#Aizawa deserves better
justatalkingface · 6 months
In Lack Of Defense to Aizawa
-And to varying extents literally every other UA staff member, and basiclly anyone in any sort of authority or who just exists in MHA at all.
Something I saw recently (when I started this post, months ago, anyways) that kind of pissed me of (that I'm posting here, with no connections to where it happened, because it was on a nice fic I like and I don't want to bring crap into the comments just because I don't agree with the author's view on something) is the idea that Aizawa is... how do I put this, more excusable because he doesn't know the full story behind Izuku and Bakugou.
And... to some extent, that isn't wrong, is the thing. He doesn't know that Bakugou systematically made Izuku's life hell, so he can't be expected to react to it (you can question how he would react to it, and that's a completely fair thing to be concerned about, all things considered, though that isn't the point of all this)... but. The thing is, he can be expected to react to what he does know/see, and that's the vastly justifiable criticism of him as a teacher comes from.
Day One: Bakugou attacks Izuku for.... existing with a Quirk. And here's the thing, Aizawa does stop that, but Izuku, and most people who read the story, phrase that as, 'Aizawa stopped Bakugou! Good job Aizawa!'. That's not the right response. The right response is: Aizawa stopped Bakugou, as is his literal job; it's not something that should be acknowledged as unique or impressive. Aizawa being the only person in Izuku's life to stop Bakugou is not glowing praise for Aizawa, it's blistering condemnation for everyone else. Not letting your students try to kill each in front of you is, in fact, the bare fucking minimum.
And here's the where the problem starts: Aizawa does that... and nothing else. Good Old 'Expel 'Em All' Aizawa watches a student attack a fellow student in front of him (after, for the record, sabotaging the same student in the race by blasting him with his explosions, which... is also something that, at least, should be something discussed, if not be summarily expelled over, since being happy is expulsion worthy in Aizawa Land, or being someone that reminds him of All Might) and his response is complaining that Bakugou is making him do more work. Which. You know, is bad. He doesn't even scold Bakugou, or warn him, or do anything to punish him for this.
'You're giving me dry eye, damn it!'
Yes. Because, when one student attacks another, that is the concerning point. How it inconveniences you.
(For the record, I'll touch on all the other problems with this chunk of time, which are present but not actually on target for this post, just to be thorough: doing this test at all, when they already passed, doing it on day one, doing it, apparently, because they were excited and/or because he reminded Eraserhead of All Might, threatening to expel Izuku for daring to not having control of his Quirk, being proud he only broke one finger, not doing anything to help him stop breaking his bones, teaching his students that he'll only lie to them by his whole, 'Logical Ruse' bit, (which if anything should make his threats have less bite when he fails to follow through on them every time), and sabotaging the score when, as I've discussed before, there's no way Toru, at the very least, could outperform Izuku on a test around the physical abilities of her Quirk when her Quirk is invisibility.... a test that, for extra hypocrite points, he couldn't have passed as a student.)
Day Two: Bakugou actually tries to murder Izuku in a training exercise. And I say murder deliberately; All Might explained what would happen if he hit Izuku with his gauntlet, and doesn't even argue with that assessment, instead saying, 'He won't die if he dodges!'.
In other words, Bakugou is saying, 'He'll die if I hit him!'
The next day, after reviewing the test, Aizawa says.... 'Bakugou, stop acting like a seven year old.'
Not: we're taking away your gauntlets until you can use them responsibly. Not: killing people is wrong. Not: disobey a teacher again and I'll expel you. Not: Any form of punishment or disciplinary action for, again, an actual murder attempt.
Grow up.
...Do you see where the problem is here?
Beyond this point, there's god knows how many times Bakugou yells at and/or attacks Izuku for Reasons(TM) throughout their entire school life, none of which is actually hidden from anyone, culminating in the Final Exam where Aizawa admits they have problems working together.... which is, in itself, phrasing that puts the burden as much on Izuku as it does on Bakugou. That is, needless to say, bullshit: the problem is completely on Bakugou's side, because Izuku would be pathetically grateful to his abuser if they could work together, and he constantly does his best to make that happen, no matter how often that never actually works for him.
This phrasing fits Aizawa's 'solution', which is to pair them together for their exam against All Might, again putting the burden for Bakugou's attitude on Izuku rather than dealing with it himself, with the (again, lied about) consequences of not going with the rest of the class on their summer outing, along with probably being closer to flunking out of school. This attitude culminates, ultimately, in BvD2, where Bakugou does everything to start the fight, including launching the first blow, Izuku is defending himself, yet they are both held equally responsible.
So. In Aizawa Land, if I walk up to someone with a crowbar, start hitting them, and they hit me back so I don't crack their skull open, we're both to blame for the fight; after all, they hit me, right? Seriously. Has he arrested civilians for fighting back against people trying to rob/rape/murder them? Because under this logic? The victim is just as much to blame as the robber/rapist/murder.
Alright, so as much as these posts are generally scathing criticisms, I do strive to be somewhat fair. All of these points? All of these points apply to All Might. And to Nezu. And Midnight. And Present Mic. And Class 1A. And Class 1B. And... you know what, let me sum it up: this applies to everyone who has seen Bakugou and Izuku interact, and went, 'Aww..., they're rivals!'. Which. Is basiclly every named character with any screen time, barring maybe the original version of Best Jeanist, before he became an empty shell whose only job is to praise Bakugou.
This isn't a unique problem. This is a Bakugou Problem. This is because no one can hold Bakugou accountable for anything he does, ever, and because of his quantum characterization, Bakugou lives in a consequence free reality where he says and does one thing, and literally the entire world goes selectively blind to act like he did something else entirely. It makes him come out of every situation smelling like roses, even if he spent the entire time bathing in shit, and it makes everyone around him pay the price for him instead. I'm only focusing on Aizawa for one reason: because the fandom worships him.
People love the Kakashi replacement more than they did the original model, and unlike Bakugou this isn't contentious; Bakugou may be more popular but Eraserhead's love is far more universal.
Dadzawa, despite being blatant falsehoods, is the most common take on him, but it's not even that that sparked this rant; it's that people look at him as an actual, flawed, person who makes mistakes, but refuse to go to the next logical step on those mistakes because he's 'doing his best'.
Because he's not.
He has never done his best, because he is falling asleep in class. There is no way for me to look at this disaster, sleeping in class, threatening his students, constantly eroding their trust in his words, and think, 'he's doing his best', because he isn't.
'Doing your best' means, basiclly, you never could have done this, because of some inability, but your trying anyways. All Might is trying his best, because he doesn't know how to teach at all (now that he's done training up Izuku, anyways). He's failing, yes, but he's clearly trying.
Aizawa isn't, because he's not trying. Unlike All Might, he can teach, is the thing, he's just choosing not too. Once in a blue moon, when the school administration puts it's baleful eye on him he actually does teach; he did help Momo and Shoto, for example. Problem being, he only did it then, when he was forced to test them, instead of... any time before their exam (while still somehow missing Shoto's entire everything at the same time, which is failure on such a enormous level it's kind of impressive). Then, of course, there's his mini-me, who he took from a skinny branch of a scrub to being able to use his combat scarf proficiently in battle, an absurdly exotic weapon who having an even a basic mastery must have taken months of difficult, intensive training. If Aizawa was 'trying his best', he'd be doing that teaching... you know, at all, basiclly and not when he's being held at professional gun point, or when it's for his one favorite who isn't even in his class.
Aizawa isn't doing his best, he's doing the absolute minimum he can to keep this position.
And just... look. I get that he's tired. I get he has two full time jobs. I get that that's easily the most sympathetic emotion for basiclly everyone these days, that everyone can vibe to existential exhaustion on a soul deep level. But the thing is, every Hero teacher we've seen, period, is an actual Hero. Beyond Aizawa, the only person we see having trouble with that is All Might who is, A, a new teacher, B, canonly shit with his time management and has a long, storied history of overdoing it, and C, is missing most of his internal organs. Forget teaching, every morning the man wakes up vaguely surprised he's still alive! All Might has a great excuse for being tired and overworked. Everyone else? Everyone is also working two jobs, with Present Mic working three, and still handling it a lot better than Eraserhead is.
No one made Eraserhead come in the next day after being brutally beaten to the point where he had permanent damage and was still covered in bandages, which probably set back his recovery by weeks, realistically. No one is making him work so hard he has to take naps in class to stay functional. And yet, he's the only one who can't seem to keep that schedule up.
He chose to have two jobs, and unlike most people with two jobs, he doesn't need them; he's not being a teacher so he can get a steady paycheck and have food to eat, this is a luxury to him, a choice he's willingly making for fun, not to support himself.
What I'm saying is: if the man can't handle being both a full time hero and a full time teacher, then maybe he should stop doing both at the same time. Aizawa being tired doesn't make him a good teacher, it just makes him bad at time management.
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nutzgunray-lvt · 7 months
I will FOREVER be salty about how Hori paints his characters with valid criticisms against the status quo as in the wrong:
Monoma - hates Bakugou, therefore hates 1A by association and is painted out to be some over the top arrogant asshole who freaks out every time they so much as breath (Monoma's not my favorite, but he's 100% right when it comes to Bakugou).
Rock Lock - doesn't want the first years (maybe also the third years, idk?) involved in the Shie Hassaikai raid due to how dangerous it is and due to having recently had a newborn son, is painted as someone who's being overprotective and unfair to these heroes in training.
Inko - isn't comfortable with Izuku continuing at UA after the Forest Camp Attack, is painted as being overprotective (I have my issues with Inko, but she had an incredibly valid point here).
The media - rightfully criticizes UA's utter inability to protect their students and reign in Bakugou's behavior (the hill I will die on), is painted as trying to unfairly persecute UA/Aizawa.
Present Mic - uses common sense to deduce that there's a traitor in UA's midst, is portrayed as being a shit stirrer who's quick to distrust his colleagues and students (another hill I'll die on).
Gran Torino (a minor one) - calls Aizawa's high expulsion rate as what it is: nasty (showing that even he has standards), is immediately corrected by Present Mic that the expulsions are "only on paper" and Aizawa truly cares deep down (which actually makes it WORSE since it stays on their permanent records regardless).
Other students taking the Provisional Exam - call out Bakugou for being an obnoxious asshole, are immediately painted as "not understanding how hard he works."
Pro Heroes and Present Mic - call out Bakugou for not taking Ochako seriously in the Sports Festival, are told to RETIRE for not understanding how Bakugou clearly works harder than anybody else to be a hero (but then Bakugou proceeds to get the second highest amount of internship offers, so idk what the fuck point Horikoshi was trying to make here).
Vlad King is a weird one because while his one-sided rivalry with Aizawa/1A is obnoxious and unprofessional, he IS a better teacher than Aizawa is and it's a point not focused on aside from an off hand comment by Aizawa. You'd think this would make him examine whether or not his beliefs are truly benefiting his students or have Nedzu call him up and say, "what's up with your class consistently underperforming against 1B?"
Best Jeanist is perhaps the ONLY Pro-Hero to see Bakugou's behavior for what it is and takes him as an intern to rectify it... but proceeds to focus on all the wrong things (his style being the main one) and not really get to the core of his goal.
Society as a whole doesn't trust heroes for a myriad of reasons (some unreasonably, some for extremely valid reasons) and are painted as being unfair and incredibly biased against heroes as a whole.
Izuku leaves UA due to AFO having Ragdoll's Quirk, is essentially ganged up on and beaten/shamed into submission by Class 1A who completely disregard his POV (I don't agree with him putting himself in this position, I'm just pointing how it makes sense narratively).
Me, trying to make sense of all of this -
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Like... how is your story supposed to be nuanced and your characters three-dimensional if you paint the complainer as always in the wrong?
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doodlegirl1998 · 15 days
So... Izuku has his arms back apparently. Eri came and fixed him I guess
Hi @sapphic-agent 👋,
Well... that nullifies the point of Izuku's suffering spectacularly.
I was never a fan of Izuku losing his arms in the first place because it seemed like rather out a left field and a distasteful way to nullify Izuku being able to fight at all (along with his quirklessness.)
However, seeing Eri rip her horn out to help Izuku and Aizawa letting her - that puts a bad taste in my mouth.
Didn't Overhaul literally cut Eri up to get at her quirk within her DNA? So Eri literally pulling out the part of herself where her quirks power is stored to help the heroes in this leak is strikingly similar to what Overhaul did to her...
Are we meant to see this as heroic? Because I don't. I see a deeply traumatised little girl who went from being used by Overhaul to being used by the heroes.
P.s. Aizawa is an exceedingly poor guardian of Eri. Her safety has never been his number one priority. This is especially the case here, seeing as he is content to use her powers in this manner. Dadzawa is a lie in canon, especially when it comes to Eri.
P.p.s Adding to the bad taste - Bakugou is allowed a bullshit revival and a bullshit victory against AFO without losing any limbs. Izuku? Loses BOTH his goddamm arms in a trippy, dream memory sequence with Shig and isn't allowed to save Shig or beat him or AFO.
Just uuuugh. What even is this story anymore?
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venting-corner · 8 months
Continuing with All Might appreciation, I made memes :)
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nagitosstolenhand · 4 months
okay does anyone else find it very icky that immediately after finding out kurogiri is a nomu and a victim of nonconsensual medical experimentation and malpractice. the pros n hpsc ppl immediately transfer him to a hospital for their docters to do nonconsensual medical experimentation on him to try and both see if they can turn them back into oboro and also just to see how the nomus tick. like maybe its cause i am a firm Kurogiri Should Be Allowed To Be Their Own Person And Should Actually Be Allowed Agency In Their Story believer but genuinely even if you think kurogiri is just amnesiac oboro this still feels shady on SO many levels.
also the fact we get NO comment from Mic or Aizawa. ik grief and anguish over the fact your dead highschool friend is an undead villainess butler now but they are the only vector we ever get updates on kurogiri so them never bringing it up just makes it feel like they dont care. let our dead best friends reanimated corpse be poked and prodded by a team of random government doctors. who cares what the actual person made from him says as long as theres some small vain hope they might get their long dead friend back.
this could all be very interesting and explore the hypocrisy of the heros/hpsc and give Mic n Aizawas relationship with kurogiri some genuine depth, but we don't get that because the kurogiri-oboro plot was inserted in for extra angst and an excuse to make aizawa extra pissed at and resentful of shigaraki and was just left there when it was time to chase another big shonen boss fight. i hope they actually manage to address any of this when the kurogiri-mic-aizawa plot actually shows up again but with how things are going. i severely doubt it. and after spinner and dabi i severely doubt they are actually going to find a genuinely satisfying conclusion to this arc. which is honestly just so fucking disappointing.
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theloganator101 · 6 months
Blaming Kids for Shit Beyond Their Control... WTF Hori?
So this post was inspired by another post when @sapphic-agent answered an ask by @nutzgunray-lvt about Victim Blaming and how people in BNHA seems to think it's 1-A's responsibility to be people pleasers to "make up" for the trouble they caused.
Uhh, excuse me?
What trouble DID they cause?!
Getting stuck in situations that weren't any of their faults?
Getting injured and even traumatized during those events?
Hori, I have to ask... have you ever met another person? Or even see how others act when a group goes through some shit? Because I can tell you they would NOT blame the group for being in the center of shit that just happens to them!
People are not this stupid and ignorant when it comes to this kind of topic Hori!
Sure there might be some assholes that might try to victim blame, but most of them would try to be sympathetic and reassure them that everything will be okay!
They WOULDN'T be acting like they CHOSE to go any of that just to get popular and as far as I know, none of them ever talked about the shit they went through would probably get them more recognized!
Fuck Aizawa for letting it happen and just letting others talk shit about 1-A!
Fuck the stupid-ass people blaming for getting in situations that was beyond their control!
And fuck the writing for NEVER going deeper into this and having the kids call this shit out!!
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fandomstuffsworld · 7 months
Oboro spirt seeing aziawa abusing his power, threatening expulsion on his students, being biased,not doing anything about bakagou bullying,not helping some of his students control there quirk and NOT teaching his students jackshit and always sleeping,being so fucking ungrateful towards izuku after saving his ass and tried to single izuku out,trains bakagou and shinsou, aziawa and the rest of the teachers not stoping midorya black whip and also being so mean and such a asshole towards all might and izuku:
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(this is honestly my thoughts of oboro spirt seeing aziawa being an asshole and him not teaching his class and being god awful towards midorya, abusing his powers and threatening expulsion and many more
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sapphic-agent · 15 days
What a horrible day to have eyes. I go into the anti Aizawa tag and I'm greeted with this.
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You know, I don't even completely disagree about Eri. I love her, but Horikoshi didn't write her well. No one's doubting that. But if we're talking about her trauma not being handled well, she's far from the only case. Not to mention her quirk was the reason as to why she was abused, so the point about her power is irrelevant in my opinion.
(Also, the complaint about her being a "perfect" abuse victim is weird... She's a child. Children usually are perfect victims because they're either completely powerless or their innocence is being manipulated and taken advantage of or both. It's also funny how OP doesn't complain about Izuku too because at least Eri has some form of agency. At least she's allowed to look at Overhaul as her abuser. Izuku is reduced to supporting and validating his abuser's feelings. Why is trauma handled incorrectly in MHA until the minute it comes to Izuku's lack of negative feelings towards Bakugou)
But even considering all of that, blaming her for Aizawa's shortcomings as a character is wrong.
I genuinely don't know where this came from. They don't even have that many scenes together and we've almost never seen him being a "cutesy" dad to her. We hardly ever see him even act paternally towards her, he's mostly seen escorting her and being by her side. If anything, that sounds way more like fanon Dadzawa. And considering a lot of the manga was changed to meet the fans' expectations of certain characters (specifically for Aizawa and Bakugou), if he has been changed into a "cutesy dad," then that's the fandom's fault for perpetuating that trope, NOT Eri's.
But more importantly, complex? Interesting? AIZAWA?
OP is acting like Aizawa's role in the story isn't being whatever Horikoshi needs him to be at the time. Hell, most of his overall dialogue is commentary for telling the audience how they're supposed to feel. Part of the reason Bakugou's behavior is never condemned is because Aizawa is always conveniently placed to shut down any criticism about it and defend him.
You'll also notice that despite challenging "everything Deku's heroism is about in a nuanced way," Aizawa never actually tries to teach Izuku differently. He condemns and scolds him for it but never actually explains what's wrong with his concept of heroism and tries to teach him differently. So what exactly is he challenging? Because Izuku still holds onto his ideas of heroism and Aizawa never tried to correct it even prior to Eri.
So instead of blaming a six-year-old who wasn't even given that many scenes in the story, maybe take a look at your favorite's failings as a character.
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bibibbon · 4 months
What hori gets wrong: tropes
What I mean by this is that horikoshi really doesn't know how to pull off almost any trope right especially when it comes with certain characters specifically aizawa and bakugo.
SHOTA AIZAWA: we all know that shota is supposed to be 1A homeroom teacher that is just a horrible teacher point blank in canon but you can clearly tell that hori wasn't going for that and he was trying to use the strict teacher that is a big softie for his students trope but it turned out horribly. I guess the best way to describe this is that horikoshi was trying to make aizawa more like Kakashi from Naruto but just failed miserably. (I can go on and on about how he failed and why but I will give a few points)
Having him expell his past classes which causes them to have A PERMANENT BLACK MARK
His clear favouritism of certain students one not even in HIS OWN CLASS
His unnecessary hate towards izuku who he sees clearly struggling but doesn't help him AT ALL
The way he treats other characters specifically teachers and his friends rub me off the wrong way
KATSUKI BAKUGO: this is basically the trope following the typical angry and aggressive deuteragonist. The problem with it is that bakugo HAS NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING TO BE ANGRY ABOUT IT like I understand why saskue was moody and angry the guy had to see his whole family get killed by his own brother but what did bakugo go through to make him the way he is? Answer its nothing and it makes his character come off as seriously an obnoxious and ungrateful brat at best and a literal abuser at worst. Also not to mention that he is LITERALLY IZUKUS ABUSER. I know hoi said that he regrets making bakugo as mean as he was but HE DONE THAT SO GO THROUGH IT PROPERLY!!! Also hori never really makes bakugo develop and Iam talking personality wise as his REDEMPTION ARC WAS SO ATROCIOUS (I will talk about that later)
There are many more other tropes that horikoshi uses which he just completely ruins and destroys like:
The gag/comic relief characters that he treats so HORRIBLY FOR NO REASON
The pervert that never learns aka mineta what makes this worst is that it's literally Horis self insert (according from the things I have heard)
And more that I probably can't remember but yeah the point is hori can't write tropes and he can't really make them unique. But I guess this doesn't go for all of the tropes he uses but it is the majority
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zi-o3 · 5 months
mha rant# ua is bad school and people need to acknowledge it
Ua is supposed to be the best hero school right. Well about that, there are a few bad eggs in it. Aizawa 'expulsion trigger' shots, who worships bakugo(then again hori and the fandom already do this), recovery girl who denies medical treatment, midnight who flirts with anything that has legs, and nezu, who is supposed to be smart, yet somehow makes the worlds dumbest decisions. Seriously the fact no has died here is a miracle in and of itself. Like seriously the fact that All might, a newbie teacher is a better teacher than them, who have been at the school longer than him is just sad.
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mikeellee · 4 months
Hm. I wrote this on my discord but wth, lets see if I can put nicely here. The whole "Aizawa sabotages Izu" is a great concept in fics, even more as people need to remember Aizawa is Hori stand in...But in canon, I don't think he did that.
This is not me defending him. Far from it. I would read a fic like that if it meant he is fired. I did a fic like that a few months ago...but can't really see happening in canon.
1) too much work for nothing. Aizawa hiding all the supposed offers from Izu would make others heroes confused as for the lack of response "oh he wants to tarnish Izu's reputation" which again, grear concept for a fic but not in canon. Heroes would go to UA ask about why Izu didnt replies any of their offers and all Izu needs to say "I never received any offer" to all eyes fall on Aizawa.
Also, his beloved got offers PLURAL. Aizawa doesn't need more in life.
Fangirling over BK.
2) No one is learning anything in those interships. Beast Jeanist didnt taught shit about bk's quirk, he spoke smth that is pretty damn obvious but bk. (Bc bk is a psicopath) but no need to instructed him about his quirk. Heroes saw Izu break his bones and are off putting by this.
Guys have you seen any hero offer to help a student?
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Aizawa helped Shinso...one time and never again. But dont think he helped Shinso with his quirk, rather it was a "you shall be a mini me"
No hero helps with students quirks.
Izuku was already label as "difficult" thanks to the Sport Festival.
3) The intershipd doesnt matter. Seriously? Does UA offers anything to the student who has interships? Like, if Izu got 10 interships wpuld he graduated faster? I dont know, hori really doesnt give a fuck.
Why would he? Its not his beloved
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I think it was an ask @theloganator101 and @doodlegirl1998 answered and I can't help by add.
Like Aizawa doesnt need do more against Izu, the odds are always against him. Aizawa can sit back, relax and cheer for his beloved bc Hori got his back.
No one in UA wants to teach Izu...why people think heroes like Mirko will?
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justatalkingface · 1 year
Hey! I've been reblogging some of your stuff and throwing my two cents in what I think. So I come here with a simple question...
What're your thoughts on Shota Aizawa?
Because for me, he's no different than the teachers in Aldera when it comes to handling Izuku. He's also a flatout hypocrite by getting onto All Might for favoring Izuku when he does the same with Hitoshi.
And I'm not even mentioning how he uses his trauma to justify his bs teaching ways
...Hahahahaha! So, you have no way of knowing this, but I've basically been preparing for this moment, to make this rant, for the longest time. More than probably any other character in this series, I've thought about Aizawa, tried to put into words what bugged me about him, scoured the internet for opinions to broaden my understanding, to find the right words. Quite a few posts have been yours, actually.
The short answer is that, simply, I hate him. Once I got past his Kakashi Aura from my first impression, I didn't like him, but fandom hype for Dadzawa, as well as the fact that usually comes with horrifying levels of bashing for people like All Might (ironically, perhaps the most unsung hero in the setting, seeing how few people seem to like his character) curdled it deep into loathing. Still, I'm going to be try to be objective as I talk.
The long answer is more complicated, and very, very long, but still overwhelmingly negative. For me, part of it is that Aizawa is easily the winner of the title of being The Favored Mouthpiece. This is a mixed blessing for him, to say the least; on the positive side, this fact has done a lot for his positive reception and total screen time, the the narrative bends over backwards to agree with what he says, time and time again. On the negative... for all that I'm aware that he's just lines on paper, on deeply visceral level I have sympathetic disgust for all the times he's been used like a puppet to parrot one agenda or another, and it muddles the water on who his character actually is. Honestly, it's been going on for so long, and it's still going on, I wonder if I should just... accept these random outbursts as part of his actual characterization.
At a fundamental level, I've had this question burning inside of me for a long time now: does this man even want to be a teacher? No, this is a serious question: he is effectively working two jobs, and managing it terribly (unlike every other UA teacher, who are all heroes for no apparent reason, and especially Present Mic who somehow has three jobs and still is full of energy. Does that man ever sleep?). He seems to hate the daylight. He seems to hate being clean. He seems to hate children. He hates, if not teaching, then teaching people that don't vibe on his level. He hates being on a schedule. He hates following authority. Really the only part of being teacher he does probably like is the actual paycheck.
So, again, why is he a teacher? I know he likes taking someone under his wing, but that use of a singular pronoun was very specific: he wants one person, one that fills whatever bizarre and unknown criteria, to teach (I'm still not sure what made him look at about five minutes of Shinso and say, 'This, this is the child I shall give all my skills, all my knowledge, and even my physics defying combat weapon.' Like, do they have to be his mini-me? Bear the soul of Grumpy Cat? I really don't know), an apprentice, not students plural. From what I gleaned from the Vigilante manga (which I should probably reread at some point), it's that desire, but misunderstood, combined with nostalgia, loneliness (his friends were already at UA) and peer pressure, that motivated him to start teaching at UA.
I don't really need to say it, but those are terrible reasons to become a teacher, and probably help explain why he's so bad at it.
Before I get into that, I want to address one thing: I've seen, online, that Aizawa's role as homeroom teacher is something completely different in Japan than it is for anywhere English speaking. So these various comments and what not say is, in Japan, these home room teachers aren't actually supposed to teach. They're supposed to be... something like councilors, I believe: they stay with the children and help guide them, and so on, and that's why he's a better teacher than we think he is. I've never actually seen anyone counter that argument, just agree, and I've had this response waiting for a long time now: when do you see Aizawa do that?
I know the Final Exam arc is supposed to show us that, yes, Aizawa is perceptive and does notice things about his students, and does care, but that's shit. His inner monologue tells us about Momo and her lack of self confidence. The implication of that, that he's only dealing with this now, means he's been sitting on this for... how long? However long he noticed that, I guess? So, from a time period ranging between the first day of class, and just before they prepared for the test, Aizawa noticed Momo had confidence issues and apparently did nothing until that test, probably because he wanted to be 'efficient' and deal with two things at once. Why do extra work and deal with a student's issues, when you can do it while they struggle to pass their final exams? Wow. A+ job there, teach.
On Shoto... just... just no. Come back to me, someone, anyone, when Aizawa even acknowledges that that mess is made out of red flags: the fact he doesn't use half of his goddamn Quirk until Izuku beats some self reflection into him. The fact he unsubtly hates his father. The fact he doesn't seem to know how to be a normal person. The burn scar on his face when he's heat resistant. Anything. Anything. I don't expect him to look at the kid and magically realized he's abused, but there's enough there that if he's a good teacher, or councilor, or whatever, he should probably be low key probing for information on his situation, see if there's something wrong in the most general of senses, because there's clearly something wrong there.
Literally anything about Izuku or Bakugou, though I'm putting a pin on discussing that mess until later.
See, the problem with saying that Aizawa is supposed to be the class's... councilor or something, instead of a teacher, brings up the fact that he's a shit councilor. Even if it's true (I'm not Japanese, I have no idea), this doesn't make his character better, this just brings up different problems instead.
Alright, so now that that's out of the way... now I need to point out that Aizawa is a Kakashi clone, and that's a good deal of the reason he's so popular; he rode off Naruto nostalgia. Let's list off how many traits he blatantly got from him. It's more than you think!
Aizawa is like Kakashi in that: he's a teacher that doesn't want to teach, his students include the Great Hope of the setting and his 'rival', he's traumatized from a friend dying when he was young, he deals with his heavy PTSD with unhealthy coping mechanisms, he has an eye based power that turns his eyes red, he loses an eye, he takes on an apprentice that reminds him of himself and gives him his signature technique/equipment, his dead best friend is alive, his dead best friend is the enemy, his dead best friend has been heavily experimented on, his dead best friend has warping powers, his friend group consists of people more cheerful than him who respect his skills, his best friend is overwhelmingly cheery in a way that balances with his low key behavior.
...When you list it out like this, it starts to get a little nuts, doesn't it? I wonder, sometimes, how much actual thought went into the character Eraserhead, and how much was Hori just... copying the copy ninja.
Here's the problem with that though, beyond the laziness of it all: Kakashi is a ninja. He is a mercenary, a child soldier, has killed more people than we have names for in all of MHA. He lives in a military village, under a military dictatorship, and is expected to kill. The teaching system he's part of is largely involuntary, though he avoids in in part because he's so good that everyone looks the other way when he ducks out of it. These students are also ten. There is just... just so much there, so much that is utterly alien to how MHA works, that putting a copy in is... flawed, to say the least.
That's why the Bell Test Quirk Apprehension Test is so bad: Hori put that in, as a blatant echo of Kakashi testing Team Seven, without thinking once of the differences in the setting.
He's in a school, and his job is being a teacher. His literal, actual ass job is to teach students (or 'help guide them', either way). This is something he chose to do, of his own volition. Kakashi trying to ditch his potential students is him trying to avoid an unwanted burden and him avoiding poking at this massive issues with teammates and responsible and everyone he knows and loves dying around him. And when he's forced to take some on? He tries his best to teach them, and he does: think about the first Battle of the End. The way Naruto and Sasuke fought each other. Think about how Naruto used to fight. Where did he learn to throw a punch like that? Kakashi. He may show up late, but the man did his work off screen.
Aizawa trying not to teach his students is literally a man too fucking lazy to do his own job. We all know Hori retconned it with 'he just wanted them to get a taste of death' via expulsion (which, apparently in Japanese culture is something that would set them back in their prospects for life) but it's so nonsensical that it's hard to take it seriously that he just... does this. Was planning to do this the first day, because they were excited about being heros, like that deserved a taste of death (They aren't in the military, you ass, they're in high school). Is allowed to do this. That he did this to an entire class for some reason but not Bakugou, when Bakugou exists.
Which means it's time to wade into the mess that is Aizawa and Izuku and Bakugou. Let's start with Bakugou, first, since I already started.
Blatantly, obviously, Bakugou has plot armor in how people react to him, or don't, as the case may be, and one of the worst victims of it is Eraserhead. The fact that Mr. 'Taste of death' and 'Expels entire classes' doesn't at least punt Bakugou into detention, or more likely a 'taste of death' to threaten the other students (because that's how you teach your class of high schoolers! By fear!), after he actively attacks Izuku, is just... mind boggling. The way he constantly refuses to acknowledge which of them is the aggressor, which of them is the first to throw a punch, which one is constantly threatening the other....
The obvious conclusion here is that Aizawa likes Bakugou, for whatever reason, but... I don't think it's true. The thing is if he liked Bakugou, you'd think he'd... spend time with him. Try and train him. Something. But no, by and by large he acts like Bakugou doesn't exist, right until Hori needs someone to compliment him for the readers, or someone to defend him after he does something bad, yet again, and then all of a sudden he's singing his praises. This is where the downsides of being The Favored Mouthpiece comes in: every time he's complimented Bakugou, every time he's said that this mess of a child is going to be a great hero, every time he cries desperately that he, 'Still needs to be Number One!' or whatever the hell that bullshit was? That was Hori. That was always Hori. Aizawa basically isn't allowed to exist near Bakugou without Hori running interference for him.
Izuku, on the other hand, is half the opposite, half Aizawa's own biases coming in. Part of it is Hori needs Izuku to feel stressed to pump up the tension, make cliffhangers, and get Jump selling; Izuku can't have a normal school life, he needs a heart pounding one. In most shonen school settings, this is easy to accomplish because they're generally hell holes that put their students in life and death situations on the regular, and live in hierarchies based off power levels. UA, though? It's a normal, or at least "normal" school, if exceptional, in the "real" world, plus some super powers. There are standards, is the thing; they can't and won't send their students off to maybe die because of they're a secret society or whatever. They have accountability (to some extent) to the general public, in other words.
So where does Izuku's cliffhanger filled school life come from? Well, Tomura and the Tomura-ettes, for one, but for all the other times... Hori turned to his teacher.
Let me say this again, because I want to emphasis this: part of the reason Aizawa exists as he does, is so that Izuku can feel threatened at school by his teacher. Why? Because Izuku's suffering sells.
Meanwhile, though Izuku does get pulled into Bakugou's plot armor sometimes, and suffers for it (more), but as a person and a character, I think Aizawa unironically disliked Izuku from the start. He grows out of it, to some extent, but....
Let's backtrack a second, back to the Quirk Test. Izuku, at this point, is ripped. Even without his Quirk, he was throwing around fridges and working all day and night to prep for UA. He was at the peak of realistic human fitness, instead of whatever increasing soft cap we have for heroes is.
Toru is invisible. Sure, she's in shape, since she passed the exam, but Izuku clearly focused on his body in a way most of the other students aren't, and she has no Quirk that'd help her pass the test (a test that, as many have pointed out, Aizawa would have failed). She's a nice girl, sure, but there's no way she could have out performed Izuku in raw physical ability, even before the ball throw which was one of the best of that category, and far beyond whatever she could have done.
Yet Izuku was the one at the bottom, not Toru. Why? Well, you could blame Hori, and that's technically true, but the thing is, unlike Bakugou, Aizawa acts like he doesn't like Izuku. He blames him for everything, he refuses to do anything as he breaks his bones constantly, he calls him Problem Child, and anyone who thinks that's affectionate, and that Izuku should as such, and that it's a cute little nickname needs to consider that through the lenses of Izuku's low self esteem, much less from a teacher who constantly threatens his students.
Aizawa sabotaged Izuku's scores. He did it because, you're right: he's just like the teachers at Aldera, if more restrained, and for different reasons. Not because Izuku is Quirkless (though he would if Izuku was, because the man honestly is Quirkist), but because he has the wrong Quirk. Because Izuku had the audacity to come to a school to learn about how to use his Quirk, instead of practicing it illegally, or inside his own house where, at that power level, one wrong move could accidently his house. Because he apparently didn't read the files that said Izuku got it a month ago, or didn't care. Or maybe it's just he looked at Izuku, and realized that having him learn to control that was just... too much work?
At the end of the day, which reason he did it doesn't even matter. What matters is he did. The same way he plays constant mind games with his students for shits and giggles, in ways that should undermine their faith in him, the same way he paired a bully with his victim so they could 'work it out', the same way he puts minimal effort into so much of the work he does, and it's why I loathe him as a teacher.
Aizawa is a good hero, but the moment Nezu let him into a school was a mistake.
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nutzgunray-lvt · 5 months
Why I Hate Canon Dadzawa
I'm pretty sure I've said this before multiple times, but Aizawa is my second least favorite character in MHA behind Bakugou and ahead of Shinsou. Most of this is because of his canon actions/how he's written, but a lot of this is due to people INSISTING that Fanon Dadzawa is Canon Dadzawa.
To put out a disclaimer, I don't mind Fanon Dadzawa. There's been some really well written Fanon Dadzawa fics that I like, and I'm of the belief that you can and should write whatever fics you want. I also think that Canon Dadzawa/Aizawa as a whole could have been such an interesting character had he been written better. Instead (like with almost every other character in MHA) we get someone whose actions don't match how he's supposed to come off as.
This topic is a sore spot for me, because the people who got me into MHA tried selling me on Dadzawa, Dadzawa, Dadzawa. I felt so tricked when I first got into it and saw that none of what they were saying was true.
Just like how Bakugou is a Temu version of Vegeta (so insulting to Vegeta) and Sasuke (who is another character I don't really like, but will put well above Bakugou), Aizawa is a SheIn version of Kakashi; a conventionally attractive, badass, no-nonsense teacher who genuinely cares about and is protective of his students. I have my problems with Kakashi, but it's at least been actually shown that he cares for his students, and whenever he does a "Rational Deception", he not only immediately explains himself, but he only ever did them in his introduction. For that matter, he's actually a good friend to Guy.
Aizawa, on the other hand, is a hot mess of a walking, talking contradiction in writing and Character Shilling. We're constantly told that he's this amazing teacher and amazing person, but the evidence doesn't match up with these claims.
He never owns up to his failings, choosing to a) ignore them entirely, b) excuse them away, or c) throw other undeserving people under the bus to make himself look good. We see this in how he halfheartedly acknowledges Ida angrilly calling him out on his repeated lying to 1A, when he excuses away his utter failure in curbing Bakugou's awful behavior with his "deep seated conviction" in bring a hero, and when he tries throwing All Might under the bus when Hound Dog calls them out in exaserbating Izuku's trust issues after the Gentle Criminal fight.
For that matter, he has yet to apologize to Izuku after his realization during the Liberation Front War of how much of jackass he was to him. Seriously, Izuku has saved his ass I don't know how many times, and he continued being such an ungrateful bastard towards him. I'm not saying he should have gotten on his knees and proclaimed his life to him, but you would think that would have at least changed his attitude towards him.
And speaking of Izuku, while he's always on his ass about his Quirk control... he completely ignores the issues that Aoyama and Kaminari have with THEIR Quirks. Kaminari being taken hostage at the USJ due to his lack of Quirk Control goes completely unacknowledged, and Aoyama's lack of Quirk Control is treated solely for comedic value. You'd think Dadzawa: Best UA Teacher would try to help the two of them as well, but nope.
I could go on all day about his expulsion record, but the point is, he's ruining these students' lives due to him projecting his own traumas onto them. I have to reiterate this, but these expulsions DO IN FACT stay on their permanent records. In Japan, having an expulsion on your permanent record CAN AND WILL prevent you from getting a well paying job. Expulsion is treated as an absolute last resort for a reason, and to see him throw that threat around like it's nothing is horrible of him. Nedzu is a horribly negligent principal for letting Aizawa do this, and the fact that nobody has sued UA for this is a miracle.
Then we get to his favoritism of Bakugou and Shinsou, probably the biggest indicator of his hypocrisy.
It makes absolutely NO SENSE that Aizawa's presented as this strict hardass of a teacher, and then he's shown giving preferental treatment to an abusive egoist (that was canonically how Bakugou was described in his character profile) and a whiny, Quirkist Troll doll that's not even in the Heroics Course. This is especially egrigious considering how often he bitches and moans about All Might mentoring Izuku! He sticks his neck out for Bakugou when he absolutely doesn't deserve it and when you know for a fact he wouldn't do this for his other students.
For that matter, he's such an awful friend to Mic and Midnight. His relationship with both of them is all take and no give. Mic canonically surpressed his own grief and trauma surrounding Oboro and Midnight's deaths for Aizawa's sake, and while it was wrong of Midnight to throw Aizawa's name into the teacher's ring behind his back, he repays her trying to get him a job by doing all the above I just listed. His relationship with them is unhealthy as hell, especially since they NEVER take him to task for his awful behavior.
On top of all of THAT, he genuinely thinks he's this amazing teacher and person, given how angry he gets at Mic for calling him a terrible teacher during the Sports Festival. He calls Vlad King a better teacher than him... but doesn't do ANYTHING to change his ways. You can't have it both ways, Aizawa.
In conclusion, Aizawa would have been such an interesting character had he been allowed to examine and change his attitude and teachings. Instead, we get someone who unfairly has a reputation of being a paragon of goodness and rationality.
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doodlegirl1998 · 22 days
I REALLY hope the latest leaks aren't true...
I REALLY hope I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing...
AFO manipulated Tomura from his very conception since Hana was supposedly "too old" for him to do it to her. Which is INCREDIBLY stupid!
And not only that, Izuku also ended up losing BOTH of his arms! Like he hasn't had enough shit thrown at him than he already did!
And not ONLY that! The other characters started to show up and saying they'll take care of AFO!
So the Main FUCKING Character doesn't get the final fight to himself! He's crippled and has to rely on the other characters to do it for him!
What a fucking joke of a story! How can anyone read this and think this is good story telling!?
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
This story is a complete joke now.
The truth of Tenko's backstory and all the Kotaro and AFO friendship shit is just ridiculous.
Hana being too old feels like a lazy excuse as to why AFO didn't use her. Sure, AFO would have a harder time with her, but a kid accidentally murdering their whole family would make them susceptible to manipulation through that trauma whatever their age.
Izuku losing both arms felt disgusting to see. The manga panel was so gory. The poor kid has already lost his quirk he worked so hard to master, then his arms on top - he's bleeding out and distraught because of that, along with Shig dying. When help arrives, no one - not even the adult hero present - (FUCKING AIZAWA) is rushing to help him.
Aizawa gives an overdue apology (using Izuku's first name, that feels unearned and OOC), which well - I'll be blunt he fucking should be sorry. Aizawa didn't teach any of 1A this academic year (only someone outside his class!) then threw them all (including those who had problems with thier quirks) to the wolves against the biggest villians in Japan. He's lucky 1A aren't perma-dead yet (but some might be soon with Izuku's state and Ojiro, Sero and Sato rushing ShigAFO 😬.)
I have never seen an MC humiliated like this. Never have I seen an MC not be able to fight their own battles or achieve their goals quite like what Hori has done to Izuku recently.
How can Izuku be the number 1 hero, or be a hero at all, armless and quirkless?
How can he save Shigaraki when the villain is dead?
How can Izuku continue to fight at all, let alone against AFO, in the state he is in?
Izuku began the story as a quirkless civilian boy, and he looks like (if he survives) he is going to end it as a civilian again - quirkless as well as armless with a shit-ton of PTSD.
Rather than the, as previously promised by Hori, next number one hero.
This is not the manga I gleefully began investing in.
This has become morphing over time into something else entirely - a bastardisation of the original premise of MHA - My Abuser Academy.
I am so angry. Never have I felt bait and switched by a manga as much as I have this one.
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venting-corner · 8 months
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Seriously Stop With All Might Slander!
Every time I try to find Dad might on YouTube, I stumble across Dadzawa, Dadzawa and Dadmight or Dadzawa vs Dadmight. Pure Dadmight videos are rare and most people bash All might while praising Aizawa. One person even said that All might only cares about Midoriya, because of being his successor or passing his quirk to him! As if Aizawa after meeting the quirkless Midoriya wouldn't say the same thing, maybe even harsher. I am just so TIRED of seeing Dadzawa. I just want wholesome Dadmight & Midoriya moments, is it too much to ask for??!!!?!
On the other note...
Even though it's incomplete (which I'm crying for), it has great All Might, Midoriya and Gran Torino interaction and most importantly...
A very rare find indeed. This person has Yagi use that 6/6, S rank intelligence of his. Something that most people in both the fandom and story seem to forget about. Seems like All Might uses that S+ charisma to make us forget that he had stood at the number one spot for more than 30 years. Which requires both power AND smarts and All Might has plenty of both. ANYWAYS! I recommend this to All Might/Dad might fans
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You know what annoys me most about the entire Yagi and Inko bashing? Canonically EVERY adult has failed Izuku, every single one of them, (even Aizawa, especially Aizawa). However it's only Yagi and Inko who realized their own mistakes and tried to make amends and yet it's them who get most hated meanwhile Aizawa did fuck all for Izuku and yet the fandom treats him like a sagely perfect teacher because muhmuhm he expels kids to give them fear of death
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