#ALSO i haven't done. actual research into biology
duskgryphon · 1 year
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i completely forgot i was meaning to talk about my ocs and stuff so um. take a compilation of a bunch of art of my bug dragons 
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totally-italy · 1 month
Wherefore dost motivation hold deep hatred for me?
As the heading probably implies, I am currently lacking a lot of motivation, which is truly sub-optimal because I literally have my Italian GCSEs this week and I literally have not revised. Moreover, my End of Years are fast approaching and I have my French GCSEs in three week's time. Help.
Consequentially, even though my history teacher still refuses to believe that it is a word, I have decided to turn this into one of those posts where my dopamine literally just relies on the number of notes that I recieve. As promised, @the-red-planet-mars, the floor is yours you have been tagged.
Please don't spam the comment section.
You can tag a maximum of 5 people.
Please don't spam reblog.
10 notes: I will actually plan my English homework so that I can then do it without having to ask for an extension. It is due on the day on which I have two of my Italian papers.
15 notes: I will update my 'Aeneid' notes so that my virtual document is up to date with the translations that we have done in class. I should technically also revise the themes and how Juno is portrayed, but we don't talk about that right now.
20 notes: If I haven't done this yet, I will create both a Spanish Quizlet with all the vocabulary I need to learn and I will create a Latin one for all the vocabulary from 'The Aeneid' that I need to know.
25 notes: I will plan, in English, different things that I could say for the picture for my French IGCSE oral. Also, this is a picture I will be using for my Spanish End of Years, so that is doubly helpful.
30 notes: I will do an Italian listening paper though I will listen to it at a faster speed than what is asked because otherwise I will literally get so bored and lose all will to live.
45 notes: I will finish researching Virgil and the historical context.
60 notes: I will practice Latin and Greek vocabulary on Quizlet every day after this week, for at least 10 minutes each day for each language.
75 notes: I really need to do this. I will make a poster with how to form different tenses in Italian.
100 notes: I will do an Italian Writing practice paper. This is going to cause me so much suffering. Help me.
120 notes: I will actually write down different expressions, including idomatic phrases, that I could use to describe the picture for my French IGCSE oral.
130 notes: I will make physics notes on energy.
140 notes: I will make notes on quantitative chemistry.
150 notes: I will make a poster with how to form different tenses in French.
155 notes: I will watch the AQA videos on the Cold War and make notes on them.
170 notes: I will do a practice Spanish listening paper.
200 notes: I will practice Latin and Greek vocabulary on Quizlet every day after this week, for at least 30 minutes each day for each language, including a written vocabulary test.
230 notes: I will do a practice Spanish reading and writing paper.
250 notes: I will do a practice Latin translation and ask my teacher if she happens to have a mark scheme.
270 notes: I will do a practice Greek translation and ask my teacher if she happens to have a mark scheme.
300 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Crime and Punishment.
350 notes: I finish my Biology notes on reproduction.
380 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Religion and Life.
430 notes: I will look through my history notes on Germany and finish them in accordance to the AQA book.
520 notes: I will do a practice Greek language paper.
530 notes: I will do a practice Latin language paper.
605 notes: I will actually write down different expressions, including idomatic phrases, that I could use to describe the picture for my Spanish End of Year oral.
720 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Buddhism.
850 notes: I will make full notes on the Cold War.
Honestly, if you have even bothered to read through all of these, you have absolutely earned more respect that I thought I was capable of giving to a single human being. I technically have a lot more things I should do, including re-reading Things Fall Apart and actually making complete maths notes, as well as notes for the sciences, but I doubt I will never get this many tags anyway.
Edit: It has been five minutes and I already got 14 notes. I am actually terrified of this site. What in Tartarus? Y'all are crazy and I love you so much.
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luvsubbymen · 5 months
Howdy! Got a technical question for ya! The refractory period...how do you or how do people deal with it? Like who doesn't want to make a guy cum over and over till he forgets his name? But how is it done?
I am sure this is definitely not the answer you are looking for but technically, it's just a fantasy and I haven't done it but from my research, I have learned that it is possible for some men to cum more often than others. However, it depends on their sex drive and has a lot to do with age. People who are younger tend to have a shorter refractory period and they are able to get another erection fast but it's not the same for older men. It may be rare for most men to have multiple ejaculatory orgasms without a refractory period but they can climax several times in a row.
What a lot of people aren't aware of is the fact that ejaculation and orgasm are two different things. There is something called non ejaculatory multiple orgasm (kind of like dry orgasms), you can search it up.
Also there are two types of male multiple orgasm:
Sporadic multiple orgasms: When men are able to orgasm multiple times in a cluster with a latency period of a few minutes between climaxes.
Condensed multiple orgasms: This is when men climax multiple times in such rapid succession that the transition from one to the next seems instantaneous.
For men who desire to achieve multiple orgasms, there are exercises and another effective method is edging. Many people admitted that edging is actually helpful and it increases stamina.
Hence the suggestions are:
Kegel exercises, prostate stimulation and edging
Sorry not sorry for the long answer, it’s just a natural instinct as a Biology enthusiast
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mei-wixie · 11 months
Undertale University AU??
Hellooo I am new(ish) to tumblr and also the Undertale fandom but I just finished the game a few weeks ago (played neutral and pacifist, watched genocide on youtube because i do not want to kill them myself) !!!! And I loved it a lot so I am finally passionate enough about something to be creative with it So I was like why not make an AU-type thing where everyone goes to university? It's probably been done before (?) but whatever I get to do it again I'm currently thinking of maybe doing some comics and potential fanfiction / writing? Anyway so far I have planned out everyone's majors: Sans - Physics I chose physics for Sans because he's aware of alternate timelines in the game, so I think he would be interested in quantum physics specifically. Papyrus - Game Design I had trouble coming up with a major for Papyrus at first but finally decided on game design. Here he can be creative with all of his interests as well as create puzzles for players to solve. He also seems to be online a lot in-game so I think this would be perfect for him Mettaton - Theatre This one is pretty self-explanatory, he likes to be dramatic and will do great in theatre. There is also a cutscene of him acting in-game so I think it fits Alphys - Computer Science (with Biochem as a 2nd major or minor) Alphys very much programs in-game as stated by Mettaton when he talks about her naming programming variables after Undyne, and she builds machines and robots! And Biochem might change but I chose this based on her experiments in the True Lab, I felt maybe those would be considered biology? Undyne - Criminology (potential focus on forensics) Undyne is a cop in Deltarune so I felt like this major fits Napstablook - Music (minor in business) Napstablook seems to be very passionate about music so that is their true passion, but their parents wanted them to become a business major so they could carry on the family business. They were originally a business major to appease their parents but decided to just have it be a minor and follow their true passion. Shyren - Music Obviously Muffet - Literature Muffet talks very properly in-game and is also based on the fairytale "Little Miss Muffet" so I thought this would fit! Toriel - Theatre Professor? Maybe English At the end of Undertale hard mode (where you name yourself Frisk) Toriel reveals she was acting out being dead so clearly she has the ability to be involved in theatrics. But she also gives off English teacher vibes and likes to read a lot so I'm not sure. Maybe both? Asgore - Biology Professor In Deltarune, Asgore grows his own flowers. I also need the professors to teach classes the characters will actually attend so this works lol Alphys will be in his class W.D. Gaster - Physics Professor Specializes in quantum physics and has his own lab at the university where he conducts research. Some people find him a little shady, but Sans works in his lab and does research under him. I'm very excited to work on this more, hopefully I have the time!! I also haven't really drawn much before but I will try my best :P Thanks for reading!
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not-poignant · 1 year
your whole world in Underline the Rainbow seems incredibly well fleshed out, down to the thought of what dietary needs alphas would have in comparison to omegas. Is there any omegaverse fiction that inspired the world of Hillview? Are there any fics/original fiction in the omegaverse that you particularly enjoy? Your interpretation of it has been my favorite that I’ve ever read, so I’d love to know what you draw from and what you enjoy reading in that world. I can’t wait for more Underline the Blue, I can tell that it’s going to tear me into teeny tiny confetti sized pieces and then put me back together again - janusz and nate already have my whole heart
(Also I hope that whatever is going on in your life resolves quickly and easily and with the best possible outcome - it seems like you’ve been through hell lately, I hope things get easier for you soon <3)
Hi anon!
The worldbuilding is so fleshed out in the Underline the Rainbow series because I just outright stole some of it from my other original omegaverse series, my published Perth Shifter e-books Blackwood and The Gentle Wolf (you can see those on the first pinned post on my Tumblr).
And I spent like...quite some time actually - like hours and hours - doing the kind of research I've never seen in most of the omegaverse stories I've read. I dove down pretty deeply into hormonal research, before inventing unique hormones (ardolphogen, larentin etc.) - even giving them the same suffixes as known hormones - for alphas, betas and omegas to distinguish them physiologically, so I could at least make a pretence at dealing with the medical side of things re: suppressants and health matters.
What I actually haven't included in Underline the Rainbow is all the historical research I did for Perth Shifters. Because in Perth Shifters, as the name implies, the characters are wolf shifters, and there are also humans who aren't alpha/beta/omega in that universe. So some of it wouldn't apply.
There's no one omegaverse work that inspires me. I'd say I've read literally hundreds of them now - in original publishing, in fanfiction, in manwha and manga. What I actually really love about it is that quite a few of us appreciate the chance to do some unique or different things with the standards of the genre, which means I can do stuff that people have seen before (knotting, heats), but that I can also do stuff that no one has done before (no one has given omegaverse folk the names for the hormones that I did, for example).
When it comes to details like the dietary needs (more fat for omegas, more protein for alphas etc.) I literally made that up on the fly. No thought went into that beyond 'shit that sounds good.'
But what goes into being able to do this is simply that I'm an avid learner of just about everything. I know a little about hormones already because I have a hormonal cancer. I know a little about nutrition and digestion already because I have an eating disorder and see a dietitian. These kinds of things are often in the back of my mind (along with decades of research into things like PTSD, or biology, or ecosystems and ecosystem management, or...the difference between grass fires and tree fires and the heats they burn at and how to survive either, etc.) I am filled with a repository of knowledge that is often useless in my day to day, but comes in handy when I'm writing.
So while I improvised the nutritional differences on the fly, I didn't do it with no knowledge behind it, I just didn't need to stop and research it at the time. It pays to read like over a thousand non-fiction books on literally any subject, y'know? That shit is so helpful for improvised worldbuilding.
The reality, anon, is that I'm drawing way, way more from research into science than I am from other omegaverse stories for these specific kinds of worldbuilding. Spending hours reading books and Wiki articles on hormones for example, has done way more for my omegaverse worldbuilding than any fics/stories I've read. Which probably sounds pretty weird, but most of the extra worldbuilding in this comes from science and resembles more of the work you'd put into science fiction or even hard science fiction worldbuilding, than it does from...reading other books in the genre?
Because frankly most omegaverse stories don't focus on this stuff. And also, a lot of the omegaverse I've read is pretty much straight-up smut, lmao. Which I love. Let's face it, a lot of folks are here for the knotting and the heats. :D And I love that! But I also love...worldbuilding (both in advance and on the fly, lol).
I will say that Leta Blake's omegaverse work has some pretty awesome cultural worldbuilding that I've not seen before. Mine isn't based on hers, and a heads up that there's mpreg, including literally 'sex while the baby is inside and the person feels the baby moving through their dick' which is like...very much past my line of what I like reading lmao. But the worldbuilding itself in Slow Heat and Alpha Heat is pretty awesome. She often does unconventional omegaverse dynamics, such as older omega / younger alpha with significant age gap, or alpha / alpha, etc. I would definitely say that I admire her worldbuilding, even though I don't base mine on hers. (Hers is a world where women no longer exist at all, for example, with religious and cultural lore that springs up around this and the duties that then apply to omegas and alphas to procreate in a fairly extreme dystopian setting where the mortality rates for omegas re: childbirth are shockingly high and being afraid of dying during childbirth is extremely normal/appropriate).
The Big Bad Wolf series by Charlie Adara also has some pretty cool worldbuilding (though not nearly as deep as Blake's, also no mpreg), which features a human/alpha pairing. Also it's romantic suspense which is just an awesome genre overall.
Also, there's more Underline the Blue coming on AO3 this month! And also more coming on Patreon too! This is definitely an Underline the Blue month. :D
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musea-reviews · 1 year
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Body Worlds Amsterdam
''fascinating journey through real human body’s’’
Location: Center of Amsterdam Price: 22,50 Duration: 1 - 2 hours Transport: walkable from the central station Language: English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Italian Activities: seeing real bodies, body scan Date of visit: Tuesday 28 February 2023 Expo at that time: The happiness project Website
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The real deal
Body Worlds is part of a series of exhibitions created by Dr. Gunther von Hagens. The original it was an internationally successful touring exhibition that has been shown in more than 100 cities in Europe, America, Africa, and Asia. Dr. Gunther von Hagens invented the process of plastination in 1977. Plastination is the process where real human bodies are preserved for scientific research and medical education. So everything you see in the museum is from real humans. That is what makes this museum so special. Everything you’re used to seeing in biology textbooks is now right in front of you. At the end of the museum, you can do a body scan where you will be weight and get a printed-out detailed paper about your weight. With things like how many kg bones you have, weight and fat percentile per limb, and other things like that.
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Not much to learn
the building is divided into 6 floors, every floor is a different part of the body, nervous system, blood system, bones and muscles, digestive system and production. But tbh most of the information on the signs kinda felt repetitive, a lot of the same facts. Maybe that's also because you don't really learn anything new that you haven't learned in elementary school or high school yet. So the main attraction really is the dead bodies. I assumed the museum would be more focused on learning, but it felt more like an old-school circus, showing curiosities, or doing it for shock value. There was an audio tour, and that will give you a lot of new, interesting information. But the fact that the audio tour is 3,50 shows where their goal really lies, by making a profit, more than by teaching. 
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Where do these bodies actually come from? von Hagens himself states that everybody in the museum was well-informed and that he has written consent. However, this has not been independently verified. There have been multiple reports of corpses in the Body World's exhibit being prepared and shown without consent. In 2004, a German news magazine made a report based on internal emails and records about his company getting corpses from executed Chinese prisoners. In response to the article, von Hagens said that he has told his Chinese employees not to accept bodies that were executed, and returned seven cadavers to China that had head injuries, including at least two with bullet holes in the skull.
In 2002, two Russian doctors from the University of Novosibirsk were charged with illegally supplying von Hagens with 56 bodies, including convicts, homeless people, and mentally ill people, without consent from their relatives. Von Hagens said that none of the body parts were used in the Body Worlds exhibitions. As all of this got more known people started saying "Somebody at some level of government ought to be able to look at a death certificate, a statement from an embalmer, donation documents, that's a reasonable standard to apply."  "These displays do have important educational benefits, but using bodies against a person's will is unacceptable" They try to control this by having paperwork death and donation certificates, but it is of no use since it's so easy to fake. Paperwork is separated from the bodies, No one will know for sure, because each plastinated corpse is made anonymous to protect its privacy.
On the site, however, it states that they have a donor program. Currently, there are 19,000 registered donors in the Body Donation Programme of the Heidelberg Institute for Plastination.
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Would I pay the price: I did, but I do think it's overpriced. Would I revisit it: if you have done the body scan you can take it with you a second time, and show proof of identification, and you get to go in for free. So if I'm around, I might hop in again.  Who do I recommend it to: people interested in health or biology, people who want to see something unique. Children, since most of this information, will be new to them. Interactive:         2 Educational: 1 Storytelling: 3 Price: 1 Memorable: 2 Total score: 1,8
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mr-entj · 3 years
Hello Mr. ENTJ 👋🏻 ENTP girl here. Like any other Ne-dom I have major struggles with discipline and commitment. This ended up, obviously, screwing my life and I have no idea what to do. I have problems figuring out what career should I choose, and this is depressing me because I'm ambitious and would like to find my place and succeed. What advise do you have on discipline? Or on how to stick with something even when is not fun all the time? I know that for us is very difficult and that maybe an advise for others might not work so good with us (our brain is programmed to jump from one topic to another) but is there anything you know that could help with this?
Sorry for the long ask, and thank you so much.
(ps: I have depression, which I'm already working on with proper help. But discipline related to study/work and goals is something I still haven't found an answer)
Related answer:
Hello! I've been trying to be better about procrastination, because I realize how detrimental it can be, not only to myself, but also to other people in group project situations. Do you have any tips on pacing comfortably or figuring out how to have an equal amount of school work each night?
Hey there. Full disclosure before I go into procrastination: I don’t procrastinate, I’ve never struggled with it, and throughout my life I’ve done everything in my power to avoid procrastinating for reasons we’ll skip because they aren’t relevant to your ask. For that reason, I struggle to answer questions around this topic because I have limited personal perspective and my default response tends to be: “Don’t wait, suck it up, and get it done.” Plus, what works for my personality type may not work for yours.
The good news is that I have extremely brilliant and insanely accomplished colleagues and direct reports with your personality type who have found ways to manage procrastination. Here are some of the solutions we’ve come up with and they’ve used that’ve worked which may be helpful for you and others.
Managing procrastination for xNTPs (applicable to xSTPs)
1. Choose goals you’re excited about. This should be inherently obvious but it’s actually a common problem. Do you even want to achieve the thing you’re trying to achieve? If not, achieving it will be an uphill battle from start to finish. Here’s my framework to get you started.
2. Fail early and fail fast. High Ne users need to explore possibilities before they can make a decision so explore them early and move on. Do you want to study art or music? Take both classes, now. Remove the question mark.
3. Create an external support system. Go talk to other people about your goals: friends, colleagues, classmates, family members, mentors, and have them keep you on track. Even better, get a therapist if that’s an option. You mentioned depression and that you’re working on it which is great, keep your mental health up. Set up weekly, bi-weekly, monthly check-ins with them to measure progress. This helps with two things: 1) it pulls your goals out of your mind and into reality by speaking it into existence (as an intuitive, this is a constant struggle) and 2) it creates a system to keep you accountable to those goals especially if you’re not making progress. Ask for help if you need it.
4. Get a mentor. Find successful people who are where you want to be that you want to emulate. Talk to them, ask them questions, and keep them close. If you don’t know anyone like that, then research them online, watch videos, read books, and study their thought processes and habits. This helps because you’ll be able to see that someone has already walked the path you’re on and it’s completely achievable. You need to be able to see the result, not just imagine it in your head. The second benefit is that you’ll be able to check your internal logic against external facts. Are you doing what you’re supposed to be doing to succeed? Is your method actually feasible? If not, what facts from other successful people contradict your logic? Compare, analyze, adjust, and adapt.
5. Choose your friends wisely. Most people are influenced by their environment and their social groups, but xxTPs are especially vulnerable to social influence due to having extraverted feeling (Fe). If you’re trying to become a neurosurgeon but your friends are playing Fortnite 14 hours per day, then you’ll feel a strong pull to do the same thing they’re doing. For this reason, you don’t need to cut them off, but you’ll need to distance yourself from people who are interfering with your ability to do deep work. Set expectations with them: “I can game on weekends only for 2-3 hours” and enforce those boundaries. Then, add new friends to your social circle who have similar goals as you.
6. Work in groups. There’s a quote: “Many hands make for light work.” If you’re studying for an exam, then study with other people. Schedule a study group where everyone is expected to contribute notes to review and discuss. Global pandemic? Schedule a Zoom studying session. This accomplishes a few things: 1) it distributes the burden of crappy tasks and dense material among many people to become more manageable 2) it checks your logic and understanding of the material to ensure it’s accurate 3) it creates external accountability as covered in #1 and 4) it builds relationships with other people who may have similar goals as you and who may become part of your lifelong network. In general, xNTPs struggle with self-imposed deadlines and internal discipline but they tend to respond better when there’s a risk of letting other people down.
7. Break large goals into small chunks. Self-explanatory. Take a large goal like becoming a doctor which can take 10+ years (4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, 2+ years of residency) and break it down into smaller goals like 1) master biology 101, master chemistry 101, etc. 2) get a research lab position studying something you find interesting 3) talk to some physicians in the specialty that you’re interested in 4) complete a few MCAT classes, etc. Small wins build confidence, increase momentum, and create gratification. 
8. Burn all bridges. xNTPs are masters of creative excuses and you must destroy all possible escape routes that can be used to get out of doing the tasks you must do. If you’re trying to get into better physical shape, then sign a non-refundable gym membership so that you’ll lose your money if you don’t go. If you’re trying to be more consistent with studying at the library, then volunteer to drive your study group so that you’ll let them down if you don’t drive. If you’re distracted by television, then sell your TV and cut your cable subscription. If you’re addicted to Tumblr, then delete your account. 
9. Summon the procrastination demon-- early. You know the demon I’m talking about, it’s the one that comes out right before a deadline that chases you to finish your work. Summon it yourself. Have you been wanting to write a book? Send out invitations to your friends and family to schedule a reading.
10. Show off. When you accomplish something, talk about it with other people. Share your knowledge, teach a class, write an online post, and distribute that wisdom to other people. It creates an added layer of gratification from your success.
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Fic Writer Interview Meme
name: Sass (not my real name of course, but it's what I go by on here)
fandoms: NCT (all units), The Untamed, Killer and Healer, S.C.I., History 3: Trapped, Guardian, The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty, The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity, Criminologist Himura and Mystery Writer Arisugawa, Beyond Evil, The Devil Judge, Wuliang, Original Sin, Psych Hunter (these last 5 are fandoms that I'm in but haven't written anything for yet)
two-shot: I only do one shots or multi-chaptered fics. No two-shots
most popular multi-chapter fic: CSI: NCT (Subscriptions: 88, Hits: 18121, Kudos: 493, Comment Threads: 64, Bookmarks: 136)
actual worst part of writing: Fucking...writing? Like, having to put the words/scenes that you see in your head into words and onto paper? It's like, I know how it looks in my head but dear lord, having to describe that particular scene in words is fucking hard
how you choose your titles: My titles usually either come from the work itself or the work it's inspired by. Sometimes I will ask for help on here for title names, but not very often
do you outline: Sometimes? But only for like...really difficult prompts or story ideas I've never done before.
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice: I have many and I will get around to them eventually (keyword being eventually)
callouts @ me: Uh...to stop bitching about writing and just write? Like, that's how writing gets done is if you fucking write instead of bitch about it on tumblr, ya dumbass
best writing traits: I'm really good at writing mafia fics or detective fics. Like, because I have a B.S. in Forensic Biology, I have a lot of knowledge about how crime scenes work and autopsies and what not. Also because it's literally going to be a career for me, I make sure to do a lot of fucking research to make sure it's right. As for mafia fics...I just really like them and I will also do a lot of research for them so that they're good/accurate
Spicy tangential opinion: You don't have to follow all those writing advices that go around tumblr. Sure, some of them might be helpful but if you have a certain way of writing, you shouldn't change how you write just because a post says so. Take what you think that might be useful to you and then take the rest of the advice with a grain of fucking salt. Write how you wanna write and just be yourself in your writing. Readers can tell when you're trying to be like someone else
Tagging (but no obligation to do): @this-solaris-life @mishathewtf @mejomonster @jazthespazz @viriyanon @jaecomments @hils79 @jockvillagersonly @tytangfei @merinnan @bestbuds55 @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @moon-on-the-pavilion @amidalogicdive @missfangirll @jaecomments and anyone else who wants to do this
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scienceoftheidiot · 3 years
So you know what it’s wednesday you’re getting an infodump on Desden’s blindness.
Beware. I’m a biologist. I’m a nerd. And I’m a teacher. You know what’s coming, right ? 
I just reblogged an extremely interesting and great post about writing blind characters that I advise you to go and read now (I haven't finished yet) because it's just full of info and contrary to usual posts like that it's not guilt tripping or anything. I love this post and OP for this. However I've noticed there's a bunch of advices I don't follow myself and I felt like I could expand and why and how I think it's not a bad thing. Here's the first one : don’t make your character blind through an accident. Because drama. 
So yeah. Desden lost his sight due to some kind of accident. Which is thoroughly described by a mysterious bystander’s flashback in chap.3. So that’s not a spoiler. But how can a brick through the head make you blind ? 
Brain. Brains are evil. You know I got a PhD in biology : I am sad to admit I couldn’t go through with my love of neurology because it was competing with my love for bacteria and parasites that can kill you and happily live everywhere. Life’s though. No neuro for me, welcome to viral ecology (viruses are obligatory parasites, sue me). But not only can’t I help being a nerd... I have an uncle in my family who lost part of his vision from a brain haematoma (not due to trauma, but the result and how it works is the same). Who’s also a nerd. (And a PhD in physics cause like that’s what nerds do, right ?) And he explained in details how he lost his vision (and gained back some of it over time) to us.
If you cut blood supply to parts of the brain for long enough, this part will die. Logic. Head trauma can do that and more. So, what happened is that Desden’s visual cortex got cut from blood supply for a relatively long amount of time (he can thank the extremely cold weather of the day it happened, which makes your body turn into “low survival mode”, when the “accident” happened for 1) being still alive and 2) not losing more than most of his sight, some balance, and a bunch of memories). But the brain is a funny little thing and some times it does stuff (not going into the haematoma part, I’m not a doc, it’s long and not very relevant, but it has to be taken into account cause it’s what can make part of the lost sight reappear). So Desden was totally blind for a while, then his brain managed to get some of his sight back. Very little. 
But what and how does he see ? 
See, the brain is constructed so that the visual cortex’s position reflects the visual field you have, except in reverse. Sorry. I’m a teacher. I’m going to add a schema. But in French because I actually work with this (well. Nope. They changed the program but I have old program lessons lying around just in case) and I’m lazy today. Just look at the pretty colours. It shows you what I just explained very badly because I’m used to use schemas, but here’s what you need to understand. 
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SOOOO. Basically make most of the colour disappear except for a very small part of blue at the far right of the visual cortex. Meaning that in the end, what Desden can see is an extremely reduced part of peripheral vision. Try to fix your eyes on a point in front of you and describe what is at the far corner of your left eye. Good luck. (and let me tell you I know I have extremely good peripheral vision myself, it’s still composed by what your brain KNOWS is around. From seeing it with the other parts of your field of vision. Because your brain is constantly MAKING UP what you’re seeing from a lot of information including past ones when you didn’t even think about it but your eyes brushed that part. Your senses are fucked up. Deal with it. Your brain is playing tricks on you right now.)
This is why, btw, he’s often described tilting his head on the right. He doesn’t have much control on his eye movement so he tries to get some info on people (mostly light and colours but since his visual memory is fucked up, it’s not very useful)
His eyes move. He just doesn’t really control them. In fact they’re often if not constantly moving because head trauma is often linked to the apparition of a nystagmus, which is a rapid eye movement to the side or up and down - my brother has that, vertical, did you know it existed ? well I do. A friend of my parents has a horizontal one that is a lot more visible. Constantly. She’s not blind, her brain compensates this. Brains are both evil and awesome. Deal with it.
Oh and his eyes are perfectly normal. Even quite pretty, as he describes them himself. He still wears sunglasses because his brain doesn’t like strong light which give him migraines, because it has a hard time processing visual info. 
His eyes also work perfectly (well as perfectly as they did before his accident, which is okay but a little nearsighted) which leads to the only thing that sounds like a superpower that isn’t one : blindsight. If you research it you’ll learn about people who can do absolutely crazy things like catch stuff that’s thrown at them or avoid most obstacles on a path while being totally blind, because BRAINS, AGAIN. Your brain doesn’t only process visual cues through the visual cortex; there’s a slight part in the “primitive brain” or “lizard brain” that does, too. So basically Desden’s body can see stuff but he’s not aware of it consciously. He’s NOT using it and he’s NOT as good as the people I cited above. But for example he has insights he souldn’t have on people’s moods, because his lizard brain picks their faces up. Not always, and it’s often more when someone’s in a VERY bad mood that SHOWS. And since he’s not aware of it he takes that as hints from his other senses. It’s NOT compensating for his blindness - if anything, it’s a silly trick. BUT I AM A NERD, REMEMBER ?
Anyway. Now you know. Desden still lost his vision through an accident which, as said in the reference post i’m refering to (haha) would be bad if it was used for drama but, in fact, I try to avoid most of it because apart from the accident, which is witnessed by someone else who is important to the later plot, nothing from Desden’s life before or after it is described in details. My novel starts 9 years after the accident. He’s got time to get used to being blind. 
*I* know everything that happened in his life, or most of the important things anyway, that lead to the opening of the book, but you will only get scraps of it because it’s not what’s relevant. It’s important for the construction of the character, but what I want to show here is not Desden’s journey through being used to being blind. It’s his journey through accepting his family heritage, which has nothing to do with being blind, and sharing it with the rest of his family while it stayed hidden to them until then because the person who kept this before him was an arsehole. There are a lot of plot points that are linked to Desden’s blindness, including said arsehole arseholery (I be good with words), but it’s not the point of the book. 
Y’all know I’m a Daredevil fan. That’s where I got the idea of a blind character (not only), but now erase that from your mind. Desden doesn’t have any superpower that compensate his blindness. He’s got pretty good hearing because he’s used to use it a lot more than when he was sighted. It’s not better. He loves music, but he’s absolutely tone deaf so forget the blind piano tuner/musician cliché (this is a joke in one of my AUs, in fact)(explanation : in France, which is the country I research for because I’m French and my story takes place in France, the most prominent school for the blind used to primarily teach people to become piano tuners during the 20th century). He’s got a very good nose, but that’s just how it is, and since I’m using my own experience of rediscovering my sense of smell after years of living with smoking people (don’t smoke) (yeah, even you, Desden) I know it’s not superhuman. In fact my own nose is pretty shitty compared to my mom’s. Who is a fucking hunting hound. Anwyay I digress. 
Desden often chases any comment that restrict him to being “the blind guy” by stating stuff he does or likes to do, like “I’m also a good tarot player but no one ever mentions that” or “my brownies are the best ones and I don’t even need to add pot to it”. This is how he feels about it. He’s blind. It’s okay, it’s part of him. But it’s not his sole characteristic. 
I think I’m done here. I haven’t touched on other people’s reaction to him that much, and if you’re interested you can ask questions. Basically remember he’s a 1,98m guy, with broad shoulders, and that’s the first thing you see from him. Also there’s his guide dog Kalinka. 
Lot more things to talk about, not that much time. So if you’re interested in knowing more, poke me, and I might write more about my character. 
Lastly and more importantly : if you see things that you can correct in this post, please do so. As I said, I’m a nerd, but I’m not a neurologist. I’m going the vulgarized version. And I like to be taught things. So if you see mistakes, tell me. 
Peace ! 
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
Hello Lei! Congrats on your 2k milestone! I've followed you since your flower event where I absolutely fell in love with your writing. Your blog has always been such a nice place to visit from your interactions with your followers to all of your writings! Thank you for everything you have written for us <3
Once again, your event is so cute and the description is beautiful! I would like to please make a request for 'sugar by the corner of your lips': pink + stargazing date + albedo
Oh! I kept forgetting, but I would also like to thank you for writing my request for the 'poetries between us' event! It was very sweet and I loved it!
Other than that, I hope you have a nice day and an even better week!
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imagine albedo asking you if you were interested in joining him in his research only to find yourself boarding a train out to the more rural parts of the country one afternoon.
the train ride felt shorter than it actually was. between your friend who was busying himself with his notes, the lush green that sped past you, and the golden afternoon glow, it was hard to focus on one thing and before you knew it, time has passed and the night has come. albedo motions for you to follow him and he takes you to the hillside. you tell him about your love for the stars in an attempt to cut through the silence that has settled between the both of you and he tells you that he knows. shaking your head, you asked him what his research was about but he didn't reply, only pointing at the telescope that he has asked a friend to prepare prior to your arrival. a gasp escapes you as you peek at the stars that now felt closer than it ever was. a few minutes later, you're sitting beside him as he points at a few constellations — some of which you recognize and some of which you don't. albedo was in the process of explaining a small fact he knew when he caught sight of a shooting star. you notice it too and you found your hands winding around his in an attempt to catch his attention. he asks you if you made a wish and you tell him that you did. you ask him the same and he hesitates before he says he did. you decided not to pry; something about wishes not coming true if you did. in your daze, you didn't notice albedo grabbing his pen from its case. you only recognized its path on your skin as he absentmindedly draws a star on your ring finger. you ask him what it means but he doesn't respond. you do, however, catch a glimpse of his research notes only to see something about biology — something completely unrelated to the stars you have just been observing.
"i wish that you would continue to shine as bright as the stars until i am ready to pursue astronomy as the truth."
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━━ ☆ NOTES: aaaaaa thank you and you're welcome! writing for everyone has been one my life's greatest honors and i'm so happy that me being me has made your days better! i'm sorry this took longer than expected! i haven't been feeling the best these days so i wasn't able to get this done sooner. if you don't mind, which ask did you send for the previous event? anyhow, i'm glad you enjoyed it!
━━ ☆ INTERESTED IN THE EVENT?: come see the available offers!
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beingulti · 3 years
7 members of Ring of Fire 2021:
Elijah Long:
Elijah Long is from Chapel Hill, NC. He/him, loves pancakes, days at the pool, and a good book/tv show. Boo ring.
Connor Russell:
Connor is from Westfield, NJ and has played for DEVYL, UNCW Seamen, Raleigh Flyers and Ring of Fire. He’s a golfer and avid Deez Comedian.
Shane Sisco:
Hi my name is Shane Sisco and I’ve been playing for Ring for the last seven years. Other current teams include Flyers (AUDL) and Boneyard (Master’s). I’m 34 years young and live in Charlotte, but I grew up In Virginia Beach and attended East Carolina University where I played frisbee for the Irates while pursuing a bachelors/masters in geology. I’m currently rehabbing from ACL surgery after I tore it over the summer playing for Boneyard. Outside of frisbee, I work as a hydrogeologist working in the environmental consulting industry, where I predominantly help clients redevelop contaminated and/or blighted areas for safe public reuse. I also work as a part time whitewater rafting guide and whitewater SUP instructor in the summer at the U.S. National Whitewater Center. I have two dogs, Indy and Kelby, and they rule. I’ll probably mostly focus my day on rehab stuff, being the old dude on a super young and talented Ring team, the outdoors/environment (#OptOutside on Black Friday!), public lands, and of course, my dogs. Maybe even some content on newer addition to our fam, my nephew Odin! See ya on Friday.
Eric Taylor:
Hi! I'm Eric Taylor (he/him), and I've been playing frisbee for 10 years now. I started playing my sophomore year of high school on St. Charles Mannschaft. After my Junior year of HS started playing on the YCC team Cincinnati Flying Pig, where I met (lost to) some folks who would go on to be some of my best friends. I went to Carleton College, and played 4 years on CUT, where we missed nationals in 2015 and then won in 2017. Interspersed within the college years I played with Minneapolis Sub Zero (we also missed Natties), Raleigh Ring of Fire, the 2018 U24 USA Men's Team, the Raleigh Flyers, the 2019 U24 USA Men's Team, and the 2020 WUGC Mixed Team (RIP).
I've done a spot of coaching as well, including two seasons coaching the HS team Chapel Hill Ultimate Frisbee, a lot of individual skills coaching (mostly on throwing), and I just started coaching NC State Alpha.
The other stuff I care about that isn't frisbee: Dungeons and Dragons, vaccine research, video games, backpacking, hypotheticals, being a flamin liberal.
Alex Davis:
AD's the name, speed is the game. It's actually Alex Davis, but speed is still the game. I'm 24 years old and I grew up in northern New Jersey until I finished high school. I then came down to North Carolina to go to the UNC-Chapel Hill, which is where I picked up ultimate. I got my bachelors in economics and a masters in accounting (boring). I played basketball and ran a lot of track in my middle school and high school days. I didn't even know what ultimate was until I got to college and had plans to try and continue running track, but my roommate pulled me out to Darkside practice I ended up making the team in the end and haven't looked back. I've really only played in NC except for a half club season with Garden state Ultimate (2017). I've also played for cash crop (2017), brick house (2018), and ring of fire (2019-current). Probably forgetting a lot of important bio things and I don't have a plan for what I'm gonna talk about. So please just bombard me with questions.
Jack Williams:
Hickory NC.
Ring of Fire
New York Empire
27 years old
No wallet no problems
Sol Yanuck:
Hey hey, my name is Sol Yanuck, I'm from Chapel Hill, NC and I've been playing ultimate in the triangle since I was in middle school. I went to Carolina Friends School K-12 before going to Carleton College where I majored in Biology. After school I moved back to the triangle and worked in a couple different medical offices before starting med school at CUSOM this July. Ultimate has been a huge part of my life for about 10 years, and I've had incredibly rewarding experiences playing at the high school, college, and club/pro levels. I've also had the pleasure of coaching Triforce with Matt GH, Jon Nethercutt, and a bunch of other really special folks since 2016. I've played for CFS, Triforce, Carleton CUT, Cash Crop (sorry Allan), Ring of Fire, Raleigh Flyers, 2014 U20 WJUC and 2018 USA U24 men's team. Would love to nerd out about 2010s men's ultimate. Other things that interest me are hockey, fantasy hockey, my multiple 2020 fantasy hockey league championships, pokemon nuzlockes gens 3-5 (I will be genuinely excited if anyone wants to talk about this), and I guess medicine lmao.
(November 22nd - November 28th)
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