#Brian Minecraft diaries
mangotelevision · 27 days
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phoenix drop guard redesigns :)
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mcdgarroth · 5 months
If Minecraft Diaries had Twitter
Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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'Unleash the Magic' from MLP: Equestria Girls but it's Zane convincing Brian to betray Phoenix Drops. The students are a few members from the jury of nine. Does anyone else see my vision?
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question-the-mau · 1 month
MCD Rewriters: What happens to Brian in your rewrite?
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whoopsimasecret · 7 days
Hc that brian betrayed phoenix drop bc it was just,, a different guy, like are we forgetting his name was originally ryan
Fr dale and molly dropped off ryan at guard academy and picked up brian bc 'meh close enough'
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confessmau · 5 months
It’s actually a lot easier to give Brian reasons to betray Phoenix Drop than people act like. Was it out of no where for shock value in canon? Yes. However it’s...really easy to make it make sense with what we’re given in canon. For starters he left home to the guard academy, Zane had easy access to him, and means to manipulate and bribe him with promises of promotions, power, and even his family’s safety however....I think his family would be a reason he became loyal to Zane and O’Khasis.
Because let’s be honest his home life sucked. His home was decaying and before that the old lord was apparently corrupt. Dale was a drunk. All the way until Alexis. That’s when Molly put her foot down and Dale got his act together, that’s who they did it for. In Brian’s eyes it could feel like he wasn’t worth it, as if they didn’t care about him enough to try, but for Alexis they have to.
It’s really so easy to make his betrayal have a paper trail and make sense and I’d love if more people talked about it
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phoenix-drop-guard · 3 months
Have I ever mentioned Brian?? I think I mentioned him in my notes about patrols earlier but that kid grew up way quicker then I think he should of. He's 10 I think? I don't know, I haven't asked because Dale is either forgetting the fact he needs to be a good role model or is doting on the kid.
I don't think molly likes me because I usually only talk to Lady aphmau and molly did threaten her once, so I'm not going to ask her.
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madcatlad · 10 months
I doubt Jesson intended it but... why do I keep running into this really heavy theme throughout mcd.
Hear me out:
Children turning out to be monsters despite their parents efforts.
Let's start of with the obvious red flags
It is implied that he was very young when he was taken in by Garroth. It is also said outright that he was a shadowknight even before that. The dark implication of this is that Zenix became a shadowknight at a young age (children becoming shadowknights is rarely mentioned within mcd, it notably is only implied with Zenix, and Alexis.) Garroth took Zenix under his wing, so much so the kid was literally described as like a son to Garroth. But despite his efforts Zenix betrayed Phoenix Drop. The way they address this issue stands out to me as multiple characters seem to describe Zenix as "already gone" from his arrival to Phoenix Drop. Even Laurence. Now one could chalk this up to Jess being unable or unwilling to truly address Zenix as a tragic character, and simply paint him as the conniving villain the series needed at the time (before Zane). And i think there is some truth to that. However the fact that Zenix' motives have remained notably undefined and his actions seem to contradict from what we are told about him so insistently. Even for Jessica this is a clear sign that something is up. "Already gone"... because my writer brain loves parallels I automatically connected it to (again) the only place that this idea is brought up in the series: Zane.
Zane in mcd is evil, his motives also seem a little unclear at times, but this is because he characterized to be power hungry, unpredictable, and- undeniably evil. But was it always this way? Zane would prefer to watch the world burn than rule it. He seems to just hate people, so what terrible event caused such a terrible person? Nothing apparently. As said by Zianna, he was "always that way".
Zenix' "Already Gone" hits far too close to Zane's "Always That Way" for me. And the parallels don't end there, Zenix and Zane mirror one another in interesting ways. Both have familial-like attachment to Garroth, and their nature/motivation seems to torment and confuse him endlessly. They both became shadowknights (both were chosen by the shadow lord despite being outside of his usual "type" - Zane:At twink, Zenix:A child.) And they both seem to be obsessed with power, yet both have some kind of trauma surrounding people in power (Zane:Garte, Zenix:Implied to have been wronged by a lord in some way.) All this being said I have to point out Zenix and Zane both start with Z. They are the only ones aside from Zoey with a Z starting name, and since they already share so many qualities I can see this being a way for Jess to foreshadow this.
Garroth, like he did with Zenix, he questions what led Zane on his path but Zianna seems to put this idea to rest entirely, and her word is taken as fact. Which is fair the idea isn't too shocking, considering the kind of person Zane was. But the fact that even Garroth thought to question the cause of Zane's nature and is immediately shut down by Zianna, and then it is never mentioned again. It's just to reminiscent to how Garroth compartmentalized Zenix' downfall and never mentioned it again. It's just too close.
Zianna at the end of the day is Zane's mother, which one could argue that she knows him best, however parents can be blind to the trauma that young children might face and the results that this may cause. Important to note is that Zianna is likely a victim. A constant state of fight or flight could absolutely block her from realizing or addressing the effects of prolonged trauma in her children. In her mind she was taking the blunt of the rather, a shield between harm and her children, but as in most cases, and as shown in both Garroth and Vylad this was not the reality, so it would be easy to connected that this would be the same with the middle son, Zane.
But in the misfortune of her situation Zianna did the best that she possibly could. But Zane ended up the way he did anyway. The way that Zianna is characterized in her short time on screen really encapsulates the backbone of this concept. Her guilt, and her grief are so compelling, and the manner in which she rationalize her traumatic experience is very believable... but identifying a child who was raised in a household that actively encouraged cruelty as just "always like that" is very suspicious to me. And the strong thematic intersections aligning between Zenix and Zane makes me believe that there is something going on here.
Last but not least.
This reveal was unexpected but impactful. It was shocking because of this concept. Despite Molly's best efforts Brian became a traitor anyway.
It came alongside Zenix' in a way which I think is interesting. It was implied that they had some kind of relationship. And they both ended up betraying Phoenix Drop.
I wonder where this guy is now...
But some honorable mentions since this concept is interesting to me. (Most of the arcs were put aside so it is interesting to think where they could have gone considering the circumstances, so I'm connecting it to this mini-theory.)
Season 1, when Baby Alexis was turned into an adult SHADOWKNIGHT! She was returned to normal of course but still... is that a possible destiny for her to be weary of?
Leona. Kiki is so sweet, and a great mom, bit... there is too much mystery and unanswered questions surrounding this child of her's. (Why did Zane even do this?) She is somewhat implied to kinda-but-not-really be Zane's? Regardless of the reality one way or another she is a result of Zane, a pawn in his plot, maybe one that died with him, maybe one that returned with him, we don't know.
Considering this thematic presence throughout MCD I wonder where this would have led in season three. It would be interesting if this heavier side to the series continued. Especially since Aphmau is raising the heir to a destroyer's relic. If this theme is to be believed then where would that lead to in Alina's destiny?
"Minecraft Diaries: Son and Daughters"
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oopbackinmymcdphase · 11 months
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Zenix doodles for the soul
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block-game-blorbos · 1 year
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where are you… where did you go…. did you die in battle or are you still out there…. TELL ME
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zenixromeave · 1 year
MCD sucks dick & balls & has terrible, terrible writing full of plot holes and discrepancies. virtually every character is a well of untapped potential that was ignored or actively made worse. the question is, then, who was done the dirtiest?
which MCD character do you think had the most untapped potential- who was written the worst when they could've been so much more? submit your done dirty faves in my ask box or whereever
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xerith-42 · 5 months
An objectively too long post about Brian (for @mac-audcheese )
Uhm... Ah...
Okay no I can do this...
So like, Brain. He was born. Sorry, there's so little to work with I need to let this stew a little more I'll get something.
Okay! So! Brian. Brian is one of those characters that fan interpretation really needs to make work, and by fan interpretation I mean taking canon out to a farm where it has all the free time it wants to roam around, while you load the double barrel.
Because in canon Brian was the baby of Molly and Dale very abruptly in the early episodes, back when these characters were just villagers with extra dialogue options, and Aph could literally decide to marry them or make them hook up on a whim. And Brain came from that, so some re interpretation is necessary.
I love the idea of Brian being a natural born citizen of Phoenix Drop who's truly lived there all his life. He was always wanting to give back to his village, and decided to be like his father and become a guard. So once he's like 16, he's shipped off to the guard academy!
It's here that whatever changes, changes. What was that change? Uhm. Ah fuck. WAIT I GOT IT!! Okay as Zane is like trying to take over other villages in the background, he makes frequent visits to the guard academy to scope out those who may be future head guards. And most of them are pretty hyped about it, like their instructor says that the Zane Ro'maeve is observing their training session!!
Brian grew up while Phoenix Drop was alive and active, but he was also around the entire year that they were without a lord. He saw how a single accident can send an entire village spiraling out of control with little hope to recover. He knows the importance of a lord and it's why he wants to be a guard. When Zane hears that this one cadet is from Phoenix Drop, the first one from that village in years, he takes interest.
That's a name he hasn't heard in a while. And after having a single talk with Brian, Zane knows that he's got the entire village wrapped around his finger if he plays his cards right. He takes it upon himself to help oversee Brian's training and spends quite a bit of time speaking with the young cadet, about what it means to be a lord, to be a guard, to exist in this system. It's easy to twist said system in Zane's favor, explain the value of O'Khasis taking over Ru'aun and centralizing the entire system.
Cohesion in Ru'aun. O'Khasis having control means that villages can be better supported. If a lord dies, there's someone to replace them, or at least resources to keep a village going without one. Phoenix Drop would never be able to fall into ruin again. All Brian has to do is swear his loyalty to Zane, help him achieve this goal, and he has a Jury of Nine position in his future.
How could anyone say no to that?
Zane does warn him that the road to the Nether is pathed with good intentions. He might ask Brian to do some things that are... Questionable. And his lord might not agree with what Zane wants, something both of them have anticipated. Zane promised that when the smoke is clear, Brian will be rewarded for his efforts. When Zane has victory, O'Khasis will regard him as a hero.
And then Brian returns. He comes back and while everyone is happy he's returned, fully trained, ready to take the position, and nothing seems to be amiss. Except for Molly. Molly can tell something is off, but she can't put her finger on what. Brian was always quite naive and earnest, it's hard to tell what's so strange when he acts the same he always does.
Now this is where things get a little shaky. Because I think Zane can do a lot of manipulation, he is the king of manipulate mansplain malewife, but I don't know how far it would be able to go. A Jury of Nine position is great, but is it enough to sacrifice your own family? When Zane appears in Phoenix Drop, Brian realizes that Zane is willing to use force to make Aph submit to his rule, and that might involve hurting his family.
That's when Zane reveals to Brian before anyone else knows that this is a family matter. That he's ready to even threaten his own brother if he has to. Whatever it takes. Zane frames this as something he doesn't want to do, but rather must do in order to ensure O'Khasis and Ru'aun can prosper. A small price to pay for salvation type shit, and it's enough to win Brian over. And if Zane can stomach harming his own family, Brian should be able to do the same.
It's still hard to watch his sister be hurt. In fact, Zane instructed him to assist in evacuation of Phoenix Drop if things went south, largely so Brian didn't have to see what happened to Alexis and possibly doubt his dedication to Zane and O'Khasis. And when Zane leaves, Brian pretends to despise him with the rest of his family. It's an easy thing to do, but he doesn't enjoy it. Brian sincerely believes that Zane wants a brighter future and that his continued support is contributing to that.
The only time Brian doubts himself is when he goes upstairs in his home and sees his sister completely bedridden. She's breathing thanks to Irene's blessing, but he's afraid she won't wake up. But she has to. Zane promised him she would. He doesn't spend a lot of time home, preferring to busy himself with constant patrols and often falling asleep in one of the guard towers or sometimes he falls asleep at his post.
Whenever questioned on this behaviour by his family, he sells them the story that he just doesn't know if he can see her. He doesn't want to give himself false hope that she'll wake up in case she doesn't. He hates that he isn't even lying when he says it. He wishes he was.
And when Zane calls on him again, Brian is ready to answer. He's so sure that this is going to be worth it. It has to be. If he can't see this through-- He can't let himself think like that. He has to see it through. He'll follow any and all of Zane's orders.
Where does he go after betraying Phoenix Drop...? Great question! 😃 👍
Well, I'm legit out of ideas, it actually took a lot to come up with some of this. Usually I make these posts and just have a ton of ideas all at once, but with Brian I was checking back to the wiki and being disappointed constantly. He seems, I dunno, a little important but clearly Jess didn't think so. Hope I was able to get the ball rolling on fleshing out this character who desperately needs it.
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blockgamejournals · 1 year
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Mrrrp. Zenix x brian propaganda
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pheonixdrop · 1 year
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Crying over Brian and Alexis
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buuuggaboo · 1 year
I love how random mcd things just get retconned 
Dale and Molly’s son being named Ryan? Nope he’s Brian now. Zoey being a fairy? she’s obviously been an elf this whole time wdym
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lucindasthighs · 1 year
I just remembered Brian is Alexis' older brother.
You think she ever wonders about him? Her big bro who betrayed the village and disappeared before she was old enough to know him. The fuzzy smiles in her memories- did she make them up, or was there someone else before "the traitor"?
Someone who had a reason to destroy everything they loved.
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