#Adrien loses his miraculous prompt
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a little something i wrote for the @ladrienjune prompt 18 "panic attack." it's a little late i know, but i hope you enjoy 🥰
Ladybug can’t find Chat Noir after losing him in an Akuma attack. Adrien does what he can to help.
She jerked away at Adrien’s touch, pivoting to face him, yo-yo at the ready. Water shone on her skin, upon her mask, collecting in her eyes like the glint of moonlight just beyond the clouds.  “Ladybug,”  Adrien said slowly, raising his hands in surrender. “It’s okay.” “It didn’t work,” she gasped. “He’s not here. He should’ve come back!” Adrien reached for her again, heart twisting at the wildness in her eyes. He knew that look. He’d seen it in her before. In Marinette, too, when her darkness overtook her. It was a look he still did not know what to do with, even after all this time.  Ladybug stared back at him, eyes burning, then whispered, “Lucky Charm.”
this tested very well with beta readers.
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miraculousfanworks · 23 days
Writing Prompt: Now Pose!
Marinette uses Felix as a mannequin whenever she wants to make a surprise outfit for Adrien, since they have the same measurements and because Felix owes her a life time of favors for that trick he pulled with the miraculouses. Felix cant say no because he doesnt want to lose his miraculous, and more importantly, Duusu.
Prompt by: StrawberryDoodle
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mcheang · 1 year
I have a prompt idea! So a rich kid transfers into DuPont who is the son of the prime minister or something. He can be bratty like Chloe and deceitful like Lila. The first thing he does is put Chloe in her place since her dad can’t do anything to him and exposes Lila as the liar she is with the help from his connections.But here’s the kicker, he has a massive crush on Marinette. But she has a massive crush on Adrien, someone he looks down on. Cue jealousy and retribution. Basically Adrien gaining an antagonist of his own because if he can have FOUR girls getting into a cat fight of her (two of whom are nasty bullies) then Marinette can have her own evil love interest. Bonus points if he is beginning to endear to Marinette after standing up to her bullies.
Remy Gusteau
Can you guess where I got his name? But I imagine him to look like Draco Malfoy if he has to keep saying “My father….” Lol
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Your prompt is the first in a long while that has given my that old flair of imagination :D Thank you. Also, for anyone else who wants to send me a prompt, note I have not watched the latest season yet as I am waiting for all episodes to air first. So no spoilers please.
The only reason Remy even agreed to go to Paris after the rise of Hawkmoth was because it was the capital of gastronomy.
Even so, he refused to stay as a guest at the Le Grand Paris. There is no way he is staying in the same hotel as that bully Chloe. Honestly why Ladybug even let her remain a hero after she purposefully endangered a train full of Parisians is beyond him. And ever since he saw her purposefully sabotage a cooking show, he has been asking his father why her father was even still mayor if he could not even raise his daughter properly.
Even so, the mayor personally welcomed Remy at the airport.
Mayor: my daughter attends Dupont too, she can be your tour guide.
Remy: I certainly hope she learned to improve her personality. It doesn’t look good on France if the mayor of our capital has a bully for a daughter.
The mayor paled at the threat. “Of course she has improved. Why else would Ladybug give her a miraculous again?”
Remy: I guess we’ll see.
Later that night, Andre begged his daughter to be on her best behavior because otherwise, it might cost him his job.
Naturally Chloe was appalled. She started to protest when even her mother agreed with Andre. “It would never do for my darling to lose his job. All Chloe has to do is act nice in front of the prime minister’s boy, right? That’s easy to do. Chloe, if you can’t handle even this much, ask your sister for advice.”
The next day Chloe went out of her way to greet Remy and did not even give Sabrina orders…only to be ignored by Remy.
Ugh. Who did he think he is?
Sabrina: Um, the prime minister’s son?
The only seat left available was next to Ivan, right in front of Lila.
As Caline told Remy that Marinette would be his tour guide, Lila volunteered instead.
Lila: Oh, I can do it. As the ambassador’s daughter, I’m sure Marinette would has a lot to do anyway.
Marinette scowled at Lila. And she wasn’t the only one.
Remy himself was not happy. He recognised Marinette because of her parents and uncle. He had actually been looking forward to discuss recipes with her. Why did that nobody have to butt in?
Well that nobody was Lila, and clearly she never heard of personal space. For someone supposed to be giving a tour of the classrooms and teachers, she sure talked a lot about herself instead.
Don’t tell him that everybody actually indulged her like this?
Later that day, after class ended, he asked Caline why she does not try reining in Lila’s tall tales.
Caline: Lila has a special disease. She didn’t want her classmates to see her differently because of it.
Remy stared cooly at this dumb woman. “Hmm. Do you know something, I’ve heard the other students tell me I was in the akuma class. I thought perhaps it might be due to Chloe but perhaps you have something to do with it too. I wonder if I should ask my father to bring an inspector here.”
Caline: If you think it’s needed. I have only ever encouraged my students to forgive each other.
Remy: right, which is why you never told your class they were being lied to by Lila and denied them the chance to forgive her.
True to his word, Remy did bring an inspector around, and was he thorough! Marinette’s previous expulsion case was brought up and both Damocles and Caline were fired for mishandling the case. Remy even forced them to apologize to Marinette. Some, including Adrien, might protest this was harsh, but Remy drily pointed out that Caline’s method of forgiving bullies without punishing them was called enabling. Did she expect them to forgive Hawkmoth too? And Damocles is not supposed to turn school property into some cheap owl cave, nor punish the school for Chloe’s misdeeds. They were like children in the bodies of adults.
Oh, and Lila was exposed too. She had to confess her special ability to the whole school, outing her as someone who likes to tell tall tales.
Understandably, akumas appeared. Curiously though, they never got much chance to cause chaos. Mainly because the no-nonsense inspector and Remy struck them in the head once the transformation had finished, giving them no time to react, and proceeded to keep hitting them till they passed out.
Everyone stared at them.
Remy: What? The miraculous cure will fix everything.
And Remy finally got to discuss baking with Marinette! He just didn’t understand why she was so fixated on Adrien Agreste. The model reminded Remy of Caline, always about forgiving bullies. Spoken like someone who has never been bullied himself!
He just has to help Marinette see that Adrien isn’t worth her time. Some planned situations to show how useless the boy is. Good thing he has the mayor’s daughter at his beck and call. And he just knows she is dying to be mean again.
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mlwritingprompts · 2 months
Submitted prompt:
Strikeback AU, Adrien/Cat Noir bashing/salt, Felix/Flairmidable, Adrien OOC, Felix doesn't win here and neither does Adrien, warning: poisoning.
Cat Noir watched as Ladybug and Flairmidable were talking together. He was perplexed about the new Dog hero, as she just lent the same Miraculous to a girl just a couple of days ago. He didn't think Miss Hound was a memorable addition to the team but he also couldn't remember her double crossing Ladybug in any way to justify getting her replaced from the team so suddenly. Especially by this random dude, who seemed to try his luck with his lady.
He then noticed how flustered Ladybug was getting around this new hero. "So it's him !" Cat Noir murmured under his breath. "I knew she'd recruit the guy she's in love with in her team eventually, I bet she was just waiting for this moment to finally get rid of him completely by having her crush fight alongside him. Too bad that I came prepared for this day!" He finally took out a croissant, which he Cataclysmed with his finger. However the croissant didn't disintegrate or even change composition at all. "Plagg told me that you can use Cataclysm to destroy the composition of an object but not the object itself so you can trick your opponents into thinking the object it's still intact. This method works on food as well and it makes what looks a completely delicious croissant become literally poison."
"Now it's time to get my payback" - murmured Cat Noir again. He went to Ladybug and Flairmidable and of course Ladybug tried to excitedly introduce him to the new hero, but he was having none of it. "I can't wait to wipe that smirk off your face".
He started eating a croissant in front of both of them and Ladybug scolded him about this not being the right time for it, but Cat Noir argued that he was too hungry to wait any longer. Flairmidable's stomach suddenly started growling much to his annoyance and Cat Noir's satisfaction "And it looks like I'm not the only one who is".
"Of course that loser had to start chewing that damn thing just as I'm quite literally starving over here". The moment Felix saw Adrien was due to leave Paris today he skipped all of his meals so he could come over to Paris to swap places with Adrien before he would leave. He had no other choice, this was his once in a lifetime opportunity to rob his uncle of the jewelery that was holding his life and he already got sidetracked by the fake Miraculous, but at least Ladybug unknowingly gave him the opportunity to outsmart his uncle once and for all. He was willing to deal with all of these annoying people and his body's needs in order to achieve his goal. He wasn't gonna let a hungry stomach get in the way of his mission !
"Hey, dude!", Cat Noir suddenly startled him from his thoughts. "It looks like I'm not the only who needs a bite. Lucky for you I've got a second croissant and I'm willing to give it to you."
Flairmidable: Sorry to tell you, but I don't need anything from you. If you can't see, we've got a villain to deal with, we don't have time to lose to eat sweet croissants ! Flairmidable's stomach started growling again after he said that "Crap!".
Cat Noir: Your stomach is clearly disagreeing with you about that, my cat ears don't lie. And look, we need all the energy possible to defeat this villain and Ladybug's gonna take her sweet time to gather everyone around for her final plan, so you have time enough time to devour this sweet croissant before we get into position.
Flairmidable: Ughh, fine, but I'm only doing this to shut you up.
Cat Noir: And your stomach as well I bet. Cat Noir winked.
Flairmidable started quickly eating the croissant. He didn't want to admit it, but it was delicious.
Cat Noir: I can tell you from what bakery you can find more such delicious croissants if you're a fan.
Flairmidable: Let's stop wasting time and concentrate on the villain at hand. "After all, he was after a much bigger prize later on."
Ladybug gathered and gave everyone from the team her multipled Lucky Charm sunnyglasses so they could go in and defeat Strikeback. As Flairmidable was about to take his pair, his stomach suddenly started growling intensely, making him drop his glasses and clutch his abdomen in pain. Everyone started being worried about Flairmidable instantly except for Cat Noir.
Ladybug: Are you alright Flairmidable ? What happened to you ?
Cat Noir: I think he's still hungry for some more of my delicious croissants. Said Cat Noir smirking.
Flairmidable's face turned green after hearing Cat Noir say that.
Flairmidable: Croissants ... (another intense stomach growling) let me go, LET ME GO !
He suddenly run over to the edge of the rooftop so he could start puking on the streets. And his puking was uncontrollable.
Ladybug: Oh My God Adrien ! Please detransform urgently, I think your Miraculous may have gotten broken and it's affecting your body !
Cat Noir murmured "Adrien ?!? I mean me ? How could that be possible ? Unless ... Oh no !"
Flairmidable detransformed and Cat Noir saw Felix in his earlier disguise of him. He stopped puking, but his face was still green and his stomach was still growling horribly while he was clutching it.
Felix: Help ... me ...
Cat Noir: Felix ?!? How are you here ?!? Why ?!
Ladybug: Wait, Felix ?!? Ladybug suddenly looked at the ill looking "Adrien".
Felix: You ... How could you ... ugh ... you couldn't ... couldn't have known it was me unless you ... you're Adrien !
Everyone suddenly gasped and Ladybug looked at Cat Noir with horror.
Ladybug: Cat Noir, is it true what he's saying ? You're really -
Cat Noir: Look M'Lady, I can explain !
Felix: You did it purposefully, suddenly shouted a green paled Felix. That croissant, you did this to me ! I will destroy you !
Felix got up and tried to charge up towards Cat Noir, but he was stopped in his tracks by more horrible growls coming from his infected stomach.
Felix: Oh no, not that again - suddenly he was back throwing up and this time he was doing it on the rooftop in front of everyone.
Ladybug: Someone needs to take him to receive medical help RIGHT NOW ! Carapace, take him to the nearest hospital that isn't in the radius of the sentimonsters.
Carapace took the almost unconcious Felix and started jumping towards the nearest undestroyed hospital "Please don't throw up on me dude".
Cat Noir: M'Lady look - but Ladybug stopped him in his tracks while she was examining by the Dog Miraculous.
Ladybug: You know Cat Noir, or should I say Adrien, Master Fu warned me that a Miraculous holder can only get sick while trasnformed if their Miraculous is damaged or their body got altered by another Miraculous' power. And the Dog Miraculous looks to be completely intact. So was what Flairmidable said true, did you really do something to him ?
Cat Noir: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to -
Ladybug: What did you ?!?
Cat Noir: I cataclysmed the composition of a croissant and then gave it him.
Ladybug: Why the hell you did that ? You could've killed him !
Cat Noir: I didn't want to kill him, just to make him a bit sick and make him unable to complete this mission, I didn't thought he'd get sick that badly !
Ladybug: But why ? Why would you poison your own cousin ?
Cat Noir: I didn't know he was MY cousin, I would've have done it if I knew. And truth be told, I didn't want to lose you !
Ladybug: What ?
Cat Noir: I thought this was the guy you were in love with with the way you were acting around him and I honestly couldn't stand the thought of you two working together, you replacing me with him, I needed to do something, I couldn't lose you, you know I'm still in love with you.
Ladybug looked at him in horror for a couple of moments afterwards, but finally resigned.
Ladybug: I should've done this earlier. She subtly gave a signal to someone behind her back.
Cat Noir: Do wh- Suddenly Cat Noir was paralyzed from behind his back by Vesperia. Ladybug took the Miraculous from him unceremounisly and he detransformed back to Adrien.
Ladybug: I'm sorry Adrien, but you've just proven yourself unworthy of the Miraculous.
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artzychic27 · 5 months
What if a miraculous haunting hour au?
… AU where R.L. Stine is the bio dad of Marc, and whatever horror story Marc writes will happen in real life if someone reads a passage from his stories and that’s why he doesn’t like sharing most of his work
Marc: And, done. *Goes to put his journal in his bag, but the pages get swept up in the wind and fly off toward the city*
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… I really need to buy a laptop.
Now there’s a monster mascot roaming the halls of DuPont and possibly eating students
Manon is slowly being replaced by a doll (That episode was total bullshit by the way. What mother just does that kind of crap?)
Chloé gets trapped in a phone after she pissed off the wrong person yet again
Clowns are stalking Adrien
Cosette’s brother and sister get trapped in an anime she was watching after they lose a bet to one of the characters who comes to life in order to punish them
Nino goes blind and can’t find his glasses after stealing an expensive necklace to gift to Alya for her birthday
Kim is being haunted by a ghost shark in the swimming pool
Sabine gets trapped in a cabinet she bought for Marinette’s room after a fight between the two, and gets replaced by a snake demon
Juleka sabotages other potential models with some prompting from a scout (who’s probably the devil) who sought her out for a fashion magazine
Max’s robot companion overpowers his programming and starts doing what’s “best for Max”
One of Nathaniel’s OCs comes to life and exacts revenge on his bullies
Marc: *Watching the chaos unfold* Maybe I should just stop writing horror stories… Nah!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 11 months
(Prompt) "So now you’re a hero?" Monarch asked. "Today, I am" Argos replied to him
It was a dirty trick.
Marinette was stunned by the venom attack.
Tikki and Plagg had tried to warn her but it was too late, Marinette was a statue.
Monarch used this chance to go for the miraculous, finally the wish he sought was now his…
Monarch was flung forward before he could grab the earrings.
He staggered up to see what hit him.
Monarch’s eyes went wide in disbelief. There stood a blue clad teen with his eyes fixed on him.
“I can’t let you get that wish Uncle, dying or not.”
Monarch growled.
“I thought I dealt with you, you should be having horrific nightmares.”
Felix laughed.
“Horrific nightmares? You mean where my father is alive and has my ring? I lived through that nightmare far too long for it to paralyze me, and I can’t let Adrien live that way either.”
Gabriel coughed more ash.
“So, now you’re a hero?” He said with venom as he emphasized the word hero.
“Today I am.”
Gabriel shook his head.
“You’re not the hero, you are a misguided child that needed to be disciplined more.”
Felix growled.
“And you’re an old man that needs to learn to be a better parent!”
Monarch activated his venom to try and make impact, but Felix easily dodged.
“Without your butterfly, your basically a withered corpse. Just free Marinette and work with her. That or I will just fight until you’re ash. Either way you lose. And if you actually care about Adrien, you know which is the right call.”
Gabriel felt his body ache, deep down he knew Felix was right… but he refused to ever admit that.
Gabriel charged at Argos, only for him to dodge.
Gabriel fell to the ground, noticing his hand had completely crumbled to ash. The miraculous fell off his hand.
“No… NO!!!”
Marinette awoke from her state.
“What just… Argos?!”
The blue clad hero turned to Marinette.
“I realized that this isn’t a burden you should handle alone. And it seems I was right, the clever snake tricked you before I arrived.”
Marinette approached seeing Gabriel as he was turning to ash.
She felt sorry, not for the traitorous man in front of her, but the fact Adrien lost his father.
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Why were Tikki and Plagg’s goodbyes different?
In "Transmission", after Plagg and Tikki take back the miraculous and free Marinette and Adrien from the burden of their hero lives, their goodbyes to their now former holders are noted to be similar yet different to one another.  In short, their goodbyes were different because what they experienced with their holders was different. Tikki said she will never forget Marinette as she was by far the most amazing holder she had grown to understand and connect with. 
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Leaving Marinette was hard for Tikki not only because she grew attached to her, but because Tikki herself had realized Marinette helped her do something she never thought she could do, learn. Since the moment Tikki came into Marinette's life, Tikki took her duty as a kwami very seriously and ensured that Marinette could be properly informed of her duties as a hero.
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If Marinette had questions, Tikki was always there to answer to the best of her years upon years of knowledge . When Marinette was nervous and unwilling to accept her new duty as a hero, she would always be there to try and lead Marinette in the right direction and help her take a chance to try and save the day, each and every time something shocking came her way. 
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When Marinette fell prey to her own confusion and began to act out in ways that made her attempt to solve problems which did not need solving, Tikki acted as the one who ensured Marinette could hear the reality of her situation when no one else was around to tell her so.
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 It was normal for Tikki to be a mature Kwami and act as the voice of reason to ensure her holders would learn and develop the confidence they needed, but in all her years, Tikki never knew she could learn from Marinette as well. In "Dearest Family", Tikki learned the power of self control from Marinette to not allow her cravings for sweets take the better of her and lead her to lose control of herself and her powers. 
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When it came to love, Tikki learned that despite not being capable of experiencing such an emotion (since kwamis can’t fall in love), watching Marinette struggle to accomplish success in her love life made Tikki realize that love was genuinely something other living beings valued deeply, but that love could very easily empower or destroy a person.  
(In “Elation”, Tikki watches Marinette break down as she struggles to find a solution to her presumably unattainable love life)
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In “Furious Fu”, when Su-Han demanded Marinette give back the box and the miraculous, Tikki agreed to follow Su-Hans every word without question, why?, because abiding by the guardians authoritative ways was all she ever knew she should follow. However, thanks to Marinette standing up to Su Han so many times, Tikki learned you do not need to abide by the book, change was a good thing, and learning to adapt and stray away from what was traditional was often times necessary and better for the changing times.
(Su-Han explains that Kwamis have been managed with extreme authority due to the nature of their powers)
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However, unlike Tikki, when Plagg says his goodbye, he instead says that Adrien will never forget him, it was a peculiar goodbye, but looking back on the series, its understandably why Plagg said such words. A large part of Plagg and Adrien's relationship revolved around the two of them obtaining a sense of freedom from each other, a freedom which was restricted to them as a result of who they were viewed as.
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Plagg had always been accustomed to causing destruction on his own, eventually, his rebellious nature prompted the order of the guardians to consider him as the only kwami to never be left alone in fear of what destruction he could cause next should he ever accomplish to evade not only them, but whatever holder he was entrusted to.
(Master Fu’s reaction to Plagg wanting to go off alone to help Ladybug in “Style Queen”, as well as Su Hans alarmed and concerned reaction to Plagg not being present with the other kwamis in “Furious Fu”, reveals that Plagg had a complicated reputation among the guardians if and whenever he obtained a moment of freedom.)
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Even when he became Adrien’s kwami, Plagg’s experience with others trying to keep him within a close proximity, had prompted Plagg to believe Adrien was still someone he would need to evade if needed. In “Sandboy”, Plagg could not accept the possibility that Adrien would trust him enough to leave his side for the night to attend the kwamis gathering. As a result, Plagg created a sock version of himself in order to fool Adrien so he could have the chance to slip away and return undetected.
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However, seeing just how much trust Marinette was willing to give Tikki, regardless of her mistakes, made Plagg realize that their standing with their new holders was much different than those of the past. Plagg had grown attached to Adrien the more he realized how alike they were, but more than that, unlike the guardians, Plagg appreciated that Adrien was more than willing to allow him to do whatever he wanted. 
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There were of course some boundaries Plagg had to abide by to not cause a potential disaster like in "Rogercop", but regardless, not once had Adrien made him feel as the kwami who needed to be locked away. Adrien explained to Plagg that he knows what its like to have ones freedom be taken away since he is viewed by his father, and many others, as someone who should be constantly sheltered and restrained from the outside world, preventing him from experiencing the wonders of being free to explore the world and his own life. As a result, and just like with Tikki and Marinette, Plagg had become loyal to Adrien and ensured he could learn to express and act out on his own rebellious nature rather than just sit idly by and continue to be someone else’s well behaved puppet. 
(In “Party Crasher”, Plagg once again tries to persuade Adrien to consider himself by inviting Friends over while his father is out of town)
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Adrien’s rebellious nature was something he could not easily express in his civilian form due to the high expectations his father, and everyone else, had of him. His fears of disappointing and potentially hurting others who were willing to love him, restrained him from properly speaking his mind, but ever since Plagg came into his life, Adrien gradually learned to be just as sneaky and mischievous in order to try and accomplish what he wanted for once.  
Some attempts succeeded, such as in "Party Crasher", when Adrien decided to take the risk and have friends over, while others led to consequences, such as in "Megaleech" when his father showed disapproval and anger for Adrien's willingness to join the protest against "Project Oxygen". However, although Plagg is greatly known for being reckless, rebellious and oftentimes arrogant, given the consequences Adrien faced in the past from Gabriel, even Plagg understood Adrien would need to tread carefully if he were to ever defy his father directly.
(In “Risk”, Plagg was worried of  the situation Adrien was about to start with his father. Confronting his father would be no easy matter given how difficult he was to talk to in previous situations)
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But regardless of the outcomes Adrien faced, both good or bad, those moments made Adrien learn more about himself none the less, and made him realize that many peoples (mainly his father) demands and expectations of him  were unfair and unjust. These emotions of his gradually built up over time until finally, they surfaced all at once in “Risk”. 
Plagg understood Adrien's way of life was unfair, and even though Adrien knew this as well, such talks would often be kept between just the two of them in fear that no one else would truly understand him, just like how he felt no one would understand his complaining in “Risk” about not wanting to go on the world trip his father arranged. 
However, thanks to Marinette, Adrien understood it was perfectly healthy for him to have feelings which would otherwise break the image of perfection others had of him. Those like Marinette, who knew and loved him, would be willing to understand his circumstances if he took the chance to speak out.
And so, when Plagg said that Adrien will never forget him, Plagg had expressed that although he will no longer be a part of Adrien’s life, he knew Adrien would never forget the time they spent, the trouble they made, the freedom he obtained from being Cat Noir, and the impact he had being with someone like Plagg who wasn’t afraid to take his own happiness into consideration. Plagg showed Adrien he always had it in him to stray from the line that was drawn for him by those who believed knew him, all he needed to finally stray from his original way of life was a push from Risk and the right motivation to keep him going and not go back to the way things were, that motivation being of course, Marinette.
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xhanisai · 1 year
Lifetime of love
Pairing - Adrinette + Ladynoir
Prompt - ‘Generational Knowledge’
Summary - 
"How...how did you open this up? The technique has been lost for thousands and thousands of years! Only passed by to one another by generation to generation!" He demanded enthusiastically, hands on her shoulders and shaking her tiny body. "This can't be done by pure luck alone! I refuse to believe it! O-Or are you one of those super smart middle schoolers I see on Internet articles who can do anything they set their minds to-"
"M-M-Monsieur! I can assure you that I was just playing around. You're making me a little dizzy," Thankfully, before the curator could rattle what was left of her working brain cells, a very firm pair of hands gripped his wrists and then tugged him off the girl. The man was met with sharp emerald greens which he met by having to look up a bit since the teen was much taller than him in comparison (unfairly so too because dammit, he's in his mid-twenties and this boy is probably fifteen at best!)
"Shake her up any further and she'll turn into a dizzy, babbling mess," Adrien teased, gently pushing Marinette's face into his chest and holding her securely and protectively. As if they're longtime, inseparable soulmate lovers.
(Or, wielding the miraculous of creation and destruction enables the users to inherit their predecessors’ knowledge and information and all sorts of things)
~(x)~ . . . She was all instinct and muscle memory, her mind not clearly registering with what her body was doing when she picked up the ancient artefact that the curator introduced to her class during their trip to le musée. Her ears were deaf to his inquisitive and wary questionings which soon then turned into bewildered gasps of awe and utter delight as she brought the fragile contraption to life. What was once a seemingly dull and forgotten machine was now something so much more and just absolutely magical. The curator was gobsmacked. As if all she did was look at it, Marinette nonchalantly placed the item back in its original place, only for the curator to pick it back up with unadulterated shock and hands trembling with awed bewilderment. "How...how did you open this up? The technique has been lost for thousands and thousands of years! Only passed by to one another by generation to generation!" He demanded enthusiastically, hands on her shoulders and shaking her tiny body. "This can't be done by pure luck alone! I refuse to believe it! O-Or are you one of those super smart middle schoolers I see on Internet articles who can do anything they set their minds to-" "M-M-Monsieur! I can assure you that I was just playing around. You're making me a little dizzy," Thankfully, before the curator could rattle what was left of her working brain cells, a very firm pair of hands gripped his wrists and then tugged him off the girl. The man was met with sharp emerald greens which he met by having to look up a bit since the teen was much taller than him in comparison (unfairly so too because dammit, he's in his mid-twenties and this boy is probably fifteen at best!) "Shake her up any further and she'll turn into a dizzy, babbling mess," Adrien teased, gently pushing Marinette's face into his chest and holding her securely and protectively. As if they're longtime, inseparable soulmate lovers. "Humans are known to lose and discover skills and techniques time and time again. And Marinette in particular is especially smart. Very, very smart. It's no wonder she worked that thing out so easily," "Oh, I do apologise for being so desperate and silly. I just...wow...she's a literal miracle worker. I'd love for you to have a look at the other stuff we have, Mademoiselle. Marinette? We have so many interesting artefacts and your tinkering and curiosity would be a great assistance for us all," The curator pleaded, hands clasped together and eyes shining like a golden retriever. Much to his confusion and Adrien's endearment, Marinette barely slurred out an answer and still swayed on her feet. "Oh no, Monsieur. I think you broke her," Adrien giggled, the curator on the other hand immediately panicked on the spot animatedly and sprinted away to fetch her some water with apologies being repeated over and over again. "And there he goes~" He brought themselves to a bench nearby, the blond glad that the rest of their class was still distracted by the exhibition and were too far away to have noticed the little commotion. He had her all to himself now, his inner kitten purring with shameless delight. "Adrien? Ermm..." Marinette gained back her bearings, her face cutely timid and her baby blues like sparkling glitter under her dark lashes and midnight hair. "Hehe...I guess I just got in the zone and just had to figure that contraption out," A beautiful pink bloomed in her cheeks when Adrien squeezed her hands tenderly, placing one of his own on her soft face to cradle it sweetly and his eyes just full of warmth and adoration. She didn't know what to make of this soul-searching expression, as if he knew every single bit of her and that he undeniably loved what he saw. "You really are amazing, Marinette," The 'My Lady' went unspoken under his tongue but the way he breathed out her name was full of absolute love and reverence. This time, her face erupted in red and all that she could do was hide her face in his chest, making him laugh in return and hold her tight. His Lady was just too cute. ~(x)~ Chat Noir knew that his Lady was spying on him as he scribbled away translations of a lost piece of writing from thousands of years ago (which he photographed from the exhibition they visited not too long ago as civilians), his lips resting in a playful smirk as he felt her pretty eyes bore into his frame whilst hiding behind a chimney a good distance away. It was frankly just too cute and the feline within him was practically begging to pounce on her and kiss her face all over. "Come on out, Marinette~! I know you're over there," He finally spoke after finishing with the translations, faux ears flicking from the sound of her surprised "Eeep!". The hero then turned around as she finally showed herself, her walk awkward and her face plastered with fake confusion. "Mari-who? It's just me, Chat Noir," The maniacal laugh that left her pretty pink lips said otherwise and he couldn't help but hopelessly sigh with endearment and love. Placing his hands on hers and bringing them to his mouth for a tender, traditional kiss, he kept his emerald greens on her. "Your Chaton is feeling a little hurt that you think he's that dumb," He batted his long lashes, eating up the adorable redness that crept up on the apples of her cheeks and turned her complexion into a beautiful bloom of sakura and plum blossoms. "Ma-ri-nette~" This time, he nudged his nose with hers, grin widening when her body relaxed at his touch and a kissable pout remained on her dewy lips. Sweet, sugary, rosy lips that begged to be kissed over and over again until all she could rasp is his name- "Chat Noir...how? Comment tu sais? Do you realise how much time and effort I put in to keep you off my trail? All the plans I had to come up with?" She lightly scolded, allowing herself to be embraced in his willing arms whilst he laughed in the crook of her neck, more than delighted. "Because I'm your smart Chaton. Yours. All yours~" He purred, both of them sinking to their knees on the rooftop and holding each other tight. "And time and effort my foot! You always invite me over to your balcony whenever you see me. You're practically saying 'Oh it's me! Your Lady! Can't you tell as I kick your ass in UMS?'" His false falsetto earned him another playful slap on the chest which he simply laughed off merrily. "Maybe I just wanted to spend time with my partner- and I do not sound like that. Hmmph!" She muttered, pushing him away by pressing a finger against his nose and then her eyes landed on the translations he was working on. Her baby blues widened when the understanding clicked in. "Oh- you...you too, huh?" He turned back slightly to pick up his work, placing them in his Lady's hands who looked at the pieces with wonderment. "One of my predecessors wrote this," Chat Noir sighed happily, tail curling around his Lady's waist as her face reddened even further the more she digested the information, virtually blending in with her iconic super-suit. The boy was merely a pinch away from trying to make her even redder with his lips alone. "It's...it's a love letter...a very passionate one...oh..." She couldn't help the squeak that left her, now hiding her face in her hands as she came across the more intimate and amorous parts of the writing, the girl was far too embarrassed to keep reading and the air was suddenly too hot. Way too hot. "Mmhmm, for his Ladybug," The softness in her partner's voice had Ladybug watch him again, their eyes meeting and trapping one another under their gaze. "She was his wife. They had a family...and they grew old together. It's...it's nice to see," He then became despondent, his grip on her hands tightening and his belt tail becoming flack around her torso. She realised why. "He's one of the few ones to have had a happy ending, right?" Ladybug smoothed her fingers through his golden hair, letting him rest his forehead on hers. "I'm sorry," "Why are you apologising? It's not your fault," "I know...but most of my predecessors survived because of yours sacrificing themselves to save them..." "Because all of us love all of you. One way or another. Be it family, friendship, rivalry...and..." His plush lips were now brushing hers, their fingers entwined and their hearts beating in tandem. "The way I love you, Marinette," From the soft feathers of his warm lips upon hers, Ladybug was no longer able to hold back. "Adrien..." And then the rest of her words were swallowed by his loving kisses. . . . ~(x)~
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ninadove · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Let’s go!
1. Shadow Strike [Miraculous Ladybug, WIP] 🦋
“We have to get the brooch back,” Adrien said, his voice cracking. “So he can’t do this to anyone else.”
His lack of hesitation took Felix by surprise. When he finally looked back at him, there was something new in his eyes — something that vaguely resembled hope.
“Will you help me…?"
Adrien looked off into the distance, trying to muster the same confidence and strength he had as Chat Noir despite feeling like a lost kid.
“Of course I will. We’re doing this together.”
Or what if the kids actually shared basic plot info with each other for once?
Our baby. The one I was just editing before stopping to answer the ask. I’ve never felt this motivated to write anything in my life ever and it’s entirely thanks to you love (@paracosmicfawn). 💜
2. Sometimes It’s Worth It All To Risk The Fall [Miraculous Ladybug, one-shot] ⚔️
Based on this writing prompt from @writing-prompt-s and @feather-of-argos:
A woman from a foreign land is sentenced to die but is allowed to choose the method of execution. As per the laws of her land, she asks to die in honourable combat against the King's knights, armed with a wooden sword while the knights have real weapons.
It's been 24 hours since the execution started and the King is running out of knights... So he sends for his nephew.
My first Feligami fic, written and edited in a six-hour-long fever dream. Probably the darkest thing I will ever write, but because it’s me, you know it has a happy ending.
3. Avant-première [Miraculous Ladybug, one-shot] 🎭
Guilt deformed Felix’s traits as memories flooded the room, suffocating them both. Nevertheless, she needed to press on — for his sake, for hers, for everyone’s.
“That night, with Red Moon…” The name felt awful in her mouth, like a bitter taste she would need to get used to. “You didn’t lose Marinette. You just weren’t looking properly.”
She reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers together.
This next step would make or break them.
Got sent to Tumblr jail (shadowbanned) THE DAY of the Representation premiere.
So, instead of screaming random thoughts in the tags and hitting my mutuals on the head with analysis posts, I got to work and wrote the Feligami fluff I want to see in the world.
4. La nuit, tous les chats sont gris [Miraculous Ladybug, completed] 🐈‍⬛
In which the Cat Miraculous grants Adrien much needed freedom — even if he's not the one wielding it.
A two parter for our PV/Black Cat Felix AU! 💜
Sometimes I reference video games. Other times I reference French literature. It’s about the range.
5. In Vino Veritas [Professor Layton, officially a one-shot but not really] 🎩
After days of avoiding conversation and a few beers to build up her courage, Emmy opens up to Clive about her love life.
Part of my "The Lucky Ones" AU, where Clive gets the mental health support he needs in time and Hershel becomes UF's main antagonist.
Really, this will be a chapter of a much longer fic once I actually write it (it’s been on my to-do list since 2019).
And yes, it’s Clemmy. I love Clemmy. Clemmy is my life.
Passing it on to:
@dragongutsixofficial (this is your cue to write the rest of the Edeleth+Thanzag polycule fic, and to share your drabbles about the Hresvelg siblings)
Anyone who wants to participate! 📝
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cornholio4 · 2 years
No Second Chance
Author’s Note: On @cocoaducks on Tumblr I sent an idea prompt for a similar plotline and it got written as I Need an Ally (to Guard the Night Time) so you can check that out. This is me tackling the plot idea. Also if you heard about the Rise of the Spinx game upcoming and how you can walk around Paris as Marinette or Adrien and have friendship moments with the class; if there is by some miracle a romance option between Marinette and Luka then I would be getting the game by second hand.
Luka Couffaine never had any sort of positive opinion on Chloe Bourgeois for as long as he was ever aware of her existence; the spoilt selfish daughter of Paris' Mayor who was a relentless bully of his sister Juleka who was mostly too quiet and too shy to speak up to defend herself. Just about no one in their class liked her as she could use her father's position and a too forgiving teacher to get away with her antics.
After Hawk Moth appeared creating supervillains; he was chosen to wield the Cat Miraculous and become the hero Black Feline working with his partner Ladybug. More often than not the Akumas were caused by Chloe's brattiness; he would never forgive Chloe for making it so that he had to fight his own sister when was turned into Reflekta. He kept it hidden but did had some vindictive pleasure in fighting her when was turned into Antibug.
Then Luka met Juleka's friend who was helping her to break out of her shell and the only one who suffered through Chloe's bullying more and longer than Juleka; Marinette Dupain-Cheng who he could clearly see was a funny amazing girl. It didn't take long for him to fall for her and the more time he spent with her the more he fell for her.
Chloe would never get any favors from him for her treatment of his 2 favourite girls. Only Bob Roth came close in his hate list; he was only able to stop himself from being Akumatized by reminding himself that he can't let Hawk Moth have any chance at his Miraculous and anyway he and Kitty Section managed to come up with a scheme to trick him into confessing on live feed.
Then at the fashion show with Marinette's contest winning hate design; Chloe's mother became Style Queen over a seat (it was really something that it was really easy for him to believe that the person who gave birth to Chloe could be so petty to give enough negative emotion to become Akumatized over something like that) and afterwards he had to deal with the idea that Marinette could be leaving Paris for a chance to pursue her designing dreams.
However during that fight Ladybug ended up losing the Bee Miraculous she was going to give to a new hero and who should find it but Chloe herself?
Angry over her mother's treatment she actually TRANSFORMED ON LIVE NEWS TV! As the new 'superhero' Queen Bee she then proceeded to intentionally almost crash a train so she could play hero and fail miserably in her attempts to save the day. She made no attempts to hide it afterwards as she tried to draw up congratulations to her; no hint of regret or remorse to what she had done or what could have happened.
All that was bad enough but the fact that Marinette's own parents were on that train... Knowing that the girl he was in love with was so close to being orphaned...
He didn't think that he could hate her more than he already did...
He took pleasure in seeing Ladybug call her out and the words from Chloe's mother... Okay he could tell that Audrey Bourgeois was a cruel selfish toxic parent and trying to please her always failed for Chloe so he could give a little sympathy but it was far outweighted by Chloe's own actions and attitude.
She became Queen Wasp and afterwards she held the Bee Miraculous and had the gall to plead:
"Give me a second chance, please!"
He then proceed to furiously grab and twist her arms' not caring how strong his grip and grabbed the Bee Miraculous from pushing as she tried to take it back.
"Black Feline..." Ladybug asked eyes widening as she never saw her chill partner act like this.
"Sorry Ladybug... It's just that my patience with Chloe's bull has come to an end." Luka told Ladybug as Nadja Chamack came over with the live TV crew to capture what is going on as he faced Chloe on the ground looking cold. "What makes you think that you deserve a second chance after that stunt you pulled? All those people who could have died on that train if we weren't able to stop it! You showed no regret or remorse to it all and you think that we are supposed for you asking to be given another chance looking sad like that? As far as I am concerned you never should have been given a first chance at all!" Luka snapped at her causing her to stand up looking furious as she dried away her tears.
"Who do you think you are you mangy cat? Do you not know who I am?" Chloe retorted and Luka laughed humorlessly.
"I think I am one half of the hero team who have to keep the citizens of Paris safe and you are a spoiled brat who thought that creating her own emergencies to fail at saving is what superheroes do. Do you not understand the consequences of your own actions... Oh I am sorry; I forgot that thanks to your rich Mayor father the concept of your own actions having consequences is a completely alien idea to you!" Luka shouted back at her as she was open mouthed. "I know that you are a selfish bully who takes huge pleasure in picking on your own classmates; most of the time when Akumas came from your class it's your fault! Letting you keep the Bee Miraculous would give Paris a 2nd supervillain!" Luka continued on and Chloe got angry.
"You watch what you say! My daddy can and will ruin you! I will make sure that he sends the police against you both and treat you as Hawk Moth's helpers if you don't give me back my Miraculous! I will ruin you both!" Chloe shouted as she lunged forward but Ladybug easily took her down shaking her head.
"To think that I was starting to feel sorry for you at the moment... I hope you will be held accountable for the train incident; if any who was on the train or had loved ones there want to press charges then I would be happy to make any sort of statements necessary." Ladybug said getting the thought to put the idea through the live TV news. Ladybug and Black Feline then made their exit as Chloe fumed.
The people on the train did end up pressing charges inspired by what they saw on TV and were quite vocal to the news and social media; refusing to let the Mayor sweep it under the rug. Audrey went back to New York leaving her family high and dry and there was now an investigation about Chloe's conduct in school so until then she was under suspension.
"You ever think that you will regret staying here and not going to New York girl?" Alya Cesaire after school asked her best friend Marinette after a day where the class and school pretty much spent their free time celebrating about Chloe's predicament; only Ms Bustier and Adrien Agreste didn't seem to happy and were feeling sorry for Chloe.
"There is always chances and New York would be great if I didn't have to study under Chloe's mom... Can you imagine her deciding to try and mould me into the daughter she wished Chloe was?" Marinette asked and there was a shriek from Juleka who was nearby.
"I have seen late night horror movies on TV and yet that was the scariest thing that I ever heard!" Juleka shuddered causing the others to laugh.
"Just a surprise that it was Black Feline who was calling her out on live news! He always seemed to be so chill; I would have thought that if any of the heroes would do so then it would be Ladybug." Nino admitted and there were murmurs of agreement; the Chloe dissenters had become more fans of Black Feline than they already were.
"You think that he was too harsh..." Marinette ended up asking remembering what Adrien had said earlier; he always seemed nice enough even if he did seem to be an apologist for Chloe at times.
"Girl; you really got to stop listening to Adrien when it comes to Chloe..." Alya sighed as she did a lot to keep Marinette away from Adrien when Chloe was involved.
"Plus after how she treated my two favourite girls; I would say that he was too kind." Luka said coming from behind to greet Marinette and his sister having come to meet them after school. Marinette and Juleka smiled at him and Alya grinned when she saw the look that Marinette gave Luka; from how the two lovebirds to be acted and how Luka spoke about Marinette you would be shocked to find that they weren't together (not yet anyway). "How are your parents?" Luka asked Marinette and she nodded.
"They are doing good; for now time not working on the bakery is spent talking with the lawyer." Marinette replied as not only was this about the case for the train fiasco but the Dupain-Chengs were pushing how Chloe had always treated their only daughter.
"I am glad; I won't be held responsible for what I would have done if you lost your parents because of that spoiled brat." Luka said with an uncharacterist look on his face as he took Marinette's hands and in that moment everyone around would believe he would commit murder to avenge Marinette's parents.
"Well you can tell them yourself; there is a free session later to spend time with them so you can come if you want." Marinette told Luka as they said goodbye to everyone else and left together.
"Should you let your mum know that Luka has gone to see the future in-laws?" Alya asked Juleka who gave a nod.
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writerofcrazydreams · 8 months
Butterfly effect of the Reversal Salt AU
First thing first, I'm not bashing Adrien, Marinette, or anyone. However, the narrative is mostly from Lila's POV so, of course, she'd throw insults like candy, undermine everyone's worth (such as calling them by a superficial attribute instead of their names), and exaggerate their flaws.
On a related note. ML's characters are flawed. Marinette has creepy stalker tendencies, Chat Noir is a dogged nice guy, the class takes advantage of Marinette (even if unwittingly), and Mme. Bustier is an enabler for bullying. I'm not willing to overlook those flaws but seeing most of the characters are teenagers, I think they have room to grow and all of them deserve a chance for redemption. Yes, even Lila, loath as I am to say it. Most of the kids have also virtues worth of notice.
Secondly, this is a writing prompt. After reading too many Lila Salt Fics and a Lilanette one I stumbled upon by accident, my brain decided to wonder how would a Salt Fic be if Marinette and Adrien's roles were reversed.
For want of a nail (i.e., transferring six months later in the year), Lila has set her sights on budding fashion designer Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Because Marinette is infatuated by Adrien Agreste, Lila needs to get him out of the way. As a result, she plans on ostracizing him from the class and demonizing him so Marinette would lose interest. Lila's actions have some unexpected positive side effects. She's possessive, so everything Marinette does has to be to Lila's benefit which leads Lila to shame the classmates on how much they take Marinette for granted. Whether Lila successfully traps Marinette in an abusive romantic relationship it's up to whoever wants to continue this thing. More impactful is the fact Lila was never akumatized into Volpina or Chameleon, thus preventing Heroes' Day from happening. This means that Hawk Moth achieved the mass akumatization and discovered the temporary heroes' identities in another way or didn't do it at all. Another ripple effect is Lila getting a Miraculous by virtue of being on Ladybug's good side. I don't think Rena Rouge will be replaced, so no Volpina, but I'm betting she gets one of the Zodiac Miraculous or the Peacock if the heroes manage to retrieve it from Mayura.
In spite of a nail, Lila still eventually associates with Gabriel Agreste to manipulate his son into doing her bidding. And I can assure you she's still the cause of several akumas (the shaming part). She will still wrap Damoclès and Bustier around her little finger by claiming she's being bullied by a fellow student. Furthermore, it's still well in the realm of possibility Lila gets akumatized at some point. The girl' still has a penchant for holding petty grudges, so it's bound to happen. Maybe she does get turned into Volpina or Chameleon, but it will be later and in different circumstances. "The Collector" still happens more or less the same as Gabriel will akumatize himself to retrieve the Grimoire and get the heroes off of his trail, though there's the chance the middlewoman (Ladybug) is cut and Chat Noir gives the book directly to Master Fu, causing him to meet the guardian. Will that make Adrien a more responsible hero and prevent his tantrums from being locked out of the loop? It depends. If somehow Ladybug and Chat Noir go together, Ladybug will still be Fu's successor but Chat Noir will know more things from the get-go. If it's only him, either the guardian contacts Marinette later or starts training Adrien. Keep in mind, though, that his packed schedule won't allow him to visit Fu as frequently as Canon!Marinette could.
Whether she starts working for Hawk Moth is uncertain, though. It depends on your take on this prompt so nails don't have a say in this matter. Or not an obvious one, at least.
In the third place, this is a writing prompt and, as such, people have utter freedom to make of it what they want. Wanna bash the hell out of Adrien? Of Alya? Mme. Bustier? Chloé? Even Marinette? Go on. I think the kids can grow into better people, but if other writers disagree, have different stories in mind, or are simply salty over someone, I won't be the one to put limits to their creativity and desires. The same applies to whomever you choose to redeem. That's why I left it very ambiguous throughout the prompt on whether Chloé is working towards her Redemption or following her canonical Damnation. She defends Ladybug because she loves the heroine, she snickers when Alya has to change seats because she feels vindicated ("Origins" episode), and she stands for Adrien because he's her childhood friend. In the former case, both the vindication and the insults are little steps backward, especially considering Chloé knows how much Adrien fears conflict (he won't and doesn't defend himself that much).
Having said that, for all I respect freedom of speech, that doesn't mean I'll condone or agree with everything people write inspired on this prompt. Have fun, but it's not my responsibility if we end up with a "Dead Dove: Don't Eat" kind of fic, okay?
Fourth, here are some of my ideas about this Reversal Salt AU.
Lila's mother, here dubbed as Signora Rossi (Signora means Mrs. in Italian), is not an abusive parent but possibly a slightly neglectful one. That doesn't mean she's a bad person or that she loves her daughter any less. It just means she's caught up in a very demanding job either because she's ambitious and wants to succeed in her work field (which is fine) or because she's a single mother and thus is stretching herself thin to fulfill her daughter's physical and emotional needs. Or maybe she just wants to believe the best of her daughter and turns a blind eye to Lila's misdeeds. Despite that, she's caring and loving. I'm not keen on demonizing Signora Rossi because of these reasons but it is clear she ought to pay a little bit more attention to what her daughter is up to and is likely she for some reason failed to instill integrity in kid!Lila. An excellent take on this matter can be found in this fanfic: "A mother's love".
On the other hand, it's also entirely possible Lila was born a psychopath. I've been researching and some psychologists hold that a sociopath is made through trauma and a psychopath is born, but the result is the same anti-social tendencies. Though if you want to make her a sociopath and give her a traumatic past, go on. Canon!Lila not only scores high in psychopathy but also Machiavellism and Narcissism.
In regards to her other parent, I left their gender ambiguous because there are some fan theories that Lila has two mothers. Or it's maybe just an animation error, but I don't like to throw the chance out of the window. Now, in the case it wasn't a mistake, both mothers are what I described a paragraph ago but fanfiction exists to explore different scenarios anyway, so... Maybe this other parent influenced Lila to become who she is now.
About Adrien. As I said above, the kid does have some nasty flaws. What he does to Ladybug at the very least verges on sexual harassment and he's proven to be manipulative (throwing tantrums when rejected). In this AU, said flaws are at play as much as Marinette's flaws were in canon. She partially misused her powers out of jealousy (partially because she had a point in that Lila was making herself a target) and her reasons to eavesdrop on Lila and Adrien are definitely not pure. Here, it's her tendency to obsess over and idealize her crush what is going to be her downfall. I'm not victim-blaming, but abusers prey on their victim's weaknesses and those just happen to be Marinette's. And that's not counting how Marinette's yearn for control was aggravated since the "Chat Blanc" incident (it happens later, but the base is already there). Nonetheless, I'm of the idea that Lila opened Marinette's eyes a little when she attacked her crush on Adrien (like pointing out being a stalker is not healthy) and that's going to bite her in the ass later on. Marinette being a doormat to her friends is more tricky since Lila made it as to ensure Marinette will remain a doormat to her but not anyone else. It's workable when the time to heal comes.
By contrast, Adrien's doormat policies, pushiness, obliviousness, and social ineptitude are still going to be rocks in his path. He's now crossed at Lila for several reasons. The obvious is her "bad-mouthing" Chat Noir, but there's more. Up to this point, Lila has consistently stirred trouble in the classroom, menacing the peace he values so much. It's Lila's fault (or that's how he sees it) Marinette is "abandoning" her friends and being "mean" to them. His upbringing has left him rather unable to understand that kindness is not a synonym of "absolutely catering to someone's wishes" (as he often does with Chloé and always with his father) and that this behavior is not healthy. His obliviousness comes into play in regards to just how much Marinette means to him (platonically or romantically). Lila has been monopolizing Marinette all to herself even when the class hangs out as a group, which severely cuts the already scarce time the two interact. He's jealous without being aware of it. It doesn't help how touchy-feely Lila and Marinette are because it sometimes causes discomfort to the latter, which Adrien picks up and not only notices Lila's hypocrisy but also rubs him in the wrong way as it mirrors his behavior as Chat Noir. Now, don't get me wrong, the least he wanted was to cause a scene but couldn't help but glare and Lila capitalized on that.
What does Lila think of Ladybug? "Volpina" never happened and this Lila only intended on pursuing Adrien before discovering Marinette's promising career, so neither hates the other one nor harbors a grudge. In fact, I doubt this AU would last much if that were the case. I left open the possibility of Lila being the anti-Chloé (hates Ladybug, loves Marinette) with that part of suspecting Marinette is crushing on Ladybug (*laughs in Plagg*), but I have to note that the hatred cannot be mutual for this to work. Canon!Lila loathes Chat Noir and it's likely that will remain the same, just less vocal (Marinette admires Ladybug and has a way of contacting the heroine, so Lila won't bad-mouth Chat Noir in front of Ladybug).
What roles would Luka and Kagami play in this AU? Obviously, the love-dodecaedron has shifted. There are at least three people after Marinette/Ladybug's affections: Chat Noir, Luka, and Lila. And whoever you ship Marinette with. And, now, there are only two girls wanting to date Adrien/Chat Noir: Kagami and Marinette. Chloé is uncertain because it was stated at some point she wasn't in love with Adrien, she was just possessive for some reason (fanon says it was to protect him from fangirls and fanboys). One possible scenario in this AU is that Marinette's feelings towards Adrien fade for the most part (maybe they will resurge later or shift to return Chat Noir's), depending on how efficient you want to portray Lila.  Getting back to the point, Luka still has a crush on Marinette as revealed in "Silencer" and Kagami on Adrien but the events of "Oni-chan" developed differently and it's as equally possible that she confessed her crush on him/was akumatized than it hasn't happened yet. If Lila somehow catches wind of Kagami's crush, she will set the two up to force Marinette to move on. She might even encourage Marinette and Kagami's friendship to bind Marinette to obey the girl code and support Kagami. If she learns of Luka's crush, then she'll either play the card that "he's too old for Marinette" (if we disregard the retcon) or try to exclude him from the class' activities. Taking more extreme measures will tip Marinette off of Lila's true nature. As I side note: I like this more than canon because I'm TIRED of watching four girls fighting over a guy.
How will Alya and Nino react? Without the jealousy component, what are the grounds to dismiss his warnings? Well, Adrien still takes the high road so he won't publicly confront Lila on her manipulations. He dreads conflict too much and if he finally does it, it will be too late — either Lilanette is official or everyone else believes so, therefore the class will be prone to believe Adrien is jealous. The lack of public accusations also rob Lila of one of her primary strategies: turn on the waterworks. Consequently, everything will be much more underhanded. Lila's association with Gabriel will result in Adrien spending far less time with his friends and maybe even pulling the same stunt of threatening them in the hopes of creating powerful akumas (again, "Chat Blanc" episode). But I digress, Lila will relentlessly target Alya and Adrien for supporting LadyNoir. Maybe Alya will learn her lesson but as Adrien already sees Lila in a bad light, he will take longer to budge or won't do it at all. Nino will try to change Adrien's opinion and that'll cause a gap between the two. Nino is very laidback, so he won't push as much but will be vulnerable to Lila's poisoning. Alya will remain Marinette's friend but butt heads with Lila as the latter tries to correct her occasional forcefulness. Marinette will intervene and either Alya regards Lila in a positive light because she did help Marinette (in a sense) or by holding onto her stubbornness will have a fallout with Lila and seek flaws on her. All in all, Alya and Nino's behavior are wildly variable. The only secure thing is that Lila is as capable as in canon of swaying them to her favor and making them unwittingly throw a friend under the bus, just in a different way.
I don't know if you've noticed but there's a theme about how holding onto flaws can sometimes yield positive results, often aided by virtues. In canon, it was how holding onto virtues can sometimes yield negative results, often exacerbated by flaws. Marinette's hatred of liars and loyalty to her friends are virtues but landed her on a bully's bad side and got isolated. Her jealousy and stalker tendencies (both flaws) didn't help matters at all. Meanwhile, Adrien's desire to see the best in everyone and give second chances are virtues but they made him act in the wrong way and fail to support a friend. His learned fear of conflict and submissiveness only made things worse. Lila has the virtue of being charming (for the wrong reasons, but still) and knowing her way with people which would turn her into a fine leader. Yet, she causes mayhem and destroys people's lives by using those virtues along with her fatal flaws — narcissism and vindictiveness.
In the Reversal Salt AU, however, most of the positive results stem from holding onto one's flaws. If Alya remains stubborn, she eventually learns Lila's nature aided by her reporter abilities and determination. If Marinette refuses to let go of her obsessiveness and refuses to think the worse of her friends, she forces Lila to ditch subtlety and thus expose herself. If Adrien continues walking the high road and keeps being nice, he provides Lila with far less ammunition against him. Nino has proved to be distrustful (dismissing Marinette in the Lila ordeal and believing Alya is two-timing him in "Rocketear") and if he does that here, he'll catch on to Lila's manipulations and even call her out given his outgoing nature.
This brief interpretation is merely a suggestion and, again, you are not obliged to use it as the central theme of your story. Personally, I'd use the whole "holding onto flaws gets better results" as a temptation in the characters' arcs whereas the "working on my flaws unwittingly aids the villain" as an angst-fuel when the characters learn of Lila's manipulations. One of the traits of an abusive relationship (romantic or otherwise) is how much the victim struggles to stop believing their abuser's words. Nobody is always wrong, so if my abuser was right about/helped me with this thing, would they be right about/had helped with this other one? Often, it comes down to finding a balance: you keep whatever good things you got from the relationship while discarding the harmful ones. Naturally, this is a lengthy, stressful process that Lila can very well exploit to blackmail her victims, make them second-guess themselves, or just make them miserable.
Last but not least, I want to comment on two Lila Salt Fics that depict similar ideas, although I only found them after crafting this AU. Little spoilers warning about them. The first is "Liar's New BFF" and delves into the idea of Lila being the anti-Chloé. After having her lies exposed at the end of "Volpina", she starts regarding the classmates as vermin and genuinely falls in love with Marinette because of her kindness. She then proceeds to create a riff between Marinette and them by pointing out how much they take advantage of her. In this case, Lila is partially redeemed and doesn't seem to hold a particular grudge against Adrien. The Reversal Salt AU can follow a similar path if you want to, but the idea is to not shy away from Lila's many shortcomings as a human being and how that would affect Marinette and Adrien in an alternate scenario.
The other is "Jerk in Sheep's Clothing", where Lila's spear counterpart, called Henri, acts pretty much as I described Reversal Salt!Lila. He gets infatuated by Marinette and after threatening Lila, makes a deal with her so it's easier for both to accomplish their goals (Lila: get Adrien and be popular, Henri: get Marinette all for himself). He exploits Marinette's broken trust in the classmates to bully them and get away with it, collaborates with Hawk Moth at some point, and even gets a Miraculous. The difference between them is that Reversal Salt!Lila doesn't have the benefit of Marinette being emotionally vulnerable due to Canon!Lila's bullying, nor her faith in her friends is weakened. This means this AU's Lila must resource to more deceptive tactics to get what she wants (she can't blatantly lie).
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adriensaltprompts · 2 years
Submitted prompt: This Series Needs An Adult
Edit: The prompt has been edited to fix a misunderstanding, Lila's dad is meant to be an Arab man, not black, I relied only on a quick google-image search to figure out where Maghreb was, and assumed that because it was in northern Africa that it meant he was black. This is 100% my mistake, and I apologize again, it won't happen again!
AU on many fronts, including Lila being mixed-race and having a dad that’s in the picture.
Edited a lot so it doesn't break the rules: No downplaying or defending Lila's lying, including by saying she can't help it. If you want her lying to not be a bad thing, then it can just be an AU where she doesn't go around manipulating people in the first place.
And since this is an AU where she has a parent in the picture who's not as neglectful as her mom is in canon, and actively cares for her she'd be a lot less likely to be a compulsive liar because she wouldn't be constantly starved for attention/affection. Also edited to add more details.
I named Lila's dad Mir as a placeholder name since just calling him "Lila's dad" is a bit of a mouthful when he's pretty much our perspective character. Feel free to change it.
Lila's dad is an archaeologist who knows what the Cat Miraculous looks like from ancient depictions of it, and he's great at spotting liars. And so one day when he's giving a presentation at Bring Your Parent to School day, he sees firsthand the way Adrien defends Chloe when she's openly and blatantly racist towards the other children, and even their parents. Marinette, Alya, Nino, Kim, Max, and Kagami and their parents are all targets of her racism, along with Mir and his daughter.
And to Mir's horror...Mrs. Bustier stands there with a stupid smile on her face, and does nothing, says nothing, doesn't do anything to stop her student from being horrifically racist.
None of the stories Lila had ever told him about her school ever included the fact that the teacher stood by and did nothing. He's assumed that Chloe was at least being punished for her misconduct, but now...now he sees that that assumption was giving too much credit where it wasn't due. Ms. Bustier does nothing, remains silent--
Until Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Alya Cesaire confront Chloe, telling her to knock off her racist comments. Then Ms. Bustier loses her gentle smile, and instead turns it into a frown, and scolds the two children for standing up for themselves, their friends, and their families.
And Mir gets to see firsthand how Adrien Agreste comes to Chloe Bourgeois' defense, even with all of the other students and all but one of the adults in the class arrayed against her.
The injustice of it all causes one of the other parents and their child to be Akumatized when they storm out of the classroom together, and in the ensuing chaos, Mir notices very quickly the way Adrien Agreste makes his excuses to leave the classroom to hide elswhere, even though the Akumas had already broken in to kidnap Chloe and had left.
As the kid is gesturing, Mir gets a very good look at the ring he's wearing, and recognizes it instantly, with a pit of shock opening in his stomach. He's stared at this thing's likeness countless times, he knows it like the back of his hand. It can't be possible--but it is all too possible, and now that he's seen both side of the mask, it's clear that the behavior matches up.
Adrien Agreste, the billionaire white boy who defends his billionaire white girl friends' abject racism, is the same white boy known as Chat Noir, who's been sexually harassing Ladybug, the real hero, since day one, his behavior escalating to new levels of horrible every week that went by, until now several times he'd been caught on camera trying to get people Akumatized by playing off their fears and angers.
It all makes perfect sense. Too much sense. He thought he was seeing red before, now he's more angry than he's ever felt in his life.
His only sensible course of action?
Follow Adrien as he leaves, take the damned sacred ring before Adrien can use it to transform, and go to the fight himself, leaving Adrien safely in the school with the rest of the civilians. Adrien tries to put up a fight, of course, but he’s just a kid, and Mir shrugs it off, then gives him a push back towards the classroom with a single command: “Go hide with the others. Your job here is done.”
He puts the ring on as Adrien continues to protest, and Plagg, asks one one question: “You’re here to help?”
“I’m here to help.” Mir replies.
“Then say ‘Plagg, claws out’!” Plagg commands, and Mir obeys.
They transform, and Mir and Plagg again order Adrien back to safety, then they leave out the window, ready to join the fight.
And that's how Marinette Dupain-Cheng ends up with Lila's dad joining her in the fight to rescue her friend and their family, and after the fight’s over, they meet up again for patrol that night, and-feeling she can trust him because of his actions earlier in the day-Marinette tells him just how much harassment, touching, kissing, unwanted advances, etc. she's had to deal with from Chat Noir. She finally breaks down crying at the end, too overcome with the emotions.
And Mir makes the executive decision that while he may not be what people imagine when they picture a superhero - he's in his fifties, he's a coffee addict, he's an academic not a fighter, and he’s an Arab man - he'll be happy to be Ladybug's sidekick until they can take down Hawkmoth if it means she never has to put up with someone creeping on her again. He’s not going to trust anyone else with helping this girl. He’d originally planned to give her the ring, so she could find someone to help her, but that just flew out the window along with his ability to care about how being a superhero is going to completely destroy his research schedule. 
He gives her a shoulder to cry on, and tells her, "I have a daughter. If anyone treated her like this boy treats you, I would get akumatized and I don't want to know what I would do next."
Thus begin the adventures of Ladybug and Nightcat, or, as Alya immediately dubs him on the Ladyblog, Dadcat. Because it's high time Marinette has an adult figure in her life who:
A) knows about her being Ladybug (which disqualifies her parents, unfortunately)
B) doesn't validate Chat Noir’s harassment towards her. 
And now, if Adrien wants to get to her again, he's gotta go through a superhero who’s hellbent on never letting that happen. 
Fights go a lot smoother with someone around who takes them seriously, not to mention with someone who is actually committed to fighting Hawkmoth to the point where he's trying to figure out the man's identity during their downtime like Adrien should have been doing for four seasons, and actively hindered when he lied to Marinette about finding the Grimoir in his father’s office.
In the end it turns out that with a partner who actually does his half of the work, Ladybug and Nightcat are able to take down Hawkmoth in a matter of a month and a half flat, and when that's settled, Mir gives her the Cat Miraculous with Plagg’s blessing. From now on, she can decide who she wants to work with, and if she ever needs him again, well, he had to detransform to give her the Miraculous, so she knows where to find him.
Marinette admits she's not sure if she wants to keep being Ladybug, and he tells her he supports her no matter what, because that should be her choice, too. Her consent matters, in all things.
"Chat Noir never told me that." She says.
"Chat Noir never told you that because he never believed it. Find people who do, and hang out with them instead."
Then and only then does he finally contact Adrien Agreste via email, now that he finally has time and energy to give him a piece of his mind.
He starts by telling Adrien that he and Chloe are both racist jerks, and that chloe who has absolutely made comments about Lila's skintone that Mir, a Maghrebi-French man, finds abhorently offensive and no, Chloe being Adrien’s friend does not excuse her racism, Adrien, or yours by defending her. No, it's not okay for Chloe to be racist to someone just because she doesn’t like her. The reason she doesn’t like Lila is that Chloe’s racist. This is not a difficult concept. Any comments Lila’s made back do not excuse racism. Nothing does.
Secondly, goofing around, making puns, laughing and acting like a six year old at play when akumas attack? Are you serious, young man?! People died! Too many people to count had gotten seriously hurt! No, it doesn't matter that it got fixed by magic once the fight was over, the whole experience was still traumatic, and it's disgusting that Adrien ever thought it was okay to endanger the public like this, what the actual hell was he thinking? Did he have any idea how much psychological damage he’d done to the people of this city?
Thirdly, Ladybug had clearly not been faring well with the stress of being a hero, and if Adrien couldn’t grow up for the sake of the people of Paris, couldn’t he at least act like a reasonable human being for her sake? No? He were too busy hitting on her, to the point where the people of Paris had noticed and discussions of his sexual harassment were rampant on social media? Gross. Despicable. Not how anyone should ever behave, let alone a superhero.
Fourthly, Hawkmoth had still been running around undefeated for months under Adrien’s reign as Chat Noir, thanks majorly in part to Adrien’s harassment of Ladybug, his refusal to take the fights seriously, and his directly aiding the villain by antagonizing people to the point of Akumatization.
That was why Mir had taken the Ring of the Black Cat away from him - because wearing it meant accepting a responsibility, and Adrien had refused to uphold that responsability.
Mir loves Lila, and now he loves Ladybug too like a second daughter, but unlike some people, his love translates into doing something to make the city safe for his loved ones to live in, rather than tormenting them for his own pleasure.
He ends the conversation with one scathing final comment:
(But I suppose, if you did stop the great evil, then there would have been no reason for Ladybug to continue putting up with your horrible behavior, would there have been? I wonder if that's the real reason the situation had been allowed to go on for so long.")
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vampiricmycelium · 8 months
better as friends
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Ship: Adrien & Kagami, background Adrienette & Feligami Tags: Past relationships, angst, post season 5 also on ao3
Adrien and Kagami finally have a conversation that has been waiting since Hawkmoth's defeat. Written for the Fictober prompt: “I can’t wait for you.”
“I can’t wait for you.”
Adrien's eyes were widening. He was unsure of what he was hearing. He was taking a short break during fencing and Kagami had come over to him. For a while they stood there in silence, watching the others practice. Just recently Kagami had revealed she had been dating Felix, Adrien's cousin, for a couple months now. Adrien didn't react the way she had been expecting. Not that he knew exactly what she was expecting. Happiness? Of course he was happy for the two of them. They had spent so much time fighting their parents about trying to set them up when Adrien was clearly in love with his girlfriend and Kagami just didn't seem interested anymore. But the fact it was his cousin just felt a little... strange to Adrien. He was still trying to deal with the fact that Felix had been off doing his own thing this entire time.
"I am sure there are others who would practice with you."
"That's not what I meant." Adrien must have looked far too confused for Kagami. She sighed, taking a moment to think before continuing. "I don't know if you knew this. After our... tumultous relationship, I thought that I was finally over you. I wanted to be. It would be better for us both if I could just accept you and Marinette. And I do, please do not misunderstand. When our parents were trying to force us together, I thought about it more. The reasons why I tried so hard to find someone else who actually liked me."
"Kagami, I did like-"
She brought up a hand to silence Adrien. He stopped knowing that she hadn't finished saying her piece. He fidgetted a little anxious. What if she was upset with him? What if she did still harbor feelings for him this entire time? He really didn't want to think about it right now. Things had settled down and he just wanted to enjoy his school life with his friends. He counted Kagami among one of them. Probably closer than others after all that had happened between them. They had shared some pretty traumatic experiences, but now they could heal and move on.
"I know. I know you did, but it wasn't enough. You had your reasons and I will not pry now. But I couldn't wait for you. I couldn't back then and I can't right now."
"What are you trying to say?"
"I am happy with Felix. He understands and cares for me in a way you didn't. Do not take that too harshly, it is simply the truth. I know some people assume I am only with him because he looks like you."
"I don't think that." Adrien meant that. He didn't assume she started dating him because they had eerily similar appearances. But he had heard the rumors. It was ridiculous. They had vastly different personalities and he felt that counted more. "I am glad he makes you happy. It is kind of weird, but. You are my ex and he is my cousin. I think I'm allowed to feel weird about it." They fell into silence again. Adrien felt like there was more that Kagami hadn't said yet and he was dreading what it could be. This almost felt like a goodbye. Like she was breaking up with him again.
"I can't wait for you, to be the kind of friend I need right now. After everything that has happened between us. I think we should keep our distance right now."
"It's not that I don't want us to be friends. Nor that I am jealous of how happy you are, or that I have any lingering feelings. Please know this is because of what our parents did." Adrien frowned. It didn't make what she had said feel any better.
"I don't want to lose you. I never did."
"You won't, Adrien. I just think we need time to process what happened and to come back as friends without all of this baggage. Your surprise at me and Felix made me realize that there is too much between us right now. I think our friendship would benefit from some time apart."
"So this isn't goodbye forever?"
"No. But I am moving away. I'll keep in contact. Eventually."
Adrien nodded. So this was it? For right now, they were going to be parting. And there was no way to know when they could return to being friends again. Kagami reached out and took one of his hands, not looking at him, but offering the comfort all the same. Adrien smiled, ignoring any odd looks from the others. This probably wasn't going to help the rumors, but he knew that those who mattered would be understanding.
"You take care. Be safe. I hope... I hope he really makes you happy."
"He makes me happy like Marinette makes you happy."
And what more was there to say than that? Adrien could accept this even though it hurt. He just had to trust that one day all that had happened could be put behind them.
"You don't need to wait for me Kagami. But I'll wait for you. For as long as you need. I'll always be your friend."
Kagami laughed, a small sound, but it warmed Adrien's heart anyways. Yes. He knew one day she'd come back and he'd be here, ready to be friends again.
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yueasuka · 10 months
Written for Adrien August @adrienaugust for the prompt Rain
Him and Adrien chilling and playing games? He would never imagine it before. Not with him still have complicated feelings toward his 'replica'. But the world seems to have other plan.
Company, huh… He mused as he saw Adrien run back down and prepare the game while making himself comfortable on the sofa. Maybe we can be each other company for once.
So it wasn't a mistake. Ladybug did tell the world the twisted truth instead of the whole truth because she believed Adrien would be sad if he were to know about the truth and that was what was best for him.
'So please, Chat Noir, don't tell him.'
'What if I do then? What are you going to do if I tell him the truth?'
'I… I'll take your miraculous.'
'Take it if you can, I'd like to see you try.'
The look of horror on her face after he said that was priceless. He was sure that she didn't think she would call her bluff. The next thing she said though, wasn't a bluff.
'I'll protect Adrien no matter what. Not even you can stop me.'
And she really meant it, if by the way her blue eyes blazed with determination. He used to love that looks on her. The confidence, the determination and her willingness to protect others selflessly. But this was different, because no matter how she convinced herself to believe it, the lie that she said was nowhere near to a selfless category. It wasn't selfless sacrifice, it was an attempt to control. Something that reminds him a lot of his father how eerily similar their mindset was.
"I mean, the sign was already there." He muttered to no one in particular as he sat on the rooftop. "I'm guardian this, I'm guardian that." He scoffed. "As if I care about it."
Except he did care, once. He only stops caring about her 'guardian speech' after she uses it way too many times just for her convenience. It had lost meaning in his ears and he stops caring after that.
But he wondered if she would really take his miraculous if he were to tell Adrien the truth.
"She probably would." Again, he muttered to himself.
Because when Adrien was in her mind, she would do anything for him. The incident with Volpina was just one of the example. The whole snake thing with Desperada was next and didn't she lose the miraculous because she thought she gave it to Adrien? Yeah, when it came to Adrien, she priorities him way too much that it ate her whole braincells that he was pretty sure she'd take his miraculous if it meant to protect Adrien.
Protect him from who, exactly? From his own emotions and feelings? That was ridiculous, so ridiculous that he couldn't help but laugh drily. A being made from emotion needs protection from the very thing he is created from.
"That was ironic."
He wasn't sure how long he had stayed on this rooftop, probably long enough, because there, across the street was Adrien Agreste, waving his hand at him and… Pointed up?
(And that was when he realised that he had been sitting on this rooftop, mulling over the conversation he had with Marinette earlier, he wasn't even aware that he had been going to the direction of the mansion, the place that he had been avoiding ever since he knew he was being replaced)
He blinked spontaneously when a drop of water fell from the grey cloud, and soon it started to pour.
He was about to get off the rooftop if it weren't for Adrien's voice calling for him and he approached the open window with a single leap, surprised the only occupant in the room.
That makes both of us then.
Because he never ever thought he'd step on this window again, not unless there was an akuma. But here he was, perching on the windowsill while looking at the person that looked so much like him and different at the same time.
Looking at Adrien like this makes him wonder if he would look anything like him had he didn't get kidnapped. A golden hair that was combed neatly in contrast to his wild darker blond, green eyes that shone so brightly in contrast to his dull ones and neat designer clothes instead of… Whatever he could find in the sale.
He wasn't jealous of him though, because he had been through isolation before and if he were to regress again, he knew he wouldn't trade his freedom for those expensive things, or even fame. It didn't mean he wasn't jealous of him for having longer time with his mother though.
"What do you call me for?"
He saw Adrien's flinching and he realised how annoyed his tone was. Poor guy would probably thinking I was annoyed at him.
"Sorry,I had a bad day. Let's redo it." He said before he cleared his throat. "Is there something that I can help you with?" He asked, hoping his tone this time was civil enough. Because no matter how upset he was at Maribug, he shouldn't leashed out at him. Not when he was as much as a victim as everyone else.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm just wondering if you'd like to stay since the rain doesn't seem to be stopping soon."
And he was right, the rain had become heavier the moment he leaped to his window, much to his dismay. There goes his plan to stroll around to get off the steam.
"You know, we can… Play a game if you want to?"
"Huh?" Now, the offer definitely caught him off guard. Because he never remembered to have any kind of relationship with him, if anything, he always tried to have little to no contact with Adrien, so the offer definitely felt out of the blue.
"Or not," he quickly added and he wasn't sure why he looked so defeated while he said it. The look that he's really familiar with because he'd make that look whenever his father would cancel his promise with him. "Just… Nevermind. But you need to get in though. It won't be good if you catch a cold."
Now that he finally let himself look much closer, Adrien himself didn't look good. It was nowhere near his usual poster boy looks. His hair maybe as neat as ever, but there was something else in his eyes that he hadn't seen before : sorrow and it dawned on him that no matter what the media said, no matter how biassed his feelings toward him, at this moment, he was just a teenager who was just lost his father and probably need company more than ever. Not only that his room was so dark and as neat as he remembered, there was no change being made from how he remembered it to be before he got kidnapped. The room is always too big for him and always makes him feel lonely.
Perhaps that was why he asked him to come in then, because he was hoping for company and why he decided to come instead of stay away like he always did.
Because he knew very well what loneliness feels like, how it could eat you whole.
"Right, having a cold is never nice." He said before he finally leaped to the ground.
"So… A game."
"Eh?" His head perked up at that and he could see a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
"You ask me if I want to play a game."
"Oh, right I did!" He said with a beamed smile before he ran toward his table and took of his console from it. "What game do you want to play? Ultimate Mecha Strike?"
"Hmm… I want to have a bit of chaos today." He said while tapping his chin.
"Yep. You have a lot of controllers, right?"
"I have. Why?" "Let's play Bishi Bashi then."
He said with a grin.
"Ooh!! Yeah, I'll take the CD. Please wait a moment." He said before he ran up to find the old CDs.
Company, huh… He mused as he saw Adrien run back down and prepare the game while making himself comfortable on the sofa. Maybe we can be each other company for once.
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the-delta-42 · 1 year
My Multi-chaptered Fics/Series
War Circle AU - Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette has an older brother who has the Wolf Miraculous, the head of the War Circle.
The Pirate Prince - Legend of Zelda - Link was orphaned at 3 months old and taken in by the King of the Gerudo, Ganondorf. Fast-forward seventeen years later, a disagreement results in Link leaving and start sailing the seas as the captain of The Fierce Deity, a Pirate ship that is known for hunting down various Criminals and pirates alike, But the winds of destiny throw Link back to his family. Zelink.
To Find Hyrule -  Legend of Zelda - Link never expected to find a home on the waves. Tetra never expected to find a home in a person. A Series of non-chronological One-Shots that'll vary in length that'll follow Link and Tetra, and their growing relationship, as they look for New Hyrule. Set after Phantom Hourglass. I decided there wasn't enough of Tetra and Link, so here's a series of one shots around them. Telink.
To Find Hyrule Reblogged - The To Find Hyrule series in Chronological Order
Agents Like Us -  Zootopia - Before Nick was hustling with Finnick, he was a secret agent with Mammal Military Intelligence 5 and FBI. Now, ten years after Nick left, his old partner has come to call. After all, Nick can't run from Jack, not again. This story will contain Ships. Featuring Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps, Jack Savage and Others.
Rewrite History - Miraculous Ladybug - Bunnyx changing history of Ladybug’s orders, in an attempt to advert a disastrous event.
To the Final Frontier - Miraculous/Star Trek -
Valentine’s Prompts - Miraculous Ladybug - The Prompts from DeviantArt’s Valentine’s day
Bridges AU - Miraculous Ladybug - Adrien and Marinette have a falling out and Marinette is forced through the pain of losing her family. Started out as salt, future parts will retcon things
Marivenger - Miraculous Ladybug/Marvel - Marinette teaming up with the Avengers
Critical - Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette is injured in an Akuma attack and is left fighting for her life
Armed AU - Miraculous Ladybug - While fighting an Akuma, Ladybug is disarmed and exposed to the city of Paris
Hush AU - Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette’s parents discover her secret
Rules of Precinct One - Zootopia - The rules that all Officers in Precinct One have to follow. Zootopia.
Revealed - Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette has a terrible secret revealed after Rose is Akumatized
New Car AU -  Miraculous Ladybug/Transformers Prime - Marinette thought she had a normal car, after her last one was stolen and torched, but it opened her world up for a whole lot of insanity.
Maribat -  Miraculous Ladybug/DC - Genetics are a wonderful thing, unless the substitute Science teacher is an arsehole. Bio Dad Bruce Wayne.
Miraculous Transformers - All MLB-TF cross over fics
In Plain Sight -  Miraculous Ladybug/Transformers - LB-14 and CN-15 were dispatched to Paris under orders from Optimus Prime. Nowhere in those orders was the recommendation for them to crash into a building and reveal themselves to a group of locals.
Autobot City - Transformers: Prime, Rescue Bots & Robots in Disguise 2015 AU
Grief -  Miraculous Ladybug - WARNING! THIS STORY HAS MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, VIOLENCE AND SOMEONE TAKING THEIR OWN LIFE! IF THIS IS LIKELY TO SET YOU OFF IN ANY WAY DO NOT READ! A moment is all it took. A moment is the cost of a battle. A moment that starts a whole domino effect that leads to the end for so many.
Too Far AU - Miraculous Ladybug - This series has implied and referenced rape/non-con elements. If this is likely to trigger, offend or otherwise make you react in a negative way DO NOT READ! A group from another class believe Lila's lies too well and believe Marinette is working with Hawkmoth. The group decide to take the law into their own hands, only for them to go too far in their 'interrogation' techniques.
Winged Mirabel AU - Encanto - An Encanto AU where Mirabel has wings
Know Better AU -  My parts for Tumblr's Fake Apology AU, but I'm going to remove as much of the salt from it as possible. - Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette hears Nino and Adrien talking and gets the wrong end of the stick, which creates a domino effect that causes a dark secret to be revealed. TW: contains mentions of abuse, past non-con and Gabriel Agreste being a shit person
Family - The Walking Dead -Alvin and Rebecca reluctantly agree to foster Clementine, a troubled child they've fostered before, after her latest foster family send her back into care.
TWDG Wing AU - The Walking Dead - If you were fortunate enough, you were born with wings. If you weren’t, you’d hope a child in your family would born with wings. Lee and his younger brother fell into the former camp, their parents were in the camp with them. Centuries ago, people with wings were once treated as deities, then were hunted, and then treated with the utmost respect. After an apocalypse interrupts Lee's journey to prison, he suddenly finds himself acting as a guardian for a little girl called Clementine. While doing his best to care for, and protect, her, he finds himself on the long road to redemption.
TWDG Reunions AU - After Clementine and AJ are exiled from the school, they make their way to New Richmond and the New Frontier. After reuniting with some old friends and a couple of accidents, the pair forge a new life in the community. Ten years later, they experience a tragedy and an unexpected reunion.
The Black Order - Harry Potter - The Order of the Phoenix wasn't the only secret group that stood against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. But no one wants to talk about the Black Order.
Why? - Miraculous Ladybug/Incredibles/Marvel/DC - In a misguided attempt to help his friend, Adrien takes her sketchbook and shows it to his father. The actions Gabriel takes draw world wide condemnation and causes two families to band together to bring him down.
Hindsight - Miraculous Ladybug - Lila doesn't agree to Adrien's deal, so Damocles never goes back on his decision to expel Marinette. Soon, Mdm. Bustier is in an interview at another school and finds that there are more differences between her previous and current workplace than she expected. A few days later, Marinette is offered a place at another school, while her previous class realise the truth about Lila. After an incident during an Akuma attack, everyone starts to understand that hindsight is 20/20.
Your Royal Highness - Miraculous Ladybug/Assassin's Creed AU - For over 2000 years, three kingdoms, known as Eden, Elysium and Babylon, appeared. For 2000 years, the Assassin's have protected those kingdoms, as well as the vaults that are hidden within them. With the Prince of Elysium in Paris, two Novices are placed as his body guards in a bid to expediate their training. Unfortunately, Hawkmoth appears, leading to one of the Novices to being given a Miraculous. Soon Hawkmoth will understand the meaning of Nothing in True, Everything in Permitted.
Full Moon - Miraculous Ladybug/Harry Potter - At three years old a werewolf, by the name of Fenrir Greyback, bit Marinette during a full moon. Being a werewolf is Marinette's biggest and greatly guarded secret, even more than her identity as Ladybug. And Lila, in an attempt to turn everyone against Marinette, accidentally tells the truth.
The Truth - Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette trying to tell Adrien the truth leads to a series of unexpected events.
Fall of Order - Miraculous Ladybug/Star Wars - On the cusp of starting her Jedi Trials, Padawan Marinette Dupain-Cheng was on her last mission with her Master Wang Fu attempting to gain Mandalorian support in the final days of the Clone War, when Order 66 was broadcast and the Republic became the Empire.
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flightfoot · 2 years
I'm feeling rather validated seeing other people getting soured over Ladybugout AU. I used to enjoy that AU, but while I did agree with some of it's initial stances on Adrien and Alya, I started to get put off the more the narrative doubles down on their flaws while letting Marinette unlearn her worst traits with little prompting. They all had screw ups, but it wasn't fair that Marinette got off with a light slap on the wrist while Adrien and Alya get to lose everything and weren't allowed to learn their lessons. The longer it went, the more apparent it became that the au has no intents on really fixing anything. Its just a hatefilled satire that strives to paint Adrien and Alya at their worst while molding Marinette into this unrealistically mature and souless shell of herself. Ironically, it got me to seriously hate Marinette for a while. It took me some time to differenciate the mary sue saltinette from canon marinette. She's a much kinder, more forgiving person in canon than the salt fics present her. I had to relearn to like this flawed little queen again.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I could never stomach that AU - Adrien's been my favorite from the get-go, so my tolerance for anything that demonized him was always very low - but a lot of discourse and fics were passing around during 2019 that used the language of social justice to target the two of them.
Because I mean, it's not like they don't have flaws. Adrien tends to keep on asking again after getting rejected in some way, because that's what he has to do with his father in order to get any parental love. He also enjoys playfully annoying Ladybug, though he never wants to seriously upset or hurt her - we saw that demonstrated well in Glaciator 2.
As for Alya... she does have an issue that's popped up a few times, with her ambition and desire for recognition causing conflicts, such as her being reckless around akumas, being tempted to keep the Fox Miraculous, posting the photo she took of Ladynoir kissing, and being tempted to show off her new Rena Furtive form. That being said, when push comes to shove, Alya will always prioritize other people over her own ambitions.
The Chameleon salt I always thought was unfair and barking up the wrong tree, especially for Alya. But the first few months I was in the fandom, I assumed that the fics being written about Alya and the class turning on Marinette, while Chloe became Marinette's new best friend and one of the only ones who saw through Lila's lies, was simply based on following through some of the plot threads the show appeared to have laid down: the idea of Lila turning Marinette's friends, who had already shown a susceptibility to Lila's lies, against her, the lack of presence of Chloe in Chameleon leaving open the possibility that she might not be fooled by Lila, Lila most likely not targeting her for manipulation since Chloe isn't one of Marinette's friends, and a widespread belief that Chloe had entered a redemption arc.
But then the demonization of everyone involved kept getting worse and worse, the concept was thoroughly explored in the fandom and kept on popping up anyway, and most notably, "Ladybug" came out, which both disproved a lot of the salt and dealt with the loose threads from Chameleon.
And it still didn't stop.
I've had the same problem, with starting to hate Marinette because of Saltinette. And knowing the whole time that it's unfair, and still wanting to read lots of things with Marinette in them, but getting to the point where I kept on flinching every time I opened up something that might have even a small chance of a Saltinette appearance. During the Season 3 to Season 4 hiatus, I kept on having to rewatch episodes of the show, just to remind myself that I actually do LIKE Marinette, that she's nothing like Saltinette. I was on the verge of tears rewatching Reverser, because Marinette's really kind and understanding towards Marc and Nathaniel, even when they were upset at her over a misunderstanding, and she's really gentle with Chat after he becomes a scaredy-cat.
I've always binged insane amounts of fanfics, especially for Miraculous, so it mostly had me just binging a ton of ML fics where people were actually somewhat in-character - especially Lovesquare fics, since well, I love the pairing, it's super common, and Saltinette is relatively uncommon in it compared to most of Marinette's other major ships.
Anyway, yeah, at a certain point it became clear to me as well that most of the saltfics weren't aiming to "fix" anything - or rather, that their "fixes" were worse than anything that the show would or could possibly give us. I eventually had the last of my patience snap with them around Spring of 2020, which is when I wrote Divergent Points: ML Salt - basically my "salt is woefully OOC and the characters would be horrified and disgusted by what happens in it" ventfic, with Alya, Adrien, Marinette, and Nino all experiencing different salt worlds and getting to comfort each other. I actually made Saltinette a separate character, and the Big Bad of the story, for the other characters - especially Marinette herself - to call out. I really needed something to help separate Marinette and Saltinette into two separate entities in my head, and writing that fic helped me do that, at least a little. Dammit, Marinette would hate seeing someone with her face treating her friends like that, to see her friends being warped out of recognition for her own sake.
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