#Brother Moses Love Will See You Free
I have no one irl I can discuss Miss Scarlet with (it usually doesn't stop me though, but I do try to limit it to a sane amount), but no matter how much I talk to my friends about it, they won't ever grasp the true extent of everything related to it, because they never watched and never will watch the show, and that's okay. So here I am speaking into the abyss. Hi!
You know, I've been thinking about Stuart's departure. And I'm really starting to think he was right in leaving. Don't get me wrong, I'll miss him immensely, he's a great actor and somewhat of a comfort in the show since we've known him, we know his motivations, we've grown to like him, etc. I like his and Eliza's banter and bickering, but I never did like their romance all that much.
Looking back, in my opinion, they acted more like older brother/younger sister than familial friends with romantic attraction. And I probably would have liked them even more if they never even had that romance aspect, but I'm not sure, since I'm thinking about this retroactively not way back when, when I first started watching the show.
I'll miss William coaching Fitzroy, but I'm also curious how Phelps will approach the subject, since they seem to be on better terms, and maybe more professional than what William and Fitzroy had.
Perhaps William's absence will also provide us with more opportunities to see our favourite side characters and Eliza interacting, eg. Fitzroy (Does he still have a crush on her? Has he moved on? If he still hasn't, will Phelps notice? How will he react?), Ivy and Mr Potts (Will they get married this season? Will Ivy move out? [I know lots of us have been pondering this specific question, as quite a few fanfics imagine this scenario.]), I'd love to see Moses return along with Solomon.
I've seen people mention that Eliza is in dire need of a female friend, and I have to agree. I'd love to see a past female character return, with a vengeance (not literally). My top candidates would be Clara Simms from season 1 or Arabella Acaster, which might be controversial. I'd love to see them make up and move on. Because, I might be wrong in thinking this, but aren't they the two sides of the same coin?
I realise I haven't mentioned Nash yet. I'm excited to see his trial and all the difficulties they will have to deal with it during and after. Once he's free and Eliza rejoins Nash & Sons (if she even will, who knows?), will he leave for Paris, or will he stay? Will Eliza go with him perhaps? So many opportunities. I love it.
I wanna see Patrick and Eliza get closer, whether in the form of friendship or perhaps more, I'd be happy with whichever.
I just want to see Eliza thrive with people surrounding her who love, cherish and support her. (Obviously realistically still and deservedly so, it would be boring if it were all sunshine and rainbows, ya know?)
I hope all the pitchfork action on the internet hasn't put too much of a damper on the Miss Scarlet team's excitement that the show's been renewed and they get to work together again.
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ultraericthered · 27 days
One Villainous Scene: The Way Things Were Before
Passover has begun, so what better scene to bring than this one?
At the point in Dreamworks' The Prince of Egypt this scene occurs, Moses has made repeated requests for Pharaoh Ramses, the man he once knew as his brother, to set the enslaved Hebrews free and allow them to leave Egypt. Ramses has stubbornly refused at every turn, even as God has begun delivering plagues upon Egypt and its people as proof that He does exist, He is all-seeing, all-knowing, and all-powerful, and that Ramses should act in accordance with His will and release the chosen people from slavery. As Ramses' pride as the ruler of Egypt and his desire to not be "the weak link that breaks the chain" as his horrible father had drilled into his head was of such importance to the Pharaoh's legacy are too massive and holding too firm, to the point where not even literal acts of God will make him being to entertain the notion of doing anything that would display any semblence of weakness, Moses decides that maybe he shouldn't need to keep relying on God to get this work done for him, and that he needs to speak to Ramses himself, as a human. As a brother.
Ramses, sitting on the arm of a monumental statue of his father, is immediately dismissive of Moses' presence, throwing a goblet at him and snapping at him to leave him. Moses holds his ground and delivers a gentle plea to Ramses for the two of them to make peace with each other, reach an agreement, and bring this feud to an end before any more living beings in Egypt are made to suffer even greater hardships as a result of Ramses' refusal to act, appealing to him as the patient and supportive big brother he remembers. The continued silent treatment from Ramses gives Moses time to take in his surroundings and reminisce about the good ol' days, and all the mischief the brothers used to get into in this city. And this does not seem to invoke in Ramses what Moses would've liked to see, as the Pharaoh is angered at recalling these juvenile antics and the trouble they landed him in with his father, for which he blames Moses. However, he then gives a pause, a wistful look on his face and even a tiny laugh. "But then...you were always there to get me out of trouble again." His face is turned to Moses and suddenly there is no more anger. Only fondness, sorrow, regret and longing. Putting his hand on his brother's shoulders, Ramses solemnly asks "Why can't things be the way they were before?" In this moment, Moses and Ramses are their youthful senses once again, the stakes of what they'd been fighting over vanishing as they look each other in the eye, can fully recall and understand the brotherly love they share with each other, and both wish to stop being mad at each other. They want to hug, make up, and go back to being the family they were.
But when Ramses' young son arrives on the scene, the bubble pops and Ramses is a fully grown adult again, both a Pharaoh and a father, with the heavy responsibilities that both positions entail. "Why is he here? Isn't this the man who did all this?" asks the child. Ramses turns his head and faces the wall, his shoulders heave and sag, and he replies "Yes. But one must wonder...why?" At the question, he turns his gaze to Moses again, giving him an icy look that is in part accusatory and in part gravely serious about wanting to know why Moses would call plagues down upon Egypt and bring devastation to so many lives, to the place he'd once called home and the family that had once been his. Ramses, due to how he'd been brought up and what he was taught to believe, is adamantly refusing to believe that Moses could possibly be motivated to take these drastic, treacherous actions against him, his own foster brother and an actual person, by sincerely caring about the wellfare of some lowly slaves. However, Moses' response comes as "Because no kingdom should be built on the backs of slaves."
What Moses says next hits uncomfortably close to home in light of current events - "Ramses, your stubbornness is bringing this misery upon Egypt. It would cease if only you would let the Hebrews go." Ramses is spiralling to his breaking point now, angrily declaring he will not be threatened, for he is the morning and evening star over Egypt - he is Pharaoh! Moses' voice grows more desparate and concerned as he warns Ramses that a plague from above worse than all that have come before looms ahead, and Ramses can repel it from Egypt by letting go of his pride, his rage, his contempt for life, and freeing all his slaves before everything he holds dear is torn asunder. "Think of your son!", he pleads. And Ramses' response....is to threaten not just Moses, but all of the Hebrews, with genocidal retaliation for the offenses against him he lays at their feet. "My father had the right idea about how to deal with YOUR PEOPLE". This line and the rage on Ramses' face tells us and Moses that he's arrived at the point of barely percieving Moses as a human being equal to himself, let alone a brother. "And I think it's time I finish the job! And there shall be a great cry in all of Egypt, such as there never has been or ever will be again!" To Moses' visible horror, the mad Pharaoh makes this declaration standing right next to a wall painting of his father....the painting depicting him ordering a number of Hebrew infants to be condemned to a watery death in the Nile.
In the one remaining moment where Ramses could have returned to being Moses' brother, he instead fully becomes his father. "Ramses, you bring this upon yourself" Moses sadly laments. And indeed, just as Ramses proclaimed, there ends up being a great cry in all of Egypt, such as there never has been or ever would be again: the choral cry of all Egyptian mothers and fathers upon awakening to find their first born children laying dead. Dead because of a Pharaoh ruled by pride and hatred who would see droves of his own people, his only son included, lose their lives before he'd ever grant the right to a free life to others he believed to be innately lesser people.
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Fuck I can’t keep getting emotional about the Bible it’s making me sad every theology class. something something these characters are HUMAN and ALIVE and most of them were real and they went through hell and for what??? Someone, someTHING that could take all their pain away in an instant but doesn’t because of a plan he created at the beginning of time. Like,
Do you think Adam forgave Eve? Did he hold her in the cold cave they fled to? Did he hold back his complaints of the hot sun and labor and dirt because he knew it wasn’t her fault? Did Eve stifle her screams during childbirth, afraid to annoy her husband, her perfect match that gave up everything for her? Did Adam hold her hand anyway?
Do you think Cain grieved Abel? Did he look at his hand, still holding the rock, sticky with red, and regret? Did he know someone could die? Did he know he killed his brother? Did he realize, for the first time since his parents doomed them all, that he was unforgivable? Did he cry when he buried his brother? Did he leave a gravestone? When he wandered, exiled, did he mourn the light laughter of a sibling that would never smile again?
What about Isaac? Did he ever look at his father again? Did he cry? Plead for his father to stop, please, I’m scared, dad, put down the knife I don’t wanna die I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry? Did Abraham apologize? Would it have mattered if he did?
Did Moses close his eyes when the spirit passed over? Did he clasp his hands over his ears when the first mother discovered her first born son? Did the wailing of every mother, father and sister reach him? When the first scream ran out, then another, and another, as house after house discovered the body of a child dead because of their pharoah, did he cry? Did he look at his hands and look at the lamb’s blood stained there and wonder who was a worse sacrifice?
And, a thousand years later, did a fourteen year old kid look at the screaming child in her arms and scream too? Has Mary ever seen so much blood? Theres a tearing, ripping pain between her legs, and her husband wipes her face with a cloth, and she knows. She looks at the child -her child- and knows he’s gonna die. By agreeing to a deal she couldn’t understand she cursed this child to die. Her womb was a grave all along, wasn’t it? Did Mary scream the same way, thirty years later, looking at her son (Jesus my son that’s my son that’s my baby what are you doing to him that’s my son Jesus sweetheart I’m sorry I love you I love you I love you) on the cross?
Did he youngest of the disciples, only a teenager himself, know what Jesus was? Did Judas see the almighty or his best friend? When they slept in the desert or a garden, or an inn, did he look at his sleeping friend and know? When Jesus looked at him and gave him permission, did he beg? Beg to choose someone else, beg to be let go, beg to not kill him? Did he go to the Sanhedrin, sobbing? Did he hold the pieces of silver in his hands and think they were as heavy as a body? Do you think when he kissed Jesus, Jesus kissed back? Did he hear the screaming that night, coming from the courthouse? Did he wish to take the whip strokes himself? Did Judas feel the rope in his hands and laugh, knowing that as soon as he kicked the stool he’d be free? Did Judas hang himself knowing he’d see Jesus again and finally, finally apologize?
And did Jesus, the son of a carpenter, the son of a perfect woman, the son of God, understand? When he was twelve and lost, did he tell the priests of the temple what was gonna happen to him? Did he know that he was to be tortured? Did he look at Judas and forgive him because it had to happen? In Gethsemane, did he curse God? Did he ever try to stray from the plan? Did he ever look at the devil in the desert and wonder, just for a second, if he should say yes? What did he answer when someone asked him who he was the son of? Joseph, the man who raised him, the man who wiped his tears, the man who taught him all he could about the world? Or did he answer God, the one who abandoned him and let him die? Who did Jesus call “Father”? Do you think he hugged the disciples good-bye at the last supper? Did he try to memorize the feel of their clothes, the smell of their hair? Did he ever get his last words to them? Did the think of his mom and dad and friends on the cross, or just the God who put him there? Yes, Jesus wept, but who for?
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 18 - When You're Here, You're Family
Practice goes well for Let Them Eat Cake, and their temp singer Ophelia, so the three decide to get a late night drink at the nearby restaurant, Taste of Tartosa. It’s the best restaurant in town, and the go-to caterer for weddings hosted at La Coppia Serena.
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Ophelia: So Hilary’s parents own this place?
Drew: Yeah, she runs the catering side, the rest of the wedding stuff is all Hector.
Ophelia: Why's she do other planning things with him then?
Moses: I think she tries to lighten his load since he's always out doing business stuff
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Drew: Hey, Xander!
Xander: Well if it isn’t my two favorite patrons! Oh? And a third future favorite patron, it seems. Xander Pappas, future master mixologist at your service! What can I get you, beautiful?
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Ophelia: I see that flirty moodlet, bub. I’m spoken for, but I’d love a Buffalo Wing Tea.
Xander: Can’t blame a guy for trying! One BWT, and the usual for these two.
Moses: Eh, don’t be too flattered, sweetheart. He’s all flirty moodlets but no romantic interactions.
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Xander: I like to have fun with my customers, sue me! I’m here to make sure people are having a good time, I’d never take advantage of that. 
Drew: at the last wedding he worked, the Sim of Honor complained because he DIDNT try to woohoo her. 
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Ophelia: Oh, you work for the Laurents too?
Xander: Yeah, Hilary and I go way back. She’s like a sister to me.
Drew: Stop being a jerk, dude! She just met you, how would she know?
Moses: Has anyone ever told you Hilary’s maiden name is Pappas?
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Ophelia: Oh, you’re Hilary’s brother?
Xander: To her great annoyance. But I make a mean Tang and Zing for her wedding guests so she tolerates me. Here’s both your drinks and… Where are my manners? You basically know my life story and I don’t even know your name.
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Ophelia: It's Ophelia Lemon. Nice to meet you, Xander Pappas, future master mixologist.
Xander: Ophelia Lemon, what a name! One BWT coming right up, Lemon Cake.
Moses: Tell him if you don't like nicknames and he'll stop. Or cry. Worked with my boyfriend when he called him Slim.
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Xander: You’re the singer for Pizzazz’s wedding, right? From Hil’s ranting, you might be a contender for permanent singer if Tiff keeps pissing her off. 
Ophelia: They haven’t even told me there’s an open position. I probably still wouldn’t know if Tiff had any damn chill at all.
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Xander: I don’t get why Hector keeps her around. She’s good at violin but so is her second in command Anaya. Hell, with a little more practice, my niece could be as good and she’s still a teen.
Ophelia: I guess he sees something in her. He saw something in me and here I am.
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Xander: Hey, that place could use a breath of fresh air like you. How’s the drink?
Ophelia: it’s great. Last time I had one of these, a rampaging werewolf was killing the vibe too much for me to enjoy it. What do I owe you?
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Xander: It’s on the house. Can’t charge my third favorite patron for her first drink, can I?
Ophelia: Wow, I moved up the ranks quickly.
Moses: I thought your parents told you to stop giving out free drinks.
Xander: What are they gonna do, fire me? Harvestfest would be awkward.
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saras-devotionals · 3 months
Quite Time 2/28
What am I feeling today?
I just wish I had gone to bed earlier. I’m very tired and know I have a long day ahead of me. I also didn’t finish all my work so I’m stressed about a couple of those deadlines🥲
Sermon: The Lord Declares War! (Part 3/3)
Exodus 5:22 NIV
“Moses returned to the Lord and said, “Why, Lord, why have you brought trouble on this people? Is this why you sent me?”
we can relate to Moses here (why would God send us to do His work when it doesn't turn out the way we planned?) We can get discouraged and in our own head about it but keep reminding yourself that God’s plan is far greater than we can ever imagine for ourselves.
2) God Declares War on Counterfeit Imitations of the Truth!
ask yourself: am I fighting God in in any way? In what este/areas of my life and I resisting Him? Is there still something I’m holding on to?
I can get moody and distant. I can let how I’m feeling take control of me instead of being in control of my emotions.
Exodus 7:1-7 NIV
“Then the Lord said to Moses, “See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet. You are to say everything I command you, and your brother Aaron is to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go out of his country. But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and though I multiply my signs and wonders in Egypt, he will not listen to you. Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and with mighty acts of judgment I will bring out my divisions, my people the Israelites. And the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring the Israelites out of it.” Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord commanded them. Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three when they spoke to Pharaoh.”
This plagues were meant to humble the Egyptians (leading the question of whether we declare war on false doctrines - bc they had their many gods) not that many people want to be entertained and not saved.
Lastly, I do wonder why it says God hardened Pharaoh’s heart. I believe it’s been explained to me but I don’t remember and wonder why? Why do that? Since He had the power to harden, why didn’t He choose to soften? Or would that just not have worked in the grand scheme of things?
1 Timothy 1:3-8 NIV
“As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer or to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. Such things promote controversial speculations rather than advancing God’s work—which is by faith. The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Some have departed from these and have turned to meaningless talk. They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm. We know that the law is good if one uses it properly.”
The law is good if we know how to use it properly! No false teachings! There are some people that claim to teach of Jesus and Christianity but it is not biblically sound and therefore is a false teaching.
2 Timothy 3:7-9 NIV
“always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.”
With those In sin, we are meant to call them out (in love) and even here is an example of calling out people by name.
Romans 8:1-4 NIV
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”
Communion: what does the cross mean to [……]?
To him it meant liberation!
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adamshallperish · 9 months
my rating of supernatural season 1
1 - pilot
this is a damn good pilot. i will be so real. it does a great job of drawing you immediately into the story, giving you a lay of the land of the characters and their dynamics, and sets up not only the greater premise of the show but the monster of the week formula. the chemistry between ackles and padalecki is pretty instantaneous and it's nice to see a show with two leads able to carry it on their charisma alone. fortunately, there's also a lot more left to offer. whoever the person was who wrote the first wincest fic like two hours after this aired, i get it. 7/10
2 - w*nd*g*
not saying the title because i belong to the school of i don't want to fuck around and find out. this episode was alright, as someone from colorado one of the most common demographics of people who come here are "dumbass hikers" so i appreciate the nod to our culture. other than that, it was pretty unremarkable. 4/10
3 - dead in the water
this one was pretty solid! it gave the boys a pretty good mystery to solve and it sets a dark tone for the rest of the series. the theme of self sacrifice is also set up well here. drowning is also just like. a pretty gnarly way to die. 5/10
4 - phantom traveler
i found the demon in this one to be pretty cool, but if i'm completely honest i don't necessarily care for the episodes that break the impala motel fucked up town setting dynamic. i also just don't care a lot for this kind of plane horror. you can see that plane hijjacking is a trope kripke enjoys, however, as he uses it again in the boys. 4/10
5 - bloody mary
this one genuinely fucked me up, and it sets up the fact that sam has been receiving visions really subtly and effectively, given how they tend to play out more in episodes more explicitly devoted to the demon the winchesters are hunting. also bloody mary always scared the shit of me out as a kid so i adamantly refused to say it. 8/10
6 - skin
this is the kind of body horror i personally really enjoy, and it was also crazy seeing some of the greater repercussions the boy's lifestyles has on their lives. at least it'll be a legal nightmare if dean gets caught doing credit card fraud because, thanks to this episode, he is legally dead. also the fact that the shapeshifter turns into people's romantic partners but for the brothers it tempts them with... each other? normal show about a normal brotherly relationship. 8/10
7 - hook man
any horror that involves faith i am immediately behind. this will be a theme throughout this summary. i found the idea that the monster was manifested by lori's own repressions to be especially compelling, and done really well. the idea that our own repressions can inadvertently cause harm to others around us if we don't sit and take time to work through them is fantastic. lori was also my favorite quasi-love interest for sam this season. sue me. i thought they were cute. 7/10
8 - bugs
we have our first instance of the "sam and dean trigger so many fag alarms it overrides the normal amount of homophobia any rural midwesterner feels at any given moment in time". sam and dean are better than me because i would have for real left the people building a housing development on old sacred american indian land and let them die. other than that development, the final battle with the bugs was a bit anticlimatic. points for dean slapping sam's ass. what. 4/10
9 - home
missouri mosely i am letting you know that i am free this wednesday and would be maybe willing to get a coffee or another delicacy this week on wednsday when i am free. for real though, i really liked missouri's character, and it's a pity she gets relegated to a magical negro stereotype, as this show doesn't tend to have a great track record with its female characters. however, she was probably one of my favorite side characters this season and i stand by her and would love to learn more about her. other than that, loved this episode. sammy's psychic abilities reappearing, dean reconfronting his childhood trauma, mary winchester sacrificing herself for her boys in a way that just sucked the soul out of my body, JOHN WINCHESTER????? definitely one of the seasonal highlights. 9/10
20 - asylum
i hate the haunted asylum trope and this didn't subvert it enough to make this worth it. it gets points for the john winchester phone call event and sam being forced to sit through a therapy session and talk about his relationship to his brother offscreen. 3/10 [edit: came back to this one and i think i'm gonna bump it up to a 5/10 because some truly unhinged samdean shit happens in this, and every time i see a gifset from it i'm immediately like oh right They Did That. insane.]
11 - scarecrow
Codependency Thee Episode. besides a genuinely good evil force (i love small town/suburban white people trying to deal with forces beyond their control it's so funny like what are the hoa and pta meetings like), it does a good job letting there be conflict between the brothers and show how they are really better together. also sets up meg as an antagonist, and she serves. 6/10
12 - faith
oh this episode had Everything. sam and dean being typically codependent with the fear that dean's gonna die? tent revival preacher whose abilities actually come from a dark force? critique of american evangelicalism? surprisingly nuanced discussion of how faith in and of itself is not evil and how we all make concessions in our personal beliefs to care for the others around us? the absolute batshit revelation that sam is just like. unfazed if people die if he can save the life for his brother? don't fear the reaper needle drop? it has it all. what can i say. 10/10
13 - route 666
overall not a bad episode, the handling of race felt a bit superficial and on the nose, but america's legacy does lead to the racist-ass ghost being a pretty fun thing to destroy. preyed on my fear of big trucks. dean is a romantic sap. 5/10
14 - nightmare
THIS EPISODE IS MY REASON FOR EVERYTHING. FUCK. THIS IS PEAK EVERYTHING I LOVE ABOUT THIS SHOW. max damn near broke my heart, and it was incredible seeing not only more of sam's abilities but also his empathy. you can really tell he doesn't know what would have happened to him if he hadn't had the family he does have. this episode completely ripped my heart out. 10/10
15 - the benders
everyone told me this was a great episode and i'm so grateful for my friends pals and mutuals who would never lie to me. i had the best time. i like the care this episode had, given that the show primarily focused on supernatural forces, to do a classic case of the "humans are oftentimes more evil than spirits and creatures from beyond our wildest imagination". it's one of my favorite tropes, and it was used so well here. the aesthetics of the show as well felt like the texas chainsaw massacre mixed with duck dynasty, which is an unexpectedly brilliant combo. 10/10
16 - shadow
getting to see the john/sam/dean dynamic is so fascinating but honestly this episode gives me hives just thinking about it. 5/10
17 - hell house
this episode didn't stick the landing for me as much as it could have, despite the concept of enough people believing in a haunting that they manifest it (and the internet exacerbating that) being really fucking good. i will give it some grace, i think it's good to have an episode that allows some levity in the show and in the brothers' relationship. 4/10
18 - something wicked
i'm sorry the boys as kids make me feel like really ontologically sick and miserable. it was really cool getting a deeper glimpse into dean and his intrinsic sense of responsibility for sam, as well as his clear empathy for kids that is often a lot less evident than sam's. dean winchester i love you, i just can't think about you as a baby or it will make me cry. 8/10
19 - provenance
i'm sorry, i really didn't care for this episode. most we got out of it was seeing why sam was hesitant to open himself up to new love after jess and dean's vested interest into getting his brother laid. which. uh. i will say the little ghost girl in her sweeney todd era served cunt. 3/10
20 - dead man's blood
can't believe true blood came out after this episode and not before. i like episodes that take place in colorado for personal reasons, but it was also so fun to see the boys take on some vampires, who have some pretty fun mechanics. this episode also introduces us to the series mcguffin, and i just have to say i think it's pretty funny how the boys get the colt and immediately like use all the magic bullets in one go. it's the opposite energy of when i get a cool item in a video game and hold onto it the whole time, even in occasions where i'm supposed to use it, because i'm scared i might need it later. 9/10
21 - salvation
feels unfair to rank this episode and devil's trap separately. all i will say is i got jumpscared by kansas because i wasn't expecting the wayward son to carry on until the next episode. 10/10
22 - devil's trap
eric kripke what the fuck. i can't even articulate my thoughts on this. i hate this show and everyone involved in it. 10/10
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childofchrist1983 · 4 months
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When God told Moses that He was going to use him to set the Israelites free from the oppression of the Egyptians, Moses was filled with much protesting. It's not that He didn't believe in what God was saying. He believed, alright. He just didn't believe that He was the right candidate for the task. He countered God with many of his shortcomings and God retorted with assurance. God was not moved by Moses' imperfections. Keep in mind that this was years after Moses had murdered a man. God knew Moses inside and out, but that didn't stop Him from choosing Moses to be the leader for His people. Moses wasn't comfortable about the way he spoke. He had a stutter.
This wasn't news to God. He knew that Moses had a stutter, but He still wanted to use Moses to set the Israelites free. God did not accommodate any of Moses' protests. He was so sure of what He was doing. Why wouldn't He be? This is the Almighty God that we are talking about. There is nothing greater than Him. Nothing gets the better of Him. Nothing comes as a surprise to God. He knew Moses far better than Moses knew himself. While Moses was seeing an unworthy man for the mission, God saw the leader in Moses. He saw more than Moses was able to see about himself. To help him with his speech impediment, He made Aaron, Moses' brother, Moses' spokesperson. God went on to say that He had made Moses like a God to Pharaoh. Meaning that no matter how powerful Pharaoh may have been, Moses possessed more power, because He was being backed by God. God went to all lengths to calm Moses' fears. Moses went on to be one of the greatest leaders the Israelites had ever had. He wasn't the perfect leader – he had his shortcomings – but He did the work of the LORD God Almighty as best as He could.
God's love views us from a place that goes beyond our flaws and shortcomings. You should never think that you are not worth being saved through Jesus Christ and that you are not qualified for anything God has assigned to you. The fact that it has been assigned to you is clear evidence that God has chosen you for a reason. He knows your flaws. He knows the areas in which you are lacking. But you have been qualified by grace – A product of God's mercy and love. There is no opposition that can overwhelm you. You are backed by the Most High God. And nothing and know one can stop Him. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him, and for the life-giving presence of His Holy Word and Spirit. May He give us strength, so that we might cling to Him and receive nourishment from Him through prayer and His Holy Word. And as we grow spiritually daily, may He work through us and use us to produce an abundant harvest for His glory.
To God and His Kingdom of Heaven be all the honor and praise and glory! Seek, follow and trust in Him - ALWAYS! AMEN!
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ben-talks-art · 2 years
Why I like Ramses
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"I will not be the weak link!"
I was very young when I first saw Dreamwork's Prince of Egypt, and I feel like that was probably my first time seeing an antagonist like Ramses.
If you're not aware of the Exodus story like I was, you get caught off-guard when you find out this guy is meant to be the villain considering how at the start of the movie he is the main lead's brother and best friend.
Ramses is yet again another example of a tragic character. Someone who is walking a path set up for him by his family legacy while completely ignoring the damage it causes to those around him.
The best way I can describe Ramses is that he is what Zuko could have turned into.
Zuko was a man on the wrong path that eventually changed because he started to question his ideals and goals, while Ramses was trained from birth to never question anything and just accept the way things are in order to bring pride to his father.
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So even when he sees people getting tortured, killed, and enslaved, he feels no regret because in his mind that's just how it's meant to be. The same way his father operated, and probably many more before them.
A long line of powerful men spreading misery without a single drop of guilt or doubt, and that is just so terrifying and also what makes him so interesting to break down and analyze.
Ramses is the result of trying to pressure a kid into blindly following a path that they do not understand and should not question, and even more than that, to continue paving the way to make this path grow even further.
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What's disturbing about it is that from his point of view he has no reason to even consider changing this path.
Zuko only changed because his ideals clashed with his father's and because he had his uncle to guide him towards the right direction, but Ramses was taught to never even have ideals and everyone around him pretty much just said "Yeah, keep at it!" He was just trained to listen to his dad like a good boy and in return he would suffer no consequences.
He was never taught to sympathize with the struggle of others so when Moses comes back asking him to free his people he just goes "Why would I?"
And when he does finally starts facing consequences for the life he's been living until now he simply doesn't know how to react to that because nothing bad ever happened to him before.
I just find it so interesting to see this guy that grew up with the mindset of "the problems of others are no problems of mine!" and when they do become problems for him he is at a total loss of what to do besides continuing to blindly follow the teachings of his father and his legacy in the hopes that things will turn out well in the end.
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Ramses is the man that just refuses to believe he is in the wrong. In his head, he is the protagonist, he is the light that will guide people to a brighter future, and when reality comes knocking at his door he simply continues drowning in denial until he loses everything.
And what's sad about it is you can see how he could have been a nice guy, you see how much he loved his brother, you see he could have been a hero... But it just wasn't meant to be, and that's what makes it a great tragedy, and what makes him such an interesting character.
(Not really sure how accurate this version is to the Bible though...)
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orthodoxydaily · 1 year
Saints&Reading: Friday, February 10, 2023
february 10_february 28
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me a spirit of despondency, sloth, love of money, and idle talk. But give to me, your servant, a spirit of sober-mindedness, humility, patience, and love. Yes, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins and not to judge my brother, since you are blessed to the ages. Amen.( St Ephrem the Syrian) 
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Saint Ephraim the Syrian, a teacher of repentance, was born at the beginning of the fourth century in the city of Nisibis (Mesopotamia) into the family of impoverished toilers of the soil. His parents raised their son in piety, but from his childhood he was known for his quick temper and impetuous character. He often had fights, acted thoughtlessly, and even doubted God’s Providence. He finally recovered his senses by the grace of God, and embarked on the path of repentance and salvation.
Once, he was unjustly accused of stealing a sheep and was thrown into prison. He heard a voice in a dream calling him to repent and correct his life. After this, he was acquitted of the charges and set free.
The young man ran off to the mountains to join the hermits. This form of Christian asceticism had been introduced by a disciple of Saint Anthony the Great, the Egyptian desert dweller Eugenius.
Saint James of Nisibis (January 13) was a noted ascetic, a preacher of Christianity and denouncer of the Arians. Saint Ephraim became one of his disciples. Under the direction of the holy hierarch, Saint Ephraim attained Christian meekness, humility, submission to God’s will, and the strength to undergo various temptations without complaint.
Saint James transformed the wayward youth into a humble and conrite monk. Realizing the great worth of his disciple, he made use of his talents. He trusted him to preach sermons, to instruct children in school, and he took Ephraim with him to the First Ecumenical Council at Nicea (in the year 325). Saint Ephraim was in obedience to Saint James for fourteen years, until the bishop’s death in 338.
After the capture of Nisibis by the Persians in 363, Saint Ephraim went to a monastery near the city of Edessa. Here he saw many great ascetics, passing their lives in prayer and psalmody. Their caves were solitary shelters, and they fed themselves with a certain plant.
He became especially close to the ascetic Julian (October 18), who was of one mind with him. Saint Ephraim combined asceticism with a ceaseless study of the Word of God, taking from it both solace and wisdom for his soul. The Lord gave him a gift of teaching, and people began to come to him, wanting to hear his counsel, which produced compunction in the soul, since he began with self-accusation. Both verbally and in writing, Saint Ephraim instructed everyone in repentance, faith and piety, and he denounced the Arian heresy, which at that time was causing great turmoil. Pagans who heard the preaching of the saint were converted to Christianity.
He also wrote the first Syriac commentary on the Pentateuch (i.e. “Five Books”) of Moses. He wrote many prayers and hymns, thereby enriching the Church’s liturgical services. Famous prayers of Saint Ephraim are to the Most Holy Trinity, to the Son of God, and to the Most Holy Theotokos. He composed hymns for the Twelve Great Feasts of the Lord (the Nativity of Christ, the Baptism, the Resurrection), and funeral hymns. Saint Ephraim’s Prayer of Repentance, “O Lord and Master of my life...”, is recited during Great Lent, and it summons Christians to spiritual renewal.
From ancient times the Church has valued the works of Saint Ephraim. His works were read publicly in certain churches after the Holy Scripture, as Saint Jerome tells us. At present, the Church Typikon prescribes certain of his instructions to be read on the days of Lent. Among the prophets, Saint David is the preeminent psalmodist; among the Fathers of the Church, Saint Ephraim the Syrian is the preeminent man of prayer. His spiritual experience made him a guide for monastics and a help to the pastors of Edessa. Saint Ephraim wrote in Syriac, but his works were very early translated into Greek and Armenian. Translations into Latin and Slavonic were made from the Greek text.
In many of Saint Ephraim’s works we catch glimpses of the life of the Syrian ascetics, which was centered on prayer and working in various obediences for the common good of the brethren. The outlook of all the Syrian ascetics was the same. The monks believed that the goal of their efforts was communion with God and the acquisition of divine grace. For them, the present life was a time of tears, fasting and toil.
“If the Son of God is within you, then His Kingdom is also within you. Thus, the Kingdom of God is within you, a sinner. Enter into yourself, search diligently and without toil you shall find it. Outside of you is death, and the door to it is sin. Enter into yourself, dwell within your heart, for God is there.”
Constant spiritual sobriety, the developing of good within man’s soul gives him the possibility to take upon himself a task like blessedness, and a self-constraint like sanctity. The requital is presupposed in the earthly life of man, it is an undertaking of spiritual perfection by degrees. Whoever grows himself wings upon the earth, says Saint Ephraim, is one who soars up into the heights; whoever purifies his mind here below, there glimpses the Glory of God. In whatever measure each one loves God, he is, by God’s love, satiated to fullness according to that measure. Man, cleansing himself and attaining the grace of the Holy Spirit while still here on earth, has a foretaste of the Kingdom of Heaven. To attain to life eternal, in the teachings of Saint Ephraim, does not mean to pass over from one realm of being into another, but rather to discover “the heavenly,” spiritual condition of being. Eternal life is not bestown on man through God’s one-sided efforts, but rather, it constantly grows like a seed within him by his efforts, toils and struggles.
The pledge within us of “theosis” (or “deification”) is the Baptism of Christ, and the main force that drives the Christian life is repentance. Saint Ephraim was a great teacher of repentance. The forgiveness of sins in the Mystery of Repentance, according to his teaching, is not an external exoneration, not a forgetting of the sins, but rather their complete undoing, their annihilation. The tears of repentance wash away and burn away the sin. Moreover, they (i.e. the tears) enliven, they transfigure sinful nature, they give the strength “to walk in the way of the the Lord’s commandments,” encouraging hope in God. In the fiery font of repentance, the saint wrote, “you sail yourself across, O sinner, you resurrect yourself from the dead.”
Saint Ephraim, accounting himself as the least and worst of all, went to Egypt at the end of his life to see the efforts of the great ascetics. He was accepted there as a welcome guest and received great solace from conversing with them. On his return journey he visited at Caesarea in Cappadocia with Saint Basil the Great (January 1), who wanted to ordain him a priest, but he considered himself unworthy of the priesthood. At the insistence of Saint Basil, he consented only to be ordained as a deacon, in which rank he remained until his death. Later on, Saint Basil invited Saint Ephraim to accept a bishop’s throne, but the saint feigned madness in order to avoid this honor, humbly regarding himself as unworthy of it.
After his return to his own Edessa wilderness, Saint Ephraim hoped to spend the rest of his life in solitude, but divine Providence again summoned him to serve his neighbor. The inhabitants of Edessa were suffering from a devastating famine. By the influence of his word, the saint persuaded the wealthy to render aid to those in need. From the offerings of believers he built a poor-house for the poor and sick. Saint Ephraim then withdrew to a cave near Edessa, where he remained to the end of his days.
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Saint Isaac the Syrian, Bishop of Ninevah, lived during the sixth century. He and his brother entered the monastery of Mar Matthew near Ninevah and received the monastic tonsure. His learning, virtue, and ascetic manner of life attracted the notice of the brethren, and they proposed that he head the monastery. Saint Issac did not want this burden, preferring a life of silence, so he left the monastery to live alone in the desert.
His brother urged him more than once to return to the monastery, but he would not agree. However, when the fame of Saint Isaac’s holy life had spread, he was made Bishop of Ninevah. Seeing the crude manners and disobedience of the inhabitants of the city, the saint felt that it was beyond his ability to guide them, and moreover, he yearned for solitude.
Once, two Christians came to him, asking him to settle a dispute. One man acknowledged that he owed money to the other, but asked for a short extension. The lender threatened to bring his debtor to court to force him to pay. Saint Isaac, citing the Gospel, asked him to be merciful and give the debtor more time to pay. The man said, “Leave your Gospel out of this!” Saint Isaac replied, “If you will not submit to Lord’s commandments in the Gospel, then what remains for me to do here?” After only five months as bishop, Saint Isaac resigned his office and went into the mountains to live with the hermits. Later, he went to the monastery of Rabban Shabur, where he lived until his death, attaining a high degree of spiritual perfection.
From the early eighth century until the beginning of the eighteenth century, nothing was known about Saint Isaac of Syria in Europe except for his name and works. Only in 1719 was a biography of the saint published at Rome, compiled by an anonymous Arab author. In 1896, more information on Saint Isaac came to light. The learned French soteriologist Abbot Chabot published some eighth century works on Syrian history by Iezudena, bishop of Barsa, where the account of Saint Isaac the Syrian was found.
Source, all texts: Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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MARK 14:3-9 
3 And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head.4 But there were some who were indignant among themselves, and said, "Why was this fragrant oil wasted? 5 For it might have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor. And they criticized her sharply. 6 But Jesus said, "Let her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a good work for Me. 7 For you have the poor with you always, and whenever you wish you may do them good; but Me you do not have always. 8 She has done what she could. She has come beforehand to anoint My body for burial. 9 Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.
1 JOHN 2:7-17 
7Brethren, I write no new commandment to you, but an old commandment which you have had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which you heard from the beginning. 8 Again, a new commandment I write to you, which thing is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining. 9 He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness until now. 10 He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him. 11 But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. 12 I write to you, little children, Because your sins are forgiven you for His name's sake. 13 I write to you, fathers, Because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, Because you have overcome the wicked one. I write to you, little children, Because you have known the Father. 14 I have written to you, fathers, Because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, And you have overcome the wicked one. 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
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KNIVES IS THE WHITE SAVIOR. why, you ask? BECAUSE THATS HOW HE SEES HIMSELF. regardless of the narrative and how villains are "supposed" to be symbolized with darkness and evil, TRIGUN STAMPEDE FLIPPED THE SCRIPT. Knives is ethereal and white and beautiful BECAUSE HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE SAVIOR OF PLANTKIND AND INDEPENDANTS. He is literally trying to build a paradise, albeit at the expense of his brother, because he has seen the mistreatment of his people. The language that he uses reinforces this view, that humans are "sinners" and need to "atone" for their crimes. Which is fair, because we see how fucked up the humans can be with their experimentation. Knives is beautiful like Lucifer, and a Deliverer like Moses, literally trying to free his people and lead them to the promise land. That is HIS perception of himself, and the ends justify the means. They literally call themselves "Angels".
In comparison, Vash has the black trope, and the "demon" looking wing. At one point when they are spinning around in the air they look like Yin and Yang, and it's beautiful cinematography. Vash is known as the Humanoid Typhoon, and the "destroyer". But what does he destroy, really? He destroy's the barrier between plants and humans, and he destroys Knive's ideal worldview of a planet for plants only at the exclusion of humans.
Vash destroys biases. He destroys the perceived separation of plants and humans. Since the crash he has been teaching humans how to care for the plants, and he constantly advocates for coexistence. However this is not a popular view, and both humans and Knives pushes back against it. Vash's idea of freedom is inherently different from Knive's, in that he believes freedom means LOVE AND PEACE and Knives believes that they can only have freedom if humankind is eradicated.
And the narrative begs us to choose between them. On one hand, the plants HAVE been mistreated. We see it when we learn about the third independent, and how the humans harvested the plants until they died in order to save themselves. The plants are NOT treated as entities that feel pain or have feelings. Knive's rage is entirely justified, but his methods are horrible, and his conclusions that humankind is irredeemable is painful to see as it affects the innocents. Vash, on the other hand, advocates for the humans and WANTS to believe that humans and plants can exist. He takes bullets for them, endlessly sacrificing himself to reach out a hand and BEGGING them to take it. But they can't comprehend his vision, and frankly they are scared of it. His love for the humans makes Knives feel betrayed, unable to forgive the horrors that the humans caused. Why is Vash choosing the people who hurt them over his own brother??
Who is correct?? Is there a "right" way?? Why MUST we choose?? IS IT REALLY BLACK AND WHITE LIKE THE BROTHERS THEMSELVES?!
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the-violet-void · 10 months
I love The Prince of Egypt
like, I'm an ex-Christian, Satanist, chaos witch, Pastafarian, Discordian/Erisian, and unironic Slaanesh worshiper. and I LOVE this movie
The art and animation are beautiful. the dream sequence, the burning bush scene, the plagues, and the splitting of the sea, chef's kiss
the music aaa it's amazing and I really love hearing both the originals and the Jon and Caleb covers in my spare time
I love the story of it. I love to see people cast off their chains and become free. I love seeing hard topics like brothers being torn apart by destiny, and the wrath of an almighty being in a kids movie. showing someone be called out for not really seeming to care about an oppressed group of people until he found out he was born part of that group hits hard for a movie I saw when I was like seven or eight. they showed on screen death. in a kids movie. I love seeing kids media that's also made for adults. they do their best to pull as few punches as possible
seeing the undying love and support of a sister, wife, father figure. hits me right in the feels. seeing Miriam believe in Moses from the very beginning and never waver is amazing. Zipporah is the fist slave Moses shows compassion for. he had her back when she was escaping, and she has his back with getting his people out. Jethro is pretty much Iroh level imo.
I love seeing them take the time to say hey there are some historical inaccuracies, but we did our best. I wish other movies based on preexisting stories did that. just a nice little disclaimer. like as a kid I had no idea how messed up the stories Disney based many films on are as messed up as they are.
CW CONTENT WARNING. aaa this next paragraph might set off trauma or psychosis or something, be careful reading it, I'm sorry if it does
this movie set off my psychosis a few times. I was scared of the angel of death for weeks when I watched it at church for the first time. sometimes the fear had come back, but I've been good ever since being treated (yay^^)
okie you should be good now
this movie is amazing, absolutely watch it when you get a chance
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25th June >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 
(Liturgical Colour: Green: A (1))
First Reading Jeremiah 20:10-13 He has delivered the soul of the needy from the hands of evil men.
Jeremiah said:
I hear so many disparaging me, ‘“Terror from every side!” Denounce him! Let us denounce him!’ All those who used to be my friends watched for my downfall, ‘Perhaps he will be seduced into error. Then we will master him and take our revenge!’ But the Lord is at my side, a mighty hero; my opponents will stumble, mastered, confounded by their failure; everlasting, unforgettable disgrace will be theirs. But you, O Lord of Hosts, you who probe with justice, who scrutinise the loins and heart, let me see the vengeance you will take on them, for I have committed my cause to you. Sing to the Lord, praise the Lord, for he has delivered the soul of the needy from the hands of evil men.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 68(69):8-10,14,17,33-35
R/ In your great love, answer me, O Lord.
It is for you that I suffer taunts, that shame covers my face, that I have become a stranger to my brothers, an alien to my own mother’s sons. I burn with zeal for your house and taunts against you fall on me.
R/ In your great love, answer me, O Lord.
This is my prayer to you, my prayer for your favour. In your great love, answer me, O God, with your help that never fails: Lord, answer, for your love is kind; in your compassion, turn towards me.
R/ In your great love, answer me, O Lord.
The poor when they see it will be glad and God-seeking hearts will revive; for the Lord listens to the needy and does not spurn his servants in their chains. Let the heavens and the earth give him praise, the sea and all its living creatures.
R/ In your great love, answer me, O Lord.
Second Reading Romans 5:12-15 The gift considerably outweighed the fall.
Sin entered the world through one man, and through sin death, and thus death has spread through the whole human race because everyone has sinned. Sin existed in the world long before the Law was given. There was no law and so no one could be accused of the sin of ‘law-breaking’, yet death reigned over all from Adam to Moses, even though their sin, unlike that of Adam, was not a matter of breaking a law.
Adam prefigured the One to come, but the gift itself considerably outweighed the fall. If it is certain that through one man’s fall so many died, it is even more certain that divine grace, coming through the one man, Jesus Christ, came to so many as an abundant free gift.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Gospel Acclamation John 1:14,12
Alleluia, alleluia! The Word was made flesh and lived among us: to all who did accept him he gave power to become children of God. Alleluia!
Or: John 15:26,27
Alleluia, alleluia! The Spirit of truth will be my witness; and you too will be my witnesses. Alleluia!
Gospel Matthew 10:26-33 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body.
Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘Do not be afraid. For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetops.
‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Can you not buy two sparrows for a penny? And yet not one falls to the ground without your Father knowing. Why, every hair on your head has been counted. So there is no need to be afraid; you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.
‘So if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of men, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father in heaven. But the one who disowns me in the presence of men, I will disown in the presence of my Father in heaven.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 115
The Third Man/The Waters of Mars
“The Third Man”
Plot Description: Investigating a case of biblical plagues, Sam and Dean call Castiel for help and learn that God’s weapons have been stolen
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No. I would not survive having my skin, down to the muscle, peel off and then EXPLODING
And I continue to make the mistake of watching this on my lunch break…luckily I was spared the most gruesome parts by blocking it with my phone
Sam…I’m not saying that you have to be in a relationship to do that, but you can hook up with some one for free, you know. I’m sure there’s someone out there who would…is your personality that dogshit now that you have no soul??
Biblical plagues apparently say ACAB. Which is nice to see
“Were you…racing me?” “No…I was kicking your ass” I’ve missed these sibling moments when the stakes seem low
Um…I know this guy is goin through it but damn. Well, at least we were spared seeing … no we weren’t fucking spared watching locusts digging their way out of this dude’s skull
He gets there when DEAN calls him. Cas’s blatant favoritism and disdain for Sam is amazing. “You like him better or something?” will be so much funnier later
Don’t lie to yourself, Castiel. “You think I came because you called?”
“I think we can rule Moses out as a suspect” I love this show sometimes
“My ‘people skills’ are ‘rusty’” bitch, me too. Cheers. I keep forgetting I have a shirt with that on it that I bought in 2021 for if an occasion that I’d have to be around people would come up outside of work
Cas is that X Files kinda fed I guess. Sam and Dean are trying to play real federal agent and Cas is just asking where this guy has the Staff of Moses
Jesus, Cas. I guess I know this is a HUGE deal but maybe we go about it a little differently? No?
I’m sorry for being SUCH a Cas apologist. I can see that what he’s doing is not great to wrong, but I can see why he’s doing it. He’s not human, he doesn’t have QUITE the attachment to humanity he’ll eventually have
Oooo, I remember Balthazar being fun
Angel fiiiiiiight
You can’t start Who’s On First with Cas…he’s a millennia old baby when it comes to cultural references
Bestieeee, your people skills are not just rusty, they’re rusted, fallen off, and lying on the side of the road
Did we get Balthazar as a Gabriel replacement? “This morning I had a ménage a…what’s French for twelve?”
I’d love to be the kind of person who could hang with Balthazar, but I know I’m more of a sit quietly in a room with Castiel type
Damn, Cas. You are too good at throwing knives…and getting your shit wrecked by your older brothers
You LOT-ED RAPHAEL, Balthazar??
Hmmmm…gonna tuck away the “do you know what a human soul is worth” line for later. There’s some kind of power they hold. So, who’s got Sam’s and why
Sure. You had different hell experiences but…it would still affect you IF YOU HAD A SOUL, SAM
“Been On My Mind…”: does in Dean’s dreams count??? And…I guess there’s confirmation Sam did entirely off screen…
"The Waters of Mars"
Plot Description: In a Mars base the inhabitants are being infected by a mysterious water creature which takes over its victims. The Doctor is thrust into the middle of this catastrophe knowing a larger one is waiting around the corner.
Oh man...I'm trying to not get attached to these characters. I know, like, ONE of them makes it out, but some of them are just....you know?
Like these two in the garden...oop, one's already getting infected. GREAAAAAAT
As the Doctor remembers the crew members and their Great Value Wikipedia pages pop up...Adelaide was born in 1999. The deputy was born in 2008. HE'S FIFTEEN RIGHT NOW. THE TECHNICIAN WAS A COVID BABY
Yeah, I guess that makes sense that they'd link the Doctor's arrival to what's going on
I forgot how horrifying their faces get after they get infected. Ring Corrupted Bilbo Baggins lookin...giving Vincent D'Onofrio in Men In Black but worse and wetter...
I know any acting job's an acting job but the guy who controls the robot is just...he got the short end of the stick when it came to roles
"Water is patient, Adelaide. Water just waits[...]Water always wins." What a terrifying thing to hear
Captain, you WHAT.
GOD...imagine being told that the human race WILL travel to the furthest reaches of the universe, and it's because YOU inspired your granddaughter to continue your legacy, but it does mean you and everyone here with you HAS. TO. DIE.
Oh. She...she doesn't think that...she thinks they escape. I mean, of course she does. Doctor...
Stop...maybe stop going to fixed points in time. (I know you're not completely in charge of where the TARDIS takes you, but goddamn)
Imagine loving humanity so much but having to stand there and listen to them die on Mars, nothing you do can save them. Everything you do just causes it to happen anyway
The pressure equivalent of your bathroom shower hitting someone has never been so tragic
God...I forgot that he goes back and goes apeshit. "The laws of time are mine, and THEY WILL OBEY ME" gworl.
OK but how did that NOT kill everyone and destroy the TARDIS??
I hate the way she has to do it, but...he needed to be knocked down that peg. You'd think that he'd learn a thing or two after all the time he traveled with Donna, especially. She was asserting herself having an equally important say in what they were doing, how the people they were meeting would address her... You really would think that he wouldn't see his beliefs as absolute.
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gods-sugar-daddy · 1 year
Characters I want to rattle like an angry maraca for an undiscerned amount of time based on how chewy they are
Call him gum the way I'm chewing on him all day
Look at him. He's a petty bitch. He's standing there all smug and confident while thousands of traumas happen around him. He's a girlboss, he's an unrepentant pathological liar, he's megatron's silly rabbit, he's my babygirl. He's one of those toys that is animal shape but if you squeeze it, it's eyes or stomach pops out. I want to do that to him constantly. He has an immortal spark so it's ok he'll live.
Newt Giezler
He's the type of scientist Ian Malcom would hate. He's the Icarus of his tale. He overshot the sun and landed in the black hole at the center of our galaxy. He's not doomed by the narrative, the narrative is doomed by him. He's like a dog you need to keep an eye on constantly or else he decides that he actually can eat chocolate and devours a whole cake. Telling him to slow down is a slap in the face. How dare you tell him to wait for everyone else when he can finally see the way to save humanity, all the while becoming their enemy's greatest weapon. He's so invested in interviewing God he forgot he was dining with the devil. Who gets the bill in the end?
Jason Todd
Look at him. Look. He's everything he's been told but so much more. He's the tragic son. The black sheep. His past is rags to riches, his present is the unsettling truth, I hope his future is good. This is the guy that got me into fandoms. He is a part of my soul. So hurt and beaten by the world yet still kind and caring.
Ramses II (Prince of Egypt)
I am not talking about the real Pharaoh, only the one created by Dreamworks. Now I am a slut for good sibling dynamics but the best one is sibling vs sibling. I want that drama, the emotion of caring for someone your whole life only for them to betray you. Moses was ok to fight Ramses I when he went to free the Jews but to face his brother, one of the closest people he's ever been to, it's devastating. The utter joy when Ramses expressed when Moses is alive, he practically abandoned court etiquette. He was willing to lie to his father to keep Moses safe. They were the closest of brothers and now they're pitted against each other.
A rubber band, sproingy but not sustainable
What do you see when you see Jazz? A happy go lucky guy without a care in the world? Wrong. He's Special Operations which means he's cheats, lies, steals for a living. He operates on a kill or be killed basis and he will kick your ass if he feels like it
Sunstreaker and Sideswipe
They're precious boys. They stand out from the Autobots bc they're so decepticon like. They were in the same Pit as Megatron and instead of joining him, they chose the Autobots. And despite all the comments, they're so loyal to the Autobots.
Imagine crashing in a snowstorm then waking up 4 billion years later that your entire planet is dead. Skyfire woke up to a world devastated by civil war, to a decepticon that wore his partner's face. He thought he knew what he was getting into because Starscream wouldn't lie to him. But he did. Skyfire shot down his ex because he's a good bot at heart and it hurts him to see someone close to him like this. He's a main character of a Greek tragedy.
Predigested sludge
Listen, I love Bee. He got me into tf. But my god is he everywhere. I get it, he's the kids character. But he can be fun and playful and still kick ass. Looking at his arc from tfp to its successor RiD15, those are two different Bumblebees. Id love to shake him but he's Hasbro's cash cow. You can't shake a cash cow without the jangle drawing out capitalists.
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navree · 1 year
Oh, now that you mentioned Prince of Egypt, I just finished watching it and it was great. I don’t really watch Disney but this one was *chef’s kiss*. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is next and that’s only because I just listened to Hellfire and loved it.
I felt for all of them. I felt for Rameses when he was grieving, and he’s better than me (well, not really since he’s a slaver) because if my sister knew that a force was going to come down and kill all first borns and not warn me, we’re fighting. I get why he did what he did, but still, the babies :( Rameses was always holding his son :((
I also really liked how there’s no reconciliation (but they still call each other brother, oh no I think I’m actually gonna weep, I’m too sensitive for stories like these). I just finished rewatching HOTD so the show’s still on my mind and as someone who, like many others from what I’ve seen, didn’t really like Alicent’s and Rhaenyra’s reconciliation (or at least the execution. Vaemond was just executed hours before for voicing what Alicent has been fearing since Aegon was like 2 years old.), Rameses and Moses hits different. I’m sorry but if anyone, even a loved one, suggests to have my 10-year old, freshly maimed, just lost an eye, permanently disfigured and disabled son tortured we’re fighting. All day everyday any day, it’s on sight. (But I may wish to see you again after death. I’d feel too guilty to voice something like while alive but while dying, maybe not - this is my Catholicism speaking btw.)
Problem is I watched Prince of Egypt while I was drunk over the holidays and I was immediately bowled over by how sad I was, and also the death of the firstborns is just...it's so depressing it's such an incredibly depressing scene it haunts me everything about it is so haunting. Part of what makes that, and the story of the Exodus, such a wrenching narrative is that it falls into a category some of the sadder Biblical stories do, like the life of Job or the Agony in the Garden, which is God making people do things that they do not want to do. The movie's more explicit with that line in the plagues song with the bit where Moses says he wished God had tapped someone else for this, but even the actual Exodus story has it specifically stated that Pharaoh was ready to let the people go and God specifically hardened his heart so that he could continue on with all the plagues, in order to have this clearcut lesson of what happens if you follow any other god than, you know, God (and I think he does it again for the parting of the Red Sea? But it's been a while since I've studied Exodus). But yeah, I said this before but one of the things the movie got really right is that if you're trying to make it a proper narrative rather than a parable, then the emotional core is the intense family tragedy that's befalling our two mains as they get thrust into plans that are literally Biblical in scope.
(also i'd like to point out that, in the actual exodus story, moses is saved from the river by pharaoh's daughter, not pharaoh's wife, so the pharaoh of the exodus is meant to be moses's uncle and not brother and you can do a whole lot with the idea of rameses not being pharaoh but still on pharaoh's side but trying to be an intermediary between his blood family/his liege and the brother he loves and getting caught in the crossfire when it comes to the death of the firstborns without later dying in the red sea, i think it'd be neat)
Lack of reconciliation works for a Disney movie, it does need a clear cut villain and for however much you feel even for Rameses (the character) when you're older rewatching, Moses is the protagonist fighting to free slaves and Rameses is the antagonist keeping them enslaved, so having him soundly defeated even if that means we never get a moment of rapprochement works. But I actually don't necessarily mind the Rhaenicent scene in episode eight cuz, even beyond the fact that relationships aren't always linear and they ebb and flow and fluctuate and that makes sense to me, I don't necessarily view it as a reconciliation. It's barely even the building blocks of a reconciliation, it's Alicent and Rhaenyra both holding A Block and agreeing that maybe they might put them down to try and build something like reconciliation later on. It's the fact that they're tentatively open to the opportunity, that if Viserys hadn't died and Rhaenyra had come back and maybe continued trying to make amends, a reconciliation could have happened, but they never got the chance, and when they meet again too much will have happened for it to ever be possible. It makes sense that Alicent was willing, at least that evening, considering not just the longstanding affection she's had for Rhaenyra as a girlhood friend and first love, but also that Rhaenyra took the first step and not only openly honored what Alicent's done over the last nearly twenty years (the first time she's ever done so in the entire show), but also said "she has my apology", specifically telling Alicent she knows she has stuff to be sorry for and she is. That's what spurs on Alicent's softening stance for her that night, not just old feelings, and it's likely that a reconciliation likely would have had the complicating factor of Aemond's maiming and Viserys's treatment of him and his family in the aftermath and how Alicent might still want some recompense for that, because that's her son. They're definitely going to change the lines about Jaehaerys though in Alicent's death monologue to be about Rhaenyra instead, and it'll make me cry.
Also my fave Disney movie is The Lion King, which happens to not only be excellent but is one I've been watching with my father literally since infancy so it gets its win not just for being the best but also for being a bonding factor in my relationship with my dad.
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forhim-aname · 24 days
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Scripture of the Day - April 26, 2024 HAVE YOU BEEN BORN AGAIN ? From the Bible’s Book, the Gospel of John
John 3:1-16 - A RENDEZVOUS BY NIGHT (a paraphrase):
There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews; The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that you do, except God be with him.   Jesus, knowing Nicodemus’ greatest need—got straight to the point and answered Nicodemus, “Truly, truly, I say unto you—Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 
Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?”   Jesus answered, “It is—truly, truly—that I said unto you, ‘Except a man be born of water, and of the Spirit—he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not, that I said unto you—’You must be born again’.   The wind bloweth wherever it feels free to sail-away, and you hear the sound it makes, but cannot tell from-where it comes, and to where it goes: So it is—with every one that is born of the Spirit.”   Nicodemus answered and said unto Him, “How can these things be?”   Jesus answered and said unto him, “Are you a master of Israel, and know-not these things?  Truly, truly, I say unto you—We speak that which We do know; and testify that which We have seen; and you do not receive not our witness. If I have told you earthly things, and you do not believe; how shall you believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?”   Then Jesus told Nicodemus a ’heavenly thing’ - “Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell? (quoting from the proverbs of Solomon 30:4) And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness—even so—must the Son of man be lifted up: so that whosoever believeth in Him—should not perish, but have eternal life. For God—so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son—that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish; but have everlasting life.
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world—through him might be saved. He that believes on him is not condemned; but he that believes-not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation—that Light is come into the world, and men have loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil; For every one that does evil—hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth—cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest—that they are wrought in God.”
A few years after Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection—one of His disciples wrote to His converts:
1st John 3:9&10 - “Whosoever is born of God doth not keep on committing sin; for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil—whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God; neither he that loveth not his brother.” 
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