in Ed, Edd, and Eddy - but his Goku never sounded natural to me. The Pioneer dub was really great, but at the time I was extremely disappointed that Goku was the new guy instead of Ian Corlett. I'm amazed I still have the VHS tape in its original clamshell case! Back when I was a kid, I watched it subbed, dubbed. I really love the first DBZ movie I think it's probably the one I've watched the most next to the fusion film.
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douglasavila2 · 2 years
5 Recommendations Design The Ultimate Logo For Brand Building
I recently received a call from our business in the Healing & Health industry. This person asked her website guru for an easy addition to her web page. He refused to do the work and told her to log in and do it herself! When she decided to present the web design work to me to do, he deleted her entire web site and database! Are you ever the true "owner" of your website that you paid money to actually? The people that you as a business owner trust with program online business, are these people value of your trust? Your enterprise is the one way of serving online clients, are the people behind it deserve your trust? There is no joke to lose a web site that existed within the last 6 years and also the database with your client contact details and the people you resell to monthly! But, obtain your desired results, you need to first understand what your needs are. Here are what Little Nightmares 2 CK keys Free of your needs may be and the expectations of employing landscape design software. It guarantees the efficiency of website. What is Little Nightmares 2 Free downlaod crack of a letter f it's read its pages? It the same in then web niche. If your viewers can't get your idea then showing a note on goal is absolutely futile. In order to like to develop your products then take advantage of the flash design which will help you in making a video and even streamers that will totally obtain the attention of one's potential members. You will see how excellent the outputs will undoubtedly be once you make use of this design in creating it. A: I've always been interested in art. After i was little drawing and painting were my favourite things! Mother and father are both very creative people an architect or an art coach. I grew up watching my Mom in the pottery studio and my father always got me to draw and page through art accounts. Using expectations. When design ing your product, don't specify odd-sized screws and hard-to-source methods. Designing with 'off the shelf' standard components in mind will maintain your design both efficient affordable. People will want to use something because of this easily maintained, so make any design utilizing the end-user idea. If you have to not like most of the clipart included in the library, then however simply provide your own image. The application enables anyone to upload images from pc when you design a t-shirt. Many use on the subject of the standard formats like jpg and bmp. Following people you admire is important because it can be a constant source of inspiration. Twitter is an amazing community for graphic designers because can certainly easily follow all the "leaders" globe graphic designer industry. Encourage a mate to design their own car by giving out pamphlets. Invite them to join you regarding any cup of coffee with your garden area to explain the details and the possible advantage associated with the car software form. Little Nightmares 2 Full Version pc game Download can ask them to create their own design, just like playing the race car in your software. Aircraft, boat and other electronic device can regarded useful additionally. It can be re design just significantly expensive vehicle. No need to go to on various car companies to choose the latest process. Your old car can be as new car indicates of car software build.
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xcziel · 3 years
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Liu Chang
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mllemouse · 4 years
I am so fucking tired
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kookingtae · 3 years
For you and your followers: a guide on how to find and report stolen fanfiction as both the author and the reader.
How to find stolen fanfiction:
In your browser, search for the title of the work with the suffix site:[enter site name here]. This will run a search on that host site for any uploads with the same title.
Copy a paragraph from the work (something unique) and search for it using your browser. Anywhere that specific chunk of text exists will show up as a search result.
On Wattpad especially, browse the uploads in your ship or fandom for titles like '[ship name] one-shots' or '[ship name] collection'. These uploads are typically made up of stolen works uploaded as individual chapters. (Which is a sneaky way of stealing content on Wattpad because it means if you search the site for the title of your work, the stolen content won't show up.)
How to report stolen content (reader):
Firstly, contact the original author and notify them that you found their work re-uploaded without their permission. This is best done through direct message but you can also leave a comment on the stolen work or on their most recent post with a link to the stolen content. Here's a template if you're unsure of what to say: Hello, I recently discovered that your fanfiction [title name here] has been re-uploaded to [website here] without your permission. Here is the link. [Insert link to stolen content here.]
Most host sites also allow you to report a work on behalf of the author provided you can offer sufficient evidence to prove the content has been re-uploaded without specific permission. You will typically need: Links/screenshots of the original upload. Where applicable, a screenshot of the original author permitting you to report the content. A screenshot/link to the original author's statement or policies on interacting with/re-uploading their content. (Some sites will include in their report process what evidence is needed.)
You can also politely (or they can report you for bullying) leave a comment on the stolen content and/or message the re-uploader and inform them of the original author's wishes in regards to their content. For example: Hello, I noticed you have directly re-uploaded [insert author's name]'s work and thought it pertinent to notify you that they have expressly stated that they do not want nor allow their content to be re-uploaded. It would be advisable to remove this re-upload. I've also notified [insert author's name] that this re-upload exists.
How to report stolen fanfiction (author):
The first thing you should do is document the theft through screenshots and then report the stolen upload, using the same evidence guidelines as above and providing any evidence the report function advises you to include. You should do this even if you intend to message the re-uploader because in some cases they may not reply or may refuse to remove the content.
You should content the re-uploader through direct message and ask them to remove their stolen content. Include a link to your content policies where applicable and document the messages so you have evidence if the person tries to claim you were unkind or that you did not have any content policies public.
You should also leave a comment on the stolen content similar to your message. This will serve as an alert to any readers who access the content in the mean-time that the content is stolen. Making it public knowledge also serves to push the re-uploader into deleting the stolen content. For example: Hello, I am [insert name here], the original owner of this content. I did not give permission/I do not want my content re-uploaded, as I have stated (here) [insert link there if applicable to content policy statement]. Please remove this re-upload of my work or I will be forced to report this upload as stolen and please do not plagiarise any of my other content.
I recommend all authors do a weekly or at least monthly search using the above methods for their fanfiction, especially if you are frequently uploading new content or are a 'popular' creator.
Where applicable, it is also quicker and better to report a whole account or whole upload if the account is a frequently or high-quantity re-uploader of stolen content. This makes it easier for the host site to process and remove the stolen content and/or account rather than reporting the individual works one by one. You will simply need to provide a piece of evidence for each stolen work.
!!!!!!! PSA !!!!!!!! thank you so much anon wow this is so helpful <3
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kaythefloppa · 2 years
Can someone please, please, please fucken tell me where I could pirate Cats & Dogs?
All uploads of the episode have expired and PBS Kids has refused to re-air the episode or restream it on their site since they don't do that with their one-hour specials. VPN isn't an option because I've used it once before and it almost killed my computer.
I want to rewatch the episode considering it was the only episode in between the year and a half long hiatus we've had, but I can't find it anywhere.
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empires-recap · 3 years
Weekly Recap: Sept 12th - 18th
A/N: Hello and Welcome to Weekly Empires Breakdown 1! Sorry I don’t have many episode breakdowns to attach to this, I go really in depth and with 3 tests in 4 days this week I just didn’t have the time to dedicate to all the episodes to give them the breake=down they deserve. I will get to them eventually, but this overall my main focus. One week of Empires Video’s Lore all nice and summed up for you guys. So look out for these every Monday, covering Sunday to Saturday so people have a chance to watch all the videos the videos and I’m not spoiling the vids that only came out yesterday. Also, perspectives of events will only be sited if it was released in a episode in this timeframe. Duplicate events may be included week to week based on what creators upload. And feel free to let me know if I missed anything important. So, let’s get into it.
Videos Included this week:
Gem Episode 13 (Fri)
Jimmy Episode 15 (Fri)
Joey Episodes 18 and 19 (Mon, Fri)
Katherine Episode 20 (Sun)
Lizzie Episode 15
Pixl Episodes 22 & 23 (Mon, Fri)
Sausage Episodes 29 - 31 (Sun, Wed, Sat)
Scott Episode 19 (Fri)
Shubble Episodes 16 & 17 (Sun, Tues)
Major Events - Multi-person Lore Events 
The Phantom Joins? The Assassin’s guild - Sausage meets the Assassin, who seems interested in joining the guild but is anti-demon, though doesn’t show his stance outright. Sausage asks him to fulfill a contract and bring him the head of an Empire’s Ruler. He then immediately kills Sausage with blue firework rockets (Such a power move omg). (Sausage 29)
Meeting of Scott’s Allies - Scott calls all his allies to Rivendell to propose a plan for their corruption: put it in a box somewhere far away and forget about it. Katherine volunteers her box of corruption, incased in obsidian in the mountains. They all put their corruption in the box and walk away. In a later scene, unknown to the characters, the box begins to leak corruption (Gem 13, Katherine 20).
Re-solidifying an Alliance - Pixl heads to Katherine to re-solidify their shaky alliance. They do this by heading out to the desert and collecting rare mob heads Katherine does not have (Katherine 20, Pixl 22)
The Bloodlust of The Lost Emperor - Joey, taken over by the bloodlust of the crown gifted to him by Xornoth, goes out and kills both Shubble and fWhip (Joey 18, Shubble 16)
Meeting of the Corrupted - Sausage and Joey meet up. They gush over the power they have been gifted before Joey suggests capturing people. They scout out their targets: GeminiTay and Scott Smajor, while Sausage informs Joey on what he knows of the two. This mainly includes the Dragon Egg, the lack of corruption on one side of Rivendell, and the brotherly relationship between Scott and Xornoth (Joey 28, Sausage 30)
The Capture and Rescue - Joey and Sausage meet with Xornoth to talk about the plan of capturing Scott and Gem. He says they can do what they want with Gem, but Scott must be kept alive as he’s part of the bigger picture. Scott and Gem are talking around Gem’s Embassy at Scott’s when Joey comes up to them. Joey tries to get them to follow him but they refuse. Sausage, who was sneaking up on them, come out and hits them with sleeping potions. Scott and Gem wake up with Mining Fatigue in Sausage’s dungeon, where they are questioned: Gem about the dragon egg and Scott about the brother thing. Gem is actually killed twice during this. Sausage and Joey try to get them to hand over the egg and stop trying to stop Xornoth and they refuse. They leave them there after Scott points out they can’t do anything while trapped. Jimmy, coming to Mythland to brag about how tall his wall is to Sausage, finds the two and frees them. (Gem 13, Jimmy 15, Joey 19, Sausage 31, 
Gunpowder Boys Prank - fWhip meets with Pixlriffs to trade and share demon discoveries and how they have been utilizing the corruption to their own benefit. They then work together and put two elder guardians in Mythland: one in The Dark Tower and one under his house in the dungeon. They try to get a third by his afk hole in the Iron Farm, but it dies. This series of clips also confirms Pixl either has no idea about The Phantom or is denying his knowledge about to fWhip, who seems to acknowledge the incident with Sausage and The Phantom.(Pixl 23, Reaction in Sausage 31)
Battle Arena - Pearl and Sausage build a battle arena between their based, however twice - once proposing the idea and another time during their first fight in the arena - Sausage gets possessed and turned into a more corrupted version of himself. Sausage does not remember anything during these blackouts. Also, Pearl wins the fight (Sausage 31)
Demon Watch - What is happening with corruption, the demon itself, and the resistance efforts against it
The Eyeball has moved, the last known location of it being Lizzie’s base. Crystals have also popped up around the server floating above people’s builds, usually important ones (this is pointed out in Sausage 30). Xornoth physically appeared in 3 episodes this week: Joey 19, Sausage 31, and Shubble 17. To Joey and Sausage, he appeared to over them assistance in their plan to kidnap Scott and Gem, and also to tell them not to touch Scott. He appeared to Shubble, taunting her first by calling her a coward and killing Lord of Mars (o7) but also by showing the power he could gift her if she joined his side. Considering he destroyed her last kingdom, she refused and then he killed her. Resistance stances have been mixed. Gem still has possession of the egg, with no indication if it will hatch anytime soon. fWhip has turned the corruption into fertilizer. Pixl has observed that copper slowly kills the corruption  by turning it into a harden substance and, when struck by lightning with a copper rod, can petrify the tentacles in a fossilized state. Katherine had tried to cure the tentacles with the potion that cured her flowers, but it and the new Moat have failed to stop their advancement.
Personal Events - Buildings, Trade Deals, Personal or Single-Person Lore not including the demon
Gem - Gem builds the embassy at Scotts. After returning from being captured, she calls on friends from other servers to help protect her and the egg: Three White Dragons with purple wings now circle her wizard tower.
Jimmy - Jimmy builds a tower next to his wall, officially taller than Sausages, and plans out the border for his wall/mega-base to surround his kingdom. He also promises one diamond to anyone who brings him a cod head.
Joey - Joey works on the start of the interior of the water temple. It’s not finished, but he also talks about his goal as emperor of the lost empire is to build up the temples of the 4 elements - Fire, Water, Earth and Air - to reunite the kingdom in harmony again. He also is still jealous about the amount of corruption other empires are getting, and is also jealous of when empires have a lack of corruption as shown with his meeting with fWhip.
Katherine - Katherine might bring Pixl in to the plushie business, but at the very least has a sale as he wants a husk plushie in his empire. All other events in her involve the corruption or other people.
Lizzie -  Lizzie builds a tunnel from her empire to Katherine’s, decorating the inside to make the steady train ride more enjoyable. In the dessert section of her tunnel she girlbosses tricks Joel and Scott to do the manual labor for her. She also receives Sausage’s “Thank you for Helping to Kill the Dragon” present
Pixl - Pixl returns to Pixandria after several episodes of self imposed exile. He has a brief interaction with Sausage when the man drops off his “Thank you for Helping to Kill the Dragon” Present, basically telling him you are not welcome here.
Sausage - Sir Carlos finally arrives in Mythland, warning Sausage that he cannot escape becoming fully corrupted. He gifts him an artifact he needs to keep in his inventory to escape the spirit realm Bubbles will guide him through after he fully dies, although he is a bit frustrated that Sir Carlos doesn’t tell him who gave him the information or the artifact. He takes a stealth mission to gather information on the other empires, saves the bloodsheep that have been disappearing since Xornoth came to full power, and got the Great Staff of Mythland gifted by a friend.
Scott - Scott shows off his embassy buildings and gets conned by Lizzie to build her tunnel for her
Shubble - Shubble focuses on building a mushroom house for one of her future villagers, and builds the embassy at Scott’s base. Xornoth also gifts her a villager, mainly because he wanted her to kill it testing out her gifted powers. 
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chaos-husband · 2 years
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- Fandoms I won't make edits for: Youtuber fandoms (MCYT, BBS, etc.) Countryhumans Hetalia I have little to no issues with the people in these communities, I just don't feel comfortable making edits for these communities due to very personal reasons.
- Themes I won't make edits for: Realistic eyes Characters with too many eyes (more than 4) Bugs and Spiders (Muffet from Undertale is the only exception) Romantic canon x canon ships involving Tohru Adachi from Persona 4. (Adachi x Dojima, Adachi x Izanami, etc.)
- I support critical consumption of media. That being said, I do not tolerate romanticization or glorification of dark topics and other things pro//shippers like to do. I will never do edits of ships involving an adult x a minor or incest, and you will be blocked immediately if you make requests for such things.
- You are free to request specific images, but you may never request edits of characters involving fanart. I refuse to edit other artist's work, even if they allow edits / reposts of their work. If that character does not have any official artwork, then I will not make an edit for that character. (Sorry Phone Guy / Dude fans 😔)
- You are free to edit my edits and post those re-edits, especially if you are the requester and my work did not live up to your expectations or I got something wrong. But please, always credit me as the original maker of the edit.
- You are NOT free to re-post my original edit, especially without credit! Using them as icons and page decorations on other websites or Discord is perfectly fine, but do not just reupload my work and claim it as your own. "Credit to the artist" is not acceptable either.
- Do NOT repost anything to DeviantArt, Toyhouse, or Amino. On sites like Toyhouse, I have my own page where I host these images. If you are using my images for your coding, then please use my page as your image source. (Uploading it to a private discord server used to store images is also fine.)
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What I Make:
- Profile Icons Maximum of three icons per batch. Maximum of one character per icon. Matching icon requests are allowed. LGBT+ / MOGAI headcanon friendly. Please specify if you would like a specific size and / or if you want circle or square icons (both are okay)
- DeviantArt Stamps Maximum of 5 per request. Maximum of one character per stamp. Matching stamp requests are allowed. LGBT+ / MOGAI headcanon friendly. Please specify if you would like a certain border used (f2u only), otherwise I will default to this border.
- DeviantArt and / or Toyhouse Folder Icons Maximum of 4 per request Number of characters depends on the image(s) used. Sizes of the edits will vary due to different restrictions between the sites. (DA = 230x130 max. TH = 200x200 max.)
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- Transparent Screenshot Edits Maximum of 2 characters per screenshotMaximum amount of screenshots per request varies depending on the complexity of the screenshots. Hard limit is 4. Either submit the screenshot or DM it to me. I don’t allow links to be sent to my ask box.
- Banners Maximum of 3 per request. Maximum of 2 characters per banner. Must provide an aesthetic or at least a color for me to work with. Please write out what you would like the banner to say / read. I can't write image descriptions, but you are free to make your own.
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Things I Hope to Include in The Future:
- I’m either too inexperienced or not confident in my abilities to make these types of edits, but still have an interest in making them in the future. Some of these may turn into “pay to use” edits or types of commissions I can offer.
Detailed Portrait Edits (Persona, Danganronpa, etc.)
Detailed Sprite Edits
Detailed Screenshot / Manga Panel Edits
Video Overlays (Livestreaming, YouTube videos, V-Tuber, etc.)
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