gengarghast · 10 months
Entity description + images below, for any that are unfamiliar with the ones listed!
Anxious Dog: Appears to anyone it's not currently hunting as a large white dog, specifically a greyhound. Seeing it from your peripheral vision shows it for what it truly is. Constantly laughs, though most can't hear it. Will act like a dog, if you treat it like one.
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Bonesworth: Once Bonesworth (named after a once-popular phone game said to be key to summoning him) has latched onto "his favourite", he's almost impossible to get rid of. Only able to be seen by the person he is currently following, Bonesworth often brings insomnia and sickness.
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The Smile Room: A wormhole between our universe and the mouth of some sleeping, near-dead entity of unfathomable size, any abandoned room or space could become a "smile room". Anyone drawn in is decimated (much like a black hole), though it may make ambulatory hosts as a last resort.
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Good Boy: Absolutely not a dog.
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The Angel: Those who see the angel receive visions and swear that they've been touched by divinity, despite the unique appearance of the entity. When it shows itself, witnesses swear that it's an ethereal being not of this world, though the marks it leaves behind say otherwise.
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The Man in the Red Room: People who dream him insist it's a man. Not much is known. The red room is his prison, the specifics of which tends to change depending on the person. Always dirty and empty. He can reach out while people dream. He needs us. He is trying to escape.
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The Needle: A cryptid seen in small cities and rural towns across the Midwest. Often seen clambering through the trees, giving a lucky hunter just enough time to snap a blurry photo. The unlucky ones are found pinned to the trees, their skin loose and sagging.
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The Piecemeal Men: They think they're from the government. Small men in hats and coats, like a paranoiac's dream. If they decide you owe, they will get into your house each night and take a piece of you, pulling rusted saws and knives from beneath their coats, until you are gone.
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Smile Owls: Carnivorous and predatory hunters that work together to take down larger prey. Very adept at mimicry, often learning and repeating snippets of words and phrases from stalking previous kills to use as bait later.
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The Clatter: Lonesome entity made of discarded antlers of all shapes and sizes. Haunts rest stops, hunting blinds, and tourist traps in secluded woodsy areas. It’s named after the horrendous noises it makes when it moves, and its cry is like the wind blowing through bones.
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cryptic-loser · 1 year
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pip-n-jorran · 1 year
Pip & Jorran - Introduction
Hi everyone!
Pip and I want to welcome you to our new page!
We thought it fitting to launch now as it's the first weekend of Pride Month.
Here you will find:
our comic, released weekly on Thursdays
wholesome posts
occasional bootleg therapy, advice, and relationship posting
occasional spicy posting
bits from our fandoms
links to our other socials (including patreon and ko-fi)
frequent engagement
Pip and I are:
an interracial couple
anarchists with informed theory and praxis
neurodivergent (both #actuallyautistic among others)
huge star wars fans
We naturally oppose racism, transphobia, fascism, queerphobia, and capitalism. We stand for left unity, workers' rights, trans rights, and social justice. We believe that everyone has the right to clean air, clean water, food, shelter, self-determination, and bodily autonomy. We believe in open borders and that no person is illegal.
Our world is a lot like yours, although you may find some differences here and there. We'll try to explain them over time, but here, everything seems just a little bit more magical.
We hope you enjoy your time with us!
Additionally, you can find our links in the bio here, feel free to give us a follow those places and don't forget to check back since we're still setting up.
Thanks for reading!
-- Jorran
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Idk if you’re still down to listen about people’s canon x OC, but what about YOUR OC? Do you have one (I think you said they were a gardener)? For Hazbin Hotel, that is
"Do you have one"
Oh you sweet summer child... I have LOADS! Though i just have the 1 hazbin oc! I never drew them, though.. sad stuff..
Oc ramble under the cut
Funnily enough, a lot of the oc x canon ocs I make, the oc tends to develop such a huge unique stand alone story in the universe that there isnt much.. shipping stuff. Funny how that works out! Not that I'm complaining, I love my ocs sm!
But onto the actual HH oc! Winslow Bonesworth! Bonesworth uses he/they/it pronouns! They work as a gardener at the hotel, and originally they were shipped with pentious buuuuuut as mentioned above he kind of.. became his own thing!
Appearance wise, hes tall! Body is primarily covered with this weird black shadow like fur. Fur does not lighten in sunlight or other lighting, it remains pitch black even though Bonesworth clothing and skull look how you'd expect when standing in light. Their skull! They have a goat skull for a head! Admittedly their design is loosely based off of Remor from Fran Bow because that game has me in a CHOKE HOLD. Their skull has a crack branching from one of their eye sockets, I think it was the right? Legs are kind of build weird, think cat legs. They have a tail, too! No beans, though :(...
They have an exaggerated windows peak hairline. Poor thing has a receding hairline.. RIP.. very long neck, can crack and contort and stretch as needed. Though Bonesworth currently in present timeline in regards to the show has a knot of sorts that forces them to keep their neck kind of.. folded and resting. You know how ducks and geese can lower their heads and bend their necks? It's like that! Very tall, at least 7 feet tall with their folded neck
Exposed bones; you can see their ribs and spine as well as their hand/finger bones. Bones in the hand kind of protrude out and rest on the top of their hand, they fade back into their body starting at the wrist. Their spine is the same, fading back out of sight around their mid back. No function for this, just aesthetics
Personality they're just a tired old man, they can fight if they need to but they're just. Stern but respectful.. hes a sinner! Died after being murdered by their ex partner after a nasty divorce, they came back and tried to end the entire family. Those in the living world believe winslow was the attacker, but that's a whole storyline in the end. Reasoning for Winslow being sent to hell is because they ended up killing their attacker + they had a history of theft. They were going to die anyway because this motherfucker got rabies (murdered before they started showing, though)
They died in the ~1950s iirc
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hirocontext · 21 days
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To properly begin the Aetherverse we have the Aetherlings with one Affinity. Note that these are not to scale at all.
Trounku the Terra Aetherling, He/Him. He's not the brightest bulb of the bunch but he vibes with his surroundings and is quite gentle. Pyerre the Pyro Aetherling, They/Them. They're reckless as hell and frequently pissed about being shorter than their best buddies Trounku and Undiqua. Undiqua the Hydro Aetherling, She/Her. Sometimes she's at ease, sometimes she'll kick your ass. Water is unpredictable. Bloomocchio the Sylvan Aetherling, He/Him. He's a very sweet soul and as you'd probably expect, a master gardener. Zephyr the Wind Aetherling, She/They. She lives rather carefreely and very playfully. Sparky the Voltage Aetherling, He/She. One of the most hyperactive Aetherlings out there. Chillberg the Frost Aetherling, They/Them. Sparky's much more chill love interest. They kinda balance each other out. Roland the Metal Aetherling, He/They. The largest of the singles. Not particularly bright either but definitely shines bright. Look at how gorgeous he is. Bonesworth the Marrow Aetherling, It. Very intelligent and honorable for a hulking beast. Sol the Sun Aetherling, He/They. Young and very exubarent compared to his twin sister Lun. Lun the Moon Aetherling, She/They. Young and very shy compared to her twin brother Sol. Donatello the Grand Aetherling, He/They. Very prestigious most of the time but if you insult his fancy ass hairdo you're in trouble. Next few posts will contain a couple of double-affinity Aetherlings.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 1 year
I got the skeleton race mod and I couldn’t decide on a name so here’s this blessing of a character name
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Also yes I’m doing the archery/two-handed build Dr Femur Sex Bonesworth will pester the shit out of you with arrows but come within hand to hand combat he whips out the great axe
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laika-honey · 1 year
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bonesworth, a delightful OC
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oogaboogaspookyman · 2 years
@comedydoctor18 i'm holding you accountable for this masterpiece.
*mewtwo is knitting a little comfy scarf for Aliza and he's using her favorite color and some stars here and there, a little happiness on that bad boy!*
*he's humming a song while knitting the scarf, seems like it came from a little chill track from... Quite a funky friday night*
*it's Bonesworth, the pet cubone, sitting down on the floor like any other dog, just looking at mewtwo with those cute puppy eyes*
... you want food? Again?
*Bonesworth nods*
You're already full, you don't need anymore food, it's been only 10 minutes after your previous meal.
"bork bork!"
No i won't give you more food, you had enough for now, so stop bothering me and let me focus on this scarf.
"bork bork bork!"
It's for my daughter, now go bother someone else, like Helios.
You're his little brother, you should tend to him like such when it's necessary.
*Bonesworth just doesn't stop barking for food*
*until mewtwo had enough*
*Bonesworth got spooked, so did Helios, someone is cackling now, from the fucking bedroom*
*realization* GOD. FUCKING. DAMN IT.
*he puts aside the WIP scarf and buries his face in his legs*
*my mans is fucking howling in laughter while mewtwo is all suicidal /j*
Horror later, funny is forever, DooM is ETERNAL.
Hope you enjoyed this little fun skit i made based off a chat between me and Comedy doctor.
Have a good one, reader!
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jarwoski · 3 months
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oh nono, I'm actually trying to make things better! just not for you >:3
Then what happened to Bonesworth?
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shrimp-os · 1 year
I'm back from the graveyard, I got you a tibia that might be cursed by an ancient being and a medallion that, when stared into for long enough, begins to whisper eldritch knowledge about grilled cheeses into your ear. Uncle Bonesworth also said hello and to try the medallions second recipe
Let Uncle Bonesworth know I tried it without hesitation, but my veins started to move and transform into unfathomable shapes and began to contort in an unearthly way, so I probably won’t be trying them again.
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rodbeee · 4 years
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I adore @slimyswampghost 's found footage creatures so here are doodles of some of my favourite creatures!!
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cryptic-loser · 1 year
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Anyways, I wanna answer questions about this stuff sooooo. Gimme- /nf
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strange-doll-child · 4 years
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*Xylophone noises*
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cryptixd · 5 years
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inktober day 23 - ancient
exactly 365
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octopotacto · 4 years
trevor henderson? finally getting the recognition and respect he deserves? you love to see it
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