linasofia · 2 years
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Armitage Summer Splash #12
Trope: Oblivious of feelings
Quote: “How dare you!”
Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader x Raymond de Merville (Modern AU)
Words: 2,8K
Warnings: 18+
@lathalea @legolasbadass I don’t know if I should thank you or blame you right now. 😈
It all happens so quickly. The shock wave from the explosion throws me backwards and I fall helplessly to the ground. My back takes most of the impact but I can't stop my head from mercilessly hitting the ground. I gasp for air as my lungs press hard against my ribs. Black smoke fills the air and I cough as I try to breathe. With an increasing feeling of surrealness, I stare at the burning car beside me. I can hear shouting from the distance growing louder and more frightening, but my body feels heavy and refuses to move. The sharp sound of sirens cut through the air. Iron shoes on four-legged beasts, galloping on wet asphalt and snorting heavily. Commanding voices in the air, demanding full obedience. I can’t keep my eyes open and the pulsating feeling at my temples slowly fades away together with my consciousness.
Someone is calling my name. A dark, rich voice finds its way through the massive wall of shouting and noises around me and just hearing the familiar sound calms me a little. It’s a voice that I usually hear outside my café, spoken in a much softer tone than the roar that suddenly erupts from his chest as he turns to command his partner. When I open my eyes, it takes a while for my eyes to adjust, but then I see him. At first, I do not recognize him due to the full riot gear he wears, including a helmet with a thick visor and some sort of extra vest for protection that makes his chest look even broader than usual. He shields me from everything else when he leans over me, blocking the sun that creates a halo around his helmet. His gloved hand rests lightly on my forehead and when he speaks my name again, I answer with his: ”Thorin.”
”I’m here. You need to go to the hospital. You’re bleeding.”
I try to sit up but he gently holds me down. ”Stay down, Raymond is getting an ambulance for you. They will decide how to move you. I don’t want to make your injury worse by making unqualified decisions. For now, you’re safe just where you are.”
”I’m sure it's fine, Thorin.” I try to smile but I feel my dry lips crack as I move them. His concern for me makes me all warm inside. Over the last months, Thorin and Raymond have been regular visitors at my café, when on duty. On warm days I have given both riders and horses water to drink and on colder days they always buy coffee. They seem inseparable and in a way, I envy the strong bond they must have, both to each other and to their horses. To put your own life in danger, to help others in need, surely it must form their character and bring out their greatest sides. My temple is hurting and Thorin adds pressure to it.
When I hear the echoing noise of hooves against the asphalt again, I slowly turn my face towards the sound. I see the big black stallion, Hades, standing just a few meters away from me. In his saddle, as always, sits Thorin’s partner, Raymond. From this distance and with his visor down, I can’t really tell it’s him, but I would always recognize Hades, even now in riot gear, just like the officer on his back.
Flashing blue lights suddenly reflect in Thorin’s visor and soon a medical team surrounds me. Thorin hovers by my side but not until one of the angels from the ambulance team says, in a sharp tone, that they have the situation under control, does he mount his horse Electra again. The chestnut mare shakes her head impatiently and it almost looks like she tries to tell her master what a jerk he is. The evening is far from over and they are needed elsewhere, can’t he see that? The last thing I see before the ambulance door closes is the back of two officers riding to join their colleagues.
I don’t like sleeping at the hospital. Thankfully I have very little experience of it, but a broken arm from a riding accident as a young girl still awakes some memories as I stare at the white sterile ceiling. I’m very grateful that I got my own room, and when the doctor told me that he wanted to keep me overnight for monitoring, I accepted. I needed a couple of stitches and I suffered from a concussion. It makes me dizzy and at times I feel really sick. When sleep finally claims my body, I welcome it with open arms, feeling utterly exhausted.
The room is dark, only illuminated by large chandeliers and a few lanterns that cast flickering shadows on the walls. No windows or doors let the light inside but the air still feels pleasant. In the middle of the room stands a bed, robust with a wooden frame. At the foot of the bed stand two men, wearing nothing but their own gloriously tanned skin. They are about the same height, broad shoulders, well-sculptured bodies and the only difference between them is the amount of hair on their chests. One of them has been blessed with more and when he shifts, the light reveals the grey strands gracing his dark chest hair. The other man is a little less hairy but his hair creates the most inviting trail over his stomach. The soft enormous bed, neatly made with finest Egyptian cotton sheets, moves as the two men slowly crawl from the opposite corners towards me like predators, but I don’t feel like I’m in any danger. I still don’t see their faces but somehow I already know.
With a hammering heart I wait for them in bed, silently lying on my back. When I feel their warm bodies against mine, I briefly close my eyes and take a deep breath. One of them gently pulls at my shoulder so I come to rest on the side and when I open my eyes again, I meet Thorin’s burning gaze. He gently strokes my cheek and when he speaks, his usual commanding and deep voice is now raspy and it fills my body with irresistible need. Behind me, I feel the other man position himself close to me, place his hand on my waist and squeeze the soft flesh. When he greets me, I smile to myself. Raymond’s voice, smooth as velvet but dark as the sea, is filled with lust, matching my own desire that is rapidly building in my body.
Thorin leans in and covers my lips with his before I can even think of a proper response to them. Our kiss starts as a tender one, but soon his hunger takes over and his tongue slips between my lips. The sensual dance he leads me into is filled with emotions and not only the passionate and raw kind. Raymond’s hand doesn’t stay on my waist for long, and his hands glide over my skin as if he tried to map my body, fueling my desire. He nibbles at my shoulder and when Thorin suddenly breaks the kiss, I feel Raymond’s teeth scrape against my skin. His beard is soft and I find it more than arousing when he drags his jaw along my shoulder. I whimper as his grip on me tightens. With a swift move Raymond rolls me over to face him and the darkness in his eyes makes me gasp. He doesn’t follow Thorin’s gentle start, instead he greedily rolls his tongue against mine and steals my breath away. I feel Thorin peppering my neck with wet kisses, his short stubble is rough on my skin, while his hand caresses my hip and moves along my thigh. I burn under his touch as he gently lifts my leg and places it over Raymond’s thigh. Then, as Raymond continues to kiss me deeply, I feel Thorin advance to explore the sensitive parts between my thighs. When his fingers trace my soft and slick skin and find my little bundle of nerves, I moan into Raymond’s mouth, making both men even more eager. With one hand Raymond catches my wrist and pulls it over my head. His other hand seeks the softness of my breast, teasing me by running his fingers around its outer lines and over my ribs, making me shiver under his touch. My soft plea for more is silenced by Thorin who slips one of his thick fingers between my folds. I hear him groan appreciatively against my neck as he works his fingers to pleasure me.
As soon as my breathing becomes uneven, Thorin intensifies his efforts and I pant his name while I feel the orgasm building in my core. He answers me with a moan as I clench around his fingers and the world around me temporarily disappears as I float in the warm stream of lust washing over me. Thorin slowly withdraws his fingers, leaving me with a feeling of emptiness. My body aches for him, for both of them, for more of everything they might offer. Raymond releases my arm and I roll over to face Thorin.
“I need you,” I whisper, my voice still needy and unsteady. Thorin’s azure eyes are burning and without a word he grabs my leg, lifts it so he can position himself in the best possible way and with his gaze fixed on mine, he enters me. Even if he is slow and gentle, I struggle with his size. Raymond’s raspy “Good girl” as Thorin reaches the bottom, buried deep inside me, sends a wave of heat through my body and I grip Thorin’s upper arm tightly. His muscles are firm, like the strong neck of his loyal horse and while Thorin gives me time to adjust to him, Raymond trails my spine up and down with his long fingers. It helps me relax my body and shortly after Thorin finally rocks his hips against mine, causing a throaty moan to escape my mouth.
The steady rhythm Thorin sets soon makes me see stars. I can tell he likes to watch me by the way he follows every shift in my facial expressions closely. While Thorin is more focused on my physical pleasure, Raymond seems determined to drive me crazy with his words alone. The way he speaks his praises is like pouring fuel on an open fire. Teasingly, he circles the roundness of my bum with his hands, gently squeezing my flesh and spreading my cheeks, exposing the split to him. When he presses a finger against me I can’t stop my body from arching against him. His voice drops to a low register that must have been made for female pleasures only. With a groan he asks for my consent and when I give it, he creates the most heavenly feeling with his long finger. He mirrors Thorin’s pace and it fills me with a desire stronger than the gravity of the earth. I don’t recognize my own voice when I beg him for more.
Raymond puts his hand on my leg, rasps my name and with a resolute move he adjusts my position to his advantage. His grip is firm, just enough to let me know how he wants me and in that moment Thorin slows down, allowing Raymond to put the bulky top of his member over my rear entrance. I’m being pulled towards the inevitable and all I manage is to cry out my desperation for them.
My own cry wakes me from my dream but I silence as soon as the morning light seeping from the small gap between the blinds hits me right in the eyes. Someone is speaking my name from a distance but I don’t understand why. I slam my arm against the bars on the hospital bed as I try to move away from the merciless light.
”Please be careful so you don’t hurt yourself.” That voice again, so dark and alluring. I meet the cerulean eyes of the man standing beside the bed. He looks strangely familiar. The shape and color of his eyes, the patrician nose and his dark beard. I let out a small gasp of disbelief. He resembles both Thorin and Raymond so much, they could easily be brothers. I blink a few times. Is this a trick of my damaged brain? The man is dressed in a shirt with the collar open and over that he wears a white coat. I glance at the name tag and then back at Dr White’s face.
”How do you feel? You were tossing in your bed and due to your injury, the nurse got worried. It’s not unusual to suffer from nightmares.”
”I’m ok.” I feel heat spread over my cheeks at the thought of Dr White hearing my cries. I can’t deal with the embarrassment but I try to convince myself that he seems to interpret it as something totally different. Dr White keeps asking a few more questions but I’m too tired and delusional to answer them properly. He leaves me after a while and I close my eyes as he shuts the door. I need to rest. And I feel nauseous.
A week later I’m back at the café, serving guests and making sandwiches as usual. The street still bears traces of the tumult that escalated into a riot after the big game last week. The visiting team’s supporters decided to take out their anger over their loss in the city center. The glass is swept away, some broken windows have already been replaced and even the car that exploded next to me is gone. Only the marks it left on the asphalt tell the story of the violence that occurred.
Just after lunch hour, when things are slowing down again, I hear the sound of hooves coming from outside. The door is wide open and the city noise mixes with the occasional sounds coming from the espresso machine. My heart picks up speed. I always enjoy meeting the city’s finest patrolling police officers, but today I feel more nervous than before. As usual I can’t resist the temptation so I walk over to the door and greet them.
”How do you feel, bunnelê?” Raymond asks, his French accent covering his words like mist covers the meadow on a crispy summer morning.
”How dare you?” Thorin snears at him. ”How dare you call her that? You have no right!” I can hear the anger in his voice and I wonder what Raymond’s words really mean.
”Since you don’t have the courage to use it, I might as well do it.” Raymond grins at him and Thorin shoots him an icy stare that is impossible to miss. I can almost see his blood boiling in his veins.
”I feel ok now. Still tired but nothing else. Thank you both for helping me.” I quickly answer with a grateful smile.
”Should you not rest longer? I can’t imagine the doctor's approval of you already working.” Thorin sounds concerned, the anger in his voice is gone and he looks intensely at me.
”I don’t have time to rest anymore. I can’t keep the café closed for so long. It’s not good for business. And Sarah can’t help me more than she already does.”
Raymond shakes his head. ”You’re not very obedient, are you?” Something in the way he says the word obedient brings back memories from my dream, and I blush. I can’t look either of them in the eyes without exposing myself, so instead, I turn my attention to Hades and Electra.
”Shall I get the bucket for them? They look warm.”
”I’m sure they are. Please, if it’s not too much trouble.” Thorin answers and gives Electra a tender stroke over her neck. Her chestnut coat shines like a ruby in the sun. I nod and go back inside to fill the bucket with water. In the kitchen, while the water splutters down in the bucket, I think of Thorin’s reaction to Raymond’s foreign word. It didn’t sound French. Over the last weeks I have noticed a small change in Thorin. He seems to be increasingly concerned for my well-being and while Raymond is more direct and has a habit of speaking without a filter between his mouth and brain, Thorin is getting more and more thoughtful and attentive to my reaction. It confuses me greatly but also feels very right.
When the bucket is finally filled, I carry it outside. The street is empty, my four-legged guests have disappeared together with their riders and I can’t help feeling a sting of disappointment in my heart. I put the bucket down and go back inside to serve a new guest. With their kind of job, you never know what to expect. But I have a feeling they will return later. The thought makes me warm and I shine together with the sun as I smile at the young woman on the other side of the counter. Today is a very good day.
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