#And I might be wrong abt how the movie is! I just don't really have the time or energy to see how it's made
youssefguedira · 2 months
the problem with me and nolan is that i ALMOST love a lot of his movies (that ive seen) except in almost every one there's 1 glaring aspect that i hate (it's usually misogyny) that makes it hard to like the rest of the movie
#i mean. oppenheimer is an outlier bc there's several aspects i dont like abt that one#interstellar? misogyny. inception? only one i don't have major issues with#misogyny still there but at least theres less than fuckin. interstellar#dont get me wrong i like interstellar otherwise but like.#both it and oppenheimer have a problem of the film TELLING us that the women in it are super smart and influential! but in the film itself#they never get to show that like. when does murphy do anything really. when does anne hathaway's character do anything except#hinder the mission because of ~emotions~ why is the main guy always right even though hes not always the most qualified person in the room#why does kitty oppenheimer say ive been upgraded to housewife! sarcastically only to be cast right back into that role by the film#no matter how good emily blunt may be she can't save that she has 1 good scene and it's not that long#dont even get me started on jean tatlock in that film ill start biting.#i KNOW that parts of oppenheimer are supposed to be subjective but do we ever see those women in the ~objective~ section? no#and if that's your only portrayal of these women with only vague indicators that there might be something else going on i'm not letting it#go. excuse for writing them badly#ANYWAY#neon has thoughts#movie tag#i think nolan and i just don't get along. i think i need to accept this and move on with my life but unfortunately it's really frustrating.#all his stuff is ALMOST good. and then
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bellflower-goat · 1 year
#I wanted to see some stuff bout the book n just looked for the name in tags#There is so much fuckin x reader stuff <:]#I think I am not really ready for that shit h.c has made too comfy w how stuff is done there#why would ya put that in the main tagssss <:]#I wanna keep looking but ik I'll end up pissed cause I haven't seen the mi.#the movie n. Like I wanna see if there is a fa.ndom n if there's like drawi.ngs of the kids#But I remembered that 1.- mi.ss p looks different in the movie. So so damn different#And that 2.im pretty sure all of the kids have different designs n just. <:]#welp wish me luck I gotta check but before that im blocking like 10 variations of the x rder shit#And I might be wrong abt how the movie is! I just don't really have the time or energy to see how it's made#maybe when i see it I'll like it n say wow it really is good! But since they even changed the damn#lo.ve inte.rest I'm just :l abt it. Cause why that girl??? She's a dam kid in the book!! She has fun n has#her little tiara n all! What says 'roma.ntic i.nterest abt that??#idk I'm salty abt that#That's like. All ik abt the movie n that left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth#Edit ohohohooooooo there slore of em??? O thought there were only like 3! Hm this might have been worth it.#n just for the record I don't got anything against those x rder stuff it's just a tad bit annoying having to scroll tru all that when#It don't even have a readmore or something like that#This is all just me sayin my thoughts n I don't mean I'll by any of it
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 8 months
what's your take on odasaku and dazai's idealization of him?
also any takes you want to share about bsd/bsd in general?
(If you don't mind, I'm also interested in your thoughts about verlaine if thats ok 😭) tyty
who's your fave bsd character and whose the character from bsd you want to have more screen time?
i think its another case of projecting onto someone and it fucking things up. like notably how kouyou projects her own feelings abt light & dark onto kyouka. we just dont often see it that way because what oda does is like. stereotypically good? he uses his dying words to push a friend out of the dark. a death motivating others to act and furthering their character development is classic storytelling. you go into bsd knowing dazai is on the "good guys" side (not that the ada are "bad" but obviously reading bsd as a good guys vs bad guys story is. wrong), so clearly it worked out. so you kind of overlook the surrounding events yk? plus dazais own idolization of oda hammers that in. dazai tells atsushi that "He was a friend of mine (...) He’s the reason I quit the Port Mafia and joined the agency. I’d probably still be killing people for the mafia if it wasn’t for him" in dead apple (the lightnovel. im not going to go through pulling up the movie for this fhfhtndj). and so aside from previous bias people are going to take what dazai says at face value. hes thankful oda showed him the "side that saves people" and of course we're going to agree with that. the thing is. again. projection. now i havent actually finished dark era (i am working through it) but a lot of the time it feels like oda is just shoveling off all his feelings about being "someone meant for the darkness" onto dazai when thats something thats not going to be true for. well. anyone really? and his final conversation with dazai is very influenced by that. he says "You told me if you put yourself in a world of violence and bloodshed, you might be able to find a reason to live... (...) You won’t find it (...) You should know that. Whether you’re on the side that takes lives or the side that saves them, nothing beyond your own expectations will happen. Nothing in this world can fill the hole that is your loneliness. You will wander the darkness for eternity". now the thing is this is kind of a fucked up thing to say to an 18 year old with suicidal tendencies, but odas view of dazai makes it seem like a well needed wake up call. he obviously had good intentions. hes trying to "step into that solitude" but because of his flawed view of dazai he kind of. stumbles. dazai up to this point has been clinging onto the hope that he'd find a reason to live by observing the entire human experience. now oda comes along and dazai thinks hes found someone who understands him better than anyone, and oda tells him hes not going to find that. ever. so he should become a better person and make the world a good place. and also he's dying. so dazai, as we've seen, takes these words to heart. so hes not going to find a reason to live but he should also make the world a better place. good cool got that. so i think he gets a bit too comfortable being collateral for a good cause. and hes already convinced hes not going to find anything here, so of course hes not going to find anything. does that make sense.
i dont think ive phrased anything correctly here but like anyway i think with all his other friends around he'll be able to sort things out there. i cant see bsd ending without any sort of resolution for him in this regard yk.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 8 months
ok so i was actually kinda surprised to find that looking at the ao3 stats and adjusting for how long ofmd’s existed (a year and a half) vs how long the stucky fandom’s been around (coming up on a decade), not only is gentlebeard on par with stucky but it actually beats stucky for amount of fics written. but i’m making a prediction now just based on how i’ve observed fandoms to work: i do think the gentlebeard popularity will peter out faster than stucky did
i’m not saying bc i think gentlebeard is worse or the ofmd fandom is weak or anything, i’m saying this bc in fandom it seems like the white masc queerbait ships* have like, an absurd amount of longevity that goes way beyond the general fandom surrounding whatever media said white masc queerbait ship hails from. im thinking abt the protagonist/rival ship from the TERF wizard series that nobody decent talks about in public anymore. before we all cut jkr out of our lives, people were still churning out fics abt the main character and that racist blond kid pretty regularly. and another example, we have those scientists from pacific rim that are more popular than any of the main characters from that movie. it’s been years and the newt/hermann fandom is still going strong.
and i say “newt/hermann fandom” intentionally, bc that’s the thing that i think actually gives these ships their longevity: when there are fans who are primarily invested in a piece of media because of a noncanonical masc4masc queerbait ship, they’re not really fans of the media itself. i mean, some of them might be, but if they are then that’s in addition to being fans of this alternate queer interpretation of the media in question. they’re a fan of the fandom mass hallucination that the fans collectively and collaboratively invented of a romantic/sexual/homoerotic relationship between two guys who on-screen might hug like once or twice (or sometimes even never)
and i’m pretty sure the reason this sort of fandom phenomenon tends to have so much longevity is bc the fans have already created this whole extensive romantic storyline using what is often some pretty minimal canonical material to work with. so when the movie franchise or the tv show ends and the shippers no longer have any new canonical material to work with, they can keep going for years because really, they were already making shit up from the start.
so compared to that, gentlebeard is way different bc everything the fans might have invented on our own the show pretty much already did for us, and anything the show didn’t do yet is probably coming for us this season (or in s3, fingers crossed). i’ve mentioned before how a lot of fanfiction seems to fall on a spectrum between “fix” and “expand,” and by the end of ofmd i doubt there’s gonna be a whole lot that gentlebeard fans feel like they need to “fix.” versus stucky, where there’s so much that needs to be fixed that you might as well just throw the whole canon out.
i don't really mean any of this as a criticism or an attack on fans of queerbait ships like this, im just pointing out fandom trends that i've noticed. i myself have been deeply invested in stucky, newmann, and the gay wizard boys at different points in my life. like there is something very fun abt putting on slash goggles and making queer content out of nothing. personally though, now that we're in an age where we're getting canon queer content, im not so engaged in a lot of the ships i used to care so much about, but i don't think it's inherently wrong** for people to still enjoy some classic fandom queerbait ships. it's just a very different thing from enjoying canonical queer ships like gentlebeard
*im using “queerbait ships” loosely to include popular gay ships in media that was never in a million years going to make these characters gay.
**a clarifying point: i don't think it's inherently wrong, however there are a lot of problematic elements to this kind of fandom activity, namely the way a lot of these queerbait ships will dominate a fandom while other characters who are important in canon get completely sidelined (and yes, the sidelined characters are often women/poc). also, less importantly, when people's primary media consumption revolves around strip mining canon for shipping content, this absolutely destroys their media literacy and critical thinking. again, im not saying this to attack ppl who engage in fandom primarily through fic/art of noncanonical gay ships, i myself have done the same thing. but i think ppl who do should also make a conscious effort to also engage with fan content that centers women/poc, or at the very least need to be aware of the issues around this kind of fandom activity.
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pencileraser1 · 3 months
pencil eraser one. you word your long posts about dps very well so im pointing my frustration with media-ly illiterate people in your direction. im constantly seething with rage at this podcast episode i listened to a very long time ago abt dps bc they said neils suicide was STUPID and OVERDRAMATIC. and i just. i wanna throw up that boy killed himself and ur calling himnoverdramatic what do i even do. i am high a little and this is very much affecting me i cant get up from this couch 🎀
you're completely correct for this i actually have a few thoughts about this so uh bear with me for a second
theres something that sucks so much about this specific type of criticism of this movie in particular to me because of how much i relate to neil. i watched dps for the first time when i was 17, severely depressed and borderline suicidal and i related So Much to him. i didn't write off his suicide or criticize it because i'd Been There.
generally i feel like this criticism probably stems from lack of understanding Why he would do what he did, and there's a number of reasons that that this could be although that would be leaning a bit too much into psychoanalysis and assuming things i don't know about them so i'm not going to go into it really
up until it happens, neil seems like he's doing mostly okay, and particularly if you haven't seen the movie before i could see how to certain people his suicide might seem overdramatic since it's a bit of a sudden shift from mostly okay to suicidal. but the thing is that up until this point, neil has just been doing a very good job at hiding that something is wrong.
my interpretation of the movie has always been that he'd struggled with some form of depression as well as dealing with some amount of suicidal ideation before the movie and had just generally been good at masking it. during the events of the movie he is the happiest he has ever been because of the combination of the poets, acting, and keating. so when at the end of the play his father suddenly takes away all three, and his options are either to confront his father (something that he feels is impossible to do- even if it technically isn't, the fear he has surrounding it of his father listening but not caring, or making things worse than the are, or anything else, prevents him from doing it) or suffer through 10 years of medical school away from anything he actually cares about, he decides to remove himself from the situation entirely instead.
(theres something about the way his suicide is framed within the movie where in some fucked up way his suicide more than anything else is his carpe diem. he's seizing control of his life in the only way he is physically capable of anymore)
neil's suicide isn't rational but that doesn't mean it doesn't make sense or that he's overdramatic. just because logically waiting out the 10 years until he's away from his dad or leaving as soon as he graduates high school or turns 18 or whatever it is is a better option doesn't mean that 1. he'd have the idea to run away early or more importantly think it doable (he tries so hard to not directly disobey his father the whole movie and after doing it one time is now stuck in This situation, additionally, while this is the 50's and in general shit costed less/jobs were easier to get/etc. he is financially dependent on his father and running away without any support is not the smartest decision) and 2. that he'd be physically capable of enduring the 10 years. because 10 years is a long time Especially if it's 10 years studying to become a doctor, something that is both generally difficult and also something he Doesn't Want To Do. and so the sudden switch from happiest time of his life to suicidal throws people off and they don't understand why he wouldn't have done any of the other options that they thing are the logical ones but to him probably didn't seem physically possible.
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razielwritesstuff · 1 year
Obey Me! Headcannons ~
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I have never and will never hide that I dislike Luci
I do have thoughts
This man is just constantly sipping a caffeinated beverage he needs it to deal with these mfs
He's a single mother of all 6 of his brothers
I think all demons have sharp teeth. His are the least sharp of the brothers and he is PISSED ABT IT TGURBODFK
Fav song is probably by Mozart. Basic ass.
I discussed how the om! chars would deal wirth being in mlp (pls dont ask) and Luci and Luna give me an evil grinch smile
I feel like he'd curse when angry
Gay ass
Smells like pine trees or something
I think he'd have a fear of mascots
Like. character mascots.
Don't ask me okay
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Smells like axe bodyspray and SADNESS
Am I WRONG????
We all love mammon but that man.... we know he uses axe...
Befriends the local crows.
There is so many he could be carried off
They all give him shiny shit to sell
Did everyone remember how he's canonically a model
He's attractive. Canonically.
Anyways, second-sharpest teeth of the bros
This is cannon (TO ME) but Mammon is just attached to MC like glue
He once tried to steal and sell some of leviathan's games
The cast took a while to come off :)
Fav song is something CUNTY ik it
Most girlypop aside from asmo (YTO ME!!!!)
He's great :D
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He is so trans to me as a transmasc.
He has a main twitter and an alt twitter. Nobody knows abt the alt so he uses it to doxx ppl he doesn't like
I love Leviathan but I swear to God I don’t think he knows what deodorant is
“man for a guy who sleeps in a bathtub you really have no concept of hygiene”
How many Henrys has he had??? who tf knows.
Fav animal is SNAKES
Loves pokemon. his fav would be gyarados
He will assume anything except romantic intentions at all times
Autistic. As approved by my friend with the 'tism
He would be a brony
Lovable but a Bit Cringe
Has tied Mammon to a chair and forced him to watch stuff before
EXPERT at pirating shit
Would play Undertale.
Speedrunner !!
Would spend like the better part of a month to discover EVERY SINGLE glitch, bug, and exploit in a game to use it to is advantage
Has a sims 4 cc folder that's like 80 terabytes
He's my malewife and he's everything to me.
Would make a shiny living dex on every single Pokémon game
He has multiple cardboard cutouts of his waifus
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Satan has an Ao3 account. He writes exclusively on his fav characters
His Ao3 tag has something to do with Sherlock Holmes fight me
He tweets in perfect grammar
He'd kill over a board game
Would cry over a cute cat video
Lucifer got assigned as Tigerclaw LMAO
He would get into Leviathan's fandoms but only bc Leviathan forced him. He comes out liking the thing.
His favorite disney movie would be Aristocats
Loves Luigi
He became a cat person specifically because Lucifer is a dog person
He'd also be a brony
The one that can analyze media properly
His brothers use him to spellcheck their essays
He either watches video essays on YouTube or he makes them
Likes reading about witchkraft from the human realm, he finds it interesting
The one that taught Leviathan to make cardboard cutouts
Knows about 50 stray cats and has named them all
Constantly brags about how he has sharper teeth than Lucifer
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Smells like a different scented candle every week
Has that stereotypical gay accent
He's zesty
He's girlypop but we all knew that
Listens to Ayesha Erotica
Goes like "GIRL you would NOT believe what Solomon did!!"
He spills all the tea all the time
King shit
He'd wear a dress in a heartbeat and he'd ROCK IT
He would cry over broken nails but not because of the pain it might cause, only because it looks ugly asf now
The one who painted everyone's nails
Will threaten you in order to paint your nails, but he will do a color you like
King at make up
Absolutely loves Ru Paul
Keeps trying to get Dia to set up a drag race, he's unsuccessful as of now
Strawberry is his favorite flavor
He's very physically affectionate but would absolutely respect boundaries i will kill you if you think otherwise
He would HYPE. YOU. UP.
Has gum on him 24/7
Also has tampons on him so he can give them to the homies who need them (like Leviathan)
IDK man I didn't used to like him that much but he's grown on me
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VERY GOOD COOK because of course he is
Loves giving piggyback rides
Tall enough and beefy enough for you to sit on his shoulders
Would also let Belph sleep on his shoulders
He's a golden retriever. We knew this.
Surprisingly good at Just Dance
Not a dog person not a cat person but a secret third thing (he thinks cows are adorable)
Always spares bugs and spiders when he finds them
Cannot watch cooking shows, he's tried to eat the TV before
Loves going to movie theaters, will pay just for the overpriced popcorn
You can tell he genuinely loves you if he shares his food
Like he shares his food with MC and all the brothers are like "W. WHAT??"
Would INSIST you look great no matter what you look like
You will cuddle with him and Belph this is an Order
Smells like food-scented deodorant
He would be too scared to roughhouse with anyone, boy is too strong
Likes just picking people up and carrying them off
He's done this with Satan once and it actually calmed him down
Favorite show is Bluey probably
Favorite animal is a maned wolf or something
Would kill for a klondike bar
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Sharpest teeth out of the brothers + bites as a love language
Every time he bites Leviathan it results in Leviathan squealing higher than able to be heard by humankind
Talks in his sleep. It is adorable thank you for asking!
Smells like Lavendar, vanilla deodorant, and a little bit of "hasn't showered in 2 days" hidden underneath
Drinks a lot of milk
Blueberry is his favorite flavor
Lucid dreams a lot
He does not believe dreams have meanings his are always either incomprehensible or if they did have menains have ones he really doesnt like
Would drink monster energy but he hates the taste of caffeine (he just like me forreal)
Gummies are his favorite snack
He gives off trans energy but i honest to diavolo can't tell if he's transfem or transmasc or neither i CANT TELL
He's girly pop in his own unique way
His DDD's ringtone is Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica
He's neurodivergent to me i just dont know how
Chews on everything for sensory reasons
Spoiled. Because he's the youngest sibling ofc he is
Every time he drinks hot cocoa he puts marshmallows in it
He considers "barging into your room and scooching you over in your bed to cuddle" a sleepover
Alternatively he'll get Beel to bring you to their room
Hey everyone remember how he's canonically a yandere-
Anyways he's cool :)
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peachjagiya · 2 months
i’m so confused as to how everyone seemingly came to the collective consensus that the dream premiere was some huge pivotal moment/statement for taekook. i don’t rlly understand how them showing up to a movie premiere together is a huge deal? it’s not like they waltzed in holding hands or anything like that. it very well could have just been two close friends/bandmates going to a movie premiere together bc why not? if any two other members had gone to a movie premiere together it would be seen as completely platonic and normal so why is tkk going made out to be some crazy brave and “wow” moment for them? everyone knows they’re friends. is it just bc jk was shy? bc that’s pretty normal for him tbh especially given that it was his first public outing since being on hiatus for a long time and only doing weverse lives from his house/gym.
also everyone seems to have concluded that they were definitely intentionally wearing queer coded clothes when honestly their outfits were pretty normal. ppl just dug extensively into the background of every item they wore and found some far-off connection to queerness/tkk when rlly it’s so unlikely they planned each article of clothing out like that. bc for what? they’re not actually trying to come out so why would they plan queer coded outfits as some “secret sign” ? like ppl really think jungkook looked up the exact quotes of the print on his jacket and traced it back to being vaguely alluded to something queer? and then said to himself “yes this is what i’ll wear to show the world” ?? and ppl genuinely believe taehyung intentionally wore the brand juntae kim to symbolize the connection of their two names together…like rlly? it’s just a brand…we talk so much abt how shippers connecting clothes/accessories to prove a relationship is stupid yet we’re out here doing the same and making it one of our biggest moments?
don’t get me wrong i love the dream premiere, it was cute, but i rlly don’t get why it’s been made out to be THAT much of a big deal. like i get the kappa tshirts thing bc those r clearly the exact same shirt on the same day but in what way is going to a movie premiere together some “huge step” ?
Vibes, my friend. Vibes.
Let me start by saying I also don't put much into the clothing. They may have been styled for it, they may have chosen themselves. Who knows? But I also wouldn't be surprised to find out it was deliberate. Tae is knowledgeable about queer culture, British music and art, etc. I don't think it's a reach to assume he knows who Morrissey or Oscar Wilde are. But ultimately no, I'm not factoring it into my thinking.
I found videos of a couple of other times two members attended a thing together.
Joonie and Hobi at Love Your W 2022 photowall.
They do heart poses together but when you watch the video, they are both completely focused on posing for camera. I'm not implying they're not close but there's a business-like vibe to it. Joonie was there to perform, it's on schedule etc.
I also found Jimin and Hobi at Dior in Paris.
This video doesn't show it but they arrive seperately, do photowall seperately* then sit together at the runway. They're on schedule.
(* there are some pictures showing them together at photo wall but they're edited.)
These both feel a bit different to:
👉 An off schedule event to support Seojoon.
👉 Tae going to his best friends premiere and taking a plus one.
👉 Being together at all points of the event from arriving in same car to leaving together to then continue being together with Wooga after the event.
👉 Hyungsik and Wooshik posed alone and they're super close. This might be because Tae and JK are grouped as BTS though.
👉 The pair of them having a number of moments of eyes on each other rather than anywhere else.
👉 JKs extreme giggliness which, though I see your point about him being shy, seemed excessively nervous.
👉 The fancams of JK stopping and Tae encouraging him.
👉 JKs somewhat pensive live later.
👉 This picture:
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(I know it's a still photograph of a millisecond in time. I'm just being a dork.)
Thanks anon. It's good to look at this stuff twice and compare. If you know any other times two of them attended something, let me know! 💜
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hey! sorry if this is weird but would u mind explaining what being "loveless" means? like in the way people say "loveless aro" or "loveless apl" etc
Heya there, not a weird question at all! However I do wanna preface this by saying that other ppl in the community might have different experiences with the term than I do, different reasons for identifying with it, so just keep in mind that as almost everything, being loveless is a spectrum and others might have slightly varying definitions of it.
I'll give a shorter, more generic reply, and then a longer explanation of my own relationship with the word, hopefully it'll be enough to paint a picture to anyone new to the term. (If not, feel free to ask follow-up questions! I love talking abt this stuff lol)
In general terms, loveless is pretty much what it says on the lid. The LGBTQIA+ wiki describes it as someone who "is in some way disconnected from the concept of love, does not feel love, may doubt that they feel love, or rejects the idea that they need to experience love". Basically, someone who doesn't feel love, or feels it in a way so disconnected from how other people seem to experience it that calling it love would feel disingenuous, wrong. Ppl who identify as loveless are usually reclaiming a word that has been used against them so many times - essentially saying "actually I don't feel love (the way society expects me to) and that is okay".
In terms of my personal experience: from what I can have seen, when people say they love someone, what they mean is an emotional desire to be with someone - to spend time with them, to talk to them, to make them happy, make sure they are safe and well. You get the gist. The important parts to consider here are the fact that it is an emotion, and that it is directed at a person/concept, not the actions surrounding that person/concept. It doesn't matter what you do or what the other person does, you want to spend time with them, even if it would need you to do or try things you otherwise wouldn't even think about doing. (The trope of "going to see a movie you hate but your loved one loves" comes to my mind.) You don't desire the actions, you desire the person, so to speak.
And this is exaclty the thing I don't experience. When I spend time with people, I do it with the expectation that I get something out of the interaction - a good time, help or support, a listening ear to my current brainrot, whatever, which I "pay back" by offering my support, my help, my listening ear when the other party needs it. I am not drawn towards people but rather experiences - and if those experiences involve or are made better by involving others, it matters little to me who those others are, so long as the experience itself is not ruined. It's always so strange to me when people go into things they don't really enjoy just to appease someone they love - if you don't want to do it, then why do it when someone else wants you to? And even more so: why do you want to spend time with someone when every interaction you have with them makes you unhappy, makes you suffer? ("They sometimes treat me badly but I can't just stop loving them" is a sentiment I hear a lot and don't understand at all.)
But most people don't view relationships as exchanges of goods and services, and have an expectation of this emotional drive from the other party. This emotional drive is what I'm missing, and this lack of drive is the reason I choose to call myself loveless. It might be tempting to assume that I choose to not feel love, that I am deliberately distancing myself from people, but trust me: I've tried for many many years to force myself to love others, but emotions don't exactly work like that. Me calling myself loveless is accepting that there's an emotion others experience that I don't, and that it's okay to not be able to feel love. It frees me of the expectations I have been putting on myself for so long.
I hope this helps answering your question 😊 other loveless ppl feel free to add onto this, the more thoughts shared the merrier!
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nsb-rkive · 2 years
If it’s possible two nsb reactions? Nsb reaction to you being a baddie and nsb reaction to you being a gamer god/godess/royalty. love your writing btw 💕
(sorry if I took a lot, hope you like anyways<3)
𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙨/𝙤 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧🎮
PAIRING(S):: nsb x reader
GENRE(S):: soft/fluff, reaction, req
W.C:: 0.9k
WARNING(S):: none
AU:: hi everyone im back!! Sorry for being dry, but i was on vacation and I’ve also done a few things so I didn't have so much time to post, sorry:// Anyways hope you enjoy! <3
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🎮 | Oliver
So, Oliver doesn't play video games that much as the other ones do, but I don't think that would be a big deal if his s/o was a gamer. Of course he’d rather spend time with you as much as possible, so he might interrupt and distract you from your games, but I don’t think he’d turn it into a big problem, yk. “Babe can we go out?” “Babe i want your attention, you’ve been playing for 2 hours straight now” and ofc, as a good simp, you would stop playing and start giving attention to your boyfriend. He’s a really sweet guy, he would do anything for you, so when you’d ask him to play valorant with him, he’d hesitate at first but accept it. He looks so cute while sitting between your legs, with you behind him explaining and helping him with the game I'M SOBBING.
🎮 | Kane
Kane doesn't really mind, tbh. I think he’d just lay on his bed and watch anime till you’re done playing. Otherwise, he’d watch you playing and try to learn more from you. “OMG HOW DID U DO THAT” “Damn my girl is a pro AHAHA” bet he would say things like this. I think he’d also try to challenge you “We all know i am going to win, come on” then lose IM LAUGHING SO HARD PLS- as we all know, he hates losing even tho he always do LMAO so i think he’d get “mad” at you for laughing and making fun of the words the said earlier. Just know that everything has a consequence, so be ready for a revenge cuz this boy ain't letting you rest
🎮 | Justin
Oh lord, Justin won't leave you alone, especially after you started playing valorant. He’d ask you to play with him whenever you both are free, it’s so cute of him😭 “Fuck y/n did you train or something? How come you are beating me at killing??” He’d start bragging about how good you are at playing and this shit. Probably you would go to one of those computer cafeterias for some gaming date or to relax after watching a movie or sum. Just go play with him when u can, he loves to see your concentrate face while u play HE IS SO CUTE PLEASE
🎮 | Regie
He wouldn't believe you at first, but after you showed him your skills at playing valo, he immediately changed his mind. I dont think he plays valo that much, but Dota, so he’d probably ask you to play with him. If you dont know how to play it, he’ll teach you how to do it. Same as Oliver, but this time you are sitting on his legs while he leads your hands on the mouse and keyboard. You’d get excited because you are slowly learning and he cant help but giggle and smile while thinking about how cute you are. The urge to punch him for being so pretty and adorable damn it
🎮 | Ryan
So, as we know way too damn well, Ryan is a gamer, so bet he’d be more than happy to have a partner who’s too. He would ask you to join him to play valorant together. Ofc you’d play other games too, like Fall Guys or League of Legends, but he just finds it so cute how competitive you become while playing. You two would yell so loud that even the neighbors would come to your place to complain abt it LMAOAOAOAO DEF ME. It seems all cute but man don't be fooled by his rbf, ryan could get pissed if u win the game PLS💀💀 “Babe what’s wrong?” “Nothing sigh” you can clearly tell he is pissed so let him win the game so mf doesn't complain that much😭😭😭 He’d probably download and buy more games just for you to play together AWWW MY BABY
🎮 | Darren
As much as he likes playing video games, I don't think Darren plays that much tbh, but still he thinks it’s really cool that his s/o is a gamer. Like Justin, he’d probably go around and brag abt u being a gamer. Sometimes he’d look at you while playing, but usually he prefers lying down and putting his head on your tights while looking at his phone. BIG ASS HEAD BEING SO CUTE HELP After you are done playing he’d probably take you out for an ice cream or something. Make sure to give him a lot of attention tho, or mf will interrupt you in the middle of the game to kiss your lips fight me darren🤺
🎮 | Sebastian
Like Oliver and Darren, Seb doesnt play that much, maybe less than Darren, but still it doesnt bother him if you were a gamer. He’d let you play as much as you want, and while you do so, he’d work or watch Netflix. “What game is this? Oh I've never played it before, can I try?” such a cUTIEEEEE CRYING He can be annoying as HELL sometimes, but he just loves you a lot, and he wants to keep you as close as possible because you are his first partner (cap), or at least he considers you as it. He be trying to interrupt your game but fails miserably, like many Kane’s pranks😭😭😭 Sometimes you are too focused on your game, that you dont even notice that he went for a motorcycle ride like 2 hours ago 😭 PLEASE THIS IS SO ME💀💀
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gaym3bo1 · 4 months
People I wanna know better tag meme
i was tagged by @airenyah @tswizzlesfan @ebdbd and @scarefox sorry for the wait hhhh yknow how it is
Last song?
but i actively listened to:
Favorite color?
purpleeee, lavendar specifically. i'm obsessed with everything lavendar.
Currently watching?
Last Twilight
Pit Babe
The Great Pottery Throwdown (season 1)
My Demon
Percy Jackson
Nana Tour with Seventeen
Cherry Magic th
Absolute Zero (very slow progress)
Last movie?
Bumblebee (2018) !! it was very fun and Bumblebee is my legally adopted son. I watched Transformers for the first time a few days earlier and it was ridiculous but i kinda knew i was gonna like Bumblebee. And then they hit me with his name being B-127 and then yesterday we parked our car, i step outside and see that the spot in the garage is B-127, i might have lost it a little.
Always Savory. (in a "choose one for the rest of time" scenario)
Relationship status?
[Married to the Music by SHINee starts playing]
Current obsessions?
thinking abt it and ... nothing really. I just got out of my first ever crochet phase (just don't have the time rn); i was a little obsessed with explaining the pit babe universe to my friends and now they're up to date... was obsessed with Downton Abbey, finished now... sad
Last thing you googled?
"shinee married to the music" bc i didnt wanna get the title wrong lol
Selfie or another pic you took?
selfie for u:
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(idk guys this is ... sth i saw in a gallery in utrecht i have no other explanation, enjoy.)
Tagging (voluntary action only)
@williamrikers @fandork @supanuts @mooninagust @theflagscene @jeffsaturism @cornflowershade
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otogariado · 10 months
barbie movie was kinda bad to be honest.
if you're super attached and sentimental abt this movie you might not wanna read this bc i don't really pull punches with this one. but here is my first impressions rant lmao. i might come back to it when i've collected my thoughts more and let it stew a little (and maybe see it a second time just by myself at home?)
the way the movie ended was really bad and it left a sour taste in my mouth (📌), but even from just earlier in the movie i already felt like smth was off. and i mean, it's not like i wasn't excited for it even if i tried to avoid a lot of the stuff to not overhype myself (and i usually like going in blind anyway). but even as the movie started i already got the feeling of, oh this is what kind of movie it's gonna be. and for the most part it proves that initial assumption right.
and by "this" i meant like.. a really shallow preachy "feminist" tone. y'know, those kinds of movies/shows that pretend like they're going to say something meaningful about a mature topic but they end up just being shallow and mostly filled with platitudes and such. it's just kinda weird cz i expected more. but it felt like the movie was just using every character as a direct mouthpiece to the audience, and it could still work i guess if they actually had something to say. i think the movie was kind of a mess. i don't know what kind of lesson i was supposed to take away from it at the end, especially when they just start word vomiting at you. at some parts of the movie i wanted to turn my brain off but i still paid attention in case it was gonna pick itself up but like, it really didn't.
i think the rest of the movie was ok. the cinematography was enjoyable still, but the writing was just. so shallow that i couldn't bring myself to fully say i had a blast watching it. it felt like it was more interested in going through a checklist/outline of feminist things to say without being interested in elaborating any of it. it felt like they had too much they wanted to talk about that it just felt scattershot; i feel like it would've had stronger writing if they had just picked a topic to focus on and spent more time with it. they had the chance to explore something more—heck, they had this pretty diverse cast, why exactly did it still need to be focused on "stereotypical barbie" if they really wanted to explore something else? plenty of movies have been successful with an ensemble cast... it wouldn't fix their issue of splitting themselves amongst multiple things they wanted to talk about, but it could help with the focus. maybe have one barbie deal with one topic or throughline then another barbie with another topic, etc. idk. i also found it weird to make a snarky comment about how "if the movie wanted to make a point about barbie not needing to be [conventionally pretty] then they shouldn't have cast margot robbie for this" and like?? you're right lmao. you don't get to be cheeky by saying "guess we were wrong about this one :9 shrug". if they weren't interested in addressing this issue then they shouldn't have just called attention to it in the first place. it just makes it worse. feels like saying "ha! you can't criticize us for this decision because we already did it first."
i also have a problem with the thing near the end of "how about normal barbie? barbie doesn't need to be extraordinary! why can't she just be a regular person?" umm. the point of barbie wasn't to make women feel like they should be extraordinary to be accepted?? the point of barbie is that anyone can BE barbie. you ARE barbie no matter what kind of path you choose. it's kinda like spider-man in a sense that, "anyone can be under the mask." ANYONE can be barbie. i feel like the movie made a strawman out of misconstruing the original intent behind the "empowerment" of barbie. the point of multiple versions of barbie and the different playsets and shit comes from the appeal that she can be ANYTHING you want her to be. who are you fighting against, movie?? that type of misogyny where women should excel otherwise they don't matter certainly exist in the real world but like, i feel like it's a bit disingenuous to pretend it's what the barbie franchise wanted to convey as well. (i am by no means a barbie toyline history expert so i'm open to be corrected on this.)
and the whole... storyline with ken/the kens?? like i get what they're trying to do, have "the boys get a taste of their own medicine", but it's just. It's Just Weird. what did they wanna accomplish with it? i feel like this movie suffers from a shallow understanding of how sexism and misogyny and toxic masculinity actually works... like "oh teehee what if men were the ones oppressed by women instead and women were the ones oppressing men?" but they didn't do anything interesting with it, they just switched sexes and that's it. it's still the same except you just switched the men and women label now. (and the movie has a very black and white view of sex and gender. but that's another point to discuss entirely.)
what makes it worse is that the kens rise to power because they craved more appreciation from the barbies, but then they get knocked down a peg by the barbies and they "lose" like they "deserve". like, what is THIS meant to convey if we try to use it as a parallel for real world feminism, if kens = RL women and barbies = RL men?? that women shouldn't demand to be seen and appreciated more by men and that if they try to take on equal footing and power they should get pushed back down the hierarchy or something??? like WHAT??? and even if you could argue that the kens lost because of their egos/pride/toxic masculinity, it still feels off. because yes, there is a certain "masculine brand" of being too prideful but like. anyone is susceptible to getting too egotistical for their own good. idk??? the way they just handle it is so messy. it's not even like, ambiguous in the "open for interpretation, there are multiple readings of this possible that all try to say something different" kinda way. it's ambiguous in the messy, "we don't know what we wanna say" kind of way.
another thing i wanna talk abt is the teenager character. and the mom character too. i feel like they could've done more with them tbh. they hardly feel like actual characters—the mom got more than her daughter, but the daughter is so stereotypically rebellious "i hate feminine stuff" teenager. so much of this movie feels like telling instead of showing. the mom feels undervalued and depressed and she's struggling. yeah, but so what? we don't actually SEE any of that. even if you can argue that the movie tries to tackle stiff happening IRL so it doesn't need to show any of that any more, that's just bull. you still have to establish the setting in your movie's universe and you still have to do actual character work for your characters even if they're meant to represent real people. ESPECIALLY if they're meant to represent real people. like yeah, we do get some flashbacks of her daughter not appreciating her near the start, but that's it. they're just flashes. and that wasn't her only problem that she mentioned. why didn't we have the mom try to pitch ideas to the executives early on, have that be her introduction scene? have the executives belittle her ideas bc they're misogynistic chauvinist asses? like yeah, from context clues of the whole boardroom being men we can see the irony there and we can tell they don't value women enough to give them positions that high up the ladder. but still, implying the lack of something is not as good as actually demonstrating the lack of something. i feel like it wouldn't have been that hard to include at least one scene of the mom pitching her ideas, and then cut to her scribbling sadly on the desk like she was when she was introduced cz they didn't listen to her.
the sentiment of "they hardly feel like actual characters" extends to the rest of the cast, too. like, i wouldn't expect something substantial and be disappointed if they weren't marketing themselves like "all barbies are important :) this is an ensemble movie :)" like no... not really. none of the other characters matter that much and they didn't get a lot of actual distinguishing features aside from their actual job titles. which just feels reductive lmao. maybe that's the point. maybe they're all just meant to be bit characters. but it just adds to the shallowness of the movie i feel like. just bc the point is they're bit characters doesn't give it a free pass for not going anywhere w any of them. i saw someone say they felt like all the other barbies and kens were mostly just there as set dressing and you know what? that's undeniably true. which AGAIN i maybe wouldn't have as much of a problem with if it weren't for how they marketed this movie.
the previous paragraph also ties into what i mentioned earlier abt the quip they had abt casting margot robbie (and by extension, ryan gosling) as the lead(s). like... why did the lead HAVE to be the "stereotypical barbie"? why did the white, blonde, presumably cishet* barbie (and ken) HAVE to be the leads? hell, the mom and daughter characters are women of color and they don't even do anything with them (aside from some jokes abt how the white dad sucks and is very inconsequential?). i'm just saying... it feels like the diversity casting (not just when it comes to being people of color but also in other areas, like having a barbie in a wheelchair and a pregnant "barbie" (even though she's not barbie) and whatnot) of the other barbies and kens was just that. Token Diversity. fodder for The Typical White Leads. idk. i'll say this again but if they didn't advertise themselves the way they did with all those barbie and ken posters making it sound like they were actually gonna give a shit about any of the other colorful cast of characters then maybe i wouldn't be this harsh with them. this didn't feel like an ensemble movie to me at all.
*(bc i don't think this movie was made with any genuine queer intentions behind it lmao. and ik people latch onto the aroace "coding" of the characters and like. if you're aroace and you like it then power to you. but i think this is more of a "technicality"/"by semantics" type of """coding""" so i honestly don't think it counts, speaking as someone who's some flavour of aroace)
idk i feel like I'M word vomiting now too. maybe i'm picking on this movie too much. but tbh it's just. eh. it just feels shallow. it's a shallow nothing movie tbh. it just feels like a movie filled with quips without any interest in exploring any of the topics they bring up. i wanna list specific examples but tbh it's hard to remember them because of just how overloaded it is, like they just keep shooting talking points at you but there's no meat to any of them. i wouldn't be this harsh on this movie if it didn't hype itself up so much. like, i WANTED to like it coming it. i WAS excited for it ever since it was announced, even though i wasn't a super fan and wasn't buzzing about it as much as most people were online. because it had a lot of potential behind it, but it ended up just. being a mess.
📌 i think it's funny that the ending (as in the last scene of the movie) left most people confused, but the most interesting thing abt it is the takeaway i got from my cis mlm cousin where he's like, "oh barbie chose to be a mother at the end and she's pregnant and that's why she ended up at the gynecologist". like. I Guess??? that can be your take??? but it's a weird scene to end your movie on.
like idk what i'm supposed to feel about it. she's a real human now because she has genitalia?? the genitalia was the last crowning step for her to achieve the "human" status? that's kind of reductive. she's a real woman now because she has a vagina?? that's just straight up transphobic. like. what am i supposed to get as my takeaway here with the last scene??
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villy-apolly · 6 months
Wish spoilers!
It was okay! Going into it I was expecting it to be kind of sanitized in the Disney likes to do more and more these days, but it subverted that expectation, but not necessarily in a good way.
I was expecting it to try something actually new and interesting while having the same aspects of their older movies in order to pay homage, but it actually didn't even do that!
Look. This is a very pretty movie, the visuals and the music, but the story feels like it's made of Styrofoam. Asha feels like she's made of cardboard, she's the same female protag we've seen a billion times with Disney. It's not like I hate her or anything, she's sweet but she's that same adorkable girl protag Disney for some reason keeps rehashing.
I might be biased, but Magnifico is the best part of this movie, he's silly and one dimensional and thats fine for him because he's a villain. But the cursed book is hyped up a little bit and barely makes a dent in who he is. He's like slightly more crazed when he has it and he has green magic, but that's abt it. Consuming the wishes? Okay, well even that doesn't rlly hold any weight.
I never feel myself rooting for the protag. Actually, I never rooted for anybody!! No single character in this movie, not even the funny villain! Asha is flat, her friends don't LOOK or ACT that interesting, the villain doesn't get enough development, the queen turns SO fast on her husband and she doesn't feel like a person either.
Star is cute but that's about it. Seeing the concepts, i would've preferred star as a person. Valentino... didn't say like... anything interesting? Valentino really solidifies that this entire movie is made up of Disney's most boring, useless archetypes, like the comedic animal companion who only speaks when it's to say some stereotypical cringe joke for the kids.
Some of the songs are nice, I PERSONALLY rlly like "At All Costs" and "This is the thanks I get", and I PERSONALLY dislike the "You're a star" song which was extremely just a nothing song.
Idk! In conclusion, it might just be my apathy towards Disney lately but this movie kind of shocked me with how... lame it felt. Like is it just me or was this movie even more nothing than usual? Like what's wrong with them. They made a nothing sandwich.
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jokingmaiden · 2 years
Catharsis Pt. One: Mikey Gets Pissed
i was thinkin abt how all of the kids really need a chance to just get all their feelings out after the movie. since mikey is essentially me, and i felt very qualified to write a raging outburst from a youngest-sibling-pacifist, i started here. i might write the rest if this is received well :P
(side note: i tagged this as ooc bc i don't have a lot of faith in my characterization skills)
Word Count: 2,351
Warnings: angry mikey, implied mystic violence, the beginnings of a panic attack, brief reference to leo's attempted self-sacrifice
The sound cuts through her phone in a desperate plea, the sheer panic enough to make her think the Krang have returned somehow.
“Jesus, Donnie, what’s wrong? I don’t think I’ve heard you this upset since Leo broke your Atomic Lass bobblehead.”
“While that was a HORRENDOUS crime punishable by DEATH,” the purple-clad mutant explains in a huff, “this is much worse.” His picture on their facetime call hunches over the phone, blocking her view of the audible commotion behind him.
“What’s the situation?” she asks, voice lowering into one of serious inquiry.
“MIKEY’S GONE BALLISTIC!!” Raph’s voice interrupts, and April is treated to watching as an indignant Donnie’s expression fades into the background while Raph holds the phone a bit too close to his face to be taken seriously.
“I’ll be right over,” April decides, collecting her things. She pauses, though, at Raph’s next words.
“No. Stay where you are. I don’t know why Donnie thought it’d be a good idea to get you involved in this, but you can not come here under any circumstances. Capiche?”
“No, not capiche!!” April barks back incredulously. She throws her stuff down into her mattress hard enough to warrant a slight bounce. “What are you freakin’ out for? Mikey would never hurt anyone. He literally made your worst enemy into your dad. He’s a sweetheart!!”
Raph leans close to the phone, voice grim as his shadow overcasts the camera. “April, listen to me. You don’t know our little brother like we do. You haven’t seen him when he’s angry.”
“Because he doesn’t get angry,” she clarifies, brows furrowed. “I wouldn't be surprised if his head's full of cotton candy. You’re being ridiculous. I’ll be there in a minute.”
“April wAIT—” Raph pleads, but her thumb is disconnecting from the end call button before he can utter another word of senseless panic to her. He’s being ridiculous, and she knows it. Even with his weird new mystic powers, Mikey would never hurt a non-enemy.
April feels the slightest tug of doubt at the corners of her mind, remembering his craze during the worst pizza week of the boys’ lives. He was fully intent on hurting those punk weirdos. But he was easily pacified by Raph lifting him off the ground to incapacitate him and then feeding him pizza. Why would this be any different?
She climbs down into the manhole on the street, thanking her gradually-built-up noseblindness to the sewers. Her immunity made it much easier to resist the stink, even if she could still smell it for the first few minutes of traversing the sewer system.
Mikey shouldn't be a problem. Sure, Dr. Delicate Touch was scary sometimes, but he was just brutally honest. Mikey would sooner pull one of his teeth out than hurt someone in his family, she was sure of it.
Within ten or so minutes, and several cycles of internal reassurance, April makes it to their secret hideout. She steps inside and immediately keeps an eye out for Mikey, not bothering to try to put up any sort of mental nor physical defense; Mikey would never harm her. She knows it.
“Angelo?” she calls out, looking around the base cautiously still. “Guys? Anyone home?”
“April!!” a familiar voice greets, full of young, innocent glee. The orange-clad turtle of the quartet comes barreling out of the kitchen to pull her into a delightful hug, which she graciously accepts.
“Lil' bro!!” she greets, smiling brightly at him as relief floods her body. Of course he’s fine. Why wouldn’t he be fine? The boys were overreacting.
“I'm so glad you're here!!” Mikey cheers, leaning back to look at her. April feels her chest squeeze as she notices the pinprick of tears in the corners of his eyes. “My brothers all disappeared and I can’t find them!! I thought it might be some sudden game of hide and seek or something, but they just won’t come out!! I’m getting really worried.” Almost as if to emphasize the sting in her heart, his little pouty face erupts in heartbroken puppy eyes.
How could those jerks do this to their little brother? Not only is he not mad, but he’s also worried sick!!
“Don’t worry, little bro,” April assures, smiling brightly at him as her hand comes down to pat him twice on the arm. “They’re here. They actually called me a bit ago!! They seem to think you’re angry for some reason?”
Mikey's eyes sparkle with what seems to be hope, nodding along with her explanation. His smile widens as she states the last part of her story. “Oh, weird!! Good to know they’re still here. Can you pleeeeaaaase help me find them? I’ll look in Donnie’s lab, you check around here!!”
“Sounds like a plan, little man,” she sings, shooting him finger guns. He giggles happily and scampers off towards Donnie’s workshop, leaving her to head into the kitchen alone.
Her smile falls immediately.
A plethora of sharp objects are sticking out of the walls, embedded deep into the concrete. Other objects of various sizes are strewn about, some dented on the floor below clear impact zones as if someone twice Raph’s size had launched them with the intent to kill. And in the middle of it all is Leo, upside down, tied up with duct tape, and hanging like a spider’s next meal. He looks beat to hell and absolutely terrified. The moment April comes into his line of sight, he begins trying desperately to scream around strips of tape.
“Holy shit!!” April exclaims, running forward to pull the binding on Leo’s mouth off. “What happened here? Are you okay?”
“April, thank the great pizza place in the sky,” Leo pants, wriggling against his restraints. “Mikey’s lost his mind. Can you get me down? We gotta get dad.”
“Wait. Mikey did this to you??” she asks incredulously, a single laugh escaping her in disbelief as she pulls him down. He hits the kitchen island with a loud crash, and she wastes no time slicing him out of his taped cocoon with the nearest sharp object. “What did you do to piss him off this bad??”
“Well," Leo begins sheepishly, sliding off of the counter and kicking away the remains of the residual stickiness attached to him. "We maaaaay have ruined the mural he’s been working on since he was a kid in the east wing tunnel while sludgeboarding...?”
She blinks slowly at him.
"So, let me get this straight," April begins after a long moment of staring at Leo in pure shock. "After everything you went through a few months ago, the second all your wounds are healed, you decide to try out a completely new made-up sport? And not only that, you test it in the only tunnel Mikey has a claim on??"
"Well when you put it like that, we sound like terrible brothers," Leo laughs, the noise quickly dying off when April doesn't join him. He clears his throat of the awkwardness, looking away from her burning gaze.
"Look, I get it. We messed up big time," Leo relents. It seems as if he's about to continue, maybe to deliver a heartfelt and emotionally impactful speech, when his eyes widen suddenly. He stares over her shoulder at an unknown source of terror.
April turns around to see what Leo is gaping at.
Holy shit.
Mikey stands—no, he floats—in the doorway, Raph suspended in a cloud of orange glow behind him. The youngest turtle's eyes shine a bright topaz, interrupted in the center by near-yellow pupils.
"Oh, good, you found Donnie!!" Mikey hums happily. "The gang's all here."
He flicks his hand, and Raph goes barreling into the wall. As April's eyes follow the collision, she notices the purple-themed turtle standing in the opposite doorway, clinging to his tech-bo with trembling hands like it'll save him from his little brother's mystic rampage in any way.
"Mikey, buddy," April tries to soothe, caution in her voice. She takes a nervous step backwards, hips colliding with the counter. "Let's take a deep breath."
Mikey looks at her as the glow from his form disappears. He drops to the floor, tilting his head in confusion. "Why are you scared, April? I'm not mad at you."
"I'm glad," she laughs quickly, eyes scanning over the room for escape routes. "I just, uh, also don't wanna watch you murder your bros with your wack-ass emotion fueled mystic mumbo jumbo?"
Mikey gasps, offended. "I would never hurt my brothers!!" he insists, balling his hand against his chest like a Victorian lady clutching her pearls.
"YOU JUST LAUNCHED ME INTO A WALL," Raph protests, struggling to his feet with Leo's assistance as if he hasn't emerged from much greater falls unscathed before.
"Funny! Y'know what other wall you got launched into, Ra-pha-el?" Mikey hums, tapping his chin thoughtfully as he articulates each syllable of his brother's name. Raph shrinks in on himself, falling into his usual habit of trying to make himself smaller in the face of discomfort.
"Oh, right!! The wall with my life's work on it! The wall with the mural of all of us I was making!! The wall with the only accurate picture of gram-gram we had left!!!! The wall I can never remake again because I busted my hands open ripping a hole in space to save our idiot brother from his suicide attempt!! THAT WALL!!!!"
April flinches at Mikey's tone. He sounds...
She studies the way his hands tremble, betraying the crazed smile plastered onto his expression like a flimsy sealant over the cracks in an overfilled dam.
He sounds genuinely furious.
It would be terrifying, if it wasn't absolutely gut-wrenching.
She steps forward, watching as his tirade re-sparks the violent glow around him. He all but ignores her, continuing to scream at his brothers in blind rage, up until she takes his scarred arms into her hands.
It physically upsets her stomach, the way he flinches at the contact. He goes completely silent, almost ripping his hands away from her, but she holds him steady.
"April, go home," he orders. In any other situation, she'd be in disbelief of his audacity. Maybe the way his voice sounds more like it’s begging, or the desperate hush of his words, convinces her to pardon him from a meeting with the business end of her bat. "This has nothing to do with you."
"This is my family as much as it is yours, Angelo," she insists, trying to tug his again-floating form to the ground. "Talk to me."
He stares at her for a long moment. His full figure trembles under her grip. The glow fades around him, and he properly lowers back down to the floor.
No other words escape him as the dam finally breaks. He collapses over her shoulder, sobbing loudly as his padded knees buckle under him. April may be quite strong now, but he’s still a large mutant turtle, so she opts to lower slowly to the ground instead of trying to support his full weight.
He curls around her, sobbing desperately and letting out pained mewls at each attempt to stifle his sound. His chest heaves, and April has to do everything in her power just to keep him steady.
“There there, big guy,” she soothes, rubbing a comforting circle into his shell. “It’s alright.”
With the switch from fury to heartbreak, Mikey’s brothers are on the pair in seconds. Raph scoops the two into his lap, wrapping his arms around the both of them for extra support. Leo leans over Raph’s shoulder, hand coming around the larger turtle's neck to gently rub his little brother’s head. Donnie sits cross-legged next to them, reaching into the pile to give Mikey’s hand a firm squeeze.
“I-I just,” the youngest turtle finally manages after several minutes of sobbing, “I don’t—hic—know what to do!! How am I ever gonna make art again like this??”
The brothers look at each other, then to April, all lost for words. She sighs, lifting a hand to Mikey’s cheek to gently draw his attention.
“Mikey. Your hands will heal,” April assures, but he only scrunches his expression, leaning away from her touch and into Raph’s chest to cry harder.
“What if they don’t?” he manages. It sounds as if he wants to scream it, but his hoarse voice corners him into a desperate whisper.
“…The original Michelangelo fell incredibly ill while directing the construction of St. Peter’s Basilica,” Donnie begins, staring down at his free hand with a concentrated expression. “Even in the last week of his life, he found ways to help with the building process. He even kept sculpting, even though he probably shouldn’t have considering the meager state of his health. He kept making art up until his last day.”
“And ol’ Angelo the first has nothing on you!!” Leo adds, nodding thoughtfully to himself. “If some ancient fleabag can sculpt til’ he drops, then there’s nothing capable of stopping our little brother from making amazing art no matter what.”
“Besides,” Raph chimes in, “creativity is like, your thing. If anyone can figure out a way to make art in new ways, it’s you. Maybe you can use your cool mystic powers or somethin’ to make stuff if your hands can’t anymore?”
Mikey sniffles, curled up and bleary-eyed from the encouragement of his family. “….You really think I can keep making stuff?” he asks, voice soft as if daring to hope too loud might shatter the illusion.
“‘Course you can,” April laughs, gently flicking him on the forehead. “You wouldn’t be Mikey if you couldn’t.”
With a big, toothy smile, Mikey pulls them all into a group hug. “I love you guys,” he sighs, sniffling as he holds them there. Leo leans in happily; Raph readjusts to make sure his arms are supporting everyone; Donnie tolerates the contact, for Mikey; April leans across her spot in Raph’s lap to give their little brother a proper hug around the shoulders.
A long, wonderful moment of this peace passes.
“I am still gonna tell dad about the mural, though.”
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
i know you said you haven’t figured out it out yet but i’d like to hear any thoughts or random ideas you might have abt nezha & nico, either in general or in the time travel verse 👩‍🏫
Wow I didn't expect someone would actually be interested in this... Well, all the more motivation to be enthusiastic, then. xD
You're right that I've yet to figure out their connection, however, I can tell a little about that that drew me to the idea of them in the same picture.
The first would probably be their characterization.
Both are painted in black and white, of kindness and the flaws within. Afaik, the whole thing about Nezha is that he's a naughty, carefree, uncontrollable menace yet also kind in his own ways. He did so many wrongs and he tried to do just as many rights to make up for it. It's similar to Nico, in the way that they are kind at heart, yet can appear evil in others' eyes for some reason. And yes, they both have committed conventional horrible. Hell, Nezha peeled off Ao Bing's spine or st. Would you look at that, Bryce?
Grudge-holding. Now, I'm not saying I fancy what Rick did to Nico's fatal flaw, but talking in canon here, Nico held his sister's death against Percy (and himself) for quite a while; whereas Nezha, having died and was reborn again, literally came fighting his father because the man ruined his temple, where his soul resided. Like. If that isn't one hell of a grudge then I don't know what is.
Their spirits, their willpower, the prowess they possess despite their young ages. They are both so fierce, unstoppable, and resilient. Nezha is portrayed as a literal child in Chinese mythology, but his story is one hell of a ride (ya know, with all the slaying dragons, carving up his own flesh...). Idk about you but it gives me an impression of how intense Nezha might be, which is quite a reflection of Nico's story and characterization. Because Nico is... extreme, too, and you can't possibly tell me Nico's life story, with all that Tartarus and torture in the jar, isn't a grand tale in its own way. Alas, against all odds, they both emerge victorious. I love them.
They're both freaking powerful too, btw. But again, I guess every mythological figure is powerful in its own way.
Idk about you but I think Nico and Nezha should be allowed to sit down together and trade gory, creepy, bloody stories about themselves just to scare everyone else.
2. Their backgrounds, their stories.
They both have daddy issues omfg. Nezha literally fought his father, who ruined Nezha's temple, to the point of interference from other deities. And while I love Nico and Hades's love with everything in me, they did have a strained relationship throughout PJO. Hades told Nico he would prefer Bianca over him, and later nearly fired a ball at him. If that isn't parallel I don't know what is.
Their mothers love them so much I'm crying. Nezha's mother, Lady Yin, carried him in her womb for years and built him a temple when he asked her in a dream. And I suppose we don't need to talk about Maria anymore.
They are both, technically, 'prince's LMAO. Nezha is known as the Third Crowned Prince (or whatever that is bc Chinese is so hard to translate into English omg) and Nico is well, Nico. Their fathers are both technically kings, as well. Hades because obviously, Li Jing is known as one of the Heavenly Kings. And if you really look into it, Nezha is a commander of Heaven's army, directly under his father, whilst Nico is the Ambassador of Hades. Wow.
They are viewed as awful in people's eyes but still took efforts to help. I'm gonna admit my viewpoint might be altered by the Nezha (2019) movie. Nonetheless, I find it quite interesting that Nezha and Nico, though being scorned and ostracized by their kind, ended up being their saviors. Nezha killed himself when the Dragon King threatened to flood his hometown, and Nico went such lengths to aid the Seven with their world-saving quests. This is also proof of their kindness, which I adore so much, btw.
Feud with the sea. Well maybe not feud in Percy and Nico's case. A sensitive topic. History, maybe? Lol. Anyway, the fact remains that both Nico and Nezha share an unpleasant history with a son of the seas. If you take Nezha (2019) into consideration though, they both make peace with said animosity too! xD
They both befriend their old enemies. I'm talking about Wukong and Bob. It's fascinating, in a way lol.
These are everything I can come up with so far... Huh. I didn't expect them to share so similarities... I'm serious about Nezha and Nico having a bonding session now. These two are deemed to be besties.
It doesn't need to be in the Time Travel AU. Nico crash-landed in China before, didn't he? Maybe, Idk, Nezha was sent to investigate, and they ended up friends because Nico is as social as a capybara and Nezha has all the purity and generosity of a carefree child who fears nothing.
...I'm so deep in this omg...  
Anw, if you want to share your Nico and Nezha content, I'm all ears!! xD
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cheemken · 10 months
I remember having this lil hc that Drasna kinda raised Diantha when Dia just became champion and it's all soft and all but imagine that in the villain au tho
Fourteen year old Dia, in her own private room in the league, the day was over and she was tired as fuck, and Drasna is there helping her put some ointment on the burn scars on her back, and Drasna's tracing out the cursive C engraved on Dia's back so gently, afraid that she might hurt her, and then she hears Diantha cry, asking "Drasna.. why are people so mean..?"
Drasna didn't know, or rather she's not sure what kinda answer Diantha wanted, but, Dia is a smart kid yknow, even at a tender age of fourteen she knows a lot abt everything, and it's quite telling that she taught herself those things. So she sighed, taking Dia's shirt and helping her put it on, "I've no idea, my dear," she quietly said, pulling Diantha close to her after she's done dressing up, "perhaps they're just greedy, perhaps they didn't get the attention they wanted, perhaps they're just.. like that." She sighed, she wasn't good with all this, then she says, "but, I know that you're better than them, my angel. One day I'm sure that you'll be the light in this world filled with darkness, and then with the help of your friends, you'll defeat all the bad people." And hey, that made Diantha smile, and for Drasna that was enough, then Drasna was telling her that she might even become smth like a hero.
"like LucarioMan?" Diantha asked, wide eyed innocence, and Drasna chuckled at that, Dia always loved those cheesy action movies.
"no, you'll be better than LucarioMan." Then she kissed Dia's head, bidding her goodnight, and she left to head to her own room
But yknow, Drasna already having that sinking feeling after that tho, there was a glint within Diantha's eyes, cyan spirals swirl within the once warm sky blue eyes, and Drasna didn't like it. But she decided to ignore it for now, Diantha was still a child, she was just a scared little girl who just broke free from an abusive household, she was still getting used to being treated like an actual person, Drasna shouldn't even overthink abt that.
Then years passed, Diantha was eighteen, and the signs were starting to show. How anti social she was, how observant she was, how for some reason she knows a lot about people that messed w her or the league. But everything was okay, well Drasna likes to believe it is, until one of her friends, a psychic who was known to foresee the future, came to her
"our champion.. there's something wrong with her. She will cause eternal darkness in our world."
But Drasna didn't want to believe it, "that can't be. That must be a lie. I know some of you don't like Diantha, but this has gone too far."
"this isn't a lie, Drasna. Diantha will doom us all. That child will cause the ruin of this world, and she'll recreate it in her own image. She has to be stopped before it's too late."
And shit man that feeling was stirring up within her again, but she so desperately denied it, "no, nothing is wrong with our champion, nothing is wrong with my daughter. I raised her well, I didn't raise her to be like the people she hates, I raised her better than that."
And the psychic sighed, knowing they couldn't win this arguement, "if you will not heed my warning, so be it. Let your daughter kill us all."
Imagine how much that'd fuck her up tho, cause like, she really believed there's nothing wrong w Diantha, but there is, and she became a bit paranoid that she always made sure Diantha was being treated right by everyone she comes across w, lest they pull the trigger and Diantha actually starts to be the catalyst of eternal darkness that the psychic had warned her of
And now present time, imagine how broken she'd feel knowing what happened in Unova, knowing all the things Diantha had done, and her daughter is there standing before her, standing before her elites, body covered in gashes and bruises and her clothes were stained with blood. Then there's that manic look in her eyes, glowing the brightest cyan hue they've ever seen, and she's there, dragging herself towards them, choking out a sob, but that sordid smile was still on her face
"Drasna.. am I a hero now?" She asked, coughing up blood, reaching out to her, "I'm.. I'm purging this world of all the bad people. The weak, the broken, the ones who aren't fit to live in our world.. am I a hero now, mom?" And God that fucked her up so fucking much, seeing Diantha still blinded by her belief that what she's doing is right, that it's her Arceus given right to be the world's hero, to be the world's salvation, but she wasn't
Diantha wasn't destined to be a hero, and it broke Drasna to know that no matter how much love she gave Diantha, it wasn't enough to get rid of the darkness within her, that she ended up becoming the reason their world is falling apart, she became the villain of the story instead.
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disorganizedkitten · 4 months
What would you think if Chloe and Audrey heard rumours about the way they were going to be portrayed in Astruc’s new movie, so they went back to Paris in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the movie from being completed? Then an evilized villain (maybe a wishmaker-like villain or maybe even a villain that's unrelated to the butterfly miraculous) caused Chloe and Zoe to switch bodies somehow, and nobody fully understands what's going on, so Zoe (in Chloe's body) is taken by Audrey back to New York, despite Zoe desperately trying to explain things. But Chloe enters a fugue state (heavily due to trauma caused by the neglect of her parents) and genuinely thinks she's Zoe, and is even able to recall many of the things Zoe did due to being in Zoe's body. The class thinks “Zoe's” change in behavior is due to the psychological effects of method acting, since “Zoe” is playing Chloe in Astruc's new movie, but they gradually convince “Zoe” to let them help her relearn how to be “herself” again.
Zoe is not able to gain access to Chloe's memories while in Chloe's body, because unlike Chloe, Zoe knows she's in the wrong body. In New York, Zoe is trying to get back to Paris, but when she gets there, “Zoe” thinks she’s there to try to hurt Marinette. Eventually, after listening to “Chloe”, Marinette starts to suspect that “Chloe” might be telling the truth, so she decides that she must test “Chloe” and “Zoe”. She fakes being in danger to see how they react. “Zoe” reacts slightly faster than “Chloe”, so Marinette comes to the conclusion that “Chloe” is lying and that “Chloe” has an evil and manipulative plan. Marinette thinks that “Chloe” must have picked up a few tricks from Lila, because she thinks no version of Chloe could possibly react faster than Zoe when it comes to protecting her. So Audrey takes “Zoe” back to New York again to “correct” her after “Zoe” fails to convince anyone of the truth.
10 years later, “Zoe” gets seriously injured after fighting a villain when Ladybug isn’t around, which causes “Zoe” to not have long to live. Then Ladybug accidentally stumbles upon the truth about “Zoe” while trying to help “Zoe” using magical powers. Ladybug decides that the moral thing to do is to switch Chloe and Zoe back to their original bodies. Once Zoe gets her body back, she blames Chloe for her impending death and for leaving her with 10 years of loneliness, while Chloe got off scot-free. When Lila gets defeated, Zoe steals the Butterfly Miraculous to get her hands on Ladybug and Catnoir’s miraculouses, hoping to “make things right”. Zoe gets defeated by the heroes (including Chloe, who has gotten her memories back) and Ladybug manages to cure Zoe’s injuries.
I don't think I'm who you meant to send this to? I haven't watched past s3, kid, I didn't even know there was drama about the cast playing as themselves and each other in-universe.
That said, it sounds like a cool au, ngl, and I definitely think you or somebody else should write it.
A couple worldbuilding questions/comments in the meantime, if you care for them
Why weren't the girls switched back when the akuma was defeated?
Or if it's a non-akuma villain like you suggested, who, why, and was it on purpose? if they were attacking the mayor, why didn't it go public? Or were they attacking Chloe and Zoe specifically?
Personally for this route I'd pull up a lost magical object that the girls run into, then either break or lose, so they can't reverse it nor prove its existence
I don't know enough abt psychology to talk abt the fugue state and Chloe genuinely thinking she's her sister, it just sounds really sad
Rip to everyone, causing problems due to trust issues
The plot could be entirely derailed and have a happy ending if the focus was on how people (especially their parents) react to the switch (it sounds like most people don't even notice?!) and the girls having to learn what of their behavior is genuine personality and what is situational. And maybe they never get swapped back, they just have to learn to live with it.
The switching the bodies back when one of them is about to die is entirely a jerk move, and if it's not narratively framed as a serious choice fueled by either loyalty or spite I'll cry /hj
No but actually the morals of trading lives is something I think about way too hard and deserves 1000k words of fic
What villain is hanging around in ten years that also can't be fixed with the cure? Did I miss the cure failing to work in canon? Or is there a wider cast of villains and the cure only works on akuma?
Why is "Zoe"Chloe fighting the villain? As a vigilante or a miraculous user?
What justification does Maribug have for deciding to switch the girls' bodies back when "Zoe"Chloe is dying? Why does "Chloe"Zoe deserve to die?
Or is it about fixing her mistake in not believing "Chloe"Zoe earlier, and she didn't think about the implication of doing that after ten years?
They're like, 14 in canon. By ten years in the wrong body, that's nearly half and half. By then, is it worth it to swap back?
What has "Chloe"Zoe been up to in the meantime? Why hasn't she built herself a life in NY, or made new friends, or even just legally changed her name back and dyed her hair again? What's stopping her from living her life in Chloe's body? We saw people accept Chloe when Chloe started her redemption arc, and if everyone is chill with "Zoe"Chloe acting like ChloeChloe, why aren't they okay with "Chloe"Zoe acting like Zoe?
or instead of a happy ending about the girls learning to be themselves no matter the body, a bad end where the refusal to believe from everyone in their lives drives both of them to some flavor of psychotic break. It sounds like Zoe still has her own memories, but Chloe is absorbing Zoe's memories, that's a mindscrew. Those get scary.
I see your "happy ending" I get how it could work. It's a very miraculous ladybug flavored ending, and that's all I'll say on it.
Yeah! If you want to write it then go wild.
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