myreputatioooon · 2 months
If I can be Stupid For SIGNALIS againt he fact that Elster literally has it hardwired into her code to obey shit like no running in halls and no more than six objects even though is fucking w/ me
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red-dyed-sarumane · 5 months
i like to think apoptosis tries to lie to tenshi but tenshi cares too much & has figured her out pretty well & can see through most of it. i dont have much to support this beyond the fact theyre clearly heavily tied together across their songs.
#actually if im doing any analysis here#the timeline i think is like.#the group decides to go thru with the sacrifice to see if that would 'absolve their sins'#potentially targets apoptosis first as. she doesnt seem to get along with anyone#she doesnt want that obviously so she goes to pin it on someone else#someone else just happens to be tenshi who REALLY does not want the role#the whole lying about doing it for her & then tenshis dont leave me alone could be like.#tenshi gets the role & apoptosis just walks free not really thinking of the consequences#of course then its already getting too late to change anything & tenshi tries to convince herself shes doing the right thing#that her death will matter and maybe at least get them more time or something if not fix the problem#but no!!! it does nothing!!!! & apoptosis has to face that fact!!! that since it wasnt her it was someone she#(refuses to admit she) cares about!!!!!!!#& she cant stand that & suddenly shes in meltdown mode & will do whatever to destroy herself#i dont think its guilt shes dealing with like i genuinely think shes too selfish to feel guilty#kanons the guilty one not apoptosis#apoptosis feels more like. she lost something important & if she cant have it(her) then she doesnt want anything at all#unfortunately as per da rulez her being selfish means she continues to live.#permanent torture of knowing the one solid thing she had she got rid of and will never ever get back#the girlies#thats my current take on the situation#but in general i think those two are closer than either of them will admit
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sojournerstales · 2 years
writing tip or something
I'm gonna say break the rules. I don't mean this in the squealing motorcycle, smoke cloud, 'n smoking sort of way. I mean it in the way that if you rigidly follow every correct grammar tip your writing is going to turn out to be incredibly dry. You gotta know the rules, they're there for a reason. Grammar helps maintain flow and understanding and eradicates (for the most part) ambiguity.
Sometimes you gotta not do that though. Sometimes you have to sacrifice a little clarity for a little lyricism.
Different POV characters will have a different perspective on the prose, and in turn the prose might have different ways of phrasing something. There is a difference in texture between a strictly objective narrator vs a narrator that is taking the perspective of its main character into account (whether that is in third person or first person), and that texture comes from your choice in sentence structure and grammar.
Sometimes run-on sentences are horrible, yes. Sometimes there is such a delightful horror to be found in a sentence that is going on for far too long, like the shrill rising whine of a high note being stressed to the point where something has just gotta give. And then the sentence lets you go.
Or something, iunno. I'm not the cops do what you want.
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twinkpoll · 1 year
How do the nomination rules work? Can I submit multiple different twinks if I patiently fill the form again and again, or is it one twink to rule them all and that's it?
You may submit as many DIFFERENT twinks as you like, one per form. I have the one per form rule because it saves me having to make new rows in the spreadsheet. If you put, like, six twinks per form that's a lot more work. Each submission is a row on the spreadsheet and then I can just do some jiggery-pokery and it tallies it all for me.
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hi so i read your travis stoll x daughter of poseidon hcs and i was for a similar one?
connor stoll x poc! daughter of poseidon hcs? you can choose the trope but maybe featuring overprotective brother percy?
if not that’s okay too, thank you if you decide to do it!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ connor stoll x poc! daughter of poseidon! reader hcs
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content: connor stoll x poc! daughter of poseidon! reader hcs warning: language, silly goofy times, someone is shirtless author's note: this one scared me, to be totally real. again, i don't really know if it is my place as a white passing mixed person to speak on this topic, so i wasn't sure if i wanted to do it. but, I figured screw it, let's give it a shot. and then from the moment i started it, i started to have fun, so thank you!! (tho if any one feels that it was wrong that i wrote this or something, pls pls let me know and i'm more than willing to take it down!!)
bro stole your heart and then wants to claim he didn't???? like, give it back that was MINE-
you guys obvi fell in love on a quest
it was a mismatched group but chiron just needed to send people to go get one of aphrodite's many, many combs.
so it was just you and connor on your way to maine, where she accidently left it on the beach totally not after hanging out with ares.
you and connor knew of each other but weren't like...close
but then you guys were riding the subway out of new york and when it jerked, your grip on the pole slipped and you would have been sent barreling into other new yorkers had connor not caught your waist and pulled you into his chest.
blushing mess, the both of you
that was the start fr
then it was the little bed and breakfast in maine
they only had one tiny twin bed left
because of course they did
but you and connor were so exhausted from fighting your way to maine that it didn't even matter anymore
"i'll sleep on the floor, lemme just grab a pillow-"
"are you kidding me?? con, we just fought off a hydra for like thirty minutes. you can't keep doing this quest without back support. c'mon, promise i don't bite," you argue, instantly.
connor stared at you for a few seconds before his eyes flicked to the tiny bed and then back to you
"i'm not gonna fight you on this. bed, now. unless you want to sleep in wet pajamas because i will bust a pipe if you sleep on the ground."
"okay, okay, calm down, aqua girl."
"that's ms. aqua girl to you!" you joke and connor laughs, shaking his head as he slipped into the bed, squeezing off to one side as best he could
you followed soon after, also trying to give him as much space as possible
there was some silence, just the quiet slow breathing from the both of them and the distant sounds of the waves of maine
"good night, y/n"
"night, connie."
the next morning, connor woke up before you did, feeling strangely warm and a heavy weight on his chest
he forced his eyes open and looked down, realizing your head was now resting on his chest, your tight curls sprayed over his sleep shirt
his arms were naturally draped over your waist and both of yours legs were tangled up with his
connor blushed, feeling like he was tangled up in the softest seaweed
he wanted to move away for your dignity but he caught one whiff of that distinct ocean smell in your hair and couldn't bring himself to pull away
which led to an awkward breakfast
both of you blushing idiots as you retrieved aphrodite's stupid comb, mentally cursing the damn thing out for causing all this trouble.
but then, ever the confident one, on the train ride back to camp, you kissed connor
he kissed back bc he's not an idiot
if a pretty girl kisses you, you kiss back
those da rulez
let's just say they were grateful for aphrodite's comb after that
also girly totally forgot it on purpose to get the two together, change my mind
ANYWAYS you had told connor that you could not tell percy under any circumstances
he was crazy protective of his baby sister
no guy even tried anymore bc percy would just kick their asses during train and pretend it was just to make them better
no it was to keep them away from his sister
he just didn't think any one was good enough for her
so, you and connor snuck around
which connor was perfect for, being a son of hermes and all
he had mastered the art of sneaking at a very early age
though, he got better as he did it with his pretty ocean girl
so, obvi, you guys were fooling around in the poseidon cabin
percy was supposed to be gone for at least another hour, helping someone with something that you didn't care to listen to
connor's shirt had been flung somewhere else and he was working dedicatedly on getting yours off
that was, naturally, when the door swung open and percy waltz into his cabin, stilling as he saw a shirtless, lip gloss covered, connor stoll on top of his sister
"...hey, percy, what's up, man?" connor started, trying to offer a bright smile
percy's eye twitched before he lunged forwards, connor scrambling out of the poseidon cabin, still without his shirt and his pants falling out slightly
"I'M GONNA GUT YOU!! GET BACK HERE!!" percy scream after him, pursuing the son of hermes
"I'M SORRY BUT SHE WAS JUST TOO CUTE!" connor called back with a laugh, darting behind a beefy son of ares and his daugther of apollo girlfriend
"what ever it is, i didn't do it!" travis replied, confused, but throwing his hands up
"not you," you told travis who nodded his head
"ahh, percy finally found out?"
"yes- wait, how'd you know?"
"please, don't be rude," travis taunted with a wide smile
"boys, boys, you're both pretty," y/n mused, laughing with travis
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cgtg · 5 months
do you have any tips on writing karkat dialogue? im trying to get a better feel for it
honestly... i dont know how to do it
like. i do it but i dont know *how*. idont even know how i got here
uh... 2 me all the trolls ring true as analogues of weird people youd meet on a forum.
you gotta imagine the kinda guy that goes on a forum n like. says shit about how important and busy he is irl, and highkey constantly wants admin so hard he like, enforces the forums questionable rulez himself,over dumb shit. tries to impress users he finds cool and authoritative. and all the staff find him annoying.
then add a layer of "overly candid teenage boy who doesnt get out much and cries all da time irl, unabashedly loves his friendz but cant say it with his mouth&eyes directly". the hopeful romanticism is crucial. he loves love. hes pathetic maybe. hes a fuckin guy. great at painting nose-wrinkling mental images.
i think the most important part of writing karkat is knowing when 2 be brief and when to write 1k words of rant. karkat knows how to listen and he also knows how to chew ur ear out.
also knowing the right amount of cusses to sprinkle in. you gotta get creative with the vocab, have fun with it yknow. dont just have him say fuck and stuff. its just too easy
im genuinely sorry i cannot give more meaningful advice than that. i hope thats... anything
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let-them-fight · 8 months
Do you want SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS to square off with CTHULU?
What would happen if REI PLUSH was pit up against 1 BILLION LIONS?
Welcome to THE TOURNAMENT! That’s it; it’s a tournament, in which YOU (the tumblrina) submit a random bitch from ANY FICTIONAL MEDIA to me (the tumblrine) via either the submissions tab and/or the inbox. Depending on the popularity of this blog, once we hit 100 individual submissions, we begin.
I will pair up two random characters out of the list. They will fight. They do not move onto some… new round, nor do they receive some cool swag sexy prize.
They, as in YOU, merely receive the notion that your fave survived a go in
I cannot guarantee how quickly polls will be out, and between the limits I will most definitely be doing other stuff apart from this blog.
Anyways here are da rulez:
No real people preferably! (With exceptions)
No ism, ist, or phobia here, thank you very much. Any and all occurrences of that will be blocked and/or denied.
No Harry Potter or DSMP please <3
Be respectful to each other and me. Lest I bawl like a big fat baby and pound my fists into the floor
Do not whine to me if your fave doesn’t win one of these silly little rounds. This is what queer infighting leads to /j
Anyways… I think I got the point across well. Bye!
Tagging for exposure (sorry that these have like 0 correlation):
@haveyouheardthisband @haveyoureadthisbook-poll @haveyouseenthismovie-poll @ao3topshipsbracket
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ewesless · 9 days
777 Notes Project
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What I will do if my Screenshot Redraw gets 777 notes is another Redraw!
Drop suggestions for scenes, illustrations and card art below! Even though I do already have an idea in mind for either winner I want to be interacted with and gauge interest 🥲 I am already terrified rn because of this potential level of exposure + containment breaches so it's getting limited to Obey Me tags. The winning character will get a simple drawing because I'm trying to manage my expectations lol
Da Rulez:
Must be from official sources (manga, illustrations, game/anime screenshots)
Must NOT be NSFW (I would if I could, tho *drools*)
Must NOT involve Character Hate (I love them both, here is the obligatory mention that Makima is definitely a genuine problematic fav.)
I'm anxious and excited, please don't let this be a huge mistake 😂😂😭
Here is the link!
Edit: please excuse me, I put 24 hour instead of 7 day poll by mistake.
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Okay, so it seems like there's a demand for me to offer feedback on art/writing/etc. I'm willing to do this, but there are some boundaries!!
‼️Da Rulez‼️
1. Submissions for opinions will be on Saturdays and Sundays 9-5pm EST! I want to make sure I'm not inundated with requests so that I actually have the time to answer. I'll keep my thoughts to short bullet points 👍🏾
2. I am not the voice of all Black viewers! I can only offer my subjective opinion!
3. I am an amateur artist. If you ask me for technical art advice beyond my expertise, I'm either going to Google (which is something you can do without me) or I'm going to direct you towards artists who you might better study or ask for advice on how they work.
4. Please be respectful about what you send in. I don't mind if you ask me about like, mainstream creation, but don't send me somebody's indie passion project asking "is it racist?!" That's not cool, especially bc you gone get ME caught up. If you think it's racist, stand on that lmao. Send the name of the media.
5. Be respectful to ME! I'll be fair, but I'm going to be honest. If you don't want feedback, don't ask me for it.
Lastly, the tag for these is #ThatsJustTips. Because I like this song, and you should hear it in your head every time I tag bc that's what I'm singing 👍🏾
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swan2swan · 1 month
WRT the writers killing Brooklynn, I'm very interested in the S&P of it all.
With Ben, they wanted to kill him off in Episode 7. But Da Rulez wouldn't allow a kid to die in a complete, finished episode, so they had to end the episode with his fingers slipping...then kill him immediately at the start of the next one. THEN, at the end of the episode, they showed his fingers move to say "Look! We didn't kill a kid!"
This time, I assume they can do whatever to Brooklynn without worry because she's 19/20. She's an adult, they can kill her off as easily as Eddie or Tiff or Random Workman #3. Same with the rest of the Campfam.
But I do also wonder if there are Legacy Rules built in. Are you allowed to kill Tim or Lex for real because they were in an earlier movie as kids?
Who knows?
I don't.
I love studying kid shows but I haven't read the rulebooks.
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aut1smkid · 3 months
❍⌇─➭ welcome to ⌗my blog : ๑ ˚ ͙۪۪̥◌ ⌨꒱
Heya people! I'm Auzie! I'm an artist who likes drawing gay lil objects, or whatever. I'm still in school so I won't post often. I stand with Palestine! Fuck them stupid terrorists. They can burn in hell. No matter what happens to Palestine, I won't stand down. I'll just spring right back up! I want to apologize for the awful situation going on in Palestine right now. No matter what happens I'll always be here for you. I take requests too. They're free. As long as you don't pester the shit out of me, I'll be no problem! Also I like taking my time, so please don't rush me. Also, I'm a vore artist!! If you don't like that sort of stuff, I'd suggest leaving this blog. Also, you can ask me for art requests too. Idc.
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Da rulez!
❧Object shows of any kind! I love the osc, and anything to do with the popular ones!
❧Inanimate insanity! Love it so much! I can't stop doodling the characters someone pls stop me (TдT)
❧AUs! Love em or hate em, there's tons to offer!
❧Proships! Nothing to do with them AT ALL!
❧ ( -_•)╦̵̵̿╤─ NSFW!
❧R*cism! No.... Just no.
❧F*tish! Uhhh.... This one's a maybe. Depends on which one, but here a list of the ones I despise. 👇
F&t/st*ffing/w3ight g&in
f##t l!cking
(*ˊᗜˋ*)ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ
Oh yeah!!! Almost forgot!! Here's the specific inanimate insanity ships I don't like or dni 👇
On thin ice:
Paintyang, Comedygold, Ojphone (idk wtf you call it) Twophone (as long as it's platonic or not very much kissing I'm cool) testcab, micsoap
Silverfan, knifan, Tissyang, Tacomic, stevepen, trofan
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I'm a minor!!!
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NSFW dni!!!
Check out my other accounts!!! 👇
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wreckham · 4 months
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I'M SO BACK, BAYBEE. All relevant info can be found under the cut!
$$$ Pricing $$$
Portraits, waist ups, and full bodies are $10, $20, and $30 USD per character respectively. Particularly complex character designs may entail a small additional fee
Payment is accepted via Paypal invoices only
Refunds can be granted for unfinished work. No refunds for finished pieces. If I cancel an order, you will receive a full refund. I do not consent to other artists completing my unfinished work
??? Sum Inphaux ???
I WILL DRAW: Any real or fictitious species, original characters, fan characters, fanart/licensed characters, pet portraits/caricatures, gifts for others, mild violence, mild suggestive content (adult characters only), and basically anything not listed below
I WON'T DRAW: Any form of bigotry, targeted harassment, graphic sexual content, extreme violence, or exact reproductions of others' work. I will not draw ANY violent or suggestive content for clients under 18. I will turn away any ideas or characters that I'm not comfortable working with
!!! Da Rulez !!!
First come, first serve
Minor adjustments are fine, but major adjustments, especially regarding previously agreed upon details, may cost extra or be denied altogether
Work doesn't begin until I've received reference material for the relevant character(s). You won't be invoiced until the uncolored roughs have been approved
If you have preferences regarding tint colors, facial expressions, or poses, please let me know
Final art will be hosted privately for at least 2 weeks. Be sure to download it!
I retain rights to the artwork; please do not repost it without credit or use it for monetary gain
||| Examples ||| Portrait (Feral Lion Cub): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/740993469262200832/ikhulu-ingonyama-10100 Waist Up (Anthro Dog): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/740621548906577920/malicious-gay-faggotry Full Body (Feral T-Rex): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/742353469392961536/qwantz Waist Up (Anthro Lemur): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/743042197177401344/waist-up-sketch-commission Portrait (Feral Dog): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/743437700825317376/portrait-sketch-commission-for Portrait (Feral Puppy): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/743703517168009216/portrait-sketch-commission Portrait (Feral Dog) (+Glittergif Variant): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/743794101132165120/portrait-sketch-commission-glittergif Portrait (Feral Dog): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/744157819019886592/portrait-sketch-commission-for-effrasorbus-sketch Portrait (Feral Dog): https://wreckham.tumblr.com/post/744987161536970752/portrait-sketch-commission-for
Please contact me via IMs if you're interested. Thanks for looking!
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sissy-xo-ix · 10 months
Well, I ended up writing two parts! So here ya go, parts 2 and 3!
Part 2: da rulez
Everything last night was a blur. Allan wasn’t even sure it was real until he opened his eyes and confirmed he was still in the exact position he remembered. He was thickly diapered in a blue and white sailor suit onesie. He had a pacifier in his mouth with a gag wrapped around the rest of his head. He had booties with small spikes in them preventing him from walking, and large padded mitts on his hands that prevented him from grabbing a single thing. He was entirely reliant on Brit, now “Mommy.”
After he had agreed to her request she had smiled and squealed in joy, and immediately rewarded him for being such a “good little boy.” She had started rubbing his diaper slow, just enough to get him into it. As she quickened, his hips began to thrust up and down. It took a few minutes but he got his release, and it felt wonderful.
“Behave,” Mommy said, “and I will have plenty more of this for you. I even have some, uh, items, that you may like.” She flashed a grin.
After his release, she pulled out a bottle and filled it with water. She removed his pacifier gag and handed him the bottle.
“I want you to drink this as I cover a few more of the rules. No talking, from you anyways. I want you to be a good boy and listen quietly. You can ask a few questions when you’re done with your bottle. Okay sweetie?”
Allan nodded his head okay. After the fun he just had at the hands of this beautiful woman, he’d do anything. She had been smart, he really was putty in her hands.
“Okay my sweet baby. Let’s set a few ground rules.
Number one: you are not allowed to take your diaper off for any reason. Only Mommy can do that. Eventually some of Mommy’s friends might be able to, but we will ease into that. Which brings me to number two!
You will be seen like this by other people. You will not complain, throw a fit, and you will not be able to hide. Don’t worry, like I said before we will ease you into it. I know things can be scary but that’s part of being Mommy’s adorable little baby!.”
At the news of being seen by other’s, Allan paused his sucking. He had to admit, this was hot, and he loved the attention from her. But he didn’t want others to see him like this.
Brit noticed the pause and gently reminded him, “keep drinking sweetie. If you don’t finish your bottle by the time I’m done, there may be a small punishment.” At that, Allan remembered her comment earlier that she had some ‘unique’ punishments thought up. He didn’t really want to learn what those were right now, so he started to drink again.
“There’s a good boy! Hm. I may not have to punish you too much if you listen this well. Shall we continue?
Rule number three. If it wasn’t obvious, you have to use your diapers now. The potty is off-limits. Since you’ll be quitting your job and moving in with me after this trip, you won’t have to worry about your coworkers. I will let you still use the potty for #2’s only, and I may let you use the potty for tinkles on certain special occasions, but those will be rare and ONLY when I say, okay? Good.
Next. You will call me Mommy when we are not in public. I am your girlfriend, but I am also Mommy.
Lastly, Mommy makes all the decisions, all the time. Mommy will ALWAYS do what’s best for you, and I will always try to include you, but if I make a decision without you it’s just because I know what’s best for my little baby. This includes feeding, how you dress, where you go, what you do, everything.” As she did that she started to coo and threw in some baby talk. Allan blushed as Brit, ‘Mommy’, giggled.
“Now baby, it’s late and I think we both need our rest. You do still need to finish your job before you become my full time baby! Lets turn in for the night and cuddle. We can talk more tomorrow.”
Part 3: let the anticipation begin.
The day after they met, Brit left to go get her home ready. She left Allan with a few diapers and expected him to put one on each evening before bed, and send her a picture as proof. Once he finished with his trip, he was to travel home and get ready to move. Since he was going to be her baby, he could sell most of his things. Brit wanted all that money to go into a special “good baby” account that they’d use together to celebrate him being a good baby. He still had to wait two more weeks for her to come get him. She was flying all the way out to him, and they would road trip back across the country to her, and his, home. As he posted stuff on Craigslist, it slowly left his home until the only things he had left were his clothes, his car, and a few collectibles and keepsakes that Mommg had let him keep. Tomorrow would be the day. Mommy would be here in the afternoon, and they’d head out that night, getting hotels along the way. He hadn’t had a ‘release’ since she had given him one, and him not wanting to upset her had not given himself one, as badly as he wanted to. The more and more he thought about his future with this gorgeous Mommy, the more pent up he got. He wondered if she’d even find out if he had. Maybe he could give himself a release, just tonight. She’d never know.
So that’s what he did, only it leaked and stained his underwear. So he threw them out. With that, he went to bed, and dreamt of being Mommy’s little baby, the dream that would become a reality…
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leporinedivine · 10 months
♡ ☆ .♡‧₊˚
╭◜◝ ͡ ◜◝╮ ㅤ ╭◜◝ ͡ ◜◝╮.
( ) ♡ ( )☆ ♡
╰◟◞ ͜ ◟◞╭◜◝ ͡ ◜◝╮ ͜ ◟◞╯♡
. ☆ ㅤㅤ( )☆ ♡
♡   ╰◟◞ ͜ ◟◞╯ . ☆
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
. . . we , the SUGAR SPOTZ , r a brand new gyarusa ! ! ⭐️ 🫶 ♫
our mission iz 2 be the craziest, sweetezt, mozt impressive gal circle across the web/world ! ! — we accept all substyles of gyaru [unless ur non-black doing b-kei ^_^🖕] and are proud to have you on our team!
our main group activities or chats are across discord, emails, and neocities! we dont mind if you cant do all three . . at all ! you wont be missing out. _(:3 」∠)_
. . QUESTiONS ⍝ᕱ⑅ᕱ⍝ ? !
(๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑) . . Q: Do you accept systems/plurals?
A: YES! ^_^ currently adding a plural kit bot to our server ! !
(๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑) . . Q: Do you accept gyaruo ? ?
A: YES! anyone iz allowed 2 join az long az dey r gyaru/gyaruo/any subztyle ! [ evryone has 2 lizten 2 da rulez doe! ]
(๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑) . . Q: What do we do here?
A: chatting, practice para para together, fashion advice, make advice, telling everyone where to find the best pieces, study/talking books, talking interests, how to do the latest gyaru DIY, decoden— whatever we want! just bein’ cray cray & ztupid ! !
⭐️ discord link . . here!
[will regenerate link every 30 days]
other links will be added when i re-make the neocities page! feel free to join our VERY skeletal discord . . ☆ we are currently looking for admins & moderators as well!
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skywriterjade · 5 months
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Well, ok, almost time! But time soon approaches for the MDZSJuniorQuartetBingo!!
Yes, it was so nice the first time, I've decided I just had to do it again! The rules run pretty much the same as before, but here's a recap Darlings.
How it'll run:
Just like last time, the event is open to all content creators and enjoyers! This means that you don't have to create something to participate, you can also just share a work that matches the prompt or trope in your square. From fics to edits, art to playlist. If you put a half ounce of creative thinking (or enjoying) into it, then it counts toward your bingo! (Don't forget share it and the updated card!)
To participate, you'll need to fill out the request form (which will open on January 8th). When you do, you will receive a randomized card with different prompts in the standard 5x5 format.
You will have from January 8th until February 28th to fill out and submit your request form. As it's just me running the event, requests can take up to 48 hours to complete, but rarely go beyond that. If it'll take longer than 12 hours, I'll message you to confirm that I received your request so you know your card is on its way.
The event itself will run from March 1st - 31st.
Now that that's sorted, let's get into Da Rulez:
They're fairly straightforward.
You may use any form of fan content for your submission
You may use one piece (a fanfic, comic, fanart, video, etc) to fulfill multiple prompts on your card
You may not use that one piece across multiple cards. That means that if you write or read a fanfic that has content on two cards, you can only choose one to fill
There are no limits beyond that and the space on your card!
Go forth! Have fun! Read, write, draw, create and indulge to your hearts' content! Don't forget to tag #mdzsjuniorbingo or #juniorbingo when sharing. Can't wait to see what comes of this year's event😁
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simpletale-officiale · 9 months
What is Pastel? Like personality and biologically?!
she isn’t a sans, so what is she?
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well. shes sort of an insect?
and yeah her speech is sort of slurred and she speaks in clicks and whatnot sometimes. they need to evolve a little more until this is fixed, and they can talk normally. but i doubt it'll happen.
can speak french, but only does it around her children, never does it around strangers
in personality i think shes a bit freaky. like she eats paper and ink and stuff, she digs holes in your garden, probably brings a dead deer into your garden occasionally. but also does pretty artworks sometimes. takes good care of her children, if only temporarily (moms in her species take care of their children for 2-4 months) shes a little like a weird.... friendly rabid dog? acts like a crazy animal half of the time, and like a sophisticated member of society the other half.
anyways, time for the extra info about her species
WARNING.... a lot of sexual themes.
-they are a migratory species, as well as an invasive one
-both the males and the females are very often in heat, and breed quite frequently
-they can breed with almost ALL species imaginable, due to being able to reproduce asexually, as well as having very efficient organic systems for child producing purposes
-most of them are very sex enthusiastic and sex positive.
-they breed a lot because their species used to be endangered, now its not.
-they dont have a religion and dont really believe in god, but they do have a small amount of tribal communities with their own tendencies and tradition
she's technically an OC?
my rules are
-i'm fine with NSFW or gory art drawn of her,
thats da rulez.
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