#90 Mikey
snackugaki · 1 year
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part 1 
did I have to cut it there? yes. why? because I’m p-e-t-t-y, I’m petty all the time  ♪ ♫ 
but also, the image cap boo
the tags cannot contain my full power some of my really good tags got eaten by the tag limit and they’re grudges I keep in a little pile in my heart
did this silly little fan comic get away from me? ...YES
was I gonna originally stop it there? also yes but you know... I love being snide and petty but after catching covid like a week ago I’m not gonna bring any bad juju with me into next year if I can help it
I forgot how fucking neon the coloring got for awhile in the archie comics
im cryin g this was supposed to be a short’n sentimental’n sweet comic and now look at me, i played myself
look, Venus has waited a quarter of a century, she earned this
i think... what tickles me most about Venus after coming back to TMNT fandom via Rise, is that from what I can see (on tumblr), the kids love her. they love her and make versions of her in the series that came after the 90s. i look at their bios, some weren’t even born when Next Mutation was airing. (and as far as I can tell, Next Mutation didn’t really get much syndicated airtime if any) ...and they still love her. hurt me in my old little heartguts. it’s mostly my generation of tmnt fans who express distaste for her... but the new fans, they love her, they include her in their aus, they make a place for her in their childhood series. hoo h oo giv give me a moment..
if I could pop back into 1998 and tell little 13 year old snackugaki that Venus would be back, I would. all I had were Trini Kwan and Venus de Milo (not ONLY them, just for the purpose of this post) as a fighty, angry little girl. 
all my childhood idols who could fight were calm, level-headed characters who could just happen to throw a villain through a wall if they really needed to. if it wasn’t for them who knows where baby snacku fite meh! gaki would be today. going up against Rhonda Rousey for the championship belt idk, who can accurately estimate the magnitude of childhood influences, not this bitch
if you’re also in PST and wondering why I typed up this post at goddamn 3am then we’re both insomniacs, you didn’t see me, stop snitching
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letsgetitblog · 1 year
saw that my Donatello fist fight poll was getting tracking again so I decided to choose violence this afternoon 🙂. (And I've been meaning to make another poll like this so win win 😙)
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I learned something new just before bed.
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Goddamn I am late for the party.
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shantechni · 3 months
Name a more iconic duo, I won't wait-
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bicryptide · 7 months
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opiumvampire · 1 year
hows gerard going to be like ‘oh nobody really paid attention to me in school i kinda flew under the radar’ but every six months someone on twitter’s mom’s cousin’s dog’s best friend’s sister dated him and has a never before seen polaroid of him at 19 standing ominously in a doorway to show for it
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junkfoodcinemas · 1 year
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I Come in Peace (1990) dir. Craig R. Baxley
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joyfuladorable · 6 months
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Watched the first two 90s movies, and I think it's absolutely adorable that April gave Mikey a panda plushie to use as a pillow 🧡🧡
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rottmnt-residuum · 8 months
Don't know if it is intended (or asked about before), but I can't help but think of the saying 'See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' when I look at the title page. Mikey is covering his eyes, Leo's mouth is hidden and Donnie has his ears covered.
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weezer-blog · 10 months
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cryptamen · 9 months
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letsgetitblog · 1 year
Let's see how this goes...
Also- I don't know how much of the Mikey's can cook or bake. I only know a few- SO I'm under the impression that all of them are into culinary- you can correct me if I'm wrong-
Y'all have your own headcannons or ur own knowledge and I don't wanna step onto some toes- and start wars 😀.
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A not so friendly reminder that in the 90's, the turtles went on a tour, known as the "Coming Out Of Their Shells Tour".
Yes, this was real. No, I've not heard any of their songs. No, this is not what Bayverse Mikey references when he talks about their Christmas album.
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But I have to admit, Donnie did have some moves.
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No for real guys. They were on Oprah with this...
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snackugaki · 2 years
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boys from the bay(verse)
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mistressoftherant-blog · 11 months
TMNT Fanfic Complaints
As this blog is mostly a space to vent, and I am currently obsessed with pretty much every iteration of the TMNT, I thought I'd throw together a list of things that make me close a fanfic instantly. If you like any of these things, then that's totally fine, but for the most part, any of these things will have me dropping a fic in minutes. A few of these are aligned with posts I've made in the past, but I am noting them down anyway as this is a way of me getting out a lot of my major complaints at once 😅
No.1 Having all the brothers be abusive (particularly towards Mikey), with bonus points for any crossover that will then have one version of the turtles chastising the others for the way they treat their brothers. It just doesn't work, every set have very specific dynamics, but none of them are abusive.
No. 2 Crossover fics that make it impossible to tell who is who. This can occur in a few different ways. One of which is that the authors completely fail to differentiate different universes, making every single version of the turtles talk and act in the same way. Another is when a fic gets flooded with nicknames/pronouns/usernames, without a decent key. If you have a crossover fic with even just 3 or 4 universes, but every single turtle has multiple sets of pronouns, multiple nicknames, and multiple usernames, you really need a way to make it clear who is who.
No.3 The 'poor baby Blue' phenomenon in which every version of the turtles seemingly forgets all of the horror they have suffered because of what the Rise boys have gone through, particularly Leo. I honestly hate it when I am reading a crossover fic and all of the trauma from every series is disregarded in the face of the Rise Shredder and Rise Krang, which brings me on to my next point...
No.4 Essentially an extension of No.3, but can we all finally drop the idea that the Rise Boys had the scariest villains? Sure, their Shredder and Krang were intense, but for the most part, their villains are all pretty much played for comic relief. Either 03 or 12 had the scariest villains. And before anyone comes at me like 'Oh, Rise Shredder was a demon, the Rise Krang managed to take over the world, etc', may I remind everyone that 03 also had a demon Shredder who took over the world (and multiple others including the one who took over in SAINW), and the 12 Triceratons straight up destroyed the Earth with a black hole?
No.5 Fics that give away traits from one turtle to another e.g. making any of the other turtles better at science/math/tech etc than Donnie. Each of the turtles has their own thing, and Donnie will always be the smartest academics wise. It annoys me to no end when people try and make any if the others, usually Rise Leo or 12 Mikey, out to be a genius like him. I actually once read a fic where Rise Donnie asked Leo to help someone with a chemistry question that he couldn't handle. It's ridiculous, and usually carries over from the headcanon that Rise Leo is the medic (is there genuinely any evidence for this in the show besides Leo having a pouch? Because the only time I can recall anything medical related being brought up was when Donnie mentioned Raph's allergies). I have also seen people talk about Rise Leo loving to dance more than Donnie, even when the show explicitly states on multiple occasions how much Bootyyyshaker9000 loves to dance (also making Leo a massive theatre kid when Donnie breaks into songs and dance numbers on multiple occasions.) Or when 12 fans make Mikey the artist when it is actually Raph.
No. 6 (people will probably be mad at this one) Stop making everything about Leosagi, please! He doesn't even exist in the Rise verse, yet the entire fandom is absolutely swamped with Leosagi content. It's annoying when you are reading a Rise fic, and then out of nowhere it all becomes about Leo's relationship with Usagi. These fics also tend to make Usagi the most bland character in existence, with his two defining traits being samurai and Leo's boyfriend. They even do this to Bayverse!! Or bizarre crossover ships that start taking over everything (Why is Mikey being shipped with pretty much all of the spiderman iterations now??(
No. 7 Any fic that has all of the Donnies despise each other. I don't know if this is bias, but I feel like most of the Donnies would enjoy having people on their level to discussbthings with, people who would respect their boundaries and listen to each other's rants. And before anyone brings up their egos, most of the Donnies are shown to be able to and even enjoy working with others who are around their level (Aprils, Leatherhead in 03, Fugitoids etc). I actually think that, aside from the Mikeys, the Donnies would probably get on the best.
No. 8 One of my biggest pet peeves (that I have complained about before) is acting as if any version of the turtles is far superior to the others in terms of intelligence, fighting skills, etc. The Rise boys do not solo every verse. If they had had more training, then yeah, they would be probably some of the strongest characters. But they haven't had the training of the other verses, and mystic powers cannot compensate for everything (considering the fact that they got absolutely bodied by their Krang, you think more people would realise this). The other iterations pretty much all have more formal training, more experience fighting a variety of opponents (Bayverse and the 90s are perhaps an exception to the greater variety of opponents here, but as Bayverse Raph alone can yeet a shipping container singlehandedly with no powers, I think they're good). In no universe should the Rise boys be giving any of the other characters fighting tips.
I will probably write more of these at some point, this was pretty cathartic 😅 I also promise that I do not hate Rise, I just have more issues with the wider Rise fandom than most of the other shows.
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daedelweiss · 1 year
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have i come up with a name for this iteration yet? IDK i'm still deciding 😂 but here's a fully colored height chart of my teetls and april! they're different species of turtles because wHY NOT
raph is a philippine forest turtle, donnie is a japanese pond turtle, leo is a red eared slider (because the red marks are cool oKAY), and mikey's an indochinese box turtle ❤️💜💙🧡 both donnie and raph still feel a bit weird about being turtles which is why they cover up the most. in case you don't know, they were all human and splinter and his husband's children but one night, they got cursed and mutated, their father mysteriously disappearing after the mutation and keaving splinter to raise them on his own. donnie and raph (who are twins) were 5, mikey was 3, leo was 2.
atm, donnie and raph are 16, mikey is 14, leo is 13, and april is 12. april is their adopted sister who they found 2 years after they mutated. she goes to school like a normal girl but can't reveal her family 💛
i already have a bit of lore stacked up for them but i won't make a full on series for them (at least not yet 😅). most likely scenario is i make a fanfic about them 😛 this is just a lil side project 😅 not going to go full out on this, at least as long as life mission is going on.
hope you guys like my little literation! 💖
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