goldenpinof · 2 months
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a passenger princess household
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🌸 MC be normal challenge: Part 2🌸
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Taglist: Ezra @restartheartvn • Fone @ringringringbananafone • Henry @homecomingvn • Eddie and Diva @xoxoalette @ Z @favorvn • Dorian @artwithoutblood • Ren @14dayswithyou • Krow @thekrows-nest
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zackvalence · 2 months
In the Voice of Dorian: First wave
I've had a few requests which I'm going to post here :D
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Indie Game Male Yandere Showdown:
Round 1 Wave 1
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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10:16 (Visual Novel)
Created by: catsket
Genre: Fantasy
I've actually been waiting for a while to do a review on one of @catskets's games since they also made a bunch of other games, and now I can! 10:16 is a game made for the #yanjam and it connects a bit to the other universe of Art without Blood (it has a reference for it, I'm pretty sure). Catsket always has a very ephemeral feeling in their games, so they're always fun to play.
The story starts with a cool intro (and very nice music) before watching the main character (Angel as a default name) going to down an elevator into Hell. They reach one of the floors to be greeted by a graveyard and meet a muzzle wearing long haired person, who welcomes us to heresy, the sixth circle. He introduces himself as Dorian and talks to them about their trip down here, how it was strangely pleasant to talk to the other keepers on the other floors. The sky starts to grow dark and rain ashes, so the two head inside of the library (which looks like a cathedral)for cover. Dorian tells Angel that he collects books of different types of heresies and offers a drink to Angel. Angel seems to be going down the seven rings of hell to make a plea with Satan, believing that they were incorrectly brought to hell, as they are a devotee for the Lord all of their life. We learn how Angel died, while going to mass, they were trying to help with something on the roof, but a bird startled them and they fell to their death. Dorian takes a pendant from Angel to find out why they were sent to hell in the first place. The two start talking and we learn that Dorian was once human a long time ago. He was burned for leading some Romans astray, believing that religion was selfish thus the reason he became the keeper of heresy.
Dorian is able to point out a specific point in time that caused Angel's downfall, specifically when Angel laughed at the idea of feeding the 1000, which is an act of heresy. Despite all this, Dorian asks if Angel still wants to go down to make their case with Satan.
There are about five different endings to this, ranging from going to meet Satan (and presumably failing their case, thus running back to Dorian), staying with Dorian without knowing the truth, running away and nearly dying from the ashes with Dorian coming to rescue them. Or being thrown into the elevator and presumably being torn apart by the rest of the levels of hell.
The ending that reveals everything is when Dorian reveals that he was the cause of Angel's death. Dorian fell in love with Angel the first time he saw them, visiting as a raven outside of their house, knowing that they would end up coming to this ring of hell. Dorian wanted to see them as soon as possible and was the bird that ended up causing Angel to fall to their death. Dorian asked the other keepers to play nice, all so that he could see you. Dorian confesses his love, promising that they have eternity to figure out what to do- just the two of them.
Like I said earlier, I generally really like catsket's games because they all have an ethereal feel to them. They generally focus on religion or a higher being (like a god or the personification of a certain concept) and they are always interesting. 10:16 is no exception to this. The sixth ring of hell as described in this game is very much of a godly air (so to speak) and it feels outerworldly. I like the MC, Angel in this too. I think I stated this before, but I do prefer having MCs that have more character to them since I can better picture why the yandere might like them. So it is fun to see Angel have this kind of devotion only to be sent to Hell despite being a devout person. I suppose regardless, their fate was sealed, either forced to stay in hell for a minor sin they committed and because of Dorian's interference which lead to their death. I think it was good that the yandere ending was the last one I played because it really does tie everything together pretty neatly.
Dorian as a yandere is pretty cool. Though his reason of falling in love with Angel is pretty plain, I do like the efforts he goes to in getting them to stay with him, from killing them early in an accident, to getting all of the other rings of hell to be nice to them and even giving the reason of heresy to convince them to stay (its possible he could be lying about it though since he is the keeper of heresy but who knows). In a lot of endings, Dorian will let Angel go, either letting them run away or going down to hell knowing full well they will fail. Plus, I think his design is pretty neat with the muzzle that's on him. There are some references to casket's other games as well like Limerence or Art without Blood that are sprinkled in there.
I think the funniest (unintentionally) moment in the game is when Angel asks why he has a cathedral in hell to which Dorian essentially responds "I just think it's neat!"
Overall, like I said, it's a pretty fun and nice for a spin off game. If you do like this style, then the Art without Blood series does have another yandere in it, which is always nice. Plus the intro song is pretty nice and I love listening to it.
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newtouch666 · 10 months
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artfight attack on @catskets ^_^ dorian and my fallen, temperance/tibby!
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feelingsofaithless · 6 months
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10:16 ● Spiritbox
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upbeatundertaker · 1 year
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@artwithoutblood I TOLD YOU I'D DO IT
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cryptidplays · 1 year
Happy Wednesday everyone!
I hope you're ready to visit Hell. Because in today's video I play a delightfully thought-provoking visual novel by the name of 10:16.
It has beautiful scenery, an interesting story, and even a gorgeous yandere demon. It's a lovely story and I hope you enjoy the video
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keylend · 2 years
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100% electronicum
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w3as3ly · 3 months
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zackvalence · 3 months
In the Voice of Dorian
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I've been given permission by @catskets to perform voice requests as everyone's favourite keeper of heresy in exchange for small donations towards @gryphons-n-kelpies new laptop. :D
If you have something you're dying to hear Dorian say, please drop a request along with whatever you'd like to donate into my Ko-Fi with what you'd like him to say!
Alternatively, if you'd like to donate to Bird's new laptop fund without having a request, please send it straight to their Ko-Fi :D
My Ko-Fi
Bird's Ko-Fi
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crimeronan · 1 year
once when i was ten, so seventeen years ago, i was on one of the neopets forums that was in 2006 frequented mostly by edgy teenagers with pete wentz urls who wanted to get around the ban on romance and gay talk to discuss mcr members making out. and it was well past midnight and i was secretly on an extremely clunky laptop the size of a modern desktop, sitting on my top bunk in the tiny room i shared with my sister. and i do not remember the forum topic at all but at some point one of the participants politely asked me, "hey, how old are you, anyway? twelve?" and when i honestly replied "ten," he responded:
"WOAH. Kid, you'd better get off the boards. Wandering the Neoboards at 2 AM is like walking nekkid through the Bronx with your wallet dangling from your nipplz."
and this frightened me so much i slammed the computer shut and went to bed immediately. seventeen years later i still remember this message word for word. including the filter-avoidance misspellings. i need everyone to know about this formative childhood memory. bronx wallet nipplz guy if you're out there hmu and tell me what ur deal was
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stirlingmoss · 10 months
قُل لَّوْ شَآءَ ٱللَّهُ مَا تَلَوْتُهُۥ عَلَيْكُمْ وَلَآ أَدْرَىٰكُم بِهِۦ ۖ فَقَدْ لَبِثْتُ فِيكُمْ عُمُرًا مِّن قَبْلِهِۦٓ ۚ أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ
​Say, “Had God willed, I would not have recited it to you, and God would not have taught it to you. And I have sojourned among you for a lifetime before this; so won’t you understand?”
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Prompt 295
So, maybe Danny should have been more specific when he said he wanted to get reincarnated, because this? Is not an ideal situation. 
See he’s fine with being a clone, really, but uh, apparently the scientists want to terminate him- which, like dude, he’s not even melting or actively dying! So what if he failed at their tests, his body is three, give him a break! 
Well, at least it’s given him certainty in getting out, because these are Not good people. He wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt and- hold up, another clone? Brother? Two brothers? One aged up, one in the middle of it- since his own aging-up failed past three? 
Oh hell no, they can’t experiment on his brothers, those are his brothers and living people just as much as he is! Time to break out- and he’s taking those papers thank you- and gonna’ grab his… he’s gonna’ call them his triplets because they’re the same age, just aged differently. 
Now hold his hand, they’re runnin’ to the mountai- oh thank fuck, the physically-oldest of them can fly. To the mountains while they have the cover of night and they can figure things out. At least his life isn’t boring yet…
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littledemo0n · 1 month
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So excited for the movie and definetely not at all dreading whats to come :))))
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