#which should be canon if that 3rd movie comes
mamashenanigans · 1 year
AFO Bad Ending Event Winners!!!
@possiblycringe and I are happy to announce our winners for writing and art! This was INCREDIBLY difficult and I can honestly say that the differences between any rank is “by a hair”!
Everyone’s work was outstanding and I’m honored to have so many talented people interested in this event!
So, let me reiterate how incredibly difficult this was! Everyone’s work was SO DAMN GOOD! This meant, I had to go with my gut and what endings satiated my AFO loving self! I also took into account how the story worked with the inevitable bad ending.
1st: Katydid’s Erase These Scars @aimportantdragoncollector
Katydid submitted three works for the event for each type of bad ending. This work, however, hit me differently. I’m a sucker for whump and following Yoichi’s struggle with trauma and how his brother evolves to understand him(the best AFO can) was a very interesting read. AFO won in the end, but Yoichi won’t ever be the same, as is true for anyone living with trauma.
2nd: Ginko’s Learned Helplessness @ginkotracks
This was a hard read and I couldn’t help but tear up throughout this story of reconditioning and helplessness. I like how the ending can be taken as AFO finally winning…or a nobody wins scenario thanks to the reveal of a certain “savior”. I’ve never read a fic that tackles this type of very believable canon divergent plot!
3rd: Space-Cryptid’s if the devil don’t take me, hell will @space--cryptid
Not going to lie, I had Coffeeandtoastforbreakfast’s submission in my head reading this, but most importantly, the horrific AFO in the OFA vestige world sketch they did as a follow up! I loved how AFO was so sure of himself in his win here, but Yoichi turned the tables and pulled a fast one resulting in a heartbreaking ‘nobody wins’ ending! Cryptid also did an alternative bad ending for their collab fic with Katydid, “Perennial Bloom” which was also very “bad”! Check that out too!
Honorable Mention: Silver’s Lost Treasures
I love a good alternate universe and this one was very interesting with the initial setting of an old boat taking AFO back home after finding an important treasure in the deep jungle. The relationship between Yagi and his son, in this AU, Izuku, was very well done. AFO being a maddening, manipulative, rich creep was amazing. What’s more…I just couldn’t help but have flashbacks to my youth loving the movie ‘Anaconda’, especially when Yagi is almost drowned by what I tell myself was most definitely an Anaconda! The end is frustrating for the reader, but in a good way! You can really feel Izuku’s sorrow!
As an honorable mention, I will write a 500 word snippet if you decide to do that!
I know @possiblycringe was definitely a mess trying to figure out who should get #1 and, just as with the writing submissions, entries won by “a hair”!
1st: Coffeeandtoastforbreakfast’s AFO destroying all the OFA holders except his brother within the OFA mindscape! @coffeeandtoastforbreakfast
Possiblycringe says that this is a MASTERPIECE of color!
2nd:FDBlaize and their comic about AFO hoarding “parts” of each wielder @fdblaize
Possiblycringe loved the pacing and amazing shading!
3rd:Redoaktree’s AFO and his minions @redoaktreehill
Possiblycringe just loves these snippets given life through redoak’s art!!
Obtaining Your Prize
Prizes are on a first come, first serve basis! As soon as you see this post, please contact ME to tell me if you want an art piece or a written prize! I will contact possiblycringe to let them know if you want an art prize!
For both: please state what you want (written or art) and then give a prompt! We’ll both get started as soon as we can!
Please note, we are both very busy people and will definitely get your prize done, but do give us time!
Thanks again, everyone, for partaking in the first ever AFO Bad Ending Event! I hope to do this again next year….unless Horikoshi REALLY pisses me off. Lol!
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aashi-heartfilia · 11 months
I know what you mean about the Ochako situation, like isn’t she post to be the heroine in this manga ?
I can’t remember any moments that stud out to me besides Ochako vs Katsuki fight (but that was like in season 2? )
Honestly out of all quirks , I really liked Ochako. It’s gravity !
it has so many potentials if giving the chance to shine
Like imagine her touching the floor , and the floor light up pink for miles and if your in the pink zone you float ! From living to non living things
or maybe if Horikoshi read other mangas or movies that has gravity users to get ideas from , like Shiki from Eden’s zero (he’s a strong gravity user many moves Ochako could use) , or that one villain who used gravity to smack natsu about (fairy tail first movie )
I know right?
She's supposed to be the main heroine.
Except she's not.
She's a hero, because it's a show of heroes and true heroism. We get the moral part right but not the flashy cool moves part. At least she's not the damsel in distress but she doesn't do much either. At least every other hero gets to defeat villains and show cool moves.
Take the current arc for example:
Bakugo got Howitzer Impact Cluster Bomb and another cool suit upgrade
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(and something tells me it's not over yet, he will make a comeback to save Deku from Shigaraki and come up with even more new cool moves as a result of his new development)
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Jirou got a team up with HAWKS!! Plus HEARTBEAT LEGATO was something!!
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Tokoyami got BLACK ANKH BALDR...
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(And this was pages worth of highlights)
Shouto keeps getting new moves here and there like anything...
(I don't even wanna count how many new moves he has)
Vs what Ochako got...
When Bakugo got Cluster, it was a culmination of his development in saving department.
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A 9 page chapter that probably holds the record for shortest main chapter, a move that is shown in 1/3rd page with no proper planning or meaning behind it.
When Mina got ACIDMAN-ALMA, it was a symbol of her strength to protect those she care about.
Tokoyami's Ragnarok and other moves show that even if it's dark, there can be light.
Shouto's new moves proves that he is his own person and not just Endeavour's son or Dabi's brother.
What does Ochako's move signify?
Does it signify anything?
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It doesn't. It's just bad/lazy writing. Even the anime writers could come up with a better move. Plus, hasn't Horikoshi already seen the anime original episode? Isn't that why he decided to make Selkei canon? So he should already know that Ochako can do it. I think that's the main problem. There were several moments where she could have shown new moves: During the Overhaul arc, Deku retrieval arc, or even in this war arc early on. My problem is that she's never shown to be training like others. She has the slowest and most mudane development in the entire series. That maybe a stretch but you get what I mean.
Plus, she got stabbed and everyone thinks she's dying and that sucks. Because morals are not alone to prevent injuries. People have no faith because they have never seen Ochako in a difficult situation where she is forced to put up a fight. That's also why the only moment that stands out in her arc was Bakugo vs Ochako and that was years ago.
That's also why her popularity has decreased.
Heck even I could come up with better moves for her.
Talk about disrespect. And she's supposed to be the main character. I think that's also a problem. She was always marketed as MC, which she's not. At least not in Horikoshi's story.
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My only saving grace would be an epic quirk awakening...but seeing as things are going on right now...I don't have much hope left...even a rising chapter feels like too much to ask for.
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moff-times · 8 months
I've recently been gaining this theory. Severus Snape is commonly regarded as the one who flounces in the HP fandom despite being serious and a bit scary, yet is also a drama queen. Which leads me to my question for you:
Is Director Krennic the one who flounces in the Star Wars Universe?
An answer would be appreciated, but not required!
Hello! Thanks for the ask! ^^
I must say that I don't know anything about the HP fandom, although I was under the impression that Snape was well-liked (I might be wrong). From what I remember from the first movies that came out when I was a kid, he was supposed to be more laconic and sarcastic than going around flouncing buuut again that was again my impression.
As for Krennic, another disclaimer, I have yet to read Catalyst (it's been sitting on my bookshelves gathering dust for a few years now but no time, no energy) and what I'm about to say about him is just my awfully personal view.
In Rogue One we are firstly introduced to an Orson Krennic that has a manner of cool and sarcasm about him. In when he recaptures Galen Erso, he commands the scene with a sense of self-reassurance. He dictates the pace and the events. The future is bright, and there is a long road ahead. I see little flouncing in that scene tbh. As for dramatic, well... I guess some would point that his cape is overly dramatic but I'd say that capes have not been something unheard of in certain real life military corps so... I personally don't see anything dramatic there xD
Then we skip quite a few years and once again we meet him. This time, he's a Director, and everything has changed. Krennic is under an incredible amount of stress, more than ever before. As more and more time passes, the greater his certainty that, despite his position, despite the Death Star being a successful project (ESPECIALLY after that), he is replaceable. He knows that his life is on the line unless he makes himself indispensable. He has all the cards, skills and authority to make it out alive, if he plays them well. But he slips more and more, to a boiling point, a couple of times (notably in three moments: 1s, when yells for the officers to fire the Death Star; 2nd "this is my achievement" line; 3rd, when he yells at the officers to deploy their troops in Scarif). Despite being terrified through the entirety of the film, I'd say he keeps his cool rather well except for some outbursts here and there, considering the extreme circumstances surrounding his whole arc. Take the way he keeps it together when he first meets Tarkin, his brooding mien in his shuttle, the sheer coldness about him when he deals with the traitor situation in Eadu. Oh, and his reaction when they test the Death Star in Jedha for the first time. Rather refined, I'd say, despite Tarkin's constant goading. He simply smiles and walks out, letting actions speak for themselves (probably thinking "suck that and come back for another"). It's only when it's taken from him when he explodes.
Soooooo after all this rant that I didn't know I had to get off my chest, is Director Krennic the once who flounces in Star Wars?
The short answer is that fandom works in mysterious ways. Sometimes it's fun to focus on certain aspects of a character, for the sake of crack or lighthearted content, and that sort of stuff is most times quite self-conscious. Just people that are aware of what they are doing: having a good time, and that's what fandom, imho, should be about. Sometimes though, this goes a bit out of hand and the anecdote is turned into the norm, if you know what I mean. Taking a character and putting them in a box with a label, reducing their overall personality to said label against all evidence found in canon sources (in this fandom I use the term canon in an expansive way to both new and legends/eu stuff btw) . And it would seem that Krennic is sometimes indeed reduced to flouncing drama queen in settings beyond "just having my silly good time with my silly little meow meow".
I hope this answer was satisfactory, or at least congruent!
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hey!! could u give some tips for new fanfic writers who are having a hard time starting? I think ur writing is AMAZING and aspire to write as well as you!! thanks!! <3
omg of course!! ive been writing fanfiction for a while now (mostly gen!fics, honestly, and not even reader inserts😭) and i found that these things have kinda worked best for me:
1. go back to the source material
if i’m writing a fanfic thats based on a book, and it’s canon compliant, i like to search up ‘(name of book): timeline’ or if its a movie/show, i go to the wiki page and read the summaries. it just helps to keep yourself accurate. this also works for writing how a character acts/talks, like, i think ive watched about a dozen clips of sunburn (because im too lazy to watch the movie again hehe) trying to replicate davin mcderby’s cheeky personality and dublin accent!
2. read other peoples work!
this is more of a personal preference but reading other people’s fics gets my inspiration going (this is definitely because their work was so amazing)!!! it helps for me to nail down a specific tone of voice too, seeing how other’s characterize who i’m writing about/for.
3. desensitize yourself :p
by desensitizing yourself i mean it in relation to writing smut. for me reading smut is way easier than writing it LMAO when i first started writing smut (which, was like a month ago so bare w/me and take this advice w/a grain of salt😭) i had to physically get up and walk around after a few sentences. so spend some time saying all the dirty shit like “he pried my lips open with the tip of his cock”— stuff like that LOL. if you do cringe like i did, just keep going: it gets better with time. it probably helps if you’re not a virgin but i very much am☠️
4. try different pov’s!
i used to write in the 3rd person pov for reader-inserts, which is great, but i find that writing in 2nd person is much more… personal (can u tell im not eloquent at all outside of fanfiction lmao). find what works best for u, be it 1st, 2nd, or 3rd! it helps to stretch those writing muscles of yours too hehe.
5. finally, when it comes to length, motivation or ideas, do what feels best for u!
if u think it’s better to end that oneshot with a couple thousand words or a couple hundred, do it. if u dont wanna write today, dont! if u want to write some wild crazy shit, do it!!! its YOUR writing and u should trust urself:) u defo know urself better than tumblr randos anyway LMAO
thank you so much for reading my work and for your praise! im actually blushing hella rn i cant believe im getting asked for writing tips. ME, just some cillian murphy addict😭 thank u again for reading!
(bonus: if you dont think u can flesh an idea out as well as you think, write it, then move on before posting it for all to see. maybe post your other works, stuff you that’s all good and neatly polished, then come back to that first idea with fresh eyes!)
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boycottyashahime · 2 years
I feel like me and the rest of the fandom are being gaslighted by Sessrinners and the existence of Yashahime itself when they keep on crying out that Sessrin was “obviously the intended canon from the start,” and “who else was going to be the mother?” And like…no? Before the existence of that dreaded Drama CD (which itself isn’t canon and just satire) there wasn’t a single hint or shippy subtext pointing toward Sessrin ever becoming a thing in the future. I legit went back and skimmed through all the episodes (even the Sunrise invented filler ones) and chapters the two appear in and no interaction between the two could even be taken as ambiguous, it’s all very strictly platonic. Rin didn’t even have so much a puppy love crush on Sesshomaru, she was excitedly shipping him with Kagura and yet shippers, Sunrise, Shiina and Rumiko wanna tell me she was an intended love interest all along and Sessrin antis were “just too blind to the truth?”
This is literal fandom gaslighting. The only possible hint that exists in the OG anime that I might give shippers is Takemaru in the 3rd movie comparing both Kagome and Rin to Izayoi, but 1: It’s not any actual shippy interaction coming from either Sesshomaru’s or Rin’s parts and only exists from the observations of an outside observer who mind you, is currently clearly losing his mind and 2: All the movies are non-canon, so just like the Drama CD they don’t count. (Though in retrospect realizing that Sumisawa directed all the movies like how he wrote the Drama CD and directed Yashahime it most likely was intended to come off as a “hint,” it’s definitely not an obvious one that normal non-pedos who don’t have lolicon brain rot would ever pick up on, I know I didn’t my first time around and was frankly shocked during Yashahime’s initial announcement that Rin was actually being considered a serious candidate for the twins mother)
So let me get this straight, all the shipping “hints” that even exist for Sessrin are all from non-canon material? Not the actual original manga or show itself? And Sessrinners still wanna insecurely scream at the top of their lungs on how “Sessrin is canon” and the fandom has to be forced to accept it? No, fuck that! I know gaslighting when I see it!
I agree wholeheartedly - through Yashahime, we're told by Sunrise and affiliates that the only valid interpretation of the relationship between Sesshoumaru and Rin is a romantic one. We're told that it was inevitable that they should get together, that there was no other option for the two of them, and that this is a GOOD development instead of a regression. If we point out that a romance between the two was unsupported in the source material, and that the interpretations we took from it were much more platonic, we're gleefully dogpiled by shippers who insist that WE'RE the ones who were drawing those platonic interpretations from nowhere. Pointing to specific scenes and interactions that indicate Rin is not Sesshoumaru's equal, that she obeys him like the child she is, that Sesshoumaru plays the role of a surrogate father, are points that are dismissed without counterevidence and a handwave, if not ignored altogether. There is no reason to believe that these two characters aren't meant to be a couple someday, you're just looking at this through the lens of WESTERN morality, and antis are committed to an insane moral standard.
What are you talking about? I don't see a gaslight. You're just crazy.
Honestly, at this point, it's a wonder that we bother to back up our opinion of the matter at all anymore. Obviously actual evidence from the manga doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what you can SHOW actually happened in the story and how your interpretation can be drawn reasonably from the text. All that matters is whether a writer at Sunrise with a VERY clear bias toward depicting these types of grooming relationships managed to get HIS interpretation widely distributed or not. Because if you're part of the official entity that officially OWNS the IP, your opinion matters more, I guess.
RT shrugging and yielding to Sunrise's version of the relationship certainly doesn't help matters. Though she HAS (at last) come out and said that she personally viewed Sesshoumaru as a parental figure to Rin, I don't think that she ever cared one way or the other whether people shipped them. I speculated a while back that the reason we never got her stance on the matter sooner was because she didn't want to alienate ANY of her Sesshoumaru fans, because him being one of her more popular characters meant that her voicing an opinion on his relationship with Rin might mean some people would stop reading/watching Inuyasha altogether and it would hurt her bottom line. I'm more convinced than ever that this is the case, because she out-and-out AVOIDED questions about Sesshoumaru getting together with Rin when she's older up until after the first season of Yashahime, which she would only do because she wasn't going to make them a couple, but she knew that her friends at Sunrise might want to take a crack at it at some point and she didn't want to close that door. She only went ahead and finally gave her own perspective when it was clear the show was a major flop after the mother reveal, and there was nothing left to lose by trying to recapture some of her lost Sesshoumaru fans by showing them a little solidarity.
Not sure how successful a move that was, given I know a LOT of folks who are still very upset and not buying anything Inuyasha branded anymore. I guess the only ones who will really know for sure are RT and Sunrise, as reflected in their plunging profits.
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twwpress · 4 months
Weekly Press Briefing #84: January 28th - February 3rd
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from January 28 – February 3. Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing! 
Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote or know of one we’re missing? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
@thefinestmuffin and @JessBakesCakes are hosting the 3rd Annual Josh/Donna Rom-Com Fest. Anyone can prompt or claim, and the fest reveals on February 14. Details here. 
This Week in Canon:
Welcome back to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 3, Episode 12: The Two Bartlets aired on January 30, 2002.
Here’s what was posted from January 28 - February 3:
Allison Janney posted a photo of herself with some of her Palm Royale castmates, including Laura Dern, Jayme Lemons, and Leslie Bibb. 
Amy Landecker posted a photo of herself with Brad and Randy Rainbow. 
Josh Malina posted a video compilation of himself as David Rosen in Scandal.  
Marlee Matlin posted a reel of herself advocating for open captions at all times at movie theatres. 
Melissa Fitzgerald posted a photo of author Laura Dave and herself with Melissa and Mary McCormack’s upcoming West Wing book. Melissa Fitzgerald posted a photo of herself with Elmo in honor of his birthday (Elmo is 3 and a half). 
Rob Lowe posted a video of himself on the Howard Stern show talking about casting for The Outsiders. 
Rob Lowe posted a photo of himself and his son Johnny from the set of their show Unstable. 
Donna Moss Daily: January 28 | January 29 | January 30 | January 31 | February 1 | February 2 | February 3
Daily Josh Lyman: January 28 | January 29 | January 30 | January 31 | February 1 | February 2 | February 3
No Context BWhit: January 28 | January 29 | February 1 | February 2 | February 3
@twwarchive: January 28 | January 29 | January 30 | January 31 | February 1 | February 2 | February 3
@twwgifs: February 3
Editors’ Choice: 
This week in 2002, The Two Bartlets aired for the first time. We're recommending fics set during or after that episode!
the defect at the heart of every promise by joshatella (shuuuliet) | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Donna catches Josh brooding about his canceled trip to Tahiti with Amy. Also, no one in the West Wing is entirely sure what the word "brooding" actually means. Missing scene to 3x12: "The Two Bartlets". Big Pajamas by TheBreakfastGenie | Not Rated | Amy Gardner/Josh Lyman | Complete | "Should I change?" "Into what?" "I remember a pair of big pajamas." Josh tries to explain why he has pajamas that are too big for him, which means explaining some other things, too. Post-The Two Bartlets. Just Like June by Kansas J. Miller [archived by westwingfanfictioncentral_archivist] | Rated T | C. J. Cregg/Sam Seaborn | Complete | CJ and Sam take some time for themselves. S3 E12 The Two Bartlets by JDPostEpisodeChallenge | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Written by SeaDog11 Red Shoes, The by Marguerite | Rated T | No Pairings Listed [Ed. note: this is a C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler fic where the pairing was not tagged] | Complete | "Why do we do it? Because we can't stop."
Presenting your weekly roundup of fics posted in the tag for The West Wing on Archive of Our Own. 
Locus Amoenus by spooky_spacegirl | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Come Back, Be Here by MatthewsMary | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete [Editor’s Note: While this fic is listed on AO3 as complete, it has continued to update and appears to be a WIP]
Those Small Moments by wootcanal | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
Other Pairings/Gen Fic
it started off with a kiss... now it ended up like this by imawkwardlysoc | Rated G | Sam Seaborn/Original Female Character | In Progress
why they lost their minds and fought the wars by JediAnnieScrambler | Rated E | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler | In Progress
it is very cold… in space by themysterybox | Rated G | C.J. Cregg/Donna Moss | Complete
Checking In, Checking Out by LittleBlackaPony (crossover with Forever Knight) | Rated G | Dolores Landingham, Don Schanke, Nicholas Knight (Forever Knight), Natalie Lambert (No Pairings Listed) | Complete
Requited, Actually. by OhhMyy | Rated E | Toby Ziegler/Original Female Character | Complete
End Racism in the OTW – Tommy Boy by DestielIsDestiny | Rated G | Jed Bartlet & Sam Seaborn (No Pairings Listed) | In Progress
This Season of Peace and Joy by thedaisyfairy | Rated G | Josh Lyman & Toby Ziegler (No Pairings Listed) | Complete
Unwriting the pages by AlasPoorCesario | Rated G | Jed Bartlet (No Pairings Listed) | Complete
Multiple Pairings
What Sons Do by kcat1971 | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Helen Santos/Matt Santos, Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Ainsley Hayes/Sam Seaborn, Zoey Bartlet/Charlie Young | In Progress
Twitter: @TWWPress
Feel free to let us know if we missed something, if you have an event you’d like us to promote, or if you have an item that you’d like included in the next briefing!
xx, What’s next?
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galacticvampire · 1 year
As an Asian and a major fan of the Jedi, I just wanna slap Lesyle Headland in the face. I'm so tired of ignorant Westerners (aka faux white feminists) like her and Kathleen Kennedy shitting on the Jedi. They're basically insulting and looking down on my people and their culture. I wish Kathleen Kennedy got fired. I wish that SOMEONE could hire an Asian person to direct the Acolyte instead of a white Western woman like Lesyle Headland. She should just go back to making a 3rd season of Russian Doll or whatever. Why is it SO HARD for Disney to hire Asian people to be in charge of a Star Wars series or movie???
The anti-jedi rethoric is very annoying and it upsets me that lucasfilm doesn't try (i might be wrong about them not trying but alas) to at least direct creators working for canon material to stick to GLs original meaning without the very prominent legends bias we know older fans have. You and everyone to whom this characterization is important (I'm one of them!) has every right to be upset about the things she said, but I just want to point out a few things:
We don't know how Acolyte is going to turn out. The statement is worrying but we've seen actors/directors say things in interviews that just don't reflect on what we actually get. (Favreou does this all the time) I say we wait. I'm not an optimistic but I think we can hold off saying it will DEFINITELY be awful until it actually comes out.
Again, it's very upsetting having yet another show trying to be "jedi critical" but I can't help but notice that Filoni, Favreou and multiple other writers have been doing it for years and everyone still watches and reads everything they put out. Not many people seriously call for them being fired. The fact that I've seen way more anger and aggressiveness towards Lesyle is... telling. Go all the way on the critiques of the material when the show comes out (I will) but don't be blind to the fact that she is one of the first openly queer women leading a prominent Disney production. There will be fans being awful to the show just because of it + Amandla's race and gender. Sometimes will be hard to tell which kind of anger someone is expressing but I'll highlight that is NEVER productive to side with bigots, even when you're rightfully angry for different reasons than them.
Which leads to my next point: we should be (I know we already are, just to remember the focus) advocating for diversity on the writing room. That's the space we have to a big cast of opinions and perspectives in the same project, while we only have one director/a few producers. And I think it's important to acknowledge that in that department they've already have gone really far just in the last couple years. We have Debora Chow. Diego Luna was producing Andor. Regardless of the end result, Lesley is an openly queer woman. EVERY SINGLE LEAD BESIDES EWAN IS A POC. This was unimaginable ten years ago. This is just a reminder to not let yourself fall in despair, we're getting there.
Kathleen Kennedy is incredible at her job. I'm not discussing her opinions because they aren't that relevant: she doesn't make any creative decisions. She makes executive and strategic ones, and Star Wars has put out more content under her administration than ever. She is one of the reasons it's so diverse now. Push for her to do better, to hire people who have a vision that aligns with what star wars is meant to be, but calling for her being fired is echoing the dudebros who blame her for every detail that aren't even under her control.
None of this erases the underlying racism in the refusal to understand Jedi culture, you (we) are rightfully angry, specially if Acolyte turns out to be exactly how she said it will. I just think there are more effective ways we can have this conversation and pressure Lucasfilm to do better than boycotting a show we don't even know if is really problematic yet, lest they decide it's easier to stick to the "standard" white straight male pov because it cuts off both the "wokenism" complaints and the ones that what they're doing isn't the right kind of diversity. (see also: target)
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disorganizedkitten · 2 months
Bursting Bubbles of Bad Luck Chapter 7
Miraculous Ladybug | 2020 | 1,331 | Ao3 | Prev | Masterlist | Next
July 3rd-Boredom
So the whole discord chat idea? Magic was the less fun part. Felix should have let Allegra add him ages ago.
The Dead Fandoms Discord - Channel #Go-Go-Gadget-Chatroom
Snow Cone King: I’m just saying, Ics, that if we have to petition Walmart, we should at least do it with a lot of people.
Flutetastic: ...Almost everyone on this server and probably half of tumblr and a corner of twitter and a few people from school and my entire family
Considering my family includes you and all the cousins on your half too, that’s a lot of people.
Snow Cone King: Amb. Ics, ics you know what this means?
Speedster: Y’all, I think we should just use the online petition thingy. Get millions of email subscribers from all over the world.
Snow Cone King: My dad probably would totally sign a petition to get Inspector Gadget merch back in stores and then actually make it happen
Flutetastic: It’s sm fun to see you have one of those My Dad Is A Millionaire epiphanies.
Flutetastic: Als, why do you save your logic for the middle of our discussions?
Speedster: Gotta take the time to come up with my genius.
Snow Cone King: Show off.
Penny Could Kick Me: I find it very amusing to watch you guys casually say things like ‘one of those My Dad Is A Millionaire epiphanies’.
Snow Cone King: :Squinty eyes: i can’t tell if that’s an insult
Penny Could Kick Me: Is me laughing out loud at you insulting?
Flutetastic: Say no
Snow Cone King: I haven’t decided.
Snow Cone King: I think so?
Penny Could Kick Me: I love you guys.
Snow Cone King: That’s def. A compliment. Thank you.
The Dead Fandoms Discord - Channel #By-The-Power-Of-Greyskull
The Orange Death: Y’all I just found an article saying Damian Wayne and Adam are friends and someone needs to explain to me how that happened and if that means I missed a He-Man reboot
If so, Imma cri
Snow Cone King: Wait who has the rights to He-Man?
The Orange Death: Honestly I figured it was netflix ‘cause they just did that she-ra reboot but like
Apparently not?
Snow Cone King: I’m looking this up amb
Useless Ace: I thought the last reboot was in 2010?
Snow Cone King: I am apparently a very uninformed fan
There was a life action movie in 1987
The Orange Death: What
Snow Cone King: My to watch list is much bigger
I thought there were only the two versions? I don’t even know which versions they were now?
Useless Ace: Welcome to the world of fandom my friend. Experts are few, far-inbetween, and deserve mad respect bc I could care less to follow every bit of canon ever
Snow Cone King: Mood
Snow Cone King: As of dec 18, 2019, Netflix wants to do a CGI reboot
Useless Ace: Oh thank goodness. My biggest beef with the She-ra reboot was the lost potential for Adam/Adora shenanigans.
Snow Cone King: Have you watched it?
 Useless Ace: See above
Snow Cone King: :facepalm:
Actually I can’t judge, it’s still collecting dust on my to-watch list
Snow Cone King: Reading more and Mark Hamill? Will be Skeletor?? That sounds like it'll go really well
The Orange Death: Y’all I have no idea but now I’m excited
About time He-Man came back
Snow Cone King: Fr tho, I can’t find anything about ties to dc or where he’d have met Damian
Flutetastic: Whack
The Orange Death: You’re telling me
Snow Cone King: You’re telling me.
Snow Cone King: I’m giving up. Some fandom guru who actually knows stuff can figure this out
The Orange Death: Valid
Snow Cone King: I lied and looked further and apparently not only are there multiple comicverse crossovers (Injustice vs the masters of the universe)(DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe)(he Man and the Masters of the Multiverse(I’m guessing is a crossover too)), but there’s a THUNDERCATS one too!
 My childhood will be complete as soon as I read that
Useless Ace: Dude that’s amazing
That’s going top of my to-read list
Snow Cone King: Mood
Gerald: Mood
The Orange Death: King, you really are a king, thank you so much!!!
Useless Ace: I rlly hope they give Adam a better costume like they did w/ Adora in the new reboot
The Orange Death: It’s a bit overdue
The Dead Fandoms Discord - Channel #Magic-Troubles
Snow Cone King: amb there’s a illusion lady in my lit class and normally Idc but she’s being so annoying and she keeps illustrating the whack tales she’s telling and the teach could care less but she’s directly in my line of sight and I wanna learn
Is there a nice way to ask her to stop?
Goldie Queen Of France: Tell her she’s making it hard to see. Rlly, just bc we’re magic doesn’t mean we have the right to be a jerk
Snow Cone King: I’m a jerk by nature
Just wanted to make sure
Flutetastic: King, you’re not magic
The Dead Fandoms Discord chat - Channel #Less-than-dead-corner
Killjoy: I’m just saying! Thanos’ plan was dumb!
Jackie of Jackaland: You didn’t even watch the movie
Killjoy: I don’t have to watch a movie to know that it’s dumb to kill people for resource management when another option is literally just to make more resources
Jackie of Jackaland: Valid point op but pls start watching movies and reading comics before you rant about them based off of someone else’s tumblr rant
Killjoy: That’s less fun
Jackie of Jackaland: You mean less headache inducing
Goldie Queen of France: @Killjoy @Jackie of Jackaland polite, remember? If you’re gonna throw hands, do it in the dms.
Killjoy: Right, sorry
Jackie of Jackaland: Sry
The Dead Fandoms Discord chat - Channel #Magic-troubles
Snow Cone King: Wait are trails colored different by sect or by person?
Coracle-Miracle: Supposed to be by person, but mine turned a purple/black after whatever happened with the heart
Snow Cone King: Ouch
Coracle-Miracle: It hurts less to use magic the more I use it, although Idk what that means. We’re just powering through
The Dead Fandoms Discord Chat - Channel #MURDOCH
Snow Cone King: If I ever leave Paris, I want to go to Canada
Mapleblood: Dude that is my entire life motto
‘Cept I’m Brazilian
Point stands
Speedster: Valid x100
The Dead Fandoms Discord Chat - Channel #Less-than-dead-corner
Flutetastic: Salut, t’all, should I watch Gravity Falls?
Pigtails ftw: I say yeah
It gets weird later on, so I never finished, but I liked what I saw in the beginning
Flutetastic: Awesome. I wanna see if it beats Paris rn
Pigtails ftw: What even is Paris rn?
Flutetastic: Mood
Pigtails ftw: No but like, legit. What’s going on over there?
Flutetastic: #That-Real-Life
The Dead Fandoms Discord Chat - Channel #That-Real-Life
Flutetastic: @Pigtails ftw so yaknow about the magic hearts thing?
Pigtails ftw: didn’t know they were real
Flutetastic: Common response
@Snow Cone King @Coracle Miracle @Rough-Glamor @Goldie Queen Of France come help me out
So the heart/miraculous of Modification got corrupted by somebody, so far no one knows if they’re a strong sorcerer or a lucky human, but it happened and is messing with all change mages.
Snow Cone King: And he uses the extra power to possess civilians and turn them into rampaging monsters who are supposed to hold the city hostage for the hearts of Destruction and Restoration
Coracle-Miracle: which are, btw, also the hearts of purity and chaos
Snow Cone King: How does that work?
Coracle-Miracle: Those two hearts are the strongest and have multiple tie-in clauses, like luck, but that translates to really dangerous and often selfish sorcerers so instead they split into sections within theirs. It’s really interesting actually! Jaclynn O’Conner wrote a really cool book on it, I suggest you read that.
Pigtails ftw: That sounds demonic
Flutetastic: It nearly is
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
I’ve found that the most telling evidence that Something Else is amiss in the broad dislike of Scott is the lack of enthusiasm for Sciles. Compare it to Supernatural, which was also big at that time: 2 young attractive male leads (DOB being 3rd billed aside), good chemistry (both on-screen and IRL as friends), comedic dynamic, unbreakable bond, occasional flirting, etc. Sciles should have been THE pairing by almost any metric. Sterek had the antagonistic dynamic to set it apart, but given how much people water it down to fun banter or erase it altogether in fic, that canonical difference clearly wasn’t all that essential to shippers’ enjoyment. Allison comes up ALL the time as a complaint but other fandoms seem to be able to demonize and/or erase canon girlfriends without much of an issue. It leaves very, very few explanations when you look at it from that POV.
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When I first entered fandom, I wasn't very interested in relationships; I focused more on character development in relation to plot. When I wrote, it was primarily gen fiction. As time passed, positive interactions with the fandom (there can be some!) led me to consider relationships as an important part of the greater whole. But one thing I never quite understood is the hostility to both Scott and Stiles's friendship and Scott and Allison's relationship. Unlike some people, I don't think that a non-canon relationship like romantic Stiles and Derek or Stiles and Peter simply can't work. I've written Sterek myself. It's always confused me how fandom seemed to seek validation for those ships by tearing down both of Scott's primary canonical relationships, which are completely unrelated.
Now, you know, I eventually came to several conclusions about why this happens, which I have talked about a great deal and will continue to talk about. But it's always key to me when actually grappling with an issue is an attempt to understand the other side. So I asked myself, for instance, why was Scott and Allison's canon romantic relationship so unpopular? It seems to me that those opposed to it have four major complaints which I have seen expressed in print.
It was heterosexual, and that is somehow bad.
It was stupid and dangerous: a newly bitten teenage werewolf falling in love with the teenage daughter of werewolf hunters was a recipe for disaster.
It distracted the lead protagonist (Scott) from the issues he should be addressing and the people to which he should be listening.
As the primary canon relationship of the first two seasons, parts of the audience felt it was being forced on them.
With the exception of the first one, which still mystifies me to this day, these others could have some value. I mean, the Romeo-and-Juliet trope is an old one, and people may be tired, in this modern age, of seeing it being re-enacted again. So, why don't you take an amble with me over to AO3? If these are legitimate fandom concerns, then it should hold up when we examine Teen Wolf's peer group of supernatural adventure shows.
Let's look at the famous Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003); it seems that the top two ships represented on AO3 are ...
#1 Spike and Buffy Summers
#2 Angel and Buffy Summers
Strange that the heterosexual canon ships of a vampire slayer and a vampire remain two most popular subjects. But that's an old show. We've changed. Let's look at something with more direct relevance. Tyler Posey was up for the role of Jacob in the Twilight film series (2008-2012). What ships are most popular there?
#1 Edward Cullen and Bella Swan
#2 Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale
Okay, interesting but there are still differences. There is less emphasis on inherent conflict, I guess. And those are movies, let's move back to television. (I will now switch from 'heterosexual' to 'man/woman' because some of these characters are definitely bisexual.)
True Blood (2008-2014) was a far more adult television show, so it would expand beyond the mainstream that the fandom finds so cloying:
#1 Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse
#2 Bill Compton and Sookie Stackhouse
Or maybe not. But that's premium cable targeted at a different audience. Let's look at the competitors, such as The Vampire Diaries (2009-2017) which ran coterminous with our show.
#1 Caroline Forbes and Klaus Mikaelson
#2 Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore
Or its spin off, The Originals (2013-2018)
#1 Caroline Forbes and Klaus Mikaelson
#2 Hayley Marshall and Elijah Mikaelson
It's kind of weird that these all have a certain pattern that the most popular ships to write about are all man/woman ships with built-in oppositional obstacles. Now, there are shows whose fandom are focused on non-heterosexual relationships, such as Supernatural, and while I haven't watched it and never will, I'm told that one of the reasons is that any canon man/woman ship was doomed by the narrative impulse to whack female characters. There's Legacies, which I don't know much about but it seems to be focused on a woman/woman ship and isn't that refreshing?
But I think, to paraphrase my favorite show, if three times is a pattern, five times might be a trend. It seems that fandom doesn't really have any problem exploring canonical problematic supernatural man/woman relationships as long as there is a particular trait among all the people participating in those relationships. Can you spot the pattern for yourself? Can someone explain to me why these are the most popular ships in their respective fandoms but those same characteristics make Scott and Allison's relationship distasteful. Of course, and always, we have to remember one thing
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raffaelamusiker · 4 months
Formal request to also ask all of them for the fic ask
(You can't prove it's been a whole month)
Origonal post
What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
‘Not yet’ whispers through the trees and B’Elanna shudders. And I couldn't even tell you why but it's my most favourite <3 From Existing In Your Orbit
What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Oooh boy. Honestly Rios staying in 2024.
Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
I recently recieved amazing long comments on my Jemily series and I think they might be my most favourite. Also Jaz's comment on Mercy and the ones where people ask me for more smut because they're so funny.
What is your wildest headcanon?
I wrote a crack fic the other day where Seven drank a Big Gulp without taking a breath so I guess that one.
What’s your ideal writing setup?
Somewhere cosy and no noise.
Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
Depends. For multi-chapter I usually try and have an outline or basis. usually just go with the flow and what kind of fic it is.
Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
“What, and I’m not important enough for you to want to stay?” Raffi shoots back, picking at her nails. 
The hand that’s gripping the page of the book in her lap moves quick enough that it rips it before she snaps the book shut loudly. A pang of regret fills her chest at the fact that this is one of Raffi’s books but her frustration takes over everything else. 
“Stop putting words in my mouth, Raffi.” Seven stands to walk away. “When have I ever said you aren’t important? If I didn’t want to be here I wouldn’t come.” 
“You’ve never said I am important!” 
Gasp angst who'd have thought.
Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
Only if I'm trying to read a specific fic i've read before. I usually just scroll through all the fics til I find one I want to read again.
Do you like to post fics on a schedule or at random?
Random. Gotta keep you all on your toes you know.
What helps you focus when you write?
Really wish I knew haha.
What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
This is a hard toss up but it's got to be either Before the Sunrise, Raffaela or Nostalgia
Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
Both. Writing is cathartic and helps me get out my messy thoughts but also I love sharing things with others.
Why did you start writing fanfic?
To get all these ideas out of my head and to help me mentally.
Which character is your favorite to write?
Hmm...I wonder...
Raffi, of course though Emily will always be my baby too.
Which character is the toughest to write?
Sometimes I find Seven tough from a 3rd person pov, but honestly men are just hard to write lmao
Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
Well I've listed my CM and Picard faves already but my Voyager fave is probably A Collective of Four
How often do you read your own fics?
So often lmao.
Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
Well me and bestie want to write our AU's into books. Princess and Knight AU and Pirate AU. All wlw of course.
If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
All the Saffi fics should be real. Just saying. (Well not all of them...)
What inspires you and your writing?
Stupid dumb characters in my head /affectionate, and talking to others.
Do you research for your fics?
Usually if its needed. And it's usually for small little things.
What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
Probably in the middle. But I'll read near enough anything tbh.
Do you often write about a relationship or focus on an individual?
I usually focus on one character within a relationship with the relationship surrounding it.
Have you included any sexy scenes in your fics? If yes, do you find them easy or difficult to write?
It depends on the vibe tbh. Sometimes it flows a lot easier than others. I do have to write from a giving position usually though otherwise its hard af lmao.
Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
Angst. I never feel like I get fluff right honestly.
What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
Happy endings even if everythings gone to shit before. Except Before the Sunrise but that's an outlier. Sometimes I'll do ambiguous or bad but I tend to need the happy endings to make me feel better haha.
How many WIPs do you currently have?
Oh no...I don't even want to count. Ones that are written that don't include multichapters? Maybe 5? MC's and just ideas included thats probably in the teens honestly.
Does anyone beta read or edit your fics?
Bestie Blaine is always the best beta and makes my stuff make sense <3
Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
If I had to choose one fic, it would have to be Foundations. Authors, alreadyaccepted, smol_yellowbumblebee, ericine, daxs10thhost, bimichaelburnham, sleeplessrivers, dolcewrites, fenrisranger, thequeerengineer, sgtmac, falltonadir...okay just everyone in the Saffi/Picard tag okay <3
What led to your interest in the fandom?
My partner got me watching the first season of Picard and there were gays so, the rest is history I guess.
Are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic?
I am quite open about it haha.
What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Reading other people's fics and interacting with them is the best way to enchance your own writing.
Do you like writing short fics or long fics?
I love writing long fics but lately that's been an impossible struggle and I've felt kinda like a failure. Last year I wrote something like 70 fics because I did a lot of drabbles. This year I want to focus on longer fics and I have quite a few ideas stored up.
Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
It depends. Sometimes i can look at a chapter and I'll guess how long it is (and then it'll be longer) but I usually go with the flow.
Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
As someone who just got out of burnout, its to try something new. I started With Love, A which is a totally different format from what I've done before and it's really brought me out of the slump. Also talking through things with other people is always great.
Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
I would like to make my own canon someday haha.
Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Hurt/comfort is my beloved.
If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Polycule cuddle pile. Which one? I have too many to choose from.
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Note: this Gijinka sketch was made in Dec 26 2022
An idea I made year ago!
(Long post ahead)
So..I had this idea during my MU phase and that idea is "what if Johnny has a human friend?"
Sully have Boo, so I thought "You know what? I'm gonna give this Monster a little friend"
So say hello to Sammy!
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(2nd note: I was joking on this old sketch about Johnny adopting the child, but, he does gives off the father figure to Sam, because I love Johnny)
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(Old quick sketch from Dec 29 2022 that has been redrawn today)
Undercut will show my early concept of this au
In the early concept, Sam is a 4 y/o boy who loves bug, and since his mom work as a entomologist, he's allowed to keep a stag bettle as his pet.
How did Sam met Johnny?
Well...it's still in WIP, in the beta concept,
It takes place right after Monster Inc Movie
Lets just say, Sam accidentally met Johnny somewhere which actually scared Johnny himself (3rd note: I just wanna assume that he still think that human are toxic)
It's like when Sully & Mike are dealing with Boo at their apartment (but slightly different?)
Until someone convinced him that Sam wasn't dangerous
Time skip, One day Johnny finally became Sammy's friend.
So when it's night time, he wait for Johnny to come by just to pick him up to play with him.
Also, Sammy nickname Johnny "Beetle" because his big horn reminded him his pet Stag beetle 🪲
Most part of the stories are pretty obvious that it's still WP / unfinished, and the reason are:
- I don't even know what Johnny's home looked like (assumed he lived in a mansion or something), plus we don't know what Fear Co. Even look like on the inside (if this was necessary to this idea of mine?)
- I'm bad at writing a canon characters' accurate personalities & action (ex. What they do, how they talk and so on..)
- I might have forgotten a lot of parts about MI & MU's stories (I'm not good at remembering thing easily)
- I'm not good at making story, so I wasn't able to execute it well (due to my bad English and grammar and also lack of making good story, I think? English is not my first language anyway nor was I a good writer)
- Lastly, I'm still deciding whether I should make this into a 4 panel mini comic series or not (I was inspired from a certain game creator who made a 4koma series of their new game)
And...that's pretty much it,
Boi was this a long post compared to the post I made about my AB oc's design.
I know this was just a silly idea of mine but I still love this concept regardless.
I'm nervous to post this i public cuz' I think people might find my idea to be weird but I just had this random burst of energy of writing this post from 1 - 2 AM (yes you read that correctly).
Thank you for your time reading this!
End of post, back to sleep 🛌💤
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purplemys · 2 years
Inuyasha Rant/Rambling
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I think it would have been cool to see Izayoi outside of being sad, dead or a damsel in distress. She could have been given much better substance.
I would have loved to see what her and Inuyasha's lives were like pre-death. Wiki says she died of natural causes. It can't possibly be old age because discounting the 3rd movie, Inuyasha ages like any human would. (If anyone says otherwise, that would make him way older than not only Kagome, but Kikyou too.) He was 9 - 10 years old when she died. Then this would mean sickness? Would have been nice to see Inuyasha's last days with her or how her family treats her... Ya know...to make me care more...
Some alternative deaths I have in the back of my mind,
a) getting killed by a rival demon of Toga's to show that yes, she was always in danger by mere association, let alone having the child of a Demon General/King. At that point, getting murdered by a demon might as well be a natural cause of death at the feudal era.
b) The house/estate got stormed by a hate mob because she's "impure" or a major target by other demons. She was either disowned or her family legit just fell into ruins. Either way, nobody would protect her. Wouldn't it be so tragic if it was humans who killed Inuyasha's mom instead of just demons? There's so many ways to make all this (TogaxIzayoi story, InuKik,Inuyasha learning to trust humans again) so much more heartwrenching. Inuyasha rarely mentions her in both the manga and the anime. At least in the anime, he mentioned her to Kikyou once which was nice but that's about it. In the manga, she didn't even have a name or a face.
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I think it would have been cool to see Kikyou outside of being sad, undead or a damsel in distress.
No, but seriously, there could have been better ways to write Kikyou's character than what we have been given. For all the shit I say about the characters I hate (like Kikyou and Hawks), at the end of the day, I appreciate the concept/attempt. They're like stylized bottles with little canon substance in them.
Kikyou, self-insert or not, she's integral to the plot- to Inuyasha's life. Now how would I rather the story have gone when it comes to Kikyou?
A) They should have written her relationship with Inuyasha way better.
B) She should have remained a major antagonist.
C) Let the characters (who always call one another out on their bullshits mind you) call her out on her shitty actions during her redemption.
Better yet, A + B (since her being an antagonist, getting called out should be a given) or we keep the plot as is but with a bonus C!
With Option A, it should fix the major issues I have with InuKik: a)Their dynamic and how it's inherently in Kikyou's favor. b)Their mutual distrust of each other. c)The lack of intimacy outside of being romantic/sexual partners.
a)Their dynamic and how it's inherently in Kikyou's favor.
Socially: Inuyasha was an outcast from having no family (they're either dead or hate him), being homeless, and worst of all, being a half-demon. In contrast, we have Kikyo, who is a priestess of high status, she is loved, she is legendary, she is powerful (if she killed him upon their first meeting, no one would care).
Mentally: Kikyo in canon, is not only regarded as older, she is meant to be wiser. She was educated, trained, and was (supposed to be) smart. Inuyasha by contrast was very likely homeschooled, sheltered and never had any of the social interactions Kikyo would have had. Inuyasha is said to be physically 15, if said to be 200 years old. Okay. Based on what I said about his actual aging in canon, he is 15 years old. Kikyo should have known this, yes? She met this young social outcast who was hated by both man and demon and thought "Yeah, ask him to be human. That solves both our problems and we can be happy!" But would it have worked?
But before all that, why would Kikyou specifically want the jewel gone?
"She wants to be a normal woman." Okay, but what even is normal in a world full of demons, witches, and other supernatural entities? "She doesn't want to be the guardian of a jewel that grants immeasurable power, that puts her life at stake more than usual." Fair enough, but I raise you this, her life was already at stake all the time anyway simply by being a powerful priestess (Midoriko for example). Inuyasha was even helping her guard the jewel which was barely kept safe.... at a shrine in the middle of the village... why was it just placed on an altar. I don't know. I won't touch it.
Now, Kikyo has been robbed of a regular childhood just by being born a priestess. I'll giver her that. She's way too young, even by their standards, to be burdened by a life-threatening job. Which begs the question, why does Inuyasha have to bear the consequences of that? He was already helping her, protecting her and her village. She proposed the idea of him being human, leaving himself vulnerable, leaving something he was born with, just to conform with society- and what changes with her? She already admitted she's just going to live as a priestess without the threat of the jewel. That's something so heavy to leave on him -
(I had to check what she actually said and it was just "I will be an ordinary woman." See earlier point. Wishing him to be human doesn't suddenly rid her of her powers, she'd still be a priestess regardless lest they elope which was never stated or implied. I mean, she could have dropped her position as priestess ? But it was never stated or implied what she meant. Honestly that proposal between her and Inuyasha didn't feel like a proper conversation between lovers who planned to eventually marry.)
Which now leads to my next point, it wouldn't have worked.
(Disregarding the possible implications of the jewel being destroyed had they just burned the jewel inside Midoriko's mummified corpse, or if not, just sealed the entire cave with Kikyo's powers that came next to Midoriko's.)
The jewel, at least in the anime, was finally gone due to "the right wish" - Kagome's selfless wish. The Shikon Jewel got tainted by any sort of impure, selfish desire, yes? The mere inkling of jealousy, hate, and envy was enough to taint the jewel. While I think Kikyou just wanted that jewel gone and never to see Inuyasha again. I'll entertain the idea for the sake of my argument. Kikyou's supposed wishes on the jewel were (in the first case, was going to wish)
1) "For Inuyasha to be human." - The main motivations for this wish aren't inherently awful but it's still questionable at best. Inuyasha clearly hesitated and she insisted that this wish will lead to them living normal lives. Inuyasha clearly dislikes being human - being weak, vulnerable, and essentially unreliable during an attack lest he trains to be a soldier afterwards, and even then that's not going to stop demons who just know what he looks/smells like-he'd be dead. To end this point, this clearly benefits her more than it does him. That's clearly still selfish.
(Even if Inuyasha was fully into it, that wish is still by all technicality, self-serving, - a wish tainted by possible feelings of resentment and loneliness, only to be somehow "fixed" by conforming to a world that clearly hates him.)
2) Supposedly, "Kikyo wished to see Inuyasha again" and that somehow manifested into Kagome being born with the jewel. I'll lightly entertain the idea that that wish is what caused the jewel to be recreated and brought back to the feudal era. That wish is still very much self-serving. It is what she wants, after she "killed" or sealed her supposed loved one. You really can't ask for someone back after you did that to them. (This is ignoring the fact that the narrative wasn't even sure what happened back there. She aimed to kill. Then he was sealed because "she didn't want to kill him." Then the story says "she followed him to death." Which. Was. It.
This leads me to my next point, relating to her wish. Kikyo clearly had a basis of what the right wish could have been. She wouldn't have suggested that wish to Inuyasha if she didn't know what constituted as a wrong wish, right? "She wasn't sure actually, cut her some slack!" Then why would she want to test her idea out on Inuyasha, who she supposedly cared about. She knew the jewel was dangerous and likely twisted any wish the user had based on any sign of impurity.
Why use it on Inuyasha?
What, because he was desperate enough to let her.
b) Their mutual distrust of each other.
Inuyasha didn't trust her enough to know that she wouldn't just suddenly fire arrows at him the exact day they promised to seal their fate together. He didn't even bother checking her scent- very important, mind you. It's actually evident post-resurrection that he didn't even put it past her to keep hurting him. With Kagome, he always doubted if she could ever actually hate him. I think it is also note-worthy to point out that after thinking Kikyou betrayed him with those warning arrows, he never bothered to sought her out, hurt her, confront her or anything, just snatch the jewel, sack the place then run.
Kikyou didn't even bother checking the aura of the person who she thought was Inuyasha. This man fought for you, helped protect you and your people, always made the effort to get closer to you, even agreed with your questionable plan, ready to abandon half of his identity to be with you, and you didn't once think "Hey. Something ain't right."
"They were fooled! Naraku was cunning! The disguises looked real!" Naraku can't hide scent and aura! These two "lovers" lived in an era where shapeshifting demons who want them both dead were a thing and they never thought it could happen? This lack of acknowledgement ties into another point I have.
c)The lack of intimacy outside of being romantic/sexual partners.
So they didn't trust each other enough and it was barely given proper acknowledgement and introspection. What did they have going for them outside of the kissing and being social outcasts "together"?
Well, they went out on a boat ride together. Sat nearby each other whenever they were barely talking. Didn't talk about much and it was about loneliness and about the jewel. (minus the one time they had brief mention of Inuyasha's parents and Kikyou even apologized for damaging his robe.) She asked him to bathe with her once. Don't know the rest.
They could have literally talked about anything else of substance. Inuyasha's Mom, Kikyo's parents, Kaede, the villagers, places they've been,Favorite Food, people they've faced, Onigumo, The looming threat of being ambushed by shapeshifters, nasty bandits, their hobbies outside of what they do, their education, the topic of how their marriage would be, what their life would be like, where would they go- literally anything else?
"That's the point! It's tragic and sad and they didn't have enough time! It was cut short because of Naraku-"
Tragic implies inevitability of the awful thing that will happen. e.g. A forbidden relationship being found out, put to the test and despite doing their damndest, one or both of them die.
Kikyou for some fucking reason, never bothered to tell Inuyasha of this Onigumo (who lusts for her mind you). Inuyasha never bothered to be more open about not liking being human. The both of them not even bothering to try giving the other benefit of the doubt.
"That's the point! They're immature! They were desperate and needed each other's company!" That's not love. That's infatuation at best and unhealthy at worst. I wouldn't mind you know, if they (the narrative and characters) just treated it as such. Say so, they were lonely and just needed someone and it happened to be each other. Now why would you want to marry someone you're not emotionally intimate with, let alone you barely trust?
How Can All These Be Fixed:
1) Have Inuyasha and Kikyou have simple scenes of bonding outside of being angsty teenagers. Kikyou was capable of playing with kids, so she's probably somewhat fun. Apply that to Inuyasha then. Yeah, "but that's childish!" Let the young people have fun- eat together, play board games, stargaze, talk gossip, literally anything lighthearted, please. The atmosphere around Inuyasha and Kikyou always felt so heavy. Not even in a somber, melancholic way. More of "Do these people even really enjoy each other's company?"
So there was one scene that wasn't shown enough of and when I read it, I really like it: The origin of the subjugation beads. Kikyou decided not to kill him after finding out he was after the jewel. Made the beads and was about to trick him to wear them as a present but decided not to give them to him when he suddenly gave her his late mother's shell of rouge, which she likely felt touched by. Questionable, even she admitted it. If she gave it, she should have confessed to it and never use it- kept it as a necklace gift. Either way, that, that kind of moment is honestly cute. Plus, the mention of his parents I stated earlier. :)
Should have had them courting each other with presents and late night talks instead of whatever the anime gave us.
2) Have Kikyou try any other way of making Inuyasha welcome in society instead aiming for what honestly should have been a final, desperate attempt.
Inuyasha did not like being human. Simple. Kikyou should have known this, yes? Nope. Because Inuyasha never showed himself to her as a human. Never told her about. He was never around long enough for her to even come close to seeing him human. Because he didn't like being vulnerable around her or anyone for that matter. Come to think of it, their "relationship" properly "developed" because Inuyasha for once felt compassion towards her. Kikyou started the entire meeting thing because she felt confident, arrogant even, that's he's just a half demon she doesn't need to kill. Alright, fine. Standard "They didn't like each other at first because of obvious reasons." Then she felt some sympathy when she found out that Inuyasha's parents were interracial and both deceased. Okay, nice development. Then it ends there. That's the best they could do with them. Basic remorse and sympathy. For all the months that Inuyasha stayed at that village, Kikyou didn't even invite him to stay inside with her and Kaede. The attempt. The mere offer would have been nice. Kikyou should have at least made more of an effort to integrate Inuyasha into the villages (she had influence over them). Inuyasha only seemed to matter to the villagers when he's needed for a fight or when he's feared.
I would understand if Kikyou and Inuyasha wanted to be rid of their respective powers if they actually tried to be normal and the villagers just did not like them being together. But no, Kikyou tried being normal for a day, playing with kids which for some reason, she only started doing when Inuyasha was around because "she felt more human with him" or something. Yeah but why though? What's the difference with Inuyasha around and him gone, in regards to her duties at the village? Fine, say Kikyou did feel softer and kinder when Inuyasha came because it's the first time she had to actually feel sympathy for someone who isn't human. Why hammer in that Kikyou pre-Inuyasha was kind, caring, and loved by all? Wouldn't it have made sense to write her being colder to everyone except Kaede, at the beginning, feared even but she started changing with Inuyasha which could lead to the people being more accepting of half demons?
Fine- if you don't like that option and that Kikyou had always been an open-minded, kind, smart person, why not use that influence to make Inuyasha an equal. A hero. "Oh she didn't trust him enough for that." or "The society will never like Inuyasha even if she said anything."
Currently, Inuyasha's respected in the world by doing what he does best and it was helping people, slaying demons and protecting the weak. Something he was already doing pre-seal anyways. It's baffling that there wasn't even an attempt to take him everywhere as her bodyguard and to spread that positive message to all the villages that not all demons were evil.
Could they have thought she was bewitched? Probably. But it seems Kikyou's word was gospel to the lot of them. The attempt would have been good.
3) Kikyou should have died any other way, caused by Naraku.
The only way this whole ordeal felt "tragic" was because of the curse Tsubaki placed on Kikyou (weird plot-convenient curse she had there). What was her fucking plan really? Just hope that Kikyou was gonna eventually fall in love? What if she didn't? What then? Kill her? Why not do that to begin with? Kikyou knew all this actually and just vowed to never fall in love but later in the anime she managed to deflect a curse and turn it on Tsubaki? Is there no way to counter the initial curse? She's much more powerful! But the reason why this was never properly dealt with was because it would be convenient for the plot for Kikyou to just die because of Inuyasha. And he didn't even know about all this until later on , if I recall correctly.
If we took that whole thing with Tsubaki out, we would have been left with Naraku's scheme. (Which is what I grew up knowing about, I only knew of the curse now. I was just told her power would diminish when she fell in love, which is bullshit because Kagome never had that problem and Kikyo's powers didn't weaken by that much. So apparently ist was a curse. Huh.)
"But Naraku's whole M.O is manipulating and tricking people!" It's one of them sure, but Naraku is also ruthless when it came to his attacks. Should have went with that route instead of them falling for an obvious trap that pretty much proved how shallow their "love" for each other was.
In this new version, since Inuyasha and Kikyou are an actual couple, they wouldn't have been fooled by obvious trickery and Inuyasha would have known about Onigumo- this leaves the options of possession/puppetry, trapping them both in an illusion, and or just straight up killing Kikyou while Inuyasha was lured elsewhere. But if we insist that she had to have been killed while he was transformed as Inuyasha, just to fuck with her, then at least have her know that it wasn't him but someone she isn't sure of (condition being she's not aware Onigumo has a thing for her) , wishing that Inuyasha would avenge her. Inuyasha, upon finding out that he's been lured to somewhere else (something that can happen, like with Mt. Hakurei) or tricked, and Kikyou had been killed, yeah, he's out for vengeance. The way he could be sealed was if Naraku then uses Kikyou as a disguise to attack him then get Tsubaki to do the seal. With the first one, since Inuyasha knows Kikyou is well, dead, it leaves who could possibly be out for the both of them (not immediately thinking it's Onigumo since last he checked, the man was a critically injured human who has no relationship connection to either of them). With the second, Tsubaki gets to fuck with them both because she's always hated Kikyou and wanted to one-up her. There, you have your tragic lovers who deserve to be together and get revenge for what happened to them.
Option A + B
This is the one where Kikyou doesn't get redeemed. Fast forward to Kikyou being resurrected because the hag thought she could do something with that. She's bones, gravel, spite and hatred incarnate. And she should have stayed that way. I adore the idea that had Kikyou been written to be good and then upon being dug up, turned into this awful husk of a person who just resented the living.
You can't have both the likeable, kind, sympathetic Kikyou while she goes around hurting people, stealing souls, scaring kids, helping Naraku, killing someone with her powers-an innocent human at that.
She goes on resenting Kagome, who is an unwilling participant in this love triangle, a 15 y.o who actively helps Kikyou and Inuyasha. (The manga is littered with Kikyou pointing out that Inuyasha was hers to heal and keep. I'm not against the idea of Kikyou coming back as this vindictive spirit but they should have acknowledged that. Not even her sister acknowledged it. Kikyou legit went "Inuyasha's gentler now. When he wasn't with me. She's healing his heart. I should have been the one to do that." and Kaede just went "Kagome is a strange child." Maybe tell her to not be so possessive? Yeah I know she looks a tiny bit like Kikyou but damn, she was willing to murder a child.) She goes around hurting the people she used to care about (Kaede, Inuyasha), hurting the people Inuyasha cares about (Kagome, the gang) and this creates heavy impactful angst! Because if they were an actually happy couple and this happened with Kikyou, then it comes down to Inuyasha's "She's no longer the woman I loved. She's a danger to the people around her and herself. Her soul needs to be put to rest." And then you have her die once, at the end to finally give her closure with Naraku and Inuyasha. I would have cried if that was the case.
and Option C, the one where she gets redemption.
I hate the love triangle because of how convoluted it is. Inuyasha looks like a fickle cheater at times, Kikyou clearly hates Kagome, and Kagome is just in it, trying to be the bigger person for the both of them and not fucking die.
If we kept the entire story as is, the least they could have done was acknowledged how awful Kikyou was to Kagome, Kohaku, Kaede, and a lot more people.
Her bullshit plan using the jewels to give Naraku a new body and then destroying him, along with the jewel was so ridiculous, not even counting the lives ruined in the process.
Would that arc have been solved if the characters just acknowledged that she was being shitty? No. Because that also needs to be coupled with her owning up to her mistakes.
She never owned or admitted to trying to kill Kagome, Inuyasha, and Kohaku. She never took accountability for being such a liability in during battle. She never owned up to the fact that she was absolute trash to her boyfriend, trying to drag him to hell, making him for guilty for even finding happiness with another woman, nevermind not even sure if they were dating, just chalking her up to "her replacement". She always had to be right and pitied on and that was so infuriating.
I think I'm getting a headache. Lets move on.
Now to fix the redemption, with Writing A + a bit of B.
Rewind back to Kikyou being resurrected, she's spiteful and bitter and the resentment is now personal, focused on Inuyasha, Kaede and most of all, Kagome, who she views as her replacement.
Since in this version, Kikyou knew Inuyasha didn't murder her, the hurt now comes from the fact that it seems like he moved on, with her reincarnation, and he hasn't avenged her yet. Of course she would be upset, she has every single right to be. To be a memory. To be stuck in the past. I'm gonna tear up just thinking about it.
Now where does Kagome come in all this. Nothing changes. She already actively helped Kikyou and Inuyasha in canon. She had always been understanding, the only condition being Inuyasha tells her beforehand that they will meet.
Kikyou and Kagome's relationship wasn't always just about their romance with Inuyasha. There were other things to be petty and or insecure of, like their roles as priestess, rivals of Midoriko's legacy, all that.
So here we know that Kikyou lost everything, not just her life, her beloved, she lost her position, her life's hard work, and all that went to a woman from a different time period- clearly she didn't belong here.
So there, we have the angst and drama on both sides. Kagome's insecurities trying to measure up to an amazing priestess and person, and Kikyou's insecurity of being replaced by "another her".
"But that's already canon! Kagome is an extension of Kikyou! She's her reincarnation! Wouldn't that make them the same person!"
No. I hate it when people disregard the message said and told by the narrative that Kikyou and Kagome were never and will never be interchangeable. Kagome is not Kikyou's 2nd Chance to be with Inuyasha. She's Inuyasha's 2nd Chance at Happiness. Kikyou is not Kagome from the Feudal Era. Kagome and Kikyou are two very different people.
You can make Kikyou and Kagome opposites without making the other ridiculously unlikable. (With Kikyou being so unkind and unsympathetic and Kagome being "bratty and spoiled" -according to InuKik shippers.) I don't have to put Kikyou down to prop Kagome up. The writing did that all on its own.
I'm trying to put them on an equal bar while trying to keep them with their individual personality and quirks.
Pre-Death Kikyou can be the calm, collected, intelligent, fearless one. She was mature for her age, probably overworked and never got to experience all the joys of being a teenager. (One might even add some level of paranoia that adds in to Inuyasha's protectiveness towards her and why he's so special to her. )
Kagome is the impulsive, temperamental, resourceful, brave one. She's emotional, sassy, and all around a social buttefly that got all the experience Inuyasha and Kikyou never had.
There. Complete opposites without the other being so unbearable.
Now how would Kikyou and Kagome's relationship go?
Well, only in the anime, I appreciate the attempt to make Kikyou respect Kagome. The episode was called "Kikyou and Kagome Alone in a Cave."
I would have liked this more if this wasn't one episode among multiple episodes with attempts on Kagome's life, Inuyasha's life, Kohaku's... Ugh.
For this version, she can probably try killing Kagome once because she was newly resurrected and "there can only be one of us." Kagome immediately tells Inuyasha this and this obviously angers Inuyasha which Kikyou then accuses him of actually replacing her. This drama causes a rift between the two that has nothing to do with Naraku or them being gullible or selfish because that was absolutely infuriating. Kikyou then keeps looking for ways to send Kagome back to her time (which she did in the first movie, she quoted "You don't belong here. Never return." )
Kagome clearly bottling up resentment at this point, because this undead woman whose name she has to live up to hates her, wants her boyfriend back, and just sent her back to her time. We have that scene of her realizing she loves Inuyasha but wanting to be supportive. The same goes as follows until Kagome finds her again, injured and filled with miasma after her last encounter with Naraku.
Kikyou, still bitter at this point, wandering around, stealing souls to stay "alive", looking for Naraku, just sees this girl and gets defensive. Kagome, having decided to be the bigger person and be sympathetic, offers to help Kikyou. Kikyou obviously taken aback, begrudgingly accepts this.
Kagome leaves the situation with more pity and sympathy for this woman she barely knows, and maybe some perspective. Kikyou isn't immune to mistakes and getting injured. It's okay to not live up to her right away. Kikyou leaves the situation with newfound respect because if it was the other way around, would she have helped? Would she have set aside her resentment to help someone again? If she didn't, what would that make her? Was she always this vindictive beneath the surface? Without the expectations of being the mature older sister/priestess, would she be selfish? Kikyou should have pondered stuff like that in that state.
Because Kikyou is supposed to be smart and self-aware.
Maybe have Kikyou want to get to know Kagome personally-? Maybe earn her trust back?
Now what happens to their relationship with Inuyasha involved? Kikyou now having more respect for her reincarnation, should actually stick around to see her and Inuyasha in action, maybe even try to help out, see what their dynamic is like, maybe kinda see if Kagome's better than her or not. This drama is better than the constant Inuyasha running off to see Kikyou and Kagome being jealous even though Kagome stated outright that them seeing each other was not the issue, it was them going behind her back.
Okay, so I love Kagome and InuKag but this needs to be stated, they were all did dirty. Kagome and Kikyou's potentially complex relationship was boiled down to relationship drama.
How Do We Fix The Love Triangle?
Easy. It ceases to exist. Let Inuyasha, Kikyou, and Kagome have a proper friendship and talk about their situation. The common argument neutral parties have about the love triangle is that "Inuyasha cares about them both equally!" I'd believe you if it didn't feel like InuKag + Kikyou attempting to homewreck an already good relationship.
"The Love Triangle was integral to the plot!"
It was a fucking parasite is what it was.
"But what is the drama of these three if not the romance?"
Insecurities, Duties, Mortality, Regrets, Expectations, Trauma, Loss, and Competition, among other things. The feudal era is a goldmine of drama and angst and you want to settle for this weird trite?
Inuyasha's main conflict in the series was avenging Kikyou and getting a happy ending for himself and Kagome. Great. Cool. But that damn love triangle made it seem like it was a 'who did he love more' then proceeded to show that Kikyou was awful and Kagome really just was the better choice.
Now, with this version, what is the main conflict, if he and Kikyou were indeed happy and Kagome is there, the new girlfriend... well, it is letting go of the past and moving forward.
Kikyou is quite literally dead. Kaede, Inuyasha, her village mourned her 50 years ago. Next thing she knew, she was conscious- made from clay and bones. The world move on without her and that, she never had a say or fault in any of what happened- to her, it was like days ago (since Inuyasha did not age) You can't even fault Inuyasha for this if they were happy. The tragedy lies now in what they never got to and never will finish.
Kikyou's clay body maintains itself from souls of dead women. Wether she takes them or her body's just a magnet for them, up for debate. Either way that is not sustainable and she's taking souls from strangers, not letting their souls to move on and rest.
"But the relationship was supposed to be flawed and exploitable and that's tragic!"
You're asking people to care about two people who barely care about each other beyond the bare minimum.
If the goal was to make them flawed but believable why did they have to crank up the problems to 20?! If Inuyasha and Kikyou were meant to be individuals with serious deep-seated issues, why not bring that up, lets talk about that. Address it. But nah, the story kept flip-flopping between calling it an undying tragic romance and a betrayal that somehow stemed from a lack of trust. Feeling betrayed ≠ Not having any trust in that person.
"It's like enemies to lovers where they don't trust each other completely!"
First off, there's no ideology/authority that makes a human dating a demon illegal. The exception is priests and monks because they're spiritual heads who are tasked to killing demons so yeah it would be highly questionable. For the demons, having intercourse with a human isn't really unheard of because they already see humans as lesser, be it entertainment or ya know, food. They raise eyebrows when the demon in question falls in love and makes an offspring. The point I'm trying to make is that they were never actual enemies and the story never painted them as such. Their description in canon is "tragic lovers". Also, the proper taboo here is it being interracial.
Inuyasha himself has no personal grudge against Kikyou at the start because why would he? He never had the intention of hurting or killing her because Inuyasha never harmed humans out of fun or spite. Kikyou, it's just business. Her job was to protect the jewel. She did so.
End of this segment, just brought it up in case someone tries to justify why two "lovers" didn't trust each other to not get attacked by the other.
Now for my final thoughts, there was a point in time that I was a fan of Kikyou's design, her aura, all that. I even drew her nonstop at that period. Same goes for Hawks actually. But why inflate what actually happened in canon? For all the fun what-ifs, could-bes, this is what we have. This is what is shown and told to us. I'm more of a show and tell person and but if I had to choose, it should be Show. Kikyou's pretty design doesn't really mask the fact that she's underdeveloped and written like scribbles on cardboard.
Miscellaneous things to mention before someone brings it up:
1) Kagome's final wish on the jewel was selfless because of her very personal motivations at the beginning and at the end of the story. Kagome stayed to help collect the shikon shards because she felt personally resposible for it shattering. Kagome didn't have to, really. She didn't know these people, even worse, they were 500 years ago. They'd still be long gone when she returns home to her normal life. But no, she selflessly stayed to help fix the mess she accidentally made trying to fulfill Kikyou's shoes. Now, at the middle of the story, friends and all. What did Kagome specifically have to lose if she walked away from the fight, with Kikyou back to do her job? Her pride? Her job of filling in for Kikyou? Inuyasha? Yeah, true. But those are still things she started without. What did Kagome have at the start of the story that she never would have lost if she walked away- her family, and her life at the modern era. She personally had nothing to lose at the end of the day by wishing for the jewel to disappear. (The wish was anime only. The manga states Kagome will fight in Midoriko's place eventually which yikes...)
"Kagome wished for the jewel so she could stop fighting because the jewel hurt her friends and so many more people!"
Yeah. Other people. Not her, specifically. She chose to fight. She didn't have to. She had no obligation to. "She didn't belong in that era." Kagome had nothing to gain from the jewel's power- no personal vengeance, no lifelong grudge to speak of. The wish benefited everyone else the most. Which is why it was the right wish to make and why Kagome was the right one to make it.
2) InuKik would not be cute or romantically tragic if Inuyasha was a girl and Kikyou was a man- it would be way too obvious it's unhealthy at best and abusive at worse.
See my points about the disparity between social status and maturity. Side tangent: Now the rich person x poor person is a common trope and the implications of abuse of power is usually sidestepped by having the poor person secretly being rich, becoming rich or the rich person losing those riches and power to be with the other. Now Kikyou and Inuyasha don't have a class problem but it's more of a position/status in society issue. Kikyou is a priestess, someone with the authority and "pass", if you will, to exterminate demons people deem dangerous. No one would care if she killed Inuyasha on first sight because who would protect this man's right to live? He had no support system, no family, friends, nothing. That itself isn't the main issue because she spared him for vague reasons. The issue now lies with her attempt to ask him to use the dangerous jewel to make a wish. If something goes array and he hurt her or anyone else, she'd have "good reason" to hurt/kill him in self-defense. Just a thought.
Kikyou has been really nasty towards Inuyasha despite him always being the one to get closer despite getting hurt. She was possessive, making him feel guilty for her death, asking him to die for her, to abandon the happiness he got from Kagome and his friends.
Now all the issues I've mentioned here and paragraphs beforehand and then genderbend that. You'd call him controlling, manipulative, selfish, abusive, yes? Because that's what she was like.
"You're reading too much into it!"
And why shouldn't I? If their relationship was so important, why shouldn't we look at it and scrutinize it?
"You're overreacting. She did reassure him that it was all Naraku's fault! He tricked them!"
- By exploiting an already weak relationship.
"InuKik was supposed to be endgame but the author of the manga was pressured to make it InuKag."
You as the author, have the power to make your story any way you want. If you're gonna upset a bunch of fans for a pairing you've written well for, better back it up with an equally well-written pairing. Leave no room to argue. No one will give you shit if it was done right. If you can somehow make a good way to write Kikyou back in and give Kagome a satisfying ending then yeah, it would be fine. Not happy for everyobe but it would have been serviceable. I'd say, if you're gonna piss the fandom off, at least do it well.
3) I'm not a mysogynist. I'm a girl and I would like to not see someone go "Ew. You're too hard on Kikyou but give Inuyasha a pass. You're just pitting two women against each other!"
I just said how Inuyasha's character was tainted by the love triangle, along with how we can have two powerful likable women and not reduce them to romantic rivals Inuyasha just had to choose from. I appreciate the "what Kagome and Kikyou offered him if he chose them" but I can totally understand how that would come off as unfair to the other party.
4) I have enjoyed fanfics with Kikyou before.
The first one. Can't remember the title but it was a ficlet about Kikyou being a narcissist. She kissed Kagome in that one because she was so entranced about Kagome being pretty. It was so weird because I don't think it was meant to be romantic. Kikyou was supposed to be self-absorbed and unsettling. This was the same woman who thought so highly to herself and told the 15 y.o stranger that she was an extension of her. Damn.
The second. It was what I suggested, maybe have Kikyou actually want to get to know Kagome. In this fic, Kikyou, after having been saved, wanted to befriend Kagome, earn her trust back. Kagome, already nice to her by default agreed to hang out and they even had friendship necklaces! :D It was a cute ending when they finally set aside the thing with Inuyasha and just talked about being girls, school, teen stuff- because Kikyou never had that so Kagome brought her presents from the modern era and I should stop rambling omg.
The third. Kikyou post-resurrection, having been rid of her duties and mortality decided that she should be more chill and carefree. The fic was half serious, half Kikyou just flirting with guys, sleeping with everyone who wasn't taken, ugly, or a minor. The fic was just fun, because it wasn't weighed by the characters not talking about the very suffocating relationship drama. Inuyasha, Kagome and Kikyou talked, remained friends, and she was over all being friendly now that yeah, she doesn't have to be crushed by the weight of responsibilities and it wasn't like she was leaving Kagome to do the work since she decided to stay with them to help out. Also, SessKik. It was just interesting.
5) The easier and more dramatic way Inuyasha could have betrayed Kikyou was to take the jewel when she handed it to him and he secretly wishes to become a full demon and then mauling her (still fulfilling thay violent death curse Tsubaki set on her). Just a thought.
6) KagKik is so fucking odd to me because Kikyou first thought Kagome to be an extension of her and then she flat out hates her. The the story thinks Kagome was Kikyou's second chance to be with Inuyasha. I don't need to tell you why it's a tad bit weird. I swear.
7) A polycule is a weird way to solve this. That takes out the tragic part of Kikyou being dead. To each their own I suppose but this should come with the condition of Kikyou being a well-written partner to begin with and Kagome being somehow okay with a three-way with her boyfriend and his undead ex girlfriend. ' - '
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reddieandwaiting87 · 2 years
Top 5 times Misha ruined supernatural
Wow that's a great one @chiazu thank you!!
I mean I could just say by being himself and ugly but you said top 5 so here goes.
I will try and make this all Misha and not Asstiel moments.
Top 5 times Misha ruined Supernatural.
1.) Sucking up to Singer. Alot of things I will mention here is due to the fact Misha sucked up to Singer and became his little pet. Eye bags is smart and knows whose ass to kiss.
2.) Staying WELL over his time. Asstiel never should have came out of that lake in S7. But again friends with Singer, so when Sera fucked up the budget and Singer got more control of course eye bags comes back. And Misha says yes because again he knows he will NEVER get a gig like SPN again.
3.) Forcing his way into photoshoots. Again cause he was friends with Singer (and took a pay cut cause the man is just an attention whore and cares more about being seen then money.) He gets to be the 3rd wheel and stick out like an ugly sore thumb off the show now as well as on it. Also then his fans think he is a lead. Lol no.
4.) Taking away from Mark.S finally SPN scene/Crowley dying. I think this was more Singer/Dabb giving Mark.S a big fuck you. Just like taking him out of the bloopers in S12. For daring to point somethings out to them. But I'm sure Misha really had to be forced into getting attention too. Having Asstiel die in a lame way isn't a bad thing. I mean it's what his character deserves but to do it right after Crowley and when we all knew Asstiel would be back yeah. Fuck Singer and Misha for that one. They would rather piss off one of the few good actors on the show and keep the useless dead weight cause one sucks up to them while other who can act btw dares to say something.
5.) Now the show is over instead of being thankful and showing appreciation to the show that put up with his talentless ass. Eye bags forever the classy good looking man he is. Wants attention and pandering to shippers only does so much. So now he wants everyone to believe he was picked on and he had a smaller trailer then J2.
Well duh you fucking cunt, your an over the hill bad actor, side character. While they are the stars of the fucking show. You wouldn't have a job without them. Remember you didn't have a job for over a year without them? Singer go only do so much for you.
And that he didn't enjoy working on the show. While not outright saying J2 where Jerks to him (cause he still needs to let on to Cockley cunts he and Jensen are BFFs in RL.) But hinting enough to get sympathy and make J2/SPN look bad.
He can't even lie convincingly because if the show was that bad and the environment so awful. Why come back after S7? Why take a pay cut to stay on? Why cry like a bitch when you found out J2 wanted to move on?
I know you said 5 things which I did but you can't mention Misha ruining Supernatural and not mention the worst ship ever.
Bonus mention!!!!
Another way Misha ruined the show and the fandom was Destiel.
While yes Misha didn't come up with it and there is nothing wrong with ships and shipping. Fuck every show/Movie we watch or book we read we all ship something. Some don't even make sense or aren't canon cause thats the beauty of shipping.
Unless you are a loser that tries to make fake ships canon and then cry queer bait and how everyone is homophobic for not shipping you ship. Get a life no one likes you. Just FYI 🤪
But Misha ever the loser and attention whore. Has made the Destiel ship and Destiehellers one of the most entitled loud bunch of unlikeable cry babies ever to exist in a fandom and thats saying alot.
So thats why it gets a special message. XD
In short Misha is gross inside and out and seeing less of him is amazing.
Thank you for the ask anon. That was fun.
If anymore has anymore send them my way.
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Fandom Shipping Polls - Miyako Inoue Shipping Analysis (Poll I + Poll II)
As pointed out in the main post, every single Chosen Child will get their individual analysis post to check on the status of the current popularity of their ships. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at Miyako, shall we!  
The overall results / spreadsheet
Disclaimer: As the “Someone from 01/02″ and “Others” options from poll 1 and the “Someone from 01/02″ option from poll 2 have been excluded from the final analysis due to redundancy reasons and all results were culminated in another “final count”, the results will not be 1:1 to what the polls look like:
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Overall votes: 116 (approx. 93 in sum after the exclusion), the main poll got 84 votes, the secondary poll got 32 votes.
The “Others” choice in the main poll received 2% (approx. 2 votes) and 0% (0 votes) in the secondary poll. The comments/tags did mention one  preferences (aside from characters that were already part of the main choices), which will be discussed in the analysis.
Ship Analysis
1st place: With a lead of only 4 votes to 2nd place overall, Hikari (31%) has won this round. With her being Miyako’s Jogress partner in Adventure 02 and the ship having gained more popularity in recent times (also thanks to the announcement of the 02 movie), she’s seen as a viable choice; being a calming, more soft-spoken contrast in personality to Miyako, she has enabled and inspired her to become more confident in her own choices as well, making them a complementing, mutually encouraging pair.
2nd place: With 25 votes, Ken (27%) comes in second, thus securing Kenyako’s spot as one of the few canonized endgame couples in the Adventure series. Thus, that popularity makes sense - with her starting off with a starstruck crush on Ken, then doubting her approach towards him during his redemption arc and reconsidering the whereabouts of her feelings, them slowly growing closer to understand each other is an endearing framing.
3rd place: The race for third place was rather tight and has actually seen Daisuke in the lead for quite some time; however, in one of the few cases in which the second poll mattered, Mimi (17%) managed to win with a 1-vote advantage. With Miyako admiring and idealizing Mimi the way she does, including heart-eyes and star-struck daydreaming, this should come to no surprise, as they’re also both very energetic and passionate about the things and people they care about.
Honorary mentions: Daisuke (15%) clearly makes a stand with almost having reached third place, with him being one of the characters she’s most physical (and teasing) with. Another notable options that gained more than 1 vote were Iori (5%) and Michael (2%).
“The 1 vote squad”: As the majority of votes has been distributed among the choices mentioned above, there isn’t much left to be mentioned - so this spot is reserved for Sora, Koushiro and Wallace (1% each)
“0 votes go to…”: Takeru, Taichi, Yamato and Jou each received 0 votes - as for the four three characters, this may be due to their lack of screentime/interaction in canon.
Annotations: N/A
What did the other polls say?
Miyako hasn’t won any other poll, but came in second in Hikari’s (16%),   Ken’s (19%) and Iori’s (19%), thus mirroring her own results to at least some degree.
She also tied for third place in Daisuke’s poll (8%, together with Hikari and Wallace). In Mimi’s poll, she also scored comparably remarkable 9%.
For the majority of the other characters, she proved to be quite a niche choice, such as Koushiro (3%), Taichi (1%), Jou (1%) and Takeru (1%).
Only in Yamato’s and Sora’s polls, she did not get voted for, making Yamako the only combination that mutually received 0 votes.
Notable additions / comments / thoughts
Miyako’s polls have not provided outstanding surprises in terms of who received the most votes - with her official Jogress partner and her canonical husband turning out to be the most viable choices to the participants of the voting. As she is one of the most vocal characters when it comes to whom she cares about, these choices are understandable, as highlighted above - and even the fight for third place between Daisuke and Mimi makes perfect sense, considering how they’re both characters she has very visible interactions with in terms of physical and emotional closeness and/or attachment. Due to her intensity with these characters in particular, there might not be a lot left for other choices to be considered as viable - with characters like Iori and Michael (and maybe even Koushiro) still being the biggest exceptions here, as they either are displayed to have a bond (due to past or present interaction and shared interests) or, in Michael’s case, because she was kind of implied to be crushing on him shortly. 
Overall, Miyako’s polls have received fewer votes in comparison to the others; so despite the results being relatively easy to read, the low sample size still matters here. (Especially considering how my blog may attract more fans of same sex couples.) Thus, I really hope to reach a wider audience if I choose to repeat the polls once the fandom is not as quiet as it is right now. 
The comments in the tags have either referred to the already mentioned choices (Hikari). One comment referred to having a preference for a crossover ship with the character “Misawa Daichi” from Yu-Gi--Oh GX, making this one of the few instances in which crossover ships were mentioned in the first place. Usually, the option is reserved for OC ships, for when people prefer to not ship a character at all or when they’re considered asexual (which will definitely be a future option to include as well!).
Other Analysis Posts 
Taichi Yagami Shipping Analysis
Yamato Ishida Shipping Analysis
Sora Takenouchi Shipping Analysis
Koushiro Izumi Shipping Analysis
Mimi Tachikawa Shipping Analysis
Jou Kido Shipping Analysis
Takeru Takaishi Shipping Analysis
Hikari Yagami Shipping Analysis
Daisuke Motomiya Shipping Analysis
Ken Ichijouji Shipping Analysis
Iori Hida Shipping Analysis
Meiko Mochizuki Shipping Analysis
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cj33333 · 1 year
Dottie - Over the Hedge but with poodle
What's the ideal *new* Over the Hedge antagonist look like?
The issue with the human antagonists is that they can't communicate with the animals. You can't establish much of a protag/antag relationship that way.
Use an animal.
You need someone big. Physically, and existentially in the Over the Hedge universe.
You need someone who knows the protagonist. Really KNOWS them.
And you have to cover up Vincent's biggest weakness with someone who is not a beast, but a rival. Someone controlled. Intelligent. Mature. An all-business powerhouse with an unbeatable combination of strength, agility, and dignity- ...she just tripped over her own ears.
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Dottie is a character... and that's the least I can say about her. Uh basically, I cut apart 2 Over the Hedge dogs completely lost to time and stitched them together. And made them pink. Because pink is cool.
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First there's Dotty (not Dottie like I read off a wiki when I was researching the comics - screw you wiki, I love you). She was present in a whopping 4 and a half of the comics as far as I've seen before never being heard of again. Despite that, she was the 3rd character ever in the original comics. That means she was the 3rd Over the Hedge character to ever EXIST. Long before Hammy. Also before the gender-swapped versions of RJ and Verne that came into the comics right afterward. Point is, she was a minor but fundamental part of Over the Hedge's birthing roots. If anyone's gonna carry the flag of the old comics, it should be her.
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Then there's Waffles, a completely different but equally dumb poodle who was part of the original plot of the movie (the one where RJ had a BLUE JAY BUDDY, how cool is that). Idk anything about Waffles really. He just looks really, really dumb. And ugly. And maybe he was supposed to be the original Tiger-esque character who joins the group. I wanna point this out though - he looks UNREASONABLY large. Poodles are NOT that big.
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...Which brings us to my beloved waffle doggy and her similar huge poodle-ness, except this time it's straight up comical.
Dottie is the antagonist I'm implementing that I think would be most likely to be a canon character Dreamworks would create if OTH ever continued. She doesn't become relevant until the next episode of my fanfic, but she's being introduced a few chapters from now.
This giant poodle queen is RJ's "ex"... or so he says. In actuality, it's a one-sided belief RJ's gaslighted himself into. She's always hated him, and it's not very subtle either.
I'm just gonna copy and paste the main points about her I made on deviantart:
Large, strong, intelligent, and incredibly dignified
Dottie believes she is from an expansive family of royalty, and rules her own kingdom - a kingdom of herself
Comes from French and British descent
Spoiled, privileged, and sophisticated; defensive and vigilant
Reclusive with her emotions
Despite great might, she suffers from physical detriments outside of her control, like a lack of situational awareness and bad senses, especially eyesight. So, she ends up acting way more clumsy and way less serious than she is - to a comical degree
Additionally, she knows RJ from when he was a teenager in a different town, until she and her owners moved to El Rancho Camelot by chance in the modern day. That's her main lore point
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origami-butterfly · 11 months
6, 11 and 23
6. What’s my favourite audio drama ship
Oh there are so many. But probably Jarthur/Privateeyes from Malevolent (I don't know which name is more common in the fandom) because it can be interpreted so many ways. Canonically, it's a deep platonic bond, but it can be interpreted as romantic to some, and as a QPR to others. I love all their little fluffy moments (John wanting to see a movie <3) and I love seeing the dynamic shifting every time they argue. If we're talking about canon audio drama ships, then it has to be Diggory Graves and Percy Reed from Hello From the Hallowoods.
11. What am I currently listening to?
I'm on my 3rd relisten of Malevolent, because I know a new episode should come out soon, because it's been over a month...
But I'm also halfway through Hello From the Hallowoods, although I have a slight problem with zoning out when I listen because Mx. Wellman's voice is so smooth and comforting to listen to.
23. Why do I like audio drama as a medium?
I have no idea to be honest. I have aphantasia, so I can't exactly picture the story or characters in my head.
I like that audio dramas allow me to do other things while I listen, and I like that it feels like the protagonist/narrator is talking to me, which isn't an experience you can get from books or tv shows.
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