#Compare da player
professorbrainstorm · 2 months
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fireheartwraith · 4 months
There are a lot of different traditions during Carnaval, but the allegoric cars players have been building are known to be part of the Parade of the Samba Schools, so I thought I'd explain how it works!
For starters, the Parade is a competition. Each team is called a samba school and they have their own flag and history. People can be really hard or die for their teams! Some are connected to soccer teams, like Gaviões da Fiel (the school) is connected to Corinthians. The two main parades (of this type of carnaval) happen in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
Each school has one hour to completely walk across the sambódromo, and in that hour they have to tell a story or message. That is one of the things they are judged on! The criteria are the drums, the samba-enredo (enredo literally means plot, but this is a genre of samba), the evolution (how the story develops), the harmony (is everyone singing together? Do the people in the parade know the lyrics?), the plot itself, the allegoric cars and accessories, the costumes, the opening act, and the mestre-sala and porta-bandeira.
The parade is divided into sections called alas, and each one of them functions as a chapter in the story being told and have their own separate choreography. The first one is the Comissão de Frente (the opening act). They set the tone for the rest of the team and the public, so it’s common to see celebrities here to get the audience hyped.
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Another crucial part is the drums. They are setting the beat that everyone is dancing to, so they shouldn’t make any mistakes. To both hype them and keep the pacing is the Rainha da Bateria (the Queen of the Drums). She’s a woman dancing samba in very minimal clothing but very heavy accessories. This is a very prestigious spot, the dream of any passista (this is what the samba dancers are called). Since they are the face of the parade, celebrities are sometimes given the position, and not all of them deserve it.
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There are other passistas atop the allegoric cars, but they are not the only type of dancers. There’s the Ala das Baianas (ala of the baiana women): older (usually black but not necessarily) women dancing in traditional clothing. Honestly one of my favorite parts of the parades.
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But my favorite part is the mestre-sala and porta-bandeira. There are several throughout the parade, but only the first one is graded. They are a couple: the man is the mestre-sala dancing around the porta-bandeira (literally 'flag carrier'), who dances with the school flag, and wears a big skirt, usually in the school colors. I wanted to be one when I was a kid, they dance doing twirls and it just looked like so much fun.
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There are other unnamed alas, of course, and the allegoric cars.
The samba schools are very tied to black history and black communities, so their stories are usually very powerful. Like the year they represented a former president as a blood sucking vampire with the presidential sash, or this year, where they showed a statue of a known slaver graffited and on fire. Seriously, some of these cars are insane, and most of them have moving parts while also being light enough to be pushed or motored across the sambódromo, but sturdy enough to support all the dancers on top of it. A true feat of engineering! See the size of the woman near the statue's feet compared to the whole thing?
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Most people celebrate carnaval by going to street parties called "bloco de carnaval" (basically a mini parade with live music), but these huge parade still get a big audience, despite streaming so late at night.
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Here's this year's presentation from Vai-Vai if you're curious to see everything in motion! Originally, I had put a link to Estácio de Sá's presentation, but some politicians want to apply sanctions to Vai-Vai because it represented cops as demons. A few days later, a white man attempted to kill a black man, and the black man was arrested despite witnesses telling the cops what really happened. When news broke out, they kept him in prison on claims of "resisting arrest." So, why is it wrong to say cops are devils?
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Anyways, the Vai-Vai presentation is about celebrating blackness and black creativity and resilience. Happy Carnaval! The winners this year were Mocidade Alegre in São Paulo and Unidos da Viradouro in Rio de Janeiro. You can look up their presentations if you want to.
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radiosummons · 1 year
My sister has been showing me episodes of OG Trigun--mostly in preparation for Trigun Stampede--but also because it's one of her favorite manga of all time.
And holy SHIT I cannot even begin to explain how fucking batshit this show is. Just hearing Johnny Yong Bosch's voice alone immediately sent me back at least fifteen years.
I have watched all episodes of OG Trigun while drunk, high and sober. And regardless of my state of inebreiation, I was always left with the exact, inescapable feeling of wanting to fucking die from the sheer nostalgic cringe and insanity of it all. I hate this show. I love this show. I'm fucking obsessed.
So, to all those who are curious (or would just like a mini idea of how to compare OG Trigun with Trigun Stampede)--here is my comprehensive list of things that ACTUALLY happened in Trigun that make me go absolutely batshit just thinking about them:
The sheer insanity of the--balls to the walls, barely held together with ducktape, spit and shoestring--of a plot, all with apparently little to no accuracy to the manga whatsoever. This both amuses and horrifies my sister.
The absolute refusal on the part of the anime to actually explain literally anything. Like the fact that the show takes place in space. Or why humanity is on a desert planet. Or what Plants are, why they're important, why they're there, literally ANYTHING.
Seriously, if you've only ever watched the anime you would have no fucking clue what the Plants are or what they even do. And THEY'RE LITERALLY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT BITS OF LORE/A HUGE PART OF THE PLOT OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING MANGA.
A major bit of Trigun's lore/setting is just straight up the events of Wall-E.
Johnny Yong fucking Bosch as Vash's English VA. Enough said.
Vash--by simply existing and (mostly) through no direct fault of his own--is capable of wrecking such sheer and complete utter devastation that there's an actual insurance policy people can file after their town is destroyed in the aftermath of him visiting. Iconic.
Monev is just Spiderman's Venom but with a purple and orange reskin. This was intentional on part of the creator as he is obsessed with Venom. Good on him.
This is only specific to the English Dub (we switched to the original sub for the more "serious" episodes, calm down), but HOLY FUCK the absolutely atrocious line deliveries somehow make the show even worse and yet ultimately so much funnier all at the same time!
Millions Knives is the name of Vash's twin brother.
Vash is bisexual. There are multiple occassions where he will call a random male character "Cute" or "Cutie." Somehow, I am not the least bit surprised.
Christianity exists. And the Church trains orphans to be assassins. This makes perfect sense.
In the second episode of the series (English Dub), there's an actual scene where an old man and his grandson LOUDLY lament the absolute devastation of their home in the most inappropriately cheerful and candid way possible. And then the fucking kid follows that up by just singing out of fucking nowhere "~Bad times are here LALALALALA!!!!!~"
Vash is part gun.
According to "company regulations," as insurance workers Milly and Meryl are not allowed to take part time jobs. They later take part time jobs. My broke ass resonated too fucking hard with this bit.
"Oh, maaaan! Why can't I just get a break?! Death and poverty like me so much, they've brought friends!" Fucking. Mood.
At one point, Vash does the crab walk to dodge a barrage of bullets. This is, surprisingly, quite effective.
"I'll whack you, mister!"
Legato's introduction is him sitting down on a bench and then PULLING A HOT DOG OUT OF A PAPER BAG WITH A HUMAN HEAD IN IT!!!!
Legato has his own personal saxophone player that just follows him everywhere???????
"Oh my. I'm about to go down in ~fllaaaaaammeesssss!~"
In EP 16, someone just starts randomly scatting in the background for no reason. No explanation is ever offered.
"My name is .... VASH DA STAMPEDE-DUUUH!!!!!"
Also in EP 16, one of the villains for that episode sounds, deadass, exactly like Jar Jar Binks. I am not joking.
Legato can blood bend.
There's a mini episode dedicated to Milly and Meryl. Vash shows up for five seconds hiding in a trash can. The joke writes itself.
"The DEADLY DODGEBALL HEAD!!! A simple technique to hold the ball in place with INTENSE SUUUCTION!! Try this at home! ;)"
Knives eats an apple, cuts his own hair and enters his impromptu emo arc.
Legato gets horny over the idea of Vash crying. Idk what to tell you, man.
Wolfwood shoots a child. Granted, said child was gonna try to kill Vash and a bunch of orphans. But still.
Vash makes up a dark song about murdering and killing people. The villains of that episode proceed to roast him for his shit lyrics.
Wolfwood doesn't understand why everyone is mad at him for KILLING A CHILD.
"I meditate diligently every morning. The subjects are life and love ... I quit after three seconds."
The actually downright amazing OST, that has no right to be as good as it is. No joke, one of the best anime OSTs I have ever heard in my life.
"And if you're still having doubts, check out my 100% accurate gunmanship!" *proceeds to shoot directly at the sky only then for a black cat to fall directly on his head. The cat's fine btw*
At a certain point, Vash fakes his identity, gets a disguise and goes under a false name. Said false name being "Eriks." He looks like if someone ran Hohenheim through the washer and then hung him on a clothesline for a week. I have ... no fucking words.
"What is this strange phenomena? Is it some sort of strange and twisted Christian science!?"
For as menacing as they make Legato out to be, he sure does shit all in the grand scheme of things. Also he looks like he raids Seto Kaiba's closet on the DL and duels monsters on weekends.
Vash will randomly have Bishie eyes. Arguably, his most Bishie moment is right after Wolfwood punches him in the face. I'll let you infer what you want from this.
Rem randomly appears out of nowhere to taunt Vash with nonsense riddles and haikus. No explanation is ever given until EP 17 for who Rem is, why she keeps reappearing in Vash's mind, if she's even a real person or just someone Vash made up, etc. Because of this, it just looks like Vash keeps receiving American Beauty-style rose shower psychic attacks while a random woman just spouts absolute nonsense at him. There is no way this explanation will prepare you for the actual experience of watching it.
 "I am known as Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz-" *prolonged pause* "-Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser the Third. Don't hestitate to call."
Vash gets adopted by an old woman and her granddaughter. It's actually kind of sweet.
A minor villain in EP 18 demands that Vash strip and then act like a dog. He proceeds to do both without a single objection. Wolfwood pulls down his sunglasses and leers at Vash's naked ass. My sister has informed me that this is actually canonical.
Rem is a hyper Christian.
Wolfwood takes personal offense to a burlesque dancer being absolute shit at dancing. Honestly ... I can't even argue with him.
"Hey, 'Thou Shalt Not Kill,' REMEMBER!? WHAT KIND OF CHURCH MAN ARE YOU!!!?"
Vash saves a town's Plant through the power of Bishie.
While trying to save a child, Vash and Wolfwood both get sucked into quicksand. Said child just watches them go into the ground. I would have done the same.
Milly, Vash and Wolfwood decide to share drinks and before any of them even take a single shot, Milly decides to strip naked. Vash and Wolfwood are very pleased by this. Meryl is not.
"WHOSE idea was it to USE THE GRENADE!!!?? He can't be identified for the reward if he's a pile of pulp, YOU DUMBASS!!!!"
Wolfwood calls Vash pathetic. This kickstarts yet another existential crisis within Vash.
"Thank GOD you asked! It's a long story, although it's kind of a short one."
For literally no reason at all, child Knives decides to embrace his Anti-Christ symbolism and goes full Joker mode. This is not at all accurate to the manga.
Vash and Knives are aliens/Plants. Rem thinks they're actual Christian angels. Deadass.
Milly forces Wolfwood to pretend to be her baby daddy for a whole episode. For pudding. Yup.
Vash enters a dom/sub relationship with a Pokemon gym leader looking lady and they engage in extremely explicit pet play.
Anyway, watch OG Trigun. If you've ever watched any sort of anime abridged series, it will definitely make things a little easier for you. There are definitely too many points at which this show feels like a YouTube Poop and I mean in that best and worst possible way.
Also Meryl is Best Girl. I will not budge on this.
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felassan · 1 year
A former BioWare Design Director has tweeted his take on the recent BioWare and SW:TOR news. tweet compilation, as it's interesting and illuminating insight:
"My take on the SWTOR/BioWare split For SWTOR: This is a Good Thing For BioWare: This is a Big Loss A thread:
My point of view is someone who worked for BioWare Austin on SWTOR from 2009 as an Assistant World Designer through 2022 as Design Director (with some Anthem, Shadow Realms, and <NDA> years sprinkled about).
BioWare Austin (BWA) was its own studio for many years, founded in order to make that game. MMO’s are expensive, y’all.
We didn’t really collaborate with BioWare Edmonton (BWE) on the dev side much, because there was no need to (with some exceptions – they had built the original on-rails space shooting component, for example).
As a business, in this model all revenue and expenses roll up into the greater whole (BioWare), which then roll into EA’s Group, and so on.
After many years, this model shifted and changed, for a large variety of reasons I won’t get into. BWA would no longer be a separate entity, but under the same core leadership as BWE – One BioWare (BW).
What this meant realistically was you had a boxed product business that had been tried and true for years, combined with a live service MMO business that wasn’t really understood by the boxed product folks. Arguably by EA either, to be fair.
You see, MMO’s can be fairly predictable if they run long enough. We knew the SWTOR business very well. We knew how to turn every dollar invested in the game into several more. SWTOR was (and continues to be) a very profitable business, with loads of heart behind it.
But an older game isn’t sexy. It’s not new. It doesn’t get marketing orgs excited or social media teams jazzed. It’s a ‘legacy game’, despite the mountains of income coming in that other franchises are built off of.
And you FELT it, as a member of the team. It’s a fantastic dev team, filled with incredible talent. How then, with such a close-knit team, did you always feel less-than?
Well, just take a look around. Look at BW’s social media posts and count the proportion of SWTOR game/fan/anything posts compared to ME or DA. Remember that BioWare 25th anniversary book? The beautiful 328 page recollection of BioWare’s history, and celebration of all franchises?
For a game like SWTOR that had been live already for 9 of those 25 years at the time of publication, how many pages, dear reader, do you think had any SWTOR imagery or content at all? Ten. Teams notice this. They feel it, and it feels like shit.
Does BW despise SWTOR? I don’t think so – they don’t understand it, and it was someone else’s game. Does EA despise SWTOR? I don’t think so – it’s a legacy live service, and again, was someone else’s game.
As a dev on SWTOR, you feel like your game is a burden to all of the layers above you, but you persist. You put so much heart and passion into the game, and you thrive on the fans and tremendous partnership with LucasFilm.
So to bring us back to current news, imagine a team excited about a game, with incredible plans, that have felt ‘less-than’ by their own studio and company for years, being unleashed.
Being part of an org that KNOWS the MMO business, and understands those player communities and the incredible stories and connections they form.
This feels like an exciting new chapter to me, and I’m optimistic about what this means for that team and the game. SWTOR is, to the best of my knowledge, the longest-running Star Wars anything, ever. It’s a special game and I’m so happy to see where the team takes it.
As far as BW, it would have certainly be in their best interest as a business to maximize exposure and support for SWTOR publicly over the years, since the SWTOR revenue has allowed for the…unusually long…dev cycles to continue for the last several games.
But now without SWTOR, there will be less places to hide heads, R&D, and time. You’ve got blockbuster single-player experiences hitting high Metacritic scores with…2-3 year dev cycles? And the BW pattern has been…double? Triple that?
I think it will be interesting to see how the EA/BW relationship continues to evolve in this new world. /end"
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gabigabigabby · 1 year
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'cause i miss you | j. félix
joão félix x carrasco!reader
a/n: is this long? if it is, im sry LMAOOO. inspired by my fave song from sza's new album, 'SOS'. would also like to mention that joão is still in atlético in this fic bc i have crippling separation anxiety from jf7 🫠 let's also pretend gavi has a license
synopsis: you and joão had been broken up for six months, and after finding out you were screwing a fellow laliga player, the jealousy comes seeping into his soul, as if you haven't been broken up for half a year.
contents/warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of torture, cussing, reconciliation, google translated portuguese bc i'm not fluent yet, misunderstanding don't we just hate that?
you knew pablo gavi was absolutely nothing in bed compared to joão félix, but you couldn't fully admit that to yourself just yet. while you still have gavi, you should at least bask in the moment, instead of thinking about your deadbeat ex-boyfriend, the resident golden boy of atlético de madrid.
you'd been having your way with pablo for about three months. three months since joão left you for for this portuguese girl. if that didn't make you want to torture joão more than he'd been tortured by your departure, you don't know what else to do.
it was harder with pablo because he's a barcelona player, and as much as you wanted to keep this fling going, you couldn't — because of clearly obvious reasons. the entire barça squad knew you as being on atléti's side, and you had made gavi swear on his life that he wouldn't tell pedri or anyone about your secret rendezvous.
gavi had been talking about today for weeks and weeks on end. "mi amor, today is finally the day!" he announced early in the morning.
brushing your teeth, you turn to pablo, mouth full of toothpaste. "remind me one more time?"
"babe, we face atléti tonight!" pablo grins, shaking his hands in excitement. you could've swore he wanted to jump around.
"right..." your voice drifted off, knowing very well you will have to see him again. him. the man that broke the very heart pablo so graciously picked up and pieced back together.
gavi noticed the way you disconnected from the conversation, and he knew why too. "is this about joão?" he didn't even know why he asked.
"don't wanna talk about it." you sigh.
"don't have to," pablo shrugs. and that gesture was enough for you to realise... you're gonna be okay.
as gavi drove the both of you to camp nou, you wished you should've put on your brother yannick's jersey instead. rooting for your brother's rival club didn't sound all that good to you, but you had no choice. you threw one of gavi's jerseys on anyway.
camp nou was rowdy that night. all the home fans were riled up, ready to watch barça knock atléti off their rockers. you were sat next to lewa's wife anna and raphinha's wife natalia.
"como vai você? eu sei que este jogo vai ser difícil para você assistir." taia checked in on you after noticing your twiddling fingers. taia was one of your best friends since you guys had met through gavi and raphinha. you'd considered taia to be like an older sister to you. [how are you? i know this game will be difficult for you to watch.]
"eu vou viver," you tell taia. "eu não vou ser imaturo sobre isso. não é como se ele estivesse aqui para me pedir de volta. é só joão." you fall silent, because you know it's not just joão. pablo is known for his fits on the pitch. and knowing what joão had done to you six months ago, you doubt pablo will take it easy on him. you know it will get personal. [i'll live. i'm not gonna be immature about it. it's not like he's here to ask me back. it's just joão.]
"você o perdeu," taia says. you were about to protest, but she raises her hand in front of you. "não brinque comigo. eu conheço você." [you miss him. no, don't play with me. i know you.]
you drop your head, embarrassed to even look at taia. "não há nada para se envergonhar, querida. eu sei como joão mudou sua vida. ele era o amor da sua vida, e sempre dói ver o amor da sua vida se levantar e te deixar assim. mas você está seguindo em frente, você está feliz com o pablo, certo?" [there is nothing to be ashamed about, sweetheart. i know how joão changed your life. he was the love of your life, and it always hurts to watch the love of your life up and leave you like that. but you're moving on, you're happy with pablo, right?]
you nod, taia shrugs at your motion. "aí está. agora vamos, endireite-se. o jogo está começando." [there you have it. now come on, straighten up. the game is starting.]
as you watch barça and atléti walk out of the tunnel and move to their respective sides, you notice gavi leaning forward and looking towards his left, locking eyes with joão. while gavi was boring his eyes through joão's head, joão was scanning the stands before him, looking for nobody else other than you.
"that atléti kid should keep his eyes to himself." anna said, her polish accent jeers next to taia. your face drops as soon as the eyes belonging to the portuguese boy lands on yours. you noticed how brisk the little inkling of fear you had weeks prior to this game had engulfed you whole when he did. you didn't know what to do, so you just send him a quick smile, only for him to roll his eyes at you as a reply. at that point, you felt extremely defeated. you tried to be nice, to be civil. it was all just starting to backfire on you now.
you watched as barça trotted over towards atléti, dapping them up before running off to warm up. gavi wouldn't pay joão any mind. he just sent joão a quick shove, harsh enough to send his shoulder backward, hitting your brother's chest. "dude..." yannick groaned, joão minding his business.
having pablo and joão share the pitch had been your biggest fear since your breakup. sometimes, you cursed at the fact that gavi chose barça and la liga instead of the prem or serie a.
the game was finally concluded, atléti defeating barça 2-0 at home. you were surprised at the fact that you actually got through the whole game. xavi had allowed the guys to come and greet you, anna and natalia.
"hi babe," gavi panted, wiping the sweat off his forehead as you beam at him. "sorry we lost, did you enjoy the game?"
you scoffed at his answer. "psh stop. of course i did, starboy! you were amazing out there. i'm very happy."
gavi slowly grinned at you. "me alegro." you simpered back, before noticing joão staring at you a few feet away. as you and him locked eyes, he shook his head and walked into the tunnel, his eyes glared at you before he did. [i'm glad.]
"amor, disculpa solo un segundo?" you asked gavi politely. he nodded, before you push your way through the crowd into the tunnel. [love, excuse me just a second?]
you were grateful you wore sneakers tonight. "joão," you called out. he kept walking. "joão!" you raised your voice, but he still wouldn't acknowledge you. you sped up, grabbing him by his forearm. "olhe pra mim quando sou falando com você." [look at me when i'm talking to you.]
"what is there to talk about?" joão raised both his arms, before letting them fall harshly beside his thighs. "you're with that idiot now. não posso fazer nada sobre isso agora, posso?" [i can't do anything about it now, can i?]
your train of thought fully disappeared the minute he told you he couldn't do anything about you and gavi. "you left, j."
"because you disappeared," joão began to explain, but you had zero clue what he was talking about. "you grew away from me ever since you met him. it's like i no longer exist to you. i'm not gonna let myself be the guy that you run to when some other dude from a rival club tells you he doesn't like you like that. that's why i left, but that doesn't mean i stopped loving you."
"you moved on." you say again.
"yeah, well... so did you," joão's chin dropped to his chest. "yannick told me." of course yannick told him.
"yannick's a rat." you mumbled.
"i know." joão heard.
"well, just so you know, i slept with him 'cause i miss you." you couldn't hold that deadweight in your chest anymore.
"oh i know. i wanted you to say it," joão raised his eyebrow, breaking a small smile. you did the same. "leave him, carrasco. it's not like he's good for you."
"what do i tell him?" you hated the idea of breaking a boy's heart, especially pablo's.
"be honest. and he can pout all he wants." joão mocked.
you contemplated the idea for a few minutes, before making a counter-offer. "you tell him with me."
"deal," joão raised his head confidently, looking at you through his lashes. "eu vou ser tão mau, ele vai começar a chorar." [i'll be so mean, he'll start crying.]
"não faça isso." you smacked his arm, giggling. [don't do that.]
"senti sua falta, carras'." joão smiled. you had missed the way he'd shorten your last name. all in all, you missed having joão félix in your life. [i missed you, carras'.]
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wolven91 · 8 months
A Happy, Imperfect Life
William sighed as he woke. Rain drummed on the slanted windows above his head, it was a steady, hard rain. The water that constantly sluiced off the window promised it was going to be a wet day, all day.
Thankfully, there was no need to leave his apartment. No job to go to, no bills to pay. One of the joys of being amongst the stars and being a member of an endangered species, meant that William had been offered a place of his own as soon as the settlement had been opened. A year later and his little slice of life had taken on his personality. Posters of alien films that he'd enjoyed, hard copies of their music were stacked in a ramshackle pile near the music player.
But William's favourite part of his home, was his bed. Designed for an ursidain, it was massive. Ursidains were usually over twice the height of a full-grown human, so length ways he had to scoot on his ass for several lengths before escaping via the bottom and with the giant bear-like creatures being so large, both in width and mass, the comparatively tiny human could roll sideways several times either way before falling off the bed.
It all meant that each night, William slept in an expanse of soft, cushioned heaven that he had only dreamed off back on Earth.
A small smile graced his face as he considered it all. He missed his family, that wasn't ever really going to heal completely, but their painful memory had at least scabbed over. Every now and then something would catch it and the pain of their loss would flair, but he was at least coming to accept that whilst unfair, his life wasn't over just because theirs were.
The sound of a tongue licking a muzzle with a half-asleep growl came from below his chin. Glancing down, William couldn't help but smirk at Torri's leather nose sticking out from beneath the massive blanket. Any time the blanket fell, and William was exposed to the cold, he'd need to wake Torri just so the canid could grab the blanket and pull it back into place. So much material to cover the expansive mattress made it quite heavy, more so than what William could leverage when laying down.
Torri, a male canid, was half asleep and laying on top of William. His head was resting on the man's torso, the size difference meaning that it alone was enough to cover him from hip to just below his collarbone. The canid's shoulders pressed the human's hips into the mattress and the arms were raised up, either side of the human. William's legs were splayed apart but hugging the canid's torso on either side. They weren't long enough to reach the canid's hips. The human was totally pinned. He may have been able to wiggle free by climbing up the bed, but these kinds of mornings were his favourite.
Canids ran hot, heating the human and with the weather so awful outside, the gentle warmth was bliss. There was only one problem, highlighted when the canid opened one eye and rolled his head upright, his furry jaw pressing into William's stomach.
"Oh! Careful, you're right on my bladder."
Wrong thing to say, the canid grinned wickedly and deliberately pressed down resulting in William scrabbling at the canid's head while complaining. Thankfully the creature stopped and raised himself on his arms before crawling up the bed, easily straddling the human.
"I'm cold now." Pouted William, up at Torri who smirked down whilst gently shaking his head in humorous disbelief. The canid leant down and placed a gentle kiss against the human's lips. William returned the kiss, stroking gentle fingers through the fine, if messy fur along the canid's jawline. They stayed there, enjoying tasting one another.
"Such cruelty I subject you to. I'm sure to lose my job."
"Definitely. I need the loo though, and you need to brush your teeth. Dog breath." William ribbed at the canid while rolling to one side, intending on leaving the bed.
"'Dog'? The little yappy things you showed me? If you're calling me a feral, I can show you feral..."
"Don't you da-ACK!" The human's words were cut off as the canid easily snatched the human up, bringing him back to the centre of the bed with ease. It was always humbling to be shown just how outclassed humanity was on the strength scale. Aside from the races that were smaller than humanity, the rest, the vast majority of the various species, were all stronger and all larger.
It was hard to accept that even if one devoted themselves to being the strongest fighter, the strongest human alive, it only meant that they might be on par with an average member of the larger species. Torri was a canid. The soldiers of The Galactic Community. They were feared by the established species as the boogeymen that came to correct any person, city, planet, or system that strayed too far from The Community's goals. Canids counted in the trillions and each and every one of them had all the equipment of a werewolf of yore.
Claws and teeth. Deadly, strong, fast, incredible trackers and fighters. They hit hard, healed rapidly, and worked with one another with such efficiency it bordered on telepathy. Trillions of canids.
Humans counted in the millions. Not on the planet, in the whole galaxy; a handful of millions. Fighting The Galactic Community wasn't an option. Fighting anyone wasn't an option. A lone human would be taken out in seconds. Even if every human moved as one, the sheer numbers of only one of the other species would overwhelm them, let alone the sixteen member species of The Community and the unknown others.
And what would humanity fight for? Earth didn't exist anymore. William had seen the Sol System with his own eyes. Where 'Earth' had been, was dust. Not even rocks remained. It was... hard... to accept that all humanity's culture and history was gone. Cave paintings from the first human-like creature were just memories. But all was not lost. There was no 'bad guy', no one vocally wanting humanity's destruction. The Community claimed what happened was a horrible accident. An event that nobody could have predicated or stopped beforehand. Whether that was true? Well... that was above William's paygrade. All he knew was that humans were adored by all sixteen races, they were the favourites.
Currently, William's concern was the massive, broad, vengeful tongue that was being slapped and wiped across his face. He brought his arms up to defend himself, shouting and crying out, although his laughter undercut any concerns that he was serious. The canid merely continued, forearms, cheeks, forehead, ears, exposed lips. All were open for him to 'attack' until Torri was satisfied. The human was panting, while wiping his face clear of drool and slobber in the calm that followed.
"Don't call me a 'dog' then. Although, that was fun, and you taste good..." Torri drew the last word out into a growl before lowering his head against and pushing his snout into the crux of William's neck and shoulder much to the human's 'squeaking'. Teeth nipped and nibbled until the human was able to extract himself from the canid's assault.
A few minutes later and the mood had changed significantly. The canid was holding his arms crossed, blocking the bathroom door, preventing William from leaving.
"You said you wanted to clean your teeth and you absolutely need to." Torri pointed out, glaring down at the human, pointing with a claw before recrossing his arms. This was the same look Torri gave anyone that he wanted to leave him alone when guarding somewhere, yet the human remained defiant.
"Brush. I want to 'brush' my teeth." William pointed out, emphasizing the point, whilst holding the still squirming creature between two fingers.
"That's inefficient and 'gross' as you say."
"I'm not sticking a bug in my mouth!"
"It's not a bug, it's a type of shrimp and it's how everyone keeps their teeth clean." Torri explained with the air of explaining that water was indeed wet.
"I'm not-" The human's words were lost as the canid, with frightening speed, reached forwards with one hand, and held the human's jaw in one hand, holding his teeth apart through his cheeks, then Torri, using his free arm, merely grabbed William's forearm and brought the squirming creature to his lips. Before William could react, the shrimp had pulled itself into the human's mouth and begun its work. The canid merely clamped his now free hand over the human's mouth with a bemused expression while William squirmed and screwed up his face, feeling the thing writhe and move.
"Don't swallow it. Never eat a dental shrimp." The canid explained while watching the human's face. Within ten seconds, William could feel the shrimp attempting to crawl back out through his lips, where the canid finally released him. The canid didn't bother trying to pluck the dental shrimp from the human's lips. Canids didn't have that kind of dexterity and would more likely leave William with at least a cut. Instead, the solider merely took a step back while William instinctively spat the tiny creature on to the floor whilst trying not to gip.
"There; you see?" Torri bent down and plucked the creature from the floor, before throwing it into the jar of green liquid kept by the bathroom sink with others of its kind. "All clean!"
William frowned, and hated the fact that when he ran a tongue over and along his teeth, they felt like he had just come from the dentist after a clean and polish. Better than what he could have done...
The various worlds and cultures amongst the stars had an infinite array of treasures to behold. They were post-scarcity societies. There were countless wonders that blew Willaim away like every time he got to see space stations the size of moons float through the sky. Then, there were the culture shocks. Reminders that this wasn't Earth, that it wasn't sanitised or what was expected on Earth.
The mere act of 'brushing' one's teeth was seen as primitive and disgusting. Whereas using a symbiotic creature to accomplish the same goal was completely normal. The human breathed in deep and calmed himself. When in Rome... He considered the event in a positive light, letting more of his standards from Earth slip further away.
"It's... kind of minty..?" He admitted honestly.
"That's the way! Now... the truly hard task of deciding what to do today. We could sit on the sofa and watch the new show or lay in bed and watch the new show."
"New show?"
"Aw! I forgot to tell you! They found a 'lapped top'! It's human and they put the show onto the data net. I don't know if you know it or not, you said that there were enough films not everyone had seen everything?" Torri explained, walking back into the living area.
"Do you know what it's called?" William asked, eyeing the squirming shrimp before turning off the bathroom light.
"Something like The Blue Extended Ring Lords? I'm not remembering it right, but it's something like that."
The human paused, before letting hope bloom inside of him. Torri had no idea what he was suggesting. William had to admit, the pros outweighed the cons with living with aliens sometimes. As he watched Torri create a nest on the sofa before patting the space between his legs for William to join him, the human gave a contented grin.
Life could still be good. 
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 6, Poll 2
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Olivia-Fear and Hunger 2: Termina
She is a wheelchair user and bisexual. During the confessional scene, players can have her admit to being attracted to any of the other train passengers, although O'saa immediately clocks her for being specifically attracted to one of the women on the train. Additionally, reading her mind in the demo reveals that she finds both Marina and Levi attractive.
Olivia is my personal favorite disabled representation in any horror game since she does have to get through the game differently compared to the non-wheelchair using players, it is simply another way of experiencing the game. She's also just a very fun character among the horrors. She's also super down for killing the horrors with a gun she found! Elated even!
Havelock Vetinari-Discworld
Canonically disabled (bad leg and uses a cane), fanon commonly as not-straight and even in-universe no one has any clue what this mans sexuality is. Also incredible queer vibes
I love this man. Guy is a trained assassin who is probably some flavour of neurodivergent and is also running the biggest city in the world. He is a benevolent tyrant who despises slavery, actively drags the city towards the future with actual helpful projects such as revolutionizing the banking system and including species other then humans in the city and generally works for the city, not personal gain. Too many of the other rich people don’t really like him, which means his biggest supporters are the beggars guild, the sex workers (Who he allowed to essentially unionise) and occasionally the city watch, whose leader severely dislikes rich people and only supports him because everyone else would be worse. Vetinari also keeps the discs equivalent of Leonardo da Vinci in his attic. To be fair, he is there voluntarily and could probably leave if he really wanted to. The inhabitants of the city he rules have no idea what exactly his sexuality is and speculate about. Him having a potential affair with the ruler of another country is speculated, but there is zero proof for that and to be honest, common fanon is that he is most definitely not straight and likely more closer to gay or asexual. As a ruler of the city there were several attempts to depose of him, including such ideas as summoning a dragon to be able crown someone as king, poisoning via arsenic-laced candles (Vetinari was able to identify the poison while halfway delirious) and on one notable occasion getting turned into a lizard. During one of these attempts he got shot, which results in him having to use a cane. Also, Vetinari really likes dogs.
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depressed-emoji · 9 months
harry's "hobbies," according to me:
ruining snape's life [slay!!]
being obsessed with draco malfoy
constantly checking the marauders map for "reasons" [thats me with my phone]
being a third wheel to ronmione [he's so used to it by now]
simping over quidditch players, especially those seekers
crying about sirius [i would]
staying up at night and getting no sleep
then just sleeping at breakfast, in class when binns isn't looking, in the library, in the ROR, literally anywhere
screaming in his sleep because of some dream
being so, so, so, emo and depressed [haha]
being obsessed with draco malfoy
hermione: "hey harry!" ; harry: "sirius used to call me that" ; ron: "that's because it's your fucking name." [saw this as a post on pinterest, like a screenshot from tumblr and i was like, 'canon. SO CANON.']
having the lily evans temper tantrum™️ that would scare the fuck outta remus and sirius cause LILY WAS SCARY OMFG
hating himself [relatable bestie]
being annoyed by people comparing him to others, especially his father
being happy with just teddy, thank you very much, i don't want an AlBuS sEvErUs lmao
having a twitter acc dedicated to wolfstar [he accepts fanfics, fanart, headcanons, microfics, etc. no y/n lupin-black though.]
having a shitpost youtube channel where he rants with luna and it's the most hilarious stuff ever
restarting DA after the war and everyone just chilling and trying to make patronuses
did i mention quidditch? he loves quidditch.
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blank-house · 1 month
allloo!! i was wondering about if some scenes are kinda like randomized?? like i noticed when i played through the game for a second time i ended up winning the volleyball game compared to the first time i played where i lost, just wondering if it’s different every time or something! :D
im also curious to know if over time the boys affection towards us grows as we continue playing or do we kinda decide what they feel towards us at like the beginning of the season? or if da boys feelings towards us depends on what we choose to feel about them?
(im really sorry if i explained it badly, i still need to improve my english some more.. :<... also sorry if you guys already answered this question before)
also hope the entire team is well! you guys are amazing! <3
Allllooo!!! Thanks for the kind words there pal! We are doing our damn best rn haha (also you explained great! So don’t worry ^^)
As for your questions— in the oto jam demo yup it’s randomized! We’ve mentioned it before buuuut we simply ran out of time to implement the QTE section I wanted ahahaaaa In the extended demo you’ll have more control of the situation though so you can actually win or fail the scavenger hunt based on those QTEs!
For your second question, the guys’ feelings will grow! Sooo players won’t get to decide how the guys will feel, andddd it’s totally independent from how your characters feels toward them! We might’ve shot ourselves in the foot with this one but I’m one happy camper seeing the variations in our scripts so far. So hope you guys enjoy them!
Speakinggg offff I’ll take this opportunity to say to keep an eye out for an announcements of sorts next month! We can’t promise you guys the demo at the start of the month like I had hoped but you guys will be able to get it before the summer starts. We’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel with the art assets and I’m both excited and nervous to heck lmao
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riririnnnn · 2 months
So till now we got these match-ups:
Isagi Vs Rin
Kunigami Vs Shidou
Hiori Vs Charles
Possible match-ups:
Ness Vs Zantetsu
Raichi Vs Tokimitsu
Kiyora Vs Karasu
The free players we have in the field are:
Michael Kaiser
Nanase Nijiro
I'm proud of my boy, Nanase, but saying Kaiser Vs Nanase is a bit.. farfetched. I could say Kaiser Vs Loki once the latter is subbed in, but it doesn't make sense because of two reasons:
Loki isn't a player in PxG. He is the coach and till now, we have only seen Coach Vs Coach. Further his statement about surpassing Noa gives us a hint of Noa Vs Loki happening.
Loki will only be in the field for three minutes.
It'll be an interesting thing to see since there are four more benched players (of Blue Lock):
Kurona Ranze
Igarashi Gurimu
Neru Teppei
Yukimiya Kenyu
Kurona's sub in is low-key necessary since his ranking dropped from 12 to 16 and the same could be said for Yukimiya because he went from 9 to 14.
IGA-DA-GOAT-GURI and Neru literally have zero bids, and considering Noa's behaviour when Kiyora's sub in got halted because of Isagi, I do think Noa will sub in these two to give them some kind of exposure, so that they, at least, have a club where they could go—I think a really funky type of man will find Igaguri really humourous and hence, will invite him in his club.
Now, the two main stuffs I wanted to rant about are:
Hiori Vs Charles
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Taking in account of Hiori's gameplay ever since he was introduced, many in the Fandom had correctly predicted about Charles Vs Hiori.
The main takeaway from this matchup is that alongside Reo, I think Hiori might play as one of the main midfielder in U-20 World Cup. He has already been called as someone with an ego alike that of Sae's, so Hiori Vs Sae or Hiori + Sae gameplay might happen in the future.
I also think that no matter what's the result of BM Vs PxG is, Charles will, probably, acknowledge Hiori as his main rival or something and form a rivalry. Charles will also level up a lot because of Hiori and vice versa.
It'll be an interesting thing to see the possible reaction of Hiori's parents when he'll return back home—I hope he traumatises back his parents or maybe his parents will change for good and support Hiori for real this time since aiming to become the best midfielder is an amazing thing too.
Kiyora Vs Karasu
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This matchup isn't yet confirm (as of 25 March, 2024), I just think it's plausible because of recent chapters' panels, but if it came to be true, then it can give us a lot of information about Kiyora's gameplay.
One interesting thing to note is that Karasu's gameplay includes putting pressure on his opponents and breaking them while guess what Kiyora dislikes? Yes, atrophy, which can be interpreted as something breaking. One more thing that is noteworthy is that Karasu was provoking Isagi during the tryouts in the third selection and guess what Kiyora likes? Yes, someone provoking him.
Karasu is a very witty person and physically comparing them, Kiyora stands no chance, so it can only be a battle of wits and if Kiyora wants to truly defeat him, then he needs to pull up some smartass moves to deceive him.
Honestly, comparing some of their traits, these two seem like a really good matchup to eachother.
Kiyora and Rin lookalike (volume cover), so what if they are cousins or something? That'll be interesting.
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professorbrainstorm · 2 months
Introducing: Compare Da Player
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Compare the internet's most popular video player styles, All in 1 place, In a simple efficient way.
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Compare da Player
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luigalaxy · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day! 💜💜
I wanted to get this out to you sooner since you're in a different time zone, but.... ✨ Ta-da ✨
Leo wraps his arm around your waist as you step out onto the balcony, his gaze fixated on the serene beauty of the lake. "You've got a good eye, babe. This place is perfect," he whispers, his voice filled with genuine awe. His fingers trace delicate patterns on your side, sending a shiver down your spine. "The view is nothing compared to you though," he adds with a playful wink.
As you take in the scenery, Leo leans in closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "You know, this place is secluded. No one around for miles," he murmurs, his voice husky with desire. "We've got all the privacy we need. No interruptions, no distractions."
He trails his fingers up your arm, his touch feather-light yet electrifying. "What do you say we make the most of it? Celebrate Valentine's Day in our own special way?" he suggests, his tone filled with promise.
You spin around, your back against the railing of the balcony. "What did my charming turtle have in mind?" You ask, your voice playful, hands trailing down his chest.
Leo's eyes gleam with mischief as he leans in closer, his lips brushing against your earlobe. "Oh, my dearest love, I have countless ideas in this twisted little mind of mine," he whispers, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine.
His hands move to cup your face gently, his touch both tender and full of desire. He presses his body against yours, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "I want to uncover every secret you've been keeping, my love. To make you quiver with pleasure and leave you breathless with every touch." His fingers trail down your neck, tracing a path of fire along your collarbone. "But remember, it's a game, and in this game, both players win."
"A game?" You mumble, your fingers slipping under his shirt as his body presses against yours.
A mischievous grin spreads across Leo's face as he feels your fingers teasingly stroke his tail. He leans in closer, his lips grazing against your ear as he whispers, "Oh, my sweet and daring valentine,’ his hands slide down your sides, his touch igniting trails of desire on your skin. "Tell me, my love, what secret desires have you been hiding? What fantasies have been swirling in that beautiful mind of yours?" His voice is filled with anticipation as he waits for your response.
As his tail flicks against your touch, Leo's eyes dance with a mixture of mischief and desire. He's eager to explore every inch of your desires, to unravel the depths of your fantasies.
You laugh softly, slipping out of his grasp and back towards the bed. Leaving the balcony doors open so he could easily follow. Leo chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he watches you retreat towards the bed, leaving the balcony doors open invitingly. He follows you eagerly, his gaze never leaving your form.
"Ah, my cunning valentine," he says, his voice laced with playful admiration. "You always know how to keep me on my toes." He closes the distance between you, his hands reaching out to gently caress your waist. "But I must warn you, I'm quite skilled at uncovering secrets and fulfilling fantasies."
Leo's fingers trail up your sides, his touch sending shivers of anticipation through your body. "So, tell me," he whispers, his breath warm against your skin. "What is it that truly ignites your desires? What hidden fantasies have you been yearning to explore?" He leans in closer, his voice dropping to a seductive murmur. "Don't hold back, my love. Share it all with me.”
"That is for you to explore, my love." You giggle, falling back onto the bed. Leo stands over the bed, looking down at you.
Leo's eyes darken with desire as he gazes down at you, his hands resting on his hips. He takes a moment to admire the sight of your shirt riding up, revealing your stomach, before a mischievous smirk curls his lips.
"Well, well, well," he purrs, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and longing. "It seems my valentine wants me to take the lead." He leans down, his lips brushing against your ear. "Oh, the power you hold over me, my love."
With a swift motion, Leo climbs onto the bed, straddling you as his hands glide up your sides. His touch is both gentle and possessive, his fingers tracing patterns on your skin. "I will make it my mission to explore every inch of your desires, my sweet valentine," he whispers, his voice husky with desire.
His lips trail down your neck, leaving a trail of teasing kisses along your collarbone. "And as for those fantasies you hold close, fear not. I will uncover them one by one, until you're left trembling in pleasure," he murmurs, his breath hot against your skin. Leo's voice is filled with a heady mixture of seduction and adoration as he continues his exploration, eager to fulfill your every desire and leave you gasping for more.
You moan softly, your head tilting back to give him more access to your neck. Leo slowly removes your clothes, his eyes flickering with a mix of desire and appreciation as he takes in the sight of you. He licks his lips, unable to tear his gaze away from your alluring form.
"Oh, sweetheart, you truly know how to captivate me," he murmurs, his voice filled with admiration. His hands trace a tantalizing path along your body, his touch both gentle and possessive. "You look absolutely stunning, my love. Every curve, every exquisite detail." With a slow, deliberate motion, Leo leans in closer, his warm breath grazing against your skin. "I hope you're ready for an unforgettable night, my sweet valentine," he whispers, his voice dripping with anticipation.
His lips descend upon your neck once more, leaving a trail of hot and hungry kisses along your delicate skin. His hands roam freely, exploring every inch of your exposed flesh, his touch igniting flames of desire within you.
Leo's movements are both tender and passionate, his actions driven by a desire to please and overwhelm you with pleasure. He revels in the sounds of your soft moans, each one fueling his own hunger and urging him to delve deeper into this sensual journey.
As he continues his exploration, his eyes never leave yours, filled with an intense longing and a burning passion. He's determined to make this Valentine's Day a night to remember, a night where all your fantasies are brought to life.
"Fuck yes..." You whine softly as he lays between your legs. Your body is marked with hickeys and bites, his teeth nipping at your hips. You whimper quietly, hips bucking against his mouth. You close your eyes, fingers gripping the sheets.
Leo's lips curl into a wicked smile as he hears your plea, feeling the weight of desire building within him. He continues to lavish attention on your body, his teeth nipping at your hips, leaving behind marks that will serve as a reminder of this passionate night.
His hands grip your thighs firmly, holding you in place as his mouth descends upon your pussy, his tongue exploring your most intimate depths. The sound of your soft whimpers and the way your hips buck against his mouth only spurs him on, fueling his own hunger and need to please you.
With each flick of his tongue and every gentle suck, he brings you closer to the edge of pleasure. Your moans fill the air, mingling with the sound of the rustling sheets as your fingers grip them tightly, seeking an anchor in the midst of your escalating desire.
Leo's own arousal grows with each taste, each moan, each buck of your hips against him. He revels in the intoxicating scent and taste of your arousal, his movements becoming more fervent, driven by a primal need to bring you to the peak of ecstasy.
As he continues to tease and please, his eyes are locked onto yours, searching for that moment when your pleasure becomes unbearable, when your body trembles with the intensity of your release. He wants to witness every flicker of pleasure that dances across your features, to be the one who pushes you over the edge and into a realm of pure bliss.
"Leo!" You gasp out, feeling him pull your legs over his shoulders.
Leo's eyes glimmer with an intense hunger as he hears his name escape your lips, a testament to the pleasure he's providing. With a primal determination, he devours your pussy with a fervor, his tongue and lips working in perfect harmony to bring you to the brink of ecstasy. His mouth explores every sensitive fold, every sweet spot, as if he's savoring the taste of your pleasure.
Your back arches and your moans fill the room, a symphony of desire that fuels Leo's own need. He feels the pressure of your heels against his shell, encouraging him to delve deeper, to give you even more pleasure. Your hips raise, granting him greater access to your slick heat, and he gladly takes advantage of it.
As you grip the sheets tightly, your panting and whimpering driving him further, Leo's focus remains solely on your pleasure. He's attuned to every subtle change in your body, every quiver and gasp that signals you're inching closer to the edge.
He relishes in the power he holds over you, the ability to elicit such intense pleasure, and it only spurs him on. His movements become more fervent, his tongue and lips working in perfect harmony, pushing you ever closer to the brink.
In this passionate moment, Leo is lost in the intoxication of your pleasure, his sole purpose to bring you to the pinnacle of ecstasy. He's driven by a desire to witness your release, to see you unravel and tremble beneath his touch.
"Oh fuck!" You moan, my back arching again. Leo's eyes gleam with satisfaction as he feels the tightening grip of your legs around his head, a telltale sign that your climax is imminent. He doesn't let up, continuing to devour you with an unwavering intensity, eager to bring you to the height of pleasure.
He watches with rapt attention as your back arches, your moans growing louder and more desperate. Your head falls back against the pillows, your mouth open in a silent plea for release. Leo can sense the wave of ecstasy building within you, and he relishes in the knowledge that he's the one responsible for pushing you over the edge.
As your legs tremble around him, your voice breathless and desperate, you announce your impending release. The words send a surge of excitement through Leo's veins, and he doubles his efforts, determined to make your climax as intense as possible.
He continues to work his tongue and lips with a skillful precision, focusing on your most sensitive areas, driving you closer to the brink. He revels in the way your body quivers and trembles, the way your moans reach a crescendo, all signs that you're on the precipice of unparalleled pleasure.
And then, it happens. Your body convulses with pleasure, a wave of ecstasy crashing over you. Leo watches with a mixture of pride and desire as your orgasm washes over you, your voice filling the air with cries of pleasure.
In this moment, Leo is consumed by a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he has brought you to the peak of pleasure. He revels in the sight of your blissed-out expression, your body limp with satisfaction.
As the aftershocks of your climax subside, Leo gently withdraws, his lips leaving one final lingering kiss upon your thigh. He climbs back up, his eyes filled with adoration and a hint of mischief.
"Happy Valentine's Day, my love," he whispers, his voice filled with genuine affection. "But we're not done just yet. I have so much more in store for you.”
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This is soo thoughtful and really sweet! Thank you so much Fish! Luv you! /p
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oddevenstar · 4 months
A mutual shared a TikTok post with me where the OP was saying fans of Solas from Dragon Age Inquisition are now Astarion fans. And wondering why Solasmancers are in the minority in their fandom while Astarion fans are a loud, vocal majority. Their guess was it was bc Solas is bald??
TED Talk Under the Cut. SPOILERS for both BG3 and DAI!
First off, Solas fans are vocal and more of a majority than OP thinks. He has a strong following both here and on DA Tumblr.
Second, while I have mutuals that enjoy both games and characters the DA character I’ve seen him most compared to is Fenris bc he and Astarion were both slaves and were both marked by their masters. [And personally, that’s where I feel like the similarities end.]
If Solas is like any BG3 character, it’s the Emperor. They’re both cunning and manipulative. They run on logic, planning, and insight. They both hide their true intentions and identities from the player under the guise that they know better and that they deceived the player character “for their own good”.
Astarion lies and fronts from a place of trauma. While he may have the rizz manipulate Tav into sleeping with and protecting him, but he does it of self preservation and habit. He is open and honest with Tav about this as the game progresses.
I feel the closest DA comparison to Astarion is Isabella with Fenris’s backstory and Dorian’s sass. You can’t tell me Astarion would not try and steal away with a precious book/artifact/what have you the night before a confrontation with a major enemy only to feel guilty [much to his own frustration] and end up crashing the fight.
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kaibutsushidousha · 5 months
What are your thoughts on TM takes of Taigong, Nezha and Huang Feihu?
Taigong is always a delight to watch. He wears his crippling fear of disappointing on his sleeve, making him very proactive as a tactician and having him deliver the most transparent lies about his status and confidence. When he succeeds, we cheer because he's generally awesome and we know he was trying really hard to impress. When he fails, we cheer because his reactions are great. There's no losing with Taigong. His relationship with Daji has the standard levels of sexual tension and bitter aftertaste we'd expect, and TM chooses to have him act outwardly mature toward the event he'll never forget. Again, nothing new, but Taigong Wang is a hard figure to screw up for me. The only way to feel unsatisfied about him is by comparing him to his Houshin Engi counterpart, but it honestly feels almost bad faith to raise the bar that high (this applies to every Investiture character in FGO).
Nezha is another of my favorites, but she's harder to talk about because she's been in many main story chapters through hands that write her very differently. The general common ground is that Nezha's demeanor draws a lot from his portrayal in Houshin Engi, which is a directing my biased ass likes a lot for all Investiture characters.
As for Nezha's individual portrayals, she was initially a Higashide profile with the worst genderbend background this series produced to this day. Next, Meteo picked her up for Salem, fitting her as the party member who defaulted to violence at every choice where violence wasn't an option. It's the same brand of humor they use for Nightingale and you probably know how much I love this. Salem also puts a sweet amount of emphasis on Nezha's status as a hero for the children, making her the Servant that bonds the closest with Abby. Later Urobochi has Nezha in SIN as a plot device that didn't need to be present outside Shi Huang's backstory. Then, the transition between SIN and Yuga Kshetra has a Nasu scene of Nezha commenting on the similarities between the natural limitations of hers and da Vinci's artificial lives, which is somehow still the second-best character interaction da Vinci's ever got (the first being Mike).
Lastly, Nezha passed through Minase's hands in Yuga Kshetra, where she was written to her best capacity yet. I imagine she was a miss for most people because Yuga Kshetra is expecting a lot of familiarity with Nezha's character from the player. Nezha's background has still never been given in the game. Materials barely touch her relationship with her father. The best we got is an interlude with Nezha saying she chose to be a benevolent god who treats children because cherishing children is what it means to be the opposite of his father (note: this goes so hard). But when you come to the story with preestablished feelings about Nezha's and Li Jing's relationship, Nezha's visceral reactions to being fused with her father hit like a truck.
And Feihu is tragically boring. They failed to make his moral conundrum feel like a real question. They wasted Tianhua as Saint Graph piece. They debuted him in an event that puts him in the background in favor of Higashide's worst joke character yet. Considering the trend of Investiture Servants drawing a lot from their Houshin Engi characterization, we really need to put Wen Zhong in the game to salvage Feihu's character with the power of peak old man yaoi.
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sabrerine911 · 2 months
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"An Unholy Trinity of Arisen, reunite! " colored (DD2)
Ok this time around imma gush about the game. Dragon's Dogma(and now 2) is my favorite Fantasy Game. I may not be a big fan of the story(altho I think in both games it has a good concept) but there is something to this game that is very special to me both in combat and feel.
Im the type of person that makes his 3 Vampire Hunter OCs in an absurd amount of games (name anything fantasy with at least decent character creation and combat and Ive probably played and made them in XD)
Dogma is the first one in wich I had the briliant idea(back in 2017) to make these Crossover things more common, and also, its the only game where I could make them both accurate visually and having all 3 of them together across 3 different game saves. (having the best feeling combat compared to all the other games Ive played by a big margin)
I would have prefered to switch between them in one game, and to have crossbows and axes for the full package, but Ill take what I can.
Love the series, love DD:DA and DD2, and Im hoping that the expansion we inevitably get improves the game like DA (and I really hope we get more enemy types than the og game, right now it just feels like a remake in that regard)
Side note, i dont have any hope for Crossbows...but come on Give us Axes and Spears! Those things are used by enemies and npcs come on!
As a final note,will add this as usual.
if you are a PSN player that wants to have one of the 3 as a pawn here are the ID numbers:
Beth(straightforward/forager) Thief lvl 40: FS1A8F2JAU2Z
Cerise(straightforward/elven language) Archer lvl 51: FZD6HUAK129
Galmar(calm) Fighter lvl 80 : NO3X0PH5ZMTN
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unsoundedcomic · 1 month
How frequent is Pymaric use among Sharteshanian individuals, especially rogues? Compared to the other two players in the world it seems they much prefer steel of spellery, but a good pymaric is something even a layman can use right?
Yeah, anyone can use a pymaric if they know the trigger. Good call that pymary in general isn't as much a thing in Sharteshane. Historically they were among the latest adopters of it. They're a seafaring people, and since pymary gets tricky or impossible over deep water, there was a lot of mistrust and dismissal of it for a long time - even a lingering superstition that it's plain evil and the Twin gods disapprove of it. That view's seen as old-fashioned but even Sette has an instinctive dislike of spellery and spellers she got from her da and gran. Still, if she finds an Aspect grenade, she's gonna throw it, and if her attack zombie can wiggle his fingers and set something on fire, she's gonna suggest he go ahead :3
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