#And I was like. Dude yeah don’t apologise I know this I know I’m like this I know that’s why
theemporium · 9 months
i would love a crumb of hockey!james who sees you in the stands wearing his jersey with a hickey from the night before and he gets so Distracted
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
James was usually very good at keeping his focus on the game.
His eyes would sometimes wander through the crowd in the bleachers on the off chance he would see someone he recognised. Sometimes it was his parents. Sometimes it would be his friends that weren’t on the team. Sometimes it would be fans he recognised over the countless games he played. 
He never expected to see you. 
Your relationship with the hockey captain was new, if you could even call it a relationship. You were wary, and James understood why. Hockey boys had a notorious reputation for their dating lives—or lack thereof—and you would rather not have your heart broken by the James Potter of all hockey players. 
So, it was new and it was fun and it didn’t really have a label. Not that James minded all that much, he was downright obsessed with you and he would do whatever he could to make sure you knew that. 
And as much as he wanted you at his games—as much as he wanted you to be there when he scored a goal or to see you when he walked out the locker room after the game—he didn’t want to push your boundaries. He wanted to respect the space you created between the two of you.
So, when he was skating up and down the ice with a puck on his stick, the last thing he expected to see when he lifted his head towards the crowd for a short moment was to see you standing in the bleachers, grinning from ear to ear once he caught your gaze.
You looked radiant. James could barely pay attention to anything else in the arena because his girl was standing in the crowd, and his heart was fucking soaring. And just when he thought he was able to wrap his head around everything, you were turning around and he saw his name and number plastered across your back.
You were wearing a jersey—his fucking jersey.
“Woah, dude, what the fuck?” Sirius laughed when James skated right into his back, but the boy was too dazed and lovesick to even properly apologise. “Prongs, you good?”
James turned to him, a giddy grin on his face. “I feel fucking great! Let’s fucking do this!”
Sirius raised his brows but didn’t question his captain. 
Nobody had ever seen James so hyped up and eager to leave the locker room after the game ended. They won—completely thrashed the opposing team—and knowing his girl watched all three of his goals made James feel like he was buzzing.
He practically skipped out the locker room after Coach’s talk, his eager eyes glancing through the crowd of people waiting outside in the hallway until his eyes fell on you. He didn’t care about the other eyes on his as he made a beeline towards you, his arms hoisting you into the air and spinning you the second he was close enough.
“James, put me down!” You laughed as you wound your arms around his neck on instinct. 
He listened but he didn’t unwrap himself from you. “You came.”
“I wanted to surprise you,” you murmured with a grin.
“Consider me fucking surprised,” James grinned, opening his mouth to make a comment about how pretty you looked in his jersey when all of a sudden he saw the purple bruise on the side of your neck. He raised his brows, his thumb brushing over the mark. “You usually cover them.”
You almost looked a bit nervous. “Maybe I wanted everyone to know who gets Captain James Potter in their bed.”
James bit back his grin. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, baby,” you murmured and smiled widely when he leaned down to press his lips against yours. 
“I’m gonna show you off to everyone,” he muttered between frantic kisses. “Gonna show the whole world that I have the prettiest girl.”
“Maybe you can do that after we celebrate, Mr Hatrick,” you whispered, your fingers playfully tugging the hair at the nape of his neck. “Don’t you wanna see what’s under this jersey?”
James let out a small curse before grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the exit. “Let’s go home.”
“James, what about—”
“They can cope without me for the night, my plans are all booked out, princess!”
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Yogurt | L.N.
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Lando Norris x reader
Summary: what's is the best way to show your crush you like him if not by eating yogurt together?
Warnings: fluff/comedy<3
Word count: ~1,8K
“Hey Lan, look what I got!” you excitedly waved the spoon around, a sparkle in your eye.
A smile instantly found a place on Lando’s face, hearing your voice just did that to him these days. He turned to face you but soon enough the smile fell and he let out a scream inside. NO GOD NO!
There you stood before him, so incredibly excited and happy with a carton of yogurt in your hand and Lando knew that he couldn’t run away now, you’ve caught him once again.
“Sadly there was only one left, but we can share!” you sat next to him on the soft sofa overlooking the track.
Gosh you lived for these little moments between you two, because it was literally the only time you two could be together uninterrupted for at least a while and talk about everything and anything.
“Oh that’s great…” Lando tried to feign excitement but he didn’t know how much longer he could keep this up…
As the two of you sat there sharing the small carton of yogurt you couldn’t not tell him all about the new book you’ve read. The yogurt was long gone, but you still kept going, describing every single character and your favourite scenes to Lando who was listening intently.
“And then he totally lost it! Like he’s been losing it since the start, but this was the total culmination where we got to see just how messed up he actually is. He was literally shooting into hallucinations of her! Dude really got one heartbreak and turned completely ins-” your rant was cut short as Lando leaped out of his seat and hurried away and out of the cafeteria.
You sat there now in complete stillness, confused as to what made him act out in such a way. What worried you most was that he always seemed to run off after your little chats. You weren’t going to lie to yourself, but that kind of hurt…
The first time it happened you were absolutely heartbroken. Like how could you not be! The guy you have a crush on running away from you! But after that Lando apologised to you and everything was back to normal. Up until he did that again and again… and again. Yes he’d apologise after every single time, but it was starting to drive you nuts!
“Awesome,” you let out an expiated sign and leave the cafeteria once again with your head hung low.
The next time you see Lando is about an hour later at practise and make yourself a mental note to ignore him, since you could no longer take his weird behaviour and fake apologies.
You’re just about to walk out of the garage when you heard a thud of something or rather someone falling to the floor and a group of shocked intakes of breath echoed around the place.
“Lando!” air was knocked out of your chest the moment you saw him lying on the floor, face a pale white and glistening with sweat.
You kneeled next to him with a few of his team members, “Help me put him on the couch,” your hands were trembling as you assisted the older man to pick Lando up. Your hands were braced under his head holding it softly, afraid to harm him in any way.
“Lando? Lando wake up,” you caressed his forehead lightly, wiping away the curls that were starting to stick to his damp skin.
It didn’t take long before his eyes fluttered open and connected with your gaze.
“Lando, are you okay?” concern was etched into your features, eyebrows furrowed, soft hands still raking through his hair.
“I’m fine, don’t worry,” he sat up patting your hand, clearly not helping your mind ease.
“You look pale Lan, are you sure?” you pushed seriously concerned for his wellbeing.
“Yeah, trust me, it happens sometimes, nothing to worry about” he gives you a quick smile before stumbling off to his room.
Pure confusion of what just happened was etched into your features. What the hell is up with this guy?!
Even if you felt confused by his actions you still felt bad that he fainted.
 Why does a person faint? Dehydration? Not eating enough? That sounds like something that could have happened to Lando since he’s always too preoccupied with doing anything else but actually eating his meals or getting enough water until it was too late.
You run to the convenience store that’s close to the track and buy a few packets of yogurt, some flavourless, some with strawberries. You think he’ll like that since one time he talked for an hour about a strawberry tart he had in London.
Your hands softly knock on his door before you enter.
“Hey, I got you some yogurt, thought it might pick up your mood,” you offer him the three yogurt packets and a complementary spoon from the hospitality.
”Oh! That’s … great actually, exactly what I needed right now,” he grabs the yogurt out of your arms and thanks you before eating spoonful’s of it. You smile watching him go through two packets so eagerly. ‘Poor boy was so hungry’ you think.
On the other hand Lando is doing everything in his power to keep the damn yogurt down his throat, but even the smell was now irritating his whole being.
But he couldn’t just not eat it. You got it for him, just for him. And god he knew how much he was messing up these past few weeks he didn’t want to make another stupid move that will make sure he never sees you closer than 10 feet away from him.
‘You got this Lando, just few more spoons and you make the girl happy. You got this man’ he repeated that as his mantra until his body betrayed him. Turns out no, he did not ‘got this’.
You watched with impending horror as Lando launched himself out of the chair and into the bathroom before an array of sounds followed as he emptied his insides into the toilet.
You stood behind the door not knowing what to do but extremely concerned about the boy’s condition.
“Please don’t come in here Y/n,” his voice was tainted with desperation and as much as worry spurred you to see him you also had understanding for the boy and sat yourself back down on the sofa.
At that time Oscar came into the room.
“Oh Y/n, have you seen Lando? I’ve been looking all over for him, it’s like he disappeared,” the boy sat next to you on the sofa.
“He’s in there,” you pointed at the closed bathroom door with an apologetic expression and Oscar nodded his head silently understanding more about the situation than he let on.
It was only a few minutes later that Lando emerged from the bathroom smelling of fresh toothpaste and with red blotches covering his damp face.
“Lan? Are you sure you okey? Seems like you’ve caught some kind of tummy bug,” your eyebrows pulled together as you assessed the teary eyed boy standing before you.
Lando only sat down at his table and opened the water bottle before taking a sip and letting out a sign.
Oscar was done with the situation after having been in it for all of 2 minutes and decided to push his friend in the right direction for once.
“Lando, for the love of God, please tell her!“ Oscar sounded expiated as he stood from the sofa in frustration, something that looked so foreign on the usually silent boy.
“Tell me what?” your eyes danced between the two boys who now held intense eye contact with each other.
“He’s lactose intolerant for God’s sake!” Oscar was the one to break the silent conversation between the two boys.
“Nooooo!” Lando screeched out at the same time as Oscar admitted his secret to you.
“Oh my god Lando! Why didn’t you tell me! You’ve been getting sick and it’s all my fault!” you clawed at your face hot with embarrassment. Now it all made sense why he’d hurry away from you after your little yogurt dates. Gosh how did you not notice it?!
“Because I like you! And you’d always offer me some of it and I just couldn’t say no because I thought you’d take it the wrong way…” Lando’s gaze was stuck to the floor and his shoulders slumped in defeat, not only did he already feel a fool he also admitted his feelings to you and was getting ready for your sweet rejection.
“Gosh I thought I was the one being slick always offering you some yogurt, just to show that I like you, but then you’d run off and I just thought that the yogurt was all we had.” Your hand raked through your hair anxiously. Yes Lando was the first one to admit his feelings but that did not make it easier for you to say as doubts still covered you.
“You thought that I was being with you just for the yogurt?” Lando stepped closer and smoothed his hand over your hair, putting the strands back into place with a soft touch.
“It sounds stupid I know, but yeah…” your eyes lifted to connect with his adoring eyes. His sweet gaze calmed your heart and you leaned into his touch, reassured by his presence.
“Well good thing you now know that it has nothing to do with the yogurt,” the room erupted in your harmonious chuckles before his lips softy landed on your forehead, once again claiming his affection towards you.
The moment was so personal that neither of you noticed when Oscar silently slipped out of the room leaving it just for the two of you, but you were none the less thankful for his kind understanding.
Later that night you and Lando were watching movies in his apartment, cuddled up on the huge foamy sofa before the TV. Your hand was making soft circles on his tummy, rubbing away the pain.
There was only a faint sound of the movie that engulfed the room until you spoke up with a teasing smile.
“I still can’t believe you were doing that to yourself just because you liked me.”
Lando lifted his face from your chest so he could face you before he answered.
“What’s a little sickness if I get to see you smile?”
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popquizhot-shot · 11 months
absolutely obsessed with protective dad miguel omg, like if on a mission where a villains being a creep he would be so feral cause THAATS HIS DAUGHTER so joel coded
Hope you like this nonnie<3333 sorry if there’s any typos.
Tw: a creep. Panic attacks and feelings of inadequacy
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"You know, of all the super-heroes I've fought, I'm going to enjoy defeating you the most." the villain grins and chokes you harder, his other hand travels down the side of your spidersuit and he pins you against a wall, "I think it's the suit."
"What is wrong with you dude?" you wheeze out.
He only punches you and his hand moves from your throat to your jaw, "Careful, girly. Or I might not be as merciful as I'm being right now."
You huff, "Yeah, sure. Okay.”
You only realise he’s being serious when his eyes turn animalistic and he grips your cheeks so your mouth is slightly open. That’s when you start to thrash around. Kicking everywhere and you manage to snag him in the balls and he doubles over.
You immediately break out into a run and let out a thwip of webs to swing above him.
Unbeknownst to you or the villain, Miguel O’Hara himself is swinging at full speed to that very alleyway because he was eyes on you.
The moment, he saw the villain acting the way he did, he decided one thing.
He was going to make him suffer.
The villain finally got to his feet and let out a breath and a groan.
He heard a sound behind him, from the dark of the alleyway and dared to turn around.
Two red eyes stared into his own.
He disappeared into the darkness as he was pulled in by garnet webs. The only thing that could be heard were shrieks of pain and the sound of bones being broken.
The last thing he heard before he blacked out was a snarl, “You will never touch anyone ever again.”
You were huddled in a corner of a balcony, hugging your knees as you replayed the memory over and over again. Every breath you took hurt and only quickened with each passing moment.
It’s not that serious you idiot what is wrong with you now he’s probably gotten away and Miguel is going to be pissed
You flinch at the sound of someone landing on the balcony. And you almost let out a sob in relief when you hear Miguel’s voice.
His head whips to where you are and his mask disintegrates. His eyes widen a little and he makes himself a bit smaller and says your name softly.
Your breathing slows a little as he breathes with you. Guiding you and his hand hesitantly brings your own away from where it’s holding your hair tightly.
“You’re okay.” His voice is soft and calm, “I’m here.”
With a hiccup you throw your hands around him, “I’m sorry, I fucked up.”
“Hey.” He pats your back soothingly, “it’s okay. I got him. The mission is over.”
“But you shouldn’t have had to.” Your voice breaks against his shoulder and so does his heart.
“I don’t care.”
“Did you kill him?”
You pull back to look into his eyes, “sorry.”
“Shut up.never apologise. No one hurts my kid and and gets away with it.”
“I’m serious. Understand?” He cups your cheeks softly, and your face scrunches up as tears form, “oh babygirl.” He breathes out as you start to sob.
“I just.. don’t want to be a burden.” You wheeze out between sobs.
That’s when he understands it’s not just about that asshole.
“You’re not a burden, honey.” He says against your hair as you hug him again.
He shushes you as your sobs only grow.
“Hey. Hey.” He pulls you away gently to look you in the eyes, “look at me. You’re not a burden. You’re a valuable asset to this team and we’re all lucky to have you. If anyone of them even heard what you’re saying right now, they’d be shocked. And then they’d be mad. I know that this feeling won’t go away immediately, but for today, know that none of this is your fault.”
“But he could have gotten away.”
“But he didn’t.” He reassures you.
“I can’t screw up like this, Miguel.”
“You can’t blame yourself. He was being a fucking creep and you ran away. It’s alright. You’re human.” He says your name to make a point. “And that’s okay. Okay?”
You breathe heavily and nod.
“Good. Now? Do you want to takeout? We can watch Star Wars back at home.”
You flash him a small smile, “yes please.”
He smiles and takes your hand, “Come on.”
You hug him once again and shake your head against his shoulder.
“You just wiped your nose on me, didn’t you?”
“No, what are you talking about?”
You know that the suit is a hologram right?”
“So the snot is on your shoulder?”
“I swear to god.”
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jaelvr · 2 months
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Home | NCT 127 masterlist |
Requested : no
Prompts ; 12. “Ow! What did I do this time?!” + 35. “If anything happens to me, remember that I’ll always love you.”
Pairing : spiderman! Mark x reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type : fluff
Word count : 1.2k
Warnings : mutual feelings, friends to lovers, idol au, fluff, slightly ooc
Have a great day !! 
"Holy shit dude!" you murmured, eyes widening as you took in the scene, your best friend had just swung through his window. You had been sitting in his room, scribbling away at his desk while you waited for him to get home when he'd swung through the window - no, wait, spiderman had swung through the window. As soon as Spiderman turned, his expression went from confused to shocked and a slight blush spread its way across his cheeks once the reality of the situation set in. His hands shook out of nervousness and slight panic as he thought about every decision he’d made that led him here. He cleared his throat before finally speaking. “um…” he mumbled.
"You're Spiderman?!" you gasped, letting out a nervous laugh as you stood up. “yeah…” He sighed and looked away, then back at you. he crossed his arms and tried to stand up straighter. though he was the one doing the whole superhero shtick, he still lacked confidence when talking to you. “I guess you know now.” His hands fidgeted with his suit’s sleeves as he spoke. "Do the others know? Does Hyuck know?" you rambled, standing in front of him as you looked at his suit. "How does it work?-" You continued, getting excited and not noticing his slightly overwhelmed expression.
“Wait slow down- no, Hyuck doesn’t know. most people don’t. and uh…” Mark took a breath to focus and gather his thoughts. he didn’t think he’d have to really explain any of the superhero business to you. He was really nervous about what you were thinking right now. “uh, how does what work?” He asked, trying to keep up with all the questions you were throwing at him. "Sorry, I'm uh..I'm probably overwhelming you right now." you apologised sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. “Nah, it’s fine….” he chuckled nervously and fidgeted with his fingers. Mark didn’t get nervous around anyone but he was always nervous around you. “So… do you think I’m weird now?” he wondered, slightly anxious about your reaction.
"Weird? Mark, my best friend is Spiderman! Do you know how cool that is?" you gushed, cheeks a gentle pink and a massive grin on your face. “R-really? you’re fine with it and don’t think I’m some weirdo?” The way he spoke implied that people he knew before would react differently, hence the nervousness. “You’re not gonna think of me differently now? like, you’re still gonna want to hang out with me?” he wondered in disbelief. "Mark, nothing could stop me from hanging out with you." you assured gently, sitting on his bed.
His heart melted. Mark could never truly put into words how much it meant to him to have someone like you in his life. You never thought he was odd, or a weirdo. You liked him for the person that he was inside. The superhero stuff was just a bonus. he stepped forward and sat beside you. “seriously? you mean it? you’re not going to treat me any differently now that you know?” Mark mumbled hesitantly, unsure of your response. "You're still the same Mark Lee, right?" you teased gently, cupping his face. “I mean yeah…” he looked down at your hand touching his face, a tinge of blush crept to his cheeks. after a few more seconds, he looked back up at you. “but I’m a superhero now. Doesn’t that make me cooler or something?”
"You've always been cool to me." you murmured, caressing his cheek. “you’re going to make me cry.” his cheeks were fully flushed and his heart was racing. Mark was more in love with you than usual. If he could, he would’ve kissed you right now. but he was too shy and knew that if he did it now, it would be super cheesy. "You're still gonna come to our movie nights right? And you're not too cool for cuddles?" you teased gently, a small smile on your face as you looked at him and your cheeks heating up. he chuckled. You definitely caught him off guard. “yeah, I'm not gonna just stop hanging out with you because I'm a superhero. and no, I'll never be too cool for cuddles.” he took one of your hands and rubbed his thumb over your wrist, smiling softly.
"… I missed you." you admitted gently, resting your head on his shoulder. “I missed you too….” he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him. His fingers found a way into your hair, running through the strands lovingly. Mark was thankful for this moment, this moment of comfort, but he also wanted more. "promise you'll try and be careful out there?" you muttered, playing with his hand. “I promise I'll be the most careful I can be.” his hand tightened on yours as if to reassure you. Mark was grateful for this conversation. that now, you were fully aware of what he did during his spare time, you were worried for him. and he felt thankful that you cared about his well being. He leaned his head onto yours, pressing his forehead to yours. “If anything happens to me, remember that I’ll always love you.”
A small smile settled on your face, your cheeks heating up and your heart rate speeding up at the unexpected confession of reciprocated feelings. You let out a soft chuckle before gently punching his arm, forehead still against his. “Ow! What did I do this time?!” Mark playfully shoved you back, giving you a teasing glare, though his blush grew in the process. He thought back to a few times throughout the day when he’d caught you staring at him with a soft smile. Mark could’ve sworn you were flirting, but he didn’t know for certain. At that exact moment, he wanted to ask you, but he was too nervous. "Don't joke about stuff like that!" you pouted, sending him a soft smile. "I'm serious, Mark Lee. I can't lose you."
His heart started hammering. there was a chance. a chance that you were serious about all this, all this flirting, all this… the thought of it being true made him weak in the knees. he cleared his throat and spoke while still looking at your lips. ”Okay, but, what if I told you I felt the same way?” Mark answered back, deciding to take the chance. "then I'd tell you to kiss me right now." you responded, lips brushing against his. his breath caught in his throat as your lips brushed against his. All his self-control escaped him and his lips met yours, his grip on your waist tightening as he pulled you even closer, kissing you back enthusiastically. After a few moments, his breath was heavy and he was practically panting. Mark let go of you and looked away, his cheeks very flushed. He tried to get himself together. “…so, uh…” he started.
He didn't get a chance to speak before he was tugged into another kiss, a smirk plastered on his face as he felt your hands tangle in his hair. Mark's eyes fluttered close once your lips were against his once more. His hands went back to your waist and his arms wrapped around you once again, pulling you into a tight embrace as he kissed you back. His lips moved with yours in tandem, kissing you over and over. Mark's heart beat faster as the seconds passed by, but he couldn't stop because he didn’t want to get off of this high.
This beautiful high.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 month
I need to...
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Enjoy my Summer I.
Summary: You start off your summer in Dorne, with your girl best friend and your godmother 
Pairings: Cregan Stark x Fem!Reader, Jacaerys Velaryon x Sara Snow
Warnings: cursing, horny people, PDA, teasing, fears of cheating, discussion about cheating, all in good fun, might miss some warnings, you know what this is about jeje
Wordcount: 4,4 k
Notes:I can't apologise enough for the delay to this! I had most of the next chapter and nothing on this one! jeje I had a HUGE block... and eventually, I managed... but I feel like there is nothing intense on this chapter, but still... I hope you all liked this!
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“Cregan! Jace! Look who we run into!”, you said excitedly into the back camera of your phone. Jace and Cregan’s mouth opened widely when they saw who you were with
“Hello, I’m Oberyn Martell and this is for these lovely ladies’ boyfriends, Jace and Cregan!”, the charismatic man said, waving at the camera
Then you and Sara show up in screen, Oberyn grabbed you both under each arm and kissed your cheeks
“You are lucky men!”, he teased. You show up giddy and giggly, hugging onto Oberyn martell
The boys’ smile wiped out immediately, sharing concerned looks
“Is Oberyn going to… fuck our girlfriends?”, asked Jace, with a traumatised look on his face
“No! No”, muttered Cregan looking at the road ahead, “I don’t think….”, they both looked ahead wide-eyed and mouth agape…“Well…”
“He is going to fuck our girlfriends isn’t he?”, asked Jace
“Alright search where is the nearest airport and how much is going to cost us the next plane ticket to the fucking watergardens…”
“We can’t leave the car in here dude!”, muttered Jace, typing on his phone, “besides is going to cost us like a thousand golden dragons and 12 hours with three different connections, by the time we get there…”
“You are right, is crazy….”, they spend the next minutes in silence, just looking at the road, “Look…”, started Cregan grabbing onto the wheel, “...he is Oberyn Martell alright? I don’t know if the girls choose to… do… him… but… if they did… I mean…”, Jace nodded nervously
“Yes we couldn’t blame them, I mean, if I encountered him, and he invited me to his hotel room, I’d go too”, Cregan nodded enthusiastically
“Yeah, right? Mee too, and I wouldn’t like my beautiful girlfriend to be mad, because… he is Oberyn Martell, right? everyone’s favourite actor/philanthropist/playboy/martial arts specialist/tv personality”
“Yeah so if they decided to… go back to his room with him…”
“We shouldn’t be mad”, said Cregan
“Right, right, if anything… we are jealous”
“Right!”, said Cregan, and they both went back to stare at the road ahead 
Cregan wished he had gone with you instead of having all those boring family reunions, specially with Robb being so mean, he was forced to hang out in the kid’s table, it was a bit embarrassing, considering he was twenty
But that was done, and now, Jace and him where on his car, on their way down the routes of the North, their plan was to explore some cities as they made their way towards Harrenhal, give the girls time to join them when they finish in the Watergardens 
But Cregan was so happy to receive all those exciting texts from Sara, she was having the time of her life thanks to you, and those texts from you to… made him blush as he was looking straight ahead
He wasn’t worried about you and Oberyn, not at all, but he did wish he was with you right now, having met him and together in the sun… summer… made him so horny, he didn’t even know why.
“We should be arriving in Castle Cerwin in a couple of hours”, offered Jace with a smile 
Castle Cerwin was a cool town but not where the boys would like to be 
But this is the decision they had made so it's the one they were sticking to, besides they were meeting some of Cregan’s friends so it was going to be a fun night in the town with all boys
Then…. Like five other towns in their way to The God’s Eye
But meanwhile
“Should I feel bad that you didn’t bring your boyfriend for me to meet?”, asked Your Godmother over her Chanel sunglasses
As Sara enjoyed the pool over an inflatable flamingo, your godmother started the third degree on you.
“No”, you said shakily, “It’s nothing like that, it's just, he had things to do with his family”
“How serious is this?”, she asked, not convinced 
“I think pretty serious”, you whispered as you sunbathed by her side
“It’s a bit soon, don’t you think?”, she asked, concerned
“We thought things through”, you reassured her, “we are taking things slow”
“Are you?”, she asked, well, not really
“My therapist says he is been good for me”, you said, that seemed to content her
“And when can I meet him?”, she asked
“After this, we are all going to the God’s Eye”, you offered with an apologetic smile
“Alright, maybe next season”, she muttered, you only laughed
“It would mean a lot to me if you met him”, you said with a soft smile
“I can’t wait, my love”, she answered, “from what you have told me, he seems like a great guy, and if he is half as nice as his sister… I’m sure he is the right one for you”
“Well, is too soon to speak about forever, but that is how it feels like right now”, you whispered with a silly smile, and you found your Godmother smiling back at you
“I’m so glad you finally found someone who can… well… a decent man”, she finished, you giggled
“After this we are going to Daemon’s house, in the Island of faces”
“I’ve heard”, she teased, “without any adult supervision?”, you giggled
“No… I don’t think so…”
“Take care, alright?”, she asked, “please?”
“Of course”, you whispered 
“And tell that little Cregan that if he doesn’t take care of you… I can pay someone to take care of him…”
“Godmother!”, you chided playfully
“I’m just teasing…”, she said sipping her cocktail
You spend the rest of the day in the pool, and by the end, you had an early dinner, and started sipping cocktails with Sara. Your godmother left you, and you both were alone to go to the club that was inside the resort.
You didn’t felt particularly in a party mode, and even though you were with Sara and you were having the best of times, you missed Cregan and Jace, there is some things that you’d rather do with them, like going out to a club, but you were determined to have a great time only with Sara.
The boys haden’t answered much, and you understood, they were driving, you really wished they would let you know when they arrived at their destination, but you didn't want to be pushy… or even come out as controlling
Maybe they were at a spot where they didn’t have a signal… those thick woods around the roads in the North were tricky, you really didn’t want to be concerned… it was a bit frustrating… not knowing what to say or do in this situations
You cared for Cregan and you wanted to talk to him, make sure he is good and having a good time
They barely answered to your video of Obryn Martell when you encountered him
IT WAS OBERYN MARTELL! He was everyone’s favourite actor/philanthropist/playboy/martial arts specialist/tv personality, and they barely answered!
You had to take a long breath
They were driving, haven’t even made it to Castle Cerwyn yet, probably
Your phone “dinged”, it was a text from Cregan
Just arrived at castle Cerwin to Ben’s house, everything is fine, ttyl
“That’s it?”, you asked Sara, as she was applying her lipstick, she read the text and raised an eyebrow
“Well, at least they are fine”, she said dismissively
“Nothing from Jace?”, you asked her
“I’m sure they are fine! Just tired! They had been driving all day”, she said mindlessly, and you wanted to be alright with them… lack of communication
You weren’t stuck to your phone all day either, right?
I’d love to “see” you later, videochat?
You typed, but you erased it before you hit send, you didn’t really want to be clingy.
You look at the mirror for the last time, you were looking fine, so was Sara, with simply dresses, hair loose, simple makeup, comfortable shoes
You had no expectation of the night whatsoever, only to have some Dornesy cocktails and have a real girls talk with your friend
You decided to go to a club a couple of hotels over, they say it was the most fun, you took a hotel van to the place, a method of transportation that was not going to be available later at night
The place was nice, over the beach, a nice looking bar, it was already night, so everything was lit up, outside with torches and other “tiki” looking decorations
You ordered a round of fruit-based drinks and you couldn’t stop chatting about everything you had seen and do for the last couple of days.
Sara had never travelled out of Winterfell before and she was looking at everything with wonder, it was actually refreshing, more so since you haven't been to the Watergardens before either, so it was all new to you too.
The people were nice, and very good looking, the sights were amazing, the Watergardens were some sort of an oasis in the middle of a desert, they were breathtaking 
You were having the time of your life, with your godmother and your friend, and yet… you were missing someone, and you spent all day wondering what would it be like if Cregan was here with you, and Jace as well.
It was such a romantic place! 
Even though you weren’t sure how comfortable you would be around Cregan wearing a bikini, but at the same time… you felt so… warm… just by thinking about it
You couldn’t wait to meet them in the lake, it was going to be such a great time! 
Both your phones “dinged” at the same time, and you grabbed them together, it was a notification of a publication of Cregan and Jace, together.
You found it odd, but went to the publication
And paled
Your boyfriends had encountered the one and only…
“IS THAT…?”, You asked
“Margaery Tyrell”, muttered Sara, looking wide-eyed the photo they posted
“Well she was on a national tour!”
“Oh for the gods”
She wasn’t alone, she was with her best friend and also a singer… Jeyne Westerling
One for each
They seemed pretty cosy, judging by the background, they were in some restaurant
“Do they think they didn’t take it well that we met Oberyn Martell?”, she asked fearfully, you didn’t know what to think, what to do
Why didn’t he text you personally?
Why did he have to post it? Well, it was a collab with a friend, a friend posted it, but tagged them so, it wasn’t them, they were probably too busy just… chatting it up with two of the most gorgeous and talented women in the entire continent
“Oh gods”, Sara sighed, “should we call them?”, she asked
“No”, you said firmly, sipping on your cocktail, “we shouldn’t bother them”
“You don’t think they'll have dinner and party together, right?”, she asked fearfully
“No, no I don’t think so”, but when you better thought about it. They were two handsome, hunky, smart, kind, amazing young men and… They would be the biggest idiots if they wouldn’t
“I see concern in your face, should we be concerned?”, she asked, and then you shook your head
“They weren’t concerned about us and Oberyn, right? They are the boys!”, you said as it was obvious, “Cregan and Jace! Not any other!”, you said simply, “we took the video with Oberyn, and sent them a greeting because we knew they were fans as everyone else is, for the record, they did the same! I mean… if they saw Margaery and Jeyne and didn’t take pictures with them like… they are idiots!”, and now you were rambling
“You are rambling”, she said
You looked at your phone as if you could call Cregan with your mind, but it wasn’t working, they didn’t call you, they didn’t ask Margaery to send you a greeting.
It would be so much better if you could call him, call them, and talk, and hear how much they miss you, as much as you missed them.
“Let’s talk about something else”, Sara offered, ”they are not torturing us all day, we shouldn’t torture them”
“Yes! Yes”, you said simply, and you started talking about the plans for the remaining days.
But something was bugging you, in the back of your mind
It was probably the lack of texting from your boyfriend and best friend 
And the very possibility they could be partying with the most perfect and famous person you had ever seen.
 You both tried to keep your mind off of things, the place started to get crowded, and you lost your table as it was clear to set up a dance floor and now you were talking at the bar, snacking on Lys fries and still sipping on a new cocktail
Oh if you only notices how far you had moved from your cellphones in the bar
It had been a couple of hours, you had shooed away a couple of guys who were a little bit straightforward
“Want to dance?”, you asked her, and she nodded enthusiastically 
“Yes! Let’s do it!”, you looked for your belonging in the bar… and nothing
“Where are our phones?”, you asked, searching frantically
“They were right here!”, she said, as scared as you were
You looked everywhere, asked all the bartenders, but nothing, someone took your phones
“We should go back to the hotel”, you said, the night a bit spoiled, you weren’t concerned, they were locked, and unlocking your phone and Sara's was impossible because of the making of the phone itself, but still…
“Yes, before it's too late to get a cab”, she muttered 
. . .
“I can’t believe we met Margaery, she was so nice”, muttered Jace with a dreamlike expression on his face
“Yeah, who would have thought? Of all restaurant in the the city, that would have walked in the same one”, said Cregan
“The girls seemed oddly quiet though”, said Jace
“I didn’t send them the pic yet”, said Cregan
“Wait… Ben uploaded something”, said Jace, looking into his socials, “and Sara saw it”
“You have no more messages from her? I have nothing from (y/n)”, Spoke Cregan, now concern
“They wanted to talk but it was when we were in the HIghway entering the city and… it was messy, and we had started fighting!”, muttered Jace
“And then we barely texted them when we were greeting Ben and his ten siblings and his parents!”. Said Cregan
“We told them we couldn’t talk and then Ben uploaded a photo with Margaery Tyrell”
They shared concerned looks
“Are there any chances that they are angry… very angry… possibly contemplating calling back Oberyn Martell because they think we…”
“Yep”, answered Jace quickly
“Oh for the Gods!”, Cregan moaned, rubbing his face, “they hate us!”
“Nah, come on, they are… rational people… right?”, whined Jace, “they are not… criminally insane and go on a guy-kissing rampage only because we didn’t answer a text”
“You are right”, he said simply, “yes you are right, they are probably already in bed, and tired, you know, sunbathing is tiring, the sand like… steals your energy away, right?”
“Right! Right! Right!”
“Are you freaking out?”, asked Cregan
“No no, if anything we should be angry, they are not answering our texts… they are being childish!”
“Right, yes, because, what? They believe we stood a chance against Margaery and Jeyne? Like they would be remotely interested in us…?”, 
“Well… they did ask us where we were staying”, said Cregan between greeted teeth
“We are so screwed”, muttered Jace, “we didn’t even tell them, meaning… they at least made Oberyn send us a greeting… right?”
“Oh gods”
“They must be so angry Cregan, I don’t want to lose Sara! I love her”
“I don’t want to loose my girl either, I love her too…”, and then, at that fundamental moment, they stopped their neurosis to look at each other
“YOU LOVE HER!?”, asked at the same time
“And we didn’t even got to tell them!”, said Cregan
“They must be so angry right now…”
“We will fix it, alright? Nothing happened!”, Jace tried to assure himself 
. . . 
“My feet hurt!”, whined Sara, and you were thinking the same thing, you were probably bleeding inside your high heel sandals
You couldn’t find a cab, of course, so you were walking back to the hotel
“Mine too”
“I want to sleep in that magnificent bed, I want to talk to my boyfriend”, she whined
“Me too”, you agreed
“Do you have your tablet? From there we can let them know our phones got stolen”
“Yes, and we need to get new ones in the morning”, you muttered, whining about your aching feet, “shouldn’t have we gotten there by now?”, you asked, looking around
“Yes, actually, the ride there was straight down the road, and then left..”, muttered Sara, “so naturally…”
“No, no it wasn't left, it was right, the side of the beach was the right”, you said
“Yes but remember the roundabout of the hotel? Makes you think that you are on the right, but it’s actually left”
‘I don’t understand”, you muttered, you looked around, and nothing looked similar, “no…”
“What?”, she asked
“We have been walking the wrong way!”, you whined
You were turning around, to go the other way, but suddenly… the most majestic sports car turned around the curb, and stopped right by your side
You couldn’t believe your eyes, it was actually Oberyn!
“Can’t believe my eyes! The northerner girls!”, he said, he wasn’t alone, he was accompanied by a gorgeous woman
“Hello Oberyn”, Sara greeted with the greatest smiled
“What are you doing here alone? Shouldn’t you be partying? Taking advantage of this beautiful city and its night life?”
“Yes we were but our phones got stolen, we couldn’t order a cab to go back to our hotel”, you said with a shy smile
“Say no more, get in”, he invited, the woman just looked at you and smiled… not kindly, but… it was nice nonetheless
You were going to say now, but if you took two more steps on those ridiculous shoes you decided to wear, you were going to cry
You shared looks with Sara and got in
“This is Ellaria… my wife”, he introduced
“WHAT!?”, you both asked at the same time, both relaxed and happy
“Nobody knows you have a wife!”, said Sara
“I know!”, he said with a big smile, she looked back at you both
“So, these are the girls you talked to me about, asking you to send a video to their boyfriends”, said for the first time Ellaria, she had this seductive, smooth voice, with the characteristic Dornish accent, and you couldn’t get over how beautiful she was
 “Yeah! exactly, where did you say they are? Why aren’t they here with you!?”, he asked, almost scandalised, and he turned on his sports car and you started sliding through the streets of the Seaside resort of Sunspear… The Watergardens, “you know they do call this city… the city of love”, he giggled 
“They wanted to do a roadtrip of the North, we are going to meet in the God’s Eye”, you said softly
“Oh, Riverland, nice”, he said, “I heard there is a festival there at the middle of summer, it was quite the event”
“Really?”, you asked
“Oh yeah, it was quite fun, the Lake Party, but it’s been a bore for the last couple of years”, contributed Ellaria
“Yeah, maybe we should go”, said Oberyn, Ellaria smiled
“Maybe we should”, she teased, “we can make it matter again”, they shared this significant look, like there was nothing else in this world but them, they were so in love, you could tell, they were both beautiful. It was barely a second, he was driving, but still…
You felt joy when you watched them, but… not envy or nothing like that, you…
Were watching what is what like to be with Cregan
Oh how you loved him
Wait… WHAT!?
“Here you are ladies”, he said happily, pulling the car to the hotel’s entry, it was of no surprise he knew which hotel it was, you had met at the club this morning
“Thank you so much Oberyn!”, Sara said
How could this happen? you were with one of the greatest stars of the century, and you only cared about Cregan, and how much you wished he was there with you.
“Let’s take a picture for the socials”, said Ellaria, taking a selfie with you both on the back seat and Oberyn and Ellaria smiling, “I’ll upload it, what are your users?”, she asked
You gave them your social media data, you couldn’t believe this was happening
“Thank you so much, both of you, thank you!”, you said with a grateful smile, “It would be so amazing if we meet again in the Lake!”
“So we can finally meet this boyfriends of yours”
“There must be something in the air, they met Margaery today, and Jeyne”, Sara told them, they shared concerned looks
“Really?”, and then they both looked back at you
“What?”, asked Sara
“Nothing, i’m sure it went well”, said Oberyn
“Oh come on!”, you said to him, “now i’m concerned”
“No!”, said Ellaria, sharing looks and kept repeating like a mantra, “no no no no”
“Ok you look for the picture… is under @BenTallheart999”, you commanded, she looked it up, his account was public, and saw the picture
“Oh, they are delicious!”, she adored
“Hey!”, teased Oberyn, with a big goofy smile, “You know what? let’s discuss this in the bar”
He was so chaotic and funny, you actually went to the hotel bar, you ordered drinks and snacks, and you spent two hours talking about Cregan, and Jace, and their relationship, they were actually giving you advice.
“I think you both need to downplay it, making them wait, and always be on guard”, said Ellaria, “that is how I caught this one!”, she teased pointing at Oberyn
“NOT TRUE!”, he said, “and no!”, he said pointing at you in warning, “it’s clear that these boys feel the same, jump all in!”
“NO!”, fought Ellaria, “you don’t want to give them the power”
“What if… now that we are not answering… they actually go somewhere with that pair of international stars!”, Sara said, concerned
“They will not!”, said Oberyn
“But we have barely talked since we parted ways!”, you said
“Because they are on a road trip! And you are in the pool or beach all day”, he tried to reason, “they understand, you understand, right?”
It was such a chaotic and wild night, you will definitely remember it
You went back to your room, your godmother probably asleep, in her own suit
You almost threw yourself on top of your tablet, and logged into your account
Messages started pouring in, and hundreds of requests to being followed since, of course, OBERYN MARTELL HAD TAGGED YOU ON A PHOTO
And you had several messages of Cregan
Hey love, are you alright?
Haven’t heard from you in a while”
Is everything alright?
I don’t want to sound… or actually… seen controlling but, we are getting a bit worried
Maybe you are sleeping
I miss you
The last text reached you like twenty minutes ago, so you texted back quickly
Cregan! I never meant to worry you, Sara and I went for a drink in a nearby club, and our phones got stolen!
We are back in the hotel
You won’t believe who brought us back!
Oberyn Martell again! AND HIS WIFE, it was bananas
Are you guys alright?
“Give me!”, demanded Sara, and you gave her the tablet, and she logged in her own account
“A couple of  concerned messages from Jace”, she muttered
I swear nothing happened with Margaery, or Jeyne, they were great, but nothing happened
Are you angry?
Please don’t be…
I miss you terribly
Please give us a sign that you are alright
“We need to talk to them”, you said
But for tonight? You went to sleep, you were so, so tired
The very next morning, over orange juice, and a big breakfast… you both decided to call Cregan and Jace
“Hey loves!”, as soon as you saw them, you felt relieved.
“Hey girls!”
“We miss you!”, said Jace
You were placed next to Sara, and you couldn’t wait to tell them everything that had happened over the last days, they had been so chaotic
“Our phones got stolen last night!”, you said quickly
It was all fine, and you couldn’t believe you ever doubted them, they were Jace and Cregan, your boys! You only needed to talk to them, Oberyn was right…
It was all good
So… it was so good, you spent the next few days enjoying the pool, the beach, your godmother, eating in the most delicious restaurants, and having the time of your life, taking a long breath of fresh air… 
Recharging your batteries after life-altering decisions you had made this year… and especially… to make you think about what you wanted, and where you wanted to go… 
And who you wanted to go with you
Your Godmother, the most important people in your life, and this trip helped you realise that, you were so, extremely happy
You wanted to enjoy those days with your godmother, she invited you here, she wanted to see you, it was mean of you to want to leave because Cregan wasn’t here, so… you were here now, and you enjoyed it to the last second.
Sara, who had never been outside of the North, was seeing everything for the first time and it was so refreshing! She was extremely grateful, and you talked to the boys everyday for an hour about everything they did that day
They were excited, they learned how to properly see a map, because they didn’t want to rely on their phones as much, they sometimes stopped to camp, yes, actually camp, set a campfire, and roast marshmallows, they say they were practising for the summer at the lake, because you were going to have a lot of that.
This was only just beginning
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After chapter notes: Oberyn Martell in this universe is like… if Jackie Chan had a lovechild with Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark 😂
Sorry if it wasn't that exciting... perhaps I'm saving myself for the next one
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87 notes · View notes
caxde · 1 year
uncertainty | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary you are Dustin’s older sister, and you have developed a very confussing attraction to your brother and friend's fiend, Eddie. (3.4k),
warnings fem!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, mutual pining, yearning etc, slowburn friends to lovers, idiots in love!!!, english is not my first language so I apologise if there’s some mistakes, not proof read! 
this is based on this lovely ask <3 thank you for the request!
“I’m leaving in five!” You screamed up at the staircase, as you heard the hurried steps of your little brother rushing around. 
“I’ll need seven!” He shouts back, voice high in pitch. 
“Now you have four, hurry up!” You plead from downstairs, with a short laugh that escaped your lips as you could picture your little brother going absolutely insane, having overslept once again. 
“Shit, shit. Okay!” 
“Language!” You yelled as you went over the little drawer that held your car and house keys, turning around to pick up your favourite washed up brown leather jacket. Even if your mom kept babbling away about how it wasn’t really that warm, you debated the opposite, having worn it for the last 6 months. Either way it doesn’t really matter what she thinks, she’s not here to tell you anything. 
As you opened the front door you squint your eyes at the bright January sun, it was cold, but once you stood up and the light hitted you, it felt as if you were begging to warm up, waking up with the earth, in a weird poetic way. 
“Thought you were in a hurry.” Dustin teased at you as he looked up at you. 
“I am, come on.” You told him as you teased him back, pushing him a bit so he actually hurries up. “You know, if you actually went to bed when you should” You start saying as you start the car. 
“Oh come on!” He replayed in annoyance. “I did go to bed, you know?” 
“Yeah, at four in the morning!” You yelled back at him, feeling how truely tired you were. “And you know I end up incredibly tired when I have to go to The Hideout and help out Dust…” You try to make him understand. 
“You didn’t sleep?” He asks back, worry on his voice. 
“I did, just…” You looked back at his little brown eyes, true compassion for you, you knew he felt bad now. “Don’t worry about it, okay? It’s just, if you’re talking to Suzie keep your voice low okay big guy?” Your voice calms now, feeling bad for having yelled at him. 
“Yeah, okay. Sorry.” He replayed softly as he looked down at his feet. 
The car ride stayed silent. 
As you parked the car and got out to help him as you always had, grabbing his backpack for him, and giving him a side hug you smiled at him. 
“Sorry for yelling.” He nodded and started to look out for his friends. “Pick up at five?” 
“Yeah.” He said as he started to leave. You nodded at him as he left. 
You were tired, but you didn’t actually regret helping out at The Hideout, if anything, John was doing you a favour. It was proving to be rather tricky to find another job, since you decided you would rather be full time anywhere else than half time in Family Video, though you missed hanging out with Steve so much, you kept hope. 
And anyways, yesterday ended up being a good night. 
A very good night. 
Might be the fact that he tips had run high, or that John asked you to come again today, or maybe, and if we’re being sincere, it was because Eddie had come over. Granted, it hadn’t been only him, but it didn’t matter, not if you could only see him. 
And maybe it was because your friends had waited for you to finish your shift, and had made it bearable, but again, if you were being honest with yourself, you knew it had been his soft I always like seeing you that had made the night better. 
“You shouldn’t trust it.” Robin mocked you once again. 
“She’s got a point.” Steve continued. 
“Oh fuck off you two.” You added, still smiling at them as you did. 
“I’m just saying… I mean, you have a massive, incredible, planet sized crush on the dude, so you should know, like make it so important.” She tried to rationalize with you as her hands flew through the hair as she was talking, which only made Steve laugh even more. 
“Like you have on Vickie?” You tried to tease her back. 
“Hey! Not fair, we’re not talking about me, we’re talking about you.” She sentenced, as she threw the old kitchen rag at you as you all laughed again. 
“Oh come on, pick on Steve and his crush on Nancy!” You plead as she turned again looking back at him. 
“That was uncalled for.” He said under his breath. 
“Just stating the obvious.” You pointed as you turned around to your oven. 
As the rambling and teasing continued you checked the time once again. You weren’t that late, and still, you always felt anxious you would be. 
Saturday dinners were the only thing that had remained constant through the years, regardless of what was going on, you always found time to see each other, either for a quick sandwich or a full course dinner. 
So it felt nice to see them in your house, teasing you, as they cooked the pizzas from scratch you couldn’t help but smile at the picture of them, remembering how hellish last year had been. 
Your thoughts got interrupted by the doorbell. 
“Is it Dustin?” Robin asked as her head moved to look at you. 
“No, Dust is staying at the Wheelers.” You replayed with uncertainty in your voice. “Were you expecting someone?” You ask, looking at Steve, and you see how the corners of his lips start to curl upwards. 
“I might have invited Munson over…” A smirk appears on his face, and on yours embarrassed rosy cheeks appear.
The warm vapor of the tiny dishwasher hits your face, making it hard to breathe for just a second before you step back and let your hands wash the steam off your face. You take a deep breath, it’s only one more hour until close time, and then you would be free to go back home, back to your bed, and if you're honest, back to overthinking. Thankfully, The Hideout was emptying, and as usual, everyone that left said goodbye to you, and you tried to remain cheerful and respond to every one by name. 
“Henderson, we might go too.” Steve yells over the music. As you nod to him you head on to his direction, so you can actually hug him goodbye. 
“We would stay but… It’s getting pretty late, we’re sorry.” Robin adds as she hugs you too. 
“I get it, it’s alright don’t worry.” You replay as you look at both of them, smiling gratefully that they have stayed this long. 
“Actually, I think I’ll stay.” His voice fills you up, low and deep, raspy making your skin tingle. “If you don’t mind.” 
“ ‘Course not.” You add, trying to not sound as nervous as you feel looking at him, his brown eyes locked onto you. 
“O-key then.” Steve adds with a hidden laugh. “See you tomorrow?��� You nod as they leave. 
You can’t help but smile as you head back into the bar, feeling his stare onto you, and not only that, but his shy smile too. 
Without even asking, you serve him another beer and he takes it, taking a sip while his eyes shine at you. A quick glance at the clock lets you know that it is now acceptable for you to start cleaning up, letting the couple tables that are still finishing their drinks know that you want to leave, and they seem to get the message once they get up a few moments later. They pay you what they owe you and leave slowly. 
You take your time to actually close the register, and once you look up, you see the long haired boy returning with the tray of empty glasses and bottles. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” You say in a soft whisper, feeling how your cheeks warm up as you do so. 
“I know, but you look exhausted, so…” He tilts his head as he looks down at you. “You go sit, and I’ll clean up a bit, okay?” He continues as he starts to clean the glasses and throws away the empty beer bottles. You smile as you circle back to where he was, and he smirks as he watches you do so. 
You let your body rest, for the second that it does so, you feel the tiredness catching up to you. 
It feels weird, not in a bad sense to have someone taking care of you in that way. Not by anyone, but him. Focused into doing what he has seen you do a thousand times, he even pours you a beer so you can actually relax, but to be honest with yourself, it’s not the alcohol that makes you feel fazed, but him looking at you from time to time as he gives you small smirks and giggles every time your eyes meet. You feel your whole body warming up as he does so, feeling absolutely enamored by the littlest things he does, even the way he pushes his hair away from his face makes you melt a little bit. And still, it just confuses you more and more. 
Conflicted might be a good definition. 
You are aware that you’ve fallen for him, not ashamed of it, you don’t really care if he knows, but you are scared to find out if he feels the same way about you. You can’t help but let your mind wonder, does he? Does he get as fidgety as you do when you walk into a room? Does he daydream about you in the same way that you’ve caught yourself doing so many times? Does he wish that someday your body is pressed against his as desperately as he does every time your hands meet for just a moment? Does he wonder how your lips taste? 
“You okay, love?” He asks. Once you look up to him you feel your thoughts stop all of a sudden, mesmerized by the way his eyes shine at you. It lingers in your brain. lovelovelove. How can someone look so angelic while saying such a silly word, you are not sure. 
“Yeah, I..-” You can’t find any words to continue, his hand had found its way to a wisp of hair that had fallen out of place, and even if his touch wasn’t cold, his silver rings froze at the contact with your cheek as he placed it behind your ear, were it originally was. 
It truly felt like time had frozen, no words invaded that space. For only a second, it felt like your body was weightless, it felt like if you’d cease to exist, you’d be okay doing so with this being your last memory. His eyes shining only for you, locked intensely with yours, it truly doesn't matter what would happen next if you could just remain frozen in this moment. 
But alas, that was just a wish, and time continued to pass. His touch left your skin burning, and both of your faces looked at the ground, trying to understand what that little buzzing you felt was. 
As the night advanced, the little bar was clean, and you were ready to leave, though sad might not be the best way to describe what you felt, it surely came close, feeling so calm next to him, you dreaded being separated again, still not knowing if everything you felt was unilateral. 
You closed the lights, he turned the music off, and even in shadow, his body was as defined as ever, you’d know who it was in any circumstance you noted. What you didn’t seem to see, was how his eyes could not strip away from you, or how his hands longed to touch the skin on your waist for once.
So, as you closed the back door, and flipped back to look at him, he laid it there, with the excuse of making sure you wouldn’t fall given that the floor had begun to freeze over the night. And maybe because you were so focused on the way your heart was beating fast, hard and loud, you didn’t feel that he did the same. 
“Shit.” You murmured as you looked back to the parking lot. 
“What?” He responded, his hand still resting on your back. 
“Steve drove me here! I forgot… I… Shit I guess I’ll just walk-” 
“Fuck off, I’m driving you come on.” He added as he cut you and your rumbling. 
“Edds, I live the opposite way of you…” You whisper once again, making him turn around to look at you, his breath falling onto you, watching it as the cold exposes it. 
“And I don’t care. It’s cold and you get sick easily, you're exhausted and I like being with you, so…” He begins to walk to his van, his hand finally leaving your back, only to open the car door for you. 
it stays with you, even if it is on the back of your mind, it stays there. 
Even when you had to wait for the van to get warm enough so the engine could start, even when the music was loud and all you did was giggle as he screamed loudly the lyrics of whatever was playing in the background. 
It didn’t matter now, the van was parked and the music had stopped, and his body had turned slowly so he could look at you once again. 
And again, that weird feeling invaded the air, an electricity that seemed to pull you to him stronger and stronger. 
A flashing thought, an image of what could be, if you actually had the nerve to let your hand get lost on the back of his neck to pull him closer to you so that maybe your lips could touch his cheek in a thank you gesture, even if you don’t. 
But he does something that seems to be just as stupid. His hand finds rest on your upper thigh. 
And your eyes look at his rings in an attempt to distract yourself. 
“Thank you…” Your voice comes out soft, and slow as your eyes travel up to him. Slowly. 
“You… yeah. You’re welcome.” He’s becoming flustered now, his words tangling as he readies for you to leave, but you can’t seem to go yet. 
“What?” You asked as you smiled at him, a tired comfortable smile. 
“Nothing. I just like being with you. You make it all better I guess.” 
Your wordless. As your cheeks get warm and your lips curl upwards, your face looks through the windshield astonished at his words. 
“Do you wanna…?” 
He nods as he opens his door, rushing to yours. 
3 am
Time had seemed to pass quickly as you too shared the downstairs couch, at times in comfortable silence, most of the time in unimportant conversations, much preoccupied by what your heart and body was feeling. The warmth his body emanate, now wearing only a black distressed old T-shirt, that let his arm tattoos show, not only that but his muscles seem to flex from time to time, and if you hadn’t been so distracted by his charming simple while he teased you you’d realized that they did so every time your body moved closer to him, in a nervous reflex. 
Deep down you know, even if you’re not aware of it just yet, that this might be as intimate as you’ve ever been with anyone. Sex and physical intimacy had nothing against this, seeing him giggle as you talk deep into the night, whipping tears of laughter away from his eyes, as his hand rested once again on your thigh. 
Might be the late hour of the night, the dizziness from the lack of sleep or the tipsy thoughts that the beers that you had downed, but you meet his touch, lazily stroking his fingers with your hand, playing with his cold rings. When you are not looking, he lets himself be truly mesmerized by you. 
“You seem like you want to say something.” He says, voice low and soft, because let’s face it, it would be ridiculous to speak aloud when it’s only the two of you in your empty house. You feel as his face softens when your eyes look back at him. 
“I do.” 
“Then say what you need…” He encourages, slowly. 
“I’m embarrassed, actually.” You confess in a soft smile, letting your head rest on the back of the couch. His body scooches closer. 
“Oh, come on… Please, love?” lovelovelove. He knows what this stupid pet name makes you feel, you’re sure of it. 
“You confuse me. A lot.” You finally say to him, your eyes darting around his face, as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, his unoccupied hand goes to his head, as his arm rests on the same back of the couch. 
“I confuse you?” He repeats in disbelief, almost sounds as he is teasing you. 
“Yeah, you do.” You admit, your fingers playing anxiously now as your sight avoids him and is instead focused on his rings. 
“Well, then… Ask.” He says confident, approaching you even more. Your body in his direction, knees touching, the grip that he has on your thigh grows deeper. 
“Whatever you wanna know.” 
You take a deep breath, as your hands whip your face, preparing you for the embarrassment that you most certainly will feel after you finally open up to him. 
“Do… Um…Do you like me?” 
“Wha- What?” He sounds shocked, and your face becomes red. 
“Forget it, please…” You say, a pleading look on your face as you look back at him. His face, while it is still soft, is focused on you, his eyes that are usually brown appear black as his iris has invaded the whole space, though that happens every time he looks at you, you hadn’t realized until now. 
“No, please… I… What do you mean?” 
“Shit, okay.” You breathe in, deeply, deciding for one to be brave for once, and to accept rejection if it comes to that. “I like you Eddie. I really do. Not because you are good-looking and all that physical nonsense, but because you make life brighter… I… Fuck… I’m sorry I just… I really like you and I just don’t know if this feeling goes both ways.” You admit, all in one breath, darting between his eyes, his lips parted halfway and your hands that are now under his grip, a warm touch, a spark or maybe a tingle on them. 
“You do?” He asks.
“Fuck, yes Eddie…” You admit, embarrassed and frustrated. “If you’re gonna make fun of me just… forget it okay?”
“Love.” He stops you from continuing rambling. “Why do you think I call you that?” You look back at him, shocked now. “I am in love with you. I don’t just like you. I love everything you do. The way you care so deeply about everyone, and how you would give everything you have to give to someone else just so they’re okay. I love how you look when you’re exhausted, ‘cause you get that cute smile trying to make it not obvious. I love when you get flustered, and I love when you let me take care of you ‘cause that’s all I wanna do… I…” You’re both smiling so bright it feels like you’ve just discovered what colour means. “Can I just… Can I just kiss you?” He says as his hand finally leaves his head, to approach your face. 
“Please.” You say in return. Begging to finally feel his lips onto yours. 
His fingers tuck away your hair behind your ear, letting them rest on the back of your neck. The other one remains on your leg, his hand deepens the grip that it had on it, a soft moan only from that is already escaping your mouth. He comes closer as you both close your eyes, seeing him smile before you do so. And as soon as his lips finally meet, your fingers intertwined with his, as the kiss deepens and it all feels exactly as you wished it did, soft, deep, careful at first, needy in the end. It feels like you’re both air at the other was drowning. It is sweet, and it doesn’t stop.  And it won’t stop for as long as you’re together, you finally feel as though you got your answer. He doesn’t like you, he loves you, and you can’t wait to love him back.
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only-luce-the-goose · 2 months
More than Nougat
Synopsis: You taught Jack about hickies and now he’s obsessed
Warnings: none really, just a whole lotta fluff
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Nothing! There was absolutely nothing! No beer, no bacon, no nothing! And who would’ve eaten all the food and not replace it? The two black holes for humans you live with. The Winchesters, those boys with their bottomless stomachs drove you crazy sometimes. You’re half tempted to throw Jack into the accusation but he’s still figuring the foods he likes.
“I’m going on a supply run!” You shout through the halls. All you hear is a couple grunts of acknowledgement, until a voice behind you says “can I come?” You nearly jump out of your skin, not expecting to see Jack behind you. “You scared the shit outta be dude, but yeah, of course you can come” you answered him. “Sorry for scaring you y/n” he apologises.
You chuckle his apology off, trying not to let your heart run wild. Even though Jack was only, technically, a few years old, he resembled someone of your own age. This very quickly led you to falling for him, his newborn innocence, childish humour and clinginess (you loved though, let’s be real).
“Alrighty Jack, let’s go” you say as you lead him up the stairs, to the garage. You unlock your ‘64 Pontiac and hope in, turning on some background music before peeling out of the bunker.
“Can we have a movie night tonight, y/n?” The nephilim asks. “Absolutely” you reply “what do you wanna watch?” He sits there and has a hard think about it, “I don’t know, I’ll look up movies when we get to the bunker. Can we get snacks now though?” He asks. You nod your head as you park. You pull out a trolley and give it to Jack to push, while you wander around and get enough food to supposedly last a few weeks (you knew better than the expect it would last a few days).
Jack absolutely piles the junk food into the trolley, which gives you a good laugh, still enamoured with his childishness. He gives you a massive grin and keeps walking, always making sure to look behind him and make sure you’re still there. You head to the checkout and pay for the mountain of food you bought, Jack standing shoulder to shoulder with you the entire time, watching you interact with the register guy. Jack means his head on your shoulder after you pay and keep making small talk, even though you’ve finished all you need to do. Jack links his hand to yours to try and push his point, he doesn’t wanna be near anyone but you anymore.
After you get home, Jack wizzes off to the computer to search for a movie while you pack away the food, keeping out the snack for movie night. Jack comes bounding in a few minutes later, a dvd in hand, and says “I wanna watch this one” he hold it up for you to see. You look at him and asks if he’s sure, “I’ve never seen it so I really wanna try” he replies. You hold on your giggles as you make your way towards the dean-cave (you think it’s a silly name but whatever).
You press play on the movie as you and Jack get comfortable next to each other on the couch, sitting leg to leg so you can both reach the junk food. Sandy and Danny start singing on your tv screen and it has Jack laughing, you don’t know what at, but you don’t care. Getting to see Jack make you laugh makes your day a little brighter.
You get to the point in the movie when Rizzo appears with hickies from Kenickie. “Y/n?” Jack gets your attention as he taps your shoulder. You pause the movie as you turn to Jack, “what’s wrong?” Jack points at Rizzo and says “what’s wrong with her neck, who has hands small enough to punch her like that?” He ponders “or did she get bitten my a vampire? Some vampire bites look like that, don’t they?”
Jack looks at you concerned as you bust out laughing. “Oh Jack, those are called hickies” you tell him. He raises his eyebrow, almost like he want to ask something, so you continue. “When two people like each other a lot, some like marking their partner. It’s kind of like a possession thing” you can see the cogs turning in his head, trying to make sense of what you said.
“I like you a lot, and I don’t like when you talk to people that aren’t me, so do I put hickies on you?” Jack admits, a big grin adorning his plush lips. You feel a bit conflicted, maybe you didn’t make it clear enough that it was an ‘in love’ type of like, not a ‘just friends’ type of like and so you told him. “I don’t think you get it, it’s for people who love each other. Like want to get married and have a family, kind of love. Not the kind of love you have for friends”
His grin doesn’t falter, “I know what you meant, y/n, and I mean what I said. I like you a lot, the ‘love’ type of like. I wanna hold your hand, and kiss you, and I want you to give me hickies and I want to give you some too” if you were a cartoon, you knew you’d have hearts in your eyes and heart would be thumping out of your chest at Jacks brazen confession.
He watches you patiently as you lean over and peck his lips, testing to water. “I like you a lot too, Jack” you say as you make deep eye contact. Jack kisses you back grinning. “Can you give me a hickie y/n?” He asks shyly. “It’s kind of something you have to build up to. You have to start with marking out before you move to hickies” Jack smashes his lips onto yours as soon as you finish your sentence.
After showing Jack how to make out, you pull away which causes a small whine to rise from Jacks throat. “I’m gonna give you a hickie now, ok?” You say as Jack vigorously nods his head. You got back to kissing his lips, then start trailing them towards his neck. You spend a couple seconds looking around for his weak spot, knowing you’ve found it when he moans and bursts a light bulb.
You look up and see his eyes glowing gold “sorry” he says sheepishly. You kiss his lips, then go back to his neck. You suck and nip at the supple skin, causing all sorts of noises to come out of Jack. You pull back “that should give you a nice purple one in the morning” you say. Jack nods as you both lie down, his head on your chest as you doze off.
You wake up to Jack shaking you, “look, it’s here!” He bounces around, clearly happy to the new addition on marks on his skin when he says, “I think I like this more than nougat”
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zeltqz · 11 months
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pairing. ex!ran x fem!reader
word count. 5.2k
series synopsis. bonten is forming and in the midst of it all, you find yourself caught in the sticky webs of your ex boyfriend and current bonten executive, haitani ran.
a/n: a lil flashback in this chapter, not too much going on..yet
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Shion burst through the living room door, storming over to Ran and waving his phone in his face. “You wanna explain why (Name) just called me up crying because of you?”
“What the fuck are you talking about,” Ran asked through a thick exhale, his thumb idly moving on the joystick of his controller as he picked a location. 
Shion rolled his eyes. “I don’t know what I’m talking about. Which is literally why I came here to ask why the fuck you made her cry?”
“I didn’t make anybody cry.”
“Yes you did.”
Rindou glanced over at Shion and fiddled with his controller, amused by the difference in attitudes between both boys. Shion looked like he was two seconds away from throwing his cracked phone at Ran’s face, but was hesitant on doing so because everybody knows how that fight would play out, and Ran looked like it was a regular Sunday afternoon, filled with nothing but playing video games with his brother and snacks.
“I didn’t make anyone cry,” Ran repeated and Shion groaned, rubbing his temples as he remembered how stupid Ran could be and how he lacked in the department of taking accountability. “She called me up and asked if I heard from you and I said yeah, why, then she told me “oh because he hasn’t answered my texts in days so I wanted to check in”, now I come in here expecting to find you dead or something instead you’re just playing fucking video games!”
Ran honestly stopped listening around three words in and successfully chose a location, and a character. Grinning, he nodded over at Rindou as he started to pick his own character. 
“Hello?????!” Shion clapped to get Ran’s attention. “Ignoring me doesn’t change anything. In fact, it proves to me that you’re guilty.”
“Dude. What do you want from me?” Ran looked up at Shion, leaning against the back of the leather couch. “You wanted me to stay away from her so that’s what I’m doing. Now you’re mad that I’m staying away from her?”
“Staying away from her doesn’t mean ghosting her. At the very least let her down easy—”
“Shion,” Rindou started, eyes focused on the tv screen. “You sound so whiny right now. Either sit down and shut the fuck up, or get out. You’re ruining my focus and so help me God if I lose to Ran tonight I’ll break every rib in your body.”
“Calm down Rinnie, save that anger and take it up with your therapist.”
Rindou groaned loudly, letting his head roll back against the couch. “I already told you Ran, I’m not seeing a therapist.”
Shion hummed in disagreement. “I think you should. You’ve just about threatened to break every bone in my body this week alone.” Ran snorted and Shion whipped his head to look at him. “Don’t think I’m finished with you yet. I was against this whole relationship with her in the first place, so just apologise to her and let her down easy.”
“Why?” Rindou asked, putting his controller down on his lap to look up at Shion.
His eyebrows pinched in confusion. “Why…what?”
“Why were you against the relationship?”
“B—because,” Shion cursed himself for stammering, also cursed the way Ran raised his eyebrows, probably the first shred of interest he’s shown in the conversation. 
“Because you love her?” Rindou asked, not looking away from the tv but was far too aware of the way Shion froze in place. Seconds passed as the two brothers waited for a response.
“Because she’s my friend…” Shion started slowly, hoping the message goes through their heads. 
“And I don’t want her to get hurt by him.”
“Who said I’d hurt her?” Ran asked, intrigued.
“Your track record of dating speaks otherwise, Ran.” Ran smirked and Shion scowled deeper, crossing his arms over his chest. “That’s not something to be proud of.”
“You only say that because you’re a virgin.”
“I’m not.”
“Yeah, sure whatever.” Ran turned back to the tv and nudged Rindou. “Ready?”
The game started and if their attention spans were already shit before, it was worse now. 
“Ran. Just promise me you’ll end things with her nicely…Last thing I want is her calling me up crying again.”
“Yeah yeah, you got it,” Ran responded with a crooked smile. 
It was probably the most non-committal answer Shion ever heard, if he was honest, but was probably the only answer he was gonna get so with that, he left the house. After winning the next three rounds of Mario Kart, Rindou ended up rage quitting and stalking off to the gym with Kakucho to take his anger out on some punching bags. Meanwhile Ran stalked up to his room, taking his daily nap. He woke around 11pm, almost hitting midnight and pulled out his phone.  
He scrolled past all his messages until he saw yours, all unopened, and felt his heart twitch with guilt for a second as the number of messages over the course of the week started to decrease once you realised he was ignoring you. 
He glanced over at the clock once more. You had a tendency of sleeping through the day, awake at night, so taking his chances, he sent you a text.
Your phone pinged as you were washing the dishes, scrubbing the leftover stains from your mother’s wine glasses, a result of her addiction. Rinsing the soap from your hands, you dried them with a paper towel and grabbed your phone, almost freezing when you saw the contact name.
New Message: Ran (¬_¬ )
You up?
You almost got excited, a smile twitching on your face until you remembered the week of radio silence and the barrage of confusing emotions you felt. You should hate him. In fact right now your fingers should be moving to delete his contact, but instead they hover over his text message on your lock-screen. Grumbling, you deleted yet another poorly formed response and called him instead. “What do you want?”
“Easy with the hostility. I wanted to check on you.”
“Oh really? Where was this energy, I dunno. A fucking week ago?!” you barked, leaving the dishes half washed as you stomped up to your room.
“Missed you.”
You blinked at your screen and nearly forgot how to breathe, too blinded with rage. “Are—are you fuckingkidding me?” you rushed out, dumfounded.
“Yeah, I know I fucked up badly,” he sighed on the end of the line and you moved to sit on your bed, face softening a bit with how tired he sounded. 
“Is everything okay?”
“Can I see you?” He ignored your question and got straight to business. You had half a mind to turn him down until he said, “Please?” 
You were so weak minded, crumbling the second you heard him beg for you. Perhaps it was an ego trip, having someone like Haitani Ran want you that badly. The next thing you knew, your back was arching as Ran’s hands trailed down your body. Pulling his face from your neck, you blindly searched for his mouth, biting his lower lip as he groaned, settling on top of you.
Your arms looped themselves around his neck, moaning in soft pants as his fingers drained downwards, dancing lightly down the line of your stomach and tugged your shorts off your body. The moment they were off, he spread open your legs and pulled away from the kiss.
You sighed happily when his lips trailed down your body, searing burning kisses on your skin. Closing your eyes helped to heighten the senses, guessing where you’d feel his lips next. Your breathing picked up pace as his hands brushed your bare thighs and it took everything in you to resist grinding against his hand as he explored every inch of your body.
The tips of his fingers slipped under your panties, drawing closer to your throbbing clit. He teased your wet slit, circling your finger around your hole, spreading your juices all over your pussy with a low groan. “You’re so fucking wet.”
Your moan hitched in your throat and you bit down to silence it. Not liking that, he looked up at you. “Lemme hear you,” he dipped his finger in slowly, watching your mouth fall open in please, “c’mon, louder.”
“Please,” you moaned, begging him to continue playing with you. “I need it, please. You owe me.”
“I owe you, huh?” He gave you a mischievous grin, inching closer to your face as he pushed more slick from your thighs into your fluttering hole. He was so achingly close you could see every single lash lining his eyes, his lips just barely hovering over yours. 
His fingers sped up, twisting his fingers and using his thumb to rub at your swollen clit with precision that felt torturous. It was getting harder to control your moans, uncaring of how loud you were getting as you rocked against his hand, pussy on fire. 
“Fucking love your body,” he sounded drunk, burying his face between your breasts. His tongue flicked against your nipple before sucking down, your back arching off the sheets.
“I—I’m still mad at you,” you cursed under your breath, the indignation in your voice wavering, turning to breathless moans as he continued fucking you open with his fingers.
He left your chest, kissing up to your lips to suck the anger and frustration away and replaced it with lust. “I’m sorry baby,” he hummed, biting your lower lip. “You forgive me?”
“No,” you tried sounding serious but your face screwed up as he sped up his fingers. He licked his lips before kissing you again, trying to change your mind but you pulled away with a frown. “Y—you can’t just expect me to forgive you that easily.”
He mulled it over for a moment, glancing at your face as you breathed heavily, trying your hardest to fix your face into a convincing scowl. His fingers pulled out and you were about to protest before he shushed you. “I’m going to fuck you till you forgive me.”
Your face twisted in confusion as he started unbuckling his pants. “W—wait. You can’t just—” you paused, eyes dropping down to his cock hard in his hand.
“Can’t what?” He pulled out a condom from his pocket and you deadpanned at him. 
“Seriously? You just have those laying around?”
He smiled, laughing a little. “What? Gotta come prepared.” His hands moved to your legs, spreading you open and eyed your aching pussy, slick covering your inner thighs and bit back a groan. You watched him rip the condom open and thought how that small thing could fit over the length of his cock. It easily slipped down his shaft, stretching obscenely around the width of his shaft. 
When he’s wrapped and ready, he grabbed onto your legs, yelping as he tugged you closer and caged you with his arms. You both watched his cock press against your inner thigh, missing your pussy a couple times before sliding in, a soft sigh and groan escaping both of your lips. 
Your eyes fluttered shut, biting your lip as your head fell backwards against the pillow. 
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he groaned wantonly, looking away from the sinful sight of his cock slowly disappearing inside you to look at your face. Your mouth was open in pleasure and he snagged the opportunity, kissing you senselessly.
He obliged, dipping his face into your neck, breaths puffing out against your skin as you cried out, nails digging into the blades of his shoulder, then onto his biceps, clutching desperately as your body began to jolt. “Jesus, Ran…!” He hit a spot that nearly had you screaming, his mouth quickly sealing against yours to silence you before your mother woke up. 
He was practically slamming into you at this point, pounding your body into the mattress and you could do nothing but whimper into his mouth and scratch deep red lines down the length of his arms. A hazy part of your mind thankful he was doing his best to silence you because the volume of your voice was far beyond your control at this point. 
“You forgive me yet,” he asked, pulling away when you tried to surge upwards for another kiss. 
You shook your head, keening when he gave another wicked slam of his hips that had you biting back your words. 
“Wrong answer.” Abruptly, he pulled out and flipped you over, rearranging your wobbly limbs until you were on all fours. He bent forward until his lips brushed your ears and the heat of his body made you inch backwards, desperate for even a crumb of his touch. He clicked his tongue and grabbed onto your hips, holding you in place as you cursed under your breath. “You forgive me yet?”
“Ran. Stop asking questions and fuck me,” you swore, testing how strong his grip was by attempting to wriggle your hips backwards. 
“Answer my question then I’ll fuck you right.”
You groaned into the pillow in protest, fighting back tears as you felt your pussy get wetter, fluttering around nothing. “But I don’t forgive you.”
“Then we’ll wait until you do.” 
Your clit throbbed again and you moaned when he nudged your legs apart, licking a stripe along your cunt. “Oh god, Ran.” His hum sent a vibration shooting through his tongue flicking at your entrance, kissing around your folds and the way his lips sealed around your clit had your stubbornness flying out the window.
“Oh.” You steadily rocked back against his face, and he eagerly buried his face into your pussy, the taste of you making his dick twitch between his legs. Your head dropped down, back arching and he held you up by the hips, keeping your ass in the air as he continued to indulge. “P—please Ran. I…I forgive you just fuck me please.”
Ran swiftly sat up, pressing one last kiss to your wet folds before lining his cock up to your entrance. “About fucking time.” His body was tense as he buried his cock back inside you with a groan. You bit down on the pillow, ignoring the wet spot you left behind as his big hand pulled you back down onto his cock, squeezing and grabbing at your ass. You barely had time to catch your breath as his hips snapped ruthlessly back and forth, shoving his cock deeper inside you with every thrust. Your legs gave out, back arching impossibly deeper as you were unable to hold yourself up. This new angle was downright sinful, had you feeling every vein of his cock rubbing against your walls, hands scrabbling uselessly at the sheets.
“Oh fuck I’m close,” he announced with a low groan, your stomach doing flips when you heard how shaky his breathing was. He pulled out, ripped the condom off and flipped you onto your back in record time, cumming on your stomach. 
While you were catching your breath, he bent down between your legs and licked along your pussy, teasing and sucking until you were coming undone, soaking the fingers he’d slid inside you.
Once your chest had stopped heaving, he pulled away, licking your taste from his lips. Your body was still shaking from the aftermath of the overstimulation, your arms eagerly wrapping around his body as he laid beside you, lifting you onto his chest and kissed your forehead.
“I don’t actually forgive you by the way,” you added after a moment of silence. “I just said that so you’d fuck me.”
Ran snorted and looked down at you. “That so?” It tickled when your fingers ran down his chest, tracing the swirls of his tattoo.
“Mhm.” You chewed the soft tissue of your cheek, waiting for his response. 
He pulled you up to reposition you on his lap as you laid your hands flat in his chest. “I know you don’t mean that.” He ran his hands down your hips and caressed them softly.
“I do,” you frowned.
He sat up slowly and you clung onto his shoulders to avoid slipping. He reached over and grabbed your phone, handing it to you. “Delete my number right now if you do.”
You looked down at your phone then back at his face. “Are you serious?”
He shrugged and nodded at the device. “Go on.”
As you contemplated whether or not this was a trap, he reattached his lips onto your neck, sucking and biting the skin, adding to the litany of marks he left previously. He was obviously doing this to cloud your judgement, and it was working. Your finger hovered over the delete contact button before you sighed, tossing the phone back onto the bed.
“I fucking knew it.” You could practically feel his devilish smile against your neck. You yanked his head from your neck, revealing the smile you pictured wide on his face.
“Shut up,” you said while frowning. He leaned forward, sucking deeply along your lips, eliciting a soft sigh from you as you melted into it.
“What’re you doing for your birthday,” he asked, pulling away for a moment. “It’s next week, right?”
“Um, not much. My friends wanted to throw me a party then Shion said he wanted to take me out afterwards.”
Ran scowled. “Do you like him?” he asked softly, rubbing soothing circles into your hip. 
“Who? Shion?” You readjusted yourself on his lap to get a better look at his face. He nodded. “No. No, I don’t. He’s my friend. I don’t see him as anything else.”
There was nothing going on between you and Shion. Being with Shion felt weird and you never thought of him that way. Besides, when you grew up with him, you saw the worst of him, from the time he shaved a circle in the middle of his head as a dare to those snot nosed crying nights when he’d throw a tantrum you couldn’t stay the night. You thought your words were enough to reassure him but Ran still looked unconvinced. Your brain fought to think of something to say but when you fell short, you resulted in pushing your chest up against him, cupping his face in your hands and leaned forward to brush your nose against his.
“I promise, Ran. In fact…you’re the only one I have eyes for right now.” There it was. The inevitable confession. As your worried eyes searched his face for a response, he stayed silent. Your body warmed as his hands hugged tighter around your body and you took that, leaning in slowly and kissed him gently, slowly, until you could feel any doubts he had leaving his body. He kissed you back, tightening his grip on your sides possessively.
“Lemme take you out,” he broke away to speak. “The day after your birthday since your special day is all booked.”
“Yeah?” You smiled and nuzzled your nose against his. “And do what?”
“Whatever you want.” His hands rubbed up and down your naked back, making you feel warm and fuzzy. “Anything.”
You rested your head against his neck and hummed in thought, sending a vibration down his body. “Hmmm, I’ll think about it.” Your arms wrapped around his neck and for a moment he fought the urge to cuddle with you in bed. Being around you was so difficult, especially when he tried to not get attached to you, despising the idea of being soft. 
He unhooked your arms from his neck and you pulled away with a confused look on your face. “Is everything okay?” He looked distressed about something and you couldn’t stop the ugly feeling in your stomach from churning. 
“I gotta go, it’s late,” he told you, sliding out of bed to scoop his clothes up. 
“I mean…you can just sleep over?” You looked at him get changed, trying to hide your frown once he finished. The pout in your voice made a wave of guilt run through his body. He tucked your body under the covers as your bottom lip jutted out in protest of him leaving. 
He kissed your forehead. “I’ll text you next week. I promise.”
Present day, 2015
Rindou slammed the car door shut, startling Dona from the backseat. “Jesus, man. What the hell is up with you?”
Rindou grumbled something under his breath and started the car, impatiently drumming his fingers against the wheel as Ran took his time inside the house fixing his suit. 
“Hello? Why’re you ignoring me?” Dona waved her hand in his face. “He’s in there right? Or do we have to drive around the whole city tryna find him?”
“Oh he’s in there alright,” Rindou rasped, rubbing his temples. 
“You gonna update me on what happened or just sulk in the front seat like a baby.”
He leaned back in his chair and then turned to look at Dona. “If I tell you, you’d get mad.”
Dona’s eyes narrowed. “Why would I be mad?” Rindou stayed quiet, and her patience only grew thinner. “Rindou I will hit you if you don’t spit it out.”
“(Name)’s back.”
“Wait Ran.” You slipped off the bed, walking to the door before he could leave his room. “What was with Rindou’s reaction before?”
“Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you. He hates you.”
“I can see that,” you sighed, looking down at the floor for a couple moments before looking back at him. “What did you tell him?”
“Nothing really.” Ran shrugged. “Just told him we broke up.”
“That’s all? I don’t see why he’d hate me for that.” You frowned, fighting back a pout as you crossed your arms over your chest. “It’s not like I broke up with him.”
“You know how he gets.” Ran looked at the way you chewed your lip nervously, a habit you always did when you were overthinking. “Come here,” he said, beckoning you closer. You followed suit, slipping between his arms and he pulled you in for a hug. He rested his chin against the top of your head as your arms snaked around his waist. “Stop overthinking stuff. Rin doesn’t hate you. He hates what you did.”
“What did I do though?” you asked quietly, tilting your head to look up at him. 
“You left without an explanation.”
“There was an explanation,” you defended yourself. “You know there was.”
“Exactly. I know. He didn’t.”
“Why didn’t you tell him then?” you groaned, looking curiously up at him. “I broke up with you, not him. I have no issues with Rindou.”
“It wasn’t his business,” he responded, the circles he was tracing on your back with his thumbs made you feel dizzy. “And I avoided talking about you. And he thought he’d get answers from you since I wasn’t telling him, then found out you left. So he was mad.”
A slight feeling of guilt pooled low in your stomach as you lowered your head to look at the ground. Reluctantly, you let go of the hug and stepped away from him. “I think you should go to that meeting now. I’ve been hogging too much of your time.”
“Alright baby.” He shrugged his jacket back on and opened the door. “I’ll be back in a few hours.”
“Okay,” you muttered, moving back onto the bed as you watched him leave the room. The second the door shut, you moved to grab your bag and pulled out your phone. You weren’t expecting to see six missed calls from Shion, each call an hour apart, and another feeling of guilt passed through you. “I’m a piece of shit,” you muttered, hitting your forehead with the edge of your phone before turning it back off.
Shion was tomorrow’s problem. You could figure out what to say to him.
Meanwhile, back in the car, Dona shrieked. “What?! Why?!”
“How the fuck am I supposed to answer that?” Rindou grumbled in response as Ran entered the car door with a hefty sigh.
“Drive already.” He lazily gestured around the wheel with his hands.
“Uh excuse me? You don’t get to boss us around when you’re thirty minutes late to the meeting.” Dona said with a frown, her nose twitching when Ran just laughed under his breath. “Not even a little bit remorseful? Mikey is pissed.”
“Name a day of the week he's not pissed,” Ran responded, looking back at Dona who laughed, mumbling that’s true. 
"Look who finally decided to show up," Sanzu sneered as Ran entered the room.
"What, you missed my presence that bad?" Ran responded as he settled himself into the couch beside Kokonoi. Sanzu rolled his eyes, making Ran's grin grow wider.
"Finally," Mikey sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Is this important or what? Because if it's about my club's sales, then you could've just emailed that shit to me," Ran said in annoyance.
Mikey nodded, clearing his throat before sitting down in his chair. "It's about Naoto."
"Who the fuck is Naoto?" Takeomi said, raising an eyebrow.
"Take a fucking guess," Mikey said sharply, causing everyone in the room to fall silent, except for Ran who yawned loudly.
"What did he do?"
"He's onto us again." Mikey pointed at Mochi. "You told me you had it handled. What's the fucking hold up?"
Mochi shrugged. "I did have it handled. He was off our back for weeks, no?"
"Weeks isn't shit," Sanzu retorted. "Can't we just kill him? He's like a scab. The more you pick at it, the more it bleeds."
"Sanzu, what the hell are you talking about?" Rindou grumbled from his seat, picking at the tips of the strands of hair falling over his face.
"I'm sayinggggg," Sanzu continued, "instead of burying information to get him off our tracks, we just bury him instead."
Mikey shook his head. "No. Bad idea."
"Because," Mikey responded, saying no more. The group of men stared at him expectantly. When silence descended upon the room once more, Kakucho spoke up.
"Is this about Takemichi and all of them?"
Mikey slid his eyes over to Kakucho. "What?"
"You're hesitating on hurting Naoto because he's friends with Draken and Takemichi and all of them, no? If it were any other cop, you would've just killed them already. But we've been running around in circles with Naoto for almost a year now and nothings changed. I agree with Sanzu. We should just kill him."
"I said no," Mikey responded, harsher than before, effectively shutting Kakucho up. "If you have anything to say then say it."
"Nothing else, sir."
"Good." Mikey turned back over to look at Ran. "Naoto is onto you the most." When Ran raised an eyebrow, Mikey continued. "He found out one of the clubs you own and is getting his men to go undercover at your clubs, snooping around for shady business. Just wanted to tell you to watch out."
"He's not gonna find anything." Ran responded calmly, kicking his feet onto the table with a thud, ignoring Mikey's complaint to get his feet off the table. "He's an idiot if he thinks I'd do my business in broad daylight."
"Well regardless how confident you are, just watch out. If he finds anything, it won't take long before he finds other things."
"You got it." Ran pushed his chair back and stood up, stretching. "That all?"
Mikey nodded. By the time Ran made it back home, you were fast asleep on his bed, phone unlocked in your hand. He grabbed your phone and slid his finger across the screen, pausing briefly at your message history. Your phone was practically empty. It was sad to look at. You stirred in your sleep, taking notice of his presence. "Hey," you murmured sleepily, peeking a single eye open.
"Hey sleepyhead." He paused, putting your phone back down. "Go back to sleep."
"But I want to talk to you."
"About what?" He sat on the bed, watching you closely. "Haven't you been talking enough today? You need sleep."
"I don't," you grumbled, curling up against his arm. "I need to talk to Shion," you murmured, half asleep.
"Why do you wanna talk to Shion?" He questioned, sounding more confused than anything.
"Because I blew him off," you spoke without thinking, yawning with each passing word. "He's probably angry at me. Maybe I'll make him feel better by apologising."
"You blew him off? How so?"
"I'm such an asshole," you moaned softly, slouching further into his side. He ran his hand down your back in a soothing motion. "I haven't called or texted him yet. I just...walked out without saying anything. That must've hurt him. I can't believe I did that."
"Yeah, well..." He trailed off, patting the top of your head, not knowing what else to say. "To be honest, I have no clue what you're talking about right now. It's cute you still talk in your sleep though."
You sighed deeply, closing your eyes again, mumbling something incoherent under your breath and drifted back to sleep.
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TAGLIST: @escafhwiluv @lyniana @haitanifxn @rindougf03 @mvteria @hisan-na @luvhaitani @mishueb @Dreamxies @yuma404 @sleeplessreader @shinichirolover @illusorysmut @Lxvephxbic @obsessedwreiner @ililailii @insayninthamembrayn @missgab @reihimbo @l0velikethis @lollevi @danasaan @tenjikusstuff4 @midoriapologist @alkanessa @asp7n @thebrownemo @levstar777 @sanaukii @yumidepain @jesjesboo @pink-sugar-rush @ssailorvenuss @mizukikyong @suckonlimes @weebasaurus @xngelsau @wrldstarrr @lonnie19 @yanfei-kisser @wrldstarrr @hayeoyeon @christmassugarcookies @minimari415 @hxonieverse @rinshoe @taihjj @ezri261 @mkc-ana
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
hey love! wanted to request smth for the angel and devil au. anything hurt and comfort, maybe starting with eddie being mean but not in a hot way. like deadass making reader cry so they lock themself in their room crying. steve scolds eddie which ends up with him apologising and pls lots of cuddles in the end
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
masterlist | join my taglist | devil & angel AU masterlist
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“Come on, honey,” Steve’s gentle voice penetrated your locked bedroom door, “just open the door.”
“Leave me alone!” you shouted, still hiding your tear-stained face behind your curled-up knees.
“Dude,” you faintly heard Eddie sigh, “just let me break it open. It’s not my fault she’s such a little crybaby.”
“You know that’s really not helping your case, right?” you didn’t have to look at the angel to detect the massive eye roll he undoubtedly just did. Knocking softly once more, he tried again, “sweetie, please.”
After not even a minute had passed, you just barely heard Eddie mutter, “fuck manners,” before the door was literally kicked open, causing your curled-up body to jump at the sudden intrusion. Glaring up at the cause of your tears, you caught how Steve frustratingly dropped the scalding sentence that almost flowed from his lips. “I’m sorry,” the devil forced out, “there, I said it. I’m sorry, okay?”
“Is that really the best you got? Seriously?” Steve groaned, his arms tightly crossed over his chest. 
“Alright,” he took a few more steps further into the room and sat down opposite you on the bed, “I didn’t mean what I said.”
“Yeah, you did,” you uttered weakly.
“No, it just spilt out.”
“Yeah, because you meant it. You think I’m stupid.”
“I don’t think that,” but as you rolled your eyes, he insisted, “I don’t! I’ve known you your whole life, so I don’t just think that you’re smart, I know it. You’re smarter than that idiot back there,” he nodded teasingly to the angelic peacekeeper still keeping a watchful eye, “a hell of a lot more pretty too.”
“…then why did you say it?”
Letting out a low exhale, he spoke, “I don’t know…” averting his gaze a moment, “sometimes worthless stuff just flows out of my big mouth and I don’t have any control over it whatsoever.”
“Worthless…” you echoed, tasting the hurtful word on your tongue, “not so worthless when that’s how you made me feel.”
Snatching your hand up in his, he squeezed it earnestly, “I really am sorry, Y/n,” Eddie tried to find your eyes, “hey, I’m trying here, okay? I’m sorry.”
Blinking your bloodshot eyes back at him, you chewed on your inner cheek, “if you’re trying to get me to forgive you, it’s not gonna happen that quick.” 
“I can live with that. You know I’m not going anywhere, so I’ll just keep trying till you do.”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble
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colectingstrz · 10 months
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➤ (📞) GENRE: fluff, strangers to lovers | PAIRING: jay x fem reader | WC : 1.9k | SUMMARY: When you find your self crushing hard and constantly go to your local hospital just so you could see the cute receptionist again or in which the cute receptionist is amused by your antics and secretly anticipates your return.
𖤐 lowkey off topic but I’m quite embarrassed to say I’ve never seen these pictures of jay before... (#><) Like ive been stanning enha sine iland as well I don’t get it.. I came across this and was so shocked cuz how come I’ve NEVER SEEN THESE JAY PICS!!?? it’s just added an extra 5 years onto my lifespan (thank you to my man!! 🥰) + this is 80% proof read see a weird word? Erase it from your memory ❤️
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YOUR MOTHER WAS DRAMATIC. Everything little thing that happened, she would inflate out of proportion, just like today. When you called her and told her you had some odd rashes, she freaked out and arrived to your university accommodation within 10 minutes. You tried to reassure her that it wasn't deep, but she didn't want to hear it. Assuming the worst, she literally dragged you by your ear to her car and drove you to the hospital.
The whole thing was humiliating as your friends and anyone who lived in your section watched the whole interaction form their windows. You understand your mother wanted to make sure you were alright. Especially as you were the youngest sibling she always was extra mindful of you. But she was doing way to much for your liking. You just wanted to get this over with and go home.
Once you arrived you and your mother approached the counter and rang the bell so that a receptionists could be alerted. Soon a tall male appeared “ I apologise for the wait I had an important call.. what can I do for you miss?” You shot your head up once you heard the voice stepping closer and locking eyes with him .
For you, it was love at first sight. He was cute, he was handsome, and all of the above. You had never seen anyone as attractive as him in your 20 years of living. Who is this angel from above his jawline? I need him to cut me in ha- " y/n sweetie, why don't you explain your problem to the gentleman?"
Oh yeah..my rashes
“uh... I have some rashes uh... that are uh... spreading all over umm..my back” you internally slapped yourself for speaking like that and stuttering it's bad enough you showed up with your mum at your big age and now this..what was he supposed to think of you. It was difficult to concentrate on your words as his deep brown eyes were fixed on you.
He hummed as he scribbled something on his notes, “ladies please sit over there on the red chairs and make yourself comfortable I'll set you up with one of our doctors in a minute ” oh I'll make myself comfortable alright “pardon? ” You covered your mouth with your hands as you gasped, realising you had spoken out loud. Here I am again, embarrassing myself in front of him .
The male chuckled to himself before heading off down the hall.
Later that week more like 2 days after you found yourself at the hospital again Why? Because you were sick sick. Suffering from what? A bad case of I’m attracted to my hospitals receptionist syndrome and you needed an antidote quickly.So What perfect way to curs yourself by seeing the cause instead.
Plus you couldn’t focus at uni he lived in your head rent free and you didn’t even know his name. You wanted to talk to him again to hear his deep voice. Maybe you were obsessed ? Crazy? But you were crazy in love and needed to see him. So during your free you took the train and made your way to the hospital.
As you approached the counter you were met with an unfamiliar pair of eyes it was another receptionist. Where’s the sexy jawline dude who the hell is this old woman? “ umm excuse me ? Where’s the hot receptionist” the lady looked up from her paper and raised a brow eyeing you up and down “ if your a fan girl please excuse yourself out the hospital if your not actually sick “ tch she has an attitude “ uhh..im actually his girlfriend im here to drop somthing off ! I’ll be quick” you forced a smile as she squinted her eyes once more giving you a look as if searching for you obvious lie but she seemed to buy it “ I’ll call him for you stay here ” she disappears into the back and eventually your “boyfriend” comes out.
“ boyfriend ? “ he raised a brow with an amused smile on his face. You will be soon you just don’t know it yet “ i..uhh I only said that so you could come out please don’t misunderstand anything ” he nodded sitting down on the chair “ well then since you requested me what do you need ? ” you didn’t actually come there with a plan. Not having enough time to think of some fake diagnosis to give yourself you chose to be honest.
A sudden wave of confidence washes over you “ I need you ” he raised a brow “pardon ?” You nodd “ you heard me” the male chuckles to himself “you came all the way just to say this.. I’ll applaud you for your determination but im not interested ” im going to throw my self of a building “ don’t speak so soon.. once you get to know me your going to become interested” he hummed “ sure sure” you crossed your arms “ well if your going to reject me can I at least know the name of the guy I’ve been dreaming about ” he smirks “ you’ve been dreaming about me? Your very honest I like that.. and the names jay “ even his name is sexy
“ I’m honest and a lot more things you will like if your willing to find out jay..” you graced your fingers over his lightly before turning off to leave. With a proud smile on your face
Jay didn’t really understand what just happed but he found you amusing. It’s not like he hadn’t had girls come here and put it on him but something about the way you carried yourself and acted was different. He wouldn’t admit it but he hoped to see you some time soon.
As quick as the next day you showed up. You approach the counter to be met with the same old annoying lady “ here to see your boyfriend? I’ll get him ” maybe she’s not so annoying anymore you smiled to yourself as your little lie seemed to be doing you wonders
“ good afternoon jay how’ve you been did you miss me” he rolled his eyes while flicking though some documents “ you’ve been gone for 21 hours.. there’s nothing to miss it hasn’t even been a full day” he was counting..? “ you counted how many hours soooo…you did miss me didn’t you ?” you spoke with a slight blush on your cheeks at the thought that he actually missed you to some extent. Jay noticed this he thought it was cute how easily flustered you got “ your cute when you blush ” hearing him say that you made your legs melt like jelly almost losing balance to the point jay even stood up reaching out for your arm in concern
“ y/n.. are you alright ?” You nodd slowly “ you know my name..” you speak in a dazed tone to which jay smiles “ of course your not someone to forget.. so are you actually sick or.. you came here to see me” what do you think “ no this time I’m actually a little under the weather do you want to know why jay ” he nodded getting out his notepad
“ I’m stuffing from unrequited love.. the guy I like doesn’t feel the same way.. and I think I might die from a broken heart ” you spoke dramatically with a small pout flashing jay your doe eyes hoping he would be tranced by your attempt to be cute and fall in love with you. To your shock he flicked your forehead “ ouch! Why would you do that ! ” he now moved closer to you placing his hands on the counter staring at you deeply
“ it seems your suffering form something else too.. stupidity ” huh? What is that supposed to mean “ what.. please elaborate I’m unaware of this symptom” you speak deeply confused so you move closer to jay urging him for an answer. Almost closing the distance between the two of you. You action caught jay of guard causing him to move back and hide his deep blush with a cough “ that’s a conversation for another time “ you raise a brow “ another time? So you intend to see me again when’s the date ” he laughs “ I never said I was taking you out on a date ” you pout again
“ fine then.. I guess I’ll just go to another hospital form now on..” you turn to leave wishing he would follow you but the more you headed to the entrance you realised he wasn’t. You sighed maybe this is a sign I should move on.
Though just as you stepped foot out the entrance you felt a force pull you to an outside wall pushing you against it. You were shocked to see jay. “ are you that dense y/n” what what what “Huh..? I don’t I.. I don’t understand ” his eyes flicked from your eyes to your lips he seemed as if he heisted at the thought of kissing you
“ on second thought.. I-I don’t need to understand if your going to kiss me just do it ” he chuckled lightly placing his finger on your lips “ I want to make that move in a better and more appropriate setting if you get what I mean” he still wants to kiss me so a win is a win.
you couldn’t belive that this whole time jay liked you back you mentally facepalm yourself for being so dense how did you not notice sooner? A regular person would have shooed you away yet he entertained it all. It was so obvious I’m an idiot
He pulls away from you slightly now resting on the wall next to you
“ wait so you really did miss me? ” he nodded but you didn’t fail to miss the small tint of red that was evident on his ears as he attempted to turn away “ yeah.. I actually gave you my number but I guess you didn’t notice “ you raise a brow number HE GAVE ME HIS NUMBER AND I DIDINT NOTICE !?
“ wait wait wait when? “ he shrugged “ on the first day I wrote it on a sheet of paper and when I escorted you and your mom to the doctor I slipped it into your bag since you left it open Damm it this was the 3rd mental facepalming you had revived for your actions, as you do in fact remember seeing a scrunched up ball of paper but assumed it was rubbish and threw it in the trash.
“ I threw that in the bin thinking it was rubbish oh my gosh Jay why didn’t you just straight up say it to me my memory is impeccable!” he smiles “ I wanted to tease you a little bit longer I like seeing you all cute and flustered ” now it was your turn away and hide the blush on your face.
You had so much more you wanted to say to him but the interaction was cut short by that annoying old lady. Yes after what interrupting your lil moment with jay she became annoying again
“ Jay.. stop sucking your girlfriends face off and answer to some customers I’m on my break !” She yells as you could hear her approaching. You turn to jay with a frown. Though Shocking both you and him Jay unknowingly places a quick kiss on your cheek mouthing a small “I’ll see you later” before running back into the hospital.
You sigh as you lean on the wall placing your hand on your cheek as you relived the moment on reply. Again and again and again and again- “ y/n!” you hear jay call out for you. He approached you quickly placing a folded paper in your Palm “ my number.. please don’t throw it away again and call me”
And he sped off again
You smiled to yourself as you held the paper firmly in your hand not wanting to let go. You never knew in your life that you would be thanking your mother for being so dramatic.
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𖤐 steal my work and I’ll come to your house and suck your blood 🧛‍♀️
𖤐 This story is very personal to me not that I’ve done this before 💀 but like it’s so real to me cuz this is exactly what i would do if In some other universe jay was a receptionist at my local hospital tho the difference is I’ll just admire him from after 😔 Aniiii ways I hope you liked it !!
- peace and love ♡︎
𖤐 link to my other works
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animeomegas · 2 years
Omega!Denki - Back of the neck
(This is a birthday gift!!! For the wonderful, amazing, ridiculously talented @omeganronpa​!!!! Because birthdays! and celebrations! and yay!!! I hope you enjoy it 🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤💖💗💓💞💕💟💝💘)
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Summary: Denki knew he was smitten with this alpha from class 3B... but did they seriously put him into subspace just by putting their hand at the back of his neck??? Fuck, he had it bad. 
Warnings: This is non-sexual subspace. Denki does take his shirt off at one point but alpha reader averts their eyes because they are a Respectful Alpha™ thank you very much 😤 Mineta is also a jealous bitch in this. 
It was Denki’s favourite night of the week: Friday night. There was no need to do homework, no late training exercises, and best of all, Bakusquad movie night!
Snacks, films and friends, was there a better combination?
“So,” Kirishima said, wiggling his eyebrows as Sero tried to locate the remote to put on the film. “Are you and that alpha from 3B official yet?”
Denki pouted at the question as he hugged a pillow to his chest.
“No, not yet… I totally thought they would make it official when they took me out to that café last week, but they didn’t…”
“Aww, it will happen, Denks, don’t worry!” Mina cooed, ruffling his hair. “Take it from another alpha, they’re so obviously head over heels for you!”
At that moment, Sero successfully located the remote behind one of the curtains with a triumphant noise.
“Found it!” he held up the remote in triumph and returned to the couches and plopped himself down. “But hey, if you’re so worried about it, why not ask them to join next week’s movie night? You can offer to walk them back to their dorm and confess on the doorstep all romantic and stuff. Alphas don’t have to make the first move anymore, dude.”
Denki turned the idea over in his mind for a moment. He was nervous to reveal his feelings so candidly, but maybe his friends were right.
“Yeah… okay, good idea, Sero, I’ll do that if you guys don’t mind an extra person next week?”
“Whatever, as long as they don’t talk over the film like some people. Now, are we going to watch this movie or what?”
“Sure!” Denki grinned, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Sorry Bakugou, didn’t mean to side-track everyone. Press play!”
“Are you sure your friends don’t mind me crashing movie night? I know it’s your thing.”
Denki hummed without registering your words, focusing instead on the feeling of your hand on his lower back.
“Denki? Earth to Denki?”
Denki startled, stopping in his tracks and looking at you with wide eyes.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
You stopped walking with him, both of you now standing a couple of metres from the 3A dorm entrance.
“Are you okay?” you asked softly, rubbing his arms with your hands. “You’ve been really out of it today.”
“Sorry,” he apologised, rubbing tiredly at his face. “I didn’t sleep well at all last night, just couldn’t get my brain to shut up and then I got the shit kicked out of me by Midoriya during a spar today. He didn’t mean to hurt me, but I swear that guy forgets that he’s fucking jacked sometimes.”
You laughed lightly and Denki’s stomach flipped.
“I’m sure if you decided to take a little nap during the film, no one would mind.”
“No!” Denki protested. “Film night is sacred! I won’t betray the film night ritual like that!”
You laughed again, this time grabbing his hand in yours and giving it a little squeeze.
“Well, if film night’s so sacred, we should get a move on because we’re already late,” you grinned at him in a way that made Denki’s legs feel weak. Every time you gave him special attention or affection, he just wanted to fall into your arms and let you spoil him until he couldn’t take it anymore.
You metaphorically tugged him out of those thoughts as you physically tugged him towards the door, allowing him to open it and let you both into the common area where his friends were lounging on the sofas while a couple of his other classmates pottered around in the kitchen.
“Finally!” Mina cheered, throwing her arms up in the air. “You guys are here!”
“Took you long enough,” Sero teased. “Did Denki get lost trying to find the 3B dorms again?”
Denki knew the teasing was only that, teasing, but his stupid, tired brain decided to let the comment sting against his will. He really wasn’t in the mood to hear about his incompetence in front of the alpha he was trying so hard to impress.
“Hey, it wasn’t his fault it was mine,” you said easily, slipping a hand to the back of his neck to squeeze it comfortingly. “He was on time, but I couldn’t find my jacket, sorry everyone!”
Denki only heard the start of your deflection because his entire brain was desperately focused on trying not to melt at the grip you had on the back of his neck. His brain felt like it was slowly emptying and then filling back up with fuzz. You had him by the neck and it felt so lovely after the stress of the day.
“Bro, you okay over there?” Kirishima asked, jolting Denki back to reality.
Denki swallowed heavily, trying to remove the cotton feeling from his mouth.
“Uh, yeah, I’m fine,” he managed to force out, automatically leaning towards you, comforted by the way you immediately wrapped an arm around him.
“Then let’s get this party started! I picked this week’s film,” Mina said, grabbing the remote off the coffee table and twirling it in her hand.
“Fucking help us all,” Bakugou muttered, taking a swig of his drink.
Mina made an offended noise and, without hesitation, threw a cushion at him, sticking out her tongue the whole while.
Bakugou let out a growl, just managing to catch the cushion. Denki knew he was just joking around, Bakugou was always like that. So why was his heart rate spiking? What was wrong with him today?
“Hey, let’s sit down, come on,” you whispered in his ear, leaving a trail of goosebumps in your wake. Denki allowed you to lead him to the sofa without a second thought.
“Okay! I’m pressing play now and if you can’t hear the film because you’re arguing, then that’s your problem!” Sero announced loudly, making significant eye contact with Mina and Bakugou, who reluctantly stopped bickering as the opening credits started to play.
Not that Denki really noticed them. Try as he might, he couldn’t convince himself to focus on the film when you were sitting right next to him. All it took was one moment of weakness and he was crawling onto his maybe-sort-of-hopefully alpha’s lap and burying his face in your chest.
He just… needed it. Every part of him was just itching to be close to you, to be surrounded with your scent.
Sure enough, he quickly relaxed, heart rate dropping as everything felt better all at once.
The way you wrapped one arm around him and used the other to stroke his hair pulled a tremendous purr from him, loud enough that his friends even turned to look at him, but none of them commented on what they saw.
Denki didn’t care who was watching though; your heartbeat was so nice to listen to. It was so steady and comforting. He let his mind float as he listened.
This was nice. He liked this. You were so amazing, such a perfect alpha. And he hoped more than anything that you would reciprocate his confession after the film. The reminder of his later plans sent a spike of anxiety through him, but you scratched the back of his neck and suddenly all the anxiety was gone.
He’d be okay.
You were here and that meant everything was going to be okay.
The film was nothing more than background noise at this point and Denki couldn’t have told you how far into the film you were because he’d completely lost his sense of time while he laid there dozing in your lap.
Until a new voice forced him up.
“Ugh, you guys are gross,” it was Mineta, who had come out of the kitchen with a pot noodle in hand and was now staring at you and Denki. “I’m sick of seeing you all over each other around school and now you’re bring it to our dorm? Gross, I hope you cheat on each other.”
Denki had heard Mineta say many things that were so much worse than that, but for some reason, he could feel his chest hurt as he registered the words. The pleasant floating was ripped away from him in an instant and all that remained was panic that this special alpha was going to leave him for someone else.
Tears bubbled over before he could stop them, a small sob soon following.
Everyone froze, even Mineta looked taken aback and a little nervous at his response. It was clear that he hadn’t expected Denki to cry.
“It was just a joke, why are you-“
You snarled at Mineta before he could finish, pulling Denki to your chest protectively and holding him tightly.
Mineta squeaked like the coward he was and scurried away as Bakugou shouted something Denki couldn’t quite make out.
But even though the perpetrator had fled, Denki couldn’t stop the tears or his instinct to curl himself into you as much as possible.
“Alpha, please don’t leave me,” he whimpered, uncaring about how pathetic the request must have sounded to you and his friends. He would say whatever and do whatever if it meant he could keep you. He needed you. He couldn’t remember how he had survived before you ‘d come into his life now.
“Shh, it’s alright omega, you’ve been having a tough day, huh?” you made a soothing grumbling noise that lined your words. “Why don’t I take you to your room for an early night? You’ll have to direct me, but I know you can do it.”
Denki nodded and you picked him up in one clean motion. He was perfectly content to leave movie night behind and navigate to his room from the comfort and protection of your arms.
Vaguely he heard Bakugou growl out some warning about you not touching him while he was upset, but Denki didn’t know what Bakugou was talking about because he loved it when you touched him; it made him feel safe.
Thankfully, Denki managed to remember the way to his dorm room, something you praised him for, giving him a little kiss when he managed to fish out his key. Slowly but surely, Denki could feel himself losing the panic and returning to that glorious floaty space once more. He liked it when you praised him. He liked it a lot.
“Are we like, together-together?” Denki mumbled into your chest suddenly as you walked into his room.
“Do you want us to be?” you asked in return, putting him on his bed. Denki screwed up his face in disapproval at your unhelpful answer. But floaty Denki had no qualms about answering honestly.  
“Yes. Obviously.”
You chuckled, grabbing him some pyjamas from his dresser.
“Then we are. Simple as that.”
“But what exactly are we?” Denki asked again, stressing the words. “Are we… courting or, or, or intended mates? Or something else altogether?”
“How about we talk about this tomorrow?” you said, bringing him the pyjamas. “Right now, you need to go and get changed.”
Denki blinked at the order before immediately pulling his shirt off and throwing it vaguely in the direction of his laundry basket.
You sputtered and blushed, turning around to face the wall, muttering ‘or change here, that’s fine too.’
It took a little longer than normal for Denki to get himself changed and tucked up in bed, but you didn’t seem to mind. He loved that about you; you were so patient, not like everyone else.
“Will you stay with me?” he mumbled into his pillow, holding out a hand that you accepted, crouching down by the head of his bed.
“I’ll stay until you fall asleep and then I’ll come and cook you breakfast tomorrow morning, how’s that sound?”
“Hmm, okay,” Denki agreed, sighing sadly. “Next time you have to stay all night though.”
“Okay baby, if that’s what you want.”
Denki purred happily at the nickname and you chuckled at him. But it wasn’t a mean chuckle. You never laughed at him to be mean.
The last thing he remembered was watching and feeling you stroke his hand as he dozed off and then… nothing.
Until he woke the next morning, much earlier than normal due to his shockingly early night and prompt groaned into his pillow.
What the fuck had happened last night?
Denki felt like his face was burning at a thousand degrees as he recalled how he’d acted last night.
Was he like, the most submissive omega in the world? Seriously, a little sleep deprivation and a hand to the back of the neck and suddenly he’s clawing at an alpha like an omega written by a porn director…
His friends were never going to let him live that down.
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strayheartless · 4 months
Okay let’s torture Zack today: ADHD PARALYSIS STYLE!
This has been going on for too long now. Why can’t he just get up, huh? Why does this have to be a fight every fucking time? Just get the fuck up dude!
He doesn’t move. Instead his thumb shifts to scroll past another video. He knows Angeals about to bang on the door and demand to know why he’s not out of bed; he knows it’s going to spark a lecture, and he knows his brain is going to feel like it’s been lit up like a firework just hearing anything other than silence. He’s not doing it on purpose. He knows he needs to move.
There’s a knock at the door, and that gets him moving. It doesn’t sound like Angeals knock, it’s too hesitant. Also nobody has walked in which means they don’t have a key…
He opens the door to Cloud who’s standing there looking a little unsure. “You good?” He gives Zack a once over, closing off a little at whatever he finds, pulling his scarf over his mouth in nervous habit.
“Yeah I’m fine why?” Zack blinks. What did he forget?
“We er, we were going to meet for lunch.” Cloud looked away from him, and Zack feels like a grade A asshole. “It’s okay if you changed your mind, it’s just- a text- I mean… a text would have- it’s fine.”
“Cloud I’m so sorry!” He cried trying to stumble around looking for clean cloths from the pile of washing that’s mixed with the dirty laundry on the chair. “I completely lost track. I’m- I- I’m reall-“
He hadn’t realised he’d started crying until Cloud makes him stop with a hand on his arm, and he takes a huge stuttering breath. Why does he keep doing this!? Why does he keep forgetting these things and then upsetting his best friend!
“Zack breath,” Cloud says, kind of commands actually.Zack stops and focuses a little more on taking some breaths.
“Good, that’s good. Just… did you forget or did that thing happen again?” Cloud asks and Zack holds up two fingers to indicate option 2.
“Okay,” Cloud sighs and tries a little smile that he only ever seems to give to Zack. “Okay, that’s fine. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have put that pressure on you. Do you want to eat here, or do you think you need to get moving to kickstart something?”
Zack took another breath and struttered “m-moving.”
“Okay, I’ll leave you to get dressed then. 300 second okay?”
Once Cloud closes his door again Zack moves around the room like lightning. He shoves on a shirt that smells clean, does his belt, grabs his phone and wallet and shoves his feet in his shoes.
Outside Clouds holding Zack’s coat out already and helps him into it.
“283 seconds. New record.” He bumps his elbow into Zack’s side lightly, making the other man laugh breathily.
“Cloud I really am so-“
“Don’t. I know you are and you don’t have to apologise. I get that it’s hard for you.” Cloud cuts him off.
Zack just looks at him. How can one person hold so much acceptance in one tiny body? How can somebody who’s known him for no more than a year accept and help him in ways not even his parents could.
Cloud never makes Zack feel bad for this. he never gets mad at him, when he has every right to. All Cloud has ever done is occasionally been insecure himself and even then he changes his approach when Zack explains.
“I really love you, you know that right?” He asks, wrapping his arms around Cloud. “Like, a lot,”
Cloud blushes “shut up,” he says, leaning into the side hug.
He doesn’t say it back, but he doesn’t have to. Zack knows Cloud loves him to and that makes all the difference in the world.
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storiesbyrhi · 5 months
🧚 🧚🏽‍♀️ 🧚‍♂️
i would love to hear about this fairy fic 🖤
It's only 700 words or so. I had this idea that Eddie, after everything that happened, moved to the city. But his time in the Upside Down left him magically marked. This gets the attention of the secret fairy living in his apartment block.
It's part magic realism (you know me) and part some weird size kink bullshit hehe.
I have a lot of thoughts and ideas, but haven't really decided how thw story is going to go. However, I am happy to share what I have! Unedited and very likely to change.
Love youuuuuuuuuuu.
Eddie Munson tried to not think of leaving Hawkins as running away. He had sworn to himself, standing against a tornado of demobats, that he was never going to do that again. No, Eddie would be brave in the face of danger. There was no battle he couldn’t fight. No enemy to send him cowering in the corner. But Hawkins… Hawkins wasn’t just any monster.
Hawkins had thousands of eyes, all peering at Eddie whenever he ventured further than the trailer. Her mouth could speak in an endless number of different voices, all whispering about cults and murder and Chrissy Cunningham’s body. She had power too, Hawkins, power enough to stop Eddie from getting work after he graduated from his hospital bed. She had him frozen in time and place.
Eddie didn’t know how many more days of fight he had in him, but a kind twist of fate offered Eddie an escape plan in the form of his sweet friend Jeff. A plan in which Eddie could play the hero, rather than the deserter.
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do, man!” Jeff paced back in forth in front of Eddie. “Everything was all set up but I can’t pay rent on my own. My dad says to put a notice in the paper but even that costs money… And I don’t want to live with a stranger! What if they’re like… an axe murderer!”
It was refreshing to hear about someone’s normal problems. It seemed a lot easier than working out how to communicate cross-dimensionally or where the hell Nancy Wheeler’s missing guns went.
“I’m sorry, dude,” Jeff apologised. “I shouldn’t complain to you,”
“Why?” Eddie fished.
Jeff hesitated. “Well… You know…”
“Because I was accused of murder, attacked by wild dogs, and almost killed in an earthquake?” Eddie was obviously being sarcastic, but it still made Jeff wince.
Eddie laughed, shocked that people had really bought ‘attacked by wild dogs’ … but they needed some sort of cover story for the bite marks. Despite his best efforts, Eddie couldn’t even make himself the hero of that adventure. Goddamn Steve Harrington had saved him from the rabid pack, earning himself some matching battle wounds.
“It’s cool,” Eddie reassured his friend.
The pair sat and watched whatever shit was on television for a little while longer. When the idea popped into Eddie’s head, he sat up straight from his lounging position, moving quickly enough to startle Jeff.
“I have an idea,” Eddie announced. “What if I come with you? Take the room? Nobody knows me there. I can get a job. Actually leave the fucking house. You don’t have to live with stranger. We can still jam… It’s a good idea, right?”
“You really want to move to Chicago?”
“I mean… S’not like I have grand plans in Hawkins. This town fucking hates me… I’d miss Wayne but… Yeah… Yeah, I wanna move to Chicago… If you’ll have me.” Eddie grinned at his friend, the wide smile full of fun that Jeff hadn’t really seen since before everything went down.
“Eddie Munson. My hero.”
It was a dark magic. It was cold. Lonely. And there was only a whisper of it, thankfully, but it was there. From your window, you watched him unload a U-Haul onto the sidewalk. A group of people were moving boxes and furniture into the building; the noise followed them to the second floor, to the vacant apartment across from yours.
The magic was only coming from him. All his friends were unremarkable, just a mismatched crew of boisterous boys. None were scarred like him either. Even from your window, you could see the pink ripples of scar tissue on his face, neck, and arms. The war must have been recent, you decided, the pink fresh and his movements stunted by discomfort and pain.
“Eddie, dude, you’re not meant to be lifting the heavy ones,” his friend yelled, coming to take the box away from him.
“I’m fine,”
“Whatever. I don’t wanna scoop ya guts up when you pop a fuckin’ stitch, man.” The imagery was strong and it forced a smile on your lips. He was loved, the boy with the scars, despite the dark magic.
 It only took Eddie a week to realise something was happening.
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HEY HEY HEY so I’ve never requested anything before bc I’m new to tumblr and idk if this is even where I’m supposed to request thing so if i’m wrong then I sincerely apologise.
BUT, if I am then slay I have a funky idea for a tangerine fic that I think you would write so well :)
So I saw you said you’re British but idk if you ever went to a youth club? Like where they have 5-12 year olds come for group games in a sports hall and they do arts and crafts and play with the big rainbow parachute thing on the ground?? Well anyhoo I’ve been stuck on this non hitmen au where I can see reader being one of the leaders who takes the club and usually lemon is the other one, but for whatever reason, maybe like a recreational injury, he needs tangerine to fill in for a few weeks. So this is reader and tan meeting for the first time other than Lemon mentioning him and obviously Tan isn’t used to being around kids and is a grumpy dude and doesn’t know how to talk to them while playing the games but reader finds it funny because she knows them all well. Some funny Tangerine and kiddio interactions results in him catching her attention and the two become better friends while the group are away with the arts and crafts leader. Maybe they get up to some interesting stuff after a few weeks in the sports supply store room?? I just think it’s a fun little thing and the idea gives me nostalgia because if my old youth club lol
HI HI HII!! don’t worry you did it right! okay so, for this I had too many ideas (as it felt so nostalgic to write) I kinda added too much but not enough and feel as though it may not make any sense (like I waffled) I really loved this idea and don’t know if I did as well as I could’ve. but thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
uncle lemon’s brother
tangerine x f reader
wc || 1.2k
warnings || none
masterlist + rules
Most days, you worked at the local youth club, where you'd lead all sorts of fun activities for the kids. Whether that be arts and crafts, sports in the indoor hall or nature walks, whatever it was that kept the kids entertained, you did it. 
Luckily you have a work partner that helps lighten the weight of the kids' intense energy. He's much like a child himself, so he fits in perfectly. When he first joined several months back, the kids gave him a nickname before he could even introduce himself, naming him Lemon, well, Uncle Lemon. There was no reason behind the nickname other than it was 'funny'.
You and Lemon were quite a pair when handling the kids. You had worked out a system that allowed the children to do as much as possible in the short time you had available. You'd lead the artsy sessions, and Lemon managed the sporty activities. 
Last week, during one of the after-school sessions, Lemon ironically injured his wrist on one of the climbing apparatuses while on lookout duty. So for his temporary replacement, he asked his brother to fill in. You've never met his brother before, only hearing bits of him when Lemon would share stories or memories. You were a little uncertain if he would be a good substitute considering how much of a grump he was described as. 
Today is his brother's first day, so you were patiently waiting by the front desk to give him a quick tour before the kids arrived. Hearing a car pull up out front, you hastily organise the schedule for this afternoon, flicking through the papers as you make your way to the entrance.
"Hey, 'lright?" the man greets, extending a hand.
"Hi," you reply, shaking his hand as you hold his intense eye contact. "You're Lemon's brother, right?"
"Yeah-- Lemon?" he questions, his head slightly cocking.
Snickering. "Yeah, the uh- kids gave him that nickname when he joined. Clearly, it's stuck. How is he doing, by the way?"
"So dramatic," he scoffs. "Acting like he broke his whole body. Can't believe the knob-- sorry, the idiot broke his wrist on a climbing frame," he snickers, following after you. 
"Yeah, that sounds about right," chuckling. 
It took a little time for Lemon's brother to settle into his new role. It was quite clear that he was not used to being around kids, but as the afternoon went on, he grew more comfortable, and his demeanour began to change. Soften, even.
He was 'coaching' a game of dodgeball while you entertained the eliminated kids, telling them stories until the next round. 
"Bob..." a little boy asks, lightly tugging on your hand.
"We're still calling me 'Bob'?" you question, your features playful as you act displeased. "But, yes, munchkin. What's up?" you ask, ruffling his hair.
"What should we call him?" he asks, blatantly pointing across the hall.
"I think something funny," someone else adds, giggling.
"I think we should call him turd man,"
"Turd man?" you entertain, pretending to be disgusted. "That's so disgusting."
"I like turd man,"
"Me too," another adds.
"Mr Grump,"
"Don't forget he's Lemon's brother, so we should call him something similar?" you prompt, trying to ease them into a less disgusting name. 
"BANANA," a young boy calls out, practically jumping in excitement.
"Lemon number two,"
"Oh, how about something citrus-like. Something sour, maybe?" you chuckle, occasionally catching eyes with the new replacement across the way.
"Satsuma," a little girl calls out, pulling the small orange from her shoe.
"Sweetie, that's a tangerine," you smile.
"That's a good name,"
"We should call him that,"
"Please can we call him that, Bob?"
"Hm, I don't see why not," you laugh, ushering the kids along to join in the new game.
"Tangerine," a young girl calls out, rushing over.
"Tangerine!" another screams. 
"Why the calling me that?" he whispers, his head hung low as he leans towards you. 
"Ask them," you snicker, talking close to his ear. "Could be worse. They call me Bob,"
"Okay, yeah, you're right. That's much worse," he chuckles. "'lright," he claps, gathering the kids together. "We got time for one more game, ain't we, Bob?"
Grinning. "Yeah, I think so, Tangerine."
After one quick game of dodgeball later, you, Tangerine and the kids walked back to the main rec room to wind down before hometime. All sat in a circle as you all took turns to share your favourite part of the day.
"Where are you from, Tangerine?" a little boy asks, picking his nose as he poked him with his free hand.
He turns to look at you, his features begging for help as he leans away from the bogey picker. "Um... from my house,"
"Me too,"
"And me,"
"I'm from Poland,"
"Me too,"
"My daddy is from Ireland,"
"Where is that?"
"Near Spain,"
"No, that's an island,"
"You're wrong,"
Listening to all the kids blabber on, you face Tangerine, masking a snicker when you see his exasperated expression. "Hang in there," you mouth, a smile pulling on the corners of your lips. 
Playing along, he checks the time on his watch. "Almost there," he whispers. 
As the days went on, Tangerine grew a lot more comfortable with the kids, and he looked as though he was starting to enjoy his time with them. There was something so endearing about seeing a burly, attractive man acting so juvenile while entertaining kids, how soft and gentle he could be while speaking to them. 
The two of you had spent lots of time together over the last couple of weeks, hanging out and chatting whenever there was a moment free. Tangerine was very slow to warm up, very reserved, but once you got past the first layer, you realised just how decent a person he is. 
The kids had just left for the day, so you and Tangerine had to pack away the equipment in the sports cupboard that was left out.
"Hey, pass us that, would ya?" he asks, nodding to the bag of balls behind you. 
"The ballbag?" you grin, reaching over the messily organised area. "You gotta say it. That's the rule round here," you joke.
"Ballbag," he says flatly, extending a hand. "Now give it," 
"Yeah, one min, my legs stuck,"
"Yeah," you sigh.
"Don't move. I'll come help," grinning.
"You're a funny man,"
He parts the boxes to the side as he makes his way over to you, moving the equipment out of the way so he can crouch to the floor beside you. His hand is warm and firm as he grips your ankle, slowly guiding it from the crack, looking up at you. 
He coughs in his fist, clearing his throat. "There we go," he says, glancing away from your admiration-filled gaze.
Clearing your own throat, awkwardly looking away. "Thanks,"
"Yeah," he nods, meeting your eyes once more. 
He slowly stands up, keeping his eyes glued to yours. His head hangs low as he brushes a strand of hair away from your face, his eyes darting over you. "No problem," he whispers. 
"We should get going," you whisper back, practically pulling away.
"Don't worry. I weren't gonna kiss ya," Tan chuckles, lacing his hands into yours. Smirking. "Not yet, anyway."
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@tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @v1ntage-daydr3am @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things @astermath @dynamitehacke @ugh09876554444 @boldlyimportantface @charmedkim @fruitlovertangerine @psiiconic @bubblezuku @sporadiccherryblossomfan @landryslove
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
Cass, Cass, from the prompts list!!!!! "I won't let them put their hands on you" 🫠😶‍🌫️🥺💕💕💕💕💕
(I love you how have you been are you taking care of yourself I love you)
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25. “I won’t let them put their hands on you.”
From Meaningful Gestures Prompts. Let's go!
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There was just something off tonight. Maybe the hours in the air were starting to affect you. No one in the detachment had trained so hard in their careers and bodies were at breaking point. Maybe the locals were feeling a little too common, you weren't sure. There was just something not quite right, and while no one was saying anything, everyone could feel it.
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It would be a one-drink maximum and you'd all get out of there.
The moon told the story as it hung round and red high above. “That guy has been watching you all night,” Jake muttered beside you, sipping his beer.
“He's allowed to look, don't blame him, really,” you joked and looked to where Jake nudged his head. Not your type, but catching his eye sure made him look like the cat that got the cream. He grinned widely and talked to his friends, keeping his eyes on you the whole time. “He’s not going to touch.”
“I don't like the look of him. He looks like he's had one too many,” Jake told you.
“I don't need protecting, Hangman,” you reminded him, kindly. It wasn't just Jake though, all of your friends had their own hero complexes. If you were uncomfortable, you'd be swept away by Javy, Bob, Mickey, anyone. There was an endless queue of men lining up to protect your honour.
It was great and terrible all at once.
“I know you're quite capable of taking care of yourself,” Jake softened. “Just one more?” he waved the beer bottle as you nodded and he went to the bar. You chatted to Rueben for a while until you felt a warm body sidling to yours. Assuming it was Jake back, you looked up with a bright grin. You paused, face to face with the guy from earlier, encouraged by your apparent enthusiasm to see him. Bad move, you realised as he held a drink towards you.
“Flying early, sorry,” you apologised. You weren't going to take a drink from anyone that you didn't know, especially here.
“Oh, you're a pilot?” he asked, noting your lack of uniform as his gaze ran up and down your body. As a personal rule, you never wore your uniform out - was it necessary to put civilians in the place when they got the wrong idea about your role, rank or the rest that came with life in the Navy? Sometimes you just wanted a night off. You let Jake and Javy parade around in their khakis, it was an easy way to get laid. Good luck to them. But not you. 
“Uhh, yeah,” you nodded. “Thanks for the drink though, huh?” you said, turning back around, taking that one step closer to Reuben who keenly watched the exchange. He knew you could handle yourself, but he could smell the booze pouring off this guy and didn’t want you to get caught in the middle of anything.
“Here ya go, sweetheart,” Jake announced loudly, sliding between you and the guy, turning to smile widely at your new friend. “So kind of you to offer our girl a drink, son,” he said as you sighed. That was exactly how most fights started around here. 
“Could have just said you had a boyfriend instead. Jesus...” the guy muttered.
You saw Jake’s jaw twitch. “You one of those dudes that don’t think men and women can be friends?” he asked kindly, his accent that little deeper as his frustration increased. 
“Look, man, I dunno who you are, but I was just trying to be nice and offer the bitch a drink. She said no, I’m cool,” he said. He sure didn't seem cool.
Jake’s jaw twitched again. Jake was not cool. Not cool at all.
“Bitch,” you repeated to yourself. Frankly you'd heard worse, but this boy didn't know you well enough to deign you with the pleasure of destroying in front of every patron in the bar. “Jake, please don’t - ” you tried.
“Now, that’s not nice,” Jake said evenly, and you weren’t surprised when Rooster imposed his frame beside Jake. He gave you a pleasant grin over his shoulder. He fucking lived for a good fight, verbal or physical Bradley wasn't picky, it was the worst thing about these two being wingmen. They got into scraps often... and without hesitation, the other idiot would be backing him up without question. They were always the last ones standing too, leaving you and the rest of the team begging bar tenders not to call the cops and dragging them out before scrapes were visible.
“I don’t know where you learnt your manners, but you are definitely going to apologise to my friend,” Jake continued. You’d never been so embarrassed.
“I’m not doing shit,” the guy snipped, a couple of his friends joining him. He looked at you. “Look at the fuckin’ trouble you’ve created. Slut. Bet they all take their turns unloading on you, huh?”
“Jesus Christ,” Rooster muttered, bouncing on his toes. It was itching to lay into him. You swore you heard Jake’s knuckles crack amid the noise and chaos that threatened to spill.
“Jake, he’s a dick. He’s not worth it,” you tried again, slinking between them, vying for Jake’s attention. you held his face. “Hey, I don’t need my honour defended over some dropkick who thinks he’s worthy of my time. Let’s go outside - ”
Jake stared at you hard before he thrust behind him, keeping you out of harm's way as drinks were thrown and screaming erupted. Rooster, Reuben and Javy were in the middle of it before you realised Jake was dragging you away from the mess around you, guiding you outside. 
“Jesus Christ, Jake,” you pushed him away. “That was the stupidest fuckin’ thing I’ve ever seen. What the hell is wrong with you?”
“He was insulting you,” he defended himself.
“You’re insulting me, ignoring my wishes like that.”
He didn’t say anything, a little embarrassed. 
“I took care of it. He was just some idiot.”
Looking over his shoulder, he could see that 'just some idiot' was now begging mercy, pinned between Rooster and Javy, a look of sheer terror crossing his face. “I won’t let them put their hands on you.”
"It's not up to you, Jake, to protect me. You run your mouth and escalate something I had under control."
Gazing back at you, he replied, "I don't want anyone to put their hands on you."
You sighed. It was no secret how Jake felt about you to anyone, especially you. But he respected your wishes of wanting your career and sacrificing relationships, including friendships if that may be, to further yourself, it was one of your personal stipulations. "I know," you said softly. And maybe one day, you'd feel the same as Jake, or any other partner that came along. But right now you were doing well for you.
"Just know, I can't always be there," he quietly reminded you.
"I know that too..." you reached out and hugged him, his entire body enveloping you. You heard the door open, and the noise from inside interrupted you as the guy form earlier left with his friends. They muttered as Jake released you, he still kept wary of them until they were in their Uber's, all way too drunk to drive home. "Come on, let's finish that beer and get the hell outta here."
A/N: the tag list no longer exists. To keep up to date, give @notroosterbradshaw-library a follow x
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hatsunevitu · 1 year
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there’s something i’d like to share, and it’s this headcanon.
like. i have a whole kyman & weidi au about post-s21 heidi who’s trying to recover from her relationship with cartman and become the same kind, innocent and happy girl she was before. some of her friends (mostly wendy who hated heidi’s guts while her “cartman’s gf” arc but is actually quite caring and helpful for heidi seeing how she’s really willing to change) told her that in order to finally move on she has to apologise to kyle. she was feeling really guilty ‘cause of her behaviour… you know, telling kyle that antisemitic shit cartman has taught her and dumping him in s21e7. she never apologised to him properly and now she wanted to make a change.
so the au basically starts long time after heiman’s final breakup, when heidi finally has some strength to actually come up to kyle and apologise to him:
heidi: Hey, Kyle?
kyle, raising an eyebrow in surprise: Oh… Heidi?… I, um, didn’t expect to see you.
heidi: That’s… understandable. Listen, I just wanted to talk to you about something important. You’re not busy, are you?
kyle, looking back at kenny: No, no. Kenny, don’t you mind going to the class by yourself? I’ll talk to you later.
kenny, grinning and winking mockingly: (Sure, guys, take your time!)
kyle: …So, um, what did you want to discuss? Is it something about school?
heidi: No, no, it’s not. I, uh, I wanted to apologise to you. For how I acted before. You know, you really didn’t deserve this, Kyle. I was so mean to you when all you wanted was to make me feel better. It’s just… When I said all those horrible things that night, and when I made fun of you with Eri… with Cartman… I know you must hate me now, because I would hate me too if I were you. After all that time I spent feeling sorry for myself, making myself a victim instead of taking responsibility for my actions… I just wanted to let you know that I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was an awful person and I’m trying to change now.
kyle: Oh, wow. That’s nice to hear, but, Heidi, I never really hated you. I mean, you were dating Cartman, it’s only natural he spoiled and confused you and made you feel so much hatred and anger inside. I understand it and I really appreciate that you’re recovering now. Thanks for apologising!
heidi: You’re… you really are nice. No wonder he talked about you all the time, huh. …Well, um. I really have to go, but maybe if you don’t mind we could chat later. I’d really like to talk to you more.
kyle: Sure, Heidi! Maybe we can even hang out like friends, you know?
heidi, smiling brightly: Wow, that’d be great! Thanks again, Kyle! I’ll see you later then, I guess?
kyle: Yeah, see you, Heidi! It was nice talking to you!
and then kyle returns to kenny, who’s smiling knowingly and making inappropriate jokes:
kenny: So, how was it?
kyle: How was what?
kenny: Flirting with Cartman’s ex?
kyle: I didn’t flirt with her! She just apologised to me and told me she’d like to hang out sometimes.
kenny: U-huh, sure, dude. And that doesn’t seem kinda flirty to you?
kyle: I’m serious! It’s over, I dont feel anything for her and neither does she.
kenny: You kidding me? She was obviously hitting on you, Kyle! Oh, man, Cartman will be pissed off when he finds out!
kyle: You will not tell Cartman about this. And stop making this a big deal, get your own life already!
and the satisfaction and joy of finally getting a proper apology soon were replaced with irritation ‘cause kyle started to overthink things like he usually does. he started to think about heidi possibly having feelings for him while he really couldn’t feel the same so it kinda scared him. he didn’t want to hurt her or something by rejecting her, so he mostly tried to avoid her and acted really nervous around her. she tried to get closer with him, chat and something like that, but he only blushed and stuttered.
wendy having seen their interactions was quite annoyed. she wrongly assumed kyle had a crush on heidi and noticed with irritation that “this jerk can’t hide his feelings. he acts too much like he has something for you, heidi”. and heidi started to overthink too, ‘cause she really didn’t feel anything special for kyle and the possibility of having to reject him and break his heart again was just painful. so she started to avoid kyle too (‘cause they’re both stupid when it comes to dealing with other people’s emotions), making him even more convinced in her crushing on him.
so basically they avoid each other for like… at least a month before they finally have the talk.
kyle: Wait, Heidi!
heidi: Oh… hello, Kyle.
kyle: Heidi, listen to me carefully, I really need to tell you something. You’re a nice girl and I really, really like you–
heidi: (Oh, no…)
kyle: But I just can’t feel the same. I didn’t want to break your heart but Stan told me it’s only worse that I am giving you false hope, so, yeah… I am sorry, Heidi, you really are amazing, it’s just… uh…
heidi: Wait, what?
kyle: Please, just don’t start crying–
heidi: But you’re the one who’s in love with me! I was afraid to break your heart!
kyle: What? No, that’s nonsense! Kenny told me you were hitting on me.
heidi: Wendy told me you were hitting on me!
kyle: …So, wait, we don’t feel anything for each other?
heidi: I… guess so?
kyle: That’s… that’s a relief. I was so worried you’d be heartbroken.
heidi: Yeah, me too actually! But now we can hang out normally, without feeling awkward, right?
kyle, smiling: Sure we can!
and they really start to hang out and, moreover, i can see them becoming more like besties, you know… they hang out all the time and turns out they share a lot of hobbies together: they’re both history nerds, for example! but the main reason why they’re so similar is probably because they both suffer from sexuality crisis and internalised homophobia. they sure are gay & lesbian solidarity, huh. i’ve written a few words about heidi understanding she’s a lesbian here.
and we’re coming to a kyman part of story, because cartman is pissed off to see his ex and kyle getting along so well. everyone around him thinks it’s ‘cause he’s jealous and can’t just let heidi go, but the actual reason why he’s so frustrated is because of kyle spending so much time with a girl, lmao. he actually doesn’t really care about heidi anymore – though they are in fact kind of passively aggressive towards each other – but everyone else thinks otherwise. wendy gets really, really annoyed when cartman says something unpleasant about heidi and kyle spending their weekend together:
wendy: Will you stop bugging Heidi? She’s moved on, Cartman, get your own life and grow up already!
cartman, genuinely confused: Who the fuck cares about Heidi???
but not only wendy – kyle is the most surprised to see cartman getting so frustrated ‘cause of their friendship. he even tries to fight cartman after another unasked comment, genuinely not understanding why cartman is still so obsessed with him and heidi being friends (so oblivious lmao):
kyle: You said you don’t fucking care about Heidi anymore!!
cartman: I don’t!!!
kyle: Then why do you still go crazy when she spends her time with me?
cartman: …I’m just genuinely concerned for the poor girl. She has a risk of infection with jewish disease or something.
kyle: There’s no such thing as jewish disease, Fatass!!
and they continue arguing but cartman is distracted ‘cause he’s confused as hell and he keeps thinking why tf do i care and why do i hate seeing kyle with someone else wtf wtf wtf
and there’s like these scenes where cartman sneaks into kyle’s house and shows up at kyle’s room and then he sees kyle and heidi sitting on a bed together and laughing loudly at some nerdy documentary movie, and cartman gets all jelly and he glares at heidi like:
cartman: What is she doing here?
kyle: She’s watching a documentary with me. What are you doing in my room, Fatass?
so yeah basically that’s a slowburn about kyman and weidi and i can see candy&keidi brosistp so clearly.
TL;DR kyle is a confused homosexual heidi is a confused lesbian and they’re both oblivious af about their crushes :D
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