#Adopted Mother
kittenfangirl20 · 19 days
*back when life on Earth was still new Sera was called to God, he wanted her to help guide the humans he created, Adam and Lilith, they already had Lucifer as a friend, but they needed someone to mentor them and he chose Sera because she was the wisest amongst the angels, she agreed and went to Eden, the garden was almost as lovely as Heaven, she saw the humans, both were so beautiful, she didn’t care much for Lilith who already seemed to have arrogance and cruelty, it was Adam who warmed her heart, he had an air of curiosity that made her smile*
Sera: Hello, my name is Sera. I was asked by God to guide you in how to help start humanity.
*Sera sat down and summoned a book to read from, Lilith rolled her eyes, but sat down, but to her surprise Adam sat next to her and leaned against her, she didn’t know at the time that Adam was already imprinting on her as a baby would his own mother and she was already developing maternal feelings to this young man, she draped her arms across his shoulders and started to read, it didn’t taken long for Lilith to leave, but Adam still stayed*
Adam: Sera, I think that there is something wrong with me. I don’t want to be with Lilith in the way that would make children.
*Sera looked down and saw how upset Adam looked*
Sera: There is nothing wrong with that, it may take time for you to love Lilith the way you need to in order to make children. You are a very handsome and charming man, it will be easy to get Lilith to love you.
*Sera honestly couldn’t say the same about Lilith who seemed rather bratty in her eyes*
Adam: I am also afraid because I notice how beautiful Lilith is, but I also find men beautiful too. Is that bad?
Sera: There is nothing wrong with you having an attraction to men and women, God created you so he must have wanted you to be attracted to both men and women.
*honestly Sera had a strong urge to gather Adam in her arms and fly away with him to Heaven to keep him away from Lilith because she believed Lilith would only hurt Adam, even when she was hyper critical of Adam in Heaven she thought she was doing it to help him, it took having to lose him to Hell in order to see that he had become her son and she wanted to hear Adam call her mom, it took the confrontation with Lucifer to see that her being critical to Adam hurt him, when she told Adam to call her mom while she held him and he did call her mom, her heart was filled with so much joy at having a son that her child alone*
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thecrochetcrowd · 11 months
8 Decorative Crochet Wall Hanging Patterns
8 Decorative Crochet Wall Hanging Patterns 8 Decorative Wall-Hangings Freshen up your bedroom, living room or even a dorm room with some fun new decorative crochet wall hanging pattern ideas. From pompom to fringe to fillets just the creative jump start you didn’t know you were looking for, but happy you found. Looking for a great unique gift idea or simply just a way to use up some of your yarn…
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bet-on-me-13 · 6 days
Sam is Adopted
So! Have you ever noticed how Sam doesn't look like either of her Parents? Her Mom and Dad are Blonde and Ginger, and neither of them have Purple Eyes. How would Sam ever come from either of them?
She tells people that she dyes her Hair and wears Contacts, but the reality is that she was adopted as a baby by them. They had just found out that Pamela was Infertile and they wanted an Heir foe their company, so they decided to Adopt a kid.
But the Adoption Agency didn't have any kids who would realistically look like them, so they just got the first kid they found.
She had been left at the Orphanage by her Mother citing an inability to raise her and an unstable income. She never told the Agency her name, but told them that the baby's name was Sam, named after her Grandfather.
Sam was raised knowing that she was Adopted, but never really put much interest into it. Until one day when she decided that her adoptive Parents support of the Anti Ecto Acts was a step too far for her. She took an Ancestry DNA Test to see if she could find her Bio Mom to get away from them.
The results came back, and she found out that her Mom was a woman from Metropolis named Lois Lane.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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No time to play. You are being sent away.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#yu ziyuan#jiang yanli#jiang cheng#wei wuxian#Do you know how hard it was to *not* do a 'Sold To One Direction' spoof comic? It took nearly all my will power.#Mostly because it misaligns a little too far off from the canon events and vibes.#But sit with me for a moment. Consider it:#“BEEP BEEP BEEP. I threw my pillow at my alarm clock. ”Wei Wuxian get your lazy ass downstairs!“ Yu Ziyuan yelled.#I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see my grey orbs staring back at me.#I put my long straight black hair in a ponytail with a red ribbon.#I went downstairs to see my adoptive mother holding a bottle of vodka and a cigarette.#'Listen up whore! I need money to pay the bills so I sold you. Your new owners will be here any minute so go pack!'#I stormed upstairs. There was no way I was going to let her sell me to a creepy old man!#I decided to run away. Since I'm not like other girls I don't have very many friends.#My gay friend Lan Zhan was mean but he lived like a block away.#As I opened the door I saw Wen Chao blocking the door. 'Ello Love. We're your new owners!'#I rolled my eyes and pushed him. 'Aren't you from that stupid Wen Sect? There's no way in hell I'm going with you!'#Hey again. It's me the OP of this blog taking a pause. I haven't actually read this story before aside from the memes#and I am honestly reeling from how this watpad fic chapter ends. What do you mean one of the one direction boys chloroforms her???#Chapter 2 is so much worse#Why is there such a strong focus on the *eyes* of every boy!!!#This fanfic is a horror story actually. I came into it trying to make a funny parody but I got in over my head. Dear God.#It's me again. Several minutes have passed and I'm on chapter 4. What the FUCK is going on here?#I feel like I opened up pandora's box hoping for a fun little treat and got the plauge upon me. Dont read this fic.
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chaos-bringer-13 · 4 months
I just told mom about some bits of Danny Phantom lore and it basically went like this:
Me: So, this kid goes into his mad scientists parents' portal, activates it, sorta dies and instantly resurrects as a half ghost.
Mom, terrified: Poor mother.
Me: Nah, his parents didn't actually notice, they're kinda negligent, too invested into their work.
Mom, more terrified: Poor children.
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📷 @/leclercsupportsystemm @/samanthapanighello
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northstarscowboyhat · 15 days
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Justice Family Cuddles ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
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clownsuu · 9 months
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Have a duck with Daisies on his head! He will peck your Art Block Away!
Goodbye now!
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Ducks with daisies,,,,
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tossawary · 3 months
Luo Binghe is kind of an orphan, but he also has SO many deadbeat, dead, or creepy parental figures or technical parents, it's SO funny to me. He only actually wants, like, two of them in his life.
The washerwoman: adoptive mother. Loved her and misses her to this day. Only mother he cares about.
Unknown potential miscellaneous caretakers between the fishermen finding him in the Luo River and his adoptive mother taking him in. SOMEONE had to nurse this kid if he wasn't actually adopted by the washerwoman immediately.
Su Xiyan: birth mother. If anyone told him about the "set adrift in a river" thing, he probably assumed for most of his life that a birth parent left him for dead.
Shen Qingqiu (Shen Jiu): teacher and master. If Shen Jiu didn't give Binghe a lot of his issues, then he definitely made them worse!
Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan): teacher and master. The "can't I look at what I raised?" is there and cannot be taken back, and it does just get weirder. No, I don't think Shen Yuan would be thrilled about being on this list at all.
Meng Mo: teacher and portable grandfather. This demon had to talk Binghe into being his student and settle for not even being called "Shifu". Probably gives terrible advice.
Shang Qinghua: father to Binghe as much as he's father to everyone in this world that he wrote. Does NOT want Binghe to know this. Probably gave Binghe a lot of his own issues. Sure does give advice.
Mobei-Jun: demon mentor (arguable) and stepfather through the author father thing. Does not know this. Definitely gives terrible advice.
Huan Hua Palace Master: master of Binghe's birth mother, probably wants to be Binghe's father-in-law. Threw Gongyi Xiao aside IMMEDIATELY to take Binghe in and put Binghe in charge of the Jin Lan City mission even when he wasn't an official disciple.
Tianlang-Jun: birth father. Sealed away before Binghe's birth and comes back to cause SO MANY problems.
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we-r-loonies · 3 months
happy mother's day to the best mum to ever walk the planet, euphemia potter
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coochiequeens · 6 months
So glad she got away from the dude. And the church coming out to support her instead of just pleading for her to stay because...... "divorce makes Jesus sad" is a pleasant surprise.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 2 months
Apple Seed 7: Demons
Charlie: (nestled into bed and surrounded by a maternity pillow to help prop up her heavy set baby belly) Are you sure you're alright with me going to bed early? I can stay up a little longer and help with the new residents' paperwork.
Vaggie: (cups Charlie's cheek and brushes her thumb over the bright red circle, slipping her finger into the well hidden dimple camouflaged underneath) I'm sure, hun. I can handle it just fine. I'll be in bed in about two- (checks the bedside clock) -two and a half hours.
Charlie: (pouts) But-
Vaggie: (presses a finger to Charlie's lips) No, no hables más, mi amor. You've been sleeping horribly for weeks. If you're tired, you should sleep. I can take over so you can rest. ¿Comprende?
Charlie: (huffs childishly but eyes slowly soften as she kisses Vaggie's finger) Yes, Ma'am. I understand. (snuggles under the covers and strokes her belly) I love you, Vaggie.
Vaggie: I love you too, querida. (kisses Charlie's forehead) Good night. (slowly exits the room and shuts the door with a soft click)
Vaggie: (sighs heavily and shuffles down the hall with an uneasy stride and hunch in her shoulders) Mierda... What am I going to do?
Vaggie: (enters the office and sits behind the desk, slowly opening a side drawer to reveal a hidden flask and pulling it out to take a pull of the liquor inside) Fuck.... Now, I'm drinking by myself because of this... Shit....
Vaggie: (bites her lip and pulls out her phone) I cannot believe I'm doing this. (dials the number and sets the phone to speaker)
-Brrrrrrrrd! ....Brrrrrrrd! ....Brrrrrrrrd!-
Carmilla: Carmine Industries. State your business.
Vaggie: (nervous) Uh, hello, Ms. Carmine. This is Vaggie Morningstar.
Carmilla: I'm well aware who you are, Vaggie. That's the point of caller ID. What do you want?
Vaggie: (under her breath) Gee, aren't you just as perky as ever. (clears her throat) I'm... in need of some... ugh...shit.... advice.
Carmilla: .............I'm listening.
Vaggie: You have two daughters.
Carmilla: How astute of you.
Vaggie: Smartass comments aside! (gets quiet and nervous) How... do you do it?
Carmilla: ..........I must say. Normally, I'd pride myself on being able to understand most nonsensical babbling, but I'm not quite following yours. Elaborate.
Vaggie: (sighs and sinks into the chair) How do you do it? Hold your kids when you have blood on your hands? (stares at her palms and flinches as flashes of deep crimson blood stain her fingers before returning to normal)
Carmilla: I see. This is about your prior Exorcist work and the baby on the way, isn't it?
Vaggie: (nods sullenly before remembering that she's on a voice call) Fuck! Yes! This is about that! How can I hold a perfect little being after everything I've done?! After all the people I've killed here in Hell? (flood gates open as her emotions run wild and tears sting her eyes) I know Charlie has forgiven me, but what if I hurt them? What if... I'm not good enough?
Carmilla: .............
Vaggie: (slowly calms down and wipes the tears from her eyes)
Carmilla: (softly) Because when that child is born, the hands that you once used to kill will be used to protect something even more precious than you could ever imagine.
Vaggie: (blinks) Carmine?
Carmilla: That innocent, perfect little baby will rely on you for everything the moment they're born. Your wife will rely on you to help her shoulder the burden. Do you honestly think that child will care about the people you killed when they only know the love you've given it? The care you've provided to it and it's mother?
Vaggie: But.... what if I-
Carmilla: Taint it? (huffs a laugh) With what? Slightly sullied hands that may or may not be covered in spit up? A child isn't tainted by the past sins of a parent, stupid girl.
Vaggie: (glances at her hands and watches as the blood washes away to a gross, white milky substance and cringes at the thought of spit up) Not sure how much I want that either....
Carmilla: Just remember to burp the child thoroughly between changing breasts if the princess is breastfeeding, and especially after. It should help with any projectile vomiting.
Vaggie: (smiles softly and relaxes) Do... you have anymore words of maternal wisdom for me? I... uh... feel pretty useless right now.
Carmilla: Hmmph. (sits down at her desk and leans back in amusement) Grab a notebook, and I'll give you a few tricks of the trade.
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thecrochetcrowd · 8 months
Crochet Adult and Child Hats
Mother & Daughter Set Introducing a really cute set where Mother and Daughters can share a similar hat and scarf. I was really attracted to this hat as I really like the colouring. It’s using Bernat Denim Style. It’s casual but really cool too! Get the free pattern, it’s called Easy Hat & Scarf Pattern. Join us for the month of interesting hats that are free.
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rythyme · 1 month
"came back wrong" but no one besides the resurrected person has noticed, and they're doing everything they can to keep it that way. everyone cares about them so damn much and is so damn happy to have them back that they'd rather die all over again than reveal the truth. these people don't deserve to lose their loved one twice.
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slythereen · 3 months
ollie's team waving and cheering for the parade 😭 ollie like "oh i see my team!" 😭 ollie not realizing they are on air already 😭 ollie smilely over charles giving him advice 😭 little baby colt 🤏
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genericpuff · 1 month
Question but is Thanatos still Hades son in LR?
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