#Angry Sento Kiryu
chancherpancher · 2 years
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Sento Kiryu is ANGRY!
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grief can make companions of us
Fandom: Kamen Rider Build Pairing: Banjo Ryuga/Isurugi Misora/Kiryu Sento
Misora knew she should have been angry, but that was not the main thing she felt
Written for @polyamships' Multiamory March
Day 20: Grief
Read on AO3
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xaracosmia · 7 months
If you / your muse is on this list, that means you have failed to send in your Activity Check form to SAGE within the allotted time. If your muse is on here and you DON’T want them to be kicked for inactivity, you have 24 hours to send an ask declaring your intentions to reapp.
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The Doctor
Kiana Kaslana
Kiryu Sento
Temenos Mistral
Haruka Saikai
Ivy Rani
Yano Kairi
Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Vash the Stampede
0 notes
writingpaperghost · 2 years
We'll Make a Way (Chapter 2)
Chapter 2: Just Take It Closer to Your Heart
Sento meets a child and a tall man, evil coffee appears, contact and progress is made, and Sento plays babysitter to a very strange child.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40121754/chapters/100598493
Sento Kiryu has a child standing over him. He isn’t all that sure where the hell this child came from, or why, but he seemed rather angry. The boy was dressed in a bright pink onesie and held a colorful white, green, and pink hammer in his hand. Menacingly, the boy raised it again as he repeats his demand, “Give Puzzle his powers back!”
The boy hit Sento with the hammer, but it felt more like being hit with an inflatable toy than anything dangerous, right down to the squeaky sound it made. “One, I don’t know what you’re talking about, two! Get off me!” Confused and a bit annoyed, Sento, perhaps a little too roughly, shoves the boy off. The boy lands on the ground with an “oof” and another squeak, his bangs falling into a strangely pink eye.
“Seriously,” He pulls himself off the ground, where the boy had knocked him down. “What is with you? And who are you?”
It’s then that someone else joins the situation, a tall man with dark hair who rushes to the boy, “Mu!”
Sento can’t help but stare at the man, a flash of his dream from earlier coming to him. There were two other Riders that he had fought, in the dream, and that man… Sento recognized that man as one of them, the black and white one. This child - Mu, though, wasn’t the other Rider he’d fought, that one wasn’t a child… though he could admit that the boy bore some resemblance to the face underneath the mask of the pink and green armor.
With his revelation in hand, Sento points at the man, “Wait, you’re that black and white Kamen Rider!”
The man looks up at him from where he squatted beside Mu. Holding the Mu’s hand in his, he looks up, surprised, “How do you…?”
Loudly, Mu answers, “’Cause he’s Bill!”
Looking back at Mu, the man wonders, “You think he’s Build?”
As the realization that his dream was real, Sento raised the Doctor and Gamer Fulbottles in his hand so he could look at them. “Then that means that… I was the one who collected these?” When? Why was he only just now remembering this, the day that Mu and this man – this other Rider – found him?
“Give them back!” Mu yells again, jumping forward suddenly.
Though Mu was only a child, his sudden action caused Sento to reel back and raise his arm even higher, in the hopes it would be out of Mu’s reach. “Hey, hold on!”
Mu pouts as the man gently grabs his shoulders and pulls him back. In a tired, almost ragged voice, the man pleads, “Please, it’s taken us two years just to find you.”
“Two years?!” Sento echoes, unable to hide his surprise.
So the man, Kuroto, recounts his tale, Mu occasionally chiming in. Apparently, he’d come with his brother, who was that other Rider, but something is making him sick and that’s why – for reasons Sento still wasn’t really clear on – Mu was here. And they’d spent the past six years searching for Build, hoping to be able to get Para-DX’s powers back, and perhaps even a way home.
“H-hold up a second,” Sento doesn’t like that his voice shakes a little as he tries to process their story, “You come from a world where there’s no Skywall? I mean, you say it like that means nothing, but if it’s true than that means parallel worlds exist!”
As Mu shoots him an unamused and disbelieving look, Kuroto attempts to cross his arms, before remembering that he’s keeping one hand on Mu to keep him restrained. “You’re surprised? You already came to our world.”
Right, they’ve only just met, really. “I only remember the past year of my life, alright?” He explains, walking over to the wall of the building across from Nascita, leaning against it. “A bad case of amnesia.” Pushing himself off of the building, he adds, “So I really don’t remember much.”
While Mu’s expression softens from the disbelief, more like something of sympathy, his was still pouting. Kuroto still looks tired, but perhaps a little less annoyed than he’d been before. He sighs, “Look, just give us Para-DX’s powers back, that’s a start, at least.”
Sento’s about to consider it when Mu launches himself forward again, attempting to grab the Fullbottles once more. Sento catches him by the wrist, resulting in him holding the rather light child a little off the ground. Mu immediately begins to wiggle, kicking his legs out. “I can’t,” Sento explained.
A surprisingly familiar face pushes through, causing Sento to let go of Mu and Mu to plop to the ground with a huff. The man takes the Fullbottles, before turning to face Sento. “It’s been a while,” Sento tenses, at the sight of Soichi Isurugi. “Or not.”
“What do you want?” Sento demanded, knowing that neither Mu nor Kuroto would know why he was so wary. They didn’t know anything about this man who’s just arrived, but whatever the reasoning for his appearance, Sento doubted it would be good.
Soichi sounds amused when he responds, “Don’t look so grim, this whole situation-“ He gestures vaguely around them, “-isn’t very good for me, either.” In an almost amused tone, he adds, “So I thought I’d give you a hint.”
“What?” So far, while the monsters that had appeared earlier, and Banjou’s disappeance were strange, he didn’t think things were so bad. Then again, they really didn’t know what was going. But that things were to the point that Soichi felt that it could be a problem for him… Well, Sento wasn’t convinced.
But uncaring of Sento’s disbelief, Soichi continued, “Those monsters you fought earlier, that are causing this? They’re the result of Nebula Gas being combined with the Game Disease that come from their-“ He points at Kuroto and Mu, “-world. Nebula Bugsters.” He’s sat down, now, setting his suit case on the table and pulling things out, before setting down the two Fullbottles he’s stolen. “The only ones that can stop them are those with the power of Game Disease.”
That made enough sense, Sento knows that using the power of the Doctor and Game Fullbottles had been the only way he’d been able to fight the Nebula Bugsters earlier. Soichi gives Sento a knowing look, “The reason you haven’t given these Fullbottles, this power, back, is because you thought you might need the power to fight the Nebula Bugsters. Correct?” It was an annoyance that he could see through Sento so easily, knew exactly what he had deduced.
Then he tosses the Game Fullbottle at Kuroto, who, though startled catches it with a confused expression. “Shake it by your ear,” Soichi explains, “It should allow you to communicate with your world.”
Hesitantly, Kuroto raises the bottle to his ear and shakes it, just as Soichi instructed.
“Mu?” Parad kept desperately repeating. He hadn’t thought that Mu had such a strong connection over the bond. They’d known that, he, Emu, and Kuroto were able, to some extent, communicate with each other through their bond. Even then, it was often more feelings than actual words. But he’d heard Mu’s voice, he knows it. And he doesn’t care that everyone is beginning to stare, he has to try to reach out to Mu…
The next voice he hears, the one that seems to respond to him isn’t Mu’s, though. Instead, it was Kuroto’s which could very well be the better option of the two. “Parad?” He sounds a little hopeful. “Parad, is that you?”
“Kuroto! Where have you and Emu been? It’s been two weeks!” Now he’s certain everyone is staring. But it didn’t matter. He finally had contact with Kuroto and Emu and that was all he cared about.
“Two weeks?” Kuroto echoed, surprised, “It’s been two years since we got here…”
Two years? Just what was Kuroto saying? That was impossible, there was no way that it could have been that long. “Two years? What do you mean?” He had to be wrong, it couldn’t have been two years.
Parad quickly decided that wasn’t an important thing to worry about at that moment, “Listen, these strange Bugsters and this guy appeared- he called them Nebula Bugsters-“
Judging by Kuroto’s surprised tone, he wasn’t expecting that, “You have Nebula Bugsters there too?”
Though Kuroto can’t see it, Parad nods, “Yeah, there’s this guy that calls himself Right Kaiser, grey with red gears on his right, for some reason, and some thing called Enigma. He says we have twenty-four hours before the world will be destroyed.”
“Just what could be going on…?” Kuroto wondered out loud.
“Yes, and a man going on about some Skywall…” He looks over to the man, “Uh, what’s your name?”
Looking extremely confused, the man answers, “Ryuga Banjou.”
“Right, his name’s Ryuga Banjou-“
“Ryuga Banjou?” Kuroto groaned, “Is that even important information?”
“Yes! He knows Build!”
“He knows Build?”
Again, though Kuroto couldn’t see, Parad nodded. “Yeah. Listen, whatever Right Kaiser did, none of us can transform now, not just me. We can’t fight the Nebula Bugsters after whatever that Enigma caused.”
There’s a pause, Kuroto tells him, “I left some notes in my journal, from when Build first appeared during Chronicle and attacked me. Maybe you can do something with those.”
That was something, at least. It could help, and that was the best Parad could hope for. “We’ll check. Just… you and Emu stay safe, I’ll tell the others about all of this.”
“We… will.” Kuroto responded, and then there was silence.
Slowly, Kuroto lowers the Game Fullbottle from his ear, hoping that keeping his movements slow would quell the sudden and strange growing nausea. He’s not sure where it came from, or why, but it was terribly timed. A moment later, though, he was shaking, attempting to lower himself to the ground, so he wouldn’t fall.
“Zombie?” Mu sounds terribly concerned, grabbing ahold of his arm.
It was then the pain struck and he let out a startled cry of pain. This pain was different from the pain he was used to, the one that he always seemed to have. Then Sento rushes over, “Hey! Are you okay? Come on!” Kuroto doesn’t stay awake much longer after that.
Sento’s worried about Kuroto’s sudden collapsed. He is just as worried when Soichi stands and begins to walk over, “Oh, it seems the essence of the bottle has a bad effect on him. He is a virus, after all. Not unlike that boy, there.” He points at Mu, who just glares back, the hand not grabbing Kuroto summoning his hammer again in a cloud of orange and blue pixels.
Kneeling down besides Kuroto, Soichi snatched the Fullbottle, “He should feel better in a bit.” He holds the bottle towards Sento, who snatches it away. He didn’t trust Soichi with any Fullbottles, now.
Watching as he meanders back toward the chair and table he’d set up at, Sento asks, “How do you know all this?”
Soichi sits back down, beginning to pour himself a cup of the coffee he’d been preparing. “Someone published a paper about how the Skywall might provide a means to travel to parallel worlds.” As though that alone answered anything. “A researcher for the Touto government: Kaisei Mogami.” He takes a sip of his coffee, before spitting it back out in distaste.
“Kaisei Mogami,” Sento repeats the name. For some reason… it sounded a bit familiar.
Beginning to clean up, Soichi adds, “I suspect he is behind all of this, you’ll have to stop his scheme.” He stands, pulling a pair of Fullbottles out of his jacket, setting them on the table. “Consider these a gift.” As he begins to walk off, he reminds, “Don’t forget to put the cup back inside.”
Maybe it would have been fine if he hadn’t added that last bit. But as it was, Sento couldn’t help but call out, “Why did you betray us?!”
To his surprise, Soichi does stop, if only for a moment, to call out his answer, “That’s a story for another time.” Then a wave, “Ciao.”
Sento rushes after him, but by the time he makes it out of the alley Nascita’s in, Soichi’s gone, lost in the sea of people.
“Hey! Are you just gonna leave me and Zombie!?” He’s called back by a worried sounding Mu. Reminded that he was there, and that Kuroto was unconscious on the ground, Sento makes his way back. Mu stares at him, a strangely calculating look for a child his age.
Then, in a careful voice, Mu asks, “Did he hurt you?”
“Did that man hurt you? You asked him why he betrayed you, so he must have.” Mu looks down at Kuroto, his frown fixing itself firming to his face. It felt… almost like Mu was someone else, now. Not quite so childish as he’d seemed before. “Someone betrayed Emu and Zombie. It was bad and he hurt them a lot.”
Sento isn’t really sure what to say, nor did he really see the point in telling Mu, anyway. So he changes the subject, “Why don’t we try to get Kuroto inside, alright? Maybe get him lying on something other than the ground.”
Mu’s frown lessens as it’s replaced with a determined expression as he nods.
True to Kuroto’s words, he had notes about his first encounter with Build, marked neatly by a dog-eared page in his journal. It was the first of several pages that detailed his observations about Build and his abilities, at least based off of his initial meeting, having apparently occurred sometime close to the end of Chronicle. Past the observations were then his speculation, specifically in regards to the possibility of recreating – or at least partially replicating – Build’s power.
The schematics and code for a new Gashat were written down, as well as instructions on it’s use. To be able to use the Gashat, it would need to be used alongside another Gashat. That would mean, then, it couldn’t be used alongside any double Gashats – which would only really prove a problem for either of the Snipes, because Saki had no reason to use Taddle Fantasy, Emu wasn’t here, and Parad still couldn’t transform.
“I can run it over to Tsukuru,” Nico said, peering over Kiriya’s shoulder as the two of them and Parad look through the pages detailing Build. “He should be able to make a Gashat out of it pretty quick, since it’s all here.”
Kiriya picks up the journal, handing it to Nico, “Yeah, sounds like the best thing to do. Hopefully it’ll be done before any more of those Nebula Bugsters show up.”
“Hopefully,” Nico nods, “Else we’ll have some problems.”
“Takeru said he’ll try to keep helping,” Parad tells them, “But that’s only so much.”
“Something’s better than nothing,” Kiriya said.
The whole time, Graphite had been watching them from the corner of the CR, where he’d set up the nest. Where he had been since Emu and Kuroto’s disappearance. No one wanted to directly say he was moping, but he was very much moping and had taken ahold of all of Emu’s things, refusing to let anyone touch them. Finally, he stands, taking a moment to pull a blanket over the pile of Emu’s clothing and his bag.
Walking over he stares at them, silent. Parad supposed they should give him the news. “We know where Emu and Kuroto are.”
“That is good,” Graphite carefully said, crossing his arms. “But there’s more.”
Waving Kuroto’s journal a little in her gesturing, Nico answered, “Yeah, some maniac is trying to destroy this world, and M and Kuroto are in an entirely different world.”
Graphite pursed his lips, before telling them, “I shall help however I can.”
Mr. Bunny dragged Zombie into the fridge in the café, and then puts him on the single bed down there. He told Mu it was a good place for Zombie to rest, and Mu had to agree. The bed was a bit small, but he knows Zombie has slept on worse.
“So, Mr. Bunny,” Mu begins, sitting on the stairs as he watches Mr. Bunny writing across the white board. Mr. Bunny doesn’t pause, just keeps writing something or other across the board. Mu isn’t paying much attention as to what it is. “Did Mr. Coffee really betray you?”
That causes Mr. Bunny to pause a little, his marker slowing just a bit. “Yeah,” He answers, “Thought that was obvious.”
Humming, Mu slides down the stairs to the bottom step, “I wanted to double check. So he hurt you?”
“Why do you want so badly to talk about this?” With an irritated tone, Mr. Bunny caps his marker, setting it down and shooting Mu a glare.
“Because if someone hurt you, that isn’t good.” He gets up from the stairs and tugs at Mr. Bunny’s pant leg, “And if someone betrayed you, that means that you had trusted them. And that would hurt. Sometimes it’s easier if you can talk to someone about it.”
“I don’t need to talk to anyone about it,” Mr. Bunny reaches for his coat, “Now I don’t think I’m supposed to leave kids unattended, and I have no clue where Misora or Sawa are, so I guess you’re coming with me.”
“Okay,” Mu nodded, “Where are we going?”
Mr. Bunny sighed, “We’re going to find out more about that Mogami.” He gives Mu a strange look, “Hey, do you have any… less weird clothes?”
“My clothes aren’t weird!” Mu huffs, “They’re super cool, ‘cause they’re Mighty themed! You’re the one with weird clothes!”
“Okay, never mind, let’s just get going.”
Following after Mr. Bunny, he leads Mu to this place that the sign said was the “Touto” something something something “Physics”. Mu didn’t know what the rest of the words were. It didn’t really matter, Mr. Bunny didn’t even really pay a whole lot of attention him, he was focused on talking to Mr. Beard. But Mu made sure to be a good boy and stay near Mr. Bunny.
“Sorry to bother you while it’s so busy,” Mr. Bunny said to Mr. Beard.
“It’s not a bother, this is to get rid of the Nebula Bugsters,” Mr. Beard told him. He’s holding a small tablet and slides it towards Mr. Bunny. Mu grabs the edge of the table so he can try to see. “This is Kaisei Mogami, he was studying parallel worlds.”
Oh! Parallel worlds, those are the things that Mr. Bunny and Mr. Coffee have been talking about! Mu didn’t really get why it was so strange to Mr. Bunny, there being multiple worlds that can be similar but different make sense. Like when you have games that are similar but take place in different worlds and aren’t actually connected.
Mr. Beard continued, “Ten years ago, he found an unknown virus in the Skywall,” Mr. Bunny picks up the tablet and takes a closer look.
“Oh!” Mu cried, hopping up and down excitedly. He knows the answer! “That virus musta been Game Disease!”
His outburst seems to have caught Mr. Beard’s attention. “Why do you have a kid with you?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Sento waved him off, “Keep going.”
So Mr. Beard does, though he still seems a bit confused as to Mu’s presence. “Mogami’s theory was that it came from another world-“
“Because it did,” Mu adds, but Mr. Beard keeps going, mostly unbothered by the interruption.
“-So he tried to create a device that would be able to travel between the worlds, Enigma.”
“That’s the thing that Mr. Coffee mentioned!”
Continuing on, Mr. Beard adds, “But the government wouldn’t approve his budget, so he quit.” Mr. Beard begins to pace a little, wandering away a bit. “Katsuragi mentioned that he took a job at Nanba Heavy Industries after that.”
Judging by Mr. Bunny’s expression, he recognized one of those names. “Katsuragi?” He repeats before turning towards Mr. Beard, “Why would Takumi Katsuragi know Kaisei Mogami?”
Who was this Takumi Katsuragi? Obviously, he was important, at least to Mr. Bunny in some way. And it was obviously strange that Katsuragi knows this Mogami guy. So Mu makes sure to listen carefully, maybe he’ll get a hint.
Mr. Beard is looking out the wall of windows, now. “He was Mogami’s supervisor, so he was involved in many of his projects. He had an… appreciation for Mogami’s bold thinking and convictions.”
With that information, Mr. Bunny leaves and they return to the café. There are two other people here now, Ms. Sora and Ms. Reporter, they seem to be friends of Mr. Bunny.
Ms. Reporter hands Mr. Bunny some papers, telling him, “After he started working for Nanba, Mogami found a way to fuse Game Disease and Nebula Gas.” Mr. Bunny flipped through the papers, “He proposed creating a biological weapon based on it, the Kaiser System.”
“Kaizer System?” Mu echoed quietly, wondering why anyone would name their weapon something so terribly silly sounding. Zombie was much better at naming things. Next thing you know, that Mogami will start calling himself Kaizer too.
“Apparently, it needed a larger sample of Game Disease, though,” Ms. Reporter continued, “So at the same time, he was allowed to work on Enigma. He worked with Katsuragi Takumi to complete Enigma.” Oh, there was that Katsuron guy again.
Mr. Bunny looked at her, “How didn’t the public find out?”
“Ah, well…” Ms. Reporter began, “Apparently, Mogami vanished with the Enigma and the designs for the Kaiser System. But that was all I was able to find out.” She sits down in the chair beside the bed.
Taking in her words, Mr. Bunny stares at his computer, before rushing over. Hurriedly, he began to type. Mu wondered what he was doing, it reminded him of when someone was Googlying things. Maybe Mr. Bunny was Googlying something about that Mogami, or the Kaizer, or the Enigma?
Mu trots over, attempting to peer at the computer screen on the desk, right as Mr. Bunny declared, “Bingo!” He must have found what he was looking for. “Katsuragi was working with Mogami to build Enigma. It even seems he went to Kuroto and Mu’s world himself, a few times!”
Perking up, Mu thought about how the Bill that showed up and stole Puzzle’s power didn’t act all that much like Mr. Bunny. He’d bet that the one that Zombie met during the game was pretty different too. Probably the same one that took Puzzle’s power, which couldn’t have been Mr. Bunny. Because Mr. Bunny didn’t act anything like that Bill.
“There’s even a lot data on Para-DX’s power…” Mr. Bunny continued, thinking of what to make of this information. Mu already knew. Obviously that Kasturon guy was the one that stole Puzzle’s power, not Mr. Bunny!
Mr. Bunny walks away from the computer, prompting Mu to walk around the desk the other way. “I see! I get it now, that dream I had… the Build that took Para-DX’s essence… That was Takumi Katsuragi!”
Nodding furiously, Mu adds, “Yeah! ‘Cause you don’t act anything like that Bill!” Then he pauses, “Uh… why are you dreaming about something he did, though?”
“Well I think it’s that I fell asleep with the Para-DX bottle and…” He sort of trails off, as though questioning his answer. But he continues anyway, “Some sort of strange power did it.”
“That doesn’t even sound the slightest bit scientific,” Ms. Sora groans.
Ms. Reporter frowned, “If that’s what happened… then why did Katsuragi do it?”
“Most likely, he knew what Mogami was planning. Mogami wanted to combine two parallel worlds, ours and Para-DX’s.”
That didn’t sound good, and it’s Ms. Sora who asks just what would happen, “What would happen if he does that?” After all, they couldn’t have missed the other Earth and whatever was going on. Mr. Coffee said that Enigma was activated, so obviously this could happen.
She knocks an hourglass off the table, it falls to the floor and shatters, causing her to startle. Everyone stares, for a moment, before Mr. Bunny answers, “Both worlds would likely be destroyed.”
Though it was obvious, Mu couldn’t help but say, “That would be very bad.”
It was the next day, now. Just how long had they been trying to tend to the injured and infected? It had all begun to blur together, after meeting Banjou and getting in contact with Kuroto again. Everything had gotten more complicated and now, Parad wasn’t really sure what to do.
With the fate of the world on their shoulders, Parad somehow comes up with an answer. So he turns to leave, seen by Banjou who shot up from the chair he sat on, “Where are you going.”
Parad wasn’t the only one who might have forever lost someone to Engima. Banjou was here, torn from his own world and they don’t know if he’ll ever be able to return. Surely, just as there were people here who cared for Emu and Kuroto, who were worried, there were people in Banjou’s world who would be affected by his disappearance. They didn’t know how that Build had been able to freely travel between worlds, and they didn’t know if they could replicate that in anyway. If Banjou could ever go home, if they could ever bring Kuroto and Emu back.
“To find Enigma.”
Banjou huffed, “What’s the point? You don’t have any leads-“
“That doesn’t matter!” Parad hadn’t meant to snap. Usually, he was better about not snapping at people. But everything seems to have worn his patience thin. “I can’t just sit here.”
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birbruh · 6 years
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redlenai · 2 years
Hi best friend!!! What are other things you're interested in? Maybe I will like them too
Hi bestie! c:
Well, I'm mostly interested in the Kamen Rider Franchise, a special effects show similar to Power Rangers or with the amount of movies, comics, shows and stuff more like the MCU (There are different series each year but my favorite ones are Den-O and Build) and I'm also a huge fan of Tiger & Bunny, a superhero anime from 2011 that finally got it's second season this year.
Under the cut I ramble about these shows a bit
Tiger & Bunny and Build are a bit queerbaiting but it's Japan so it's kinda expected, still, both series are amazing regarding their stories and characters are so lovable. Especially on T&B, at first it doesn't seem like it because it focus on the main characters but oh boy, eventually, you get to know more about the other characters, especially during the movie "The Rising" and the Second Season. There are POC characters, LGBT characters, and it seems that one of the new heroes from Season 2 is on the autistic Spectrum
I love Nathan <3 they are the big sibling of the heroes and usually listens to others and gives them advice, they also have their own company, such a badass hero!
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Meanwhile one of the main protagonists and my favorite character, Kotetsu-San, is a veteran hero dad who is also a widow (has problems with alcohol, depression and seems to have ADHD), he keeps his identity a secret mostly to protect his family, despite they live away in a rural town, he cares deeply for his daughter despite he is an absent father (But most of the time is not his fault! His job is so demanding and even when he got a free day to visit, he still had to jump into action and even the bridge to his hometown fell down!) As well, meanwhile his brother and mother know he is a hero, they all keep it a secret from his daughter since he doesn't want to stress another family member
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I love him so much, he is a dork, but a caring one
Kamen Rider however, is a bit tricky, while series are their own thing, there are crossovers and certain events do take part of another series or have things that require the movies or special mini-caps to understand. (Build is so far, the one that has everything so well structured, and everything connects perfectly, no gaps at least that I've noticed in terms of narrative, but it's a double-edged sword, if someone watches this show for the first time, the rest of the series of the franchise kind of look weak and terribly structured in comparison lol) As well, our protagonist Sento Kiryu, who is a genius, wears a beige trencchoat! And no matter what the true finale-finale with one of the movie says, his best match is his buddy (true love tbh) Banjou Ryuga!
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Then, Kamen Rider Den-O is my comfort show, I just adore and it came to me while I was dealing some stuff (mostly, a friendship breakup) so, despite the story starts ok and then it's like... throwing away the canon, going sideways, continuite errors and such, is still a lovely show that you watch and then try to consume every piece of media where there is a crossover, because the characters are so lovable and you just can't help falling in love with them. The Taros are amazing and it's so hard to tell which one is my favorite character, I love Ryotaro the protagonist, but Deneb is like, the perfect mom <3
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Deneb is the one at the left, the one at the right is his angry adoptive-son Yuuto
I'm currently watching a few animes as well, like "Ya Boy, Kongming!" and "Love after World Domination" besides the new season of Close Enough, Moon Knight and recently finished Our Flag Means Death.
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missputotyra · 3 years
Me: WWX is Meh
Me: I said he’s Meh!? I’m netural to him , WWX Just dosent Bring anything to the table that other character’s Similar to him
- Drags Sento Kiryu from Kamen Rider Build-
Me: This Man made me interested in his Plight and Sitaution after the first two Episodes .
- Drag Philip / Shotaro from Kamen Rider W -
Me: These got me interested in thier Story on the First Episode
- Drag WWX-
Me: This Guy Got Overshadowed in the first episode By a Bunny loving Guqin Player and Angry plum with an Electric BDSM whip and Contines to be less Interesting than the Bunny loving Guqin Player and Angry plum with an Electric BDSM whip
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kabutoraiger · 5 years
im sento kiryu, a genius who doesn't switch into my fast as heck rabbitrabbit form to run away from an angry mob
he doesn’t always think well under pressure, bless his heart
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chancherpancher · 2 years
Sento Kiryu's Reaction to SMG4 the Lawsuit Arc: [NINTENDO HAS CLAIMED THIS VIDEO]:
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Sento Kiryu is ANGRY!
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chancherpancher · 2 years
My Reaction to SMG4 the Lawsuit Arc: [NINTENDO HAS CLAIMED THIS VIDEO] Ending:
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Sento Kiryu (from Kamen Rider Build) is ANGRY!
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