The official blog of the OFA! Any general announcements will be under this blog. All OFA posts are automatically reblogged by this blog, making this an archive of all OFA posts in chronological order.
List of available characters (lemme know if I’ve missed any)
The list of all official OFA blogs (that serve food) (in order of creation)
@thebasilbuffet @kel-restaurant @hero-cafe @aubysfoodtruck @maris-snack-shop @omoris-bar @mewos-macaron-mansion @basils-plants-and-potions @somethings-diner @spiders-atypical-delicacies @humphreys-all-you-can-eat @hskels-mexicanfoodstand @spaceboys-sushii @sweethearts-sweets @berlys-confectionery @the-maverick-asian-restaurant @omolis-edible-bank @butlers-shop-of-cat-stuff
@strangers-very-normal-snack-shop @hectorshotdogstand @kims-not-stolen-things-snacks @rococos-bistro
wishes-for-iced-creams (alas, I’ve reached the max # of pings)
Other official OFA blogs (not serving food)
Subcategory of other: mod blogs
OFA Blog Rules
These are the rules for all official OFA blogs.
Required rules (rules that all OFA blogs must adhere to to qualify as official)
Create a pinned post to introduce customers to your blog.
tag @thebasilbuffet
link the discord (https://discord.gg/C67rfQx6wH), if you can.
Use appropriate character sprites, drawings, or other images when relevant (ie. character is saying or doing something).
Customers must be able to order food through asks.
No NSFW asks. NSFW asks should be deleted if they’re sent for whatever reason.
Store owner must be either an OMORI character or an OC (must have permission from the OC creator if not one’s own OC)
Do not excessively maintag. Occasional maintagging is fine, but we don't want to clog up the tag.
On a similar vain as rule 6, tag posts with "OMORI Food Administration" (tags are not case-sensitive. Capitalize however you wish)
Text Formatting (Not required*)
When speaking in-character, use a color relevant to your character and use related sprites under the text being spoken.
When speaking out-of-character in the middle of speaking in-character, use italicized text in curly brackets{}
When speaking out-of-character at any point, use black or white text.
Actions or narrator text should be black or white and within brackets[]
*Not required so long as it is obvious when you are speaking in-character, out-of-character, or as a narrator
Recommendations (not required; entirely optional)
Creating a menu. This could also be put on the channel banner.
Tagging other official OMORI Food Administration blogs beyond just @thebasilbuffet
Enabling anonymous asks
Tips for improv! (found a seemingly good list at https://www.pantheater.com/rules-of-improv.html)
(As of now, the list of tags is incomplete. It will be a while before it is.)
Certain posts are tagged (manually--it would be nearly impossible to code; lmk if I make a mistake). The tags for these are in the tags of the post for easy accessibility. Whenever a post that is tagged with one of these tags besides #announcement, the tags on that post will be preceded by #OFA tags: to differentiate them from the original post's tags (this tag is on this post so you can find all posts that have OFA tags easily, if you want to)
Organizational tags:
#OFA tags bot posts/posts from OFA blogs; used to separate the arc tags from the post’s tags
#announcement Any official announcements. self-explanatory
#new blog The pinned post from an OFA blog (this is usually the first one, but there are exceptions)
#not OFA any posts that are not the bot
#tags pending this tag is mainly for me; it refers to bot posts that have not yet been manually tagged
Normal Arc tags:
#bagel mishap HS Basil gave a customer the wrong kind of bagel.
#biggest food order A competition for who could order the most food from the Basil Buffet
#pizza rolls @supbreak20 ordered pizza rolls from most of the main cast (all the blogs that existed at that time)
#spider customer A spider ordered from @hero-cafe (this is one of my favorite arcs honestly)
#mario the cat The pizza rolls arc transitioned into this. A battle against an interdimensional cat named Mario (more commonly referred to as the battle arc; listed as mario for clarity)
Special arc tags (These are special breeds of arcs that have multiple variations):
Capitalist (like Bossman Hero) (the cause/trigger of these arcs are in parentheses after the tag)
HS Hero (special rule: cannot be initiated in the same way twice)
#bossman hero 1 (wore a tie)
HS Mari
#bossgirl mari 1 (wore cat ears) twitch streamer Mari??
#bossgirl mari 2 (wore cat ears) Mari joins the dark side (yes, the one from Star Wars)
Black space (people being sent to black space)
HS Basil
#hs basil black space 1
this organizational system is no longer being used because the bot is no longer being used. Unfortunately, arcs aren't really something that's kept track of anymore, though it is partially logged on the Discord server. (old arcs, most not fully logged)
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astronomodome · 9 months
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scabland marketable content
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divinekangaroo · 2 months
there is a thing in how Steven Knight wrote the format for 'Who Wants to Be A Millionaire' and also this upwardly-rising social mobility thing with Tommy; yet inherent in both is an utter humiliation and mortification of the one who wants to be that millionaire (because of their fundamental IGNORANCE which will be found out at some point)
your aspirations become the visual and mental fodder of those who know their place (that place of the voyeur as above or below is irrelevant, but woe to the one who attempts to rise out of their place)
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perpetuallyfive · 1 year
what moving forward really looks like
I’ve seen some discussions of g witch that seem to focus on the idea that in a capitalist hellscape with fascist undertones around every corner, there can’t be objective morality, so who can say what actions are truly good or bad.
And while I do think the show rejects overly binary thinking, it seems to me that the idea that your past mistakes aren’t really mistakes because you had no other choices goes entirely against the point it is making more overtly week to week. The show doesn’t want to engage in really simplistic moralizing of “this was a bad thing so this is an innately bad person.” I agree with that.
However, I do think the show wants to make the point that even in the worst circumstances, in a truly horrific world surrounded by relentless destruction, it’s possible to make your own choices for yourself that work toward being better and doing good, no matter what you may have done or experience before. That objective good can exist and is worth striving for, despite the horror around you, despite the murkiness in charting that course.
This episode both Miorine and Suletta model the idea that in order to truly move forward you must accept your past. A focus on revenge can keep you looking back but so can self-flagellation. If you become overly consumed with guilt, you won’t move beyond the mistakes you regret, which makes the remorse more selfish than productive. In order to grow, in order to do anything right, you have to accept the responsibility of your mistakes but you also very literally have to move beyond them.
Likewise, you have to learn to accept your pain, the things that have deeply hurt you, and you have to want to move past that pain in order to be anything more than an accumulation of agonies. Prospera’s quest for revenge is a motivation entirely derived from her past. Every time she “moves forward” she is actually looking back, focused forever on her own pain. That’s why the daughter in the machine — the child who never got to grow up — is more real to her than the one she has raised into her teenage years. Because those were years Eri never experienced, that is a truth the past her never knew.
Suletta’s accomplishments and chances for a happy and successful life — not to mention the objective good they could do as GUND-ARM, Inc. — is all secondary to the memory of her dead daughter forever stuck as data that can’t grow up, can’t move on. Both Eri and Prospera are stuck 21 years in the past, unable to mature or change or evolve. She doesn’t know how to change course, because to her that would would mean letting go; it would be a betrayal.
But Suletta demonstrates an ability to acknowledge where you came from, what you have experienced, how it has shaped you, and to still make choices of your own beyond that, to still chart her own path. In these last several episodes, Suletta has chosen to move beyond her regrets and anxieties and accept that all the things that have happened have made her the person who is here ready to take her next steps forward, where truly the only thing she is guaranteed to gain — in spite of all she risks — is growth.
Even though she thinks she learned the idea of moving forward from her mother, it’s very clear that Suletta has actually learned a more tangible way to gain two by actually learning to change and to grow. I’m not sure a more stark example of “do as I say, not as I do” has ever really existed.
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dad-sun-and-moon · 2 years
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More of @bloo-the-dragon’s November prompts!
Featuring Camp Fazbear AU! It’s technically also a dad au so it’s okay to post here shh
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deadendtracks · 10 months
i've seen condemnation of tommy for being a dirty capitalist oppressing his workers (mostly in s4) and that's not wrong but also... that is... the fourth season... out of 6 (planned 7)... this is a character arc...
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symbologic · 6 months
Recently saw a discussion on Twitter about why Skypiea gets more hate in the West than in the East
The easy answer is: Blame dudebros and powerscalers who care more about fights than about story (to which they will argue arcs like Impel Down and Marineford were FULL of story), or privileged people feeling uncomfy about the anti-colonialist themes (even though, let's be real, those themes are probably lost on the average Western reader :/)
But Skypiea hate in the West wasn't always a thing. At the time it was being released, most English-speaking fans who were keeping up with OP scanlations and K-F fansubs genuinely enjoyed it.
I honestly think part of the Skypiea hate has to do with a trend we've seen over the past decade, where Western audiences are so, so quick to label certain story elements as "filler" without considering their thematic importance and how it ties into the story the author wants to tell.
Basically, Western audiences have become obsessed with hyper-optimized, fast-paced storytelling that leaves little room to breathe
If the people and politics of an arc are beyond the scope or interest of the story's main antagonists, it's suddenly dismissed as filler that detracts from "more important" things
This attitude is not limited to One Piece alone.
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darius has mentioned alador before and they both seem to keep up with each other’s lives, since darius follows alador on penstagram and alador has darius’s book and i know thats why the fandom focuses on their potential dynamic and i agree i really want to see what they were like when they were still friends! but what i would REALLY like more people to explore is the relationship between darius and odalia. all we have is them hanging out at school in eda’s flashback but they were friends too. what happened?
#toh#the owl house#alador blight#odalia blight#darius deamonne#again i HATED the blight parents arcs and how they were written in the finale#especially odalias writing bc they removed all nuance and just made her a genocial capitalist and her plan doesnt even make any sense#the conflict between her alador and the kids shouldnt have been about whos helping belos it should have been about who believed their kids#but anyway otherwise the blight parents as characters are fascinating to me bc theyre abusive assholes but theyre still sympathetic?#even odalia the 'more' abusive one who ends up solidly a villain#bc in the flashbacks she was worried about getting detention! she was smug and mean but she liked hanging out with her friends!#in the picture of alador winning the bonesborough brawl she was flustered bc her boyfriend was super strong!#even in her debut episode she has a charisma to her as a saleswoman but you also see her worried about sales and be scared of the emperor#and i wanted to see more exploration of why she needed to control the kids and what she wanted them to live up to#not to excuse her but to humanize her and make her more interesting as a villain#bc i hate the trope of the abuser whos shitty not because of fleshed out reasons but because the characters need a plot contrivance#irl abusers arent like that and evil or not everyone has a past and a thought process that explains why theyre Like That#and to make abusive characters evil for cheap drama is poor writing and misses nuance that could have made the story more interesting#anyway i read an analysis before that darius and odalia are parallels and i can see it#odalia is just a darker version of what darius could have become#an exploitative high society asshole who uses her prestige to further her own goals without care towards her loved ones#but theres also the tragedy of the whole trio because like another post said darius could have been uncle darius to the blight kids#but because of the falling out hes never met any of them and the blights have ruined their kids mental health#i hate HATE the hc that they stopped being friends because odalia 'stole' alador from darius as if alador couldnt make his own choices#and the idea of alador 'learning from his mistakes' and rebounding with darius after the odalador divorce because first of all#the 'odalia is an abusive wife' retcon is bullshit and even if it isnt is rebounding to your ex wifes romantic rival REALLY that romantic#especially after leaving said abusive ex wife#idk if i have enough tags to explain my own theory on why darius left the friend group but just know id like it to be more aladors fault#bc darius only expresses disdain towards him odalia probably just got caught in the middle and took aladors side#shut up pandora
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shoplifting · 1 year
"Cass uses ASL because I want her to" the amount of ableism you're perpetuating towards people with receptive-expressive language disorders because you likely didn't even know it's a real thing is horrifying and if you don't use a signed language you personally owe me financial compensation and I'm not joking
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strongfuck · 1 year
Nerd. Idiot. Loser. I am kissing him with my mind.
But fr tho? Even though he's a major capitalist I definitely feel like he'd be a cryptobros (derogatory) least favorite guy, in the best way possible. I know little to nothing about borderlands but I trust your Rhys.
from this meme.
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this is the FUNNIEST description i have ever read for my rhys but you're not wrong! you're not wrong!!! i think as a cyborg who downloads and uploads information to the ECHOnet on a daily basis, the idea of NFTs being presented to him as an investment will just make him cackle
and then they'll explain digital scarcity to him and he'll cackle harder
"DIGITAL SCARCITY? DIGITAL SCARCITY????? i've seen real scarcity and JPEGs are NOT IT"
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prophetmutual · 1 year
So the thing is that a character being exposed to misogyny in universe doesn't actually necessarily mean they are being treated misogynistically by the writers, obviously sometimes that's just the writers making social commentary/critique which is to say that the people who have been very preemptively frustrated with the shiv pregnancy arc this last week when it's only just been introduced and we don't yet know how the writers will play it are not giving the show enough credit imo. Obviously I'll eat my words if they fuck it up but i just think let's not jump the gun. for now I'm exited to see the horrors to come
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 8 months
I kinda like Shinji.
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divinekangaroo · 2 months
not the paper nor the words we waste (but time and lives) - pettiot - Peaky Blinders (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Post S4 and pre S6, snippets of Thomas Shelby's political career.
Ch 1: On the proposed Measure to Grant the Government Additional Powers to Seize the Children of Narrowboat Dwellers who fail to comply with compulsory School Attendence. A day very early in his career where junior Minister Thomas Shelby must defend the right of families to live together on narrowboats.
Note, notwithstanding the 'incomplete' nature, each chapter is substantively a standalone work/one-shot. Tags will update to reflect additional chapters. .
Tommy Shelby, Various Ministers | (Superficial View of) Politics (as a Forum for Identity Assault), Parliament, Alternative Universe Politics, Public Speaking, The Inherent Humiliation and Sledging Associated with Speaking in Parliament, Slurs, Nastiness, Bullying, Irony <-Deep Deep Irony, Schadenfreude, Fremdscham, Secondhand Embarrassment, Work, Imperialism, Class Issues, Colonial Constructs
Writers notes for any interested (also in the tags):
Chapter 1 was drawn from a transcript of a similar argument tabled at Parliament in 1930 (?) I think and again over time (IIRC? read it a few months ago with some searing statements burned into my brain, flinching a little). The politicisation of the lifestyles of people who live and work on narrowboats has a very long and painful history.
I imagine the possibility of the rueful and somewhat bitter realisation when Tommy walks into Parliament to discover his (at that time unknown to any minister) very specific childhood the subject of heated political debate. That he doesn't necessarily want to defend that for personal reasons, but has to recognise that his life wasn't everyone's life, and also that cannot *not* defend that way of living because...well...the alternative he notes in his argument. The consequences of sweeping policy that is typically unconsidered.
I also imagine that suddenly having this in his face in Parliament at a time when he is least mentally stable, could feasibly have contributed further to the breakdown of those boundaries between his war trauma and childhood trauma -> this way in S5 his narrowboat references / childhood trauma references become that increasingly heavy shadow.
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a-dotrivenitupontop · 2 years
me staying up until 2am to watch mythic quest knowing full well i have an english literature exam not even seven hours afterwards
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capfalcon · 2 years
i identify as morally flexible and money hungry
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rowanthestrange · 2 years
#*squints*#alright we’re a bit same brain i know#but you can’t have known i’ve had ‘battle hymn of the republic’#(which i a brit always knew as ‘peter rabbit has a fly upon his nose’)#as like background montage music for dhawan!master doing shit#because that’s getting a bit specific now
............................i didnt.
but my editing skills are at your service please are you gonna make this because this needs to be made
I wouldn’t know how or where to begin, my amv days died with classic Windows Movie Maker. But this is the version I’ve been listening to if you want to make your own head (or irl) montage.
It’s also part of my mindscape for ‘Okay, what if we made the Master an Interventionist (idea still rooted in empire, while acting against the empire’s interests; as opposed to the Doctor’s non-intervening an argument for letting species decide their own fate, however that means adhering to current status quo which does benefit empire) like he’s trying, but he’s not necessarily learning, but he’s also not necessarily wrong all the time either, because They’re Complex, Morality Is Complex, If I Did This On Screen I Would Be Knifed, etc.
Which is a complicated way of leading into ‘This is in a story where the Master actually succeeds in fucking up the Doctor, because he’s gone back in time and is giving AK-47’s to slaves in the American South during the Civil War, and so now ‘How are you going to stop me? By which I mean morally, as well as literally’.
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