#Alastor's pet
felice-jaganshi · 3 months
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Please comment on the chapters if you're enjoying them! Your words of enjoyment are like air in my lungs!
Alastor's Pet : 16 chapters
An angel fell from heaven, and alastor is the first one to find her! Oh how lucky he is~.
My Fallen Apple : 13 chapters
Adam shoves you out of heaven for refusing to date him, like the manchild he is. Luckily, someone sweet and kind finds you broken and bruised in hell. Will you keep this lonely king company till his wife returns?
Alastor's Leash : chapters 11
Just as things had started to calm down, somone has tha gall to kidnap Alastor! Now who in hell would go out of their way to rescue the radio demon?! A sequel to both "My Fallen Apple" and "Alastor's Pet", it combines the stories and timelines. (Also some radiostatic with a happy ending! Chapter 11 will be a voxal date!!)
Lucifer's Ducklings: chapters ??
A little over a year ago, you fell into hell... a little over a month ago, you married it's king, and have been crowned queen... now you feel like you're dieing a second time as your head is stuck in a toilet and your husband dances around like a fool...(struggling writing this one, apologies to everyone!)
Taken by the Tides: Poly Birates!
Lucifer was a young nobleman, being married off to a woman across the sea by his father… On the way, his vessel is assaulted by pirates! Will he survive this harrowing ordeal? And why is the first mate so… attractive?
Alastor couldn't believe Vox had brought a pretty little nobleman onto their ship! What was the idiot thinking?! The captain would surely be distracted by this new toy… unless he took care of the problem first. (This one will only be on my AO3, apologies)
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voot-floop · 3 months
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He’s a tv man or whatever
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saelrum · 10 days
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Something something Hazbin
@elsa-fogen (tagging you for obvious reasons))
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mocamagical · 1 month
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Here's a teacher-student AU and my comics of it in a not really chronological order. Be warned, I love Charlastor Teacher-Student AUs
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bella-goths-wife · 2 months
How would the Vs react if their pet died in hell, forever?
The Vs reaction if pet died in hell
(This is not canon to the au!)
This is disturbing and gross so please be mindful of the media you’re choosing to consume!
Warnings: description of dead body, disturbing keeping’s of dead body, Vs sick version of mourning, grief, mentions of previous abuse, drug use mentioned
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You probably would have died during an extermination
Maybe the Vs got too busy to remember to reinforce the safety precautions for the tower
Or you were accidentally downstairs when they sealed their upper level off
In any case, you are killed by an angel in cold blood
But the Vs didn’t know that yet, they were too busy at their viewing party that spies on the hazbin hotel to watch in case alastor dies
They assumed you were just in your room and decided to leave you be since they were so interested in their little spy drones
So when Vox goes to your room to check up on you and doesn’t see you in your bed, he panics
He searches all his cameras while he sends the other two to search for you
Eventually they find your body thrown across the rubble and cut open
It all happens in a very saltburn fashion
Vox doesn’t know how to react as he just drops to his knees and holds your head up while muttering about how you must be feeling cold without a jacket
Velvette just stares before mentioning how it’s almost time for breakfast and that they should all head inside, choosing to live in denial and push her feelings down for the meantime
Valentino stifles a few cries as he just stares at your dead body
They wait for someone else to get rid of your body but as soon as another demon touches your body, vox snaps and shoves them away and picks you up himself
They had to decide what to do with your body
Velvette suggested stuffing you like a doll and keeping you in her office so she could choose a new outfit for you everyday, but Vox and Valentino refused
Not because it’s disturbing and disrespectful for your dead body, but because she’d have more time with you then they would
Valentino suggested having your body burnt and fashioning accessories out of your ashes, but the other two said it would be a waste of your body
Eventually Vox had an idea, and he searched for a demon he met many many years ago
This demon had the ability to restore an item to the original condition it was in 24 hours before
It wouldn’t be able to bring you back to life since they had just missed the 24 hour window when finding your body, but they could keep your body in its first stage of the effects of death
That means your body would remain warm and soft, as if you were just sleeping
Vox had your wounds stitched up to make you look like you were just asleep and he placed you in your bed and commanded the demon to come every day and restore your body so you wouldn’t rot away
He chose to deal with your death by throwing himself into denial
He’d pretend you were just sick in bed and would still visit your corpse every night to ‘check up on you’
He’d watch you through the cameras in your bedroom in case you needed him
He started finishing work earlier to spend time with your corpse and calming ‘his daughter was sick so he had to get going’
If someone tried to point out you were dead they would receive a threatening glare and even more if they weren’t Valentino or velvette
Velvette refused to go along with that plan for the first few months, and chose to deal with your death by pushing her feelings down and finding a replacement
She assumed it was like buying a new dog after her old one had died, and refused to believe she had any emotional attachment to you
So she tried finding your replacement
She’d hire assistant after assistant who either shared your physical looks, your personality, your ability or your mannerisms
But none of them could match you in the way she needed, so she’d end up killing them or firing them
So she gave in to voxs fantasy, and began to talk to your corpse like you’d respond and began to dress your body in a new outfit every day
This worked for her, she could pretend you were here and she could still deny ever having an attachment to you
Valentino was surprisingly the one to not live into the fantasy that you were only asleep
He was the one to care about you the least in life, but he was also the one to mourn you the most on death and feel the most guilt
He drowned his sorrows in his drugs, his alcohol and his employees
He thought about how he treated you in your life, and while he didn’t feel guilt for how he abused you he did feel like a part of his missed having someone around who he could pour his frustrations into
But now you were a dead, and that somehow humanised you to him
He sometimes would get so drunk that he’d wander into your room and sit beside your corpse just to vent about how angry he felt that you’d died
How dare you? Who gave you permission to leave?
He’d just stare at your corpse and scoff, not buying into the delusions that the other two were about your dead body just being asleep
He held a funeral for you which just had him and angel dust in attendance since the other two Vs refused to believe you were dead
Angel dust was only invited because val wanted something warm to hold as he felt the complicated feelings your death brought out in him
And even so, angel dust was sure that however sad your death was and how tragic it was
You were better off dead then living with these people
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@corvid007 @buttercupfangirl @lilyalone @ivebeenthearchersstuff @repostingmyfavs @the-faceless-bride @fandomaddict505 @hazbinhotelxreader @perkypeony @sparkleyfishies @idontreallyexistyet
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Pet the Alastor cat
2nd attempt at animation and turned out way better (yet also more time consuming)
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I like these colours with the pose
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lkoiii · 4 months
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Saw it was RadioStatic Week and I will take any excuse to draw these two. No idea if I ship them like that, but I do love whatever Alastor and Vox have going on. I ended up combining Day 1 (First Meeting) and Day 2 (Vintage).
Same Vox, same.
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chiquite · 4 months
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Regressor Alastor with Caregiver Rosie Headcanons! ❤️🖤
I love these two sm their friendship is everything.
• Alastor 100% doesn't know anything about age/pet regression, nor does he realize he sometimes is little himself (he mostly refers to being regressed as his "episodes")
• He's mostly a pet (deer) regressor, but he does age regress from time to time.
• His regression is involuntary and happens when he's too stressed and near someone who he truly trusts, when he's little he's around 10yo.
• Rosie, however, does know what regression is and immediately recognized what was happening the first time Alastor was little around her.
• How he acts while little depends on whether he's pet or age regressing.
• When he's a little deer, he gets very clingy and stays very close to Rosie, never getting too far from her.
• He likes tackling Rosie in hugs and headbutting her arm and back lightly, that's just how he says "I love you" <3
• He losses his speech entirely, only communicating with squeaks, hums and whines.
• Rosie has no problem guessing what he wants, it's not that difficult when you are as close to him as she is.
• "Oh honey, you're munching on my sleeve, do you want a little snack?", "Don't give me that look darling, I know you're feeling sleepy!", "You're ears are pointing down sweetness, let's take you to a more quiet place, shall we?".
• When he's a little boy, however, he's Rosie's little helper.
• He still follows her everywhere but now he's always looking for ways to be involved in what she's doing.
• "Rosie! Papers!" "That's right sweet boy, we're filling these papers!"
• He needs attention and praise at all times, so Rosie always makes sure to give him small tasks to keep him occupied and make him feel important.
• "Good job bringing the sugar, darling! thanks to you we'll have a nice cup of tea now."
• He's very protective of Rosie, and also very wary of strange men (they remind him of his father, who left him and his mom), so you'll find him hugging Rosie while staring daggers at them, sometimes even growling.
• Rosie is the best at de-escalating situations and making sure Alastor doesn't harm himself or others.
• "I know you're mad honey but let's take some deep breaths okay? I'll pet behind your ears", "Someone's a little fuzzy, how about we go down for a nap huh? I'm sure that'll make you feel better"
• Rosie would love to explain what age regression is to Alastor, she really would but the guy is embarrassed enough about his "episodes" as it is! She knows that with his stubbornness if he knew he was a little he would do all in his power to repress that side of him even if it helps him and Rosie does not want that to happen.
• So for now, every time she senses he's stressed or in a bad mood she subtly and gently tries to make him regress, it works 8 out of 10 times and (although he won't admit it) it makes him feel more relaxed and focused afterwards so it works for them.
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tanema123 · 2 months
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Hazbin cats again folks. We got, Carmilla saving Vaggie from starting a fight with Alastor.
Alastor is sad that his meal got stolen.
Vaggie was put in a "hamper jail", aka. a laundry basket, to reflect on her actions.
Finally, Vaggie wants to go home, but Carmilla, ain't letting her. She ain't finished grooming her.
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gallapple · 2 months
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oh this little shit.
[thank you all so much for the likes, reblogs, and nice comments on my cursed catlastor comic. I'm working on the second part now and heres a little doodle I made that made me laugh]
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felice-jaganshi · 3 months
Alastor x OC
His Pet
Chapter 1/?
A/N: hello tumblr! I've never tried posting a story here, so hopefully i get the format right? If not, some one plz message me how to do it better!
It was a month till the next extermination, Charlie was having her meeting with heaven this very moment. Alastor was going for a stroll around the Ring, when he heard a muffled sob from the nearby alley. Curiosity caught him for a moment, maybe an easy deal could be made. He wandered down to take a look and found a little sinner with orange fox ears crying to herself. He took a closer look and his eyes went wide with excitement! This wasn't a sinner, her blood was gold, a fallen angel then! Even better.
He slowly approached her, not wanting to startle her further. 
“My my, hello there dear.” He spoke softly as he approached, if he played this right, maybe he could get an angel to make a soul deal!
She gasped and looked up at him, fear filling her big blue eyes. “P-please, don't-” Her voice was cracking and faint. Her dual fox tails wrapped tight around herself and hid most of her body from view behind the fluff.
He softened his smile and bent at the waist to be closer to her face, he kept his voice soft,
“Now now, my dear… I do not intend anything villainous with you. I am a proper gentleman, unlike most of the worthless trash roaming these streets.” He was trying to soothe her, and it seemed to be working, as the more he spoke the more she relaxed. “You appear to be injured my dear. Might I take you somewhere that can care for your injuries?” She looked at him for a moment, staring into his eyes like she was trying to read his soul. He kept his expression soft.
“What's your name?” She asked, her voice was still quiet.
He stood straight and laughed, “haha! I'm Alastor my dear, most know me as the radio demon!” She smiled just the tiniest bit.
“Alastor, the radio demon… I'm Zariah. It's nice to meet a gentleman in hell… where did you want to take me?”
“The Hazbin Hotel! A place for sinners who want to get to heaven.”
She nodded, “okay… I'll go with you.” She tried to stand, only to immediately get scooped into his arms. She squeaked in shock, and looked up at him as she was suddenly in a princess carry. He stepped through the shadows and they were suddenly in the hotel lobby.  She was a bit dizzy from the sudden scenery change
Next thing she knew, she was set down on a couch,
“Here you are my dear. The rest of the residents are out on the town for the day, so it's just you and me. Mind if I see how bad your injuries are? I might be able to help you with them, for a price…” She shook her head.
“I- i just need rest. I haven't slept in two days… I have healing powers, just… too tired to summon it…”
“Healing? Interesting, can you only use it.on yourself?” His eyes had a glow of excitement to them.
“Hm? Oh, no, I can heal others too.” She yawned, exhaustion finally hitting her now that she was somewhere warm.
He chuckled darkly, excited at this opportunity. A healer would be very useful to keep in his back pocket. 
“Oh you poor little angel. Well, I might as well get you set up in a room. Don't worry about the cost for now sweetheart, your first night can be on me.” He smiled softly, “would you like to walk there yourself, or shall I carry you again?”
She blushed a little. “I… think I can walk.” She got onto her feet with some effort and slowly walked towards the stairs. He had a view of her back. Her shirt was ripped up and bloodied. There were deep gashes where her wings used to be, and several other smaller marks surrounding them. It painted quite the story, her struggling to get away and making them miss several times before they got it right. Yet she was still walking. He couldn't help wonder what her blood would taste like. The angel head he sampled at the overlord meeting was quite nice. Ah, too bad he couldn't snack on her wings. They'd surely have been wonderful barbecue’d. 
He then made his way in front of her and led her to a room near Angel Dust's, deciding to put some distance between her and himself till he knew if she was a spy or not. She went to the bed and flopped on her stomach immediately with a groan of pain.
“Thank fuck, a bed.” She then turned her head toward the door, “thanks. Imma sleep now… you're really nice, Alastor.” 
“Ah, before you do, may I ask one question of you?”
“Mh, yeah?”
“Who did this to you?” He put on his most sympathetic voice.
“Adam… did this… my only sin was stupidity. I didn't deserve this…” she turned her head and sobbed into her pillow.
Alastor sighed pleasantly, enjoying the view of another's suffering. 
“Oh my, the sin of stupidity? You have my curiosity dear. Would you like me to lend you an ear and get this whole mess out in the open?” He approached the bed and summoned a chair to sit in, resting a hand on his chin and looking at her fondly.
She took a moment to calm herself enough to speak. 
“Th-the exterminations. No one in heaven knows about them but the exorcists. We were told they went to earth to save the living, not that they kill humans in hell!” She sounded horrified by the news. “Wrong place, wrong time… I heard Adam talking about it. I was given two options, become an exorcist or get kicked into hell. I'm not a fighter! I'm a healer! I couldn't bear the thought of killing, even if it's sinners… that's just cruel.”
Alastor rolled his eyes, a real bleeding heart she was. “I see. So heaven doesn't know the atrocities they're committing?”
“Of course not! Most everyone has family in hell! None of us would approve of our own kin being slaughtered!” She snapped her head up to try to glare with her puffy eyes. “If I get the chance, I'm gonna punch Adam in his stupid dick he's so proud of!” 
Alastor's eye twitched,
“My dear, a proper lady shouldn't swear so much…”
She sighed, “I don't normally, I just… this is a special situation.”
He hummed, not buying it. 
“Well, I think I should let you rest for now. Let me know if you need anything at all.” He motioned with his cane to the bedside table and made a radio appear. He then left her room, shutting the door. He had some new things to think about…
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Husk: Angel once texted me "your adorable" so I texted him back "No, YOU'RE adorable".
Charlie: …And?
Husk: And now we're dating, we've been dating for three months.
Husk: All I did was point out a typo, but I like him, so l'm not complaining.
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mountainshroom · 3 months
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A lil goat and deer beefing but make it biblical
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 2 months
Pet Owners: Hazbin Hotel
Angel: (swiping through his phone while Fat Nuggets sits on his lap)
Vaggie: (reading a book with KeeKee purring happily around her neck like a feather boa)
Charlie: (playing pattycake with Razzle)
Angel: ......Is that normal?
Vaggie: I've learned not to question it.
Alastor: (walks passed with Niffty on a leash) I'll be back shortly. This little darling needs to get some fresh air.
Niffty: Hehehehehahahaha!!! Bugs! Outside! Must destroy them all! Ahahahahaha!
Angel & Vaggie: ...........
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bella-goths-wife · 2 months
How would Pet reader and Alastor interact after he returned from his 7 year long absence?
How would Alastor and pet interact after his absence
I assume you mean in the canon au and not the alastor makes a deal with you au but if I’m wrong feel free to request again :)
I’m sorry it’s not much interacting but they don’t really meet much at this point in the story
Warnings: abuse mentioned, obsessive behaviour
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After his seven year absence, alastor did try to subtly seek you out
He lingered around where he met you and expected to find you in the same position you were in seven years ago, a starving little fawn on the street who was desperate enough for shelter that you’d be willing to make a deal
But he didn’t find you, not a trace of the little doe eyed fool he had felt such a familiarity with
So he cut his losses for the meantime and decided that he would trouble one of the many souls he owned to stalk you down
So imagine his surprise when on a random afternoon he passed by angel and heard your voice from angels annoying little gadget
He asked for a closer look and there you were, the person who had been on his mind for the seven years was stood with the Vs surrounding them
You looked different though
You were cleaner and more well fed, meaning you had been able to escape the cold streets and found food
But there was a difference in your eyes as you posed with the Vs, there was a lack of something
Your eyes didn’t hold the same curiosity or passion that he knew of the girl he met several years ago who was so eager to learn more about her abilities
You looked like a candle lit flame that was running at the bottom of wick and was being drowned out and smothered by candle wax, your fire was slowly dying inside you
He demanded angel showed him everything out there that pertained to you, and angel gladly did with the small hope that maybe alastor would take enough interest in you to help you
Alastor absorbed every piece of media you were in and every sound you had created, anything that the internet held of you alastor would consume
He observed how the passion slowly died from your face and the years went on, he heard how your music which was once so alive and inventive turn into something generic and easily forgotten
In many ways he prepared himself to mourn the person he had met, he doubted that there was any of you left to mourn considering the Vs had drained your presence of its spark
Alastor felt something he hadn’t felt in a while, he felt pity for you
He heard of the horrifying things your were subjected to on a daily basis and he just couldn’t stop the sympathy from bubbling to to the service
He was no good soul owner himself, he was fairly abusive but that’s only when he had to correct behaviour
He felt overwhelming jealousy and anger at Vox over how Vox had claimed your soul before him and ruined you
Alastor could have made you into something great, something more than a pet to the rich for when they felt cruel or bored
Alastor was almost ready to give up on you and see you as a failed project, but something stopped him
angel had mentioned your acts of kindness towards him and alastor had to hear of your very intriguing presence from Charlie, so he decided to test you before giving up to see if you were worth more effort
He followed you for weeks on end with his shadows, and he saw many things
He saw how your cunning side could slip out when you saw an opportunity to escape a punishment and how manipulative you could be
He also saw how your anger had gotten the best of you on many occasions and watched as your powers manifested into something dangerous, something lethal
He fantasied about making you into a powerful being, someone who could one day be on a level close to his
He wanted to sculpt you like a sculpture and make you into something bigger than the pentagram had ever seen, he wanted to protect you from the past and make you strong enough to protect yourself from the present
He had angel dust sneak into your room and slip a radio under your bed so he could listen in to your surroundings
He heard you be your authentic self without having to water yourself down
He heard your moments of brief happiness and he heard the many overwhelmingly cruel acts committed to you
He heard your sobs and swear for a minute he felt himself grow caring enough to want to comfort you
So he played a soothing song from the radio once you were too distracted by your sobbing, so it could calm you to sleep and at least offer you the minimal comfort he could offer to you
He felt himself growing attached to the idea of bringing you back to the hotel and surrounding you in his arms like a child to make sure you wouldn’t have to see the faces of your abusers again
He began concocting plans to help you escape, and he was determined to one day own your soul so he could sculpt you in his image like he intended to do several years ago
He had never felt himself caring about anyone this much, he had a need to know where you were at all times and even felt himself grow antsy to see you in person and talk with you like you once did
Parts of him even felt a paternal sense of worry and concern over you in a way he’s never experience before
And he was determined to save you from Vox and bring you home
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@lilyalone @repostingmyfavs @the-faceless-bride @idontreallyexistyet @hazbinhotelxreader @corvid007 @fandomaddict505 @buttercupfangirl @ivebeenthearchersstuff @sparkleyfishies @perkypeony @rerarlo
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dealwithadeer · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Live Q & A
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Here is the link: Hazbin Hotel Live Q&A with Cast - YouTube
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