#-in typing it which like. its a Very Good Method for me because it's an ungodly amount of editing and rewriting so i catch most everything
m4ritos · 4 months
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☆ pornstar choso! ☆
𝘐, 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘊𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘰 𝘒𝘢𝘮𝘰 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴. 𝘐𝘕 𝘞𝘐𝘛𝘕𝘌𝘚𝘚 𝘞𝘏𝘌𝘙𝘌𝘖𝘍, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘯-𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘌𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘵𝘦.
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pornstar choso who’s just a little fucking weird.
choso seems to be extremely socially awkward when he’s around set. which is a real shame because he’s so.. pretty. he’s standing at a little over 6’4 with broad shoulders and a body carved into perfection, a handsome face with the most gorgeous features— he’s not a conventional kind of attractive but the kind of attractive you get from the art guy who smokes too many cigarettes.
he stands around. not particularly doing anything wrong per se but the way he just idles around with this tiny little water cup in his hand gets a few looks and scratches to the noggin. choso is taller than most people on set so anyone can explicitly see him people watch. usually, the sets are bustling and busy in between scenes. there’s wardrobe personnel, personal assistants, catering, makeup artists and hair stylists frantically working around him and he’s just in the middle of all the chaos with no sense of urgency.
pornstar choso who turns into an absolute beast once the cameras are rolling.
it’s really like a switch in his head flips. choso’s entire demeanor seems to shift into machine designed to fuck and give pleasure. you met him very briefly that same morning and he seemed like a nice guy— awkward but sweet. the scene wasn’t anything crazy in particular; it was a domestic type of affair starring a pining pair who finally give into each other
you can’t count how many times he’s made you cum without trying— but it starts to make you delirious. see, when scenes get really good like this, and both actors are into it as much as they are, it feels like the world around them no longer exists and they’re in their own bubble. they start to go off script and the director typically allows because often times, the method acting and improvising is better than any cheesy lines they get fed from the script. that’s exactly what happened.
choso’s cock is fat just as much as it is long, making it heavy under its own weight. it’s a pretty shade— maybe one or two shades darker than his complexion but when its hard, it’s flushed all over with this pretty mauve color. his actor profile says it’s 9 inches but it feels like its bigger probably because of the way he fucks. choso doesn’t let up in the slightest— you can be twitching, writhing and scratching from the pleasure but if he doesn’t hear an utterance of your safe word, he will not stop. choso switches positions like you’ve never experienced before; you could be in doggy with your back arched at a 90 degree angle then he’s flipping you over like a doll and putting you into a mating press.
pornstar choso who’s confused as to why he prematurely ejaculated because.. that.. never happens.
“cut!” the director calls out before rubbing his eyes with a pinch. “take 30– christine bring me a Valium and a club soda please.”
choso was so embarrassed when it happened— he let out this simple “I’m sorry.” in a low.. almost pained apology before slipping out of you, watching his seed ooze out of you like he disassociated from reality. watching him, watch himself like that.. didn’t feel like he was acting or in character to you. which made you wonder..
it felt.. a little too real for choso and that was something that has always separated work from real life for him. the line was blurred a little too well between the chemistry you and him both had— it took the intimacy to a different level. one he hasn’t had the luxury of experiencing in a very, very long time. in his dressing room he splashed his face with cold water, looking at himself in the mirror before getting a call from you.
“hi.. I just wanted to talk to you in private. you didn’t have to apologize to me back there.. I get it happens, there’s no need to beat yourself up over it, okay? If it makes you feel any better, I think it’s sweet. i’m out on the patio— the weather’s nice if you want to come join me.”
pornstar choso who’s really sweet to his costar even though he’s a bit awkward. he has a crush.
“thank you.. for the talk. I hate to disappoint.” choso says, looking down as he swirls around the cup of ice water in his hand. he finds it hard to keep eye contact with you but doesn’t really understand why. yeah, he’s a little embarrassed but there’s something about you.. his heart is racing and his palms feel clammy. you’re beautiful. “disappoint? kamo are you serious..?” you giggled. oh, did he say something wrong? you have a cute laugh but that’s not the point. what could be funny in this moment? “yeah. i’m serious..” he watches you tilt your head as you look up at him and his cock twitches back to life— just in time too, only 5 minutes left for recess. he notices a white flurry on your hair and he removes it carefully.
“choso.. you were far from a disappointment, sweetheart.. I could barely think straight.” you giggled again, feeling yourself get shy under his gaze. “I’ve been faking it for a long time for the sake of the camera but.. I seriously can’t tell you the last time I’ve came that hard, let alone in a row..” you reached out to caress his face. “Don’t beat yourself up.. you just keep fucking me like that again and again.. got it?”
pornstar choso who thinks he wants to ask out his cute costar but isn’t a fan of rejection.
high risk, high reward. choso has attempted to date outside his profession but it’s always failed. it’s not hard finding a woman he’s attracted to but getting them to stay after they find out he’s in sex work is the part that always seems to fall through. if they’re not scared off during the first week then once he actually has to go to work, it’s more than likely followed up with a “I don’t think I can do this.”
choso has never once blamed any of his hookups for their discomfort because he’s quite understanding. he knows himself that he would probably have a hard time too if he had just been a “regular” guy and never dated anyone who was in sex work. that requires a certain level of maturity, understanding and communication for that to work.
he asks you out once filming is finished and everything is wrapped up. you’re sitting in a plush robe in a director’s chair sipping on a juice box, swinging your feet back and forth as you scroll on your phone. there’s a cute smile on your face, your cheeks flushed and hair a little bit messy. you notice his presence before he says anything and he just kind of.. word vomits before you can greet him. “can I take you out.” sounds more like a statement than a proposal but you smile at him anyway.
pornstar choso who’s pleasantly surprised when you say yes.
“i’d really love that.. pick me up tomorrow at 6pm?” he’s surprised to say the least, he didn’t think you’d agree but he definitely didn’t expect you to initiate when. regardless, choso is excited. the social media platforms will be thrilled to hear their favorite adult actors are dating— eventually, it makes more sense to start an Onlyfans than it does to work under a company.
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copyright m4ritos 2024. do not repost or plagiarize. ©
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wttcsms · 9 months
i can walk you home and practice method acting ; satoru gojo.
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pairing satoru gojo x f!reader   word count 1.3k   synopsis saying goodbye. content contains hurt/probably no comfort, bittersweet ending, allusion to character death, jjk 236 leak inspired author’s notes gege needs to sleep with both eyes open, no sweet dreams 4 him >:(
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“You know, some people consider coffee dates as not real dates,” you point out. “Very cheap—”
“—your coffee was eight dollars, don’t start with me—” 
“—you don’t even wanna know what I just went through before meeting you here—”
“—shows no interest—”
“—I’ve been interested in you since before I even knew you.” 
You pause your half-hearted attempt at teasing him. The truth is, there is nothing cheap, low-effort, or uninteresting about Satoru Gojo. No one has ever held your attention and your affections for as long or as strongly as he does. The world is reduced to nothing more than the cafe the two of you spent a lot of time frequenting beforehand. It’s why everything is in such startling, vivid detail. Some of your best memories are here, and it shows from the warm scent of coffee wafting in the air, and how you got his complicated frozen coffee order just right.
“Smooth. You use that line on all the girls you buy coffee for?” 
“Oh, other girls exist?” Satoru’s bright, cerulean eyes widen in mock surprise. If there’s one thing that your fiance is good at, it’s committing to the bit. No one gets into character as well as he does. 
No one ever will.
Trying to keep your darker thoughts at bay, you try to think of a retort but fall short, settling for, “How can you even be interested in someone before you even know they exist?” 
“Because everyone was boring to me ‘til I met you. All my interest was reserved specifically for you.” He hums. He doesn’t tell you the really sappy stuff he holds inside his heart, like how he thinks his soul knew that it belonged to you and that’s why he could never connect with anyone else. He figures, foolishly, that he still has time to bring it up later.
Later, when he’s not choking on his own blood and lost in the illusion you have shrouded the both of you in.
My beautiful, delusional girl. 
He says it to tease you, but the fondness with which he laces the words in only further proves how completely, utterly whipped he is for you. Somewhere deep inside of him, he’s well aware that he’s in your domain. That he is not sitting inside the cafe he nervously took you to the first time he got the nerve to ask you to hang out. He knows that this is nothing more than a cleverly crafted illusion used to make saying goodbye a lot easier for the two of you. 
Everything is just so vivid. The colors, the scent, you. He knows it’s selfish to want to drag out this process even longer. It must be tiring for you, to have to mentally strain to maintain this realistic illusion while also tricking his mind into ignoring the pain he’s actually in. He can see it in your eyes; the ones that never seem to want to leave his face, almost like you’re scared you’re going to forget him the moment you blink. 
He stretches, fakes a yawn. “It’s getting kinda late, don’t ya think? I should probably head home.” 
“I’ll walk you there.” You say, getting up from your chair. 
“You think a man like me can’t defend himself?” You want to remember Satoru like this: messy hair, eyes brimming with mischief and life, cocky grin. Maybe it’s your heart acting on its own accord, altering reality for your own benefit, but Satoru looks younger in this lighting. Happier. At peace.
“I think you’re the type of man people need to be defended from. It’s my civic duty to make sure you’re not wreaking havoc.” 
You know that time is limited. You know that neither of you really want to acknowledge what’s truly happening. Satoru has to go, and all that he’ll be leaving you behind with is the aftermath. If you try hard enough, you can manipulate your minds into thinking that these seconds are much longer than they actually are, but—
—he deserves to rest. 
That’s why walking him to his front door is an ordeal that lasts a total of two seconds. One blink, and the cafe has vanished. Now, he’s standing in front of his apartment door, still smiling, still bright, still alive. 
“So, you going to invite me in?” You tease him, keeping your tone lighthearted, as if he doesn’t know you well enough to know how you’re truly feeling.
“After just the first date?” He pretends to look offended. “I don’t know what kind of man you take me for, but I don’t let just anyone spend the night, especially only after a coffee non-date.” 
“Fine.” You pretend to contemplate, the smile on your face perhaps the only real thing here. “Will you let me hit on the second date, at least?”
“I’ll think about it.” And then, Satoru cocks his head to the side. “I’ll see you the same time next week?”
You don’t want to think about the real world. In this world, it’s just the two of you, and that’s all that matters.
You swallow back any sadness; Satoru swallows back any blood. 
“Text me where, and I’ll be there.” You say this, knowing that you would gladly follow Satoru right through the door that beckons for him. He’s smiling, like he knows what you’re thinking about.
“I’ll pick you up when it’s time. But, uh, if I don’t text you back soon, sorry in advance.” He gives you that boyish look of his, the face he always makes when he’s about to make an incredibly stupid joke. “I have a bad habit of ghosting people.” 
A kind of guttural sound leaves your throat; a choked up laugh and a barely concealed sob. Ghosting, really, Satoru?
“It’s okay. I have a bad habit of liking guys that are bad for my health.” 
“If you don’t hear from me, just know that it’s me and not you.” 
“I love being fed cliche lines like this. Tell me some more.” Tell me everything, you want to beg him. Let’s just stand here forever, and you’ll drag out the time, and he can talk for as long as he wants to about anything and everything. 
“Feeling a bit sleepy. The cliche lines will have to wait until next time.” He clears his throat. “Hey, I know we just had our first date—”
“—coffee doesn’t count, you still owe me a real first date.” 
He sticks out his tongue, childishly, at your interruption. “Is it too soon for me to tell you that I love you? I don’t normally move this fast, but I really do love you. Hope this doesn’t scare you away.” 
He could never scare you away.
You should tell him that, but something in his eyes and in his smile let’s you know that he’s already aware.
“Is it too soon for me to tell you that I love you, too?”
“Yeah, it’s kinda crazy. Lucky for you, I like crazy girls.”
“Please don’t go to sleep yet, Satoru. You haven’t even walked through the door yet, and I already miss you.” In the illusion you’ve created, you can take away that door from him. It won’t change the truth, but it can certainly prolong the pain that comes with it. You don’t, though. Even if his hand wasn’t already reaching for the doorknob, you would never take the choice away from him.
“Yeah, I have a lasting effect on women, what can I say?” He laughs, but there’s none of his trademark humor woven in it. The world goes quiet. “I’m feeling really tired, [Name]. I’m gonna head to bed now.”
“Goodnight, then. Sweet dreams, Satoru.” 
He looks at you. Really looks at you, like he’s trying to embed the memory of your visage on his pupils, to have it so permanently etched in his mind that he’ll still be able to remember you every time he closes his eyes.
“As long as you’re in every single one of them, they will be.” 
He opens the door.
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a/n: reader's cursed technique is the ability to use cursed energy to "manipulate" reality; in all actuality, you create illusions, able to trick others into seeing whatever you're crafting. it helps in trapping curses, and letting gojo say goodbye to you without making you look at him choke on his blood
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thewertsearch · 2 months
GG: i think you are projecting your own attitude on to others […] GG: rose just sent me a code for a crystal ball, shes my friend and is basically the best! […] CA: its probably a trap i wwouldnt trust her CA: she is a cunnin and treacherous sort trust me i knoww her type GG: wait do you have a thing for her too??? GG: did she reject you or something?
Annihilate him, Jade. This would be a good time to unleash that rage you've been cultivating.
CA: all of her FRAUDULENT MAGICS cannot come close to posin threat to my mastery ovver the TRUEST SCIENCES CA: an wwith my empiricists wwand i servve as the righteous hope that wwill incinerate delusion and the deluded alike
This dude's on some Methods of Rationality type shit.
I'm not sure why Eridan is on a crusade against magic. He's been insisting it was fake since his original introduction page, and it's pretty clear he has some sort of complex about it. Is there some unseen history here that we're not yet privy to?
GG: wow what are you talking about CA: so really you should be honored to inherit my old callin CA: both my armaments and my feud
To be fair to Eridan, he is accomplishing something useful here, even if it's by accident. Jade needs to get that rifle in her pen-pal's hands in order to fulfil the Endgame Bunny's time loop.
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Recalling Eridan’s introduction reminds me that this is one of the most powerful riflekind weapons in existence. This should imply that top-tier weapons cost tens of millions of grist...
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...but we just saw a weapon that costs much, much more.
Maybe the Proton Cannon has the same damage as the Crosshairs, but it also has an incredibly broken non-combat use.
GG: i have seen this before […] GG: i am very sure its the same rifle included with johns present […] CA: probably a cheap imitation of the original […] GG: i did not provide the weapons! GG: my penpal did […] GG: we worked on it together but he supplied the bunnys weapons GG: im pretty sure hes from the future! CA: wwhy GG: because he said hes my grandson
I suppose being raised by a Sburb veteran would explain why he uses terms like 'boonbuck' in casual speech - but almost nothing else makes sense when viewed through this lens.
If Pen-Pal is Jade's grandson, then he should be from decades in the future - presumably long after the game has ended. This doesn't sound like a problem, until you remember some of the references he made.
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As much as it pains me to admit it, the Earth is probably gone for good - which means that any descendants of our Players will be raised somewhere else. Why would someone presumably raised in a completely different universe be so familiar with Earth's culture?
You could argue that he picked up his love of Earth movies from one of the surviving Earthlings, such as adult John - although that raises its own issues, because PP talks to John like he's never met him before. Maybe he died young, and passed his love of movies to PP posthumously - but as you can see, we're really having to stretch things to make this make sense.
Plus, there's an even bigger problem - namely, his 1920s 'accent'. None of the surviving Earthlings have it, and it's not like he just developed it spontaneously. If he was raised by Jade or her child, why does he talk like her grandfather would?
See, I'm still sure that PP is connected directly to Grandpa, and may well be the man himself - which means either PP is lying, or there's something more complicated going on here.
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We don't know anything about Grandpa's life after he fled the Crocker household. If he was somehow raised by an adult, post-Sburb Jade, then he could consider her his grandmother, while still talking and acting like the Grandpa Harley we know. Plus, it would explain why he acts like he's from the past, but knows about the future. He already has a history of time travelling - maybe he's been doing it since he was a kid.
Similar to my old theory about Spades Slick, this one is a little too convoluted to be 100% true - but still I think there's something to this idea. Being raised by Jade would neatly explain where he got the bunny's weapons...
Ugh, I don't know! This Pen-Pal really is the biggest curveball this comic has thrown at me. I need to think it over some more.
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semisgroupie · 11 months
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stepbro!oliver aiku x fem. reader
wc: 3.4k
warnings: STEPCEST, oral sex (f!receiving), oliver eats it from the back (as he should), unprotected sex, creampie, reader gets a call in the middle of sex and is forced to answer it, spit, spanking (just a couple), possessiveness, virgin reader, corruption, multiple orgasms (f!receiving), manipulation, slight dumbification (kinda)
synopsis: the fox always gets what he wants
a/n: this is for star’s @killsaki family ties collab!! thank you for digging deep and fueling our filthy thoughts and desires
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Oliver was a good step brother. He stepped up to the role fairly quickly and did whatever he could to take care of you like an older brother should.
You had been living with him for about 10 months, he insisted on you moving in with him after you graduated college and were looking for work. You jumped at the opportunity, there was no reason why you would decline the offer anyway. But moving in with him had its downfalls.
The main thing was you had to get used to all the women he had over. You knew about how insatiable he was when it came to women. Often hearing about how he broke up friend groups because he ended up sleeping his way through each friend or seeing his swollen cheek or drink stained shirt because he introduced girlfriend 5 to girlfriend 9, thinking it would be a good idea. But it seemed like once you moved in with him, the number of girls he had over increased exponentially. Which only meant you had to hear more arguments, deal with more awkward mornings when his late night lover was in the kitchen eating something of yours, see more drinks dumped on him.
Honestly you held off on putting yourself out on the dating scene because of your step brother’s antics. It made you nervous and even more hyper aware to find the right person to date. But now you think you finally found Mr. Right.
A guy who you used to go to school with, Nio Kazuma. You both had been harboring a little crush on each other while you attended school and after reconnecting, Nio asked you on a date. In your eyes he was just perfect. He was kind, caring, very protective over you and treated you like a queen.
The day finally came for your date and you spent most of the time in your room rummaging through your closet to find the perfect outfit. In the end you settled on a pastel purple sundress and threw on a white cardigan on top. You gave yourself a final once over in the mirror then left your room. Oliver sat in the living room and looked over at you when he heard footsteps. “Wow, what are you all dressed up for? Having a girls night?”
You shook your head and made your way over to him, “nope! I have a date tonight with this really nice guy. He’s supposed to take me out to dinner then we’re going to a comedy club.” His eyes widened a bit at your exclamation. A date? You’re going on a date? You were never the type to be interested in guys and going out on dates but here you were prancing in front of him with a cute sundress. For some reason he felt this burning sensation in the pit of his stomach and felt it spread through his veins to the rest of his body. He never thought of himself to be the jealous type but he couldn’t fight this feeling crawling up his throat. He had to come up with something quick to deter you from going on this date and the gears in his head quickly started turning.
“A date? Dinner and a comedy show, huh? You know what this guy might want at the end of the night, right?” Your eyebrows furrowed at his words and you shook your head, prompting him to continue with his lie. “Okay, there’s two types of guys, the fox and the wolf. The wolf is very open about their wants and desires and makes everything known, they’re not the guys you should look out for. You need to look out for the fox, they’re more cunning and conniving. They’re methodical and make you think they’re the nice guy but they want the same thing the wolf wants, a one way ticket between your legs.” Your eyes widened at his words and you quickly opened your mouth to defend Nio but Oliver beat you to the punch. “I know what you’re gonna say, ‘but he’s not like that. He’s a really good guy’ I’ve heard the same thing millions of times, I’m just trying to say be careful. You like this guy, so let me help teach you some things that he would like so you don’t embarrass yourself when you’re back at his place.”
Your mind was spinning with all the thoughts that were swarming around. “Come here.” He patted the spot on the couch next to him and you sat down. He turned to face you and leaned in a little closer. “Oliver, what are you going to teach me?” He lifted one hand to caress your cheek and smiled. “Everything you’ll need to know when it comes to please a man. You trust me don’t you? I’ve never led you astray, have I?”
You chewed on your bottom lip and thought about his questions for a moment, while he was the one that made you wary about relationships, he never did betray your trust. He always remained your confidant, your shoulder to cry on, your best friend and your older stepbrother.
“Of course I trust you. You haven’t given me a reason why I shouldn’t trust you.” Your innocent words were like music to his ears. “Good, first thing I’ll teach you is how to kiss. Just follow my lead.” He cupped your cheek and used his grip to pull you closer to him before he finally placed his lips against yours. He could taste the sweetness of your lip gloss and it was already intoxicating. You didn’t know what to do with yourself besides following his lead and once you felt like your lungs were burning, you placed your hands on his shoulders and pulled away. You panted and looked at his kiss swollen lips, faint traces of your lip gloss coated them. “You’re already an ace, it’s coming naturally to you. But you just need to focus on controlling your breath, what’s best is if you breathe through your nose a little. What’s also best is if you come straddle my lap, I won’t have to worry about losing my grip on the couch and crashing my face into yours.”
You nodded and got up from your space on the couch next to him and straddled his lap. “Ready to try again?” You nodded as he cupped your face again and brought you close to him again, you shut your eyes and his lips were on yours again. This time the kiss was a little rougher, you felt his tongue against your bottom lip, asking for entrance but when you didn’t allow it he snaked his hands down your body and roughly grabbed your ass, making you gasp against his lips. Once your lips were parted for him, he shoved his tongue into your mouth and explored it with the pink muscle. Your hands gripped his shoulders tighter and you whimpered against his lips before he pulled back completely. You felt a fire starting to burn in your loins, it was a foreign feeling but you knew that he had the cure to the ache.
You adjusted yourself on his lap and unintentionally grinded yourself against him, his bulge rubbed deliciously along your covered slit. You let out a soft gasp against his lips and moved to do it again and again. Oliver knew you had no idea what you were doing to him but your little mewls and whines were just driving him insane. He wanted to be patient but he just couldn’t wait anymore. He broke the kiss and squeezed your hips. “Let’s go to your room, wrap your arms around my neck and I’ll carry you there.”
You followed his orders again and he lifted you with ease. You nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck as he walked to your room with wide strides. Before you knew it, you were set on your bed. He looked down at you and you looked back up at him, he knew he had to take his time with you and he had to fight every instinct within him to not just pounce on you like a wild beast. “Okay, so we finished the kissing lesson. You’re already a pro but let’s move onto something more fun. I need you to turn on all fours for me.” Just because he knew he had to be slow with you didn’t mean he couldn’t indulge a little.
He watched as you moved on all fours with your ass to him, he moved his hands up your thighs and lifted up your dress so he could see your panties, a cute lavender with a growing wet spot. “So beautiful.” He groaned to no one in particular and hooked his fingers underneath the waistband of your panties, he slowly pulled them down and let out a guttural groan at the sight of your swollen pussy and the strings of arousal that still connected you to your panties. He barely got the fabric past your soft thighs before he leaned in and licked a stripe along your slit. A whimper left your lips and your hands gripped at your bedsheets. “Oliver, what are you doing now?”
Your voice was just as shaky as your legs and he had to hold back the urge to chuckle. “I’m eating this cute little pussy out, I promise it’ll feel good. Just close your eyes and focus on the feeling.” He pressed a few kisses to the backs of your thighs and trailed them up the curve of your ass before meeting your pussy. His stubble tickled along your skin but another feeling soon overpowered anything and everything else. His broad hands cupped the globes of your ass and his thumbs went to your pussy lips to spread them, he groaned at the sight and saw your virgin hole clench around nothing.
He was salivating at the sight and puckered his lips to spit on your cunt. The action made you gasp, it was so lewd but already felt amazing. He watched the trail of his spit travel down your hole to your clit then leaned in to devour you. He first focused his attention on your clit, flicking the swollen bud with the tip of his tongue before he wrapped his lips around it and started sucking gently. You moaned and mewled his name at all the new sensations that coursed through your body. Your limbs felt like jelly and if it weren’t for his strong hands holding your legs up, you’re sure you would’ve collapsed onto the bed by now. After taking the time to focus on your clit, he brought his mouth up and started circling his tongue around your entrance while one of his thumbs moved to press firm circles onto your clit. Your toes curled and your mouth fell agape, some saliva pooled in the corner of your mouth and started spilling onto the bed, adding new stains to your sheets.
Everything he did just added more and more cotton to your already fuzzy head and you felt yourself succumbing more and more to the pleasure. Your moans of his name grew louder and higher pitched as you felt a knot tighten in the pit of your stomach and it was going to snap any second now. His free hand groped and massaged your ass and delivered a few light spanks to the plush skin. He pulled away from your pussy just for a moment but his thumb continued to rub circles on the swollen bundle of nerves. “Just let go for me, don’t hold anything back from me.” With that he went back to your pussy and pulled his thumb away from your clit to replace it with his mouth. He gave your clit a few harsher sucks and the knot building in your stomach finally snapped. You shut your eyes as your body trembled and you felt some tears prick at your eyes. He continued sucking and licking up everything you had to offer him and only pulled back when you let out a whine of his name.
“Sorry sweetie, you just tasted so sweet. It’s been a while since I tasted a virgin but my cute little step sister has the sweetest cunt I’ve ever tasted.” He cooed and helped you roll over onto your back. Your eyes were half lidded as his heterochromatic eyes stared back at you, drinking you in. He leaned down and kissed you and you could taste yourself on his lips. You lost yourself when his lips molded against yours and let out a little whine when he pulled back.
“Don’t worry, I promise I’ll give you more kisses. I just want to do something with you. This is the final thing you’ll need to know when it comes to pleasing a man.” He pulled down his pants and boxers and your eyes widened when his cock sprung out. It was thick and looked heavy. “I’m going to go very slow, okay? Just hold onto me and take very deep breaths.” He spit on his hand and used it to lube up his cock before he positioned himself between your already spread legs. He put the weeping tip of his cock at your entrance and gathered some of the slick left behind then started pushing his cock into you.
Your hands flew to the sheets and you gripped them tightly as he started to stretch you out. “Oliver—hurts!” It was all you could cry out at tears gathered at your lash line. His eyes focused on your face and he felt his cock throb. He knew he wanted to take his time with you but you looked so divine and so innocent, he just wanted to ruin you further. “Shh, shh. It’s okay, I’ll give you some kisses to distract you and I’ll rub your swollen little clit, okay?” You nodded and he leaned down to kiss you softly, his hand moved between your bodies and rubbed gentle circles on your clit to try to distract you as he pushed more of himself inside. He continued pushing himself into you until he bottomed out completely.
He lifted his head and broke the kiss to look down at your face, your eyes were watery due to the tears that had been spilling from them and your lips were kiss swollen and parted just slightly. “You look so beautiful like this, I’m glad I’m the one who gets to see you in this state.” Here you were, completely ruined for him.
He waited for a few moments for you to completely adjust around him and once he felt that you had loosened up and relaxed a little, he started thrusting. His thrusts were slow and precise, he took his time, feeling every bump and ridge of your walls. It was like you were made for him and he almost felt like cursing himself for not tempting you sooner. How could he get distracted by other women when you were there? When you were his for the taking the second you moved in with him?
Before he could get too lost in his thoughts your phone started ringing. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked over at your phone before reaching over to take it off your bedside drawer. “Who’s Nio?” He didn’t stop thrusting into you and you were too immersed in the feeling of his cock dragging through your walls. He shook his head and quickly put two and two together, he figured out that Nio was probably the guy you got all dolled up for. So instead of letting the call go to voicemail, he answered it for you and brought the phone to your ear. “It’s Nio, why don’t you tell him you won’t be able to see him tonight? Actually, tell him you don’t plan on going out with him ever.”
“Hello? Can you hear me?” Nio’s voice pulled you out of your cockdrunk trance and your eyes widened as you tried to bring the phone back to Oliver. He shook his head and smiled sweetly at you, “answer the phone.” You chewed on your bottom lip and finally responded, “sorry Nio, just give me one quick moment.” You muted the phone and looked at your stepbrother, “if I have to talk to him can you please stop thrusting, I can’t focus on anything and I don’t want him to hear anything.”
Oliver laughed and delivered a particularly hard thrust to your g-spot. Your back arched off the bed and you gasped. “Just answer the phone and explain why you’re not able to go out with him.” You unmuted the phone and brought it back to your ear. “Sorry but I won’t be able to go out with you tonight. Something came up.” You covered your mouth to muffle another gasp when Oliver hit your sweet spot and bit down on your bottom lip. “Oh really? Then maybe tomorrow? I just really like you and I want to see you. And are you okay? I thought I heard something.”
Oliver picked up the pace of his thrusts as you tried to come up with some excuse that would sound better than what was actually happening but instead of words, a string of moans and gasps left you. Nio’s eyes widened on the other end of the phone and Oliver leaned down to pick up your phone and brought it to his ear. “Listen, she’s busy right now so why don’t you go find some other girl to take out on a corny little date, instead of my little sister? And if you keep trying, just know that I won’t let anything happen. But I’ll make sure you hear it from her lips instead of mine.”
He brought the phone back to your ear and continued thrusting into you, thrusting harder and faster as the burning pit of jealousy burned through his veins. “Go on and tell him who’s making you feel so good.” You opened your mouth to object but he brought down his free hand and pinched your clit, making you cry out his name. “Now tell him that he could never make you feel as good as I make you feel. Tell him that no other man can make you feel the way I’m making you feel. Tell him that you’re all mine.”
You felt the knot from earlier tighten in your stomach and you looked at Oliver with half lidded eyes. He had you and your impending orgasm in the palm of his hand and if you didn’t follow his orders then he’d rip your pleasure away from you. “Only Oliver can make me feel good! Only him and no one else! I’m all his!” He smirked and brought the phone back to his ear, “you heard her yourself, now I have to get back to making her cum and after that I’ll fuck her full of my cum to really mark her as mine.” He hung up the phone and tossed it to the side as he continued his aggressive pace, making the knot that was tightening finally snap.
You moaned out his name and he leaned down to press his lips against yours as he helped you ride out your orgasm. It only took him a few more thrusts before he filled you with his cum. He groaned against your lips and pulled back as the white ropes painted your walls. He slowly pulled out of you once you relaxed around him and laid down beside you, pulling you close to him. You leaned into him and traced your fingers along his arm that was draped over your middle. “Did you really mean that? I’m yours now?”
He chuckled and traced small shapes onto your skin as he leaned in close to kiss your cheek. “Of course I did. You’re all mine, if you want to be. I just think that my cute stepsister deserves the best.” His words made heat rise to your cheeks and you nodded. “I want to be yours Oliver but right now I want to sleep too.” He nodded and covered both of your bodies with your comforter.
He continued tracing small shapes onto your skin until he heard your even breaths and smiled to himself. He was more than glad that you didn’t really think too much into his story of the wolf and the fox because if you did, then you’d realize that he was the fox that he warned you about. But he would never give you the time to truly think about the story, how could you really think about anything if he continued to dote on you and give you mind numbing pleasure?
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taglist: @litepowee @suyacho @satmitsuplanet @benkeibear @bluelock4life
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cityof2morrow · 1 month
Mod Organizing & Load Order Shenanigans
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Published: 5-1-2024 | Updated: N/A MOD ORGANIZING During the [first] "pandemic summer," I started reorganizing my game folders. I also started  a "conflict management" list, containing all the known conflict info from download pages, new conflicts I discover while playtesting, etc. It's 44 pages long at the moment....a testament to my unapologetic mod addiction. I encourage all simmers to keep a list like this. It’s very reassuring (and handy!) to be able to look up known conflicts or keep track of mods which have been merged (duplicate files can break your game FAST!).  **I won’t be able to share mine at this time but most of my info comes from the same pages where I download CC/mods - shout out to the creators who take the time to include this info.
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MY LOAD ORDER(S) I number my folders and use mostly lower case filenames to force the load order I want – these were the most important changes I made re: how I maintain a heavily-modded-but-still -very-functional game. With few exceptions, this has been much more effective than keeping track of the number of z's and cases. It also means I don't need to rename downloaded files - I just put them in the right folder. When I played exclusively on mac, I learned that numbering the store cc folders was the ONLY way I could get all the content to work. I never figured out why but I imagine it was because the mac series doesn't include expansions required for some of this content.
DETAILS (the codes) I put that grad school debt...I mean...those grad school research skills to good use and made up my own codes. Here they are... 0= files needed in every save aka my "essentials." These include repair files, shader/UI files, CEPs, global probes (like scriptorium, money globals, inteen checker, inventory checker, etc).
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1= mods that do NOT need a load order, some OFB-themed sets I want to keep separate from other CC - like the #co2bellabrand or upcoming #co2cdkseries stuff.
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2= mods that require a hard load order. As @episims writes HERE, this only works for mods with non-game-breaking conflicts between them. Only the last mod in the sequence will retain ALL its intended functions. The code for this section goes like this: [number]-[what the mod deals with in-game; i make sure to consider alphabetical order]-[load order number] -name of the mod(s)
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I have several global mods that need to load as close to LAST as possible. These folders all start with "2-z-[load order #]-." The "2" tells me they need to load in a certain order and the "-z" makes them load after all the other #2 folders.
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See Object Freedom 1.02 (@fwaysims, 2023) and Shiftable Everything (@lamare-sims, 2022) both load at #78? I don't have them BOTH in game at the same time, but giving them the same number ensures that the right load order stays no matter which one i'm paying with. 3 = build mode and neighborhood deco/defaults
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4= buy mode
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"ts1," "ts3," and similar labels = content that was converted for Sims 2.
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OTHER DETAILS I also label folders with certain "type codes" - these tell me things like whether they add permanent data to my saves (custom memories, careers, foods, etc. do this) or whether they are maxis-match. Here are some examples:
-BIN = mod files which go in the program folders -DEF = default replacement -MEM = this content includes custom memory data -MM = maxis-match or an add-on for default game furniture -ADD = content that is not maxis-match -NPC = this content includes or changes one or more NPCs -FIX  or -EDIT = this is a fixed or uniquely edited version of a pre-existing mod -BETA and -TEST = this mod is unfinished and/or a test version Remember, conflicts do not always mean something has to be removed from your game, nor are all conflicts unresolvable. No matter what kind of method(s) you use to organize your game – it’s just important to try/have at least one in the cut.
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CREDITS Thanks: Episims, PleasantSims, and all simmers who include load order/conflict notes. Sources: Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), EA/Maxis, Forcing the Load Order of Mods (whoward/Pick’N’MixSims, 2021 via sims2tutorials), Image(s) (Alexander, 2016), Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik).
...Oh and yes...I AM in fact an INTJ/Capricorn.
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
iFall For Harry
Part Two to this request!
Summary: Turns out, the stranger in your phone is kind of funny...
...and kind of sexy, too.
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Oh, my god. 
Harry, did you hear the news?
It takes exactly three and a half minutes for those familiar little bubbles to pop up.
Well hello to you, too. 
No, what happened?
You struggle to contain a rather giddy grin as you begin to type, A cheese factory exploded in France!
Wait, really? Shit, what happened?
I don’t know. But all that was left was…de brie.
Exactly sixty seconds pass before he begins to type.
I think I just snorted. 
That was…goddammit that was good.
You don’t even know what he looks like, but you chuckle at the idea of him laughing so hard he can’t help but snort.
Thank you, thank you. 
Took me two weeks to come up with that.
I’m impressed. 
Little offended, too.
Oh? Your heart sinks.
Kept me on the edge of my seat for two fucking weeks wondering if I’d hear from you again.
You smirk to yourself as you flop down onto your sofa and think through a response.
Hey, it takes two to tango, pal. You could have texted me, too.
The bubbles make your heart pound.
Alright, that’s fair. 
In my defense, I didn’t have any more cheese puns.
Oh, is that all this is, then? 
You just use me for dad jokes?
Psh, nooooooo…
Then, another text.
Although, the jokes do make my days…cheddar.
 You laugh a little louder, suddenly very aware of the flush in your face over some stranger in your phone. 
No, wait. How do I erase a text?
I hated that. 
Seriously, how do I make it go away? 
My failure is staring me in the face, and I hate it.
You giggle under your breath.
Easy, Grandpa. 
Relax, just press down until the options pop up.
The conversation goes quiet for a brief moment before you watch his previous text vanish from the screen with a dramatic, poof!
Then, he begins typing again.
Hold on… 
Did you just call me Grandpa?
…psh, noooooooo
Oh, so that’s how it is?
That’s how it is.
Wow, and we had such a nice thing going, too.
To be fair, you never told me your age, and you don’t even know how to delete a text. 
What am I supposed to think?
First of all: rude. 
Respect your elders.
Second of all: this deleting shit is NEW, okay, and I just updated my phone, like…a week ago, so I never learned. 
No, yeah, whatever you say, Grandps.
He responds with the emoji that’s rolling its eyes.
You smirk.
For your information, I’m 29.
Okay, which is a cool, hip, fun, and very fresh age.
Yes, I believe that’s the slogan for the retirement home, too. 
“We’re cool, we’re slick, and we might break a hip.”
There’s a longer pause between your text and his response. You hope it’s because he’s laughing. It’s not your best work, but you think it’s funny.
And then, you get the notification.
Dammit, that place sounds so much cooler than the retirement home I’m in now. 
Send me the address? I’ll wheel myself over.
You got it, Old Man. Will you need any help crossing the street?
How thoughtful of you. Yeah, that’d be great, and then you can finally earn your Girl Scout badge.
Oh, my God. How did you know it was the last one I needed?
Cause I’m old. And therefore wise.
Oh, right, right. No, that checks out.
You lean back, forcing your eyes away from your phone to finally get a moment of reprieve from the excessive smiling. Why is this so fun?
I guess 29 isn’t so bad. Just…three years older than me.
Ah, another piece to the Cheese Girl puzzle. 
You’re 26.
26 was fun. 
I liked 26.
Yeah, it’s not too bad so far.
Just wait until your bones start to creak whenever you get out of bed.
I’ll keep a can of oil on my nightstand.
You grimace to yourself. Your worst joke to date, and you just hope you haven’t blown it.
Probably smart. 
My preferred method is lube, but…
Whatever works.
Your eyes widen.
 My bones might creak but at least I can still fuck.
You readjust your position on the sofa, desperately working to find a cool and relaxed and equally mysterious reply.
…so, no pressure.
Just be careful with all that lube. 
Wouldn’t want you to slip and fall.
Hope you’ve got Life Alert on speed dial.
Oh, I absolutely do. They love me over there.
You smirk to yourself, fighting yet another laugh. 
Yeah? Thank God.
Boy, I bet you’re a real stud with the ladies, huh?
Damn fucking right. 
This grandpa has moves.
I bet. Yeah, women love a man that squeaks when he thrusts.
They do, actually. I happen to squeak quite sensually.
Is that right?
It is.
Might need to hear that for myself someday.
It was bold. Perhaps a little daring, and you don’t give yourself a chance to overthink it before turning your phone off and tossing it onto the other side of the sofa.
You give it five minutes before checking to see if he’s replied.
Thankfully, you have two notifications, delivered 3 minutes ago.
So what’s stopping you?
What is stopping you?
Probably a number of things, but instead of pointing out that he’s a complete stranger and could very well be a catfish (or even worse…that he might not even find you attractive) you decide to go with another joke.
All these Girl Scout cookies I gotta sell :/
What if I bought a hundred boxes?
Then you’d have to hand deliver them to my door, right?
Your eyes roll playfully as you sigh.
That IS the Girl Scout policy, yes.
We pride ourselves on good service.
Fantastic, then I’ll take 100 boxes in the flavor of you.
Your lashes flutter as you reread the text, over, and over, and over. But before you can spiral…he’s sending another.
…shit, that was meant to be smooth.
Get it, cause…like, you know, get a taste of YOU. Like…if you were a cookie. 
Cause…I wanna taste you…
Explaining it makes it worse, doesn’t it?
 It should make it worse, but for some reason…he’s funny? And charming? And making your thighs squeeze together—
I think that can be arranged, yeah.
I’ll package them up nice and pretty, just for you.
Equally as cheesy, but apparently…cheese is where you both shine.
You hope he’s at least somewhat amused, and when he finally responds, your stomach flips.
This conversation is bad for my health.
Why’s that?
Because I’m in a meeting and I’m about to have a heart attack.
…why are you about to have a heart attack?
Oh, right. I forgot that happens at your old age.
Good thing you have Life Alert on speed dial.
Yeah, I don’t think Life Alert is gonna be able to help.
No? Why not?
Cause only one thing can save me now.
Your cookies.
To be exact.
See? Cheesy.
Wow, I was almost turned on and then…
Nope, there it goes.
Oh, is that what we’re doing? We’re trying to turn each other on?
Well, why didn’t you SAY so?
Hold on, I’ve got a few good ones.
Oh god.
Alright, here we go.
What are you wearing?
…really? That’s all you’ve got?
Work with me please.
My gosh.
I have clothes on.
That’s a shame.
Two minutes go by without him adding anything else, and you can’t help but laugh when you realize that’s all he’s got.
No, that was so good. I’m…holy shit, you just took my breath away. I’m so turned on right now.
I mean, my panties just FLEW across the room!
You’re THAT good!
Okay, very funny. 
I wasn’t done.
No, really. You gotta warn a girl before you just completely rock her world like that.
Honestly, I feel a little faint.
Where did you learn such a masterful technique? Really, you should teach a class on sexting, cause that was just…phew.
Listen, I was just trying to take it easy on you.
You know, ease you into my seduction before I gave it to you good and hard.
The last bit of his sentence has you stumbling over a gasp, but you simply clear your throat and work to find a response.
You have two options:
Either you tease him a bit more…
…or you ramp up the tension.
Well, by all means, Harry…
Give it to me good.
And hard.
He doesn’t respond for quite some time to this. And while you’d like to tell yourself that it’s because he’s just so turned on by your response…
…it’s more likely that you definitely fucked up and he wants nothing more to do with you.
But then…your phone dings.
Is that what you want then, hm?
Want it rough?
Shit, shit, shit.
If you think you can keep up.
Trust me, sweetheart, that won’t be a problem.
If you want it rough, I’m more than happy to oblige.
Is that why you texted me today?
Needed my help?
Truth be told, you don’t know why you texted him today, but you certainly aren’t upset with how things are going.
Me? Needing YOUR help?
Cute, but I think my fingers and I can manage just fine.
His response comes so fast, your head spins:
You smile.
Shit, okay now this conversation is REALLY bad for my health.
I might keel over right here in this meeting.
My death is on your hands, Cheese Girl.
Worth it.
You watch the bubbles float onto your screen for a good thirty seconds before they disappear.
Then, they appear again…just to dissipate before you can get your hopes up.
Finally—finally…a text.
Okay, listen, you don’t know me.
And I don’t know you.
I get that.
I’m a stranger, you’re a stranger.
And hear me out…
What would you say to a phone call?
Your pulse stutters as you stare at his proposition, but he’s already sending his next text before you can decide if you’re really that stupid or not.
I know that’s asking a lot, but…
If you promise that you aren’t a 90-year-old man, and I promise I’m not some kid playing video games in his mom’s basement…
We could at least…have a real conversation.
And make sure that we really are who we say we are, you know?
And I could be assured that I didn’t just get a fucking boner in the middle of a busy boardroom cause of some perverted, internet creep that makes cheese jokes.
You hesitate.
Despite yourself, you are intrigued by the idea.
Worst-case scenario if he is some loser…you can just hang up and block his number.
And if he’s not…and he’s half as hot as you’re starting to hope he is…
You swallow.
I am not some perverted, internet creep that makes cheese jokes.
I’m just a regular creep that makes cheese jokes.
I would be okay with a phone call.
As long as you do in fact promise I won’t regret it and that it won’t result in nightmares that haunt me for the rest of my life.
Ah, well…
Can’t say much for the regret…
But I do promise that I will try very hard not to give you nightmares.
God, are you really doing this?
Are you really doing this?
Alright, then…
Oh, so you’re doing it. You’re really that dumb. You really just let a complete stranger convince you to call him, even though he could be a serial killer, or a psycho, or—
Your phone rings.
You see his name pop up in large print as the cellphone just about flies out of your hand.
Scrambling to keep it steady, you lurch forward and collect a deep breath.
You can do this.
You can do this.
You’ll give him thirty seconds. And if he seems creepy…you’ll hang up, and you’ll move on.
And you’ll never get random boys in bars numbers again.
You press your thumb into the button on your screen and slide it to the right.
Here goes nothing.
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~ iFall for Harry pt. 3 (the third part to this!)
~ Full iFall for Harry Masterlist
~ More Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
Tag List:
@tinyhrry @supersanelyromantic @lomlhstyles
951 notes · View notes
chiharuhashibira · 9 months
What about a shorts featuring your fave Kimetsu No Yaiba teacher?
But make it Professor X Student 👀
Whew~ Here we go with the final part of Special Classes >////<
Have you enjoyed your History, Art, and PE classes? Yes? Oh that's good cause you'll also love your Math class 🤭
You are 22yo here, and a graduating student. Sanemi is 27.
Let's start now! 🌸
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔: 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
Content Warnings: ProfessorXStudent/Suggestive/Curse Words/Dom Sanemi/Degredation/Blow job/Matured Content/18+/Sexually Explicit/Blood/Violence
Minors DNI.
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(Image is not mine, credits to the rightful owner)
🌸𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒊 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒛𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂🌸
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"Oi! That's not the answer! Have you listened to anything that I taught earlier?! Go back to your seat!"
You sat there and watched as Sanemi, your math professor, cast a critical eye over the room. You started to feel anxious because he might ask you to solve the problem in front of the class. And unfortunately, as if fate were conspiring against you, his purple eyes eventually landed on you.
Sanemi sat on your desk while maintaining an expression of irritation. "And what do you say, Y/L/N-san? Why don't you solve that math problem for me?" He asked the question sarcastically. You gave a small nod before rising from your seat, at which point you noticed that your chest felt heavy. You are aware that Sanemi is still glancing in your direction.
After a minute of solving, you turned to face the class and your professor, who was still sitting on your desk, looking amused, which surprised you. You took a deep breath and mustered up all of your courage before you spoke.
"f(x) is a quadratic function, and its graph is a parabola. As a result, it is not a one-to-one function because the parabola can be interrupted by horizontal lines at two different locations. The correct answer is a D."
Sanemi got to his feet and started walking towards you while softly clapping his hands. Your expression remained expressionless, and you experienced shyness despite the fact that you were aware that many eyes were staring at you at this very moment. You felt an arm stretched across your shoulder, and when you looked up, you noticed that Sanemi's face had finally stopped showing signs of annoyance.
"Woah! I thought this class was full of dumb brats! You surprised me, Y/L/N-san!"
You bowed your head respectfully and then proceeded to return to your seat. You no longer feel the same level of anxiety in your chest.
Because you are so accustomed to the harsh methods of teaching that Sanemi uses, these compliments seemed like a miracle that you would only hear once in your entire life.
"Sensei is so intimidating! Even if I do know the answer, I often forget it."
"So true! He's so harsh, and he is so anno—"
"Sssh, Aoi-san, if sensei hears you, he'll definitely make your life hell."
You couldn't help but overhear the conversations of the other students when your math class ended. What they are saying is true. Sanemi Shinazugawa isn't the nicest professor at the university. Oh well, he isn't soft at all, and he makes sure that you all know it.
Compared to the angel and most loved history teacher, Kyojuro, Sanemi's class is definitely an embodiment of hell. Especially if you're not studying well.
And as for you, you cannot fail any of your subjects. You are not the friendly type and you prefer to be alone than socialise. If you fail, you'll have no choice but to repeat the same subject with different people, and that would be so tiring.
Also, you already work outside your class hours aside from maintaining your scholarship. You can't lose all of that just because the professor teaching your math subject is the infamous Sanemi Shinazugawa.
After that day, on which you had successfully astonished Sanemi, a few days passed. It's well past midnight, yet you're still at the convenience store, where you are conducting an inventory check. The next thing you know, a man with a beard is grabbing your hand.
"Hey missy~ It looks like you're so busy. Need help?"
You pulled your hand away from him and took a step back. You felt a shiver when you managed to see that the man looked wasted. "No sir. Thank you." Despite the fear that started to bubble up in your stomach, you still tried to be as respectful as you are.
You were about to go when suddenly the man grabbed your hand again, tighter this time. You yelled but realised that the other employees were inside the stock room. You didn't want to shout, as you didn't want to scare the other customers, so you tried to squirm from his hold.
"Sir, let go of me."
"Come with me. I'll give you a better time counting how many times I can make you cum."
You were astounded by what he said and felt the tears almost fall from your eyes. But then, before they could fall, you suddenly heard a familiar voice that astounded you. You looked up, and there Sanemi was standing behind the man. His nails dug into the man's shoulder as he stared at him with fury in his eyes.
"One, I hate perverts. And two, I hate perverts who use numbers to rizz a poor kid. Let go of her before I make you rethink all of your life choices, you fucker."
And after only hearing his voice, the bearded man stumbled on his way out of the convenience store. And the good thing is, no commotion happened.
"You okay?" Sanemi said, pointing at your reddened arm. You looked back at him and noticed that he wasn't wearing his professor's outfit. The man looked so cool with his messy hair. He even looked cooler with that black leather jacket over his white shirt.
So, my professor looks like a normal person outside class...
You immediately recalled how tough he was earlier when he tried to save you from that pervert, and this sprang to mind before you could even think of anything else. You had no idea that he was capable of acting in such a way. And with that, you felt your heart racing as you felt heat coming up your cheeks when your eyes met.
"Hello?" He waved in front of your dumbfounded face and raised an eyebrow. It seems like Sanemi doesn't recognise you. So you shook your head and bowed in front of him.
"Sensei, thank you for saving me!"
"Hmm? Sensei?"
"I'm Y/L/N, Y/N, from the university. You're my math prof—"
"Oh, okay?"
You looked up once again and saw Sanemi looking away. He seemed preoccupied with the can of beer in front of him. Awkwardness filled the air. I think I shouldn't have told him I was his student! I hate how awkward I am when my mouth opens. You sighed and decided to thank him once again.
"Shinazugawa-sensei, thank you again. I'll get back to work."
Before you could head back to the storage room, Sanemi spoke up in a monotone.
"Uh, what time does your shift end?"
You were astounded by his question. Why would he ask that? You turned to look at him, but then you bumped your head on his chest. Apologising, you stepped back and stared into his lilac eyes as you spoke up.
"My shift's done in 30 minutes, sensei."
"It's late. Do you have someone to pick you up?"
You looked at Sanemi as if he were doing something unusual. Oh well, he does. Usually his mouth is full of curses, and his tone is always angry. But now it's different. Despite being monotone, it has a hint of... care?
"No sensei. I take the bus home."
"Okay. I'll just wait for you then."
"Uh why?"
"It's dangerous going home this late. And you're my student, so you're my responsibility. I'll drive you home."
Your heart started to toss and turn inside your chest, which almost made you want to throw up because of too much fluster. Sanemi is your saviour, and now he suddenly looks so cool that you can't take your eyes off him.
You didn't protest, as he is right. It's dangerous out there, especially since there was a man who tried to abduct you earlier.
A part of you felt a bit happy, as no one had shown you this care before, not even your parents. And with that last thought, you managed to end your shift.
You changed into a skirt and a shirt. As you walked out of the convenience store, you saw your math professor leaning against his car. "Three minutes late." He said this, checking his wristwatch before looking back at you.
You swear you could see the astonishment on his face when his eyes landed on you. But of course, that quickly faded away as he stood in front of you. "Sensei, I'm sorry if I made you wait."
"Just a favor. Don't call me sensei outside the university. People might think something's wrong if they heard you and saw you enter my car this late at night."
"Oh, sorry, Shinazugawa-san."
"Much better."
He opened the door for you, and his gestures shocked you. Last week, you saw how he almost threw a book at one of the students, and now here he is, being a gentleman. It's so not him.
You entered his car and were greeted with a minty, manly scent. Wow, this is Shinazugawa-san's vibe, for sure. You looked around and managed to settle down comfortably on the seat beside him. You tied your hair back and stared at Sanemi as he started the car. His hands looked so big. If that bearded pervert ever attempted to harm you, he wouldn't be able to withstand a punch from this man.
"Do you have a hand fetish or something?"
He asked that you cut off your thoughts. You looked away and apologised once again. Sanemi brushed it off and started driving.
"So where do you live?" He asked as his eyes peeled off the road. You told him your address, and he went on to ask you why you decided to work in a place too far from where you live.
"Oh, I have no choice. I need to grind for my future."
You felt like Sanemi wanted to say something, but he eventually stopped himself. And of course, you didn't say anything further. You don't want to make the travel more awkward than it already is. And when we say awkward, it's because you only answer when asked as if you're reading a script.
"So, what can you say about our classes? Don't tell me that I'm rude, 'cause I'm sure well aware of that."
Sanemi was the one who decided to break the silence. You played with the hem of your skirt and looked at your lap. You actually don't want to answer him, as you never wanted to offend him in any way. You sighed, and finally,
"You're cool."
"Oh. That's new." A small smile broke on Sanemi's lips, and that made you blush. Before you could say anything, Sanemi spoke up in a low tone. "I know that you're just saying that because of earlier, though. But thanks."
"Are you scared of me at class?"
"Because I study well. Why would I be afraid of you?"
"Good answer. You know, I'm tired of fucktard students who think my subject's not important."
And there, the curse words began. "I see."
"Are you really this silent? LOL"
You almost laughed when Sanemi verbally said LOL as it sounded funny. You tried to stop yourself from giggling, and you looked away. But yeah, back to his question. You just shrugged your shoulders and leaned back.
"Eh? You'll make our travels feel longer if you stay like that."
"Your shift ends at the same time every day?"
"Yes. But what do you mean by trav—"
"Now we're talking." He chuckled and continued, "Whether you like it or not, I'll be here after your shifts as I also go home to the same town. I have a friend who's dorm is beside the convenience store, so don't fucking tell me that it'll be a bother, cause nope."
"But sen—"
"Sanemi. Call me by my first or last name when we're out of the university. You weren't paying attention earlier! Tsk!"
"And stop apologising too much."
You felt your heart go fast as Sanemi smiled at you. "I told you, you're my student, so you're my responsibility. And I don't want what happened earlier to repeat."
"Thank you, Sanemi-san."
That first time Sanemi drove you home became your math professor's task every time that you were at that convenient store.
You still acted a bit awkwardly towards him, but after a few days of those moments recurring, Sanemi slowly brought you out of your shell. And also, he managed to start making you feel more flushed than before. You started liking him and the times when he was there for you.
At the university, he's still like the chaos incarnate with his harsh antics. He even made one student cry because he became mad at them for being too loud in the hallway while he was teaching. And of course, at class, he didn't show you any special treatment. He even started to call you airhead at the uni.
But yeah, you didn't have any grudges against him, as all you wanted to do at the university was learn and pass. And you're clearly aware that Sanemi's just doing his job in his own way.
It just also seems like Sanemi has this facade at school. But you won't dive deep into that, as you never wanted to pry.
"Hey airhead."
The sound of Sanemi's voice reverberating through the hallway shook you out of your stupor. You turned your head to look at him and noticed that the math professor was approaching you from behind. There are no math classes today, so you were astounded to see Sanemi.
It is impossible not to fall in love with the charming way in which the sun's rays fall on him. Because of the way that his piercing eyes were fixed on you and the way that his hands were crossed, almost exposing his bare chest, you can't help but feel as though your breath is being slowly sucked out of you.
You bit your lip, still staring at him, when he finally stopped in front of you.
"Airhead, I'm going to fucking melt if you keep staring at me like that."
You blushed and looked away. But then, before you could give an excuse, Sanemi spoke first. "Your classes are done?"
"Yes sensei."
"Come with me. Help me check your papers."
You immediately nodded and followed him to the classroom of the Math Club. The members were out early today, so Sanemi got the entire room for himself. And yes, the man likes solitude sometimes.
Sanemi closed the door behind him and sat on his desk. "Just pull a chair from somewhere there." He pointed at the empty seats, and you complied.
Sanemi has been a nice guy to look out for you after work, and you really appreciate that. You wanted to pay him back sometimes, but he declined it, so one night you told him that you'd be his apprentice at the university, and you'd even help him with his tasks if needed. There, he agreed.
It wasn't the first time that the two of you shared this room to indulge yourselves in numbers. It was a win-win for you. First, you are definitely learning. If there are mistakes, Sanemi teaches you the formula, so that's an instant special class for you. Second, you kind of want to spend time with him, so these moments make your dreams come true.
Your work is just 4 hours as you are just a student, and the owner of the convenience store is too kind to make you work for 8 hours after your 6 hours of school. So, you won't be late even if you stay here at the university, as your work starts around 9 p.m.
Sanemi cleared his throat, which made you look at him. He was staring at you intensely, and when your eyes met, it was him who averted it this time. "Uh, so, how's the day? Any homeworks?" He asked with an awkward tone, which definitely surprised you, as he was usually sounding either cocky, angry, or caring.
"Yes sensei. On Iguro-san's chemistry classes."
"Hah! I hope my friend doesn't give you a hard time." Sanemi chuckled.
"He doesn't. He's less harsh than you are."
It was late when you realised what you said. You covered your mouth and stared at Sanemi, who had the veins on his forehead popping in irritation. "You brat. Math is important! If I weren't harsh, would you all fucking listen to me?"
"I will. I like it when you're gentle."
What you said surprised Sanemi. His cheeks suddenly turned pink, but he tried his best to hide it. You noticed it but didn't say a word. But inside you, you felt hot. You like it when Sanemi blushes. You bit your lip again and crossed your leg as you felt something weird down there.
His breathing has changed, and you watched his exposed chest as he did so. Your eyes landed on his scars, and a part of you wondered how they would feel if you touched them.
On the other hand, lots of crazy thoughts suddenly filled Sanemi's head.
She likes me when I'm gentle. What does this little fuck mean?
Your words almost caused his mind to shut down. He always looks forward to when you speak, as you're always so quiet, but times like this really astound him. He's flustered around you, and that's because he likes to have his own damsel in distress.
Your math professor's attracted to you, and you have no idea.
Sanemi straightened his collar and cleared his throat before continuing to check the papers. You watched as he moved in his seat, but you couldn't help but be perplexed as to why he responded in such an unexpected manner. You stepped up, bent towards him, and reached for some additional paperwork that had been placed in front of him so that you could also check those.
But then, instead of reaching the test papers, it was Sanemi's hand that you accidentally touched. "Oh sorry... I was just trying to get some papers." You said this and proceeded to take some papers, not knowing what your actions were doing to the professor.
His eyes watched you as you gently sat back, and without you noticing, those lavender orbs fell on your breast. He was observing you the whole time. As you breathed in and out, Sanemi watched your chest rise and fall.
You finally finished checking and smiled at your professor. But he was too taken with the sight in front of him. You tucked your hair back behind your ear and stood up from your seat.
"I'm done, Shinazugawa-sensei."
"Hey airhead, can you stop doing that?"
"Huh? Doing what?"
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Sanemi stood up from his seat, and in just a blink of an eye, he pinned you on the wall, Kabedon style.
You blushed at what he was doing, as you didn't know why he was doing this in the first place. "S-sensei?" You asked, blinking in shock as you felt his hot breath touch your neck.
Sanemi stared at your eyes, and there you saw how they were painted with passion and... hunger? A part of you wanted to leave, but then the bigger part wanted whatever this was. He leaned in until your foreheads touched, then spoke to you in a deep, husky voice.
"The fuck are you doing with me, airhead? You don't know how much you make me want to do this."
"I don't know what you're saying..."
"You want me to be gentle, huh? What makes you think that I'll be gentle to a bitch like you?"
Before you could say any words, Sanemi smashed his lip over yours. You were stunned for a few moments before you realised that your math professor, your saviour, and your crush are pinning you on the wall and kissing you right now.
With that in mind, you slowly wrapped your hands around his neck and finally kissed him back, letting his tongue explore your mouth as you moaned.
But then...
"Oh fuck..."
Sanemi pulled out and walked far from you, his hand massaging his forehead. You stood up and watched him, feeling a bit anxious while doing so. He suddenly looks mad.
"What the hell, Y/N-san!" He suddenly said it in a roaring voice that made you shiver and almost tear up. He noticed that, so he went near you and held your shoulders. The lust in his eyes faded, and what you saw now was regret as he looked at you.
"Hey, I-I didn't want to take advantage of you. Believe me, Y/L/N-san. It's just that I didn't know what happened to me."
"I like you, sensei."
Those words just escaped your lips and left both of you stunned. You didn't want to tell him that, but you wanted him to calm down. You bit your lower lip, and with that, Sanemi finally took a step back.
"No. You can't. I'll just make you cry."
"Just follow what I'm saying."
You felt angry with what he was saying. Yes, he is older than you, but you hate the fact that he is mansplaining you now. You closed your fist in anger, with nails digging into your palm. And while glaring at him. You finally spoke up.
"Then why the fuck would you kiss me, Sanemi?"
Sanemi rubbed his face in frustration, and finally...
"Because you're fucking easy. I can fuck you if I want to. But you see, I'm doing you a favour here. If all this time you had liked me, then you might as well bend over on that table—"
You didn't care if you were inside his den or if he was your professor. What he told you hurt you, and all you wanted to do now was leave. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you watched Sanemi massage the cheek that you just slapped.
"I hate you! You're just like anybody else."
You said that and finally went out of the room, leaving the man with his guilt.
Yes, Sanemi chose to hurt your feelings instead, as he didn't want you to like a man like him. He's harsh; he even hurts the feelings of his younger brother.
He had hurt a lot of women because of that attitude, and now he didn't want to hurt you too.
So, even if he hated it, he said those words to push you away.
I like you too. But even if I wanted to give you my love, you're my student. I can't hurt you that way.
Days passed, and you still went to his classes with a heavy heart. You didn't answer his classes like before; you didn't even react if he taunted the other students. And yes, he did that; you know he avoided you like the plague. He never called your name. He didn't even try to look at you. Suddenly, you're invisible again.
The night after that encounter, all you did was cry. You didn't even go to work. You lied through your teeth when you told your manager that you were sick.
And yes, Sanemi stopped driving you home. Perhaps what he said was true. I'm fucking easy? You thought about it for the hundredth time as you finished your shift. You stepped out of the convenience store, wishing you would see him parked by the—
"Oi, Y/N. How are you?"
The sight of Sanemi again was like a blow to the chest. He had his back against the car, arms folded. You decided to ignore him, walking away, but then he caught your arm.
"Hey, please listen to me."
"What the fuck do you want? If you want to fuck someone, go to a strip club or something."
"Then what?!"
You pulled your hands away from him, glaring as if you wanted him to just disappear. His sight reminds you of all the hurtful things he said at that time.
"I'm sorry. I messed up."
"Go tell your sorry to some other easy kid. I won't buy that. You are free to fucking fail me if you so choose. I'll just transfer."
"Hey! No!"
You walked away, leaving Sanemi again, but he chased you and blocked your way. He isn't wearing any of those facades as he faces you right now. He looks distressed and sad, and a part of you wanted to give in, but men are like this. They do things like this if they need something from you, and you hate him anyway.
"I love you, Y/N."
"And now you suddenly love me? Oh, please, perhaps you're just horny again."
You tried to escape from him, but Sanemi didn't let you. He held your shoulders and stared into your eyes, begging for you to listen to him.
But then, before he could speak, a person suddenly appeared behind you.
"I hate to disturb this love quarrel, but you need to pay for messing up with me."
And suddenly, all your strength seemed to be sipped out of your body as you saw how Sanemi pushed you away as the perverted man from before tried to stab you. Sanemi received the attack on his side, which made the culprit run away.
The man who stabbed Sanemi was then unintentionally run over by a truck and sent flying, as if fate were on your side to avenge you.
Your eyes widened as everything went red. Your professor coughed blood and fell on your shoulder.
"No... No... No Sanemi! Don't die on me!"
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too. Please don't leave me."
"I love... you... Sorry..."
He said that, and then he passed out.
"What happened to Nii-chan?"
You were astounded when you met his little brother. He entered Sanemi's room with worry on his face. You always see this guy at school, and Sanemi seems to hate him so much. You're a year ahead of Genya and you didn't even think that Sanemi was his brother.
"Sanemi-san saved me earlier. I'm sorry if this happened to him, Shinazugawa-kun."
"No! Don't say that! It's not your fault at all. My Nii-san's really great. He would save people a thousand times if he only could."
You watched as Sanemi's brother sat on the couch beside you, looking at his unconscious brother. It's the first time that you've really looked at him, so it's also the first time that you've seen that he also had scars like Sanemi had.
"Sorry Shina—"
"I'm Genya. Are you my brother's girlfriend? He always speaks about a girl who seems to fit your description."
You blushed at Genya's words. So, Sanemi's thinking of you? For real? He even went all the way to telling those feelings to his little brother. You weren't able to speak as if he knew that you were a student at the same university where his brother teaches. He'll surely freak out.
"Do you think your brother will be okay?"
"Yes. He had endured this kind of injury a lot of times. I'm sure that his wound now won't be the one that kills him."
A lot of times? Questions filled your head as you stared at Genya. He seems a bit relaxed. Perhaps he trusts his brother so much.
"What do you mean, though?"
"Oh, Nii-chan saved my life when I was younger from an accident. See these scars? He also has this, but it's a lot worse. He endured all the pain just to save me. Nii-san would do anything for the people he loves. Even if it means hurting himself."
Your heart started beating fast once again as you remembered that, before he passed out, Sanemi had told you that he loved you. Perhaps that's why he took that stab at you. But why would he hurt your feelings back then in the classroom if he really did? You're confused as much as you are happy to know that the professor loves you. There were a lot of things that you wanted to hear from him.
"The fuck are you doing here, Genya?"
Both you and Genya were astounded as Sanemi's faint voice was heard. Both of you stood up and ran to his side. Sanemi groaned and tried to sit, but you stopped him.
"Hey no... Just lay down. Please."
He complied without any complaints, but then he looked at Genya. Sanemi caressed his brother's arm. "Hey, you won't get rid of Nii-san that easy." He grinned, which made Genya smile too. "I know Nii-san."
That's the first time that you've seen the innocence and peace on Sanemi's face. He looked like an angel. You smiled at them and were about to leave the siblings, but then Sanemi caught your arm and looked at you with loving eyes.
"Are you okay? What happened to the fucktard?"
"Sanemi-san, I'm good. You should relax first."
"But I want to know."
"The man died. After stabbing you, he ran onto the street and got hit."
"Oh, he got what he deserved!"
Genya spoke in a loud tone that made Sanemi chuckle. You held Sanemi's hand, caressing it as your eyes locked with each other. Then suddenly...
"Genya, I see that you've met my star student, Y/N."
"Oh? Student?!"
Genya was astounded by what Sanemi said. But no one could beat the surprise on your face. Yes, you'll always be his student, and that shit hurts.
But before you can say anything...
"And Genya, I'll punch you if you ever try hitting on her. She's not just my star student. I also love her."
"Your secret's safe with me, Nii-chan. It's nice meeting you finally, Y/N-san."
"Thank you. Genya, can you leave us alone for a while? I'll talk with you later."
After a nod, Genya walked out of the room. Sanemi held your hand tightly and smiled at you. "I'm glad you are okay, Y/N." His voice was soft as he said those words. He had a smile, as if he had just won the lottery. Perhaps saving you is really important to him.
"Yes. It's because of you, sensei— I mean, Sanemi."
He chuckled and caressed your hand with his fingers. "I'm so sorry if I told you lots of hurtful words back then. I didn't mean to tell you those. I was just scared to hurt you. I always hurt the people who become close to me."
"No. I think you're wrong. Why don't you try giving yourself credit? Like with Genya-kun. He adores you so much."
"But... I wasn't able to save our whole family."
"Don't blame yourself for everything, Sanemi. You did your best. And I think your family is proud of you. And I'm not saying that you shouldn't be harsh or whatever; I'm just saying that you shouldn't push people away because you're not saving them. You're hurting them."
"Like what I did to you. God, I hate myself for saying those things. I'm sorry."
"I've already forgiven you. Don't think about that too much."
You leaned in to kiss his lips, which surprised the man when you pulled out.
You smiled at him and caressed his face. "I don't want to lose you again, Y/N." He said this as he caressed your hand.
"You won't lose me anymore, Sanemi. I love you."
"I love you too. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Hey airhead!"
You were surprised when Sanemi's voice echoed in the hallway. You looked up at him, and there, you were astounded by how stunning he is. With the sun setting the spotlight on him, you saw his littlest details. The way his grin lights up his face, his arms swing gracefully at his sides, and his gaze follows yours.
You weren't able to look away even before he finally spoke up, teasing you. "I'm going to fucking melt if you keep staring at me like that."
This is deja vu. Sanemi crossed his arms and,
"Come with me. Help me check the papers again."
"Okay sensei."
You walked behind Sanemi, and when you reached the classroom, he locked it. You were about to pull up a chair to sit and check the papers when Sanemi sat on his chair and patted his lap. "Nope. Sit here."
"You don't want to obey me?" He asked with a challenging voice, which definitely turned you on. So, of course, you slowly sat on his lap while blushing madly.
"So, I want you to solve this for me."
Sanemi said while caressing your thighs under the table. With his touch, you felt your body tingle. You spread your legs and thanked yourself for choosing to wear a skirt today. You felt yourself becoming wetter, so you slowly rubbed yourself against Sanemi's groin, causing him to moan.
"I thought we'd check papers, sensei?" You said it innocently, teasing him.
Sanemi rested his head on the crook of your neck and used his right hand to cup your breast under your shirt. "I love it when you play innocent, baby." He said, obviously turned on by your actions.
"What am you saying, sensei? You said I need to solve something, so I'm just patiently waiting." You said this, continuously feigning innocence as you felt Sanemi's cock get harder with the friction.
"Oh, I'm going to fuck you so hard, Y/N."
He said, making you giggle. But suddenly, Sanemi stood up, making you stand up too. He pointed to the table and smirked at you. "Bend over."
You felt your titties become harder as arousal took over your body. Heat crept up to your face as you heard the change in Sanemi's breathing. Also, the fact that you're both at the university right now turned you on. You loved that it was risky.
So, with no doubt in mind, you bend over the table, exposing your wet underwear to him. Sanemi loved the view. After unbuckling his belt and removing his pants, he approached you, and you felt his hard cock rubbing against your clothed cunt.
You wanted to see how big it was, as this is your first time with him. Days before this, you had your first foreplay with him, but that was over the phone. He made you cum thrice just by his voice.
"What is two times two?"
"Yes, I will make you cum four times in this room."
You felt excited. And what made you more aroused was when Sanemi went down on you and started licking your cunt as you were bent down like a slut for him. He removed your underwear and began running his tongue through your slit.
Sanemi chuckled as you squirmed because of the pleasure. His chuckle reverberated on your skin, sending your tingles.
Then, to your astonishment, Sanemi spanked your ass, making you yelp.
Sanemi stood up and caressed your ass. "Mmm, you don't know how much you're turning me on right now. Face me and kneel down." He said, which you happily obeyed.
You faced him with your eyes trailing from his lustful expression down to his unbuttoned shirt, then down to his big and hard cock.
"You feeling scared now, Y/N?" He said this, smirking at you. But then, without any words, you knelt down and slowly caressed his cock as you adored it. It was so big that you might actually cum more than four times because of it.
Slowly, you swiped the tip on your lip and licked the cum that was already oozing out of it because of being turned on. You held it with your right hand and trailed the bottom of the shaft up to the top before putting it all inside your mouth.
"Oh fuck. Your mouth feels so good, Y/N."
Sanemi held your head and thrust on you as you bobbed your head on his cock. You felt almost gagging as it reached your throat, but you stopped it and decided to look at Sanemi in the eyes as he enjoyed your blowout. "Mmm, baby, I'll fucking make you scream in pleasure if we just weren't at uni this time." He said, patting your head like a good girl.
You were about to give him a hand when suddenly Sanemi yanked your hair and spread you out on the floor. Taking off the rest of your clothes, he started kissing you. Slowly, you felt his hands on your clit as he started rubbing them in circles.
You moaned in his mouth as you bucked your hips up in pleasure. "Shhh, the students might hear us, baby," he whispered as he pressed his lips to yours once more.
With how he stimulates your clit, you can't help but feel overwhelmed. "Mmm near baby!" You said this as you squirmed underneath him. "Yes, baby, cum for me like a good girl."
With that, Sanemi rubbed your pussy faster than before, which almost made you scream, but thankfully, he managed to cover your mouth. And there, after a few seconds, you felt the tingly sensation all over your body. Your eyes rolled with pure lust as your hips bucked up to match the pace of his fingers.
You felt the high subside, and yet Sanemi isn't done with you. Even if you're still intoxicated from your first orgasm, Sanemi lifted you onto the table once more and sucked your titties.
"That's the first one, baby. Now, let's go with the rest."
Sanemi pulled your hair, which made you moan as he kissed your neck, leaving a trail of love bites. As he did so, your hands worked to remove his remaining clothing as well. And when his clothes fell on the floor, you ran your nails on his back.
"Fuck me." You whispered that made him smile.
"Of course I will."
Slowly, Sanemi aligned his cock on your pussy, and with one swift thrust, he finally succeeded in penetrating you, compelling you to cling to him as your pleasure began to return. You bit his neck, which made him groan in your ear.
"Oh fuck. Do that again, and I'll fucking punish you, airhead."
You looked into his eyes and saw him looking at you intensely as he continued to thrust into you slowly. You caressed his face and kissed his cheek. "I love you."
That seemed to fuel him, as suddenly Sanemi's thrusts became harder and faster, making your breast jiggle beneath him. He sucked on one of your nipples and continued to fuck your brains out.
You wrapped your legs around his waist to let him go deeper. With that, Sanemi managed to repeatedly strike the perfect spot within you, and you felt your orgasm building up once more. "Ahhh, Sanemi, I'm cumming."
"Good girl."
He rubbed your clit again while continuously fucking you so hard. And there, after just three seconds, you squirted on his cock, making him smirk.
He pulled out of you and watched as you panted underneath him. "That's two for you and still zero for me." Just looking at him right now, you can really say that this man has stamina.
"But we're not done yet, babe... That was so hot when you squirted on my cock. Do it again."
He said and with that, Sanemi finally bent you over the table. You used the poor table as a support, as you felt that your strength had already escaped from your body.
Without hesitation, while holding your waist, Sanemi thrust deeply into your dripping pussy and fucked you.
With every thrust, you managed to whimper in pleasure. "Fuck Sanemi, you're so good." You muttered between your pants, and that made your math professor more aroused. You felt his thrusts become faster again as his nails dug into your waist. You whimpered in pain and pleasure, with tears already welling in your eyes.
He cupped your breasts and left love marks on your neck. "Fuck so tight for me, love." And with that, you matched his pace, also moving your hips with his rhythm. Then, for the third time, you felt your pussy increasing in temperature as his cock continued to strike your gspot.
And there, you finally squirted once again, letting out an audible moan as you did so. Sanemi covered your mouth and continued to fuck you as the tingles subsided.
Without pulling out, Sanemi turned you towards him and lifted you. "Third. I'm so done edging. I'm going to make you cum for the fourth time. And yes, baby, I will fill you with my seed. I know you want that, right?" He asked gently as he playfully squeezed your ass.
You didn't answer, as you felt weak with pleasure. Sanemi smirked and gave you a passionate kiss, biting your lip while inserting his cock into you. You held on to him tightly and wrapped your legs around his waist so that you wouldn't fall.
"Don't worry. I won't let you fall."
"Are you sure you can... your wound..."
"I can. I'm all healed, remember?"
You sobbed on his shoulder as he abruptly inserted his cock into you, preventing you from speaking. It felt so good! Sanemi moaned in your ear as he slowly let the pleasure build. He won't hold back this time.
As Sanemi lifted you up and down his cock, you couldn't help but be impressed by his strength. His thrusts were deeper this time, so to tease him, you clenched your pussy around his manhood, which made him moan loudly. "Fuck! Fuck!"
He couldn't take it anymore, so he placed you down on the table again and lifted your legs on his shoulders. He desperately desired to cum inside you, so he fucked you faster, nearly causing you to scream with pleasure. He didn't cover your mouth this time; he couldn't as he was too focused on how beautiful you are beneath him.
With the lascivious sound of your moaning and skin slapping, he can't help but feel his orgasm inside of him. You, on the other hand, are already feeling the tingles as you feel like cumming.
Sanemi smashed his lips on yours, and there, both of you cummed in unison. You squirmed as your cunt squirted on his cock while he released his seed inside of you. You felt like passing out as the high subsided. Sanemi finally pulled out, making his cum drip on the floor. But who would care? You're drunk on passion.
He lifted you and placed you on his lap as you embraced him tightly. You love this man so much, and you can't help but be happy that he is finally yours.
Sanemi ran his hand through your hair and kissed your forehead. "You're such a good girl. Came four times for... sensei." He teased you, which made you blush.
"Y/N... when I saw you in trouble back then, I told myself that I wanted to protect you. And here we are now."
"Thank you, Sanemi." You said this as your eyes locked with each other. The wind blew over your naked bodies, making you feel the shivers, but then Sanemi embraced you and let you rest on his chest.
"You're just like me when I was younger, babe. I used to do everything for myself and Genya. I even worked back in college too, like you."
"So, you saw yourself in me?"
"Kind of. But you're better. So, I am trying to protect you from bad things. Even from myself... Because a part of me knows that it's wrong to like your student."
"But do you regret loving me now?" You asked, anxious as you watched Sanemi sigh.
"No. The thing that I regret most is trying to hurt you. You're not an easy girl, Y/N. Don't ever believe any of the shitty words I said before."
You smiled at him and kissed his lips. Feeling your strength once again, you slowly sat on his lap, facing him this time. "What I regret is hating you... I love you, Sanemi. Thank you for always saving me." You said it with tears falling from your eyes. You embraced him and buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"Shhh... Don't cry, babe. Please."
Sanemi lifted your head and wiped away your tears. He kissed your forehead and caressed your cheek.
Eyes locked with each other again, you realised how your life would change today. And it'll change for the better with Sanemi by your side. Yes, the infamous Sanemi Shinazugawa fell in love with you, and you're happy with it.
"I love you, Sanemi."
"We're in school, baby." He teased, and that made you chuckle. So then,
"I love you, Shinazugawa-sensei."
"I'm just kidding! But I love you too, Y/N."
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓒𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼~
You won't know how happy I am that I finally completed this~
Originally, it was supposed to be just headcanons but you know me, I can't write short fics that easy HAHA So, when I was writing 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔: 𝑯𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 for Kyojuro, I revised it tonnes of times XD
But there, the series flowed until here we are with Sanemi's part! I hope you loved it🤭 As promised, I made it long as it was delayed already HAHA!
Reblogs, Comments, and Requests are highly appreciated! Love you!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT~ I'll see you on my other stories UwU
Ja ne~
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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unidentifiedmammal · 1 year
Alrighty so this is the post on lichen dyes!
this particular bath of lichen dyes was originally started over a year ago scraping a tentatively-ID'd lecanora and/or ochrolechia genus lichen off of a fallen branch (remember, don't gather lichen when it's still growing! it's very slow growing and easy to overharvest)
to start off, this particular type of dye is made through the ammonia-fermentation method, also known as ammonia maceration. No actual bacterial fermentation occurs though. Rather, the compound orcinol (and precursor compound to orcinols) react with ammonia (N2) and oxygen to form the compound orcein (also called orchil/archil) which is what makes the final dye!
this process takes anywhere from 3 weeks to 16+ weeks depending on the lichen species, its constituent acids, the temperature, and the frequency of aeration.
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This batch was set aside for several months and neglected a good bit, but it still works. I strained out the crumbled lichens (which i set aside for later) and diluted it 1:4 as instructed by a very good book called Lichen Dyes: The New Source Book by Karen Diadick Casselman. This book is basically omnipresent everywhere you see lichen dyes mentioned, especially the orcein-based dyes. I also used several websites/videos/papers and such that i've hunted down over various internet crawls.
I use an old coffee pot for this as it's both a non-reactive material (glass) and is built to withstand heat. Ironically i also scraped the lichens off the branch using a tool i made out of a metal band from the broken handle of this same coffee pot!
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I decided to dye some eri silk cakes that i fluffed up and scoured. these have been very good at absorbing dye in the past so i would hopefully get a good result from them. As lichens are a substantive dye i don't have to put a mordant on them, but i did soak them in an alum solution just before adding them to the dye bath to hopefully maximize dye uptake as well as improve fastness as lichen dyes are also fugitive and can fade in sunlight.
Substantive dyes contain mordants already embedded in them; fugitive dyes are a bit fuzzy to me but my understanding is they end up trapped in the fiber instead of actually bonding to the fiber in a stronger way. Mordants are used to help the dye "bite" onto the fiber better, improving both fastness (the ability of a due to resist fading from sunlight/washing/time) and the brightness of a color. Alum is useful in that it typically doesn't affect the end color of a dye more than simply making it slightly more strong!
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it was pretty successful i'd say! i warmed up the dyebath, added the silk, let it simmer for a few hours, let it cool down overnight, and then warmed it back up the next day for a few hours; then, when it cooled, i took it out, let it dry, then rinsed it, and let it dry a second time. At that point, it was ready for spinning!
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It was a lovely pink color that's not fully captured by the camera like most dyes, and eri silk is lovely because you can spin the clouds directly and easily without carding and make lovely relatively threadlike yarn
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this was the first skein i got! i love how shiny the silk is. Some dyes can get really purple or even magenta-like!
next, i had the leftover lichens that i had set aside. They were a crumbly texture and dark black and i dried them out, crushed them up more, set them back in a jar, added more ammonia and water, and did the ammonia fermentation method a second time! this was after reading about the method for making french purple, and while this is definitely a very pale imitation of the method, the double-soak is the key feature here
here it is (on the left); it was already way darker purple than an in-progress lichen dye i had yet to crack open and use
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speaking of which, heres a shot of various test lichens i had while working on this, you can see the blue-capped jar that has the second-soaked lichens. the foam will often give a preview of whether or not the dye will be red/purple or not!
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Here it is, i forget how long i let it soak but i think it was a bit over a week. i strained the material out, diluted it, and then repeated the same warm/cool/warm/cool/dry/rinse/dry method with more eri silk
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And below you can see the difference, it's definitely slight but still cool!
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the left is from the original dyebath, the right is the second-soaked one. the first one is more salmon-colored while the second is a tad more blue-purpled!
I'm extremely excited about this, these dyes have such a fascinating history and have multiple historical uses everywhere from florentine orchil to norwegian korkje to scottish cudbear and more, and it was often used in tandem with the roman murex/tyrian purple dyes that come from a mussel. Some folks used the lichens to pre-dye the fabric before dyeing with tyrian purple, both to stretch the expensive tyrian purple and to make the end color more vibrant. It's all such a great topic that's mightily confusing and could take up a post of its own, same with the underlying chemistry of what makes these dyes work in the first place!
Anyways that's all for this post, i have more i'm working on involving actually turning these dyes into paint that i'll hopefully turn into a post on its own soon! I've also got other lichen dyes I'm waiting to get through the ammonia fermentation process that will hopefully give other colors, whenever that may be!
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celestialholz · 6 months
The apple of my eye (or 'oh good, there's ANOTHER one')
*yeets into the conversation a week late with Starbucks*
Sorry, sorry. Been trying to save a dukedom from a giant brain and live my best happily ever with a vampire twink. Very distracting.
But anyway, I haven't even gotten the boys in my clubroom yet, so more analysis incoming, but I have finished Indigo Disk's main story, and I couldn't help but notice something deeply awful when fighting our little buddy Kieran.
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... Oh god THEY'RE MULTIPLYING. How many apples do we need? How much more homosexuality does this game need? (Yes. The answer is 'yes.')
Meet Hydrapple everyone, the latest gay marriage mascot. Truly wish you all could've seen my face when. And it evolves from the last gay marriage mascot! I have quickly become homophobic again, how do they keep managing this?!
So, naturally, we need to break this loveable bastard and its symbolism down, or I might have to start passing the meta queen crown off to someone else. (I vote @prince-kallisto. Friend spare me. 🤣)
Well, we'll begin with the obvious: this thing is a hydra, a multiple-headed dragon in Greek myth. This one in particular has seven, so says the all-knowing dex:
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But we'll do the seven part in a minute. The one major thing you should all know is that in most tales, removing one of this thing's heads respawns two in its place - and killing one of these creatures was the second labour of Hercules, the God of Strength. There's that fucking number two again in connection with our boys...
And now, let's take the Greek and easternize it to our lovely Japanese creators with the number seven.
Seven in Japanese culture, like in the western, is seen as a lucky number, and also the number symbolising the cycle of life and death.
... Which, if you recall, is a running theme with our silly men.
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Get your life saved, idiot. Be lucky. 🥰
There are also Seven Gods of Fortune in Buddhism, Japan's primary religion. And there's one that rings more than a few ceremonial bells - Fukurokokuju. Bit of a Buddhist lore deepcut here for you:
> He is the god of wisdom, luck, longevity, wealth and happiness. Moreover, he is the only god who was said to have the ability to resurrect the dead. Fukurokuju is characterized by the size of his head, being almost as large as the size of his whole body.
... Hmm. Wisdom, happiness. Luck. 'Resurrecting.' The one that has a large head, like our good pal Hydrapple here... it's all very interesting, isn't it, how it ties together?
And all this goes a long way to explaining the evolution method of this fun little apple-y bastard. Because in order to be lucky, to be brought back to life, to heal and to love and to find yourself... one must have support. A cheerleader, if you will. Not one with pom-poms (although slay Hass babes, you'd look great in that drip), but one cheering you on. Always being in your corner.
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... And here we find Dragon Cheer, Hydrapple's evolution move. Brassius can pursue his dreams as passionately as he likes, because there's always a husband at his side to be on his side.
It's a whole narrative, my friends. We have the romantic gift of the Applin; we have the adorableness of the Flapple, and its dusk portrait; we have the total harmony of Dipplin...
... And now we have the result of that harmony. Look, it's even running away from the Ice of the Polar Biome, a type both Grass and Dragon can't stand. The emotional cold.
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Y'know, I'm sure someone would have DM'd me by now if Hass and Brass' clubroom banter confirmed their marriage, so I'm going to assume that isn't a thing.
... But at the same time, it's definitely a thing. All you have to do is read the narrative, darlings.
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kafus · 6 months
how to connect to wi-fi services in pokemon gen 4 (DPPT/HGSS)
it's still possible to access the wi-fi services of the gen 4 games after the official shutdown of nintendo's wii/ds wi-fi in 2013 due to fan efforts by changing your DNS settings in-game - this is called the DNS exploit. this is popularly used in gen 5 which really has no complications, but in gen 4 it's a bit more complicated because the games are So old that they can't connect to the internet through modern routers due to fancy modern internet encryption. the connection either needs to have no password, or have WEP encryption, which most modern routers do not support. i had some people asking me how to do this so here's a post lol
first, it should be noted i use the pkmnclassic service, and i think you should too. this gives you access to old mystery gifts as well as pretty much every other wi-fi feature. their website also allows you to view pokemon currently uploaded to either gen 4 or 5's GTS through your browser. once you get your wi-fi set up properly, connecting to the internet will be easy, but that setup comes first. below i am going to list all the options i am currently aware of and able to explain
option 1 - phone hotspot (easy/convenient, doesn't work for every type of phone)
some phone hotspots are able to use old WEP type encryption, or be password-less. if you have access to a phone hotspot, it's worth taking off the password if it lets you and trying to connect to the gen 4 wi-fi with it before trying any other method, since if it works it's super convenient, just turn on the hotspot any time you want to do something online in gen 4 and turn it back off when you're done. unfortunately this depends on the type of phone and what OS its on and i don't have a list of what phones or OSes are compatible, so good luck lol. mine personally is not, and i have a fully updated iphone
option 2 - guest wi-fi (a little less convenient but still easy if you have access to router settings)
in the same vein as phone hotspots, guest wi-fi hotspots can also work, and this is what i personally use myself. the catch is you have to have access to your router settings, so if you're a young person using a parents' router without access to those or some other situation like that, you may have to ask for assistance every time you want to turn this on/off, which could be a dealbreaker for some unfortunately. but if you're able to do that, simply make your guest wi-fi password-less and turn it on when you want to connect to gen 4 wi-fi and turn it back off when you're done. since these settings pages are so different per internet provider, i can't really give a guide on how to do that here, though mine through verizon fios is pretty straightforward. some guest wi-fi may not work for this but i think most should
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option 3 - use an old router that supports WEP encryption (probably inaccessible for most, but only has to be set up once and then you're done)
i've done this in the past but i had my dad's help with the process, i cannot walk you through buying an old router lol. but yes if you purchase an old router and set that up you can have password protected gen 4 wi-fi permanently
option 4 - save backup + emulation through melonds (works pretty much 100% of the time if you have a hacked 3DS and some sort of PC)
MelonDS is a really great DS emulator that you can find here for windows/linux/mac: https://melonds.kuribo64.net/downloads.php
the basic idea is that you can backup your save file/game with a hacked 3DS using Checkpoint or TWLSaveTool (outside the scope of this guide but this is easy to do and you can walk through the steps here) and then run it through melonds, which can bypass all this WEP/encryption hell for you and simply connect to the internet. of course this is not very convenient if you have to constantly back up your saves to do wi-fi stuff but it's better than nothing if you have no other option.
unfortunately setting up the wi-fi can be a pain, and you also need DS BIOS files to run everything properly, which i cannot provide myself for legal reasons but they uh... aren't that hard to find lol, and you can back them up from an actual DS if you have access to the necessary tools for that.
if you use a windows PC, feel free to use my version of melonds which already has all the wifi shit set up, you'll just need to provide your own bios files under emu settings (it's a bit old but it works great for this purpose): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DQotaqFuBwXz1KYdQWiwxghtn3faLgj-/view?usp=sharing
edit: just found out right after posting this that the most recent version of melonds might work out the box without having to do any particular wi-fi setup? so feel free to try it instead of my version if you like
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if you are using linux/mac or don't want to use my version, you'll have to use the melonDS FAQ/google to figure it out, i'm sorry!
by the way yes, this means even if you don't have a gen 4 cart and solely play over emulator, you can trade/battle/etc with people who are playing on DS - they connect to the same servers!
okay and NOW once you have one of those options set up, you can actually connect to wi-fi in game by doing the following:
(these screencaps are from my capture card, i am doing this on an actual DS, but you can also do this with melonds if you're using that option)
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step 1: navigate to "NINTENDO WFC SETTINGS" in the menu where you press continue on your save file, in-game. in gen 4 you need to do it here and not in your DS settings.
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step 2: tap "Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Settings" and pick any of the three connections here to start the set-up. if you already have some here, i'd click "erase settings" underneath to start from scratch.
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step 3: search for an access point and pick your desired access point from the list that comes up, and put in a password if needed (this assumes you have set up your wifi properly at this point)
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step 4: it will attempt a connection to the internet, and may or may not throw an error. regardless, the error doesn't really matter, you can just hit "OK" whether it's successful or not
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step 5: go back into your new connection (the box that previously said "None" should now say "Ready") and scroll down until you see the option "Auto-obtain DNS" - change this to "No"
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step 6: change the primary DNS to pkmnclassic's DNS, which is - in layman's terms this will essentially let you connect to their servers instead of nintendo's, which are obviously down. as for the secondary DNS, either leave it at or change it to the same DNS as the primary
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step 7: now would be a good time for a connection test. tap "Test Connection" in the top right. there should be a successful connection. assuming there is a successful connection, congrats! save your settings and enter your game as normal. you'll need to go to the basement of any pokemon center and pick up your pal pad, then try entering the wi-fi club (middle NPC at the counter) to test it in-game and get your friend code.
if there isn't, try a few more times or get closer to your access point - sometimes it's not you, the service can just occasionally be spotty. if you keep getting errors, you can use this site to look up what the error code might mean. if you still can't solve the issue, you may have to try a different method of connection as listed above.
sorry i couldn't be more in depth but frankly i'm not an expert on this stuff either, i'm just doing my best. there are a couple other options for doing this, like taking the password off your modern home wi-fi, or bridging your connection to an old laptop/computer, but the first is particularly dangerous so i didn't want to include it in the list and the second is completely out of my league, i just know people have done it before
good luck feel free to ask questions but no promises i'll have answers. if you need troubleshooting help i'd recommend pkmnclassic's discord over me, they have channels for that stuff (yes i hate troubleshooting stuff moving to discord and not forums as much as the rest of you but it can't be helped lol)
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wizard-finix · 3 months
Ao3 tag game!
*cracks knuckles* lets do this
How many works do you have on AO3?
24 works! I would have never expected to have that many 5 years ago, hahaha
What's your total AO3 word count?
186,291! oh wow, almost 200k!! (unsurprisingly PT minato takes up over a third of that LMAO)
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
10 fandoms! I'm counting Persona 3, 4, and 5 and separate, but I'm grouping all the Zelda fandoms together since it's all Linked Universe fic.
Here's the breakdown!
The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms (6)
Persona 5 (5)
Persona 3 (5)
SPY x FAMILY (Anime) (3)
Wizard101 (Video Game) (3)
SPY x FAMILY (Manga) (3)
Runescape (Video Games) (3)
Pirate101 (Video Game) (3)
Persona 4 (2)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom (2)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga (1)
Star Wars - All Media Types (1)
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors (1)
Top five fics by kudos:
The Ghost of Mementos/Stygian Ringlet (Persona3/5) - to the surprise of absolutely no one, since this is currently my longest fic. I'm very happy with Stygian Ringlet being the top because I love my boys :)
True Crime Special on the Midnight Channel (Persona 4/5) - my Ren has a TV Dungeon fic! also very proud of the dungeon concept for this one, I really need to finish the last two chapters
Dark Clouds on the Horizon (Linked Universe/TOTK) - I feel like this one got a lot of momentum partially because it was directly in the wake of TOTK's release, but I'm happy with how it turned out :)
Strangers Are Just Friends You Haven't Met (Persona 3/SPY x FAMILY) - this was a collab series with mewrose and a few others in the marigolds discord! we were throwing ideas at the wall to see what stuck and I really had a lot of fun with Shinjiro-related prompts, because I LOVE him and hitting him with the isekai baseball bat into a universe with Anya brings me great joy
Salt Tears and Raindrops (Linked Universe/TOTK) - directly related to Dark Clouds, and I'm glad people enjoyed good ol' fashioned angst >:) (I do need to post more of my wips, I do have a couple more roleswap AU wips that I want to post)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I almost always do because I really appreciate them and its my way of saying thanks for the comment! If I don't comment it's because I lost track of it or because I can't think of a response.
What's the fic with the angstiest ending you've ever written?
Probably Salt Tears and Raindrops. I was in a Mood and decided to go for the tried-and-true method of putting fictional characters I like through the emotional wringer. That's how I got the rough draft for this fic :)
Do you write crossovers?
*looks at my persona fics and recent LU fics*
...I think it's safe to say most of my fics these days fall under crossovers lmao
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
I wouldn't say I have? One or two comments that came off as rude, but no actual hate, thankfully. If I did, I forgot about it. I've been blessed by wonderfully nice readers <3
Do you write smut?
Nope. I don't read it, so I wouldn't know how to write it anyway.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of? I sure hope not.
I have seen a couple short fics slightly imitate Ghost of Mementos though, which I thought was really sweet that they liked it enough to inspire their own writing.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'd definitely be open to it!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
RYOMINA. Hands down. I love them so much, I am so mentally unwell about these two
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
My two Runescape fics, Whispers in the Temple and Welcome to the Jungle. I absolutely loved going hogwild with rewriting old quests in Runescape, but I psyched myself out of Welcome to the Jungle because I got overly anxious about accidentally doing bad representation.
(in hindsight, it probably wouldn't have been as big a deal as I thought; it's hard to make it worse considering how bad Legend's Quest was with the british-african stereotypes. that quest DID NOT age well.)
I also want to finish Snake in the Grass; that was my first attempt at a genuine mystery plot and I really liked playing with Warriors in that fic in the context of the gang trying to figure out who the heck is trying to murder him.
What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm pretty good at dialogue! I try to make sure it matches the character's speech patterns and personality. Really well-written dialogue can tell you who's speaking without actually telling who it is. (For example, the way I write them: Minato speaks as few words as possible and has very little filter with his observations when he does share them, and Shinjiro is pretty rough around the edges, with shortened words and the occasional swear. Warriors is good with words and wit, but he has a certain military-esque directness and doesn't dance around the topic.)
I do try hard to keep the plot clear and understandable over everything else, so probably that as well.
Also, now that I think about it, maybe fight sequences? I don't do them much, but I do enjoy the challenge of making a clear sequence of what happens in a fight and trying to make it understandable. Fight sequences are easy to skip or gloss over, but I think of them like their own miniature plot. What happens? What surprises are there? What are their movesets? How do they get the upper hand? (and of course, what looks cool as fuck)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Time management. I tend to over-proofread since I beta my own work, and often I'll go back to tweak stuff if I had additional thoughts to add to it, or extra insight. Lately, it takes longer to write chapters than I'd like.
Also, dialogue-heavy scenes often get very chaotic in my WIPs because of the way I rough out fics. I'll throw together a bunch of dialogue bits I think would be cool to include, and sometimes they'll clash or get really messy, especially if there's lots of characters (looking at the latest two chapters of Stygian Ringlet)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I think it's cool! It adds flavor to fics. If it's more than one short phrase though, or if it's story important, then I do prefer that there is a translation in the author's notes. I haven't done any non-English dialogue in fics, save for one memorable adventure into trying to figure out how Latin grammar structure works for a character that didn't speak English.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Wizard101 and Pirate101. I was obsessed with those two for YEARS. I really, really liked pirate stories in high school, and having a cast of crewmates that accompany you throughout the game really inspired me to write my first fic featuring my OC. (I was also into One Piece at the time, but I never wrote for it.)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Stygian Ringlet. It's really dear to my heart. I have poured so much love and effort into that fic, and the reception on it has completely blown me away.
THANKS FOR THE TAG!! Uhhhmmm for tags I'm going to go with @skyward-floored, @catreginae and @breannasfluff (but only if you want to!! no obligation of course)
and of course any other writers that want to do it as well!! go forth
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ultraericthered · 1 month
Random Untitled Erika Furudo Post
Was thinking about Umineko lately, and namely the antagonists in Umineko, of which there are several. This "hot take" post here calls them to mind:
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And here's my own hot take that it led me to: Erika Furudo is one of the most well humanized and developed villains in Umineko, and it makes her one of the most likable. Which on its face seems totally against what we all agree makes Erika Furudo the powerhouse of gloriously over-the-top, wretched, reprehensible villainy that she is: she's the worst little gremlin ever and we love to hate her for that.
Hating on Erika and having fun doing so is a what. How about the why that makes it so possible and so invigorating? The heart of it if you will, ironic given that Erika's fundamental weakness is in how she ignores the heart of any given mystery situation she investigates. When you get down to it, there's honestly very little about Erika's basic overlining characterization that's too terribly unlikable any moreso than other Umineko characters. Even when she has to play an evil role, she's like a Batman villain - sort of a combination of the Riddler, Harley Quinn, Lady Firefly and Killer Moth - who's too fun and extravaggent to loathe too much. Most of what is viscerally hateable and despicable about Erika doesn't really come from Erika alone, but from her master Bernkastel and what she brings out in Erika. Bernkastel is the one who built her up to be the greatest, most specialist and awesomest super detective ever or else. She's the one who hard-wired Erika to behave as terribly as she often does through what Lambda calls a process for creating the Grade A Bully (abuse and demean person repeatedly, then give that person power). She's the one who, as Erika's master, directly assigns Erika to all of her objectives and either orders or encourages the methods she turns to. And she even made Erika her personalized doppelganger piece who shares her blue hair and face (and possibly the name, a play on Rika Furude.) In order to please and recieve the love and praise of such a thoroughly cruel and cold-hearted master, Erika emulates her in being just as cruel and cold-hearted. Whenever Erika morphs into the worst concievable version of herself, it's because she's had Bern's prodding and Bern's permission. Bern and Erika are two identical faces to the same whole menace, and we thus despise them both.
But here's the most twisted and deepest facet of Erika's character: we're shown on a number of occassions that were she not tied to Bern, and was just free to act on her own and follow her own course as the detective she naturally is, Erika would not be an evil person. She is, at her core, a maladjusted, arrogant, unkind, deeply flawed, morally gray antihero type character; not all good, but not truly evil. And this is fundamental in understanding why Erika is how she is and appreciating the value in the role she plays. In the extra meta joke segment of the Umineko special epilogue written by Ryukishi07, Last Note of the Golden Witch, there's a very morbidly humorous sequence where some of Erika's characteristics and some of her deeds are being described to characters who've lost all memory of who Erika was, and their takeaway is that whoever was being described sounds like the worst kind of person in the world who no one would ever want to be friends with or invite to parties. A savage evisceration of Erika's character that she's not even present to hear, but the ironic "punchline" of this bit is that, like Erika herself, all these people are missing the heart, as they cannot remember that heart. For without love, it cannot be seen; they've lost memory of the love they all had for this person along with the dislike and displeasure of her unsavory qualities, so they cannot see what reason there could concievably be to want her around. But when they do all regain their memories of Erika's existence, they revert back to knowing that while Erika may be a pain in their rear ends, she's also a precious friend to them who they cherish and appreciate in spite of her many flaws.
This is what I believe to be the paradox that makes up the core of Erika Furudo's character: she is a character who evokes and earns our irritation, disgust, and hatred of her every step of the journey while also being a character that even we can recognize deserves to be loved and be shown love. We love to hate Erika not simply because she's The Worst, we love to hate Erika because we know she has it in her to be better. And so long as she's being The Worst instead, we relish her comeuppances and hope she gets taught a good lesson from all the mishaps and that maybe, just perhaps, long shot though it may be, it'll help her grow and improve in the long run. Through this she crosses the line into being quite a lovable and popular character, as our own softer feelings on her manifest in five different ways: - Affectionate endearment and adoring of her cuteness and quirks. - Amusement at her antics and how humorous she can be. - Pity and sympathy for her when she's sad, pathetic, in pain, etc. - Begrudging respect and admiration for her better qualities. - Even finding her to be distressingly relatable at times! Yes really!
A well known piece of trivia among fans is that much like Princess Azula of Avatar: the Last Airbender fame, the character concept that ultimately became Erika began as a male character - the evil young detective Virgilius, who'd be introduced in EP3 posing as an obscure and overlooked member of the Ushiromiya family, would investigate a dark, brutal version of the Rokkenjima murders that would tie into the origins of Beatrice, and would become Battler's archrival who'd clash with him as a recurring antagonist afterwards. He had only a concept, rough character design, and a few planned scenes to his name before he ended up getting scrapped, but from the look of him, Virigilius was set up to be the Anti-Battler whose character would parallel Battler's own despite the superficial differences. While I'm not the biggest fan of EP2 compared to the other chapters that aren't EP7, I'm ultimately thankful it turned out like it did, as the polarized and confounded fan response led to Ryukishi07 overhauling his plans for the following chapter, replacing Virgilius with the very different Virgilia, and repurposing those original EP3 concepts for EP5. And Erika Furudo as we know her was effected in a major way by two fateful decisions: bumping her debut up to EP5, and making her female. The former tremendously changed up what her dynamic with Battler would be like, having it start off like what was planned for Virgilius but at a more appropriate place in the narrative for that sort of Difficulty Spike in the challenge presented by this character to Battler (rather than Virgilius "beating Battler down to rock bottom" in just the third arc) and then flipping the script completely so that Battler becomes Erika's "Beatrice" and Erika is now Golden Sorceror Battler's own "Battler", making for more interesting and meaningful conflict between them. And the latter meant that rather than be an Evil Counterpart to Battler as Virigilus was going to be, Erika instead became an Evil Counterpart to Ange, being brought in to replace Ange as Bern's piece to use against Lambda and with Ange herself noting the similarities at least twice (which is likely a huge factor in why Ange could so easily forgive Erika after the whole "wanted to marry and rape her big brother" thing, but then again Beato and even Battler himself have no hard feelings about that nasty business...)
Gonna spend the rest of this post with some manga panels from the EP5 adaptation, 'cause while I think Erika's humanizing moments in her subsequent appearances are well known, the manga art for EP5 that allows for more vibrant body language and expressive faces really adds to her and enhances the nuances in her characterization.
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Erika's excited enthusiasm for chopsticks is 100% genuine, as is her request for Gohda to bring her chopsticks with which to eat the next dish, 'cause "with a pair of chopsticks, she can eat absolutely any dish!" Except that turns out not to be so, as the next dish is soup. There's a pin drop. Erika is no doubt embarrassed and internally going "Fuck fuck FUCK!" But, she saves face by giving a shrug with an adorably goofy grin on her cute little face, much to everyone's amusement. Of course this is also when everyone starts shilling her to an obnoxious, insufferable degree, but this was a good starting point for Erika's characterization and nice little gesture from her.
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The family dinner continues to go well as Erika remains polite and laughs, jokes, and chats with all the others. It's part of her fake good girl routine and doesn't reflect her actual character, but as Jessica puts it, the Ushiromiya conference atmosphere is normally strained and not pleasant to endure. Even if it comes from a disingenuous place, Erika's done a decent thing by livening up the get-together and ensuring that everyone gets to enjoy themselves more than usual.
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Note that all this happens before Erika has any reason to despise Battler, nor is she at the point where she wants to use him to find and attain the hidden gold just to spite Jessica and watch how the rest of the family reacts - she actually respects Piece Battler and gets along with him quite well, which is a harbinger for their dynamic to come.
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I love that Erika and Dr. Nanjo spent a good many minutes on end just geeking out about different intellectually stimulating topics with each other, and she even uses her famed catchphrase in a joking manner. Granted, Nanjo is a bit inebriated from wine at the moment, but as a funny little aside, Erika says she wouldn't mind being so too!
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This is when having someone as bright and genre-savvy as Erika with you during a tense and dangerous situation is a blessing, as she points out why it's both a cliched and terrible idea to split up and look in different places rather than stay together as a group. The scene then escalates into a joke where Erika mocks how easy Beatrice is being to figure out here and how "third-rate" it makes her seem as a culprit before randomly noting that third-rate action movies go in the direction opposite of third-rate horror and mystery stories because the main character can act alone yet always survive. Go figure!
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Erika starts to get bored when it's seeming like the mystery isn't going to be an intellectual challenge to think her way through and figure out, and that face of her's conveys that she's not just being snarky here, she is actually getting disspirited by the unfolding of events and had really expected Beatrice to be a worthier opponent.
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This is an interesting artistic choice, having a brief panel of Erika's face close up in between Battler's question and Erika giving her cheeky reply. I think she's meant to be thinking "Of course I have a heart. What kind of question is that?", because if she had no heart, she'd never had experienced heartbreak in her past relationship with her unnammed, unseen ex-boyfriend....but that only reminds her that it is because she suffered that heartbreak that she'd much prefer to NOT have a heart, to live in accordance with her mind, intellect and deductive reasoning rather than her heart and feelings for others.
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Look at how excited she gets over a closed room! It's so precious! <3
And in another strangely relatable moment for Erika Furudo, she expresses some pleasure at the idea of finding Kinzo dead!
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This is Mystery Nerd Erika Furudo fully unleashed. While she gets into smug, insufferable know-it-all territory and displays her lack of empathy by equating the mass murder of 18 people with fictional murders of fictional characters in fictional mystery stories (but to be fair to her, when you come from the Meta Realm and are well aware of the nature of "the gameboard" and "game pieces" in a Witch's Game, it's sort of hard not to have this mental conflation!), it starts off with some genuine gushing and trivia concerning her special interest, which is hard not to find a bit adorable and even identifiable.
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After Battler demolishes Erika with facts concerning detective fiction that she didn't know or overlooked, Erika feels humiliated and furious over it, getting visibly flustered and twitchy but trying her best to not lose her cordial front and keep her respect for Battler, both internally and externally. When Battler tests her further, she's brought to the verge of tears from how embarrassed, shown up and shamed she's getting. Even when she's getting back to business as the detective, you can see the tears still in her eyes. Damn, this really cut her deep.
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OK, now it's just getting funny. Poor Erika, your ego is so fragile!
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Erika was absolutely petrified of having to give her full report of how her investigation's gone and what theories she's come up with to her beloved master. She fears her master will start to hate her and will abuse her verbally, emotionally, and physically for her failings. So Bern seeming to be chill and gracious brings her such visible relief...
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....And then Lambda tears into her deductions and theories, ripping them to shreds with Red Truth, and being the most terrifying menace possible. Just look at how Erika takes to it: she's panicked, she's struck by stark horror, she's despairing and feeling violated here!
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And there's the abusive treatment from Bern that Erika was fearing! Right after a moment where it looked like her master still had some degree of pride and respect towards her only to cruelly yank the chain and tear her down instead. Erika's horrified face really sells it.
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She's the ultimate asshole, but how can you heart not break for her seeing her like this? Even she doesn't deserve to be put through this.
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While this is mostly a strange and comical moment where Erika just spontaneously has an outburst at the breakfast table about how she's figured out how Battler was able to pull off an escape from the closed room of Kinzo's Study in an implausible way that he shouldn't have lived through, including saying stuff about her master than no one in the room would understand, this point at the end is just pitiful - Erika is close to shedding tears again and pleading out loud for Bern to forgive her and accept her, to not think her an incompetent failure who can't play her role right, and to not throw her away as her piece.
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And then after Bern sends her a sign from above that she heard her plea and understands? We get this. And it's bizarrely wholesome.
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This is a particularly interesting bit. Natsuhi tells Erika that she surely must have never really been in love before in her life. Which raises an eyebrow on Erika and she retreats into her head, thinking back to the girl in a shaky, unfaithful relationship that she used to be before she became the great detective and "intellecutal rapist". She dated some guy, she suspected him of being unfaithful to her and invaded his privacy in order to investigate and obtain proof of it, and she was heartbroken by how he threw her out and they broke things off...but in all those memories, she finds no proof that she was ever really, truly in love. And even now, she's never known a loving relationship.
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Some really solid fleshing out of this brief line via artwork. When Natsuhi refuses to break down and confess her guilt, still insisting upon her innocence in all the murders (which she's right about, but Erika absolutely needs Natsuhi to be the TRUE "Beatrice" in this case so that Lambda's game can by won for her master and is going to follow the most heartless and twisted logic imaginable in order to reach the solution she wants to reach), Erika's eyes narrow in this very joyless way, shadow falls over her face, her expression glum. Almost like a part of her wanted this case to be wrapped up before she'd have to reach this point and go to the lengths she's about to go to, like she'd hoped she wouldn't have to resort to the slut shamey deduction she'll soon make and feels a bit icky deep down inside that it's about to come to that. She expresses both disdain and pity to Natsuhi, assigning her the blame for what she's about to pull as she was giving her that one chance to avoid it, and Natsuhi refused it.
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This is all just so sweet, you almost forgot that Erika's a despicably villainous detective who intends to instill a reign of terror over Beato's gameboard in her master's name, and that Bernkastel is just as despicable for now showering Erika with all the kind treatment and rewards she'd been yearning for from her even when she mistreated her so horribly beforehand and will again horribly mistreat her later.
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Just like that, all that kindness from her master, all that she'd been rewarded with, all that good, proud, accomplished feeling she had upon winning the game and becoming the Witch of Truth is gone. Erased. Utterly obliterated. With Lambda sadistically rubbing it in because she gets off on seeing the humiliation of friends and rivals. No wonder Erika undergoes what is by far her most massive mental breakdown in the series at this point and is ready to destroy Battler.
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One of the most heartbreaking moments of pity and sympathy for Erika, which is then turned into one of the most heartwarming too. Dlanor comes to Erika's defense and validates the truth she'd managed to pull from this case as being effective and plausible, with Battler also vouching for it since while it can't be definitively proven, it can't be definitively disproved either, both Battler and Dlanor firing shots at Bern by reaffirming it's not a truth that can be written off as pathetic and arbitrarily denied, and Dlanor's vow to protect Erika and her truth finally breaking down all of Erika's walls as she wails and sobs on the floor. Even Lambda seems to find it sweet and pleasing!
Erika Furudo, wherever you are, know that we think you're the Worst Girl and we appreciate you for it. You're bad, and that's <Good>.
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theboombutton · 4 months
Spoilers Ahead
OK let's talk about the lore implications of The Magnus Protocol episode 4's statement.
The Mannheim School was founded in 1741-1742; and the Royal Court of the Palatinate left Mannheim in 1778. This gives us a roughly 35-year timeframe within which which our violinist could have made his initial carriage journey to Germany - barring timeline differences.
This absolutely destroys my theory that the Fears arrived here from the TMA universe, found a universe without Fear, and broke through in East Germany during the Cold War. This episode firmly establishes that there were Fears in the Protocolverse in the late 18th century, and that they were well-established at the time - established enough to have a guy giving out cursed artifacts in the woods of Baden.
Were they the Archiverse Fears, that just happened to arrive earlier than I thought? Were they Protocolverse Fears? Were they Fears from yet another universe, escaped from their own Fearpocalypse?
The Fears
So this is a really fascinating statement because it seems to marry our old friend TMA Slaughter Classic, with whatever the fuck Ink5oul was doing in TMAGP episode 2, with just a mention of the Archivist-associated power to elicit an unintended confession.
The Slaughter connection I'm sure I won't have to argue - it's straight out of TMA. In fact, it's so straight-out-of-TMA that to me it suggests that this is almost certainly the Archiverse's The Slaughter. If we were dealing with an artifact of a different universe's Fear of violence, I wouldn't expect it to be so connected to music. There's nothing about music that inherently connects it to horrific violence, and yet Bardwell jumps out of a carriage and dashes his skull on the rocks because of what seems an awful lot like the Piper's Song. Violin Audrey Two goes full Grifter's Bone when it's unable to get blood.
The interesting part though is that these incidents are the exception to the rule of the violin's favor. At first it seems happy to make small, flesh wound mutilations of its player, which doesn't sound like the Slaughter at all. Yes, he moves on to serial killing, but it's a very methodical, planned kind of violence - not at all what I'd expect from the Archiverse Slaughter. And the theme of an artist mutilating themselves in service of their art seems very similar to Daria in Protocol episode 2.
Of course, the art connection might just be a coincidence. There is a disproportionate amount of art about art and artists, just because it's high on the list of things artists tend to think about. It's the same reason there's not a whole lot of art about septic tank maintenance*.
I doubt it, though.
Here's my working theory: I think there are at least two universes' Fears at work here, and there wasn't enough room in the Fear-Space for two full sets of entities to represent and feed on essentially the same fears. So they got smooshed together.
The Archiverse Slaughter got smooshed with a close equivalent - a fear that included Archiverse-style violence, yes, but also included a significant element of self-harm, and was culturally wrapped up with artistic performance in the same way that the Archiverse Slaughter was wrapped up with the sound, but not always the performance, of music. The Smooshed Slaughter teeters between its aspects, showing one face or the other depending upon the situation.
OK but what was with the Archivist powers?
idk tbh. I can think of two theories, neither of which I find particularly compelling:
The guy in the woods wasn't actually an avatar. Instead, he was a Salesa type, a distributor of supernatural trinkets. He had some kind of artifact of the Eye on him that gave him archivist compulsion powers.
All of the Archiverse Entities were changed by their time under the rule of the Eye, so being strongly-enough touched by an Archiverse Fear gives you mild Eye Powers for free.
Yes I know everyone thinks this is Jonah, and I admit there is a good chance it is Jonah. But I don't like it, and I hold out hope that it isn't.
Personally, I like the idea that the Fears were specifically attached to the voices that told the stories in TMA, in which case Jonah wouldn't have been dragged along; but, if it was based purely on the physical presence of the people in the top room of the Panopticon, then yes, Jonah could have been brought along. To our knowledge nobody ever went after Jonah's body down in the labyrinth, so his eyes would presumably have been left alive in Elias's head for like, the whole episode.
I still hold out hope that Augustus is an Archivist-equivalent from another universe that also went Fearpocalypse and also released its Fears to the multiverse. While I'm pretty certain we're dealing with two sets of Fears here, possibly combined into one set of Smooshed Fears, I'm not at all certain that the non-Archiverse Fears are originally from the Protocolverse.
It's 3 AM and I have to go to bed. I think I've properly scheduled this to post an hour after the episode drops; if I'm wrong about the episode timing and accidentally spoil someone, I'm very sorry.
* yes I know there's septic tank dive fetish photos, I said "not a whole lot" not "none whatsoever."
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reineyday · 4 months
i posted this mishanks fic where shanks takes calculus 1 as an elective for fun thinking rayleigh's gonna teach it only to be confronted with ray's TA mihawk teaching the class instead.
in the a/n i mentioned that mihawk's having a bad morning and shares an open-concept office with the other warlords, all doing their phd's in the same department, and someone asked what they were specializing in. i thought about it enough that i figured i'd just post my reply here too. 😂 i am but a humble bfa-haver, so if any of these topics seem wrong or unlikely, let me know! 🥲 it's all based on their devil fruits (if they have them).
i was thinking mihawk is probably getting a doctorate of philosophy in mathematics, inspired long ago by his swordsmanship practice (both in meditation and in analysis of movement and connection) and tendency toward logic and rational thinking. he also likes problem-solving. rayleigh has a joint appointment professor job at new world, and while he teaches mostly hard mathematics, he also teaches philosophy courses. mihawk is following a similar path of research, and thus chose him as a supervisor.
i think it might be interesting if boa was studying philosophy as related to the subject of love and logic. rayleigh is her supervisor as well, because he did his own thesis back in the day on picking apart aristotle's body of research in the modern lens, and she's focusing on aristotle's three sources of affection/types of objects that are loved and lovable (the good, the pleasant, and the useful). she probably has to be talked down from some heavy-handed metaphors on turning to stone lol.
croc is probably studying something that has to do with the physical properties and manipulation of sand, especially in its power to change topographies over time, and perhaps branching into individual uses of sand as a method of force. he probably thinks about sandblasters too much.
moria... hmm, sciography (study of shadows) and the neurological and psychological effects differently-shadowed spaces have on a person. sciography is something that mostly architects use when designing spaces, but he's interested more in the effect on one's psyche in (un)lit spaces as opposed to the art and design of it all.
kuma uuhhhh actually kuma's devil fruit is already pretty philosophical, seeing as how he can repel actual concepts. if you can repel pain and fatigue, what's stopping him from repelling something like gender, or time? so he could be doing research on human constructs in society and challenging the way society is structured, but that seems more like a humanities subject so maybe he's researching actual physics and delving into something extremely niche about how things get repelled on a molecular level, even by the human touch.
doffy's doing something in the physics field as well. something about gravity and thread and force and manipulation. no one's actually sure, they just know it always ends in him tying invisible string to literally anything and everything in the office and saying it's for his thesis whenever he pisses someone off, which is always. and yes, the worst thing about him is he's always getting good grades, which makes them wonder if it really IS for his thesis, which then makes them somehow even more pissed off, because there shouldnt be any good reason for tripping over all this goddamn thread all the time in the office. 🤦🏻‍♀️
and jinbe is studying movement in water and the human kinetics of it all, also inspired by the martial arts that he does. benefits of training in water, how it strengthens the muscles in different ways, etc. etc. mihawk is very interested to read his paper when he's finished haha.
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chailovesu · 5 months
hi chai !! i’m a bit anxious to ask my question because i feel like no matter how i explain things, people can’t exactly hit the nail on what i mean or tend to be hostile. but, i do feel comforted by your blog and decided to send in an ask! i’m an infj-t (the rarest and one of the most complex personality type) so that plays a major factor when it come to manifesting.
as one, i’m an overthinker, one who is in my imagination/head a lot and tend to get anxious and stress quite easily. i’ve tried many things (deciding, a+p, vision boards, scripting, praying) and tend to be stagnant because of me doubting if i’m doing enough (which is associated with my mbti) or if i’m doing it correctly. this tends to leave me frustrated, leaving my mind numb, and overall overwhelmed. it’s genuinely tiring and breaks me down everytime because i desire to live a life of joy. do you have any suggestions on how i can overcome this hurdle of mine?
p.s. though it may sound like it, i do not believe i am giving power to my mbti. my intention in stating my personality type was for you to understand how i think and function as a person (giving that sense of intimacy, per se). it personally had helped me to understand how i function as a person.
thank u in advance <3
hii! im glad you felt comfortable sending this ask i watched some videos abt the infj-t personality type so i could fully understand how to help you
from what im seeing in these videos it seems like infj's do tend to overthink and avoid doing things bc of procrastination but they also seem to be very firm in their beliefs which is actually really good for manifesting
if u tend to be in your head/imagination alot u can use that to ur advantage like i think you would like a+p with saturation bc its a constant and your brain literally always responds to repetition
but also visualization i have aphantasia so i personally dont use visualization and whenever i see the word imagine i kinda just translate it to think so if u meant seeing then visualization if u meant thinking a+p
also to not feel overwhelmed you could try manifesting things 1 by 1 and then having a list of the things u would like to manifest (i saw having things pre-planned helps alot of infjs) and maybe meditate before you do it
theres not just one right way to manifest its really wtv method you liked most you just have to tell yourself im doing it right ofc i am like discipline
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(credit to my moot tenbinary on twitter) this is what i mean like the only way u can "fail" is by telling yourself you failed or going back on what u affirmed/visualized instantly
i get how acknowledging that your a intj helps you understand yourself better its not giving your power away unless u were literally like "it is impossible for me to manifest because im a infj" im a infp + a cancer and while i know that zodiacs/personality types dont rlly mean anything unless u think it does i still like to have fun relating to cancer content i see
i hope this helped you atleast a little bit and if u need anymore help feel free to send another ask or message me <3
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pomodoriyum · 2 months
heeey could you tell me a little more about your girdling method for ligustrum? what age group is the ligustrum in when you treat ti that way and at what density in the stand? it was never a high priority target in the places i worked before just because it was in such high density monotypic stands that we didn't have the means to do followup restoration work so i never really tried a lot of control methods for it!
Hi! Thanks for the questions, I’m pretty stoked to be asked about this.
Going to start with identifying the ligustrum I girdle first, mostly for folks who don’t know what it is, where it’s native to, what it looks like, and its role in the ecosystem it comes from (and how it doesn’t fulfill those roles in the Americas). also, going under the cut because this is long.
The plant that I girdle is Ligustrum lucidum (common name: glossy privet).  It’s a shrubby tree that grows about 20-30ft tall here, and creates monoculture stands (read: it’s the only plant in the area).  Bugs don’t recognize it as food, and it tends to soak up available groundwater in such quantity that it kills our native trees during droughts due to additional stress. Where I live it’s considered invasive, though due to deregulation many types of ligustrum are used in landscaping.  Ligustrum originates from china, japan, and korea, and in these areas, it’s a fairly important plant (frequently used in nonwestern medicine, but it’s also been documented as a poison and an allergen, so….don’t try at home?).
Riparian areas–especially disturbed riparian areas–is where most escaped ligustrum is found. 
Ligustrum is notoriously difficult to remove. It’s got really large energy reserves in its root system, so if it’s cut down, the tree will re-sprout rapidly. There are ways to chemically poison it, but over vast areas that’s dangerous and very expensive.  Usually, the best method is to prevent it from entering the ecosystem in the first place– once it’s there, best efforts are really about controlling its spread rather than completely eliminating it.  I do think part of the issue is that it’s commonly used in landscaping, so there’s endless ‘stock’ revitalizing escaped populations.  Also, ligustrum leads the way for other invasive species to colonize more land, as it is extremely quick to mature and reproduce, thus choking out other native vegetation.  It’s a bit brutal to see. Anyway, it’s everywhere once you know how to spot it. 
One drop of good news: the seeds that enter soil tend to rot within the year if they don’t sprout– though, of course, individual trees may produce up to three million viable seeds. One thing they do is feed cedar waxwings, which I can’t really be upset by. However, outside of their original ranges, they don’t do much to support the new communities they’re in, and actively kill legacy trees.
Now, to your questions:
could you tell me a little more about your girdling method for ligustrum?
Sure! Very simple and satisfying. I’ve also included a video link– similar method to mine.
The goal of girdling is to disrupt energy flow from the leaves of the tree to the roots, causing the trees to starve and die. It usually take 6 months to 1 year to fully kill the tree, though I’ve seen the effects (leaf wilt, drooping) as early as 2 weeks after girdling.
Tools needed:
Paint scraper
Isopropyl alcohol in spray bottle, or soapy water
Rough sponge that’s fairly abrasive
Hedge clippers
Identify the tree. Look for glossy, dark green leaves with grey-green bark.  The edges of the leaves will light up when you hold them up against the sun.  The edges of the leaves are also smooth, not serrated, and they are opposite each other on the stem. Ligustrum also tends to have 2-8 mini “trunks” that support its branches. When flowering, its white, perfume-y, and the flower branches are sort of shaped like a triangle or a cone.
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Their seeds are drupes, blue and similar to seeds from some species of juniper. Please don't eat them.
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Clean the tree up– frequently there’s lots of growth around the base, with a bunch of tiny little branches that should be trimmed away. The hedge clippers are handy here.
Remove the outer layer of bark from one of the trunks with the paint scraper, all the way around. It should come up easily in the spring, but will resist strongly during the summer and winter.  You want to make sure that there’s at least a 5-6 inch gap between the top and bottom edges of bark. I usually go between 1 and four feet of space, when the bark is easy to peel up. This layer is about an eighth to a quarter of an inch thick, depending on the age of the tree.
Repeat this step to all of the trunks present.  Make sure that you remove the bark from all the way around each branch. This prevents it from scabbing over.
You’ll notice that the sapwood is slimy to the touch where the bark has been peeled away. This is a tissue layer responsible for generating more bark, and it must be scraped off, or else the trunk will scab over and recover.  Use the paint scraper to get rid of all of this material in a ring around the trunk, about 5-6 inches wide.  If you miss any, it will start drying a dark brown color on top of the lighter sapwood, and is easy to spot.
Make sure to remove all leaves and non-girdled branches that are below the cut / where the ring of bark was removed. This prevents sugars from being created by leaves that are still connected to the roots.
Finally, take your spray bottle of isopropyl and spritz each girdled band all the way around, and scrub it in with the abrasive sponge.
Congrats! It’s been girdled!
The tree will likely try to sprout new growth underneath the girdle bands over the next year. If you return and remove them before the stems become woody, the tree will die.
what age group is the ligustrum in when you treat ti that way and at what density in the stand?
I’ve girdled trees that are fully mature (30ft) as well as smaller saplings that are still part of the understory (8-10 ft).  Typically, I prioritize removing ligustrum within 20 ft of our legacy trees (oaks, pecans, hackberry that range between 50-200 yrs old). The project area’s pretty large, and has stands of trees with various percent ligustrum, probably between 10% ligustrum at the least affected areas and 85-95% ligustrum in most affected areas.  Most of my work has focused on areas with less than 50% ligustrum monoculture.  I’ve noticed that smaller trees tend to die faster when girdled, while more mature trees need to be checked frequently to prevent regrowth. This is probably due to large amounts of stored energy in the roots. 
 A lot of follow up is needed for these plants– about half of the ligustrum I’ve girdled so far has actually died, while the other half (while severely injured and on the way out) have needed new growth removed from their bases at least once, if not twice so far.  It’s a highly intensive process, and probably isn’t suited for large scale restoration projects, unless endless time and money is available. I just happen to be the right flavor of nuts to do this in my free time. You’ll need to check girdled trees at least once every three months for a year or so.
One thing that kills ligustrum pretty effectively are temperatures below 15 degrees F for a week or more, though larger trees will recover from the damage. Those kinds of temperatures clear out small 4-5 ft trees decently, and guarantee death for the 3ft bushes. If you figure out a way to selectively control the weather, let me know.
For trees below 4 feet, I use a tree puller to uproot them. It’s more efficient than girdling.  Also, snails really like climbing up ligustrum when it rains, so watch out not to smash them!
Thanks for the questions, feel free to reach out for more info!
Photos are from wiki commons and creative commons.
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