#An Unkindness of Ravens
geekynerfherder · 12 days
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Qistina Khalidah.
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deadbeatbirdmom · 16 days
I love the new raven pf raven
Thanks! I'll be switching between the Raven by @nliast (on the left) and the one by @dae-stuff (on the right), I love them both!
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kellymagovern · 1 year
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Carnival Row 2x04 “An Unkindness of Ravens”
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curtvilescomic · 4 months
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Vikki Bishop from An Unkindness of Ravens by Dan Panosian
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blackeyewhiterose · 1 year
An Unkindness of Ravens
Chapter 4, “Professional Courtesy,” on Ao3
Father Lantom returned with his own latte and sat down at the head of the table, equidistant from Matt and Castle. “I hope nobody objects to me staying for the rest of this conversation,” he said. “I think having a disinterested party here would do you both good.”
Matt turned his head toward the sound of the priest’s voice. “I’m sorry, Father, but how are you okay with this? Nothing you’ve ever taught me said God was disinterested when it comes to sin.”
“God is listening to the sinner, and so will I. What is it you would have me do? Exorcize him?”
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louderthanabombb · 1 year
Watching From: You know what a group of ravens is called?
Me: I've been training my whole life for this moment
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devonellington · 1 year
Tues. Jan. 31, 2023: Starting With More Snow
image courtesy of StockSnap via pixabay.com Tuesday, January 31, 2023 Waxing Moon Snowy and cold This won’t be as long as our usual Tuesday morning chat, because I just don’t have that much to say. The month wrap up is over on the GDR site. I wrote two book reviews on Friday morning, sent them in, invoiced, was paid, did a library run, came home. The weather was yucky. I had some scoring…
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arcadekitten · 25 days
Haha yeah!! :D ♡
And a group of crows (while most often referred to as a "murder of crows") can also be referred to as a "congress of crows"!
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heathengentleman · 9 months
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Unkindness of ravens
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fieriframes · 7 months
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[Foxes burrow along the meadow. I remain overstory, I pine with the pines. An unkindness of ravens repeat your words. This merciless water's clear as a mirror. Reflecting day breaking into endless night.]
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Amity Park
It’s been three years since the portal opened in amity, and since then the people have changed. ‘Liminal’ is what most people call it ‘death touched’ has also been thrown around. It made the people, the kids mostly, different, faster, stronger, higher endurance, almost silent, sensitive hearing.
to them it was normal, and besides! being able to run full speed for long distances was useful when your town was constantly under attack, and extra strength and agility is great for games!
Ever since the town got yoinked into the ghost zone amity’s had its own electricity and plumbing systems, the world outside the town doesn’t hear from the folks inside, and the people inside just don’t need to talk to outsiders, what would they even talk about anyway?? School? They don’t have ghosts, or the same standards! The weather?? ‘Hey did you feel that ecto-storm last night? I couldn’t sleep till it died down at 4!!’ Nope, definitely not the weather.
But this isolation forged a close community in the town, they were all in this together and they all knew it. Working parents, little kids and rebellious teens, when it came down to it they all had each others backs
The teens ecpetionaly bonded through CHAOS!! Pranks and sceems targeted at each other and the mayor, games of Extreme Tag (which was like a mix of tag, parkour, and the occasional gun) were the norm for the youth of amity park.
Shouting and laughter followed them as the kids ran up walls, across rooftops and through the streets and alleys of amity. For normal kids they would tire themselves out in three hours TOPS, but this is Amity, and the kids here are anything but normal. A single game could go from sunrise to sunset without even a water break, ‘if you’re thirsty get water. Just don’t get caught’ and who would back down from a challenge like that??
One summer they decided to do their own version of the hunger games, half in the woods on the outskirts of town and all through the streets, it was all fair game.
They built their own bases, going home was forfeiting, from holes in the ground to multi story lairs of wood and rubble. Food was foraged or stolen, if you got caught? Youre out, if you got tagged with paint (or otherwise incapacitated) you’re out. trust at your own risk. it goes till the last man standing.
Friendships were made and broken, old enemies became trusted allies, teens found love in the heart of battle and even more found the thrill of the hunt, the satisfaction of seeing your enemy fall and emerging victorious in the face of all odds.
It went on for a straight month before the parents had to band together to bring their kids home.
The Games were over, but no one forgot them, the high of adrenaline and Victory was one they could chase, and in the case of the towns sports coaches, one they could profit from.
The Amity Park Ravens became infamous for their endurance, their strength and speed, but mostly, their bloodlust, they were ruthless. Word of them spread through schools like a legend, the unbeatable, almost inhuman nature of them.
Outside of games they were always easy going and good sports about the competition, but on the field? Where Outsiders had to face off against dozens of amity parkers dead set on victory?
They were only whispered of with one name.
The Unkindness 
TLDR- amity park kids take competition WAY too seriously and they end up scaring the shit out of the whole public school sports program 
They also did a diy hunger games and I WILL read anything anyone makes about that bit (please tag me)
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fyblackwomenart · 2 years
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Unkindness of Ravens Cover by  Qistina Khalidah
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astercontrol · 5 months
kill them with kindness? wrong
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them with
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blackeyewhiterose · 1 year
An Unkindness of Ravens
Chapter 5, “Widower’s Walk,” on Ao3
When the dog saw Frank, she wagged her tail and gave a little hop on her front paws, and Karen looked up and gave him that smile that sent light pouring down from the sky. Frank tried to return it, but all he could say was, “Your hair.”
Karen brushed a lock behind her ear. “Do you like it?”
Slowly, keeping eye contact, Frank shook his head. He had already identified a hint of nervousness in her voice, and he doubted Karen would show any nerves about whether or not he liked her haircut. Something was going on with her, something that she wasn’t going to just tell him.
“Wow,” she said dryly. “Okay. I just dropped by to see if you could take your lunch now. If you can stand the sight of me.”
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incaustum · 6 months
You know what would have been even more unhinged than Nathan not wearing any socks at all while he tries to kill Neil?? Nathan only wearing one fucking sock.
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paradiseatoll · 3 months
Greetings, paradiseatoll nation! Today (or tonight, wherever on earthbread you are) I bring you a holy trio of ocs with various complex emotions… Enjoy them merely while they are just sketches for now! 😳
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You can learn a little bit about who they are on the alt text by the way… 🤭
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