julieterbang · 1 year
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litchihikxriclub · 1 year
Ngl these terrible children really bring out my maternal instincts. Do you think they’d be receptive to a mother figure? Just someone who makes sure they’re fed and healthy. Who praises them and gently reprimands them when they get outta control. Most of canon could have been avoided with a bit more adult supervision 🤣
Absolutely. The whole "adults are bad" thing is 100% compensation for the fact that Zera's relationship with the adults in his life has been horrific. And really, all of them are so very love-starved. >A>
. . .
Zera — He's highly resistant to parental attention at first, and your presence makes him sink even deeper into the whole "adults are evil" thing. And yet, relentless kindness wears down that defensive layer... and Zera ends up pitifully obvious about how badly he wants your praise. It's an attempt to gain the affection he's never had before.
Nico — The slightest bit of positive attention is almost pathetically effective with him. Nico is the one who gets obedient, fast. Thanks to a complete lack of parental affection at home, he has no mental defense for that kind of thing. It's obvious that he wants your approval desperately, no matter how awkward he is about it.
Raizou — A "mom" sort of figure goes over well with him. Since he's only ever had his dad around, it's... nice, in a weird way. He'll be bugging you constantly about makeup, fashion, and more, and gets uncharacteristically shy under the resulting attention. Terribly obvious about how needy he gets, though he'll pretend otherwise.
Kaneda — He spends a long while panicking every time you interact with him. It's partially because he's scared of doing something wrong, and partially because you remind him of his mom, and the resulting clingy feelings are way too embarrassing. All of the caretaking makes him want to hide... but he still really, really wants the attention.
Dentaku — Adult approval makes him feel kind of weird. Sure, he's always been praised for how smart he is, but a parental-like figure being so affectionate is new. Dentaku tries to divert it at first, unsure of how to respond (and thinking it's not right for him, anyway), but he turns out to appreciate the caretaking more than anticipated.
Dafu — Once he can (mostly) get over the horny side of things, he's very sweet with you. Parental attention is both extremely flustering and makes him feel like he's doing something right, and as a result, Dafu gets very, very clingy. And he's open about it. He's past the point of shame already, in general, so what does this hurt?
Tamiya — He has a decent mom already, but you're... really good to him, and he appreciates how you treat Kaneda and Dafu too. Hiroshi already knows how to behave around a parental figure, so he's not too weird about it. If anything, it's nice to have you around the club, keeping things from getting completely out of control.
Yakobu — He turns into an attention-seeking child, fast. Yakobu really doesn't get enough attention at home, so when you're around, he's clingy, annoying, and generally doing anything possible to not-so-subtly get you to interact with him. It's kind of sad, really, especially when you see how happy he gets over your affection.
Jaibo — Prepare for him to be a total brat about it. If you wanna act like his parent, he's going to give you every bit as much trouble as he did his dad. Really, it's all just defensive behavior. Jaibo is highly uncomfortable with adults being nice to him— your attention makes him feel weird and unsure, and he's lashing out as a result.
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love-draw-fanart · 2 months
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Happy birthday Dafuqboom
April 22
Wishing you all the best in this world
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malusc · 11 months
Litchi no Hikari Club
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i loved to make this, but los the motivation to finish it, one day the set will be complete.
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h-ellllo · 2 years
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I like drawing traditionally more than digitally. Idk it just sticks more to me.
Anyways I present to you dafu drawn traditionally!
I realize my style changed a lot
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youdiantianxin · 2 years
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Sorry that I kind of disappeared for a bit but I caught a cold and then I had a language exam which was not fun. Anyways, here's Dafu (or Darvell in English for some reason) and Cuxin!
I also don't really like this one but I have more exams and I can't spend too much time :')
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way2uchuu · 1 year
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DaFu shoes wrapping paper scan
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mtg-cards-hourly · 6 months
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Guan Yu, Sainted Warrior
Artist: Qiao Dafu TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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kana-muchi-midori · 7 months
Thinking about this one LHC fanart I found on Pixiv where all the Light Boys except for Tamiya turned back into babies, and Tamiya, Kanon, and Lychee had to take care of them 🥺🥺🥺 SEND IN ASKS FOR THAT
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f-ngrl · 11 months
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korea and its timing and punctuality is nooooo joke
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odazai51 · 2 years
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litchihikxriclub · 1 year
refusing to touch the boys and making them hump your thigh naked while you’re wearing clothes?
I'm leaving out the "refusing to touch them" part, since some of them really need some encouragement to go through with this. XD
. . .
Zera — How dare you insist that he do something like this. Zera starts out complaining plenty, but once he's actually bare and in your lap— he's too flustered to form protests anymore. You bounce your leg until he gets started, and by that point, he's too turned on to do anything but hide his face and keep grinding into you.
Nico — He's determined to follow your orders no matter what, and yet, sitting in your lap like this teeters on the edge of more humiliation than he can take. Your praise wins out over any sense of pride, though, and Nico ends up obediently humping your thigh, trembling all the while and struggling to stifle desperate noises.
Raizou — He's all squirmy and flustered from the start, blushing red down to his neck, and whining about how cruel it is to make a maiden do something like this. Still, the combination of exposure and your touch means he's plenty aroused... and that desperation gets his hips moving eventually. Hides his face against your shoulder as he does.
Kaneda — Painfully embarrassed, Riku can only curl up in your lap and tremble for a while. Eventually, though, the soft touches and encouragement from you get to him... that, and this situation is kind of arousing, if he doesn't think about it too much. Actually humping your thigh is even worse, somehow, but he can't stop.
Dentaku — The whole set-up is terribly awkward. Dentaku can barely bring himself to go through with what you're expecting— no matter how hard he tries, it's just a lot. The closeness with you wins out eventually, though, and he's biting back little whimpers while he drags his cock over your clothed thigh. At least you like to see this.
Dafu — Embarrassed as he is, Dafu's horny brain wins out very quickly. He knows he has to look pathetic right now, but that doesn't matter at all when every little movement pushes his dick against your leg just right. He's drooling for it in no time, far too aroused to think that he should probably be a little bit ashamed of himself.
Tamiya — He's hesitant. This kind of position is a lot to handle, even if you insist it's hot. Hiroshi's face is going hot from the exposure alone, but the more you coax him into it with lewd words and teasing touches... okay, fine, it's not that bad. He ends up biting his lip the whole time, not wanting to embarrass himself any further.
Yakobu — While he starts out acting perfectly confident (it's just a sex thing, no big deal), once he's actually in your lap, Yakobu is nowhere near as self-assured. He can't stop fidgeting... but that just ends in friction. The accidental rubbing is enough to get him started, and after that point, it feels too good to make himself stop.
Jaibo — As you'd expected, Jaibo doesn't hesitate. If this is what you want, he's taking full advantage of it, and making himself look good as he does. However, underneath the seductive grinding and exaggerated moans, the position is a little... uncomfortable. It feels vulnerable and dirty in a way that both turns him on and hurts.
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is it me or did dafu get a glow up during the sequel?
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gnomescarfcomics · 5 months
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Dafu's Adventurous Quest page 07
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to4dy · 1 month
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oi guys
dont do this
its from fucking 3yrs ago
im fucking ashame plz guys
can u imagine? i have to see my pic frm 3yrs ago just cuz of i just want to see fucking dafu plz
if u do this again ill sue u for defamation
be cool k? thx
(pic is my pal captured for me)
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mtg-cards-hourly · 8 months
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Warrior's Stand
Artist: Qiao Dafu TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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