cashmerecrow · 1 year
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You have psychosis.
Find an antidote or outlast the skinner man.
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konigsblog · 9 months
Heya! Sorry if it's stupid ask, but I have read your post a while ago that you're Scottish (If I'm wrong then I'm sorry and I would feel embarrassed.🙃) And I want to write Sergeant Johnny Mactavish and Captain John Mactavish x reader. And since they are also Scottish I want to write/them say some Scottish lines, or just words. So I was hoping what usually Scottish people will say, I don't want to mess up. I only know aye, shite and lass but that's much about it.
Sorry if my English is bad.
And I wish you an great day/night/evening!😊
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— yes! i am scottish, so here's some phrases and words i hear, and say, in scotland and what other scottish people usually say. :)
bonnie = that means calling someone pretty, like bonnie lass means pretty girl, since lass means girl. i'd say this is usually aimed towards girls, like a man would call a woman a bonnie.
lad means boy, like a friend usually. lads is plural ofc, and you could use it to say soap and the lads, or his pals. — “me and the lads.” (lads isn't scottish, it's british - which obviously being scottish means your british, but anywhere in great britain you'd hear this. as well as the one below.)
pals means friends, friend is a pal. — “thought he was yer pal.” = “thought he was your friend.”
dinnae = don't, it's how we say it in our accent. “dinnae do that.”
dae = means do, again, how we say it in our accent. “dae that for me.”
“haud yer wheesht” means shut up, like be quiet.
blether means talk, you might call someone a blether if they gossip or they're a chatterbox. — “stop blethering.”
crabbit means to be annoyed or grumpy. — “why ye crabbit?”
aye means yes. — “aye, dae that.”
ken means know. “a ken that.” not the barbie doll, it means know :) — “a ken that.” means “i know that.”
eejit means idiot. — “yer' an eejit.”
“ah umnae” means im not. ‘ah’ means im, or i, ‘umnae’ means not. it's hard to explain, just our accents though.
‘peely wally’ means pale. (heard this too many times towards myself, im pale as paper..) — “yer' lookin' a bit peely wally.” honestly, i don't think you'd need to say this that often in fanfics with soap, but maybe if someone is ill, you'd say that.
“gonnae no do that” means don't do that. “gonnae” means gonna, so like “gonna not do that” you'd say to someone if they did something you didn't want them to do.
“yer bum's oot the windae!” you're lying, being dramatic, or over exaggerating something.
“dafty” means stupid. — “yer' a dafty.”
it shows the accent differences between a scottish person, an english person, and an irish person.
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astraystayyh · 8 months
you're in the wind, i'm in the water
hyunjin x reader. friends to lovers with a pinch of unrequited love (it's very much requited dw). this is pure brainrot so suggestive at the end. but also fluffy and soft. also reader wears a two piece swimsuit.
a.n: again, sanest response i could have to this hyune. please enjoy my descent to madness :) also the last scene is heavily inspired by my favorite dialogue in the song of achilles!!
pt. 2- orange
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The first time you went on a vacation with Hyunjin’s family, you were only seven years old.
You don't clearly remember the island his parents took you to, the details of the travel elusive to your memory's grasp. But you remember Hyunjin- his hair darkening under the touch of the saline sea, akin to a night sky devoid of its stars. You remember the dimple on his left cheek- the sheer pride in you each time you managed to bring it to light. And you remember thinking that Hyunjin was pretty, for the first time in your small existence.
It's a thought that scorched itself indelibly into your brain, and as the years cascaded by, the branches of your love grew, each leave bearing new adjectives to describe Hyunjin- caring, emotional, talented.
But never yours.
You're both older now, and you see him less since his house is no longer right next to yours, the rhythm of life distancing you both. Hyunjin comes in and out of your life as an ephemeral tide, gently brushing your shores. You cling to the sea shells his oceans sometimes throw at your feet- the rare times when your schedules align, when you can see him beyond the confines of your phone, in pixelated video calls late into the night.
And it seems as if you've caught a rare shell this time- one with an ivory pearl hidden within it. Because you're traveling once again with him.
You're all much different, the passage of time marked you in different, but palpable ways. But your presence with Hyunjin's family still felt just as effortless as it did when you were seven. You never had to second guess what you said or how you acted with them. You were just like running water, flowing naturally within the nooks and crannies of his family.
And at night, under the moon's watchful gaze, your hushed conversations with Hyunjin remained. Beneath a shared blanket knitted by his mom, the warm sand melded with your feet, his dimple appearing once again at every word you uttered. He was still as pretty, perhaps even more so with time's gentle sculpting, molding his features into much sharper ones. It seemed only fitting for a soul as beautiful as his.
"I want to take you somewhere tomorrow," he had whispered excitedly, his lips grazing the shell of your ear, momentarily leaving you breathless- tongue dissolving in your mouth like ivory seafoam.
"You want to kidnap me?" you playfully asked, nudging him.
"You don't want to come with me?" he pouted, his gaze locked into yours, pupils appearing much darker with the absence of the sun, like a boundless ocean. The water was right beside you and yet your only wish was to swim in his eyes.
"I want to," you admitted.
"Anywhere?" he asked, irises trembling slightly as he sought your response. You were both very different, chemicals binding his molecules, and your love for him binding yours. You stood faraway from one another- you in the water and he in the wind, stirring your waves, submerging you in the seas of your longing.
Faraway land punctures the ocean you're gazing at, crystal blue water filling the small pool Hyunjin took you to. You admit it's a breathtaking view, only your eyes can't depart from Hyunjin's figure.
He jumped into the pool first, while you went to retrieve your camera from your bag. And now you stand by the door, heart caught in your throat, as you watch him swim around. Hyunjin is graceful, in the way he moves his limbs, bending the water to his will. It doesn't look like he's swimming, rather dancing on liquid ground.
Kkami joyfully barks once he sees you, and Hyunjin finally lifts his eyes, locking them with yours. He is pretty, unattainable, a singular star outshining all the celestial light. Foolish of them to even think they could compare.
And he's still not yours.
"I’ll take a picture of you both," you smile softly, willing yourself to conceal the lump growing in your throat. Hyunjin nods, draping his hand over Kkami's body, softly scratching the spot behind his ear. You take the first pic, capturing the tenderness in Hyunjin’s eyes. This one's for you alone.
"Okay, look at the camera," you call out cheerfully, and they both turn to look at you in unison. Though your bodies did not touch, the intensity of Hyunjin's gaze seemed to sear into your skin, igniting a fire within you. Foolish of you to dream of more.
You set the camera aside, before sitting at the edge of the pool, dipping your toes into the cool water. Hyunjin swims towards you, positioning himself between your legs, his warm hand wrapping around your ankle. You want to flee, to go back to to the innocence of seven, to never recognize how pretty Hyunjin is, to avoid the heartbreak of dreaming of someone you'll never have.
"Come swim with me," he pouts, palm pressing against your damp skin. You shake your head, a teasing smile on your face, and he pulls you to him, hands holding your waist promptly to prevent you from sinking under.
You free yourself from his intoxicating hold, before diving into the water, a desperate attempt to get away from him. Because when Hyunjin held your waist, a tenderness so earnest in his eyes it made your heart skip a beat, you dared to imagine a future together. For a fleeting moment you became the ocean and he the sky, merging at the faraway horizon.
Hyunjin dives right after you, and then you both swim around one another, giddy smiles on your faces, your laughter echoing around the room. He tries to drown you, hands gliding across the surface of your skin, making goosebumps ripple in you. You attempt to do the same, but you soon regret it. His skin was smooth, taut muscles flexing under your touch; broad shoulders you wrapped your arms around, trying to push him down. Your hand accidentally brushed against his pulse, and you removed it as if it had burned you. There is life beating within him, wildly. But not for you. Never for you.
"Wait, hold on. Your straps are loosening," he notices, reaching for your arm and spinning you around, your back now facing him. "Can I?" he asks, voice dipping to a lower timber. You feel it in the depths of your stomach, depths only he can unravel.
"Yes," you whisper, as he undoes the loose knot of your swimsuit, the one behind your neck still holding up the fabric against your skin. You can feel his cold breath traveling across your bare back, crystalizing the droplets of water trailing on it. His fingers are a stark warmth as they brush against your spine, fingertips gently grazing your skin, like a delicate feather. You imagine your body is molten wax, and he's the seal stamp pressing onto you, molding you whichever way he'd like.
He's tentative as he grabs the undone straps, wrapping them in a knot. Or at least attempting to. You can tell that he's shaking, a shuddering breath escaping his lips. "Im sorry, I didn't tie it well," he giggles sheepishly, undoing the knot once again. You don't reply, unsure of what words will stumble out of your mouth. 'I don't mind you touching me' instead of 'it's okay'.
You turn around once he's done, but he doesn't move back, his body mere centimeters away from yours. You can see the rise and fall of his chest, the slight blush creeping up his neck, coloring him in the prettiest shade of crimson. The droplets cascading down his body, forging a tantalizing path you wish you could undergo. His dampened hair, a shade darker than his usual color. His lips slightly parted, rosy as they've always been. His adam's apple bobbing up and down furiously.
And you suddenly can no longer breathe.
Beneath the water, his hand encircles your wrist, a touch so faint you almost believe that you've imagined it. His fingers trail down, holding your palm and bringing it to his face. He closes his eyes, letting out a shaky exhale, one you inhale right back in. You're cradling his cheek, his hand right on top of yours, holding it in place.
"Hyunjin..." you start, but he shakes his head, eyes still shut.
"Please," he whispers, "just for a little." and the clouds slightly uncover, a singular sun ray piercing through them- one petal of hope unfurling at his words.
"Don't- don't do this," you plead back, tone tinged with panic. You couldn't have him, not even for a second, not even in a dream. That's the way things are. Two parallel lines, traveling down the same path, forever adjacent, but never merging as one.
Hyunjin plants a soft kiss on your wrist, lips barely brushing against your pulse. You've never truly known gentleness until this moment.
"If I told you that this trip with you is the happiest I’ve been in a while, would you believe me?" he whispers against your skin, head slightly tilted.
You shake your head no.
"If I ask you something would you be honest with me? I'm tired, yn," he says, his voice softening as it always did when he uttered your name. As if the syllables were always coated in honey, even in his sadness, in his anger, and now, in his pleading for you.
"I will," you respond with an equally quiet voice, and yet it resounds loudly around the room, amplified by the consequences looming around the corner.
"Do you want me?" he asks simply, expecting you to easily uncover a secret you've buried for years, to dust the weight of your fear in mere seconds.
You remain silent and Hyunjin deflates a bit, shoulders slumping forward, the dimple in his face vanishing completely.
"Because I'm drowning in my want for you."
A water droplet falls from the strands of his hair, landing softly on his mouth. You follow its descent, as he licks his lips nervously, his hold on your wrist faltering. The wind is gliding across the water- he's offering himself to you. Who are you to ever refuse?
Your lips crash on his before you even realize it, years of longing exploding before your eyes, spilling from your mouth to his in the most vibrant colors. His lips are soft as you've always imagined them, and they move against yours perfectly, as if molded from the same dough, created to meet again and again, in a fervor, and then in a tenderness that makes your heart ache.
You're kissing Hyunjin, and you aren't burning, disintegrating under the weight of longing for someone so unattainable. You aren't Icarus- you flew too close to the sun but it hadn't burned you, instead it embraced you, it's now wrapping its hands around your waist, pressing your chest to its warm one. It's a touch you welcome, one that liquefies in your veins like molten amber.
You wrap your legs around Hyunjin’s waist, as he walks backward until your back is against the pool railing. Your hands are tugging his damp strands, fingers threading through his locks the way sunshine weaves between the leaves. He tastes sweet, sweeter than anything you've ever had in your life. And you're greedy, you can't get enough of him, so you part for a second only to meet again, his hands digging into your sides. Chest to chest, skin to skin, heart to heart.
"Say it," Hyunjin whispers against your lips, "say that you want me back."
"I want you. So much, Hyune. You're the only one I’ve ever wanted," your words wash over him, erasing every doubt that was anchored in his heart. How could you not have seen it, all this time? In each photograph you took, his gaze, always on you. The fondness in his eyes and the dimples in his cheeks, only ever coming forth for you.
You lean away, head dipped down to kiss his shoulders. Your lips trail down his collarbones, moving to the mole on his arm. He smells like chlorine, and the sweet scent of your monoi oil. Hyunjin is pretty, Hyunjin is warm, Hyunjin is yours.
Your eyes meet his and you both let out giddy giggles, the flush of your cheeks matching his. His lips are slightly swollen, and he bites the lower one as he glances at Kkami, who was idly watching you both.
"Do you think we traumatized him?" you ask in a hushed whisper.
"I think he's glad this happened and he no longer has to hear my rants about you," Hyunjin smiles sheepishly and you laugh, the sound reverberating through Hyunjin’s heart.
"Have I ever told you how much I love your laugh?" he asks, thumb swiping across your cheek with a tenderness that leaves you dizzy in its trail.
"You have," you whisper, the sound of it getting caught in your throat.
"And this?" he gently grazes your cupid bow. "Have I told you how much I love your lips?"
"You haven't," you say, mouth parting slightly at his words.
"This then," he trails across your neck, skimming your pulse. "Did I tell you how I feel about your blush? How it always always starts up your neck? Always so pretty?"
"No," you are breathless now, shuddering under his touch.
"What about this?" his hands hold your waist, kneading the tender flesh. "Did I ever tell you? About this?" They go over your hips, gliding across the bare skin. "Surely I did."
You shake your head. Skin burning up where he had touched it. He smiles, tongue poking against his cheek, hands going to your back, tracing over your spine, undoing the knots of your swimsuit. "And this? Did I tell you how much I want you?"
You close your eyes, wind meeting water. "Tell me again."
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thatfandomslut · 4 months
Puppy Love
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warnings: there is so much fluff in here that it's crazy, also a puppy is in here so prepare your hearts for a lot of love
Can I request a Regina George x Fem!reader for Renee rapp? Please anything I'm like in a dry desert with no water, please feed the homosexuals. Thanks so much!
Mean Girls requests are open.
Regina narrowed her eyes at the puppy that was taking (Y/n)'s attention. It was a golden retriever puppy that (Y/n) named Apollo. He was cute, and Regina could admit that. However, it sucked (Y/n)'s attention away entirely from her and to this dog. Regina knew this jealousy was petty and dumb, but Apollo was becoming a problem for Regina. For example, just moments before now, she and (Y/n) had been making out, but when Apollo came crying to the door, scratching on it, (Y/n) was up in seconds. Now, instead of (Y/n) holding her close, she was cradling a puppy who would never truly appreciate her.
"Wait," Cady said, formulating everything Regina was telling the group. (Y/n) hadn't joined them yet because she was too busy showing one of their classmates pictures she had taken of Apollo. "So, let me get this straight. You are jealous of Apollo? Her incredibly adorable golden retriever puppy? I'm not sure I understand why."
Regina's eyes narrowed at Cady when she said this, causing Cady's eyes to look anywhere but towards Regina. Even if the clique system had officially been brought down by the exposure of the Burn Book, Regina was scary. "You don't understand, Cady. I have lost a lot of make-out time because he will come pawing at the door. When we study at her place, it turns into a session where I study and she plays with Apollo. He's not even that cute." Regina stuck up her nose, knowing what she was saying was out of anger. She knew that Apollo was incredibly cute, and at first, so were all of (Y/n)'s interactions with him.
(Y/n) approached the group with a wide smile on her face, kissing Regina's cheek as she sat down. "Hey, everyone," she greeted, not catching on to how everyone but Regina avoided her eye. A tell-tell sign that they were talking about her, but (Y/n) was absolutely oblivious. "Does anyone want to see this video I got of Apollo at his puppy training class yesterday? The teacher said he was her best student. She said he was 'paw-some.'" (Y/n) said with a bright smile, not noticing Regina roll her eyes. Cady was the first to look over, excited to see Apollo, Karen followed, and then the rest of the group was awe-ing over how cute Apollo was. Regina was seething.
"Are you still coming over, princess?" (Y/n) looked over at Regina with a smile, but it quickly dropped when she saw Regina's expression. She looked sour as she stared at her now cold cheese fries in front of her. (Y/n) was trying to figure out if she had that same expression when she sat down earlier, or if she had just missed it. She was hoping that whatever it was, Regina wasn't mad at her. "Hey, Regina, what's wrong, babe? You look upset about something. Is there anything I can help with?"
Regina resisted the urge to say anything that she might regret late. Instead, she kissed (Y/n) with a soft smile. "No, love, just thinking. I'll definitely get over it though. Yes, I will see you later today." Regina promised, and the group looked around at each other quietly. The bell rang, and the group split up. Regina had dropped (Y/n) off at her class, and then she went with Gretchen to their shared math class. "I should've said, the problem is she loves her dog more than me," Regina grumbled to Gretchen, who decided it was best to say nothing. She didn't want to contribute to Regina's anger.
After school, (Y/n) was playing with Regina's hair when she heard the familiar pawing at her door. "There's Apollo, I'm going to let him in." (Y/n) kissed her girlfriend before letting the puppy in. "I'm going to use the bathroom fast, too. Do you think you can watch him?" (Y/n) questioned as she brought the dog over to Regina. The puppy squirmed excitedly as he was placed in front of Regina, running up to her and licking her on the face. (Y/n) patted his head before taking her momentary leave.
"Stop it, stop it," Regina held Apollo away from her as she examined him with a sneer. Letting out a little bark, he attempted to lick Regina again, even if he was at a far distance. Regina didn't realize at first that she smiled at that, but when she did; she looked around quickly to make sure nobody witnessed it. She let go of Apollo and the puppy came bounding over to her, curling up to her side as he allowed her to scratch behind his ear. "Okay, I think I'm starting to get it now… You are kind of cute, I guess."
(Y/n) grinned when she came back to the room, happy to see Regina finally warming up to her puppy. She knew she was struggling to share the attention when she came over, but puppies need a lot of attention, too. "Look at these two cuties," she took a picture before lying beside Regina, Apollo resting in the middle. "I'm glad you seem to like him. I thought you couldn't stand him. I was beginning to get worried you might be jealous of him or something." (Y/n) said, addressing how she would never want to make Regina feel that way,
Regina shook her head, hiding the lie between her teeth. "What, no? I was never jealous of Apollo, He's a cute puppy." Regina said simply, hoping she didn't give herself away too easily.
Her comment made (Y/n)'s brow raise, but she said nothing, not wanting to accuse Regina of not telling the truth. Instead, she planted a kiss on Regina's lips. "And you are my cute girlfriend. I love that you love Apollo." (Y/n) said happily, snuggling Regina and Apollo. She couldn't wait to make that picture of Regina snuggled up to Apollo her screensaver later.
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taesankisser · 3 months
how the boynextdoor shows his love <3
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warnings: no genuine warnings! just lots & lots of love
author’s note: just something small i wrote because i am DEEP in my soft bnd feels <3
song rec: firework by &team
writing under the cut !
sungho: he's so romantic, typically choosing acts over words. he'll get you flowers quite often, sometimes your favorite and other times he'll get you special bouquets. the special bouquets he gets you always have a few of your favorite flowers plus other ones with specific meanings. he doesn’t get you flowers just because they’re pretty, but rather, there’s a hidden message within each bundle he hands you. another way he shows his love happens when he notices you're lacking with cleaning, he'll take it upon himself to make your room spotless. he loves you by taking things off your plate; taking some of life’s weight off your shoulders. he’s so intentional with his love, and being loved by him is such a gift.
riwoo: he shows his love by allowing you in. he seems like he is rather quite the private person, but when he reaches that point of trust with you, he’ll be so open with you. to him, you’re his comfort person, which is someone he can be himself around without any sort of hesitation. another way he shows his love is through his unconditionality, he loves you how he wants to be loved. he truly loves you as you are and without any sort of expectation.
jaehyun: myungjae is the biggest simp ever, but in the best most positive way possible. he is so good at loving you, and making it known. not a single day goes by where you don't feel it. he texts you all the time, updating on every detail of his day. he takes you out to cute restaurants/cafes, holds your hand wherever the two of you go, and willingly lets you steal his clothes. he’s so precious in the way that he’s so outwardly excited about loving you. loving you is a joy to him and he treasures you so deeply.
taesan: another mr romantic over here for SURE! he’s not as outwardly expressive either, but rather, makes a point to infuse every act of his with love. he’ll make you matching bracelets, which he will never take off. he’ll send you adorable videos of two cats and tell you that they’re like the two of you. he’s quite touchy, sticking to you like glue. he’ll wrap an arm around you, or put his hand anywhere he can, when the two of you are together. he loves the feeling of physical touch, it’s comforting for him to have you in his grasp.
leehan: he is always ready to drop everything if you need someone to listen to. he's the best listener, always so engaged with his consistent eye contact and head nods. you can pour your heart out to him and he'll never judge you or look at you differently. being vulnerable with him is something that comes so easy. you can share anything and everything with him. he's like the human embodiment of a heated blanket; he's warm, comforting, and reliable!
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chaepink · 1 year
Hi i really loved ur content about submissive Kenma. Can u write a fic about kenma again🥺🥺 like the reader was so jealous because some ramdom girl is flirting with kenma. Thats why she ended up fucking him all night u knaurr
jealousy, jealousy | sub!kenma kozume
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wc: 1k+ words | masterlist
dom!reader, pegging, possessiveness/jealously, begging, jealous sex, aftercare is mentioned though its not written, established relationship, slight crying
note : oh my god thank you! 😳
and im sorry but i forgot to write how the reader kept fucking him all night :,)
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"Oh hello~ you're rather cute, aren't you?" You ignore the voice, thinking it was just a girl hitting on a random person. That's until you hear the high pitched voice again asking the person for their number, except it was closer this time and a familiar voice answers afterwards.
"N-No thanks... I'm not i-interested.."
You stray your attention from the item in your hand to the familiar voice and furrow your eyebrows when you see the scene.
Kenma, who's your boyfriend to make it clear, being flirted on by this clueless girl who, though he denied her advances once already, thinks she still has a shot and keeps on trying to talk to him. She's getting rather close to him too, making him have to take small steps backward in order to keep the distance between them comfortable, a slight blush on his cheeks.
You feel anger bubble up inside your body as you furrow your eyebrows, glaring at the girl. You know the emotion you're currently feeling loud and clear: jealously.
Knowing how Kenma hates being social and would rather stay inside and play video games over anything else, your boyfriend is probably hating all the attention that he is currently getting from her. Hell, judging by the facial expression he has on it seems that he would rather be anywhere else than at that very spot.
Having dated him for a while now, you know the poor boy won't find it in him to be able to find the words to shut her down directly. That's where you come in.
Taking a few deep breaths, you calm yourself down before you mindlessly do something you would regret. Walking towards the two, Kenma sees you and his eyes immediately light up, begging you to help him out of the situation.
Grabbing his hand more harsher than you meant, you immediately begin walking towards the cashier section while completely ignoring the girl right there.
"C'mon, babe. I'm done getting everything."
Kenma blushes at the venom in your tone. He could feel the jealousy radiating off you and honestly? It's rather hot.
But he can't help but be nervous about what's going to happen to him.
"P-Please! i'm s-sorry!" He lets out another sob as you hit all the right spots in him with your strap. Due to the sheer size of it, it fills him up almost too perfectly, making him whine and whimper underneath you as you continue to pound his insides.
Tears brim his eyes as you brutally fuck him stupid. All he can do is lay there as pleasure courses through his body in waves making him unable to do anything without being shocked with pleasure seconds later. He's a pillow princess, really, but oh do you love it.
Mere minutes if not seconds after you entered the shared apartment between you two do you already have him trapped on the bed underneath you, one of your biggest straps entering and exiting him easily and quickly due to prep. His top half is still covered by a hoodie as you were too focused on revealing his bottom half.
"Oh don't worry, baby." You clench your teeth. Your thighs are absolutely burning but you don't dare stopping for even a second. You remember how touchy the girl was being with Kenma and you speed up your thrusts even more, jealously fueling your adrenaline. "I know you're sorry. Just gotta make sure that the next time that girl sees you-," you start to say. "Well the next time anyone has their eye on you, they'll see the hickeys on your neck and decide to leave what what's mine alone."
A shiver runs down Kenma's spine as your possessiveness makes blood run far down his body. His hands make its way into your back, latching on and digging his nails into your skin, making you hiss from the slight pain it causes. The grip you have on his hips is hard enough to leave a mark but it allows you to easily fuck in and out of him and be able to control the pace.
"You're mine, yeah? No one else's. Mine."
He whimpers as a particular thrust of your strap has him arching his back and letting out a almost pornographic moan. Fuck, he looks absolutely breathtaking right now.
"Y-Yes- fuck! I'm y-yours."
You latch your teeth onto his neck and bite down, making Kenma mewl out from the slight pain. Making sure to leave a few more bite marks and love bites, you lick a few to soothe the pain. You don't care if they only stay for a few days, knowing you would leave more in the near future.
"Fuck- i'm close!"
With that information, you switch from quick, hard thrusts to slower, deeper ones that make Kenma's toes curl and eyes roll from the sheer pleasure he's feeling. He lets out another moan.
"Go on, baby. Cum for me, alright?"
And with that, Kenma lets loose. Whines, moans, and whimpers fill the room as your boyfriend stains the bed and his hoodie with cum. You continue slowly fucking him to ease him down from his high and Kenma whines from sensitivity when you pull out, leaving him to clench around nothing.
"Good boy," you say, kissing his cheek. He blushes red from the praise, almost as if you weren't fucking his brains out mere seconds ago. "You did so good for me." You're about to leave to clean him up until he grabs your arm, stopping you. You raise an eyebrow at him.
"Um... w-what about you though?" It takes a moment for you to process his question but once you do, you can't help but smile.
"Aw sweetie," you coo, making him blush even harder at the new pet name. "Don't worry about me, I'm just glad you enjoyed it."
As you go and get a wet towel to clean him up, he reaches to his neck and gently touches the hickeys and bite marks you've left there. Though it hurts as he slowly presses down on a bruise and he has to stop himself from letting out a whimper, he can't help but smile, a dark blush adorning his cheeks.
He's yours.
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
╰┈➤ masterlist | rules
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berlynn-wohl · 5 months
okay so I was watching a video about videos and decided to write about writing (specifically, fanfic)
Typically I don't share my thoughts on fandom as a subculture and how it's changed because I don't have the stomach for the kind of things that can happen when one posts their opinions on social media. But I'm gonna give it a go today because I watched this:
You don't have to watch it, I'll tell you the thing that got me: it was about how on YouTube, people are likely to be fans of specific channels, and if you subscribe to one, you could probably, if asked, discuss what you like about that channel/creator with others. But the way TikTok's feed works (turning you into a passive consumer of an endless stream of short videos), it's more difficult to differentiate who the creators are, even when you subscribe to them. You're more likely to just say, "I'm a fan of TikTok" (...or "I'm addicted to TikTok"). This is evidenced by the fact that at a recent VidCon, TikTokers who had millions of views and hundreds of thousands of subscribers faced empty lines at the meet-and-greets, because their content was just part of a blur of content their subscribers passively put their eyeballs on every day.
And I had a thought: Has AO3 done this for fanfic? Of course AO3's content cannot be passively consumed; you have to enter search terms and use filters to find what you're looking for. But once you have entered such a search, you could well be faced with thousands of results, which you begin consuming by opening tab after tab after tab. If you were not in fandom before 2012, I cannot stress how ludicrous this amount of fanfiction is. Before AO3, unless you were in a MASSIVE fandom (like HP or LOTR), you eagerly awaited the arrival of new fics because there just weren't that many -- and even if you were in a massive fandom, if you shipped one of the less popular pairings (or preferred Gen), you still could not necessarily count on even one new fic a day that was to your tastes.
And in those days when fics were fewer and farther between, and when fandoms were more siloed, you got to know fanfic authors. You recognized their styles. When someone posted a new fic, you were excited because you knew what you could expect based on what you already enjoyed about that author's talents and inclinations. In a small fandom I was in long ago, where only about ten people wrote fic, we once sat around and brainstormed which popular music act's vibe corresponded with which each author's style! (I was The Clash.)
Compare that to now, where many readers in fandom have the opportunity to just click-read-click-read-click-read, not just as a reward at the end of a long day, but on the bus or anywhere. I don't think it's a coincidence that fics get fewer comments than they used to, and there's far less discussion of individual authors. There's no incentive to linger on something even if you enjoyed it, when the next fic is waiting in another tab.
Now perhaps it's better that the structure of fanfic culture has changed such that we have less potential for BNF drama. But it also means that whenever I see newcomers to a fandom asking for recs, most of the responses are "Have you read [the fic with the most kudos and comments on AO3]?" It's not just that this response is a bit superfluous, as the newcomer has probably already sorted the AO3 results by kudos/comments -- to me it also indicates that folks get so much fanfic from The Fanfic Website and so little community from The De Facto Fandom Platforms that it becomes difficult to remember individual fics, what you enjoyed about them, or how an individual author's style might make them a better match for a certain reader. (Yes, I am aware that AO3 has histories/bookmarks for people to refer back to, but when one accumulates 1000 bookmarks and then someone asks for a rec, most likely the bookmark holder is only going to remember, off the top of their head, That One Crazy Outlier Fic That The Entire Fandom Lost Their Shit About Seven Years Ago.)
I dunno, this is all I got in the way of thoughts. I'm not saying I want to go back to the way things were 10 or 20 years ago, but I sure do wish I could a-la-carte it a little, you know?
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dailymanners · 9 months
When in public areas such as public transportation avoid playing music and videos out loud. If there's a song you really want to listen to or a video you really want to watch but you don't have headphones, it can wait until you get somewhere private.
Phone and tablet speakers aren't exactly the best quality speakers which makes the sounds played out loud on them anywhere from unpleasant to painful to listen to, and this only gets worse if someone has sensory issues. When sharing public areas you need to be mindful that not everyone wants to listen to the same videos or music you do and it's unfair for you to impose your music and videos on strangers in public.
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mybelovedwoo · 1 year
choi san as boyfriend, please 🥺🙏🏻
choi san as boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
gn!reader x bf!atz
wc. ~0.9k
an: this one was so much fun to write, thank u some much for requesting it. you can request headcanons if you want to!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
-he is the definition of "the perfect boyfriend" and I'm not even overexaggerating
-this boy is so sweet with you, he acts as if you are made out of glass, he's so gentle and caring
-the biggest cuddle bug, is attached to you in some form in every given opportunity
-he likes to pick you up when you hug, and you wrap your legs around him, and after that, you can't go anywhere, he carries you around
-he is the type of boyfriend who hugs you from behind while you pay at the cashier, or when you do something in the kitchen
-he loves to hold your hands, he just thinks it's so cute, he even pecks it every here and there
-he also loves kissing you, and he's an excellent kisser, definitely knows what he's doing, he's giving you butterflies all the time
-he loves when you hold him in your arms, he feels the safest there
-he prefers to be the little spoon, but ever since he got this big it's just impossible for you to hold him in your arms as you used to
-he's a bit sad about it, but doesn't mind it that much as long as he can hold you instead, he is just not able to sleep without hugging you
-he rather stays home with you, where there's just the two of you, sharing intimate moments, he's a homeboy
-gives you all his attention, you never catch him being on his phone when you're there, he thinks every moment with you is precious, and he appreciates all of it
-he expects the same from you, gets all whiny and pouty when you aren't paying attention to him
-loves watching movies with you, cause when he goes abroad he watches them again and he thinks of you all the time, it comforts him
-loves it when you sit on his lap when he plays video games, he always strokes your back with one of his hands, and you always fall asleep hugging him tightly so you don't fall off (although he would never let that happen)
-his texting you all day long, even when he's at work, he always finds 5 minutes so he can check on you, and can send cute little texts
-at the end of the day, if you can't meet up, he's calling you, because he can't live a day without hearing your voice, you most definitely fall asleep still being on the call
-he is just so soft, nurturing, loving and he cares deeply for you, he makes sure you get all the love you deserve
-he is very supportive, he open-mindedly listens to your views and problems, he wants you to know that you can always rely on him
-he motivates and boosts your confidence, there's not a single day he doesn't tell you how beautiful you are inside and out
-he remembers every special occasion, date, and fact about you, your family, and even your friends
-he can be quite moody though, every activity depends on his mood, one moment he only wants to stay home with you, and the next he takes you on the craziest date ever, like going on a rollercoaster in an amusement park or bungee jumping 
- he doesn't show his soft spot to anyone, he prefers to cry and get emotional only with you
-he feels that you are the one in the first month of your relationship, he is very family-oriented, so he's been thinking about having a family with you early on in your relationship
-he's really romantic, sometimes he just lights candles and makes a warm bath for you with roses and champagne, because he thinks you deserve it
- he calls you really cute names like, sunshine, bunny, or gorgeous, although, in front of his family and friends, he likes to call you his wife, even when you aren't married yet
nsfw +18!!!
-i think he's a soft dom, I don't care what anyone says
-he loves to control you, but would never do something you don't like, and he could never hurt you, his heart could not bare it
-his sex drive is crazy, you have sex almost every time you meet, and can go multiple rounds, he has a lot of stamina
-he's worshipping your body every minute of it, he says things like "god, you're perfect" and "I want to kiss every part of you"
- and there's definitely not a single part on your body he hasn't kissed yet
-respect and trust are very important for him in the bedroom too, he would never say something to you he wouldn't say out of it, and he makes sure you feel safe and respected
-he loves to make you feel good more than himself, sometimes it's enough for him if he gives you head, and he doesn't want anything in return
-something that is a huge turn-off for him is when he's seeing you being hurt, either physically or verbally, so that's a no-no
-he asks you every here and there if you are enjoying yourself or you're feeling good, likes to know what you are thinking
- he always starts off slow and affectionate, but after some time he loses it and gets more and more faster and a little rougher (as I said he has a lot of stamina and needs to let it out somewhere)
-he's not too loud, he just groans and moans a lot into your ears
-he loves it when you sit on his lap and ride him though, he always holds your hand and tells you that you're doing good
-he's so soft and sweet after, aftercare is really important for him, first, he likes to cuddle, and after he likes to clean up with you, maybe taking a shower with you while you cuddle and wash off each other
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roosterforme · 8 months
The Younger Kind Part 33 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You need answers so you can move forward with Bradley. He wants to reassure you that you're everything Meredith is not. And it always feels like everyone else is trying to define your relationship for you, but you want to take control. 
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, mentions of smut, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4900 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Bradley felt sick. This must have been why you were clearly so uncomfortable since he got home yesterday. He could tell that something else was wrong outside of the break in at your old rental and the cut on your hand. And it was the fucking dirty video he had made with Meredith years and years ago.
God damn it.
As he rushed out of the kitchen and tried to find you, Bradley called out, "Princess!" But you didn't respond.
How irresponsible and careless of him. He hadn't watched that video since he and Meredith were living together. Sure, he'd uploaded it to his phone and watched it on a few deployments before Noah was born, but that had been it. He had deleted it from his phone, but apparently there was a backup copy. And the fact that you had seen it had him in such a vibrant state of panic, he couldn't get to you fast enough.
"Baby, where are you?" he called out, yanking his fingers through his hair. He looked in Noah's room and then continued to the bedroom that he wanted you to share with him forever. And there you were, standing with your shoulder pressed up against the bedpost that was adorned with your paper crown. You looked impossibly young and so sad, and he wasn't sure what else to say except, "Princess. I'm sorry."
You just shook your head and looked at the floor as you wrapped your arms around your chest like you were trying to protect yourself. God, you never needed to protect yourself from him anymore. He wanted to be the one to protect you from everything else, not make you worry. 
When he took a step closer, you looked up at him with tears shining in your eyes. "You told me I could go through the stuff in the attic," you whispered, rubbing your hands up and down your arms nervously. "I didn't mean to watch your personal video. I wish I hadn't. And now I feel so stupid for moving all my stuff in."
Bradley ran his palms over his face. The bedroom smelled like you. The whole house smelled like you. It was intoxicating, and he was always going to need it. "Baby, I had no idea that was in the attic. I didn't even know it was saved anywhere. It was from years ago, okay?"
"I know," you replied, wiping at your eyes and looking toward the dresser he had encouraged you to finish filling up with your stuff. "I know it's not new or anything. But... I hated it."
"I hate it, too," he replied immediately. "And I hate that it hurt you."
Then you pushed away from the bed and squared your shoulders, and it felt like you were forcing yourself to keep eye contact. "Did you keep it because you still watch it? And am I an idiot for giving you those photos? Because I don't know if I can compete in that way." The words at the end of your sentence started to fade away softly, and Bradley closed the distance between your bodies without touching you.
"I didn't keep the video intentionally, Baby," he swore, ready to drop to his knees and beg. "I don't watch it. I didn't know it still existed. Why would I keep it when I'm with you now?"
You traced his knuckles softly with your index finger and whispered, "Because she's beautiful."
"No," Bradley growled, tucking his fingers under your chin and gently guiding your gaze up to meet his. "She's been a nightmare for me. For us. That's not beautiful. She's nothing like you." Then you melted against his body, and Bradley whispered, "Nobody competes with a Princess."
He rubbed his big hands up and down your back as yours settled around his waist. "I don't even want to have to think about her," you whispered against his shirt. "But she's everywhere, like she wants to make sure she's not forgotten."
Bradley kissed your forehead. You weren't wrong. Meredith had come out of hiding as soon as he got involved with you, and she just wouldn't quit. "She's in custody now. There's no reason for us to have to think about her."
"But the USB-"
Bradley took your chin a little rough in his palm and kissed you hard, eliciting a whimper. He kissed you until both of you were breathless, and you were clinging to the front of him. Until he felt like things could get back to the way they were. "Let's destroy it."
You let Bradley take you by the hand and lead you to the kitchen where he bent to pick up the USB drive from the floor near the sink. Then he reached into one of the cabinets and grabbed a cutting board.
"What are you doing?" you asked. 
"Something I would have already done if I knew it was still here."
Then both of you walked out the back door into the afternoon sun where he set the USB drive down on the cutting board on the patio. And then you watched him dig around in the shed and return with a hammer. He went right to kneeling on the patio without any hesitation, and you watched him make quick work of it. With three swings of the hammer, bits of blue plastic went flying in every direction. By the third hit, all that was left on the cutting board was some mangled wire and flattened metal. The stupid thing was obliterated, and when Bradley looked up at you, there was a smile on your face.
He tossed the hammer aside. "Come on, Baby," he said, standing and scooping you up in one smooth motion. "I want you forever, Princess. You don't have to doubt that." He kissed you softly as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Do you believe me?"
He grunted as he kissed your cheek. "She's gone. She doesn't live here. She has no bearing on what we're doing."
"I know," you promised as he carried you back into the kitchen and set you on the counter. "I know, Daddy." You watched his expression soften further at your words and your touch as you pulled him closer by his shoulders. 
"She's not coming back," he whispered, placing soft kisses to your lips and face. "It's just us. And Noah. He's ours."
Ours. You wanted that. You wanted to be as much a part of this home and this family as Bradley was. As Noah was. And you knew they both wanted you here. They were your boys, and you were their Princess. You needed to accept that it could just be that easy. 
"You're making everything seem so simple," you whispered, squeezing his shoulders and biceps as his fingers kneaded into your hips and waist. 
"It is," he promised. "It's just us, and we'll figure out the rest."
"I don't want you to feel like I'm the one making it harder though. Like I'm the one taking advantage of the situation and your house and your money."
Bradley took a deep breath and planted one hand on the counter next to your thigh, his other thumb skimming along your lips. "That was what Meredith was like. Not you. You're too smart to waste money. You're too sweet to take Noah for granted. And you're too perfect to ever intentionally take advantage of someone. And it makes me want to share everything with you."
You kissed the rough pad of his thumb, and he replaced it with his perfect lips. His mouth was everywhere, and his hands were starting to roam, and you thought he mumbled something about a ring. But then your phone started ringing in the pocket of your scrub pants. 
Bradley paused with his hands on your thighs as you held up the phone. San Diego Police.
"You better answer it," he whispered, kissing your cheek and pulling his big, warm body away from yours.
"Hello?" you said a bit breathlessly. 
"It's Detective Summers. We've completed our search of your rental. Just wanted to let you know you can enter the house again and clean it up, and we'll be in touch with your landlord."
"D-Did you find anything?" you sputtered, holding the phone tight to your ear.
"No," he replied, almost monotone. "Nothing. We've got no leads and barely any evidence. I'll email you the report and call back with any updates."
Then the line went dead. "Fuck."
"What's wrong?" Bradley asked cautiously. You barely recounted the brief conversation with him before your phone was ringing again in your hand.
"It's my landlord," you said, tossing your head back. "He's going to start making a big deal about the glass again."
But you answered the call so you could hopefully just get him off your back and move on from this headache once and for all. And he wouldn't shut up about the stupid broken window. "You need to come over today so we can talk about how you're going to get this repaired. And then we can discuss an additional month of rent."
Bradley must have been able to hear your landlord clearly through the phone, he was talking that loudly. And when he took it out of your hand and pressed your phone to his own ear, you didn't stop him. 
"Right," Bradley growled, and you would have loved to see the look on the other man's face. "So what you're saying is you'd like to wrap all of this up today? Sounds great. We're on our way over."
Then he ended the call and helped you slide off the counter. "Uh oh, Daddy. I think you just made things worse for me."
Bradley scowled and said, "He shouldn't have been talking to you like that. Like any of this bullshit was your fault. Let's go. I promised I would fix everything. Let me try to fix this for you so you don't have to deal with it. You live here now."
You watched him grab his checkbook before he took your hand in his and led you outside.
Bradley was pissed off. You and he were finally getting somewhere talking in the kitchen. You were listening to him, he knew you were. He was in way over his head with you, happily. He would do anything to make your day easier, gladly. You always did the same thing for him and Noah. But he didn't appreciate how nobody else seemed to want to get off your back.
He was holding your hand, maybe a little tighter than was comfortable for you, while he drove to your rental house. He loosened his grip a little bit and asked, "Has your landlord always been a prick?"
You just shrugged and ran your thumb along the side of his hand. "Kind of. But definitely worse since I told him about the glass."
"Needs an attitude adjustment," he grunted, passing Penny's house and pulling up to the curb in front of the rental. "Is that him?" he asked, nodding toward the man standing on the porch with his hands on his hips. 
"Yeah, that's Sam," you confirmed, and Bradley leaned over to give you a quick kiss.
"Let's get this sorted out so we can go get Noah."
You climbed out of the Bronco, and Bradley rushed around the front end until he was at your side. He was pleased to note that Sam's eyes went a little wider as Bradley marched up the sidewalk with his arm wrapped around you. He was also pleased that you seemed completely relaxed next to him now. 
Sam planted one hand on his hip and scratched his bald head. "Listen, missy. Let's get this sorted out with a rent payment so I can get my new tenant in here." Bradley had to fight back a smirk, because he sounded nowhere near as aggressive as he had over the phone. 
"I just don't understand why you expect me to pay another month of rent. This was literally a crime scene, Sam," you said. "I didn't break the window myself."
He pursed his lips at you. "That's debatable, since the police said there was no way to know who broke it. And honestly, with the things kids get up to nowadays-"
"I'm sorry," Bradley said, cutting him off, but he wasn't actually sorry at all. "Sam? Is that your name? Sam, she's not a kid. She's an adult. Start treating her like one."
He opened his mouth and snapped it shut again before finally asking, "Who are you, exactly?"
Bradley wrapped his arm a little tighter around you as he said, "My name is Bradley. But you can call me Lieutenant Bradshaw. Just wanted to let you know that I already talked to my lawyer, and she doesn't owe you another month of rent."
Sam's eyes bugged out. "Your lawyer?"
"Yes," Bradley barked. "Pay attention. There will be no additional rent payment. Got it?"
"Y-Yes," he stuttered. "Fine. But she still owes me four hundred dollars for the broken panel of glass."
Bradley pinched the bridge of his nose before he turned to you and kissed you. You looked up at him with surprised eyes as he said, "Do you still need anything else from inside, Princess?"
"No. Nothing."
"Great." Then he left your side and marched over to Sam, glaring at him as he opened the door. Bradley's shoes crunched on the broken glass and he looked around the floor inside the front door. "This looks like about a hundred dollars in damages to me."
Sam looked scandalized. "No way. It's four hundred."
Bradley glanced at you out on the front step before he leaned in closer to Sam. "If you make me get my lawyer on the phone, I'm sure she would be delighted to explain to you why your departing tenant actually owes you no money at all. And we can get the San Diego police department on the phone as well just for some added clarification. Tenants are responsible for damages they cause to the property. That does not apply here. Understand."
When Sam didn't say anything, Bradley pulled his checkbook and pen out of his pocket and asked the man how to spell his name. "Here's one hundred bucks, because I've been in an exceptionally good mood this afternoon with my girlfriend. You really caught me at a moment where I'm feeling generous. Now that's going to be it. Sound good?"
Sam met his eyes, and Bradley really thought he was going to try to disagree with him. "That's fine," came his eventual response, to which Bradley smiled smugly. 
"And why don't you just go ahead and delete her number out of your phone. Go ahead. Do it now, while I watch," Bradley encouraged like he was talking to a very dim person. "No reason to keep calling and bugging her when you have a new tenant moving in, right?"
"Sure," Sam murmured, and Bradley watched as he deleted your name and phone number. 
"Now, one last thing. You stressed my girlfriend out for no good reason. So I'm going to need you to apologize to her."
Sam's gaze was steely, but he turned toward you anyway. "Sorry." It was the saddest excuse for an apology that Bradley had ever heard, but he nodded at the man regardless. 
"Great. Won't be talking to you," Bradley told him, and then he reached out for your hand. "We should go get Noah before we're late," he said.
"Yes, Daddy," you gasped, and Bradley's eyes snapped up to meet yours. He paused halfway to the Bronco and slid his hand around your hip. Your eyes were filled with need as you very slowly pressed your body tight against his. 
"Princess," he grunted. 
"That was so hot," you moaned softly, and Bradley's eyebrows shot up. "I don't even know if what you said about rent and Tracy and the police is actually true or not, but my god, Bradley... so.... hot." You pressed up on your toes to kiss him.
"I'm not sure if it's true either, but I was prepared to call Tracy," he told you, gently guiding you along to the Bronco.
"Well Sam certainly believed you."
"Yeah, well I was feeling a little aggressive. I don't understand where he gets off talking to you like that. Probably talks to all women that way. You think my mom would have let me talk like that when I was younger? You think Nat would let me know? Jesus, he's lucky I didn't kick his ass."
Bradley had the door open and you were halfway inside when you leaned in and kissed him, tugging him closer by his hair. "I'm really turned on."
"Fuck," he grunted as he heard Sam start his own car and pull away. It was probably the combination of clearing the air about the video and making sure he reiterated that he was in this thing with you forever. And it probably didn't hurt that he took care of your landlord, too. Because Bradley was turned on as well. 
Your kisses felt like the heated ones he knew by heart. The ones he thought about while he was looking at his collection of polaroids. But when you moaned his name against his lips and stroked him through his jeans, he pulled away. "Baby. Later, okay? Later."
"Okay," you said breathlessly, still reaching for him. 
You sat in the Bronco on the way to get Noah with your hands tucked under your thighs. Bradley was stealing glances at you at every stoplight, and you were doing the same. 
"Princess," he grunted, turning to face forward as a light turned green. 
But you couldn't help it. You felt a million times better than you had this morning. If the video with Meredith was never kept intentionally, then you could get past it. And if Bradley was willing to shield you and Noah with his life, then you could stop questioning him about everything else. It was like the floodgates of your apprehension finally opened up, and you wanted everything with him again. His time, attention, love and care. The fun and the physical intimacy. 
When he parked at the daycare, you crawled across the seat in your ridiculously wrinkly scrubs, and he welcomed you onto his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and said, "Thank you for today."
He kissed your cheek and asked, "What did I do?"
"Everything," you told him right away. "You made me feel comfortable with you paying Tracy. And you didn't get mad that I was upset about that video. And then you had a real conversation with me about us. And you never let anyone treat me like a child. I love you."
"I love you, too," he promised, and you kissed him before you reached for his door handle.
You still weren't sure what he had been expecting last night, but he didn't seem annoyed with you one bit. He never did. But you wanted to make it clear anyway. "And later, after Noah goes to bed, I want to have sex with you."
He stopped you from climbing out of his door with his big hands at your waist. "Only if that's what you want. The last few weeks were rough for you. For both of us. We don't have to rush getting back into that, even if you and I are turned on right now, okay?"
You met his eyes and shook your head slowly as the image of Greyson popped into your mind. "You're perfect," you told him, and then the two of you walked inside to get Noah. Casey was still there, just like earlier this morning, and you felt smug as Bradley kept his left arm draped over your shoulders while he signed Noah out for the day. 
Then he bundled you up in his arms with his lips and mustache pressed to your temple for all the world to see while Casey turned away with an eye roll and went to get Noah. 
"Daddy! Princess!" he called, carrying some new artwork in his hand as he bounded toward you both. You didn't think you'd ever get tired of watching the way Bradley effortlessly scooped his son up into his arms and held him so you could get a hug and a kiss from Noah. 
"Did you have a good day?" you asked brushing your thumb along his cheek while he handed you a painting of a dinosaur. 
"Yeah. I'm hungry."
"Oh," you said, looking at the two of them. "Today was a little crazy, and I didn't plan dinner."
"Let's get pizza," Bradley replied easily, barely saying goodbye to Casey as she hovered near the desk and called out to him.
You were smiling as you buckled Noah in while Bradley called in the order, and then the three of you went to pick it up. He ordered from the pizzeria on the same block as his preferred coffee place, and when you moaned, "I love when you bring me coffee from that shop," he chuckled as he parked.
"That's why I ordered the pizza from this location. Figured nobody was bringing you French vanilla coffee on a regular basis while I was away." Then he paused and raised one eyebrow. "Nobody else was spoiling you with overpriced luxury coffee drinks, right?" he asked playfully.
"Nobody," you confirmed. "They might write my actual name on the cup if they tried. And I would hate that."
Bradley carried Noah inside and you hooked your fingers through his belt loop as you waited in line. "No," Bradley mused. "That would be absolutely unfit for a Princess." 
When the drinks were ready, the barista slid them toward Bradley along with a marker, and he handed Noah to you. Then you watched him write Princess on your cup. 
"Am I still allowed to be the Knight?" he rasped softly, looking up at you for permission. When you nodded, he jotted that down on his own coffee cup. But before he could hand the marker back, the barista slid another cup across the counter.
"Something sweet for the little guy. He's so cute!" she said with a smile at Noah. Bradley shoved five dollars into the tip container before writing Prince Noah on the small cup filled with whipped cream and a plastic spoon. 
He had it all over his face as you held him while Bradley opened the door to the pizza shop, and then you watched your boyfriend juggle a pizza box, a container of salad and two coffees on the way back to the Bronco. 
"You're very coordinated for someone so old," you told him softly, and Bradley carried you around to the other door while you squealed with delight.
"The slander," he growled playfully. "I won't tolerate it."
"What do you plan to do about it?" you asked, cupping his handsome face in both hands as you kissed him. 
"I'll kiss you until you learn to respect your elders."
You laughed with your head tossed back as he kissed your neck. "I think it's great that you don't know the difference between a punishment and a reward. You must have forgotten in your old age."
He groaned and said, "You're just making it worse for yourself for later, Baby."
Bradley watched you cut up a slice of pizza for Noah while he liberally dumped the dressing onto the salad and mixed it up. You seemed more relaxed now. He did too. The destroyed USB drive and the open conversation and all the little touches and kisses made today almost perfect. Sure, there had been the details about Meredith and your landlord to contend with, but Bradley would do that shit any day as long as you were here. 
"It's still pretty hot, Noah," you said, putting the plate in front of him. 
Yes, you should absolutely stay here forever. The desire to have another child with you was always strong for Bradley, but it got so much more intense when you took care of Noah. He wanted to talk to you about it, but today already felt overloaded with feelings. So he would wait.
"This is good," you said in between bites of salad. "I like this dressing," you told him with a grin. 
Bradley looked back and forth between you and Noah. Your palm was still covered in a bandage, and he knew you were tired based on the way you'd slept so soundly on him last night. The deployment had been a lot for you, but of course you did everything just right. Of course Noah was happier than ever and asking if he could call you his mom.
"We should take a vacation," Bradley said absentmindedly. 
"We should?" you asked as your eyes met his. "Where?"
He smiled as Noah asked for more pizza. "I have some ideas. We can talk about it later."
You pressed your lips together. "I thought we were going to do other things later?"
Bradley laughed. "With age comes experience, Princess. And I'm pretty good at multitasking as long as nobody asks me to cook anything."
"Multitasking?" you asked, eyes wide as Bradley got more pizza ready for Noah.
"Yeah," he replied. "You want me to show you later?"
You hid your smile behind a slice of pizza. "Sure do."
Bradley let you and Noah off the hook after dinner, and he cleaned up the kitchen, not that there was much to do. Then he joined you outside on the driveway where you'd drawn a gigantic crown with purple sidewalk chalk in front of your car. While you helped Noah color a rainbow dinosaur, Bradley took the time to write Daddy loves Princess in huge lettering, and when he was done, you rewarded him with a kiss. 
"You boys play while I take a shower?" you asked, wiping orange chalk on your scrubs. 
"Of course. Or take a bath if you want to. Go relax."
He wasn't sure what you ended up doing, but you were in the shower or bath for a long time. Bradley got Noah ready for bed after he put the chalk away, and when you walked into the bedroom wrapped up in a towel, he was getting himself undressed. 
You took a deep breath and blurted out, "Just one more thing from our conversation earlier? About that video?"
"Of course," he said, his hands frozen at the hem of his undershirt, not sure what to expect.
You ran your fingers along the bedpost and said, "I know I'm here now and she's not. And I know there's nothing I can do with you that you haven't already done before... but is there any way we can buy a new bed? That's only ever going to be ours?"
Bradley's heart was pounding. "That sounds like a commitment? You planning on staying forever?"
"Yes, Daddy," you whispered with a smile.
He tugged his shirt off and told you, "Pick out a new bed. Whatever you want."
Your fingers grazed your purple crown as you smirked and asked, "Now why don't you show me some of your multitasking?"
He smirked. "Sure you can handle it?" he asked, tossing his undershirt into the hamper. Did anything feel as good as the way you joked around with him? You were grinning nonstop when he wrapped his arms around you, holding you and the damp towel against him. 
"Yeah, I can handle it."
"You say that now..." he replied softly, unwrapping the towel and letting his hands skim along your soft skin. "God, I missed you when I was gone." He watched you preen for him, and it was like night and day how much better you obviously felt since this morning. He pressed his lips to your ear and whispered, "When something's bothering you, I want you to tell me right away from now on."
The soft nod of your head had him tossing the towel aside and holding you against him as you shivered in the cool air. "Yes, Daddy."
He grunted and said, "You know I'll always take care of you."
Your eyes were so needy as they met his, and he watched your head tip slowly back as his thumb stroked your nipple to a hard peak. He worked you up slowly, always coaxing your gaze back to his as he spoke in a very matter of fact voice. 
"Now, let's talk about this little family vacation. I think we could all use a break, yeah?"
"Yeah," you moaned.
"Eyes on me, Princess. There's a lake house that Mav and Penny mentioned wanting to take a trip up to, and there are a lot of extra bedrooms. Do you want me to get more information about that?" His hand was sliding down toward your pussy now, and he chuckled as you tried to rub yourself against his fingers. "Well? Do you?"
"Yes!" you gasped, grabbing at his shoulders. "Whatever you want."
"Whatever I want?" he murmured, grinning as he slid one finger along your wet slit.
"Mmhmm," you hummed, eyes half lidded as he teased you. 
While he figured he could get you to agree to almost anything, he knew exactly what he wanted. And tonight was too perfect to waste on anything except the sweetest words and just the right touches. "I want to take my family away for a few days. I want to spoil the hell out of you."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and moaned, "Yes," while you pulled him toward the bed. You were perfect, easing yourself back on the pillows, naked and needy as he took his jeans off. 
When he eased his body on top of yours, he let you reach for him first and pull him closer where you wanted him. "Let me spoil you every day? Show you how good I can be? Make you never want to leave?"
You combed your fingers back through his hair as you looked up at him. "I'm not going anywhere."
Daddy is fixing it. And Daddy is going to spoil his family. Hope you enjoy your babysitter story @beyondthesefourwalls and thank you @mak-32
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killuintense · 7 months
share Leon links idc audio and porn GIRL WE STARVING.
KSJFJSKFKSKDK MAAAAAN i always end up spoiling y'all with what u want!!
but well, i leave my favorite videos when i want to think about Leon... yk 🤨
TW: explicit sexual content, links of p0rn videos, sorry leon i love you but never is enough ‹𝟹
LINK 1 — this video IS SO Leon re2r coded, so kind and gentle kissing you all the time, sometimes the rhythm of his thrusts stumbles a little because he is holding back the urge to sink into you because he loves the warmth you give him when you squeeze around him. He kisses you, he adores you, he LOVES kissing you on the mouth, it doesn't matter if it's messy, he just wants your hot little mouth to contain him. However, in the end it is almost impossible for him and he ends up speeding up the penetrations because he just wants to cum and he can't stand another second without the feeling of your heat enveloping him while he cums in your tight pussy.
It's really my favorite video because physically the boy also looks a lot like Leon uwu !
LINK 2 LINK 3— only Leon eating pussy 🤨 we already know that he is a fan of doing it, he can't help it and when he is too fond of you and wants to push you away, he grabs you by the waist and makes you lean all your weight on his face because he LOVES IT, and not always It has to be when you are lying down, sometimes he just takes advantage of any moment to bury himself between your legs and eat you anywhere. he is so desperate.
LINK 4 — for some reason this reminds me of Leon re4r, he would be the quite vocal guy and always when it came time to cum he would moan like this. An interesting point is that he loves to fill you, fill you enough so that your pussy is not capable enough to contain it so that it escapes from the sides, staining you even more with his cum. He loves it and giggles mischievously about it. He's really a very stamina boy and even though he came, he keeps pushing inside you.
anyway, those are all the videos. i genuinely only like videos of this style if they remind me of Leon lmao, but if that's the case i go crazy and many of the one shots i write are probably inspired by one of these.
LINK 5— i kept this one because it gave me a lot of Leon vibes from death island, he looks big and i always had the fantasy of doing it with that version of him in doggy style, especially because i see this version of Leon as gentle but at the end of the situation he gets carried away by the desire to want to take you at his pace so he fucks you harder. Another detail is that i love how similar the video's hand is with Leon, did you see that scene in death island where we can see it well? His hands are... fuck, you know, the amount of things those fingers could do, and the video reminded me of it all the time!!
LINK 6 — no matter the version, we all know that Leon is a needy and desperate boy. i loved the detail of him asking to stop in that way so as not to cum yet, Leon would have that consideration but it's obvious that you wouldn't, pushing him to the limit so that he can cum and your baby can release all the tension he has on him. you laugh at him for being so pathetic, but you kiss him and while he tries to recover, your hands don't stop touching his cock because, let's be honest, we all know that it is only yours and you control it how you want.
if i find more videos, i will do another part, of courseeeee, as long as it is well received uwu
thanks for your message anon, ily'all ♡♡♡♡
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dilemmaontwolegs · 7 months
Used to be Young || CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x singer!reader Summary: Being the life of the party isn't all it's cracked up to be but you manage to turn over a new leaf and start afresh after being dumped by your first love. Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, mentions of drugs and alcohol, angst, hurt/comfort WC: 2.5k
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A few years earlier… You barely registered the words coming out of Charles’ mouth, the arrogance of youth numbing you to what you were about to lose. You had a career that had exploded overnight, an album in the top charts, more money than you knew what to do with. How could you lose anything after everything you had achieved? You were invincible.
“It’s over, I can’t do this anymore,” Charles repeated over the loud music filling the open bar. He cast his eyes over you from the skimpy dress that left little to the imagination to your red eyes from the joint you had shared with your back up dancers. “I don’t even recognise you.”
“Where are you going?” You grabbed his hand and pulled him to a stop as you pressed your lips to his cheek. You kissed your way across his jaw before nipping his ear and laughing. “We’re just having fun! Lighten up, Charles.”
“No, you’re having fun,” he said as he peeled your fingers off his shirt. “If you want to go wild, then go wild, but I’m not going to stick around to watch this shit.”
You let him go. You watched him leave as the healing skin behind your ear began to itch with your latest tattoo. You turned away before the crowd swallowed him whole, your fingers already reaching for another shot of liquor.
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Winter Break - Music Award Show Charles would recognise your voice anywhere, no matter how much time passed he could still locate it in a crowd. It was as if the frequency of your voice was one he was attuned to and it called to him when he was meant to be focusing on the interviewer before him.
It had been a year since you last toured, a year since you last released a song. Charles knew, because he still listened to your albums and watched every music video- much like how you still followed his Formula 1 career. He waited for any news about you, but the last year had been silent. Your social media was deleted, paparazzi photos few and far between but what he had seen had made his heart ache. You had changed, no longer the carefree spirit he fell in love with in a whirlwind romance swimming in alcohol and snapshot decisions.
Charles couldn’t help but wonder what you had been doing in your absence. Had you met someone like he had? Had you fallen in love and then fallen out of love like he had? He wanted to know if you were happy.
Charles was in a daze as he took his seat. His invitation to the award show had come thanks to the rising popularity of his sport mixed with his music and he scanned the crowd hoping to catch a glimpse of you. He knew you were there, he knew it with every fibre of his being, he just needed to see you.
The lights dimmed and goosebumps prickled beneath the suit he wore as your voice caressed his ear. He could have sworn you were sitting behind him, serenading him and only him, but there you were - right where you belonged.
The truth is bulletproof, there's no foolin' you I don't dress the same Me and who you say I was yesterday Have gone our separate ways
Charles could barely breathe as the soft lighting warmed your skin, setting you in a glow that was somehow both powerful and ethereal. There was no need for any theatrics when your voice was emotive enough to outperform any dancers or pyrotechnics. All you needed was a stage and a microphone.
Left my livin' fast somewhere in the past 'Cause that's for racin' cars Turns out open bars lead to broken hearts And goin' way too far
Your eyes were closed, brows pinched, as if the memory of that night hurt even now. The huge screens around the room were filled with the image and Charles swallowed the lump in his throat as regret filled him for his role in it all.
I know I used to be crazy I know I used to be fun You say I used to be wild I say I used to be young
Charles closed his eyes as they began to burn, but still your voice infiltrated his soul and reverberated with the truth.
You tell me time has done changed me That's fine, I've had a good run I know I used to be crazy That's 'causе I used to be young
Charles forced himself to watch the stranger he loved flourish before his eyes. He had seen you grow from a teenager into a young adult, thinking the flower that blossomed was the final product. Like the dandelions you had blown to the breeze and wished upon with him years ago, you had shed the petals of immaturity and become a woman commanding the wind to carry her higher.
You hated how the spotlight burned your skin and you told yourself it was the lamp that made your eyes water as you screwed them shut. 
The words you had penned on the back of a scrap of paper had come to you on a Sunday afternoon. You weren’t the religious type, but Sunday was a holy day in your house and your worship began at lights out. Words had failed you when the partying stopped. You wondered who you were without the late nights and endless faces that enabled you to lose your values, your friends, your love. You thought your music had died with your younger self. 
But on that Sunday, something had changed. On that Sunday, you saw a man at his lowest and heard the heartache in his voice. On that Sunday, you watched a man carry more burden than any shoulders could bear and somehow, somehow, he smiled. Thousands of miles away in Brazil, Charles had taught you a lesson in letting go, of hope and resilience and maturity. 
The words had come easily after that.
Take onе, pour it out, it's not worth cryin' 'bout The things you can't erase Like tattoos and regrets, words I never meant And ones that got away
You didn’t plan to open your eyes until the song was over, you didn’t want to see what the audience thought of the performance that was so unlike how you used to sound, but you did it anyway. The spotlight blinded you for a moment before your eyes adjusted and time seemed to freeze when you found Charles staring back. 
Time had changed him too, his jawline had sharpened and the suit fitted his filled out body so much better than they ever did. A pair of glasses rested on the bridge of his nose and changed his entire face so that he could never be mistaken as anything but a man who was comfortable in his own skin.
He used to say you completed him but now you knew you had only filled the piece of his heart that was missing after his father died. You couldn’t complete a boy who was still growing into a man, it was impossible when you were both too young to know what complete even meant. Complete didn’t mean whole, it was just the acceptance of who you are and forgiving who you were. 
You weren’t in some grandiose ballgown or shock-inspiring barely-there outfit, you wore what you felt comfortable in. Charles smiled, his dimple appearing as you slipped the microphone from the stand and walked to the edge of the stage. His eyes never left yours as you took a seat facing him and swung your feet in the open air, returning the smile.
I know I used to be crazy Messed up, but, God, was it fun I know I used to be wild That's 'cause I used to be young
You may have been the one singing but you heard him loud and clear when his hand rose up above his head. 
Those wasted nights are not wasted I remember every one I know I used to be crazy That's 'cause I used to be young
You heard him loud and clear when he made no move to wipe the tears on his cheeks.
You tell me time has done changed me That's fine, I've had a good run I know I used to be crazy That's 'cause I used to be young
There were no words that passed between you as you left the stage, but when he rose to his feet you heard him loud and clear.
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The loud knock on your door echoed around the temporary dressing room but the voice that followed was softer. Your fingers rested on the door handle until you took a deep breath and turned it. The air left your lungs as you were struck by the image of him standing in your doorway, one hand in his trouser pocket, the other in his hair as he wondered if he was making a mistake.
Up close, he looked even more handsome but it was his cologne that took you deep into the past. The intensity of the CK bottle used to be overpowering on the senses when he would douse himself in the stuff, but now he wore a complex, rich scent that invited you to lean closer and inhale. His finer tastes had matured along with the rest of him.
“Hey,” he said as he looked into your room, taking in the details from the water bottles to the ambient sounds you relaxed to. A smile transformed his face and he stepped inside when you opened the door wider in invitation. “Is this my music?”
“It helps me to relax,” you admitted as you closed the door behind him. 
“Your song is…” he shook his head as he trailed off, like he was struggling to articulate what he wanted to say and he had to settle for something less because he couldn’t quite grasp the word, “beautiful.”
“Thank you.” You smiled shyly at your feet and fiddled with your hair that had been styled up for the red carpet walk. 
Charles’ eyes followed your hand and widened before he grabbed it. The warmth of his skin on yours was something you had never been able to replicate, there was no man or woman whose touch could come close to his. You knew because you had tried and tried before resigning yourself the hard fact that you had lost the best thing you had. 
“Is that…my number?” His fingertips turned your head to see the tattoo tucked behind your ear.
You laughed as you remembered how you were going to surprise him once it healed, but he had already gone by then. “Yeah, it is. And I don’t regret it, before you ask.”
“I’m glad.” The corners of his lips curled up as he dropped his hand back to his side. “I have so many questions, but I think they would take all night. How have you…what have you…god, I don’t even know where to start.”
“As it happens, I have no plans,” you said as you took a seat on the couch and patted the space beside you.
“No after party?”
You shook your head as he sat down and you grabbed your bottle of water from the coffee table. “That’s not my scene anymore.”
Charles draped his arm across the couch as he tucked one leg up and settled so he could face you. “What were you going to do after the show tonight then?”
“Honestly?” You chuckled at the question and picked at the label on the bottle. “I was going to go home, order a pizza and watch the new season of Drive to Survive.”
Charles bit his lip as he tried not to laugh. “Really?”
“Don’t laugh,” you feigned annoyance as you slapped his hand. “I’m missing the races so it will have to do until next month. Are you excited?”
He caught your hand before you could take it back and he traced his fingers over the splatterings of new tattoos you had collected throughout the years. “Hmm, I’m optimistic.”
“Always were,” you murmured as you let your hand relax in his. “But what about the car?”
“Why don’t you come to testing and find out?” He seemed to come to his senses as he dropped your hand. “You’re probably busy and we’re practically strangers now. Shit, you probably have a boyfriend. Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Charles, shut up,” you laughed as you caught his face in your palms and felt the texture of the short beard he now sported. “I know you too well that we could never really be strangers.”
“We’ve both changed.” His head lowered into your hands and you watched his green eyes search your face for the wild child he used to know.
“We’ve grown up, there’s a difference.”
His breath whispered across your wrists as he looked down at the distance closing between your bodies. “So do you?”
“Do I what?” 
“Have a boyfriend.”
You smiled sadly. “I could never have a boyfriend. It wouldn’t be fair when my heart always belonged to someone else.”
Charles started to lean towards you, his eyes on your lips as if he could already taste him, but you pulled away. Hurt flashed in those eyes and you wanted to erase it immediately, it took every ounce of control you had not to pull him back into a kiss. 
“We’re not strangers, Charles,” you said softly as you took his hand and tried to get him to look at you again, “but we aren’t those people any more.”
“Okay,” he nodded as he understood what went unsaid, “then we’ll get to know each other again. When did you become the sensible one?”
“After my stupidity cost me you, I suppose.”
The rest of the award show didn’t hold any interest after the conversation in your dressing room so you had both disappeared. The evening had been mild with the worst of the winter weather already passing, so you had enjoyed the quieter streets that had been closed for the night. Charles had kept you company and you both went unrecognised as you walked arm in arm to the pizzeria you promised was the best around. For a man who worked a lot of the time in Italy that was going to be tested when you got home.
It was midnight by the time you reached your apartment, the tower clock across the street tolling for the start of a new day. You would look back on that moment and realise it was then that the slate was cleaned. Whatever conversations that happened or didn’t happen were obsolete, whatever mistakes made before that moment were gone.
In the early hours on a Sunday of all days, you stepped inside your home with Charles at your side. Neither of you knew what the future held but by the same token neither of you were ready for this to be the end. After all, this was a new beginning.
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prettyoatmeal · 7 months
Shouldn't Have Shared (Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Fem!Reader)
A/N: Following up my previous post LOL. This is also not proof read, I was listing to a documentary and listening to music in the background of writing. I didn't intend for this to be so long, but I kinda got lost in writing this.
Summary: 'CAUTION! Do not share or this man will appear in your room!' is what the post said. Of course, it was just a hoax.. wasn't it? Sharing it to feed into your obsession for this fictional man from a video game, you're woken up to a pleasant surprise.
Warnings: Unprotected sex, creampie, overly possessive Ghost, primal, mentions of claiming and ruining.
Word Count: 1009
Masterlist here!
Rustle... rustle, rustle...
Stirring in your sleep, you could feel something was.. off. You felt the air tensing around you, becoming hyperaware of your breathing and heartbeat as you began to wake up from your slumber. Opening your eyes and rubbing the sleep from them, you turned away from the wall only to see the shadow of a large man staring right down at you. Your life almost flashed before your eyes.
Feeling your heart stop, you let a loud shriek of terror at the unexpected silhouette. Sitting up quickly, you push yourself to the corner of your bed, your body working on autopilot as you pegged one of your stuffed animals at him.
You could see the little stuffy you threw bouncing off from his chest, hearing him chuckling under his breath.
"Gonna take a lot more than a stuffed lamb to take me out."
You'd recognise that voice from anywhere.
Holy shit.
Turning on the lamp of your bedside table, you finally got a look at the mystery man standing at the edge of your bed. Eyes adjusting to the light, your eyes widened at the realisation.
"Easy, love, no need to be frightened. It's just me. You know who I am, don't you?" Taking another step, he bent over and leaned his palms into the plush edge of your bed, allowing you to get a closer look at him.
Hmm, blond eyelashes. Cute. Full gear... hot. You nodded, swallowing. He was so much bigger in person. Over a screen you couldn't properly picture yourself next to him, but now that he was up close, it was jarring.
"Good, of course you do."
Slowly, he crouched down and picked up the soft toy, throwing it back next to you. Hearing his voice in person, you couldn't help but shudder as you stared in awe. He was so close, so close to you. If this was going to end in any of the ways you've fantasised about, it was going to end with-
"Tell me, sweetheart, did my character on a screen do me justice, or am I even more striking in person?" he smirked, his voice lingering with an arrogance which would make you gag if it were any other man.
He was real... and damned cocky too.
You hadn't said any words yet, and he noticed your silence, his head tilting as he was almost kneeling on your bed at this point.
"Answer me, lovie."
"You're good at listening, aren't you?" He continued, his voice low in just the right way to send a shiver down your spine. "Now tell me something else, you've always wanted more than just pixels on a screen. You've played the game, you've fantasised, you've shared."
"Fuckin' cheeky for sharing that knowing I'd come find ya, and now I'm here to give you what your imagination can't. Would you want that, lovie?"
You swallowed, hard. The air charged with a palpable energy. It felt as if the room was closing in on you two, the erotic tension flooding the air around you as you felt yourself becoming warmer. While you felt your fluster, your fantasies in turn were becoming more and more real by the second.
God, you wanted this. You needed this.
"Quit squirming, damn it."
Your eyes were rolled back. His hand was over your mouth, muffling your pathetic whines. You couldn't risk waking up the house, could you?
Your body pinned down against your bed, his clothed chest against your back. Slamming into you at an ungodly speed with sloppy noised, it was everything you'd dreamed about.
"I said," he started, pulling your hips up with his free hand with a grasp tight enough to bruise, angling every thrust which made you lose your mind, "quit squirming."
It was hard to not drool over his palm, the unholy echo of skin slapping together made you pray that no one else would wake up to hear it.
"Ghost-" you managed to moan out his callsign, muffled against his palm.
"Fuck, baby. Keep quiet f' me." he almost whimpered, his face getting lost and buried in your neck as he nipped and kissed at the soft skin. "Can't have- mmh - ye' waking the others up, can you?"
You were barely able to shake your head, this goddamn hunk of a man keeping you under his weight as he rearranged your insides.
"Sweet girl, how long have you thought about this? Touchin' yourself to the thought of me, now coming into y' room like this and using you like you've wanted." His voice came out as a growl, right against your hear and giving you goosebumps.
One night stands were never your thing, but you could for sure keep this going with him. With your walls clenching around him, your went blurry with tears as your eyes threatened to flutter closed.
His filthy words wavered, his voice breaking as he became increasingly desperate himself.
"Finally been given a taste and this wet cunt is just sucking me in."
With his cock hitting that spongey spot inside you, you tensed under him as you felt your orgasm approaching rapidly. Only a few more thrusts and with a muffled cry, you were coming undone, gushing around him. The feeling only made him whine more as you clamped down on him so deliciously, his hips slamming against your ass were now on borderline primal.
"I'll give you what you want, y're all mine, fuck."
With a final grunt against your neck, you felt the warmth of his cum filling you to the brim. Though, he was so deep inside you that there was no where for his release to go but seep out of you. His his heavy breaths mixed with growls, he removed his hand from your mouth and helped to flip you over.
Pulling you almost down to the edge of your bed, you were put into a mating press, barely comprehending it in your post-orgasm haze.
"We're not done yet. Sweet girl, I'm going to ruin you."
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kieran-granola · 8 months
Tim keeps stealing Jason's helmet.
Nobody can figure out why he does it. He doesn't wear them. As far as the Bats can tell he doesn't destroy them. And it doesn't look like he's taken to reverse-engineering Roy's tech in them either. No, it's like he just.... yoinks them and disappears them.
Jason gets progressively angrier about this because these helmets cost a ton of money, and like, yeah, okay, he has taken them off in the field for dramatic effect before... but he usually gets them back unless they're busted because he's not fucking made of money, Timtopher.
Unfortunately, whenever Jason confronts him, Tim is adamant that he hasn't stolen anything. And the thing is, Jason is sure it's him, but he doesn't have any actual proof he could use to wipe Tim's smug fake-innocent smile off his dumb, pretty face. There's no video footage, no prints from him that prove that he did it, and when Jason breaks into his place to look for his stash he doesn't find a single helmet anywhere.
It's maddening.
Jason: "Bruce, we have to talk about your kleptomaniac."
Bruce: "I have no influence whatsoever on what Selina does with her time."
Jason: "...I meant Tim."
Bruce: "Oh."
Jason: "..."
Bruce: "...Unfortunately I also have no influence whatsoever on what Tim does with his time."
Jason is pretty sure he has more white hairs than he used to because when will Tim's reign of terror cease? Please, he doesn't want to have to ask Bruce for money. It gets so bad that, eventually, Jason gives up on security measures and decides to just... Keep the helmet on at all times.
It's annoying, and it makes sleeping pretty unpleasant but God help him, you won't get away with stealing a single helmet more, Timathan!
Or so he thinks, at least... Until he wakes up without his helmet.
At this point Jason is considering giving up, because... how—what—no way!!!
He still has one more thing to try and that's straight up haunting Tim. Like, he visits Constantine, uses what money he has left to buy a pair of inescapable magical handcuffs ("Don't ask." "I wasn't about to. What you like in bed's your business, big guy." "It's not like th—Ah fuck, you know what, think what you want.") and marches his way to Tim before cuffing them together.
Tim, blinking at the cuffs, bemused: "You didn't think that one through, did you?"
Jason: "Shut up."
Tim: "No, seriously, what if I need to pee?"
Jason: "Guess you better confess your sins then, or you and I are gonna get verrryyy well acquainted."
Unfortunately for Tim, Jason has the advantage there, because it turns out that the consumption of energy drinks does tend to translate to bathroom uses. Sure, Tim has been to boarding school with shared showers and locker rooms, and he did lose any and all sense of shame. But well... Sharing showers with your schoolmates is one thing, but peeing with your crush staring is another, and he's not an expert on romance but he's pretty sure that would be a faux pas.
With a soul-deep sigh, Tim drags Jason to his lab and finally shows him what he's been doing with the helmets.
Turns out, surviving a warehouse explosion is totally possible when one is wearing highly protective armor to spare their brain from any major damage. Sure, contusions and bodily wounds suck, but they can heal, and Bruce has very very good doctors available, as plenty of alternate universe!Jasons have found out.
Tim: "...and see, this is why I HAVEN'T stolen anything, because I just gave your helmet back to you!"
Jason: "Timothy. You're a maniac, and I'm gonna kiss you now."
Tim: "Oh, ok—hmpf!"
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urfavoritegirlkisser · 4 months
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"Midnight Rain" II - Rockstar!Ellie Williams x Popstar!Reader
an - wow i did not expect you guys to like this idea so much, if you haven't read part one i would go ahead and read it first before reading this part!! Enjoy!
I don't consent to anyone sharing my work anywhere else, I only post my writing on this tumblr account, do not steal my work
Tags: Fem!popstar!reader, rockstar!Ellie, we're burning slow here my loves, fake dating trope, no outbreak au, angst, slight anxious!reader, Ellie is a little bit of a player and kind of an asshole sorry pookies, lightly proof read, listen to "lucky" by britney spears it literally inspired this entire idea
So apparently you lied to yourself and no one forgot it happened
Two months. It had been two months since you had seen that article and left Ellie’s hotel room, and people couldn’t seem to let it go.
Edits of the two of you filled your for you page, fans brought signs to your shows asking about you and Ellie, and honestly, you were sick of it.
It didn’t help that your management thought it was a great idea because it gained traction for both you and Ellie’s fan bases.
So now you sit in a meeting with Ellie and your managers as they discuss another appearance from the two of you together.
This was your least favorite part of being a pop star, the fame, and your fans were amazing, but most of your choices weren’t your own; they were for the “brand” your management wanted to maintain.
“Sounds good to me” Ellie speaks up, breaking you from your thoughts as you look at her like she has two heads and scoff
“I’m sorry but weren’t you the one telling me that you had your precious reputation to uphold and couldn’t be tied down with anyone?”, you could feel your anger at the situation growing but knew you should keep yourself from completely losing it
“We both benefit from the attention, that’s more important to me than some silly reputation sweetheart,” she says with that infuriating smirk that lets you think for a moment that her words are truthful
“Fine,” you say, “But this is only going to be a thing for a few months, after my tour is over we are over, got it?” 
Your managers go over the agreements and discuss appearances before the both of you sign, basically binding yourselves to each other for the next six months.
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The first appearance was simply Ellie coming to one of your shows
She hangs out with her bandmates Dina and Jesse in the VIP box where they are visible to the fans attending but are secure enough so they don’t get mobbed and can enjoy the show comfortably.
You make sure to direct most lyrics in the more romantic songs on your set list toward Ellie and can tell that your fans are eating it up.
After the show, your manager escorts you backstage where Ellie is waiting, noticing that it’s visible by some fans lingering in the upper levels.
Your manager pushes you toward Ellie and you plaster on a fake smile, running up to her and hugging her tightly.
Ellie kisses your cheek lovingly and it sends a jolt of sadness through you as you look into her eyes, wishing the look of care on her face was real.
“Smile, people are watching” she whispers into your ear while letting her hand slip to your waist and letting the other cup your jaw to tilt your face to hers.
You shake off the creeping feeling of anxiety at so many cameras on the two of you and smile softly, letting Ellie lead you into a quick kiss before parting and being led back to your dressing room by your manager.
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You get back to your hotel that night and scroll mindlessly through your feed of constant videos from tonight, some of you performing, some of Ellie in the VIP box, and plenty of when the two of you met after the show.
You scroll through the comments of fans raving about how happy the two of you look with tears in your eyes
If only they knew
an - I listened to my sad girl hours playlist for this, I hope you enjoyed it!! Now go drink water you girl kissers xoxo
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w2soneshots · 1 month
Have you seen the prank when a couple fight or they are gaming and the woman just lifts her shirt and flashes them to get there reaction?
Could you do that with harry and Simon?
Flashed -W2S/Miniminter
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Words: 0.3k+
Warnings: nudity, arguing.
In which you use an interesting tactic to get the boys attention.
a/n: I love this idea and i love writing these! They take me 15 minutes and I don't feel the pressure to write a long story, perfect for writers block😭💕
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"No! For fuck sake!" I heard Harry shout from his office. I took a deep breath and slid out of our bed. I knocked on his door quietly. "Come in!" I heard from the other side. I opened it slightly then cocked my head towards our bedroom with a slight pout. He sighed then quickly muted himself "I need to finish this video babe." He said. I rolled my eyes then stepped into the room. His brows furrowed. I grabbed the hem of Harry's hoodie (that I'd stolen) and lifted it up to my chin, flashing my bare chest to him. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open slightly. I dropped the hoodie and swiftly left the room, leaving the door wide open. I got back in bed and waited a short five minutes before Harry was crawling in next to me.
"I'm not going anywhere where she's going to be!" I argued. "Well we can't miss his wedding, you know how important it is!" Simon retaliated. He had told me that one of his good friends was going to be getting married, which is lovely and all but that friend's sister is Simon's ex girlfriend (she's a propper bitch). "Ugh." I sighed. "Listen. We can just stay away, you know I love you and only you." Simon said calmly. I smiled, then grabbed my loose shirt and pulled it over my head. His mouth dropped. "Ok it doesn't matter. Let's forget about it." I said walking towards our shared bedroom. I heard the patter of footsteps behind me then I was being lifted into the air and flung onto his shoulder "ahh!" I playfully screamed with a giggle.
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