#But they didn't give their new uncle the chance to hate himself for it
forestwhisper3 · 10 months
Plans to watch MM tomorrow, so I'll finally be able to come back to Tumblr and not worry about spoilers. Just popping in for a moment because while I have been able to do some writing for my fics, I was also goofing around a bit with a random idea that wriggled into my brain while at work, and I thought I'd share it. It's an MCU/Rottmt crossover.
Basically, the premise is that the mystic stuff going on during the fight with Shredder was strong enough for Loki to sense from Asgard, and he gets curious since, as far as he's aware, Midgard shouldn't have anything like that anymore. As he was already looking for a reason to take a break since Thor and the others were getting unbearable with talks of the Coronation becoming more serious, he decided to sneak out for a while to investigate. Yada yada, stuff happens, he meets the boys and somehow finds himself absorbed into their collective as an uncle figure/third dad. He doesn't really fight it.
However, someone decides to take advantage of his absence, and everything leading up to the Avengers movie still ends up happening. Needless to say, he's not happy to have to deal with that during his day out with the boys.
This is all pre-Krang, by the way, so having to face this first invasion would definitely affect how they act during the movie. Am I aware the timelines (as in the years that these events take place in their respective universes) don't match up at all? Yes. Yes, I am. However, I am choosing to purposefully not think about that and just let myself have fun with this. Now, here's a little segment I wrote. Enjoy. :D
"You will all fall before me."
"I highly doubt that," a smooth, familiar voice cut in.
Tony froze- an idle part of his mind noting how the hand gripping his face seemed to do so as well -and his eyes widened as he saw another Loki standing there. Unlike the one with the staff, however, this Loki was dressed much more casually in comparison- worn jeans, a T-shirt, and his hair tied back in a low ponytail.
And he did not look happy.
"You," staff Loki hissed, although curiously enough, Tony could see a hint of nervousness in his eyes.
"Me," casual Loki drawled before his arms uncrossed and he walked towards them, steps measured and purposeful.
"I was gone for one year," he began, voice irritated in the way only one who constantly had to deal with the stupidity of others could be. "One. Year! Practically nothing for Asgardians, and everything falls apart. All I wanted was a break, a bit of time for myself, but noooo. Clearly, even that was asking for too much."
He blinked. That…was not what he was expecting to hear.
"Uh…who are you?"
"How dare-!" staff Loki started before he was immediately up in the air, bound together by some invisible ropes or something and unable to speak.
Now free, Tony worked his jaw as he watched this crazy turn of events. Hey, the longer things stalled, the more time the others had to do what they needed.
"Quiet, you half-rate magician!" Casual Loki snarled before walking over and picking up the staff where it had fallen to the ground. "I don't even know what I'm more upset about- the fact that you dared to impersonate me in my absence or that no one sensed anything was amiss!"
Judging by how his expression darkened at the last bit, Tony was willing to bet which one bothered him more, and damn if he didn't feel a bit bad for the guy. Yeah, this was all confusing as fuck, but he knew what it was like to feel like no one cared enough to notice the important things.
Casual Loki studied the staff in his hands for a second before his eyes widened and he turned to glare at the…fake? Was that really what was happening here? This was seriously the kind of twist he'd expect out of a cheesy b-movie, not real life.
"Where did you get this?" he demanded.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" was the sneered response.
In a remarkable show of restraint unlike anything he'd seen from any Asgardian so far- even Point Break -the real(?) Loki took a deep breath and breathed slowly out of his nose.
"Remember what Dr. Feelings said," he muttered almost too quietly to hear, completely annihilating his trepidation or suspicion towards this new Loki.
There was no way anyone with destruction, world domination, or evilness in general on their mind would go to therapy (and seriously? Dr. Feelings? He hoped that was just a professional name).
Another deep breath, and real Loki finally turned to look at him.
For a moment, it was all he could see. Green eyes that were as bright and vivid and striking as that emerald he'd tried to buy Pepper once. Compared to the watered-down blue of the fake, it was a wonder Thor hadn't mentioned it. Unless he just didn't notice, which, sadly, sort of tracked with the little he knew about him.
He was really starting to understand why this guy was so pissed off.
"So, lemme get this straight," he said, if only to break the awkward silence he could feel starting to form. "This guy here," he gestured up to the Loki in the air who was scowling furiously at them, "-was pretending to be you? All while you were on what basically amounts to a vacation?"
"It appears so," Loki sighed before he finally gave in and pinched the bridge of his nose. "My sincerest apologies for the trouble. I cannot say I expected such a disaster to result from my time away, but clearly, I have overestimated what little intelligence and reasoning those back home possess."
He held back a cackle of amusement, but it was a near thing, and judging from the way the corner of Loki's mouth twitched, he'd noticed.
"So how'd you know to come here, then?"
"Where do you think I've been?" Loki asked with a huff of laughter.
"No kidding? I thought Asgardians thought we were a little backwater planet. Not exactly the first place I'd imagine for a trip."
"I assure you that Thor only said that because he's an uncultured brute too embarrassed to admit Midgardian technology is beyond his comprehension."
That time he didn't try holding back the cackle.
"How'd you know it was Thor?"
"Please. With that charlatan galavanting about, there is no other the Allfather would have sent. And last we spoke, my brother did not have the most favorable opinion of Midgard."
"Huh…You're the real deal, aren't you?" he asked, the reality of it all sinking in.
This whole time they'd been dealing with someone else. The who still needed to be answered- and that was probably a really important answer now that he thought about it -but this guy was the real Loki. The Loki that Thor talked about with fondness, even if there was grief mixed in. Now that he was getting a chance to have an actual conversation, he could see why Thor had been so defensive of him. He was clever enough to figure things out with minimal information and less closed-minded about things outside his world and culture. He was witty in a way he could appreciate and just…more approachable, in a way. More human.
Completely different from the other guy.
"The one and only," Loki grinned before a more serious expression settled on his face. "Now, we should probably figure out what to do about the portal device on your rooftop."
"Wait, didn't you stop it?"
"I only managed to interrupt the connection process, and even that is taking considerable focus on my end," Loki shook his head. "The best I can do is delay the portal from opening and hope we find a way to shut it down before then."
"How long do we have?"
"Around…eight minutes."
"That little?!"
Loki's brows furrowed. "I do not jest when I say I am one of the most powerful mages in the Nine Realms, but it is precisely for that reason we even have that long. As skilled as I am, I am no match for the power of an Infinity Stone."
"Infini-what now?"
Loki suddenly looked like he'd bitten into a lemon before he looked up at the ceiling as if asking for patience.
"Thor, you absolute oaf," he groaned, sounding like he was just done with it all. "Don't tell me you didn't even figure out this much?!"
"Does that mean it's time for plan B?" a voice asked, seeming to come from Loki's forearm.
A forearm that had a strange, glowing symbol of some kind floating above it, and how had he not noticed it until now?
"Yes," he sighed. "I suppose it does. But be careful. Let Donatello try to disable the device before you attempt anything mystic. There's no telling how the two energies will react to one another, and I don't want to risk you getting hurt. I'll never hear the end of it from your father otherwise."
"Ooh, I was hoping you'd say that!" a second voice replied excitedly. "Such beautiful and advanced technology! I can hardly wait to crack this baby open!"
"Guys, focus!" yet another voice- and was it just him, or did they all sound really young? -cut in sternly. "You heard what he said! We've only got eight minutes!"
"Technically less now."
"Not helping, Leo."
"We got this!" a fourth voice chirped, somehow managing to sound cheerful and determined all at once. "Don't worry about us! Just do your thing, and we'll do ours, okay? Okay! Good luck, love you, bye!"
There was a crack and a yelp from the other side.
"I'm fine!" the second voice said, sounding a bit muffled. "Just some minor resistance!"
"Dude, why does the machine have a force field?!"
"Shut up! The comm's still on!"
"Oh shit, turn it off! Turn it-!"
The sound cut off, and the glowing circle faded. Loki stared at his arm for a moment, a mix of emotions warring on his face. Concern was one, along with exasperation, but there was amusement there too, and fondness.
"So…kids, huh?" he asked, admittedly curious. "Thor never mentioned being an uncle, but then again, mythology does say differently."
Loki snorted. "So I've seen. I can assure you, Stark, that those stories have been grossly exaggerated."
"You didn't deny it, though."
He grinned when that got an actual chuckle in response.
"I nursed a few animals back to health in my youth," he clarified. "But word of mouth and crude record keeping stretched out over a few hundred years tend to make for a wildly different account of events."
"Like the world's longest and most twisted game of telephone."
"And here I thought I was the ancient one."
That startled a laugh out of him.
"Oh, I like you," he grinned.
He really hoped this wasn't some sort of elaborate trap because he was already attached. He wondered what the odds were for him to convince Loki to extend his vacation after this…
"Now, as riveting as this conversation is, we do have a rather pressing matter on our hands," Loki reminded him. "One that I would like to resolve as quickly as possible lest-"
"Oh for fuck's s-"
He didn't get to finish before he was thrown against a wall.
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suiana · 1 year
hihi!! yr posts are so funky i love them sm
ya have any ideas for a yandere that has no actual connection - like, you've never even seen them before and yet it's stuff like "i didn't leave that book open" - "where did my favorite shirt go" - "i just woke up why am i so sticky" rjfjfhjf
omgee I've actually been thinking about this lately HAHA,, thank u anon for giving me motivation to write this <3
✎ yandere! stalker headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― stalking, nsfw, obsessiveness, slight violence, delusional yandere etc.
(gn! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! stalker who is absolutely obsessed with you. you don't even know him yet his whole life is dedicated to you! how romantic <3
✎ yandere! stalker who has completely memorized your schedule and everything about you. he swears that he can answer any question about you :) no one knows you better than him, not even yourself!
✎ yandere! stalker who doesn't even remember when or where his obsession for you started from. babe, you never even talked to him before! so how did he fall so deeply for you? truly a mystery...
✎ yandere! stalker who gives you plenty of gifts. you could wake up with a random box of chocolates or with your laundry done! though a shirt or two might be missing! truly a pleasant surprise, no? your stalker hopes you like his gifts! :)
✎ yandere! stalker who has so many pictures of you that it's insane. what the fuck, how does he even get these??
✎ yandere! stalker who protects you from dirty people. that weird associate who made you uncomfortable? he suddenly went missing! that old uncle who was staring at you in a nasty way? brutally beaten up in a dark alleyway! don't worry your pretty little head darling, your stalker is there to protect you ♡
✎ yandere! stalker who masterbates to the thought of you every night. god you're perfect! he wishes you would notice him :( but he supposed that you not noticing is for the better... for now.
✎ yandere! stalker who is rich and likes spending his fortune on you. your phone is slightly chipped? get ready to wake up with a brand new phone on your desk :) oh, how he loves watching your cute reactions through the teddy bear he once gifted to you <3
✎ yandere! stalker who starts to grow bolder once you've warmed up to his gifts. oh? so you like his gifts? that means you like him now right? stalker, babe, that's not how it works that means he can start getting more personal with you right?
✎ yandere! stalker who starts to touch you in your sleep. your reciprocation towards his gifts is a sign that you're okay with this right? right?!
✎ yandere! stalker who is hysterical when he sees you talking to you friends about how you hate waking up slimy in the morning. what do you mean you hate his gift to you?! do you hate him now?!
✎ yandere! stalker who gifts you multiple things to try and apologize. you must be mad at him! you surely must be! even if you don't know who he is, your complaints about being sticky is a subtle sign of your anger towards him! he can't have his reason of living being mad now, can he?
✎ yandere! stalker who impulsively kidnaps you once you decide to make a police report. no! he can't lose you to those scummy officers!
✎ yandere! stalker who knocks you out so hard that you lose your memories. and when you wake up he tells you that he's your husband. a manic grin adorning his features as he does so. this must god's way of giving him a second chance! honey... no!!
✎ yandere! stalker who would change anything about himself for you. he exists for you only. anything he does is for you. he is yours to control. he should be anything and everything you want. so please, tell him what you like! he'll do anything in his power to achieve it. even if it means dying for you.
✎ "haah~ I love you so much ♡"
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eddiesguitarskills · 1 month
It Can't All Be Bullshit
Read part 2 here
Eddie Munson x fem Reader x Steve Harrington (unfortunately no steddie in this)
Summary: pinning after your best friend can be hard, especially when he doesn’t seem to like you back. You were trying to get over a crush the last thing you needed was another.
AN: this and the next chapter have been in my drafts for far too long so I thought I'd post them (not the best piece of writing but I like the story) I have tried to prove read it but I have dyslexia so sorry for any mistakes
Warnings: Angst, use of Y/n, mention of break ups, miscommunication, drug and alcohol use, swearing
Word count: about 2000 words
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Halloween night 1985
Of all the people you had to have a crush on, why did it have to be your annoying, oblivious dork of a best friend? You knew you needed to get over it, and even if there ever was a chance of being with him, you feared you’d lose him. You weren’t what Eddie wanted in a girl, and you knew that. You were surprised he kept you around now with how much you nagged at him. It’s not like it was all the time, but someone had to look out for that boy, especially if he wasn’t going to do it for himself.
Eddie interrupted your plans for a Halloween movie night, which you had planned out for a month, costumes included. If anyone were to look at you together, they would assume you were a couple; most people did. You were dressed as Jack and Wendy Torrance from the shinning. He even let you put makeup on him to give him the frostbite effect. So when he suddenly announced he had to go to Tina’s party to deal, you were annoyed. You tried not to nag, even though you hated the sound of your voice at this point. Plus, he promised it would only be an hour tops, and then you could get takeout with some of his earnings so that you couldn’t complain, especially when he looked at you with those eyes. You could never say no.
You weren’t the biggest fan of drugs or him dealing them; you knew he was better than that life. But you understood how hard things were on him and his uncle, so as long as it wasn’t forever, it wasn’t really bad drugs, you let it be. You never liked to be around when he dealt, though. Something about watching it made you feel weird. You could never explain why. Eddie was kind, though, and he never did anything in front of you. He didn’t even smoke weed, especially after that one time when he got super paranoid and scared you. You weren’t part of that life. You didn’t do drugs, you didn’t drink, and you didn’t party. It’s not that you were boring. It was just never you. Hey, maybe you were boring, but at least you didn't need drugs to enjoy yourself. You liked to be in control.
You are currently leaning against the countertop in the kitchen, sticking out like a sore thumb with a Coke in your hand. You look at the clock, he’s 30 minutes late. You were trying to turn a new leaf, so you were trying to be understanding, even if his time-wasting was cutting into your Halloween plans. You couldn’t take your eyes off the clock, not like there were other things to watch at this party: teenagers making out, getting too drunk or being sick. The clock seemed more appealing. When it hit the 2-hour mark, you started worrying, so you looked for him. What you didn’t expect to find was him in the garden with a blunt in his hand and his other hand on a blonde’s thigh.
The voice in your head telling you not to nag was now becoming quieter with how annoyed you were. He ditched you, and he was smoking, which showed he had no intention of continuing your plans. He just wanted to get high and laid. “Eddie!” you said loud and stern enough for him to hear you, but too high he was in his bubble with his girl for the night. “Edward Munson!” you said louder; he only ever hears that name when in trouble, so subconsciously, he straightened his back and tried to hide the blunt, failing miserably. He turned around to face you, he waved “Hi darling”. You glared at him. “Are you high, darling?” a mocking tone coming from your voice, using his usual pet name for you against him.
He pitched his fingers together “a little”. Eddie always thought you looked cute when you were mad; he usually tried to get you a little angry so he could see that face. Usually, though, he could hide his smile and keep a straight face since he was sober. But now, when he tried to keep a straight face, he couldn’t; even more irritating for you, he couldn't stop giggling, making the girl to his right giggle, too. “If you wanted to go party instead, you should have told me; you didn’t need to lie”. If Eddie were sober, he would see how hurt you were, but in his mind, this was a joke, “you don’t have to stay. You can go home and watch the films. Tell me what happens”. You freeze; this is why you hated High Eddie; he never realised how hurtful he came across. How selfish he became. And when he finally sobers up enough to realise you must forgive him because he ‘wasn’t in his right mind’. It’s a frustrating cycle, which is why he stopped smoking in front of you. Except for now, apparently. That’s probably why he ditched you so that you wouldn’t find out.
Hurtful words were on your tongue, but you were in your right mind, so you could never say them. You knew you wouldn’t mean them. You were just hurt, so you stormed off straight out the front door, but when you made it to the front porch, it was like you were stuck in glue. You couldn’t leave whether he was being a dick or not. He was still your best friend, and you need to ensure he was safe. He shouldn’t drive high, and knowing him, he would try. So you waited. You couldn’t go back into the hell hole that was Tina’s Halloween party, so you waited on a porch swing. The air was bitter tonight, so you were glad your costume provided a jumper, not that it looked like a costume anymore without a partner to go with it.
Your eyes were drifting shut with how tired and bored you were, that was until you heard a huge slam come from beside you, making you flinch. You weren’t the only one having a terrible time at this party; Steve was having an even worse one. “You got cigarettes?”. He didn’t look at you, so you didn’t realise he was talking to you. That was until you felt his glare burning into you. You knew that look wasn’t meant for you, but it still made you feel uncomfortable. Maybe it was due to the shots you could tell he had taken from the blue tint to his lips, or perhaps he had gotten into a fight. But this look wasn’t meant for you, but it didn't make it any less scary when you were in his firing line. “Huh?”. With the way he spoke to you next, you could have sworn you had done something to hurt his feelings. “Are you deaf I said do you have any smokes?” he spoke slowly like you were a dumb child. He tutted at you and turned away from you “bullshit”. He kept repeating like a madman.
Jesus, was he that addicted to nicotine, you thought. Even if he did make you feel a little uncomfortable, especially since you knew he was a jock, and even though they didn’t necessarily pick on you because, in their words, “you were a girl,” they bullied your friends so you knew how bad they could be. But even for a jock, this was dramatic “fucking hell, I’m sorry, I don’t have any” you said a little sarcastically. He stopped his repetition and looked over his shoulder at you. “What?” He said with anger still laced in his voice, like you did anything to deserve his rage. You didn’t know why you were wasting your breath on him, but Eddie had pissed you off, and you needed to get the annoyance out somehow. “Are you deaf? I said I’m sorry, I don’t have any”.
He thought he knew girls well, but after tonight, he wasn’t sure, and he didn’t want to figure out what was wrong with you either. He couldn’t be bothered by the grief. “Fuck off”. You couldn’t tell if his words were in reaction to what you said or if he meant it. That was until he repeated it, and you saw the look on his face, and the tears in his eyes that he didn’t realise were there. You didn’t know what was happening with him, but it was not your place to sort it. You were making it worse.
So you went back into the party, to look for two people, firstly Tommy Hagan everyone knew he was Harrington’s best friend, so even if you didn’t like Tommy you couldn’t leave someone when they were like that. It would only make you as bad as them. You found him around the beer pong table. You lightly tapped his shoulder as you couldn’t deal with another boy's wrath tonight. He turned around, looking you up and down, smirking. “What are you supposed to be a virgin?” You rolled your eyes. You knew you could think of a comeback and put him in his place, but now wasn’t the time; you needed to get him outside, and you didn’t want to announce that his friend, the king of Hawkin High, was crying on the lawn in front of everyone. You weren't cruel. “Can you just come outside with me?” The room erupted into “oh”, as if you were suggesting something sexual. “Wait, was I right about the virgin thing? Is the freak not giving you any? Do you want a real man instead?” He said, getting closer to you. He smelt of beer and body odour, but you let him closer so you could whisper in his ear. “Your boy is outside, and something’s happened. I’d go and sort it if I was you”. He looked at you confused and nodded. He walked out, but not before smacking you on the ass. “I’ll see you later, darling?”. God, he was the most enormous prick. You couldn’t hold your tongue anymore. “Is that with your girlfriend or alone?”.
Eddie came sauntering alone into the room after hearing your voice, “I hope you’re not starting fights”, he said, putting his arm around your shoulder out of comfort. You ignored his question, not wanting to get into it now. “You ready to go?” You looked at him and weakly smiled. Eddie couldn’t tell, though he was still high as a kite, just in the mellow stage, so all he could see was you smiling. You took the keys out of his pocket and led him to the van. On your way out, you walked past Tommy and Steve on the porch swing. Steve’s leg bounced. “She said we were bullshit”, he kept repeating; you were glad Eddie wasn’t sober enough to hear it. Otherwise, he would definitely use it against him. Everything about his mood towards you started to make sense. He and Nancy had clearly broken up. So you gave him a smile and a nod of acknowledgement as you left, which he only glared at. You didn't mind, though you were just glad he wasn’t alone, even if that meant being with Tommy.
You drove Eddie home, struggling to get his dead weight onto the bed and to get his shoes off. You were about to leave for your car outside when Eddie's hand grabbed for yours. “Stay”. This used to be one of the only things you liked about him being high, the cuddles and needing attention. However, right now, this was probably the worst thing for your heart when you were trying to get over him, but when you looked at his face, how could you say no if that made him happy, even if it would end up hurting you.
Let me know if you wanna be tagged in the future
Masterlist here if you are interested
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bonefall · 6 months
I will cry (in a good way) if the theme of the arc is “the love was there. it didnt change anything. it didnt save anyone. there were just too many forces against it. but it still matters that the love was there”
I REALLY hope that I can do something like that. Again, BB really tries to stay in line with where canon goes and follow it while fixing its themes, but like...
With all the fixes I've done for TBC and below, where the last arc left off on Shadowsight giving up something he'd always wanted (his lightning-based connection to StarClan, blasting it back at Ashfur to hold him down) and the sacrifice of Bristlefrost to knock the holy beast out of heaven... something feels really cool about being able to follow that up with an arc that's very melancholic and painful.
Heartstar doing something DRASTIC to try and stop another Clan from falling apart, compelled to get more violent to keep her claws over it, driven by the fear of The Kin repeating itself and the fury of her dead child
Dovewing watching her sister take power in ThunderClan, knowing things are going to get VERY frustrating
Ivypool herself vowing she's not going to use this new status for personal gain... but then she kinda Does, unable to put down a DESPERATION to reconnect to a sister who doesn't want to see her
I kinda hope I can also find a way to explore Bumblestripe's feelings here, too. He JUSt had a whole journey in Ferncloud's Parting, and he comes back and LOOK! A perfect opportunity to justify how much you HATE Heartstar and Dovewing and all of ShadowClan! It would be SO easy to let your heart grow bitter again, wouldn't it? What will you decide, Bumblestripe?
Lightleap struggling with her failure to enter the Dark Forest, feelings of uselessness and helplessness, losing her best friend
Berryheart herself radicalizing a portion of ShadowClan, as Heartstar tries to prevent another Clan from falling apart, her own is pulling at its stitches.
Squirrelflight having saved Bramblestar from the Dark Forest, NO CAT LEFT BEHIND, only for him to show his true colors AGAIN and try to get into petty drama with her, her sympathy evaporating in an instant
Just. Everything with Sparkpelt and her kids. She ISN'T Firekin in BB-- she chose the names Finch and Flame WITH and FOR her mate Larksong.
Nightheart having a new name foisted on him and making himself believe it was a choice-- and then Bramblestar is dethroned, Sunbeam is telling him how much she loves his family, there's a new journey for glory in front of him, and... there's so many things to think about that he just doesn't.
And then he comes home to find they're OUT of chances to give him. And he's traveled far and is able to FINALLY internalize... he blew it. Didn't recognize or appreciate what he had, when he had it
Bramblestar isn't the big strong cool grandpa leader he thought he was, he's a disgraced elder, and he has to wonder... how much of this HATE for his family was Nightheart's own? How much was the Impostor? How much was Bramblestar? How much was his own inability to self-reflect?
Frostpaw's entire family turning on itself
Finding out that Curlfeather was behind the plot that killed her own father, Reedwhisker.
That Podlight, her funny sillyman uncle, was ALSO in on this the whole time, plus her dear friend Splashtail.
Still just a kid, left to agonize over how much of it was LOVE and how much of it was MANIPULATION. Where one ended and where the other began.
The love is there. The love was always there-- even when you didn't know it. It was strong, and it was beautiful, but it's NOT a fix-all. It isn't the hero that will save you. It isn't the medicine to fix you. It isn't the shield that will protect you. Love is mortal.
And when it dies, it dies in pieces. Like a fire in its ashes and its embers. The same love in one heart will burn forever, and for others, its cinders are quickly doused.
A painful arc, of betrayals, broken promises, last chances blown to rubble, and good intentions paving the way to hell.
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I'm a traveling man straight from a can, I'm a thousand miles away from my number one fan.
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Reader, Daemon Targaryen x Reader (MODERN)
Description: A new promotion at work prompts you to move into a small modest town with your boyfriend, Aemond Targaryen. There you meet a few friendly faces. It seems like life is going where it's supposed to. That is until you meet your new boss, Daemon Targaryen, who is your boyfriend's estranged uncle.
It doesn't help with the fact that you've been having dreams about him since birth.
masterlist | chapter eight
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Aemond was fucking pissed — there was blood running down his face, his favorite shirt was now stained crimson. Harwin was standing in-front of him, barring the door close, eyes simmering with rage. "Did you have to do that?" he questions curtly while standing up, using his arms for balance. Harwin crosses his arms, not moving an inch away from the door. He was a fucking giant of a man, with broad shoulders and dark chestnut eyes. He was scary, but Aemond knew better.
"You deserved it." he replied plainly.
"I'm sure the family wouldn't think that," Aemond asserted while attempting to push through the doors. Harwin pulls him back, staring deep into his eye. "Oh, you're not telling them." he answers in a matter-of-fact manner much to the displeasure of the one-eyed boy.
"What's stopping me?" he threatened — it was easy to kill a man, he merely needed a gun and a dug-out grave. "Me," Harwin responded not taking the little boy seriously. He was a little boy in Harwin's eyes. One that wasn't raised properly.
"You and what army?" he hissed, preparing himself for another fight. Although he must admit there was little chance that he'd win.
"Just me," the man answered, certainty radiated from his voice. Knocking Aemond out was a walk in the park. Harwin could do it in his sleep. Harwin leaned on the doorframe, "Here's what you're going to do," he began while towering over his brother-in-law.
"You'll make no mention of what happened — let's call it a little truce for the meantime. I know that Alicent has a little announcement planned, and you wouldn't want to ruin it for your mother, wouldn't you?" Harwin beckoned to Aemond's pure need to please his mother. There was no way the boy would disagree now.
Aemond rolled his eye. "And what do I get in return?" he inquired, needing something of his own to seal the deal. Harwin's eyes darkened for a second. "You get to live — you little fucker." the man cursed before pointing at the drawer beside the bed.
"There's a shirt there, make sure to wipe the blood off your face." he commanded and the boy had no choice but to comply. This wasn't the time to settle his losses, it was the time to cooperate with his enemies. He'll get his revenge soon. There's no need for rushing.
He opens the drawer — he could hear his brother-in-law exit the door. He sighs loudly, before opening the glass door to the bathroom. Aemond had to give it to his uncle, his house wasn't that bad. The bathroom could use a little work though. It felt claustrophobic inside, the green-walls did little to quench his anger.
He opened the tap, and water flowed loudly. He stares at himself through the rectangular mirror. His face was bloodied. He could taste the familiar copper in his tongue. The punch ruptured something inside of his mouth. But he didn't give a fuck about that.
He gathers the water in his palms, gently flicking the blood away from his face. The entire sink was stained red. "I hate those fucking assholes." he cursed to himself while gargling a little water. He couldn't believe that they were all fighting against him. Who the fuck was Harwin anyways? He was nothing but a cunt who fathered his sister's bastards. Not even a real Targaryen.
HONEYBUNCHSUGARPLUM🫦 5:21PM it's been an hour, where are you?
PUMPKINSPICELATTE🎃 5:21PM Just had a little problem with the wine.
HONEYBUNCHSUGARPLUM🫦 5:21PM pls come here soon !
He decides to leave it at that. He wanted you to think about him the entire time. He places his phone down on the marble-counter, before removing his white-shirt. He curses again, knowing that there was no way the stain would come out even after a dozen washes. He opens the automatic bin, and throws his shirt down the garbage. He'll write Daemon a check soon. He looks at the shirt that Harwin left him. It was vintage Armani — those cunts wanted to flex their wealth on him.
PUMPKINSPICELATTE🎃 5:30PM Coming right down 😍😄
Daemon's shoulders were tense, and there was a heavy weight on his shoulders. This was his first day-off in years, he most bounced between charity work and monitoring the schools that he founded. When Rhaenyra suggested a dinner with you, he was more than ecstatic. "You seem a little more stressed today," he offers you a glass of wine, and you greedily accept. There was a migraine forming at the top of your skull. There was little conversation made between you and the Targaryen Family. They mostly kept to their own cliche's, leaving you with kids for company — that was until Daemon arrived.
"I'm thinking about the kids, it's not really appropriate to have their aunt as teacher." you mumble, taking a soft sip of the bitter merlot. He chuckles softly, his voice transported you to a time long ago. His laughter was familiar, it was velvet and sweet. His voice wasn't a sensation, it was a memory.
"You aren't their aunt yet — that is until Aemond places a ring around your finger." he gently avoids the topic, finding the thought of you married to be uncomfortable. He remembers the day that you married him. It was a valyrian ceremony. There was blood, obsidian, and pure love. Even when you couldn't remember him, he finds himself running home to those memories.
"Soon, I think — but I might decline his proposal. I love my class." you laugh while watching the kids run around the living room. There was silence. The kind of silence that people share when they know each other. "It's rare to see a teacher actually love their work." Daemon smiled, while playing with the ring on his pinky-finger.
It was a ring made from his memory. It was a replica of the one you both shared. It had diamonds on its sides with silver as the base. It looked simple, but staring at it made your head hurt. He notices your gaze on his ring, and he smiles a bit — hoping that you'd remember in that very moment.
"I like your ring," you complimented.
His eyes softened, hearing your soft voice. He removes the ring from his finger. "Take it!" he offered enthusiastically. You shy away from his touch, a blush forming on your cheek as you realize that he was serious. "I can't take it. I'm sure that it's very important to you." you take a step away — it was rude to accept something from him.
"It's fine," he shakes his head while reaching for your hands. You move away again, but his grip was really tight. "No, I'd feel bad." you try to wriggle your way out of his hands. He stares at your eyes again. E/C orbs that felt like coming home.
"This is a family heirloom, you're gonna have it anyways." he lies, and you stop moving at that moment. "Alright, but if anyone asks — you forced me to take it." you joke and he places the ring on your pointer finger, but it doesn't fit. He moves it to the middle finger, but it doesn't fit there too. He looks at you again, and the ring fits perfectly on your ring finger.
"Perfect fit." he comments while letting go of your hand. You try to take the ring off to return, but he moves to the other side of the room. Why are these feelings igniting inside of you?
Aemond descended from the wooden staircase with difficulty. His organs felt rearranged. His face felt battered and bruised, but his eyes light up at the sight of you. There was a glass of wine on your right hand, and you were standing motionless staring at Daemon.
His jaw clenches and his steps became faster. "Pumpkin," he purred while finding his way beside you. He couldn't stop looking at your face, failing to notice the silver ring on your left ring-finger. "Hey," you smile, taking your eyes off Daemon.
"I missed you, what were you doing up there?" you inquire while pressing a soft kiss on his cheek. "I got wine on my shirt, then Harwin decided to make a dog-crib up there." he reasoned easily, while wrapping his arms around your waist. "This is why we never buy from IKEA, that shit is hard to build." he complains while burying his face on your neck.
"You poor thing, that was too much hard labor for your gamer fingers." you joke, earning an eye-roll from him. "These fingers are the sole reason you have a skincare routine." he chuckles on return, while pressing more kisses on the top of your head. "Sure, whatever makes you happy." you roll your eyes, wrapping an arm around his body.
Rhaenyra peeks through the door, smiling at the both of you. "Get in here lovebirds, dinner is about to begin." she announces and you laugh, quickly leaving him behind in search of the dining room.
next chapter>>
tags: @namelesslosers @immyowndefender @ammo2022 @perihelioneclipse @gracielikegrapes
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anonymeqaupdates · 5 months
Do you have any hcs for Jamil and Kalim? Also, any information about your Yuu?
Kalim was the first one to realize his the truth about his sexuality and his feelings for Jamil. He knew however that it'll be a huge issue and never confided in it with anyone. (In FIBIT he was a bit relieved about getting disowned because at least he didn't have to worry about having kids anymore). It's not like his family was homophobic, but if he came out to them then he'd be expected to look for an heir amongst his sibling's children when they'll have them. However Kalim doesn't want to take his sibling's families away from them, nor did he wanted them to worry about the assassination attempts. He kept his feelings for Jamil hidden because he was afraid that they'll reassign him to another sibling if they knew. He was also worried about ruining his friendship with Jamil. Post Book 4 however hiding his feelings was more a questions of protecting his friend's freedom and making sure he wouldn't hate him more.
Jamil takes longer to realize things because he's honestly so exhausted after work and going through so much frustrations daily that the last thing he wants to think about is relationships. He's already resign himself that his life would always revolve around Kalim and the Asim he never saw the point to worry about it anyway. He'd figured he would marry some girl that he'd find decent and that wouldn't make his life any more complicated than it already is. So realizing that he's attracted to men, and how much Kalim was living rent free in his head... He has given himself a commotion with how heard he's hit his head on the nearest wall. At first he wanted to kill those feelings dead because damn it, it was way too embarrassing and also what would his parents and the Asim family says. Then his rebellious side kicked in because why should he not go for what he wants because of them? So as soon as he officially got his freedom he went from it hard. He'd sent Kalim precious artifact, bragged about his achievements and invite the heir to join him adventures or galas. However it doesn't seem to work since Kalim always is too busy to join him. He's convinced Kalim is too dense to realize he's flirting.
He's wrong, what he's doing does work. Kalim is just so overwhelmed that he's afraid if he saw Jamil in person he'd do something rash and ruin his happiness. He thinks that the flirting is all in this head and that he's projecting his feelings on Jamil's action. So he avoids him to not make an ass of himself. However he does his best to support him from afar. He funds his projects, use his network to open doors for him. He's nervous about doing it but as long as Jamil doesn't tell him of it's okay right? And besides Kalim isn't doing much, all he does is convince those people to give Jamil a chance. His best friend is extraordinary enough to win them over afterwards.
Eventually it's thanks to the Octo trio that the status quo is broken. Azul had maintain contact with the both of them and their game of gay chicken while entertaining, isn't bringing him any profit. So with a bit of manipulation, omission and a well timed shock the heart on Jamil in front of Kalim, Azul managed to obtain something extremely valuable: Kalim's eternal gratitude.
So yeah, that's how I imagine things for them going in canon. I'll post more HCs when I'm in the mood.
As for Yuu as mentioned before mine is French Japanese living in France. His mother is French and his dad is Japanese. On his mother side he has an uncle and a cousin, Louise. On his father side he has two aunts and a cousin, Eri. He went to Japan for new year and summer vacation at his grandparents' place. His best friend, Yuki, was born in Japan but moved to France when her father was transferred overseas in the same office as Yuu's father. They ended up in the same class and he was expected to help her integrate. Nowadays she moved to London but she seemed to be dealing with her own shenanigans and she found herself seven roommates? Yuu found it weird but from the pictures she sent him she's living it up in some kind of manor so he guessed it made sense to split the rent eight ways. (As I said, this fic have crossovers!)
He doesn't mind bugs, but he hates spiders so he somewhat sympathize with Jamil. However given the chance he will shove a stag beetle in his face.
His favorites long anime are One Piece and Case Closed, but he share less Case Closed because growing up, most people found it weird. He also had his first two fictional crushes in those anime, namely Law and Akai. He also developed a crush on Robin and Siho Miyano. His cousins and Yuki often teases him about how they should find him a tall, dark, and handsome guy or gal with a secret silly side for a boyfriend or girlfriend. They are going to have a field day when they met Malleus. He used to be in a choral but following an incident when he was twelve he wasn't able to sing in public anymore. He still took lessons with his Uncle's wife and Louise, but he will only sing with family around.
His memory also got messed up when he arrived in NRC. He was too busy to realize it but it seems that some part are blocked to him. He could try to force it but it'll cause terrible headaches. Just what is going on?
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sixofpomegranates · 1 year
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➢ Eddie Munson hates fish. And Wayne tried to use fishing trips for them to bond.
{TW: Eating Fish, Fishing (& actually catching fish), Cooking, Vomit (Eddie, bc fish & he’s dramatic)}
Now, Eddie doesn't hate fish. He thinks they're funny—little stupid guys behind glass, swimming after his finger. Had an extensive shark phase as a little boy.
Eddie hates eating fish. He’d rather eat ANY AND EVERY vegetable on earth before eating fish.
He himself has no answer as to why, but his hatred for fish runs deep.
No allergies, just pure hatred, and disgust.
The smell is enough to make him gag. He becomes so violently sick that you get contact sick. Seriously, you have no chance of getting him to eat it. He’s already dry heaving from the look, smell, and thought alone.
And before you can say it, no, it doesn't matter how good you think this one fish dish you can make for him is. He won't eat it—Hell, he evacuates the area when he sees fish.
The only exception to fish is the tuna noodles his mom used to cook a lot when she was alive. It's two cans of tuna, milk or cream, spices (black pepper, salt, broth powder, garlic...maybe thyme), and pasta. It was very cheap to make, and one pot lasted for 2-3 days.
Eating it now unlocks childhood memories Eddie tries to hide away. If you try to make it and nail the recipe (one that only faintly exists in Eddie’s memory as his mom never wrote it down), you have him cry and eat fish at the same time... He’ll also may or may not attempt to marry you on the spot because you thought he was worth the effort. You do that, you're it for him.
Also, you have to cook it without him near. Opening the cans of tuna has him run for the hills. The smell is vile to him. And no, apparently once they're in the dish it doesn't count as fish anymore. (yeah, idk either)
➢ Fishing.
Wayne loves to fish and later prepares the “hunted” fish for dinner (as throwing them back in seems unnecessarily cruel). He tried taking Eddie with him on different occasions at different age stages. Tried to bond with his boy. ❤︎
Wayne doesn't force Eddie to eat fish. It's a boundary his nephew set and he respects it.
He also never forced Eddie to go on these bonding trips with him. Eddie came along because he wanted to spent time with his uncle.
The fishing trips are not actually for the fishing part. They are for Eddie to have a calm moment in nature. To talk about anything and everything that goes through his head (like when he came out to Wayne as bi). Tell Wayne about this new d&d thing the old man tries to but doesn't understand. Swap stories about his mom. To see that there are other activities to do with your dad than stealing a car. (they also listen to a bunch of country music on these trips)
There are two photos of their last fishing trip together in Wayne's photo album:
One is of Wayne holding a gigantic rainbow trout—what a catch!
The other is of Eddie holding a little bass—he caught it on accident. (He had never caught a fish before, having tampered with his hook before leaving for the trip.)
The seventeen-year-old boy smiles for his uncle, but there is pure agony in his eyes and a green tint plastered over his face.
He threw up a minute after the photo was taken.
Eddie swears to this day that his hands were slimy and smelled like fish for a week—They didn't.
He showered, and the smell was gone.
He's just being dramatic.
Ask Wayne, who loves telling the story.
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Eddie Munson Taglist: @stardustmunson @eddiessidegirl
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lcgerdemain · 1 year
Origins: The Shadow Fiend
"Are you sure this is a good idea? Messing with Voodoo magic stuff really likely won't fix my issue, Nia..." Daniel murmurs sitting sickly within his college apartment, hugging a blanket around his shoulders as he was freezing and shivering. It'd come back after several years of being sick free. His throat felt dry no matter the amount of liquid he drank, his Lungs ached with every breath he took. Daniel should've just ignored his eccentric roommate. When he gets like this, it's only a uphill battle to stay alive, a lethal attempt without high end medical aid in a hospital. He would watch his swahili friend mixing herbs in her mortar and pestle, eyeing it's increasingly goopy texture nervously. "Don't you worry Daniel, I called my father for help. You have somethin' real bad inside you. But once that friend of his gets here from New Orleans, we should be able to help you get through life freer." She reassures him. Though she didn't know much on this man, her father swore by him, trained under him as well. Nia fully understood as well that this may be his last chance of getting help from this sickness.
Daniel coughed, hacking and shaking as he did, feeling frail and wheezing as he felt his ribcage ache as well now from the coughing. his dulled blue eyes with pinkish film over them dragged themselves up to look to Nia. "I should really be going to a hospital instead of waiting for the inevitable..." sweat beaded on his forehead causing his pale white hair to stick to it. "He'll be here any minute, you'll see Danny, we can make you better than ever before." She would reply with her back still turned to him. He would look down at his phone beside him, it was vibrating and showing the name "Uncle Al" on the screen. Then it would end again to show four missed calls and a variety of texts from the same number and a few related numbers. If he waited too much longer they might come bust the door down to the apartment to check in on him. All the way from New York even. Another wrenching cough came to his lips and he covered his mouth again. His thoughts lingered towards the concept of death. The thing he'd been running from for so long. How he could name a few people who wouldn't mind seeing him just stop breathing. Give up. He'd come way too far... fought for every heartbeat and breath he could take each day to get to where he was... he wouldn't give up.
He refused to.
Nia would turn back to him with a wood bowl that she'd poured what he'd deemed to be something along the lines of what some women would use for "facials". "Drink up. It will clear your lungs and throat." She said bringing it forward. Daniel shivered. He could recall many a time when he'd been told to take something with a variety of colors between each substance. Yet, something so... vomit colored he would consider to be among the odder things he'd been made to consume. "If this kills me because you put something in it... I'll haunt you." He grumbles lowly before shakily taking it and knocking it back the best he could, trying to press his tongue down against his bottom jaw to prevent tasting too much of it. It tasted about as well as it looked. Bitter, sour, minty, slightly sweet, spicy, he almost felt like someone stuffed a handful of evergreen bristles into his mouth. His stomach liked it even less. It churned and bubbled, threatening to send it right back up on him. 'No, no keep it down...' Daniel thought willing himself to suppress the urge to heave. After several minutes, it did subside, and some of the ache and horrible tightness did ease some within him. "See? You should do better to listen to me. I know what I'm doing." She beamed at him, while Daniel return her remark with a bit of a glare. He hated her bubbly personality, She was so certain of herself, of the idea she could change the world, change his rather pessimistic views on it all, admirable sure.... but unrealistic. He'd been through too much to believe her now.
Augustin walked with a grin, his hat's brim just covering his gaze as he strode down the street heading towards the complex address his dear acolyte had give him. Such a giving little being to offer up someone else as tribute for more power. A giggle passed through his lips. If the little human was as dilapidated as explained, then it should be simple to take his soul... His acolyte didn't seem to mind the idea of the girl who asked for help being up for grabs either. He pondered this colder northern city. So full and bustling. Yet the soul to it was much different from the warmer southern cities he was used to. His cane clicked the concrete as he pressed forward with each step and each swing of that cane. He could already sense the sickness... third floor... second window over. His green slitted eyes looked up towards it in thought. Best to keep appearances for now and simply take the stairs. Coming to the entrance of the complex, he would reach up one black gloved hand and press the buzzer for apartment 3H. Over the comes his deep thick accented voice would reach Nia who answered from the other end. "Bonjou cheri, I've come to see the ti gason malad~" With a moment's pause, a ring would sound and the door would click unlocked. His grin grew just a little bit wider at the invitation.
Mr. Theriot took only an hour or two of what sounded like conversing with Nia in their native tongue for things to be "set up." Ruined a perfected good living room set up really is all that Daniel felt about it. This was starting to feel more and more like some kinda satanic cult type stuff and his lungs only felt worse in the time it took for them to finish. "This doesn't look safe." He'd comment, being brushed off by Nia for one with her shrug and bouncy hop following after the man as she had been like an absolute golden retriever the entire time. She was too trusting, perhaps too sheltered he felt. "Thank you so much for helping Monsieur Theriot. I admit, I wasn't too sure about this since I don't know my father very well. But you've been so cordial in this matter." Ah, and there it is. Daniel's scowl drew longer. From the first day he'd met her he knew there had to be something, she was entirely too trusting and bubbly and everything to have a really good home life. Sometimes people just are genuinely upbeat people. But other times... you just get this feeling that it isn't real. He hadn't felt it'd been genuine the entire time he'd known her. "Of course cher, now, lets get him on this table here 'n we can begin getting move bagay yo outta him." Mr Theriot replied. That was another thing he didn't like. Not a hello, not a single word in his direction, Nia had spoken his name several times... yet he made no acknowledgment of him as a person. Daniel would press his back further into the seat wincing in pain somewhat as he was still no better than before... He understood he was dying, constantly in fact. Doctors all over New York advising his parents that he wasn't worth the treatment all the time. To just... let go. But he kept fighting back because he wanted to live. Finish college, get a job, live a life he wanted to live. Death will take a back seat no matter how hard it tried to tear him down.
However even he had his limits on what he'd do to combat his sickness.
Augustin would come for him, move to take Daniel by the arm and lift him, only to find him stiff and glaring. "Is there something wrong?" He would ask lightly. "Now you decide it's worth talking to me?" The boy before him growled. Seems he's a little more stubborn than he appeared. "You didn't seem to want to speak, I wouldn't push things I didn't think would be worth the venture." He would reply simply, offering again to help him up, the response of Daniel yanking his arm back proving amusing for the moment to him. "Danny, what's wrong? He's only trying to help." Nia would intervene with a huff, that sweet demeanor of hers, that sweet ignorant demeanor. "You're investing too much trust in someone you don't know." He replied lowly, having about had it with the manners and cordial behavior and seemingly unprovoked helpfulness or at least minimally provoked help. He'd never met a man that was willing to just do something from the bottom of his heart.
While this was all going on, Augustin's patience was beginning to wear thin. The moon's light was almost in the perfect position to reflect onto the circle he'd drawn onto the floor of this disgusting living space of theirs. While thoroughly amused someone here seemed even a little bit tuned into the situation, more so than the level of attentiveness he normally gave most northerners, he couldn't remain amused for long. "Look child, I didn't come up here to simply back out now." He would tell him calmly, finally clasping a hand around his wrist once he caught the nimble thin thing and began to pull him up. But he felt like he was dragging up a very young alligator up from it's freshly made nest with how the boy thrashed in his grip, hissing and demanding his freedom. It didn't matter really the level of defiance this one had. He wanted this soul, these souls. and he was by far the simpler one he could obtain it from he figured. So frail, just the right sort of jostling and he was coughing all over again. It was all too easy too to convince this little lady that he was there to help, to invoke greater powers to help the boy.
It was at this point Nia began to question what was going on. Why was Mr. Theriot getting agitated about his hesitancy. Daniel all the time seemed to be the cause of fights or heated arguments, though after she managed to get him talking, who could blame him? He'd never had anyone talk to, even with the people that did genuinely care. Not to mention here at college he didn't have any of them to fall back on anyway. She'd resolved to be his friend, to help him no matter how angry or verbally rude he got. It was like a scared cornered cat in her school apartment. You just had to give him time. However, he'd never seen him react this violently to someone else like this. Verbal was one thing, but at this moment he was all but clawing at the other's hand on him, panic in his eyes as he was brought to their dinner table that'd been shoved to the center of the living area. She moved to come forward, to intervene, but fear stole over her as Mr. Theriot's eyes darted up to her, as if in warning for her to stay. Those were not the kind eyes she'd looked into before. "Wait, aren't we helping Daniel...?" She'd ask, still trying to steel herself enough to step towards them as the man now nearly through the frailer one onto the table. "Helping is but one word for it, cher." He would reply, snapping his hand back as he'd mistakenly allowed his grip to loosen for just a moment and within it, Daniel wrenching his hand up and biting down ferociously onto it.
In his moment of freedom Daniel attempted to roll off the table and scramble away. Nothing about this was ok. It infuriated him that only now was Nia actually speaking out, that realized something was off. For all her good will and bright personality how stupid could this girl be in "Helping him"? A cackle erupted from the other man as he swung with his other hand and gripped Daniel's shoulder, shoving him back down onto the table flat on his back. His lungs felt squeeze from the rush, a hard cough erupting from him again as he tried to shove the bigger man off, kicking and flailing under his weight. "Now now, there's no need to fight." Mr.Theriot would say as the visage of a reasonable man fell away, with pointed ears and equally pointed teeth. this sharp eyed man was no human to be sure. "Get off me! Get the fuck off!" Daniel wailed kicking again, noting the hand he bit being raised, drops of darker color blood dripping down onto the floor making the circle glow in equal measure to the moonlight that enveloped it. The shadows around the room seemingly growing darker, eyes upon them now as they closed in. Nia, fearful to being touched by one now stepped within the glowing circle. "Reye kalm ti trete mwen an... They hurt much more when you fight." Mr. Theriot replied, holding him firmly in his grasp as a blade was drawn from a pocket within his vest. A bejeweled dagger that eerily felt as dark as the shadows enclosing around them.
Daniel watched in horror as the dagger was raised above him, the man speaking some kind of gibberish that he couldn't understand but it made those shadows dance and begin intruding into the circle, it's light being encompassed by the dark. Giggles and hyena like laughter being heard now around them. "No, No I don't want to die! Stop!" He shrieked giving another hard kick trying to thrash out of his grip. Nia looked to them only now realizing how much she'd messed up in allowing this to happen. This was no ritual to help Daniel. This would kill him! Rushing forward she cried out grabbing onto the man's other arm as it came down, dragging it away from it's intended mark of Daniel's heart, but thrust it forward too far and sliced right through Daniel's neck. "No, no!" She gasped, watching Daniel's eyes go wide and mouth agape in a silent scream, neither able to process what had happened. "Tsk, tsk, if you had just let me do what was intended cher... this wouldn't have been so messy and painful." Mr. Theriot would say, watching now as the opening allowed the shadows to surge forward and inward, Nia scrambling back in horror to the sight. So much darkness digging into him, curling around him like some writhing hungry beast with it's caught prey. "W-What have we done? What have I done?" Nia murmured shaking. This has gone so horribly wrong. She asked for help, why would her father send someone here to hurt him? "It will be the same thing you will find yourself in as soon as I take the soul from the remains. Se jis bisnis li apre tout." He chuckled watching the sight unfold.... But as it went, he noticed something... something wrong about this. This he'd done so many times now, the spirits he calls would devour the shadow first, as they had done here, then the body to leave the soul. It was happening... he could see the glints of the soul peeking through as they went, but in a manner of speaking, they couldn't seem to unravel again from it.
Everything went black, from the moment he felt that slice across his throat the darkness rolling over his sight as he tried to process what occurred. It felt like something wriggled and squeezed around his numbing form, like a snake curled around him and eating at him bit by bit. Is this how it would happen? Is this really how he was going to go? After all the pain and misery and beatings and belittlement... After fighting and screaming and thrashing for every minute of life he could afford? Daniel felt cold, So very cold, and his consciousness lingered on that as he considered it. Letting go. Letting whatever was done to him drag him down finally so he could just sleep. Giggling little voices swirled around him, egging him on. For what? It was obvious he was dead. The voices echoed, "dead, yes dead very dead, hehehe~" His soul quivered within him... or what remained of him. This was terrifying. He can't be dead. Daniel didn't want to die yet. The darkness suddenly felt tense around his form... was it still there? He couldn't tell anymore. It didn't matter. He didn't want to die yet. He refused to die yet. He fought too long and too hard to just sit there and DIE. His lungs didn't hurt anymore but he could feel as if he were taking a deep breath and forced out the loudest angriest scream he'd ever let loose, feeling beginning to return to him vaguely, the ability to move. The voices changed, merged as they squealed but couldn't escape him. They ate him, he knew it now. So he would EAT THEM. They became his voice, echoing in unison with him as he wailed, jerking and writhing on the table. All that darkness, it finally began to clear and give him vision again, the drowning feeling he had from it receding as he grasped at it and dragged it inward with a crazed thought of amusement. Laughter he could hear erupting from his throat as he found the ability to sit up and look to the other two presences beside him. "You tricked us." Daniel's voice growled out, echoing with the shadows that still were dissolving against his reforming body, glowing red eyes staring dead at Mr. Theriot. He grinned at the shocked expression on his face.
Nia stared in horror at this scene. This was her fault. She killed her friend. Her sickly, depressed, pessimistic friend who just needed someone he could genuinely trust. Now look at him. A mass of darkness had all but eaten him up, with the intention of leaving nothing behind. Then it became even worse. The mass squirmed, and shifted, fluctuating as if thrashing upon the table before the visage of the man she knew lurched up against the darkness, letting out a twisted, echoing, maddened scream that sounded nothing of her friend from before. "Bon Gras, kisa ou ban mwen? What is this man?" Mr. Theriot hissed out having come and grabbed her up by her wrist, wrenching her up to force her gaze to him, Nia unable to respond before the sickening echoed voice of Daniel came through to both of them, his body could almost be picked out now within the mass of shadows that slowly seemed to be compressing against him, no... withdrawing would be the better concept. Something unholy occurred within this apartment. Something against that of very creation. Nia felt sick to her stomach watching this monster swing his legs off the table and begin to stand, the lights of the apartment flickering around them as the table cracked while his hands left it.
…… Three Years later….
Daniel Thalis has since been declared dead. But his body had disappeared from the morgue, the mortician speaking madly stating he woke up with all his blood drained and walked out, disappearing… like a shadow.
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museswithinx · 1 year
"I believe in impossible things. And my family, we're people of change. If my dad hadn't changed, broken away from Gabriel Hunter, he'd be dead with the rest of that pack. If Mom hadn't followed your uncle's advice and decided she was worth more, she'd be stuck partying and not taking anything seriously. But now, regardless of what you think, they're the best of the pack." Ian hadn't come to argue, but he wouldn't take crap either. He would stand up for himself and his family.
"It was never a game! I didn't deserve her--I maybe still don't deserve her. I loved her from the start, and that scared me. I did stupid shit so she'd leave. Because I wasn't worthy. Something you have to know something about because Sawyer is a way better person than you're tracking to ever be." He paused, having had a long car ride to think about all of this and unable to find even a touch of levity to make this bearable. It just had to be done. "Instead, you act out when someone talks to her." He sighed, getting back to Erin. "Your protection is hurting her because I've been clean, I've been faithful, but you won't ever see it. We will get married, and she'll be afraid to tell you. Because when she shows you the ring, you'll scoff and you'll make a comment, and you will suck the joy right out of her."
He reached in the pocket of his bag and pulled out a smaller one and handed it over, "those are the pieces that will make the ring. Mikayla's working on the design because Erin deserves something custom. If we're going to build trust, I'll go first. You can hold on to this. It's my most prized possession at the moment. If I prove you wrong, you give them back to me. If I don't, give that to Sawyer. She can get them back to her uncle, and we'll start over." Taking a beat, he added, "I don't want to ask her without your blessing."
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"He helped them come after Mom." He argued even if he knew there was more to that whole war than that. But his dad never trusted Mr. Thomas so he didn't either. Tabs... Well, her and dad had their problems but that was mostly due who she married and the fact Ian couldn't keep it in his pants.
"It was! You made it a fucking game with all the back and forth shit. If you really loved her, why rip her fucking heart out every chance you got? I don't understand that mentality." He said before glaring. "Fuck you. Maybe I'm not a fucking saint but I'm not a bad person." He exhales in annoyance. "I don't act out. Those were accidents." Getting back to Erin, he couldn't help the sneer as Ian mentioned marriage with his sister. It fades as he brings up Sam's reaction to said scenario and how it would affect Erin. He hated Ian, that was never a secret, but he wanted her to be happy too. He had no idea how to make those two things coexist. "She deserves better." He grumbles, not exactly denying what was said.
As Ian reached into his bag and handed him a small bag, Sam eyed him suspiciously before he explained what it was. The answer stunned him and he wasn't exactly happy about it. This just got way more serious for his liking. "You've got to be fucking shitting me..." he grumbles, staring down at the little bag in his palm. He could feel the gold through the fabric.
After a few moments of rare silence from Sam, he closed his palm around it. He still didn't trust Ian but he also didn't know what to make of this. He definitely would have preferred they just exchanged their usual insults and went on their separate ways. "I'm not easily won." He stated stubbornly as if that should be news to him. "This better not be some bullshit game you're playing. I'm serious. Don't ask her if you're just going to get bored after a week like you always do and chase after some other girl. Hurt her again and I'll fucking end you. There won't be a 'start over' there."
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033: Customer Service
Neopronouns: xiy/rik/ix/sirav which follow the same rules as he/him
Replace he with xiy
Replace him with rik
Replace his with ix
Replace himself with sirav
"He is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as he gets a fence set up around his yard so the puppy can go outside without him having to walk it. His uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting him use, since he lost his. He's going to buy toys and train the puppy himself.”
"Xiy is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as xiy gets a fence set up around ix yard so the puppy can go outside without rik having to walk it. Ix uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting rik use, since xiy lost ix. Xiy's going to buy toys and train the puppy sirav.”
= = = =
“Excuse me, /what/?”
Cloud knew better than to expect anything except this sort of reaction. Tiffany wouldn't be Tiffany if she reacted any other way.
Xiy resisted the urge to sigh, and repeated with irritation that was difficult to conceal, “I don't hate it. Why should I?”
Tiffany stared at rik, her blue eyes wide and shocked.
Her red mask with strawberries on it thankfully hid her mouth from view, because xiy had flat out refused to even touch any of her items until she put her mask on properly, but xiy could only assume it was dropped open to match the rest of her scandalized expression. “But- -” She seemed at a loss for words. Her white skin turned slightly red as she got worked up. “But it's a nightmare! You're turning into a monster!”
Yeah, this was why Cloud tried to avoid Tiffany whenever xiy could. Unfortunately xiy couldn't do anything about it this time. Tiffany had probably sought rik out, knowing xiy couldn't escape this time.
Xiy said, slowly and clearly so there was no chance of Tiffany- -or anyone else listening in on the conversation- - pretending not to understand, “No, I'm not turning into a monster. There is nothing monstrous or nightmarish about it, it's still literally just me, plus some fur and claws and stuff. I'm still me when I change form.”
“But Patricia told me you turned feral!” Tiffany exclaimed, “She said you went completely out of control, and slaughtered a poor, sweet, innocent deer! No one in their right mind would do such a terrible thing!” She put her hand over her heart to emphasize her distress. “I know you're a good person, Jordan, you wouldn't have done that if you were in control of yourself!”
Xiy resisted the urge to growl. As it was, xiy bared ix fangs behind ix mask, and managed to say /almost/ evenly, “My name is Cloud, Tiffany, not Jordan. It's right here on my name tag so you don't forget again.” Xiy tapped ix free hand on the nametag pinned to the front of ix uniform shirt.
Tiffany widened her eyes comically, like this was brand new information, like she hadn't already been told more than a dozen times. She stared down at ix nametag, then clapped a hand to her forehead. “Oh, silly me!” She exclaimed, throwing her other hand into the air and waving it in a circle, “I forgot again!”
At the back of the line, which was now over seven people long, someone called out, “Hurry the hell up, Tiffany, some of us have got places to be!”
Tiffany turned to glare, even more scandalized than before. “How rude!”
“No,” the same voice called back, “What's rude is making all of us waste time standing around here. I got in this line specifically because I know Cloud's the fastest cashier here, but thanks to you I've been standing here for ten minutes now! Go the hell home already! You already paid and all your shit's bagged, and xiy literally put it in your damn cart for you to give you the hint to get out of the line, now will you please take the damn receipt and go home already? Or at least get out of the damn way so the next person can check out? My leg is killing me and I didn't bring my rollator because I didn't think I'd be standing around this long.”
Glad for the mask that stopped ix grin at the reinforcements from being visible to Tiffany, xiy pressed the receipt xiy held forward even further, so that Tiffany couldn't help but have her attention drawn back to it.
Tiffany blinked, then finally took the receipt. She reached up towards her face with her other hand as though to instinctively pull her mask down, then aborted the motion abruptly.
Seemingly getting over her confusion, she shoved the receipt into her purse in the top of her cart, and glared poisonously back at the rest of the line, which was now nine people long.
“Well forgive me for wanting to have a friendly chat!” She snapped.
Cloud resisted the urge to sigh. This was not what anyone would call a friendly chat. A friendly chat was actually being nice to your cashier while they rang up your purchase, and then getting out of the way once you were done paying. Cloud was not here to make friends, xiy was here to do ix job, which xiy couldn't do if obnoxious customers like Tiffany insisted upon holding up the entire line by refusing to get out of it when they were done.
Especially if, like Tiffany, they insisted upon deadnaming and misgendering you while they wasted everyone else's time. Or being obnoxious about you becoming the town's first confirmed case of lycanthropy.
Despite the fact that everyone who watched the local news or talked to literally anyone who knew rik knew that Cloud wouldn't be dangerous or out of control when xiy transformed, Tiffany and her clique of other obnoxious friends still wanted to act like they had no idea how therianthropy worked, even though it had existed now for at least half their lifetime. There wasn't any excuse to not know how it worked in the year 2069.
Thankfully for everyone, Tiffany decided not to argue anymore or cause an even bigger scene. She just huffed, turned haughtily away from the line, which was now stretching back into the aisle, and left without another word.
The voice from the middle of the line from before called out, “Well it's about time!”
Cloud resisted the urge to laugh out loud, and settled for the next customer's items on the conveyor belt.
To ix surprise, though, the man - -whose hair seemed to cycle through every color of the rainbow every few weeks, this time bright, fire-engine red- -held out one hand to block rik and said, “Actually, just one moment, Xr. Cloud, if it's okay with you, I think I'd like to let Charley go before me, just so it can get off that leg of its. I already cleared it with everyone else behind me, so, as long as you don't mind?”
He looked at Cloud, and xiy nodded quickly, surprised but happy. “Yes, that's fine!” Xiy said, turning the belt off so it wouldn't move forward by itself, “I don't mind at all.” Xiy used the flat of ix arm to gently shove the groceries on the belt backwards a little, then place the next divider in front so that there would be space in front of them for Charley's stuff.
“Charley, come on forward so you can get off that leg.” The man said, and there was a short shuffle as Cloud watched everyone else behind him scooting to the side to let the person past. This was the person who'd told Tiffany off for taking so long.
It put up a slight protest as it was herded forward, saying embarassedly, “Well, no, no, I'm fine waiting my turn, you've been here longer than I am! Really, I'm fine, you don't need to wait on my account- -”
The man with the dyed hair just smiled and shook his head, and some of the other people in the line made various comments along the lines of, “No, please, I insist!” or “Go ahead of me, I'm in no rush!”
Finally the person was in front of Cloud, holding its small collection of groceries in one arm, the other holding its white cane.
It was wearing a blue mask with white checkers, and its grey and blue eyes (which up until now had been the only way for Cloud to remember ever meeting it before now, since xiy always forgot everyone's names) were staring slightly off to the side of where Cloud was.
“I really am sorry for cutting ahead,” It said, setting its few items down carefully on the belt- - A box of sandwich crackers, cupcakes, a box of water flavoring packets, a loaf of bread, and a bag of grapes - - “And I hope I didn't cause you any trouble, telling off Tiffany like that.”
Cloud had to resist the urge to laugh again, but this time in shock. “No, no,” Xiy assured hastily, “Don't apologize, you said what I wanted to. Thank /you/. And it's no problem at all! Do you want your groceries all in one bag again?”
Cloud rarely remembered customer's names, but xiy remembered what they looked like after enough times of seeing them, and Charley always wanted as few bags as possible, since it walked to the store.
“Yes, yes that's fine. Thank you again, Cloud.” It said, moving over to the payment reader and holding its wrist up to the screen. The reader chirped, and began reading off the name and price of the items as Cloud scanned them.
There was just its bag of grapes and a loaf of bread left to scan, so Cloud scanned the bread first, then put the grapes on the scale, oh so casually setting it “crookedly” while pretending not to notice, so that most of the weight wasn't registered.
If Charley or the man with the dyed hair noticed anything odd about how cheaply the grapes rang up, neither of them said anything.
Cloud smiled behind ix mask.
“Your total's $102.71” Xiy said automatically, a moment before Charley's reader repeated the exact same thing in a high, cheerful electronic voice.
“Thank you.” Charley said. The reader chirped again, and announced, “Payment transferred. Have a nice day.”
“Receipt in the bag?” Cloud asked, just to make sure.
“Yes please.” Charley replied.
Cloud stuck the receipt in the bag, then pulled the bag off the wheel and held it out to Charley, saying, “Here's your bag.” and making sure to let the plastic crinkle so Charley would be able to hear where it was.
Charley accepted the bag, and though its mouth was hidden, Cloud was pretty sure from the way its eyebrows were crinkling that it was smiling.
“Have a nice day, and try to stay cool out there!” Xiy said cheerfully.
“Thank you, and you too!” Charley turned to look over its shoulder one more time at the long line, and said, “Thank you again, Michael, thank you, everyone.”
There was a chorus of “you're welcome”s and “it's no problem”s and “have a nice day”s and one “I'll see you at book club on Thursday!” from all along the line.
Charley left, and now that it was his turn, the man with the bright red hair sat a five hundred dollar bill down on the counter while Cloud reached for the first of his items.
“I'll be paying with my reader,” He said, “This is for you. I don't want this to sound weird, and maybe I'm being impudent, but is there any chance I could pay you to bite me on the next full moon?”
This was just going to be the new normal, apparently. “I can't accept that while I'm on the clock.” Xiy said, making sure to stress the words 'on the clock' for emphasis, “But leave me your Hawire name and we can discuss it later. There is a waiting list, I've already promised a bite to eighteen people ahead you, so I probably won't be able to bite you until December. Three's the maximum number I can transmit it to per full moon so far.”
He literally clapped his hands in excitement, then put the five hundred dollar bill back in his wallet. “That's fine by me!” He said cheerfully, “I've been waiting my whole life, I can handle waiting six more months! You're the best, Cloud!”
The rest of the line went just as smoothly, with all the customers being nice and patient and several of them commenting that they didn't mind waiting at all, because they knew xiy was the best cashier ever to work there. “Tell that to my boss.” Xiy replied every time, and was met with variations upon, “Oh, I will, believe me.”
The irritation with Tiffany aside, it had been a good day.
When xiy got off from work later that night, it was to three dozen notifications on ix phone, informing rik that almost forty people had given rik a tip for ix excellent customer service, adding up to three and a half thousand dollars total.
That was more than twice ix official wages for the day.
Company policy banned and harshly punished accepting tips from customers, but that didn't stop the customers who were determined enough from tipping rik through ix Hawire account.
What the company didn't know about, they couldn't punish you for.
And the full moon was next week, so there was something to look forward to.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
More post PLA thoughts
Of course, Kiran is immediately sent to the hospital cause holy shit, he has not been eating properly.
His memories are hazy from his time in Hisui. Not that they don't remember, it's just hazy.
Once Kiran is out of the hospital, everyone forgets about personal space and is around him 24/7
He's bombarded with the press looking for answers and his loved ones, while with good intentions, not really giving him the space to process.
Being overwhelmed is an understatement.
They hate how confused they get when it comes to their work as a Pokemon Professor. They hate how slow it's taking them to relearn everything.
After coming back to modern Sinnoh, Kiran can no longer stand the taste of coffee. Not even when it's super sweet, it's terrible. He can't even use it to keep him awake.
Muscle memory dies hard. Kiran would find himself waking up early, thinking he has to do his chores around the camp and check on Lord Goodra. It pains him when they find out there's no one there.
As he was recovering, he say on the news about a man in Unova reappearing out of the blue.
One look at said man and Kiran already knew. It took everyone to stop him from going to Unova right then and there.
The best they could do was a private video call with a very teary Kiran. The two talked for hours. Kiran definitely called him Uncle. Ingo didn't mind. It was oddly nostalgic.
Kirans interest in Sinnoh history grew, especially when the memories of Hisui began to become less hazy. They realize how wrong a lot of things are in terms of how history was presented.
He tells Danica and Barry everything. It's so hard. They bring out history books, papers, totems anything they can find ( thanks Cynthia) and go through everything. Many breaks where had as Kiran would find themself crying uncontrollably as the memories flood back in. Any mention of the Diamond Clan and Lord Goodra made this worse. But Danica and Barry understands. They are patient and understanding. They let Kiran cry. Sometimes they would cry with him.
His pokemon don't leave his dude either. Bodi, his Torterra, misses having Kiran rest of his shell. Kiran misses that as well.
Kiran feels a pang of guilt seeing Zora all grown up. She was only 15 when he last saw her and now she's 19. They missed four birthdays. They missed her growing up. Yes, that guilt is strong.
Kiran: *looks at an image of Sakura and Adaman, then looks at his dad then back at Sakura and Adaman* Holy fucking shit.
He died the under part of his hair pink because of it.
At some point, Prof. Rowan mentions a small center with the now ever rare Hisuian forms. He asks if Kiran wanted to see them. Kiran has never said yes so fast in his life.
Seeing Hisuian Goodra was hard. Even if it wasn't his Lord Goodra. But oddly enough, the Goodra didn't make a fuss, as confused as they were. They let Kiran cry and hug them, an odd sense of familiarity.
Kiran is sure to immediately alert Ingo about the center. It's not open to the public for obvious reasons, but he feels like Ingo deserves to know.
Kiran vows to confess to Barry after everything goes back to normal.....or as normal as things can be. Regardless of whether Barry reciprocates or not, Kiran isn't going to risk the chance of being torn apart without saying anything.
Though, it is funny for how long they've had this crush. He remembers telling himself that it would go away in a matter of days. It didn't, which has become increasingly funny to him.
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kayothunderbirds142 · 2 years
chose to do a little Kayo x Rigby as i see them as being quite a cute couple in  eps
Kayo leant back wearily, she has not had the chance to sleep in over 36 hours while being cooped up with the GDF going over strategies and information and leads on her uncle and the chaos crew. It was frustrating, they had been loose for 10 months now and the whole world knew them for their devastation, particularly the new recruited siblings, Havok and fuse.
It was amazing though, the GDF always seemed to have a lead but never followed them until Kayo insisted they did, and even  then, they were always too late, the renegades were always 2 steps ahead of the game and it just brought Kayo to her nerve ends.
Kayo knew she was far too tired to be flying home, even on autopilot incase she had to take charge so thought it was a blessing in disguise when Rigby had offered to let her crash at his place the night till she could return home, this didn't exactly surprise Kayo seeing as she had been dating him for 5 months at this point. Kayo didn't know what had happened or even when considering she originally hated the man, thinking he was too arrogant and full of himself when they first met. However he had started to Change his feelings towards her as they started working together more and more until he asked her out in a cafe after rescuing Ned again 
“We’ve really got to change our approach when it comes to tip offs'' Rigby mused towards her, Kayo hummed in agreement “I know, it's like we’ve been chasing sensor ghosts, we need to act quicker in future” she argued back as Rigby silently acknowledged her. Kayo did feel bad though, she had never revealed her secret to Rigby, i mean how could she? One of the very men he's hunting down is her uncle! How would he feel once he found out? Kayo had always imagined he would never trust or talk to her again, and it scared her. 
Kayo’s attention was drawn away suddenly as her phone screen lit up ‘message from Scott’. Shoot. The woman had never told her brothers about her and Rigby, she often laughed at thinking of her reactions seeing as she had 5 of them and 4 older and highly protective of her. “Do you know roughly when you’ll be home tonight?” it read, Casey must have told him the mission was over, Kayo stared blankly at the phone before replying “Im staying at the base tonight and coming back tomorrow”. Scott highly doubted that as he raised an eyebrow knowing full well Kayo has made some alarming comments surrounding her personal feelings about them, Kayo knew that as well and she knew she would most likely be in an argument with her eldest brother tomorrow but for now, she just wanted to sleep.
“Kayo” Riggs muttered sleepily “come on, lay down” he smiled softly at her as she did so as Rigby started playing with her hair pushing strands of hair behind her ears and out of her face, Rigby found her hair so soft and it often intrigued him what she used to make it this soft. By now she was dozing off curled up at his side unable to keep her eyes open any longer as Riggs also chose to lay down and give in to his fatigue
“Good night Kayo, sweet dreams” he gave her a small kiss on the forehead before dozing off himself. Their long awaited sleep has finally arrived. 
I can already tell it’s quite cringey as i personally find writing romance/romantic thing harder than siblings ones but after reading prompts
“pushing  a strand of hair behind their ear”
“kissing the top of their head”
i knew i had to do a kayo and Rigby one xd
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djemsostylist · 2 years
Forever & Always: The End
TVD, at least in the beginning, was, in many ways, a love story. Love it or hate, the first several seasons were very much a teenage vampire love story (no matter who you shipped). The Originals is a family drama. At it's core, the story is about family, about sacrifice, about selfishness in all it's forms, and about what "forever and always" truly means.
TO begins and ends with the bonds of family. It is family which draws Elijah to New Orleans, family which brings Rebekah back, family which makes Klaus stop running. It is about what defines family, what bonds are truly unshakeable, and as always, what we are willing to do and sacrifice in the name of that family.
TO is not a story of redemption. The characters, all of them, neither seek it nor need it. It's never been about apologies. Their lives have been lived, for better or for worse. It is a story of death, about how sometimes the greatest things we can do for those we love is to give our lives for them. Rebekah mentions redemption in the finale of season 4, and Elijah's reply "It's a wonderful sentiment" says all that needs to be said. They cannot seek redemption, but they can find a measure of peace in the sacrifice.
It's why I think, in my humble opinion, season 5 was wholly unnecessary. It gave more to a story that had been completed, a story that didn't need to be told. TO came to its best and greatest ending with the season 4 finale, and it's the sort of ending that I think works best for each of them. The Mikaelsons die so that Hope can live--because sometimes, the best things that we can do for those we love--is to die--and that doesn't mean death. There is no going back, there is no end, there is no redemption, there is only the choices that they make for each other, always and forever.
And it's fitting, really, that they do so. The Mikaelsons have spent a 1000 years trying to be a family, but it is because of one little girl that they are finally all given the chance to be the best of themselves. To be the family they have never been, could never have been, might never have been. They get a chance, for just a short time, to taste the family that all of them have longed for, and in the end, they give it all away to save the life of the little girl they love more than anything. It's beautiful and terrible and infinitely sad, and it is made all the more poignant for that.
Elijah, ever the protector, ever the savior, the elder brother whose heart has only ever beat for the ones he loves, saves them all, in the end, and then loses them. He cannot be redeemed without sacrifice, and his sacrifice is to lose them and himself forever. Elijah could never give up his family, could never live without them, and because of this infinite love, he is lost. Elijah does what he has always done, down to the very core of his being. He dies, for the people he loves. He loses a chance to be a lover and an uncle, to be a brother. He is, in the end, all that he has ever been. He will live forever as a monument to the love of his family. It is the ultimate act of selflessness, the ultimate price he will pay for the sins of his past.
Rebekah, too, loses. She loses the brothers that she loves, that she craves, whose company has been all that she has had for more than a lifetime. Like Elijah, Rebekah gets what she has always wanted--but at price. She gets a love and a life away from the Mikaelsons, but she also loses. She will never have a child, she will never be a mother. The few months she spent with Hope will be all that she has to sustain her for a thousand lifetimes. And she loses her brothers, forever. She can never see them again. Because this is not redemption or absolution. It is sacrifice, always and forever, for the ones she loves.
Klaus, who has only ever wanted to be loved, fiercely and completely and totally, finds for himself, perhaps the first time, the ability to accept the love that he has always been given, and to realize that it is about the love he gives in return that means the most. He has found something to live for, forever, that is worth more. But in doing so, in saving his daughter, he loses everything. He loses the family that has loved him for forever, he loses the love that he has craved forever--but he is also, forever and always, surrounded by that love. His siblings loved him enough to sacrifice everything for him and his daughter--he finally find the love that he craves, the redemption he has sought--and it is this love which ends him. Klaus will spend eternity alone, but loved until the end of time. The scene at the very end, where he finds Elijah playing piano in a bar, is such a beautiful for ending for all of them. He sees Elijah and he smiles, bc he knows how much he is loved, forever and always.
Kol perhaps gets the best ending, in that he finds eternity with the love of his life, and also gets, finally, to be a part of forever and always. To matter as much to his family as he has always wanted, but to be parted from them forever.
Hayley, who is as much a Mikaelson as if she had been born one, who has forever and always imprinted on her soul, also does not find redemption. She saves her daughter, but at the cost of the family she has so desperately wanted her entire life. She loses the love of her life, she loses her sister, she loses the father of her child. She will live forever without the people who gave her the home and the safety and the love that she had never had, and her daughter will never have her family. But they will be safe, in the end. Always and forever.
The end of season 4 is heartbreaking, but I think it's also fitting. They all get what they want the most, but they also all lose. They are a family, and they are safe, always. But they can never be together, and that's forever.
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ducknotinarow · 8 months
[2k7 Rasey]
"I never trusted that kid, Aspen," Casey claims, arms crossed as he took to pacing around the living room, "A'ways had this look in his eye, like he was up t' somethin', an' he always took the cheap shots when playin', no idea why the ref never called 'im for it."
He was taking the whole thing between Summer and Aspen so very well as he continued to complain to his husband,
"Wouldn't surprise me if he was runnin' with gangs! Might be a Dragon for all we know - it's a lil' weird that he only ever wants t' hang out with Summer!"
Now he was just pulling things out of thin air to try and justify himself. Perhaps Raph should get his husband to shut up.
| Muse interaction
Summer had her head in her hands as she was making her way up the stairs home, Casey could be embarrassing as a Dad. Calling her dumpling, hugging her and kissing her as if she hadn't seen him in days after school. Every day after picking her up form school. Summer might squeal and try to push him away because well it was embarrassing but she didn't really hate it either but this!! Oh this was so much worse! Look it was bad enough she hadn't clocked in on the fact she was apparently on a date nor that she and Aspen have apparently been dating like this for two months?!?! that was bad enough for the poor girl. She texted her Dad to sort of save her from the embarrassment. How was she meant to know he would show up with his bat and give the shot gun talk to the poor guy. Wasn't it bad enough he was basically told Summer had no fucking clue what was going on between them now her lunatic of a father over here threatening him!
She reached the door first and groaned as she walked in finally lifting up her head find her new sanctuary. When she saw Raphael had just gotten home himself after being off with her uncles and anucle. Summer simply makes her way over to him and lays her face against his plastron. "Pops please make 'em stop" She honestly whined a little. She felt his heavy plam rest to the top of her head as he gave her a few reassuring pats to her hair.
"Alright bug what that nutcase do now?" Was all Raphael really got to say. Summer not getting much of a chance to explain as Casey finally made it into the apartment himself. Summer simply groaned and turned to hide against Raphael instead. Raphael simply titled his head a little looking down to Summer before shifting his stare over to Casey.
Watching Casey come in and set a bat near by the door, their face was all screwed up into a familiar scowl. As he could just see how Casey's nostrils flare from where he stood. Casey shutting the door hard behind himself. This wasn't really him being mad though, Raph couldn't see any vines bludging in their thick neck or along their head. So it just left the turtle in far more in the dark on what was going on here. All he could really piece together was Casey had gone Casey about something involving Summer. Moving to slightly hug her as she used him to take a moment and just hide from the past twenty minutes of misery she had to go and suffer through. Not taking an puce of this serious. Summer and Casey had a knack for be dramtic in thier own way after all. Likely one those my baby girls is growing up and I'm not handling it well. Moments was Rpah's guess.
"Alright hothead what happened?" Raphael finally bites to ask.
"I never trusted that kid, Aspen,"
"Aspen?" Raphael repeated peering down to Summer who only tried to hide even more against him. Wishing she could climb into his shell even in this moment. Raphael wasn't following what did thar kid on Summer's team had to do with anything at all? Appernetly a lot based off Summer trying to seek Raoh out in need of rescue well Case started to pace in the living room.
"A'ways had this look in his eye, like he was up t' somethin', an' he always took the cheap shots when playin', no idea why the ref never called 'im for it."
Raph lifts up his brow at that last remark finding himself even more at a loss of what the fuck was going on her. Peering back down to Summer for some help here, but he wasn't getting anything out her, and Casey was less help in all of this mess.
"Alright alright before ya go off again cna someone cule me in in the fuck is goin' on 'ight now?" Raphael dryly says aspirated over this whole mess as is.
That's when he finally got his answer, Aspen liked Summer. And now somethings seems to make sense well at least why Casey was off his rocker in the moment. He was kicking into overdrive on the overprotective Dad act. Which explained why Summer looked like she wanted to die. He didn't have the full story, but Summer did at least offer some explanation. She was hanging out with her teammate and friend Aspen. Which yeah theu been doing that pretty often basically when ever she wasn't with the full team or Ariel. So what excatly to get Casey like this?
Apperntly it was a date. Now Raphael understood slightly chuckling as he always did when something was soulely funny to him. Summer lifted her head clearly not happy about his reaction.
"It's not funny Pops! I didn' know it was a date so testes Dad to save me an' he made it worse!" He face had grown red and he laughed more trying his best not to but it was a losing battle. "An' ya thought the biggest nut case in the city would be any help? Shoulda called ya Aunt April at least she be useful." He retorts.
A look crossed over Summers face, she hadn't thought of that option. She sunndely groans and growls in annoyance, old habits die hard it seemed as she moved away from Raph. One day flipping out and the other laughing was not helping her at all. She went to pull out her phone to call her sister bedroom.door shutting behind her. Raphael was still just chuckling as he watched her storm away. Before turning back towards Casey.
"Alright I 'hink ya need to chill so what if he 'ikes ain't not big deal 'ight?" Raohael said having to once more be the voice of reason. As Casey turned around and snapped back showing why Raphael had to be the reasonable one soon after. Raph just rolled his eye and walked over to the dork. "Case you know this kid he'll I know 'em he's fine. Why ya acttin' 'ike it's the worst news? Least it's a decent guy who 'ikes her right?"
"Wouldn't surprise me if he was runnin' with gangs! Might be a Dragon for all we know - it's a lil' weird that he only ever wants t' hang out with Summer!"
"Ya an idiot Jones." Raphael said flatly moving to roll his head to express he was rolling his eye right now before fixing them with a look. Casey clearly was handling all this just oh so very well. "Case." He tries again reaching over to set. A hand on his ridiculous husband's bicep. "Ya kmee 'his was bound ta happen one day. Ya act 'ike ya never dated and unfountetly for me 'm aware if how much 'hat be a lie." Due to the turtles jealously issues of course. He playfully get and punches Casey's arm. "Now clam down Summer's dealin' with enough she don' need ya loosin' even more of the screws in that skull."
Raphael felt he was handling this pretty well, even as he watched Casey's face shift and setting more into that little pout he found to be adorable. When Casey muttered something. Raphael didn't catch it so he asked them to repeat it. And when Casey said Aspen tried kissing Summer?
"Ya knkw ya fuckin! Got a point! Might been a long con plan. She used ta tell us he was nothin' but a little prick to her at the start!" And any sense of reason was fully gone as Casey only feed more in to his narrative on Aspen being g some dragon spy to get close to thier daughter.
"Know what?" Raphael suddenly had a thought forming as he smirks up at Casey. "Wasn't to long ya left where they were 'ight?" He asks waiting for Casey to not he only smiles more. "Bet we can catch up to the punk." The suggestion held all his meaning in it alone knowing Casey would pick up what he was referring too. "What? We're jus' two concerned dad's 'bout 'heir daughter ain't we? Gotta make sure 'hat pu k ain't really a dragon doncha 'hink?"
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 years
Master-post of Fics
Just a little master-post of fics to make it easier for people to access!
TW for mentions of homophobia
Lance surprises everyone by going to McLaren for 2021 and becomes teammates with Lando, who Lance is sure hates him.
Of Max & Lando
Lando gets himself into a mess involving falling in love with his fwb, and asking Reddit for relationship advice
R��ikkönen Entertainment
Someone once told Kimi that owning his own Entertainment company would be fun: they fucking lied
Little Bean au
Lando is an omega in love with the alpha couple that help him through his heats. He doesn't expect to get pregnant with Max and Daniel's child, and he doesn't know how to tell them about his Little Bean
Colourful You
TW for violence/injury
Lando is a tattoo artist based in a small English town when he meets F1 drivers Lance and Max who he ends up falling in love with. Problem? They're already a happy couple when he meets them
Callum, Mick and Marcus are ghost hunters who encounter a mischievous Victorian ghost called Charles during on of their hunts
Hangover Club
A group of drivers and ex-drivers get together for drinks and it ends in hungover shenanigan's
Sebastian is dying, Jenson confused. How did Daniel end up naked? Why is Kevin shoving bread in Hulk's mouth while he sleeps? Did Nico Rosberg kidnap Roscoe? Why does Mark have food? And oh god, did someone kidnap Lance?
No one knows. Everyone is confused, but at least they're having fun!
Uncle Mindo au
TW for homophobia
Lando and Michael fall in love with the help of Lando's very adorable niece, Clara, before starting a journey of their own to have a family
Put A Gun In My Hand
TW - violence, murder, torture
Lando had worked tirelessly to get promoted as a detective on Squad Nine, one of the best crime squads within the city. Every waking moment had been spent with this as his goal, and now he was finally here. Newly promoted, new partner, and a chance to prove himself.
Everything had been going to plan until one chance meeting
Chaptered: 21/21
When I Look At You (My Mind Goes Blank)
Lance, left-winger for the Montreal Canadien's, is invited to be a guest at the Canadian Grand Prix and wave the chequered flag when he bumps into someone who leaves him feeling butterflies in his stomach and makes his brain loose it's filter
Music Sounds Better With You
Lance and Lando meet at a concert and become gig buddies, what they didn't account for was the feelings developing between them.
Afraid of What We've Become (Undone)
Lance didn't know how things spiraled out of control so quickly. He had thought he was protecting him, but instead he had destroyed everything he had loved and he didn't know how to fix this.
I Need A Little Miracle -
Lando was happy with Michael, but after their last shared rut and heat he starts to wonder if Michael wants more than Lando is able to give him
Kept on The Inside (Sometimes A Shadow Wins)
TW for crash/injuries
A red flag.
Lando's friends were deeming not telling your friends or family about someone you were seeing as a red flag, and the words hit too close to home.
Soft, Sweet Delights
Five Times Jenson buys Sebastian a bra plus the one time Sebastian buys one himself
If the Stars Allign...Will You Ever Be Mine?
Jenson had known what he was getting into the moment he had first kissed him, but that didn't mean he was prepared for falling in love with Sebastian, or how much it would hurt knowing he was just keeping Kimi's side of the bed warm until he decided he wanted Sebastian back?
Suited Up
Sebastian expected a lazy Saturday until he sees pictures of Jenson in the Williams race suit.
A New Beginning
Jenson is just a smuggler. Sure he is the fastest in the galaxy, managed to pull off the Kessel run in 12 parsecs, and has the fastest ship, but he never expected to be hired by the rebel alliance to retrieve the captive Prince of Alderaan.
Or that the captive Prince would be so infuriately handsome and cheek
Chaptered: 1/3
Misc. Pairings
What is Love? (Balcony, Rain, Coffee, Thuderstorm)
It was a sleepy Monaco afternoon. Warm and overcast, rain pattering against the balcony where Antonio had left the door open slightly. Just enough for the gentle breeze to tickle his feet and to hear the sounds of the rain
Grid-Dad's Anonymous
Welcome to Grid-Dad's Anonymous, also known as Fernando, Sebastian and Checo taking over Kimi's driver's room, villa or hotel room for weekly meetings about how hard it is to be a Grid-Dad to a bunch of twenty-something year old toddlers with alcohol and baked goods.
Peace in The Rain
Lando/Esteban - A/B/O
The rain drizzled down around him as he made his way through the paddock to his motorhome, but all Esteban could think of was what was waiting for him when he got inside.
All That Glitters
Callum/Mick ft Pierre/Charles, Antonio/Marcus, Esteban/Lance, Seb/Lewis
Callum rocks the club as Ruby Glitters, his drag persona four nights a week. Playing up his sibling rivalry with Charles on stage, and enjoying his found family with the drag club run by Sebastian and Lewis. However a certain blond German from his mechanical engineering class keeps showing up at the club every night he works, eyes always on Ruby.
Chaptered: 3/3
Pierre/Lando -A/B/O
Lando wanted to be the one Pierre ran to when he won another race, when he showed Red Bull that he was more than a seat warmer to be replaced whenever they wanted. He wanted to shower him in kisses and drown in Pierre’s scent, and it terrified him.
Little Books of Us
Book One Book Two
Two collections of prompts for various Formula 1 pairings
Pack Prompts
A/B/O prompt collection
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little-spoiled-brat · 3 years
Hi! I how're you? I hope you're doing well. I have a request -feel free to ignore it if it's weird- what if levi was into an arranged/forced marriage for a while to another ackerman lady to keep the bloodline going! she always gave him his space cause she knew he didn't like her much. he ignored her for the biggest part until he started noticing how he would miss seeing her if he stayed away from home for too long so levi starts doing acts of services for her (like making her tea) cause he doesn't know how to express his love, but eventually he confesses and so does she.
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pairing: levi x reader
cw: consanguineous love, forced relationship, enemies to lovers
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- ackerman bloodline -
you were mikasa's older sister, your mom and dad’s first born and like usual, the first borns always had it more difficult than the younger siblings that followed.
you were in your early twenties when your dad introduced you to your second cousin, levi. it was all fun and games until they announced that the both of you were in an arranged marriage in order to keep the coveted ackerman bloodline going.
you absolutely hated it and you vaguely remember crying in mikasa’s room almost every night because of that very reason.
“stop crying” mikasa pouted, her being six at the time, she didn’t quite understood what you were going through completely. you smiled at her, wiping away the tears from your cheeks.
“i’m okay, mikasa“ you assured as she crawled into your lap and pulled you into a hug. you hugged her back tightly, silent tears falling down your cheeks.
you tried and tried and tried to stop the relationship that was forced onto you but your parents’ minds were made up and so was levi’s uncle.
here you are now, a member of the scout regiment after mikasa, eren and armin followed your footsteps when you joined a couple of years before them.
you ignored each other for the most part, staying away and giving each other space as you knew that he also hated you as much as you did. sucks for him, he didn’t have a choice either.
at this point, mikasa understood the situation between you and her captain — you would’ve had her in your squad but since her batch arrived later than yours did, levi took them for himself.
mikasa often talked to you that you should just give levi a chance and though you did considered giving him a chance, you weren’t sure if he would consider the same.
“you should try. he’s your cousin after all” mikasa said as you glanced at her. “correction, he’s your cousin too”
”whatever. the point is, you’ve been in this forced relationship for almost a decade now and he's your comrade, you can't put your personal feelings into this and ignore him on the battle field so you might as well make it work" mikasa said bluntly as you glared at her — she was right.
with a sigh, you nodded and let her words sink into you. maybe you will try. just maybe.
however, you were a bit taken back when levi suddenly brought you tea when you came back from a trip with erwin and hange.
you came back to your office after the trip to do some more paperworks when levi knocked on your door and walked in with a cup of tea.
"figured you might be tired from the trip. two sugars, mikasa told me you like it made like that" levi simply said, putting the cup down on your desk and leaving again. he didn't give you any time to react as the door to your office was closed, you stared at the cup in front of you. surely, someone drugged him, right?
nevertheless, you finished the tea levi had brought and actually enjoyed the bittersweet taste of the liquid on your tongue. it was almost weird that he brought you tea but it was more weird how he considered putting in the sugars because he was told you liked it.
he made it clear that he hated you so why now?
making a mental note to return the favor to your forced-to-be boyfriend, you finished the remaining paperworks on your desk.
days passed and the both of you found yourself bringing each other tea at random points of the day. it was weird but you believed that you were actually starting to fall for levi.
a knock at your door stopped you from scribbling on the paper on your desk. you looked up and said a crisp 'come in' as the door opened to reveal levi with your usual afternoon tea.
"i brought us tea" levi chimed and you swore, you saw a small smile pull at the corner of his lips for a split second. you pushed away some papers from your desk for him to set the tray down. "two sugars, just how you like it"
you took your cup as he sat down on the chair in front of your desk, taking a sip of the hot contents of the porcelain cup. you hummed in satisfaction, taking a sip of your tea before setting it down on your desk again.
"thank you, levi" you said just like every time he brought you tea. he nodded in acknowledgement, putting the cup down.
"before i forget, i'm going to be going to the capital with erwin and hange tomorrow so look after mikasa for me, okay?" you said as levi's face fell for a second but composed himself.
"tch. erwin never gives you a break, does he?" levi grumbled as you sighed and shook your head. you took another sip of your tea.
"be safe, brat. i-i don't want to see a single scratch on you when you come back" levi said as your eyes widened a fraction, you turned to him. you were quiet for a second but mumbled a small 'okay' as he nodded without making eye contact with you before standing up and heading back to his office to finish his paperworks too.
staying true to your word, you came back after the trip with no scratches like levi said. you walked up the stairs, intending to find mikasa and tell her that you're back only to be met by levi practically sprinting out of his office.
"you're back!" levi exclaimed, suddenly pulling you into his arms as you stood frozen. this was the first time he hugged you ever since you two got forced together and it actually felt, nice and comforting.
you were about to fold your arms around him when he pulled away, clearing his throat after realizing what he did.
"i-i uh, mikasa is with jaeger and arlert" levi stuttered, a blush tinting his cheeks as he avoided your gaze. he stepped beside you, intending on walking away after your rather new interaction but you stopped him.
you pulled him back into a hug, holding him close. truth be told, you actually quite enjoyed being in his arms. now it was levi's turn to freeze but quickly got over his initial shock and folded his arms around you.
you found yourself nuzzling your head into his chest, savoring the faint smell of black tea and lavender that you slowly grew to love. that you slowly began to recognize as the smell of home, safety and protection.
it was at that moment that you had realized that you had in fact, fallen for levi ackerman.
you pulled away from the hug, keeping eye contact with him as the both of you slowly started to lean in. both of your eyes closed and the connecting of your lips followed shortly after.
you attempted to pull away for air but levi cradled the back of your head to keep you from pulling away. it was intoxicating, the feeling of his lips on yours made you crave for more.
your arms snaked around his waist, pulling him closer to you as the both of you kissed each other passionately in the middle of the hallway.
"i'm going to pretend i didn't see that" mikasa suddenly said as the both of you jumped away from each other, deep red blushes tinting your cheeks.
"not a word, mikasa or i will make you run laps" you threatened as she simply shrugged her shoulders.
"you know you can't do that, you're not my direct superior. only the person you were kissing can order me to run laps" mikasa retorted, emphasizing the word 'kissing' as you glared at her, the blush on your cheeks deepening even more.
"mikasa" levi warned as mikasa smiled smugly at him. "sorry for interrupting, captain. i'm gonna go find eren"
and just like that, your sister walked the other direction to find eren. you sighed deeply, turning to face levi again.
"do you- do you mind if i k-kiss you again?" levi asked shyly as you smiled, grabbing his wrist and pulling him into his office nearby. you closed the door and cupped his face before crashing your lips on his again.
"i think i-i'm in love with you" levi said, pulling away from the kiss as you smiled. and truth be told, "i think i'm in love with you too"
following the simple confessions of your feelings towards each other, levi connected your lips once again in another passionate kiss.
never in your life did you expect that getting forced into a relationship would become the best life decision someone has ever made for you.
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